Case Study IT in Health Care

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Case Study -IT in Health Care: Voice Recognition Tools Make

Rounds at Hospitals
1. What are some of the benefits afforded to organizations
implementing voice recognition technologies in these settings?
How can you quantify these benefits to assess the value of the
investment? Provide several examples from the case.
Answer: -

 Smart use of voice recognition technologies allows hospitals to

improve the quality of care while keeping costs under control
 Improves the Healthcare Professionals' Productivity
 Make better decisions
 Make fewer mistakes.
 Voice Data Can Be Used Again.
The expense of transcribing is high from an investment point of view.
Although the doctors at Mt. Carmel didn't see an increase in
productivity right away, it wasn't long before it became clear that the
cost of dictation had nearly vanished, providing a full return on their
investment. Additionally, transcribing services are not quick. Voice
recognition can appear immediately in a patient’s electronic health
report. Evidently, the material may be uploaded right away success
can be attributed to voice recognition and direct speech to written
Speech recognition technology is also helping U.S. military doctors
keep more detailed patients notes while cutting the time they spend
typing on their computers. By 2011, the U.S. Department of Defense
expects to have implemented its integrated, interoperable electronic
medical record system—AHLTA—at more than 500 military medical
facilities and hospitals worldwide

Before using the Dragon software, the ER department spent about

$500,000 annually in traditional dictation transcription costs for the
care associated with the hospital’s 60,000 to 70,000 patient visits
yearly at the time. That was cut down “to zero,”
2. There is no margin for error when working in a health care
setting. How would you go about implementing these
technologies in this high-risk environment? What precautions
or approaches would you take to minimize risks? Develop some
Answer: -

The idea should be to use technology to help deliver better treatment,

an opportunity to engage with the patient in a new way, and the
ability to provide the quickest service possible.
However, in addition to incorporating the people who will be using
the programmes in their creation for this context, training is a
significant component of implementation. Beyond the new
technology, training is necessary. Resistance could be aided by this.
 Develop a good structure
 Hire professionals with experience in medical practises
 Create a collaborative task group.
Create a hardware platform that is standardised for voice
recognition users.
Software for voice recognition requires a lot of processing power,
and performance and microphone quality improve with quicker
A high-level, high-quality speech signal is necessary for voice
Speech recognition software packages come on the market with a
premium headset microphone with noise cancellation. So, adapting
this technology is good.
An array microphone may be preferred by users who dislike using
a headset, while others may choose a wireless headset.
3. In what other areas of medicine would you expect technology
to make inroads next? Where do you think it would be most
beneficial, and how would it change the way doctors and
nurses work today? Provide several examples.
Answer: -

The technology, software and process will have a wide role in other
healthcare segments like radiology, pathology, research treatment,
nutrition information, emergency medicine, and others.
In both cases, the goal is to help radiologists streamline workflow and
improve efficiencies and the issue of whether the technology is
accurate enough will be resolved
One of the novel ways of incorporating technology into our lives is by
using wearable fitness trackers. These fitness trackers are getting
more accurate after each iteration of the updates. There were
numerous cases of early detection of many cardiac disorders due to
the Apple Watch. These innovations have helped doctors to get an
insight into the daily fluctuations of the cardiac health of their
patients. I believe the innovations in wearable fitness trackers would
enable health care workers to accurately diagnose almost all kinds of
ailments in the future.
Smart sleep trackers are another kind of medical device which have
revolutionized the daily health care industry. Since the amount of
restful sleep a human gets per day has a direct impact on his mental
and physical health, it is important to diagnose and cure any sleep
disorders. These new sleep trackers made common people aware of
those factors. This awareness has contributed to an increase in their
overall well-being


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