Presentasi Teknologi Produk UV AC Purifier (2) - Compressed

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• Teknologi UVC AC Purifier

• UVC Room Sterilizer

• UVC150 Room Sterilizer

• UVC60 Room Sterilizer

• UVC Kit

• UV Photocatalyst Kit untuk AC Split

• UVC Kit K30 untuk AC Kaset

• UVC Kit D300 untuk Duct AC

Agar lingkungan usaha dan bisnis produktif dan nyaman butuh
penerapan protokol kesehatan dan teknologi.
Disinfeksi ruangan secara berkala, dan sistem sterilisasi
udara dapat memberikan kepercayaan & kenyamanan bagi
pengguna ruangan dan pengunjung.
Disinfeksi ruangan secara berkala mengkonsumsi biaya yang
cukup besar, tenaga kerja, dan waktu. Dan zat disinfektan tertentu
dapat meninggalkan residu / bekas di ruangan. Butuh solusi
disinfektan yang praktis, hemat biaya dan berkelanjutan.
UV AC Purifier menyediakan solusi lengkap untuk sterilisasi dan
disinfektan udara dan permukaan dalam ruangan menggunakan
teknologi sinar UV yang praktis, hemat biaya, berkelanjutan, dan
dapat diaplikasikan ke berbagai ruang usaha Anda.
• Ultra-violet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI)

• Ozonisation

• Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO)

UV-A — the most abundant in sunlight; responsible for skin tanning and wrinkles
UV-B — primarily responsible for skin reddening and skin cancer; also used for medical treatments
UV-C — naturally blocked by the earth’s ozone layer and is the germicidal wavelength

The spectrum of ultraviolet light extends from wavelengths of about 100–400 nm. The subdivisions of most interest include UVC (200–280
nm), and UVV (187 nm). Although all UV wavelengths cause some photochemical effects, wavelengths in the UVC range are particularly
damaging to cells because they are absorbed by proteins, RNA, and DNA. The germicidal effectiveness of UVC is illustrated in the figure, where
it can be observed that germicidal efficiency reaches a peak at about 260–265 nm. This corresponds to the peak of UV absorption by bacterial

The sun delivers specific UV wavelengths that destroy and deactivate chemical contaminants that are introduced into the atmosphere. Our UV
lamp produces the same UV wavelength the sun produces, UVC (Germicidal 254nm) and UVV (Oxidizing 185nm) are produced using quartz
glass. Ultra-violet (UV) energy kills or inactivates microbes (viral, bacterial and fungal species). UV energy attacks the DNA of a living cell,
penetrating the cell membrane, breaking the DNA structure of the micro-organism, inhibiting reproduction. UVC is effective in destroying
biological contaminants and odours such as mould, bacteria and viruses. UVGI has been used as a supplement to mechanical ventilation to
inactivate airborne infectious agents to protect the health of building occupants.
Low pressure mercury vapour lamps radiate about 95% of their energy at a wavelength of 253.7nm, which is coincidentally so close to the DNA
absorption peak (260–265 nm) that it has a high germicidal effectiveness. UVGI inactivates micro-organisms by damaging the structure of nucleic
acids and proteins at the molecular level, making them incapable of reproducing. The most important of these is DNA, which is responsible for
cell replication. Absorbed UV photons can damage DNA in a variety of ways, resulting in the organism’s inability to replicate or even its death. An
organism that cannot reproduce is no longer capable of causing disease. UVGI effectiveness depends primarily on the UV Dosage delivered to the

Vacuum Ultraviolet (UVV)-based processes are used for environmental remediation such as air cleaning, wastewater treatment, and air/water
disinfection. When UVV irradiation, photolysis, photo-catalysis, and ozone-assisted oxidation are involved at the same time, it results in the fast
degradation of air pollutants because of their strong oxidizing capacity. Both UVC and UVV wavelengths can work together to destroy biological
and chemical contaminants that continually circulate within the building. Depending on the application, UVC, UVV or a combination of both wave
lengths are used to achieve the desired results.
Ultraviolet photons penetrate the cell wall of micro-organisms and alter
DNA structure such that the micro-organism is unable to reproduce or
UVC Room Sterilizer
Disinfektan Udara dan Permukaan Ruangan Dengan Sinar UVC

Sistem lampu UV-C untuk sterilisasi udara dan permukaan dalam

ruangan tertutup (controlled environment) untuk mengurangi
kontaminasi biologis di udara dan permukaan dalam ruangan.
Perangkat sterilisasi teknologi sinar UV untuk sterilisasi udara dan permukaan
dalam ruangan. Produk unggulan UVC150 Room Sterilizer atau Disinfektan
Ruangan UV, dengan lampu UVC daya 150 watt, cocok untuk ruang
usaha / komersil dan digunakan oleh lebih dari 300 instansi swasta dan
pemerintah di seluruh Indonesia saat ini. Ada 2 jenis lampu untuk sterilisasi
yaitu sinar UVC 253,7nm tanpa ozon dan UVV 185nm dengan Ozon.
Kenapa memilih UVC150 Room Sterilizer
✓ Lampu UV daya 150 watt lebih kuat mensterilkan lebih efektif.

✓ Komponen berkualitas tinggi, effisiensi output UVC tinggi.

✓ Rekomendasi penggunaan menurut penelitian internasional.

✓ Mudah digunakan, hemat biaya disinfektan rutin dan waktu singkat.

✓ Ringan hanya 2 kg mudah dipindahkan antar ruangan.

✓ Garansi 1 tahun untuk part dan servis. Sparepart selalu tersedia.

✓ Tim service center dan aftersales.
Dosis Rekomendasi untuk Sars-Cov2
Intensitas UV-C dari UVC150 Room Sterilizer
Sterilisasi Ganda Dengan Ozon
✓ Ozon terbentuk di udara dari sinar UV gelombang 185nm.

✓ Ozon di udara bisa mencapai area yang tidak kena sinar UV-C.

✓ Ozon menghilangkan bau di ruangan serta mengikat partikel polutan.

✓ Energi oksidasi Ozon lebih kuat penetrasi ke bakteri, virus dan jamur.

✓ Ozon dapat membunuh serangga kecil seperti tungau.

✓ Ozon tidak meninggalkan bekas ataupun basah di permukaan dan aman

mengenai makanan.
Angka Rekomendasi Ozon
Persiapan Ruangan Sebelum
1. Tidak ada orang / hewan peliharaan / tumbuhan hidup dalam ruangan.
2. Menutup aquarium dengan kain agar tidak terkena sinar.
3. Menghindarkan botol minuman yang terbuat dari plastik dari sinar UV.
4. Menutup botol dispenser air minum dengan kain.
5. Bersihkan permukaan lampu dengan kain bersih tanpa cairan/zat pembersih.
6. Tempatkan lampu di permukaan lantai / meja, tidak diatas karpet.
7. Berikan jarak lukisan berharga minimal 5 meter dari lampu pada penggunaan rutin.
8. Bila ada sumber api seperti lilin / kompor, harap dimatikan terlebih dahulu.
Gas Ozon mendukung pembakaran (support combustion) seperti pada oksigen, namun bukan gas yang terbakar (non-flammable).

9. Hindarkan sinar UV langsung mengenai komponen lensa optikal.

10. Ruangan tertutup (controlled environment) dengan sosialisasi ke pengguna
Menyalakan lampu uvc150 disterilisasi / disinfektan.
1. Tempatkan UVC150 ditengah ruangan.
2. Hubungkan dengan sumber listrik dan tekan tombol ON pada modul/remote.
3. Lampu berkedip dan hitung mundur 15 detik dimulai sebelum lampu menyala.
4. Tekan tombol SET untuk memilih waktu 15 / 30 / 60 menit.
5. Bila tombol SET ditekan maka hitung mundur dimulai 15 detik.
6. Lampu menyala dan otomatis mati sesuai waktu yang dipilih.
7. Waktu udara steril minimal 30 menit setelah penyinaran sebelum ruangan dipakai.

• Lampu ruangan tidak berpengaruh pada sinar UV.

• Exhaust fan tidak menyala saat penyinaran, namun kipas / AC boleh menyala saat penyinaran.
• Exhaust fan boleh dinyalakan setelah selesai penyinaran agar membantu ozon hilang dari udara
Perangkat sterilisasi teknologi sinar UV untuk sterilisasi udara dan
permukaan dalam ruangan. UVC60 Room Sterilizer atau
Disinfektan Ruangan UV, digunakan untuk ruangan berukuran
sedang seperti di rumah dan ruangan kantor. Ada 2 jenis
lampu untuk sterilisasi yaitu sinar UVC 253,7nm tanpa ozon dan
UVV 185nm dengan Ozon.
IAQ Improvement • Germicidal Irradiation • Energy Savings

Sistem lampu UV-C untuk sterilisasi udara, mengurangi kontaminasi

biologis di udara dan meningkatkan kualitas udara (IAQ).
“In this age of globalization, the smarter and healthier buildings
require high-performance air engineering solutions.

Today is the need for business to make a switch to best

engineering practices and promote environmentally responsible
products and services.”
n Di Udara
Penyakit Infeksi
Yang Menyebar
Melalui Udara
Small droplets (<5 μm), called aerosols, are responsible for the short &
long-range airborne route, and indirect contact route. Large droplets
are responsible for the direct spray route and indirect contact route.
(Source: Am J Infect Control. 2016 Sep 2;44(9 Suppl))

In Indoor Environment
Airborne transmission of infectious agents involves droplets that are expelled by sneezing or coughing or are otherwise
distributed into the air. Although the liquid/vapor around the infectious agent evaporates, the residue (or droplet nuclei) may
remain in the air for long periods, depending on such factors as particle size, velocity, force of expulsion, particle density,
infectivity (i.e., viability of the micro-organism when exposed to the environment and its ability to cause infection when a
susceptible host is subsequently exposed), humidity and rate of air flow. Airborne spread of infectious agents is directly
relevant to the airborne route, and indirectly to the droplet borne and fomite routes.
The role of air-conditioning and ventilation, in preventing airborne infections has drawn extensive attention since the SARS
outbreak. The mechanism of dispersion of airborne droplets/droplet nuclei in space, the risk estimation of airborne infection,
the role of airflow rate, the impact of airflow pattern, etc. are the elements affecting the airborne transmission.
UVGI Applications and System Types
UV System Design Criteria
A key difference between surface decontamination and airborne inactivation of
organisms is exposure time. The basis of determining the radiant energy levels
are as follows:

• Length of Exposure
➢If target is stationary, length of exposure is high.
➢If target is moving, length of exposure is low.
• Intensity of Source
➢Type of UVC lamp/Electronic Ballast/Mounting Assembly/ Lamp placement.
• Distance from Source to Surface
➢Closer the surface, higher the intensity and vice versa.
• Air Velocity
➢Useful to calculate and determine the length of UV Exposure for the moving
Penyakit Infeksi Yang Menyebar Melalui
ASHRAE recommends UVGI as one strategy to
address infectious aerosol disease transmission.

Coronaviruses are members of the Corona viridae group

and contain a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome
surrounded by a corona-like helical envelope.
Coronaviruses have a size range of 60-140nm, with a
mean size of 0.10 microns. Table summarizes the results
of studies that have been performed on Coronaviruses
under UV exposure with the specific species indicated in
each case. The D value indicates the ultraviolet dose for
90% inactivation. The range of D values is 7-241 J/mt2
the mean of which is 67 J/m2, should adequately
represent the ultraviolet susceptibility of the SARS-CoV-2

Produk UVC AC PURIFIER dapat digunakan di Rumah Sakit, Bandara Udara, Perkantoran, Hotel, Sekolah dan
UV Photocatalyst Kit • AC Split
• Dipasang di AC Split
• Sinar UVA+UVC, daya tahan 10.000 jam
• Filter Fotokatalis
• Purifikasi dan Sterilisasi Udara
• Filter bisa dicuci dan dipakai 6 bulan
• Tidak menghasilkan ozon
• Pemasangan mudah
• Digunakan di Rumah Sakit, Klinik, Kantor,
Pabrik, Sekolah.
UV Photocatalyst Kit • AC Split
UV Photocatalyst Kit • AC Split
UVC Kit K30 • AC Cassette
• Dipasang di AC Kaset, Ceiling, Standing
• Sinar UVC kuat, lampu bertahan 12.000 jam
• Purifikasi dan Sterilisasi Udara
• Tidak menghasilkan ozon
• Sensor udara otomatis menghemat energi
• Pemasangan mudah
• Digunakan di Rumah Sakit, Klinik, Pabrik,
Sekolah, Gedung Perkantoran.
UVC Kit K30 • AC Cassette
UVC Kit D300 • In-Duct Cleaning
• Dipasang di duct AC.
• Sinar UVC kuat, lampu bertahan 12.000 jam
• Purifikasi dan Sterilisasi Udara
• Meningkatkan usia filter dan coils
• Tidak menghasilkan ozon
• Sensor udara otomatis menghemat energi
• Pemasangan mudah
• Digunakan di sistem duct HVAC gedung,
terutama pada return air intake, karena
membantu filter di HVAC lebih awet.
Air Disinfection
In-Duct Cleaning
Environmental conditions within an air-duct promotes the growth of biological contaminants (viz. mould). This
contamination eventually spreads down the ductwork and into the living spaces. The in-duct UVGi System
is designed to maximize airborne kill of dangerous pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and
mold spores. This duct-mounted UVGI system is designed for intensive air-stream UVC irradiation. The
system features multiple UV high-output germicidal UV lamps which sterilize airborne biological contaminates
as they pass by. The In-duct UVGI system is fully customizable and can be configured to fit a wide variety
installation parameter. The desired exposure time for adequate dosage in ductwork is an important design
criteria. When there is limited time of exposure due to the velocity of the moving air-stream, more than one
UV light unit may be required to achieve adequate exposure time. The primary variables important to the
design configuration of a UVGI system include: air duct dimensions (W x H x L); airflow rate; UV lamp
specifications (viz. UV power, arc length, lamp radius); lamp quantity and locations; duct
reflectivity; and filtration.
Air Disinfection
In-Duct Cleaning
When the air-stream disinfection is the approach, then having the most amount of UV production
possible is the preferred method. This can be achieved by using High Output (HO) UV lamps.
The average irradiance for a typical air duct application should range from 1,000 to 10,000
μW/cm2 depending on the microbe to be inactivated and operating conditions such as air
temperature, air velocity, and humidity.
Dimension & Installation
Dimension & Installation
Dimension & Installation
Applications of UVGI
• Air-conditioned Offices, schools and Residential Buildings

• Hotel Rooms, Restaurants, Sewage Treatment Plants and Kitchen Exhausts

• Hospitals – OPD, Doctor Chamber, Patient Rooms, Operation Theatres and Laboratories

• Manufacturing facilities of Foods and Pharmaceutical products

• Cold Storage and Refrigerated spaces for storing of fruits, flowers and vegetables etc.

• Industrial Kitchens, Auditoriums, Airports, Cinema Halls and Shopping Malls.

Adelia Clean (Jasa disinfektan) Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang PT Hasta Kencana Jaya PT Tritools Indonesia
Adira Finance Keystone Indonesia PT Indah Makmur Diesel RS Bhayangkara Bondowoso
All Sedayu Hotel Kelapa Gading Klinik Assalam Medika Rejoso PT Indo Sutech Sejahtera RS Dewi Sri Karawang
Apotik Saparua Klinik Azzahra Dr. Prasodjo PT Indomarco Prismatama RS Sanglah Bali
Badan Intelijen Negara Klinik Bedah Tonggak Husada PT Industri Gula RSUP Sanglah Bali
BPKAD Provinsi Jawa Timur Klinik Dr Ko. Kelapa gading PT Inti Tullet Prebon SIM Group
BEART Korean Skin Clinic Klinik Estetika Dr. Affandi PT Major Plastics SIS Prodia
DAMN Inc EO Menara FIF PT Melon Indonesia Speed Lab Kemang
Fonsvitae Pet shop My Vets BSD Kemang PT Missi Idea Selaras Theater Salihara Art Center
Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Pacto Convex Indonesia - Conference & EO PT Mitra Abadi Bahari Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana
Gedung Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air Percetakan Sukses Kreasi Grafika PT Mitra Niaga Bahari
Gedung Multicommtech Pilot House of Garuda Operation Center PT Nafiri Jaffa Sentosa Dan pengguna produk UV Kurin lainnya.
Haris Vertue Harmoni Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur Bali PT Niaga Permai Abadi
Hotel Derawan Indah Kalimantan Timur PT Andika Teguhsetya PT Nusa Derma Medika Berberapa nama gedung dimasukkan adalah
Kalibre store samarinda PT Angels Products PT Penta Valent digunakan oleh kantor yang menempati
Kantor Bandar Djakarta PT Dua Empat Tujuh PT Putra Wijaya Teknik gedung tersebut.
Kantor Pengelola Mal Taman Palem PT Griya Muria Kencana PT Roda Cakra Kencana
Kemenhub Biro Hukum PT Gunung Raja Paksi PT Sahara Bogatama Indonesia

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