Fly Emirates

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We certify that we are the authors of this document, all sources
have been mentioned in the report. Data, ideas and words of
other authors have been correctly
WORDS: 5251
Manuel Ignacio Matias, Mónica Galván & José Antonio Valero
Tabla de contenido
1. BRIEF INTRODUCTION .................................................................................2
2. ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................2
a. INBOUD & OUTBOUND MARKETING STRATEGIES ................................2
1. SEO OPTIMIZATION ............................................................................................ 2
2. PAID MEDIA ANALYSIS: SEM ............................................................................ 5
3. ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. 6
4. SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT .................................................................................. 8
5. E-MAIL MARKETING ......................................................................................... 10
b. LEAD GENERATION TECHNIQUES ..........................................................12
c. RETENTION AND LOYALTY TECHNIQUES ...........................................................13
d. PUBLIC STATUS ONLINE ...................................................................................14
e. ONLINE DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS.......................................................................... 15
2. RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................15

Fly emirates is an airline born in Dubai 36 years ago. Today the company
operates in a network of more than 132 destinations in 78 countries in different
parts of the world. It is characteristic for offering a service to people with a high

The airline is mainly for being one of the most exclusive that operates with the
United Arab Emirates as well as for being the main sponsor of major sporting
events and soccer clubs such as Real Madrid or AC Milan. A relatively young
airline, born out of the development of the eastern Arab countries, whose growth
in recent years has been phenomenal and has reached a turning point with the
recent organisation of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.

The benefits of the company of the airline on the last year has been approximately
of 66 millions of dollars, that represents a big increase (around the 80%) with
regard to the last year. In 2021, the company won the international award of the
best airline of the world, this award was given by the Business Traveller Middle
East Awards.





Online search engines, and more specifically the Google search engine, are a
crucial tool or means by which the "typical" customer or consumer, who makes a
purchase to fly by plane to any destination, uses. That is why it is crucial that all
the different airlines, and more specifically in our case, Fly Emirates, develop their
SEO in the best possible way, in order to appear in the first results and above the
main competitors, to bring more traffic to their website.

One of the first factors or "tips" to analyse when taking a look at the company's
SEO is the loading time, as if the website is excessively slow (from its mobile or
computer version) it can cause the user, due to a negative experience, to
abandon the page. Once a previous subjective analysis has been made by
analysing the page itself, we have proceeded to analyse it through a free web
tool such as PageSpeed Insight (developed and optimised by Google), where we
have observed that:

1. The speed and loading time of the FlyEmirates website are quite good
(both for the mobile version and for the computer version). Moreover, the results
are quite positive in relation to those of the direct competition.
2. In this case, on the tool's own recommendation to improve SEO, you could
edit the HTML code of the web page in order to make Google crawlers
understand the content of your application better.

Another common problem or error that arises when evaluating or developing SEO
is that of broken links or hyperlinks. These are links that, over time, stop pointing
to your website or server and cause the phenomenon known as "Error 404".
According to Broken Link Check, the tool used to determine the number of dead
links or hyperlinks on Fly emirates is 0, which means that the page is continuously
updated and will not generate this type of problem for users who visit it (as well
as positioning it at the top). As for the evaluation of another of the important
factors that Google's algorithm takes into account when positioning our web
page, such as the meta descriptions, Fly Emirates has them well completed in all
aspects, with information written in the appropriate parameters and characters.

Another key factor when it comes to SEO is the optimization of the website for
mobile phone search engine optimization. According to a study 70% of flight
purchases are made through mobile devices and not through computers, so it is
key to have a good web version for Smartphone devices.
At first glance, you can see a fairly well organized website in its mobile version,
with categories and keywords well marked. To analyze its optimization from a
more objective point of view, we have used Google's web analysis tool mentioned
above, where it indicates that the site has a correct usability for mobile devices.

Finally, the variety of content presented on the website is quite wide, with a great
variety of articles, photos, videos, and interactive sections. The distribution of
headings is well divided and managed in a simplified way that allows the user to
be able not only to manage and book their flights, but also to complement their
experience with possible information and data about the destinations to which
they are going to travel or customer loyalty programs which we will look into later.
The URLs are correct and are set within the optimal parameters recommended
by experts. The keyword research developed by the company is well
implemented, taking advantage of the boom in Dubai and what is considered to
be Qatar, highlighting the cities of the Qatari complex as well as the words Flights,
Arab Emirates, Offers and reservations.

Another of the strong points when taking into account the analysis of my
company's seo is its usability. The usability of a website will determine, in many
cases, the user's experience on it and the web positioning as well as the
effectiveness and efficiency of the site itself. The usability of the website is quite
good, it is simply deficient in some areas, such as the length of the labels or the
loading time in the mobile version.
With regard to web performance, after an analysis carried out with gtmetrix, we
have detected that the most deficient sections with regard to the web are the
speed at which the contents appear to the user and how much is blocked by
scripts during our page loading process. To contrast the information obtained
about the user experience on both mobile devices and computers, we have
carried out a usability analysis again on the HubSpot portal. In contrast to what
we have seen, it indicates that usability is not as good on both computers and
mobile devices. Mainly for two reasons:

- Excess of HTTP requests

- Below-average page speed on mobile devices
With all this, we can conclude that Fly Emirates' SEO is very well developed in
relation to that of its direct competitors, which means that its positioning in
Google's search engine will be very good. But, on the other hand, it still needs to
improve when it comes to optimizing the site for user experience and web


For the Airlines, and more specifically, Fly Emirates, not everything is going to be
SEO when it comes to attracting traffic to the website. Therefore, this and other
airlines will focus their economic efforts on complementing their SEO through
paid media or SEM.

To analyze the SEM of Fly Emirates (something complex due to the lack of data
about the company and its expenses), we are going to try to analyze the
KeyWords on which the company bids and its monthly PPC budget in relation to
that of its direct competitors (which, as mentioned above, are Etihad and Qatar

FlyEmirates' (approximate) monthly PPC budget is 160k divided by 158 keyword

bids. Quite a lot higher compared to Etihad, who estimate it at 38.1k divided by
74 keywords.

The main Pay KeyWord for FlyEmirates in the last period were as follows:

1. Emirates
2. Emirates
3. Fly Emirates
4. Emirates Airlines
5. Emirates Airline
All these data are extracted from the prestigious American search and digital
trend analysis portal SpyFu.

In order to contrast this data, we have proceeded to investigate the budget in

Paid Media and KeyWords in ISpionage. This portal does not provide us with data
about the exact budget used by the company to develop its PPC strategy, but it
does provide us with data about the most successful PPC keywords for Fly
Emirates. In this case, they would be the following:

1. Fly Emirates Planes

2. Emirates Airlines to Dubai
3. Flights to Kolkata India
4. Emirates mileage program
5. Emirates Airlines Fares

But, when talking about Paid media, we cannot forget about Banners. This type
of advertisement is usually displayed on web pages and is where digital
marketers put everything they have learnt through research and creativity into
their Display Ads and Remarketing campaigns. According to the data visualized
in another portal specialized in digital marketing such as Oracle Advertising, Fly
Emirates is not a company that uses a very high budget for investment in display
ads and programmatic banners, which is why it bases its digital marketing
strategy on other forms that will be explained below.

The most prominent ad or Search Ad according to the search performed on the

company, in its header takes you directly to booking flights from Madrid, but in
the subheadings, it takes you directly to offers and requirements for travelling to
Dubai (one of the most popular destinations this year due to the World Cup and
the infrastructure it has) as well as the option to "find the best price".

The content developed by Fly Emirates to attract users and, therefore, new
customers, is increasingly developed and implemented in all its business areas,
we have detected and analyzed its strongest points through the content matrix.

1. Entertain the customer: In this sense, Fly Emirates focuses more on

entertainment through social networks than through the website itself,
mainly through viral videos where both technological resources (aircraft
software, technology, capabilities) and personal resources (pilots, flight
attendants, etc.) are shown. The latest viral video was made with the
Christmas theme of "Father Christmas", showing a themed flight where
Santa's own reindeer are the ones dragging the plane to take off. Recently,
the company has also joined new trends such as tik tok's Hashtag
Challenging, challenging players from the clubs with which the company
is sponsored to perform entertaining and interactive football challenges
that have gone viral through this social network, which has grown
exponentially in the last five years.

4. Inspire the customer: From a more emotional perspective to drive the

customer towards purchase, Fly Emirates goes a step above the whole
influencer and community forum theme. Fly Emirates inspires the affluent
customer through multi-year agreements with some of the world's most
powerful football clubs such as Real Madrid, AC Milan and Arsenal FC.
This means that these clubs' domestic and international flights are
operated by Fly Emirates, clubs with a high social profile that are a perfect
fit for Fly Emirates' target customer. They have also recently acquired the
sponsorship rights for both the US Open and the old and prestigious British
tournament "FA Cup", inspiring the customer with the company's values
by taking the trophy with their aircraft to underdeveloped countries such
as Ghana, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

5. Educate the customer: Fly Emirates focuses the creation of brand value
on educating its customers through the creation of content on its own
website, specifically in its "experiences" section. It focuses primarily on
recreating customer experiences, with the slogan "Your journey starts
here". In this respect Fly Emirates is a little behind its competitors with little
in the way of infographics, articles or Trend Reports. Guides on the
operation and requirements of travel for children, pregnant women, babies
or other special cases do abound and this gives more value to educating
the customer in their experience through the website.

6. Convincing the customer: This is the section where Fly Emirates falls short
the most. The absence of data and numbers is abundant, and this is
possibly due to the high price of the company, which may cause the
customer to back out of a possible reservation or purchase. Although it is
true that various events organized by the company as well as innovations
in the services provided on flights (specialized catering, the possibility of
incorporating video consoles in the integrated screens, etc.) are displayed
in sections.

Another very important part of content creation is the usability and creation of
content through the brand's own application. In the case of Emirates, Emirates
has its own app for both Android and Apple devices. Through the web application
analytics tool SimilarWeb we have been able to verify that the app works in a very
efficient way given that the average rating obtained by the user through the 2
main shops (App Store and Play Store) is 4.7.

In conclusion, when it comes to creating content to guide the consumer during

their costumer behavior, Fly emirates focuses more on the emotional part that
tries to both create brand value and convince the customer, leaving aside the
more rational part that performs similar actions.


Nowadays, Social media has become one of the most powerful ways to all
types of company to generate leads and traffic. In a world in which we are
becoming increasingly globalized, it is essential for airlines to have the
necessary presence in all social networks, from the most traditional to the most
innovative, in order to go viral as soon as possible.

With regard to Fly Emirates on social media, we can see that this company is
present on networks such as Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, Tik Tok and

On Instagram the company has a large number of followers, 6.5 million to be

precise, due to their strategies implemented in their “stories” where they can
converse with customer through question-and-answer boxes as well as
promoting their Jobs and taking advantage of their sponsorship with football to
make videos with a great engagement. They also present their own opportunity
filters to increase brand awareness when used by users. This strategy also
implements the use of reels where they promote the connection time in Dubai by
means of impressive videos with representative elements and in seasonal
periods such as the New Year and Christmas. They also showcase favorite
destinations (tourism marketing) among users such as New York and show the
inner experience of this experience in a creative way. Emirates add to this
influencer marketing through football players by sponsoring football with the

All of this is shared on Facebook and ads 10 million followers along with another
element: instant messaging where the brand provides personalized customer
service. Another remarkable banner where you click and it takes you to book on
the website of the page facilitating the search for the customer to call to action
and thus increasing the conversion of customer leads. It stands out for using
remarketing where different formats are used to promote the brand, highlighting
eye-catching photos and videos that make the customer feel like they are part of
the brand.

On the other hand, on LinkedIn, Emirates is one of the first airlines to develop on
this social network. It has close to 3 million followers. This profile stands out for
being active every month, where its key factor is sponsorship, and they offer
numerous Jobs. In addition, they use hashtags related to the community, with
#emirates being the name of the brand. They also frequently use the platform´s
objective advertisements for job searches. They are active in the main activity of
the application.

In Tik Tok the company has around 550.000 followers and stand out for promoting
through hashtag challenges, with a playlist where footballers carry out these
challenges with their football collaborations. In addition to videos where creativity
is the highlight demonstrating why travel better with the brand going inside the
experience, as well as in the viewer and encouraging the viewer to book with the
company. This network allows to connect with others, there is a link that directs
the customer to YouTube.

In conclusion, fly emirates is an airline that is very present in the most powerful
social networks that exist, presenting in all of them a discreet but attractive
content strategy, which on some occasions can even be interactive and
entertaining, as we have seen in the case of the hashtag challenge in tik tok.
Despite this, and according to a report by HubSpot solution partners, Fly Emirates
is not one of the most active companies on social networks, and is still a long way
behind others such as Ryanair, Iberia or American Airlines.


Nowadays, email marketing has become a fundamental task for digital

marketing professionals, with the aim of attracting a greater number of visitors
to the website, in this case, of Fly Emirates. A greater number of visitors who in
the long term may become buyers and, who knows, promoters of the company.

In order to get a more accurate analysis of the way FlyEmirates develops its
email marketing strategy, we subscribed to their newsletter program a couple of
months ago, so they have been sending us over time a series of emails that
allow us to get a more accurate analysis of them.

In the first place, it is given to understand by the form in which they are sent,
that the type or form of sending to their database is that of Automatic Sending
towards users that already would be considered for the company as Leads
(since they have left their contact data, in this case, the e-mail, in some place or
form of the web page).
The first e-mail they send you is the classic registration confirmation e-mail
where they welcome users and invite you (directly to your name) to participate
and take advantage of the benefits of being a registered fly emirates user. The
main slogan stands out in an animated and eye-catching image where the user
is prompted with the phrase "Say hello to new adventures".

The registration confirmation e-mail is essential when it comes to establishing

the relationship between the registered user and the company, as it would be
considered as the first impression, something relatively similar to when the user
enters a physical shop and begins to establish communication with the
employee or in this case.
The automatic emails that Fly Emirates sends to its users stand out for having
as their main point the sending of offers or content related to travel to
destinations that at the time of sending the email are on offer or in high season.
The main point of the automatic e-mails is a series of CTAs (Calls To Action)
which, together with a main message with a persuasive communicative tone,
induce the user to click on the offers or top destinations. The destinations
recommended in the e-mails vary depending on an algorithm developed by Fly
Emirates where, depending on your country of residence, they send you the
most popular destinations for people coming from the country of residence that
you selected when you signed up for their newsletter. All the emails are
included with a button at the top that indicates "book now" and, if the user clicks
on it, they are automatically redirected to a page where the booked flight
appears from the user's place of residence, in this case, Madrid.

However, not all e-mails automated by Fly Emirates are linked to CTAs with a
direct and persuasive communication style to get the customer to book a flight.
Another type of e-mail that Fly Emirates sends to its database is the offer of
travel through cross-selling or complementary services free of charge.
In this case, and possibly due to the high demand for flights to Dubai for the
FIFA World Cup, they send us an e-mail containing a cross-selling CTA, where
we are offered a guided bus tour of the city by the multinational company from
Seville, CitySightseing, on the condition that the flight is booked from Madrid
and until a specific date (in this case, until 29.12.2022).

In both types of e-mail, despite being automated, the subject of the e-mail is
very important, since depending on it, the user may or may not click on it.

E-mail marketing becomes, therefore, a fundamental tool not only for airlines,
but also for the tourism industry in general, taking into account the need to
communicate with the user at a time when the possibility of travelling is more
complex, not only due to the problems caused by the pandemic, but also due to
the economic crisis. As the blog specialised in Email Marketing, Doppler, says
"When your community needs to hear from you, you need to be there for them".


Lead generation is a very important part of the sales process.

Digital marketing not only for airlines, but also for any other sector that operates
on the internet.

Analyzing both the web platform and the different profiles on social networks,
there are no examples that really clarify the generation of Fly Emirates leads, with
the exception of the section that gives you the option to subscribe for free to its
Newsletter and receive both information and special offers is free of charge.
It has been observed that some travel raffles or travel discounts are carried out
through social networks, which would also correspond to a new technique or way
of generating Leads, since to participate in this type of raffle some information is
required, such as the Email, telephone or even the name and surname, in such
a way that the user who participates enters directly into the FlyEmirates database,
but being a Marketing Qualified Lead, since he is not yet fully prepared or
convinced to enter in the purchase process.

The possible detected absence of Lead generation techniques in Fly Emirates

may be due to the fact that, being a premium company and directed towards a
much more exclusive Target, it does not need to have such a large customer
database to which to send promotions, offers or gifts in exchange for them to
purchase flights with them. The Fly Emirates public needs or is looking for other
types of things more focused on the product or, in this case, the service itself.


The digital purchase process tends to be thought to end once the customer
purchases the product through their web browser, but we are very wrong, since
the digital marketing strategy of companies such as Fly Emirates ends when the
customer is loyal. by the brand and can become a promoter of it.

But, Fly Emirates has managed to go one step further than the rest of the airlines,
making it possible to develop not just one, but two loyalty programs aimed at two
types of customers. These programs are Emirates Skywards and Business

Emirates Skywards is a loyalty program aimed at private customers based on a

system of accumulating points (in this case, "miles") obtained through trips both
from the company and from FlyDubai. These miles give the customer several
advantages, such as discounts on future flights, an upgrade to the class in which
they travel for free, a discount at a hotel partner of the airline and even being able
to purchase flights or discounts at other companies that They do not have to be
Fly Emirates with which you have agreements or collaboration agreements.

This year they developed a new function of this loyalty program, a level base
(Blue, Silver, Gold and Platinum) that guides the client to feel even more
exclusive and as an important part once they start flying more with the company.

On the other hand, Emirates developed a loyalty program parallel to Emirates

SkyWards, the aforementioned Business Rewards, focused more on a target of
professional clients. The program tries to retain and retain those companies that
have a travel agreement with the airline, enabling their registration in the program
so that the affiliated companies get flying points (in a similar way to Emirates
SkyWards), which allows them to exchange them for cheaper flights or class

It is detected that the set of Emirates loyalty programs is quite complete as a

whole compared to that of competing airlines, hence the high capacity of the
airline to not only be able to retain its individual customers who travel throughout
the East but also also to the companies they work with, making them both feel
unique and part of an ever-growing global business.


Nowadays, when buying an item of clothing, booking a hotel room or buying a
plane ticket, it is common to look at customer reviews about their experience of
consuming that good or service.

To check the public status of fly emirates, we conducted research on the two
leading airline review forums on the internet, trip advisor and trust pilot.

The contrast is high between the two sites, with trust pilot having an overall
rating of 1.8 out of 5. The customers who give their opinion on this forum
complain mainly about two aspects, the strictness of the schedules (and the
lack of flexibility linked to this) and the poor service of the baggage carriers.
This average can be a problem for the company, as some users may regret
buying a ticket once they have seen the reviews.

On the other hand, on the tripadvisor website, emirates surprisingly achieves an

overall rating of 4 out of 5. In this score, aspects such as the cleanliness inside
the flight and the technology incorporated are highlighted. In addition, on this
same review portal, it won the travellers best choice award between 2017 and


Traditionally, airlines sold airline tickets through a single distribution channel. In

recent years, with the emergence of online travel agencies, the sales of airlines
that previously had their own distribution channel have multiplied thanks to these
third parties.

Fly Emirates currently distributes its flights in Spain through platforms such as El
Corte Ingles, Halcon Viajes and the innovative low-cost travel analytics platform
EDreams. Fly Emirates, therefore, has a high presence in practically all existing
online distribution channels in Spain, making it very easy for the customer to
access their flights regardless of which channel we are talking about (their own
or someone else's).

Having carried out the detailed analysis set out in the previous points, we
believe that the recommendations regarding the digital marketing strategy that
fly emirates should follow are as follows:

Firstly, a considerable increase in the digital advertising budget. After detecting

the absence of "banners" or "Display" of the airline through google, i.e. the
existing average in search engines, we believe that it is essential to increase this
According to our case and an analysis by Puro marketing, "Having carried out the
detailed analysis set out in the previous points, we believe that the
recommendations regarding the digital marketing strategy that fly emirates
should follow are as follows", so a programmatic advertising strategy in which we
segment the ads according to the target audience, presenting them with ads for
empty seats on planes in real time interactively or in the form of banners or display
If advertisers and content creators can create banners that attract the attention
of the users who consume the media, it will be very easy to achieve a high CTR
that can be achieved through the creation of banners.

On the other hand, we believe that the boom of influencers today is a fact, and in
this sense (depending on the agreements that the company has established), we
believe that emirates is wasting the opportunity that influencer marketing could
offer .

A risky but effective strategy would be to take advantage of the boom in the
Middle East of the signing of Cristiano Ronaldo by Al Nassr. Taking advantage of
the mobility that Ronaldo has not only for the world of football but also for sport
and daily life could mean a clear increase in visits and income for the company,
and the financial capacity of Emirates would allow it to be carried out without any
problem. The presence of the futbol player on the social media and the different
sites of the company It would cause a great impact on both private and business
clients who travel daily around the Middle East.

-In terms of content, while it is true that the company presents different exotic
places in the Middle East where you can travel (e.g. discover Dubai and its
incredible skyscrapers) and enjoy a pleasant stay, the link between these places
and the things they have to offer in relation to what the Fly emirates brand offers
in this case is not clearly stated.
The digital content offered by the brand should better establish the relationship
between the main insights of the brand and the destinations it flies to, in terms of
culture, exclusivity, technology and services.

Customer retention and loyalty programmes, as we have seen throughout the

analysis above, are quite comprehensive and induce the customer to remain a
regular customer. However, we have tried to give a twist to the programme, given
that Emirates has its own loyalty programme and is not associated with other
larger programmes such as true blue or executive club, to try to offer more original
rewards based on the agreements that the company has made. In this way, miles
could be used to earn rewards such as:

-A ticket to an FA Cup match.

-A ticket to see Real Madrid CF
-A pass to go on the official tour of Arsenal FC's Emirates Stadium.
A free chauffeur-driven shuttle service to a destination of the customer's choice.

In this way, the customer is given a more original and attractive variety, and one
that is not directly related to fly emirates' core product of flying.

In relation to social networks and, after visualizing the study carried out by
hubspot, we believe that a good and correct strategy would be to increase the
company's activity through the social network that moves the most mass in the
airline sector; in this case, Facebook. For two simple reasons:

-Move a greater number of interactions

-The target audience we are targeting is present.

The increase in content on Facebook would be aligned with the quality of the
content, aimed at achieving a greater number of comments and likes and
empathizing with the customer with our product and the benefits it provides,
focusing on exclusivity and the constant updating of the new technologies that fly
emirates offers.
Finally, to polish the user experience, the website developer and IT staff should
reduce the number of large files on the page, to reduce the number of HTTP
requests as well as to reduce the number of redirects on the page.


HubSpot, Inc. (s. f.). Website Grader - Check your Pages for Speed and


GTmetrix Performance Report.

(s. f.).

Emirates. (s. f.). Emirates | Volar mejor.

PageSpeed Insights

What’s New on SpyFu. (s. f.). SpyFu Help


BrokenLinkCheck - (s. f.). Free Broken Link

Checker - Online Tool. Online Broken Link Checker.

Tripadvisor. (s. f.). Tripadvisor: más de mil millones de opiniones y contribuciones

sobre hoteles, atracciones, restaurantes y mucho más.

Trustpilot. (s. f.). Home.

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