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VOL.31, NO.


UNTENT Features
Teaching Stonewall 6
Tutoring STONEWALL'S LAST BATTLE • Trevor Bender

Scenario 7: Kelly's Ford 7

ATeaching Scenario for STONEWALL'S LAST BATTLE • Trevor Bender

The Differences Between 1862 and 1863 9

Rules Evolution in the Great Campaigns Series • Trevor Bender

Winning at Cedar Mountain 18

Anatomy of a STONEWALL JACKSON'S WAY Scenario • Chris Milbourn

Strategic Alternatives 20
Lee at Second Manassas and Gettysburg • Howard J. Hill
The Editor's Choice Awards...and the Winner Is... 21
Volume 29 Winner plus Nominees and Ballot for Volume 30


Advancing civilization through competition • Bruce Reiff, et al.

Laptop Reference: Knocking on the Back Door 42

Axis Strategy in PC THIRD REICH • Jim Potts
Spelunker's Delight 44
More CAVEWARS for Rock Eaters • Michael W. Ziegler

COMMANDer & CONQUERor 45 Columns ..

Tips for Westwood's classic Command & Conquer· Mark G. McLaughlin AH Philosophy # 176 . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 5
Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Hung Up, Skewered, and Blasted 50 Opponents Wanted 24
Wire, Panjis and A-P Mines in ASL • Chuck Goetz Contest # 181 . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • • . . 32
Summary of Rule Variations for the
Special Section of Tournament Scenarios Great Campaigns Series • . • • • . . . . • • • • • Insert
Tournament Scenarios for THE RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN 52 ACROSS FIVE APRILS Aid . . . . . • . . . • • • • • Insert
Two scenarios covering '41-'42 and '42-'43· Rob Beyma MARCH MADNESS 1997 Final Fours . ••••••. Insert
ASL Scenario G38 • . • • . • • • • . . • • . . . . . • • 33
ASL Scenario G39 • • . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . • • • 34
Making a Game of It 53 Tech Tips • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 49
Balanced, Four-Player ORIGINS OF WORLD WAR 1/. Bruce Reiff PEGASUS BRIDGE Errata . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . . • 50
At the Kiosk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . • • 51
Tournament Scenarios for PANZER LEADER 54 Top A.R.E.A. Ratings . . . • • • • . • • • • • . . . • • • 51
Three Fast-Playing, Hypothetical Situations • Bill Scott Infiltrator's Report . . . • • • • . • • • • • . . . . • • . 60
Coming Attractions . • . • • . • • • • • . . . . . • • . . 61
Putting Up the Air in D-DAY 57 Firefight . . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • . . 62
Tournament-Inspired Variant Rules • Paul R. Toro Whispers. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . • • 62
Convention Calendar. . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . • • . 62

The GENERAL is dedicated to the presentatlon of authoritative
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Copyright 1997 ISSN 0888-1081J ished. Only two stone houses survive today.

By Trevor Bender
s the hottest operational-le.vel Then, let your friend borrow the rules 6.3 Leader Movement

A Civil War game on the market,

the series of games flowing from
the publication of STONEWALL
JACKSON'S WAY has quite a following.
With five published games in print and
and charts, and plan to play the Brandy Sta-
tion scenario followed by Salem Church at
your next session. These one-day scenarios
from SLB will introduce corps activation
and artillery values in the former and breast-
7.2-7.3 Artillery, Attack

and Defense Values
Cavalry Retreat
To complete your basic training with
another one soon to be released, one of the works and bridges in the latter. This initia- Salem Church, read:
challenges for aficionados is mastering the tion should allow you and the newcomer to 9.0 Entrenchment
differences between games in the Great be able to play some of the medium-sized 10.0 Bridges
Campaigns of the American Civil War and longer scenarios from the comprehen- 12.0 The Wilderness (Woods Hexes)
(GCACW) series. The accompanying arti- sive Great Campaigns of the American
cle and reference chart will help in this Civil War series scenario list which accom- Before moving on to other scenarios, you
regard. Another somewhat-related chal- panies this article. With these scenm'ios you will need to read:
lenge is teaching newcomers how to play will teach recovery, exhaustion and some of 5.3 Burn R.R. Station
the game. Where do you start? The answer the advanced rules. If you don't own SLB, 7.9 Refusing Flanks (Optional)
relies not so much upon which game you you can still use the approach above by 8.0 Recovery
teach them but upon what method you playing scenarios contained. in the other
games of the series, selecting from the (Plus any applicable advanced game rules)
We all know·that the best way to learn "mini" and'''short'' sections of the list. Once you have played a few scenm'ios
a game is to read the rules, right? Wrong! I realize that for some of you, local gam- solitaire, come to AvalonCon where you
The tried and proven method of learning a ing friends may be hard to find. If you are can learn some new techniques and get
game (and the way I learned most of the learning the system on your own, you will answers to your questions. This year's
games I play) goes something like the fol- still profit from the programmed instruction GCACW events are specifically tailored to
lowing. First, have a friend give you a 15- approach outlined below. Just follow these those players new to the system and will
minute run-down on the rules and play the steps to learn the game logically and easily. include demos, instructions prior to play
game once or twice together. Then, read and a running, multiple-commander cam-
Programmed Self-Instruction paign game wherein players can join and
the rules yourself. Follow this with a soli- To play Kelly's Ford, read:
taire session or two and some historical leave -at will. Before the convention, all
1.0 Introduction GCACW pre-registered attendees will
analysis. Soon, you will be working on
2.0-2.4 Basic Game Concepts receive tournament formats in the mail.
strategy and tactics rather than mechanics.
Nothing beats having someone else 3.0 Basic Game Sequence Lastly, additional information (including
teach you the rules first, then playing a of Play new scenm-ios) can be found on the
short, digestible scenmio together. This 4.0-4.4 The Action Cycle GCACW home page at:
method works even better when combined 5.0-5.1 March Actions http://www.smart.netJ-wavelandlgcacw.htm.
with programmed instruction as I will out~ 6.0-6.2 Marches and Movement
line below. 6.4-6.5 Stacking and
With this in mind, I have developed Kel- Fatigue Levels
ly's Ford, a mini-scenario for STONE- 7.0-7.2 Combat (disregard mtillery
WALL'S LAST BATTLE (SLB) which can for now)
7.4-7.6 Combat Modifiers and
be played in 20 minutes, and a programmed
approach for teaching the rules to the sys- Results
tem in three short scenarios. Kelly's Ford To play Brandy Station, read:
involves only the action cycle and cavalry, 2.5-2.6 Command Radius and
with a total of seven units--enough to see Abbreviations
how units interact. To make matters simple, 5.2 Activate Leader
teach this scenario without using the leader 5.4 Assault
rules or the artillery values listed on the
counters. Play this well-balanced contest
twice, switching sides. This should convey
the basic mechanics of the game.
4. The SLB Brandy Station scenmio
Cavalry Charge special rule is in effect.
5. When using this scenario as a teach-
ing tool, treat all artillery values as zero and
ignore leader activation, assaults and leader
movement (Stuart remains with 3 VA for
the whole gmne but applies tactical value

The Union player gains and loses
Victory Points (VP) for the following
VP Reason
+1 if a Union unit enters Elkwood
(2215) at any time during the
A Teaching Scenal'io fol' +2 if a Union u~it occupies Culpeper
(1418) at the end of the game.
STONEWAI£S lASTBA1TLE --+'"""l-'""'""'fo-r-e-a"-ch point of Confederate
Manpower Value lost in combat
By Trevor Bender or retreat (not in extended march,
force march, or movement from

ecause of the inability of the Fed- determined normally. The scenario ends if one enemyZOC to another).
eral outpost line to prevent Con- both players pass consecutively or all units
federate reconnaissance of the -1 for each point of Union Man-
reach Fatigue Level 4.
Army of the Potomac during the power Value lost in combat or
3. Neither side may transit the two fords
winter of 1862-63, and due to the Union retreat (not in extended march,
on Mountain Run, though they may cross the
Cavalry's utterly poor performance during force march, or moving from one
creeks further upstream. Union forces may
the Hartwood Church affair on February only cross the Rappahannock at Kelly's enemy ZOC to another).
25, 1863, Hooker called for his newly Ford. Due to the river being swollen, the At the end of the game, the Union VP
formed Cavalry Corps to strike the foe. presence of abatis on both banks of Kelly's total is calculated and players consult the
Simultaneously, Brigadier General William Ford and the stubborn opposition of 60 chart below to determine the winner.
W. Averell, commander of the Second sh~shooters in rifle pits, each Union unit Union VP Winner
Cavalry Division, which was bested dur~g
that wishes to move southwest across Kelly's .B or more Union Decisive Victor I
the Hartwood action, begged for pemus-
Ford must at the instant of crossing roll a sin- 2 Union Substantive Victory
sian to take the fight to the enemy. With
gle die on the Hindered River-Crossing 1 Union Mar nal Victory
orders to "rout and destroy him," Averell
initiated the first large-scale Union cavalry Table below. Results are applied immedi- o Confederate Marginal Victory
offensive operation of the war as an act of ately. If the hex is occupied by any Confed- -1 Confederate Substantive Victory
retribution against his rival in the saddle erate unit, the rules for combat apply instead. -2 or less C~;f~d~~~t;necisive Victory
and former West Point classmate, Brigadier Union crossing die rolls receive a +2 modi-
General Fitzhugh Lee. fier for each previous crossing attempted.
Upon approaching the Rappahannock, Once a Union unit receives a result of "suc-
Averell received bad intelligence that cess" (die roll 7+), future crossings by any
caused him to divert two regiments to the unit do not require a roll.
north. His plans were further disrupted by Hindered River-Crossing Table
obstacles and stubborn opposition at the Die Roll Crossing Result
ford. It was noon before his three brigades
were across and reformed. He had lost 1 Re15uIfed-Unit may not cross,
whatever advantage in maneuver he once becomes disorg*, and receives an F and
had. This action would be determined by result.
saber and pistol alone. 2 Stalled-Unit crosses, becomes dis-
org*, and receives an F and E result.
NOTES: Use the map and counters from 3 Opposed-Unit crosses but receives an
STONEWALL'S LAST BATTLE. For this Rand E result.
scenario, the unit scale has been halved to 4 Contested-Unit crosses but
375 cavalrymen per manpower point (this an f and E result.
has no impact on game mechanics). 5 Slowed-Unit crosses but receives an
GAME LENGTH: 1 tum; March 17,1863. E resUlt.
6 Hindered-Unit crosses, receives an f
result, but may continue moving:_._.....,1
1. The sequence of play consists of the
Action cycle only (there is no leader trans-
J-:fi Success-Unit crOllses and m.~ con-j
• 'W:, .• ,':' . J
. t!e m;o J.).~. '. . ' I
fer phase). ..
2. The Union player automatlcally WIllS * a previously disorganized unit suffers no Statue at Bull Run National Battlefield
the first two initiatives. Later initiatives are additional effect.


a: Unit (Represents*) Size Cmd ~ MV Hex
f2",en t Gr~g-E. (Duffie) Brig 2 Cay 2 3117 (Morrisville)-
. ~

McIntosh Brig 2 Cay 2 3117 (Morrisville)
........ I~gent .CRenol Brill 2 Cav_ 1 311 'Z~(Morrisyille)" ,~
diCesnola (Flank Gd) Brig 2 Cav 2 3307 (Catlett's Station)
Size Cmd ~
Corp. Cay Ldr
Regt Cay Cay
1418 (CulRe er)
1418 (Culpeper)

E Lee-A Brio- CaY.. Cay 2 23(i
* Because all counters and the rules for this scenario come from STONEWALL'S
LAST BATTLE (SLB), in some cases the unit which actually participated in the
battle is represented by a different unit, as listed under the "Unit" column.

Great Campaigns of the American CIvil War
This list contains all published, tournament STONEWALL IN THE VALLEY (SIV)-
and playtest scenarios for GCACW as of Shenandoah Valley 1862
March 20, 1997. This covers the Games in the STONEWALL'S LAST BATTLE (SLB)-
GCACW series, their abbreviations and the Chancellorsville
Stonewall Jackson Tomb campaigns they cover.
mSTORIC RESULTS Second Manassas All new scenarios and modifications to exist-
HERE COMES THE REBELS (HCR)~ ing scenarios can be found on the GCACW
The main action developed about three- Antietam .
quarters of a mile from the ford. Through a ROADS TO GETTYSBURG (RTG)- Web Site at:
series of charges and countercharges, Gettysburg http://www.smart.net!-waveland/gcacw.htm
Averell was able to push the Rebels back a SCENARIO NAME Game No. Notes SCENARIO NAME Game No. Notes
couple of miles. Unable to develop the situ- Mini-Scenarios (under 30 minutes) Long Scenarios (five to ten hours)
ation any further, and upon perceiving signs Stuart's Raid SJW3 Lee vs. Pope SJW2
of Confederate reinforcements, the Second Where's Stuart? RTG2 Solitaire From the Rappahan- SJW5
Division made an orderly withdrawal back Confederate High Tide RTG4 Solitaire nock to Bull Run
Kelly's Ford SLB 7 Printed in From the Rapidan to SJW6 Advanced
the way it came.
Vol. 31, No.4 the Rappahannock
Casualties were surprisingly light for an Stuart's First Raid ONR5 Being playtested From Frederick to HCR6 Advanced
action of this intensity. Although the Feder- Sharpsburg
Short Scenarios (around one hour)
als came out ahead in this depmtment, com- South Mountain HCR 1 Meade Moves North RTG3 Modified for
bined casualties did not equal one strength The BaitiD)ore Raid HCR4 tournament play
point in game terms. It was the lack of any First Day at Gettysburg RTG I The Battle that RTG5
Bath SIV 6 On GCACW Never Happened
real Union progress that allowed the Rebels
home page McDowell SIV 2
to claim a marginal victory. Nevertheless, Winchester SIV 3
New Market SIV 7 On GCACW
the horsemen in blue experienced a confi- horne page Certain Destruction SLB 5 Advanced
dence level never before felt, which pre- Salem Church SLB 1 Awaits ...
pared them for the campaigns ahead. Brandy Station SLB 4 The Gates of Richmond ONR4 Currently under
The Warwick Line ONR 1 Being playtested development
The Seven Days ONR6 Projected design
WHAT IF? Seven Pines ONR3 Being playtested
It is generally agreed that the battle Medium Scenarios (two to three hours) Campaign Scenarios 02 to 36 hours)
would likely have been decisive had Cedar Mountain SJW 1 Modified for From the Rapidan SJW 7 Advanced
Averell not detached one-third of his force tournament play to Manassas
to guard his flank from an imaginary Jackson's March SJW4 The Maryland Campaign HCR 7 Advanced
Harper's Ferry- HCR2 Modified for The Gettysburg Campaign RTG 6 Modified in
threat. To simulate how the battle could Crampton's Gap tournament play Vol. 30, NO.3.
have gone, place the Flank Guard unit in McClellan's Opportunity HCR 3 The Shenandoah SIV 5 Advanced
Morrisville with the rest of its division. To The Battle for Washington HCR 5 Valley Campaign
understand how the achievement of Kernstown SIV 1 The Chancellorsville SLB 6 Advanced
Averell's objective would have affected Cross Keys and Port SIV 4 Modified for Campaign
Republic tournament play The Peninsula SLB 8 Projected design
the rest of the campaign, play the other The Great Flank March SLB 2 Campaign
SLB scenarios without the F Lee counter! Sedgwick to the Rescue SLB 3
Johnston's Retreat ONR2 Being playtested

* Retreat to the James ONR 7 Projected design



Rules Evolution in the
Great Campaign Series
By Trevor Bender

hose of us who are familiar with Stonewall Jackson's 1862 Shenandoah only from August 27-29) and one division

T the Great Campaigns of the Amer-

ican Civil War (GCACW) series
were pleased to learn that when
published as a sister volume to
Valley Campaign, while SLB covers Chan-
cellorsville and Brandy Station. Addition-
ally, the first three and the last games have
a campaign scenario that allows players to
recreate the maneuvering up to two weeks
or two brigades/regiments in HCR
(throughout the entire game). Supply rules
are found in both games and are roughly the
same. A captured Union depot will supply
only two Confederate units in SJWbut up to
STONEWALL JACKSON'S WAY (SJW) prior to and one week after the date of the five in the same or adjacent hex in HCR.
only a few rules were changed. Unfortu- actual battle. SIV presents a unique system Union units have more options for achiev-
nately, the same can not be said for the for covering three months of campaigning ing supply status in HCR than its predeces-
third, fourth and fifth games in the series, with daily turns while "rushing" through sor, including living off of captured Con-
ROADS TO GETTYSBURG (RTG), the lackluster lulls between operations. federate depots, something the troops in
STONEWALL IN THE VALLEY (SIV), and blue could not do in SJw. Foraging is the
STONEWALL'S LAST BATTLE (SLB). same in each game though ownership of
These changes-which are common in Joe Harper's Ferry affects Confederate supply
Balkoski's companion designs (the FLEET attempts north of the Potomac.
series comes instantly to mind)-are not so ,--Su-b.-2--,,----S-u-b-.6 ~ Both games provide
much the result of the change in the year x III substitute units, but
from 1862 in three of the games to 1863 in C8] IZJ HCR comes with two
1-0 lL 1-0----' more infantry substi-
the other two volumes, but more of an evo- '----

lution of the entire system. tutes per side and the Union cannot make
The modifications are significant substitutes with cavalry. Infantry brigades
enough in RTG that an unaware player can and divisions in SJW have manpower
actually "lose the war in a day" as Lee value limits of nine and 18 respectively
nearly did at Gettysburg, by bringing the while this number drops to seven and 14 in
wrong set of rules with him. Most of these HCR. Each game also provides rules for
modifications are ratified in SIV while other the possible death of those overly aggres-
rules "mutate" to meet the particulars of sive Confederate corps commanders.
this campaign or "evolve" in an effort to Finally, each rule book includes a blow-
make the entire system smoother. In many by-blow description of the campaign as
ways, SLB shows the current state of the well as a gazetteer covering points of
system. This article will explain the subtle interest located on the map.
and significant differences between the five
Included as an insert in this issue is a
handy summary chart which you can pull
out and use when jumping back and fourth
between games in the series. Those of you
who have the games will no doubt appreci- Rain (Current +
ate this staff work being done for you, and Rain (Currenl +
others who are contemplating the purchase Rain (Current)
Union Cornman
of any game in the series will get a sense of Confederate Rei
what the series has to offer.
People unfamiliar with the series should
realize that SJW covers the battles of Cedar
Mountain and Second Manassas; HCR
focuses on South Mountain, Harper's Ferry
and Antietam; RTG re-creates the actions
around Gettysburg; SIV is a study of
Of course, the differences between the Art Res-I A new military Positions July 3d,
Second Bull Run and Antietam cam- [!] AI' ulllt has been 3:15 to 5:30 P. M.

paigns, require specific rules in each

game to cover these particulars. In SJW,
2 -(6) added-Union
L -_ _---' artillery brigades

the Union army will panic if it suffers - three of which form the
horrendous losses in a medium-sized or Army of the Potomac (AP)
larger fight. The Union player can dis- Artillery Reserve. The num-
mantle the large pontoon bridge at Fred- bers on these units represent
ericksburg and reconstruct it at any major manpower strength, tactical
river hexside on the Rappahannock. In value and artillery value.
HCR, the Union cause may be aided by The parentheses around the
the mustering of the Pennsylvania Militia, artillery value reminds the
plus the troops at Harper's Ferry may sur- player that these units may
render if surrounded. The capital is ringed not participate in an attack
by a series of forts which, when backed during a march action,
by real strength, make the place nearly though they may participate
impregnable. The Confederate player can as part of any corps or grand
earn extra victory points (VPs) by bring- assault actions. These units
ing down the C&O Canal Aqueduct may also be activated by any
which crosses over Monocacy River and corps leader and they move
by controlling Maryland counties. at the speed of infantry, but,
like cavalry, they are not
NORTH OF THE MASON-DIXON slowed when moving
All in all, the sum effect of the rule through a friendly-occupied
changes from SJW and HCR to RTG is hex containing a combat
minor. You could say these modifications value of three or more. The
represent the "finishing touches" to an cost for entering a friendly-
already excellent system. Yet, the quantity occupied mountain hex is
of changes and modifier adjustments is now +3 rather than + 1.
greater than the summary announcement A + 1 modifier is now added to any unit beginning a march which loses all of its
on page three of the rule book would lead making an extended march when going movement points from a retreating cav-
you to believe. I often found myself play- from Fatigue Level 3 to 4. This is offset alry unit may still move one hex. A suc-
ing according to the previous sets of somewhat by a revision of the extended cessful corps assault against a retreating
instructions. This section covers all of the march table. All Confederate units and AP cavalry unit's hex allows the attacking
changes made in RTG and will allow play- cavalry only become disorganized on a units to advance into the hex vacated by
ers to get right into the system aware of all modified roll of a 6. Army of the Potomac the cavalry. A unit suffering a Rout "R"
modifications. infantry suffer on a 5 or 6 and all other result must end its retreat four hexes

First and least important, the Union units on a 4 through 6. Other Union away, counting the shortest traversable
~ unit scale has changed. Each units include the Harper's Ferry garrison, hex path.
~1 infantry point represents 500 elements from the Baltimore and District
soldiers, but cavalry strength has of Columbia defense forces, the Pennsyl- The Big Changes
been altered from 700 horsemen per point vania Militia and assorted units from the During the leader transfer phase lead-
in the first two games to 650 in the third. West Virginia District. Force marching ers may only move ten hexes rather than
This increase in effectiveness is due to the infantry is guaranteed two extra movement 20. No longer can Longstreet ride from
more frequent use of breach-loading car- points while cavalry will get at least four. Hagerstown on a fast horse all night to
bines in the cavalry arms in 1863. Furthermore, the unit will lose only one supervise the defenses at South Moun-
manpower even if this tain! This is a good rule that forces a
loudo," Heights value is ten or more, player to think twice before scattering his
unlike the previous divisions all over the map. Units under
two games. As in breastwork or fort markers, in addition to
HeR, the Frederick getting combat value modifiers, now
Junction railroad sta- have doubled or tripled artillery values
tion may be damaged before consulting the artillery value
but not destroyed, no modification chart. Jackson is dead and
matter what size force Lee no longer gains a + I bonus on any
burns it. corps assault to which he confers his
East Slope of ROADS TO GET- blessing. Are these two effects related or
Bolivar Heights
TYSBURG includes did Lee just have a bad couple of months
clarifications of rules during the summer of 1863? [A little of
that may have been both, if you believe the movie, Gettys-
vague in the previous burg.-SK71
View of games. Army leaders Very noticeable rule changes apply to
Harpers Ferry area
may not initiate a the flank attack bonus. Whereas units in
corps assault. A unit the previous games could aid in qualifying
manpower when retreating Mountain passes in Virginia and a few
through an enemy unit rather independent infantry regiments as well as
than two. Also, a defender a few of the brigades guarding Rich-
may opt to voluntarily retreat mond. The Union player could receive
after combat up to four hexes substantial amounts of untalented Penn-
rather than three, but if he sylvania militia as well as units from
does so after receiving a no West Virginia and the Washington and
result "-" in combat, then Baltimore Garrisons. Reinforcements can
these units go up one level of have a significant impact on play if a
fatigue. A cavalry unit which struggle is raging near their entry loca-
is surrounded by enemy units tions, but more often than not they are
for the flank attack bonus if they had a and/or zones of control before it performs VPs bundled in nice, easy "take-out" con-
combat value at least one-fifth that of the a retreat loses one level of manpower on tainers. A random event releases Stuart
defending unit, now inactive friendly an unmodified roll of 2 or less. Cavalry from his movement restrictions, another
units must have an attack value at least retreat modifiers have been adjusted as
provides the Rebels with an ammunition
one-fourth that of the defending unit's well, with a unit of combat value of three
train to replenish their stocks, and a roll
defense value (including entrenchment or more gaining a +2 instead of + 1. Addi-
of 12 on July 5 or later ends the game.
modifiers) to aid in flanking. This also is tionally, cavalry only gets a + I modifier
a good modification, as the previous for- The somewhat cumbersome supply
in the mountains if the active unit is also
mula completely disregarded artillery val- in the mountains. Two other modifiers of rules of the previous two games have
ues, which for a stationary unit is it's most -2 each apply whenever all cavalry units been replaced to more accurately high-
effective way to influence events in its in the hex are demoralized or out of light Lee's concern over ammunition dur-
zone of control. Furthermore, demoral- ammunition. ing the Gettysburg campaign. In 1862,
ized units may not aid in obtaining a foraging was a major concern, but in
flanking bonus no matter what their attack 1863 conserving and resupplying ammu-
The Gettysburg Campaign
values are. A defending unit in a moun- nition is of utmost importance. This sim-
All of the other basic rules are identical
tain hex disregards the traditional flank plified procedure includes a tally sheet
in the three systems, but a few advanced
attack rules and is instead outflanked only for every unit in the game. Each time a
rules require further explanation. The rules
if there is an enemy unit directly opposite formation suffers a "D" result in battle it
regarding the permanent forts printed on
the active attacking unit (in effect, in the expends one box of ammunition. Infantry
the map have been altered drastically. In
rear). This special outflank bonus awards begin the game with four boxes, cavalry
HCR, these semi-autonomous Union units
the attacker a +3 but can be difficult, if three. Meade begins the campaign with
not physically impossible, to achieve. included a four-strength garrison and
negated all flanking and tactical leadership three depots on the map and can build
IllSORG The combat system is essen- two more. Every four turns, he may
6..,....... tially the same though some sig- modifiers when attacked. In 1863, they
triple the combat and artillery values of all replenish his stocks; every unit within the
it (9) nificant changes have been same or one county away from the depot
made to the application of the units in the hex and can be occupied by
Confederate forces as well. Additionally, gets two boxes of ammo, those forma-
results and to the retreat rules. Units
Confederate units have the wherewithal to tions two counties away get one box. No
which are Disorganized "D" now only go
entrench all the way to the fort level when unit may exceed its initial allotment. The
to Fatigue Level 3 rather than 4. Thus, a
north of the Potomac, something they could Confederates receive an ammunition
fresh unit slapped with this result will still
retain some emergency mobility. This not do in HCR. train on a random events roll of 7, which
change makes it more difficult for the The random event results have been if it can cross the Potomac will replenish
Union player to perform a spoiling attack modified to recreate the particulars of this a total of five boxes of ammo, cavalry
against a larger Confederate division for campaign. It rains the same as in the other boxes counting half. To put it simply,
the purpose of locking it in place for the games and both sides can suffer command only Lee needs to worry about rates of
"blue tide" to envelop it. If a Confederate paralysis-slightly more likely for the ammunition expenditure.
division was fresh before attacked, it Union-but the effects
would have the option of conducting a of this rule are signifi-
voluntary retreat up to four hexes and then cantly watered down,
activating for a final march to get away. with the affected side
Successful attacks now yield two lev- subtracting one from its
els of Rout/Demoralize "R" A final com- initiative roles. Paralysis
bat result of +4 through +7 produces one could get rough in a
level of demoralization while higher scrap, but at least your
results produce two. A unit which already forces will get to move at
has some degree of demoralization and full capability sometime
takes additional levels will lose two man- during the turn. Each
power each time its unit exceeds Demor- side has the potential to
alization 2. Consequently, weak units tend receive random rein-
to disappear faster. forcements. For the Con-
The restrictions on retreats are identi- federates this includes
cal in the three games, but in the most the cavalry brigades
recent version units lose three steps of holding the Bull Run
Union forces at the levy. The Federals
Harper's Ferry may can thwart this hooli-
still be convinced to ganism by moving a unit
sunender exactly as in with a manpower value
HeR, and both players of at least three adjacent
may still create five to the town-a mighty
infantry and three cav- fine way to employ the
alry substitute units, with infantry brigade eight new Union cavalry
and division maximums of eight and 16. brigades, half of which
Union rail movement rules have been mod- have manpower values
ified for the more extensive northern rail of three. The Rebels can
network. Now a unit hitching a ride goes up also receive a hefty
two fatigue levels, does not need to roll for amount of VPs by con-
trolling a county at the
extended march, and moves up to 60 hexes
end of the game. This
along undamaged friendly rail lines. The
requires occupying the
B&O has a capacity of one division or three Stuart's Raid
county seat with at least
brigades or regiments per turn, while the
three manpower and
combined Cumberland Valley IN orthern
backing this unit up with a total of another Before purchasing RTG, I won-
Central Railroad can only do one brigade or
70 anywhere in the county. Aside from dered how the designer would
regiment. The other lines on the map aid in killing Southerners, the only way for the
depot construction, but may not be used to handle Stuart's misadventure.
Union to dent the Confederate gains is by Would he force the Confederate
move troops ("Dem Rebs can use box cars seizing the four major crossings of the
but us Yanks only ride in Pullmans!"). cavalry commander to "get lost" for a
Potomac and the two significant towns whole week? How could he do this in a sys-
Alas, no forces other than a one-man- directly to the north. This ploy will debit
power railroad maintenance unit can tem in which the location and size of all
the Confederate account by two VPs per units both friendly and enemy is always
move by train until turn 9 (June 30). A turn as long as they ignore it (no mail and
common tactic is to attach manpower known to every player? The rules for this
potentially no way home, boys!). The cam- are abstract but provide the right feel. Stu-
points to this brigade and have it move paign victory conditions have been altered art's entry is random and he appears on the
them to critical sectors by rail. by official errata which appeared in Vol- eastern side of the Federal army. Stuart is
The Confederate player receives a sig- ume 30, Number 3, page 9 of The GEN- restricted to the counties on the east map
nificant amount of points for levying ERAL. In effect, all Confederate levy VP edge until he marches into Cumberland
Pennsylvania towns (requisitioning sup- values have been halved, except Harris- county at the top of the map. Alternatively,
plies, raiding vaults, and otherwise making burg which was reduced by one-quarter. a Confederate infantry unit can seek out the
the North scream). To do so a unit with a The Union player begins rolling for the AP
cavalry and have a chat with the horsemen
manpower value of five or more must arrival time one turn earlier, and the Union
to set them straight. Finally, fate in the form
begin the recovery phase at Fatigue Level player doubles the number of VPs it
of a random event may intervene to put Stu-
o in the town to be levied. He may receives from cutting Confederate commu-
art on the right path-after all he just barely
entrench or build bridges while imposing nications with Richmond.
missed running into Early's division on
June 30, and, had he done so, Gettysburg
would have ended differently.
Related to the Stuart design dilemma is
how to limit the amount of intelligence
that Lee has on the Army of the Potomac.
This confusion was the most significant
factor as to why the armies stumbled into
each other at Gettysburg, but would be dif-
ficult to recreate in a game where intelli-
gence was complete. Again Balkoski
turned to random entry to generate uncer-
tainty, but he did so with a twist. The Get-
tysburg Campaign scenario begins on June
22 and the Army of the Potomac will
arrive anytime between June 24 through
July 1. With various categories of arrival,
sometimes the units will arrive a day or
two later while others will arrive a turn or
two earlier. How can units arrive earlier if
those earlier turns have already been
played? Through bonus cycles.
During a bonus cycle, the Union units
of that increment conduct a full day of
activations while all other units on the
map are frozen. During this cycle the Fed-
erals may not move within four hexes of a
Confederate infantry unit, and Rebel cav-
alry may withdraw if approached. It is
possible for the first third of the Army to
get two bonus cycles, which equals six
activations plus two forced marches if
Meade really wants to press it-enough
for him to put infantry beyond the Mason-
Dixon line. The Confederate player must
keep this in mind when maneuvering his
widely separated columns. On the other
hand it is possible, though highly unlikely,
that the Union Army may not even begin
to appear on the map until July 2, giving
them only a week of activations to catch
and destroy the Army of Northern Virginia
before the game reaches its most probable
conclusion. This random frustration, cou- Charge at Brandy Station
pled with a premature ending of the game
from the Rappahannock to the Susque- Union), and may lead both assaults and
through an event roll of 12, can be a great
hanna, from the Shenandoah Valley to Bal- grand assaults. During leader-activated
source of disappointment to the Union
timore. The color scheme and even the movement, Confederate infantry still add
player---especially after investing upwards
artistry on the maps of the four games is two to the result, but Union infantry does
of 15 hours playing the campaign. not add one as before. Instead, they are
different enough to be noticeable, but it is
not distracting. Unlike the other three guaranteed a movement allowance of two,
What's Missing? games, a gazetteer of points of interest is even if they roll a 1. Divisional leaders may
Both SlW and HCR contained rules for not provided, though nine pages of "cam- lead any unit of their division in a corps-
Confederate leader loss and a random end type assault. A unique factor in SIV is the
paign history" found its way into print.
of the action cycle. If both players rolled a TAHGC returned to providing two of the nature of the modifiers which apply to the
1 in a combat in which a Confederate leader cards with the charts and tables, though assault or grand assault attempt die roll.
influenced the battle, the dice would be they are not printed in color. Like RTG, When launching an assault, the modified
tossed and any even result would require there is no county control display though die roll must be less than or equal to the
the replacement of that leader with a less county control plays a major part in the leader's command value and the roll is
capable substitute. This can't happen in campaign game. Also, players share the modified by -3 if the leader is a district
RTG (I guess Lee's pleading for Longstreet same force display with force markers leader and a + 1 for each unit involved. For
to stay off the battlefield had its intended which are double printed with Federal flags grand assaults, the sole modifier to the dis-
effect). Furthermore, if both players rolled on one side and Rebel on the other-a great trict leader's die roll is + 1 for each hex
a 1 for initiative, another die would be space-saving idea. which contains a participating unit.
tossed and depending on the lateness of the The nature of operations in the Shenan- Because of these modifiers, command val-
game, there was a one-third to one-half doah was of a much smaller scale than ear- ues for leaders are higher in this game than
chance of ending the action cycle for that lier games of this system. Previously, divi- in previous volumes. These changes have
turn. In HCR, this is most frustrating for the sions represented the common maneuver been worked into SLB, except that there is
Union player as he has many more units units, but in SIV this drops a level to no -3 modifier for a corps leader attempt-
than the Confederate player. A delay in brigades. This required a reorganization of ing an assault (as this has been figured into
closing for battle allows the Rebels to gain the entire leadership system. Corps leaders his command value).
more VPs. This situation will not happen in have been replaced with division leaders Hood A major change in the move-
RTG as the action cycle will not end until and army leaders by district leaders. The ~ L ment/recovery rules (which con-
both players have passed. Confederates have one district Leader, 3•4 tinued in SLB) includes the addi-
Stonewall himself, while the North has tion of exhausted status for com-
WEST OF THE BLUE RIDGE three: Banks, Fremont and McDowell bat units. A unit which begins the recovery
Whereas RTG really "fine-tuned" the commanding the Shenandoah, Mountain phase at Fatigue Level 3 or 4 has its unit
rules of the system, SIV represents a and Rappahannock districts (actually marker flipped over to the side with the
departure from the previous path. Some of departments) respectively. Stonewall white band across its unit designation. This
these differences are peculiar to the oversees two division leaders, Ewell and signifies that if this unit marches next turn
Shenandoah Valley campaign or are due to Whitting, while the Union has a total of it will have to roll for extended march if it
the smaller unit scale and did not appear in seven division leaders scattered among goes to Fatigue Level 2, and will have a + 1
SLB, the fifth volume. Other refinements their three districts. and +3 die roll modifier if it goes to Fatigue
are here to stay. Banks Fremont District leaders are dif- Level 3 or 4 respectively. The unit removes
Buyers get three, beautifully-detailed ~3*_5s ~3*.4M ferent than their army- its exhausted status at the beginning of any
maps in SIV. These hand-painted maps ~ ~ level counterparts in recovery phase in which it begins at level 0
really are the hallmark of this system and that they have tactical or 1. Units lose three levels of fatigue dur-
connect with the rest of the maps in the values, may activate units of their districts ing the recovery phase, but at the end rather
series to provide a field of play stretching for marches (no more than six for the than the beginning of this phase. This
Other modifications occurred to the rout side also has a total of six infantry (only)
and construction rules. Units may now rout substitute markers. A substitute may have a
up to six hexes, but must end the turn at maximum of four manpower and when
least four hexes away by the shortest tra- reattached may not create a brigade of more
versable hex path. It now takes two full than eight. If at the time of attachment, the
days to construct breastworks and a similar substitute has more manpower and ammo
time period to upgrade to fort status. Build- boxes, the new unit is given a number of
ing a bridge only requires three manpower ammo boxes equal to the removed attach-
as opposed to five in the other three games. ment. Noticeably absent from SlVare per-
(The entrenching time scale remains in SLB manent fortifications and rules for railroad
while the bridging requirement goes back movement, neither of which played a criti-
up to five manpower.) cal role in the theater of operations.
The most significant addition to the
The Shenandoah Valley advanced rules is the strategic cycle, which
Though fourth in the series, SN is first occurs after the recovery phase of game
chronologically and the campaign game is a turns divisible by five. On these turns play-
whopping 105 turns long! Don't be dis- ers undergo nine distinct steps. Two dice
mayed. It can be played to completion in are cast on the strategic table with a variety
about the same amount of time as the cam- of consequences. A common result is
change allows units to gain one extra acti- paigns in the rest of the series. If you like "lull," which in effect means the next five
vation per turn on sustained long marches, games where every unit matters in a strug- turns are skipped. During the interim, units
though at the risk of increased straggling gle that is back and forth over time, this will reach their most healthy state and
due to the effects of exhaustion. one's for you. Several advanced rules have stragglers are rounded up. The Confeder-
Related to this, units that force march been added or modified to provide the ates may add one (and potentially two)
become disorganized and lose strength flavor of this theater of operations. extra manpower point(s) to any single
points based on the die roll made for extra Each turn begins with a roll on the ran- infantry unit on the map, while the Union
MPs. For infantry, a die roll of 6 will result dom events table. Besides "no effect," the had a one-third chance of doing the same.
in the loss of two manpower, 2 through 5 most common result is some version of Another result advances the strategic marker
will lose one manpower and a roll of I has rain. Additionally, either side may suffer on the strategic track. When this reaches the
no effect. For cavalry, a modified result of from command paralysis, wherein its 7 box the game ends even if the 105th turn
8 or more eliminates one manpower while 7 infantry and cavalry subh·act one and two has not yet been reached. Other boxes sig-
or less has no effect. The rationale is to base respectively from their movement nify the battles of Yorktown and Seven
unit wear on time gained, a more realistic allowance-a much harsher penalty than in Pines and their accompanying impact on the
result. Although the Shenandoah saw many RTG. Union infantry is further penalized Valley campaign. Finally, both sides ran-
a forced march, this rule is an improvement when no infantry unit begins within five domly receive, via a roll on the strategic
that remained in SLB. hexes of a Confederate unit. In such cases, table, the majority of their force pool includ-
Additional changes include an adjust- no Union infantry may activate or entrench ing a pair of Confederate divisions and a pair
ment of the cavalry scale to 750 horsemen that turn unless a Rebel infantry unit moves of Union districts. Finally, emergency rein-
per cavalry manpower point and the dele- within five hexes of at least one, in which forcements can arrive, if one player or the
tion of the Burn Railroad action. Addition- case they are all released from this restric- other has a deteriorating board position.
ally, villages and trails have been added to tion. The Confederate player can also have Much of the strategic cycle deals with
the map, with the former signifying county the cavalry regiment "Ashby" reincarnated the determination of supply status for the
seats and the latter acting like roads in all if eliminated, and the Union player will Union and the acquisition of ammunition
terrain types except mountain hexes which receive a random cavalry regiment rein- for both sides. Union units are in supply, if
would cost two MPs to enter. The rain ran- forcement on each dice roll of 6. they are in or adjacent to a county contain-
dom event can now occur in all basic game A unique addition to the series is the ing a Union depot. Remaining out of supply
scenarios with the same effect as in RTG, ability to exit units off the map and then to for two cycles will cost the unit a man-
though units may not entrench during rain redeploy them to another section of the power point, but it may attempt to forage,
turns and major rivers become unfordable same or different map via off-map boxes. in a fashion similar to HeR, between strate-
for a longer period of time than did the (Will the series succumb to the area move-
Potomac. Furthermore, the absence of Stu- gic cycles. The foraging unit must be at
ment craze?) This rule is
art means that all southern cavalry add two artfully employed to ''':;.'.:~ .
to their dice roll. The rebel cavalry per- allow the redeployment
formed splendidly during this campaign of Union units to and
and are further enhanced by different die from the Southern and
roll modifiers when performing a cavalry Middle maps without the
retreat; look over them carefully. Also, the need of adding a fourth , F;''''
RTG rule requiring a -1 modifier when mapsheet.
determining loss for a surrounded cavalry Harper's Ferry can sur-
unit performing a retreat has been dropped render exactly as in the -.~'-~~.
in both SlV and SLB. This is one rule which previous two games and
I think should have remained. It was diffi- leaders can transfer ten
cult for infantry to cause losses to cavalry. hexes as in RTG. Each
Fatigue Level 2 or less and roll a 3 or less
with one die. Some counties give the Union
a + I modifier. Ammunition disbursement is
as in RTG except that some counties have
peculiarities detailed in the rules.
Each side may build half a depot per turn
and it must be placed on a railroad station
attached to an unblocked railroad line. A
line is blocked if the other side has an
entrenched unit sitting on it or if a bridge
which it crosses has been blown. The latter
may be accomplished by any unit which
ends its activation adjacent to the bridge,
with no enemy interference, on a die roll of
5 or less. A unit with a manpower value of
one adds one to the die roll. Similarly, per-
manent bridges printed on the map may be
repaired during the strategic cycle by a
Union infantry unit in a Union-controlled
county by rolling a 2 or less. Counties are
controlled by the Union if they occupy the
county seat with at least one infantry man-
power and have a total of at least two in the
county. The Rebels secure the area by
maintaining a total of eight manpower of
any type somewhere in the county without cally with color shading of unit symbols. only if connected by a LaC or if attacked
Union control. This idea should have been taken one step by the enemy unit.
At certain times during the campaign, further by employing unique colors to dif- Additionally, SLB introduces the Refus-
each side may be required to remove units ferentiate corps, which would have made it ing Flanks optional rule. A defending unit
or lose VPs as a result. Additionally, the easier to sort counters as well as mix and which anticipates being outmaneuvered
Union player may voluntarily withdraw match pieces with other games in the series may spend one movement point during the
units to the Rappahannock box and secure to create your own scenarios. last hex of its march and bend its line to
VPs. These same units, and others that face all threats. This feature, which bene-
begin the game in the box, may return to the fits all units in the hex, will reduce the
map, but forfeit a number of VPs in the attacker's flank bonus in the following
process. Other VPs are gained by control- manner: a +4 modifier becomes a +2, while
ling counties and eliminating enemy man- other modifiers each become a + I. So why
power points. Additionally, Stonewall can not limit your risk and refuse the flanks all
bank some significant points by making the the time? The catch is that a unit with
first Confederate crossing of the Potomac flanks refused which is attacked in a frontal
by sending at least three brigades to the assault (i.e. the attacker does not qualify
other side. Those familiar with this battle and those for any flanking bonus) gives that attacking
that followed in 1864 know how signifi- unit a bonus + I modifier. The flanks
SOUTH OF THE RAPPAHANNOCK cantly the dense woods of the Wilderness refused marker may be removed at the dis-
The fifth volume, SLB, represents a affected the flow of maneuver and battle. cretion of the owning player during any
departure from the previous four games in Consequently, Ed added rules to cover march originating in that hex at no cost and
that it was designed by a game player and these differences, which apply to all woods is automatically removed when all units in
series aficionado, Ed Beach. This being the hexes on the map. In effect, these hexes that hex attack or move for whatever rea-
case, one might suspect some tinkering adopt characteristics of both mountain and son. Flanks may not be refused in moun-
with the basic rules. However, Ed remained woods terrain with varying impacts on tain passes. This measure is most often
true to Balkoski' s design, while adding North and South. Union units exert no employed by static garrison units or shat-
some elegant features. zones of control (ZOC) and Confederate tered divisions which are engulfed behind
Unlike the previous games in the series, units exert only a limited ZOC into woods enemy lines. This is an optional rule in SIV
owners only get one map and it is identical hexes unless they can trace entrance via a and SLB. Perhaps it should be made a stan-
to the south map in SlW. As compensation, road, pike or railroad (essentially, a line of dard rule in future volumes of the series, so
the game retails for $5 less than the standard communication). A limited ZOC does not that it won't be neglected, as is so often the
$35 rate. Players will be pleased with the hinder Federal movement, but it does apply case now, even by advanced players in
refinement in the presentation of the rules. to all other game functions (retreat, flank tournament play.
Mark Simonitch, of HANNIBAL: ROME attack, etc.). Two other rules apply. No unit
VS. CARTHAGE fame, really showed his may attack across a woods hexside unless The Chancellorsville Campaign
graphics and layout expertise in reworking the hexside has a line of communication The Advanced game includes the ever-
the charts and tables card, two multicolored (LaC) or the unit begins the activation in flavorful random events of the previous
copies of which are provided in the game. that hex. Cavalry units may retreat from a games. Typical results are rain (which may
The counters have been improved aestheti- unit moving into an adjacent woods hex not occur on April 29) and the enhance-
Anderson, Early and in both HCR and RTG combined. Many of
McLaws may break these changes and even a few additions rep-
down into brigades. resent the future of the system. In particular,
These units retain the recovery system is an improvement and
artillery values when may even find itself being retrofitted to pre-
separate and the divi- vious games in the system. SLB has also
sion counter is replaced made some smart additions through its inde-
by a division leader, pendent division and ammunition replenish-
who acts like a corps ment rules. Has the game system reached its
leader in all respects pinnacle? Certainly not! For one, Balkoski
for his brigades. The is developing naval rules for use in ON TO
brigades of a division RICHMOND and no doubt other campaigns
may still be activated will have their unique quirks, such as
by the corps leader and Grant's influence as General of the Army in
when recombining 1864 and siege rules in 1865.
must do so in a way Where does this leave the wargamer
Brandy Station that they don't increase considering his/her first purchase in the
the total artillery value system? My counsel would be to choose
ment or detriment of either side's ammuni- of the Confederate Army. Ed has used the the campaign of most interest to you and
tion resupply rate. Other results include term "assault" to refer to all corps- and buy that game. This article gives you a
Union Command Paralysis, which has the division-level leader-initiated attacks. This peek in the boxes and a taste of the five
effect of penalizing one of the two wings of is a great little procedure that ought to sup- campaigns. With the enclosed rules sum-
the army (infantry units subtract two from plant the current substitute unit rules in mary card it is no more difficult to go
movement rolls and may not force march or future games of this series. backward in the system than forward, so
be led in an assault action). In addition, Standard features in other games found don't think you will get lost by starting
Hooker must check to see if he loses confi- their way into the SLB as well, such as death with RTG, SIV or SLB; the mechanics are
dence, which is more likely to occur if casu- of Confederate corps leaders (Jackson is the same in all five. There is no pro-
alties are heavy. If he does, all Union attack killed automatically if in affected battle) and grammed instruction benefit from learning
and leader rolls are -1 until he is relieved of ammunition expenditure. With a campaign the games in order. Will there ever be an
command. Hooker can be relieved only by game of only ten turns, supply and rail all encompassing "advanced" rulebook
random event, and only if he has personally movement were not considered issues, like ASL? Balkoski's FLEET series didn't
witnessed the loss of a manpower point in though the rules for ammunition replenish- have one. Ultimately, it will be us, the
combat, and the Union has already lost ten ment are nifty. Up to six Union and four game-buying community, who will decide
or more. He will be replaced by either Confederate resupply attempts may be whether a unified rule set is necessary,
Meade or Couch whose corps are then led made per turn by tracing a LaC to a depot through our purchasing decisions.
by a substitute. Finally, the Confederates and rolling a 6 or less with one die. Friendly Other installments in the series are
have the potential of securing Hood's and or units and fords are obstructions which pro- being designed, including the campaigns
Pickett's division of Longstreet's command vide adverse modifiers. This procedure of the Peninsula (ON TO RICHMOND),
from Suffolk, with the chances being more requires players to more carefully plan their the Wilderness, Petersburg and the Valley
likely latter in the campaign. logistics route than in prior games and I in 1864. If interest in the series is strong,
The advanced game includes special hope it too remains in future additions. it may even move on to central Tennessee
movement rules to generate the flavor of the and northern Georgia. A computer version
Brandy Station is also under consideration. Newer vol-
campaign. For one, the Union Army must
stick to Hooker's original plan of reuniting I would be remiss if I did not engage in umes are likely to contain rule changes as
a little self-aggrandizement by highlighting well, though they are likely to maintain
south of the Rappahannock before moving
SLB Scenario 4: Brandy Station. While Ed the refinements embodied in RTG, SIV
infantry south. They have no chance to take
was developing his Chancellorsville game, and SLB.
Richmond with an end-run around Lee's left
until the Union flanks have combined first
in Fredericksburg. Once the flanks are
I simultaneously worked up this neat little
engagement, which was the largest cavalry
battle of the war. Though it technically
joined, future command paralysis results are
belongs with the Gettysburg campaign, Ed
ignored. Secondly, the Confederate player
wanted to include it with SLB as it occurred
may exit hard-pressed units off the south
soon thereafter and on the same maps as
map edge, which gives the Union VPs but at
Chancellorsville. This is a cavalry free-for-
one-fifth the normal rate. These units may
all whose action is further enhanced
be pursued by the Union at twice the Rebel through the inclusion of a cavalry charge
rate, earning additional blue VPs, but only rule. This twist effectively gives cavalry
after the Federal flanks have been combined units entering the fray a + 1 attack modifier
south of the Rappahannock. against other cavalry units in non-rough ter-
Ed recreated the flavor of this campaign rain. As a way to stimulate action, this rule
with the wilderness rules and the aforemen- can be used in those handful of Civil War
tioned restrictions which apply to each situations when cavalry ruled supreme.
army. His greatest contribution to the sys-
tem as a whole, though, is the detailed Con- A CIVIL WAR MOSAIC
federate division leader rules found in the Players familiar with SlW will find many
advanced game. Effectively the divisions of more changes and modifications in SIV than
Never Forget the Fallen Focus AvalonCon
The GENERAL is still, to me, an impor- [Referring to the ACQUIRE contest] I really dislike the extensive coverage
tant source of hobby information and fun. I've never seen this game and am not inter- of AvalonCon. Give me more game vari-
There was, however, an unfortunate tone in ested in it; it sounds like paper Monopoly to ants, reviews and game analyses. I
some of the GERONIMO articles (Vol. 30, me. The title of this magazine is The couldn't care less about the pictures of the
No.6). What I am addressing here is not GENERAL. Generals command armies, not tournament winners.
confined to GERONIMO but relates to the hotel chains. Military boardgames made Karlton R. Weber, Rochester Hills, MI
hobby at large. Both Stuart Tucker and Avalon HilllVictory Games and The
Richard Berg found it necessary, in effect, I miss Don Greenwood's comprehen-
GENERAL magazine. Let's get back into
to apologize for or at least justify our hobby. sive AvalonCon reports.
The crux of this apologia (which I know Marcelo Triunfo, Jersey City, NJ
stemmed from the best of intentions) was an David M. Rohr, Navarre, OH
explanation of why it was okay to play a New Directions
game that dealt in any way with the unfair Some of my most prized issues are I think that covering games produced by
treatment which the American Indians suf- issues that had no personal value at the time other companies is a great idea; it will make
fered as a result of this country's westward they were issued. In my case, the UP The GENERAL more competitive with
expansion ... Granted, as Mr. Berg pointed FRONT issues meant nothing to me, at the other gaming magazines. If your base of
out, the treatment of Indians is close to time, but piqued my interest until I eventu- subjects is enlarged, it's more likely that at
home because it happened here. But our ally bought the game. It is now one of the least one will interest me.
games do not simulate the pain, wounding, two games I play regularly, and those issues Anonymous, cyberspace
suffering and death that was a very real part I dismissed 15 years ago get read time and I was glad to read that the The GEN-
of the actual events that serve as their inspi- time again.
ration. Our games simulate the command ERAL may go to more than 64 pages some-
Mike, cyberspace where down the road. Good luck with your
and leadership decisions of often multiple
levels of responsibility. Above all, they are efforts to increase the subscription base.
Too much material on computer games. The GENERAL is a magazine that I always
games. They are not real and I certainly If I wanted to read about computer games,
know of no wargame that in any way glori- look forward to getting.
I'd subscribe to something else. More on Walt, cyberspace
fies pain and suffering ... Far from being an
board games, please!
occasion for an apology, what happened to Great decision to put a Zone of Control
Daniel Farrow, Ridley Park, PA
the American Indians makes it all the more section in The GENERAL. I think this dis-
important to perhaps remember them plays innovation, genuine love of the
through the design of a good game. That this Thanks for another great issue. I think
you guys do a great job of covering all the hobby, confidence and, dare I say, LEAD-
is not obvious may stem from our exposure ERSHIP. Congratulations.
to individuals with a predisposition to various topics: ancient and modern, board
and computer, new games and ASL. Keep Rod Coffey, cyberspace
despise not only war, but also soldiers.
These people perceive soldiers exclusively it up. On Reader Feedback
as persons who go out and kill other human Jason Johns, Augusta, GA I guess the problem is that the games
beings. As an active military officer, I think your company makes are so good that most
that I can testify to the fact that this is not Don't waste space publishing long of us would rather play them than rate them.
how soldiers see themselves. Far from it. extracts from rule books (AGE OF Keep up the good work.
They view themselves as persons who at a RENAISSANCE sample game). It's an Dieter Kempf, Skokie, IL
moment's notice, in peace or war, may be insult to your subscribers who buy your
called upon to risk their lives in the service games early. I am glad Dieter took the time to rate
of their country ... The use of good profes- Michael J. Tsuk, Arlington, MA Volume 31, Number 2 and to enter the con-
sional ideas wherever found has hardly test. Although he doesn't care for air war-
turned the US Army Officer Corps into a While the sample game was not high fare games, he plays ACQUIRE enough
clique of proto-Nazis. Neither will playing on my list of favored articles, I decided indeed-he won the contest! -SKT
and enjoying GERONIMO turn you into a that it was a far better "First Look" arti-
would-be slaughterer of innocents-if any- Winner Confesses
cle on a new game than we often publish.
thing it will make you honor all the more Regarding the Contest #174 (Decipher
their courage and fate. But, maybe it will do This Message), I was one of those who
is a bit hard to fathom from verbal listed the numbers from my vast game col-
just what it was intended to do-constitute descriptions, so the sample game seemed
serious competition and intellectual fun. lection. I also read through The Art of
appropriate (as we did not yet have a War. Neither helped a bit when it came
Let's simply remember that the first step Series Replay to run). As much as I try to
in dishonoring the fallen of whatever side is down to it. I spent more time and worked
publish quickly on a new game, the delays harder on this contest than any other
to forget them. I would suggest that part of
in the magazine business (from lining up which comes to mind. In the end, I made a
our motivation for playing and replaying
our games is, that, for a few of us, it is authors to putting together the artworkfor guess based on an estimate of the possibil-
important that the soldiers and peoples who the issue) often means very little timely ities for nine-letter answers (nine-word
struggled before us be remembered. I am mention of a game. However, most game phrases never seemed to work). I suppose
not sure I ever heard anyone say this, but I sales happen within the first six months of it's better to be lucky than good. My
am sure it is a genuine sentiment somewhere release. We also wanted to generate inter- records show that this was contest win
in every wargamer's heart. est in this game in time to have a healthy number 17 for me.
Rod Coffey, Captain, Infantry, US Army AvalonCon '97 tournament.-SKT Jim Burnett, Clinton, TN

WINNING AT CEDAR MOUNTAIN During the leader transfer phase, attach

Jackson to Lawton's brigade. This allows
you to conduct a corps march with all of
your infantry. Move Jackson to a unit that
will allow a corps march for Hill, Winder
and Ewell on your second activation. Move
Hill and Winder toward Rapidan Station on
he first scenario in STONEWALL infantry occupying the town of Culpeper or

the Orange and Alexandria railroad. If pos-
JACKSON'S WAY, Cedar Moun- a space within nine hexes of the town and sible push across the river, though you will
tain, has always intrigued me. The for Union strength point (SP) losses due to probably face a Union cavalry retreat.
scenario lasts just three turns and combat, retreat or cavalry retreat. Victory Move Ewell across the Rapidan River to
requires few units. This makes it points are subtracted for Confeder- Sam's Shop, then northeast in parallel with
ideal for players with little time. ate SP losses due to combat, the movement of Hill and Winder. The
Play favors the Confeder- retreat or cavalry retreat. In division will re-cross the Rapidan at Mill
ates. Although the Union addition, if the Union player Ford, following Hill and Winder toward
has an advantage in loses fewer than two SPs Culpeper. Lawton and Gregg should march
strength points (59 to 49), due to combat, retreat or north toward Fry's Ford on the Robertson
this is offset by the cavalry retreat, the Con- River. The move will help cover the Con-
Rebel's better leadership federate player subtracts federate's left flank. This ends your first
and greater mobility. 2 VPs. activation.
Special rules prohibit As the confederate, Use a corps march on your next activa-
both sides from per- your easiest path to vic- tion and move Jackson to the lead divi-
forming extended or tory is to move within sion. His tactical rating will be valuable if
forced marches on the five hexes of Culpeper, attacked later in the turn or before your
first tum. Hence, combat earning a minimum of 3 first activation on turn 2. By the end of the
on the first tum will be VPs. You can then afford tum, Hill should be at or close to Mitchell's
rare. Instead, both sides to exchange manpower Station, Ewell should be near hex 1126
will maneuver for position, losses with the Yankees, pro- (from where he can march either north or
with victory going to the side viding that the Federals lose at east), and Winder will be between them,
that gains the best position. least two SPs. To accomplish this, able to support either division. You
Jackson march the divisions of Hill, Winder should be in position for a corps march
CONFEDERATE OPTIONS and Ewell to Mitchell's Station, via with these divisions on your first activa-
The Confederate player has a variety of Rapidan Station. This is the shortest route tion in turn 2, although you may have to
options at the beginning of tum 2, when for a Confederate division to move within move Jackson during the leader transfer
combat is likely to occur. A glance at the five hexes of Culpeper. Also, by occupying phase to make it possible.
victory conditions reveals that the Confed- Mitchell's Station, you have the option of The ford at hex 0825 on the Robertson
erate player needs at least three victory marching north toward Culpeper, west River should be occupied by Lawton or
points (VPs) for a marginal victory. The toward Cedar Mountain or east away from Gregg. By extending a zone of control to
Confederate player gains VPs for southern the pursuing Federals. hex 0925, you will slow any Union cavalry
attempting to slip down the road to interdict
your infantry's march. The other division
can occupy Fry's Ford or some other point
in the vicinity to prevent Buford from using
the area as an avenue of approach.
With Robertson's cavalry, attempt to
strike at a one-strength Union cavalry unit.
It may be advantageous to do this before
moving the last Confederate infantry unit.
The VP may be decisive and it eliminates a
potential cavalry retreat in front of your
infantry later. If no Federal cavalry units
are vulnerable, move north to slow Union
infantry moving into the area.

As tum 2 begins, you should find I
Corps and Rickett's division north of
Culpeper. If II Corps moves south to chal-
lenge you, he will be either consolidated in
one space within the five-hex VP limit or
spread out and vulnerable to defeat in
detail. The Union cavalry, except Buford, is
pesky at best.
On turn 2, you will have many choices.
You can move within five hexes of
Culpeper and attack any Union units you
encounter. You might wish to establish a
formidable defensive position by uniting
your divisions in one hex. You might opt to
move east toward Pony Mountain, causing
the Unjon to use precious fatigue factors to
chase you. (Pope's forces fare poorly on
extended marches!) Perhaps you will march
Ewell north on Flatland Road, forcing the
Union player to consider dividjng Banks'
and Sigel's corps. Depending on your style
of play, you have mulhple options, but they
are set up by taking advantage of greater
Confederate mobility on turn 1.
Will this strategy work all of the time?
Of course not! Good Unjon die rolls and
movement will influence any Confederate
designs. However, on average, this strategy
will put the Confederate player in a superior On your first activation, if the Confeder- will result in the destruction of your pre-
position at the beginning of turn 2. ates have not forced their way across the cious cavalry units. Where should you
Incidentally, Jackson was forced to bat- river, attempt to reinforce either Bayard retreat your cavalry? If Rapidan Station is
tle Banks at Cedar Mountain due to the or the 1st Rhode Island (which ever occu- the crossing point, move toward Mitchell's
Confederates' inability to coordinate their pies the probable crossing point). Bayard Station. This will tempt the Confederate to
movements on August 8th. Your task js to
should be reinforced by Buford, if a route take the path of least resistance, Flatland
manage your movements better.
through the Mt. Zion Church area is open. Road, which is what you want. A march
If the route is closed by a Confederate unit north on Flatland Road should bring the
or zone of control (ZOC), or if the 1st Southern infantry closer to Buford's cav-
The Unjon player faces a difficult task
if he is to defeat Stonewall Jackson. The Rhode Island is to be reinforced, use the alry which is yet another obstacle. In addi-
1st Maine. The important thing is to get at tion, the Union infantry will have slightly
Confederate player has better leadership
and greater mobjlity. He will win approx- least one more strength point to the prob- less distance to move before engaging
imately 58 per cent of all initiative die able crossing point before the Southern Jackson's troops. If the crossing is made at
rolls. Above I contend that the scenario infantry arrives. This will eliminate the hex 0825, retreat north and east toward
favors the Rebels and that by the end of "-2" die roll modifier (drm) during a cav- Flatland Road. You achieve the same
the first turn, all things being equal, the alry retreat caused by having only one SP results, if Jackson marches north through
Confederate player should be in a superior at the ford. If you are unsure of your Wayland's Mill.
position. What, then, can the Federals do opponent's destination, play it safe and Once the rebel infantry is across the
to reverse this? reinforce Rapidan Station. If reinforcing river, use a series of cavalry retreats to
As the Union player, you have some Rapidan Station with the 1st Maine, the slow him. Your cavalry must block the
advantages as the game begins. You out- route south of the Rapidan River is one roads to Culpeper. Do not be afraid to
number your opponent, though you proba- hex shorter than the route through move adjacent to the lead rebel infantry
bly will not be able to bring this advantage Mitchell's Station. You may be able to unit when advantageous, but remember
to bear on the first turn. You must make the cover the distance on the first activation. that any division stacked with Jackson can
most of your numerical superiority in cav- The Union must remain flexible. conduct a corps assault. This may save
alry units, especially by contesting Confed- Assuming the Confederates have not yet you an important hex or two in a later cav-
erate river crossings using cavalry retreat. crossed a major river, the second Union alry retreat. The strategy is simple: slow
The key to a Union victory is to delay the activation can be used to attempt to rein- down the rebels!
Confederate infantry from moving within force the apparent crossing point with A word of caution here: beware Robert-
five hexes of Culpeper (3 VPs and a mar- either Bayard or the 1st Rhode Island. By son's cavalry roaming the area (looking for
ginal victory) until Pope can concentrate I increasing the SP total at the likely crossing a weakened and/or unsupported Union cav-
and II Corps and Rickett's division in a point to three, you will gain a + 1 drm dur- alry unit to gobble up). Do not give your
coordinated effort to attack Jackson. ing a cavalry retreat. If the Confederate opponent any easy VPs.
crossing point is still not obvious, move
Buford toward the area to establish addi- UNION INFANTRY
UNION TURN 1 ',' . . tional cavalry roadblocks. As you attempt The Union infantry will not be of much
The Confederates usually cross a major to slow the Confederate advance, do not use on turn 1. Try to consolidate Banks'
river to approach Culpeper at either hex use any more than three cavalry SPs at a corps on turn 1. Do not move Crawford
0825 (the historical crossing) or hex 1128 major river crossing (additional SPs gain south to support the cavalry. His strength is
(the shorter route to the Confederate's you no further advantage). not adequate to make a real difference and
five-hex objective). You should leave When the Confederate player attempts you risk being overwhelmed during a Con-
Bayard's brigade and the 1st Rhode Island to cross a major river, use cavalry retreat federate assault late on turn 1 or early in
in place to guard both crossings points. to slow him. Do not stand and fight as this turn 2. Instead, march Williams and Augur
toward Culpeper. You will then be in posi- intact. The II Corps should be united, or UPHILL BATTLE
tion to move each division of II Corps south nearly so, south of Culpeper. Meanwhile, I The difficulty for the Federals is obvi-
to meet Jackson. Corps will be northwest of the town, per- ous. On turn 1, Union infantry will be prac-
Sigel's corps will be useless on the first haps close enough to support II Corps dur- tically useless. The cavalry must bear the
turn. Move his divisions southeast on the ing the upcoming turn. Rickett's division responsibility for the defense. They need
Sperryville Pike. With luck, I Corps will be remains in its set-up hex. better than average die rolls to gain the ini-
in position to coordinate with II Corps on For the remainder of the game, the tiative in order to reinforce the major river
turn 2. Don't count on it, though. Union player must seek to coordinate all crossings. Good die rolls are required for
of his attacks. The Confederate infantry the Union to slow down the Confederate
divisions are superior in leadership and infantry during cavalry retreat as well. It is
Due to special rules, Rickett's division manpower and will defeat the Union divi- because of this need for Union good fortune
cannot move on turn 1. On turn 2, it will sions in detail, if they are not coordi- on the first turn that I feel the scenario
move south, coordinating with II Corps in nated. Sigel's 19 SPs and Rickett's 18 favors the Confederates. If providence is
an attempt to halt Jackson's advance. SPs must join with Banks to give the with the Union on turn 1, and the Confed-
At the beginning of the second turn, Yankees a reasonable chance of defeating erates get average or poor die rolls, then an
Union cavalry should be between the Con- Jackson. This isn't likely to occur until adroit Federal commander should be in
federate infantry and Culpeper. With turn 3, because I Corps will be fatigued, position to challenge Jackson at Cedar
decent die rolls, the Union cavalry will be if it arrives on turn 2. Mountain.

Strategic Alternatives
By Howard J. Hill
fter once having the church The Great Campaigns of the American

A steeples of Richmond within

sight, General George McClellan
is attending to his army's prob-
lems at Harrison's Landing. McClellan has
been out-generaled by Robert E. Lee during
Civil War series games are enjoyable,
thought-provoking, and very playable
games. They are also instructive for those
trying to understand the strategies used by
the military leaders of the time. An analysis
the Battle of Seven Days. Lee does not rest of the Second Manassas campaign will R. E. Lee
on his laurels; dangerous combinations are shed light on the strategic options Lee had
forming in central Virginia that require his and which ones he was capable of using
attention. use a forced march. In any other situation,
during the Gettysburg campaign. If he was
In a series of daring and brilliant moves, do not get greedy and drive your men into
willing and able to split his army in the face
Lee is able to outmaneuver General John the dirt. March twice a day, then stop. Cook
of the enemy during the Second Manassas
Pope, defeat him at the Second Battle of rations, get a good night's rest, and then
campaign, why did he resign himself to a
Manassas, and drive him back on the Wash- start bright and early the next day.
series of costly assaults at Gettysburg?
ington defenses. Although destruction of For the purposes of discussion, I will use
At the heart of the Great Campaigns
Pope's army barely slips through his grasp, Scenario 5 of STONEWALL JACKSON'S
system is the concept of movement and WAY (SJW) and Scenario 6 of ROADS TO
Lee is able to open the way to the Confeder- fatigue. Units are limited to a maximum of
ate invasion of Maryland in 1862. He hopes GETTYSBURG (RTG).
four moves per day, but it's not quite that
this action will lead to foreign recognition of simple. Two moves per day is a standard
the Confederate nation and eventual South- TURNING MOVEMENT
march. You can increase a unit's distance AT MANASSAS
ern independence. traveled by resorting to either an extended
Fast-forward to the summer of 1863. In SJw, Jackson performs a flank march
march or a forced march. An extended of approximately 37 hexes to reach the
After again outmaneuvering his Federal
march could result in a unit's disorganiza- Manassas/Bristoe Station/Stone Bridge vic-
opponents, Lee faces the Union army on the
rolling fields of Gettysburg, where on the tion (and reduced combat strength), which tory point area. Because the Confederate
first day, the Second Battle of Manassas is in effect limits the number of times that unit army will average a march of eleven hexes
nearly repeated. During the second day of can march the following day. A forced on a normal day, it will take more than
the battle, General James Longstreet march receives bonus hexes added on to a three days to get to its objective. Jackson
attempts a modest turning movement march, but the unit also loses manpower has the advantage that the Union army is
against the Federal left on Little Round Top. points due to straggling. A rule of thumb: if "frozen" on the first move, but Stonewall
On the third day, instead of resorting to the a unit absolutely needs to get to an objec- will still have to rely upon a couple of
type of maneuvers he used to such success tive that day and hold it, use an extended forced marches and some luck to get to
one year earlier, Lee decides upon a frontal march; if the unit has two or three days, and Manassas before Pope and his people.
assault against the Union center. Why? the objective is of paramount importance, Forced marches are the preferred poison. In
this case an extended march would only who will be delaying Longstreet at Thor-
"rob Peter to pay Paul" (extended marching oughfare Gap, or the remainder of Pope's
tends to use up action cycles at a frighten- army (Reno, Sykes, etal.), which will be
ing pace). By using forced marches, the marching up the Orange and Alexandria
Rebels can increase their distance travelled, Railroad to attack Jackson at Manassas.
remain relatively rested, and have a few Sigel may very well get bloodied, but he
action cycles in reserve in case an emer- can call on McDowell to prevent a cata- VOLUME 29 WINNER
gency move is needed. The down side is the strophe. The result will be the prevention gain, our sincere appreciation goes
loss of manpower points. However, once
the Yankees track down Jackson, chances
are good that he will be fighting a defensive
of the union of the two Confederate
wings, and, ultimately, the destruction of
Jackson's command.
A out to all of our contributors. We are
proud of all of the nominees for the
Volume 29 Editor's Choice Award. Not only
battle. The Confederate forces will need Naturally, this analysis assumes every- did the editor have a tough choice with what
defensive terrain advantages to offset those articles to place on the ballot, but our voters
thing proceeds as planned: Jackson is able
showed support for each article on the ballot.
missing stragglers. to get above average die rolls for his Ultimately, only one winner can be named.
Once Jackson has launched his flank march and the Union army is its usual Despite having not one, but two, articles
march, he should aim to destroy the rail- plodding self. However, the beauty of the on the ballot to split the votes of his support-
road stations at Stone Bridge, Manassas game system is that you cannot count on ers, Andrew R. Maly emerged as the winner.
(in addition to the Union depot) and Bris- this. Some general contingency planning His "A Matter of Priorities" article in vol-
toe Station. Wreaking havoc in the Fed- is therefore in order. If Jackson gets off to ume 29, number 3, earned him the award.
eral rear will yield 29 victory points a slow start, consider a modified and lim- Readers are encouraged to pick up their copy
(VPs). Five more points will grant the ited left hook around the Union right, and give it another read-the whole issue, in
Confederate player a relatively easy mar- fact, is worthy of attention, because it gath-
while sending Stuart and his cavalry to ered the best reader "rate the issue" feedback
ginal victory. After Jackson completes his damage (rather than destroy) selected rail- of the entire volume. Maly's article keenly
destruction, he should retreat to the road stations. Conversely, if Jackson gets analyzes allied options in BREAKOUT:
Groveton-Gainesville area. This high- to Manassas and the Federals are really NORMANDY (the issue also contains a
lights another advantage to using forced hustling, Stonewall must pay particular series replay of that game).
marches in this scenario: extended attention to retreat routes to the north. Mr. Maly will receive a $100 merchan-
marches tend to leave a unit immobilized However, while Pope is chasing down dise certificate for Avalon Hill products and
with fatigue. The last thing Jackson needs Jackson, opportunities might present a lifetime subscription to The GENERAL.
is to have his army laying exhausted along themselves to Longstreet. Flexibility is
the Virginian roadsides while the Federals VOLUME 30 NOMINEES
the key. In any event, one gets a feel for
converge on him. the boldness and audacity shown by Lee The nominees for best article in Volume
Firmly established in the Groveton- 30 are listed below in order of publication.
in this campaign. As usual, the list is a combination of the cur-
Gainesville area, Jackson can wait for Lee One final note is needed before dis- rent editor's preferences and the reader
and Longstreet to join him. At this point, cussing Lee's options at Gettysburg. Sce- responses to our regular invitations to "Rate
with the Rebel aImy reunited, the Confed- nario 5 of SJW requires Longstreet's corps This Issue." Reprints and articles by current
erate player should have more than enough to begin the game at the Fatigue Level 2, or former Avalon Hill staff are not eligible.
points for a marginal victory (assuming he pretty much limiting his actions on August The winner will receive a $100 merchandise
has also left his army adjacent to Haymar- 26. Historically, Longstreet was in the certificate for Avalon Hill products and a
ket, Groveton and Gainesville at the end of Orleans area on the evening of the 26th. lifetime subscription to The GENERAL.
the game). The Union player then will be Therefore, as a variant and an attempt to
forced to dislodge the Rebels, and will maintain historical accuracy, reduce the o Tactics 101
probably suffer substantial casualties. He by Mike MacGrath (vol. 30, no. I)
Fatigue Level 2 units to either Fatigue
might also leave himself open to a devas- Level I or O. o Paths to Glory
tating counterattack. This means additional by Steven Katz (vol. 30, no. 3)
VPs for the Confederate player. By repeat-
ing Lee's original bold and audacious
This discussion brings us back to our
o American Eagles
by Steven C. Swann (vol. 30, no. 3)
maneuver, the Confederate player should original questions: why didn't Lee perform
win handily. the same maneuver at Gettysburg? Was it o All Kingdoms Great and Small
Of course, all this presupposes the Fed- by Scott M. Smith (vol. 30, no. 4)
even feasible? Using Scenario 6 of RTG as
eral player will plod along and show an a model, let's explore some of the alterna- o Random Acts of Violence
alarming lack of strategic creativity. tives available to Lee and see if they are by Richard H. Berg (vol. 30, no. 6)
Actually, Pope's initial strategy provides
a sound response to Jackson's march. It
viable in terms of victory points, winning
the game, and destroying the Union army.
o The Causes and Strategy of the Second
Punic War
was only later, during the battle, that he Most RTG campaign games result in a by Richard M. Berthold (vol. 30, no. 6)
fell apart. concentration of forces at Gettysburg
As in the historical campaign, send because, sure enough, most roads do lead to Refresh your memory of these articles and
Sigel northeast up the Warrenton Turn- that town. Once concentrated, the Confed- send your vote to me:
pike. Then, instead of turning right as he erate player has three basic options. First, Stuart K. Tucker
did historically, have Sigel turn left and retreat back over the mountains from where Editor, The GENERAL
take up positions as close to the Thor- he came. Second, stay and fight a set-piece The Avalon Hill Game Company
oughfare Gap as possible. McDowell, fol- battle with Federal forces (who outnumber 4517 Harford Rd.
lowing close behind Sigel, should station the Rebels and are fighting on ground of Baltimore, MD 21214
his corps at Gainesville to provide neces- or email [email protected]
sary support: he can assist either Sigel, ~~-~~~ (Continued onp.23)
~~~-+--+- (from p.21) Westminster is actually shorter than Lee's
march. It would be a race, but it would be
their choosing). Third, outmaneuver the
an intriguing "what if."
Union army and destroy it (similar to the
Second Manassas campaign, and reflecting Control of Frederick (East) is a little
the plan Longstreet proposed to Lee at Get- safer but it does not yield as many victory
tysburg). The fIrst plan is not an option; his- points. It is about 22 hexes to the fIrst real
tory tells us how the second turned out; that defensive position in Frederick (East):
leaves only the third possibility to explore. Double Pipe Creek, where Meade origi-
First, let's consider the victory point sit- nally wanted to fIght. The county seat, New
uation by the time the armies concentrate at Market, is about 15 hexes further south. If
Gettysburg. Based on a standard strategy of the Yankees are particularly aggressive, the
levying most of Pennsylvania, the Confed- Confederates can offer a fighting with-
erate player should have accumulated 26 drawal. Remember, victory points are only
points (this assumes that all Pennsylvania awarded if the county is controlled at the
towns have been levied,with the exception end of the game. One further advantage
of Harrisburg, Hanover and Littlestown, with targeting Frederick (East) for control
and that the official revised victory point is that if everything falls apart, Lee can
schedule as outlined in the General, V 01- retreat into Frederick (West) and gain a few
ume 30, Number 3 is being used). This total points for its control. With luck, Federal
is 17 points shy of a marginal Confederate forces will have yielded a few points in
victory. If Lee is willing to retreat to the manpower losses. In any event, the flank
Potomac fords at the end of the game, he march option into Frederick (East) County
can add nine points to his VP total. At least with a fallback position in Frederick "doable." As stated in the RTG designer
eight Federal manpower points need to be (West), if needed, will usually provide a notes " ... these many 'what ifs' of the Get-
killed to achieve a marginal victory. marginal Confederate victory, with a real tysburg campaign make for a very intrigu-
After the armies have concentrated at possibility of a substantive victory. ing game." Lee was seeking a decisive bat-
Gettysburg, about a week of campaigning Through an analysis of the Second Man- tle with Union forces, but once he realized
assas campaign, it can be shown that Lee the entire Army of the Potomac was at Get-
will remain. The Confederate player will
had viable alternatives at Gettysburg. tysburg, why did he persist in what
need to control a county in order to gain a
Within the context of the Great Campaigns amounted to a series of costly frontal
marginal victory. Instead of fIghting a bat-
game system, Lee's alternate choices were assaults? It is true that without Stuart, Lee
tle, hoping to kill Yankees, Lee should now was operating blindly, but Stuart ren-
attempt a turning maneuver. A swing dezvoused with the army during the
around the Union left is the only fea- evening of the second day-plenty of
sible tactic. If the Rebels choose their time to perform a reconnaissance to
ground carefully, and the Union the south. Lee was also without Jack-
player tries to dislodge them, there son, his famed "flank marcher."
may be enough Yankee casualties to Although Stonewall performed bril-
gain a substantive Confederate vic- liantly at times (i.e. Second Manassas
tory. It is now time to explore the and Chancellorsville), he also failed to
advantages of a Rebel flank march. measure up during other encounters
Two counties are potential candi- (i.e. Seven Days and the flanking
dates for Confederate control: Car- move at Chantilly during the final days
roll and Frederick (East). Control of of the Second Manassas campaign).
Carroll County would give the Con- Whether he would have made a differ-
federate a substantive victory imme- ence at Gettysburg is debatable.
diately, but is farther from Lee's The beauty of the Great Campaigns
Potomac bases. This maneuver is a system is that the player can explore
bold move, but it borders on the reck- different possibilities. Lee could have
less (but then, it's only a game). Con- outmaneuvered Meade and still
trol of Frederick (East) would only achieved some of his strategic objec-
give the Rebels 66 points-nine shy tives. He might also have caught a
of a substantive victory. However, it Federal corps or two out in the open
allows the Army of Northern Virginia and obtained the decisive battle he so
better lines of retreat should anything eagerly sought. By studying the strate-
go wrong. gies of the Second Manassas campaign
A flank march to Westminster in and applying them to Gettysburg, we
Carroll County is about 27 hexes, can see what the Army of Northern
easily a two-day march, three at most. Virginia was capable of doing. Unfor-
Westminster provides good defensive tunately, it still does not answer why
ground for the Rebel army. However, Lee took the actions he did. The
beauty and brilliance of the Great
unlike Second Manassas the Federals
Campaigns series is that we can
are not "frozen" and they also have
explore not only what happened, but
good interior lines. The march from
also the many "what ifs."
Gettysburg through Littlestown to
CA: ASL Challenge! Start anytime. tures. Safe location near subway, ample
Stop anytime. Win three of five scenar-
ios and take home $150 cash prize! $50
entry fee. Earl J. Ryan, ASL Military
Opponents Wanted parking, open every weekend. Joe Bro-
phy, 16 Beachfront La., New Rochelle,
NY 10805, (914) 636-6317 (eve.)
Tactics Instructor, PO Box 0398, I Avalon Hill does not vouch for the character or business practices of any advertisers. I NY: Mid-Hudson Area Wargaming
Corona, CA 91718, (909) 736-RYAN. Society (MAWS). We meet monthly in
CA: Experienced player seeks others at FTF A3R, GDC, ERS. Kurt Romig, VA: Experienced gamer wants FTF the Poughkeepsie, NY area and play
any/all levels of ability for FTF ASL. 4168 Watson, Holt, MI 48842, (517) opponents in Fredericksburg, Orange, many different wargames (no RPG's).
Your choice DYO or published scenar- 699-8148. Charlottesville, Culpepper area. Most Beginners are welcome. Contact Barry
ios. Earl J. Ryan, ASL Military Tactics NE: Looking for a mature FTF player AHlVG games. Prefer AREA. Write Smith at (914) 778-5440.
Instructor, PO Box 0398, Corona, CA to play campaign and scenarios for ASL first, please! Rod Coffey, 16201 Mon- 104676.1 161 @compuserve.com, or 9E
91718, (909) 736-RYAN. 3R, AFD, TRI and WSIM. Carl Nardin, rovia Rd., Orange, VA 22960. Squire Vlg. Walden, NY 12586.
CA: 100 miles from nowhere! 5203 N. 85th St., Omaha, NE 68134, WA: Wanted: C&OIB&O, AH Train PA: Central PA Strategists Club. Meet-
Wargamer at the NTC seeks FTF (402) 571-6838. Game from early 70's. Tim Thorp, 3332 ings are held 9:30 t05 on the 2nd and
garners. Willing to drive! Anyone in NJ: Adult gamer seeks FTF GOA or Hoyt Ave., Everett, WA 98201, (206) 4th Sat. of every month at the East
Victorville or Santa Barbera? Steven TRC. Also wanted: games or parts for 388-0267. Shore (Colonial Park) branch of the
Duke, 4034 Alvord, Fort Irwin, CA GOA. Jim Chambers, 87 Candace La., Dauphin County Library just outside
92310, (619) 386-1117. Chatham, NJ 07928, (201) 635-2096. AVALONCON '97 Harrisburg. Call Charles Hickok at
CA: The Tiger of Muenchberg invites NY: PBM/FTF FRED/STC. GMaster NV: ATTN. AvalonCon attendees: (717) 599-5603.
all ASL'ers to try taking my town. seeking players for PBM 1980/1996 VG's KOREAN WAR will be played at SC: Chas. Lowcountry Wargamers,
Don't fear death! Add your bones to the Machiavelli 8/9-p1ayer variants. Sub- AvalonCon this year. Please register to 113 Wisteria Rd., Goose Creek, SC
pile! Scenario A8 or ? Earl J. Ryan, scribe to AHIK's Premiere PBM multi- play. We need 8 players to obtain tour- 29445,553-0987.
Advanced Squad Leader, Military Tac- player magazine. BlutUndEisen. FTF nament status. Peter Fecurka, 5225 W. TX: ASL club meets regularly to play
tics Instructor, PO Box 0398, Corona, 1776, MA. Stuart Schoenberger, P.O. Reno #215, Las Vegas, NV 89118, the best game in the world. Call Matt at
CA 91718, (909) 736-Ryan. Box 510, Jamaica, NY 11435-0510, (702) 873-1975. (512) 280-8414. Matt Shostak, I 1027
co: Experienced gamer seeks oppo- (718) 262-3402. Watchful Fox Dr., Austin, TX 78748.
nents for face-to-face play in the Den- NY: TP:S opponent wanted by 28 y.o.
CLUBS UT: Looking to start a game club in
ver area. I play almost anything. David for FTF play. Anthony Burnet, PO Box co: Volunteers needed to join the SLC area. Contact John Pack at (80l)
Newport, 9821 W. Vassar Way, Lake- 1472, Massapequa, NY 11758, (516) glorious ranks of the Colorado COM- 523-0571. FTF most any AH game.
wood, CO 80227, (303) 987-0738. 731-4354. MISSARY, the area's most fun-loving John R. Pack, 1216 E. Tanova St.,
CT: Seek garners in NW CT, SW MA NY: For AH WWII-era historical simu- game club. Contact Scott Johnson, 2039 Sandy, UT 84097.
or Duchess County, NY. Play HWD, lations. Contact Ray Joel, 30 Gemini Shiloh Dr., Castle Rock, CO 80104, VA: Sunday Board Games at Fantastix
ACV, DIP or anything else except ASL. Cir., Rochester, NY 14606, (716) 247- (303) 660-2029. on Broad Street, 12-5 pm. Acquire,
Mark McLaughlin, 280 N. Elm St., 6943. FL: Join our growing gaming group in ABN, 1830, MOV, RBN. Brought to
Canaan, CT 06018, (860) 824-4774. NY: WWII Hobbyist seeks opponents Sarasota, FL. For more info call Mike you by Rage-Richmond area gaming
FL: PBM opponents for SL thru GI Bakken at (941) 355-3429, e-mail: enthusiasts. Jack Jaeger, 9518 Drayton
for most WWIl simulations. Rochester,
needed. James Woolsey, 3740 NE 4th [email protected]. Cir., Glen Allen, VA 23060.
Buffalo, Syracuse area. Ray J. Rairie,
Terr., Pompano Bch., FL 33064, (954) 5016 Medalist Rd., Sarasota, FL 34243.
30 Gemini Cir., Rochester, NY 14606,
783-5864. (716) 247-6943.
IL: Windy city wargamers meet 4 times FOREIGN
GA: PBM Alex, WAS, SOA, DEV, and a month. We play it all; ASL, A3R,
PA: Adult garners living in the S.W. VIP, DIP, monthly newsletter with Canada: Winnipeg ASL Club, Win-
Anzio. Rated or not, experience pre- PA area wanted for FTF gaming. Play ASL, VIP and DIP games. Louie nipeg, MB Canada, Contact: Jim
ferred but not mandatory. Leroy Gatch,
most board games and NPB. Tom Tokarz, 5724 W. 106 St., Chicago McLeod, Tel: (204) 783-3649, E-Mail:
Box 55376, Atlanta, GA 30308.
Semian, 316 S. Home Ave., Avalon, PA Ridge, IL 60415, (708) 857-7060. [email protected], any and all
15202, (412) 761-8794. MA: Vanguard Hobby Club meets first ASL players welcome.
know many more. Prefer ASL. Kevin
PA: Wanted, adult opponents for ASL Saturday of each month. Over 50 mem- Japan: AHIKS Asia-Australasia PBM
Knoell, 506 Chestnut St., Mountain bers. Historical board games, minia-
on weekends. Dave Shrader, 405 Old Games: DIP, CDP, BRI, REN, elV,
Home, In 83647, (208) 587-2354. tures, role-playing and cards. Michael
Airport Rd., Blairsville, PA 15717. EIA, GER, MAH, ROR, COLD. Kevin
IL: Save me! Addicted 3R4 player Powell, Easton, MA. Call (508) 324-
TX: FL, GE, LW, MD, PK, RF, WAT, Burns, 2659-4 Tsukahara, Minami
seeks FTF opponents in Chicago subur- 9815 after 7.
6th Fleet, 7th Fleet, MBT 2d Fleet, FR Ashigara Shi, Kanagawa 250-01 Japan.
ban area. Also play AFK, B'8l, BRI MD: Local players needed to maintain
'40, BB, Jutland, Shenandoah, Iron- Japan: Japans international gamers
D'77, HWR, LBG, PZB, PZL, TPS and 25 year tradition of 30-member AH
clads. John Cates, 16 Dustin La., guild PBM games: CDP, CWR, DJP,
others. Jason Fulton, 760 Bluff St., Apt. Football Strategy League. l6-game sea-
Huntsville, TX 77340, (409) 293-1446. Junta, Samurai, 1812, 1759, GER
104, Carol Stream, IL 60188, (630) son plus playoffs begin in September.
UT: Will buy: Bulge '81, G-Burg '77, Kevin Burns, 2659-4 Tsukahara,
588-1237. Don Greenwood, 1541 Redfield Rd.,
Bull Run, Panzer Armee Afrika, Chan- Minami, Ashigara Shi, Kanagawa, 250·
IL: PBM sought for WAT, DD77, Bel Air, MD 21015, (410) 893-0380.
cellorsville, Fortress Europa, Fury in 01 Japan.
GE88, and BB65. Michael Ellsworth, NC: PAW, The Piedmont Area
1117 Kiersted St., Morris, IL 60450, the West. Kevin Thomason, 261 E. Wargamers is recruiting ASL players in The Netherlands: Gaming organiza-
(815) 942-2548. 300 South, Suite 325, Salt Lake City, the NC Triad area. All levels of play tion "Het Duivelsei". Srecko Suznjevic.
IL: PBM AOR. Four week turns; UT 84111. welcome. Call for more information. My Email is
approx. 8-10 months. No fee. AREA UT: AvalonCon team members and Contact Doug Maston, 4 Three Mead- [email protected].
rated. For rules write Jared Scarborough roommates wanted-call (80l) 523-0571 ows Ct., Greensboro, NC 27455, (910) Our Homepage is at:
#1, Scarborough Rd., Payson, IL or email [email protected]. John Pack, 282-0552. http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/-ssuzn-
62360-9743. 1216 E. Tamara St., Sandy, UT 84094. NH: Nashua, LeMarsha1ate, a 20- jevlDuivelsEI.html
MA: The 'Bunker' needs ASL rein- VA: Opponents wanted for FTF CASS, year-old wargaming club looking for
forcements now! Veterans and Novices TPS, SOJ, VG Fleet Series, others. new members. Meetings in Nashua on FOR SALE
PBM Pax Brit, GOA, EIA, VG, Civil the 3rd Sat. of month. Call (603) 428-
alike wanted for both AREA rated com- FL: Civil Warrior fears flying and
War. Alex Sanders, PO Box 791, Fair- 7037 or write to PO Box 221, Hen-
petition and various playtesting. We Russians. Will swap excellent condi-
fax, VA 22030, (703) 591-0962. niker, NH 03242.
play most Saturdays, Call1Write: Vic tion: TRC, RFT for Devils Den, Little
VA: ASL gamel's of Northern Virginia NJ: Jersey Assn. of Wargamers. Meets
Provost, 1454 Northampton St., twice monthly, one Sat., one Sun. in Park Round Top. John C. Gibson, 308 SW
Holyoke, MA 01040, (413) 536-9661. can playtest new scenarios, play old
Ridge, NJ 1:00 pm-12:00 am. Historical 8th St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315.
MD: Adult FTF opponents wanted in scenarios, new players are welcome to Miniatures and Boardgames. (201) 427-
learn ASL. Jim Stahler, 7777 Willow PA: Many AH games for sale. Out of
the Eastern Shore area of MD and VA. 8340 for dates and events, or contact
I like to play A3R, TRC, BKN, W&P, Point Dr., Falls Church, VA 22042, print, unpunched. SASE for list. Henry
Dan Foley at (914) 638-1136 or Bob
1776, VITP and HWD. Rob Beyma, (703) 698-7142. W. Jones, 117 Loch Shin Dr., Moon
Dwyer @73642.3620@compuserve.
109 Brentwood Cir., Pocomoke, MD VA: Looking for FTF ASL in No. VA. com. JAG, PO Box 167, Waldwick, NJ Twp., PA 15108
21851, (410) 957-3541. 30 yr. getting back into the game. Also 07463-0167. SC: Sell/trade: wargames & mags.
MI: Looking for up to four players for FTP and TLD. Mike Panchvshyn, 714 NY: Metropolitan Wargamers Club Roger Cox, 57 Coastline Dr., Inman,
PBM FTP. GM'd scenario. Please Palmer Dr., Herndon, VA 20170, (703) Brooklyn boasts its own 2000 square SC 29349, (864) 576-5882 (leave
request side preferred if any. Also want 742-0791. foot loft for boardgames and minia- message).

GENOA: Ken Good
./"~ PARIS: George 'Bud' Sauer
?-~ VENICE: Mike Stanley

he organizer and commentator for this He's fairly quiet (always beneficial in this will bid something, I'll probably be left to

T series replay is none other than many-

time AvalonCon plaque winner and
hall-oflame inductee, Bruce Reiff Fortu-
game) and has an excellent feel for the game.
His only problem will be that Bud will imme-
diately perceive him as the leader and attack
play Paris. I do this just because I haven't
played Paris that much.

nately for these series replayers, he applies accordingly. He no doubt hopes that Mike and STANLEY
his many skills to commentary instead ofplay Bud start pounding on each other. If I had to My style of play is to bide my time and try
of this game. (There is no truth to the rumor handicap this one, I'd say that Ken is the to avoid becoming the obvious leader, because
that the odd AvalonCon '97 tournament for- favOlite to win this game. the attention of the other players is not desir-
mat for AGE OF RENAISSANCE was able. One of our group's favorite items of
designed to cut down his chances of winning Initial Card Deal. Lind Pratt-Papal Decree table talk is convincing one another how
the first plaque for this game.) (slows acquisition of advances). Ken Good-Wal- poorly we are doing and that we are not in the
This game can be played by as many as six ter the Penniless (credits toward Overland East). lead. I am going to try to pay a little more
Bud Sauer-Revolutionary Uprisings (miselY for attention to card acquisition than I have in pre-
and is a very good game for as few as three.
those with Commerce advances). Mike Stanley- vious games. In AGE OF RENAISSANCE,
We utilize the four-player format here to show Timber(commodity payoff).
you a variety of starting situations. The Eng- cards are knowledge, and knowledge is power.
No major happenings due to the opening I haven't decided on a capital I like best, so I'll
lish and Baltic Sea areas of the board are of[-
card draw. Timber is not a big enough com- make my usual bid of zero and take what's
limits to all players for the whole game. modity to hold and target during later expan-
Game action is summarized in the itali- left, preserving initial capital and the ability to
sion. Possession of Walter the Penniless win order-of-play ties. The only capital I am a
cized sections below, while player and neutral means that Ken Good should probably bid to
commentary is in normal print. little nervous about playing is Genoa, but in
play Venice or Genoa to make effective early our group someone usually takes it earlier than
-SKT use of it. later. I'd be content with Paris.


I prefer to play Barcelona or Paris. Paris is Capital Bids. Players start the game with $40 for
Pratt is a steady, competent player. His often left alone early in a four-player ganle use in bidding for capitals, buying expansion
gaming strength lies in two-player games and Barcelona has a good opening position. I tokens and purchasing ship upgrades and
such as ASL and UP FRONT. He is the least don't want Venice. Genoa is okay. Having advances. Pratt bids $3 and takes Barcelona. Good
experienced multi-player gamer in the group. Papal Decree as my first card doesn't influ- bids $1 and takes Genoa. Stanley and Sauer each
I don't expect anything too inspired from him, ence me as to which capital to choose. I will bid $0. Stanley wins the die roll and takes Venice.
but, on the other hand, I don't expect him to bid three for my capital and see what happens. Sauer takes Paris.
do anything stupid. Sauer has played this You'll notice how everyone avoided
game as much as anyone. He is a very good GOOD Paris, assuming it would be last. It really
gamer and this is a game right up his alley. I normally like to have Barcelona or isn't bad, and in a four-player game it could
Bud has one major flaw in this type of game. Genoa at the start. My prefened advances are be the winner. I actually like Paris, and
He will pound the leader incessantly-regard- in the exploration area. I will avoid Religion because everyone leaves you alone, you can
less of his own personal position. If he is in advances until forced to purchase them by generate income quickly. The other main
last place, he will pound the leader and no one someone else. Beyond this, play will be dic- point about playing Paris is that you should
else. This does usually manage to move the tated by the cards and since my opening draw never buy Galleys. The other three capitals
leader down, but put someone else in front- was Walter, I will look for a quick purchase will be spending $10 a turn for ship
leaving Bud just as far behind. This may be of Overland East making Genoa and Venice upgrades, while you'll get a head start on the
his downfall. Stanley is the newest member of the most likely starting choices. I will bid one Commerce advances by buying Caravan on
the group and sometimes has a harder time for my capital since Bud normally bids zero. the first turn. Then when no one is looking,
with the constant diplomacy that goes on you buy Seaworthy vessels to swiftly swing
when we play. Any multi-player game has SAUER into contention for those valuable areas in
diplomacy, we just take it to the extreme. My opponents are good gamers. Ken is the the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea
Mike is, however, able to realize that pound- biggest threat, being able at doing the most areas. Paris allows you to look like you're
ing the leader is not always to his benefit, with the least. Lind will sneak in if you let behind early, then surge past the leaders in
especially if Bud is going to do it for him. him and Mike is the least experienced at this mid-game. The capitals who expand east the
Mike does not yet have a full grasp of the game and should be less of a threat. The fastest will be perceived as the early leaders.
game and, in AGE OF RENAISSANCE, that is riches lie in the East. You must dominate the You can't fault Ken on his choice of Genoa,
a recipe for at least one big mistake which Spice and Silk routes in the end to win. I think as Paris is not conducive to early use of
will come back to haunt him. Good is proba- Barcelona is in the best position. I will bid Overland East, but Lind or Mike might be
bly the best multi-player gamer of the group. zero and, because most of the other players sorry for passing over Paris.
Allocation of Cash and Tokens. 1\ "'Icc and a GENOA Central Europe, collect my income and wait
number will indicate a number of tokens purchased In, the division of the peninsula, I offer fot the moment to strike.
or utilized during the expansion. The number of Venice domination of Rome and Naples, with
tokens simultaneously and secretly purchased virtually worthless Stone, in exchange for TURN 1
determines order of play (least tokens to most). Florence and its more useful Cloth. He Draw Card Phase. Barcelona-Mysticism
Listed in order of play: Barcelona T13 $24.
accepts and lam happy. Abounds (a misery-inducing cardfor those lacking
Venice (wins order-of-play ties with Genoac--due to the science advances). Venice-ClothlWine.
choosing a capital later-and chooses to go sec- Genoa-Silk. Paris-Wool.
ond) T16 $24.. Genoa T16 $23. Paris Tl7 $23.
Note that player capital bids have been deducted I agree to Genoa's offer with the mental Buy Card/Discard. Phase. Nobody has the
reservation that I'll take Florence anyway if I advances (Urban Ascendancy or Master Art)
such that not all players had $4() to divide between
pull the ClothlWine card. required to perform either action.
tokens and cash.
Play Card Phase. Barcelona-None. Venice-
IU\BCIELONA PARIS None. Genoa-None. Paris-Wool (no effect), Rev-
While I start ina good position, I must get Nobody even offers to talk to Paris. Looks olutionary Uprisings (nd effect, because nobody
like I'll just be quiet, sit back, and gobble up has had a chance to buy Commerce advances).
off to a fast start.
I'm not sure why Barcelona didn't play
Mysticism Abounds. He obviously doesn't
want the misery going too high, but to avoid
the $2 misery stabilization cost of holding the
cllrd, I would play it. I'm also not sure why
Venice didn't play the Timber card. He's
,holding it to play next turn and collect his $3,
butit's costing him $2 (a net gain of $1). Fur-
thermore, by playing it later, he gives Paris a
$3 gain. Nat a very wise use of resources.
Paris, on.. the other hand, makes a wise move
by playing the Wool card before Barcelona
has a chance to gather all nearby Wool
Purchase Phase
Barcelona: Galley 2 ($10) and $3 for stabiliza-
tion. (in this game, the holding of cards is an
obstruction of trade that increases the misery
of your people; but you may make a stabiliza-
tionpayment to avoid the misery increase-
acting sort of like a tax cut or social subsidy-
or the ancient tradition of handing out bread
and holding circuses).
Venice:' Galley 2 ($10) and $3 for stabilization.
Genoa: Galley 2 ($10) and $3 for stabilization.
'Paris: Caravan advance. ($20)-which allows him
to expand overland at a range of two provinces
from prior locations; Paris holds no cards and
need not choose between misery or stabilization
ExPansion Phase
The new domination circle ° indicates successful
establishment of domination markers. The new
presence square CI indicates occupation of a
support area. The.token placements not so iden-
tified leave unfilled areas or are failed attacks.
Competition die rolls are shown in black-white-
colored order.
Barcelona: 2T Granada 0, 3T Toledo 0, 2T
Valencia 0, 2T Basque 0, 2T Montpelier 0, IT
Toulouse 0, IT Palma O.
Venice:4TFlorence m, 3T Milan 0, 4TVienna 0,
2T Belgrade 0, 3T Dubrovnik 0.
Buys a card for 3T (Ivory/Gold), 4T Lyon
0, 5TMarseilles 0, 3TRome, IT Naples.
Paris: 4T Bordeaux 0, 3T Dijon 0, 3T Nuremberg
0, 4T Cologne 0, 3T Basel 0.
Expansion· bonus card: Three players created five
new domination markers, but Barcelona went first
in the tum and therefore wins the tie and draws the
bonus card. given to the player who creates the
most new domination markers in a turn. It is a
Stone card.
Oh well. At least, the bonus draw was
costIess and can be easily dumped prior to any
misery/stabilization costs.
Venice takes Florence, violating his agree- also. I must upgrade my galley to four move- NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
ment and making an enemy. I can't say that I ment so that I can attack Salonika, if indeed I think Venice is jumping the gun here
blame him, given that he drew the Cloth card. he is in my way. This will also get me into with the play of the Enlightened Ruler. Save
Some may question why Genoa did not take Tripoli for the Ivory and well on the way to it for next tum, when you have something to
dominance of Rome, using the token he the Middle East. The Cloth money available protect. Paris can't use the Rebellion against
placed in Naples. There's a very good rea- to Venice will hurt, but I feel it's more Venice now, but could use it against a Venet-
son-he needs Naples as a base for expansion important to plan for the long-term right now ian Cloth province prior to Venice's payoff
next turn. With the token in Naples and a Gal- rather than fighting over the Cloth cities. next tum. Barcelona is right about the bull's
ley 4 he will be able to get to Crete and eye. I question placing the domination marker
Salonika and, more importantly, Tripoli next NEUTRAL COMMENTARY in Alexandria though. Cairo would allow him
turn. This was a good move to forego a little Surely Genoa did hear about Venice's to take both Alexandria and Suez this turn.
extra income for better expansion next tum. expansion plans. Does Venice not see that I'm also not sure why he played Papal Decree
[Bruce hasn't yet taken of/the gloves. I'd fourth Cloth staring him in the face in this turn. He can't know about Walter the
take the players to task more for not utilizing Tunis?!? If he doesn't and if Genoa moves Penniless, and only Venice has enough
earlier, that will cost Venice the $35 gain for money to buy Overland East. I might have
their cash better. By having only three tokens
having the fourth province. However, judg- waited a turn, but it does keep his opponents
for Rome, Genoa cost himself a $4 income
ing by his token bid, he must not see this sit- out of the Black Sea area and next turn
payment that only required $1 more to claim.
uation. If I were Venice, I would have bid Barcelona can get Overland East to join the
Admittedly, Genoa committed to a deal that scramble.
seven to move early and take Tunis and
fell through, but he probably should not have
Budapest, or ten to take Tunis, Budapest and Purchase Phase
promised Naples to Venice anyway, because card. Paris is also wisely planning ahead for Venice: Ship upgrade to Gailey 4 ($10), The Heav-
he has to get moving south and east rapidly to Seaworthy Vessels. ens advance ($30) which allows transit of one
survive in this game. The moral of the story~ sea, stabilization ($1).
never trust Venice to give you Florence. The Paris: Stabilization ($1).
TURN 2 Barcelona: Ship upgrade to Galley 4 ($10), Car-
more questionable play is Paris' decision to Draw Card Phase. Venice~Enlightened Ruler
hold $3 (for stabilization costs) when he avan advance ($20), stabilization ($1).
(a temporary inoculation against disasters).
Genoa: Ship upgrade to Galley 4 ($10). He can't
surely should have expected to dump one Paris-Rebellion (a disaster to inflict upon an pay the $10 stabilization fee, so his misery index
card, giving him $2 to allocate for tokens to enemy). Barcelona-The Crusades (an instant moves up one box. The misery index boxes start
take St. Malo (earning $4 instantly). This $2 ride to the Middle East, with the side effects of off with small steps of 10 points each, then in
oversight is the kind of error that leaves a religious"conformity misery and the perception stages escalate to 25 each, 50 and 100 until mis-
of being the leader of the western world). ery reaches above 1000 and knocks a player out
player a penny short, a minute late and very Genoa-Stirrups (a temporary advantage in
sorry in this game.-SKT] of the game. The first few steps seem inconse-
market competitions and war). quential, but too many such oversights can lead
Income Phase. In a four-player game, each Play Card Phase to eventual disaster, because every player suf-
player collects $15 plus $4 for each domination Venice-Timber (pays fers the effects (!f misery-inducing cards. The
marker, including the starting capital. Barcelona Venice $3 and Paris game requires a balance between expansion,
$39, Venice $39, Genoa $27, Paris $39. A surplus $3), Enlightened Ruler advances and misery management.
of Cloth exists (Venice pays $2 for controlling the (played to protect NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
most Cloth trade) and a shortage of Wine exists against retaliation Now I see why Barcelona went to Alexan-
(no player has the majority necessary to draw a from unfi'iendly
dria. He can use the Caravan ability to expand
free card). Genoa).
Paris-None. and he.must want the head start on Industry.
Allocation of Cash and Tokens. Venice 8T $40, Barcelona-Papal Decree However, I would have spent the $20 on
Paris llT $31, Barcelona 16T $34, Genoa 20T (banning purchases of Urban Ascendancy instead.
$17. Exploration advances), [It is important to interject that each AGE
Stone (pays Barcelona $1, Paris $1 and Venice OF RENAISSANCE playing takes on the
VENICE $4), The Crusades (placing. in Alexandria flavor of the player's tendencies. Tastes in
I bid eight tokens to dominate Sicily and and increasing misery one box to 10). Bruce's group run toward buying cards
Crete before Genoa does. He's going to be Genoa-None.
rapidly-hence his seemingly odd suggestion
unhappy, but I need to stay ahead of him and regarding Urban Ascendancy. 1n some
assure my expansion. This is unlike me and aspects of this game, you cannot let others do
I declined to pay to remove the Cloth sur-
makes me nervous-maybe I should have something without response, because the
plus or Wine shortage. I control the card for
chosen Paris. I'll also take my third Cloth in advantage will grow ominously as the game
both commodities and I want to get a third
Budapest. continues. In other aspects, you may want to
Cloth province before playing it.
PARIS not follow the example of the leader, in order
PARIS to filJd a shortcut to catching up. l've played
I need to save money to buy the Seaworthy
I have no reason to anger anyone, yet. I'll with other groups where Civics are the last of
Vessels advance. If! take the four areas avail-
hold the Rebellion. the six groups of advances that are acquired
able to me with my eleven tokens, my income
and, within Civics, Nationalism might be
will be $55. This plus my cash will get me to
BARCELONA given priority over Urban Ascendancy (after
the $80 I need.
The Crusades card is a mixed blessing- all, there are many ways to get an extra card).
BARCELONA it gives me an early start in the Middle East, One beauty of this game is replayability-
I need to make sure that I buy a Galley 4 but paints a big bull's eye on my forehead: there are many paths to victory and what may
and get to Tunis if possible. "I'm the leader, shoot at me." work in one context will fail utterly n another
context, especially with players doing very
GENOA GENOA different things. Of course, this makes
Venice will probably attempt to move It would have been nice to be able to play Bruce's commentary job here all that much
before me in an attempt to get to Tunis to Walter the Penniless this tum and to get harder, because a novice will have difficulty
strengthen his domination of the Cloth trade. Overland East, but the Pope, in his infinite following the nuances of a given strong or
This means he will most likely take Salonika wisdom,' has decreed otherwise. weak play-SKT]
Expansion Phase NEUTRAL COMMENTARY Venice two boxes to
Venice: 2T Sicily 0, 3T Crete 0, 3T Budapest 0. Everyone's plans seem solid at this point. 20, Paris three boxes
Paris: 2T St. Malo 0, 2T Prague 0, 3T Strasbourg Maybe by not taking the fourth Cloth to 30, Barcelona three
0, 4T Bruges 0. boxes to 40, Genoa
province, Mike, however accidentally, has four boxes to 50).
Barcelona: 3T Seville 0, 3T Lisbon 0, 4T Cairo
0, 3T Suez 0, 3T buys card (War). prevented himself from being perceived as Genoa-Walter the Pen-
Genoa: 1T Rome 0, 4T Naples 0, 2T Salonika 0, the leader. With the purchase of Seaworthy niless, Stirrups, 1vory/
2T Algiers 0, 4T Tunis 0, 2T Tripoli 0, 4T Vessels that dubious distinction will pass to Gold (as Ivory to pay
Sicily (attacking Venice's market, but losing 2-4- Paris. The real question is, who will start up Genoa $10 and
6), 1T Bari O. the Religious Advance ladder, setting off the Barcelona $10).
Genoa created the most new domination markets stampede? VENICE
and gets the bonus card (Armor, another tempo- [This ugly issue is certain to rear its
rary military advantage).
Rashid ad Din goes nicely with my Over-
head early with this crowd. 1 say ugly, land East plans.
because Religion is the odd category in
which the advances do you virtually no good NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
I can't believe Venice or Barcelona did-
if others have them, and their acquisition I completely disagree with the play of
n't take Tunis! I have to grab it! Rather than
causes misery to your people. In a perfect Ivory now. Why not wait a turn and collect
put the last token down in a satellite world, religious tolerance would reign and
province, I'll just not play it in case I need it also for Cairo (an additional $30)? Or wait
players could focus on what really helps another two turns and get the Ivory in West
for expansion later. their people. However, the advantages of Africa as well and to collect a total of $90.
NEUTRAL COMMENTARY catching somebody by surprise when they This seems to be a bit shortsighted to me.
Venice doesn't see Tunis!! If I were can't keep up will usually drive somebody to [Perhaps the misery of the famine is making
Barcelona, I might have passed up Lisbon and start the Religious intolerance. Genoa think twice about incurring any unnec-
taken Tripoli, using my last token to get to Some groups ofplayers love Religion, while essary misery penalties or stabilization costs
Acre (for more opportunities next turn). Yet, others avoid it unless this issue is forced. The for holding cards too long. Food riots do lead
Barcelona is being conservative and is doing interesting thing about the Holy Indulgence to rash moments in thinking.-SKT]
quite well. advance is that you don't lose much money by
not following the masses (pun intended)-yet Purchase Phase
Venice has just realized his mistake and is Venice: Ship upgrade to Galley 6 ($10), Patronage
contemplating suicide. most players panic and rush to spend $60 to advance ($30 plus misery increase to 30), (At
counteract the problem. You absolutely cannot this point, Venice starts to buy Overland East,
Income Phase. Venice $51, Paris $55, Barcelona allow others to have the Cathedral advance but realizes that if he buys Written Record first,
$59, Genoa $51. A shortage of both Timber (no without you, though.-SKT] he'll get Overland Eastfor Free) Written Record
majority) and Wine (Barcelona has the Wine advance ($20 due to $10 credit from Rashid ad
majority and gets a free card-PirateslVikings, a Din), Overland East advance (for free because
disaster to inflict upon your enemies). Patronage allows use of Walter the Penniless
credit along with Rashid ad Din credit, both of
Allocation of Cash and Tokens. Venice 7T $50,
which are increased by $10 by Written Record),
Paris 8T $81, Barcelona 13T $50, Genoa 16T $42.
Urban Ascendancy advance ($20) which allows
buying an extra card with cash, no stabilization
I plan to buy Overland East and establish a Paris: Seaworthy Vessel advance ($80, moving
presence in area V. I'll need to move early. ship counter to Carrack 10), Urban Ascendancy
Hence, I only allocate 7T. That extra $35 for ::r>. advance ($20), no money for stabilization (mis-
Cloth would have been nice. ery increases to 40).
A."": Barcelona: Ship upgrade to Galley 6 ($10),
PARIS '1/ Patronage advance ($30 plus misery increase to
I'll get Seaworthy Vessels for $80, leaving 50), Overland East advance ($20 due to credit
me $11 to direct elsewhere. I want to move from Walter due to free Patronage), no money
early and buy the card with only three expan- for stabilization (misery increases to 60).
sion tokens, so I'll bid low. Genoa: Ship upgrade to Galley 6 ($10), The Heav-
ens advance ($30), Overland East advance ($20
BARCELONA using creditfrom Walter), stabilization ($6).
I will continue to expand in the east, but ENIC
since Venice and Genoa can get there, I'm not

Good thing I caught myself on the order of
sure how I'll fare. I'd also like to take Fez. purchases. I almost threw away $10.
[That Timber province does tend to get over-
looked by Barcelona for awhile in many a _1&L-~---"""'~_~~~Ilao<X>""--42,; NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
game without the London player, especially if I bet Genoa wishes he had protected Wal-
Bordeaux has been ceded to Paris.-SKT] TURN 3 ter the Penniless from patronage. [Unpro-
Draw Card Phase. Venice-Rashid ad Din (cred- tected leader cards can be utilized by any
GENOA player with the Patronage advance. However,
its for Written Record and Overland East). Paris-
I must use Walter the Penniless this turn to the player of the leader may cover the card
Spice. Barcelona-Famine (misery only alleviated
get Overland East. A lack of money is hurting with money-a sort ofpayment for the right to
by Grain and Improved Agriculture). Genoa-Fur.
(always a problem for Genoa), but I won't be sell a license to use the "discoveries" of the
perceived as the leader and abused. If Cloth is Play Card Phase historical personage depicted by the leader
played, I will get an extra $20. Can I chance Venice-ClothlWine (as Cloth to pay Venice $45, card. The coverage money can be high or low
it? Venice will probably play it, so I will buy Genoa $20, Paris $20), Rashid ad Din (into the depending upon the player's decision. Any
plenty of tokens to expand a lot and go for first box, protecting it from patronage claims). players wanting use of the card must pay the
area V. I can't risk losing Tripoli before cash- Paris-none. player of the leader the coverage money.
ing it, so I will cash the Ivory card now. I will Barcelona-PirateslVikings (on Venice in Crete Here, Genoa didn't expect his opponents to
also use Stirrups now, just in case. reducing it to IT), Famine (miselY increases: be able to or want to redirect their purchase
plans to buy both Patronage and Written cities. With most of my money still in cash, Genoa: Ship upgrade to Galley 8 ($10), stabiliza-
Record.-SKT} I'm a prime target for Alchemist's Gold, tion ($6).
which we haven't seen yet.
Venice: 2T Tana 0, 2T Varna 0, IT Abasgia 0, BARCELONA If I were Barcelona, I would have pur-
IT Kaffa 0, IT Gallipoli 0. I'm doing okay right now. Genoa's 36T bid chased Holy Indulgence, but Barcelona has
Paris: 3T Cyprus 0, 2T West Africa 0, 3T for a doesn't bode well. Perhaps he needs a civil been playing a conservative game and is prob-
card (Dionysus Exiguous~credits towards war.... ably trying to get on advance in each category
Written Record). (a "tier") to begin the process of reducing his
Barcelona: 5T Acre 0, 4T Aleppo 0, 2T Fez 0,
IT Levant 0, IT Jerusalem O. I've got $45 left and am going to buy Holy misery.
Genoa, attacking with Stirrups: 3T Erzerum 0, 3T Indulgence-there will be howls all around With Venice's purchase of Holy Indul-
Varna (facedown satellites don't yet count, 6-3- the table. A favorite comment in this group is gence, let the whining commence!
1 wins), 3T Tana (2-4-1 loses) 0, 4T Valencia "I hate holy indulgence."
(vs. satellite of Palma; 2-3-6 loses), 3T Tana I need to get more cards. GENOA
(can try again due to Galley 6 ship capacity; 5- I loathe every Religious purchase except
2-5 wins) 0. GENOA Patronage. These are the only purchases that
The expansion bonus card goes to Barcelona Having Fur, Silk and Armor, I will bid all
force you to buy in response to them. I feel
(Civil War-a particularly nasty disaster to my tokens in an attempt to dominate the Fur
inflict upon an enemy). and Silk trade. Paris may get Ocean Naviga- that Holy Indulgence should cost $90, so that
tion, but if he does I will catch him next tum. it doesn't happen until later in the game.
VENICE If Paris buys Holy Indulgence, which he likes
I want to protect my new provinces, so I to do, I will have plenty of tokens after tithing.
will forgo the card for another province.
Besides, with other provinces open, maybe NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
I'm not sure I agree with Paris. You just
Genoa will leave me be.
bought Seaworthy Vessels and you're not
going to start using it? With only 4T, he might
as well have bought something else. Genoa's
I thank you Paris for Acre. With
strategy is strong, and with a few good dice he
this bonus card, I see unrest coming
will have a big payday next turn.
in the east!
NEUTRAL COMMENTARY Draw Card Phase. Paris-Wool, Barcelona-
If I were Venice, I'd take the Alchemist's Gold (a disaster to halve an enemy's
card. It isn't often that you can buy cash), Venice-Metal, Genoa-Charlemagne
a card for three tokens. The other (credit toward Nationalism).
choice is taking Erzerum with the Buy Card Phase. Paris pays $10 (draws Stone).
3T. Venice has chosen to play Venice declines.
defense. Defense may win Super PARIS
Bowls, but not this game. The Wool draw is a comfort, but $10 for
What? Paris has the Spice card Stone? Gee, what a bargain, I say dripping
but doesn't use his ST to take Acre! with sarcasm.
It's going to cost him lOT to attack
later and he's just seen both the NEUTRAL COMMENTATARY
Wine and Ivory cards played! This I usually urge buying a card, but with Holy
play baffles me, certainly the $4 of Indulgence on the line, I agree with Venice's
income from the additional domi- choice.
nation marker doesn't justify this Play Card Phase
action. Paris-Rebellion (reducing Genoa's valuable
Erzerum Silk trade dominance. to _), Dionysus
As Genoa, I might have been tempted to Exiguous (protected from patronage), Stone Turn 4 Expansion: Barcelona's earlier Crusade
'fill the vacuum' by taking all of the unoccu- (pays Paris $4, Barcelona $1, Venice $4 and put her into the markets of the Near East first, but
pied provinces available (also getting the Genoa $4). Genoa compensates by moving last to ensure pos-
bonus expansion card), rather than rolling Barcelona-Alchemist's Gold (on Paris who loses session of the key commodities of Silk and Fur, for
competition dice. However, Genoa is playing $30), Civil War (reducing Genoa province to_; which he holds the payout cards.
aggressively and wants to cash in his big Genoa chooses to lose $16 rather than 18T;
Genoa's misery increases to 60). Expansion Phase
commodity cards.
Venice-None. Due to Holy Indulgence, Paris, Barcelona and
Income Phase. Venice $47, Paris $63, Genoa-Armor. Genoa each lose two expansion tokens, while
Barcelona $71, Genoa $63. Timber Shortage, Purchase Phase Venice gains six.
Fur Surplus (Genoa pays $2). Paris: Written Record advance Paris: 2T Smyrna 0.
($10 with credit from Barcelona: 4T Constantinople 0, 2T Angora 0,
Allocation of Cash and Tokens. Paris 4T $60, Dionysus), stabilization 4T Trebizond 0.
Barcelona 12T $59, Venice 17T $45, Genoa 36T ($3). Venice: 3T buys a card (St. Benedict, credit for
$31. Barcelona: Urban Ascen- Written Record and Patronage), 2T Crete 0, 2T
dancy advance ($20), Poti 0, 4T Granada (4-4-4 loses), 4T Fez (4-1-
PARIS Written Record
I wins) 0, 4T Smyrna (1-5-6 wins) 0, 4T
I bid 4T to keep my cash and to keep advance ($30), stabi-
lization ($3). Angora (2-1-1 wins) 0.
Genoa from going first and buying off the Venice: Holy Indulgence Genoa, attacking with Armor: 4T rejuvenates
Fur Surplus. It will be someone else's job to advance ($40; misery Genoa 0, 2T rejuvenates Erzerum 0, 4T Valen-
stop him next turn. With his 36T bid, he'll be increases to 40), stabi- cia (vs. Satellite; 6-6-6 wins due to Armor win-
going all out to hit the Silk and Fur trade lization ($1). ning the tie) 0, 8T Aleppo (vs. Satellite; 4-2-4
wins) 0, 5T Basel (2-1-6 wins) 0, 3T Sicily (4- Research), Venice-Timber, Barcelona-Silk, NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
2-3 wins) 0, 3T Belgrade 2-5-3 loses). 1T Kaffa Paris-Timber. ... And one with which I disagree! Either
(1-4-3 loses). IT Kamishin 0, iT Bari O. save your money and get a better advance
The expansion bonus card goes to Genoa. No cards Buy Card Phase. Venice and Barcelona decline.
Paris buys (Wool).
next tum (Cathedral or Seaworthy Vessels for
remain in the Epoch 1 deck, so the Epoch 2 deck example), or start up the chain of Commerce
plus the recyclable cards from Epoch 1 are shuf-
PARIS advauces!
fled. Genoa gets Gunpowder.
Another wretched card purchase! Expansion Phase
VENGCE As the only non-conformist, Paris loses six tokens
Play Card Pha~e
As I start my expausiou with 23T aud due to Holy Indulgence, while Genoa, Venice
Genoa-Charlemagne (protected from Patronage),
uobody has bought a card for 3T, I will do that Silk (pays Genoa $128), Fur (pays Genoa $63), and Barcelona each gain two tokens. All attacks
first iu case it's a commodity that I cau reach. Gunpowder. against Genoese posses-
Theu I'll try and pick off proviuces of size Venice-None. sions require one extra
three or less (I only have a Galley 6). Bai'celona-Mysticism token due to Gunpowder.
Abounds (misery Genoa: 5T East Indies 0,
increases: Barcelona 2T Sarai 0.
NEUTRAL COMMENTARY Venice: 4T Granada (3-2-4
Hey, Veuice, what about Kiev aud the four boxes to 100. Paris
four boxes to 80, Genoa wins) 0, JOT Lyon (vs.
Graiu?! Nationalism, 5-6-3 wins
Iucredibly, Geuoa gets all three of the three boxes to 90 and
Venice three boxes to due to Proselytism) 0,
weapou cards that have appeared. That ought 70). 3T buys card (Johann
to eugeuder a bit of euvy when it is discov: Paris-Timber (in surplus pays Venice $12). Gutenberg, credit towards Printed Word).
ered by the others. Barcelona: 5T Valencia (6-1-6 wins) 0, 4T
Granada (6-5-1 wins) 0, 5T Salonika (1-6-4
Income Phase. Paris $59, Barcelona, $67, Venice
GENOA loses), 7T Erzerum (5-3-4 wins) 0, 1T Libya O.
$63, Genoa $79. Wine surplus, Timber surplus I'll play Gunpowder as a defense from the Paris: 5T Salonika (6-2-5 wins) 0, 4T Smyrna (4-
(Venice pays $3). coming attacks! 6-1 loses), 4T Smyrna again (4-2-6 wins) 0, 5T
Algiers (4-3-5 wins) 0, ST Basque (vs. satellite,
Allocation of Cash and Tokens. Genoa 5T $77, 3-3-5 loses), 5T Basque (vs. Satellite; 2-4-5
Venice 15T $53, Barcelona 20T $54, Paris 36T I shall uot waste the Timber card with the loses), 1T Leon 0, iT St. Gali O.
$34. surplus in effect. The expansion bonus card goes to Barcelona
(William Caxton, credit for Printed Word).
I must go first iu order to play Silk aud Fur So much for usiug the War card against GENOA
before some disaster strikes. I pIau ou pur" Genoa. GunpOWder makes the risk too great. I get another province thanks to Paris!
chasiug Oceau Navigatiou, so I waut to get a I'll play it next time and maybe he will give
domiuauce marker overseas aud cousequeutly me a Silk [dream on]. I play Mysticism
bid 5T. Also, I will use Charlemagne. After Proselytism pays off! !
Aboullds now that the Epoch 2 shuffle has
this tum, I'll probably look like the leader and passed and this won't be back until the third NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
get hammered by everyoue. deck now. Well, Venice's Religious mania isn't a
total waste. The purchase of Proselytism just
VENiCE NEUTRAL COMMENTARY saved him ten tokens, but I still wouldn't have
I'm tryiug to balauce expansiou with oue Paris' dumping of the Timber is a smart bought it.
or two advauces a tum. It looks as if Geuoa play, given that the surplus reduces its value
will cash iu commodities iu a big way. I really to Venice by $15 and Venice has already Income Phase. Genoa $67, Venice $63, Barcelona
cau't do much about it though. $75, Paris $71. Grain shortage, Fur surplus
lost the chance to play his Timber (which
(Genoa pays $3).
he'd love to do, now that demand has elim-
BARCELONA Allocation of Cash and Tokens. Barcelona 4T
inated the surplus).
I was hit pretty hard aud lost four ceuters. $82, Genoa lOT $71, Venice 22T $50, Paris, 36T
I'd like to play the War card ou Geuoa this Purchase Phase $43.
tum. It wou't stop him from cashiug in big Genoa: Holy Indulgence advance ($60
this tum if he does have Fur aud Silk, but at and misery increases to 100), Seawor- BARcELONA
least it could slow dowu his iucome. thy Vessel advance ($60; ship to Car- Four tokens will allow me to hit a Silk with-
rack ],0), Ocean Navigation ($100; out giving away the fact I have Silk. I need to
PARIS ship to box i of the Ocean shipping go to war with Genoa, but I am not sure I can
I bid 36T to payoff the Holy Indulgellce dioplay), Nationalism advance ($30
with him getting a + I on the dice.
with credit from Charlemagne) which
that everyone is going to buy, but that will Genoa: My plans are just to continue my
increases strength in competition in
still leave me with 30T to go after some home area, stabilization ($1). overseas expansion and try and stay out in
iucome. Uulike many games you dou't get to Venice: Proselytism advance which in- front.
roll the dice that often alld I'm goiug through creases attack effectiveness ($50 and
"dice withdrawal." Time to feed the hUllger. I misery increases to 80), stabilization
do hope someoue bids low aud stops Genoa. ($6). I've got $50 left over. With the Timber
Barcelona: Holy Indulgence advance card, I'll be able to buy Seaworthy Vessels to
NEUTRAL COMMENTARY ($40 and misery increases to 125), help get a few more provinces.
Everyoue's plaus seem solid. I agree with stabilization ($3).
Paris-forego Holy Iudulgeuce aud take Paris: Ship upgrade to Carrack 12 PARIS
some proviuces! Geuoa's right, after this tum, ($10), stabilization ($6). Since I have two Wool cards, I'll go ahead
he's the obvious leader! and go all out for Wool provinces. It's not a
big payoff, but it's all I've got.
TURNS An aggressive purchase, but it
Draw Card Phase. Genoa-Nicholas Copernicus could help me when I attack Metal
(credit for The Heavens and Institutional this tum. ~~~~~ (Continued on p.35)
Markers Information layout Bentonville-Union Shiloh-Union
13 Breastwork/Entrenchment 1st column is # of counters 1 XIV Corps-Davis 2 1 1st Div Tenn-McClernand ?
5 ConfederatelUnion Control 2nd column is counter description 1 1/1/XIV 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 0805 1 1/1 5-6-4 3-5-4 a 1711
1 Union Combat Phase 3rd column is full strength value 1 2/1/XIV 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 0605 1 2/1 3-4-4 2-3-4 a 1409
1 Confederate Combat Phase 4th column is reduced strength value 1 3/1/XIV 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 1108 1 3/1 4-5-4 2-4-4 a 1210
1 Game Turn if any 1 1/2/XIV 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 1109 1 1 3-6-3 1-3-3 a 1409
Note: 5th column is morale 1 2/2/XIV 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 1209 1 2nd Div Tenn-WHL Wallace ?
All units with MA of 4 are infantry 6th column is turn and area of entry or 1 3/2/XIV 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 1110 1 1/2 4-5-4 2-4-4 a 2018
All units with MA of 6 are cavalry or setup hex 1 1/3/XIV 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 * 1 2/2 4-5-4 2-4-4 a 2213
horse artillery
1 2/3/XIV 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 * 1 3/2 8-9-4 5-7-4 a 2216
All units with MA of 3 are artillery
1 XIV 4-8-3 2-4-3 +1 0909 1 2 3-6-3 1-3-3 a 2517
Bull Run - Union Pea Ridge-Union 1 XX Corps-Williams 2 1 3rd Div Tenn-Lew Wallace 10
1 1st Division-Tyler 1 1 Independent 1 1 1/1/XX 2-2-4 1-2-4 +1 * 1 1/3 4-5-4 2-4-4 a 10B
1 1/1 7-11-4 3-7-4 -1 1B 1 24th Mo 0-1-4 a 3205 1 2/1/XX 2-2-4 1-2-4 +1 * 1 2/3 4-5-4 2-4-4 a 10B
1 2/1 5-8-4 2-5-4 -1 1B 1 Bussey 1-2-6 0-1-6 a 10 1 3/1/XX 2-2-4 1-2-4 +1 1006 1 3/3 4-5-4 2-4-4 a 10B
1 3/1 8-12-4 4-8-4 -1 1B 1 Bowen 0-1-6 a 4C 1 1/3/XX 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 * 1 3 1-3-3 0-2-3 a 10B
1 1 Art 3-6-3 1-3-3 -1 1B 1 Indep 1-2-3 a 4C 1 2/3/XX 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 * 1 4th Div Tenn-Hurlbut ?
1 1st Division-Hunter 1 Paten 2-2-4 1-1-4 a 12C 1 3/3/XX 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 * 1 1/4 4-6-4 2-4-4 -1 1415
(Should be 2nd Div.) 2 1 1st Division-Osterhaus 1 1 XX 4-8-3 2-4-3 +1 * 1 2/4 5-7-4 2-5-4 -1 1814
1 1/2 7-11-4 3-7-4 -1 2A 1 Greusel 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 10 18 Total 1 3/4 3-5-4 1-3-4 -1 1417
1 2/2 5-8-4 2-5-4 -1 2A 1 Osterhaus 2-3-3 1-2-3 +1 10 1 4 1-4-3 0-2-3 -1 1418
1 2 Art 2-5-3 1-3-3 -1 2A 1 2nd Division-Asboth 6 Bentonville-Confederate 1 5th Div Tenn-Sherman ?
1 3rd Division-Heintzelman 3 1 Schaefer 1-1-4 - a 60 1 D. H. Hill's Corps 1 1/5 3-5-4 1-3-4 -1 1105
1 1/3 6-10-4 3-6-4 -1 3A 1 Asboth 1-2-3 - a 60 1 Sharpl 1 2/5 2-4-4 1-2-4 -1 0717
1 2/3 5-7-4 2-5-4 -1 3A 1 3rd Division-Davis 4 Coltart 3-3-4 2-2-4 a 0803 1 3/5 3-5-4 1-3-4 -1 100r
1 3/3 6-10-4 3-6-4 -1 5A 1 White 2-2-4 1-1-4 a 40 Brantlyl 1 4/4 3-5-4 1-3-4 -1 1107
1 3 Art 2-4-3 1-2-3 -1 3A 1 Pattison 2-2-4 1-1-4 a 40 Coltart 2-2-4 1-1-4 a 1004 1 5 2-5-3 1-3-3 -1 0908
14 Total 1 Oavis 2-4-3 1-2-3 a 40 Pettusl 1 6th Div Tenn-Prentiss ?
1 4th Division-Carr 1 Stevensn 2-2-4 1-1-4 a 0904 1 1/6 6-7-4 4-6-4 a 0709
Bull Run - Confederate 1 Oodge 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 4312 1 2/6 5-6-4 3-5-4 a 0611
1 Army of the Potom-Beauregd 2 1 Vandever 1-1-4 0-1-4 +1 3C
Stevensn 2-2-4 1-1-4 a 0704
1 6 1-3-3 0-2-3 a 0611
1 Cocke A 4-6-4 2-4-4 -1 3816 1 Carr 2-4-3 1-2-3 1 Hardee's Corps 1
+1 2C 1 Gunboats 9
1 Govanl
1 Cocke B 4-6-4 2-4-4 -1 4318 1 Right Wing-Sigel 8 1 Lexington 2-5-15 1-3-15 a 90
1 Evans 2-3-4 1-2-4 a 3912 1 Coler 3-4-4 2-3-4 a 8C/O
Brown 3-3-4 2-2-4 a 1A
1 Tyler 2-5-15 1-3-15 a 90
1 Potomc A 1-2-3 a 3818 1 Sigel 1-2-3 a 8C/O
Brown 3-3-4 2-2-4 a 1A
1 Army of the Ohio-Buell 10
1 Potomc B 1-2-3 a 7C 23 Total
1 4/2 4-5-4 2-4-4 a 11 C
1 Hampton 2-2-4 1-1-4 a 30 1 5/2 6-7-4 4-6-4 a 11 C
Pea Ridge-Confederate Anderson 2-2-4 H-4 a 1A
1 Early 6-9-4 3-6-4 -1 70
Elliott! 1 6/2 7-8-4 4-7-4 a 11 C
2 Missouri State Guard-Price 1
1 Army of the Shenan-Johnston 1
5-8-4 2-5-4 -1
Anderson 2-2-4 1-1-4 a 1A 1 2 1-2-3 a 11 C
7-8-4 4-7-4 a 1 Price 1B
1 Bee 1C Harrisonl 1 10/4 3-4-4 2-3-4 a 10C
4-5-4 2-4-4 a 1 Little 2-4-4 1-2-4 -1 1B
1 Bartow 1C Walthall 2-2-4 1-1-4 a 1A 1 19/4 3-4-4 2-3-4 a 10C
1-3-3 0-2-3 a 1 Slack 1-2-4 0-1-4 -1 1B
1 Shen A 1C Connerl 1 22/4 ·3-4-4 2-3-4 a 10C
a 1 Price A 4-8-3 2-4-3 -1 1B
1 Shen B 1-2-3 4C Walthall 2-2-4 1-1-4 a 1A 1 11/5 4-5-4 2-4-4 a 11C
1 Price B 3-7-3 2-4-3 -1 1B
1 Jackson 7-7-4 6-7-4 +1 40
McCulloch's Division
1 Hardee 4-8-3 2-4-3 a 1A 1 14/5 3-4-4 2-3-4 a 11C
2 1
1 Smith 4-6-4 2-4-4 -1 70 1 Hoke's Division 1 1 5 1-3-3 0-2-3 a 11 C
1 Hebert 6-9-4 3-6-4 -1 1A
1 Cavalry-J.E.B. Stuart 6 1 Colquitt 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 1408 1 20/6 4-5-4 2-4-4 a 11 C
a 1 MclntshA 5-6-4 3-5-4 a 1A
1 1st Va 1-2-6 6C 1 Clingman 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 1408 1 21/6 4-5-4 2-4-4 a 11 C
17 Total 1 MclntshB 5-6-4 3-5-4 a 1A 1 Kirkland 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 1407 Optional Union Cavalry
1 Pike 0-2-4 -2 1A 1 Hagood 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 1407 2 0-1-6 a 2416
1 McCulich 3-6-3 1-3-3 a 1A 1 Cheatham 1-1-4 a 1509 3 0-1-6 a 10B
14 Total 1 Junior Res 0-1-4 -2 1204 4 0-1-6 -1 1418
1 Bragg 4-8-3 2-4-3 a 1105 5 0-1-6 -1 1108
1 Stewart's Corps 1
1 6 0-1-6 a 0713
1 Loring 1-2-4 0-1-4 a 1307
51 Total
1 Cavalry 1
1 Hampton 1-2-6 0-1-6 a 1405
25 Total
Shiloh~onfederate Gettysburg-Union Gettysburg-Union (cont'd.) Gettysburg~onfederate (cont'd.)
2 ! Corps-Polk 2 1 I Corps-Reynolds 1 1 XII Corps-Slocum 8 Iversonl
1 Stewart! 1 1/111 5-5-4 5-5-4 +2 2315 1 1/1/X1I 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 8G Rodes 2-3-4 1-2-4 0 6CID
Clark 4-5-4 2-4-4 0 2A 1 2/111 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 2315 1 2/1/X1I 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 8G Carterl
Russell 1 1/2/1 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 2A 1 3/1/X1I 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 8G Rodes 2-4-3 1-2-3 +1 6C/D
Clark 5-6-4 3-5-4 0 2A 1 2/2/1 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 2A 1 1/2/X1I 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 8G Hays/Early 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 7E
Clark 1-3-3 0-2-3 0 2A 1 1/3/1 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 2A 1 2/2/X1I 2-2-4 1-2-4 +1 8G AverylEarly 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 7E
Stephensl 1 2/3/1 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 2A 1 3/2/X1I 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 8G Gordonl
Cheatham 4-5-4 2-4-4 0 2A 1 3/3/1 5-6-4 3-5-4 0 7H 1 XII Corps 2-5-3 1-3-3 +1 8G Early 3-3-4 3-3-4 +2 7E
Johnsonl 1 I Corps 3-7-3 1-3-3 +1 2A 1 Cavalry Corps/Artillery Reserve 1 SmithlEarly 2-2-4 1-1-4 o 7E
Cheatham 4-5-4 2-4-4 0 2A 1 II Corps-Hancock 13 1 1/1/Cav 4-4-6 3-4-6 +1 1017 JoneslEarly 2-4-3 1-2-3 +1 7E
1 Cheatham 1-3-3 0-2-3 0 2A 1 1/1/11 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 13H 1 2/1/Cav 3-3-6 2-3-6 +1 0816 Steuart!
2 II Corps-Bragg 1 1 2/1/11 2-2-4 1-2-4 +1 13H 1 Calef 0-2-6 +1 1017 Johnson 6-6-4 5-6-4 +1 10B
1 Gladdenl 1 3/1/11 2-3-4 1-2-4 0 13H 1 1 Reg 3-6-3 1-3-3 +1 14H J.M. Jonesl
Withers 5-6-4 3-5-4 0 1A 1 4/1/11 2-2-4 1-1-4 0 13H 1 1 Vol 3-6-3 1-3-3 +1 15H Johnson 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 10B
Jacksonl 1 1/2111 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 13H 1 2 Vol 2-3-3 1-2-3 +1 14H Williamsl
Withers 5-6-4 3-5-4 0 1A 1 212/11 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 13H 1 3 Vol 3-6-3 1-3-3 +1 14H Johnson 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 1DB
Chambersl 1 3/2/11 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 13H 1 4 Vol 4-8-3 2-4-3 +1 14H Walkeri
Withers 4-5-4 2-4-4 0 1A 1 1/3/11 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 13H 75 Tolal Johnson 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 10B
Withers 2-3-3 1-2-3 0 1A 1 2/3/11 2-3-4 1-2-4 0 13H Gettysburg~onfederate Latimerl
Gibsonl 1 3/3/11 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 13H 2 I Corps-Longstreet 12 Johnson 2-4-3 1-2-3 +1 10B
Ruggles 5-6-4 3-5-4 0 1A 1 II Corps 3-7-3 1-3-3 +1 13H 1 Kershawl 1 Nelson 1-3-3 0-2-3 +1 11B
Pondl 1 III Corps-Sickles 9 McLaws 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 128 1 Dance 2-5-3 1-3-3 +1 11 B
Ruggles 5-6-4 3-5-4 0 1A 1 1/1/111 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 9A Semmesl 2 11/ Corps-A.P. Hill 1
Andersonl 1 2/1/111 5-6-4 3-5-4 0 9A McLaws 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 128 1 Wilcox!
Ruggles 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 1A 1 3/1/111 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 16H Woffordl Anderson 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 9B
1 Ruggles 2-5-3 1-3-3 0 1A 1 1/2/111 4-5-4 2-4-4 0 10A McLaws 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 128 Wright!
2 11/ Corps-Hardee 1 1 2/2IIH 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 10A Barksdalel Anderson 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 98
1 Cleburne 7-7-4 6-7-4 +1 1A 1 3/2/111 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 16H McLaws 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 128 Mahonel
1 Wood 5-6-4 3-5-4 0 1A 1 III Corps 4-8-3 2-4-3 +1 9A Cabelll Anderson 3-4-4 2-3-4 o 98
1 Hindman 5-6-4 3-5-4 0 1A 1 VCorps-Sykes 14 McLaws 2-5-3 1-3-3 +1 128 Poseyl
1 III Corps A 2-5-3 1-3-3 0 1A 1 1/1N 2-3-4 1-2-4 0 14G Armistedl Anderson 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 9B
1 III Corps 8 2-5-3 1-3-3 0 1A 1 2I1N 2-3-4 1-2-4 0 14G Pickett 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 208 Langl
2 Reserve Corps-Becknridge 3 1 3/1N 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 14G Kemperl Anderson 2-2-4 1-2-4 +1 9B
1 Statham 7-8-4 4-7-4 0 3A 1 1/2/V 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 14G Pickett 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 20B Lanel
1 Trabue 5-6-4 3-5-4 0 3A 1 2/2N 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 14G Garnett! Anderson 2-4-3 1-2-3 +1 9B
1 Bowen 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 3A 1 3/2N 4-5-4 2-4-4 0 14G Pickett 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 208 LanelPender 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 38
1 Reserve 1-1-6 +2 3A 1 1/3N 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 16G Dearingl Perrinl
1 ReserveA 2-5-3 1-3-3 0 3A 1 3/3N 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 16G Pickett 2-5-3 1-3-3 +1 128 Pender 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 3B
1 Reserve 8 1-3-3 0-2-3 0 3A 1 V Corps 3-7-3 1-3-3 +1 14G Andersonl Scalesl
Optional Confederale Cavalry 1 VI Corps-Sedgwick 20 Hood 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 128 Pender 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 3B
I Corps 0-1-6 0 2A 1 1/1N1 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 20G Robertsonl Thomasl
II Corps 0-1-6 0 1A 1 2/1N1 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 20G Hood 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 128 Pender 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 3B
1 III Corps 0-1-6 0 1A 1 3/1N1 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 20G Law/Hood 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 128 Poaguel
36 Total 1 2/2/V1 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 20G Benningl Pender 2-4-3 1-2-3 +1 4B
1 3/2N1 5-5-4 4-5-4 +1 20G Hood 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 12B Pettigrew
1 1/3N1 4-5-4 2-4-4 0 20G Henryl Heth 7-7-4 6-7-4 +1 2B
1 2I3N1 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 20G Hood 2-5-3 1-3-3 +1 128 DavislHeth 5-6-4 3-5-4 o 1B
1 3/3N1 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 20G 1 Eshleman 1-2-3 +1 14B Archer/Heth 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 1B
1 VI Corps A 3-6-3 1-3-3 +1 20G 1 Alexander 3-7-3 1-3-3 +1 14B 8rknbrghl
1 VI Corps 8 3-6-3 1-3-3 +1 20G 2 II Corps-Ewell 6 Heth 2-3-4 1-2-4 o 2B
1 XI Corps-Howard 3 1 Daniell Garnett!Heth 2-4-3 1-2-3 +1 3B
1 1/1/X1 1-3-4 0-2-4 -1 3A Rodes 6-6-4 5-6-4 +1 6C/D Pegram 2-5-3 1-3-3 +1 2B
1 2/1/X1 2-3-4 1-2-4 0 3A O'Neall 1 Mcintosh 2-4-3 1-2-3 +1 2B
1 1/2/X1 1-3-4 0-2-4 -1 5H Rodes 4-5-4 2-4-4 0 6C/D 58 Tolal
1 2I2/X1 4-5-4 2-4-4 0 5H Dolesl
1 1/3/Xl 3-5-4 1-3-4 -1 3A Rodes 4-4-4 3-4-4 +1 6C/D
1 2/3/X1 3-4-4 2-3-4 0 3A Ramseurl
1 XI Corps 3-7-3 1-3-3 +1 3A Rodes 3-3-4 2-3-4 +1 6C/D
Name _
o I YEAR $18 Postpaid
o 2 YEARS $29 Postpaid
Address _
o SINGLE ISSUE $ 5 Postpaid
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0 2 YEARS $65 Postpaid
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o SINGLE ISSUE $12 Postpaid

~I CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CHARGE 0 Overseas residents may find costs cheaper
from agents near them; agent names and
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Exp. Date, _ SIGNATURE, _

'>: Name, _
« o I YEAR $18 Postpaid

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Apt. #. _ Zip _ o SINGLE ISSUE $10 Postpaid
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t: CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CHARGE 0 Overseas residents may find costs cheaper
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Z addresses available upon written request.

Exp. Date _ SIGNATURE, _


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$18 Postpaid
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o SINGLE ISSUE $12 Postpaid
Overseas residents may find costs cheaper
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Exp. Date, _ SIGNATURE, _
Tennessee 1997 Stanford 1997 Notre Dame 1997 Old Dominion 1997
C Pashen Thompson E C Olympia Scott C C Katryna Gaither B C Nyree Roberts B
LF Abby Conklin D LF N. Mulitauaopele D LF Rosanne Bohman D LF C. Machanguana B
RF Chamique Holdsclaw B RF Vanessa Nygaard D RF Beth Morgan B RF Mery Andrade D
LG Kyra Elzy F LG Kate Starbird B LG Mollie Peirick E LG Aubrey Eblin D
RG Kellie Jolly E RG Jamila Wideman E RG Jeannine Augustin F RG Ticha Penicheiro D
Bench Grade AA Bench Grade B Bench Grade C Bench Grade C
Defensive Grade B Defensive Grade A Defensive Grade A Defensive Grade A
Coach Pat Summitt 4 Coach Tara VanDerveer 4 Coach Muffet McGraw 2 Coach Wendy Larry 3
Lady Vols 84 Cardinal 98 Fighting Irish 88 Lady Monarchs 100
p::j p::j
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+++++ (from p. 30) - Income Phase. Barcelona $67, Genoa
$67, Venice $67, Paris $79. Su/plus of
NEUTRAL COMMENTARY Silk, Shortage of Metal.
Wool is all Paris has!? What about that
Allocation of Cash and Tokens. Venice
Spice card? Does he forget he has it? Why 2T $72, Paris 3T $82, Genoa 12T $77,
doesn't he hit a few Spice provinces? Having Barcelona 14T $72.
forgotten that he just placed two satellites,
Paris overbids for expansion tokens (and VENICE
loses the excess bid). Bidding only 2T, I hope to go
Genoa is about to get away from the pack fIrst to protect the Metal shortage. It
if the others don't stop him. Venice probably would have been nice if Paris hadn't
will and Paris will as well. I like Barcelona's taken Granada, now I have to share
idea of keeping a low profile, especially the wealth equally. I feel that I'm in
since he's sitting on some good provinces. pretty good shape. Therefore, I want
[Looks can be very deceptive in this game. to save my cash for advances. Also,
Barcelona has the most advances and great going first will protect Gutenberg
commodity domination, but is being over- from Patronage.
looked by players more worried about
Genoa's exploration advantage.]-SKT PARIS
I need Holy Indulgence, The
TURN6 Purchase Phase Heavens and Ocean Navigation this turn. I'm
Draw Card Phase. Barcelona-Longbow (the last Barcelona: Printed Word advance ($20 including
of the temporary military advantages), Genoa- only bidding 3T for a card. Even with Prince
Caxton), The Heavens advance ($30), stabiliza-
Ibn Majid (credit for Ocean Navigation and tion ($3).
Henry, I'll need a little help from my friends.
Cosmopolitan), Venice-Metal, Paris-Prince Genoa: Ship upgrade to 2 Overseas ($10), stabi- I am hopeful that the commodity cards will
Hem}' (credit for Ocean Navigation and Institu- lization ($3). flow.
tional Research). Venice: Seaworthy Vessels advance ($60), failure
Buy Card Phase. Barcelona buys (Rebellion), to pay stabilization (owed $15) causes misery to GENOA
Venice buys (Famine), Paris buys (Alchemist increase two spaces to 100 (one space covered I'm just planning to continue my overseas
Gold). only $10 of the amount owed). expansion and hold on.
Paris: Overland East ($20), stabilization ($10).
Play Card Phase BARCELONA
Barcelona-William Cax- PARIS I'm planning for the umpteenth time to
ton (protected), Long- It's getting expensive holding all of these buy Seaworthy Vessels and get back in the
bow, War on Genoa cards.
(Genoa wins, rolling 2
shipping race. Let's just hope something
+I for Nationalism ver- doesn't happen.
sus Barcelona's roll of I
Indeed, those unplayed cards are a bur- NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
+1 for Longbow;
Barcelona cedes Basque den-resulting in a costly misery increase for Nobody has a clear lead at this point.
Wool to Genoa and mis- Venice. Genoa fails to realize he can claim Venice has caught up to the others, but does-
elY increases two boxes Urban Ascendancy for free with the credits n't have anything left in reserve. If I were the
to 175; Genoa's misery from Nationalism. others, I'd worry about Genoa's monopoly on
increases one box to 125). the double and tJ.iple commodity sites over-
Genoa-None. Expansion Phase
Barcelona, Genoa and Venice each gain two tokens seas. Barcelona, while being very conserva-
Venice-Timber (pays Venice $27, Paris $3). tive, is light in the thick of things. It will be
Paris-Alchemist's Gold on Genoa (who loses and Paris loses six due to Holy Indulgence.
$36). All attacks against Barcelona possessions interesting to see what Paris does with the
require one extra token due to Longbow. Black Death. I'll bet he hits Genoa and
BARCELONA Barcelona, attacking with Longbow: 3T Salonika Venice in Area VII.
(5-1-5 wins) 0, 3T buys card (Stone).
The longbow allows me to pursue the
war with Genoa. Unfortunately "General
Genoa: 5T China 0, 2T Kaffa (1-5-2 loses), 2T TURN 7
Kaffa (2-1-6 wins) 0, 1T Barca 0, 1T
Incompetent" leads my armies to a one Draw Card Phase. Venice-Cloth, Paris-Tim-
Durazzo 0, IT Tarsus 0.
province loss! ber, Genoa-Civil War, Barcelona-Ivory/Gold.
Venice: 5T Granada (1-6-6 wins) 0, 9T Constan-
tinople (3-5-6 wins) 0, 2T Kajfa (4-6-1
NEUTRAL COMMENTARY Purchase Card Phase. Venice buys (ClothlWine),
loses), 2T Kaffa (1-4-6 wins) 0, 4T Varna (6-
I think I would have waited a turn to use Barcelona buys (Grain).
1-3 wins) 0, 1T Salzburg 0, 1T Athens 0.
Longbow and War, to allow Barcelona to Paris: 6T buys card (Christopher Columbus, credit Play Card Phase
have a decent number of expansion tokens to for Ocean Navigation and New World). 4T Venice-ClothlWine as Cloth (pays Venice $45,
utilize the Longbow. With only 4T, he's Angora (5-3-6 wins) 0, Basque 4T (1-2-6 Genoa $20, Paris $20), Cloth (pays Venice $45,
throwing away any added expansion opportu- loses), Basque 4T (l-5-610ses), 4T Basque (3- Genoa $20, Paris $20), Metal (in shortage pays
nities that would result from a ceded city. In 1-3 wins) 0, 4TGranada (3-1-2 wins) 0, 2T Venice $54, Paris $54; shortage eliminated),
Kaffa (1-6-1 loses). Metal (pays Venice $24, Paris $24), Johann
the end, Barcelona loses anyway. Expansion bonus card goes to Paris, having taken
Paris blusters about revenge against Gutenberg (protected).
away one of Venice's new domination mark- Paris-Wool (pays Paris $32, Barcelona $2),
Barcelona for the Alchemist Gold two turns ers at Granada (Black Death, another nasty Wool (pays Paris $32, Barcelona $2), Prince
ago. Ken tries to convince Bud that Lind is disaster). Henry ($10 coverage), Christopher Columbus
leading and Mike chimes in that no, Bud is ($15 coverage), Black Death in Area VII
leading. Lind just sits quietly looking inno- NEUTRAL COMMENTARY (removes .from Bari and Toulouse and
cent. In the end, Bud does what he always Oh, now Venice decides he wants Kiev, reduces the following • to.: Marseilles,
does and pounds on who he perceives as the now that Genoa is threatening to take it. Paris, Genoa, Rome, Naples, Sicily, Bordeaux, Mont-
leader, poor Ken. This was a very amusing too, decides to move toward Kiev. Rumors of pelier, Lyons, Milan, Florence, Venice,
moment. impending famine spread quickly! Dubrovnik and Belgrade).
Barcelona-Grain So much for Barcelona's plans for Sea-
The Course of European Renaissance (Barcelona $4, worthy Vessels! The Cathedral purchase is
Barcelona Genoa Paris Venice Paris $4), an excellent play. He's already lost the bat-
EPOCH I Ivory/Gold as Gold tle for dominance overseas, so he shifts
Turn I-Genoa Betrayed (pays Barcelona
$10, Genoa $10,
gears and becomes the religion leader. This
Advances 0 0 1 0 will give him an ability that no one else has,
Misery 0 0 0 0 Paris $10), Stone
(pays Paris $4, at least for now.
Markets· 6 4 6 6
Venice $1). Expansion Phase
Turn 2-The First (Spanish) Crusade Everyone now has Holy Indulgence, ending the
Advances 1 0 1 1 token transfers.
With all this Cloth being played, I bet Venice: 2T Kiev 0.
Misery 10 10 0 0 Genoa is wishing he'd taken Florence a long Paris: 3T buys card (Marco Polo, credits toward
Markets 11 9 10 9 time ago. exploration).
Genoa: 3T Belgrade (4-1-6 wins) 0, 6T South
Turn 3-Genoa over Venice in the Black Sea GENOA America 0, IT Sicily, 2T Marseilles.
Advances 3 2 3 5 I dodged a bullet in the Black Death card. Barcelona: 9T Aleppo (vs. Satellite; Cathedral
Misery 60 50 40 30 That's one reason I don't like to play Genoa or gives automatic win) 0, 5T Sicily (vs. National·
Markets 14 12 12 8 Venice. Vou can almost guarantee that you'll ism; 4-1-2 wins) 0.
see it played on you once a game. Expansion bonus card goes to Genoa (Enlightened
Turn 4-Genoese Civil War; Venetian Pope Ruler).
Advances 5 2 4 6 NEUTRAL COMMENTARY Income Phase. Misery reduced one for possessioll
Misery 60 60 40 40 The Black Death is an awesome card and of New World advance by Venice (to 70), Paris (to
Markets 13 16 11 12 one that could be too powerful. This card was 70) and Genoa (to 150). Venice $47, Paris $75,
played as it should be, wiping out two of his Genoa $51, Barcelona $71. Wine surplus, Wine
EPOCH 2 three competitors. Venice (with only 2T for shortage-cancel each other.
Turn 5-Genoese Silk and Fur Dominates reclaiming the losses) is in serious trouble. [l Allocation of Cash and Tokens. Genoa 8T $45,
Advances 6 6 4 7 have to take issue with Bruce here. The Black Paris 16T $103, Venice 18T $52, Barcelona 20T
Misery 125 100 80 80 Death could have been played more effec- $51.
Markets 15 14 14 12 tively had it been followed immediately by
takeovers ofthe weakened provinces. It is best GENOA
Turn 6-Rise of Parisian and Venetian Goods to hold the cardfor a turn in which the target I get absolutely devastated by
Advances 8 6 5 8 player has few tokens AND you have many. the Black Death. With Bud con-
Tiers 1 0 0 0 Paris has but 3T to use in the area. Now, the vincing the others I'm the obvious
Misery 175 125 80 100 region will be rebuilt at a very minor cost in leader-despite the facts-victory
Markets 13 15 16 13 a future turn and in such a manner as to give is slipping away fast. With no com-
one of Paris' enemies the expansion bonus modity cards, I'll bid ST and take
Turn 7-The Plague Years in Italy another overseas province and buy
card. Also, (f you hold a Spice card, the
Advances 9 10 11 14 a card if possible. I continue down
plague should be hitting Area VI to allow
Tiers 1 0 1 1 the slippery slope of defeat.
seizure of Alexandria and Acre (and Aleppo
Misery 250 150 70 70
Markets 14 13 15 8
for good measure).-SKT) PARIS
I'll bid l6T in order to get North
Purchase Phase
Turn 8-The Spanish Inquisition Flourishes Venice: Pay Paris for use of Henry and Columbus America or India and have one shot
Advances 11 12 13 16 ($25), Institutional Research advance which at one of Genoa's overseas hold-
Tiers 1 1 1 1 reduces costs ofScience, Exploration, Communi- ings. Once you get one of these
Misery 200 125 40 60 cations and Commerce advances ($60 including provinces it's tough to lose them. I
Markets 16 13 17 13 Henry), Printed Word advance ($10 including hope to go early enough to have a
Gutenburg), Ocean Navigation advance (free good shot.
EPOCH 3 with Columbus and Henry; ship upgraded to I
Turn 9-Miserable Years of Upheaval Overseas), New World advance ($70 with
Advances 13 14 19 18 Columbus), Caravan advance ($10), Human I got lucky. I played my com-
Body advance ($30; misery reduced one box to modities before the Black Death
Tiers 2 1 2 2
90), stabilization ($3), misery reduced one box to hit. With my 1ST, I'll just try to repair the
Misery 500 300 50 125 80 due to misery relief credits and possession of
Markets 18 18 16 11 damage. I just picked up $520 worth of
a completed tier (one advance in each category).
advances for $205, which helps the cause
Paris: lnstitutional Research advance ($60 with
Turn IO-Years of Hoarding Henry), The Heavens advance ($20), Ocean Nav- tremendously.
Advances 18 15 20 20 igation advance (free with Henry and Columbus;
Tiers 2 2 2 3 ship upgraded to 1 Overseas), New World
Misery 450 250 20 70 advance ($70 with Columbus), Holy Indulgence I hope that with Cathedral and 20T, I'll be
Markets 18 21 15 10 advance ($60, misery increases one box to 90), able to do some damage. I hope no one is able
Printed Word advance ($40), stabilization ($3), to buy Cathedral this turn.
Turn ll-Siege of Granada; French Plague misery reduced one box to 80 for relief credits.
(prior to final card phase) Genoa: Ship upgrade to 3 Overseas ($10), NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
Advances 23 22 22 22 Patronage advance ($10, misery increases one It's going to get mighty ugly for the oth·
box to 150), Pay Paris for use of Columbus ers if they don't get Cathedral soon. One of
Tiers 3 3 2 3 ($15), Written Record advance ($30), New
Misery 350 200 10 30 these turns, Paris is going to decide to take
World ($60 with Columbus), Urban Ascen-
Markets 22 21 15 8 some Spice provinces. I don't know why he
dancy advance (free), misery increases one
box to 175 for failure to pay stabilization. hasn't tried yet. Genoa does have a problem
Notc: Markets count dual-commodity markets as two and with the lack of commodities, but he does
triple-commodity markets as three.
Barcelona: Cathedral advance ($80, misery
increases one box to 200), misery increases one have the best provinces. Perhaps he should
box to 250 for failure to pay stabilization. try fishing for them with the WindIWatennill
advance. Venice repairing the damage is a Dominating the Silk Road: Barcelona and Venice compete to succeed Genoa's agents in Aleppo.
good idea, but he needs to get a little more ;;:
aggressive. He's definitely flirting with last
now with Barcelona being the religion king
and Genoa and Paris the shipping gurus
(they'll have all of the overseas provinces
locked up before Venice can get there).
Commerce is all that's left. Turn 7: Turn 8 Card Turn 8 Card Turn 8: Venice Turn 8: Thanks
Barcelona uses Play: Venice Play: Barcelona moves to re- to the Papal
TURN 8 Cathedral to embarks on a incites Rebellion establish market Decree,
Draw Card Phase. Genoa-Mongol Armies automatically win Crusade to in Aleppo. domination in Barcelona can
(ends the crusades), Paris-Wine, Venice- the competition Aleppo. Aleppo. use Cathedral
with Genoa. yet again at
The Crusades, Barcelona-Papal Decree. Aleppo.
Expansion Phase TURN 9
Wow! I'll be able to shut down religion
Genoa: 5T India 0, 3T buys card (PiratesNikings). Draw Card Phase. Paris-Spice, Epoch 3 is shuf-
advances to ensure another turn of uncon- Paris: lOT India (1-2-1 loses), 6T North America 0. fled into recyclable Epoch 2 cards to begin the final
tested use of Cathedral. Venice: 2T Dubrovnik 0, 4T Venice 0, 3T Flo- Epoch, Venice-Rebellion, Genoa-Fur, Barce-
Buy Card Phase. Genoa buys (Stone), Paris rence 0, 2T Milan 0, 3T Lyon 0, 3T Aleppo 0, lona-Cloth.
buys (Desiderius Erasmus, credit for Printed IT Esseg O.
Buy Card Phase. Paris buys (Wool), Venice buys
Word and Renaissance), Venice buys (Revolu- Barcelona: 4T Granada (Cathedral, automatic
(Silk), Genoa buys (Metal), Barcelona buys (Hemy
riolwry Uprisings). win) 0, 5T Tripoli (Cathedral, automatic win)
Oldenburg, credits towards Enlightenment).
0, 8T Aleppo (Cathedral, automatic win) 0, 2T
Play Card Phase Kaffa (3-3-5 loses), 1T Toulouse O.
Genoa: Enlightened
Expansion bonus card goes to Venice (Religious
Ruler, Stone (pays
Strife, more misery for the religious-minded).
Paris $4, Venice $1).
Paris: Marco Polo (pro-
tected, $20 rebate),
Desiderius Erasmus Nice use of Cathedral.
($5 coverage, $20 Income Phase. New World reduces misery by one
rebate). box for Paris (to 40), Genoa (to 125) and Venice
Venice: St. Benedict (to 60). Paris $75, Genoa $51, Venice $67, Play Card Phase
($20 rebate), The Barcelona $79. Wine shortage, Timber shortage Paris-Wine (in shortage pays Paris $45,
Crusades (e in Barcelona $45, Venice $20), Wool (pays Paris
(Venice gets card-Grain).
Aleppo, misery up one box to 80). $32, Barcelona $2).
Barcelona: Papal Decree bans Religion advances, Allocation of Cash and Tokens. Paris 3T $83, Venice-Revolutionary Uprisings (all players gain
Rebellion on Venice (reducing Aleppo e to .), Venice 14T $53, Genoa 26T $27, Barcelona 31T one box of misery for their Commerce
Silk (pays Barcelona $72, Genoa $32). $71 (Barcelona has only 30T but bids extra in an advances), Famine causing misely to increase
effort to move last, forfeiting the excess amount). (for lack of Grain) two boxes for Barcelona (to
NEUTRAL COMMENT AR Y 350) and Paris (to 70) and three boxes for
I'm not sure why Genoa is holding Mon- PARIS Genoa (to 250) and Venice (to 100), Religious
gol Armies. He must not want to double the I'm going to bid 3T to get the card and Strife causes m.isery to increase for each reli-
credits of the yet-to-be-seen Marco Polo. combine my cash with my commodities for gioLis advance (Paris up one to 80, Genoa up
Though I'd want to play the Mongols to make some needed advances. two to 350, Barcelona up three to 500 and
the Crusades a misery burden. Venice up three to 175), Rebellion on Genoa in
What about Revolutionary Uprising???? India (reducing e to .).
Venice only has one Commerce advance. Genoa-Mongol Armies (collects $10), Pirates/
With my 14T, I'll try to pick off a Grain or Vikings on Venice, Alexandria and Florence
Dump it now! two and try to buy a few more advances. (reducing each e to .). Ibn Majid (protected,
Barcelona made a nice play of the Papal $20 rebate), Nicholas Copernicus ($20 rebate,
Decree, but his desire for revenge against GENOA no coverage), Civil War on Venice (Venice
Venice was a little shortsighted. Why not play I've reached the point of desperation and space remains ., Venice will move last in the
the Rebellion on one of Genoa's Silk will go all out, hitting whatever I can. expansion phase, Venice's misery increases one
provinces (putting only $8 in each of Genoa box to 200, Venice chooses to lose 7T rather
and Venice's hands, instead of $32 in BARCELONA than haif of his written cash).
Genoa's). Sometimes the chance for quick I guess with no cards, I'll just take as many Barcelona-Cloth (pays Paris $45, Genoa $5,
payback is too tempting. provinces as I can. I hope that I still will be Venice $5).
able to use Cathedral.
Purchase Phase G NO
Genoa: Pay Paris for use of Erasmus ($5), Ship That was pretty stupid of me reducing
upgrade to 4 Overseas ($10), Printed Word
the Venice space with PirateslVikings and
advance ($20 with Erasmus), Caravan advance I don't know if things are desperate for
then hitting him with Civil War which
($20), stabilization ($10). Genoa yet, but he is falling behind in the would have reduced it anyway. I could have
Paris: Ship upgrade to 2 Overseas ($10), Cos- advance race and needs some income. I still gotten another one of his cities! That's what
mopolitan advance ($80 with Polo), Human can't believe Paris isn't going to try for some I get for not thinking things through!
Body advance ($30, misery reduced one box to Spice provinces. Velllce is still playing a bit
60), stabilization ($6), misery reduced by one too conservatively. He's got the lead in NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
box to 50 by misery relief credits. advances. He's lacking a lot of the high value
Venice: Nationalism advance ($20), Laws of Matter
Why did Venice play Rebellion on
advance ($40), stabilization ($3), misery reduced
provinces and should be attacking, but instead Genoa?!? Paris is the bigger threat. I suspect
by one box to 60 by misery relief credits. he's playing defense again. He needs to take a he'll pay the price for that.
Barcelona: Seaworthy Vessels advance ($60), page from Barcelona's book. With not much Again, the "revenge" factor clouds a
Human Body advance ($40, misely reduced by cash on the table, Cathedral may be good for player's judgement-Genoa this time.
one box to 200). another year. He's looking okay for now. Although I agree that Rebellion should have
.1Z~":''f'~•.r..r,T I
with free use of Copemicus), WindlWatermill
advance ($20), stabilization ($1).
ing too much on the advances and now the
others have caught him or soon will. Paris is
B G P V Advances starting to fall into that mindset as well. Only
NEUTRAL COMMENTARY Barcelona and Genoa have been actively
6 3 7 2 A The Heavens Paris chooses Master Art over Cathedral. expanding. Add the factor that neither Venice
8 9 8 7 B Human Body He'd rather dump the cards than try to collect or Paris have much in the way of high-priced
for them. I completely disagree with this strat- commodities. Eventually Genoa and
10 11 9 8 C Laws of Matter egy. Why throwaway the high value com- Barcelona are going to have big paydays and
10 11 10 10 D Enlightenment modity, when you can go take them?! Now surge past them.
he's going to lose automatically to Cathedral
3 7 9 3 E Patronage again! Not taking Acre on turn 3 is coming TURN 10
5 5 7 4 F Holy Indulgence back to haunt him. Draw Card Phase. Venice-Ivory/Gold,
Barcelona-Sir Isaac Newton, Paris-ClothlWine,
10 11 - 5 G Proselytism Expansion Phase Genoa-Timber.
Venice goes last due to Civil War.
7 11 -
H Cathedral
I-- Paris: 3T buys card (Stone). Buy CardlDiscard Phase. Venice buys (Leonardo
Genoa: 8T Lyons (6-5-5 wins) 0, 4T Granada Da Vinci), Barcelona buys (Cloth), Paris buys
2 8 1 7 I Caravan (Barcelona doesn't use Cathedral, Genoa 6-6-5 (War) and discards a Spice, Genoa buys (Grain).
9 10 9 9 J WindlWatermill wins) 0, 2T Marseilles 0, 4T Genoa 0, 3T Play Card Phase
Rome 0, 4T India 0. Venice-Leonardo Da Vinci (protected, $20
10 11 9 9 K Improved Agriculture Barcelona: 4T Granada (Cathedral, automatic rebate).
win) 0, 9T Constantinople (Cathedral, auto- Barcelona-Sir Isaac Newton ($20 coverage),
11 11 11 11 L Interest & Profit matic win) 0, 6T Cyprus (Cathedral, automatic Henry Oldenburg ($20 coverage).
11 c-- 11 - M Industry win) 0, 6T buys card (Gold), 4T Alexandria 0. Paris-Stone (pays Paris $4, Venice $4, Genoa $1)
Venice: 4T Venice 0, 3T Florence 0. Genoa-Stone (pays Paris $4, Venice $4, Genoa $1).
4 7 4 3 N Written Records Expansion bonus card goes to Genoa (Stone).
6 8 7 7 0 Printed Word Income Phase. New World reduces misery by one I should play War on Barcelona while I
11 11 9 10 P Master Art box for Paris (to 50), Venice (to 125) and Genoa have the advantage for Nationalism. But I'm
(to 300). Paris $71, Venice $59, Genoa $67, a chicken and I'm in the lead so I won't take
11 I-- - - 10 Renaissance Barcelona $87. Wine shortage (Barcelona gets The
the chance.
Crusades, now an unplayable misery burden), Silk
3 3 6 3 R Overland East shortage (Barcelona gets Mysticism Abounds). NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
8 5 3 6 S Seaworthy Vessels Allocation of Cash and Tokens. Venice 5T $69, I hate having the War card too, but with
Barcelona lOT $104, Paris 13T $77, Genoa 31T the +1 you've got to take it. Again, playing
11 5 7 7 T Ocean Navigation $38. defense in this game won't work. [Bruce is
- 7 7 7 U New World right about playing aggressive at the end, bUI
VENICE I think that the War card is one to be swal·
4 7 3 3 V Urban Ascendancy My estimation of my situation is lowed until the most dire of circumstances. II
10 5 9 8 W Nationalism I'm in second place, judging by the can easily backfire with such a small advan·
advances I have compared to the tage. Ofcourse, Paris has the Stone provinces
9 9 7 7 X Institutional Research others, but Barcelona is coming on to cede. Paris can also befaultedfor not acl·
- - 8 11 y Cosmopolitan strong. I'm bidding 5T and hope to ing much sooner to take advantage of the
get a card and, with my remaining Spice draws.-SKT]
- - - - Z Middle Class cash, another advance or two.
been played on Paris, Genoa could have really Purchase Phase
hurt Venice more. BARCELONA Venice: Enlightenment advance (Fee with Newtoll
Why does Barcelona give more money to I'll go lOT and use my cash and ane/ Oldenburg), Master Art advance ($30 with
Paris by playing Cloth? He's thinking that, leader for some advances. I doubt Da Vinci), stabilization ($6), misery ree/uced by
Cathedral will do me any good this three boxes to 80 by misery relief cree/its.
now that Venice has lost his Cloth, he can get Barcelona: Enlightenment advance (free with New·
rid of it. I'd be tempted to take a Cloth or two time anyway, but, if so, I can always
ton and Oldenburg), Laws of Matter advance
and then play it since commodity cards have use it on defense.
($10 with Newton), Improved Agriculture
been scarce for Barcelona. advance ($20, misery reduced by one box 10
PARIS 450), Nationalism advance ($20), Proselytism
Purchase Phase I'm hoping to keep buying
Paris: Ship upgrade to 3 Overseas ($10), Master advance ($30, misery increased by one box to
advances with my money, so I held 500), failure to pay stabilization causes misery
Art advance ($60), Nationalism advance (free), back on expansion. I'm leading the to increase by one box to 600, misery reduced by
WindlWatermili advance ($20), Patronage
advance ($10, misery increase one box to 90), race now, I just need to keep it two to 450 by misery relief credits.
going. Paris: Enlightenment advance (free with Newtoll
Laws of Matter advance ($40), Improved Agri-
and Oldenburg), stabilization ($10), misery
culture advance ($30, misery reduced by one
GENOA reduced two boxes to 30 by misery relief credits.
box to 80), stabilization ($6), misery reduced by
Again, I've got nothing better to do than Genoa: WindlWatermili advance ($20), stabiliza·
two boxes to 60 by misery relief credits and two
tion ($10).
tiers of advances. to try to hit provinces. At least, with the Fur
Venice: WindlWatermill advance ($20), Improved and Metal cards, I have some targets. Expansion Phase
Agriculture advance ($30, misery reduced by Venice: 3T buys card: Bartolome de Las Casas, iT
one box to 175), stabilization $3, misery reduced NEUTRAL COMMENTARY Breslau 0, iT Oran O.
by one box to 125 by misery relief credits. Barcelona: 4T Algiers (Cathedral, automatic win)
Venice is a perfect example of what not to
Genoa: Institutional Research advance ($40 with 0, 6T buys cards (Metal),
Copemicus), Human Body advance ($30, misery do in this game. He took a lead and is sitting Paris: 4T Fez (5-6-4 loses), 4T Fez (2-2-1 loses),
reduced by one box to 300), failure to pay stabi- on it. His empire is being picked apart. His IT Salzburg (with Nationalism, 3-2-5 wins) 0,
lization increases misery by one box to 350. income has gone from $67 to $59 and now IT Breslau (with nationalism, 1- I -6 wins) 0, 3T
Barcelona: Institutional Research advance ($60 will probably go even lower. He's been focus- Bordeaux 0.
"Tilli. {)If 111~Slsrl'ilNf~l~
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Granada (3-1-6 wins) 0, 4T Fez (2-5·6 loses), Paris already discarded a Spice. Venice-Bartolome de Las Casas (protected).
4T Fez (4-5-2 loses), 3T St. Gali (vs. National- Genoa-Metal (pays Genoa $96, Barcelona $6),
ism; 1-3-6 loses), 3T St. Gali (vs. Nationalism; 6- .t14.~CELONA
4-1 wins) 0, 7T Nuremberg (vs. Nationalism; 5- I'll pay for 30T and bank the rest. I fed I
4-3 wins) 0. may need the tokens to hold on to my large
Expansion bonus card goes to Genoa (Wool).
Again, Venice is playing too defensively. I bid 36T (while only having 33 tokens) so
At least take out someone else's satellite. as to go last in this tum and see what needs to
Barcelona saved Cathedral in case Genoa be taken. This is probably the last tum.
attacked Constantinople (an attack which
never materialized). NEUTRALCOMMENTARV
What needs to be taken is Spice-about
Income Phase. New World reduces mis-
ery by one box for Paris (to 20), Venice
three turns ago! Venice realizes this is proba-
(to 70) and Genoa (to 250). Venice $55, bly the last turn, but only bids 1ST???
Barcelona $87, Paris $67, Genoa $75. Barcelona has the right idea about needing
Wine shortage (Barcelona draws card~ tokens to succeed. Give Genoa credit as well,
Timber), Gold and Ivory shortage he's trying to hitthings. At least, Paris is giv-
(Barcelona draws card-Galilei, and ing himself the opportunity to see what to hit.
Genoa draws card~Enlightened Ruler). It'll be tough to win rolling last, though.
Allocation of Cash and Tokens. Venice Lcan't say it enough-be aggressive. Don't
l6T $50, Genoa 30T (wins ties with just sit .back and try to hold what you have.
Barcelona and chooses to go second) $45, This game rewards offense!
Barcelona 30T $111, Paris 36T $56.
Draw Card Phase. Venice~Fur, Genoa-Spice, END OF TURN 10: Position on this all-
This looks as if this might be the Barcelona-Silk, Paris-Andreas Vesalius (credit important log (of who has dominance of
last tum. I'll discard the Silk, beCause for Human Body and Enlightenment). the key commodity markets) is crucial
I'm not going to be able to get at it. going into the final turn (especially with
Buy CardIDiscard Phase. Venice discards Silk,
GENOA possession of the Industry advance).
Genoa buys (Papal. Decree~unplayable misery
I'll bid high and continue to hit burden), Barcelona buys (Alchemist Gold), Paris The final commodity payouts can make
or break your game.
things. I'm still behind and that's . buys (Metal) and discards Spice.
my only chance, especially now that Play Card Phase
Genoa-Metal (pays Genoa $96, Barcelona $6), Fur ($50), Proselytism advance ($50, misery
(pays Genoa $63, Paris $7), Spice (pays Genoa increased by one box to 400), stabilization
$144, Barcelona $81), Grain (pays Paris $16, ($10), misery decreased by three boxes to 250
Barcelona $16, Genoa $4, Venice $4). by misery relief credits.
Barcelona-Mysticism Abounds (Genoa's misery Barcelona: Master Art advance ($60), Renaissance
increases by two boxes to 350), Silk (pays advance ($60 with Galilei), Ocean Navigation
Barcelona $128, Genoa $32), Galileo Galilei advance ($70), Interest and Profit advance
($20 rebate, $10 coverage). ($40), Industry advance ($70), stabilization
Paris-Vesalius ($40 rebate, $5 coverage), ($21), misery reduced by three boxes to 300 by
ClothlWine as Cloth (pays Paris $45, Venice misery relief credits.
$45, Genoa $20). Paris: Interest and Profit advance ($40), Industry
advance ($70), stabilization ($6), misery reduced
NEUTRAL COMMENTARY by one box to 0 by misefy relief credit.
What is Genoa thinking here? Why is he Expansion Phase
going to hold on to Enlightened Ruler? He Barcelona uses his newly acquired Renaissance to
certainly can see that the game will probably switch places with Genoa and thereby move sec-
end on this turn. The Enlightened Ruler would ond. Due to Cosmopolitan advance, Venice and
protect him from the Mysticism that he's Paris benefit from use of satellites during attack
about to receive. Of course, he has no choice competitions.
with the Papal Decree, which became an Venice: 3T buys card (Silk), 2T Salonika (with
Satellites; Barcelona declines Cathedral;
unplayable misery burden when Religious
Venice 3-5-4 wins) 0, 6T Trebizond
Strife was played in Epoch 3. (Barcelona uses Cathedral for automatic
Why did not Barcelona play Alchemist's defeat), 5T Belgrade (with Satellites vs. Nation-
Gold? Genoa is still eligible for it. The only alism; Genoa declines Cathedral; Venice 6-1-3
thing I can think is Barcelona figures Genoa is wins) 0.
out and doesn't want to antagonize him. Barcelona: 6T buys card (Black Death), 6T
Maybe he is hoping Genoa will hit Paris. Salonika (5-2-4 wins) 0, 4T Granada (4-2-2
Purchase Phase wins) 0, lOT India (6-3-4 wins) 0, IT Montpe-
Venice: Cosmopolitan advance ($50 with De Las lier 0, 3T unused.
Casas), Interest and Profit advance ($40), stabi- Genoa: 5T Poti (4-1-6 wins) 0, 5T Fez (3-1-5 wins)
lization ($6), misery decreased by three boxes to 0, 7T Dubrovnik (vs. Satellite; Cathedral, auto- defeat), 4T Granada (2-4-1 loses), 4T Granada
40 by misery relief credits. matic win) 0, 7T Bordeaux (with Nationalism; (5-6-2 loses).
Genoa: Pay Paris for use of Vesalius ($5), Cathedral, automatic win) 0, 4T Naples 0, 2T No cards remain for awarding the expansion bonus
Enlightenment advance ($40 with Vesalilts), unused. card.
Improved Agriculture advance ($20, misery Paris: 4T Nuremberg (with Nationalism and
decreased by one box to 300), Cathedral Satellite; 1-4-4 loses), 4T Nuremberg (6-3-2 NEUTRAL COMMENTARY
advance ($80, misery increased by one box to wins) 0, 4T Granada (5-6-4 loses), 9T buys Paris' dice rolling at the end certainly
350), Master Art advance ($60), Laws of Mat- card (Wine, finishing the deck), 4T Granada lacked something to be desired.
ter advance ($40), Interest and Profit advance (Barcelona uses Cathedral for automatic [Barcelona certainly had a reason to buy a
Turn 11 card with expansion tokens to push for
Expansion: the end of the game in this tum. 1 am not
As the game draws sure why Venice and Paris did so as well.
to a close, a number Had both resisted the urge, then One card
of unplayed cards would have survived to push the game
rest in the hands of 5
., into One more tum. That extra tum would
players. The
give them both a chance to capture areas
expected scramble
for market domina- with valuable outstanding commodities
tion of the key com- and to buy advances (at a favorable cash-
modities has led for-victory-point tradeoff), while
players to allocate Barcelona would have run out of things
much to expansion. to buy. -SKT]
This competition
plays a pivotal role Income Phase. New World reduces misery
in the final outcome. by one box for Paris (to 0), Venice (to 30)
and Genoa (to 200). All players doubled
their cash due to Interest and Profit (Venice
\'----&t-..-~ $3, Paris $38, Genoa $40, Barcelona $21).
Normal income: Venice $47, Genoa $83,
Barcelona $99, Paris $67. Stone shortage.
Wine surplus (Barcelona pays $3).
Final Card Play Phase
Barcelona and Paris have Industry to
increase their earnings by one box per
commodity owned.
Venice-Grain (pays Venice $16, Barcelona,
$36, Paris $36), Fur (pays Genoa $63,
Paris $28), Silk (pays Barcelona $200,
Genoa $32), Ivory/Gold as 1vOly (pays
Barcelona $90, Paris $40).
Genoa-Enlightened Ruler, Papal Decree
(meaningless), Wool (pays Paris $32,
Barcelona $18), Timber (pays Genoa
Barcelona-Black Death on Area 11/ (removes the made a big difference if I could have taken a $48 in the ensuing double payoff for Metal.
following .: Breslau, Salzburg, St. Gali, Esseg few. I stated early that Spice and Silk win the 1'd take an 81 per cent shot at a two-point vic-
and reduces the following. to.: St. Malo, game. I should have listened to myself. Lind tory on any day of the week!
Paris, Dijon, Basel, Vienna, Budapest, Bruges, also got a lot of leaders at the end which I've never bought the idea (suggested
Strasbourg, Cologne, Nuremberg, Prague). helped him catch up with advances. It was a
Cloth (pays Paris $20, Genoa $20, Venice
above by Ken Good) that Personalities won
good game! you the game. In this one, Venice received her
$20), Metal (pays Barcelona $54, Genoa $24),
Gold (pays Barcelona $90, Genoa $40), Timber advances for the least amount of money (by
Lind Pratt (Barcelona)
(pays Genoa $48). Can't play The Crusades or $190 less than the winner), but still lost. Ken
The Black Death wins it! I'm not sure but I
Alchemist Gold (no effect). and Lind spent roughly the same money for
think it kept Paris from catching me. I lost the
Paris-War on Barcelona (each rolls 3 +1 for roughly the same value of advances. More
sea battle early on, so I think my decision to
Nationalismfor a tie, putting misery up one box often than not, the Personalities tend to skew
each, Paris to 10, Barcelona to 350), Timber buy Cathedral and keep trying to expand was
the order ofyour purchases, which can have a
(pays Genoa $48), Metal (pays Barcelona $54, the only available strategy. I didn't have the visible impact on the game (whether good or
Genoa $24), Wine (in surplus pays Barcelona commodity card draws to point to a particular ill depends upon the context). Yet, knowledge
$45). commodity for acquisition. Instead, I simply about a commodity payoff or an upcoming
expanded where I could. It also helped that no disaster can be much more valuable.
FINAL RESULTS one really seriously knocked me down at any Given the big bonanza from Barcelona's
point in the game. The other powers kind of Industry in the final card phase, I hope play-
Advances + Cash -Misery = Score left me and my empire alone. Having The Cru-
Barcelona 1620 $725 -350 1995 ers learned a valuable lesson about Com-
sades early in the game was a big help. Some- merce advances. Barcelona earned $260
Paris 1600 $299 -10 1889
Genoa times it just points a big arrow at you. I really extra, while Paris earned $100 extra. Imag-
1550 $510 -200 1860
Venice 1580 $89 -30 1639 enjoyed this game. ine the damage that could have been done
with a purchase of Industry earlier in the
FINAL NEUTRAL COMMENTARY game! Of course, a player must watch mis-
FINAL COMMENTS The Black Death cost Paris $153, just ery more closely and avoid Religion more
Mike Stanley (Venice) enough for a win. But you also have Paris' than these players did if he were to be suc-
I made some mistakes that cost me a few failure to take any Silk provinces from cessful with early Commerce advances
bucks early in the game, which would have Barcelona on the last turn (or Spice on any against the nasty Revolutionary Uprisings.
helped get me off to an even better start (but turn) that was a major contributing factor to A player drawing this disaster should
also made me more of a target). Having the his loss. strongly consider eating it and pushing for-
Black Death played on you can ruin your Two powers, Venice and Paris, got ahead ward into Commerce.
day. It wasn't really that devastating for me, and then tried to hold on until the end. The I think that Communications were very
because I had just played several commod- analogy I'd make is a basketball team that gets poorly used in this game. Master of Art can
ity cards. up by ten points and goes into a slowdown used to discard unwanted disaster cards
I also had a run of pretty useless cards offense with eight minutes left. They're prob- (making Commerce and Religion more
over the course of a couple of turns, one ably going to lose and in this case they did. palatable), while Renaissance can be used
result of which was a lack of focus for Bud had it exactly right when he said that he to engineer turn order shifts to make more
province acquisition for me. But all of that should have listened to his own advice and successful attacks on valuable commodities.
can happen to anybody. I think my last place gone after Spice and Silk. Venice and Paris Discards of Silk or Spice should be a last
showing has to be attributed to my still-to-be- together had no Silk or Spice provinces. resort, not an early option. In fact, posses-
improved end-game play and the lack of bal- That's why they lost. sion of Master Art can be used as a power-
ance in my approach to the game. I get too Everybody made some mistakes in the ful diplomatic tool to get another player to
focused on one thing-in this case, acquiring game, but no one play was a killer. agree to not counterattack when you grab
advances-and forget that there are other Barcelona played a masterful game from a these valuable locations.
strategic standpoint. He simply kept his head The most important element for victory is
considerations, such as the commodity cards
down and tried hard to not look like the control of valuable commodities at the right
held by others that have to be played at the
leader, which he wasn't until the end-when time. With Barcelona controlling or sharing
end of the game. I needed to dominate some
it counted. I would say the biggest point in control of all valuable commodities except for
of those Fur, Silk, Spice, Gold and Ivory
the game came when Barcelona had Cathe- Fur at the end of the game, he was sitting
provinces. I even had a Silk card and didn't
dral all by himself for four turns and the pretty. His opponents had to hammer him to
really take advantage of it. Balance is a key
tokens to take advantage of it. He was able to stop his victory. Yet, oddly enough, the final
aspect of this excellent game, and I'm still
use Cathedral eleven times in a four-player turn's competitions were not over the valu-
working on my tightrope walk. Overall, it
game. That's a good investment. able Silk. Genoa, in particular, went after
was a pretty good game played by all.
Paris, by just taking two of Barcelona's Timber, a very low-value commodity. Had
Ken Good (Genoa) Silk spaces, could have caused a $200 swing Genoa seized one Silk province from
I started very well. My middle game in his favor to win the game. The value of the Barcelona, the $112 swing would have given
slowed considerably and probably cost me the bigger commodities cannot be overstated. him a close run at victory, too. In most turns,
victory. I was surprised that I was able to con- Paris had the right idea, but had poor execu- it is important to go for dominance in com-
trol most of the overseas areas and not be vic- tion in the end. Overall this was an enjoyable modities where you control the card. How-
torious. These high value commodities usually game to watch and I want to thank all of the ever, at the end you must stop others from
win the game. However, Lind had a split with players for their help in putting this article controlling the most valuable ones that have
me in these commodities and more leaders. together. not been paid yet. Though difficult, card-
This is why he won. This is a good muIti- [Wow! This was a very close game. The counting in Epoch 3 can serve you well at the
player game and I suggest everyone try it out. early leader ended up in last place and the end of the game.
other three players all had a shot at victory on In a fitting end, Paris' War on Barcelona
George Sauer (Paris) the final turn. As it happened, Paris should remains unfinished.-SKT]
The final card play really killed me. I had feel robber. A victory at Granada (81 per cent
miscounted and didn't realize there was chance over the course ofthree attacks) would
another Silk left at the end. That would have have denied Barcelona $60 and earned Paris

Knocking on the Back Door

Ax s Strategy n

By Jim Potts

aving nearly succumbed with

H the British to a variant of this

Axis strategy in a recent play-
ing of the boardgame, I can
attest to the difficulties the British have
fending off the second flank. The computer
game differs enoughfrom the boardgame to
make this strategy even more palatable.
Many of us can recall the enjoyment of attack on Denmark, followed by capture of
countless hours spent revisiting World War Norway and the Low Countries. Personally,
II through the boardgame of THIRD I don't think the choice of targets (if any)
REICH. In its various manifestations as a besides Poland for the first turn makes much
difference to the execution of the plan to
boardgame, and despite certain limitations
vanquish the British in the Middle East.
of design (such as the comparatively
What is critical is to adhere to a strict
abstract naval warfare system), the fans of war production schedule. At the end of the
this classic are legion. Although more com- first turn, the Italians must build a fleet
plex games ha..ve since supplante it",in COtlnt-et . 'fIr 'It . tes at a dis-
many ways"(notably World In Flames), •.•~' advantag~ to th numerical
nothing beats THIRD REICH,fo~ itsele. superiority im est of their
gance and ~Iayability. Indeed, for anyone BRPs ofi a 2.,,·' two-factor
wishing to re-enact World War IT in less infantry (tw.<il cent to the
than twenty hours of play time, THIRD border' ilds at this
REICH is the best choice! pq,' the action
Now from the ashes of C3R-Amiga (like i .:< S, rebuild-
a Phoenix)!THIRD REICH f~rPC (3RC) any future
arises. Wh~t an offepng it isl Much ,has
been publisped already of its shortcomings
(mostly to do with the AI), but the truth is
that the PC version of is game is faithful
to the original bo 11 e
detail. If t~e internet pas"',, ~">MI
any indicator, even detracto
continue tCj; play tq!-? game nced no
doubt by its other charQ1s. Th .simple fact
is that thiJ is a playable and enjoyable
game, rather more bug-free than many ini-
tial offerings we have seen of late. expenditure
TAHGC, as of this wdting, has already ns that the
released eight patches, suppOlting the prod- Allies will
uct well (a~ain, unli)),e manY$ther g . 1939 turn.
which no' langui,sll. in my!booko orne at this
course that
THE BACK DOUR you have properly defended Germany's
When I played THIRD REICH in the western border and are prepared to make
1970's and early 1980's, one of my favorite France pay with your return double-move.
Axis ploys was to apply heavy pressure
against the British in North Africa, and, at WINTER 1939
the critical moment, move units into The Allies may have the initiative this
Lebanon to attack through Palestine to the FALL 1939 turn. The AI won't do much with it, and a
Suez Canal. In most cases, the British are Germany of course will do the pre- human player who sticks the French nose
not disposed to defend against a "two- dictable things in Poland-resulting in the out of the Maginot and attempts an incur-
front" attack, and the collapse of Egypt early demise of the Poles. Much has been sion into Germany does so at great risk to
soon follows. The way is then open for an written already about the merits of an early his own cause. No matter what the Allies
have done during their phase, the Axis whole point here is to be shipping units to barossa until Summer 1941. The extra
should be able to get well into Belgium and Africa faster than the Brit can match them. turn delay is more than offset by the help
the Netherlands, and be ready to wheel into you will get from the Axis Minor allies
France on the following turn. Depending SUMMER and FALL 1940 which activate for that turn and the help
upon the priority that the Allies have given At some point during the summer or you will soon be giving yourself on the
to a British presence in France, you may see fall turn, France should collapse. If it southern flank of the USSR. Your aim
an additional 4-5 armor in Egypt, with per- doesn't, you can forget your plans for must be to successfully complete the
haps one or two 1-3 infantry units (or North Africa. desert campaign by Summer 1941.
replacement units). A competent Allied Immediately after the collapse of
player will also send at least another two air France, strategically redeploy German 1941 and BEYOND
factors to the desert front. armor to Lebanon. Two units, together with With the successful removal of the
The Italians, who should still be at another two German infantry should be British from the Suez area, you are in a
peace, build a 2-3 infantry and all six of enough. Base ten air factors in North Africa position to threaten the Soviet southern
their replacement units, stationing the latter within range to rebase to Lebanon. If you border.
on the invadable hexes in Italy and Sicily. want to send more, fine, but this is really all A British collapse in Egypt in the sum-
Redeploy your remaining 2-5 armor from you need to clear Palestine and Jordan. This mer of 1941 should be immediately fol-
Italy to North Africa, along with the will also pose a credible threat to Suez. lowed by strategic redeployment of as
infantry unit you just built. Send a full air Meanwhile, the combined Italian-German many Axis units as possible to the Iraq bor-
force as well. force (by now, well into Egypt) will be der. In the next turn, armor which is on that
At this juncture your thinking should chewing up British units. Don't worry border can reach the Russian border. The
include the idea of having at least one Ger- about your own losses. You can make them Soviets must decide if they will defend this
man 3-3 foot-slogger ready in the wings for up, and your SR capacity is greater than the border now or give up much of their south-
shipment to Tobruk next turn. British, in that they need two 9-factor fleets ern flank soon thereafter. Every unit sent to
[Veteran Allied players will notice that to SR a single unit from another front. the south is one less that the Germans must
Potts is going to rely primarily upon the
face in the east.
Italianfleet and a German counterattack to WINTER 1940
counteract a Fall 1939 invasion of Italy. Successful action along the two-fronts CONCLUSION
His plans for repositioning so much to of the desert has the effect of allowing the This strategy is not for the faint of heart.
Africa leaves the peninsula fairly weak. Axis, if it wishes, to hold off on Bar- It is fraught with risk, but you have much to
Nonetheless, 1 know Axis players who love
gain. Do not lose sight of your main objec-
to play this gambit-figuring that an Allied
tive: the conquest of USSR.
double-move is likely to cost part of the
Historians will argue for many years
British fleet and an early fall of France,
yet to come as to whether the Axis could
with a failure to knock out Italy being the
have won World War II. The answer, I
final result anyway. Nonetheless, novices
suppose, largely depends upon how many
should not be oblivious to the risks of using
"what ifs" you permit to creep into the
debate. Suppose the Axis had better pro-
tected its only viable source of "heavy
water"? Suppose Hitler hadn't ordered a
Now things get really interesting. The
Axis will have the initiative. Unlike Mus- shift away from the attack on Moscow at
solini, we will not wait to see in which the critical moment in the fall of 1941?
direction the wind blows. Italy declares Suppose that the average Italian soldier
war on France now. The only Italian role had been better led and better motivated,
during this turn is to tie down a few perhaps sharing in Mussolini's dream of a
French units, and to attract a bit of British "New Roman Empire"? Suppose Hitler
attention to North Africa. You don't want hadn't listened to Goering in 1940, and
to overplay your hand. You want to divert had let the Wehrmacht finish off the
some British units away from France, but British at Dunkirk? Suppose, suppose,
not so much as to inhibit the Italian plans suppose...
for Summer 1940. The enjoyment of wargaming is the
Circumstances in France may well be exploration of those issues which faced
favorable enough to warrant deploying the high command of the various combat-
your 3-3 infantry units to a much warmer ants during the war. In this game, you
climate. In any event, you will almost cer- have the ability to attempt alternate strate-
tainly be in a position to send at least one gies, yet you are still subject to the limita-
German 3-3 infantry to Africa (and very tions of time, space and resources which
likely, two such units). existed historically. The best plan can be
The Italians do not have the BRPs to ruined by one lousy roll of the dice, just as
permit both a declaration of war against a luck had its influence on actual events.
major power and an offensive on the same I have utilized this strategy many
turn. The Italians should run an attrition. times. In equal measure, I have experi-
While the British will doubtless have some enced both success and failure, and
cheap factor units to soak up losses. Losses therein lies the fun. You never know how
of any sort by the British cut into their rein- it's going to turn out.
forcement ability via their next SR. The
Don't count on the computer to be
SPELUNKER'S DELIGHT developing at the same rate as you are. I
found out by trial and error. Although the
By Michael W, Ziegler Computer attempts to give you time to
develop, you count on this. I played a few
levels. (Possible invasion points, so watch games using the Dwarves and had some
he market may have been taken by

T surprise at the end of November,

courtesy of The Avalon Hill Game
Company's release of CAVEWARS but the
out!). You may run into other explorers
from other players or the computer, and
some may be more advanced than you!
success, on another occasion I used the
Dwarves and developed quite nicely along
the line of weaponry, and having a lot of
mineral wealth, I built squads of well armed
greater surprise is what is found in the Seek after mineral wealth, Bronze is troops with mithril weapons. You could
Computer game itself. essential at first. Those gold looking nuggets imagine my surprise as I confidently
I purchased the game on a whim during inside rock must be extracted. Tell your city knocked off group after group of computer
a stop at the local store to acquire OVER folk to build an engineer. The production of primitives which were invading from
THE REICH, wherein, seeing CAVEWARS that little critter costs valuable Bronze, (one another level. It eventually came to the
also available I trusted in the traditions of the hundred points, and you only start with about point that I sat on top of the holes and
company which has given me many hours of two hundred and fIfty). I advise conservation slaughtered each group as it appeared. But
entertainment. for explorers. Get out, find the elements, cre- after I killed about 300 the logic escaped
That trust did not go unrewarded. This lit- ate an engineer, dig and mine the minerals. me, from where are they coming? I slaugh-
tle advertised game is a gem of competition, This gives you the ability to call upon tered 200 more. Eventually, I saw that the
both in the "hot seat" format and "one-on- weaponry when it will be needed. If things "hordes" were developing magic above the
one" against the computer! At first the game are proceeding normally you will be busy third level. It was only a matter of time
seemed a bewilderment of interior phenom- checking out new sites, digging for minerals, before my defeat.
ena of various races and actions, but soon I and increasing stock. A fellow player once discovered his race
began to discover the logical nature of the Then critical decisions must be made was encased in stone on all sides of the area
cavernous world. The game encompasses regarding how you wish to advance on the and was required to spend many turns dig-
five levels of sheer terror! At any time the scale of knowledge. Your city must ging his way out. This is unfair stuff to be
randomness of the Thido world can cast you sure. The computer tends to give itself pro-
into the hostility of mindless, everlasting tection in multi-player games, in that it will
slaughter that is the element of empire! place the players on the same levels and
You start by choosing from a variety of place itself on another. So while you kill
races. Each has advantages and foibles each other off, the computer is developing
which will dictate in which direction devel- full tilt! Then as you rise from the ashes as
opment will proceed. Then, you must the victor of your level, you are suddenly
decide just how much you wish your city to confronted by an army of well-developed
produce and along what line of investiga- field soldiers conquering you at will. Be
tion and research you wish your "people" to prepared to make early alliances. This is
check. The start of the game leaves you in difficult since the way to advance depends
the "Stone Age." You have a minimal sup- on city acquisition.
ply of Bronze and knowledge of weapons The alternative is to try to build your
development to produce an "army." For the research either magic, weapons, cave tech- own cities with engineers if you can spare
sake of strategy, let's say that you have nology or transportation technology. I rec- them from mineral duty. Later a food crisis
chosen the Gakkar race. You order your ommend cave technology for the first few may develop, and this can be partially off-
city population to produce a "soldier" on turns. After a few advances, switch either to set by moving your city population in part
the first turn, equipped with a sword. On weapons or magic. In this game, magic is to other cities in your possession. You can
the ensuing turn the man appears inside the power. Advancement in this line allows also use developments in magic to increase
city ready to explore the hidden world out- you to call up hordes of powerful creatures the yield in food
side the walls. You also allocate to your which can attack and defend your cities just The computer will also prompt you
city just how much you wish them to make like militia. Depending on your choice of when it wants to give in. I find that once
of these characters (it will crank them out race, your group mayor may not be able to you have secured your level and are explor-
until you run out of metal). It is good prac- secure this advantage quickly, so consider ing other regions that the computer some-
tice to only allocate a few explorers, one to your tendencies. Some races are more vio- times seeks a quick exit. But you don't have
four will do. Also it is not necessary to use lent and therefore seek weapon develop- to listen! You can go on conquering and
bronze. You can produce wooden weapons, ment. You will get the crossbow, then flint- maiming as long as you wish. I once took
or none at all! If you want to get around lock guns, rifles, machine guns, cannons, the Gakkar race on to conquer every city on
faster, then an early transport animal, etc.-right up the scale. every level! The game will end at this point.
known as a "balthi" (which resembles an You will seek to conquer easily-routed So if you are intent on looking for a game
underground kangaroo that hasn't seen day- troops both in the field and inside cities. that will amuse, enlighten, and appeal to a
light) is available. It will cost you an extra Once armies are built (nine per group) they "Risk"-playing personality. I suggest you
25 bronze for the ride! venture out to capture other cities and check out this item. It is among one of the
Then your explorers reveal items of thereby increase productivity. Engineers more interesting and unusual games that
interest, food (which look like mushroom are also easy meat for slaughter, even when TAHGC has produced in years!
farms), rock, minerals (three type) and neu- they are in the act of mining or digging.
tral races in other cities. You may also (The computer seems to have a lust for
locate holes which lead up or down to other these when you play one-on-one.)


Basic Strategies and Simple Tactics for
Westwood's Command & Conquer
By Mark G. McLaughlin
n computer game company parlance, ing troops, exploring the map, and wiping A LAYERED WALL OF IRON

I the accolade of "evergreen" is given to

any game that continues to sell well, if
at all, six months after its release date.
Few computer games and even fewer com-
puter wargames gain that mark of renown.
out the opposition. Some missions, espe-
cially for NOD, are more objective ori-
ented, such as "blow up this building," "kill
this man," or "steal this crate." The more
humorous and creative ones involve a tiny
Like the infantry, the armor is best used
in combined-arms strike groups. An
armored charge (unless composed of mostly
mammoth tanks) will collapse into a pile of
wrecks. Even a huge attack force of a dozen
Westwood Studios' real-time tactical force or even a single commando. or more vehicles will soon be reduced to
wargame, Command & Conquer, not only Units are individual soldiers, vehicles scrap if employed in a massive rush.
earned that sobriquet, it also continues to and aircraft. The battle takes place in real- Unlike infantry, the vehicles can be
reside in the top ten sales list nearly two time. Although you can slow down the massed, literally hub-to-track, to present a
years after its release. The system is so speed, you can only pause to save the game wall of iron. Their killing zone tactic can be
good, and so popular that it has spawned or freeze the screen, not to give orders. a set defensive one or a "bounding over-
four spin-offs (with a fifth on the way). It Even at the very slowest speed, the pace of watch" (for slow leapfrogging advances).
has spurred a half a dozen other companies the game can get breathless. Enemy hordes Vehicles can clump together, because the
come at you in waves while your forces and only weapons that can take them out en
to produce clones in an effort to cut in on
base are being pummeled by air strikes, masse are the GDI air strikes and laser satel-
Westwood's market.
laser bolts from space-based weapons and lite strikes or the NOD nuclear missiles.
even an occasional nuclear missile. Even then the risk is low, because the com-
puter usually will use those weapons against
INFANTRY TACTICS a player's base rather than his field forces.
Commanding infantry requires watch- The computer's vehicles also are sus-
fulness. Instead of moving everybody in an ceptible to the "live bait" trap that is the
area all at once, you get better results undoing of its infantry.
by moving a few men at a time into an
"overwatch" position while you bring Command & Conquer by Westwood Studios
up another bunch. The stationary ones Minimum System Requirements: a 486 MHz
will provide fire cover for the moving machine with MS-DOS 5.0, 8 mb Ram, 20 mb
group. The units can leapfrog forward hard drive space, Double-speed CD-ROM reader
in this manner. Another tactic is click- (with MSCDEX 2.2), MCGA graphics and Sound-
blaster or compatibles and Microsoft compatible
ing on a group and hitting the "X" key
to make them scatter or the "G" key to Supports Modem play.
make them behave more defensively. Playing Time: A mission can be played in under two
TWO GAMES IN ONE PACKAGE Infantry works best when orga- hours, but playing the whole game can take 60 hours or
The basic Command & Conquer (C&C) nized in combined-arms fire teams. more.
The bazookas start firing as the Mental
gives you the opportunity to play either side
enemy comes into range, then the Challenge
of a near-future war. The GDI is the Amer-
grenadiers kick in and finally the
ican-led United Nations forces, which is
submachineguns open up. If you set AI Ability
trying to stop the criminal/terrorist alliance
up overlapping and layered fields of
of NOD from taking over the present-day
fire you can build a killing zone for
The 16 missions per side are linked in a
story. At the end of each mission you are
the enemy infantry.
Luring the enemy into these kill 0000 Realism

• ••••
zones is not hard. As the scenario
given an update of how the war is going. progresses you can identify his main Excitement
The maps and numbers are enhanced by approach and wait for him. Bridges,
some very nice live action and computer passes and roads are especially invit-
animation that serves as an introduction to $ $ $ $ $ Artistic Appeal
ing to the enemy. The opposition,
the next mission. The missions, forces, however, is not stupid, and will set
objectives and story line for each side are
very different.
up his own kill zones. To lure the
enemy forces out of their positions,
you must send a man close enough so
00000 Replayability

Rating icons range from one (wretched or ten years behind the
Most missions, especially for the "good that they start firing and then get him state of the industry) to five (top 10% of industry). Four is good,
guys" of the GDI, involve building or out before he dies. The enemy usu- three is passable (middle of the road for the industry) and two is
not great (bottom third).
repairing a base, gathering resources, buy- ally follows a target.
before the next attack. Situating the build-
ings as far apart as the computer will allow
also helps reduce the damage, because the
A-lOs will pick one or two targets rather
than carpet-bomb the whole base.
A GDI player can only get A-lO strikes
if all the SAM bases are knocked out. This
means hunting around the perimeters of
NOD bases and looking in corners of the
map to find the obscure missile silos.
The helicopters are not very good at tak-
ing out the silos-they die too quickly.
Each helicopter carries only five missiles
and must fly home to reload. Helicopters
are also hampered by always expending all
of their ordnance at the selected target.
Helicopters are best used in tandem or trios.
They can be loaded and flown to land
TRUE COMBINED ARMS THE PROMISE AND DEMISE OF behind the defensive line's kill zone-close
Infantry and armor work very well AIR POWER to the battle, but out of the line of fire.
In C&C only the GDI has air power. In When the enemy approaches the kill zone,
together on the defense. This can either be
some scenarios it can build helicopter gun- they can strike and fly home. They can also
a set defense of a position or base, or an
ships and call for A-lO Warthogs as air be used for a long-range strike against a
"offensive defense." The offensive defense
strikes. In the second half of the game, base without SAMs, a lone NOD gun turret
is harder to build and maintain than the set-
expensive gunships can be bought. Air or even some NOD vehicles waiting in the
piece defense, because you must create the bushes.
enemy's approach path with the live bait power is very vulnerable not only to fixed
routine and sit astride it. The key to win- SAM sites (armored surface to air missiles
that pop out of armored underground ACHILLES HEEL:
ning the war of attrition is utilization of THE HARVESTERS
killing zones against piecemeal attacks by bunkers), but also to NOD bazooka men. A
good NOD player can protect his base with C&C is not a pure tactical game. Few of
the enemy. your initial units will survive. To build
SAMs and set up some nice helicopter traps
For the GDI, line up a group of armored things, you must find Tiberium deposits
with a group of bazooka boys. The SAMs
personnel carriers with a second line of scattered around the map, move a "har-
cannot provide an umbrella very far from
tanks and Humvees behind them. The the base and the bazookas only work vester" to scoop up the Tiberium, and bring
armored personnel carriers draw fire and against helicopters if the bazooka men it back to a refinery in your base.
shield the tanks while gunning down stand still. In most cases, buying a second harvester
enemy infantry. The tanks provide long- Often the best NOD strategy is to send early in the game is the single best invest-
range support and the Humvees provide an armored force around the GDI base to ment you can make. It not only scoops up
added firepower against enemy infantry look for the helicopter pads and place them more Tiberium for you, but as there are
(especially flametroopers) or speed bikes under long-range fire. If that is not possi- usually limited amounts of Tiberium, you
which approach. ble, NOD has to set up a trap with live bait deprive the enemy as well.
GDI infantry is best used on the flanks to draw the choppers into a mass of Harvesters can be used as a weapon, in
or interspersed in the second line. Its job is bazooka boys. The best bait for this is that they can run over infantry. They can
fire support to kill enemy infantrymen who NOD's buggy. Drive it close to the enemy take a lot of punishment (useful when
get too close. The GDI missile launcher base and then back away. If the computer drawing fire). However, the loss of a har-
trucks can stay well to the rear and still pro- GDI has helicopters, they will follow the vester, especially if it is the only one in
vide effective fire. buggy into your ambush
When the GDI is ready to advance of anti-aircraft weapons.
toward an enemy base, this formation can Even if the buggy gets hit
be maintained, although you have to move or destroyed, the cost
small groups or individual pieces to keep tradeoff is very favorable.
the alignment. If enough enemy units have The A-lO strikes can
been gunned down so that the objective is be devastating. NOD
defended only by fixed emplacements (like ground forces should be
kept well out of the path
gun turrets), then the longer-range weapons
of the A-lOs or else face
can lead the advance. The rest of the force
extinction in the napalm.
covers the flanks against a counterattack. Fortunately for NOD, a
NOD tactics are more tricky. You must group of three SAMs will
put the light tanks in front and everything usually stop the strike
else behind them, while leaving a path for before it does much dam-
the flame units (men and vehicles). Behind age to a base. Even then,
the tanks sit infantry and then mobile guns NOD must keep some
far to the rear. Fast bikes and stealth tanks money in the bank to
are best used from the flanks to raid. repair the buildings
operation, can have a
"KEEPING 'EM COMING" crippling effect.
(The Sequels) You should make a
As C&C continues to grow in popu- priority of targeting
larity, Westwood keeps adding new enemy harvesters. This is
titles to the line. Although these are a job for armor (and heli-
excellent, the original product (which copters). Interpose a force
is still available) is arguably the best of between a harvester and
the bunch. its base. The harvester can
be nailed by a killer force
• Command & Conquest Gold while the blocking force
This is the deluxe Win95 version of keeps away the enemy's
the original. It has better sound and relief column. Such a ring
graphics and more music. of steel often has to keep
moving, like a box on
• Covert Missions treads, to keep the beast
This adds 15 missions and requires penned, but eventually
the original game. Unlike the original, you will blow it up. Don't even try to use least overwhelm the turrets and small tow-
you can play them in any order you infantry against harvesters. You can easily ers. A few tanks or mobile guns can engage
choose. There are also five "hidden" lose a dozen men without even denting the the towers while a few bazooka men or
missions. You can access these by typ- monster. A flight of helicopters can weaken light armored vehicles finish the job. The
ing C&C FUNPARK and starting a it, but they alone will not take it out. enemy will spend money repairing these.
new game. The five include dinosaurs Attacks on harvesters always draw Tum this to your advantage by attacking
and other silly things and a new movie responses from the enemy base-the best towers and forcing the computer to put
sequence. live bait available. The enemy will rush out money into repairs rather than into new
of their base with everything that moves to builds. If you don't want the computer to
• Red Alert save the harvester. This can work to your build a new one on the site of a destroyed
This is a new game that presupposes advantage if you can set up a killing zone to one, then park a vehicle on top of the site.
a United States versus Soviet WW II hold them back. Advanced towers, such as the NOD
(no Nazis). A host of new land, air, sea
laser, really cannot be attacked directly-it
and secret weapons (from guard dogs STEALING (THEIR) HOME will just flash your units into dust. You
to electrified "Tesla" coils) requires Attacking an enemy base in C&C is have to find another way into the base to
some adjusted thinking, but the basic never easy, but is usually required for vic- knock out the power plants. The GDI mis-
tactics of the original game still apply. tory. Most bases are situated in valleys or sile tower has no special vulnerabilities,
There is a naval aspect to this game behind rivers that leave one or, at the most, unless you knock out all of the power plants
(unlike the original), which involves two avenues of approach. In the early sce- in the base. If you can't, then expect heavy
Soviet subs and Allied surface war- narios, NOD has gun turrets and GDI has losses.
ships. Both sides also have aircraft. gatling gun towers protecting the
The game gives you more control over approaches to their homes. The computer BACK DOORS AND
the units (they can be assigned to hoards infantry and armor at home. It will ENGINEER RUSHES
escort duty or ordered to move in for- unleash them if you break through the If a base looks too tough to crack,
mations). walls, barbed wire and fixed defenses. In explore the edges. Send a foot soldier or a
Like the original, the game is driven later scenarios, GDI adds long-range, fast vehicle crawling around to map the
by the story line and you can play either multi-barreled missile towers and NOD perimeter. Sometimes there is a literal back
side. Most players will probably find gets the laser obelisks that obliterate any-
door. Often you will find a location on the
the Soviets easier to play, as they have thing with a single hit.
perimeter where you can park a long-range
the most muscle. Without some kind of super weapon
weapon and pick off buildings inside the
(GDI space lasers or NOD nuclear mis-
• Red Alert Counterstrike base-such as on the far side of impassable
siles), you must draw the enemy reserves
This is the mission add-on for Red hills or rivers. Some bases also have weakly
out of their base. You must get his mobile
Alert with 16 new missions plus some units engaged and cleared
more new toys. There is a rather silly out or else your attack into
subplot to "find the giant ant missions" the base will be a very short
(like the dinosaurs in the C&C sce- trip. The live bait routine
nario disk). works most of the time. A
variant of this is to target
• Hint Books one outlying tower with
Westwood sells a number of hint long-range weapons, blow it
books for its games. They offer good up, race somebody into the
strategic advice but give away the gap, and then race back out.
map and the key "tricks" that allow The enemy usually follows.
you to win specific scenarios, taking Both sides have weapons
most of the fun out of the game. that can outdistance or at
protected spots where you can blow a hole GUN TURRETS AND READY CASH often they can be given orders to go some-
in the wall through which to sneak your The computer knows all of the afore- where to create a diversion (the enemy
people. Once they get inside, the com- mentioned tricks. The best defense is cash always shoots at them) or to scout the hid-
puter will respond. Don't delay in taking in hand. When you see an enemy attack den parts of the map.
advantage of the breach. developing, quickly build a gun
Have two special groups ready to turret/tower in the area of his approach. THE ONE-MAN ARMY
exploit the breach. The first is a fast-attack That buys you time to buy some cheap In some scenarios, you get a com-
vehicle squad which rushes through the infantry as back up and to call the main mando (sometimes he is the only unit you
breach, drawing fire. Bring in the second army back home, if necessary. It is also will have for most of the scenario). He is
group, the engineers, right behind the first. important to keep some cash to repair tur- a likable, sassy character who talks back
Scatter the engineers and send them in to rets (the computer likes to stop and blow to you in a rude voice (seriously). He can
capture the buildings, giving priority to (in up things). knock out men at long range with a single
order): the barracks, the shot. You can use the cursor
harvester factory and the Web Sites and Netplay as a reconnaissance tool. If
weapons factory. A cap- Westwood has a web site on the Internet. If you have the game, an enemy soldier is hiding,
tured barracks denies them the cursor will switch to a
you can download two bonus missions. The game can be played via
cheap infantry. A captured gunsight and you can shoot
modem with another player, and net-based game options exist as
harvester factory keeps the foe.
well. All of the games get extra units and maps for netplay.
them from unloading Commandos should never
Tiberium. If you can time come near vehicles. They
The "Solo" Experiment cannot do any real damage
it right, take the harvester
factory while the harvester Actually the next sequel to the game, this is a product now in to them. The commando has
is inside. The weapons fac- development and testing that will allow people to log on the net and a collection of time bombs
tory is important for sev- take part in a kind of "gladiatorial" C&C. You get one unit and must he can place on buildings
eral reasons. It is expen- explore and fight other players. and walls (including SAM
sive for them to rebuild. It When you die, you buy another unit. You can discover things to sites), but he has to move
cuts down on their coun- help you fight-a sort of open-air dungeon with tanks. Westwood away very quickly to avoid
terattack force. It gives is setting it up for up to 50 people to play at a time on a single map. the backblast. Commandos
you a reinforcement build- are especially good for map-
ing right in the heart of the fight. The computer also likes to send a heli- ping and for surprising undefended sites.
If you have money available, you can copter filled with engineers or infantry on Commandos are my favorite unit in the
use the enemy's weapons factories and an end-run into or behind your base. You game, because their attitude sums up the
barracks to produce their types of troops need to keep two or three cheap, machine- whole C&C experience. When a com-
and vehicles (that is how you get GDI gun soldiers at home just for security. mando kills a foe, he yells back: "Bah!
flamethrowers and rocket bikes or NOD Players rarely get the chance to use this Keep 'em comin'."
heavy tanks). If you don't have money or flying squad technique, because the com- That's my attitude toward the game,
take over non-productive installations, puter always has enough anti-aircraft and toward the company.
you can sell the buildings. Thus, you weaponry to knock any transport chopper
deprive your foe of a structure, make out of the sky.
money, and get a handful of infantry
(arming the staff of the building). SUPER WEAPONS
You have only two ways to deal with
GDI's space-based laser or NOD's
nuclear missiles. First, spread out your
buildings and forces as much as possible,
so that you do not lose too much to one
blow. Second, get your troops close to his
base, where he can't use those weapons.
Go after the buildings that house the con-
trols for these arms.


Some civilian buildings can be targeted
(the cursor become a gunsight if you can
shoot at the building). Some of these have
money or crates inside. Blow the building
first, then walk over to pick up the dollar
sign or move a vehicle over the crate
(which often gets you secret weapons or
another bonus).
Sometimes when you sell off a build-
ing (yours or one you captured) you get
civilians. They can't hurt anybody, but

run the game, it crashes with a DOS4/GW CD-ROM only

page fault-a screen full of numbers. Original Version 1.1
Solution: Certain 3D cards (Sierra Current Version 1.38
Common Problems and Solutions Screamin' 3D, Intergraph Reactor, Creative Available Upgrade vl.l to 1.38
By J. C. Connors
Labs 3D Blaster) do not support the VESA
It's been a busy few months for the mode CAVEWARS requires. Download the ADVANCED CIVILIZATION-IBM PC
Avalon Hill computer division. HISTORY CD-ROM only
CAVEWARS 1.2 video fix off of our web-
OF THE WORLD PC is nearing release, Original v1.0
site (http://www.avalonhill.com) for a fix Current v1.0l
and should be on store shelves sometime in for this problem. If you're not getting this
May. It's a very faithful recreation of our Available upgrade v1.0 to v1.01
error, please do not download this update,
boardgame, with a lot of multimedia as it will cause the game to crash. D-DAY AMERICA INVADES-IBM PC & Mac
enhancements and a great PBEM system.
CD-ROM only
The biggest news is DEFIANCE, a hot Problem: I can start CAVEWARS fine, but Original v1.0
new fIrst-person 3D shooter. It will be loaded whenever I go to start a new game, the pro- Current v1.0
with some old-fashioned Avalon Hill detail, gram crashes. Available upgrade v1.0 to 1.01 IBM PC only
including some heavy sci-fi ordinance, Solution: Make sure the file LEVELS.FDG
vicious enemy AI, mission structure, and a is in the \CAVEWARS\DLGS subdirectory. 1830 RAILROADS & ROBBER BARONS-
great plot to boot. Look for the game in Octo- This file is necessary when you want to use IBM PC
ber, and the demo on June 6th... D-Day. In 3.5" Disk and CD-ROM
the new feature in version 1.11 that lets you
the meantime, check out the screenshots on Original v1.0
choose how many cavern levels to play.
http://www.avalonhill.com. Current v1.2
We're still hard at work on ACHTUNG, Available upgrade v1.0 to v1.2
SPITFIRE!, which looks like it will be a
Problem: I can't even install the game! STALINGRAD-IBM PC & Mac
worthy prequel to OVER THE REICH. It
Solution: We've found that this problem is 3.5" Disk and CD-ROM
will have the same great air combat system
caused by computers that use the QEMM Original vl.0
with a more detailed campaign system, new
memory management program. Please dis- Current v2.0 for PC; v1.9 for Mac
video footage and enhanced graphics and
able this program and use EMM386, the Available upgrades v1.85 to v2.0 or v1.9
program that is included with Windows
Scenario Pack Update Original v1.0
Since the last issue, we've uploaded D-DAY: AMERICA INVADES
Problem: The game can't find my CD. Current v1.04
three new scenario packs for Wooden Available upgrade v1.0 to v1.04
Ships & Iron Men on our website. The Solution: D-DAY requires MSCDEX as
March scenarios finish up the series of War well as an MS-DOS cd-rom driver to be 5TH FLEET-IBM PC
of 1812 scenarios released in February, and played. Download the 1.01 patch. If you 3.5" Disk and CD-ROM
then go back in time to some of the more still continue to have problems, contact Original v1.0
intriguing battles of the Revolution. your computer manufacturer and ask them Current v1.2
Pellow vs. Droits de L'Homme to load your DOS cd-rom drivers. Available upgrade v1.0 to v1.2
Essex vs. Minerva
Constitution vs. Shannon Current Versions of Avalon Hill Games OPERATION CRUSADER-IBM PC & Mac
Broke's Challenge Here are the current versions and updates Original Version 3.5" Disk
available for all our games. Current Version CD-ROM
April scenarios highlight the exploits of
Original v1.0 Mac 3.5" Disk
daring captains and their crews. Included is vl.l PC 3.5" Disk
the first of our Richard Bolitho scenarios, OVER THE REICH-IBM PC & Mac
CD-ROM Current v2.35 (Mac and PC CDROM)
the Privateer. Available upgrade v1.x to v2.35
Original Version 1.00
Porter vs. Hillyar Current Version 1.01
Commodore Rodgers Available Upgrade v1.00 to v1.0l KINGMAKER-IBM PC
Run of the Irish Rose (fictional) Note: Separate patches cover Windows 95, 3.5" Disk
The Privateer Windows 3.1 Original Version 1.50
May Scenarios are entirely devoted to and Macintosh versions. Current Version 1.52
the adventures of Richard Bolitho, as he Available upgrade v1.50 to v1.52
evades one enemy after another. CA VEWARS-IBM PC
To Dare or to Die CD-ROM Check us out Online!
Only the Brave Original Version 1.00 You can obtain demos, updates, screen shots,
The Signal Current Version 1.11 and online technical assistance through email by
From Line of Battle Available Upgrade v1.00 to vl.J 1 accessing our areas on Compuserve, America
Also available is 1.2 video fix Online, and our website, http://www.avalon-
We have many new scenarios on the
hiIl.com. Use "GO" keyword "Avalon Hill" on
way, so be sure to check out WOODEN SHIPS & IRON MEN-IBM PC either Compuserve or AOL. You can email us
http://www.avalonhill.com. CD-ROM directly at [email protected], or
Original Version 1.00 72662,1207 on Compuserve with your com-
CAVEWARS Current Version 1.02 ments and questions.
Problem: I have a 3D video card that uses Available Upgrade v1.00 to v1.02
a Rendition Verite chip. Whenever I try to THIRD REICH-IBM PC
the time it only costs your opponent one
MF to move off the wire, and before you
know it your defenses are breached. While
hung up on wire, infantry units suffer a + I

Bunq Up, ~kewered, and Bla~ted penalty to any attack they make (To Hit,
1FT, CC, etc.), are more vulnerable to CC
attacks against them, and cannot place,
throw or set a DC. Vehicles may enter a
The Use of Wire, Panjis and A-P Mines in ASL wire location (2 MP + COT for fully-
By Chuck Goetz tracked, 4 MP + COT for all others) after
undergoing a bog check.
Mines can hurt the enemy, but other than
attacking (and possibly breaking, pinning,
immobilizing or eliminating) units entering
t's not often in ADVANCED SQUAD hex. Mines and panjis can set up in bamboo, or exiting their hex, minefields do not

I LEADER (ASL) that a commander has

the opportunity to utilize "obstacle"
fortifications such as wire, panjis and
anti-personnel (A-P) mines. When you do
have such an opportunity, you want to
but not crags or paved roads/runways; vice
versa for wire. Mines are the only fortifica-
tion that can set up in a culvert (but only if
non-HIP). Wire and panjis can set up in any
beach hex (mined beach hexes must be adja-
impose any movement penalties. Of course,
a minefield attack is never halved against
concealed units and doesn't apply any TEM
or FFMO/FFNAM modifiers. Unarmored
vehicles are attacked on the star vehicle line
while armored vehicles are unaffected
make the most of it. In general, these forti- cent to at least one hinterland hex). Finally,
unless the minefield attack results in a KIA,
fications are intended to slow down or panjis cannot be set up in the same hex as
in which case they are immobilized. Vul-
obstruct enemy movement. Panjis and wire or mines (or a roadblock), although
nerable PRC of a vehicle immobilized by
mines have the added benefit of possibly wire and mines can occupy the same hex.
mines are attacked Collaterally. Any vehi-
inflicting harm on the enemy through failed Like other fortifications, wire, panjis
cle whose lowest hull AF is zero is treated
morale checks and outright casualties. and mines are set up using HIP and stay as unarmored. There are no combat penal-
hidden until either within LOS of a good ties for being in a minefield.
SETUP AND CLEARANCE order enemy unit (i.e., wire and panji unless
Wire, panjis and A-P mines must all be Available only in the PTO, panjis both
in bamboo, kunai or jungle) or a real enemy hinder movement and potentially inflict
set up before play commences and cannot
unit enters the fortification's location. The harm on traversing units. In addition to pro·
be moved thereafter (they may only be elim-
strength of a minefield is not revealed, hibiting bypass (along or across a panji-
inated or cleared). With a few important
while the number and placement of all covered hexside) and use of a bank counter,
exceptions, these fortifications are limited
panji-covered hexsides are. Each of these infantry and fully-tracked units entering a
to the same types of terrain. None may be
fortifications can be revealed also by hex across a panji hexside must expend an
set up in rubble, marsh, swamp or water
Searching, although mines and panjis may additional MF or MP to move underneath
obstacles (although wire may set up in a
cause casualties as per A12.154. the panjis. Non-fully-tracked vehicles
frozen water obstacle). Wire and panjis may
All three of these fortifications can be (including wagons) are immobilized when
not be set up in a building hex, while mines
partially or totally eliminated by infantry entering, horses/bicycles are eliminated
can-provided it's not an interior building
using the B24.7 clearance rules, although it when ridden into, and guns eliminated
generally requires some combination of when manhandled into, a panji hex across a
ERRATA luck, multiple MMC, good leadership, covered hexside. Unless using assault
Q6.1 Hex C9 should have a square, white heroes and time. FFE (if a KIA result; a K/# movement, using low crawl, or making a
staircase symbol indicating it is a Tower. reduces a minefield) or bombardment (if normal advance, an infantry unit (random
Q8.2 ILLUSTRATION Under squad E, add MC failure) can also eliminate these obsta- selection for stacked units) moving across a
"A," between "except" and "B." cles, but not with any reliability. Finally, a
Q9.4 CGSSR4a Add "Treat the three German
panji hexside (or disembarking from trans-
setup areas separately for purposes of EL2 fully-tracked vehicle can create a trail break port above a panji counter) must take a
and A2.9." through a minefield [B28.61], possibly NMC (leader modifier and HOB or NA)
Q9.61741 CPP ENTRY COST TABLE remove a wire counter (with a one on the and also suffers casualty reduction if it rolls
Delete the entry for hex A15 and change hex colored die of its bog check DR [B26.53], doubles. In addition to suffering from the
AS to A7.
and clear one panji covered hexside (by same attack penalties incurred when hung
MAP Change the grid coordinate for the hex
between KKlO and KK12 from ""KKlO" to expending 1/4 of its MP (FRU) [G9.73]). up on wire (exception: DC used by Japan-
"KKll;" change the second "10" to an "11" ese as per G1.424), infantry above a panji
in hexrows II and MM also. THE NASTY THINGS THEY DO counter are always engaged in conceal-
PLAYER AID Add "Permission is granted to Wire can't actually hurt the enemy. It ment-loss activity, may only use inherent
photocopy for personal use only." FP/SW, LMG, LATW (but not 20mm
slows him down. Upon entering a wire
CLARIFICAnONS Location, an infantry unit is hung up until it ATR) and FT, and may not interdict.
Q9.1 Does the German control all Strategic
can make a dr less than or equal to its MF
Locations at game start. WHAT TO DO WITH THEM
A. Yes. capability. Because a unit can't use double
First, remember that none of these three
PBSSR14 Do the Ox and Bucks suffer an time during a turn in which it attempts to
fortifications is a rigid barrier-all can be
automatic Sniper attack (EL76) when using a move beneath wire (nor can it advance off
penetrated by a determined opponent. Don't
captured MG at night? wire, though it may advance onto wire), it rely on wire, panjis or mines to actually
A.No. will be unable to move off the wire at least block enemy movement. Instead, use them
MAP At what level is hex ZS? one third of the time (unless stacked with a
A. Level-I. leader). On the other hand, 17 per cent of ~~~~~ (Continued on p.54)
Players on List: 197 Active Players: 150
Date of Standings: April 7, 1997
Rank Name Rating Qualifiers
I Herbert Gratz 2028 DHAA5
2 William B. Edwards 1916 HKEB6
3 Jeff Paull 1853 BLEB6
4 Nicholas Cascone 1823 GI-I5
5 Donald Hawthorne 1811 01-16
6 John Emery 1799 DE-B6
7 Larry Davidson 1777 EF-H5
8 Raymond Stakenas, Sr. 1762 GGAC7
9 James Murphy 1748 JK-I6
to Stephen Buchholz 1748 CDD-6
II Will Miner 1721 CF-A6
12 James C. Donghan 1705 DE-A7
13 Paul Lebowitz 1680 BE--G5
14 James Malt 1679 DDEA7
15 Brnce YollJ1g 1672 CEAB6
16 Andrew R. Maly 1661 EGAC7
In my last column, I discussed single classic results. In the first round, Steve 17 Mark Dumas 1656 BE-A6
elimination tournaments. Single elimina- Packwood lost to Bruce Monnin. Five 18 Craig Tenhoff 1649 KK-15
tion (SE) has its strong points, but falls rounds later the still undefeated Bruce 19 Michael Rodgers 1643 ABA-6
20 Gregory Courter 1627 DFFC7
short on many counts. The next most com- faced Steve again. Steve then won twice
mon tournament format is the double elim- against Bruce to claim the championship HISTORY OF THE WORLD
Players on List: 182 Active players: 181
ination option. plaque. Date of Standings: April 7, 1997
Double elimination (DE), like SE, has An alternative is to match those who Rank Name Rating Qualifiers
I Timothy Johnson 1603 AG-A5
the virtue of simplicity. Just as the name have lost one against the undefeated every 2 Jim Fardette 1569 AE-A6
implies, every contender stays in the com- round. This tends to bounce the worst play- 3 Keith Levy 1563 AG-A6
petition until he has lost twice. This assures ers from the tournament rather quickly, but 4 Helen Hsieh 1562 AG-A5
5 Thomas Y. Scarborough 1562 AG-A5
every player at least two playings of their becomes cumbersome in a hurry. Each 6 Olin Hentz 1553 AH-B6
favorite game. It also covers the possibility round eliminates an unpredictable number 7 Michael H. Hart 1553 AH-B6
of a fluke loss-whether through bad or of players, with the potential of the single- 8 Stefan Krzywicki 1542 AI-B6
loss players soon outnumbering the unde- 9 Josh Johnson 1536 AD-A6
unfortunate oversight. Such happens to the
best of players, and it is a good idea to pro- feated. Players who have already faced BRITANNIA
vide the double elimination format for any each other may have to do so again before Players on List: 22 Active Players: 18
Date of Standings: March 30, 1997
game that involves a significant luck factor. the end of the tournament. Another nega- Rank Name Rating Qualifiers
In its simplest form, the GM could sim- tive consequence is that the number of I Randy Schilb 1602 AG-A5
ply throw all the names into a hat every undefeated players may only slowly dimin- 2 John Emory 1600 BC--6
3 Barry Smith 1562 AG-A5
round, matching the players as they come ish in the second half of the tournament. 4 Michael Ehlers 1528 AE-A5
out. After the second round, anyone who This variation does offer the advantage that 5 John T. Price 1528 AE-A5
has lost twice does not go back into the hat. more players are given the opportunity of 6 Bret Mingo 1528 AE-A5
7 Scott House 1528 AE-A5
The hat procedure is repeated each round, playing more games. 8 Earl M. Anderson 1528 AE-A5
until eventually only one name is left-the Double elimination carries with it most 9 David Gantt 1528 AE----A5
winner of the tournament. of the advantages of SE, as well as most of ADVANCED CIVILIZATION
Usually, though, a little more organiza- its disadvantages. Every player is assured Players on List: 25 Active players: 13
tion is used. The most accepted practice is the opportunity of playing at least two Date of Standings: March 30, 1997
Rank Name Rating Qnalifiers
to sort the players into two groups. The games, it is easy to administer, players and I Michael Neal 1569 AJ'-AS
players who are yet undefeated make up bystanders understand the system, pairing 2 Douglas GaUulo 1535 AJ-A5
one group. The players who have each lost is not that important, a clear champion 3 Michele Sandoe 1535 AI-A5
4 Todd K. Vander-Pluym 1530 AJ-A5
one game become the second group. In emerges, and adjudications are less critical 5 Jeffrey Cornett 1530 AI-A5
every round the undefeated play each other, to the final outcome.
Qualifiers refer to quantities of games played, opponents
cutting this group in half. At the end of each Among the disadvantages of DE are that played, PBM games, tournament participation and year of last
round half remain undefeated, the other third place on down is not clear (the GM activity (with later letters indicating greater quantities and the
number being the last digit of a year). For more information on
half move to the group who has lost one. needs to have a scoring system to allocate the ARE.A. rating system, send $1 to:
Meanwhile, the single-loss group is playing awards), games that produce ties will Glenn E. L. Petroski
require several more rounds for the same 6829 29th A venue
amongst themselves. Each round half of Kenosha, WI 53 143-1233
this group becomes eliminated as players number of entrants, one-quarter of the email: [email protected]
take a second loss at the hands of their entrants play only two games, one quarter
peers, but the survivors are joined by will play only three games. On the whole better format will work. As usual, GMs
refugees from the undefeated group who this is usually better than SE. However, must make a plan for pairing odd players,
have just taken their first hit. even this is disappointing to a player who is scoring placings and any other anticipated
Using this pairing system, the sole willing to drive eight hours or so to play in questions. Be prepared.
remaining undefeated player plays against a tournament of his favorite game.
the last survivor of the single-loss group. At For multi-player DE tournaments, only a At your service,
this point, the undefeated player must win winner of the game remains without the loss. Glenn E. L. Petroski
one more game, and has two chances to do Eventually the GM must mix undefeated and 6829 23rd Avenue
it. The finalist who has already lost one single-loss players at the same board. With- lCenosha, WI 53143-1233
game must win twice. out doubt, somebody won't like it. (414) 654-5044
AvalonCon '96 WAR AT SEA tourna- There is a place for DE tournaments, but
ment produced the classic DE setup, with take a good look at the situation to see if a


Tournament Scenarios for

By Rob Beyma
he next several pages contain a 4. Weather periodically of the time remaining. As a mini-

T number of scenarios and rules that

are being implemented in Avalon-
Con '97 tournaments. Even gamers
who do not plan to enter a tournament should
find these scenarios of interest, given that the
a. A cumulative weather die roll modifier will
be used. This DRM starts at zero. Each
CLEAR roll modifies future weather rolls
by +1; each SNOW roll modifies future
weather rolls by -1. However, the weather
mum requirement, an opponent must provide a
one-minute warning!
a. Cumulative time. Players receive the fol-
lowing total time (minutes).

GM's goal is to use a short-playing, balanced DRM is not affected by weather rolls in Germans Russians
situation for the tournament. I encourage MAYIJUN, JULiAUG or JANIFEB. Setup through JIF '42 71 66
tournament GMs to send me any tournament b. A roll of 6 in SEP/OCT '41 is treated as
MIA '42 through N/D '42 58 56
scenarios/variants/rules which they antici- LIGHT MUD; a roll of 1 in NOVIDEC '41
pate using in 1998 well in advance, so that is treated as LIGHT MUD.
tournament players can view these before 5. Replacements b. Time each turn.
arriving at the convention.-SKT a. German replacements always arrive on the 1. Russian setup: ten minutes.
At AvalonCon '97, THE RUSSIAN CAM- MAY/JUN '42 turn; their arrival does not 2. German setup plus first impulse
PAIGN tournament will allow players to depend on the weather roll. MAY/JUN '41: 21 minutes. The German sets
jointly choose from the two scenarios b. The Russian Archangel roll is modified up in his first impulse attack positions.
described herein. If players cannot agree on by +2 plus the current weather die roll 3. German second impulse MAY/JUN '41:
the scenario, then by default, they must play modifier. four minutes.
the 1941-42 scenario. 6. Reinforcements. If a player forgets to 4. The German player gets one additional
bring on reinforcements, they may be brought minute in MAY/JUN ' 4] that may be used on
1941·42 Scenario on the board during any subsequent friendly either impulse.
(May/June 1941 to NovemberlDecember 1942) impulse. If so, they must abide by the move- 5. Thereafter, each player gets eleven min-
1. Determine Sides. Players bid for sides. ment restrictions of that impulse and do not utes per player turn to be divided between the
Each player simultaneously writes a bid for get free rail movement. An opponent always impulses as desired.
the number of city points on the Russian has the option to require a player to bring on 6. Exception: the German player gets
side of the Kursk line that he will take as the reinforcements. twelve minutes for the JULIAUG '41,
German player. The high bidder plays the 7. Stukas. Stukas must be placed before SEP/OCT '41 and JUL/AUG '42; and ten
Germans. If the players bid the same amount resolving any attacks. If a player forgets to minutes for NOVIDEC '41, JANIFEB '42
three times in a row, that is the final bid and place his Stukas prior to stopping his clock, and NOV/DEC '42. The German player
the high die roller chooses which side to he may restart the clock and use the additional receives 13 minutes for MAY/JUN '42 (the
play. Each city west of the line controlled by time to decide where to place the Stukas. turn replacements arrive).
the Russian player counts as negative 8. Time Limits. The GM strongly encourages
players to use time limits. Rounds need to be 1942·43 Scenario
points. Major cities are worth two points
each and minor cities and oil wells are worth completed by certain times and many players (May/June 1942-November/December 1943)
one point each. wish to enter other events between rounds. 1. Start Line. The German player controls all
2. Victory Conditions. The German player Players may elect one of two options. If play- hexes west of the Kursk line except for Sev-
ers are using time limits, and cannot agree on astopol plus Kursk and the six adjacent hexes.
wins if his point total equals or exceeds his
method a or b, then method a will be used. The start line is the reference line for bidding
bid at the end of the NOV IDEC '42 turn.
Play without time limits only if both players and victory conditions.
Campaign Game and Sudden Death victory
agree to play without time limits. Caution: It
conditions are not used. 2. Sides and Victory Conditions. Use the
may be necessary for the GM to adjudicate
3. Rules. Use the third edition standard rules. same procedure as used for the 1941-1942
the game at the end of the time allotted for the
Players may use whatever optional rules they Round. scenario, except some of the point values are
both agree to use before bidding for sides. Selecting and placing reinforcements and different.
The following tournament optional rules may replacements does count against time. Combat a. Major cities and the oil fields of 00-7 and
be used: is not timed. No time may be accumulated AA-29 are worth two points.
a. Hitler and Stalin each count as one point from turn to turn. Each player receives one b. Minor cities and the PP-13 oil field are
for victory purposes. minute of reserve time per five-turn block worth one point.
b. The Russian player may replace his HQ which may be used on anyone turn of that c. The German player receives one point for
unit MAY/JUN '42 (costs 1 RP). block. A player's opponent should watch the each worker point eliminated during the
c. Moscow is worth three points. clock while he is moving and advise him scenario.

d. The German player receives one point for S. Weather. A cumulative weather die roll they cannot agree on method b or having no
each Russian HQ or leader unit eliminated. modifier will be used. This DRM starts at time limits.
The German player loses one point for each zero. Each CLEAR roll modifies future a. Cumulative time. Players receive the fol-
German HQ or leader eliminated during the weather rolls by + 1; each SNOW roll modi- lowing total time (minutes):
scenario. fies future weather rolls by -1.
6. Replacements Germans Russians
3. Order Of Battle a. German replacements are taken on the Setup through JIF '43 68 71
German: Replacement MAY/JUN '42 and MAY/JUN '43 turns. MIA '42 through NID '43 57 56
On Board Pool b. Instead of the Archangel rule, Russian
(2) 8-7 (2) 4-3 (F) (2) 8-7 Lend Lease replacements are handled as b. Time each turn.
(4) 7-7 (1) 3-4 (F) (1) 3-6 follows: Roll three dice and divide the total 1. German setup: ten minutes.
(3) 6-7 (1) 2-3 (F) (2) 5-4 by two (round fractions up). The Russian 2. Russian setup: 15 minutes.
(1) 4-6 (1) 2-4 (I) (2) 4-4 player loses one die if he does not control 3. Each player gets eleven minutes per
(1) 5-5 (1) 2-3 (I) (5) 3-4 Archangel or Astrakhan, and loses two dice player turn to be divided between the
(3) 5-4 (1) 3-5 (R) (1) 2-7 if he controls neither city. impulses as desired.
(12) 4-4 (1) 3-4 (R) (1) 1-7 7. Invasions. Each player has one invasion 4. The German player gets two additional
(6) 3-4 (1) 2-4 (R) (1) 4-6 (R) remaining. minutes in MAY/JUN '42 and one additional
(2) 1-7 Hitler (1) 2-7 (R) 8. Time Limits. As with the previous sce- minute in MA Y/JUN '43.
(1) 4-6 (H)
On Replacement
nario, players must use method a below, if
Board Pool Surrendered GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN • • •
(1) 10-7 (1) 6-3 (1) 6-3
(1) 8-4 (3) 5-3 (2) 5-3
(4) 7-4 (4) 4-3 (1) 5-3 Making a Game of it: Tournament Variant for
(1) 6-5 (1) 3-3 (1) 3-7
(1) 1-7
(4) 6-3
(1) 5-7
(1) 4-7
(1) 2-7
(1) 3-5
By Bruce Reiff
(12) 5-3 (1) 3-7 (1) 2-5
(8) 4-3 (1) 2-7 (2) 1-2 {Dig down into that closet or basement book- game remains a "stop Germany" affair, but
(2) 3-3 (2) 3-5 KIEVW shelfand dust offan oldie. The following vari- the changes make it easier to do so and the
(1) 3-7 (2) 2-5 KHARKOVW ant rules will be used in the AvalonCon '97 bidding rules allow the three other players a
(1) 2-7 STALINOW tournament.-SKT] reasonable chance to win. In our playtest ses-
hen I first saw Origins of World sions, France has won as often as Germany.

(3) 3-5
(3) 2-5 War II (OW2), I thought it had a lot While I make no claims that this version is
(1) 1-2 of potential as a smaller, faster ver- historical, it is more fun than the original.
(3) Partisans sion of DIPLOMACY, which was and is my
STALIN favorite game. Mter a few playings of OW2, I TOURNAMENT VARIANT RULES
(1) 3 W quickly discovered that it is not so much a This is a four-player version for France,
(2) 2 W game as "simulation." If Germany or Russia Britain, Russia and Germany. The USA is
(4) 1 W scores 15 or more points, the Second World always treated as a separate player and cannot
War is presumed to break out. Naturally, Ger- combine with another country. Use the His-
4. Setup. The German player sets up first. many always scores that many points. They torical Chart for scoring and Political Factors
The Finnish units must set up on the Finnish can't help it, they have the same amount of (PFs). Except where modified here, all origi-
front. One German infantry or mountain corps political factors as France and England com- nal game rules apply.
may set up on the Finnish front. No other bined. The French and British can only hold Auction for Countries
Axis units may be set up on the Finnish front. off Germany for a while, but eventually they Players bid points for control of the vari-
The Russian player sets up second. The must score their own points. Additionally, ous countries. The amount of each winning
you really can't count on any French help bid is deducted from that country's final score
workers are deployed as follows:
until turn 2, because they need to protect at the end of the game.
Alsace-Lorraine before doing anything else. Each player rolls the die and the high roller
2-Leningrad, Stalingrad
No matter which version of the game we earns the right to make an open bid for Ger-
I-Gorki, Tula, Rostov, Saratov played, the results were almost always the
The airborne unit is in the Paratroop Re- many. He may bid zero points or more, in
same: Germany won, Britain and Russia were half-point increments. Following clockwise
serve. Partisans are deployed as per Rule 19.1. next, France was way back, and the USA may seating order, the next player may pass or
Both players must cover all of their front- have managed to score five points. While this raise the bid, by a minimum of a half point (to
line hexes with either a unit or a zone of con- is historical, it's not much fun to play. a whole number or half-point level). The
trol. Workers, leaders and HQs do not count The following changes are designed to
for this purpose. give you a balanced four-player game. The ~~~~~ (Continued on p.56)

Tournament Scenarios for PANZER LEADER

by Bill Scott
These are not historical situations, but provide a range of situations to test your abilities against other players.-SKT

SITUATION NO. 31-4/1 Hypothetical 1944: Tournament Scenario.

Estimated playing time: 2-5 hours.
C 03 r 2 2®T 9 A 8
!ffiJ ... u 35(H135 2
2~ ...
CIl) 2* 2
H 4 6
5 8 6 12 8 o 0 3 2* lJA 8 2
.-- A
A 4

. ..... ... .... .... .. .- ..

1"!f &8
1 "~14 101121 1 6 1517 1 8 c;:;t 7 ..
0 2 0 2 ",' 10
0431 3 ;~,16 3,'200 14 17;0,9 12~8 1 3 14 6 ~ ;';00 10
x4 x2 x2 x4
5 o e 0 2C1l)2* 4 H12 1
'" x3 x3
t 14;;0
x3 x2 x2
3 A
A ..-
5 2 I 4 5 A

I 22
I 13 A 12 llA8 15 A 12 8 A 6 6
1 13 1

23 I

.- .. ... ... ... .. , .... ...

3;;m16 3",',IS 5~;;;'1l 1 '~14 2~mr14 4:10 3 1201 1 4 1402 1 2 0240 0 II';i; 10 r~~';;' 8 121912 8 7 ~,o; 9 6 :~ 1 10 18 1
x5 x3 x3 x2 x3 x3 x6 x2 x2 x6 x3
2®T 3 I 2 10 A 8 16 A 10 40 H 1 35 35 2 ell) 2*
SO tHl 12 4 H 10 60 lHl 16 13 A 6 20J;0 o e 0 2 Ctll 2
!ffiJ 8 ~;5~;~ 8 6 ~630I;S 9
6 1517 1 10,121 1 11~&\" S 1 ~~~ 8 2 "" 10
4';j.i'!O 1 0311 0 1 ~~ 0 2 ~02" 0 1 0231 0 1 ;,,; 12 4"";,"10

x5 x9 x2 x3 x6 x4 xlO
SETUP must be determined at random (by die roll), and the bid adjustments to Allied reinforcemenl
Place one block counter on hex AS9 before the game begins. arrival time and point totals are in effect.
ALLIED: Group A enters on hex DQ I on turn I. Group B enters on anyone hex along north- 3. The specific entry hex for designated groups Band D must be recorded before the game
ern or southern edge on tum 2 (see special rule 3). Group C enters on hex DQI on tum 2. Group begins and may not be changed during the game. If an entry hex is blocked due to the pres-
D enters on anyone hex along the western edge on tum 7 (see special rules 2 and 3). ence of an enemy unit or because of stacking limits, arriving reinforcements must delay their
GERMAN: Group Y enters on hex AQ lOon tum I. Group Z enters on hex AQ 10 on turn 3. entry until a later tum. A player may choose to delay normal arrival of his own reinforce-
ments. Any delayed reinforcement(s) must enler on the same hex in a later tum lhat they were
SPECIAL RULES required to enter on in their normal tum of arrival.
I. Use of the optional mles for Opponunity Fire and Infantry Quick-Time Speed is strongly
encouraged. Decide before bidding (see special rule 2). VICTORY CONDITIONS
2. Players may agree to choose sides by adjusting the arrival turn of the last (turn 7) Allied rein- Players score points for having at least one unit occupying the following hexes at the end
forcements (+ or -). The player with the latest arrival turn is the Allied player. If both players bid of turn 12: AR2 and AQ2 (two points each) and AQIO (one point). The player with the
the same arrival turn, then they bid for points given to the Allies (+ or -) with the player giving most points is the winner. If both players have zero points, the Allied side wins marginally.
the fewest points playing the Allies. Bidding for side choice is done simultaneously and only If both sides have equal points, more than zero, the German wins marginally. Winning by
once for the tum delay and once for the point adjustment and if the bidding results in a tie, choice one or two is also marginal, by three or four is taclical) by five or more is decisive.


::::i o> -
en 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12
~~~-~~ (from p.50) assault move through them. Therefore, pan- you from enemy units advancing into CC
jis need to be hidden in concealment terrain against friendly units underneath the fortifi-
to supplement a defense by slowing down to give them a chance to inflict a NMC on cation. The enemy will think twice before
the enemy enough to allow your own units enemy units attempting to move quickly advancing into CC with your units, espe-
to respond to the threatened penetration. cially those in jungle, kunai or bamboo, if
through them. Several "layers" of panjis
Second, obstacle fortifications aren't very he knows or suspects that your units are
will increase both the MF cost to units
effective unless used in depth and/or guarded by panjis or wire. Also, don't for-
moving through the panji zone and the like-
breadth. One or two hex obstacle zones are get about the effect that these fortifications
easily bypassed. Thus, these obstacles lihood that hasty enemy units will impale
themselves. Jungle, kunai and bamboo are can have on broken units. Though a broken
should be clumped together, in conjunction unit need not rout across a panji hexside or
with other natural terrain obstacles such as all good terrain types for panjis. Wire, on
the other hand, doesn't depend on surprise through a minefield if it has an alternative
ponds, bamboo, cliffs, marsh/swamp and rout path, it may be forced by circum-
frigid streams, to guard one flank or victory for effectiveness. Accordingly, it's the per-
stances to risk the consequences. Wire can
objective (or more if you have an ample fect obstacle to block open ground or road
be especially dangerous for a broken unit
quantity of fortifications). Guard your for- hexes, especially when enhanced by cover-
adjacent to a known enemy unit-roll too
tification barriers with sufficient troops to ing fire from nearby buildings or woods (in
high and it will be eliminated for failure to
make the enemy pay for any penetration fact, wire is the only one of these fortifica- rout. Savvy defenders should be alert to
attempt. tions that can be placed in hard-surfaced traps and mini-counterattack opportunities
As you sit down to construct a defense locations such as paved roads). Meanwhile, exploiting such possibilities against broken
with obstacle fortifications, remember mines are perfect to stymie infantry move- enemy units. Finally, don't forget that a
that each type has strengths and weak- ment through single-hex buildings where stream is not a water obstacle unless frigid,
nesses making it better or worse for dif- the other two types of fortifications can't be so all three of these fortifications can be set
ferent types of terrain. For example, pan- placed. up in a stream.
jis aren't a serious threat to infantry aware Another important aspect to consider is
of their existence and willing to safely the protection which wire and panjis give

SITUATION NO. 31-4/2 Hypothetical 1944: Tuurnament Scenario.

Estimated playing time: 1-2 hours.



... ....
2 CIII 2
3~:; 10 1
o C

0 11
A 8 1.10 14 A 10 3 M12
10;S;; 9 4 6~ 12 3
I r 6 .~. 1 o c
1 6 ~~ 1 l'rf2
0 13

A 6 60 IHI 16 12
l ~

2 0221 0 1 ;:,,~ 0 12 ;;o~ 6


x6 x2 x4 x4 x3 x2

9-!S ....
2 r 1 1 40 32 14 HiO 8
1H1 41 2

~ IillJ
6 '517 1 6 '11' 1 7.;;;,8 35;';' 10 10"'''~6

x6 x2

SETUP again, only this time for how many German units will be eliminated by the
GERMAN: Sets up on any hexes on board C on or north of hex row J. game's end. The player choosing the highest number of German units will play
ALLIED: All must enter on turn I along the southern edge of board C. the Allied side. If players choose the same number of units then they must bid
again choosing the fewest number of Allied units that will be eliminated by the
SPECIAL RULES game's end. The player choosing the lowest number of Allied losses will play
I. The Gennan may have targeted Indirect Fire recorded to hit on the first turn. the Allied side. If players choose the same number of Allied losses, then roll a
Such must be recorded during German setup. die to determine sides.
2. Only Allied units may exit the board, but only off the northern edge. They may
do so on any turn. VICTORY CONDITIONS
3. Players must simultaneously and secretly bid for sides. Each player bids the The Allied player wins if at least 15 Allied units are exited off the northern
number of turns the game will last. The player choosing the fewest number of edge of the board plus the required number of German units are eliminated (if
turns takes the Allied side. If players choose the same game length, then they bid the bidding set such a number) and the maximum allowed number of Allied
units lost is not exceeded (if the bidding set such a number). Otherwise, the
TURN RECORD TRACK German player wins.

...J 0
(/) 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17
SITUATION NO. 31-4/3 Hypothetical 1944: Tournament Scenario.
Estimated playing time: 1-2 hours.

.. .. .. ...
.... A 5 11 A 8 1.10 14 A 10 14 A 10
13 A 12 2 4 1P 8 15 A 12 6 A 5 2 A 4

~ ...At

.. ... ...-
3 "' 15 9 752' 8 10 is;, 9 6 ,"0, 9 4 ~ 12 11';1; 10 3 ;~,16 3360014 12';;,;" 8 3 J200 14 6 iioo 10
x3 x9 x3 x3 x6 x3 x3
2 I 4 11 A
S 15 AU 5 A 5
3,;',15 7 ,;'00 11 6 .:00 9 5~;'11

x3 x3
SETUP of German units which must be eliminated for the Allied player to win.
GERMAN: Sets up on board D anywhere on or south of hex row AA. 3. Optional rule suggestions (establish before bidding):
ALLIED: All forces enter on turn I along the northern edge of board D. a) Do not limit bids to 15, but allow bids as high as 27.
b) Use SS PzKw V units instead ofWehrmacht.
SPECIAL RULES c) Vary the game length.
I. Only Allied units may exit the board and only off the South edge. Units may exit d) Allow bids to 42 and allow the Allied player to combine "units exited" with
on one or more turns until the required total is reached. Once exited, units may not "units eliminated" to reach the victory requirement. For example, if the
return to play. final bid is 20, the Allied player could exit twelve units and eliminate eight
2. Players bid for side choice. Roll a die to decide which player starts the bidding. German units to win.
The opening bid must be between one and 15. Players then alternate bidding until
one player passes, or until 15 is reached. Bids made after the initial bid must increase VICTORY CONDITIONS
by at least one. The player making the last (final) bid plays the Allied side. The final If the required number of Allied units are exited off tbe southern edge of the
bid represents the number of Allied units which must exit the board OR the number board OR the required number of Axis units are eliminated by the end of turn 10,
tbe Allied player wins. Otherwise, the German player wins.
w Ql
::J > -
...J o (/)
« E~
1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10
-+--~-+--+--+- (from p.53) country. Points for the USA are irrelevant to
bidding continues in clockwise fashion, until the outcome of the game. They are not added
all four players have passed in succession (at to any player's score. The winner is the player
which time control of Germany goes to the who has the most points after deducting bids.
last bid). A player may pass in one round of The outbreak of the Second World War is not
bidding and get back in the bidding later if the a concern in this game.
country has not been awarded. The first bid- Optional USA Attacks
der cannot pass. He must accept the country at This rule allows for more cutthroat play. 1996 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS
a cost of zero points if all other players pass. The USA (and only the USA) may attack at
Then, the player on Germany's left rolls a Across Five Aprils 40 David Metzger
1-2 odds. The following combat results Acquire 32 AI Bingaman
die to determine which country is next avail- apply: 1 = X; 2,3 = no effect; 4,5,6 = A. The Adel Verpflichtet 59 Ray Pfeifer
able for the auction. On a die roll of 1-3 Britain USA must attack all of a country's PFs in an Advanced Civilization 28 Joe Gunderson
is up for bid; on a 4-6 Russia is up for bid. The area as per the rules. He cannot "voluntarily" Advanced Third Reich 31 Michael Mitchell
same player starts the bidding, which is con- attack at 1-2 odds when he's entitled to use a Age of Renaissance 30 Mike May
ducted in the same manner as for Germany more favorable odds ratio. Attacks at lower Air Baron 118 Jack Jaeger
(minus the player now with a country). When ASL 110 Tom Morin
odds are still prohibited. Auack Sub 40 John Emery
that country is awarded, then the other country This rule is a mechanism for easy elimina- Auction 32 Bruce Monnin
(Britain or Russia), is auctioned, starting with a tion of USA PFs and tends to drive up the B-17 32 Robert Hamel
bid by the person to the left of the player who
last received a country. France is given to the
value of Germany and Russia during the auc- Blackbeard 43 John Kilbride *
tion. While not necessary, it gives the game a Breakout: Normandy 54 Hank Burkhalter
final player at a cost of zero points. different feel. Britannia 55 Scoll Pfeiffer
Candidate 30 Ken Gutermuth
Control of the USA Conclusion Circus Maximus 64 Bruce Monnin
At the beginning of each turn. Roll one die Decathlon 39 John Weber
To give you a guide during the bidding Dinosaurs of Lost World 22 Christina Hancock
to establish control of the USA. Cross refer- process, our garrting group over the years has Diplomacy 50 Will Wible
ence the turn with the die roll on the USA detected the following typical final scores Dune 22 Bruce Bernard
Control Chait on this page. Some results (prior to any deductions of points from the 1830 45 Christian Goetze
require a second die roll. The resulting coun- control auction). Empires In Arms 27 Jim Chatham
try controls all USA PFs (new and already Germany: 24 points (C Austria, C Baltic Enemy In Sight 36 Fred Gosnell
placed) for that game turn. Facts in Five 25 Luke Kratz
States, U Britain, C Czechoslovakia, U Flight Commander II 19 Stan Buck
The controlling player takes the USA's turn France, U Italy, C Poland, C Rhineland, C Football Strategy 30 Bruce Reiff
in the nOlmal order (i.e. fIrst). He must also Romania, U Russia ). Greed 23 Randy Cox
make any attacks in the correct order. Even Britain: 20 points (U France, U Germany, Guerilla 30 Caleb Cousins
though the player controlling the USA may U Italy, U Russia, U United States). Gunslinger 22 Steve Kolinich
change, the position of the USA never changes. Russia: 22 points (C. Baltic States, U Hannibal 58 Thomas Drueding
The controlling player may not move any Britain, U France, U Germany, C Poland, C History of the World 102 Keith Levy
previously placed PFs of the USA (except History of the World w Bid 35 James Pei
Romania). Kinomaker 36 Justin Thompson
those placed in the USA). He may, however,
attack with any previously placed PFs at his
France: 16 points (C Alsace-Lorraine, U Kre~nlin 20 Sean Cousins *
Britain, U Germany, U Italy, U Russia). Machiavelli 33 Mark Franchiscini
discretion. The player may not combine his Please note that these are just opinions Maharaja 20 David Gantt *
own forces in any way with the USA. This formed from our experience. For example, March Madness 41 Jon Diminnie
includes attacks, controls or understandings. France and Britain may be able to stop the Merchant of Venus 48 Tom Stokes
The USA forces may never place an Mustangs 22 David Chilcote
control of Poland and gain an understanding Naval War 24 Michael Hart
understanding or control marker in any area.
The USA may not attack at less than I-I odds,
there, but at what cost? We have eliminated
some possibilities as unlikely and left the rest.
Panzer Leader 20 Rob Beyma *
Pax Britannica 22 Eric Olin
unless using the optional attack rule. The above also assumes German/Russian Paydirt 19 Harry Flawd
cooperation, which is not always the case. Pro Golf 43 Tom Pavy
Scoring Rail Baron 46 Heikki Thoen
Again, this is only a guide and can be changed
Follow the usual scoring procedures, using
by the variable control of the USA. Republic of Rome 41 Michael Ehlers "*
the Historical Game chart. Then, deduct the Roadkill 25 John Kilbride
initial bids to yield the final score of each


* Siapshot 75
Speed Circuit 26
Stocks & Bonds 26
Leonard Omolecki
Trevor Bender
Andy Lewis
Die: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stonewall In the Valley 20 Ed Beach
Turn Stonewall Jackson's Way 27 Paul Tsevich
1 FR FR l:FR 1-4:BR RU GE The Russian Campaign 20 Tom Gregorio
2-6:BR 5-6:RU Titan 66 Ben Foy
Titan 2 26 Brian Sutton
2 FR FR 1-2:FR 1-5:BR RU l:RU Title Bout 20 Ken Gutermuth ...
3-6:BR 6:RU 2-6:GE TV Wars 22 Richard Launius
Tyranno Ex 25 Tom DeMarco
3 FR FR 1-3:FR BR RU 1-2:RU Up Front 46 William Edwards III
4-6:BR 3-6:GE VITP 46 Robert Kondracki
War At Sea 27 Steve Packwood
4 FR FR 1-4:FR BR l:BR 1-3:RU We The People 54 George Seary
5-6:BR 2-6:RU 4-6:GE Wrasslin' 22 Don Greenwood
Wrasslin' Battle Royal 20 Mike Stachowski
5 FR FR 1-5:FR BR 1-2:BR 1-4:RU Best GM Dave Terry
6:BR BR 3-6:RU 5-6:GE Sportsmanship Jim Matt
Team Tournament: Jerr)"s Kids - Byron Stingley TPS 6. Michael
6 FR FR FR BR 1-3:BR 1-5:RU Arrighi BKN O. Joe Bettas HCR 7, Jeffrey Otto RTG 0 = t3 [t021
4-6:RU 6:GE # is number of entrants * is defending champion
Although not a GM's tournament rules set, craft unit to immediately rebase it. If the player lll1SSlOnS during this movement step (and
these variant ideas are worth consideration cannot or will not do this, the aircraft unit is therefore may not conduct combat). Rebasing
by GMs offuture tournaments.-SKT eliminated. may be required at times other than the move-
There are no stacking limits or restrictions ment step or after a mission has been flown
was very interested when the latest ver- on basing aircraft units in England or the due to ground movement and combat. Rebas-

I sion of D-DAY came out in 1991. I was

delighted when I opened the box to see
such high-quality components. My only
critique of the game board is that the Army
HQ holding boxes are laid out so that neither
"Mediterranean" hex.

Only one Mulberry may be placed in a

Example: The 7th US Army HQ is on the

map in Marseilles (Hex R16). In the 7th
ing may also be done from a port to any other
controlled port.
Carpet Bombing. The
two Allied strategic air
units (8U-The 8th Air
player can easily read them. The ground com- Army's holding box is the 6th US Corps and Force and BC-Bomber
bat mechanics are great, but the rules did pose the 1st French Army HQ. In the 1st French Command) are kept in
Army HQ is the 2nd French Corps. All of the London (B12) hex
some problems due to being split among two
different rule pamphlets. The air rules are these units defend the hex and may move and "'-"-'-'-":.:..:.....::..:.::...=== except when used for
attack with the activation of the 7th US Army carpet bombing or inter-
very confusing largely because they have
HQ. If the 1st French Corps was also present, diction. These two units may move up to 15
nothing to do with the reality of air power.
it would have to be in the 1st French Army hexes at no cost of MOVES for the Allied
I went to AvalonCon '96 and popped by
HQ on the map and not in the 7th US. Also in player. They both may move to the same hex.
to play in the initial round of the During the combat step, but before resolving
the hex are the 12th and 1st Air Forces, which
D-DAY tourney. There I discovered that normal combat, carpet bombing is resolved.
stay on the map and do not affect stacking. If
people like the game but many do not like Roll a die on the Carpet Bombing Table for
both Army HQs were to leave the hex the air
the rules (and many have set about making each strategic bombing counter present and
units could stay because R16 contains a city.
unofficial changes). Below is a mixture of apply the effects as described in the table. The
If all of these units were in hex 016 and the
some of these ideas and my own fiddling German player gains one MOVE for each
Army HQs moved, then the Allied player
with the game. would have to rebase the air units (at a cost of strategic bomber used every time it is used.
one MOVE each). Should the German player intercept any
strategic bomber units, then each bomber
AIR POWER defends with a strength of five. Return any
General Henry strategic air units that carpet bombed to Lon-
'Hap' Arnold calls don at the end of the combat step. No carpet
up Air Chief Mar- bombing is allowed on bad weather turns.
shal Sir Trafford L. Interdiction. Both air units and strategic
Leigh-Mallory: "Why did you send the 9th air units may be used for interdiction. If
STACKING strategic air units are used, the German
Air Force to Hex E17?""We needed to
Eisenhower to Patton "I would like to player gains a MOVE for each unit. If tacti-
complete the encirclement of the German
have the Third Army break out when we cal air units are used, the Allied player
forces on the Normandy Peninsula.
create a gap, but I don't see how we can expends one MOVE. The air units may be
Besides Ike told me to. "
do it in the sequence of play if Army HQs "I know we've used planes for interdic- moved up to their full movement allowance
can't start combat in the same hex. " tion throughout the war, but why did you and may be placed in any hex. The air units
Two or more ground units (divisions, land the planes there?" may remain in the hex until either the
corps or HQ) of the same side may be set up "That's just how the rules work." beginning of that player's next movement
or end a movement or combat step together "Didn't you realize that the 9th would step, the Allied player decides to return
only if one of the units is an Army HQ. If an be obliterated by a German counterat- them to their starting hex, or they are forced
Army HQ is present, any other friendly corps tack? You left the 9th out on a limb." to return by enemy OCA or interception.
or divisional garrison units or HQs (of any "We understood the risks, but you must While the air units remain in the hex, no
size) are removed from the hex and placed in remember that only the loss of a ground supply may be drawn through that hex. Each
that Army HQ's "holding box" on the side of Corps affects the victory conditions. The ground unit (including any unit in an Army
the playing area. The Army HQ unit is left in loss of the entire 9th Air Force is of little HQ holding box) which enters the hex must
the hex. It does not matter if an Army HQ so consequence. " roll a die. If the result is equal to or less than
removed from the board has other units in its Obviously, the above exchange would the air unit's strength the ground unit takes
holding box. All such subordinate units are never take place. To more accurately reflect the one step loss. Strategic air units have a
considered to be in the Army of the Army HQ role of air power, utilize the following rules. strength of three in good or bad weather for
that is on the game board. Terrain, zones of control, and enemy units this purpose. Make a separate die roll for
There is no limit to the number of aircraft do not affect air unit movement. Air missions each ground unit for each air unit interdict-
units allowed in a hex. However, aircraft units are initiated during the movement step before, ing the hex.
may only be placed at a city or port or based during and/or after the movement of ground Offensive Counterair (DCA). The attack-
on an Army HQ of the same nationality. If an troops. ing player pays one MOVE for each air unit he
aircraft unit is not based on a city or port and Rebasing. Tactical air units may move up wishes to perform OCA. The air unites) may
the Army HQ moves or is eliminated, the to ten hexes to a new base for the cost of one move up to five hexes to the location of the
owner must pay one MOVE for each such air- MOVE. Such units may not perform other defender's air unit. When the subsequent
ground combat step is completed, the attacking German player only has one air unit he will not . The Allied player may place two blank
air unites) must return to the hex from which it be able to perform escort missions. counters per turn during the Allied replace-
came. The defender's air unit may not be used Effects of Weather. During bad weather, ment step to represent partisan activity. It
until his own movement step. Before returning a player must roll a ten-sided die for each costs one MOVE for each partisan counter
the air units, both players roll a die and add the offensive counterair, close air support, escort, placed and they may be placed only in a hex
strength of their air units involved. If the dif- interception or interdiction mission. If the die in France that contains no German unit. The
ference is four to six, the loser loses one step. roll is 1-3, the mission is at full strength. If the partisan is eliminated if a German ground unit
If the difference is seven or more, the loser die roll is 4-6, the mission is at half strength. enters its hex. It costs one additional move-
loses two steps. Offensive counterair missions If the roll is 7-10 the mission is at quarter ment point for the first German unit to enter
may be intercepted only by an air unit that is strength. Always round fractions down, but the hex. German units may not trace supply
strength is never reduced below one. through a hex containing a partisan. The Ger-
not the target of OCA. The German air unit can
Combat. If enemy air units are in the same man air unit may not rebase to a hex contain-
perform OCA against the Allied strategic air
hex at the end of the movement phase (for ing a partisan. If a partisan is in Paris, Ger-
units conducting interdiction.
example, both sides fly CAS to the same hex) many may not draw supply from Paris. Parti-
Close Air Support (CAS). The attacking sans do not move and they do not change the
the air units conduct combat in the way
player may move air units, at the cost of one control of a hex. The German player may pay
described in interception. The side with the last
MOVE per air unit, up to a distance of five two MOVES to remove a partisan counter
air unit to move into the hex is the attacker.
hexes to the location of a defending ground The winner may continue its mission in that during the German replacement step.
unit he intends to attack in the combat phase. hex. Air units cannot "fight on" as per rule lOb.
The defending player may then move air units ODDS and ENDS
The Allied strategic air units are eliminated if Put the weather step
in the same way to hexes that he thinks will be forced to take a step loss.
attacked during the combat phase at the cost before the new MOVES
Example: It is the September turn and the step.
of one MOVE per air unit. Air units that hap- weather is bad. The air units are located as The Mediterranean hex
pen to be in a hex that is attacked and have not follows: 9U(4-5) hex Gl6, 2B(3-5) hex CI0, counts as a port and a city.
flown a mission may provide CAS without 12U(2-5) hex R16, IF(2-5) hex T-19, Pursuit movement is
having to expend MOVES or risk intercep- LUFT(3-5) hex G13 and both strategic air allowed after an invasion.
tion. Air units that are providing CAS add units (8U and BC) in London. The 9U flies to A Mulberry on the continent counts as a
their strength (unmodified by terrain) to the E15 to fly CAS, expending one Allied city, port and Allied supply source.
combat. They may also be chosen for losses MOVE. The 12U flies to 015 to fly interdic-
in the combat. Whether or not ground combat tion, expending one Allied MOVE. The 8U
takes place in the hex, the air units return to flies to 016 to fly interdiction (the German
the hex from which they came. gains one MOVE). The IF rebases to R16,

o Airborne Drops. Only the two expending one MOVE. The LUFf flies CAS
~ rii Allied Airborne corps and the 1st to E15, expending one MOVE. Given the bad
.' 4-2'~, US Airbome Army HQ are capable weather, 9U rolls a 10 giving it a strength of
. . ". of making airborne drops. To per- one, and LUFT rolls a 1 giving it a strength of
form an airborne drop, an airborne unit must three. The 12U rolls a 9 giving it a strength of VICTORY CONDITIONS
begin in a city or port. The Allied player one. The 8U is automatically at strength three By including these variants, the delicate
expends one MOVE per corps or Army HQ he for interdiction. Next, 9U and LUFf conduct play balance may well be upset. Therefore
wishes to drop. The airbome unites) may be combat, with the LUFf as the attacker (due to you may wish to bid for sides. Both sides
moved up to a distance of five hexes regardless moving later). The Allied player rolls a 4 giv- secretly bid the number of victory cities the
of terrain or enemy units. Airborne units may ing a result of 5. The German player rolls a 6 allies need for victory and the maximum
not land directly on top of a German unit. Air- giving a result of 9. The 9U takes a step loss number of allowable Allied unit losses. The
borne units may not land on a mountain hex. and returns to G16. The LUFf may continue player who bids the highest number of victory
Airborne units may be intercepted at their land- with its CAS and add its strength of three to cities will be the Allied player. If tied, then
ing hex prior to ground combat, in which case the battle in hex E15. the player who bid the lowest number of
Example: During the German move the Allied unit losses will be the Allied player. If
they have an air combat strength of zero
LUFT again flies CAS, expending one still tied, sides will be determined randomly.
(whether or not inverted). No airborne drops
MOVE, this time to hex E16. The 9U and 2B The number of victory cities needed and
are allowed during bad weather.
both fly CAS to E16, expending two maximum Allied units lost will be as per the
Interception. The defending player may
MOVES. Rolling for weather results in Allied player's bid. The victory cities are
spend one MOVE to move a defending air
strengths of one for LUFf, one for 9U and Berlin, Hamburg, Prague and Vienna. An
unit to a hex in which the attacking player is
three for 2B. In air combat the German player Allied unit loss is defined as the complete
performing an air mission. Each player rolls a elimination (not just a step loss) of an Allied
rolls a 5, resulting in a 6. The Allied player
die and adds the air combat strength of units rolls a 6 resulting in a 10. The LUFf takes a corps, air unit or headquarters. If the same
in the hex. If the defender's total is higher, step loss and returns to base, while 9U and 2B unit is rebuilt and eliminated again, it counts
then the attacking units must return to the hex may join the ground combat in hex E16. as two losses (and so on).
from which they came without completing If the Allied player does not capture the
their air missions. If the attacker's total is FRENCH PARTISANS number of victory cities bid, the German
equal or higher, the defender's air unites) Winston Churchill: "You know, we player wins after the last turn. If the Allied
return to the hex of origin. If the difference in have dedicated Liberator squadrons and player loses more units than he bid, the game
die rolls is four to six, the loser loses one step. substantial RAF assets to supply the resis- ends at the end of that turn. If the American
If the difference is seven or more, the loser tance, but 1 see no results. It will be hard player captures the number of victory cities
loses two steps. for every Frenchman to claim he was part needed to win on the same turn that he loses
Escort. After the German player announces of the resistance if the resistance does more than the maximum allowable unit
interception, the Allied player may add other nothing now. " losses, the game is a draw. If the American
air units (not airborne or strategic) air units to Michel Brault (a lawyer responsible for player captures the number of victory cities
the hex at the cost of one MOVE each. These running clandestine aid to the Maquis), "1 bid and has not lost more units than allowed,
units add their value to the Allied air combat know, but there is no place in the rules for then the game ends as an American victory.
strength and are available for step loses. As the them at all. "
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Well, we have proof now that somebody reads sibility exists. The more likely possibility is the
this Infiltrator's Report. My plea in Volume 31,
Number 2 for more reader feedback was met by an
The merger of Imperial into Tower with 7C or 7E, mak-
ing the purchase of one Imperial a must (but one is
increased flow of "Rate This Issue" responses as
well as more letters and scribbled notes.... But I
Infiltrator's enough, due to the lack of cash in your opponents'
hands). Still, your longer-term position is best fur-
want more. Keep them coming, friends, enemies,
countrymen. I lend you my ear. The winner of the
Report thered by the purchase of Worldwide, but only if
you feel lucky about 8F being undrawn or in the
feedback drawing is Bryan Faris (Atlanta, GA), wrong hands. I must conclude, therefore, that three
who receives a free one-year extension to his sub- answers are acceptable to win this contest: you
scription (not bad for giving his "two cents must buy one Imperial and any combination of
worth"). By the way, you may email your Rate This Worldwide and Tower. Congratulations and $15
Issue/Contest submissions to [email protected]. merchandise certificates go to each of our four win-
Said issue received a remarkable amount of ners: Dieter Kempf (Skokie, 1L), Kevin Kinsel
applause for the Series Replay on HANNIBAL, (Mission Viejo, CA), Richard Lake (Buffalo Grove,
which made me go back a few issues and look at 1L) and Jared Scarborough (1L).
how this type of article fares in general (it usually
depends upon the popularity of the two games *****
featured in the magazine and the replay). In so
doing, I noticed that the MACHIA VELL! replay Contest #180 (Sideshow) in Volume 31, Num-
was unjustly left off the list published in the Infil- ber 3, required contestants to know or find out
trator's Report of Volume 31, Number 1. My much about what wasn't shown on the contest dia-
apologies to authors, readers and raters alike gram. Because January will bring snow automati-
(although that replay did not make the top three cally, the Stuka threat can be ignored, the Axis
articles, nonetheless). infantry will move only two hexes in the first
Overall, Volume 31, Number 2 received a impulse and only the German infantry can move
mediocre rating of 4.4. Article ratings depict a were ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER, AGE OF (one hex) in the second impulse, the swamps will
healthy tug of war between the old and the new, RENAISSANCE, HANNIBAL: ROME VS. CARTH- be treated as clear terrain, the Finnish need no com-
between the multiplayer family game and the hard- AGE, HISTORY OF THE WORLD and Settlers bat supply, but the Italians and Germans do and will
core military simulation. Reader comments con- of Catan. fight at half strength. The Russian commander has
tinue to be quite di verse with regard to the breadth two crucial points to defend: Leningrad's workers
of coverage of the magazine. Clearly some of you (which provide replacement troops) and Archangel
hate computer games, others hate convention cov-
***** (which begins receiving lend lease-the equivalent
erage, and others hate ASL. Fortunately, a substan- In TAHGC news, we have bought out the of 3.5 worker points per turn-in January). Versus
tial portion of you like the variety of article types in RUNEQUEST role-playing system from its origi- Leningrad, the maximum attack that can be
the magazine, which warms my heart as we push nator, Chaosium, and plan to support it with addi- mounted by the Axis is seven factors (Finnish 4th
this endeavor into becoming a more all-encom- tional campaign material, new scenarios and acces- and 2nd Corps are not halved), because the Italians
passing magazine on the strategy gaming hobby as sories... The old D-Day-sized hex sheets (for use and Finns only move two in snow and cannot move
a whole. with 1/2" counters) are back in print. in the second impulse. However, the Axis can move
My congratulations go out to Jeff Paull and two factors next to Archangel in each impulse next
Andrew Maly for baring their strategic thoughts ***** turn (the Finns in the first and the half-strength Ger-
for us in the replay and to Mark Nixon for another mans in the second). According to the rules, the
fine effort on ASL. Michael Anchors, it should be Axis need only control Archangel once in order to
noted, gave us such excellent tips on ACQUIRE permanently disrupt the lend lease replacements.
and WOODEN SHIPS & IRON MEN (for com-
that even the contest excited some readers An undefended Archangel placed in Axis ZOC
puter) have all made the ballot for the Origins
enough to get their votes for top article. It does would become Axis-controlled. Therefore, the
Awards for Excellence in Game Design and Qual-
appear that the popularity of HANNIBAL is ris- ity (sponsored by the Academy of Adventure Gam- Archangel threat is real and must be handled appro-
ing. Don't forget to enter the AvalonCon'97 HRC ing Arts & Design). These awards are not to be priate to its value.
tournament, where I will he trying to give more confused with the Charles S. Roberts Awards The 50th Army is stuck in the swamp, unable to
than one of you a shot at the editor. (which are presented at the Origins convention), for rail or move towards Leningrad or Archangel. Its
which the ballot is entirely in the format of write-in movement northwards would have no effect upon
Series Replay-HANNIBAL: votes. Both have end-of-June voting deadlines. For tlle pivotal defensive efforts and consequently, its
ROME VS. CARTHAGE 270 more information on the former, call (540) 953- location is insignificant to the contest solution (it
Hyper Sniper 195 1658. For the latter, email [email protected]. should be left where it is until additional help
The Old Way to Win the New ACQUIRE 140 arrives). The I st Cavalry is insufficient to secure
Historical Conquest in WAR & PEACE 90 Archangel, because the Finns could attack at 2-4 in
AH Philosophy #174-AvalonCon'97 ***** tlle first impulse and get the exchange that would
Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Contest #179 (Merger Menagerie) posed a allow the Germans to control Archangel in the sec-
Rebuilding Western Civilization 75 deceptively difficult challenge to ACQUIRE play- ond (thereby disrupting the replacements and gain-
Blitz by Number 63 ers. Almost everybody saw that Luxor had to be ing a source of supply to prevent elimination of the
Destalinization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 merged into Tower and traded two for one (the dis- 27th Corps). Even a first impulse contact gives the
Protecting England 53 position of the third Luxor share is nearly mean- Germans a chance to join the battle, for another
AI for PC THIRD REICH 30 ingless to your prospects). The most common mis- chance for an exchange victory (for a total chance
ASL Scenarios 30 take was the purchase of three shares of Tower. of success of 7/36). Thus, the 9th Armor should rail
Staff Briefing with David Hiller. . . . . . . . . . . 25 This is clearly overkill, as you are not likely to see to Archangel to force the Axis to attack at 2-6 (with
Contest #179-Merger Menagerie 20 anybody get cash to be able to buy enough such only a 1/36 chance of success---contact followed by
The Play is the Thing? 20 that you cannot acquire a majority by buying up the the Germans joining in a 4-6 attack in which an
Thirty Seconds Over London 15 last shares next turn. There is, however, the matter exchange would gain the city). Continued contact
The Magical Pleasures of CAVEWARS 15 of tile 8F, which points to the foible in the pub- or a defense retreat on the second-impulse attack
Coming Attractions 10 lished solution. If Tower is merged into Continen- would leave the Axis troops without control, and
At The Kiosk: Single Elimination . . . . . . . .. 5 tal, you get no part of the bonus. Buying just one they would die at the end of the Axis tum due to
Tower will take care of ensuring that anybody who lack of supply. The 1st Cavalry must be placed in
December gaming usually suffers a bit due to plays 8F will be on the losing end of the stick, thus Leningrad. The best Axis attack on Leningrad is
family obligations during the holidays, although making its play unlikely. However, the player to thus 7-8 (the odds of taking Leningrad being 7/36).
those of you who did play were avidly tackling new your immediate right may wish to help the other Swapping the Cavalry and the Armor between
Christmas presents by the end of the month. The two players against you, so you have a reason to these suggested locations will only weaken
top five games played the most during the month buy a second Tower, if you think this remote pos- Archangel for no benefit in Leningrad.

ATLANTIC STORM card game that appeals to anyone who likes the armies of Rome enforced peace. Can you
ATLANTIC STORM is a new card game for cards. It will be released in the fall of 1997. manage to gain the favor of the royal family, win
two to six players. The game covers the critical -Ben Knight this civil war, and save Alexander's empire from
phase of the Battle of the Atlantic from Septem- disintegration?
ber 1940 to December 1943. During this period -Mark Simonitch
of World War II, Great Britain depended heavily
W hen Alexander the Great died in 326 BC,
upon imports to feed her population and to pro- ACHTUNG SPITFIRE!
he left no clear heir to the immense empire he This much-anticipated prequel is scheduled
duce weapons, and the Soviet Union needed
had conquered. It was not long after his death to ship this July. ACHTUNG SPITFIRE!
American war materials delivered to Arctic ports
that the Macedonian generals began to war shares the acclaimed computer game system of
to equip her growing armies. Hitler's navy and
among themselves over who would become its predecessor, OVER THE REICH, but
air force attempted to strangle these oceanic life-
Alexander's successor. ALEXANDER'S EMPIRE focuses on the Blitzkrieg in the west and the
lines. The Allies grouped their merchant ships
into convoys for protection, used long-range air- is a three- to four-player game based on those historic Battle of Britain. A major new feature
craft to patrol over the convoy lanes, and wars. is the action-packed real-time operations map.
escorted the convoys with warships ranging On a map stretching from Europe to Persia, You control the sector stations of Royal Air
from corvettes to carriers and battleships. Allied players struggle for legitimacy and victory. Force 11 Group, and, as you receive radar
scientists invented new anti-submarine weapons Legitimacy comes from the royal family reports, you must decide when and which
and decrypted the German "Enigma" code to members-Alexander's wife and infant son fighters to launch against which bomber raids.
read German messages. (Roxanne and Alexander IV), mother If you send up all your strength too soon,
ATLANTIC STORM includes two decks of (Olympias), sister (Cleopatra), half sister (Thes- you'll be caught refueling on the ground when
cards. One deck comprises 40 historical con- salonice), half brother (Philip III), illegitimate the next, possibly bigger, raid comes. If you
voys, rated for their victory point value, year of son (Heracles)-and from possession of are too cautious, you may be cut to pieces by
sailing, ocean (Atlantic or Arctic) and whether Alexander's entombed body. Power comes from the swarms of Messerschmitt 109s prowling
they were laden or empty (convoys returning to staking out a part of Alexander's empire and the skies.
North America carried little cargo). The players from conquering those areas that were still inde- You can also play the German side, choos-
fight a battle for each convoy, with the winner pendent at the time of his death (Cyrene, Cap- ing strike groups and targets. You decide when
of the battle receiving the convoy as a prize. padocia, Armenia, Bythnia, to name a few). to bomb the radar stations, fighter airfields,
The force deck consists of 112 cards repre- Each player commands two or more of the coastal convoys or London itself. Should you
senting submarines, surface warships, aircraft great generals of the Macedonian empire- send diversionary raids out first or concentrate
and weapons of the two sides. The force deck is Antigonus the One-Eyed, Ptolemy, Seleucus, your forces? It's up to you. You choose the
evenly split between the German cards and Perdiccas, Craterus, Anti pater and others. best aircraft for the needs of the mission:
cards for Britain and her allies. Each force card Armies contain Macedonian and mercenary Junkers 87 Stukas are accurate dive-bombers,
is rated for combat in three suits (air, sUlface troops. Macedonian troops are powerful yet but they are slow and vulnerable to fighter
and sub-surface), victory point value, years their loyalty may switch to an opponent with attack. Heinkel Ills are tougher and faster,
available, ocean and "fated enemy," if any. more legitimacy. Mercenaries are loyal as long but lack precision capability. It seems that you
The player who leads the round calls the as you pay them. Players can also acquire the never have enough fighters to ward off the
trump. Only the values for the trump suit affect elite Silver Shields, the veterans of Alexander's pesky RAF!
the outcome. Alternatively, he may call "com- body guard (the hypaspists), or war elephants- ACHTUNG SPITFIRE! also features dive-
bined ops," in which case the values for all the potentially powerful units, but unpredictable in bombing of warships in the English Channel.
suits are added together. Each player in turn battle. The vertical movement system has been
may play one regular force card from his hand The rules for ALEXANDER'S EMPIRE are reworked for additional realism, including
as well as any special or bonus weapon cards short and the design was kept as clean as possi- accurate G-Ioadings and the effects of nega-
that may apply. For a card to be played, it must ble so that players of all levels could play and tive-G forces on British engines that lacked
match the year and ocean of the convoy. enjoy. The system has some similarities to the fuel injection.
You may play either German or Allied dur- WE THE PEOPLE and HANNIBAL games, yet The aircraft of ACHTUNG SPITFIRE!:
ing your turn-the object is to play the high- has been modified to incorporate the multi- Britain: Supermarine Spitfire (models I,
est combat value for the winning side of the player aspect. Each turn, players receive a hand IIa, lIb, Va, Vb, Vc, and IX), Hawker Hurri-
battle. For instance, if everyone plays an of Tyche (chance) cards. The player-round cane (models I, IIa, lIb, and IIc), Hawker
Allied card, the Allies obviously win the bat- sequence of play includes: sieges, garrison Typhoon, Boulton Paul Defiant (turret-armed
tle, and you win the convoy if your Allied card placement, primary movement, Tyche card play fighter), Westland Whirlwind, Gloster Gladia-
is the strongest one played. and then the foraging and attrition. When all tor (obsolete biplane), De Havilland Mosquito
Table talk is encouraged, but all talk must cards have been played, the year is complete and (models IV and VI), Bristol Blenheim (fighter
be open. The discussion adds to the fun. Do you players must finance their armies and place rein- and bomber models), Bristol Beaufighter
trust that player who says he will support your forcements. Victory can be claimed at the end of (models I and VI), Fairey Battle, Vickers
Allied anti-submarine effort? any complete round of card play, making for Wellington (models IA and IC), Avro Lan-
The surface suit has the highest combat rat- exciting moments when a single battle or the caster.
ings, but surface ships also have the highest vic- favor of a royal family member will send your France: Bloch 152, Morane Saulnier 406,
tory point values, making them a risky lead. We enemies scrambling to stop you. Dewoitine 520, Hawk 75 (models Al and A3),
often hear the chant, "Sink the Bismarck!" when Alexander's Successors comes with a large Potez.
someone calls "surface" as trump and then plays four-color mounted map of the Greek world, a Germany: Messerschmitt Bf 109 (models
the Bismarck. A player's hand capacity can be deck of 64 cards, two sets of counters (including E3, E4, E7, F2, F4Z, G2, and G6), Messer-
increased above six cards depending on the stand-up generals), and a player Aid card. schmitt Bf 110 (models CI, C4, and C4B),
number of laden convoys he has won. Historically, Alexander's Empire split apart Focke Wulf 190A (models I through 4),
Each game lasts a little over one hour, and in civil war, leading to the creation of the smaller Junkers 87 "Stuka," Junkers 88 (models A and
players often ask for a rematch. ATLANTIC Ptolemaic, Seleucid and Antigonid empires C), Domier 17, Dornier 217, Heinkel 111.
STORM has lots of history in it, but it is also a which fought each other for generations, until -Charlie Moylan
the convention's finances ... The finan- rather than collect ... Hot vacation activ-
WHISPERS • • • cially-troubled Mayfair Games was bought ities . . . three of the industry's design
by Iron Crown Enterprises in April. ICE chiefs celebrated their 40th birthdays on the
Decision Games released second edition plans to continue publishing many of May- beaches of Cancun, playing HISTORY OF
rules for Lords of the Sierra Madre in late fair's games . . . The first of Vae Victis' THE WORLD every afternoon (and they
April. The company plans to release Sun 200th anniversary Napoleonic games will don't work for TAHGC)...
Never Sets (formerly titled British Empire),
be on Rivoli-a hot topic, apparently, as
Over The Top (WWI battles) and S&T#185
Simulaciones Tacticas is busily working on
with Twilight's Last Gleaming (1812 bat-
the same subject. Both are due out by the
tles) for the Origins convention in July ...
Avalanche Press will be publishing Risorg- end of 1997 . . . In computer strategy
imento (covering northern Italian cam- gaming news . . . Talonsoft expects to
paigns, 1848-1866, in the Imperial Age sys- release in May two more in the Battle-
ground series, Napoleon in Russia and Bull Use only short, controlled bursts. Hit the
tem) with a map spanning from Torino to
Run, and recently hired Norm Koger (of weak spots and move out.
Trieste, Firenze to Innsbruck. Avalanche This column is dedicated to voicing gamer con-
shipped Operation Cannibal (Burma, 1942- Age of Rifles fame) to develop The Opera-
tional Art of War (covering 1939-1955) for cerns about how the computer wargame genre can
43) in late April ... At the end of March, improve. I wish to generate short, constructive crit-
The Garners began shipping Gaines Mill. It release in Spring 1998... Microprose's X- icism from this magazine's readers intended to
includes ten scenarios covering Seven Days COM: Apocalypse will add a real-time tac- help advance the computer game design process.
Battle action north of the Chickahominy, tical combat option and SVGA graphics to Readers, mail me your comments (better yet, email
including Mechanicsville and Gaines Mill. the much-heralded game system... SSG, them to [email protected]).
Seven Pines, Malvern Hill and Freyser's apparently frustrated with distribution "Serious" computer wargamers looked
Farm will be in later releases in the planned problems in the United States, has reached down upon SSI's Panzer General when it
trilogy ... Clash of Arms' Home Before the an agreement to publish their Last came out. It has simplistic combat and
Leaves Fall (a large game-3000 coun- Blitzkrieg project as Decisive Battles of movement mechanisms (the only computer
ters-set in WWI) began shipping in mid- WWII: The Ardennes Offensive through SSI, game in which you can drive all the way
April. Their Six Days to Glory (shipped at expected to be released this summer ... SSG from the Polish border to Moscow in one
the end of March) is a Kevin Zucker design is anticipating a September 1997 release of long evening) and supplies, but it is still a
on a slice of the 18 14 campaign in France, Warlords III, an eight-player fantasy fun game to play. Sure Grigsby's War in
when Grouchy won his Marshall's baton. strategy game with a real-time netplay Russia is more "realistic," but Panzer Gen-
They also plan to release Leutzen (summer) option ... SSI is planning to release in the eral is much easier to get into, prettier to
and reprint Moscowa (this year), both in the fall Imperialism, a resource management look at, and more fun to play.-Hyun Yu
La Bataille system . . . Columbia Games strategy game set in a fictional 19th century One problem with computer games is
shipped the block-game Sam Grant, the Earth-like world. SSI also expects to that they hide so much of the game's
sequel to Bobby Lee, in early April ... XTR release sequels Pacific General this sum- mechanics from the player that it remains
plans to reprint The Great War in Europe mer and Panzer General II in the fall ... unclear to a player what lesson should be
this summer ... In Aplil, Wizards of the Sierra is coming out with Outpost 2: drawn from a victory or defeat. Yet, fuller
Coast announced that it had signed a letter Divided Destiny, a real-time action/strategy disclosure may unravel too much of the
of intent to acquire TSR, Inc. in May 1997. computer game ... In case you've been in puzzle to encourage replay.-SKT
TSR is heavily indebted to its publisher, hibernation, computerized Magic, with A note to those subjected to fire: take
which raised questions about GenCon's some 200 of the cards, appeared in stores in solace that you hold ground worthy ofafight.
future. The acquisition seems to stabilize March to the delight of those who play

DEXCON6 GEN CON GAMES FAIR Write Burnie Hegdahl, 737 N.B. 3rd St., Madison, SD
July 2-6, 1997, East Rutberford, NJ August 7-10, 1997, Milwaukee, WI 57042, or call 605-256-3909.
DoubJe Exposure sponsors this convention, held at the Sher- This very large multi-media game convention will be beld at
aton Meadowlands Hotel. featuring 100 hours of boardgam- the MECCA in downtown Milwaukee and features all types of
September 25-28,1997, Toledo, 08
ing, wargaming, CCGs, RPGs and special events. Call Vinny gaming, including rournament' for ASL, ADVANCED ClVI-
Sponsored by Andon and held at the SeaGate Convention
Salzillo at (718) 881-4575, email [email protected] UZATION, DIPLOMACY, AIR BARON, UP FRONT and mucb
Center, this conventioll .features all types of gaming, plus
up www-io.comJ-salvius. more. Foi infonuation on convention and housing write TSR,
sci-fi programming. Registration is $24.95 by September
Inc., 201 Sberidan Springs Road, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 or
ORIGINS '97 9th. Write Andon UnUmited, P.O. Box 1740, Renton, WA
email www.TSRinc.com.
July 17-20, 1997, Columbus, OH 98057, call 206-204-5815 or email [email protected].
Sponsored by Andon, tbis flagship convention of the gaming NOVAGCON '97 THE CANADIAN ASL OPEN
iudustry will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention August 15-17, 1997, Tyson's Corner, VA September 26-28,1997, Winnipeg, ME, Cauada
Center and feature aU types of gaming, exhibit ball, auction, Tllis twelftb annual convention w.ill be held at the WeslPark This swiss style, AREA-rated tournament to name the Cana-
computer gaming area and special guest~. Registration is Hotel and feature primarily miniatures wargarning with a mix- dian ASL Champion for 1997 is open to all. Registration is
$34.95 by June 21st; $40 at door. Write Andon UJ1limited, ture of historical and sGi-fi/fantasy games. Email Cdn$20; Cdn$25 at the door. Write Jim McLeod, 978 Strath-
P.O. Box 1740, Renton, WA 98057, call 206-204-5815 or [email protected]. cona St., Winnipeg MB, Canada R3G 3G5, call 204-783-
email [email protected]. 3649 or email [email protected].
AVALONCON '97 August 22-24, 1997, Seattle, WA TNT '97
July 30-August 3, 1997, Baltimore, MD For information on this DIPLOMACY conventiou, write Buz October 16-19, 1997, Dorsey, MD
Sponsored by Avalon Hill and held at the Hunt Valley Mar- Eddy,4<}13 184th PI., Lynnwood, WA 98026. TI\e premier TITAN tournament of tbe year is held at the
riott in the suburbs of Baltimore, this convention features the Best Western BWJ near the airport. It features continuous
National Boardgaming Championships for Avalon Hill's MAGE CON SOUTH XU play, single-elimination two-player and multi-player tourna-
games. By popular demand, the convention has been August 29-31, 1997, Sioux City, IA ments and inst,tUction for l:>egiimers: Registration is $20;
extended into the lhomiilg hours. of Wednesday. Contact Sponsored :by tbe Mi<:!west Area Gaming Enthusi balf-price for ganiers undep21 y~ars old. Write Keith Levy,
Avalon Bill Gan1e Company, 4517 Harford Rd., Baltimore, at the Hilton, this convention features board, In' " C'om- 7310 E:athydale Rd., Baltimore, MD 21207, call 410-653-
MD 21214, call 4JO-254-9200 or email [email protected]. puter, card an<:!rdle-playing games of all types,'plus an ~u.i:tion. 2735 pi email [email protected].
I Play against human opponents over the Internet or hot-seat.
Cross platform compatibility - PC to Mac and Mac to PC. Asa q
I Computer opponent uses Avalon Hill's Over the Reich'sTM
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Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation raiders before they drop their bombs,
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Founded by Kevin Zucker in 1978,
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has entered into an affiliate label agreement
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Napoleon at Bay is a game of tense

maneuver, with the outnumbered
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• 31-Turn Campaign Game

The GENERAL 31-4
It has been a long, hard Second Punic War, but the end is near in your
game of HANNIBAL: ROME VS. CARTHAGE. The maps on this page
show all remaining forces and generals on the board. Carthage has
control of all spaces not shown. Your opponent has two strategy cards
and you hold Hostile Tribes and Grain Shortage. It is your turn to playa
strategy card. Strangely, your Roman opponent is still grinning. He says,
''I'm betting that you don't have a two-point operations card. I'll make
you a deal. I'll let you fish through the entire deck (played or unplayed)
and pick out any two cards, except Truce and the two I am holding, to
replace your current ones. Then, you may take your turn. In exchange,
you shall give me an automatic die roll of 6 on all of my future siege die
rolls." You recall that all played cards since the last reshuffle have LD.
numbers under 30. The only thing that matters to you now is maximiz-
ing your chances for a Carthaginian victory. You realize that your crafty
Roman enemy already holds the best two cards that he can imagine.
Do you take the deal! (Circle one) Yes No $15 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE IS PRIZE!
If no, describe your next strategy card play. Send entries via email to [email protected] or mail to: Stuart K.
Tucker, The GENERAL, The Avalon Hill Game Company, 4517
If yes, list four pairs of cards in the order you wish to choose and play Harford Road, Baltimore, MD 21214
them to maximize your chances of victory (remember that any two Name _
cards may already be in the Roman hand).
A. 1: 2: _ Address _
B. 1: 2: _
City State .Zip _
C. 1: 2: _
D. 1: 2: _
Opponents Wanted/Games Sought/For Sale $1 Issue as a whole (Rate from 1 to 10, with "1" meaning
1. Ads will be accepted only when printed on this form or a facsimile and must be accompanied by a $1
token fee. No refunds. Payment may be made in uncancelled U.S. postage stamps. Ads pertaining
solely to AVALONCON are free.
excellent and "10" terrible). Plus, include your choice for
the three best articles. Write their titles below:
2. For Sale ads: only out-of-print games and magazines will be accepted.
3. Clubs are encouraged to announce regular meetings.
4. Insert copy on lines provided (25 words maximum) and print name, address, and (if desired) phone num-
2. _
ber on the appropriate lines. 3. _
5. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND LEGIBLY. !fyom ad is illegible, it will not be printed.
6. So that as many ads as possible can be printed in our limited space, we request that you use official state
and game abbreviations. Don't list your entire collection; list only those games which you are most inter- We value your opinion. Therefore, take a few minutes to write
ested in playing. some personal comments below on what you liked and what you
Across Five Aprils-A5A, Advanced Squad Leader-ASUSL, Afrika Korps-AFK, Age of Renaissance-
REN, Air Baron-ABN, Air ForcelDauntless-AFD, Assassin-ASN, Battle of the Bulge-B(YL), Black-
didn't like about this issue.
beard-BKE, Blitzkrieg-BZK, Breakout Normandy-BKG, Britannia-BRI, Circus Maximus--CMS,
(Advanced) Civilization-ACV/CIV, Colonial Diplomacy-CDP, D-Day-D(yr.), Diplomacy-DIP,
Comments _
DUNE, 1830, Empires in Arms-EIA, Empire of the Rising Sun-ERS, Enemy in Sight-EIS, Firepower-
FPR, Flat Top-FIP, Fleet Series-#Fr, Flight Leader-FL, Gangsters-GSR, Geronimo-GER, Gettys-
burg-GBG, Gladiator-GLD, Guadalcanal-GDC, Guerilla-GUE, Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage-HRC,
Here Come the Rebels-HCR, History of the World-HWD, Hitler's War-HWR, Kremlin-KRM, King-
maker-KGM, Knights of the Air-KTA, London's Buming-LBG, Luftwaffe-LFW, Machiavelli-MAC,
Maharaja-MAH, Magic Realm-MRM, MET, Merchant of Venus-MOV, Midway-M(yL), Napoleon's
Battles-NPB, PanzerBlitz-PZB, Panzergruppe Guderian-PGG, Panzer Leader-PZL, Rail Baron-REN,
Republic of Rome-ROR, Richthofen's War-RFN, Roadkill-RKL, Roads to Genysburg-RTG, The Russ-
ian Campaign-TRC, Russian Front-RFr, 1776, Siege of Jerusalem-SOJ, Starship Troopers-SST, Stel-
lar Conquest-STC, Stonewall's Last Battle-SLB, Stonewall in the Valley-SIV, Stonewall Jackson's Games Played in May: _
Way-SJW, Storm Over Arnhem-SOA, Tac Air-TeA, Advanced Third Reich-A3R, Thunder At
Cassioo-TAC, Titan-TIN, Trireme-TRI, Turning Point: Stalingrad-TPS, Tyranno Ex-TYX, Up
Front-UPF, Victory In The Pacific-VIP, War and Peace-W&P, We The People-WfP, Wooden Ships &
Iron Men-WSIM, Wrasslin'-WRS.

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$1.00 Volume 31, Number 4 $1.00
Great Campaigns of the American Civil War -Summary of Rule Variations
Because the games in the series use slight variations of the same common rules, players may find this summary card a useful reminder
about the differences. Players should use the rules specific to the game they are playing (rather than adopting the most recent game's
rules for the whole series). The card first shows basic game variations in the order they occur in the sequence of play. After that, the
advanced game rule variations are listed-again, following the sequence of play.
KEY: HCR =Here Come the Rebels; RTG = Roads to Gettysburg; SIV = Stonewall in the Valley; SJW = Stonewall Jackson's Way; SLB = Stonewall's
Last Battle. Id = a die roll; 2d = two dice are rolled. Ldr = Leader; lnf = Infantry; Cav = Cavalry. drm = die roll modifier. AoP = Army of the Potomac;
AoV =Army of Virginia; Reg = Regiment, Brig = Brigade, Div = Division. MP = Movement Point.


(SJW GAME SCALE: 2000 yards per hex; 500 infantry- RTG 650 cavalrymen per point.
HCR) men per manpower point or 700 cavalrymen per SIV 750 cavalrymen per point.
point; one battery per artillery point. SLB

(SJW LEADER MOVEMENT: During the Leader RTG Limited to "up to ten hexes."
HCR) Transfer Phase, leaders may transfer to a subordinate SIV
unit up to 20 hexes away. SLB

(SJW MOVEMENT ALLOWANCE: SIV Union: lnf wlLdr=ld minimum result of 2.
HCR Union: Inf=ld (+1 wlLdr). Cav=2d. Confederate: Cav=2d+2.
RTG Confederate: Inf=ld+1 (+1 more wlLdr).
SLB) Cav=2d+ 1 (+2 more w/Stuart).
EXTENDED MARCH: If march increases Fatigue SJW Union AofV 3-6=D, AofP 4-6=D.
Level to 3 or 4, roll1d on Extended March Table (D Confederate (all) 5-6=D.
result disorganizes strength marker-if already dis-
organized, then lose one manpower point). HCR Union 4-6=D.

Confederate 5-6=D.

RTG Union Non-AofP 4-6=D, AofP Inf 5-6=D, AofP Cav 6=D.
Z Confederate 6=D
1&1 Modifiers + 1 drrn if Fatigue Level increases from 3 to 4.
1&1 Union 5-6=D.
o> SLB Confederate 6=D
Modifiers +1 if Fatigue Level increases from 3 to 4; +1 if
:I exhausted and Fatigue Level increases from 2 to 3; +3 if
exhausted and Fatigue Level increases from 3 to 4.
(SJW FORCE MARCH: Unit becomes disorganized and RTG Minimum Inf gain of two MP, Cav four MP. No additional
HCR) loses one manpower point (two if unit has manpow- loss to unit with ten or more MY.
er of ten or more). Determine movement point gain:
Inf=ld-1 (minimum gain of one), Cav=2d-1. SIV Minimum Inf gain of two MP, Cav four MP. Reduction
SLB based on extra MP roll: Inf (ld): 6=10se two, 2-5=10se one;
Cav (2d): 8+=lose one.
(SJW ENTER FRIENDLY OCCUPIED HEX: Active RTG MP cost is three extra if mountain hex.
HCR) Inf unit must pay one extra MP to enter Inf-occupied SIV
hex with combined combat value of three or more. SLB

(SJW ------------
CORPS/GRAND ASSAULT: Friendly corps lead-

ers may launch a corps assault by rolling equal to or

SIV Division and district leaders may launch assaults with sub-
ordinate units with the following drrn: + 1 per unit involved
.. RTG) less than command value. An army leader in com- and -3 if active leader is the district leader.
c( District leader may convert to grand assault with following
mand radius may upgrade to grand assault by rolling
m equal to or less than command value.
drrn: +1 per hex involved.
o(,) SLB Division and corps leaders may launch assaults with subor-
dinate units with the following drm: +1 per unit involved.
Army leaders may convert to grand assault with following
Insert to The GENERAL, Volume 31, Number 4 drm: +1 per hex involved.
(SJW ENTRENCHMENTS AND DEFENSE VALUES: RTG A unit's artillery value is modified by entrenchments.
HCR) A unit under breastworks has its combat value dou- SlY
bled while a unit under a fort is tripled (artillery val- SLB
ues are unaffected in either case).
(SJW GENERAL LEE BONUS: The army leader Lee SLB Applies to assaults by division leaders as well.
HCR) provides a + I drm to the combat roll for any
Confederate corps assault which is launched from RTG Does not apply.
his hex. SIV

(SJW FLANK ATTACKS: A unit may only provide a RTG A flanking unit may not be demoralized and must have an
HCR) flanking bonus if its combat value is at least one- attack value at least one-fourth of the defense value.
fifth that of the defender. Mountain hexes may only be flanked by units exactly oppo-
site one another, which generates a +3 modifier.

SIV A flanking unit may not be demoralized and must have an

l- SLB attack value at least one-fourth of the defense value.
ce Mountain hexes may only be flanked by units exactly oppo-
m site one another, which generates a +3 modifier. Flanking
o units in a mountain hex must be in enemy unit's ZOe.
(,)' (RTG REFUSING FLANKS (OPTIONAL RULE): SJW Option is not available.
SIV Units may spend one MP to lessen the effects of HCR
SLB) flank modifiers, but are more vulnerable to direct
(SJW DISORGANIZEDIFATIGUED: A unit suffering a RTG Units only gain three fatigue levels.
HCR) "D" result becomes disorganized and goes to Fatigue SIV
Level 4. SLB
(SJW ROUTEDIDEMORALIZED: A unit suffering an RTG A route is counted by the shortest "traversable" hex path
HCR) "R" result becomes demoralized and must end its and a unit will lose two manpower for each demoralization
rout four hexes away, counting the shortest possible level beyond 2. If the result is R* (8+ combat result), put
hex path. Additional demoralization levels beyond 2 unit at Demoralized Level 2.
have no effect.
SlY Units may rout from four to six hexes and, if already at
SLB Demoralization Level 2, lose one manpower for each R*

. (SJW ENEMY OCCUPIED HEXES: Retreating unites) RTG Retreating unit loses three manpower points, if forced to
HCR) must attempt to avoid retreat into enemy occupied SlY retreat through an enemy-occupied hex.
hexes, but, if forced to do so, each unit loses two SLB
manpower points.

DEFENDER'S RETREAT OPTION: On a non- RTG May retreat up to four hexes. If the combat result is "no
retreat combat result, the defender may voluntarily SIV effect," a voluntary retreat will increase the unit's fatigue
retreat his units up to three hexes, subject to the nor- level by one.

~ (SJW
mal retreat rules.
CAVALRY RETREAT: Cavalry unit becomes dis- RTG New modifiers: + I (rather than +3) if active unit also in
au HCR) organized, gains two levels of fatigue, and retreats mountain hex, +2 if combined Cav combat value of three
II: four hexes, obeying all retreat and rout restrictions. or more, -2 if all Cav demoralized, -2 if all Cav out of
Adjacent enemy unit losses MP equal to half (round- ammo. Surrounded Cav suffers loss on unmodified die roll
of I or 2.
ed down) modified die roll (see SJW table for mod-
ifiers). A die roll of I, before modification, elimi- SlY New modifiers: +1 (rather than +3) if active unit also in
nates one Cay manpower point. SLB mountain hex, +2 if combined Cav combat value of three or
more, -2 if all Cav demoralized, -2 if all Cav out of ammo.
New modifiers based on nationality (see card). Only gain
Insert to The GENERAL, Volume 31, Number 4 one fatigue level per retreat. No surrounded Cav rule.
(SJW RECOVERY: Units lose two levels of fatigue and srv Units at Fatigue Level 0 or 1 at the beginning of the phase,
HCR if at Fatigue Level 0 at the end of the phase, then lose SLB lose disorganization, exhaustion and demoralization status.
RTG) disorganization and demoralization status. Those at Fatigue Level 3 or higher become exhausted. All
units lose three fatigue levels.
(SJW BUILDING ENTRENCHMENTS: Units at HCR Confederate units may not build forts in Maryland.
RTG) Fatigue Level 0 at the beginning of the Recovery
Phase may build a breastwork. Units may upgrade SlY It takes two turns to create a breastwork. Entrenchments
their breastwork to fort status by entrenching for two SLB may not be built during rain turns.
consecutive turns.
(SJW BUILDING BRIDGES: Inf at Fatigue Level 0 with srv The Inf unit need have only a combat value of three or
HCR a combat value of at least five may build a bridge more.
RTG) across a minor river hexside as its first act during the SLB Up to two Union bridges may also be built across
Recovery Phase, but not during a rain tum. Rappahannock major river hexsides. These may be disman-
tled and rebuilt elsewhere on a different turn.

(SJW RAIN: Consult SJW rules for basic impact (p. 23). RTG The Potomac River remains unfordable for one turn longer
HCR) Overlapping rain results are ignored. than duration of storm.
SlY Major rivers are unfordable longer (one to three turns) than
storm and rain can occur in a basic game random event.

SLB Rain results last only one turn with major rivers unfordable
the tum following.
(SJW) COMMAND PARALYSIS: Consult SJW rules for HCR Union units occupying several eastem Maryland counties
basic impact (p. 23). may not move or entrench at all, if a Confederate lnf unit
does not occupy one of these counties (p. 24).
RTG Subtract one from all initiative die rolls during current tum.
SlY lnf movement allowance reduced by one, Cav by two. No
Union lnf units may activate or entrench if none are cur-
rently within five hexes of a Confederate lnf unit.
SLB Only one flank of Union army is affected (but not Cav or
artillery). lnf march movement allowances are reduced by
two to a minimum of one. No forced march and no leader-
initiated assaults.

(HCR) SURRENDER: If unable to trace a supply line to RTG Supply line may be traced to any mapedge.
either the north or east mapedge, Union units within SIV
three hexes of Harpers Ferry must roll to see if they SJW Not used.
ru~~~ S~

(RTG) AMMUNITION: A unit which receives a "D" SlY An out of ammo marker is placed on units that suffer from
result in combat expends one box of ammunition. Inf this status. Cav have four boxes.
z have four boxes, Cav have three. A unit out of ammo

SLB An out of ammo marker is placed on units that suffer from
o is flipped to its white-striped side, its combat value
this status. Neither side may build depots.
I- is halved (rounded down), and its artillery value is
zero. Ammo is replenished during the Ammunition
Z SJW Not used.
~ Phase and Depots are built during the Depot Phase. HCR
== (SJW SUPPLY: At certain times during the game, mits SlY Only Union units must check for supply and are given an
HCR) must check for supply. If out of supply, units are out-of-supply marker if they suffer from this status.
flipped to their white-striped side and will lose capa-
bility and strength if unable to resupply either by RTG Supply is not a factor.
depot, railroad or foraging. Insert to The GENERAL, Volume 31, Number 4

SUBSTITUTE UNITS: Each side may detach SJW Special attachment restrictions (p. 27).
manpower points to create substitute units. The num- HCR Union lnf and Confederate lnf and Cav Regts and Brigs
ber of substitutes is limited. Substitutes have maxi- which begin the game on the map may attach to any unit of
mum sizes as well. the same type.

Infantry Cavalry RTG Regts and Brigs which begin the game on the map may
(Maximum Sizes) (Maximum Sizes) attach to any unit of the same type.
Game Subs Div full: BW Subs full: BW
SJW 3 18 9 2 3 4 2 SIV lnf Regts which begin the game on the map may attach to
HCRConf: 5 14 7 2 3 4 2 any lnf unit.
Union: 5 14 7 2 na na na
RTG 5 16 8 2 4 2 SLB Regts and Brigs (official errata) which begin the game on
SIV 6 na 9 4 na na na
the map may attach to any unit of the same type, except that
SLB 5 16 8 2 3 4 2
Confederate lnf Brigs with parent divisions may only reat-
tach to the units within that division.

RANDOM END: The action cycle may end if both

players roll a 1 when determining initiative. Roll a
second die: on turns 3 through 11 the action cycle
ends on a 1 or 2, while on turn 12 and onwards, a 1,
2 or 3 will end it.
RAILROAD MOVEMENT: Union lnf that begins SJW Limited to no more than 16 total combat value per turn.
the march action in a rail station may increase one Allowed only on turns 7-9 (and at the five stations listed on
fatigue level and move 35 hexes along an undam- p.24).
aged rail line (not through enemy ZOC). HCR Limited to no more than one Division or two
RegimentslBrigades per tum. Must start on east map.
RTG Increase fatigue level by two. May move 60 hexes. No more
than one div or three RegimentslBrigades on B&O and one
RegimentlBrigade on Cumberland Valley/Northern Central.
Only Knipes Brigade may use rail before tum 9.
SIV No rail movement allowed.

UNION FORTS PRINTED ON MAP: Each sym- Either side may occupy permanent forts. Artillery and com-
bol contains an intrinsic defense value of four. Union bat values of occupants are tripled within forts.
units in forts may entrench. Flank and tactical mod- Entrenchments are not allowed. Forts are never destroyed-
ifiers are not used in attacks against fort hexes. Forts they contain no garrison.
are destroyed on an "r" or "R" result. SJW Not used.
DEATH OF CONFEDERATE CORPS LEAD- SLB If Jackson is in the hex, he is automatically killed and
ERS: If both players roll a 1 in combat, the best replaced by Stuart (second die roll is unnecessary).
involved Confederate corps leader is killed if a sec- Not used.
ond roll is even.

COUNTY CONTROL: Each side may gain tacti- Confederate controls Maryland counties with two manpow-
cal benefits or victory points by controlling counties. er in county seat (supply line requirement) and a total of 12
Manpower requirements vary. in county.

RTG Confederate controls Maryland or Pennsylvania counties at

the end of the game with three manpower in county seat
(may not be surrounded) and a total of 70 in county.

SIV Union controls with one lnf in county seat and a total of two
manpower (including Cay) in county. Otherwise,
Confederate controls with eight manpower in county.
Insert to The GENERAL, Volume 31, Number 4
C ASTELL0 FATJ\!,Q,," Sk"' '''''""' ""' B"" YOOk

MESHKOV, RUSSIA, 20 December 1942: The Italian 8th Army had been
retreating since the prior morning in the face of the Russian winter offensive
aimed at encircling and destroying Paulus's 6th Army in Stalingrad. Charged
with defending the flanks of the 6th Army, Germany's brittle allies had been
shattered by the mighty blow of the Russian counteroffensive, with many units
swallowed up by the advancing Russian armies. Lieutenant Felice Bracci and the
3rd Bersaglieri Regiment were ordered to destroy all heavy weapons, save Brac-
ci's two anti-tank guns, and lead the Italians' retreat to the town of Meshkov.
Late in the afternoon of the 20th, Bracci saw a "fairy castle," the cathedral in
Meshkov, dominating the skyline. Forming a skirmish line, the Bersaglieri
approached the town.


A I"-

VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Italians win at game end if they Control

building 280Z4.
* Exchange one LMG for one Russian
MMG in the Russian OB.
N to
Xl8 X1 ns
X9 X8
m Replace four 3-4-7s with four 4-4-7s and (Only hexrows R·GG ate playable)
one 6+1 with one 8-0 in the Italian OB.
* RUSSIAN Sets Up First

mITALIAN Moves First [132) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,;t' END

Forward elements of the 1st Guards Army [ELR: 3] set up on board 28: (SAN: 3)

* r-tJ ftfl J(' k~ k~



6-~ t- rlim
!!: Bll

OiR. OBA: +4
0111,,: +2

Elements of 5th Company, 3rd Bersaglieri Regiment [ELR: 2] set up on board 27 in ~ 10 contiguous hexes numbered ~ 8,
with ~ 2 MMC per hex: (SAN: 2)
Lieutenant Bracci's Anti-Tank
Gun Section set up on board 27 in

f ;;[]
hexes numbered ~ 8 (see SSR 6):

20 2 3 ~~.~12
m~ *
2 2

SPECIAL RULES: 5. The Italians may not use Cloaking. They may, however, secretly record
1. EC are Deep Snow (E3.73), with no wind at start. Extreme Winter (E3.74) with which MMC each SW/SMC is stacked. These SW/SMC are kept off-
board until their recorded MMC suffers a PTC result or worse, or (for SW) if
and Steppe Terrain (FI3.2) are in effect.
that SW is fired, or (for SMC) if that SMC engages in any concealment-loss
2. Place overlays as follows (place all one-hex overlays such that the" I" activity other than moving with his recorded MMC.
hexside is the southern hexside): X7 on 28X2, XS on 28DD7, X9 on 28W7,
XI0 on 28S3, XlI on 28AA7/Z7, X12 on 28V4/W5, X13 on 28FF5/FF6, 6. The Italians must, on Turn 1, conduct a single Human Wave (A25.23)
X14 on 28Z4/Z5, XIS on 28DD4/CC5 and XIS on 28U7/U8. attack using all units except Guns and crews with 280Z4 as the target of this
Human Wave. After Turn 1, the Italians may conduct Human Wave attacks
3. All buildings [EXC: 280Z4] are wooden, single story buildings. A Level 2 as if they were Russian. The AT Guns may not set up Emplaced.
Location exists in hex 280Z4 which contains an Inherent stairwell and has a
stacking capacity of 1 HS, 1 SMC, and 5PP. Red Barricades Cellar rules AFTERMATH: As the BersagJieri approached the town, mortar shells began to fall and
(06.) are in effect for building 280Z4 (only). The Levell Location of 280Y5 Russian machineguns opened up on the advancing troops. The Russians had beaten the
begins play Ablaze; Blazes only spread on a Final Spreading DR of ~ 12. Bersaglieri to the town, and were using the cathedral as a strongpoint. Bracci's guns
4. Night Rules (E1.) are in effect. The initial Base NVR is 5 hexes with Scat- fired round after round at the cathedral, but its stone walls defied destruction. Eventual-
tered Clouds and a Full Moon. The Italian player is the Scenario Attacker; ly, a portion of the building caught fire. With this unnatural light iJluminating the battle,
the Russian player is the Scenario Defender. The Majority Squad Type of the thousands of Bersaglieri charged the cathedral. The Russians were able to stop the wave
Russian is Normal; that of the Italians is Lax. Straying (E1.53) and Jitter Fire of Italians and force them to retreat. The next morning, the entire Italian column sun'en-
dered to a Russian cavalry unit.
(EI.55) rules are not in effect.
A DESPERATE AFFAIR S"o,ooD"',oR","''''.
HERAKLION, CRETE, 20 May 1941: German intelligence had erred terribly
in calculating the ability of British forces to resist an airborne attack. There were
three times as many troops on Crete as was anticipated. They were dug in and
camouflaged well, and were little affected by the massive pre-invasion aerial
bombardments. The mission of the paratroopers approaching Heraklion was to
take the town and, more importantly, the airfield. The invaders needed an airfield
as quickly as possible in order to land reinforcing troops of the 5th Mountain
Division. As the paratroopers jumped from the Junkers 52s, each armed only
with a few grenades and a pistol, they were confident of their success.



o Add one 4-5-8 to anyone British group.

VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Germans win at game end if any two 'if.; Halve (FRU) the extent of error in the
N <0
adjoining half-boards are both devoid of all Armed Good Order British Drop Point Random Location DR (See ,...
MMC and occupied by an Armed Good Order German MMC. Half-boards SSR 3).
are defined as hexrows A-Q & R-GG.
o BRITISH Sets Up First [184]
'if.; GERMAN Moves First [198] 2 4 5 6 7 END

Elements of 2nd Black Watch [ELR: 4] set up in whole or half hexes of indicated boards; all MMC (and any SMCISW

0 stacked with them) in suitable terrain may be set up entrenched: (SAN: 5}

On board 18: On board 16: On board 33:

4 2.5.8 t ,
4 2.5.8
2·4·8 t t 9
4 2 -5-8
2·4-8 t.
I iirn

t 4

On board 9: AAt

4 2.5.8

2·4·8 t=t C LMG

Elements of Bataillon II, Fallschirmjager Regiment 1 [ELR: 5] enter on Turn I by Air Drop (E9.) (See SSR 2 and 3): {SAN: 3}

*-, r f!fl m


A ~
en ft~ A~ A~
dm HMG

~\3'1I Ti


dm MTR

dm MTR


dill MMG
. Enter on Turn 3 by Air Drop
(E9.) (See SSR 2 and 3): f!fl
en T~ i;[j]

SPECIAL RULES: domly select which of the three predeSignated Turn 3 Drop Pomt hexes IS used; a
Random Location DR from this hex determines the Turn 3 Wing's Drop Point.
1. EC are Dry with no wind at start [EXC: for paradrop purposes only, wind
direction is from the north at start]. Gusts are NA. All buildings are single story 4. The British sufferfrom Ammunition Shortage (AI9.13I).
stone structures. Grain is in season; all Orchards are Olive Groves (F13.5). 5. Unarmed units (A20.5) of both sides may rearm as per E9.7. An unarmed
2. Germans may not voluntarily Deploy prior to Landing. Pre-1942 German squad/HS rearmed via the E9.7 method becomes a Second Line unit of the
Paradrop rules (E9.7) are in effect. appropriate size.
AFTERMATH: To their horror, the Fallschirmjagers found themselves falling directly
3. In lieu of the E9.12 Drop Point determination procedure, the following is used: over the British troops. The British rose from their slit trenches and opened fire on the
Prior to British setup, the Germans must secretly predesignate the make up of, helpless men dangling from their parachute harnesses. With well-aimed rifle and
and one Drop Point hex for, each of their three Turn I wings, and three Drop machine gun fire, the Black Watch slaughtered many Germans before they even touched
Point hexes for their Turn 3 Wing; each of the six Drop Point hexes must be ;? 10 the ground. Those that did reach the earth ran around frantically searching for their
hexes from any other Drop Point hex. At the start of the German Turn I MPh, weapons canisters, which contained all their heavy weapons, while the British continued
each of the the three Turn I Wings makes a Random Location DR (C1.41); the to pick them off one by one. The British counterattacked against the lightly armed
direction and extent of error from the Wing's predesignated hex becomes that troops, knowing that now was the time to take them out, before they could offer serious
Wing's Drop Point. At the start of the German Turn 3 MPh, the Germans ran- resistance. Only a few men survived from the entire battaHon; the attack against Herak-
lion was a total disaster.

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