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Received: 12 April 2022    Revised: 11 May 2022    Accepted: 15 May 2022

DOI: 10.1111/prd.12479


Minimal invasiveness in vertical ridge augmentation

Istvan Urban1,2 | Eduardo Montero3,4 | Ignacio Sanz-Sánchez3,4 | David Palombo4 |

Alberto Monje1,5  | Grazia Tommasato6 | Matteo Chiapasco6
Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Private Practice, Budapest, Hungary
ETEP (Etiology and Therapy of Periodontal and Peri-­Implant Diseases) Research Group, University Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Section of Postgraduate Periodontology, University Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Department of Periodontology, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Unit of Oral Surgery, Department of Biomedical, Surgical, and Dental Sciences, A.O. Santi Paolo & Carlo, Dental Clinic, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

Eduardo Montero, Faculty of Odontology, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Email: [email protected]

1  |  I NTRO D U C TI O N intraoperative and postoperative complications,4 but may be in con-

flict with the concept of mini-­invasiveness.
The term “minimally invasive surgery” first entered the medical lit- In order to reduce morbidity and complications (such as infec-
erature in 1990, and since then minimally invasive surgery has been tion, dehiscence, and neural damage) and to simplify procedures, the
applied with the aim to better preserve structures and function, use of short implants have been proposed, with acceptable clinical
providing methods to optimize surgical results with less operative results.5–­7 However, when short implants do not guarantee an ad-
trauma and, consequently, minimizing patient discomfort.1,2 equate functional and/or aesthetic result, or they cannot be used
This requires the development of specific methods of preopera- because of insufficient residual bone volume, the reconstruction of
tive imaging, planning, intraoperative navigation, and special surgical hard and soft tissues in edentulous areas affected by severe bone
instrumentation. These approaches are quickly evolving thanks to defects is mandatory before implant placement.
progressively more precise surgical procedures in association with Different bone reconstructive or regenerative techniques have
smaller incisions compared with those traditionally used.3 been proposed: (i) distraction osteogenesis8–­10; (ii) maxillary sinus
The concept of minimally invasive surgery can also be applied floor elevation11,12; (iii) onlay grafts with intra-­oral and extraoral au-
in the field of maxillo-­mandibular bone regeneration/reconstruction togenous bone blocks13–­21; (iv) guided bone regeneration with re-
and has become a particularly interesting challenge for clinicians in sorbable or nonresorbable membranes (polytetrafluoroethylene) 4,22
the last few years. The aim of minimally invasive surgery is, on one in association or not with tenting screws; and (v) protected bone
hand, to simplify procedures and to reduce morbidity and invasive- regeneration with noncustomized23–­26 or customized titanium
ness for patients, and, on the other hand, to provide the same effec- meshes. 27–­30
tiveness in terms of functional and aesthetic outcomes. All the aforementioned surgical techniques require special skills
In the case of vertical bone defects in patients in need of implant-­ and the results are very technique sensitive.31 Distraction osteogen-
supported prosthetic restorations, the challenge becomes even more esis, even if it makes it possible to correct relevant vertical defects,
complex because vertical ridge augmentation aims to achieve bone is limited to “pure” vertical augmentation and requires nonnegligi-
regeneration without osseous wall containment. Consequently, the ble compliance of the patient. Onlay grafting with autogenous bone
elevation of an adequately sized flap, the releasing incisions to allow blocks still represents a versatile and well-­documented procedure
a tension-­free suture, the need for an adequate quantity of autoge- that enables the correction of any type of defect, with no limita-
nous bone, and certain surgical skills, are mandatory to decrease tions as regards the extent of the defect. However, the increased

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© 2023 The Authors. Periodontology 2000 published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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2      URBAN et al.

morbidity resulting from a frequent “second” surgical site (donor and in English. The search strategy was the same as the one previ-
recipient site) must be taken into consideration, and the modeling ously used for the European Workshop of Periodontology on
and fixation phases of the blocks require specific expertise.14–­16 Bone Regeneration in the systematic review evaluating the effec-
Also, guided bone regeneration represents a well-­documented pro- tiveness of vertical ridge augmentation interventions, 52 adding
cedure: according to the extent of the vertical defect, guided bone the term “minimal invasiveness” (ie, [Medical Subject Headings
regeneration can be performed using autogenous bone particles or terms]: Alveolar bone loss OR Alveolar bone atrophy OR [Text
bone substitutes in association with resorbable or nonresorbable Words, Title]: ridge atrophy OR ridge atrophies OR ridge defi-
membranes. However, it is worth noting that the use of resorbable ciency OR ridge deficiencies OR vertical ridge deficiency OR
membranes, because of their insufficient space-­maintaining capac- vertical ridge deficiencies OR alveolar ridge atrophy OR alveolar
ity, might be inadequate for relevant vertical defects. Conversely, ridge atrophies OR vertical ridge atrophy OR vertical ridge atro-
nonresorbable membranes offer a very good space-­maintaining phies OR bone atrophy AND [Medical Subject Headings terms]:
effect, but are prone, in the case of exposure, to a nonnegligible Alveolar ridge augmentation OR bone regeneration OR bone
risk of infection, which may compromise the amount of regenera- grafting OR bone replacement material OR [Text Word, Title]:
tion. Moreover, nonresorbable membranes must be trimmed vertical bone augmentation OR vertical ridge augmentation OR
and modeled “in situ” to be adapted to the defect, thus requiring vertical ridge regeneration OR vertical bone regeneration OR
specific skills. Finally, titanium meshes have shown good clinical and vertical alveolar ridge augmentation OR vertical alveolar ridge
radiological results, even if the traditional ones must be trimmed and regeneration).
curved according to the defect to be reconstructed, thus lengthen- The initial electronic search identified 274 records in PubMed.
ing surgical times and requiring surgical experience. Moreover, tita- However, after screening for title and abstract, only two manu-
nium meshes may undergo exposure (with or without infection) and scripts focused on minimally invasive approaches in vertical ridge
may be difficult to remove (because of the growth of bone over the augmentation.53–­55 Therefore, we decided to remove the term
mesh or penetration of the inner layer of the soft tissues into the “minimal invasiveness” from the search strategy and update it from
“open” structure of the mesh). 23–­26 January 2018 to July 2021.
To minimize complications and postoperative morbidity, differ- The second electronic search yielded 401 articles published
ent modifications to conventional augmentation methods have been since January 2018. After abstract screening and full-­text evalu-
suggested in the last two decades, including: (i) the use of soft tissue ation, 16 manuscripts fulfilled the inclusion criteria. However, it
expanders prior to bone grafting33,34; (ii) the cortical tenting tech- should be noted that most of these manuscripts did not describe
nique35; (iii) the split bone blocks technique36,37; (iv) the tunnel tech- any particular technique that could be considered “minimally inva-
nique36,38; (v) the computer-­guided bone harvesting procedure39; sive”, nor evaluate patient-­reported outcome measures. Therefore,
(vi) the use of a three-­dimensional–­printed bone model to preshape in this review we only consider those manuscripts resulting
or produce bone blocks 40–­45 or to preshape or produce customized from our search and the one for the XV European Workshop on
titanium meshes27–­30,46; (vii) the split-­thickness flap design without Periodontology that propose reconstructive approaches that may
vertical releasing incisions 47,48; (viii) the vestibular shifted flap de- be considered minimally invasive or that propose innovative sur-
49 50,51
sign ; and (ix) tissue engineering and cell therapy. gical techniques (eg, subperiosteal tunnels, soft tissue expanders,
The aim of this review is to describe the most recent surgical tent pole technique, etc.), devices (eg, customized meshes or xeno-
strategies used in vertical bone augmentation to reduce the inva- graft/allograft blocks), or adjuncts (eg, growth factors, cell therapy)
siveness and complications, as well as to improve patient-­reported that may end up in less morbidity for the patient, independently of
outcome measures. Even although this is a narrative review, a whether it was properly evaluated or not. Further considerations
systematic electronic search was performed to analyze compre- related to preoperative and/or diagnostic examinations, the inci-
hensively the scientific literature available in order to cover all the dence of complications and associated morbidity, and the factors
potential manuscripts proposing minimally invasive reconstructive influencing the long-­term results of vertical ridge augmentation
approaches in the treatment of vertical ridge deficiencies. procedures, are presented.


The eligibility criteria for the search were: (i) interventions aiming TE R M S O F TH E I R M I N I M A L I N VA S I V E N E S S
for vertical ridge augmentation; and (ii) randomized controlled trials,
CCTs, and prospective/retrospective case series with a minimum of Vertical ridge augmentation per se is a complex treatment modality
10 patients (five per group in controlled studies) with at least data that somehow requires certain invasiveness. However, to minimize
for reentry/implant placement/implant loading. invasiveness, different strategies can be considered to reduce the
The electronic search was performed in Medline via PubMed. risk of complications, improve the patient-­related outcomes, and to
The search was limited to human subjects and to studies reported optimize treatment success.

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URBAN et al.       3

3.1  |  Diagnostic phase and patient preparation remain covered by the soft tissues.67 In any case, it is important to
follow the recommendations described for each individual tech-
Before undergoing any vertical bone augmentation procedure, a me- nique and to acquire the proper learning curve to achieve successful
ticulous diagnosis and proper patient preparation should be consid- results with minimal inconvenience for patients.
ered as part of a successful treatment-­planning protocol to avoid or
minimize the onset of complications associated with bone augmen-
tation procedures.56 In the treatment of complex cases, we need to 3.2  |  Modification of surgical techniques
evaluate the objective of the regenerative approach and determine
if there are other less invasive alternatives (eg, short implants) that Several modifications to the surgical techniques have been pro-
may produce similar treatment outcomes. This is especially rel- posed to reduce and minimize invasiveness and the risk of post-
evant in the case of vertical defects, because the more extensive operative complications. Vertical ridge augmentation is more
the defect is, the greater the risk of complications.4 Therefore, the challenging than horizontal ridge augmentation because it re-
evaluation of bone availability is one of the first steps that should quires advanced flap management and uncompromised soft tis-
be carried out to determine whether we need to perform a vertical sue coverage of the wound to protect the grafts and to support
bone augmentation procedure. supracrestal blood clot stabilization. 68 If properly executed, the
The introduction of new technologies and software allows us conventional full-­t hickness flap design with vertical and horizon-
to be very accurate in the estimation not only of the residual bone, tal releasing incisions results in tension-­f ree wound closure and
but also to evaluate the amount of bone that a potential donor site subsequent primary intention wound healing (Figure 1), although
would provide if needed.57 Moreover, the possibility of merging the membrane exposure and/or graft infection is a well-­d ocumented
information about the available bone with the planned prosthetic complication of this approach. 52,59 As an alternative to the con-
restoration, gives us an opportunity to predict very precisely the ventional approach, a minimally invasive split-­t hickness flap with-
type of bone augmentation procedure needed, the amount of bone out periosteal releasing incisions has been proposed, which could
to be gained, and the expected aesthetic outcomes.58 Therefore, the have the same results in a tension-­f ree wound closure, but at the
use of these available tools is highly recommended when planning same time avoiding the aforementioned adverse events related to
a vertical ridge augmentation procedure to provide an overview of full-­t hickness flaps.47 Briefly, the technique consists of a partial-­
what we can reach and what we need to do, and also to choose the thickness incision used to separate the mucosal layer of the flap
least invasive treatment option. from the periosteal layer on the alveolar ridge. The periosteal layer
Patient preparation is also an important step before under- is reflected and used to stabilize the regenerative site using peri-
taking any vertical augmentation procedure. First, it is crucial osteal sutures. This so-­c alled double-­f lap incision technique was
to eliminate any source of potential infection, such as untreated demonstrated in a clinical trial to obtain greater flap advancement
caries, endodontic pathology, or active periodontitis, because it with less patient morbidity (pain and swelling as evaluated by a
is very important to prevent postoperative complications. 59 Also, visual analog scale at 7 days postoperatively) than with conven-
before starting any complex bone augmentation procedure, we tional periosteal releasing incision techniques.47 However, some
must consider the extraction of teeth with a hopeless prognosis or concerns may arise from this surgical approach. First, it is probably
teeth that might have disease recurrence and are close to the re- more demanding for the average clinician. Second, it is unlikely
generated area. 31 Moreover, patients should only receive surgery that in major vertical ridge augmentation the periosteum will be
if they display high standards of oral hygiene.60 From the patient able to cover the entire graft/membrane.
perspective, smoking cessation is highly recommended, because Another approach that has been described to reduce the inva-
smoking may be associated with a higher risk of complications61 siveness of vertical ridge augmentation by means of guided bone
and peri-­implantitis, especially in the scenario of bone augmenta- regeneration is the split thickness flap design without vertical re-
tion procedures.62 Several medical conditions may alter healing of leasing incisions.48,69 The technique consists of a midcrestal inci-
the soft and hard tissues, such as diabetes, in which an impaired sion on the keratinized mucosa that is continued intracrevicularly
healing capacity, ossification deficiencies, and vascular alterations at the two adjacent teeth mesially and distally both buccally and
are present.63,64 Therefore, diabetic patients should maintain strict orally. In the case of posterior edentulism, the midcrestal incision
glycemic control65 and patients and clinicians should be aware that line length is two-­t hirds of the entire surgical area, and one-­t hird
major augmentation procedures present an increased risk of failure length is continued mesially to the neighboring two teeth. No
in this cohort of patients.66 vertical releasing incisions are performed and therefore there is
To achieve success together with less invasiveness, vertical bone less reduction in blood supply, which may affect graft ossification
augmentation procedures should be performed by well-­trained and and increase remodeling capacity.70 A full-­t hickness buccal flap
experienced surgeons. The clinician should carefully follow each is reflected with elevators up to the mucogingival line, followed
step with special attention during flap management and suturing, by split-­t hickness mucosal flap preparation over the mucogingi-
because it is crucial that the stabilized bone regenerative materials val line. Subsequently, the underlying periosteal layer is elevated
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URBAN et al.       5

F I G U R E 1  Representative case of a patient presenting with an anterior maxillary vertical defect. A and B, Labial and occlusal views of an
advanced vertical and horizontal defect. C–­F, Labial and occlusal views of a particulated bone graft immobilized with a perforated d-­PTFE
membrane. A 1:1 ratio of intraoral autogenous particulated bone graft mixed with a xenogenic bone graft (ABBM) was utilized. G and H,
Labial and occlusal views of regenerated bone during membrane removal. Three implants were placed into the newly formed bone. ABBM,
anorganic bovine bone mineral; d-­PTFE, dense polytetrafluoroethylene

from the bone surface. After the bone augmentation procedure mucosa and the attached gingiva over the defect and reaching the
has been carried out, a double-­layer suturing is performed using distal portion of the defect. Once the soft tissues were prepared, the
horizontal mattress sutures in order to cover the membrane with first thin bone plate was fixed with titanium screws and stabilized in
the periosteal layer, and a combination of horizontal mattress and such a way to create a bone bridge between the mesial and distal
noninterrupted sutures are used to close the mucosal layer and bone peaks. The second thin bone block was fixed laterally with a
reach a tension-­f ree wound closure.48 The main advantage of this titanium screw, closing access to this space once the remaining gaps
procedure seems to be the bilaminar wound closure, leading to a were filled with autogenous bone chips. No barrier membranes were
tension-­f ree flap adaptation, thus minimizing postoperative com- used. After 4 months of healing, no complications were registered,
plications related to wound dehiscence. In this prospective case and the mean vertical bone gain was 6.00 ± 1.29 mm.
series, the split-­t hickness flap design represented an approach The cortical tenting technique35 and the tent pole technique71
leading to favorable wound healing with low patient morbidity have been proposed to increase the ridge width or height using au-
and a low rate of membrane exposure (4.2%). However, in most tologous bone blocks or a combination of bone substitutes together
of the cases included in this review the amount of vertical ridge with a barrier membrane. Both techniques seek to preserve the
augmentation was minimal because they were mostly dealing with space for bone augmentation; in this way the titanium screws main-
horizontal defects. Furthermore, it is an open question how effec- tain this dimension by decreasing the pressure of the overlying soft
tive it is to split flaps in thin phenotype patients, as this may lead tissue on the graft, preventing its migration and resorption. These
to flap necrosis. techniques may diminish the invasiveness of the procedure if it is
In the field of autogenous bone blocks, the “three-­dimensional” used with resorbable collagen membranes, and is able to achieve
reconstruction or shell technique has been proposed. 36,37 Thin vertical ridge augmentations of approximately 4.3 mm52 (Figure  2).
cortical bone blocks are initially used to restore the contours of However, it should be noted that if major augmentations are sought,
the alveolar ridge and the remaining gaps are then filled with au- the use of nonresorbable membranes or the shell technique with au-
togenous bone chips. The resulting accelerated vascularization in togenous bone plates is encouraged.
the container and the volume stability of the avascular cortical Because wound dehiscences are one of the most common com-
bone plate reduces bone resorption to less than 10%, so the al- plications of horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation procedures,
veolar ridge contour can be restored with a predictable outcome. soft tissue management is a crucial aspect that impacts upon the
The short-­ and long-­term results after augmentation with the aid outcome of these surgeries. Frequently in reconstructive proce-
of the shell technique demonstrated low complication rates and dures, an optimal wound seal is obtained using two suture planes
excellent volume stability, even 10 years after surgery. The main to secure a deep and a superficial closure by horizontal mattress su-
advantage of this technique is that the grafts are harvested from tures and single simple sutures. As the palatal flap eversion to couple
the external oblique ridge with a micro saw, making the procedure the first 4-­5 mm of the buccal flap may be difficult because of the
very safe and with a low risk of complications. Moreover, because characteristic dense connective tissue of the area, a new technique
the bone block is split into two thin plates that will serve to pre- named vestibular shifted flap design has been proposed.49 In this
pare the external walls of the regeneration area, the amount of technique, the incision line is shifted towards the buccal side based
bone block to be harvested can be reduced considerably, making on defect anatomy and the target of vertical bone augmentation;
the procedure much less invasive. in this way the palatal flap length extends at least 4 mm coronal to
To further reduce the invasiveness of this technique, different the bone graft level prior to wound closure. This approach may im-
modifications have been introduced, such as the tunnel technique.38 pact invasiveness because it is expected that the optimal adaptation
The idea is to prepare a tunnel, allowing the maintenance of the of the inner faces of the flaps results in a lower risk of nonprimary
integrity of the soft tissue over the graft material. This approach wound healing.
was studied in a prospective case series including 10 patients that The use of soft tissue expanders for vertically atrophied alveo-
evaluated vertical bone augmentation with autogenous bone block lar ridges has been proposed prior to bone grafting.33 The rationale
grafts following the tunnel technique. The block was harvested from behind their use is to increase the soft tissue volume before bone
the external oblique ridge with the conventional technique. In the grafting allowing for a sufficient amount of soft tissue, enabling bet-
recipient area, a single vertical incision was made at the distal mar- ter graft coverage, which will lead to a more stable and effective
gin of the mesial tooth to the defect. This incision extended over vertical bone augmentation procedure. Furthermore, several stud-
the mucogingival junction. Through this single vertical incision, a ies demonstrated that soft tissue expansion improved microcircula-
full-­thickness flap was raised buccally and lingually, tunneling the tion, and more rapid osseointegration and even new bone formation
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URBAN et al.       7

F I G U R E 2  Vertical and horizontal ridge augmentation to handle the sequalae of peri-­implantitis by means of guided bone regeneration
via resorbable membrane. A, Patient presenting with stage IV periodontitis and peri-­implantitis in the anterior mandible. B, Note the
severity of peri-­implantitis. After implant removal with a trephine and reverse torque, an alveolar ridge defect is identified that precludes
oral rehabilitation with dental implants. C, Tenting screws were placed to support the long-­lasting resorbable barrier membrane. D and
E, A mixture of particulate autogenous bone harvested from the posterior mandible and anorganic bovine bone mineral together with a
crosslinked collagen membrane was secured by means of a subperiosteal suture and was used to fulfill the principle of compartmentalization.
F, Four implants retaining an overdenture were placed, achieving adequate primary stability 5 months after guided bone regeneration. G,
Two months later, free epithelialized mucosal grafts were placed at the buccal aspect during second-­stage surgery. H, Peri-­implant health
and stability are noted at the 12-­month follow-­up

around the expander have been reported in cases of a slowly ex- 3.4  |  Digital tools and materials
panding periosteum.72 The use of soft tissue expanders has been
evaluated in a multicenter randomized clinical trial and compared With the advent of new technologies, bone grafting procedures
with conventional guided bone regeneration to treat vertical ridge have become more efficient, not only in terms of surgical treatment
deficiencies. Patients in the experimental group received a hydro- time, but also in relation to patient morbidity.74 Digital tools can be
gel type, a self-­inflating soft tissue expander that was in place for very useful during the diagnostic phase, treatment planning, and sur-
28 days. After the 1-­month expansion period, the expander was re- gical execution. Today, there is software available that can simulate
moved, and bone grafting was performed with the tunneling method the amount of bone needed, predicting accurately the bone volume
without full flap reflection using a resorbable membrane together to be gained. This can help the clinician to select the best donor site,
with a xenograft. For the control group, the conventional guided to help the patient understand the objective of the treatment, and
bone regeneration technique with sufficient periosteal-­releasing in- even to estimate the costs more precisely.
cisions was performed to achieve a tension-­free wound with primary One available digital tool is to transform the Digital Imaging and
closure. The results showed that the expander had to be removed in Communications in Medicine files from the cone beam computed to-
only one out of 23 cases. Moreover, early wound dehiscence after mography into STereoLithography files or another printable format.
bone grafting did not occur in this group. On the contrary, two out By doing this, a printed model of the bone was very easily obtained.
of 23 cases in the control group experienced wound dehiscence. Six Again, this can be useful to help the patient understand the type
months after the reconstructive procedure, vertical bone gain was of bone defect and the aim of the procedure. Furthermore, surgical
significantly greater in the experimental group (5.12 ± 1.25 com- and prosthetic phases can be virtually simulated by importing three-­
pared with 4.22 ± 1.15 mm) and graft contraction significantly less dimensional data into implant planning software, and ideal implant
(30.7% compared with 55.1%).73 positions could be planned before surgery according to bone qual-
ity and quantity, the location of anatomic structures such as nerves,
vessels, and sinuses, as well as prosthetic demands and aesthetic
3.3  |  Staged or simultaneous implant placement? evaluations.75,76 Specifically, computer-­guided implant placement
may be advantageous in cases of limited bone availability, com-
In theory, the invasiveness of vertical ridge augmentation inter- bining the effects of virtually-­aided guided bone regeneration and
ventions may be limited by reducing the number of surgical in- computer-­guided implantology.77
terventions, that is, placing implants simultaneously to the ridge Also, it has been proposed that the printed model can be used to
augmentation. However, when evaluating the effectiveness of dif- trim and preform a titanium mesh before the augmentation proce-
ferent vertical ridge augmentation procedures in a recent systematic dure.74 Traditional titanium meshes have been shown to be effective
review, the weighted mean effect of the simultaneous approach was when used to vertically augment the ridge defect, although some
3.81 mm, while the staged approach achieved a weighted mean ef- drawbacks and complications have been reported. 23 First, the mesh
fect of 4.39 mm. This may imply that the amount of augmented bone usually has a rectangular shape and must be trimmed and bended
is somehow limited on simultaneous interventions or that these according to the defect morphology, requiring clinical skills, exper-
procedures are carried out whenever the required augmentation is tise, and plenty of time. Furthermore, irregular and sharp angles and
more limited. In any case, the invasiveness is also related somehow edges may be created during modeling, which may expose soft tis-
with the severity of the complications that may occur. Frequently, sues to mechanical trauma, leading to perforation of the flap and
graft/membrane exposures and postoperative infections may lead exposure of the mesh. This can be followed by infection and partial
to a bacterial contamination of adjacent implant surfaces if a si- or total loss of the initial bone augmentation.
multaneous technique is utilized and also in cases of simultaneous To overcome these disadvantages, laser sintering has been
vertical ridge augmentation. For this reason, a staged approach is proposed to produce customized titanium meshes by means of
preferable whenever there is an important amount of missing bone, computer-­aided design/computer-­aided manufacturing technology
the ideal position of the implant according to the future restoration (Figure  3). Its main advantages are the fabrication of meshes with
is outside the bony envelope, or primary stability is compromised, smooth edges, better adaptation to the bone defect, and the possi-
especially in the hands of unexperienced clinicians. bility of including individual design modifications that can improve all

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8      URBAN et al.





F I G U R E 3  Representative case of the use of a customized titanium mesh. Patient presenting with a vertical bone deficiency in the
posterior mandible. A, Buccal view of the posterior area of the third sextant in which the vertical ridge defect can be appreciated. B,
Customized printed titanium mesh. Titanium mesh placed above the defect. C, Vertical bone gain of 5 mm was planned. Titanium mesh
was fixed in its place using titanium pins. D, A mix of autologous particulated bone and xenograft was used to fill the mesh. E, A resorbable
native collagen membrane was used to cover and protect the titanium mesh. F, Suture of the flaps using horizontal internal mattress sutures
and single sutures. G, Reentry at 8 months after the augmentation procedure. The titanium mesh can be broken at the middle portion to
facilitate its removal. H, Buccal view of the posterior third sextant in which the vertical defect has been completely regenerated. I, Occlusal
view of the ridge with 8-­mm length implants inserted

aspects of ridge augmentation procedures, such as guidance regard- this technology, an accuracy assessment of this digital solution was
ing where the implants should be placed during the second stage of conducted. Through the volume analysis of virtual augmentation
surgery.30,78 Further advantages could consist of a decrease in sur- and actual augmentation, the accuracy of this procedure reached
gical time, providing an estimate of the amount of bone needed to 95.82% (ranging from 88.53% to 99.15%).46 A recent retrospective
reconstruct the defect, and a reduction of invasiveness because we study also evaluated the use of customized titanium meshes to treat
can prelude flap extension and anatomic landmarks. This procedure vertical ridge deficiencies in 41 patients. 29 According to the results,
was evaluated in a prospective case series including 21 patients and this mode of therapy represents a safe and reliable tool for guided
30 implant sites. During healing, two mesh exposures occurred and, bone regeneration of severely atrophic sites, with simplification of
after removing the exposed part, healing was uneventful. Vertical the surgical phases. The applicability of this technique could also be
bone gain above the implant platform was 1.4 mm (the average verti- extrapolated to the use of preshaped nonresorbable membranes.
cal bone gain was 2.5 mm), while the average thickness of the buccal Especially interesting is a recently published randomized con-
bone width at the implant platform was 2.0 mm (the average horizon- trolled trial assessing three-­dimensional bone augmentation of se-
tal bone gain was 4.1 mm). To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of verely atrophied maxillary alveolar ridges using prebent titanium

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URBAN et al.       9

meshes or customized poly-­ether-­ether-­ketone meshes.79 In this three-­dimensional–­printed model is utilized chairside for extraoral
study, Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine files of thermic bending and trimming of an absorbable shell graft (poly-­d, l-­
both groups were imported into specialized software that allowed lactic acid polymer). Then the tunnel technique is used to fix the shell
the design of the virtual three-­dimensional increment of the defi- with osteosynthetic screws, and a mixture of autologous bone chips
cient ridge, and three-­dimensional printing technology was used and xenograft is used to fill the spaces.81 The invasiveness of the
to fabricate the virtually grafted stereolithographic model used for shell technique can also be reduced by using allogenic bone plates,
prebending the titanium mesh (control group) or a printed and cus- with similar results compared with autogenous bone, provided au-
tomized poly-­ether-­ether-­ketone meshwork designed with a 2-­mm tologous bone chips are used to fill the bony envelope.82 Whether,
thickness covering the buccal, crestal, and palatal surfaces of the xenografts, and/or synthetic grafts without any addition of autoge-
alveolar bone leaving the space for the grafted area (test group). nous bone is sufficient to lead to vertical ridge augmentation ap-
Wound healing was uneventful in all cases except for once in each pears to be unlikely from the perspective of biological plausibility.
group (ie, one out of eight cases in each group) and no differences Specifically, because the aim of vertical ridge augmentation is to
were observed among them regarding the vertical bone height achieve bone augmentation in the abscence of osseous wall contain-
obtained. Preshaping the titanium mesh or printing a poly-­ether-­ ment, angiogenesis must reach a certain distance from preexisting
ether-­ketone mesh could reduce the invasiveness of vertical ridge bone, in a way the use of the only graft able to ensure osteogenesis
augmentation procedures because conforming titanium meshes or (i.e. autogenous bone) is desirable, which just does not mean that
nonresorbable membranes is time consuming during the surgical other bone substitutes such as xenografts may be useful due to their
interventions. Common complications associated with the use of osteoconductive properties in order to reduce the amount of au-
titanium meshes are mesh exposure resulting from their stiffness togenous bone to be retrieved.
and difficulties in the removal process. These limitations may be The reconstruction of the alveolar ridge dimensions can also be
overcome by using poly-­ether-­ether-­ketone or other biocompatible performed digitally, and the graft digitally designed and manufac-
materials, which have been widely used in orthopedic and trauma tured by a milling process. This workflow eliminates the requirement
surgery,80 although their efficacy in vertical ridge augmentation re- for a physical alveolar ridge defect model. One possible way is to
quires further assessment. mill bone blocks. This approach has been utilized with different graft
Computer-­guided can also be helpful in the bone harvesting pro- origins, such as allogeneic,45 alloplastic,43 or xenogeneic.44 The main
cedures required for the shell technique to reduce the risk of ana- advantage when using this customized bone blocks are time reduc-
tomic structural damage at the donor site.39 The technique starts tion, since graft adaptation is much easier, decreased morbidity and
using planning software that allows visualizing the anatomic struc- increase fitting accuracy of the graft (Figure 4). One clear advantage
tures, such as the alveolar canal, the mental foramina, the mental of computer-­aided design/computer-­aided manufacturing technol-
nerve, and the teeth roots present in the donor site. Through each ogy for block grafts over three-­dimensional printing is its potential
cross-­sectional image, ideal bone-­cutting planes are defined taking application in a wide range of grafting materials.
into consideration the aforementioned anatomic structures. Then Three-­dimensional printing has also been developed to produce
the bone block length, height, and thickness are defined. Once the customized bone blocks from a synthetic origin.43 The advantages
cutting planes are established, their projection outside the bone/ associated with this technique include unlimited availability, no risk
body surface defines the internal faces of the surgical guide. Each of disease transmission, high patient acceptance, reduced waste of
face guides the cutting tool direction once the tool is simply lean- biomaterials, an ability to optimize surface topography and mac-
ing against the surface of the surgical guide that has been printed roporous architecture, and a reduction of the intraoperative time.
and fixed with mini screws. The osteotomy can be performed with a However, most of the evidence is from preclinical studies in animal
piezoelectric instrument, which may be safer than with a micro saw. models and further research in clinical studies is needed to evalu-
As the cutting direction and the working depth are unequivocally ate the real impact of these grafts as an alternative to conventional
defined by the surgical guide, the risk of injuring important anatomic therapies.83
landmarks disappears. The results from a case series showed that
this procedure was safe with no complications reported.39
Another applicability of a three-­dimensional–­printed bone model 3.5  |  Tissue engineering and cell therapy
is to preshape a bone block graft and to plan the fixation screws. The
main advantages of this technique are a reduction in time and the The future in bone augmentation procedures is tissue engineering.
ease of graft adaptation. The feasibility and security of this proce- This is a discipline employing the principles of engineering and bio-
dure have been reported in several clinical studies, which have also logical sciences for the fabrication of functional constructs used to
confirmed the related advantages when using allogenic bone blocks restore, maintain, or improve tissue functions. Growth factors in-
manually milled before surgery. corporated in carriers, stimulation of selective production of growth
The same application has been suggested with the use of syn- factors using gene therapy, and the delivery of expanded cellular
thetic grafts together with the shell technique. In summary, a vir- constructs (ie, cell therapy) have been developed for craniofacial re-
tual ridge augmentation of a maxillary defect is carried out, and a generation, including vertical ridge augmentation.50

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10      URBAN et al.



F I G U R E 4  Representative case of the use of a computer-­aided design/computer-­aided manufacturing-­customized allogenic bone graft. A,

Patient presenting with bilateral vertical bone deficiencies in the posterior mandible. B, CAD of the allogenic bone blocks that will be placed
in the affected areas. C and D, Intrasurgical view of the block placed after its fixation and covering with a native collagen membrane. E and F,
Suturing of the surgical area with a combination of internal matress sutures and single stitches. G–­I, Implant placement in the ideal position
6 months later. J, Periapical radiograph of the implant-­supported restoration 5 months after implant placement. Case kindly provided by Dr.
Juan Blanco (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain). computer-­aided design/computer-­aided manufacturing, computer-­aided design/
computer-­aided manufacturing

Growth factors such as bone morphogenic proteins, platelet-­ technology. This combination has been proven to allow the growth
derived growth factor, transforming growth factor-­beta 1, insulin-­ of tissue in vitro, prior to implantation into the subject.87
like growth factor-­1, and vascular endothelial growth factor have the Stem cells can differentiate into a wide variety of cell types,
ability of inducing the differentiation of stem cells into osteoblasts including osteogenic cells. The bone marrow stroma contains he-
(ie, osteoinduction).84 A wide range of results are reported regard- matopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells that have an important
ing the use of growth factors in guided bone regeneration proce- potential of differentiation,88 being able to lead to bone formation
dures, as they are frequently combined with different biomaterials in ectopic places.89 Indeed, bone block allografts impregnated with
and bone augmentation techniques, making it difficult to prove any bone marrow aspirated from the iliac crest have been presented as
superiority of their effect. a predictable and effective treatment for deficient alveolar ridges
The use of transplanted cells to promote and direct wound heal- compared with harvesting autogenous bone.90 One of the various
ing is commonly named cell therapy. Cells, factors for tissue induc- sources of mesenchymal stem cells is adipose tissue. For this rea-
tion, and a matrix for seeding cells are the three key factors of this son, the buccal fat pad has been proposed as a suitable intra-­oral

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URBAN et al.       11

source of osteoprogenitor cells.91 Specifically, an exploratory clinical Indeed, a proof-­of-­concept feasibility study was conducted at the
study performed in Iran included 14 patients with an atrophic pos- University of Michigan to evaluate, in a randomized controlled
terior mandible who received buccal fat pad-­derived stem cells with trial, the effect of cell therapy with lxmyelocel-­T adsorbed into a
deproteinized bovine bone mineral as a scaffold for vertical ridge gelatin sponge following the guided bone regeneration principles
augmentation (test group) or a combination of deproteinized bovine (test group) vs a guided bone regeneration group with the gelatin
bone mineral with particulated autogenous bone (control group). carrier alone (control group).96 Histological analyses revealed that
After 6 months, no differences in the quantitative analysis of cone biopsy specimens from the test group presented a higher density
beam computed tomography images for new bone formation were of bone. However, it should be noted that these approaches are ex-
observed between the groups, showing that the bone formation pensive and thus are currently limited to the research environment.
of buccal fat pad stem cells is comparable with that of particulated Furthermore, they require harvesting a bone marrow sample from
autogenous bone when combined with deproteinized bovine bone the iliac crest.
mineral. Another clinical study evaluated the potential of mesenchymal
During the different steps of tissue engineering, the design of stem cells in a biphasic calcium phosphate scaffold in the recon-
the scaffold prior to exposure to cells is of vital importance. The struction of large mandibular bone defects.97 Non-­resorbable dense
main characteristic of the scaffold is that it must present a surface polytetrafluoroethylene membranes were used to provide a tenting
that promotes cell attachment, growth, and differentiation, at the effect, while 5 cm3 of biphasic calcium phosphate mixed with 100
same time as providing a porous network for tissue growth. Three-­ million mesenchymal cells was applied below the membrane. After
dimensional printing has also been proposed to customize these 4-­6 months of healing, the regenerated bone volume was adequate
scaffolds in the field of bone augmentation procedures.93 The to place dental implants and healing was uneventful. It is expected
most commonly evaluated scaffolds for craniofacial bone regener- that because of the disadvantages of autologous grafting, which is
ation include xenogenic, allogenic, and synthetic bone substitutes. still the gold standard, future trends will be focused on the develop-
However, limitations to their use are related to their lack of degrad- ment of synthetic scaffolds enriched with stem cells and/or growth
ability or too quick degradability, as well as an inability to maintain factors.
the desired bone volume under mechanical stimuli. Ideally, these
scaffolds should be degradable at a similar rate to that of bone tissue
turnover, with large, interconnected pores allowing for cell incorpo- 4  |  CO M PLI C ATI O N S , S EQU E L A E ,
ration, proliferation, and migration, etc. For this reason, future scaf- A N D M O R B I D IT Y I N V E RTI C A L R I D G E
folds will probably be synthetic (eg, different polymers) and able to AU G M E NTATI O N
be constructed using computer-­aided design/computer-­aided man-
ufacturing technologies to adapt to bone defects with complex 4.1  |  Complications
Another possibility is three-­dimensional bioprinting. This tech- Vertical ridge augmentation is a complex, technique-­sensitive inter-
nology is based on the same principles of earlier three-­dimensional vention, which entails a risk of short-­and long-­term complications.14
printing technologies, but has been customized to manufacture per- Short-­term complications are the most documented, as they
manent implants, biomimetic scaffolds and drug delivery platforms occur during the healing of the reconstructive procedure. These are
using cells, growth factors, and biomaterials as input materials. mainly represented by flap dehiscence and infection of the underly-
The technology can produce objects with controlled morphology ing regenerative biomaterials, and have been described from 1 week
and an internal structure that has a highly similar structure to the up to 6 months after surgery.98–­101 In a recent systematic review on
human body. Currently, the technology is used in various aspects of vertical ridge augmentation, their weighted mean incidence was
tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications, includ- 16.9%.52 Specifically, based on no direct comparison, distraction os-
ing hard and soft tissue printing, cartilage printing, skin printing, teogenesis presented the highest rate (47.3%), followed by the use of
and tumorous tissue model printing. According to the compre- bone blocks (23.9%) and guided bone regeneration (12.1%).52
hensive review by Ventola, the major steps in three-­dimensional Among bone blocks, the highest weighted mean incidence of
bioprinting include: (i) creating a blueprint of the desired organ complication was observed with allografts (39.2%), while when using
with its vascular architecture; (ii) generating a bioprinting process autogenous bone, the shell technique presented less frequent com-
plan; (iii) isolating stem cells and differentiating them into organ-­ plications than onlay blocks (17.8% vs 26.1%). These included both
specific cells; (iv) preparing bio-­ink reservoirs with organ-­specific wound infection with or without block exposure, incomplete block
cells, blood vessel cells, and a support medium to be loaded into integration, and block mobilization at the time of implant place-
the printer; (v) bioprinting the required product; and (vi) placing the ment. 23,102 Because of the technical sensitivity of the procedure, a
bioprinted organ into a bioreactor prior to transplantation. With clear heterogeneity was observed among the different studies, with
the development of this technology it is expected that we will have some reporting up to 77% with complications103 and others report-
the opportunity to print customized synthetic bone enriched with ing less than 10%16,104 or no complications.105 While some cases
growth factors and stem cells to reconstruct alveolar ridge defects. of superficial exposure only required to remove the most coronal

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12      URBAN et al.

portion of the graft,106 others resulted in significant graft resorp- Long-­term complications, on the other hand, are those which
tion with a need for additional grafting at the time of implant place- occur once the regenerated bone receives an implant-­supported re-
ment,107 or in the complete loss of the block graft.103 habilitation, and mainly comprise the onset of peri-­implant diseases.
Interestingly, among guided bone regeneration techniques, com- Fewer data are available in this respect, as most studies on vertical
plications were most frequent when using a resorbable (22.7%) vs ridge augmentation do not report the occurrence of biologic com-
nonresorbable membrane (6.9%), as was also described in previous plications based on specific, unified, case definitions. Urban et al113
systematic reviews. Such a finding may reflect the publica- reported progressive bone loss of > 2 mm combined with bleeding
tion bias observed, specifically for the case series included in the on probing in 3.73% of implants in vertically augmented sites at
aforementioned review, and could be explained by the fact that most 12-­72 months after loading, while Merli et al114 reported that 0% of
of the reports are published by a selective group of master clinicians the implants had a progressive bone loss of > 3 mm combined with
that presents outstanding results, but with limited external validity bleeding on probing 6 years after vertical ridge augmentation with
for other practitioners. Furthermore, it is expected that a higher guided bone regeneration.
degree of caution was taken studies applying nonresorbable mem- Most studies reported either the occurrence of peri-­implantitis
branes, as the management of wound dehiscences is more complex without a specific case definition or based on the bone loss thresh-
when using this type of barrier. olds established by Albrektsson and Zarb115, with heterogenous
Indeed, to provide specific indications for the clinical manage- data.8,16,116,117
ment of healing complications with nonresorbable membranes,
Fontana et al110 distinguished four classes of contingencies based
on the extent of the wound dehiscence and the presence or absence 4.2  |  Sequelae and morbidity of vertical ridge
of an underlying infection: (i) class 1: small membrane exposure augmentation
(≤ 3 mm) without purulent exudate; (ii) class 2: large membrane ex-
posure (> 3 mm) without purulent exudate; (iii) class 3: membrane Vertical ridge augmentation aims to reconstruct severely atrophic
exposure with purulent exudate; and (iv) class 4: abscess formation edentulous ridges where the residual bone volume does not allow
without membrane exposure. the placement of dental implants in their optimal prosthetic position,
Class 1 exposures, being the smallest, allow for an attempt to even if adopting short or narrow implants.52
maintain the membrane in place for an additional month, under a Thus, its surgical invasiveness is related to two main factors: the
strict plaque control regimen, supplemented by the use of local involvement of delicate anatomic structures within the surgical site,
antiseptics. Such an indication is provided based on the in vitro and the amount of flap passivation required to achieve primary clo-
evidence that bacterial penetration through expanded polytet- sure, which is proportionate to the volume of the grafted bone.118
rafluoroethylene membranes requires approximately 3-­4 weeks, Further invasiveness can derive from the harvest of autogenous
during which further maturation of the underlying grafting ma- bone grafts, which, based on the adopted reconstructive approach,
terial can occur, before the membrane is removed.111 Such time can be performed locally, or at a second intra-­oral or extraoral site.14
could potentially be increased when using dense polytetrafluo- Involvement of local anatomic structures is a common event when
roethylene membranes, as a higher cell occlusivity has been de- performing vertical ridge augmentation in the posterior mandible, as
scribed for this type of barrier.112 Class 2 to class 4 cases, on the the emergence of the mental nerve is frequently exposed during flap
other hand, require the immediate removal of the membrane, with elevation, and a blunt dissection of its main branches is sometimes
additional curettage of the infected bone particles in class 3 and required to achieve proper flap passivation. Postoperative paresthe-
class 4 cases. sia of the mental nerve has been reported in 12%-­27% of mandibu-
Exposure rates comparable with the ones for guided bone re- lar vertical ridge augmentation cases, albeit its resolution occurred
generation have also been reported with the use of titanium meshes spontaneously within a short timeframe. 23,119,120
combined with resorbable collagen membranes. Specifically, Further anatomic structures that could be exposed during ver-
direct comparative data were provided by a randomized controlled tical ridge augmentation include the nasal floor,121 the maxillary
trial conducted by Cucchi et al, who reported no significant dif- sinus,122 the canalis sinuosus,123 and the inferior alveolar nerve
ferences in the incidence of healing complications when performing when severe mandibular atrophies result in its superficialization in
vertical ridge augmentation in the posterior mandible with dense the edentulous crest.124 Furthermore, flap passivation in the upper
polytetrafluoroethylene membranes (15.0%) vs noncustomized ti- arch can result in the involvement of peripheral branches of the in-
tanium meshes combined with crosslinked collagen membranes fraorbital nerve125 and the buccal fat pad,126 while in the lower arch
(21.1%). Similarly, a cohort study conducted by Chiapasco et al it can expose the submandibular gland and Wharton duct, the my-
reported an exposure incidence of 20.75% when performing ver- lohyoid muscle and artery,127,128 and the lingual nerve.129 In order to
tical ridge augmentation with customized computer-­aided design/ avoid damage to such anatomic structures, the use of blunt dissec-
computer-­aided manufacturing titanium meshes combined with a tion has been advocated during flap passivation, especially in the
native collagen membrane. lingual aspect of the posterior mandible.130,131

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URBAN et al.       13

Extensive passivation and coronal advancement of the flaps re- complications,36,66 and to increase the rate of implant failure in re-
sults in postoperative edema and hematoma, which usually peaks generated bone.140 The rationale behind this clinical observation is
within 48-­72 hours, diffuses based on the position of muscle inser- that smoking increases the number of osteoclasts by inhibiting os-
tions, fascia, and bone structures, and then resolves in the following teoclast apoptosis via the mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and
days.132–­134 While the use of corticosteroids has been validated as an cytochrome C-­caspase-­3 pathway, also affecting bone marrow cells,
efficacious means with which to reduce swelling after the extraction leading to an increased formation of osteoclasts.141 It is encouraged,
of impacted third molars, some concerns have been raised with their therefore, to restrict smoking for at least 3 months before vertical
use in bone reconstructive procedures, as a potential interfering ridge augmentation.4 Moreover, other conditions affecting wound
effect of corticoids with the incorporation of bone grafts has been healing such as diabetes mellitus have been identified as detrimental
described in animal models. factors for vertical ridge augmentation.66 In these patients it must
Finally, postoperative sequelae associated with the harvesting of be noted, though, that appropriate metabolic control may reverse
autogenous bone have been described for both intra-­oral and extra- the adverse effect.64 Therefore, a comprehensive anamnesis is cru-
oral sites, especially with the harvesting of bone blocks. When fo- cial prior to vertical ridge augmentation to identify and modify po-
cusing on intra-­oral sites, the linea obliqua externa of the mandible is tential patient-­related risk factors that may compromise the primary
the most commonly adopted site from which to harvest autogenous outcome. Although these patient-­related features may not affect the
bone (Clavero & Lundgren, 2003; Chiapasco et al. 2009)14,137. When invasiveness of vertical ridge augmentation, it is critical to disclose
adopting a conventional harvesting technique with a combination of them to understand the limitations of this procedure based upon the
burs and micro saws, Khoury and Hanser reported an incidence risk profile.
of minor alveolar nerve injuries (eg, hypoesthesia or paresthesia) In addition, site-­specific factors influencing vertical ridge aug-
in 20 out of 3874 cases (0.5%). Alternatively, the mandibular sym- mentation outcomes have been identified in clinical studies and
physis has been advocated as an accessible donor site, albeit that in suggested in expert opinion reviews. These might be of interest to
the presence of the lower incisors altered sensitivity has been de- select minimally invasive approaches. For instance, it was proved
scribed in a significant percentage of cases. In the study conducted that bone gain in the maxilla was significantly greater in the posterior
by Clavero and Lundgren,137 permanent paresthesia in the mental compared with the anterior area (mean difference  = 0.36 mm). On
region was observed in 51.7% of cases. the other side, in the mandible, bone gain was greater in the ante-
Independently of the site of harvesting, the adoption of modern rior in contrast to the posterior area (mean difference = 0.32 mm).142
technologies based on piezoelectric surgery and computer-­aided Furthermore, it was claimed that optimal results are anticipated in
design/computer-­aided manufacturing guides for bone harvesting the presence of a concave defect topography neighbored by adja-
appears to be a promising approach to increase the accuracy of the cent bony peaks instead of isolated supra-­crestal defects, where
block harvesting procedure and reduce the risk of complications. attaining space creation is more arduous and demands higher ex-
Also, the use of bone scrapers has been advocated as a less invasive pertise.4,143 The former scenarios might be more prone to succeed
means to collect particulated autogenous bone compared with the whenever minimally invasive approaches are applied. Along these
harvesting and extraoral milling of bone blocks, allowing, in certain lines, it is important to note that tension-­free primary closure dic-
clinical scenarios, the collection of smaller bone quantities without tates the extent of achievable vertical ridge augmentation and the
the involvement of a second surgical site.138 Interestingly, evidence possibility of postoperative complications.144 In this sense, it is para-
from preclinical studies reported similar amounts of osteogenic cell mount to conceive the nature of the periosteum and vestibular depth
DNA, cell adhesion, and proliferation rates in bone samples har- as critical factors to succeed in vertical ridge augmentation.145,146 To
vested with the two techniques, which were superior to the ones overcome scenarios like a damaged periosteum or shallow vestibule,
achieved with piezosurgery or a bone trap filter within an aspiration technical maneuvers such as the remote/safety/vestibular shifted
device.139 flap, the papilla shift approach, or periosteoplasty, have been rec-
ommended.49,145 The latter scenarios might be more challenging for
the application of minimally invasive approaches.
5  |   FAC TO R S I N FLU E N C I N G TH E

Vertical ridge augmentation has been regarded as a highly sensitive Vertical ridge augmentation is a well-­documented procedure with
intervention, where the operator's technical skills, patient's risk pro- implant success and survival rates similar to those placed in native
file, and site-­specific features are pivotal to success. Patient-­related bone.108,147 However, only few studies have reported the long-­term
risk factors seem to be common regardless of the type of interven- marginal bone level changes around implants placed on vertically
tion. A smoking habit has been suggested to limit the extent of ver- augmented sites.16,52,104 In this context, a recent systematic review
tical ridge augmentation, to lead to a higher risk of postoperative identified only 11 investigations evaluating bone level changes at

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14      URBAN et al.

least 12 months after loading. Among these studies, most of them re- ridge augmentation.52 This fact, together with the scarcity of long-­
ported marginal bone level changes similar to those around implants term reports, hinders having a clear image of the incidence of bio-
placed into native bone. On the contrary, three studies showed that logic complications of implants placed into vertically augmented sites
5.8%-­20% of the implants placed in vertically augmented sites had using different surgical approaches. Moreover, several factors, such as
bone loss above the criteria defined by Albrektsson and Zarb.8,116,117 the previous history of periodontitis, can influence long-­term results.
An important factor to be considered is the timing of bone re- Roccuzzo et al,158 in a long-­term clinical study analyzing periodontal
modeling, because it should be noted that in some cases after indexes and Marginal bone levels around nonsubmerged implants
vertical ridge augmentation there might be more bone loss during placed after vertical alveolar ridge augmentation, reported statistically
the adaptation phase. As an example, Simion et al148 conducted a significant greater bone loss in patients whose bone atrophy was the
retrospective study reporting on implants with a machined surface consequence of a previous history of periodontitis. Therefore, primary
13-­21 years after loading. It was found that between the first year prevention protocols are still the main tool to assure the long-­term
and the final visit, minimal marginal bone loss occurred (1.02 mm), stability of implants placed in this clinical scenario. Proper mainte-
demonstrating a stability of the crestal bone similar to native bone. nance protocols and oral hygiene strategies should be developed and
However, it must be highlighted that the baseline radiographs were individualized for each patient.159,160
taken 1 year after physiological bone remodeling, when bone lev-
els were already located 2.11 mm below the implant shoulder of
Branemark implants. These results suggest that we cannot take for 7  |  S U M M A RY A N D CO N C LU S I O N S
granted that there will be no bone loss around implants placed into
vertically augmented bone and that external hexagon designs may Vertical ridge augmentation is a challenging procedure that aims to
be associated with greater initial bone remodeling.148,149 In this con- reconstruct the alveolar process in situations where no osseous wall
text, implant design and surface characteristics may play a role. To containment is present, and therefore it is questionable if it should
prevent biologic complications because of the exposure of the rough be considered minimally invasive. However, this does not mean that
surface secondary to bone loss, the use of one-­piece implant designs new advances have not been developed to simplify the procedure,
(such as tissue level implants), hybrid implant surfaces, and the sub- making it easier for clinicians and, consequently, having an impact
crestal placement of implants have been proposed.150–­155 on a patient's morbidity (even if patient-­reported outcome measures
To minimize the initial bone remodeling associated with verti- have not been properly evaluated in most of the reports).
cal ridge augmentation procedures, a second protecting layer of Among the most relevant innovations, advances in preoperative
bone grafting at the time of implant placement has also been advo- treatment planning together with digital tools such as computer-­aided
cated.146 Results using a mixture of a slowly resorbable xenogenic design/computer-­aided manufacturing technologies have allowed
bone graft and autogenous bone chips covered with a resorbable customizing titanium meshes or bone/bone substitute blocks (eg,
membrane demonstrated that epi-­crestally placed implants into computer-­guided bone harvesting procedures, three-­dimensional–­
vertically augmented bone exhibited excellent marginal bone printed bone models to preshape meshes or allograft plates, three-­
stability.156 Increasing of the soft tissue thickness has also been dimensional–­printed allogenic/xenogeneic/alloplastic bone blocks,
proposed to prevent marginal bone loss, because vertical ridge aug- digitalization and customization of reinforced polytetrafluoroethylene
mentation procedures may result in stretching and thinning of the meshes, etc.), reducing treatment time and restoring geometrically
soft tissues during regenerative surgeries. 51,157 Additionally, many complex anatomic defects with accuracy and precision. Furthermore,
patients have minimal or no keratinized tissues at the end of regen- the use of biomaterials instead of autogenous onlay blocks (which are
erative therapy, which has been identified as one important factor still the gold standard) reduces the need for a donor site and the po-
impairing oral hygiene and increasing the risk of biologic complica- tential complications associated with a second surgical site. However,
tions. Therefore, soft tissue grafting to increase keratinized tissue the truth is that these approaches have been presented in only a few
should be frequently considered after vertical ridge augmentation short-­term case reports, and it remains questionable what are the
51 16,104
procedures. In two long-­term retrospective studies, in which most suitable biomaterials, their resorption rate, or the long-­term re-
patients presenting with edentulous and atrophic ridges were sults of the implants placed in these augmented ridges.
treated with autogenous mandibular or calvarial bone blocks and Different surgical designs have also been proposed to reduce the
were rehabilitated with implant-­supported prostheses, the use of invasiveness and risk of complications in ridge augmentation pro-
vestibuloplasty in association with free gingival grafts reduced the cedures, including tunnel techniques, different periosteal releasing
incidence of implant failures and peri-­implantitis, although the dif- incisions, apical accesses, and the absence of vertical releasing in-
ference was not statistically significant. Nevertheless, these tech- cisions, etc. Unfortunately, these techniques have been described
niques as well as the aforementioned factors should be investigated mostly in retrospective case series, and their efficacy have not been
in well-­designed randomized clinical trials. tested in properly designed randomized clinical trials, including the
Outcomes associated with peri-­implant health or disease, such evaluation of patient-­reported outcome measures.
as mucosal or bleeding indexes, as well as probing depths, have been Probable future trends in vertical ridge augmentation will rely
reported rarely and inconsistently in studies dealing with vertical on new strategies in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering

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URBAN et al.       15

using stem cells on three-­dimensional–­printed scaffolds. However, 11. Pjetursson BE, Tan WC, Zwahlen M, Lang NP. A systematic review
their use is currently limited to research environments because of of the success of sinus floor elevation and survival of implants in-
serted in combination with sinus floor elevation. J Clin Periodontol.
costs and legislation, and it is crucial that they provide additional
2008;35(8 Suppl):216-­240.
benefits over current standard therapies (ie, guided bone regenera- 12. Pjetursson BE, Ignjatovic D, Matuliene G, Bragger U, Schmidlin K,
tion, the shell technique with autogenous bone). Lang NP. Transalveolar maxillary sinus floor elevation using osteo-
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How to cite this article: Urban I, Montero E, Sanz-Sánchez I,
bone: a comparative study on the outcome of Straumann(R) tissue
level and bone level implants placed in vertically deficient alveo- et al. Minimal invasiveness in vertical ridge augmentation.
lar ridges treated by means of autogenous onlay bone grafts. Clin Periodontol 2000. 2023;00:1-19. doi:10.1111/prd.12479
Implant Dent Relat Res. 2014;16(1):32-­50.

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