5.3.1the Worksheet Doneprint
5.3.1the Worksheet Doneprint
5.3.1the Worksheet Doneprint
It aids in the transfer of data from the unadjusted trial balance to Add when the type of adjustment (debit & credit) is the same as
the financial statement. the unadjusted balance
It simplifies the adjusting and closing process. Subtract when the type of adjustment (debit & credit) is
It reveals errors. different from the unadjusted trial balance
It is a summary device that ease the work of the accountant in the
preparation of the financial statements. 4. Extend the asset, liability and owner’s equity amounts from the
Not part of ledger & journal neither is a financial statement adjusted trial balance columns to the balance sheet columns. Extend
the income and expense amounts to the income statement columns.
Total the columns.
Step 5. PREPARING THE WORKSHEET Every account is either a balance sheet account or an income statement
account. Asset, liability, capital, and withdrawal accounts are extended
The steps in the preparation of a worksheet are: to the balance sheet columns. Income and expense accounts are moved
to the income statement columns.
1. Enter the account and balances in the unadjusted trial
balance columns and total the amounts. Each account’s adjusted balance should appear in only one statement
column. At this stage, the initial totals of the income statement and
a. The account numbers, titles and balances are lifted from the balance sheet columns are not equal.
general ledger to the unadjusted trial balance.
b. The accounts are listed in the worksheet in the order in the 5. Compute for profit or loss as the difference between total revenues
general ledger. and total expenses in the income statement. Enter profit or loss as a
c. Accounts with zero balances are also presented. balancing amount in the income statement, and in the balance
d. Total debits and total credits must equal. sheet, and compute the final column totals.
2. Enter the adjusting entries in the adjustments columns and total the
amounts. Profit or loss is equal to the difference between the debit and credit
columns of the income statement.
a. All adjustments are entered first in the worksheet.
Profit P35,000
The profit or loss should always be the amount by which the debit and
credit columns for income statement, and the debit and credit columns
for the balance sheet differ. The profit figure is entered in debit column
of the income statement and credit column of the balance sheet. After Exhibit 5-2 Adjustments STEP 2
completion, total debits and total credits in the income statement and
balance sheet columns must equal.
The profit figure is extended to the credit column of the balance sheet
because profit increases owner’s equity and increases in owner’s equity
are recorded as credits. Profit must be added and withdrawals
subtracted to arrive at the ending capital balance; this is done when the
statement of changes in equity is prepared.
Exhibit 5-3 Adjusted Trial Balance STEP 3
ESSENCE OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Notes to Financial Statements provide narrative descriptions or
disaggregation of items presented in the statement and information
It is the means by which the information accumulated and about them that do not qualify for recognition in the statements.
processed in financial accounting is periodically communicated to
Sound economic decisions are based from the accounting
information embodied in the financial statement. Statement of Financial Performance
It provides information about the financial position, financial An entity can present all items of income and expenses recognized in a
performance, and cash flows of an entity. period:
1. Statement of financial position as at the end of the period; The 2018 Conceptual Framework does not specify whether the
2. Statement of comprehensive income/financial performance for the statement(s) of financial performance comprise(s) a single statement or
period; two statements.
3. Statement of changes in equity for the period;
The income statement is a formal statement showing the performance of
4. Statement of cash flows for the period;
the enterprise for a given period of time. It summarizes the revenues
5. Notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and
earned and expenses incurred for that period of time.
other explanatory information; and
6. Statement of financial position as at the beginning of the earlier The income statement for Weddings “R” Us is prepared directly from the
comparative period when an entity applies an accounting policy income statement columns of the worksheet in Exhibit 5-4.
retrospective restatement of items in its financial statements or
when it reclassifies items in its financial statements. Exhibit 5-5 Income Statement
Supplies Expense 3,000 Total
Insurance Expense 1,200 P285,000
Interest Expense 3,500 Less: Withdrawals 14,000
Total 36,700 Perez-Manalo, Owner’s Equity, 5/31/2019 P271,000
Profit P35,000
While decreases in owner’s equity result from: Liquidity refers to the availability of cash in the near future after
taking into account the financial commitments over this period.
withdrawals of the owner, and Financial flexibility is the ability to take effective actions to alter
loss for the period. the amounts and timings of cash flows so that it can respond to
unexpected needs and opportunities. This includes the ability to
raise new capital or tap into unused lines of credit.
The beginning balance and additional investments are taken from the
Solvency refers to the availability of cash over the longer terms to
owner’s capital account in the general ledger. The profit or loss figure
meet financial commitments as they fall due.
comes directly from the income statement while withdrawals from the
balance sheet columns in the worksheet.
In preparing the balance sheet, it may be necessary to make further
analysis of the data. The needed data ae the balances of asset, liability,
and owner’s equity accounts, are available from the balance sheet
Exhibit 5-6 Statement of Changes in Equity columns of the worksheet. However, the interim balance for owner’s
equity must be revised to include profit or loss and owner’s withdrawals
for the accounting period. The adjusted amount for ending owner’s
equity is shown in the statement of changes in equity.
Weddings “R’ Us
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Month Ended May 31, 2019
Perez-Manalo, Owner’s Equity, 5/1/2019 P250,000
Add: Additional investments by Perez-Manalo P 0
Profit 35,000 35,000
Liabilities are generally classified and presented based on time of
maturity such that obligations which are currently due are listed
The revised PAS No. 1 does not prescribe the order or format in which
Exhibit 5-7 Statement of Financial Position
an entity presents items in the statement of financial position; what is
required is the current and non-current distinction for assets and
liabilities. Assets can be presented current then non-current or vice
versa. Liabilities and equity can be presented current then non-current
liabilities then equity, or vice-versa.
It is proper to present a classified balance sheet: that is, the assets and
liabilities are separated into various categories. Assets are sub-classified
as current assets and non-current assets; while liabilities as current
liabilities and non-current liabilities. At this point, it is advisable to
review the definitions of the foregoing (refer to Module 2). Classifying a
balance sheet aids in the analysis of financial statements data.
Statement of Cash Flows
The statement of cash flows provides information about the cash Step 7. ADJUSTMENTS ARE JOURNALIZED AND POSTED
receipts and cash payments of an entity during a period. It is a formal
statement that classifies cash receipts (inflows) and cash payments The adjustment process is a key element of accrual basis accounting.
(outflows) into operating, investing and financing activities. This The worksheet helps in the identification of the accounts that need
statement shows the net increase or decrease in cash during the period adjustments. The adjusting entries are directly entered in the
and the cash balance at the end of the period; it also helps project the worksheet. Most accountant prepare the financial statements
future net cash flows of the entity. immediately after completing the worksheet. The adjustments are
journalized and posted as the closing entries are made. This step in the
accounting cycle brings, the ledger into agreement with the data
reported in the financial statements.
Illustration: The adjustments pertinent to Weddings “R” Us follow:
The financial statements are based on the same underlying data and are
fundamentally related. The following shows the basic interrelationships
among financial statements:
1. The income statement reports all income and expenses during the
period. The profit or loss is the final figure in this statement.
2. The statement of changes in equity considers the profit or loss figure
from the income statement as one of the determining factors that
explain the changes in owner’s equity.
3. The statement of financial position reports the ending owner’s
equity, taken directly from the statement of changes in equity.
4. The statement of cash flows reports the net increase or decrease in
cash during the period and ends with the cash balance reported in
the balance sheet. This statement is prepared on information from
the income statement and the balance sheet.
Step 8. CLOSING ENTRIES ARE JOURNALIZED AND POSTED 2. Close the expense accounts
Income, expense and withdrawal accounts are temporary accounts that Expense accounts have debit balances before the closing entries are
accumulate information related to a specific accounting period. These posted. For this reason, a compound entry is needed crediting each
temporary accounts facilitate income statement preparation. At the end expense account for its balance and debiting the income summary for
of each year, the balances of these temporary accounts are transferred the total. These data can be found in the debit side of the income
to the capital account. Thus, the balance of the owner’s capital account statement columns of the worksheet.
represents the cumulative net result of income, expense and withdrawal
transactions. This phase of the cycle is called the closing procedure.
The effect of posting the closing entry is to reduce the expense account
1. Close the income accounts balances to zero and to transfer the total of the account balances to the
debit side of the income summary.
Income accounts have credit balances before the closing entries are
posted. For this reason, an entry debiting each revenue account in the
amount of: 3. Close the income summary account
After posting the closing entries involving income and expense accounts,
the balance of the income summary account will be equal to the profit or
loss for the period. A profit is indicated by a credit balance and a loss by
the debit balance. The income summary account, regardless of the
nature of its balance, must be closed to the capital account. For
Weddings “R” Us, the entry is as follows:
The dual effect of the entry is to make the balances of the income
accounts equal to zero, and to transfer the balances in total to the credit
side of the income summary account. Note that the data for closing the
income accounts can be found in the credit side of the income statement
columns of the worksheet in Exhibit 5-4.
The effect of posting this closing entry is to close the income summary
account balance and to transfer the balance to Perez-Manalo’s capital
account for the profit.
4. Close the withdrawal account Step 10. REVERSING ENTRIES
The withdrawal account shows the amount by which capital is reduced Preparing the post-closing trial balance may not be the last step in the
during the period by withdrawals of cash or other assets of the business accounting cycle. Some entities elect to reverse certain end-of-period
by the owner for personal use. For this reason, the debit balance of the adjustments on the first day of the new period. A reversing entry is a
withdrawal account must be closed to the capital account as follows: journal entry which is the exact opposite of a related adjusting entry
made at the end of the period. It is basically a bookkeeping technique
made to simplify the recording of regular transactions in the next
accounting period.
After analyzing the rest of the adjusting entries, the adjustments that
can be reversed are as follows: prepaid expenses (expense method),
unearned revenues (income method), accrued expenses and accrued
2. Closing Entry
When the employees are paid on the next regular payday, the entry would be:
3. Reversing Entry
Note that when the payment is made, without a prior reversing entry,
the accountant must look into the records to find out how much of the 4. Payment Entry
P7,200 applies to the current accounting period and how much was
accrued at the beginning of the period.
This step may appear easy in this simple case, but think of the problems
that may arise if the company has many employees, especially if some of
them are paid on different time schedules such as weekly or monthly. A
reversing entry is an accounting procedure that helps to solve this
difficult problem. As noted above, a reversing entry is exactly what its
name implies. It is a reversal of the adjusting entry made. For example,
observe the following sequence of transactions and their effects on the These transactions had the following effects on salaries expense:
ledger account, salaries expense:
1. Adjusted salaries expense to accrue P1,800 in the proper accounting
1. Adjusting Entry period.
2. Closed the P15,600 in total salaries expense for May to income
3. Established a credit balance of P1,800 on June 1 in salaries expense
equal to the expense recognized through the adjusting entry on May
31. The liability account salaries payable was reduced to a zero
4. Recorded the P7,200 payment of two weeks’ salaries in the usual
manner. The reversing entry has the effect of leaving a balance of
P5,400 (7,200 – P1,800) in the salaries expense account. This
P5,400 balance represented the salaries for the nine workdays in
Making the payment entry was simplified by the reversing entry.
Reversing entries apply to all accrued expenses or revenues.