Wayfinding and Signage 2013

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Guidance Note
Creating a sporting habit for life 25 22 23


20 15H 15I 15J

15 15K
19 Room reference
15L 24
1 Entrance Lobby
18 15E 2 Reception/Circul
3 Office

16 15D 10A 4 Fitness equipme

5 Community chan

15C 6 Accessible chang

15A 7 Accessible toilet

15B 8 Community chan

9 Store
10 Sports hall
13 12B 11 Equipment store
12 12 Corridor
12A 13 Fitness studio
11 10
13A 13A 14 Fitness studio sto
15 Corridor
16 School changing
14 9
2K 17 School toilets 1
8A 2J 18 Accessible toilet

19 Accessible chang
7 2I
20 School changing

6 2H 21 School toilets 2

22 Cleaner’s store
2D 23 Store
5A 2G
24 Stair to plant roo
2 2C
2F 25 School entrance

2E 2A 2B

1 3

Wayfinding and Signage

for Sports Facilities
New guidance
for 2013

July Revision 001 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

Sport England believes that good facilities are Sport England’s Design
fundamental to developing sporting opportunities
for everyone, from the youngest beginner to the
Guidance Notes aim to:
international class athlete. The buildings whether
large or small can encourage civic pride and
• Increase awareness
assist the process of revitalising deprived of good design in
neighbourhoods. Facilities that are well designed, sports facilities
built to last and well maintained are a pleasure to
use and give an ample return on the time and • Help key building
money invested in their construction and
day-to-day use. professions, clients,
Good design needs to be based on a sound user representatives
understanding of such issues as the current trends and other
and practices within individual sports, the wider
leisure industry and the lessons to be learnt from
stakeholders to follow
previously built schemes. best practice
Good design needs to be embraced within the • Encourage
earliest vision statement for a particular project
and included in the initial briefing stage through to well-designed sports
the final detailed specifications and operational facilities that meet
the needs of sports
and are a pleasure to

Sport England Design Guidance Notes aim to

promote a greater general understanding of overall
design concepts, an appreciation of technical
issues and the critical factors that need to be
considered in reaching the appropriate solution for
a particular project. They also advise where further
information, advice and expertise may be found
and point to benchmark examples.

July Revision 001 1 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

1.0 Introduction 3
• Purpose of the document
• Concepts
• Examples

2.0 Developing a Strategy 4

3.0 Layout and Organisation 5

• Architectural features and landmarks
• Inclusive design
• Multiple languages
• Flexibility in use

4.0 Categories of Signage 9

• Directional
• Operator
• Marketing
• Safety

5.0 Design and Graphical Direction 12

• Colour and contrast
• Symbols and pictograms
• Typography
• Methods of construction and materials
• Size and positioning

6.0 Examples 16
• Example 1: 5-court sports hall+CH+HF (from
Sport England’s ASH programme) To be read in conjunction
• Example 2: Typical wet and dry sports with Sport England
centre with 4-court sports hall, health and
fitness suite, 4-lane swimming pool and guidance:
changing facilities
• ‘Affordable Sports
7.0 References 23 Halls’
• Sport England guidance
• British Standards • ‘Affordable Community
• Other reading Swimming Pools’
• Useful web sites
• ‘Accessible Sports

July Revision 001 2 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

1.0 Introduction Concepts

Purpose of the document Wayfinding

This document provides a guide to the principles Wayfinding is a general term used to describe the
behind good wayfinding and signage for extent that people can easily find their way around
community sports centres. the built environment. An effective wayfinding
solution for a sports facility would be where this
It aims to increase awareness of good practice and can be achieved intuitively through the positioning
to encourage a strategic overall approach to be of the building on the site, the organization of the
developed at the early stages of a project. internal elements of the building and the
Wayfinding and Signage should be treated as an architectural treatment. For example, a view into
integral part of the design process that will help to the building from the entrance can help users
create user friendly and easily operated sport understand the direction that they need to travel.
Signage should be seen as a logical way to
complement the wayfinding solution. It can also
provide information about the property including
direction, guidance, instruction and warning. It

• Inform and provide reassurance

• Be clear, simple and intuitive – considered vital

for people who cannot hear and therefore
cannot ask their way

• Not be excessive to avoid information being

ignored or creating confusion and possible

Branding is a general term for images and signage
that is intended to promote awareness of
organizations that are associated with the sports
facility. For example, the local authority, operating
company or the suppliers of sports equipment.
Care should be taken that an excess of such
branding does not compromise the wayfinding
and signage intended to assist the users.

Visual confusion
Visual confusion can be created if too many signs
Views from the exterior of the building to the sports
are located in close proximity.
activities within
See Section 5.0 for two examples of wayfinding
and signage schematics. These are based on the
Sport England ‘Affordable Sports Halls’ and a
typical ‘Wet and Dry Sports Centre’. They are
presented as templates that can be reviewed and
developed in the context of a particular project.

July Revision 001 3 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

2.0 Developing a Strategy

Factors to consider and identify in a wayfinding
and signage strategy should include:

• Those who will be using the facility

OO First-time users, or regular visitors
OO The role staff will have in guiding and
assisting visitors
OO Incorporation of inclusive design principles
• Signage Information
OO Agreement of terminology
OO Requirements for multiple language signs
OO Graphic design Wayfinding enhanced by the use of contrasting wall colours

OO Consistency in location and style throughout

the building
• The Site
OO Well-designed layouts that are easy to
...basic design principles in
OO Key decision points sign design:
OO Main circulation routes
OO Room naming and numbering system • Signs should be used
OO Creation of easily understood sequence of only when necessary
OO Signage kept to a minimum
• Sign location should
be part of the process
• Operation
of planning the
Incorporation of flexibility
building and
OO Incorporation of the signage strategy into environment
the facility’s O&M manual.
• Messages should be
short, simple and
Signage should be seen as easily understood
a logical complement to • Signs should be
good design. consistent, using
prescribed typefaces,
colour and contrast...

June Fraser
Sign Design Society

July Revision 001 4 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

3.0 Layout and Organisation • Placing the reception desk so that it is

immediately visible upon entering the building
Architectural features and landmarks
• Differentiating between buildings and functions
The design should be based on a clear and through the use of style, colour, materials and
consistent method of wayfinding. The signage scale to aid identification
should provide information essential for stress-free
navigation. • Considering the use of decorative systems,
lighting and furniture to aid wayfinding
A well-designed building should have a logical and
efficient layout that will make wayfinding and • Defining pedestrian routes clearly inside and
general use of the building as intuitive as possible. outside the building
Signage should therefore be a complement to
good design and not a remedy for poor design. • Offering the potential to view a destination, or
stages leading towards a destination, before it
Design issues to consider include: is reached
• Creating a sense of arrival and place • Positioning signage carefully to minimise clutter
• Making the site entrance easily identifiable • Making exits and escape routes clear.
from all directions of approach

• Creating intuitive routes to and from the

• Considering core branding and building

• Reducing visual clutter that detracts from or

obscures entrances and signs

• Creating a clearly defined entrance to the

Clear route to exit emphasised by the architectural
layout and use of colour

Easily identifiable site entrance

Intuitive pedestrian routes to building

Clear building entrance

Prominent signage at the roadside

Clear and direct routes Clear signage and drop off

to the entrance from the point / entrance to the car
pedestrian route and car parking area that is easily
parking seen from the highway

Creating a logical site layout and organisation

July Revision 001 5 © Sport England 2013
Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

Entrance defined by recess

Functions defined by form and scale

Functions defined by colour

Functions defined by texture

Principles for using form, scale, colour and texture to define the entrance and different elements of a building

The leisure centre illustrated includes

the following key wayfinding and
signage features:
• Prominent signage at the
roadside makes the site
entrance easily identifiable
from both directions of
• A combination of the entrance
road, drop off point and
projecting bay make
wayfinding to the entrance
• The building positioned on the
site in conjunction with the
pool hall glazed elevation
facing onto the approach road
allows the building’s function
to be easily understood.

July Revision 001 6 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities
Inclusive design Multiple languages
Inclusive design principles will benefit the Generally, signage that uses simple English and
wayfinding and signage strategy as a whole and international symbols to reinforce the meaning will
should be fully integrated within the strategy. be more effective than using multiple languages.
Furthermore, an effective strategy will enable the Such signs should include:
sports facility to be accessible to as wide a range
of visitors as possible. • Reduction in the quantity of text
It is also worth noting that: • Simplification of the English used and
avoidance of technical/specialist language
• People with a hearing or a visual impairment where possible
will have a greater reliance on easy wayfinding
and good signage • Use of easily recognisable symbols and
• Inclusive signage design principles are
applicable to both the public and the Where multiple-language signs are required,
non-public operational areas of the building. additional factors to consider are:

• Translations will need to be verified as accurate

and culturally appropriate
See Sport England Design
• Prominence and differentiation of languages
Guidance Note ‘Accessible on signs need careful consideration
Sports Facilities’ Section 2.0
• Multiple-language signs will take up more
- The Inclusive Design space
Process. • The amount of information on the sign will
increase, possibly leading to confusion

• The cost of signs will increase

Tactile signs and maps
• Some languages may prove difficult to
The following should be considered: reproduce using certain sign manufacturing
• Embossed letters, symbols, pictograms and
arrows are beneficial to people with visual
impairments and those who rely on touch to
read signage

• Use of tactile maps or layouts to help convey

information to users with visual impairments

• Tactile signs should be positioned where they

can be easily reached.


The following should be considered:

• The use of Braille to supplement raised text Multiple language signage with a clear message used
and symbols on tactile signage as a graphical element at a school entrance

• Braille signs should incorporate a marker, such

as a notch at the left hand side, to help locate
the Braille message

• English Standard Braille should be used.

July Revision 001 7 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities
Flexibility in use
Over time, the sports facility may change name or
particular spaces may change function. Therefore
flexibility should be considered as part of the
wayfinding and signage strategy.
Issues to be aware of include:

• Replacing the facility name/logo on the

building may have implications on the building
fabric. A free-standing name/logo avoids these
issues but is less ‘connected’ to the building

• Incorporating features such as a light box

arrangement as a strong architectural element
(see adjacent example) to provide flexibility for
future changes and an enclosed space for
external notices

• Identifying the signage details in an operation

and maintenance (O&M) manual will facilitate
future replacement and provide guidance on Illuminated signage at the entrance showing typical
additional signage. images of the sports activities inside the building

Signage located on the building

can be prominent, but can have
implications on the building fabric

Freestanding signage Flexibility incorporated

independent of the building into a lightbox

Considerations for the placement of signage on and around a building

July Revision 001 8 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

3.0 Categories of Signage

Signage can perform any one of the following
distinct functions, but more often performs Changing Rooms
multiple functions. Toilets

Duplication of information should be avoided Fitness Studio

where possible and practicable to do so.

Directional ‘Wayfinding’ signage

Wayfinding signage is critical in ensuring that
everyone can easily navigate their way around the
facility and the site. It consists of directional
information as well as identification and Direct
confirmation. The following should be considered:

• A site map may be required where the sports

facility forms part of a larger site

• Directional signage indicates general direction Toilets

to progress

• Confirmation signage reassures the user that

they are heading in the right direction

• Location signage confirms that they have

arrived in the right place

• Directories may be required in larger facilities Confirm

to provide additional information and be
located at key decision points on, such as
staircases, floor landings and lift landings

• Wayfinding signage should not rely exclusively

on text based signage, but instead make good
use of easily recognisable symbols and

The operator will require signage that provides
information relating to the particular facility.
Discussion between the operator and the designer
at an early stage will help to identify particular Identify
needs and ensure inclusion as part of the Signs are used to indicate direction, confirm and offer
wayfinding and signage strategy. For example: reassurance that users are on the right path and clearly
identify the destination
• Features – notice board, awards area

• Staff – staff board and information

• Function – opening / closing times

• General housekeeping and specific instruction.

Signs not included as part of the initial strategy can

often appear as an afterthought, look untidy and
be inconsistent with other signage. Incorporating
a set of parameters into the O&M manual will
reduce the risk of this happening.
Notice boards adjacent to reception desks for operator
notices and advertisements

July Revision 001 9 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities
Marketing Safety
Branding may be integrated into the signage Safety signs give a general message through a
scheme to avoid duplications and avoid the combination of colour, shape, graphical symbol
creation of an overly complicated visual and text. There are standard signs for most types
environment. of safety message and are often supported by
specific information to ensure that the intended
Marketing signage could include:
message is clear.
• A ‘name board’ at the site entrance and on or An assessment should be completed to identify
near the building entrance the safety message required and be incorporated
in addition to the wayfinding and signage strategy.
• Other partner/sponsor branding Work should be in accordance with BS5499-1:2002
and BS5499-4:2000.
• Notice boards

• Advertisements for particular events and Colour Meaning Examples of use Sign shape
Stop, Prohibition signs,
Consideration should be given to the placement prohibited stop signs,
of a name board to draw attention to the site fire-fighting
entrance and in turn the building and its entrance. equipment &
Advertisement for particular events and promotions shutdown devises
provide specific information that is likely to change
over time, the scope of which will be more difficult Caution, Warning Signs,
to anticipate at the outset of a project. However, risk of indication of
guidelines can be considered and incorporated danger hazards, danger
into the O&M manual for the facility. identification

Mandatory Mandatory sign,

action obligation to wear
Blue personal safety
with equipment

Safe Emergency exit

conditions signs, safe
condition signs,
first-aid posts,
rescue points

Branding and architecture combined

Examples of safety signage

Avoid the positioning of notice boards and other

information or promotional material where it could lead
to obstruction of circulation routes

July Revision 001 10 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities
Safety signage for swimming pools
There are requirements for safety signs in
swimming pools that relate to the specific size,
depth and proposed use of the water areas. See
separate Sport England Design Guidance Note
Swimming Pools and BSEN 15288-1:2008 for
more details.

Deep Water

this point

The depth of water and danger of diving clearly marked

on the wall of the pool surround

Variable depth (movable floor) marked on the pool


Temporary signs on the poolside

July Revision 001 11 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

4.0 Signage Design Symbols and pictograms

The design of signage should be clear, obvious, • Where possible, signs should incorporate
identifiable and legible. See the Sign Design Guide’ symbols and pictograms as well as words
for further details http://www.signdesignsociety.co.uk/ • Symbols and pictograms should be simple
and easy to understand

• The size of symbols and pictograms should be

Colour and contrast as large as possible and at least 100 mm high
• Use of colour and contrast is important in • Incorporate standard symbols in common use
respect of legibility (see BS8501)
• For general signage, safety colours should be • Where arrows are used to indicate straight
avoided to ensure that there is no confusion ahead, they should be placed at the top of the
between public information and safety signs sign.
• Sign characters and symbols should contrast
with the sign background – 70% is the
optimum level of contrast

• Backgrounds to signs that contrast with the

surrounding area are more easily located

• Borders will enable a sign to be located on

both light and dark backgrounds

• Light coloured text, symbols and pictograms

are preferred.

Simple and effective use of colour, lighting and contrast Pictograms by the graphic designer Otl Aicher used in
the Munich Olympic Games: © 1976 by ERCO GmbH
July Revision 001 12 © Sport England 2013
Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

• Text signs should use a mixture of upper and

lower case letters, as words are recognised by
their shape as well as their letters

• The size of text on a sign should be consistent

• Words and sentences should be short and


• Recommended text sizes for long-distance

reading are 150 mm, medium-distance reading
(e.g. internal directions etc.) are 50-100 mm
and short-distance reading are 15-25 mm

• Sans serif fonts, such as the Helvetica type,

are easier to read than serif-type fonts

• Left-justified text is preferable except where

arrows are used, in which case the text should
be justified in the direction of the arrow.

Long distance Although this sign has good constrast between the text
and its background and between the sign and the wall
colour, its reflective surface makes the text difficult to
reading 150mm read in certain light conditions and viewing angles

Medium distance reading 50-100mm

Methods of construction and materials
Short distance reading 15-25mm

The method of construction and materials used for

signage in sports facilities should be simple and
Relative text heights for long, medium and facilitate reproduction without the need for
short-distance viewing
specialist skills. In particular:

Straight ahead positioned at • Signs should not have sharp edges, particularly
the top of the sign important for people who rely on touch to read
Left justified text and arrow
• Signs should be non-reflective with a gloss
factor of no more than 50%
Right justified text and arrow
• Tactile signs incorporating embossed letters,
symbols and pictograms are useful for people
with visual impairments or those who rely on
Justification of text and positioning of arrows touch to read signs.

July Revision 001 13 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities
Size and positioning • The positioning of temporary or portable
signage should not cause an obstruction, and
The following should be considered:
particularly in the case of people in
• Signs should be located and sized to be easily wheelchairs, with ambulatory difficulties or
understood by users with visual impairments

• The height should be relative to the referenced • The location of signs is of particular importance
feature to people with visual impairments to allow
them to find the sign and get as close as
• Signs should be suitably illuminated and possible to see it or read it by touch
positioned where they are free from glare

• Where practical, signs should be located on Toilets

walls at average eye level. Positioning signs at
two heights will allow them to be easily read
by both ambulant and wheelchair users

• Signs suspended at high level or projecting

from a wall are necessary in areas that will
become crowded and should have a minimum
headroom of 2.3 m

• As people cannot get as close to suspended

signs as wall mounted signs, the size of the
sign and text should be adequate to allow
them to be viewed from a reasonable distance


Placing signage on a wall instead of suspending it

from the ceiling will allow someone with visual
impairments to get as close as possible to see it or
read it by touch

signs Tactile (embossed
signage) to be fixed at
1400 mm min
1700 mm max and to
300 mm zone Wall-mounted signs the leading edge side
of the doorway
2300 mm min
Use colour and tone to ensure
1400 mm min 1700 mm max signs are distinguishable from
their backgrounds

Signs should be positioned consistently

July Revision 001 14 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities
• Signs to rooms, with the exception of toilets,
should be placed on the wall and to the leading
edge side of the door to allow the room to be
identified when the door is open

Signage positioned to the side of the door, instead

of on the door leaf, allows it to be read even when
the door is in an open position

• Consideration should be given to background

colours and features when placing signage on

• Supersized graphics can be used to great

effect as part of the wayfinding and signage
strategy, and in particular to emphasise a
particular use. However, care should be taken
in sports halls where large letters and symbols
on the walls can form a distraction making it
difficult to see moving objects.

Supergraphics used at the London Olympic

Stadium. The dramatic use of colour and the scale
of the symbol helps to make it simple to find the
location in the context of a busy public area

July Revision 001 15 © Sport England 2013

7 2G 2
2I 5A 2F
6 2H
2 2C
2F 2B
6 2H 2E 2A
2G 4
2E 2A 2B
2 2D2C

Wayfinding and Signage Design

2G2F 4
1 3
2 2C

Guidance Note
2E2F 2A 2B 1 3

2E 2A

1 3

for Sports Facilities

1 3
5.0 Examples
Example 1: 5-court sports hall with changing facilities (+CH) and a health and fitness suite (+HF)
Based on the indicative designs in Sport England’s Affordable Sports Halls (ASH) publication. It has a simple
layout that promotes straightforward wayfinding.
Entrances to the building are emphasised to allow A single circulation corridor that is visible from both
easy location entrances. Overhead wayfinding / signage indicates
access to adjacent areas leading off the corridor
Reception ‘hub’ and school changing entrance
lobbies with views to the key sports spaces that Recesses and contrasting wall colours emphasise
lead directly from them to assist wayfinding the location of entrances to adjacent spaces

Views School

25 22 23


20 15H 15I 15J

15 15K
19 Room reference
15L 24
1 Entrance Lobby
18 15E 2 Reception/Circulation

3 Office

16 15D 10A 4 Fitness equipment gym

5 Community changing 1

15C 6 Accessible changing 1

15A 7 Accessible toilet 1

15B 8 Community changing 2

9 Store
10 Sports hall
13 12B 11 Equipment store
12 12 Corridor
12A 13 Fitness studio
11 10
13A 13A 14 Fitness studio store

15 Corridor
16 School changing 1
14 9
2K 17 School toilets 1
8A 2J 18 Accessible toilet 2

19 Accessible changing 2
7 2I
20 School changing 2

6 2H 21 School toilets 2
22 Cleaner’s store
2D 23 Store
5A 2G
24 Stair to plant room
2 2C
2F 25 School entrance lobby

2E 2A 2B

1 3

Ground floor signage layout - to be read in conjunction with the signage schedule on pages 17-18
July Revision 001 16 © Sport England 2013
2G Community Changing Beside/on the door May be numbered or identified as M or F;
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
2H Accessible Changing Beside/on the door Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
2I Accessible WC (Symbol) On the door
Wayfinding and Signage 2J Community Changing Beside/on the door Design
May be numbered or identified as M or F
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities 2K
Fitness Studio, School
Beside/on the door
On the wall or ceiling
Directional sign to assist wayfinding
Changing, WC's (with
direction arrows)
3 Office schedule (Example 1)
Signage N/A
4 Fitness Equipment Gym N/A
Ref Location Changing 1 Code
5 Community Sign *
5A WC Position
On the door Notes
May **
be numbered or identified as M or F;
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
6 Accessible WC 1 N/A
E1 Name on building beside Identity sign to assist wayfinding
7 Accessible Changing 1
entrance N/A
8 Community Changing 2 8A WC On the door May be numbered or identified as M or F;
E2 Name board near the Identity and
Symbol coulddirectional
be used assign
assist to text
entrance (alternative) wayfinding
9 Store 1 N/A
E3 Additional name on Identity sign to assist wayfinding
10 Sports Hall 10A Equipment Store x 2 Beside/on the door
building (to reinforce
11 Equipment Store N/A
identification if required)
12 Corridor 12A Reception, Fitness On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
Internal Equipment Gym, Sports
1 Entrance Lobby N/A (with direction arrows)
Hall Space for operator notices
2 Reception/Circulation 2A Reception On the wall or ceiling a
12B Office Studio
Fitness Beside the
Beside the door
door b have a specific name
12C Sports
School Hall
Changing, WC's On the walldoor
Beside the or ceiling a
Directional sign to assist wayfinding
2D Wheelchair/buggy store
(with direction arrows) On the wall a
2E Notice Board On the wall Space for operator notices and 'wall of fame'
13 Fitness Studio 13A Store x 2 Beside/on the door b
14 Studio Store N/A
15 Corridor (School 2F
15A Fitness Equipment
Reception, Fitness Gym Beside
On the door
the wall or ceiling May have asign
Directional specific roomwayfinding
to assist name
Entrance) 2G Community
Equipment Gym, Changing
Sports Beside/on the door May be numbered or identified as M or F;
Hall (with direction arrows) Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
2H School Changing
Accessible Changing Beside/on the door May be numbered
Symbol or identified
could be used as M or F;to text
as an alternative
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
2I Accessible WC (Symbol) On the door
Community Changing On the doorthe door
Beside/on May
May be
be numbered
numbered or
or identified
identified as
as M
M or
or F;
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
2K Notice
Store Board On the doorthe door
Beside/on Space
b for operator notices
2L Fitness Studio, School On the wall or ceiling and 'Hall of sign
Directional Fame' displaywayfinding
to assist
15E Changing,
Accessible WCWC's(Symbol)
(with On the door
15F direction
Changing Beside/on the door Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
3 Office 15G School
N/A Changing Beside/on the door May be numbered or identified as M or F;
4 Fitness Equipment Gym N/A Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
5 Community Changing 1 15H
5A WC On the door May be numbered or identified as M or F;
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text

6 Accessible WC 1 15I Cleaner's

N/A Store Beside/on the door b
7 Accessible Changing 1 15J Store
N/A Beside/on the door b
8 Community Changing 2 15K
8A Sports
WC Hall Beside the door*
On the door aMay be numbered or identified as M or F;
15L Plant Room b
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
16 School Changing N/A
9 Store 1 N/A
17 School WC N/A
10 Sports Hall 10A Equipment Store x 2 Beside/on the door
18 Accessible WC N/A
11 Equipment Store N/A
19 Accessible Changing N/A
12 Corridor 12A Reception, Fitness On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
20 School Changing N/A
Equipment Gym, Sports
21 School WC N/A (with direction arrows)
22 Cleaner's Store N/A
23 Store 12B N/A
Fitness Studio Beside the door May have a specific name
24 Plant Room 12C N/A
School Changing, WC's On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
25 Lobby (School Access) N/A direction arrows)
(with Space for operator notices

13 Fitness Studio
Notes 13A Store x 2 Beside/on the door b
* Studio Storesignage wording highlighted
Suggested N/A in bold ** Fire safety signage is excluded from the schedule and subject to the
a Corridor may not be required15A
Signage (School Reception,
if function Fitness
is obvious/intuitive Onparticular
the wall fire
or ceiling Directional
strategy / Building Controlsign
/ FiretoOfficer
assist approvals
b Entrance) Equipment
Signage may not be required as function is not aGym,
Hall (with direction arrows)
Continued overleaf...
15B School Changing Beside/on the door May be numbered or identified as M or F;
July Revision 001 17 Symbol could be©used as anEngland
Sport alternative2013
to text
15C WC On the door May be numbered or identified as M or F;
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
15D Notice Board On the door Space for operator notices
and 'Hall of Fame' display
66 Accessible
Accessible WC
WC 11 N/A
77 Accessible Changing
Accessible Changing 11 N/A
88 Community Changing
Community Changing 22 8A
On the
the door
door May
May be
be numbered
numbered or
or identified
identified as
as M
M or
or F;
Symbol could
could be
be used
used as
as an
an alternative
alternative to
to text
Wayfinding and Signage
99 Store
Store 11 N/A
10 Sports Hall
Sports Hall 10A
10A Equipment
Equipment Store
Store xx 22 Beside/on
Beside/on the
the door
door Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities
Equipment Store
Reception, Fitness
Reception, Fitness On
On the
the wall
wall or
or ceiling
ceiling Directional
Directional sign
sign to
to assist
assist wayfinding
Equipment Gym,
Gym, Sports
Hall (with
Hall (with direction
direction arrows)

Signage schedule (Example 1) cont/d...

12B Fitness
Fitness Studio
Studio Beside
Beside the
the door
door May
May have
have aa specific
specific name
12C School Changing,
School Changing, WC's
WC's On the
On the wall
wall or
or ceiling
ceiling Directional sign
Directional sign to
to assist
assist wayfinding
Ref Location Code Signdirection
(with *
(with direction arrows)
Position Notes **
13 Fitness
Fitness Studio
Studio 13A
13A Store
Store xx 22 Beside/on
Beside/on the
the door
door bb
E1 Studio Store
Studio on
Name Store
building beside N/A
N/A Identity sign to assist wayfinding
15 Corridor
Corridor (School 15A
15A Reception,
Reception, Fitness
Fitness On
On the
the wall
wall or
or ceiling
ceiling Directional
Directional sign
sign to
to assist
assist wayfinding
Entrance) Equipment
Equipment Gym,Gym, Sports
E2 Name board near the Hall Identity and directional sign to assist
Hall (with direction arrows)
(with direction arrows)
entrance (alternative) wayfinding
15B School
School Changing
Changing Beside/on
Beside/on the
the door
door May
May be numbered
be sign
numbered or
or identified
identified as
as M
M or
or F;
E3 Additional name on Identity
Symbol tobe
assist wayfinding
building (to reinforce Symbol could be used as an alternative to
could used as an alternative to text
identification if required) 15C
15C WC
On the
the door
door May
May be
be numbered
numbered or
or identified
identified as
as M
M or
or F;
Symbol could
Symbol could be
be used
used as
as an
an alternative
alternative to
to text
1 Entrance Lobby 15D
15D Notice
N/A Board
Notice Board On
On the
the door
door Space
Space for
for operator
operator notices
and 'Hall
and 'Hall of
of Fame'
Fame' display
2 Reception/Circulation 2A Reception On the wall or ceiling a
2B Accessible
Accessible WC
Office WC (Symbol)
(Symbol) On
On the
the door
Beside door
the door b
2C Sports Hall Changing
Accessible Changing Beside thethe
Beside/on the
door aSymbol
Symbol could
could be
be used
used asas an
an alternative
alternative to
to text
15G School Changing
School Changing store Beside/on
On the the
wall door
Beside/on the door May
aMay be numbered or identified as M
be numbered or identified as M or F;or F;
2E Notice Board On the wall Symbol
Symbolforcould be
be used
could as
as an
used alternative
anand to
to text
'wall of fame'
alternative text
15H WC
On the
the door
door displays
May be
be numbered
numbered oror identified
identified as
as M
M or
or F;
2F Fitness Equipment Gym Beside the door Symbol
May havecould
could be used
be used
a specific as an
as an
room namealternative
alternative to
to text
15I Cleaner's
Cleaner's Store
Store Beside/on
Beside/on the
the door
door bb be numbered or identified as M or F;
15J Store
Store Beside/on
Beside/on the
the door
door bb
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
15K Sports
Sports Hall
Hall Changing Beside
Beside the door*
door* aa
2H Accessible Beside/on door Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
15L Plant Room
Plant Room bb
16 School 2I Accessible WC (Symbol) On the door
16 School Changing
Changing N/A
17 School 2J Community Changing Beside/on the door May be numbered or identified as M or F
17 School WC
18 Accessible WC
Accessible WC N/A
19 Accessible Changing
Changing 2K Store
N/A Beside/on the door b
19 Accessible N/A
20 School Changing
Changing 2L Fitness
N/A Studio, School On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
20 School N/A
Changing, WC's (with
21 School
School WC
direction arrows)
22 Cleaner's
Cleaner's Store
Store N/A
23 Office
Store N/A
24 Fitness
Plant Equipment Gym
Room N/A
5 Lobby
25 Lobby (School
(School Access)
Access)1 5A WC
N/A On the door Space
May befor
Space operator
for notices
operator or identified as M or F;
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
6* Accessible WC 1 N/A bold
* Suggested
Suggested signage
signage wording
wording highlighted
highlighted in
in bold **
** Fire
Fire safety
safety signage
signage is
is excluded
excluded from
from the
the schedule
schedule and
and subject
subject to
to the
a7a Signage
not be 1
required if N/A is obvious/intuitive
Signage may not be required if function is obvious/intuitive particular fire strategy / Building Control / Fire Officer approvals
particular fire strategy / Building Control / Fire Officer approvals
b8b Signage
Signage may
may not
not be
be required
8A function
required as
WC not a public function On the door
as function is
is not a public function
May be numbered or identified as M or F;
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
9 Store 1 N/A
10 Sports Hall 10A Equipment Store x 2 Beside/on the door
11 Equipment Store N/A
12 Corridor 12A Reception, Fitness On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
Equipment Gym, Sports
Hall (with direction arrows)

12B Fitness Studio Beside the door May have a specific name
12C School Changing, WC's On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
(with direction arrows)
13 Fitness Studio 13A Store x 2 Beside/on the door b
14 Studio Store N/A
15 Corridor (School 15A Reception, Fitness On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
Entrance) Equipment Gym, Sports
Hall (with direction arrows)
15B School Changing Beside/on the door May be numbered or identified as M or F;
July Revision 001 18 Symbol could be©used
as anEngland
to text
15C WC On the door May be numbered or identified as M or F;
Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
15D Notice Board On the door Space for operator notices
25 22 23 Example 2: Typical wet and dry sports centre with 4-court sports hall, health and fitness suite, 4-lane
swimming pool and changing facilities
Wayfinding and Signage

15H 15I 15J

Guidance Note

for Sports Facilities

15 15K 35C 35D 35C
15F25 22 23
19 35F
21 15L 24
18 15E 15H 15I 15J
15 15K
15D 22 23 10A
19 17
21 24
15E 15H 15I 15J
15A25 22 23 36
15B 15F
15 15K 35G
21 10A
19 17 15D
15L 24
12C 15H 15I 15J
18 15E 15G

12B 15 15K
15B entrance 35C 35A 35D 35B 35C 35J 35H
15L 24 10A
17 12A
11 10
18 15E
2E 2A 37
15A 20N
15D 10A
9 17 15B 12 1
11 10A 10 5 20
12C 4
7 15B 2I12B Signage for rooms 21-34 subject

12 to changing room configuration
6 2H12A
11 10A 10
12B 2D
2G 2 2B 3 6
7 2I 2L12
12A 2 2C
2F 11 10
6 2H2K
2J2E 2A 2B Simple and easily understood route to 38
pool via vanity area, changing places,
9 2I
2G baby changing, disabled toilets and
2K 2C 20A changing, cubicles, team changing
2F 1 3 10A EXIT
rooms, pre-swim toilets and showers
6 2H 2J

2B 2C
7 2E 2A 7
2I 2D
2D 19 18
6 2H 2 2C
2F 1 3

2D 2B
2G2E 2A
2G 8 13
2 2C
Key 11C
14 15 16 17
1 3 11I 11J
2E 2A 2B 11B
Main entrance 11E 11G 11H
11L 11M
to the building is 12 11A
11 11D 11F 11K
2H 39
1 3 emphasised to
allow easy

Room reference
Reception foyer
1 Lobby entrance 13 Accessible changing room 26 Baby change
area with views
to the key sports 2 Foyer 14 Female toilets 27 Accessible changing room
spaces to assist 3 Reception 15 Male toilets 28 Changing Places room
wayfinding DRY
4 Vending 16 Cleaner’s store SIDE 29 Post-swim showers
5 Public side accessible toilet 17 Accessible toilet 30 Accessible toilet
Simple corridor WET
6 Reception office 18 Male changing room 31 Male toilets SIDE
layouts and
clear vertical 7 Wheelchair / buggy store 19 Female changing room 32 Female toilets
circulation 8 Two lifts 20 Village changing 33 Pool store
9 Sports hall 21 Male team changing 34 Pre-swim showers
Recesses and 10 Sports hall store 22 Female team changing
WET 35 Pool hall
contrasting wall SIDE
11 Main corridor 23 Cleaner’s store 36 First aid room
emphasise the 12 Feature stair 24 Changing cubicles 37 Stair core
location of 25 Wheelchair/buggy storage 38 Plant
entrances to
39 Stair core
adjacent spaces

9A 9A


Ground floor signage layout - to be read in conjunction with the signage schedule on pages 21-22
July Revision 001 19 © Sport England 2013
Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities


48A 37


48 49 55


40A 50A

40C 43 44 47 50 51 54
2 50B

52 53
40D 8
45 41C 41D 46
41B 41E 39A

41 41F 41J
12 40E 41G 41K
41A 41H


Simple corridor
Room reference
layouts and
clear vertical 2 Foyer (void over) 41 Corridor 49 Fitness equipment gym store
circulation 8 Two lifts 42 Accessible changing room 50 Fitness studio
9 Sports hall (void over) 43 First floor cleaners' store 51 Fitness studio store
12 Feature stair 44 Female changing 52 Staff area
Recesses and
contrasting wall 35 Pool hall (void over) 45 Female toilet 53 Staff lobby
colours 37 Stair core 46 Male toilet 54 Staff store
emphasise the
39 Stair core 47 Male changing 55 Upper plant level
location of
entrances to 40 Lobby 48 Fitness equipment gym 56 Upper plant lobby
adjacent spaces


First floor signage layout - to be read in conjunction with the signage schedule on pages 21-22
July Revision 001 20 © Sport England 2013
Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities
Signage Schedule (Example 2)
Ref Location (room) Code Sign * Position Notes **
External 20N Swimming Pool (with direction On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
E1 Name on building beside arrow) Identity sign to assist wayfinding
29 Swimming Pool 35A Changing Rooms (with direction Fixed to the wall / ceiling beside Directional sign to assist wayfinding
E2 Name board near the arrow) the opening Identity and directional sign to assist wayfinding
entrance (alternative)
35B Wheelchair symbol Wall to pool surround
E3 Additional name on 35C Water depth signs (at access points, Wall to pool surround Identity sign to assist wayfinding
building (to reinforce min and maximum depths (shallow
identification if required) and deep ends), in middle or where
Internal depths change abruptly >1.5m, Subject to the particular pool design and
Ground Floor operator's risk assessment in accordance with
35D Extent of walking/non-swimmers area Wall to pool surround
1 Entrance Lobby N/A BSEN
Space 15288-part
for operator1notices
and 2 and HSG179
(extent of >1.35m depth with a
2 Reception/Circulation 2A Accessible WC (Symbol) On the door
conspicuous demarcation line)
2B Reception On the wall or ceiling a
2C Areas
Office defined for diving Wall to pool
Beside surround
the door/on the door a
2D Store
Wheelchair/buggy store* Beside/on
On the wallthe door a
2E First
NoticeAid Room
Board Beside/on
On the wallthe door Space for operator notices
2F Staff Only / Gym
First Floor, Emergency Exit
& Studio (with Beside
On the the
or ceiling May have asign
Directional specific namewayfinding
to assist / Symbol could be
direction arrows) used as an alternative to text
2G Plant RoomGym & Studio
First Floor, Beside/on
Beside thethe door
lift door Ideally if this is located between the lift and the
35K Other operator signage / temporary Safety
stairs itrestrictions
could servesuch
running, diving,
2H signage
Swimming Pool, Sports Hall and Beside the door jumping
usertoinstructions for particular
assist wayfinding
Changing Rooms, WC's (with sessions such as lane swimming and / or
direction arrows) teaching.etc.
9 First
Hall 9A Equipment Store x 2 Beside the door/on the door
11 Stair
39 Corridor
core 11A
39H Reception,
Staff Only First Floor, Gym & On the wallthe
Beside/on or door
ceiling ba
40 Lobby 40A Studio (with
Fitness directionStudio
Equipment arrows) Beside/on the door Directional sign to assist wayfinding
11B Accessible
Swimming PoolChanging
and Wet Changing Beside/on
Fixed to thethewall
door Symbol
signbetoused aswayfinding
assist an alternative to text
40C Rooms (with
Cleaner's direction arrow)
Store Beside/on the door b
11C Ground Floor, Reception, Sports Beside
Wet Changing thethe
Beside/on lift door
door Ideally
a if this is located between the lift and the
Hall, Swimming Pool stairs it could serve both situations
11D Sports Hall Beside the door* a
11E Changing
ChangingWC's, Fitness On the wallthe
Beside/on or door
ceiling Directional
Symbol could signbetoused
an alternative to text
11F Studio (with direction arrows)
Community Dry Changing, WC's On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
41 Corridor 41A Fitness Equipment
(with direction arrows)Studio / Way On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
11G Out (withToilets
Female direction arrows) Sign projecting perpendicular from Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
41B Female WC Beside/on
the wall the door
11H Female Changing
Male Toilets Beside/on the door
Sign projecting perpendicular from Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
41D Male Changing Beside/on
the wall the door
11I Male
FemaleWCDry Changing Beside/on
Beside/on the
the door
door Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
41F Changing Rooms, WC's, Fitness On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
11J Male Dry
Studio Changing
(with direction arrows) Beside/on the door Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
41G Sports Hall Beside the door* a
Fitness Studio (with direction On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
11L Cleaner's Store
arrows) Beside/on the door b
11M Accessible WC (Symbol) On the door
41H Changing Rooms, WC's, Way Out On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
18 Changing Area 20A Way out (with direction arrows) On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
(with direction arrows)
20B Group Changing Beside/on the door
41J Fitness Studio Beside the door May have a specific name
20C Changing Places room Beside/on the door
41K Staff Only / Emergency Exit Beside the door May have a specific name / Symbol could be
20D Accessible Changing Beside/on the door used as an alternative to text
20E Individual / family changing cubicles Beside/on the door
48 Fitness Equipment Gym 48A Staff Only / Emergency Exit Beside the door May have a specific name / Symbol could be
20F Group Changing Beside/on the door Subject
used as to
anlayout of changing
alternative to text room and
20G Store
Cleaner's Store Beside/on the door bproportions of cubicles and group changing
20H Store
Baby Change Beside/on
Beside/on the
the door
door bplaces
50 Fitness Studio 50A Store Beside/on the door b
20J Female Toilets Beside/on the door
50B Store Beside/on the door b
20K Male Toilets Beside/on the door
53 Staff lobby 53A Store Beside/on the door b
20L Accessible WC (Symbol) Beside/on the door
53B Staff Room Beside/on the door b
20M Shower symbol Beside/on the door
* Suggested signage wording highlighted in bold ** Fire safety signage is excluded from the schedule and subject to the particular
a Signage may not be required if function is obvious/intuitive fire strategy / Building Control / Fire Officer approvals
b Signage may not be required as function is not a public function
Continued overleaf...
July Revision 001 21 © Sport England 2013
Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities
Signage schedule (Example 2) cont/d...
Ref Location (room) Code Sign * Position Notes **
External 20N Swimming Pool (with direction On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
E1 Name on building beside arrow) Identity sign to assist wayfinding
29 Swimming
entrance Pool 35A Changing Rooms (with direction Fixed to the wall / ceiling beside Directional sign to assist wayfinding
E2 Name board near the arrow) the opening Identity and directional sign to assist wayfinding
entrance (alternative) 35B Wheelchair symbol Wall to pool surround
E3 Additional name on 35C Water depth signs (at access points, Wall to pool surround Identity sign to assist wayfinding
building (to reinforce min and maximum depths (shallow
identification if required) and deep ends), in middle or where
depths change abruptly >1.5m, Subject to the particular pool design and
Ground Floor operator's risk assessment in accordance with
35D Extent of walking/non-swimmers area Wall to pool surround
BSEN 15288-part 1 and 2 and HSG179
1 Entrance Lobby N/A of >1.35m depth with a
(extent Space for operator notices
2 Reception/Circulation 2A Accessible WC
conspicuous (Symbol) line)
demarcation On the door
2B Reception On the wall or ceiling a
35E Areas defined for diving Wall to pool surround
2C Office Beside the door/on the door a
35F Store Beside/on the door
2D Wheelchair/buggy store* On the wall a
35G First Aid Room Beside/on the door
2E Notice Board On the wall Space for operator notices
35H Staff Only / Emergency Exit Beside the door May have a specific name / Symbol could be
2F First Floor, Gym & Studio (with On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
used as an alternative to text
direction arrows)
35J Plant Room Beside/on the door
2G First Floor, Gym & Studio Beside the lift door Ideally if this is located between the lift and the
35K Other operator signage / temporary Safety restrictions such as running, diving,
stairs it could serve both situations
signage jumping and user instructions for particular
2H Swimming Pool, Sports Hall and Beside the door Directionalsuch
sessions signastolane
assist wayfinding
swimming and / or
Changing Rooms, WC's (with teaching.etc.
direction arrows)
First Floor
9 Sports Hall 9A Equipment Store x 2 Beside the door/on the door
39 Stair core 39H Staff Only Beside/on the door b
11 Corridor 11A Reception, First Floor, Gym & On the wall or ceiling a
40 Lobby 40A Fitness Equipment
Studio (with directionStudio
arrows) Beside/on the door Directional sign to assist wayfinding
40B Accessible Changing Beside/on the door Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
11B Swimming Pool and Wet Changing Fixed to the wall Directional sign to assist wayfinding
40C Cleaner's
Rooms (with Store
direction arrow) Beside/on the door b
40D Ground Floor, Reception, Sports Beside the lift door Ideally if this is located between the lift and the
11C Wet Changing
Hall, Swimming Pool Beside/on the door a
stairs it could serve both situations
11D Sports Hall Beside the door* a
40E Changing Rooms, WC's, Fitness On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
11E Accessible Changing Beside/on the door Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
Studio (with direction arrows)
11F Community Dry Changing, WC's On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
41 Corridor 41A Fitness Equipment Studio / Way On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
(with direction arrows)
Out (with direction arrows)
11G Female Toilets Sign projecting perpendicular from Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
41B Female WC Beside/on the door
the wall
41C Female Changing Beside/on the door
11H Male Toilets Sign projecting perpendicular from Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
41D Male Changing Beside/on the door
the wall
41E Male WC Beside/on the door
11I Female DryRooms,
Changing Beside/on
41F Changing WC's, Fitness On the wallthe
or door
ceiling Symbol could
Directional signbetoused
an alternative to text
11J Studio
Male Dry (with direction arrows)
Changing Beside/on the door Symbol could be used as an alternative to text
11K Fitness Studio (with direction
Sports Hall On the wall
Beside or ceiling
the door* Directional
a sign to assist wayfinding
11L arrows)
Cleaner's Store Beside/on the door b
41H Accessible Rooms,
Changing WC (Symbol)
WC's, Way Out On the
On the wall
dooror ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
18 Changing Area 20A Way out
(with (with arrows)
direction direction arrows) On the wall or ceiling Directional sign to assist wayfinding
20B Group Changing Beside/on the door
41J Fitness Studio Beside the door May have a specific name
41K Changing
Staff Only Places room Exit
/ Emergency Beside/on
Beside thethe
doordoor May have a specific name / Symbol could be
20D Accessible Changing Beside/on the door used as an alternative to text
48 Fitness Equipment Gym 20E
48A Staff Only/ /family
Individual Emergency Exit
changing cubicles Beside/on
Beside thethe
doordoor May have a specific name / Symbol could be
20F Group Changing Beside/on the door used as to
Subject anlayout
alternative to text room and
of changing
48B Store Beside/on the door bproportions of cubicles and group changing
20G Cleaner's Store Beside/on the door
48C Store Beside/on the door bplaces
20H Baby Change Beside/on the door
50 Fitness Studio 50A Store Beside/on the door b
50B Female Toilets
Store Beside/on the
Beside/on the door
door b
53 Staff lobby 20K
53A Male Toilets
Store Beside/on the door b
53B Staff RoomWC (Symbol)
Accessible Beside/on the door b
20M Shower symbol Beside/on the door
* Suggested signage wording highlighted in bold ** Fire safety signage is excluded from the schedule and subject to the particular
a Signage may not be required if function is obvious/intuitive fire strategy / Building Control / Fire Officer approvals
b Signage may not be required as function is not a public function

July Revision 001 22 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

6.0 References Other useful references

Various sources of information have been used in • Designing for Accessibility – 2012 Edition:
the compilation of this document and are published by Centre for Accessible
recommended as further reading for those involved Environments (CAE) http://www.cae.org.uk/ and
with wayfinding and signage design. RIBA Publishing www.ribabookshops.com/
Sport England guidance
• Signage and Spatial Orientation, Kling and
• Accessible Sports Facilities Design Guidance ..
Kruger, DETAIL 3013 http://shop.detail.de/uk_e/
Note landingpages/detail-startseite-en/signage-spatial-
• Affordable Sports Halls Design Guidance Note
• Sign Design Guide – a guide to inclusive
• Swimming Pools Design Guidance Note signage by JMU Access Partnership and the
• Affordable Community Swimming Pools Sign Design Society www.signdesignsociety.co.uk/

• Wayfinding: Effective Wayfinding and Signing

British Standards
Systems, Guidance for Healthcare Facilities:
• BS5499-1:2002 Graphical symbols and signs published by The Stationery Office, 2005
– Safety signs, including fire safety signs – Part 66&Action=Book&ProductID=9780113221400&From=
1 Specification for geometric shapes, colours SearchResults
& layout
• Handball Arena Wayfinding Signage, Populus
• BS5499-4:2000 Safety signs, including fire
strategy safety signs – Part 4 Code of practice • Handball Arena Legacy Signage Study, Make
for escape route signage
• Inclusive Way Finding Strategy, LOCOG
• BS8300:2001 Clear signage principles
• Inclusive Design Standards, published by the
• BS8501:2002 Graphical symbols & signs - Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA)
Public information symbols
• UK Association for Accessible Formats

July Revision 001 23 © Sport England 2013

Wayfinding and Signage Design
Guidance Note
for Sports Facilities

Alternative Languages and Formats:

This document can be provided in alternative languages, or alternative
formats such as large print, Braille, tape and on disk upon request.
Call the Sport England switchboard on 08458 508 508 for more details.

Information Prepared by:

Sport England, Robin Wilson Consulting, S&P Architects, The Access Consultancy, and Deloitte.

Sport England thank the following individuals and organisations for their contribution:
Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM)
JMU Access Partnership
Matt Chisnall Architectural Photography
Rivermeade Signs Ltd.
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
Sign Design Society
Morley von Sternberg
Tim Ronalds Architects
Tamara Shiner
Charlotte Woods

User Guide:
Before using this guidance for any specific projects all users should refer to the User Guide to understand
when and how to use the guidance as well as understanding the limitations of use.

Click here for ‘User Guide’

l nd.org/factiles-pa
l nnn
i g/toosl-gud
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i n-and-cost-gud
i ance/user-gud
i e/

Click here for current ‘Design

and Cost Guidance’

Issue Tracker:
001 – Initial Publication: July 2013

Sport England
3rd Floor Victoria House
Bloomsbury Square
WC1B 4SE ISBN 978-1-86078-282-4
Tel : +44 (0)8458 508 508 © Sport England, July 2013

Further Information:
To find out more about Sport England and to get the latest news and information about our various
initiatives and programmes, please go to www.sportengland.org
July Revision 001 24 © Sport England 2013

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