Class 11 - Biology - Respiration in Plants

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NCERT Solutions for Class 11

Chapter 14 – Respiration in Plants

1. Differentiate between

a. Respiration and Combustion

Ans: Differences between respiration and combustion are as follows:

Respiration Combustion

It occurs inside living cells (cellular It is a non-cellular process


Respiration is a biochemical process. Combustion is a physio-chemical


Chemical bonds are broken down into All chemical steps occur
steps, as a result, energy is released in simultaneously, as a result, energy is
stages. released in a single step.

A considerable amount of energy is stored ATP is not formed.

in ATP molecules.

Oxidation occurs at the end of the reaction During combustion, the substrate is
(terminal oxidation) between reduced oxidized directly.
coenzymes and oxygen.

Several intermediates are formed. They No intermediates are produced in

are utilized in the synthesis of various combustion.
organic compounds

Class XI Biology 1

Less than 50% of energy is liberated in the Energy is liberated in the form of both
form of heat energy. Light is rarely light and heat energy.

Temperature is not allowed to rise. Temperature becomes very high.

Several enzymes are needed, one for each Burning is a non-enzymatic process.
step or reaction.

b. Glycolysis and Krebs’ cycle

Ans: Differences between glycolysis and Krebs’ cycle are as follows:

Glycolysis Krebs’ Cycle

It occurs inside the cytoplasm. Krebs’ cycle operates inside


Glycolysis is the first step in Krebs' cycle is the second step in

respiration where glucose is broken respiration in which an active acetyl
down to pyruvate. group is broken down completely.

This process is common in both It only occurs during aerobic respiration.

aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

It degrades a molecule of glucose into It degrades pyruvate completely into

2 molecules of pyruvate, an organic inorganic substances i.e., CO2 and H 2O .

Glycolysis requires two ATP It does not require ATP molecules.

molecules for the initial
phosphorylation of the substrate

One glucose molecule yields four ATP Two acetyl residues in the Krebs cycle
molecules in glycolysis through liberate two ATP or GTP molecules

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substrate-level phosphorylation. through substrate-level phosphorylation.

The net gain is 2 molecules of NADH Krebs’ cycle produces 6 molecules of

and 2 molecules of ATP for every NADH, and 2 molecules of FADH2 for
molecule of glucose broken down. every two molecules of acetyl CoA
oxidized by it. Two molecules of NADH
are released during the conversion of two
pyruvates to acetyl CoA .

The net gain of energy during In krebs' cycle, the net gain of energy is
glycolysis is equal to 8 ATP equal to 24 ATP molecules. Six
molecules. molecules of ATP can be produced from
2 molecules of NADH2 formed during the
dehydrogenation of 2 pyruvates.

In glycolysis, no CO2 is evolved. CO2 is evolved during Krebs’ cycle.

Oxygen is not required for glycolysis. Oxygen is used as a terminal oxidant

during krebs' cycle.

c. Aerobic respiration and Fermentation

Ans: Differences between aerobic respiration and fermentation are as follows:

Aerobic Respiration Fermentation

It uses oxygen for breaking the Oxygen is not used in the breakdown of
respiratory material into simpler the respiratory substrate.

Respiratory material is completely Respiratory material is incompletely

oxidized. broken.

The end products are inorganic i.e., Small, reduced organic molecules
(ethanol or lactic acid) are produced as

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CO2 and H 2O . end products. Inorganic substances ( CO2 )
may or may not be produced.

Aerobic respiration is known for the It occurs in yeast cells, bacteria and in the
normal mode of respiration in both muscle cells of animals during vigorous
plants and animals. exercise.

Aerobic respiration consists of three- Anaerobic respiration or fermentation

step: - Glycolysis, Krebs’ cycle and consists of two steps: - Glycolysis and
terminal oxidation. incomplete breakdown of pyruvic acid.

Every carbon atom in the food is Less quantity of carbon dioxide is

oxidised, releasing a substantial evolved.
amount of carbon dioxide.

Water is formed. Water is usually not formed.

686 kcal of energy is produced per gm 39  59 kcal of energy is produced per gm

mole of glucose. mole of glucose.

It continues indefinitely. It cannot be continued indefinitely

(except in some microorganisms) due to
the accumulation of poisonous
compounds and the reduced availability
of energy per gram mole of food broken.

2. What are respiratory substrates? Name the most common respiratory

Ans: Respiratory substrates are organic substances. They are oxidized during
respiration to release energy within living cells. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and
organic acids are common respiratory substrates. The most common respiratory
substrates are glucose (carbohydrates). It is a type of hexose monosaccharide.

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3. Give the schematic representation of glycolysis.
Ans: The schematic representation of glycolysis is:

4. What are the main steps in aerobic respiration? Where does it take place?
Ans: The main steps of aerobic respiration are as follows: - Glycolysis, link
reaction, Krebs cycle and terminal oxidation.

i. Glycolysis (EMP Pathway): - The process of breakdown of glucose into

pyruvic acid is known as glycolysis. Glucose is partially oxidized to form
two molecules of pyruvate, two NADH, and two ATP. This is a common
pathway for both aerobic and anaerobic modes of respiration. It takes
place in the cytoplasm.
ii. Link Reaction (Gateway Reaction): - Pyruvic acid undergoes oxidative
decarboxylation to form acetyl CoA and NADH. This reaction occurs
within the matrix of mitochondria.
iii. Krebs' Cycle (TCA Cycle): - The Krebs’ Cycle occurs within the matrix
of mitochondria. The net gain of energy is equal to 24 ATP molecules
along with other products.
iv. Terminal Oxidation: - Electron Transport System or oxidative
phosphorylation takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

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5. Give the schematic representation of an overall view of Krebs’ cycle.
Ans: The schematic representation of an overall view of krebs’ cycle (Citric acid

6. Explain ETS.
Ans: The electron transport system (ETS) is also called Oxidative
Phosphorylation. It is present in the inner mitochondrial membrane. It's a metabolic
pathway that allows electrons to go from one carrier to the next. The passes of
electrons from NADH and FADH2 to oxygen ( O 2 ) is facilitated by five
multiprotein complexes in the ETS. The complexes are:

Complex I (NADH dehydrogenase), Complex II (Succinate dehydrogenase),

Complex III ( Cytochrome bc1Complex ), Complex IV (Cytochrome c oxidase) and
Cytochrome V (ATP Synthase). The steps involved in ETS are as follows:

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1. Electrons from NADH produced in the inner mitochondrial matrix during
the citric acid cycle are oxidized by NADH dehydrogenase (Complex I).

2. Post this, electrons are transferred to Ubiquinone which receives reducing

equivalents via FADH2 (Complex II).

3. Ubiquinol (reduced ubiquinone) is then oxidized with the transfer of

electrons to Cytochrome c via Cytochrome bc1Complex (Complex III).

4. Cytochrome c oxidase Complex (Complex IV) contains cytochromes a, a3

and two Cu centres.

5. When electrons travel from one carrier to another in the electron transport
chain via complex I to IV, they are connected to ATP Synthase (complex V).

6. Complex V consists of components like F1 (peripheral membrane protein

complex) and F0 (integral membrane protein complex). At F1 ATP is
synthesized from ADP and Pi. Protons passing through channels formed by
F0 are coupled to the catalytic site of F1 .

7. One molecule of NADH (oxidized) provides 3 molecules of ATP. One

molecule of FADH2 produces 2 molecules of ATP.

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7. Distinguish between the following:

a. Aerobic respiration and Anaerobic respiration

Ans: The differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration are as follows:

Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic respiration

It occurs in the presence of oxygen. It occurs in the absence of oxygen.

It is a type of respiration in which food It is a type of respiration in which food

(generally carbohydrates) is completely (generally carbohydrates) is partially
oxidized to carbon dioxide and water oxidized with the release of chemical
with the release of chemical energy. energy.

Since the substrate is completely Since the substrate is oxidized partially,

oxidized, the energy yield of this type of the energy yield of this type of
respiration is more than that of respiration is lower than that of aerobic
anaerobic respiration. respiration.

Complete oxidation of one molecule of Partial oxidation of one molecule of

glucose leads to a net gain of 38 ATP glucose leads to a net gain of 2 ATP
molecules. molecules.

The end product of aerobic respiration is The end product of anaerobic

CO2 and H 2O (all higher organisms). respiration is lactic acid (animal cells),
ethanol and CO2 (lower organisms like
bacteria and yeast).

Some reactions of aerobic respiration All reactions of anaerobic respiration

occur in the cytoplasm (glycolysis) and occur in the cytoplasm. There is no
the mitochondria (Krebs’ cycle and involvement of mitochondria in this
ETS). process.

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C6 H12O6  6O2  6CO2  6H2O  686Kcal C6 H12O6  2CO2  2C2 H5OH  59Kcal

b. Glycolysis and Fermentation

Ans: The differences between glycolysis and fermentation are as follows:

Glycolysis Fermentation

Glycolysis is a common pathway for Fermentation is a type of anaerobic

both aerobic and anaerobic modes of respiration which occurs in the absence of
respiration. oxygen.

Glucose is split into two molecules of During fermentation, pyruvic acid is

pyruvic acid during glycolysis. converted to ethyl alcohol (yeast and
some other microbes) or lactic acid
(muscle cells of humans).

Glycolysis results in a net gain of 2 No ATP is produced during fermentation.

molecules of ATP.

It gives out two molecules of NADH It generally utilizes NADH produced

per glucose molecule. during glycolysis.

c. Glycolysis and Citric acid cycle

Ans: The differences between glycolysis and citric acid cycle are as follows:

Glycolysis Citric Acid Cycle

Glycolysis is the first step of The citric acid cycle (Krebs’ cycle or
respiration. TCA Cycle) is the second step of

This process happens in the cytoplasm. This process occurs in the matrix of

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It occurs both aerobically and It occurs anaerobically.


Two ATPs are consumed during this No consumption of ATP in the citric acid
process. cycle.

The total gain of ATP is 8 (which The net gain of ATP is 24.
includes NADH).

Oxidative phosphorylation is not Oxidative phosphorylation is involved.


It is a linear pathway. It is a circular pathway.

Carbon-di-oxide has not evolved. Carbon-di-oxide is evolved.

8. What are the assumptions made during the calculation of net gain of ATP?
Ans: Calculating the net gain of ATP for each glucose molecule oxidised is
doable, but it could only be a theoretical exercise in practise. These calculations
can only be made based on the following assumptions:
i. There is a sequential, orderly pathway is in function, with one substrate
forming the next and glycolysis, TCA cycle, and ETS pathway occurring
one after the other.
ii. The NADH produced during glycolysis is transferred to the mitochondria
and undergoes oxidative phosphorylation. None of the intermediates in
the pathway is used to make another compound.
iii. Only glucose is respired. No other alternative substrates enter the
pathway at any of the intermediate stages.

These kinds of assumptions, however, are not valid in a living system. All
pathways occur simultaneously and do not occur one after the other. Substrates
enter the pathways and are withdrawn from them as needed. ATP is used as

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and when it is required. Multiple factors influence enzymatic rates. As a result,
aerobic respiration of one molecule of glucose can result in a net gain of 36 ATP

9. Discuss “The respiratory pathway is an amphibolic pathway”.

Ans: The amphibolic pathway is the one that is used for both breakdown
(catabolism) and build-up (anabolism) reactions. Respiratory pathways are mainly
a catabolic process that serves to run the living system by providing energy.
Several intermediates are produced by the respiratory pathway. Many of them
serve as raw materials for the formation of both primary and secondary
metabolites. acetyl CoA is essential not only for the Krebs cycle but also for the
synthesis of fatty acids, aromatic compounds, steroids, terpenes and carotenoids. In
amination,   ketoglutarate forms glutamate (an important amino acid). In
amination, OAA (Oxaloacetic acid) produces aspartate. Aspartate and glutamate
are components of proteins. Other products include pyrimidines and alkaloids.
Succinyl CoA is the precursor to cytochromes and chlorophyll.

When fatty acids are used as a substrate, they are broken down to acetyl CoA before
entering the respiratory pathway. acetyl CoA is withdrawn from the respiratory
pathway when the organism needs to synthesize fatty acids.

As a result, the respiratory pathway is involved in both the breakdown and

synthesis of fatty acids.

Similarly, respiratory intermediates serve as a link during the breakdown and

synthesis of proteins. Catabolism is the breaking down processes within a living
organism, while anabolism is the synthesis of new ones. Since the respiratory
system is engaged in both anabolism and catabolism in plants, it is better to think
of it as an amphibolic instead of a catabolic pathway.

10. Define RQ. What is its value for fats?

Ans: The ratio of the volume of CO2 evolved to the volume of O 2 consumed in
respiration over a given period is known as a respiratory quotient (RQ) or
respiratory ratio. Its value can be equal to one, zero, more than one or less than

Class XI Biology 11

Volume of CO2 evolved
RQ 
Volume of O2 consumed

When fat or protein is used as a respiratory substrate, the respiratory quotient (RQ)
is less than one.
C57 H104O6  80O2  57CO2  52H2O

RQ 

 0.71

The respiratory quotient (RQ) is about 0.7 for most of the common fats.

11. What is oxidative phosphorylation?

Ans: The process by which ATP is formed as a result of the transfer of electrons
from NADH or FADH2 to O 2 by a series of electron carriers is known as oxidative
phosphorylation. This process, which occurs in mitochondria, is the primary source
of in aerobic organisms.

For example, when glucose is completely oxidized to CO2 and H 2O , oxidative

phosphorylation generates 26 of the 30 molecules of ATP.

12. What is the significance of the stepwise release of energy in respiration?

Ans: The following are the benefits of stepwise release of energy in respiration: -

i. There is a gradual release of chemical bond energy, which is easily

trapped in the formation of ATP molecules.
ii. The temperature of the cell is not allowed to rise.
iii. Energy waste is reduced.
iv. A variety of intermediates can be used in the production of a variety of
v. Different substances can undergo respiratory catabolism via their
metabolic intermediates.

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vi. Each step of respiration is regulated by its enzyme. Specific compounds
can either increase or decrease the activity of various enzymes. This aids
in controlling the rate of respiration as well as the amount of energy

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