PWC Aptitude

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PWC Aptitude

1. The product of a two-digit number and a number consisting of the same digits
written in the reverse order is equal to 2,430. Find the numbers.
a) 45, 54 b) 65, 56 c) 52, 25 d) None of these
2. There is a natural number which becomes equal to the square of a natural
number when 100 is added to it, and to the square of another natural number
when 168 is added to it. Find the number.
a) 189 b) 69 c) 156 d) 224
3. A and B are two stations 1000 km. A train starts from A at 70 km/h and another
train starts from B at same time at the rate of 30 km/h. How far from A will they
cross each other?
a) 700 km
b) 300 km
c) 70 km
d) 200 km
e) None of these
4. Two cyclist A and B starts from same place at the same time, one going towards
east at a rate of 20 km /h and another towards west at a rate of 10 km/h what
time will they take to be 75 km apart.
a) 3 hour
b) 2.5 Hours
c) 2 Hours
d) 3.25 Hours
e) None of these
5. A person covers half of his journey at 30 km/hr and the remaining half at 20
km/hr. The average speed for the whole journey is
a) 18 km/hr
b) 28 km/hr
c) 32 km/hr
d) 20 km/ hr
e) 24 km/hr
6. A person covers a certain distance by travelling at a uniform speed of 120 km/h
for 90 minutes. At what speed will he have to travel in order to cover the same
distance in 1 hour 20 minutes? (in km/h)
a) 135
b) 125
c) 140
d) 130
e) 145
7. In Jar A, 120 litres milk was mixed with 24 litre water. 12 litre of this mixture
was taken out and 3 litre water was added. If 27 litre of newly formed mixture is
taken out, what will be the resultant quantity of water in the jar? (In litre)
a) 20
b) 10
c) 15
d) 30
e) 25
8. A boat, whose speed in 15 km/hr in still water goes 30 km downstream and
comes back in a total of 4 hours 30 minutes. What is the speed of the stream? (in
a) 10
b) 6
c) 5
d) 4
e) 15
9. 39% of 129 - 43% of 97 = ?
a) 14 b) 15 c) 17 d) 9
10. 84.99 × 18.98 ÷ 7.2 + 62.7 = ?
a) 390 b) 340 c) 287 d) 240
DIRECTIONS: Based on the following table answer the given question.
Universities Total Number of Percentage of Number of
Faculty Members Assistant Professors Associate Professors
J 250 60 75
K 180 75 24
L 150 80 16
M 100 63 21
Note: The faculty members include Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and
Professors only.
11. What is the difference between the total number of Associate Professors in
Universities J and M together and the total number of Professors in the same
universities together?
a) 54
b) 55
c) 68
d) 58
e) 53
12. In University M, 8/21 of the Assistant Professors are males and in University L,
3/5 of the Assistant Professors are males. What is the respective ratio between
male assistant Professors in University M and that in University L?
a) 2:5
b) 1:3
c) 3:5
d) 2:7
e) None of these
13. Total number of professors is approximately what percentage of total number of
faculty members?
a) 11%
b) 23%
c) 6%
d) 15%
e) None of these
14. What is the average number of Assistant Professors in Universities K, L and M?
a) 102
b) 106
c) 105
d) 104
e) 108
DIRECTIONS: The questions below has two/three statements followed by two
conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if
they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and
then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements
disregarding commonly known facts.
A. If only (1) conclusion follows
B. If only (2) conclusion follows
C. If either (1) or (2) follows
D. If neither (1) nor (2) follows
E. If both (1) and (2) follow.
15. Statements: Some costs are tariffs. Some tariffs are fees
Conclusion I: Some costs are fees.
Conclusion II: All costs are fees.
16. Statements: All notices are warnings. No warning is a remark.
Conclusion I: At least some warnings are notices.
Conclusion II: No notice is a remark.
17. Statements: No thought is a perception. Some perceptions are suggestions.
Conclusion I: No thought is a suggestion.
Conclusion II: Some thoughts are suggestions.
18. What should come in place of question mark (?) in the series given below?
a) F
b) E
c) Q
d) B
e) G
DIRECTIONS: Study the following information and answer the question.
Nine friends- P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X live on nine different floors of a building but
not necessarily in the same order. The lower most floor of the building is numbered one,
the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered nine.
Only two persons live below the floor on which V lives. Only one person lives between V
and P. W lives on an odd numbered floor but not on floor no. 7. Only two persons live
between W and Q. X does not live on the topmost floor. P does not live on the lowermost
floor. S lives immediately below R but R does not sit on topmost floor. Neither R nor T
live on floor no. 6. U lives immediately above P.
19. How many persons live between the floors on which P and S live?
a) Three
b) More than three
c) None
d) Two
e) One
20. Who lives on the floor immediately below V?
a) U
b) T
c) S
d) Q
e) X

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