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layers expand, eventually transforming the Sun into a red giant. It is calculated
that the Sun will become sufficiently large to engulf the current orbits of Mercury
and Venus, and render Earth uninhabitable – but not for about five billion years.
After this, it will shed its outer layers and become a dense type of cooling star
known as a white dwarf, and no longer produce energy by fusion, but still glow
and give off heat from its previous fusion.
The enormous effect of the Sun on Earth has been recognized since prehistoric
times. The Sun was thought of by some cultures as a deity. The synodic rotation
of Earth and its orbit around the Sun are the basis of some solar calendars. The
predominant calendar in use today is the Gregorian calendar which is based
upon the standard 16th-century interpretation of the Sun's observed movement
as actual movement.

The English word sun developed from Old English sunne. Cognates appear in
other Germanic languages, including West Frisian sinne, Dutch zon, Low
German Sünn, Standard German Sonne, Bavarian Sunna, Old Norse sunna, and
Gothic sunnō. All these words stem from Proto-Germanic *sunnōn. This is
ultimately related to the word for sun in other branches of the Indo-European
language family, though in most cases a nominative stem with an l is found,
rather than the genitive stem in n, as for example in Latin sōl, ancient Greek
ἥλιος (hēlios), Welsh haul and Czech slunce, as well as (with *l > r) Sanskrit स्वर
(svár) and Persian ‫( خور‬xvar). Indeed, the l-stem survived in Proto-Germanic as
well, as *sōwelan, which gave rise to Gothic sauil (alongside sunnō) and Old
Norse prosaic sól (alongside poetic sunna), and through it the words for sun in
the modern Scandinavian languages: Swedish and Danish solen, Icelandic sólin,
The principal adjectives for the Sun in English are sunny for sunlight and, in
[3] [26]
technical contexts, solar (/ˈsoʊlər/), from Latin sol – the latter found in terms
such as solar day, solar eclipse and Solar System (occasionally Sol system).
From the Greek helios comes the rare adjective heliac (/ˈhiːliæk/). In English,
the Greek and Latin words occur in poetry as personifications of the Sun, Helios
(/ˈhiːliəs/) and Sol (/ˈsɒl/), while in science fiction Sol may be used as a name
for the Sun to distinguish it from other stars. The term sol with a lower-case s is
used by planetary astronomers for the duration of a solar day on another planet
such as Mars.
The English weekday name Sunday stems from Old English Sunnandæg "sun's
day", a Germanic interpretation of the Latin phrase diēs sōlis, itself a translation
of the ancient Greek ἡμέρα ἡλίου (hēmera hēliou) 'day of the sun'. The
astronomical symbol for the Sun is a circle with a center dot, . It is used for
such units as M☉ (Solar mass), R☉ (Solar radius) and L☉ (Solar luminosity).

General characteristics
The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star that constitutes about 99.86% of the
mass of the Solar System. The Sun has an absolute magnitude of +4.83,
estimated to be brighter than about 85% of the stars in the Milky Way, most of
[30][31] [b]
which are red dwarfs. The Sun is a Population I, or heavy-element-rich,
star. The formation of the Sun may have been triggered by shockwaves from
one or more nearby supernovae. This is suggested by a high abundance of
heavy elements in the Solar System, such as gold and uranium, relative to the
abundances of these elements in so-called Population II, heavy-element-poor,
stars. The heavy elements could most plausibly have been produced by
endothermic nuclear reactions during a supernova, or by transmutation through
neutron absorption within a massive second-generation star.
The Sun is by far the brightest object in the Earth's sky, with an apparent
magnitude of −26.74. This is about 13 billion times brighter than the next
brightest star, Sirius, which has an apparent magnitude of −1.46.
One astronomical unit (about 150,000,000 km; 93,000,000 mi) is defined as the
mean distance of the Sun's center to Earth's center, though the distance varies
(by about +/- 2.5 million km or 1.55 million miles) as Earth moves from perihelion
on about 03 January to aphelion on about 04 July. The distances can vary
between 147,098,074 km (perihelion) and 152,097,701 km (aphelion), and
extreme values can range from 147,083,346 km to 152,112,126 km. At its
average distance, light travels from the Sun's horizon to Earth's horizon in about
8 minutes and 20 seconds, while light from the closest points of the Sun and
Earth takes about two seconds less. The energy of this sunlight supports almost
[c] [39]
all life on Earth by photosynthesis, and drives Earth's climate and weather.
The Sun does not have a definite boundary, but its density decreases
exponentially with increasing height above the photosphere. For the purpose
of measurement, the Sun's radius is considered to be the distance from its center
to the edge of the photosphere, the apparent visible surface of the Sun. By
this measure, the Sun is a near-perfect sphere with an oblateness estimated at 9
millionths, which means that its polar diameter differs from its equatorial
diameter by only 10 kilometers (6.2 mi). The tidal effect of the planets is weak
and does not significantly affect the shape of the Sun. The Sun rotates faster
at its equator than at its poles. This differential rotation is caused by convective
motion due to heat transport and the Coriolis force due to the Sun's rotation. In a
frame of reference defined by the stars, the rotational period is approximately
25.6 days at the equator and 33.5 days at the poles. Viewed from Earth as it
orbits the Sun, the apparent rotational period of the Sun at its equator is about 28
days. Viewed from a vantage point above its north pole, the Sun rotates
counterclockwise around its axis of spin.

See also: Molecules in stars
The Sun is composed primarily of the chemical elements hydrogen and helium.
At this time in the Sun's life, they account for 74.9% and 23.8%, respectively, of
the mass of the Sun in the photosphere. All heavier elements, called metals in
astronomy, account for less than 2% of the mass, with oxygen (roughly 1% of the
Sun's mass), carbon (0.3%), neon (0.2%), and iron (0.2%) being the most
The Sun's original chemical composition was inherited from the interstellar
medium out of which it formed. Originally it would have contained about 71.1%
hydrogen, 27.4% helium, and 1.5% heavier elements. The hydrogen and
most of the helium in the Sun would have been produced by Big Bang
nucleosynthesis in the first 20 minutes of the universe, and the heavier elements
were produced by previous generations of stars before the Sun was formed, and
spread into the interstellar medium during the final stages of stellar life and by
events such as supernovae.
Since the Sun formed, the main fusion process has involved fusing hydrogen into
helium. Over the past 4.6 billion years, the amount of helium and its location
within the Sun has gradually changed. Within the core, the proportion of helium
has increased from about 24% to about 60% due to fusion, and some of the
helium and heavy elements have settled from the photosphere towards the
center of the Sun because of gravity. The proportions of heavier elements is
unchanged. Heat is transferred outward from the Sun's core by radiation rather
than by convection (see Radiative zone below), so the fusion products are not
lifted outward by heat; they remain in the core and gradually an inner core of
helium has begun to form that cannot be fused because presently the Sun's core
is not hot or dense enough to fuse helium. In the current photosphere, the helium
fraction is reduced, and the metallicity is only 84% of what it was in the
protostellar phase (before nuclear fusion in the core started). In the future,
helium will continue to accumulate in the core, and in about 5 billion years this
gradual build-up will eventually cause the Sun to exit the main sequence and
become a red giant.
The chemical composition of the photosphere is normally considered
representative of the composition of the primordial Solar System. The solar
heavy-element abundances described above are typically measured both using
spectroscopy of the Sun's photosphere and by measuring abundances in
meteorites that have never been heated to melting temperatures. These
meteorites are thought to retain the composition of the protostellar Sun and are
thus not affected by the settling of heavy elements. The two methods generally
agree well.

Structure and fusion

Main article: Standard solar model

Illustration of the Sun's structure, in false color for contrast

Main article: Solar core
The core of the Sun extends from the center to about 20–25% of the solar
[53] 3[54][55]
radius. It has a density of up to 150 g/cm (about 150 times the density
of water) and a temperature of close to 15.7 million Kelvin (K). By contrast,
the Sun's surface temperature is approximately 5800 K. Recent analysis of
SOHO mission data favors a faster rotation rate in the core than in the radiative
zone above. Through most of the Sun's life, energy has been produced by
nuclear fusion in the core region through the proton–proton chain; this process
converts hydrogen into helium. Currently, only 0.8% of the energy generated
in the Sun comes from another sequence of fusion reactions called the CNO
cycle, though this proportion is expected to increase as the Sun becomes older
and more luminous.
The core is the only region in the Sun that produces an appreciable amount of
thermal energy through fusion; 99% of the power is generated within 24% of the
Sun's radius, and by 30% of the radius, fusion has stopped nearly entirely. The
remainder of the Sun is heated by this energy as it is transferred outwards
through many successive layers, finally to the solar photosphere where it
escapes into space through radiation (photons) or advection (massive particles).

Illustration of a proton-proton reaction chain, from hydrogen forming deuterium, helium-3,

and regular helium-4.

The proton–proton chain occurs around 9.2×10 times each second in the core,
converting about 3.7×10 protons into alpha particles (helium nuclei) every
56 11
second (out of a total of ~8.9×10 free protons in the Sun), or about 6.2×10
kg/s. However, each proton (on average) takes around 9 billion years to fuse
with one another using the PP chain. Fusing four free protons (hydrogen
nuclei) into a single alpha particle (helium nucleus) releases around 0.7% of the
fused mass as energy, so the Sun releases energy at the mass–energy
conversion rate of 4.26 million metric tons per second (which requires 600 metric
[62] 26 [5] 10
megatons of hydrogen ), for 384.6 yottawatts (3.846×10 W), or 9.192×10
megatons of TNT per second. The large power output of the Sun is mainly due to
the huge size and density of its core (compared to Earth and objects on Earth),
with only a fairly small amount of power being generated per cubic metre.
Theoretical models of the Sun's interior indicate a maximum power density, or
energy production, of approximately 276.5 watts per cubic metre at the center of
[63] [64][e]
the core, which is about the same power density inside a compost pile.
The fusion rate in the core is in a self-correcting equilibrium: a slightly higher rate
of fusion would cause the core to heat up more and expand slightly against the
weight of the outer layers, reducing the density and hence the fusion rate and
correcting the perturbation; and a slightly lower rate would cause the core to cool
and shrink slightly, increasing the density and increasing the fusion rate and
again reverting it to its present rate.
Radiative zone

Main article: Radiative zone

Illustration of different stars' internal structure, the Sun in the middle has an inner
radiating zone and an outer convective zone.

The radiative zone is the thickest layer of the sun, at 0.45 solar radii. From the
core out to about 0.7 solar radii, thermal radiation is the primary means of energy
transfer. The temperature drops from approximately 7 million to 2 million
Kelvin with increasing distance from the core. This temperature gradient is
less than the value of the adiabatic lapse rate and hence cannot drive
convection, which explains why the transfer of energy through this zone is by
radiation instead of thermal convection. Ions of hydrogen and helium emit
photons, which travel only a brief distance before being reabsorbed by other
[67] 3 3
ions. The density drops a hundredfold (from 20 g/cm to 0.2 g/cm ) between
0.25 solar radii and 0.7 radii, the top of the radiative zone.

Main article: Tachocline

The radiative zone and the convective zone are separated by a transition layer,
the tachocline. This is a region where the sharp regime change between the
uniform rotation of the radiative zone and the differential rotation of the
convection zone results in a large shear between the two—a condition where
successive horizontal layers slide past one another. Presently, it is
hypothesized (see Solar dynamo) that a magnetic dynamo within this layer
generates the Sun's magnetic field.
Convective zone

Main article: Convection zone

The Sun's convection zone extends from 0.7 solar radii (500,000 km) to near the
surface. In this layer, the solar plasma is not dense enough or hot enough to
transfer the heat energy of the interior outward via radiation. Instead, the density
of the plasma is low enough to allow convective currents to develop and move
the Sun's energy outward towards its surface. Material heated at the tachocline
picks up heat and expands, thereby reducing its density and allowing it to rise.
As a result, an orderly motion of the mass develops into thermal cells that carry
the majority of the heat outward to the Sun's photosphere above. Once the
material diffusively and radiatively cools just beneath the photospheric surface,
its density increases, and it sinks to the base of the convection zone, where it
again picks up heat from the top of the radiative zone and the convective cycle
continues. At the photosphere, the temperature has dropped to 5,700 K (350-
fold) and the density to only 0.2 g/m (about 1/10,000 the density of air at sea
level, and 1 millionth that of the inner layer of the convective zone).
The thermal columns of the convection zone form an imprint on the surface of
the Sun giving it a granular appearance called the solar granulation at the
smallest scale and supergranulation at larger scales. Turbulent convection in this
outer part of the solar interior sustains "small-scale" dynamo action over the
near-surface volume of the Sun. The Sun's thermal columns are Bénard cells
and take the shape of roughly hexagonal prisms.
Main article: Photosphere

High-resolution image of the Sun's surface taken by the Daniel K. Inouye Solar
Telescope (DKIST)

The visible surface of the Sun, the photosphere, is the layer below which the Sun
becomes opaque to visible light. Photons produced in this layer escape the
Sun through the transparent solar atmosphere above it and become solar

radiation, sunlight. The change in opacity is due to the decreasing amount of H
ions, which absorb visible light easily. Conversely, the visible light we see is
− [71][72]
produced as electrons react with hydrogen atoms to produce H ions.
The photosphere is tens to hundreds of kilometers thick, and is slightly less
opaque than air on Earth. Because the upper part of the photosphere is cooler
than the lower part, an image of the Sun appears brighter in the center than on
the edge or limb of the solar disk, in a phenomenon known as limb darkening.
The spectrum of sunlight has approximately the spectrum of a black-body
radiating at 5,777 K (5,504 °C; 9,939 °F), interspersed with atomic absorption
lines from the tenuous layers above the photosphere. The photosphere has a
23 −3
particle density of ~10 m (about 0.37% of the particle number per volume of
Earth's atmosphere at sea level). The photosphere is not fully ionized—the
extent of ionization is about 3%, leaving almost all of the hydrogen in atomic
During early studies of the optical spectrum of the photosphere, some absorption
lines were found that did not correspond to any chemical elements then known
on Earth. In 1868, Norman Lockyer hypothesized that these absorption lines
were caused by a new element that he dubbed helium, after the Greek Sun god
Helios. Twenty-five years later, helium was isolated on Earth.

Main article: Stellar atmosphere

The Sun's atmosphere is composed of four parts: the photosphere (visible under
normal conditions), the chromosphere, the transition region, the corona and the
heliosphere. During a total solar eclipse, the photosphere is blocked, making the
corona visible.
The coolest layer of the Sun is a temperature minimum region extending to about
500 km above the photosphere, and has a temperature of about 4,100 K. This
part of the Sun is cool enough to allow the existence of simple molecules such
as carbon monoxide and water, which can be detected via their absorption
spectra. The chromosphere, transition region, and corona are much hotter
than the surface of the Sun. The reason is not well understood, but evidence
suggests that Alfvén waves may have enough energy to heat the corona.

The Sun's transition region taken by Hinode's Solar Optical Telescope

Above the temperature minimum layer is a layer about 2,000 km thick,

dominated by a spectrum of emission and absorption lines. It is called the
chromosphere from the Greek root chroma, meaning color, because the
chromosphere is visible as a colored flash at the beginning and end of total solar
eclipses. The temperature of the chromosphere increases gradually with
altitude, ranging up to around 20,000 K near the top. In the upper part of the
chromosphere helium becomes partially ionized.
Above the chromosphere, in a thin (about 200 km) transition region, the
temperature rises rapidly from around 20,000 K in the upper chromosphere to
coronal temperatures closer to 1,000,000 K. The temperature increase is
facilitated by the full ionization of helium in the transition region, which
significantly reduces radiative cooling of the plasma. The transition region
does not occur at a well-defined altitude. Rather, it forms a kind of nimbus
around chromospheric features such as spicules and filaments, and is in
constant, chaotic motion. The transition region is not easily visible from
Earth's surface, but is readily observable from space by instruments sensitive to
the extreme ultraviolet portion of the spectrum.

During a total solar eclipse, the solar corona can be seen with the naked eye, during the
brief period of totality.

The corona is the next layer of the Sun. The low corona, near the surface of the
15 −3 16 −3 [78][f]
Sun, has a particle density around 10 m to 10 m . The average
temperature of the corona and solar wind is about 1,000,000–2,000,000 K;
however, in the hottest regions it is 8,000,000–20,000,000 K. Although no
complete theory yet exists to account for the temperature of the corona, at least
some of its heat is known to be from magnetic reconnection. The corona is
the extended atmosphere of the Sun, which has a volume much larger than the
volume enclosed by the Sun's photosphere. A flow of plasma outward from the
Sun into interplanetary space is the solar wind.
The heliosphere, the tenuous outermost atmosphere of the Sun, is filled with the
solar wind plasma. This outermost layer of the Sun is defined to begin at the
distance where the flow of the solar wind becomes superalfvénic—that is, where
the flow becomes faster than the speed of Alfvén waves, at approximately 20
solar radii (0.1 AU). Turbulence and dynamic forces in the heliosphere cannot
affect the shape of the solar corona within, because the information can only
travel at the speed of Alfvén waves. The solar wind travels outward continuously
through the heliosphere, forming the solar magnetic field into a spiral
shape, until it impacts the heliopause more than 50 AU from the Sun. In
December 2004, the Voyager 1 probe passed through a shock front that is
thought to be part of the heliopause. In late 2012 Voyager 1 recorded a
marked increase in cosmic ray collisions and a sharp drop in lower energy
particles from the solar wind, which suggested that the probe had passed
through the heliopause and entered the interstellar medium, and indeed did
so August 25, 2012 at approximately 122 astronomical units from the Sun.
The heliosphere has a heliotail which stretches out behind it due to the Sun's
On April 28, 2021, during its eighth flyby of the Sun, NASA's Parker Solar Probe
encountered the specific magnetic and particle conditions at 18.8 solar radii that
indicated that it penetrated the Alfvén surface, the boundary separating the
corona from the solar wind defined as where the coronal plasma's Alfvén speed
and the large-scale solar wind speed are equal. The probe measured the
solar wind plasma environment with its FIELDS and SWEAP instruments.
This event was described by NASA as "touching the Sun". During the flyby,
Parker Solar Probe passed into and out of the corona several times. This proved
the predictions that the Alfvén critical surface isn't shaped like a smooth ball, but
has spikes and valleys that wrinkle its surface.
Sunlight and neutrinos

Main articles: Sunlight and Solar irradiance

The Sun seen through a light fog

The Sun emits light across the visible spectrum, so its color is white, with a CIE
color-space index near (0.3, 0.3), when viewed from space or when the Sun is
high in the sky. The Solar radiance per wavelength peaks in the green portion of
the spectrum when viewed from space. When the Sun is very low in the
sky, atmospheric scattering renders the Sun yellow, red, orange, or magenta,
and in rare occasions even green or blue. Despite its typical whiteness (white
sunrays, white ambient light, white illumination of the Moon, etc.), some cultures
mentally picture the Sun as yellow and some even red; the reasons for this are
cultural and exact ones are the subject of debate. The Sun is a G2V star, with
G2 indicating its surface temperature of approximately 5,778 K (5,505 °C; 9,941
°F), and V that it, like most stars, is a main-sequence star.
The solar constant is the amount of power that the Sun deposits per unit area
that is directly exposed to sunlight. The solar constant is equal to approximately
1,368 W/m (watts per square meter) at a distance of one astronomical unit (AU)
from the Sun (that is, on or near Earth). Sunlight on the surface of Earth is
attenuated by Earth's atmosphere, so that less power arrives at the surface
2 [97]
(closer to 1,000 W/m ) in clear conditions when the Sun is near the zenith.
Sunlight at the top of Earth's atmosphere is composed (by total energy) of about
50% infrared light, 40% visible light, and 10% ultraviolet light. The atmosphere
in particular filters out over 70% of solar ultraviolet, especially at the shorter
wavelengths. Solar ultraviolet radiation ionizes Earth's dayside upper
atmosphere, creating the electrically conducting ionosphere.
Ultraviolet light from the Sun has antiseptic properties and can be used to
sanitize tools and water. It also causes sunburn, and has other biological effects
such as the production of vitamin D and sun tanning. It is also the main cause of
skin cancer. Ultraviolet light is strongly attenuated by Earth's ozone layer, so that
the amount of UV varies greatly with latitude and has been partially responsible
for many biological adaptations, including variations in human skin color in
different regions of the Earth.

Once outside the Sun's surface, neutrinos and photons travel at the speed of light

High-energy gamma ray photons initially released with fusion reactions in the
core are almost immediately absorbed by the solar plasma of the radiative zone,
usually after traveling only a few millimeters. Re-emission happens in a r

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