Course Handout

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Part A: Content Design
Course Title Reliability Engineering
Course No(s) QMZG528
Credit Units 5
Course Author Varinder Singh
Date 27/07/2019

Course Objectives
No Course objectives
CO1 To study the various failure distribution methods and learning about how to implement
these methods for failure rate modeling.
CO2 To learn about how to determine the reliability of various system.
CO3 To learn about how to design of reliability, maintainability and availability
CO4 To study of various empirical methods for data collection and their application for
Reliability estimation

Text Book(s)
T1 Charles E. Ebeling: An introduction to Reliability and maintainability engineering, edition
2000, Fourteen reprint 2011, TMH, New Delhi

Reference Book(s) & other resources

R1 A.K.Gupta, Reliability,Maintenance and Safety Engineering, First edition 2009, Reprint 2013,
University Science Press, New Delhi
R2 E. Balagurusamy, Reliability Engineering, TMH, New Delhi

Content Structure Module

1. Study of failure distribution and failure rate models
1.1. Study of Reliability and maintainability, Concepts
1.2. Reliability function
1.3. Mean time to failure
1.4. The two parameter exponential distribution
1.5. Redundancy and the CFR Model
1.6. Failure distribution models
2. Determination of reliability of different systems
2.1. Different system configuration
2.2. Load sharing system
2.3. Standby system
3. Design of reliability, maintainability and availability
3.1. Dynamic Models, Physics of failure models
3.2. Static models
3.3. Reliability allocation
3.4. Design methods
3.5. Repair time distribution
3.6. Maintenance Requirements
3.7. Availability

4. Different empirical methods for data collection and Reliability estimation

Learning Outcomes:

No Learning Outcomes
LO1 Basics of Reliability
LO2 Understanding of determination of reliability of various system
LO3 Practical application of reliability, Maintainability and Availabilty
LO4 Design of reliability and Maintainability

Part B: Contact Session Plan

Academic Term First Semester 2022-2023
Course Title Reliability Engineering
Course No QM ZG528
Lead Instructor Varinder Singh

Glossary of Terms
1. Contact Hour (CH) stands for a hour long live session with students conducted either in a
physical classroom or enabled through technology. In this model of instruction, instructor led
sessions will be for 22 CH.
a. Pre CH = Self Learning done prior to a given contact hour
b. During CH = Content to be discussed during the contact hour by the course instructor
c. Post CH = Self Learning done post the contact hour
2. RL stands for Recorded Lecture or Recorded Lesson. It is presented to the student through an
online portal. A given RL unfolds as a sequences of video segments interleaved with
3. SS stands for Self-Study to be done as a study of relevant sections from textbooks and
reference books. It could also include study of external resources.
4. HW stands for Home Work.
5. M stands for module. Module is a standalone quantum of designed content. A typical course
is delivered using a string of modules. M2 means module 2.

Teaching Methodology (Flipped Learning Model)

The pedagogy for this course is centered around flipped learning model in which the traditional class-
room instruction is replaced with recorded lectures to be watched at home as per the student’s
convenience and the erstwhile home-working or tutorials become the focus of classroom contact
sessions. Students are expected to finish the home works on time.

Contact Session Plan

o Each Module (M#) covers an independent topic and module may encompass more than one
Recorded Lecture (RL).
o Contact Sessions (2hrs each week) are scheduled alternate weeks after the student watches
all Recorded Lectures (RLs) of the specified Modules (listed below) during the previous week
o In the flipped learning model, Contact Sessions are meant for in-classroom discussions on
cases, tutorials/exercises or responding to student’s questions/clarification--- may encompass
more than one Module/RLs/CH topic.
o Contact Session topics listed in course structure (numbered CSx.y) may cover several RLs;
and as per the pace of instructor/students’ learning, the instructor may take up more than one
CS topic during each of the below sessions.

Detailed Structure
Introductory Video/Document: << Introducing the faculty, overview of the course, structure and
organization of topics, guidance for navigating the content, and expectations from students>>

 Each of the sub-modules of Recorded Lectures (RLMxLy ) shall delivered via 30 – 60mins
videos followed by:
 Contact hour (CH) of 2Hr each for illustrating the concepts discussed in the videos with
exercises, tutorials and discussion on case-problems (wherever appropriate); contact hours
(CH) may cover more than one recorded-lecture (RL) videos.

Course Contents
Contact Hour 1

Time Type Topics Content Reference

Pre CH RL 1.1 RL 1.1: Introduction to Reliability

During CH CH 1 Introduction to Reliability Engineering CH 1

Post CH SS 1 RL 1.1

Contact Hour 2

Time Type Topics Content Reference

Pre CH RL 1.2 RL 1.2: Failure Distribution Functions,
RL 1.3 Reliability Function R(t), Relation between
f(t), F(t), R(t), Design life, Mean time to
failure, Median time to failure
RL 1.3: Variance, Hazard rate function,
Cumulative and hazard rate function
During CH CH 2 Problems from text book T1 Ch 2

Post CH SS 2 Section 2.1 to 2.3 of text book

HW2 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 3

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL 1.4 RL 1.4: Introduction to Exponential
RL 1.5 Distribution and its functions T1 Ch 3
RL 1.5: Failure modes with CFR
During CH CH 3 Problems from text book

Post CH SS 3 Section 3.1 to 3.2.1 of text book

HW3 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 4

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL 1.6 RL 1.6: Failures on demand, Two parameter
RL 1.7 exponential distribution
RL 1.7: Redundancy and CFR model
During CH CH 4 Problems from text book
T1 Ch 3
Post CH SS 4 Section 3.2.2, 3.4 and 3.6 of text book

HW4 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 5
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 1.8 RL 1.8: Weibull distribution and its function
RL 1.9 RL 1.9: Design life, Median time to failure,
Mode of failure
T1 Ch 4
During CH CH5 Problems from text book
Post CH SS5 Section 4.1 to 4.1.1 of text book
HW5 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 6

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL 1.10 RL 1.10: Failure modes with weibull
RL 1.11 distribution, Three parameter weibull
RL 1.11: Redundancy with weibull failures T1 Ch 4
During CH CH6 Problems from text book
Post CH SS6 Section 4.1.3 to 4.1.6 of text book
HW6 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 7

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL 1.12 RL 1.12: Normal Distribution

During CH CH7 Problems from text book T1 Ch 4

Post CH SS7 Section 4.2 of text book
HW7 Problems to be announced
Contact Hour 8

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL 1.13 RL 1.13: Lognormal Distribution
During CH CH8 Problems from text book T1 Ch 4
Post CH SS8 Section 4.3 of text book
HW8 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 9

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL 2.1 RL 2.1: Determination of Reliability of Series
RL 2.2 Configuration
RL 2.2: Determination of Reliability of
Parallel Configuration T1 Ch 5
During CH CH9 Problems from text book
Post CH SS9 Section 5.1 and 5.2 of text book
HW9 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 10

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL 2.3 RL 2.3: Determination of Reliability of
RL 2.4 Combined Series- Parallel Configuration
RL 2.5 RL 2.4: Determination of Reliability
Redundant System, High and Low-level
RL 2.5: Determination of Reliability for k out T1 Ch 5
of n Redundancy, Determination of
Reliability for Complex Configuration
During CH CH10 Problems from text book
Post CH SS10 Section 5.3 of text book
HW10 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 11

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL 2.6 RL 2.6: Determination of Reliability using
RL 2.7 Markov Analysis
RL 2.7: Determination of Reliability for
Load-Sharing System T1 Ch 6
During CH CH11 Problems from text book
Post CH SS11 Section 6.1 and 6.2 of text book
HW11 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 12
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 2.8 RL 2.8: Determination of Reliability for T1 Ch 6
Standby Systems
During CH CH12 Problems from text book
Post CH SS12 Section 6.3 of text book
HW12 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 13
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 3.1 RL 3.1: Covariate Models
RL 3.2 RL 3.2: Static Models
During CH CH13 Problems from text book T1 Ch 7
Post CH SS13 Section 7.1 to 7.2.2 of text book
HW13 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 14
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 3.3 RL 3.3: Static Models
RL 3.4 RL 3.4: Physics of Failure Models
During CH CH14 Problems from text book T1 Ch 7
Post CH SS14 Section 7.2.3 and 7.4 of text book
HW14 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 15
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 3.5 RL 3.5: Maintainability: Introduction and
RL 3.6 Analysis of Downtime
RL 3.7 RL 3.6: Repair-time Distribution
RL 3.7: System Repair time and Reliability
with Preventive maintenance T1 Ch 9
During CH CH15 Problems from text book
Post CH SS15 Section 9.1,9.2, 9.4 and 9.5 of text book
HW15 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 16

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL 3.8 RL 3.8: Determination of reliability of state
RL 3.9 dependent system with repair
RL 3.9: Determination of reliability of
standby system with repair T1 Ch 9
During CH CH16 Problems from text book
Post CH SS16 Section 9.6 of text book
HW16 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 17
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 3.10 RL 3.10: Availability: Concepts and
RL 3.11 definitions
RL 3.11: Exponential Availability Model
T1 Ch 11
During CH CH17 Problems from text book
Post CH SS17 Section 11.1 and 11.2 of text book
HW17 Problems to be announced
Contact Hour 18
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 3.12 RL 3.12: System Availability
RL 3.13 RL 3.13: Availability with Standby Systems
During CH CH18 Problems from text book T1 Ch 11
Post CH SS18 Section 11.3 of text book
HW18 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 19
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 4.1 RL 4.1: Data Collection
RL 4.2 RL 4.2: Empirical Methods: Ungrouped
Complete Data
T1 Ch 12
During CH CH19 Problems from text book
Post CH SS19 Section 12.1 and 12.2.1 of text book
HW19 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 20
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 4.3 RL 4.3: Empirical Methods: Grouped
Complete Data
During CH CH20 Problems from text book T1 Ch 12
Post CH SS20 Section 12.2.2 of text book
HW20 Problems to be announced
Contact Hour 21
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 4.4 RL 4.4: Empirical Methods: Ungrouped
Censored Data
During CH CH21 Problems from text book T1 Ch 12
Post CH SS21 Section 12.2.3 of text book
HW21 Problems to be announced

Contact Hour 22
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL 4.5 RL 4.5: Empirical Methods: Grouped
Censored Data
During CH CH22 Problems from text book T1 Ch 12
Post CH SS22 Section 12.2.4 of text book
HW22 Problems to be announced

Evaluation Scheme:
Legend: EC = Evaluation Component; AN = After Noon Session; FN = Fore Noon Session
No Name Type Duration Weight Day, Date, Session, Time
EC-1 Quiz-I/ Online - 7% August 16-30, 2022
Quiz-II Online 8% September 16-30, 2022
EC-2 Mid-Semester Test Open Book 2 hours 35% Sunday, 25/09/2022 (AN)
EC-3 Comprehensive Open Book 2 hours 50%
Sunday, 27/11/2022 (AN)
Note - Evaluation components can be tailored depending on the proposed model.
Important Information:
Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Open Book): Topics in CH 1-10.
Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book): All topics given in plan of study
Evaluation Guidelines:
1. For Closed Book tests: No books or reference material of any kind will be permitted.
Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any material is not allowed.
2. For Open Book exams: Use of prescribed and reference text books, in original (not
photocopies) is permitted. Class notes/slides as reference material in filed or bound form is
permitted. However, loose sheets of paper will not be allowed. Use of calculators is permitted
in all exams. Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any material is not
3. If a student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Exam due to genuine exigencies, the
student should follow the procedure to apply for the Make-Up Test/Exam. The genuineness of
the reason for absence in the Regular Exam shall be assessed prior to giving permission to
appear for the Make-up Exam. Make-Up Test/Exam will be conducted only at selected exam
centres on the dates to be announced later.
It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self-study
schedule as given in the course handout, attend the lectures, and take all the prescribed evaluation
components such as Assignment/Quiz, Mid-Semester Test and Comprehensive Exam according to the
evaluation scheme provided in the handout.

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