Voigtlander Vito CL CLR

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l l l u s t r o t i o nI

I Fihn speed scqle for DIN rotings 1l Film indicqtor in rewind knob

2 Lever of operlure ring 12 Honeycomb cell window

3 Uncoupling lever to disengoge the of exposure meter
shutter speed ring when setting 13 Control window for exposure
the film speed meter when looking from obove
4 Bqck lock
14 Flosh socket
5 Lens mount with distonce scole
t5 Cqble releose sockel
6 Depth of field scqle
16 Film speed scole for ASA rotings
7 Shutter speed ring
17 Self-timer lensioning lever
8 Shutter speed scqle
I Shutler releqse I8 Film counler with setting button

10 Aperture ring 19 Tripod bush

Digitally signed by mike
DN: cn=mike butkus,
o=orphancameras, ou=29,

[email protected],
Date: 2017.10.14 22:45:03

l l l u s t r o t i o nl l

is the most imporfont piece of odvice in this cqre-

fully prepored booklet: pleose reod it corefully
before doing onythingelse. Prqcticemokesfor per-
fection, so try out the vorious controls without q
film in the cqmerq.
Also reme'mberthot the VITO, though extremely
siurdy, is qn opticol ond mechonicolprecision in-
strument.lt, therefore, needs coreful ond sensible
hond'ling.The cqmero will repoy coreful treotment
with pe,rfectpicturesfor mony yeors to come.

lndex: S e t t i n gt h e f i l m s p e e d ......... 2
I n s e r t i n gt h e f i l m 2
Settingthe fi lm counter 3
Film indicotor 3
Settingthe exposureond operfure 4-s
Settingthe distonce 6-7
Apertureond depth of field 8
V i e w f i n d e-r r e l e o s e- r o p i d w i n d i n gl e v e r 9
Self-timer- flqsh shots 10-11
Filters- close-upshots 12-15
P h o t o g r o p h i nogg o i n s t h e l i g h t 16
H i n t sf o r c o l o u r s h o t s 17
Hints for exposure reoding 18-1 9
Unloodingthe comerq 20
Chongingportly exposedfilms 20
- I -
Gelting the Camera Recdy . . . with Every New Film

Seltingthe fitm speed: depressthe uncouplinglever (3).ond hold it in this

positi6n.Turn the shutterspeed ring (7) to the right or left until the speed
ioting on the red DIN or ASA scole (1 ond 16) corresponding to the speed
of the film in the comero,is opposiielhe red dot on the shutterspeedring.
Then releosethe uncouplinglever.
This film speed settingis essentiol,os the correctfunciioningof the outo-
motic exposurecontrol dependson it.
Insertingthe film: pressthe lockingcqiches(4)togetherqnd 90.9! the comero.
PushthJ film reversinglever (23)to ihe left. The rewindknob (11)springsup;
p u l l i t o u t f u l l y ( s e ei l l u s t r o t i o nl l l ) .
Anchor the beginningof the film to the hook (26)by o perforotionhole.
Drow the.orsJtte ocrossthe film trock ond insert in the cossettechomber.
Now turn the toke-upspool by its lower milled ring until both perforoied
edgesof the film engogethe sprocketof the tronsportshofi, ond push bock
r e w i n dk n o b f u l l y ( s e ei l l u s t r o t i o nl V ) .S h u tt h e c o m e r o .
Setfingthe film counter:turn the milled knob (,|8)uniil
the diomondI mork (for o 36 exposurecossette- illus-
trolion o) or the O mork for o 20 exposurecossette-
illuslrotionc) is opposiiethe red dot. Operotethe ropid
w i n d i n g l e v e ro n d t h e r e l e o s eo l t e r n o t e l yu n i i l t h e f i l m
c o u n t e ri n d i c o t e sN o . 3 6 ( i l l u s t r o t i obn) o r N o . 2 0 ( i l l u s -
trotion d) for ihe first exposure.
From this point onwordsthe film counteroutomoticolly
shows the number of exposuresstill ovoiloble every
time the film is odvonced.ln other words, it runs bock
towords No. l.
The film indicqtor
is merely intended to remind you of the type of film inseried
in the comero; it does not offect the exposure. Set it before
looding the film (while the rewind knob is pulled out) by
"white" : "blue" :
turning the disc: block-ond-white film;
"yellow" :
doylight type colour film, ond ortificiol light type
colour film.
- 3 -
Seffing lhe Exposure . . . shutfer Speed ond Aperture

@ Presel the shutter speed

Turn the shutterspeed ring (7) until fhe requiredspeed setting clicks into
positionoppositethe triongulorA mork.The exposuretimesfrom 1/soo lo 1hs
secondore outomoticollytimed ofter depressingthe shulter releose(9).At
the "B" settingthe shuiter remoinsopen os long os you keep the releose
Speeds of from 1/soo to 1/oosecond ore suiloble for monuolly held exposures. For longe'r
times, po'rticulorly ot hold lhe comero firmly or moilnt it on'o iripod. A coble
releose con be screwed into the socket ('15).

@ Align the two pointers in the viewfinder by turning the operture ring i
lever (2)while pointingthe comeroot the subiecf.This is oll: you hqve now l
set the correctoperturecorresponding to the shutterspeed.
lf the two pointers connot be oligned in the viewfinder within the ronge of the operture
scole (from fl22 to fi2.8), light conditions ore not suitoble for on exposure with the
preselected shutler speed. ln this cose seleci o different spe.ed, provided ihis is possible
in ihe cose of the subiect to be token. - In unfovouroble light conditions the reflecled
imoge of the meter ndedle moy disoppeor from view.
_ 4 _ r

The olignment of the pointers is normolly mode in the viewfinder, in other words in
the exposure position. from obove" into the control window ('13)is only
required if the operture, ond thus the depth of field zone, hos first to be determined.
The olignment of the pointers in ihe viewfinder, however, musl olwoys be checked prior
lo exposure ond, if necessory, correcled.

poinlers not oligned correcf olignment
- 5 -
Seffing the Distonce on the VITO CL
Theredsymbolsof thethree-point scole(5)
settingorefoundon thedistonce
betweenthe distqnces
o = PORTRAIT: subiectdislonce 4r/tfeet
V = GROUP: subiectdislonce1l feet
O = LANDSCAPE:subiecidisionce33 feet'

Dependingon the subiect,either sei the octuql distonceon the scole or

simplyr"iit to one of ihe three symbols.This givesyou the following depth
of field zones,omong others:

ApertureI o (!ttrteel) Y (11feet) O (33feet)

f /5.6 3rlo to 5 feet 8 1 / nt o 1 6 1 / z f e e t 161lzfeet to oo
tlB 3./, lo 5rl+feet 71/z lo 23 feet feet to oo
+/11 3r/t lo 6 feet 6'/, to 40 feet feet to oo

Setting the Distonce
on fhe Y|TO CLR
oreoof ihe
Youwill seethe focusing
coupled rongefinder in the form of o
bright circle in the centre of the view-
finder. The outlines of the subiect in
the focusing oreo ore duplicoted os
long os the setting is not correct (see
iop illustrotion).
T u r n t h e l e n s m o u n t ( 5 )u n i i l t h e d o u b l e
outlines merge into one in the focus-
i n g o r e o ( s e e l o w e r i l l u s t r o t i o n ) .T h e
comero is now sei of the correct
You moy, of course, sel fhe distonce
on the distoncescole or with fhe help
of the red symbols.
- 7 -
Aperture and Depth of Field
The depth of field zone de,pendson the operturesettingond coversihoi pqrt
of the subiectoreo which,from froni to bock,is reproducedon the film with
odequoteshorpness. Noie thot:
lorge opertures(e.g. ft2.8) - yield limited depth of field,
small opertures(e.g. il16) - yield grealer depth of field.
Reodingthe depth of field: qfter hoving set ihe distonce,hold the comero
so thoiyou con reod the operturemorkson the depth of field scole (6) os
well os ih" ditton.e scole (5) ot the some time. The depth of field extends
from the distoncefigure obove the left hond operiurenumberon the right
of the A mork.
Beor in mind the depth of field when odiusting the operture to motch o pre-
selected shutter speed. lf your subiect colls for o greoter depth of field zone
thqn con be obtoined of the correct operture setting, you moy hove to presel
o l o n g e r e x p o s u r e t i m e i n o r d e r t o o r r i v e o t o s m o l l e ' ro p e r t u r e .
- 8 -
Voigtliinder Crystol-FrqmeViewfinder
\The brilliontreflected sysiemshowsthe subiectin octuol
size.When sighting,therefore,you cqn keep both eyesopen ond still hove
o cleqr view of ihe obiectssurroundingthe subiect.
p l e o s e n o t e : w i t h s u b i e c t s o t o d i s t o n c e o f b e t w e e n 3 r l + o n d 6 1 / 2t e e | , . t h e l i m i i s o f t h e
iiJta of ulew ore dispioced downwords or sidew.oys(dependin.gon whether you ho.ld the
comero horizontolly'or upright), os shown by the two short ltnes on the crystol Trome'

o'lwoyspressthe releosegently ond smoothly.Do not ierk ii os this would
produceblurred pictures.
Rcpid winding lever
ofter every exposurepull out the lever os for os it will go. This tensionsthe
shutter,odvoncesthe film ond moves the film counter.An ouiomotic lock
pr"v"nir it from being operotedo secondtime befors Y9u have mode on
exposure.Similorly,the ihutter con only be releosedofter operoting the
r o p i d w i n d i n gl e v e r .
- 9 -
. Seff-fimer
Hoving set lhe exposure (shutter speed ond operture) ond the distqnce,
t e n s i o n e d i h e s h u t t e r , p u s h t h e s m o l l r e d l e v e r ( 1 7 )s i d e w o y s o s f o r o s i t w i l l
go. On pressing the releose, the exposure tokes ploce outomoficolly ofter
obout ten seconds.You, therefore, hove time to toke your ploce quickly in
fronf of the cqmero. However, do nol use the self-timer with the shutler
sel ql

Synchronized Flash Shofs

you notonlyfo tokeexcellent,
Thefloshgunenobles ot night
omid your fomily or on sociol ond festive occosions, but olso to give por-
lroits token oui of doors on cloudy doys o lovely effect, or lo
brighten up dork shodows to o certoin extent.
l n t h e c o s e o f b l o c k - o n d - w h i tfei l m , t h e f l o s h g u n c o n b e u s e d o n i l s o w n w i t h o u t
o d d i t i o n o tl i o h t i n qo s w e l l o s i n c o n i u n c t i o nw i t h d o y l i g h to r o r l i f i c i o l l i g h t ( e l e c t r i c
b u l b s ) .W h e r i u s i r i gd o y l i g h tt y p e . c o l o - uf ri l m .o r o r t i f i c i o l l i g h t t y p g c o l o u rf i l m , r e f e r
i o t h e i n s i r u c t i o nfso r u s e r e g o r d r n gt r l m s . Y o u r p h o t o g r o p n l co e o l e r w l l l o o v l s ey o u
i n c o s eo f d o u b t .
Mountingthe flosh gun
Light weight ond smoll flosh guns, such os the FloshGun", con be inserted
i n t h e o c c e s s o r ys h o e p r o v i d e d f o r t h i s p u r p o s e . L o r g e r f l o s h g u n s o r l o m p h o l d e , r so f
flosh guns (electronic flosh guns) con be mounted on the side of the cqmero with o
speciol brocket. The electric connection between flosh gun ond comero is effected by
the flosh coble which is plugged into the flosh socket (14).

Speed ond operture for flqsh shots

T h e f o s t e s t s p e e d f o r f l o s h g u n s w i t h t y p e M X - l / P F - l o r A G - l b u l b s i s 1 / s os e c o n d . I n
i h e c o s e o f e l e c t r o n i c f l o s h g u n s , s p e e d s o f u p t o 1 / r o os e c o n d c o n b e u s e d .
A s f o r o s t h e o p e r t u r e s e t t i n g i s c o n c e r n e d ,y o u w i l l f i n d d e t o i l s o n t h e p o c k i n g m o t e r i o l
or printed literoture of ihe flosh bulbs or electronic flosh guns in the form of so colled
numbers". The operture setting is obtoined by dividing the relevont guide
number by the distonce in feet between the subiect ond the flosh gun. T h u s : oper-
ture : guide number : distonce.
t':?:!," : o p e r r u rsee t i n s4 .
Exo mp r e : Y yil",
dtstonce d reel

- ll -
Voigtliinder Filters These ore hord cooted ond hove o 32 mm dio. push on
m o u n t . ,E v e r y f i l t e r , w i t h t h e e x c e p i i o n o f t h e u l t r o - v i o l e l o n d s k y l i g h t f i l t e r , c o l l s f o r
o slighily lohger exposureor o cbrrection of the operture.
Yellow filter G l.5x Slight filtering effect fo,r outdoor shots. ldeol for sports,
o c t i o n s u b j e c t so n d p i c t u r e si o k e n w h e n t h e s u n i s l o w i n t h e s k y .
Filter foclor; l.5x or open the lens operture byllz stop.
Yellowfilter G 3 x otheroutdoorsubiects;
Filter focior: 3x or open the operture by l1lz slops.
Green filter Gr 4x B r i g h t e n s g r e e n l o n e s i n l o n d s c o p e s . R e c o m m e n d e df o r o r t i -
ficiol light portroits ond for copying coloured originols.
Filier foctor: 4x o.r open ihe operture by 2 stops.
Oronse filter Or 5 x dromoticeffecis'Reduces
i[:*il o::l:"?lYiJ:r
Filfer foctor:5x or open the lens operiure by 2t/z stops.
Ultrq-violet filter UV Absorbs ultro-violet rodiotion in high mountoins or ot the
seoside. Eliminotes unpleosont blue costs in colour shots.
: Requires no increose in exposure.
SkylighiTlter Sf Its effect corresponds to thot of the ultro-violet filter com-
bined with o weok conversionfilter. The ultro-violet rodioiion
o f t h e l i g h t i s f u l l y o b s o . r b e d .R e q u i r e sn o i n c r e o s ei n e x p o s u r e .

Cfose-ups with the VITO CLR Proximeter
DO not missthis foscinotingond interesiingfield. You enter on eniirelynew
w o r l d ,o m i c r o c o s m o f s m o l lo b i e c t so n d o n i m o l s .
Whetheryou ore interestedin flowers,fish or insectlife, coins,smoll obiets
d'qrt or postogesfomps,you ore oble to record it oll iust os you see it with
the VoistldnderPROXIMETER.
The speciolodvontogeof this ideol focusingunil is thot it mokespossible
m o n u o l l yh e l d c l o s e - u p ds o w n t o o d i s t o n c eo f l 0 i n c h e sf r o m t h e s u b i e c t .
The comerqis reody to shootof ony time, on importontfoctor in the coseof
movingor live obiects.At the sometime the proximetercompensotes for the
f i n d e rp o r o l l o x .
The VoigtlcinderPROXIMETER systemusestwo supplementorylenses.One
is o positivemeniscuswhich fiis in front of the comerolens,the other is.o
spheiicol-prismotic lens unit which fits over fhe rongefinderond deflectsthe
two meosuringroys.This couplesthe rongefinderond the lens for the close
ronge os occurotelyos over the normolfocusingronge from 3t/zfeet to oo'
Cfose-ups with Focqr Focusing Tqble
. the VITO C[ Ccl merrr Scole I D i s t o n c eb e t w e e n f r o n t o f l e n s o n d s u b i e c t
sefting F o c o r l It _ t _ _F o c o r 2| f1+2
The VITO CL comero hos no cou-
p l e d r q n g e f i n d e r .T h e P R O X I M E T E R , il | ilr I rv
therefore, connof be used with it. 2' 7rlr' 111h'
But you con ochieve the identicol 65' | 2' 6tl+' 11u
O | 2' Srhu llu
picture effect for close-ups of less 23' 2' 31/2"
| 103/+"
thon 3rln teet by using FOCAR len- 16' | 2' 3t' 101/2"
s e s o n d t h e P R O X I R E C To t t o c h m e n t 13' | 2' 2rlro 10U2"
V | 2' 11/2" 101h'
to compensqte for the finder po- l0' 2' 03/r'
| 101/+"
rollox. 8' | l' 113h' 1}'
61/z' | 1' 101/zu 9Uz'
We sholl be pleosed to forword s' 11' g' 9rlzu
4 1 / z '| 1 ' 8 ' 9r/tu
you upon requesto comprehensive o | l' 7tl2' 9rh"
toble of settings with detqils of 4' 11' 7u 9'
p i c f u r e s c o l e s ,d e p t h o f f i e l d r o n g e 31/z' | 1' 6n 83/s'
31h' | 1' 5112' 83/t"
lnstructions for use of focqr lenses
t Focusing: opprooch the subiect with the comero, preferobly on tripod, until you see
it in the viewfinde,r in the desired size. Then, occording to the distonce (see toble,
c o l u m n s l l t o l V ) , f i t t h e o p p r o p r i o t e F o c o r l e n s o r b o t h l e n s e s( l i n f r o n t o f 2 ) o v e r
the comero lens mounf.
Meosure the exoct distonce between the centre of the lens ond the centre of the
subiect ond set the lens to the oppropriote distonce shown in column I of the toble
corresponding to columns ll to lV.
oAperlure ond depth of field: io ensure odequote depih of field, set the operture
d o w n t o o f l e o s t f / 5 . 6 o r f / 8 . W h e n c o p y i n g d o c u m e t r i s ,f / l 1 o r f / 1 6 i s r e c o m m e n d e d .
o Viewfinder imoge: fit the o t t o c h m e n t i n t o l h e o c c e s s o r ys h o e o f t h e c o m e r o
so thot it is situoted in front of the viewfinder. Then turn the front ond reor scole
rings to the exoct distonce between the lens cenire ond subiect.You con now see the
viewfinder imoge free from porollox. The slight shodow in the corners, which is due
to the circulor shope of the Proxirect ottochmeni, will of course not oppeor in the
octuol picture.
o E x p o s u r e : T h e F o c o r l e n s e sd o n o t o f f e c t t h e e x p o s u r e t i m e . T h e f i l t e r s m u s t b e p l o c e d
i n f r o n t o f l h e F o c o r l e n s e s ,o t t h e s o m e t i m e o l l o w i n g f o r t h e i n c r e o s e o f e x p o s u r e
Photogrophing ogoinsf the Light
T h i s i s o n e o f t h e m o s t b e o u t i f u lp h o t o g r o p h i sc u b i e c t sI.n l e r e s t i n o
gu t l i n e s
of lighf on people ond obiects,os well os shqdowsproiectedto the front,
g i v e t h e p i c t u r eo d e p t h w h i c h i t i s i m p o s s i b l et o o c h i e v ew i i h o n y o t h e r
form of lighting.

W h e n t o k i n g t h e s ep i c t u r e s h, o w e v e r ,d o n o t o m i t t o u s e t h e l e n s s h o d e
which cleorsthe woy to the lens only for those roys which ore requiredto
b u i l d u p t h e p i c t u r e o, n d e l i m i n o t eos n y h o r m f u ls i d e l i g h tT. h e l o t i e r ,r e g o r d -
less of whefher it comes from the sun, the sky, from woler or from on
oriificiolsourceof light,would be lioble to couseslight refleclionsor would
hove the effeci of diminishingshorpness ond controsi.
T h e l e n s s h o d ei s n o t o n l y e s s e n t i owl h e n p h o t o g r o p h i n o g g o i n s tt h e l i g h i
o r w i t h o r t i f i c i o l i g h t , i t i s e q u o l l yu s e f u lw h e n t o k i n g p h o t o g r o p h isn b o d
weotherto protectthe lens ogoinstroin or snow.

Hints for Colovr Photogrophs
Subiectswith lorge colouredoreos, but withoui considerobledifferencein
brightness,moke the best colour pictures.lf possible,ploce pe_ople ogoinst
o quiet neutrqlbockgroundin order io moke them stond out. Outdoor por-
t r o i t so r e b e s tt o k e ni n s l i g h t l yh o z y s u n l i g h t '
ln the coseof londscopes, mokesureto get o colourfulond livelyforeground
i n t o t h e p i c t u r e .F o r m o u n t o i nv i e w so n d o i t h e s e o s i d eu, s e t h e u l l r o - v i o l e t
o r s k y l i g h tf i l t e r i o r e d u c eo r e l i m i n o t ed i s t u r b i n gb l u e c o s t s .
S u n l i g h ite n d st o b e o r o n g ei n t o n e i n t h e e o r l y m o r n i n go n d l o i e e v e n i n g .
S u b i e c t si l l u m i n o t e do n l y b y t h e b l u e s k y o n d n o t d i r e c i l yb y i h e s u n f r e -
q u e n t l yt o k e o n o p r e d o m i n o n t lbyl u i s ht o n e .
With doylight photogrophs,shodowscon be brighfenedup by meons of
white reflectingscreensor blue flosh bulbs or electronicflosh guns.Mixed
with doylight,
l i g h t i n gs u c ho s , f o r i n s t o n c ee, l e c t r i cl o m p s i n c o n i u n c t i o n
r e s u l t si n c o l o u rd i s t o r t i o n .
Meler Reodings... in o Nuishell
A r e l i o b l ee x p o s u r es e t t i n gi s n o r m o l l y
obtoined by pointing the exposure
meter stroightot the subiectfrom the
comeroposition.This so colled reflec-
ted light meosurement is suitoblefor
o l l o v e r o g ec o n d i t i o n si n t h e o b s e n c e

of excessivecontrostsof light ond
Out of doors, porticulorly with open views,
if is odvisoble to point the comero slightly
downwords os the bright sky reflects for
more intense light thon the octuol subiect.
E x c e p t i o n so r e i n i e r e s t i n g c l o u d s t u d i e sw i t h
people, buildings or other londscopefeo-
tures deliberotely rendered os silhoueltes,
olso beoch ond snow scenes.

l n s o m e i n s f o n c e so m o r e o c c u r o t e
woy of toking reflectedlight reodings
i s c o l l e df o r ,n o m e l yc l o s e - u pr e o d i n g s .
This moy orise with bright obiects
ogoinsto dqrk bockground,in the cose
of close-upswith the oid of Focor
I e n s eo s n d , i n p r i n c i p l ew, i t h o l l p h o t o -
grophsof people,porticulorlyportroits.
For o close-upreoding,opproochthe
t n l i ly o u o n l y t o k e i n i h e p o r t s
s u b i e cu
thol octuollymotter.Be corefulnot to
cost o shodow over the oreo which
you ore meosuring.

Unlosding the Camero. . . ofter the Lqsl Exposure
Rewindingqnd removinglhe film: pressihe reversingleverto the left, leiting
the rewindknob iump up. Turnthe rewind knob in the directionof the orro,i
u n t i l t h e I o r o m o r k r e o p p e o r si n t h e f i l m c o u n t e rw i n d o w .T h e no p e n t h e
comero,pull ouf the rewind knob folly ond removethe cossette.
Chonging Partly Exposed Films
With boih cqmerosyou con olwoys removeo portly exposedfilm between
exposuresqnd exchongeit for onother(e.g. to switchover from block-ond-
w h i t e t o c o l o u rf i l m ) .
Rememberor, befter still, mo.ke o note of the number of the lost exposed frome ond
rewind the portly exposed film into its cossette.Wt'r"n rrfr"qrentiv reloodirr if-ri,
tilm,. proceed os olreody described up to the point of setting' the'film ioriii"r. io
the I mork.
T h e n d e p r e s . s . t h er e l e o s e , l e i g o , p r e s s d o w n o g o i n o n d h o l d i t d o w n i n t h i s p o s i t i o n .
Keep on puttrngout the ropid winding lever os for os it will qo until the film'counter
I n d r c o t e so n c e m o r e t h e n u m b e r o f l h e f r o m e o f w h i c h y o u h o v e p r e v i o u s l y m o d e o
note. Now
lgt sg gf the reteose, work rhe ropid windins' ieuui-oloi.-"irJ-p'r"ilriii tJ
expose the film in the normol monner.
-20 -

resultsond o long lifetimeof yourvclu-
oble comero depend lorgely on proper core ond
correct use.
Therefore,olwoys hondlethe comerocorefully,never
use force. Protectthe comeroogoinsi shocksond do
not drop it. When trovelling by cor, do not keep it
in the glove co,mportment where it is exposedto o
greot deol of vibrotionwhich moy horm the built-in
photo-electricexposuremeter in the long run.
Cleon the lens only with o soft, fluffless cloth.
However,first cqrefully dust off coqrse porticles of
dust (or sond ot the seoside)with o soft brush.
Fingermorksond other greosemorkson the lens or
viewfinder con be removed with o piece of cotton
wool-moistenedwith pure olcohol or ether.
l l l u s t r o t i o nl l l

It Rewind knob Rqpid winding lever for tensioning

20 Viewfinder eyepiece the shutter ond odvqncing the film

2l Film trock 25 Film lronsport shqft

22 Cqssette chqmber 26 Toke-up spool with hook for
23 Film reversing lever ottoching the film leoder

Any brond of film on the morkel, wherever you mqy buy if, con
be used in the VITO Ct/CtR. The doylight cosselles with the per-
foroted 35 mm film give 36 resp.20 fromes size 24x36 mm, no molter
whether block-ond-white, colour negotive or colour reversol film

lllustrotion lV


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