Formulario SAC

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Enumere sus Enter full name of

Procesos Aquí CAR form here

Proceso 1
Proceso 2 Enter abbreviated
Proceso 3
name of your CAR
Proceso 4
Proceso 5
form here
Proceso 6
Proceso 7
Proceso 8
Proceso 9
Proceso 10 Enter name or title of
CAR Administrator
Solicitud de Acción Correctiva

For example, "Corrective Action Request"

For example, "CAR"

For example, "John Smith"

Solicitud de Acción Correctiva () - Rev 0
Type Corrective Action (existing issue) Preventive Action (potential issue) Name:
Check one
Opportunity for Improvement / Suggestion Date:

Employee Feedback Customer Feedback ✘ Supplier / Subcontractor Feedback

Source External Audit Internal Audit ✘ Management Review Action Item
Check one Finding Finding

Proceso 1 Proceso 2 Proceso 3

Proceso 4 Proceso 5 Proceso 6
Elegir Uno Proceso 7 Proceso 8 Proceso 9
Proceso 10 Other:

Check One Low Medium High Urgent / Critical

Describe the issue or problem in detail.

Stop here. Submit to

Assigned to: Date Assigned: Respond by:

To be completed by the Assignee.
Containment / Immediate Corrections: (Required only for corrective action requests.)

Root Cause of Problem: (Required for all corrective and preventive issues; optional for suggestions for improvement.)

Action Plan: (Actions taken to eliminate root cause, resolve issue and prevent recurrence.)

Date Action Completed: Name:

Stop here. Return to

Effectiveness verified by: Date:

PASS FAIL: Returned for Further Processing
Result: PASS FAIL: Returned for Further Processing

Notes and

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