Kaif Project

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The Negative Effects of Poverty on Education

Candidate Name: Mohammad Kaif Ali

Candidate Number

I would like to thank Allah (Praise be to him) for giving me the faculty, strength and knowledge

alongside the critical thinking skills needed to complete this project. I would like to thank my

teacher Mr Grant, who assisted me throughout this project.

Table of content

General Introduction 4
Preface 5
When curiosity meet poverty 6-8
Language Analysis 9
Conclusion 10
Bibliography 11
General Introduction

This portfolio focuses on the topic “The Negative Effects of Poverty on Education”. The researcher

picked this topic because of the dissenting impact poverty has on education in our society. Collins

English Dictionary defines poverty as “Poverty is the state of being extremely poor. Because of

poverty many children are unable to afford any proper education. And most schools for poor

children do not have the resources for proper education.

This portfolio is inclusive of an original written narrative piece entitled “When Curiosity Meets

Poverty”, a preface which converses about the reason for writing the story, along with an

overview. The target audience is also acknowledged. A 10-minute expository presentation was

carried out on the theme and an analysis of the narrative piece is also included in this portfolio.

This completes how the topic will be represented.

The researcher's academic, personal and professional interests are related and relevant to the

topic. Academically, this topic relates to the researcher`s current studies in history of failed

geniuses, as it allows him to get a deeper understanding of the issues and negative impacts of

poverty on education. Personally, the topic relates to me because my personal experience with

meeting students with high intelligence and critical thinking not being able to afford proper

education. Professionally as a side interest, my interest in the topic is related to my aspirations

in investing in poor schools. This topic broadens my view of the experiences of different children

and gives me better understanding of the issues faced.


The story entitled “When Curiosity Meets Poverty” is written in a narrative format. The story is

centered on the main character “Berman Hanson” who was a highly intelligent and child with

high critical thinking skills. “When Curiosity Meets Poverty” outlines the summons Berman faced

during his school years. The story reaches its climax when Berman graduates high school with the

best grades but fails to join a college due to poverty. However, after trying insanely hard to get a

scholarship, Berman received a sponsor from an organization that supported students like him.

This is a situation that has been faced by many youths and by writing this story my goal is to show

the audience of the effects poverty has on education. My piece is intended to target youths

between the ages of 16-17 in their final year of secondary education as they make the transition

from adolescent to adulthood. I hope to impact the audience in showing them the hardships

encountered in the situation and the importance of solving the issue. Consciousness of this

situation will influence youth to be more responsible through out their education and have

greater consideration for the possibilities of impacting their future as well as that of others. The

piece will be presented through the use of a combination internet related channels, such as

blogging, as the youth of today receive most of their information online. The piece will provide a

verbal as well as non-verbal message, using both visual and audio-visual clips. I designed the story

to be informative and encouraging while still making sure it is entertaining.

When curiosity meet poverty

Paragraph 1: Berman Hanson joined high school at age 9, an unusual age to join high school. On

the first day of school, teachers recognized his passion for learning as well as his intellect. “This

kid is only 9?! Wow I can’t believe,” said the English teacher. Even the students realized how

smart this individual was. Sad fact is that the school barely had resources for a proper education.

Paragraph 2: Berman was a poor boy, he was also an orphan. Going to this poor school was his

only chance at changing his life, even if this school was “horrible”. Berman wanted to become a

mathematician, something he was very passionate about. Despite the lack of resources, Berman

managed to learn and master mathematics at high school level. He worked in labour class jobs

and earned enough money over 3 months to buy a single math textbook. “I’ll spend savings on

the other textbooks that you need, I know I will spend it on a bright future” The math teacher

said as he gave him a pat down.

Paragraph 3: Years went by, Barren studied hard and was about to graduate high school. He had

achieved awards in math by participating in math contests and some cash prizes. “With dis money

mi can finally go to mi dream college” he said joyfully. His dream college had funding for poor

students. With that he could afford to go to college. Barren graduated high school, waiting to join

his dream college, however unfortunately luck was not on his side.
Paragraph 4: Berman left the town where he lived into the city where the college resided. He

entered the building and spoke to the administrator. “I want to apply to this university, where

can I fill the forms?” he asked the administrator. “Here take these forms and fill them up, and

include your report card,” said the administrator. He filled in the form and gave the administrator

his report card. The administrator was shocked to see perfect grades on every subject. “You are

already accepted with these grades” she said. She handed him the paperwork for the fees. “Can

I get the fees form for poor children?” Berman asked. “I am sorry but the quota for the poor kids

was filled yesterday”. Berman’s world shattered right there. There was no other college Berman

could attend due to his poverty, this was his only chance to change his life.

Paragraph 5: Berman still didn’t give up, even if the odds were against him. He inquired about

different scholarships, different fundings and etcetera. He even applied to a charity event, but

there was no luck over there. “nuh seems right, all di odds de ya against me” he said with a calm

sad tone. “Poverty a fail me” he said crying.

Paragraph 6: Berman had given up at this point, he believed that this was his fate. However,

one’s destiny can change with hard work, they say. Not everything he did was in vain. At one of

his inquiries about funding for poor kids, a gentleman from an organization noticed Berman. He

noticed his intellect and critical thinking skills right away when he saw Berman’s grades after the

boy left in disappointment for getting rejected for the funds. Berman had gone in depression at

this point, he said to him self “Only if mi can see a ray of light”. That ray of light came knocking

on his door, Berman opened. This is where Berman’s life would totally change.
Paragraph 7: The gentleman introduced himself as “The Walker”. He said to Berman, he likes to

“make people walk the future they deserve”. “You are an important asset to this world Berman.

If poverty fails you, I would consider myself to be a failure”. He handed Berman a bag of cash.

This amount shocked Berman, as he had never seen this much money. Berman cried waterfalls,

thanking “The Walker” as he cried. “You change mi life sir, and me gwaan with my passion. You

have given me a purpose in society” said Berman joyfully to the man. “You have a very big

purpose in society Berman” said the man while laughing. “Please thank the organization for me!”

said Berman excitedly to the man. “I just say I am from an organization. But in reality I am just a

very rich man who loves to support people like you” said the man to Berman. Berman asked

“Why would you do this work of yours? What does it do for you?” Berman asked the man as he

wiped his tears. “Well it helps me to stop adding the number of failed geniuses due to poverty to

my list”. Berman went on to become one of the greatest mathematicians, making great

contributions to the field of mathematics and to the world. I am very proud that I supported this

man and I hope that I can “help even more people walk there deserved futures”.

Language Analysis
The Narrative piece “When Curiosity Meets Poverty” recounts the challenging experiences of a

teenager who was poor but wanted to learn. The author utilized several mixtures of the elements

of communication. Two elements will be examined, specifically: Dialect Variation and Language

Registers. Dialect variation refers to the changes in language due to various influences. Language

including a creole language spoken by a particular geographic, social or cultural sub-group. There

are different variations of dialect represented within the piece. Acrolect (which is straight

standard English) represented clearly in some dialogues. Example when Berman was talking to

the administrator. The writer used mostly Acrolect in this piece to show that the main character

official language is English. Next in dialect comes the Mesolect (which is a combination of

standard English and creole), arouse in the 3rd paragraph of the piece where Berman said “With

dis money mi can finally go to mi dream college”. The use of code switch was to emphasize on

his excitement. This variation was also used to represent his disappointments. Language

Registers refers to the perceived attitude and level of formality associated with a variety of

language. The five level of identified language registers include: Frozen, Formal, Consultative,

Casual/Informal and Intimate Registers. Two registers found within the reflective piece are:

Formal and Casual Register. In paragraph 4, Formal register is being used because the

conversation was between the administrator and Berman. The conservation was formal between

the two persons. In the 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th paragraph informal language was used, as Berman

spoke casually with himself in the 3rd 4th , 5th and also 6th paragraph. He spoke with the man

informally in the 6th paragraph.


I believe every child deserves a proper education, as education plays a very important role in

the world, solves personal issues and gives a person a purpose in society.

Website: Collins Dictionary.com

Book: Cape Communication Studies by Pre uwi

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