Electrons and Photons

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Some of the key concepts covered are photoelectric effect, stopping potential, threshold frequency, Compton effect, wave-particle duality of electrons and photons, and experiments like Thomson and Davisson-Germer that helped establish these concepts.

The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons from matter (such as metals) due to the absorption of electromagnetic radiation like light. It is explained by the photon model of light - individual photons eject electrons if their frequency is higher than the threshold frequency of the material, dependent on its work function.

Stopping potential is the minimum negative potential needed to stop the emission of photoelectrons. Threshold frequency is the minimum frequency of incident radiation needed to eject electrons. The slope of the graph between stopping potential and frequency indicates the energy of individual photons.


ELECTRONS AND PHOTONS >> Short answer questions (1 or 2 mark questions)(Board questions) 1) An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference V volts and it acquires a final velocity v m/s. Obtain an expression for e/m of electron in terms of v and V. 2) What is photoelectric effect? 3) Give Einsteins equation for photoelectric emission. What do the symbols stand for? 4) Show graphically the variation of photocurrent with the voltage applied between the cathode and the anode. 5) How does the photocurrent vary with the frequency of incident radiation. 6) For a given frequency plot a graph between photoelectric current and intensity of incident light. 7) Write down the relation between the wavelength and momentum of a photon . what do the symbols stand for? 8) How can the work function of tungsten be increased? 9) The historic experiment on the diffraction of electron confirmed a new nature of electrons. What is this new nature of electron? Who had proposed it? 10) State how the wavelength and momentum p are related to each other in describing wave particle duality of matter. 11) What inference was drawn from Davison and Germer experiment regarding the nature of electrons? 12) What information is derived from electron diffraction experiments? 13) Between cathode rays and X-rays which has a greater velocity? 14) An electron and a proton have the same de-Broglie wavelength. Which one of these has higher kinetic energy? 15) The Compton effect and Thomsons discovery of diffraction pattern produced by electron combined together confirmed the wave particle duality. What property did each of these experiments confirm? 16) What happens to the wavelength of a photon after it collides with an electron ? 17) Two metals A and B have work functions 2.3 eV and 4 eV.Which of these metals will be more suitable for photoelectric cell working with visible light? 18) An X-ray photon of wavelength strikes an electron at rest and suffers Compton scattering. Will the scattered photon have a wavelength greater or smaller than ? 19) For a photosensitive surface the work function is 3.3 * 10-19 J. Taking Plancks constant to be 6.6 * 10-34 Js.Find the threshold frequency. 20) What is the momentum p of a photon from ultraviolet light of wavelength = 332 nm? 21) An electron is accelerated under a potential difference of 150 volts? What is de-Broglies wavelength? 22) How will you increase the penetrating power of X-rays produced in an X-ray tube? > Short answer questions(1 or 2 mark questions). 1) Draw a graph showing the variation of stopping potential with frequency of incident radiation. What does the slope of the line with frequency axis indicate? 2) It is easier to remove an electron from sodium than copper. Which metal has higher value of threshold frequency?

3) Is the de-Broglie wavelength of a photon of an electromagnetic radiation equal to the wavelength of the radiation? 4) Why are de-Broglie waves with a moving foot ball not visible? 5) A photon and electron have got same de-Broglie wavelength. Which has greater total energy? Explain. 6) A photon and electron have got same de-Broglie wavelength. Which has greater kinetic energy? Explain. 7) The light photons of energy 1 eV and 2.5 eV respectively are made incident on a metallic plate of work function 0.5 eV one after the other. Find the ratio of maximum kinetic energies of photoelectrons emitted. 8) When a piece of metal is illuminated by monochromatic light then the stopping potential for photoelectric current is 2.5 V0 . When the same surface is illuminated by light of wavelength 1.5 then the stopping potential becomes V0. Find the value of threshold wavelength for photoelectric emission. 9) If the frequency of the incident light is doubled what will be the K.E of the electrons emitted? 10) What is the effect on the velocity of the emitted photoelectrons if the wavelength of the incident light is decreased? 11) The work function of copper is 4 eV. If two photons each energy 2.5 eV strike with some electrons of copper will the emission be possible? 12) The maximum K.E of electrons emitted by a photocell is 3eV what is the stopping potential ? 13) Two metals A and B have work function 2 eV and 5eV. Which metal has lower threshold wavelength? 14) If the intensity of incident radiation on a metal is doubled what happens to the K.E of electrons emitted. 15) How does the maximum K.E of electrons emitted vary with the work function of the metal? 16) An electron and proton are possessing same amount of K.E. Which of the two have greater de-Broglie wavelength? Justify. 17) A proton and an electron have same de-Broglie wavelength which of them moves fast and which possesses more K.E . Justify. 18) Red light however bright it is can not produce the emission from a clean zinc surface. But even weak U.V radiation can do so why? 19) The wavelength of a photon and the de-Broglie wavelength of an electron have the same value. Show that the energy of the photon is 2 mc/h times the K.E of the electron. 20) An electron and a proton have the same K.E which of the two has lower wavelength? Justify. 21) The threshold frequency of a metal if f0 . When the light of frequency 2f0 is incident on the metal plate the maximum velocity of electrons emitted is v1 .When the frequency of the incident radiation is increased to 5 f0 the maximum velocity of electrons emitted is v2. Find the ratio of v1 and v2. >> Medium and Long answer questions(2 or 3 mark questions)(Board questions) 1) An electron of mass m and charge e is accelerated through a potential difference V. what is its maximum velocity, if it was initially at rest. 2) Describe Thomsons experiment for measuring the ratio of charge to mass of an electron and give the necessary theory. 3) Explain stopping potential and threshold frequency in a photoelectric emission . Give an appropriate graph showing the variation of stopping potential with the frequency of incident radiation. 4) What is Compton effect? How is it explained ? Draw a labelled diagram . 5) What is Compton scattering? Mention the important conclusion drawn from the phenomenon of Compton scattering.

6) In a Thomson set up for the determination of e/m electrons accelerated through 2500 V enter the region of crossed electric and magnetic fields of strengths 3.6 * 104 V/m and 1.2 * 10-3 t and pass through undeflected. Find the e/m and the speed of an electron. 7) An ion having a charge per unit mass of 4.4 * 107 C/Kg has a velocity of 4.4 * 105 m/s and moves in a circular orbit due to a magnetic field of flux density 0.4 T. a) What is the radius of this orbit? b) What would be the electric field necessary to make the ion pass undeviated? 8) In a certain region of space a uniform electric field of 7200 V/m and a uniform magnetic field of 1.8 * 10 3 T are simultaneously present in mutually perpendicular directions . As an electron beam enters this region in a direction perpendicular to both electric and magnetic fields. Calculate the velocity of electrons in the beam if they pass through this region without any deviation in their straight line path . If the electric field is now switched off what kind of path will be taken by the beam? Find the radius of this path . Mass of electron = 9.1 * 10-31 kg and e = 1.6 * 10-19 C. 9) If light of wavelength 4950 A0 is viewed as a continuous flow of photons what is the energy of each photon in eV? 10) A metal has a work function of 2 eV and is illuminated by monochromatic light of wavelength 500 nm. Calculate I) the threshold wavelength ii) the maximum energy of photoelectrons and iii) the stopping potential. 11) Work function of copper metal is press the work function in joule. Find out the K.E of the fastest electron ejected from it when a monochromatic light of wavelength 4000 A0 falls on its surface ( h= 6.63 * 10-34 Js , c= 3 * 108 m/s) 12) When U.V light of wavelength 300 nm is incident on a metal plate a negative potential of 0.54 V is required to stop the emission of photoelectrons. Calculate the energy of the incident photon and the work function for the metal in eV. 13) Photoelectrons are emitted from a metal surface when U.V light of wavelength = 300 nm is incident on it. The minimum negative potential required to stop the emission of electrons is 0.54 V . Calculate: i) the energy of the incident photons. ii) the maximum K.E of the photon electrons emitted. iii) The work function of the metal. Express all answer in eV. 14) The threshold wavelength of tungsten is 2400 A0 . When tungsten is illuminated with light of wavelength 1600 A0 find I) Work function ii) Maximum K.E of the emitted electron. iii) stopping potential.

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