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Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Senior High School Grade 11 Unit 6 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) The twenty-first century has been characterized as the information age. No doubt, one of the greatest achievements of this age has something to do with the technology, especially the increasing power of communications. ICT is providing an extra- ordinary opportunity to hone our critical thinking and problem-solving skills, communication skills, creativity and innovation. ICT - is an extended term for information technology (IT) which stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications. The phrase information and communications technology has been used by academic researchers since the 1980s, and the abbreviation ICT became popular after it was used in a report to the UK government by Dennis Stevenson in 1997. | f, Benefits of ICT to: Economic Political Social Cultural Personal 1 ea Researcher make it clear that ICT advances social improvement by sharing learning, encouraging social innovativeness, expanding popularity based support and upgrading social cohesion. We are challenged to harness the potential of information and communication technology to promote the attainment of a more peaceful, just and prosperous world. ICT positively affected the life of the members of the society or the digital citizens through: Education — Many educators are already using and infusing technology as a_ teaching- learning pedagogy through the use of different platforms. zm Business — Most entrepreneurs are making use of the internet and different social networking sites to promote their businesses and products. 0 4 me 7 i \ = | e se yp | Se i Be : hd ] @ Shopee 2- ; | Government — In the Philippines, many transactions with government offices are now possible and available online. Application for birth certificates, passport, NBI and like are maximized by some Filipinos. NBI ONLINE REGISTRATION “NBI CLEARANCE” — NBI ONLINE REGISTRATION | NBI CLEARANCE Computers, e-mail, internet, fax machines, mobile phones are only among the information communication tools that can be considered an integral part of work activities in almost all companies or institutions in the Philippines and abroad. The development and access of different technologies like wireless networking and mobile devices significantly transformed user into content producers. ICT and Global Networks With ICT in our schools, learners are not only consumers but content creators as they write, edit, publish, participate, co-create and collaborate with others through the use of technologies. ICT hastens global and democratic network across the planet. The Internet is an apparatus for causal connection as well as open spaces where individuals can voice out their issues. ICT can generate global social awareness through social network — sites. Social networking sites also facilitate the mobilization of grass root movements and advocates especially among the younger generation. ICT promotes social development by sharing knowledge, fostering cultural activity, increasing democratic participation, and enhancing social cohesion. Technological advances have improved life and brought the world’s people closer. HISTORY OF ICT: COMPUTER * 3000 BC —- Abacus, 1* calculator * 1833 — Charles Babbage - designed the Analytical Engine which was became the concept of a _ digital programmable computer. « 1931 - 1% electronic calculator was assembled by Kondrad Zuse RADIO AND TELEVISION * 1894 — Guglielmo Marconi invented the “wireless telegraphy” (radio telegraph system) which paved way to the development of Radio. 1920’s — Commercial Radio, Earliest television transmission 1940's — color television TELEPHONE 1876 — Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone 1930’s — widespread of telephone sets 1970's - mobile phone technology 1980'S — earliest mobile phone sold me OS 5a iit 1876 1880s 1960s 1988 Patent for Alexander Craddie phone Touch tone pad Car phone Graham Bell's phone phone 2000 2007 2010 Cellphones meets IPhone Samsung Galaxy A the internet (First generation) (its first Android phone) Late 20 century — Computer Development -1971 introduction of the first microprocessor by Intel -1981 initial version of computers by IBM -1991 creation of the World Wide Web by Tim Lee Recent developments of ICT -desktop computers were made portable because of LAPTOPS and TABLETS -mobile phones innovation: internet access, camera, am/fm radio, television, data a esleulators etc. Disadvantage of the use of ICT: 1) Cost More and more resources are being put into ICT in schools — the cost of laptops, wireless broadband, projectors for example contribute a large percentage of the school’s budget. 2) Misuse of ICT Instead of using their laptops or tablets for their studies and online tests, more often than not students stray away and visit social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter. Students would be too focused on playing games or visiting social networking sites resulting to lower academic grades. 3) School Bags + Laptops Each student who owns a laptop with heavy textbooks, notes and homework is quite a burden to the students’ back. Schools are becoming more dependent on_ e-learning (learning on the internet) but textbooks are mostly print publications. Hence, the weight of this laptop, textbooks, and homework may bear health consequences in the near future. DIGITAL DIVIDE -natural consequence of advancements in ICT -discrepancy in peoples access and skill related to ICT Factors: geographical location, economy, income, age, education, race, and government support among others Levels of Disparity of Digital Divide Level 1 -the disparities of ICT between people living in different parts of the world. Ex. Developed and Developing countries Level 2 — unequal opportunities for ICT use within countries Ex. A person with low income and education is likely to be excluded from information flows and network. Level 3 — participation in a democracy and the possibilities that may develop after the digital revolution Ex. Although children and the youth expressing ideas and opinions about issues with cellphones, there is less interaction between children and parents To maximize the potentials and benefits of ICT and fill the gap caused by the divide, governments must train and educate the citizens in accessing ICT equipment by providing better economic and _ social condition to make it possible for them to acquire the equipment.

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