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Smart Infrastructure

Firmware / FPGA Update

via the Ethernet Interface
of the EN100 Module
Installation and activation

Date: 2020-04-15
Version: 2.20

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Smart Infrastructure


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1 Important Notes ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5

2 System requirements for firmware / FPGA update over the Ethernet interface....................................................................... 6

3 Contents of the Consignment / Installation.............................................................................................................................. 7

4 Installation and activation of the EN100 firmware ................................................................................................................. 10

4.1 General Procedure......................................................................................................................................................... 10

4.2 Firmware / FPGA update ............................................................................................................................................... 10

4.2.1 Firmware update ...................................................................................................................................................... 10

4.2.2 Firmware activation .................................................................................................................................................. 15

4.2.3 FPGA Upload ........................................................................................................................................................... 18

5 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................................... 21

5.1 Software reset capable devices ..................................................................................................................................... 21

5.2 Error handling during upload .......................................................................................................................................... 23

5.2.1 FW upload ................................................................................................................................................................ 23

5.2.2 FPGA upload ............................................................................................................................................................ 25

5.3 FPGA and firmware versions of EN100 ......................................................................................................................... 28

5.4 Hotline ............................................................................................................................................................................ 28

5.5 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................................. 28

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Figure 3-1 DIGSI device window -> Select settings ................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 3-2 DIGSI device settings -> Select Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 3-3 DIGSI device interface settings necessary for the firmware update over the Ethernet interface ............................ 8
Figure 4-1 Netview in operation. Overview of all SIPROTEC 4 devices in the network ......................................................... 11
Figure 4-2 Web site for file uploading .................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4-3 Choosing the file for uploading the module firmware (Note: Shown for version 4.37 here) .................................. 12
Figure 4-4 Web site for firmware update status ..................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 4-5 Web site for firmware update status - flashing...................................................................................................... 14
Figure 4-6 Web site for firmware update status – flashed, waiting for activation ................................................................... 14
Figure 4-7 Activation over Device menu ................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 4-8 firmware reset over DIGSI 4 with device restart ................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4-9 Version check on EN100 module homepage (Note: Shown for version 4.37 here) .............................................. 17
Figure 4-10 Version check in Netview ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 4-11 Flash check in system log .................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 5-1 Return page after failed download ........................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 5-2 System log after failed download of an unknown file type .................................................................................... 23
Figure 5-3 System log after failed download of a too large file .............................................................................................. 24
Figure 5-4 Error log after failed download of a too large file .................................................................................................. 24
Figure 5-5 System log after failed download caused by to slow connection .......................................................................... 25
Figure 5-6 FW update progress page after failed download – wrong FPGA image ............................................................... 25
Figure 5-7 System log after failed download – wrong FPGA image ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 5-8 Module homepage after failed download of a wrong binary file ............................................................................ 26
Figure 5-9 System log after failed download – wrong binary format ...................................................................................... 27
Figure 5-10 FW update progress page after failed download – incompatible FPGA image for this hardware ......................... 27
Figure 5-11 System log after failed download – incompatible FPGA image for this hardware................................................. 28

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1 Important Notes
This document introduces the firmware (FW) update process of the EN100 Ethernet module via its Ethernet interface.
The following processes are not affected by this document:
• FW / FPGA update process over the serial front interface
• “Remote firmware update” for 7SC80 devices

Supported Module Types

FW Version Supported Module Type

EN100 E module EN100 O module EN100 E+ EN100 O+

module module

V04.29 and lower X X X X

V04.30 and higher - - X X

Supported FW File Extension

FW Version Supported File Extension

V04.32 and lower .PCK

V04.33 and higher .CMS

Supported Transfer Protocol for FW Update via the Ethernet Interface

FW Version Supported Transfer Protocol

V04.08 to V04.29 HTTP

V04.30 and higher HTTPS

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2 System requirements for firmware / FPGA update over
the Ethernet interface
• EN100 firmware versions newer or equal to 4.08. FW update of versions lower than V4.08 will be supported the
over front interface (serial or USB) by FWUpdate only. For special support please contact Customer Care.

• Optionally Netview could be installed on your PC or notebook. With the substation configuration file (SCD-file) of
the IEC 61850 System Configurator, you can read out the network configuration and check afterwards the
update of the whole configuration. Otherwise, the configuration must be checked for each individual device over
the device display or over the module homepage of the device.
See the IEC 61850 System Configurator to get Netview program and its manual. (Website:

• A notebook / PC with Ethernet interface, communicating with the network. If necessary (e.g. with PRP/HSR),
consider the use of a RedBox.

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3 Contents of the Consignment / Installation
• PCK or CMS files: firmware/FPGA files for EN100 modules which are mounted in various protection devices, for
example, SIPROTEC 4, SIPROTEC Compact, Reyrolle, SWT3000. The PCK or CMS files are available at the
SIPROTEC Internet website: https://www.siemens.com/protection.

There are two different files for FW-update and FPGA-update over the Ethernet interface available.

• Both are device independent and can be uploaded via EN100 homepage. The first one (Example:
IEC61850_81_04.XX.YY.pck or IEC61850_81_04.XX.YY.cms) is for the update of the IEC61850 functionality
on the EN100 module. The second one (Example: EN100_FPGA_ZZZ.pck or EN100_FPGA_ZZZ.cms) is for
the update of the FPGA – chip on the EN100 module. To support some functionality (e.g. PRP/HSR), both files
may be required according to the EN100 readme.

• A firmware reboot and activation for the module firmware is possible over Web Monitor or EN100 module
homepage. Please verify with the DIGSI 4 setting, that Web monitor have read and write access (Required
option is Full access) and the Module homepage must be ON. Required settings are shown in Figure 3-3.
Activating the FPGA – update requires to switch the device OFF for min. 20 seconds. After the restart of the
device the FPGA – update will be activated.

Figure 3-1 DIGSI device window -> Select settings

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Figure 3-2 DIGSI device settings -> Select Interfaces

Figure 3-3 DIGSI device interface settings necessary for the firmware update over the Ethernet interface

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For more information please see the system manual of SIPROTEC 4:
(Note: if the file has been updated and is not available anymore, latest versions can be retrieved from SIPROTEC
website http://www.siemens.com/protection)

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4 Installation and activation of the EN100 firmware
4.1 General Procedure
Connect your service PC – fulfilling the minimum requirements described before – to the Ethernet network:
• In case of RSTP topology, open the rings
• In case of PRP topology, switch off LAN B. The service PC should be connected to LAN A, either as Single
Attached Node or behind a RedBox or with a PRP network card.
• In case of HSR topology, open the rings. The service PC should be connected behind a RedBox.

Start Netview in order to see the connected SIPROTEC devices. Find all update capable devices. Make the update
for every device via the Ethernet network.

If one EN100 module in the device is updated with a new module firmware (chapter, you have to activate
(4.2.2) the firmware. The activation procedure for the module firmware depends on the device firmware version
(check with chapter 5.1).

If the EN100 module is updated with a new FPGA image (required for PRP) you must switch OFF the power supply
for at least 20 seconds. The firmware will be activated if you switch the device OFF and ON, which is anyhow
required for activation of the FPGA – update for PRP.

4.2 Firmware / FPGA update

A downgrade of a version V04.08 or newer to a version <V04.08 can be done by the firmware update via
front port only (Setup_<Device-type>_IEC61850_81_<Version>.EXE).

4.2.1 Firmware update Uploading and flashing of the module firmware

1. Connect all devices with the EN100 module via Ethernet.

2. Store the file IEC61850_81_04.XX.YY.cms, e.g. IEC61850_81_04.37.01.cms (includes the EN100 firmware), in
a local folder on your PC/notebook.
3. Give your Service PC a free IP - address in the sub network where the devices are installed. Please be sure that
no IP - address already used by devices or other components in this network will be used by your Service PC.
If you update the module firmware of a single device the IP address don’t need to be set before. The default
EN100 IP address is


Steps 5 and 6 are optional, they are used for checking the Firmware/FPGA versions.

4. Connect the Notebook / PC with one of the Ethernet switches used in the system.
5. Start Netview to browse through all the connected devices of the SCD file.

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6. Select the device you want to update with a mouse single click on the IED hyperlink

Figure 4-1 Netview in operation. Overview of all SIPROTEC 4 devices in the network

Within the Netview generated webpage, you can see additionally in the Description section the installed
firmware version of the devices.

Alternatively, you can also connect directly to the module homepage of a device by using the IP - address of the
device (http://<IP-address>/home or https://<IP-address>/home). In this case, Netview is not required and the
update is done directly over the module homepage.
Change the displayed link in the opened new browser window from /home to /upload and press Enter → the upload
page appears:

Figure 4-2 Web site for file uploading

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7. Press the button “Browse…” and choose the file IEC61850_81_V04.xx.yy.cms stored on your notebook / PC
(in step 2).
If the maintenance password is set, enter the correct password.

Figure 4-3 Choosing the file for uploading the module firmware (Note: Shown for version 4.37 here)

Please ensure you have selected the right file, downloaded from the SIPROTEC website
(https://www.siemens.com/protection) or received from Customer Care. A wrong file uploaded to the module
will be rejected by EN100 firmware, and the connection may be reset. Please see system log for more
information if the upload fails for any reason.

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8. Press the button “Upload” and upload the firmware file to the EN100 module.
After successful upload of the firmware the update process shows automatically the page “Firmware update
status” and the flashing of the uploaded code into the FLASH is started automatically.

Figure 4-4 Web site for firmware update status

The average upload time in a 100 Mbit network, including the firmware transmission and signature check, is less
than 90 s. Service PC and devices should be on the same network. If you upload firmware remotely over a
telecommunication network (not recommended), the upload speed can be very low. To avoid problems, FW
checks the time between 2 firmware upload telegrams. If this time exceeds 5 s, the upload process is aborted.

9. By pressing of the “Refresh upload statistics” link you can observe the flash progress.
The flashing time is depending on the processor load. The supervision time for the flashing is 2 minutes. After
this time a warning is indicated but the flashing will be continued.

The power supply of the device shall not be switched off during upload and flashing.

If the reboot link “Now restart EN100 and wait 60 seconds” appears you may verify whether an upload was
successful with the system log site (http://<ip-address>/printf or https://<ip-address>/printf).

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Figure 4-5 Web site for firmware update status - flashing

You need to press the “Refresh upload statistics” Button to know if the flashing is finished. After successful
flashing the activation link “Now restart EN100 and wait 60 seconds...” is visible in the bottom of the page. The
link is valid in 2 hours.
For firmware activation please see chapter 4.2.2.

Figure 4-6 Web site for firmware update status – flashed, waiting for activation

The flashing will be finished in every case independent if the flashing supervision time exceeds. So, the
module firmware will be valid after flashing. Caused by the exceeded flashing time there are error messages
in the system log (refer chapter 5.2).
It is always possible to repeat uploading files before resetting and activation firmware.

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4.2.2 Firmware activation

In general, the module firmware can be activated by reset and restart of the EN100 – module.
Note: Depending on the device firmware there are two different ways for activation required (please refer the table in
chapter 5.1).
• After module FW upload and flashing the device must be reset by power off or device restart.
Advantage: This procedure is possible for all device firmware versions (no need to care about). This procedure
succeeds always. If a disabled protection for activation of the EN100-FW can be accepted, this type of reset is
the preferred method in the commissioning process.
Disadvantage: All device functions (e.g. protection functions) are disabled during device reset.

• The activation button at the module homepage can be used. In this case just the EN100 restarts.
Advantage: The protection is available during module firmware activation.
Disadvantage: Not for all device firmware versions applicable.

Background of the different required activation methods is the information synchronization between the device
firmware and the module firmware. With the table in chapter 5.1 you can check which devices includes the
necessary synchronization mechanisms and which one does not.
In general, it is recommended always to activate the module firmware via device reset. So, problems regarding
process data assignment are avoided from beginning on.
The Table in chapter 5.1 lists all software reset capable devices. Activation via devices reset

1. Restart the device to activate the uploaded EN100 firmware.

Please note that the protection is disabled during the “Device Reset”. A password may be required for this
The device restart can be done in 3 different ways: via power off, via the front display menu, or via DGISI 4.

Power off

Remove the power supply of the device via power off for about 20 seconds.

Front display menu

Change by clicking on the keys “Menu”, then press ”5” and “1” on the device panel. The following menu will be

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Figure 4-7 Activation over Device menu


You can use DIGSI 4 for the hardware reset.

This requires an Ethernet connection of DIGSI 4 with the device. Open the device with DIGSI online via Ethernet.
Click on “Restart” in the menu “Device”.

A device restart will delete the content of all buffers. Please save the content before with DIGSI 4 if this data
is required for further analysis.

Figure 4-8 firmware reset over DIGSI 4 with device restart

2. Check, that the firmware is installed correctly.

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Open the Internet Explorer insert the IP-address of the device followed by “/home”, e.g. or Refresh that page (reload with F5) and check that the correct firmware is activated. There
should be shown the FW version you have uploaded e.g. Version: 04.xx.yy_V4.

Figure 4-9 Version check on EN100 module homepage (Note: Shown for version 4.37 here)

Or have a look on the section “Description” within the Netview homepage for the updated devices:

Figure 4-10 Version check in Netview Activation via module homepage

Please click link “Now restart EN100 and wait 60 seconds...” to reset the EN100 Firmware. See Figure 4-6 in

The link is valid in 2 hours.
For some devices and some device firmware versions, it is not possible to reset them via the link.
Please check chapter 5.1.
Please check that the EN100 firmware has been flashed and activated in all devices before you
continue with the FPGA – update for the PRP/HSR devices.

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4.2.3 FPGA Upload Overview

FPGA and EPLD will be used as synonyms. EPLD is the older technology and substituted by FPGA today.
With the firmware version V04.08 or newer the upload of the FPGA is possible too. The FPGA image to be uploaded
will be checked against the FPGA hardware used on the EN100 module. If the image is incompatible the flashing will
be prevented. The FPGA image file name is *.pck or *.cms.
The FPGA image upload over Ethernet is similar to EN100 firmware upload over Ethernet. But there are following
1. An FPGA - image upload is a very critical process. If the power supply of the device is switched OFF during the
upload procedure the module hardware may be damaged. In this case the module has to send back to repair.
Please contact customer support if this happens.

2. After successful FPGA upload you must always restart the device with switching OFF and ON the power supply.
The device must be switched off for minimal 20 seconds.
The FPGA images are unique for each EN100 hardware. For each HW there is a own version range. The current
EN100-E (Electrical module) does not have a FPGA. There is following nomenclature for the FPGA versioning:
Module Type Version

EN100-E None

EN100-O (ST connectors) 3xx or 4xx

EN100-O (LC connectors) 5xx

EN100-E+ 6xx

EN100-O+ 7xx

Some features (e.g. PRP/HSR) are supported only in some versions. Please check the EN100
readme/manual. Upload and flashing

There will be executed all the steps like for the firmware update. Please refer chapter This chapter contains
the differences to the firmware upload only.
If the file .pck or .cms is correctly and compatible to your EN100 device HW you can update your EN100 module:

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Figure 4-11 Flash check in system log

To launch new FGPA firmware you must switch off the power supply for at least 20 seconds and
switch it on again. The device restarts and activates the new FPGA – image with its features.
You may always repeat an upload of a file (EN100 or FPGA) before reboot on the device or EN100 firmware
or power supply abruption.

The successful update can be checked with Netview or over the module homepage (page “Statistics”)
(e.g. http://<ip-address>/fecst or https://<ip-address>/fecst.)

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If the FPGA – image is flashed and activated in all SIPROTEC 4 devices, the devices can be used in the network
topology (RSTP, PRP or HSR). Then, put the network back to normal (close rings for RSTP or HSR configurations;
or switch on LAN B for PRP configurations)

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5 Appendix
5.1 Software reset capable devices
The software reset feature of the EN100 module is only available for a set of devices greater a specific device
firmware version. E.g. the software reset is possible at device 7SJ80 together with the application software version
equal or greater V04.60.16.
Device Possible equal or greater device application firmware version

6MD61 V04.02

6MD63 not possible

6MD66x V04.71.01

6MD665 not possible

7SA522 V04.65

7SA6xx V04.65

7SD52x / 53x V04.60.07

7SD610 V04.60.07

7SJ61 V04.70

7SJ61 ACPU 1 not possible

7SJ62 V04.70

7SJ62 ACPU not possible

7SJ63 not possible

7SJ64 V04.70

7SJ80 V04.60.16

7SJ683 V04.70.04

7SK80 V04.60.16

7SS52x V04.70.09

7UM61 not possible

7UM62 V04.63.02

7UT612 V04.60.07

7UT613-63x V04.61.04

7UT68x V04.70.03

7VE6xx V04.60.04

1 can be identified by device firmware-version <V04.70

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Device Possible equal or greater device application firmware version

7VK61x V04.60.03

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5.2 Error handling during upload

5.2.1 FW upload

1. The power supply of the device shall not be switched off during upload. If the power supply fails you get an
inconsistent state of EN100 module firmware. The EN100 may not be boot again. At this point it is possible to
upload the EN100 Firmware over front interface with the device specific FW setup only.
2. The EN100 firmware beginning from V04.08.01 contains measures to prevent the flashing of a wrong binary file.
The file format, the size (lower than a maximum) and the content will be checked. When uploaded a wrong file
selected from your hard disk the upload goes back to the homepage of EN100 firmware or the website can’t be

Figure 5-1 Return page after failed download

In most cases you will not see this page, because the firmware resets the connection to the web browser.
You will see an empty page in place of an error page instead.

In the system log you can find different entries when you chose a wrong file. If it occurs, try to choose the right
EN100 Firmware file with the *.pck or *.cms extension.

Figure 5-2 System log after failed download of an unknown file type

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3. If the installed FW version is V04.08, you can only upgrade the FW up to V04.29. Maximal file size to be
uploaded is visible in system log entries after beginning uploading.

Figure 5-3 System log after failed download of a too large file

Figure 5-4 Error log after failed download of a too large file

4. When the upload speed is too low, the time between 2 firmware upload telegrams could be larger than 5 s. In
this case the upload will be canceled and an indication in the system log is announced.

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Figure 5-5 System log after failed download caused by to slow connection

5.2.2 FPGA upload

1. If you try to load FPGA on electrical EN100 module (delivered before year 2012), you get a note at the site
firmware update status, because it is not possible to upload an FPGA on an electrical EN100 module.

Figure 5-6 FW update progress page after failed download – wrong FPGA image
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For more Information you may consult the system log site, where in this case some information available if the
update fails.

After a device reboot the information logs are lost.

Figure 5-7 System log after failed download – wrong FPGA image

2. If you try to load a wrong binary file, you will get the following site, means the upload is prevented:

Figure 5-8 Module homepage after failed download of a wrong binary file

In the system log file, there is some information about upload process. Binary file with a wrong format e.g. .rbf files
will not be flashed.

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Figure 5-9 System log after failed download – wrong binary format

3. This page will be shown when you load a wrong FPGA image file. It's not possible to load a wrong FPGA - image
into the module.

Figure 5-10 FW update progress page after failed download – incompatible FPGA image for this hardware

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Figure 5-11 System log after failed download – incompatible FPGA image for this hardware

5.3 FPGA and firmware versions of EN100

Current released versions of EN100 module firmware and FPGA images can be found at the SIPROTEC website:

5.4 Hotline
Our Customer Support Center provides a 24-hour service.
Phone: +49 (180) 524-7000
Fax: +49 (180) 524-2471
E-Mail: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

5.5 Abbreviations
EPLD Erasable Programmable Logic Device, today substituted by FPGA
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array

© Siemens AG 2020

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