Modeling Conventions For Process Governance

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MAY 2022
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Contents ........................................................................................................................................................... I

1 Modeling conventions for process automation ............................................................................... 1

1.1 Process Governance relevant objects and symbols .......................................................... 1
1.1.1 Events ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Event (process instance started)................................................................................ 2
1.1.3 Event (process instance terminated) ........................................................................ 2
1.1.4 Timer event ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.5 Functions.......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1.6 Automated task .............................................................................................................. 5
1.1.7 Human task ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.8 Notification ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.9 Live message ................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.10 Operators ........................................................................................................................ 10
1.1.11 Organizational elements .............................................................................................. 11
1.1.12 Other ................................................................................................................................ 13
1.2 Process Governance relevant models ............................................................................... 14
1.2.1 Value-added chain diagram ....................................................................................... 14
1.2.2 EPC - Process flow ....................................................................................................... 15
1.2.3 EPC - Satellites ............................................................................................................. 16
1.2.4 Application system type diagram ............................................................................. 18
1.2.5 Access diagram ............................................................................................................. 18
1.2.6 IE Data model................................................................................................................. 19
1.2.7 Organizational chart .................................................................................................... 20
1.3 How to resolve modeling errors........................................................................................... 21

2 Automation data flows ....................................................................................................................... 24

2.1 Start context ............................................................................................................................ 25
2.2 Human task .............................................................................................................................. 28
2.2.1 General data mapping ................................................................................................. 28
2.2.2 Data mapping for user selection ............................................................................... 33
2.2.3 Data mapping for lists ................................................................................................. 34
2.3 Notification and live message .............................................................................................. 35
2.4 ARIS Business services ......................................................................................................... 37
2.4.1 Add - Models/Objects/Groups................................................................................... 37
2.4.2 Compare - Model versions .......................................................................................... 42
2.4.3 Copy - Database ........................................................................................................... 47
2.4.4 Create - 1 directory/group ......................................................................................... 49
2.4.5 Create - 1 model ............................................................................................................ 51
2.4.6 Create - 1 object............................................................................................................ 53
2.4.7 Create - Database ........................................................................................................ 57
2.4.8 Create - Dynamic ARIS Publisher export ................................................................ 59
2.4.9 Create - News ................................................................................................................ 64
2.4.10 Create - Report ............................................................................................................. 67
2.4.11 Create - Shortcut(s) ..................................................................................................... 72
2.4.12 Create - Static ARIS Publisher export...................................................................... 74
2.4.13 Create - Version ............................................................................................................ 78


2.4.14 Delete - Database ......................................................................................................... 82

2.4.15 Delete - Dynamic ARIS Publisher export ................................................................ 84
2.4.16 Delete - Group ............................................................................................................... 86
2.4.17 Delete - Model(s).......................................................................................................... 88
2.4.18 Delete - Object(s) ......................................................................................................... 90
2.4.19 Delete - Temporary files ............................................................................................. 92
2.4.20 Lock - Model(s)/Object(s) ........................................................................................... 93
2.4.21 Move - Models/Objects (within database) .............................................................. 95
2.4.22 Reorganize - Database ................................................................................................ 97
2.4.23 Retrieve - 1 (superior) directory attribute ............................................................... 99
2.4.24 Retrieve - 1 attribute in multiple elements ........................................................... 102
2.4.25 Retrieve - 1 localized attribute in multiple elements .......................................... 104
2.4.26 Retrieve - ARIS user group attributes ................................................................... 107
2.4.27 Retrieve - Current technical version of model(s) ................................................ 109
2.4.28 Retrieve - Element(s) based on Attribute(s) ......................................................... 111
2.4.29 Retrieve - Element(s) based on GUID(s) ................................................................. 114
2.4.30 Retrieve - Group path ................................................................................................. 116
2.4.31 Retrieve - Lock status (model(s)/object(s)) .......................................................... 117
2.4.32 Retrieve - Model(s) and/or object(s) from scope ................................................. 121
2.4.33 Retrieve - Multiple attributes from 1 item ............................................................. 123
2.4.34 Retrieve - Multiple localized attributes from 1 item ............................................ 126
2.4.35 Retrieve - Versionable database ............................................................................. 129
2.4.36 Unlock - Model(s)/Object(s) ..................................................................................... 132
2.4.37 Write - 1 attribute to multiple elements ................................................................. 135
2.4.38 Write - Multiple attributes to 1 element ................................................................. 138
2.5 ARIS Publishing Service ....................................................................................................... 141
2.5.1 Add – Comment in Collaboration ............................................................................. 141
2.5.2 Create - Link to model comparison view............................................................... 143
2.5.3 Retrieve - Link in ARIS ............................................................................................... 145
2.6 ARIS document storage services ...................................................................................... 147
2.6.1 Create - Document .................................................................................................... 147
2.6.2 Create - Folder ............................................................................................................ 149
2.6.3 Delete Document(s) .................................................................................................... 151
2.6.4 Download - Document .............................................................................................. 152
2.6.5 Lock - Document(s) ................................................................................................... 153
2.6.6 Move - Document(s) .................................................................................................. 154
2.6.7 Move - Folder(s) .......................................................................................................... 155
2.6.8 Retrieve - Document(s) by ID .................................................................................. 157
2.6.9 Retrieve - Document(s) by link ................................................................................ 159
2.6.10 Unlock - Document(s) ................................................................................................ 161
2.6.11 Update - Document(s) ............................................................................................... 162
2.6.12 Update - Metadata of 1 document .......................................................................... 163
2.6.13 Update - Metadata of multiple documents .......................................................... 164
2.7 Process Governance service .............................................................................................. 165
2.7.1 Retrieve - Process instance ID ................................................................................ 165
2.8 User management services ................................................................................................ 166
2.8.1 Assign - Privilege to user .......................................................................................... 166
2.8.2 Assign - Privilege to user group .............................................................................. 168
2.8.3 Assign - Product license to user ............................................................................. 170


2.8.4 Assign - Product license to user group .................................................................. 171

2.8.5 Assign - User to group .............................................................................................. 172
2.8.6 Check - User privileges ............................................................................................. 174
2.8.7 Create - User ............................................................................................................... 176
2.8.8 Create - User group ................................................................................................... 178
2.8.9 Delete - User ................................................................................................................ 179
2.8.10 Delete - User group .................................................................................................... 180
2.8.11 Retrieve - Architect user ...........................................................................................181
2.8.12 Retrieve - Connect Designer user .......................................................................... 182
2.8.13 Retrieve - Process Board user ................................................................................. 183
2.8.14 Retrieve - User belongs to user group................................................................... 184
2.8.15 Retrieve - User groups of user ................................................................................ 185
2.8.16 Retrieve - User information ..................................................................................... 186
2.8.17 Retrieve - User selection empty ............................................................................. 188
2.8.18 Write - User information............................................................................................ 189
2.9 Local services ........................................................................................................................ 190
2.9.1 Compare - Boolean values ....................................................................................... 190
2.9.2 Compare - Future timestamps ................................................................................. 191
2.9.3 Compare - String ........................................................................................................ 192
2.9.4 Compare - Time attributes ....................................................................................... 193
2.9.5 Compare - Value empty ............................................................................................ 195
2.9.6 Create - Change number(s) ..................................................................................... 196
2.9.7 Create - Human task log ........................................................................................... 197
2.9.8 Create - Human task log (consider delegation and substitution) ................... 199
2.9.9 Retrieve - Link (design) ............................................................................................ 202
2.9.10 Retrieve - Number (highest/lowest) ..................................................................... 204
2.10 Operators in the data flow ................................................................................................. 205
2.10.1 Numerical operators ................................................................................................. 205 Add ................................................................................................................... 205 Subtract .......................................................................................................... 206 Multiply ............................................................................................................. 207 Divide ................................................................................................................ 207
2.10.2 Comparison operators .............................................................................................. 208 Equal to ........................................................................................................... 208 Not equal to .................................................................................................... 208 Greater than ................................................................................................... 209 Greater than or equal to ............................................................................... 210 Less than .......................................................................................................... 211 Less than or equal to .................................................................................... 212
2.10.3 Boolean operators ...................................................................................................... 213 AND operator .................................................................................................. 213 OR operator ..................................................................................................... 213 NOT operator................................................................................................... 214
2.10.4 Operators for collections .......................................................................................... 215 Select item by ID ............................................................................................ 215 Select item by position ................................................................................. 216 Create collection ............................................................................................ 216 Determine size of collection ........................................................................ 217

MODELING CONVENTIONS Create intersection of collections .............................................................. 218 Format lines .................................................................................................... 218 Validate collection ......................................................................................... 219 Merge collections .......................................................................................... 220
2.10.5 Document operators .................................................................................................. 221 Get document by path .................................................................................. 221 Get document metadata ............................................................................. 222 Filter documents ........................................................................................... 223 Generate http link for document ............................................................... 224
2.10.6 Data elements ............................................................................................................ 225 Path to ARIS Process Board ....................................................................... 225 Get timestamp ............................................................................................... 226
2.10.7 Miscellaneous operators ........................................................................................... 227 Calculate time ................................................................................................. 227 Check whether user exists ......................................................................... 228 Concatenate .................................................................................................. 229 Convert timestamp or date to human readable text ............................ 230 Data XOR operator ......................................................................................... 231 Determine user via e-mail/login name .................................................... 232 Get committed resource ............................................................................. 233 Get participant name ................................................................................... 234 Switch ............................................................................................................. 235
2.11 Constants ............................................................................................................................... 237
2.12 Variables ................................................................................................................................ 238
2.12.1 'Business Status' variable ........................................................................................ 238
2.12.2 Instance variable ....................................................................................................... 238
2.12.3 Process variable ......................................................................................................... 239
2.12.4 System variable ......................................................................................................... 239
2.12.5 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 240

3 Legal information.............................................................................................................................. 243

3.1 Documentation scope......................................................................................................... 243
3.2 Support .................................................................................................................................. 244


1 Modeling conventions for process automation

These modeling conventions support you in creating compliant models for process
automation. This ensures, for example, that all required items and information are available to
guarantee automatic transformation of a BPM process into a BPMN diagram.

1.1 Process Governance relevant objects and symbols

The following tables list the object types/symbol types that are interpreted by Process

1.1.1 Events
More symbols and attributes than those listed here may exist for the object types. But
Process Governance only interprets the ones listed. The attributes for Process Governance
are contained in the Process automation attribute type group.

Symbol shape/ Description Attributes (process

Symbol name
Triggers automation and generates No object-specific attributes
the process instance. (process automation)

Terminates the process instance. No object-specific attributes

(process automation)

Delays the next process step until No object-specific attributes

the specified Process Governance (process automation)

Describes the status. No object-specific attributes

(process automation)


1.1.2 Event (process instance started)

In an EPC, the following modeling conventions must be observed for the Event (process
instance started) object symbol:
 The EPC assigned to the function in the superior value-added chain diagram must have
exactly one Event (process instance started) object symbol.
 The Event (process instance started) object symbol can be modeled only once in a
Process Governance process.

1.1.3 Event (process instance terminated)

In an EPC, the following modeling conventions must be observed for the Event (process
instance terminated) object symbol:
 In the Process Governance process, there must be at least one Event (process instance
terminated) object symbol.
 As the Event (process instance terminated) object symbol terminates the process
instance, it must be the last object in the Process Governance process.
 The process can continue after the Event (process instance terminated) object symbol
if, for example, steps follow that are not relevant to Process Governance.

1.1.4 Timer event

An event can depend on a certain point in time. In this case, an object of the Event type with
the Timer event object symbol has to be used, and the Date attribute must be assigned to
this event in the data flow diagram.


1.1.5 Functions
More symbols and attributes than those listed here may exist for the object types. But
Process Governance only interprets the ones listed. The attributes for Process Governance
are contained in the Process automation attribute type group.

Symbol shape/ Description Attributes (process

Symbol name
The process assigned to this No object-specific attributes
function triggers the automation and (process automation)
generates the process instance.
There is one symbol for opening the
process and one symbol for closing

The process assigned to this No object-specific attributes

function is supported by Process (process automation)
Governance. There is one symbol for
opening the process and one symbol
for closing it.

If the task is ready for editing, it is No object-specific attributes

displayed to the executor in charge (process automation)
in My tasks. The user can call the
dialog and perform the task.

If a task is to be processed, a No object-specific attributes

software service operation type is (process automation)
called, for example, an ARIS Web
service. No action by a user is

If persons are to be notified, an No object-specific attributes

e-mail is automatically sent to the (process automation)
persons defined as notification
recipients in the process model.

If the user that triggered the process No object-specific attributes

instance is to be notified, a message (process automation)
is automatically displayed in ARIS.


Symbol shape/ Description Attributes (process

Symbol name
Used for the interpretation of the No object-specific attributes
assigned EPC by Process (process automation)

Relevant to the superior EPC or No object-specific attributes

value-added chain diagram. Defines (process automation)
which processes belong to the entire
executable governance process.

All other function symbols can be No object-specific attributes

used in value-added chain diagrams/ (process automation)
EPCs. They are relevant to Process
Governance if they are assigned a
data flow diagram in an EPC.


1.1.6 Automated task

In an EPC, each function of the Automated task symbol type must be linked with exactly one
software service operation type via the supports connection.

1.1.7 Human task

In an EPC, the following modeling conventions must be observed for functions of the Human
task type:
 A single dialog is assigned.
 It may be linked to a maximum of one information carrier of the E-mail symbol type via
the provides input for connection.
If no e-mail has been modeled, no e-mail is sent, but the task to be performed is still
displayed as a task in My tasks.
Various options exist for assigning human tasks to an executor.


The human task must be linked to exactly one automation-relevant organizational element by
the carries out connection. Possible organizational elements here are Person, Role, Position,
and Organizational unit.
Organizational elements of the Role or Organizational unit type must be assigned at least
one user who is activated for process automation, unless the Commit employee (page 16)
attribute is set and/or a predefined user exists.
If a human task is assigned an organizational element of the Person type, the user must be
activated for process automation.
If no active user is found the escalation manager is notified by e-mail. If no escalation
manager is defined, the human task is given the status Failed.
You can optionally specify the Executor selection and Commit employee attributes for the
carries out connection. The default values are Only one required and Same executor(s)
required (commit employee).
In the data flow it is possible to assign other data that will overwrite the assignment of the
organizational element described above. This should be avoided unless the Executor
selection attribute at the carries out connection has the value All from preselection.



The attribute value for all human tasks within a process instance, which are assigned to the
same organizational element (Role or Organizational unit), must be specified with either
Commit employee or Segregation of duties. Only the attribute value No policy can be
combined with one of the other attribute values within an instance.


The Commit employee attribute with the value Same executor(s) required (commit
employee) is considered only if the value Only one required is selected for the Executor
selection attribute. This corresponds to the default settings.
It ensures that the user who is editing the first task of the process instance also performs all
further tasks. Only then do the tasks receive the status Completed. Nevertheless, these tasks
can be passed on to other executors in My tasks (delegate, specify substitution).

The first task in a process instance is assigned to the QM user group. This means that all
persons assigned to this organizational element in the organizational chart can edit the first
task. If, for example, the user Peter Smith edits the first task, that user is assigned all other
tasks in this process instance.


If segregation of duties is specified for the tasks of a process instance the tasks must be
carried out by different executors. To ensure this, from the second human task in a process
instance, the executor who already carried out a task in the process instance is excluded from
execution. However, it is possible to pass on (delegate) the tasks in My tasks to an executor
who has already carried out a task in the process instance.


Tasks whose Commit employee attribute has the value No policy can be carried out by all
executors assigned via the organizational element.
If a chain of tasks for which Commit employee is specified is interrupted by a task with the
attribute value No policy, the subsequent task with resource commitment is handled as
though it were the first task in the process instance. This means that the task can again be
carried out by any user from the assigned group and the resource commitment is specified
again for the subsequent tasks.

There are four tasks in a process instance, all of which are assigned to the QM user group, to
which Peter Smith and Frank Brown belong. The first task can be carried out by both. Peter
Smith is the one who carries out the task, for which Commit employee and Only one
required are specified. Therefore, the second task is assigned to him, as well. No policy is
specified for the third task. This means that both persons are assigned for execution again.
This time, Frank Brown is faster and thus is assigned the fourth task, as well.

With this attribute, the first executor of tasks in a process instance can be specified. If, in
addition, the value Same executor(s) required (commit employee) is specified for the
attribute Commit employee, the employee is specified for the entire instance.
This predefined executor must be activated for process automation and belong to the
organizational element (Role or Organizational unit) that is assigned to the human task. The
value Only one required must be selected for the Executor selection attribute. If these
conditions are met, all other persons in this organizational element are not assigned any
human tasks in this process instance.


1.1.8 Notification
In an EPC, the following modeling conventions must be observed for the Notification object
symbol of the Function object type.
 It is linked to exactly one information carrier of the E-mail symbol type via the provides
input for connection.
 It is linked to at least one organizational unit or role via the must be informed about
 For an e-mail, at least the Subject and Text attributes must be specified.


1.1.9 Live message

It allows information to be sent within ARIS and not via the e-mail system. A user who has
started a governance process does not need to exit ARIS and switch to another application in
order to display messages. In an EPC, the following modeling conventions must be observed
for live messages.


The following applies to the Live message object symbol of the Function object type:
 It is linked to a maximum of one E-mail (information carrier) object symbol via the
provides input for connection.
 For an e-mail, at least the Subject and Text attributes must be specified.


The following applies to the Live message object symbol of the Function object type:
If no information carrier is modeled, the input data for the live message must be modeled in
the data flow. You can generate the information to be sent by a Web service, for example.


The following applies to the Live message object symbol of the Function object type:
 It is linked to at least one automation-relevant organizational element via the must be
informed about connection. Automation-relevant means that these are organizational
elements that the convention (page 11) allows.
 The Only inform people involved and Send e-mail notification as attributes should be
specified for the must be informed about connection.
If attributes are not specified, the default values are used, in other words:
 The Only inform people involved attribute value is Yes.
 The Send e-mail notification as attribute value is Recipient.


1.1.10 Operators
More symbols and attributes than those listed here may exist for the object types. But
Process Governance only interprets the ones listed. The attributes for Process Governance
are contained in the Process automation attribute type group.

Symbol shape/ Description Attributes (process

Symbol name
Exactly one of the process paths No object-specific attributes
must be followed. (process automation)

All outgoing process paths must be No object-specific attributes

followed. (process automation)

At least one of the process paths No object-specific attributes

must be followed. (process automation)

The first process instance specifies No object-specific attributes

the further procedure. All instances (process automation)
that follow are therefore deleted.

Two persons are modeled in parallel
as decision makers. If one person has
made a decision, the following
decision is deleted.


1.1.11 Organizational elements

More symbols and attributes than those listed here may exist for the object types. But
Process Governance only interprets the ones listed. The attributes for Process Governance
are contained in the Process automation attribute type group.


When creating the executable process, the organizational elements of the Process
Governance process are created in ARIS Administration. User groups are generated for
organizational units, groups, roles, and positions in ARIS Administration (mapping) and users
for persons. The escalation relationship from the organizational chart remains unchanged and
is represented in ARIS Administration by the corresponding user group.

Symbol shape/ Description Attributes (process

Symbol name
Combines the task performers of the External user (group) ID
manpower. Organizational units are
the performers of the tasks required
to attain the business objectives.

Represents a grouping of External user (group) ID

employees/persons collaborating for
a certain period of time in order to
perform specific tasks (as a project
group), for example.

The smallest identifiable External user (group) ID

organizational unit in a company. The
responsibilities and authorities are
specified in the relevant job

Represents a typification of External user (group) ID

individual employees who have the
same properties, such as privileges
or responsibilities.


Symbol shape/ Description Attributes (process

Symbol name
Represents a specific employee of a  E-mail address
company who can usually be  External user (group) ID
identified by a personnel number.  Login
 First name
 Last name
 Process Governance


1.1.12 Other
More symbols and attributes than those listed here may exist for the object types. But
Process Governance only interprets the ones listed. The attributes for Process Governance
are contained in the Process automation attribute type group.


Symbol shape/ Description Attributes (process

Symbol name
Assigns software service No object-specific attributes
operation types to the source code (process automation)
to run the IT operation.

Connects automated tasks to the Script ID

source code to perform the task.


Symbol shape/ Description Attributes (process

Symbol name
A human task can be performed only No object-specific attributes
if it is connected to a dialog (screen). (process automation)


Symbol shape/ Description Attributes (process

Symbol name
All relevant data objects are  Type
represented by clusters.  Variable context (system,
process, process instance)



Symbol shape/ Description Attributes (process

Symbol name
If a task is generated for a user, the  Subject
user receives a corresponding  Text
notification, for example, by e-mail, if
this has been modeled. E-mails can
also be sent to pass on information.

1.2 Process Governance relevant models

The following tables list the model types that are interpreted by Process Governance.

1.2.1 Value-added chain diagram

More symbols and connections may exist for the model other than those listed here. Process
Governance only interprets the following symbols. The attributes for Process Governance are
contained in the Process automation attribute type group.
No connections are interpreted in the value-added chain diagram.

(Open) (Close)

(Open) (Close)


1.2.2 EPC - Process flow

All connections describing the chronological sequence are allowed.
More symbols and connections may exist for the model other than those listed here. Process
Governance only interprets the following symbols. The attributes for Process Governance are
contained in the Process automation attribute type group.


1.2.3 EPC - Satellites

A satellite is an object that can be inserted in a model or diagram but is not a structurally
relevant object in the model or diagram. For example, an object of the Organizational unit
type is a satellite in an event-driven process chain (EPC). In a model of the Organizational
chart type, on the other hand, an object of the Organizational unit type is a structurally
relevant object.
More symbols and connections may exist for the model other than those listed here. Process
Governance only interprets the following symbols. The attributes for Process Governance are
contained in the Process automation attribute type group.

Source symbol Connection Target symbol Connection attributes

(process automation)
creates No object-specific attributes
(process automation)

carries out  Executor selection

 Only one required
 All from preselection
 All required
 Voting
 Commit employee

is escalated to No object-specific attributes

(process automation)

represents No object-specific attributes

(process automation)

provides input No object-specific attributes

for (process automation)


Source symbol Connection Target symbol Connection attributes

(process automation)
supports No object-specific attributes
(process automation)

must be  Only inform people involved

informed about  Send e-mail notification as
 Recipient
 Cc
 Bcc

provides input No object-specific attributes

for (process automation)

provides input No object-specific attributes

for (process automation)


1.2.4 Application system type diagram

More symbols and connections may exist for the model other than those listed here. Process
Governance only interprets the following symbols. The attributes for Process Governance are
contained in the Process automation attribute type group.
Services (Web services or script services) are defined in the application system type diagram.

Source symbol Connection Target symbol Connection attributes

(process automation)
encompasses No object-specific attributes
(process automation)

1.2.5 Access diagram

More symbols and connections may exist for the model other than those listed here. Process
Governance only interprets the following symbols. The attributes for Process Governance are
contained in the Process automation attribute type group. Services (Web or script services)
are detailed in the access diagram.

Source symbol Connection Target symbol Connection attributes

(process automation)
is input for No object-specific attributes
(process automation)

has as output No object-specific attributes

(process automation)


1.2.6 IE Data model

More symbols and connections may exist for the model other than those listed here. Process
Governance only interprets the following symbols. The attributes for Process Governance are
contained in the Process automation attribute type group.
Only the Cluster symbol is interpreted in the IE Data model. No connections are interpreted.
The IE Data model is used to model a variable catalog. Variables should be used in governance
workflows only if required. For the standard data flow between the various activities, the
activities themselves should be used as input. The data should not be unnecessarily stored
intermediately in variables as this may have a massive impact on the entire performance of
the governance workflow.


1.2.7 Organizational chart

More symbols and connections may exist for the model other than those listed here. Process Governance only interprets the following
symbols. The attributes for Process Governance are contained in the Process automation attribute type group.

is superior is assigned to is composed of is composed of


is superior is composed of is composed of

--- ---

is organization is organization occupies occupies

manager for ---
manager for

is organization is organization is generalization of

manager for --- ---
manager for

--- --- --- --- ---


1.3 How to resolve modeling errors

If you generate the executable process for non-compliant models, error messages are
displayed in the Messages on executable processes bar in a list. Using this information, you
can eliminate the errors and perform the action again.
You can perform additional actions using the pop-up menu. To open and display the relevant
model, click Navigate to object. Activities or connections containing errors are marked with a
warning symbol. Activities are also highlighted in color.
Use the Show details option in the pop-up menu to display additional information:
 ID and name of the affected model
 IDs and names of the affected objects
 IDs of connections that are not permitted or that have caused the error
 Detailed description of the error
The information can be copied to the clipboard by selecting Copy in the pop-up menu.
Selecting Delete all in the pop-up menu removes all messages.
The Navigate to object and Show details options in the pop-up menu are available only if
the message was generated by automatic validation of the BPMN diagram. These options are
not executable for messages that were generated by the transformation or archiving.


If the error message [600.14] is displayed, you can resolve the error by inserting a dummy
object, as described below.
Full error message:
Generating the executable process failed. [600.14] Object '<object name>' of type '<object
type>' may have only one outgoing connection.

Solution: Open the epc model and add at least one dummy function at the process end.





Solution: Open the epc model and add a dummy function between the event and the XOR join.



2 Automation data flows

The data flow of an executable process step in Process Governance is described using a Data
flow diagram. It has exactly one superior object from the control flow. This means that for
objects that have multiple object occurrences in a business model, each of these object
occurrences has its own data flow diagram.
This chapter describes the input and output parameters of services used in Process
Governance and the different types of operators, constants and variables. Mandatory fields
are highlighted with a red asterisk.
The system user and the arisservice user must always have the Process Governance
administrator function privilege to execute services. The function privilege controls the
tasks that users can perform. The system user is created automatically. By default, the
system user has all function privileges. The user arisservice is created automatically. By
default, this user is assigned the Database administrator and Process Governance
administrator function privileges.
By default, no access privileges are defined in ARIS document storage. All users have access
to all folders - including the root folder - and documents. You can limit the access to
individual folders of ARIS document storage so that not all ARIS document storage users can
access all folders and their contents. Make sure that the system user and the arisservice
user have the Document administrator function privilege and access to all folders.
If a user is explicitly mapped in a data flow, the user's password must also be mapped and
must be correct. If the password or user information is missing, the arisservice user is used
regardless of whether his password has been changed or not.
The Process Governance services can write user specific data to attributes. These attribute
values can be anonymized with the help of customized reports in order to meet the
requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Please contact your local
Software AG sales organization (


2.1 Start context

This sign stands for an incoming data flow, this sign for an outgoing data flow.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Current database Name of the database from which the process <Text>
was started

Current server Name of the ARIS Server on which the process <Text>
was started.

Current tenant Name of the ARIS tenant on which the process <Text>
was started.

Current user Login of the user who initiates the process. For <Text>
example, this user can be assigned as a
predefined user to an object of type Human
task: The user starting the process is logged in
to a modeling database. Please note that there
may be situations in which the user is
unknown, for example, if the user is logged in
anonymously or as a guest to an ARIS
Publisher export, or if the process is started
outside of ARIS from an intranet page. If you
want to ensure that the initiator is known, add
a field to the initial dialog into which the e-mail
address of the user can be entered. You can
then assign this field to an object of type
Human task or to an object of type
Notification (To, Cc, etc.) by using the
operator Determine user via e-mail/login

Current filter Name of the filter used for logging in to the <Text>
database from which the process was started.

Current language Language the user used for logging in to the <Text>
database from which the process was started.

GUIDs of the Outputs the type names of items for which the
selected items process was started, e. g., Organizational chart
or Function.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Types Outputs the type names of items for which the <Text
process was started, e. g., Organizational chart collection>
or Function. This field may contain input data
for an object of type Automated task or for a
list in an object of type Human task.

Names of the Lists the names of items for which the process
selected items was started, e. g., models or objects.

Names Lists all names of items for which the process <Text
was started, e. g., models or objects. This field collection>
may contain input data for an object of type
Automated task or for a list in an object of
type Human task.

Type names of the Outputs the type names of items for which the
selected items process was started, e. g., Organizational chart
or Function.

Types Outputs the type names of items for which the <Text
process was started, e. g., Organizational chart collection>
or Function. This field may contain input data
for an object of type Automated task or for a
list in an object of type Human task.

API names of the Outputs the API names of items for which the
selected items process was started, e. g., MT_ORG_CHRT for
an organizational chart or OT_FUNC for a

API names Outputs the API names of items for which the <Text
process was started, e. g., MT_ORG_CHRT for collection>
an organizational chart or OT_FUNC for a
function. This field may contain input data for
an object of type Automated task or for a list in
an object of type Human task.


Figure 1: Start context


2.2 Human task

2.2.1 General data mapping

In/Out Name Details Data type

Task name This box shows the task name that the task is <Text>
to be displayed with in My tasks. If an
explicit name is not modeled in the data flow,
the name of the associated object of the
Human task type is displayed.
The simple text structure required can be
modeled as follows:
For example, connect a constant with the
value Request from: with an operator of the
Create collection type and with an additional
constant that represents the current date.
Connect the Create collection operator with
the Task name box via an operator of the
Format lines type.

Task description This field represents the description of the <Text>

task with which the task is to be displayed in
My tasks. If no explicit description is
modeled in the data flow, nothing is displayed.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Group of This field represents one or multiple person(s) <User>
executors who carry out the object of type Human task.
(mandatory input) If an automation-relevant organizational
element is connected with an object of type
Human task via a connection of type carries
out, a constant is automatically created.
(Exception: The connection attribute is
The constant contains in its value the name of
the organizational element and also complex
XML information.
If the input data is the XML structure that is
transferred differently, the constant can be
deleted. This is the case, for example, if:
 a person selected while an object of the
typeof type Human task is being carried
out can be connected as input data.
 the login name can be connected as input
data via the operator Determine user via
e-mail/login name.
Both options represent complex XML data.

Login of the This field must be connected with the login of <Text>
predefined exactly one person from the group of
executor executors. (If the person is not a member of
(optional) this group, the assignment is ignored.)
The simple text structure required can be
modeled as follows:
 Connect a text field of an object of type
Human task, into which the login
information was entered manually.
 The current user of an initial dialog can be
modeled as input data.
 You can assign the Web service as input
data, which extracts the login information
from an ARIS attribute.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Priority Each object of type Human task has a priority. <Text>
If no priority is specified, the priority NORMAL
is applied. To define a priority as HIGH or LOW,
connect a constant with the corresponding
value with this field. The value must be in
upper case: LOW, NORMAL, HIGH.

Throughput time This duration represents the time allowed for <Duration>
performing the task. (If this time is exceeded,
an escalation e-mail is sent.)
If the field is empty, the attribute Maximum
throughput time of the object of type Human
task is used.
If this field is connected with a duration, the
time attribute is not effective.
There are two ways to define a duration:
 As input data, define a constant and
connect it with the field, or connect an
object of type Human task for which the
user has defined a duration.
 With the second option, the duration that
an object of type Human task may have is
dynamically defined during execution.

Task-specific If a task is not performed in the predefined <User>

escalation time, an escalation e-mail is sent to the person
responsible. If this field is not connected, an
e-mail is sent to the person who is
organization manager for the executor of this
object of the Human task type. If this field is
connected with an escalation-relevant
organization element, the e-mail is sent to this
role. Example: the position QM Manager has to
carry out an object of the Human task type.
The escalation e-mail is sent to the process
manager instead of the QM manager.


Figure 2: Task description

Figure 3: Example 1 – General data mapping - Login


Figure 4: Example 2 – General data mapping - Login


2.2.2 Data mapping for user selection

In/Out Name Details Data type

Selected user If a selection of executors is offered in a dialog, <User>
these persons may have been preselected.
(Input data from another object of the Human
task type with user preselection) or they can
be selected (output data of this object of the
Human task type). If no input data is modeled,
no preselection is displayed in the dialog. (The
output data can be connected with the field
Group of executors (mandatory input) of the
object of the Human task type.)

Group filter If a selection of executors is used, the list of <User>

persons that the executor can select is defined
by modeling an organizational element. If no
organizational element is modeled, all persons
with one of the following licenses are available:
ARIS Viewer, ARIS Connect Designer or ARIS

Figure 5: User selection


2.2.3 Data mapping for lists

In/Out Name Details Data type

Available items If a list is used in the dialog, values may be
contained, for example, a list of models.

Identification To fill this list with values, either connect <Text

models or objects from the preselection of collection>
another object of type Human task,
Automated task, or Event (process instance
started), or enter GUIDs and use the Create
collection operator.

Selected items If an editable list is used in the dialog, the

executor can select items from the list, for
example, models.

Identification The executor can select entries from a list. <Text

They can serve as input data for another collection>
object of type Human task or Automated

Figure 6: Lists


2.3 Notification and live message

In/Out Name Details Data type

To Recipient of the notification. Only for <User>

Cc Copy, also a recipient of the notification. Only <User>

for notifications.

Bcc Blind copy, also a recipient of the notification. <User>

Only for notifications.

Subject Short description of the contents or topic. <Text>

Contents Contents of the notification or live message. <Text>

Figure 7: Example 1 – Notification


Figure 8: Example 2 – Notification

Figure 9: Live message


2.4 ARIS Business services

You find the services in the reference database Governance Automation Models under
Governance resources.
ARIS Business services are services that internally call an ARIS report. You find the reports
under ARIS > Administration > Evaluations > Reports > Governance. These reports cannot
be changed.

2.4.1 Add - Models/Objects/Groups

This service merges models and/or objects of a source database into a target database.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>

type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Select models, objects, or groups to be merged

into the target database.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>


In/Out Name Details Data type

Human task, Automated task, or Event

(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Target database Either connect the target database from the <Text>
preselection of another object of type Human
task, Automated task, or Event (process
instance started), or enter the name of the
target database using a constant.

Merge attributes Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to merge <Boolean>

the source and target attributes. Otherwise:
FALSE. If no specification is made, the default
value FALSE is used.

Assignment level Use a constant to specify the assignment level <Decimal>

up to which assignments are included in the
merge process.

Assignment Define how assignments are to be included in <Boolean>

outside the the merge process: Define the Boolean
selection constant as TRUE to include border items.
Otherwise: FALSE. If no specification is made,
the default value FALSE is used.

Connection Define how connections are to be included in <Boolean>

outside the the merge process: Define the Boolean
selection constant as TRUE to include border items.
Otherwise: FALSE. If no specification is made,
the default value FALSE is used.

Models: Source Define the settings to be used in the event of a <Boolean>

overwrites target conflict: Define the Boolean constant as TRUE
to have items of the source database
overwrite items of the target database.
Otherwise: FALSE. If no specification is made,
the default value FALSE is used.

Objects: Source Define the settings to be used in the event of a <Boolean>

overwrites target conflict: Define the Boolean constant as TRUE
to have items of the source database


In/Out Name Details Data type

overwrite items of the target database.

Otherwise: FALSE. If no specification is made,
the default value FALSE is used.

Connections: Define the settings to be used in the event of a <Boolean>

Source overwrites conflict: Define the Boolean constant as TRUE
target to have items of the source database
overwrite items of the target database.
Otherwise: FALSE. If no specification is made,
the default value FALSE is used.

Fonts: Source Define the settings to be used in the event of a <Boolean>

overwrites target conflict: Define the Boolean constant as TRUE
to have items of the source database
overwrite items of the target database.
Otherwise: FALSE. If no specification is made,
the default value FALSE is used.

Users: Source Define the settings to be used in the event of a <Boolean>

overwrites target conflict: Define the Boolean constant as TRUE
to have items of the source database
overwrite items of the target database.
Otherwise: FALSE. If no specification is made,
the default value FALSE is used.

User groups: Define the settings to be used in the event of a <Boolean>

Source overwrites conflict: Define the Boolean constant as TRUE
target to have items of the source database
overwrite items of the target database.
Otherwise: FALSE. If no specification is made,
the default value FALSE is used.

Merge users Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to merge <Boolean>

associated user groups. Otherwise: FALSE. If
no specification is made, the default value
FALSE is used.

Group: Include Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to select <Boolean>

source the group containing the source in the event
of a conflict. Otherwise: FALSE. If no


In/Out Name Details Data type

specification is made, the default value FALSE

is used.

Synchronize Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to <Boolean>

assignments synchronize assignments. If relationships to a
model did exist in the source database and if,
during a merge, this model is found in the
target database (e. g., from a previous merge),
these relationships are created again.

Path Path where the log file is to be saved. <Text>

Content root Specify the part of the path to the content <Text>
root, for example,

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Hyperlink The hyperlink to the generated log file is <Text>



Figure 10: Merge models/objects/groups


2.4.2 Compare - Model versions

This service compares two versions of one single model.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected models Specifies the model whose versions are to be


Model GUID GUID of the model whose versions are to be <Text>


Change list Change list number of the latest version of the <Decimal>
model. If nothing is specified, the latest
version of the model is considered.

Compare model If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

properties whether the model properties of the versions
to be compared differ. If the input is FALSE,
this will not be compared.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Compare items If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>
that exist only in whether the items that exist only in the source
the source model model differ in the versions to be compared. If
the input is FALSE, this will not be compared.

Compare items If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

that exist only in whether the items that exist only in the target
the target model model differ in the versions to be compared. If
the input is FALSE, this will not be compared.

Compare items If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

from both models whether the items that exist in the source and
target model differ in the versions to be
compared. If the input is FALSE, this will not
be compared.

Compare object If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

definitions whether the object definitions of the versions
to be compared differ. If the input is FALSE,
this will not be compared.

Compare object If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

occurrences whether the object occurrences of the
versions to be compared differ. If the input is
FALSE, this will not be compared.

Compare object If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

occurrences: whether the appearance of the object
Appearance occurrences of the versions to be compared
differ. If the input is FALSE, this will not be

Compare object If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

occurrences: whether the position and/or size of the object
Position/Size occurrences of the versions to be compared
differ. If the input is FALSE, this will not be


In/Out Name Details Data type

Compare object If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>
occurrences: whether the attribute placements of the object
Attribute occurrences of the versions to be compared
placement differ. If the input is FALSE, this will not be

Compare If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

connection whether the connection definitions of the
definitions versions to be compared differ. If the input is
FALSE, this will not be compared.

Compare If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

connection whether the connection occurrences of the
occurrences versions to be compared differ. If the input is
FALSE, this will not be compared.

Connection If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

appearance whether the connection appearance of the
versions to be compared differs. If the input is
FALSE, this will not be compared.

Inflection points If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

whether the inflection points of the versions to
be compared differ. If the input is FALSE, this
will not be compared.

Connection If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

attribute whether the connection attribute placements
placement of the versions to be compared differ. If the
input is FALSE, this will not be compared.

Compare graphic If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

objects whether the graphic objects of the versions to
be compared differ. If the input is FALSE, this
will not be compared.

Compare If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

free-form texts whether the free-form texts of the versions to
be compared differ. If the input is FALSE, this
will not be compared.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Path If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>
whether the paths of the versions to be
compared differ. If the input is FALSE, this will
not be compared.

Content root If the input is TRUE, the service compares <Boolean>

whether the content roots of the versions to
be compared differ. If the input is FALSE, this
will not be compared.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed. If no specification is
made, the default value FALSE is used.

Hyperlink Hyperlink to the result of the model version <Text>



Figure 11: Compare - Model versions


2.4.3 Copy - Database

This service copies an existing database and renames the new database as required.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Name of the new The new database is created with this name. <Text>

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed. If no specification is
made, the default value FALSE is used.


Figure 12: Copy database


2.4.4 Create - 1 directory/group

This service creates exactly one group.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Path Enter the path in which you want to save the <Text>
new group (e. g., Main group\Processes\Sales
processes) in the relevant database using the
correct database language.

Group name Enter the name of the new group, e. g.: <Text>

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Created path The path to the created group. <Text>

Group GUID GUID of the created group. <Text>

Figure 13: Create exactly one group/directory


2.4.5 Create - 1 model

This service creates exactly one model of any required type.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Model name Enter the name of the new model. <Text>

Model type Define the model type using the API name, for <Text>
example: MT_EPC for Event-driven process

Path Enter the path in which you want to save the <Text>
new model (e. g., Main group\Processes\Sales
processes) in the relevant database using the
correct database language.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>
depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Model GUID Returns the GUID of the newly created model. <Text>

Figure 14: Create exactly one model


2.4.6 Create - 1 object

This service creates exactly one object of any required type. You can also create connections
to existing objects and assignments for existing models.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Object name Enter the name for the new object. <Text>

Object type Define the object type by using the API name, <Text>
for example: OT_FUNC for function.

Occurrence in Specify in which models the new object will

model have occurrences.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Occurrence Specify which symbol should be used to <Text>


In/Out Name Details Data type

symbol display the new object. To do so, use the API
name. Example: ST_PRCS_IF for Process
interface. If no symbol is defined or if the
symbol is not allowed in the model type, the
default symbol is used.

Model assignment Existing models can be assigned to the object.

Identification Specify which models are to be assigned. To <Text

do this, either connect models from the collection>
preselection of another object of type Human
task, Automated task, or Event (process
instance started), or enter GUIDs and use the
Create collection operator.

Source object You can define connections to existing source


Identification Define source objects for which connections <Text

are created. To do this, either connect models collection>
from the preselection of another object of type
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Connection types Define types for the connections that are

of incoming created to run from existing objects to this
connections new object.

Type Define connection types by using the Create <Text

collection operator and the API name, for collection>
example: CT_IS_INP_FOR for Is input for. If
you have defined multiple source objects using
the Create collection operator, you may
specify multiple connection types. In this case,
the order is determined by which connections
are created to which object (first source object
is assigned to the first connection type, etc.).

Target objects Define connections for existing objects.

Identification Define target objects for which connections <Text


In/Out Name Details Data type

are created. To do this, either connect models collection>
from the preselection of another object of type
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Connection types Define types for the connections that are

of outgoing created to run from the new object to existing
connections objects.

Type Define connection types by using the Create <Text

collection operator and the API name, for collection>
example: CT_HAS_OUT for has as output. If
you have defined multiple target objects using
the Create collection operator, you may
specify multiple connection types. In this case,
the order is determined by which connections
are created to which object (first target object
is assigned to the first connection type, etc.).

Path Enter the path in which you want to save the <Text>
new group (e. g., Main group\Processes\Sales
processes) in the relevant database using the
correct database language.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Object GUID Returns the GUID of the newly created object. <Text>


Figure 15: Create exactly one object


2.4.7 Create - Database

This service creates a database. The name of the database is input data. If a database already
exists with the same name, a number is attached to the name of the new database, for
example, <Name>(1).

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Skip if already If this is defined as true, the database is <Boolean>

available created only if there is not already a database
with this name on the server.

Database name The new database is created with this name. <Text>
Special characters are not allowed. If the name
contains special characters, an error message
is displayed.

Is versionable If the input is TRUE, the new database is <Boolean>

created as a versionable database, if it is
FALSE, the database is not versionable.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for


In/Out Name Details Data type

example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed. If no specification is
made, the default value FALSE is used.

Figure 16: Create database


2.4.8 Create - Dynamic ARIS Publisher export

This service creates Web exports to provide other persons with specific models in read-only
mode. The export is dynamic and thus takes into account access privileges, includes view
generation, etc.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

ARIS Publisher Name of the ARIS Publisher Server on which <Text>

Server the database is stored.

ARIS Publisher Port used by ARIS Publisher Server on which <Decimal>

Server port the database is stored.

Export name Name that is displayed in the list when the <Text>
export opens.

Export description Description that is displayed in the list when <Text>

the export opens.

Change list Define the change list number to export <Decimal>

versioned contents. Either connect an object
of type Automated task (which, for example,


In/Out Name Details Data type

generates a version and outputs the change
list number), Human task, or Event (process
instance started) (where the change list
number was entered). Or connect a constant
with the change list number.

Referenced export Is used to specify the name of the export the <Text>
current export references in order to navigate
from one export to the other (e. g., from the
current export to an older version).

Template Enter the GUID of the template (see properties) <Text>

you want to apply when performing an export.

Export language Export the database in multiple languages.

Languages Specify the language code as follows: en_US, <Text

en_US, en_US; de_DE, de_DE, de_DE. (ISO collection>
639 language codes are used.) For a single
language, you can use a constant of the
Language (page 237) type.

Default language If the content is not specified in the selected <Text>

ID language, enter the ID of the language to be
used, for example: 1033 for English.

Profile name Enter a name for the profile you want to use <Text>
when performing exports.

Profile description Enter a description for the profile you want to <Text>
use when performing exports.

Temporary file Specify whether temporary file names are to <Boolean>

names be generated for linked files.
If this property is set to TRUE, linked files
(documents) have temporary file names to
make sure that no files are overwritten.
If this property is set to FALSE, linked files
(documents) keep their original name. If a file
with the same name exists, it is overwritten
when transferred to ARIS Publisher.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Use print scale Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to <Boolean>
display models using the specified print scale,
otherwise as FALSE. If no specification is
made, the default value FALSE is used.

Initial scaling Define initial scaling, for example, 100. <Decimal>

Scaling Define the scaling steps for your model, for <Text>
example: 75,100,125,150.

Black and white Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to <Boolean>

display your model in black and white,
otherwise as FALSE. If no specification is
made, the default value FALSE is used.

Transparent Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to <Boolean>

display your model as transparent, otherwise
as FALSE. If no specification is made, the
default value FALSE is used.

List of document Specify the link attributes for which you want
links to copy documents.

Attribute type Define link attribute types using the API name, <Text
for example, AT_EXT_1 for Link 1, or enter collection>
GUIDs and use the Create collection operator.

Layout Select the layout for the ARIS Publisher

output, for example, defaultLayout.

User name Please enter a default login name so that the <Text>
generated export opens automatically when a
hyperlink is clicked in a dialog. If you do not
enter a login name here, users must enter their
login name when opening the export via a

Password Please enter the password for the login name <Text>
so that the generated export opens
automatically when a hyperlink is clicked in a
dialog. If you do not enter a password here,
users must enter their password when opening
the export via a hyperlink.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Anonymous Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to make <Boolean>
the export accessible to anyone, otherwise as
FALSE. If no specification is made, the default
value FALSE is used.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Export path The path where the export result is stored. <Text>
This can be used as a hyperlink.


Figure 17: Create dynamic ARIS Publisher export


2.4.9 Create - News

This service creates a database in which to save the news. The name of the database is input
data. If a database already exists with the same name, a number is attached to the name of
the new database, for example, <Name>(1).

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Source item ID GUID of the model for which the news should <Decimal>
be created.

Source item Version of the model for which the news <Decimal>
version should be created. If this field is not explicitly
maintained, the last available version is used.

Comment A text which describes the News. <Text>

News database The name of the database where the news is <Text>
name saved. If this database does not exist, it is
created. In the Main group, a group with the
name News inbox is created. The News inbox
group has a sub-group with the name of the


In/Out Name Details Data type

database from which the process was started.
In this sub-group, an Information carrier
diagram is created, which contains an
Information carrier object. This is the News
item. If this field is not explicitly maintained,
the name of the database is ARIS Governance

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed. If no specification is
made, the default value FALSE is used.

News object ID GUID of the Information carrier object that <Decimal>

was created in the News database.


Figure 18: Create - News


2.4.10 Create - Report

This service starts reports. If the report requires user-defined settings, please specify them.
For settings to be defined in the data flow, the report script must be allowed to start
automatically. This may require report script changes. The report results are saved in ARIS
document storage.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Script ID Enter the ID of the script you want to run (see <Text>

Selected items Start scripts for different contexts, such as

database, model, object, or group.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator. The
database is always the one defined in the
above field (database name).).


In/Out Name Details Data type

Method filter GUID Enter the GUID of the method filter (see <Text>
properties) you want to use when running the

Evaluation filter Enter the GUID of the evaluation filter (see <Text>
GUID properties) you want to use when running the

Script language Use the script to output a predefined text, <Text>

e. g., for the term table of contents. Specify
the language in which you want to output the
text. (ISO 639 language codes are used, e. g.,
'en' for English.) If you have not specified a
language or the language you have specified is
not available, the first language found is used.

Output format Enter the output format you want to create, <Decimal>
e. g., doc, xls, or pdf. (RTF = 0, TEXT = 2, HTML
= 3, MS WORD = 4, MS EXCEL = 5, OTHER = 7,
XML = 8, PDF = 9, DOCX = 11, ODT = 13, XLSX =
14, no output = -1,

Content root Specify the path to the content root, for <Text>

User property To run a report, you need to enter the input

names parameters. Please note: For settings to be
defined, the report script must be allowed to
start automatically. This may require report
script changes.

User input values To run a report, you need to enter the input
parameters. Please note: For settings to be
defined, the report script must be allowed to
start automatically. This may require report
script changes.

Type Please enter the corresponding values that are <Text

defined in the source code of the report. collection>
Please note: For settings to be defined, the


In/Out Name Details Data type

report script must be allowed to start
automatically. This may require report script

Recoverable Specifies whether or not the report is <Boolean>

recoverable on failure cases. The default value
is false.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Output path Path to the document created, for example, a <Text>

link to the document created in ARIS
document storage.

Output data Depending on how the report script was

programmed, it may be necessary that it
passes on data. If you define data here, you
can use this output data as input data for an
object of type Human task or Automated
task or for an object of type Notification.

Data Data consists of a data key and a data value.

combinations The first data key has the first data value, and
so on.

Key Please enter the valid data keys defined in the <Text>
report's source code as constants. To do so,
use the Create collection operator.

Value For every valid data key enter the data value <Text>
that is to be used as the output. To do so, use
the Create collection operator. Please note
that key and value must match: the first data
key has the first data value, and so on.


Figure 19: Synchronization with SAP® Solution Manager


Figure 20: Example of an individual report


2.4.11 Create - Shortcut(s)

This service creates shortcuts to existing models or objects.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Select the models or objects you wish to

create a shortcut for.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Path Enter the path in which you want to save the <Text>
new group (e. g., Main group\Processes\Sales
processes) in the relevant database using the
correct database language.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>
depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Figure 21: Create shortcut


2.4.12 Create - Static ARIS Publisher export

This service creates Web exports to provide other persons with specific models in read-only
mode. The export is static. If a distributed system is used, the export is saved as a ZIP file to
ARIS document storage and a link is generated.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Select the models or objects for which you

want to create a static ARIS Publisher export.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Path Path to the location where the export is saved. <Text>

Content root Object/Model or group representing the <Text>

starting point of an export.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Generate object An HTML page is created for each object.

Object type Define API names for the objects for which a <Text>
page is to be created. For example, OT_Func
is specified for a function.

Assignment level Assignment level up to which assigned objects <Decimal>

and models are to be exported.

Use print scale Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to <Boolean>

display models using the specified print scale,
otherwise as FALSE. If no specification is
made, the default value FALSE is used.

Initial scaling Define initial scaling, for example, 100. <Decimal>

Scaling Define the scaling steps for your model, for <Text>
example: 75,100,125,150.

Black and white Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to <Boolean>

display your model in black and white,
otherwise as FALSE. If no specification is
made, the default value FALSE is used.

Transparent Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to <Boolean>

display your model as transparent, otherwise
as FALSE. If no specification is made, the
default value FALSE is used.

List of document Specify the link attributes for which you want
links to copy documents.

Attribute type Define link attribute types using the API name, <Text
for example, AT_EXT_1 for Link 1, or enter collection>
GUIDs and use the Create collection operator.

Layout Select the layout for the ARIS Publisher <Text>

output, for example, defaultLayout.

Navigation tree Defines the structure of the navigation tree in <Text>

the Publisher export. You can either display
the group structure or the hierarchy of the


In/Out Name Details Data type

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>
error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Export path The path where the export result is stored. <Text>
This can be used as a hyperlink.


Figure 22: Create static ARIS Publisher export


2.4.13 Create - Version

This service creates a new version of the selected models.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text>

language database, for example, en for English. You can
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected models Select the models you want to create a version <Text>

Identification Either connect models from the preselection <Text

of another object of type Human task, collection>
Automated task, or Event (process instance
started), or enter GUIDs and use the Create
collection operator.

Description - Enter a version description (mandatory input) <Text>

Mandatory input that applies to all models for which a version
was created.

Assignment: Specify whether border items are to be <Boolean>

Include border included in assignments (Boolean constant =
items TRUE), or only the items in the selection
(Boolean constant = FALSE). If no specification


In/Out Name Details Data type

is made, the default value FALSE is used.

Connections: Specify whether border items are to be <Boolean>

Include border included (Boolean constant = TRUE), or only
items the items in the selection (Boolean constant =
FALSE). (If no specification is made, the
default value FALSE is used.)

Assignment level Define the assignment level for including <Decimal>

assigned models in a version, for example, 1.

Continue Continue in case another versioning process is <Boolean>

execution in case already running on the server.
of concurrent The default value is FALSE, that is, the service
versioning returns FALSE and fails if another versioning
procedure is running on the server. If set to
TRUE the service waits until it can perform the
versioning and does not fail.

Consider satellites To use this option, you must have an active <Boolean>
content type set. From ARIS in 10.0 Service
Release 16, you can specify the content to
display by activating the Content type
configuration. If the Content type
configuration is enabled and the relations are
specified, you can model relations using the
Properties panel of ARIS and the Connected
objects tab of the Properties bar in ARIS
Architect. A satellite is an object that can be
inserted in a model or diagram but is not
structurally relevant in the model or diagram.
For example, an object of the Organizational
unit type is a satellite in an event-driven
process chain (EPC). In a model of the
Organizational chart type, on the other hand,
an object of the Organizational unit type is a
structurally relevant object.
If this option is set to true then when
executing this service, the satellites are


In/Out Name Details Data type

versioned exactly as is the model.
If this field is not explicitly set to true, this
option is considered as false.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Change list The created change list number is output. <Decimal>


Concurrent Returns TRUE if another versioning services is <Boolean>

versioning running at the same time, and FALSE if not.


Figure 23: Create version


2.4.14 Delete - Database

This service deletes a database.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Database name Name of the database to be deleted by the <Text>

Delete database service.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed. If no specification is
made, the default value FALSE is used.


Figure 24: Delete database


2.4.15 Delete - Dynamic ARIS Publisher export

This service deletes a dynamic ARIS Publisher export.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

ARIS Publisher Name of the ARIS Publisher Server on which <Text>

Server the database is stored.

Export name Name that is displayed in the list when the <Text>
export opens.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


Figure 25: Delete dynamic ARIS Publisher export


2.4.16 Delete - Group

This service deletes one or more groups.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items The group(s) to be deleted. The input has to be

a collection of the group IDs – groups as
selected items.

Group(s) to be Group ID or group IDs of the groups to be <Text

deleted - deleted. The input has to be a collection of collection>
Specified by group IDs – groups as group IDs.
group ID

Group(s) to be Group path or group paths of the groups to be <Text

deleted - Specified deleted. The input has to be a collection of collection>
by group path group paths – groups as group paths.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>
depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Figure 26: Delete group


2.4.17 Delete - Model(s)

This service deletes existing models together with their objects.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected models Select the models to be deleted.

Identification Either connect objects of another object of <Text

type Human task, Automated task, or Event collection>
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


Figure 27: Delete models


2.4.18 Delete - Object(s)

This service deletes existing objects.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected objects Select the objects to be deleted.

Identification Either connect objects of another object of <Text

type Human task, Automated task, or Event collection>
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


Figure 28: Delete objects


2.4.19 Delete - Temporary files

The Delete temporary files service deletes temporary files that can accumulate when using
Process Governance. Usage of this service is configured in ARIS Administration. Files are
deleted from the directory defined for the static export of ARIS Publisher. This works only in a
non-distributed scenario in which everything is installed on a single server. If these paths
differ from the default paths, you can configure them in ARIS Administration (property
com.idsscheer.age.serviceenabling.staticExport.exportDir). In distributed systems, the
service deletes the directory aris-serviceenabling and all the documents and subdirectories
it contains from ARIS document storage.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>
depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Error If it was impossible to delete all temporary files <Text>

a corresponding error message will be

Figure 29: Delete temporary files


2.4.20 Lock - Model(s)/Object(s)

This service locks models and/or objects. You can select the models or objects you want to

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Selected models or objects you want to lock.

Identification Either connect models or objects from the <Text

preselection of another object of type Human collection>
task, Automated task, or Event (process
instance started), or enter GUIDs and use the
Create collection operator.

Include objects Include associated objects when locking <Boolean>

models. To do this, define the Boolean
constant as TRUE, otherwise as FALSE. If no
specification is made, the default value FALSE
is used.

Use current user If the current user is assigned to the <Text>


In/Out Name Details Data type

for locking corresponding field in the data flow via a
connection, locking models or objects is
performed as if the current user were doing it
manually. This means that the personal
privileges of the current user are taken into
account, not the privileges of user arisservice
actually performing the service.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Figure 30: Lock models and objects


2.4.21 Move - Models/Objects (within database)

This service moves models or objects within the database.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Name of the database in which the function of <Text>

type Automated task is carried out.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Select the models or objects you want to


Identification Either connect models or objects from the <Text

preselection of another object of type Human collection>
task, Automated task, or Event (process
instance started), or enter GUIDs and use the
Create collection operator.

Target path Enter the path to which you want to move <Text>
models or objects (for example, Main
group\Processes\Sales processes) in the
correct database language.

Move related Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to <Boolean>

objects include objects when moving models. If no
specification is made, the default value FALSE
is used.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>
error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Figure 31: Move models/objects within the database


2.4.22 Reorganize - Database

This service deletes all objects and connections that do not have any occurrences in a model
or dataflow.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Result The result is TRUE if the reorganizing process <Boolean>

was successfully executed. If not, it returns

Deleted objects A list with all objects and connections to be <Text>



Figure 32: Reorganize database


2.4.23 Retrieve - 1 (superior) directory attribute

This service retrieves exactly one attribute (e. g., 'Description') from a group. If the requested
attribute is not specified, the service continues retrieving the corresponding attribute from
the superior group until a specified attribute is found or the main group is reached.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Exactly one attribute is retrieved from multiple

groups, for example, the attribute
Description/Definition. Groups can also be
identified by selecting multiple models or
objects. In this case, groups containing these
models and objects are selected.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator. The
group containing the selected items is


In/Out Name Details Data type


(Superior) group The selected attribute is retrieved (exactly one <Text>

attribute to be group attribute from multiple groups). If the
retrieved group attribute is empty, retrieval of the
attribute of the superior group continues until
a specified attribute is found or the main group
is reached. Either connect a group attribute
type from the preselection of another object of
the Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started) type, or enter the
API name or a GUID.

Use default If this is defined as TRUE, the default language <Boolean>

language of the database is used in case of a missing

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Values Required attribute values are returned in a list. <Text



Figure 33: Retrieve exactly one (superior) group attribute


2.4.24 Retrieve - 1 attribute in multiple elements

This service returns exactly one attribute (e. g., 'Description') from models, objects, or groups.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Exactly one attribute is retrieved from multiple

models, objects, or groups, for example, the
attribute Description/Definition.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Attribute to be The selected attribute is retrieved (exactly one <Text>

retrieved attribute of multiple items, for example,

Use default Specifies whether the default language for the <Boolean>
language database is to be used (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


In/Out Name Details Data type

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>
error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Values Required attribute values are returned in a list. <Text


Figure 34: Retrieve exactly one attribute from multiple items


2.4.25 Retrieve - 1 localized attribute in multiple elements

This service returns exactly one localized attribute (e. g., 'Description') from models, objects,
or groups.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database Name of the database in which the <Text>
name function of type Automated task is
carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging <Text> or

language in to the database, for example, en for <Language>
English. You can specify this in more
detail, e. g., en for English or en_US for
English (United States). This is helpful,
for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard
English (USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you
need to create a language constant
and model it as a language in the data

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task
function. If no user is defined,
arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for <Password>

carrying out the Automated task

Selected Exactly one attribute is retrieved from

items multiple models, objects, or groups, for
example, the attribute

Identification Either connect models, objects, or <Text

groups from the preselection of collection>
another object of type Human task,
Automated task, or Event (process
instance started), or enter GUIDs and


In/Out Name Details Data type

use the Create collection operator.

Attribute to The selected attribute is retrieved <Text>

be retrieved (exactly one attribute of multiple items,
for example, models).

Locales Specifies the languages of the

attribute that is retrieved. If no
language is maintained, the language
of the database where the process is
started is used.

Locale Enter the identifier of the languages in <Text

identifiers the following form, for example, collection>
en_US, de_DE.

Fallback Specifies which language for the <Text>

locale delivered localized value should be
used as fallback.

Error If automation errors occur, <Text>

context-specific error messages are
displayed indicating, for example, that
ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE <Boolean>

(Boolean), depending on whether or
not the service was successfully

Attribute Returns the localized attribute.

Localized The required localized attribute values <Localized

values are returned in a list. The attribute string>
values are returned with all the
languages available. If a language is
not available, the fallback language is


Figure 35: Retrieve - 1 localized attribute in multiple elements


2.4.26 Retrieve - ARIS user group attributes

This service selects an ARIS user group and returns the user group attributes.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Name of the user Enter the name of the ARIS database user <Text>
group group from which you want to retrieve

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Values The attribute value list of the user group in the <Text
ARIS database is output. collection>


Figure 36: Determine attributes from ARIS user group


2.4.27 Retrieve - Current technical version of model(s)

This service selects the latest change list (current models) for the required models from the
list of available versions.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Change list The Current version change list number will <Decimal
be returned for each model. collection>


Figure 37: Select current model version


2.4.28 Retrieve - Element(s) based on Attribute(s)

This service finds items (for example, models) according to given attribute values. These
items can be used for further processing.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>

type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Search value Lists the attribute values to be used to find <Text

items. The precise attribute value must be collection>
entered; wildcards such as an asterisk (*) or
question mark (?) are not allowed.

Attribute types Specifies the attribute types to be browsed for

the corresponding search value.

Type Either connect the attribute types of models, <Text

objects, or groups from the preselection of collection>
another object of type Human task,
Automated task, or Event (process instance
started), or enter GUIDs and use the Create
collection operator.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Item types Select the models or objects you want to find.

Type Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns the list of all items found, for example, <Text
models. collection>

Model identifiers Returns the list of GUIDs of the models found. <Text

Object identifiers Returns the list of GUIDs of the objects found. <Text


Figure 38: Retrieve - Element(s) based on Attribute(s)


2.4.29 Retrieve - Element(s) based on GUID(s)

This service finds all items (e. g., models) according to a predefined GUID list. These items can
be used for further processing.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>

type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Select the models or objects you want to find.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Items found Returns the list of all items found, for example,

GUIDs The list of GUIDs is output for the items that <Text
were found. collection>

Items not found Returns the list of all items that were not
found, e. g., models.

GUIDs The list of GUIDs is output for the items that <Text
were not found. collection>

Figure 39: Find items via GUID


2.4.30 Retrieve - Group path

This service retrieves the group path for models and objects.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>
error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

GUID List of the GUIDs of the models and objects. <Text


Result Path of the respective model or object. <Text


Figure 40: Determine - Group path for model(s) and object(s)


2.4.31 Retrieve - Lock status (model(s)/object(s))

This service determines the lock status for models and objects.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Select the models or objects you want to

check. The model check will return the status
of the models, not the status of objects having
occurrences in the models.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was


In/Out Name Details Data type

successfully performed.

No item locked Returns TRUE (Boolean) if no item is locked. <Boolean>

Returns FALSE (Boolean) if at least one item is

At least one item Returns TRUE (Boolean) if at least one item is <Boolean>
not locked not locked. Returns FALSE (Boolean) if all
items are locked.

All items locked Returns TRUE (Boolean) if all items are locked. <Boolean>
Returns FALSE (Boolean) if at least one item is
not locked.

No item open Returns TRUE (Boolean) if no item is open. <Boolean>

Returns FALSE (Boolean) if at least one item is

At least one item Returns TRUE (Boolean) if at least one item is <Boolean>
open open. Returns FALSE (Boolean) if no item is

All items open Returns TRUE (Boolean) if all items are open. <Boolean>
Returns FALSE (Boolean) if at least one item is
not open.

Names of locked Returns the list of names of locked items. <Text

items collection>

GUIDs of locked Returns the list of GUIDs of locked items. <Text

items collection>

Item owner The list of item owners having locked the items <Text
is output. collection>

Names of open Returns the list of names of open items. <Text

items collection>

GUIDs of open Returns the list of GUIDs of open items. <Text

items collection>


In/Out Name Details Data type

Item owners of Returns the list of item owners who opened <Text
open items the items. collection>

Names of Returns the list of names of non-locked items. <Text

non-locked items collection>

GUIDs of Returns the list of GUIDs of non-locked items. <Text

non-locked items collection>


Figure 41: Check whether models or objects are locked


2.4.32 Retrieve - Model(s) and/or object(s) from scope

This service sorts input consisting of models and/or objects, and outputs two lists sorted by
GUID, one for models and one for objects.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. <Language>
You can specify this in more detail, e. g., en for
English or en_US for English (United States).
This is helpful, for example, if English
(Australia) has been set in the database, but
standard English (USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items The models or objects in a scope.

Identification An unsorted input of any objects and/or <Complex>


Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

ModelsGUIDs List of models found in the input data sorted <Text>

by GUID.


In/Out Name Details Data type

ObjectsGUIDs List of objects found in the input data sorted <Text>
by GUID.

Figure 42: Determine - Models and/or objects


2.4.33 Retrieve - Multiple attributes from 1 item

This service returns several attributes (e. g., 'Model status', 'Version number', and 'Release')
from exactly one item (model, object, or group).

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected item This service retrieves multiple attributes from <Text>

exactly one model, one object, or one group,
for example, the attributes 'Description' and
'Author'. Either connect a model, object, or
group from the preselection of another object
of type Human task, Automated task, or
Event (process instance started), or enter
the GUID.

Attributes to be Retrieves the selected attributes (multiple

retrieved attributes from exactly one item, for example,
the following attributes from a model: 'Model
status', 'Version number', and 'Release').

Type Either connect several attribute types from the <Text


In/Out Name Details Data type

preselection of another object of type Human collection>
task, Automated task, or Event (process
instance started), or enter the API names or
GUIDs and use the Create collection operator.

Use default Specifies whether the default language for the <Boolean>
language database is to be used (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Attributes Attributes are returned in a list with the

corresponding values.

Attribute and The relevant attributes are returned in a list

value with the corresponding values.

Attribute The list of required attribute types is returned. <Text>


Attribute The list of attribute values is returned for the <Text>

value required attribute types.


Figure 43: Determine multiple attributes from exactly one item


2.4.34 Retrieve - Multiple localized attributes from 1 item

This service returns several localized attributes (e. g., 'Model status', 'Version number', and
'Release') from exactly one item (model, object, or group).

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected item This service retrieves multiple localized <Text>

attributes from exactly one model, one object,
or one group, for example, the attributes
Description and Author. Either connect a
model, object, or group from the preselection
of another object of type Human task,
Automated task, or Event (process instance
started), or enter the GUID.

Attributes to be Retrieves the selected localized attributes

retrieved (multiple localized attributes from exactly one
item, for example, the following attributes
from a model: 'Model status', 'Version number',
and 'Release').


In/Out Name Details Data type

Type Either connect several localized attribute <Text
types from the preselection of another object collection>
of type Human task, Automated task, or
Event (process instance started), or enter
the API names or GUIDs and use the Create
collection operator.

Locales Specifies the languages of the attribute that is

retrieved. If no language is maintained, the
language of the database where the process is
started is used.

Locale identifiers Enter the identifier of the languages in the <Text

following form, for example, en_US, de_DE. collection>

Fallback locale Specifies which language for the delivered <Text>

localized value should be used as fallback.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Attributes Returns the localized attributes.

Localized values The required localized attribute values are <Localized

returned in a list. The attribute values are string>
returned with all the languages available. If a
language is not available, the fallback language
is used.


Figure 44: Retrieve - Multiple localized attributes from 1 item


2.4.35 Retrieve - Versionable database

This service checks whether a database is versionable or not.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Language>

language database, for example, en for English. You can
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.
You can specify this in more detail, e. g., en for
English or en_US for English (United States).
This is helpful, for example, if English
(Australia) has been set in the database, but
standard English (USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Whether or not the ARIS databases from which

you want to retrieve the information is

Identification GUIDs of the databases from which you want <Text

to retrieve the information whether or not the collection>
database is versionable.


In/Out Name Details Data type

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>
error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

IsVersionable Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


Figure 45: Retrieve - Versionable database


2.4.36 Unlock - Model(s)/Object(s)

This service unlocks models and/or objects. You can select the models or objects you want to
unlock. You may also force unlocking (Administrator: Unlock).

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Select the models or objects you want to


Identification Either connect models or objects from the <Text

preselection of another object of type Human collection>
task, Automated task, or Event (process
instance started), or enter GUIDs and use the
Create collection operator.

Administrator: Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to force <Boolean>

Unlock unlocking. If no Boolean constant is defined,
FALSE is used. If no specification is made, the
default value FALSE is used.

Use current user If the current user is assigned to the <Text>

for locking corresponding field in the data flow via a


In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

connection, locking models or objects is

performed as if the current user were doing it
manually. This means that the personal
privileges of the current user are taken into
account, not the privileges of user arisservice
actually performing the service.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


Figure 46: Unlock models and/or objects


2.4.37 Write - 1 attribute to multiple elements

This service specifies exactly one attribute (e. g., Description) for models, objects, or groups.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected items Exactly one attribute is specified for multiple

models, objects or groups, for example, the
Description attribute.

Identification Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Attribute to be Define the attributes you want to specify by <Text>

specified using the API name, for example: AT_NAME for
Name, or use the identifier if no API name

Attribute value Enter the value you want to specify for the
attribute. If an empty string is sent as an input


In/Out Name Details Data type

value, the attribute is cleared.

Value Enter either a constant as a predefined value <Text

or use the data from another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started) as input data.

Overwrite values Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to delete <Boolean>

existing attribute content and overwrite it with
new content. Define the Boolean constant as
FALSE to add new content and retain existing
content (e. g., for the model attribute 'Change
history'). If no specification is made, the
default value FALSE is used.

Prepend values Define a Boolean constant as TRUE to write a <Boolean>

new value in front of existing attribute

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


Figure 47: Specify exactly one attribute for multiple items


2.4.38 Write - Multiple attributes to 1 element

This service specifies multiple attributes (e. g., 'Model status', 'Version number', and 'Release')
for exactly one item (a model, object, or group).

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Database Language the service uses for logging in to the <Text> or

language database, for example, en for English. You can <Language>
specify this in more detail, e. g., en for English
or en_US for English (United States). This is
helpful, for example, if English (Australia) has
been set in the database, but standard English
(USA) has not been set.
If you want to add the country, you need to
create a language constant and model it as a
language in the data flow.

User login Login name of the user that is used for <Text>
carrying out the Automated task function. If
no user is defined, arisservice is used.

Password Password of the user that is used for carrying <Password>

out the Automated task function.

Selected item Either connect models, objects, or groups from <Text

the preselection of another object of type collection>
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Attributes to be Is used to specify the selected attributes

specified (multiple attributes for exactly one item, for
example, the following attributes for a model:
'Model status', 'Version number', and 'Release').

Type Either connect several attribute types from the <Text

preselection of another object of type Human collection>
task, Automated task, or Event (process
instance started), or enter the API names or


In/Out Name Details Data type

GUIDs and use the Create collection operator.

Attribute values Define the values you want to specify for the
attributes, for example, a model status and
model version number that were automatically
defined by a preceding automated task.

Values Either connect several attribute types from the <Text

preselection of another object of type Human collection>
task, Automated task, or Event (process
instance started), or enter the API names or
GUIDs and use the Create collection operator.
If an empty string is sent as an input value, the
attribute(s) are cleared.

Overwrite values Define the Boolean constant as TRUE to delete <Boolean>

existing attribute content and overwrite it with
new content. Define the Boolean constant as
FALSE to add new content and retain existing
content (e. g., for the model attribute 'Change
history'). If no specification is made, the
default value FALSE is used.

Error If automation errors occur, context-specific <Text>

error messages are displayed indicating, for
example, that ARIS Server is not available.

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


Figure 48: Specify multiple attributes for exactly one item


2.5 ARIS Publishing Service

You find the services in the reference database Governance Automation Models under
Governance resources.
These services communicate directly with the ARIS Portal.

2.5.1 Add – Comment in Collaboration

This service adds a comment, for example, to a model in ARIS. Collaboration must be
activated in ARIS Administration configuration. The service is always executed with the
system user. The system user must have the ARIS Viewer license privilege.

In/Out Name Details Data type

webIdentifier ARIS identifier or GUID in the format <Text>
c.dbname.guid of the item which the comment
belongs to in ARIS. Mandatory field.

Tags A list of tags for the comment. <Text>

Optional Specifies whether posting the comment is <Boolean>

optional. If the comment cannot be posted or
Collaboration is unavailable, the service will fail
and therefore also the process instance.

Comment The comment to be posted. Posting is done by <Text>

the system user. Mandatory field.

Return The comment is posted in Collaboration. The <Boolean>

posting is done as system user. When
displaying the model or object, the comment is
displayed in the Collaboration part of the


Figure 49: Add – Comment in Collaboration


2.5.2 Create - Link to model comparison view

This service creates a link to the model comparison view. You can compare the model
versions in a database.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the database in which the function of <Text>
type Automated task is carried out.

Source item Version of the first model to compare. <Decimal>


Source item GUID of the first model to compare. <Text>


Target item Version of the second model to compare. <Decimal>


Target item GUID of the second model to compare. <Text>


Link Link to the model comparison view of the two <Text>



Figure 50: Create - Link to model comparison view


2.5.3 Retrieve - Link in ARIS

The service provides a list of links to models in ARIS in order to make them available to users
that do not work with ARIS Architect, for example.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Name of the current database <Text>

Database version Version of the database, for example, returned <Decimal

by the service Create - Version (page 78). number>

Selected items Select the models to which a link is to be

created in ARIS.

Identifier GUID of the models to which a link is to be <Text>

retrieved in ARIS.

itemTypes The item types of the items selected. <Text>

return A link list is provided for all relevant models. <Text

Exactly one link is allowed for each link field in collection>
a dialog. The service provides a list of links if
more than one link is specified for accessing a
model. In the data flow of a dialog, model every
single link by using an operator determining
the selection.


Figure 51: Determine - Link


2.6 ARIS document storage services

The use of document-related services is tested and released for documents which are stored
in ARIS document storage only and not for external document managements systems like
Microsoft® SharePoint.
You find the services in the reference database Governance Automation Models under
Governance resources.
These services communicate directly with ARIS document storage.

2.6.1 Create - Document

This service creates a new document in ARIS document storage.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ADS user Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>
is used, which is our recommendation.

ADS password Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

password is used.

Target folder Folder of the storage location in ARIS <Folder>

document storage to which the document
should be uploaded, mandatory field.

Title Document title. <Text>

Description Document description. <Text>

Status Document status. The following values shown <Text>

in uppercase letters are possible:
 APPROVED (Approved)
 IN_PROGRESS (In process)
 ON_APPROVAL (To be approved)
 REJECTED (Rejected)

Version Document version. <Text>


In/Out Name Details Data type

Tags Tags identifying the document. <Text

File URL URL to the physical location of the file on ARIS <Text>
Server, mandatory field.
Example: D:\temp\document.doc.

Documents Document created (<Document> type) <Document


Figure 52: Create document


2.6.2 Create - Folder

This service creates a new folder in ARIS document storage with the given name.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ADS user login Optional. If not specified, the <Text>
arisservice user is used,
which is our

ADS password Optional. If not specified, the <Password>

arisservice user password is

Folder name and path Mandatory input. Name of the <Folder>

folder to be created, e. g.,
ault/root/My documents/.

Folder Returns the newly created <Folder>



Figure 53: Create folder


2.6.3 Delete Document(s)

This service deletes documents from ARIS document storage.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ADS user Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>

is used, which is our recommendation.

ADS password Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

password is used.

Documents List of documents to be deleted, mandatory <Document

field. collection>

Figure 54: Delete document


2.6.4 Download - Document

This service downloads a document from ARIS document storage.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ADS user Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>
is used, which is our recommendation.

ADS password Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

password is used.

DocumentID Documents to be downloaded, mandatory <Document>


targetPath URL to the physical location of the file on ARIS <Text>

Server, mandatory field.
Example: D:\temp\document.doc.

OverwriteExisting Can assume the values TRUE (overwrite) or <Boolean>

FALSE (do not overwrite)

documentContent Document content <Text>

Figure 55: Download document


2.6.5 Lock - Document(s)

This service locks documents in ARIS document storage for editing by other users.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ADS user Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user is <Text>
used, which is our recommendation.

ADS password Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Passwor

password is used. d>

Documents List of documents to be locked, mandatory field. <Documen


Successful Returns information on whether all documents were <Boolean>


Figure 56: Lock documents


2.6.6 Move - Document(s)

You can use this service to either transfer a temporary document into ARIS document storage
or to move a permanently saved document to another folder within ARIS document storage.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ADS user Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>
is used, which is our recommendation.

ADS password Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

password is used.

Documents List of documents to be moved, mandatory <Document

field. collection>

Target folder Target folder into which the documents are to <Text> or
be moved, mandatory field. <Folder>

Moved documents List of documents (Document data type) <Document


Figure 57: Move documents


2.6.7 Move - Folder(s)

You can use this service to move folders in your ARIS document storage. The subfolders
contained are also moved to the target folder.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ADS user Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>
is used, which is our recommendation.

ADS password Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

password is used.

Folder The folders to be moved, mandatory field. Use <Text

constants of the type Folder as input data. collection>
Constants are data sources with a fixed value.
Their value is not calculated while a process is
running, but is defined by the user when
creating a data flow.

Target folder Target folder into which the documents are to <Text>
be moved, mandatory field.

Moved folders List of moved folders. <Text



Figure 58: Move folders


2.6.8 Retrieve - Document(s) by ID

This service retrieves documents in ARIS document storage by ID.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ARIS document Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>
storage user is used, which is our recommendation.

ARIS document Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

storage password password is used.

Documents Select the relevant documents.

Value The IDs of the documents in ARIS document <Text

storage. collection>

Documents Document created (<Document> type) <Document



Figure 59: Retrieve - Document(s) by ID


2.6.9 Retrieve - Document(s) by link

This service returns a document that has been retrieved via its HTTP link.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ARIS document Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>
storage user is used, which is our recommendation.

ARIS document Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

storage password password is used.

documentLink HTTP link to document storage location in ARIS <Text

document storage; is a mandatory field; is collection>
modeled in the data flow.

Document Document created (<Document> type) <Document



Figure 60: Retrieve - Document(s) by link


2.6.10 Unlock - Document(s)

This service unlocks documents in ARIS document storage.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ADS user Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>
is used, which is our recommendation.

ADS password Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

password is used.

Documents List of documents to be unlocked, mandatory <Document

field. collection>

Successful Returns information on whether all documents <Boolean>

were unlocked.

Figure 61: Unlock documents


2.6.11 Update - Document(s)

This service is performed on the server side. The document with the new content that is to
update the document in ARIS document storage must exist on ARIS Server. Typically, this is
the case with report results or log files. Usually, the service is called by an object of the
Automated task type.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ARIS document Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>
storage user is used, which is our recommendation.

ARIS document Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

storage password password is used.

Documents List of documents that are stored in ARIS <Document

document storage and the content of which is collection>
to be updated, mandatory field.

File URLs URL to the physical location of the file on ARIS <Text
Server, mandatory field. collection>
Example: D:\temp\document.doc.

Updated List of updated documents <Document

documents collection>

Figure 62: Update documents


2.6.12 Update - Metadata of 1 document

This service updates the metadata of a document.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ADS user Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>
is used, which is our recommendation.

ADS password Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

password is used.

Document Document whose metadata is to be updated, <Document>

mandatory field.

Keys List of metadata keys to be updated, <Text

mandatory field. collection>

Values List of metadata values to be updated, <Text

mandatory field. collection>

Updated Document whose metadata was updated. If <Document>

document the document name is changed during the
update, the document name prior to the
update is returned.

Figure 63: Update metadata of a document


2.6.13 Update - Metadata of multiple documents

This service updates a metadata key and value pair for multiple documents.

In/Out Name Details Data type

ADS user Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Text>
is used, which is our recommendation.

ADS password Optional. If not specified, the arisservice user <Password>

password is used.

Documents List of documents whose metadata is to be <Document

updated, mandatory field. collection>

Key Metadata key that is to be updated for all <Text>

documents in the document list, mandatory

Value Metadata value that is to be updated for all <Text>

documents in the document list, mandatory

Updated List of documents for which a metadata <Document

documents key/value pair was updated. If document collection>
names are changed during the update, the
document names prior to the update are

Figure 64: Update metadata of multiple documents


2.7 Process Governance service

You find this service in the reference database Governance Automation Models under
Governance resources.
This service is a script service and written in JavaScript. We strongly recommend not to edit
this service.

2.7.1 Retrieve - Process instance ID

This service retrieves the ID of the process instance of the running process.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Instance ID ID of the process instance of the running <Text>

Figure 65: Process Governance - Determine - Process instance ID


2.8 User management services

You find the services in the reference database Governance Automation Models under
Governance resources. These services communicate directly with ARIS Administration.
These services are script services and written in JavaScript. We strongly recommend to not
edit these services.

2.8.1 Assign - Privilege to user

This service assigns function privileges to users.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Privilege The function privilege to be assigned to the <Text>
user, e. g., Process Governance administrator.

User User who is to be assigned a function privilege. <User>

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


Figure 66: User management - Assign - Function privileges to user


2.8.2 Assign - Privilege to user group

This service assigns function privileges to user groups.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Privilege The function privilege to be assigned to the <Text>
user, e. g., Process Governance administrator.

User group User group who is to be assigned a function <User

privilege. collection>

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


Figure 67: Assign - privilege to user group


2.8.3 Assign - Product license to user

This service assigns a license to a user.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Product code Specific product license to be assigned to the <Text>
user, e. g., YBU for ARIS Publisher.

User User who is to be assigned a specific license. <User>

Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Figure 68: User management - Assign – License


2.8.4 Assign - Product license to user group

This service assigns a license to a user group.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Product code Specific product license to be assigned to the <Text>
user group, e. g., YBU for ARIS Publisher.

Group User group who is to be assigned a specific <User group>


Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.

Figure 69: Assign - product license to user group


2.8.5 Assign - User to group

This service associates a user with a specific user group in the user management of

In/Out Name Details Data type

Group User group with which a user is to be <User> or <text>

User User to be associated with a specific user <User> or <text>


Result Returns either TRUE or FALSE (Boolean), <Boolean>

depending on whether or not the service was
successfully performed.


Figure 70: User management - Associate - User group


2.8.6 Check - User privileges

This service checks the license and functional privileges of a user.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Privileges The input must be either of type collection as a <Text
(mandatory input) list of product keys or privilege constants, collection>,
such as YCSDC, or a string. <Text>

User User about which information is to be <Text>, <User>

(mandatory input) provided. This can be the username or an
object of type User.

Result A list of boolean values: [true, false, false] or a <Text

single boolean value. The result shows collection>,
whether the user has the queried right. <Text>
If multiple rights are queried, the position of
the boolean value corresponds to the position
of the queried right.


Figure 71: Check - User privileges


2.8.7 Create - User

This service generates a new user in the user management of Administration.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Last name Last name of the user to be generated. <Text>

Login name Name that the user uses to log in. <Text>

First name First name of the user to be generated. <Text>

Phone number Phone number of the user to be generated. <Text>

User name User name of the generated user. <Text>


Figure 72: User management - Generate - User


2.8.8 Create - User group

This service generates a user group in the user management of Administration. The name of
the user group is input data. If a user group with the same name already exists it is returned
as output data.

In/Out Name Details Data type

User group name Name of the user group to be generated in the <Text>
database and in the user management of

User group name The name of the generated user group. <Text>

Figure 73: User management - Generate - User group


2.8.9 Delete - User

This service deletes a user from the user management of Administration.

In/Out Name Details Data type

User User to be deleted. <User>

Figure 74: User management - Delete - User


2.8.10 Delete - User group

This service deletes a user group from the user management of Administration.

In/Out Name Details Data type

User group User group to be deleted. <User> or <text>

Figure 75: User management - Delete - User group


2.8.11 Retrieve - Architect user

This service checks if a user has an ARIS Architect license.

In/Out Name Details Data type

User User about which information is to be <User>

Result The result is TRUE if the user has an ARIS <Boolean>

Architect license and FALSE if not.

Figure 76: Retrieve - Architect user


2.8.12 Retrieve - Connect Designer user

This service checks if a user has an ARIS Connect Designer license.

In/Out Name Details Data type

User User about which information is to be <User>

Result The result is TRUE if the user has an ARIS <Boolean>

Connect Designer license and FALSE if not.

Figure 77: Retrieve - Connect Designer user


2.8.13 Retrieve - Process Board user

This service checks if a user has an ARIS Connect Viewer, ARIS Connect Designer or ARIS Viewer

In/Out Name Details Data type

User User about which information is to be <User>

Result The result is TRUE if the user has a ARIS <Boolean>

Process Board license and FALSE if not.

Figure 78: Retrieve - Process Board user


2.8.14 Retrieve - User belongs to user group

This service checks whether a user is associated with a specific user group in the user

In/Out Name Details Data type

User group User group to be checked for user association. <User> or <text>

User User to be checked for user group association. <User> or <text>

Result The result is TRUE if the user belongs to the <Boolean>

user group, otherwise FALSE.

Figure 79: User management - Identify - User group of user


2.8.15 Retrieve - User groups of user

This service finds all user groups a user is associated with in the user management.

In/Out Name Details Data type

User User to be checked for user group association. <User> or <text>

Usergroups The result is a list of user groups the selected <Text

user belongs to. collection>

Figure 80: Retrieve - user groups of user


2.8.16 Retrieve - User information

This service retrieves information about a user from the user management of Administration.

In/Out Name Details Data type

User User about which information is to be <User>

E-mail address E-mail address of the user. <Text>

Phone number of Phone number of the user. <Text>


UUID Unique identifier of the user. <Text>

Login name Name that the user enters when logging in. <Text>

Last name Last name of the user. <Text>

Display name Display name of the user. <Text>

First name First name of the user. <Text>


Figure 81: User management - Determine - User information


2.8.17 Retrieve - User selection empty

This service retrieves information on whether a user was selected or not in the user selection
of a dialog that is displayed when a task is performed.

In/Out Name Details Data type

User Selected user box in a dialog for which the <User>
information is to be retrieved.

Result The result is FALSE if at least one user was <Boolean>

selected in the dialog, and TRUE if not.

Figure 82: User management - Determine - User selection empty


2.8.18 Write - User information

This service updates information about a user from the user management of ARIS

In/Out Name Details Data type

First name First name of the user. <Text>

E-mail New e-mail address of the user. <Text>

Last name New last name of the user. <Text>

User User whose information is to be updated. <User>

User Login name of the updated user. <Text>

Figure 83: User management - Update - User information


2.9 Local services

You find the services in the reference database Governance Automation Models under
Governance resources.
These services are script services and written in JavaScript. We strongly recommend to not
edit these services.

2.9.1 Compare - Boolean values

Compare Boolean attribute.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Attribute type Define the Boolean attribute for which you want to <Any>
know whether the value is set to TRUE or FALSE, or
whether it is not specified (EMPTY). To do this,
connect the result delivered by the service retrieving
the Boolean attribute with this service as input data.
Multiple items can be interpreted for the same
attribute, for example, a model attribute Semantic
check successful for multiple EPCs.

Result The service returns TRUE if the Boolean attribute <Any>

was set to TRUE for all items. The service returns
EMPTY if the Boolean attribute is not specified for at
least one item. The service returns FALSE if the
attribute is specified for all items and is set to FALSE
for at least one item. The service also returns FALSE
if less than two items can be compared.

Figure 84: Compare Boolean


2.9.2 Compare - Future timestamps

The service compares a timestamp that was entered with the current timestamp.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Timestamp to be Connect the timestamp of another object of <Any>
compared type Human task or Automated task. This
timestamp is compared with the current

Result The service returns TRUE if the timestamp that <Any>

was checked is in the future. Otherwise, FALSE
is returned.

Figure 85: Check whether date is in the future


2.9.3 Compare - String

The service checks whether a text attribute is set to the same value for multiple terms, e. g.,
the attribute 'Status' for multiple models.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Attribute type Specify the text attribute for which you want <Any>
to know whether its value is the same for
multiple terms. To do this, connect the result
delivered by the service retrieving the text
attribute with this service as input data.
Multiple items may be interpreted, e. g., a text
attribute for multiple models of type EPC.

Result The service returns TRUE if the text attribute <Any>

was set to the same value for all items, e. g.,
Released for a model status attribute. The
service returns FALSE if a different value was
found in at least one item, e. g., if the model
status attribute was set to Released for model
1, but to Rejected for model 2.

Figure 86: Compare text attributes (strings)


2.9.4 Compare - Time attributes

The service compares two time attributes of models or objects and checks whether one
timestamp is more recent than the other. In addition, a list of models or objects is output
whose time attribute is more recent than the one compared.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Time attributes Define the attribute values that are to be older. <Any>
(older) To do this, connect output data of Automated
task objects with the required time attributes.
Example: the latest change attribute of
predefined models.

Time attributes Define the attribute values that are to be more <Any>
(more recent) recent. To do this, connect output data of
Automated task objects with the required
time attributes. Example: the time when the
semantic check was performed for predefined

Selected items Select the models or objects you want to find. <Any>
To do this, connect models, objects, or groups
from the preselection of another object of type
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or enter GUIDs
and use the Create collection operator.

Result The service returns TRUE (Boolean) if the time <Any>

attribute (more recent) is more recent than the
time attribute (older) for at least one of the
compared models or objects. The service
returns EMPTY if the time attribute (more
recent) is not specified for at least one of the
compared models or objects. Otherwise, the
service returns FALSE (Boolean).

List of items for The service lists all models or objects meeting <Any>
TRUE and EMPTY one of the following check criteria: Time
attribute (more recent) is more recent than
Time attribute (older), or Time attribute (more
recent) is not specified.


Figure 87: Compare time attributes


2.9.5 Compare - Value empty

The service checks whether or not predefined values (e. g., attributes) are specified.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Values to be Enter the values to be checked. To do this, <Any>
checked connect the service to retrieve an attribute
from multiple models, for example.

At least one value The service returns TRUE (Boolean) if at least <Any>
not specified one value is not specified in the list. Otherwise,
the service returns FALSE (Boolean).

No values The service returns TRUE (Boolean) if no <Any>

specified values are specified in the list. Otherwise, the
service returns FALSE (Boolean).

Figure 88: Compare whether values are specified


2.9.6 Create - Change number(s)

The service increments the version number by a predefined value.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Selected values You can enter a list of numbers to be checked, <Any>
e. g., the list of the Version number attribute
from all models. To do so, connect the
numbers of another object of type Human
task, Automated task, or Event (process
instance started), or define constants. Then
use the Create collection operator.

Increment by Enter the number by which a predefined value <Any>

number is to be incremented. To do so, connect a
number of another object of type Human task,
Automated task, or Event (process instance
started), or define a constant of type

Selected values The service returns a list of the changed <Any>


Figure 89: Create or change number(s)


2.9.7 Create - Human task log

The service returns the input a person enters in the dialog when carrying out a function of
type Human task. The result delivered by the service can, for example, be entered in the
Change list attribute of a model or object to ensure detailed documentation.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Dialog elements Copy the function of type Human task as a <Any>
recurring task and connect the recurring task
with a dialog element, e. g., a comment. To log
more than one dialog element use the
Concatenate operator. Please use constants
for structuring the connected dialog element
input, e. g., model a constant with the dialog
element name before connecting the dialog
element itself. You may also use constants as
separators, e. g., spaces and semicolons.

Executor IDs Copy the Human task function you want to <Any>
log as a recurring task and connect it to the
field containing the IDs of the executors.
Logging is done for each executor.

Result Entries by an executor of the connected <Any>

Human task function that was copied as a
recurring task are logged for the selected
dialog elements per executor and entry. The
result delivered by the service can, for
example, be entered for the Change list
attribute of a model or object to ensure
detailed documentation of what input
executors specified for the dialog of the
Human task function type.


Figure 90: Log user input


2.9.8 Create - Human task log (consider delegation and

A human task can be completed either by the original assignee or by a delegate/substitute.
This user acts as a substitute for the original assignee or the user to whom the task is
The service returns the information that a delegate/substitute has completed on behalf of
the original assignee.

In/Out Name Details Data type

Original Copy the Human task function that you <User>
assignee want to log as a recurring task to the data
Connect the original executors of the task to
the field Original executors. Logging is
done for each executor (original assignee or

Comments If the dialog of the human task contains <Any>

comments, connect the field of the human
task with the Comment field of the
automated task.

Completion Connect the date field of the human task <Any>

date with the completedDate field of the
automated task. This is the date on which
the human task was completed.

Executor ID If a delegation or substitution occurred, <User>

connect the delegates or substitutes who
have executed the task. The source can be
the Human task function or the recurring
task. If the task was performed by the
original assignee without any delegation or
substitution, the original assignee is


In/Out Name Details Data type

Result Entries by an executor of the connected <Any>
Human task function that was copied as a
recurring task are logged for the selected
dialog elements per executor (original
executor and the delegates or substitutes)
and per entry.
The result delivered by the service can, for
example, be entered for the Change list
attribute of a model or object to ensure
detailed documentation of what input
executors specified for the dialog of the
Human task function type.


Figure 91: Create - Human task log (consider delegation and substitution)


2.9.9 Retrieve - Link (design)

The service provides a list of model links. These links may be used as input data for a dialog to
enable the user to access the ARIS modeling database. The linked model opens and can be

In/Out Name Details Data type

Database name Connect the database where your models are <Any>
stored. To do this, connect an object of type
Event (process instance started), Human
task, or Automated task.

Language Language an object of type Automated task <Any>

uses to log in to the database, e. g., en for

Server Connect the server on which the database is <Any>

stored. To do this, use the object of type Event
(process instance started).

Selected models Select the models you want to find. Connect <Any>
models from the preselection of another object
of type Human task, Automated task, or
Event (process instance started).

Link list A link list is provided for all relevant models. <Any>
The links may be used as input data for a
dialog to enable the user to access the ARIS
modeling database. Please note: Exactly one
link is allowed for each link field in a dialog. The
service provides a list of links if more than one
link is specified for accessing a model. In the
data flow of a dialog, model every single link by
using an operator determining the selection.


Figure 92: Output link to model (design)


2.9.10 Retrieve - Number (highest/lowest)

The service compares given numbers and returns the highest or lowest number.

In/Out Name Details Data type

List of numbers The service compares a list of numbers. Either <Any>
connect the numbers of another object of type
Human task, Automated task, or Event
(process instance started), or define
constants. Always use the Create collection

Required selection The service outputs the highest or lowest <Any>

number from a given list. Enter TRUE (Boolean)
if the service is to return the highest number
from a given list. Enter FALSE (Boolean) if the
service is to return the lowest number from a
given list. FALSE (Boolean) is used as the
default value if no value is specified.

Result The result is the highest or lowest number <Any>

from a list of numbers.

Figure 93: Select highest/lowest number


2.10 Operators in the data flow

2.10.1 Numerical operators Add

Addition of numbers or a date with a time span, e. g., May 11 + 10 days results in May

The following combinations are possible:

First slot Second slot Result

Date Duration Date

Date and time Duration Date and time

Figure 94: Add


Subtraction of numbers or a date with a time span - the second entry is subtracted
from the first. Example: May 11th - 10 days results in May 1st.

The following combinations are possible:

First slot Second slot Result

Date Date Duration

Date Duration Date

Date and time Duration Date and time

Date and time Date and time Duration

Figure 95: Subtract


Multiply numbers

Figure 96: Multiply Divide

Divide numbers

Figure 97: Divide


2.10.2 Comparison operators Equal to

Mathematical operator Equal to returns TRUE if both incoming objects are equal. You
cannot use this operator with constants of Localized string type. Constants of
Localized string type can be maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 98: Equal to

Comparing user objects with the Equals to operator works only if both user objects are
determined in the same way, for example, using the Retrieve - User belongs to user group
service. If this is not the case, write your own local service to be able to compare the users. Not equal to

Mathematical operator Not equal to returns TRUE if both incoming objects are not
equal. You cannot use this operator with constants of Localized string type.
Constants of Localized string type can be maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 99: Not equal to


Mathematical operator Greater than. You cannot use this operator with constants of
Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type can be maintained in
multiple languages.

Figure 100: Greater than

MODELING CONVENTIONS Greater than or equal to

Mathematical operator Greater than or equal to. You cannot use this operator with
constants of Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type can be
maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 101: Greater than or equal to


Mathematical operator Less than. You cannot use this operator with constants of
Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type can be maintained in
multiple languages.

Figure 102: Less than

MODELING CONVENTIONS Less than or equal to

Mathematical operator Less than or equal to. You cannot use this operator with
constants of Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type can be
maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 103: Less than or equal to


2.10.3 Boolean operators AND operator

The AND operator is a Boolean operator and represents the condition that all
incoming objects exist in the process instance.

Figure 104: AND OR operator

The OR operator is a Boolean operator. It represents the condition that at least one
incoming object must exist in the process instance.

Figure 105: OR


The NOT operator is a Boolean operator. This operator inverts the value of a Boolean
variable. In the graphic the incoming object is the variable Temporary files created.
Thus, the operator specifies whether the condition that temporary files are not to be
deleted is met.

Figure 106: NOT


2.10.4 Operators for collections Select item by ID

Returns a list item with a specific ID. The first parameter that this operator requires is
the list from which to select an item. The second parameter of this operator is the ID
(key) of the required items.
The corresponding attribute is selected from the list via the API name.
You can use this operator to convert a constant o Localized string type to a string.
During execution time of the automated process, the text contained in the constant is
displayed in the preferred language of a user. To do so, use the constant of Localized
string type as input for the first operator slot and a constant of String type, which
contains the locale.
The value of the String type constant must have the following form:
<language_region[variant]>, for example, en_US. If the constant of the Localized
string type contains no value for a locale that is connected, the result is an empty

Figure 107: Select item by ID

MODELING CONVENTIONS Select item by position

Returns an item from an indexed list (collection) in accordance with the transferred
integer index values. The first parameter is the collection, the second parameter the
Here the service provides a list of links from which the first item is selected for further

Figure 108: Select item by position Create collection

Creates a collection (lists, data series) of objects of the same type. The operator is
used here to define a list of attribute types that are processed further by a service.
You cannot use this operator with constants of Localized string type. Constants of
Localized string type can be maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 109: Create collection

MODELING CONVENTIONS Determine size of collection

Retrieves the number of items in a collection (list, data series) of objects of the same
type and outputs them as integers. You cannot use this operator with constants of
Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type can be maintained in
multiple languages.

Figure 110: Determine size of collection

MODELING CONVENTIONS Create intersection of collections

Determines the intersection of two lists. For example, if one list contains the numbers
10, 113, and 127, and a second list contains the numbers 1 and 127, the operator
returns the number 127. The operator can be used for lists of all data types. You
cannot use this operator with constants of Localized string type. Constants of
Localized string type can be maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 111: Create intersection of collections Format lines

Creates a new string from collections. The string contains all objects of the collections
separated by line feed while maintaining the original order. You cannot use this
operator with constants of Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type
can be maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 112: Transform collection into string

MODELING CONVENTIONS Validate collection

The operator checks whether a collection is valid. You cannot use this operator with
constants of Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type can be
maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 113: Validate collection


Creates a new collection (list, data series) of objects of the same type from two
individual collections of objects of the same type. The new collection contains all
objects while maintaining the original order. The objects of the first collection start
the order. You cannot use this operator with constants of Localized string type.
Constants of Localized string type can be maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 114: Merge collections


2.10.5 Document operators

Document-related operators in Process Governance data flows are tested and released for
documents which are stored in ARIS document storage only and not for external document
managements systems like Microsoft® SharePoint. Get document by path

The operator offers the option to access a document in ARIS document storage via a
physical path name. To do this, the user must have been created in ARIS
Administration with the required privileges. The input data is a constant of the
collection of strings type, containing the storage location of the document in ARIS
document storage. The output data is of the collection of documents type. You
cannot use this operator with constants of Localized string type. Constants of
Localized string type can be maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 115: Get document by path

MODELING CONVENTIONS Get document metadata

All metadata is retrieved that can be placed with a constant of type Document
metadata, such as file name, title, or version number.
To specify the document, a connection is drawn to the first slot of the operator, and
another connection is drawn to the second slot to specify the corresponding field in
the document metadata.

Figure 116: Get document metadata


You can mark documents in ARIS document storage with tags. With this operator, you
can filter a list of documents by name, version, and tag. You cannot use this operator
with constants of Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type can be
maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 117: Filter documents

MODELING CONVENTIONS Generate http link for document

Creates an HTTP link for a document or a list of documents stored in ARIS document
storage. Input data is a list of documents, output data is a list of hyperlinks.

Figure 118: Generate http link for document


2.10.6 Data elements Path to ARIS Process Board

This operator returns the path to ARIS Process Board.

Figure 119: Path to ARIS Process Board


This operator returns the current time stamp of the server (Date - Time) as UTC time.
The Convert timestamp or date to human readable text (page 230) operator
converts a UTC time to the time that corresponds with your time zone.
Please note: The server's timestamp may differ from the client's timestamp.

Figure 120: Get timestamp


2.10.7 Miscellaneous operators Calculate time

This operator calculates an end date based on a start date and a duration.
A Timer event is delayed by 18 hours up from the point in time that the process
instance reached this event.

Figure 121: Calculate time

MODELING CONVENTIONS Check whether user exists

The operator checks whether the user or user group exists in ARIS Administration.
The input data is a scalar value representing either a user or a user group.
If the user or user group exists in ARIS Administration, the operator returns TRUE.
Otherwise, it returns FALSE. You cannot use this operator with constants of
Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type can be maintained in
multiple languages.

Figure 122: Check existence in ARIS Administration


Textual concatenation of values; here the concatenation between the result from the
Automated task and the value of the variable Log of entire history.
You can use this operator with constants of Localized string type. During execution
time of the automated process, the text contained in the constant is displayed in the
preferred language of a user.
If you combine constants of Localized string type with constants of String type, the
result of the Concatenate operator returns a string of Localized string type. The
result contains all locales of the constant of Localized string type.
If you combine constants of Localized string type, the result returns a string of
Localized string type containing all locales contained in the single strings.

Figure 123: Concatenate

MODELING CONVENTIONS Convert timestamp or date to human readable


This operator converts a Base64-encoded time stamp or a date into a readable string.

Figure 124: Convert timestamp or date to human readable text


Data OR (XOR): Uses the first available input

The database name is determined by either the Human task (priority 1) or – if this
returns no value – by Event (process instance started). You cannot use this
operator with constants of Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type
can be maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 125: XOR

MODELING CONVENTIONS Determine user via e-mail/login name

This operator identifies the user who has the specific name, user name, or e-mail
address. E-mail: Standard SMTP e-mail address of type text), for example:
[email protected].
The data is searched in this order: user name (person), e-mail address (person), name
(role), name (organizational unit).
If this input data is unknown, the operator creates a new user. The output of the
operator is a reference to this user, which can be used as input for tasks of type
Notification (To, Cc, Bcc) or Human task (group of executors). You cannot use this
operator with constants of Localized string type. Constants of Localized string type
can be maintained in multiple languages.

Figure 126: Determine user via e-mail/login name

MODELING CONVENTIONS Get committed resource

This operator accepts automation-relevant organizational elements (e. g., roles) as

input and returns the persons who belong to these organizational elements and who
participated in the workflow.
Example: The role Modeler consists of five members, but only one of these members
has processed all of the Human tasks assigned to this role. Thus, this user is the only
output of the operator Get committed resource.
This operator is automatically created when a data flow of a notification function is
created and the connected organizational element has the attribute Only inform
people involved (connection type Must be informed about).

Figure 127: Get committed resource

MODELING CONVENTIONS Get participant name

This operator converts the technical representation of an executor into their name.

Figure 128: Get participant name

The Switch operator is used to implement a decision not via the XOR branches of a
process, but to shift the decision into the data flow of the function.
The Switch operator has exactly three incoming slots and one outgoing slot. As input
value for the topmost slot, specify a Boolean value. You can specify a variable of any
data type for the other two incoming slots, but the values of the two slots must have
the same data type.
Normally, you must model a decision in ARIS using an XOR operator and you must
model a data flow for each path. With the Switch operator you can model this over a
path. The result of the decision must be a Boolean value and is entered in the first
operator slot.
If the first slot is set with true, the second slot is used, if the first slot is set with false,
the third slot is used.



2.11 Constants
Constants are data sources with a fixed value. The value is not calculated at runtime, but
rather at design time when the user models the process. Constants are only evaluated once
during the creation of an executable process.
Constants of Localized string type can be maintained in multiple languages. During
execution time of the automated process, the text contained in the constant is displayed in
the preferred language of a user. You can specify a default language. This language is used, if,
for example, a language is not specified, or a value is missing.
You must enable the Grouping by locale for e-mail option in ARIS. See Customize
infrastructure of the ARIS online help (Manage ARIS > Configure ARIS > Set up Process
Governance > Customize infrastructure) and What infrastructure properties are
available? of the ARIS online help (Manage ARIS > Configure ARIS > Set up Process
Governance > Valuable information > What infrastructure properties are available?).

Figure 129: Constants


2.12 Variables
Variables are task-independent data placeholders. A function or an event can store a value in
a variable, and another function or event can extract and use this value in a later process
step. Please use variables only if absolutely necessary.
An extended usage of variables can have significant negative impact on the
performance of Process Governance.

When a process is started, the executing user enters his e-mail address into the start dialog.
The content from the e-mail text field of the variable is assigned in the assigned data flow of
Event (process instance started). Later, the e-mail address stored in the variable is used as
input for subsequent notification functions, in order to provide the executing user with
information about the status of the process.

2.12.1 'Business Status' variable

A predefined variable named Business Status is available in the latest version of the
provided Software AG Process Governance databases. This variable represents the current
instance status of an executable process from a business point of view. This variable can be
set to a certain localized value when modeling the data flow of an executable process. It
cannot have a default value, which means by default, the variable is just empty. As soon as
the status of an instance has semantically changed, for example, a human task has been
assigned or has been completed, then the variable value can be set to a corresponding value
reflecting the changed business status of the process instance.

2.12.2 Instance variable

This is the most common application of variables. The content (value) of the variables is
shared by all activities of the currently active process instance. This variable can have a
different value in each running process instance.

In variables of the String type, information on which user entered what comment while
editing a task is constantly updated.


2.12.3 Process variable

All activities in all instances of the currently active executable process share the content
(value) of these variables.

A counter that is incremented by one each time a process instance starts and decremented
by one when a process instance terminates. The variable reflects the number of currently
active process instances.

2.12.4 System variable

All functions in all executable processes and all their currently active instances share the
content (value) of these variables. All activities can access this value directly.

Host name or current time.


2.12.5 Examples

Figure 130: Example of a variable of the Collection type

Figure 131: Example 1 - E-mail as output


Figure 132: Example 1 - E-mail as input

Figure 133: Example 2 – Document results of human task

Figure 134: Example 3 – Set variable


Figure 135: Example 3 – Read variable


3 Legal information

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The information provided describes the settings and features as they were at the time of
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and can be performed only on special request and agreement.


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