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OPEN Investigating the association

between severity of COVID‑19
infection during pregnancy
and neonatal outcomes
Anita Dileep1, Sham ZainAlAbdin2 & Salah AbuRuz2,3*
Pregnant women with COVID-19 require special attention and care, since the infection does not only
affect the mother, but also her neonate and adversely affects pregnancy outcomes. The main goal of
this retrospective cohort study is to investigate association between the maternal COVID-19 severity
and risk of developing adverse neonatal outcomes. Patients were stratified into asymptomatic/mild
and moderate to severe COVID-19. The following neonatal outcomes were assessed: gestational
age at the time of delivery, birth weight, neonatal infection, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
admission. The average age of patients was 28.5 ± 1.4 years old and majority were multigravida
(74.0%, n = 148). Of total 200 pregnant women with COVID-19, 26.5% (n = 53) had moderate/severe
disease and presented with higher incidence of preterm delivery and low birth weight (88.7%, n = 47;
p < 0.001). In addition, more than half of the newborns delivered by mothers with severe disease were
infected by SARS-COV-2 (58.5%, n = 31) and majority were admitted to the NICU (95.0%, n = 52).
Based on the multivariate logistic regression analysis, pregnant women with moderate to severe
COVID-19 were at much higher risk of preterm delivery, lower birth weight, neonatal infection, as
well as neonatal ICU admission (p < 0.001). In addition, multigravida women were at higher risk for
preterm delivery and lower birth weight (p = 0.017 and p = 0.02; respectively). Appropriate protective
measures and early detection of suspected COVID-19 should be addressed for more favorable obstetric

NICU Neonatal intensive care unit
SARS-CoV-2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
CDC Centres of Disease Control and Prevention
COVID-19 SARS CoV-2 infection disease-19
CRP C-Reactive Protein
DSREC Dubai Scientific Research Ethics Committee
WHO World Health Organization
RT PCR Real-time polymerase chain reaction
NIH National Institute of Health
SpO2 Oxygen saturation
LBW Low birth weight
LMP Last menstrual period
SPSS Statistical package of social sciences
SD Standard deviation
OR Odds ratios
aOR Adjusted OR
CI Confidence interval
ACE2 Angiotensin-converting enzyme-2

Department of Primary Healthcare, Women Health Unit, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 2Department of
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, The United Arab Emirates University,
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. 3Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, The University of Jordan,
Amman, Jordan. *email: [email protected]

Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:3024 | 1


The emerged severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has caused unprecedented crisis
over the world since the beginning of 2020. Pregnant women are among one of very sensitive population that
require particular attention during emergencies and infectious diseases. Several studies revealed that infected
pregnant women acquire more severe form of COVID-19, by which nearly quarter of them develop pneumonia
and have an increasing risk of mortality up to 35.0%1,2. Additionally, the Centers of Disease Control and Preven-
tion (CDC) reported that pregnant women with SARS CoV-2 infection disease-19 (COVID-19) were more likely
to be hospitalized compared to non-pregnant at an equivalent age (31.5% versus 5.8%)3. Severe illness appears
to be more common in later pregnancy as reported by the UKOSS study, where most pregnant women were
hospitalized in the third trimester or p ­ eripartum4. According to the literature, the severity of maternal disease
and obstetric outcomes can be attributed to the immunologic and physiologic alterations during pregnancy
including low respiratory capacity, vascular and hemodynamic changes, increased oxygen demand, risk of aspi-
ration, decreased maternal tolerance to hypoxia, anatomical changes with increased transthoracic diameter and
reduced diaphragm height, as well as preexisting health conditions as preeclampsia or diabetes that contribute
to a higher risk of developing more than 190 maternal ­complications5,6. Furthermore, there is a potential risk of
vertical transmission to fetus or placental infection that may end up with a range of cascade including premature
delivery, cesarean, admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), growth restriction, early onset neonatal
sepsis, fetal distress, or pre-term birth a­ bortion7–9.
Regarding the clinical presentation of pregnant women with COVID-19, a review of collective studies indi-
cated that the laboratory and radiographic investigations are similar as non-pregnant ladies, however, the most
common abnormalities among infected pregnant women were decreased lymphocytes, elevated C-Reactive
Protein (CRP) in blood, and pregnancy-related complications including preterm delivery and cesarean section.
On the other hand the most reported clinical manifestations were fever, myalgia and c­ ough8,10,11.
There is considerable data available on COVID-19 infection among pregnant women in the literature, but
only few studies have investigated the association between severity of maternal disease with perinatal outcomes.
Currently, a health system for monitoring progression of COVID-19 diseases has been created in many hospitals;
therefore, it is essential to collect and record information about COVID-19 disease among pregnant women and
its’ influence on maternal and neonatal health outcomes. The goal of this study is to investigate the association
between severity of maternal COVID-19 among pregnant women and the risk of adverse neonatal outcomes.
Another goal is to examine the impact of demographic factors on neonatal outcomes. We hypothesized that
severity of maternal COVID-19 infection has significant impact on neonatal outcomes including preterm birth,
neonatal birth weight, neonatal infection, and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission.

Study setting.  This multicenter study was conducted on pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 at the
women health clinics of Dubai hospital, Latifa hospital, and a Primary health Care clinic located in Dubai. The
study was approved by the Dubai Scientific Research Ethics Committee (DSREC) and was carried out during a
period ranging from January to December 2020. All experiments were performed in accordance with relevant
guidelines and regulations. The informed consent was waived by DSREC since the study is retrospective, and
patients’ identity was anonymized.

Participants’ selection and data collection.  The study inclusion criteria were (1) Pregnant women at
or beyond 24 weeks (2nd and 3rd trimesters) of gestation and (2) With documented diagnosis of COVID-19
Infection. The diagnosis of SARS-Cov2 was established as per the World Health Organization (WHO), using
nasopharyngeal real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR). Clinical presentation at the time of positive
COVID-19 was observed along with any progress in disease severity throughout pregnancy. Patients’ clinical
data was extracted from medical records, which were reviewed electronically till the time of delivery. The fol-
lowing were the exclusion criteria: Pregnancy at less than 24 weeks of gestational age, older mothers above age of
35 years, grand multipara, and patients with any medical comorbidities including morbid obesity (BMI ≥ 40 kg/
m2). The exclusion criteria were considered since these categories of pregnant women are already at high risk
of neonatal outcomes. Therefore, excluding them from the study would minimize the risk from confounders.
Patients were categorized as asymptomatic/mild and moderate/severe according to National Institute of
Health (NIH) classification and described below in d ­ etails12.

Study design.  This is a multicenter retrospective cohort study. The main risk factor investigated was severity
of illness which was categorized into two the following categories as per the NIH classification.

1. Moderate/Severe group was defined as follows:

  Moderate illness, which shows evidence of lower respiratory disease upon clinical or chest imaging with
oxygen saturation (­ SpO2) > 94.0% at room temperature. Severe illness that is associated with low S­ pO2
(< 94.0%), or ratio of arterial partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen (­ PaO2/FiO2) of
< 300 mmHg, respiratory frequency of > 30 breaths/min or lung infiltration of > 50.0%.
2. Asymptomatic/Mild was defined as follows:
  Asymptomatic pregnancies with confirmed positive result of COVID-19 using virologic tests and have
no symptoms consistent with COVID-19 manifestation.
  Mild cases who have definite COVID-19 symptoms (e.g. cough, fever, sore throat, malaise, headache, mus-
cular pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell) without dyspnea or abnormal chest imagining.

Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:3024 | 2


Variables All patients (n = 200) Asymptomatic/mild (n = 147) Moderate/severe (n = 53) p-value

Age (mean ± SD) 28.5 ± 1.4 27.5 ± 4.5 31.4 ± 3.3 < 0.001*
BMI (mean ± SD) 26.1 ± 2.8 25.6 ± 2.6 27.6 ± 2.3 < 0.001*
Ethnicity, n (%)
Middle East Asian 121 (60.5) 89 (60.5) 32 (60.4)
Others 79 (39.5) 58 (39.5) 21 (39.6)
Parity, n (%)
Primigravida 52 (26.0) 49 (33.3) 3 (5.7)
< 0.001*
Multigravida 148 (74.0) 98 (66.7) 50 (94.3)

Table 1.  Demographic characteristics of the infected pregnant women with COVID-19. *Significance at

p-value < 0.05.

The two groups were compared with regards to the below neonatal outcomes. Logistic regression was also
conducted to investigate the impact of other variables on neonatal outcomes and to investigate the most impor-
tant determinants of neonatal outcomes.

Neonatal outcomes.  The following neonatal outcomes were investigated

1. Neonatal birth weight (appropriate or low birth weight): Low Birth Weight (LBW) is defined as weight at birth
that is between 1500 g and 2499 g, or lower than 1500 g as per the World Health Organization (WHO)13.
2. Gestational age at the time of birth: Neonates were considered preterm if birth was before completing
37 weeks of gestation, or less than 259 days since the first day of last menstrual period (LMP)14.
3. Neonatal COVID-19 infection: Neonate with positive swab using PCR test within 48 h of delivery
4. NICU admission: Admission to the NICU within the first week of delivery.

Statistical analysis.  Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS,
version 26.0). Continuous variables were presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD), while categorical vari-
ables were described as frequency (percentage). Chi square, Fisher exact test and independent t test were used
to compare between both groups of the participants as appropriate. Relative risk was used to express the impact
of severity of illness on neonatal outcomes. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to determine the
associations between participants’ characteristics (Age, BMI, Parity, and Severity of COVID-19 Infection) and
neonatal outcomes. For logistic regression, entry was set at 0.05 and removal at 0.1 using backward Wald. Odds
ratios (OR) and adjusted OR (aOR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were also estimated. Checking for col-
linearity and all regression requirements was carried out before regression analysis. A p-value of < 0.05 was
considered statistically significant.

Demographic characteristics.  A total of 270 patients were screened for incusion and only 200 patients
fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The other 70 patients were excluded as they had comorbidities in addition to
the COVID-19, which could be a confounder that leads to bias in the study. Table 1 represents patients’ demo-
graphic characteristics. Majority of the pregnant women had asymptomatic or mild infection (73.5%, n = 147),
and 26.5% (n = 53) were classified as moderate to severe form of the infection. Most of the patients were from the
Middle East Asian region with a mean age of 28.5 ± 1.4 and an average BMI of 26.1 ± 2.8 kg/m2. More than two
thirds (74.0%, n = 148) of the pregnant women were multigravida. There was a significant difference between the
studies groups in term of age, BMI, and parity (p < 0.001). Further details are illustrated in Table 1.

Impact of severity of COVID‑19 on neonatal outcomes.  Table 2 discusses the obstetric and neonatal
outcomes after COVID-19 infection among pregnant women. Among the whole study subjects, 35.0% (n = 70)
pregnant women had preterm delivery, 30.5% (n = 61) of the neonates had low birth weight, 17.0% (n = 34) had
neonatal infection, and 33.0% (n = 66) of the neonates were admitted to the ICU.
Majority of the pregnant women in the Moderate/Severe group had shorter gestational age (preterm delivery)
with p < 0.001 and 5.7 times the risk as compared to Asymptomatic/Mild group. In addition, most of the neonates
among the Moderate/Severe had low birth weight with 9.3 times the risk compared to the Asymptomatic/Mild
group (p < 0.001). Moreover, it was observed that the incidence rate of neonatal infection and ICU admission
was much higher among the Moderate/Severe compared to Asymptomatic/Mild group (RR = 29.3, p = 0.001 and
RR = 10, p < 0.001; respectively).
Logistic regression analysis was then conducted to identify the most important predictors of neonatal out-
comes. The following variables were entered into logistic regression: age, BMI, Parity, Severity of COVID-
19 infection. Based on the multivariate logistic regression analysis, pregnant women with moderate to severe
COVID-19 were at much higher risk of preterm delivery, lower birth weight, neonatal infection as well as neo-
natal ICU admission (p < 0.001). In addition, multigravida women were at higher risk for preterm delivery and
lower birth weight (p = 0.017 and p = 0.02; respectively) as shown in Table 3.

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Gestational age at Neonatal birth weight, Neonatal ICU admission,

delivery, n (%) n (%) Neonatal infection, n (%) n (%)
Groups/outcomes Preterm Low birth weight Infected Admitted
All patients (n = 200) 70 (35.0) 61 (30.5) 34 (17.0) 66 (33.0)
23/147 (15.6) 14/147 (9.5) 3/147 (2.0) 14/147 (9.5)
(n = 147)
Moderate/severe (n = 53) 47/53 (88.7) 47/53 (88.7) 31/53 (58.5) 52/53 (95.0)
Relative risk 5.7 9.3 29.3 10
p-value** < 0.001* < 0.001* 0.001* < 0.001*

Table 2.  Neonatal outcomes. *Significance at p-value < 0.05. **Fisher Exact Test (X2).

interval (CI
Variables Standard error (S.E) Odd ratio (OR) Lower Upper p-value
Gestational age at delivery
Severity 0.50 34.49 13.04 91.19 < 0.001
Parity 0.59 4.04 1.28 12.71 0.017
Neonatal birth weight
Severity 0.53 62.31 22.09 175.75 < 0.001
Parity 0.78 6.09 1.33 27.89 0.020
Neonatal infection
Severity 0.66 51.67 14.32 186.45 < 0.001
Neonatal ICU admission
Severity 1.05 494.00 63.35 3852.43 < 0.001

Table 3.  Predictive factors of neonatal outcomes based on of logistic regression analysis.

To best of our knowledge, this is the first study conducted in multicenter facilities in the UAE investigating the
relationship between the severity of COVID-19 and obstetric/neonatal outcomes among pregnancies. Pregnant
women in the 2nd trimester were included in this study and followed up till delivery. Patients were stratified
into asymptomatic/mild and moderate to severe cases. Majority of the pregnant women had mild symptoms of
COVID-19 (73.5%) and only 26.5% had moderate to severe manifestation. Consistently, a previous study reported
86.0% mild cases and around 14.0% between severe and critical cases among pregnant women infected with
COVID-1915. Additionally, similar proportions were observed among the general p ­ opulation16. Pregnancies with
severe form of COVID-19 were more likely to present with adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes, which were
defined by preterm delivery, low neonatal birth weight, neonatal infection and/or admission to the NICU. Over-
all, incidence rates of the abovementioned outcomes were significantly high among patients with severe clinical
manifestation compared to those with uncomplicated course of the disease. Similarly, several studies indicated an
increased risk of adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes among pregnant women with severe COVID-1917,18.
The present study showed 35.0% preterm births and 30.5% low birth weight among pregnancies with COVID-
19 regardless the severity of the disease. Likewise, a systematic review and meta-analysis reported an estimation
of 35.0% preterm ­delivery19, while a previous study conducted in Turkey reported lower percentages of these out-
comes (26.4% and 12.8%; respectively)20. However, a systematic review of collective nine studies showed higher
rates of preterm gestational delivery (63.8%) and low birth weight (42.8%) among infected pregnancies with
COVID-1921. On the other hand, when the obstetric and neonatal outcomes were compared between moderate
to severe cases of COVID-19 and asymptomatic/mild cases, a significant increase in the risk of these outcomes
and high odds ratio of preterm delivery and low birth weight (88.7%) were clearly observed among pregnan-
cies having severe manifestation. This is consistent with the evidence which declared a significant association
between severe form of COVID-19 in pregnancy and iatrogenic preterm delivery (75.0%); particularly in the
third ­trimester22. Likewise, a systematic review included 31,016 pregnant women from 62 studies supported our
findings showing around two folds increase in preterm labor and low birth weight among pregnancies with severe
COVID-19 symptoms compared to c­ ontrol23. These consequences can be related to the maternal pneumonia dur-
ing the COVID-19 course, which is the main contributing factor of pregnancy complications including preterm
labor, placental abruption and possible maternal or fetal ­death24. Most of reported data showed higher rates of
hospital admissions among pregnant women with COVID-19 during the late pregnancy (2nd or 3rd trimester),
which emphasized the importance of strict social distancing among pregnant women, particularly at the third
trimester, as well as accomplishing intensive practice to avoid acquiring infections at any stage of p ­ regnancy25.

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In addition, if the pregnant women got infected by SARS-COV-2, early detection and necessary measures should
be accounted to alleviate COVID-19 pregnancy-related outcomes.
Based on our findings, SARS-COV-2 manifested more than half of the cases (58.5%) presenting with positive
throat’s swab of SARS-COV-2. Consistently, Zamaniyan et al. and Alzamora et al. presented similar findings,
which indicates the possibility of vertical maternal-fetus ­transmission26,27. It is suggested the possibility of intrau-
terine vertical transmission either trans-placentally through the putative surface receptor of sensitive cells for
SARS-CoV-2, which is the Angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2)28,29. Another possible way of SARS-CoV-2
transmission is through placental barrier damage, which is caused by severe maternal hypoxia in pregnant with
COVID-19 leading to intrauterine ­infection30. This observation was also reported by several studies; however,
most of the infected neonates were only mild during the prenatal p ­ eriod31,32. Furthermore, a previous case report
presented a pregnant woman without unsuspected COVID-19 symptoms delivered a fetus with COVID-19
typical symptoms and confirmed positive PCR test, which demonstrates that vertical transmission can highly
occur during the late pregnancy (3rd trimester) or upon delivery even if the mother have non-specific symptoms
of COVID-1933. This case spotlights the value of regular COVID-19 screening of pregnant women for specific
and nonspecific symptoms of the disease prior delivery to account all required precautions and ensure safety
of mothers, newborns, as well as medical staff. On the other hand, some case reports confirmed the possibility
of vertical transmission due to elevated concentration of SARS-COV-2 specific antibody (IgG or IgM) in the
neonatal blood serum similar to that in the infected maternal blood despite that respiratory specimens were
­negative34,35. This can be justified by transplacental transmission of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies from mother
to fetus that are inactively induced by the presumed neonatal ­infection31,35.
To consider whether neonatal infection was acquired pre- or post-delivery, it is important to know that in
addition to intrauterine vertical transmission, viral infection can be acquired during passage of the fetus through
the birth canal, post-partum breastfeeding, skin contact, or inhalation of respiratory droplets of mothers or any
surrounding person to the baby by coughing or ­sneezing24. On the other hand, one previous study investigated
the placenta and cord blood within the first 12 h after delivery in one infected fetus through the viral nucleic
acid test and results were negative for SARS-CoV-2, which indicated that intrauterine vertical transmission of
the infection might not occur and there is limited evidence to support this c­ laim7. One study conducted by Dong
et al. indicated that the serological test for COVID-19 in neonates may appear negative in some cases, however,
evidence of SARS-COV-2 infection may be delayed and detected up to 3–7 days of acquiring the ­infection35.
These conflicting findings highlight the need of further research to examine the infants’ serological and immuno-
logical characteristics whose mothers are infected with SARS-COV-2 and additional investigations to determine
the possibility of vertical transmission.
Unprecedently, the present study observed remarkably high proportion of NICU admission in 95.0% of the
case with moderate to severe COVID-19. Early evidences reported lower rates of NICU ranging between 10.0
to 76.9%21,29,36,37. Although several studies anticipated vertical infection transmission and many neonates were
admitted to the NICU, the infection was not confirmed in all admitted cases. This study has revealed a high
number of NICU admissions for newborn of mothers with moderate/severe infection, this can be justified as
majority of newborn of mothers with moderate or severe COVID-19 were preterm and the main purpose for
NICU admission was for observation even if they were not positive for COVID-19 infection. Therefore, it was
misleading whether newborns were admitted to NICU for COVID-19 management if they tested positive or just
for isolation purposes if their PCR test was negative. According to the case series findings of Zhu et al., majority
of the NICU admissions were due to premature birth and the need for respiratory s­ upport38.
The current study revealed that severity of the infection and parity were significantly associated with the
adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes of COVID-19. This study confirmed that pregnant women with moder-
ate to severe infection were more likely to be older by approximately 3 to 4 years than those with asymptomatic or
having mild symptoms of the d ­ isease23,36. Moreover, our study reported a significant association between parity
(being multigravida) and developing adverse obstetric outcomes of COVID-19, which confirms Samadi et al.
­observations18. Nevertheless, results from a previous systematic analysis contradicted this fi ­ nding36. Additionally,
there was no impact of ethnicity on the obstetric outcomes. Contrary, several Asian studies presented higher
estimations of preterm delivery and other COVID-19 adverse outcomes on p ­ regnancy19.

Study limitations.  This study has several limitations including the retrospective design, relatively small
sample size, ethnicity of the study populations which could impact the generalization of the results, as well as
the fact that it cannot be assured whether newborns were admitted to NICU for COVID-19 management if they
tested positive or just for isolation purposes if their PCR test was negative.

The present study revealed that the severity of COVID-19 infection and multigravida have substantial influence
on adverse neonatal outcomes such as preterm labor, low birth weight, neonatal infection and NICU admis-
sion. Strategies should be investigated to reduce the risk of adverse neonatal outcomes in pregnant women with
COVID-19 infection.

Received: 30 September 2021; Accepted: 7 February 2022

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Author contributions
A.D.: conceptualized and designed the study, collected data, and reviewed and drafted the manuscript. S.Z.:
conceptualized and designed the study, drafted the initial manuscript, and carried out statistical analyses. S.A.:
conceptualized and designed the study, provided statistical consultation, reviewed and drafted the manuscript.

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Competing interests 
The authors declare no competing interests.

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