Starlight 6 Tren Upr V Form OGE

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К. В. Комиссаров О. И. Кирдяева

в формате ОГЭ (ГИА)


1. Use each modal verb (can, m ay, must, need, have

to) in the correct form tw ice.
1. You______knock at the door. I have got the key.
2. You______see the film. It is really interesting.
3. - ______ I come in? - Please, do.
4. When I was a child I ______read and write.
5. The buses were all full. I ______ go on foot.
6. Students______ never use dictionaries while doing the
7. I have lost the keys. I ______ enter my flat.
8. You______put on a coat. It is going to be warm.
9. When her parents were away, sh e ______ cook all her
meals herself.
10. - ______ I come in? - I’m afraid not.

2. M ake up sentences paying attention to the degree

of comparison of the given adjectives.
1. Jack is - cleverest boy - his class.

2. The Volga is one - longest rivers - Russia.

3. That exercise isn’t - hard - this one.

4. This book is - more interesting - that novel.

5. Alaska is - bigger - any other state - the USA.

6. Bob is - taller boy - the two.

7. Jane’s party is - best - I have ever been to.

8. Nick’s car is - fastest car - I have ever driven.

9. The weather today is - worse - yesterday.

10. - brightest student - the group now - Helen.

Fill in suitable words from M odule 1 using the

1. What are you______ at? I can’t see anything.
2. What is he______ about? I can’t hear him well.
3. Look! The sun is ______ so brightly!
4. Are you still______ your homework?
5. Who are you______ for? Your friend?
6. The children are______ football in the yard.
7. It’s already ten o ’clock! And you are still______ in bed!
8. It started to rain an hour ago and it is still_____ .
9. What are you______ about? You look so sad.
10. Are yo u ______ to something interesting? I can’t hear

M atch to m ake sentences. Pay attention to the use

of simple and continuous tenses.
1. Sam is being a) very annoying at the moment!
2. Sam is b) of going to England in summer.
3. Mary is having c) her English three times a week.
4. Mary has d) old enough to do it by himself.
5. Bill is weighing e) tired! I think she needs a holiday!
6. Bill weighs f) his suitcase. He’ll have to carry it.
7. Jane is looking g) for her purse. Have you seen it?
8. Jane looks h) a Maths class right now.
9. I am thinking i) a lot. He must go dieting.
1 0 .1think j) I may help you. Phone me later.

5. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous

of the verbs in brackets.
1. Look! The sun______(shine) brightly and it______ (be)
rather warm.
2. Everybody______ (know) that the M oon_______(go)
around the Earth.
3. -W hat Mr. Green______(d o )? -H e ______ (be) a doc­
tor. He______ (work) in a hospital.
4. W e______(leave) for London in a couple of days. The
plane______ (start) at 10 am sharp.
5. - ______(you, look) for something? - Yes! I______ (try)
to find my gloves.
6. I ______ (believe) Jack______ (think) of buying a new
7. - What______ you (think) about? You______ (look) so
nervous! - I ______ (think) you are wrong. I am quite

6. M ake up sentences using the following words.

1. The, not, cottage, is, but, is, large, comfortable, it.
2. Read, the, and, translate, into, it, article, English.

3. nice, What, is, today, weather, it!

4. many, there, stamps, Are, new, her, in, collection?

5. you, Do, night, your, homework, often, do, at?

6. mother, a, Is, your, doctor, teacher, a, or?

7. students, The, teacher, listened, their, attentively, very, to.

8. always, Mr Brown, new, brings, his, and, son, books,


9. story, a, your, us, told, What, wonderful, father!

10. live, We, large, flat, the, of, the, city, in, a, centre, in.

7. M atch the columns to make word combinations.

1. traffic a) bridge
2. road b) lane
3. zebra c) stop
4. bus d) crossing
5. underground e) tunnel
6. foot f) lights
7. bus g) sign
8. Com plete the sentences with missing words or
phrases from the box. There is one extra word.
pavement zebra crossing bus lane
traffic light road sign bridge
1. No cars are allowed to drive in th e ______.
2. People must always stop when th e ______ is red.
3. You must always check the road before you step off the

4. If you need to get over the river, you have to cross the

5. You must cross the street at th e ______if there is one.

9. Choose the correct preposition.

1. We drove through/across/above the tunnel.
2. The airplane flew on/over/into the city.
3. Just walk across/along/in the river to the bridge.
4. Three boys went through/past/over us on bikes.
5. Christopher Columbus sailed over/towards/across the
Atlantic Ocean.
6. A young man hurried into/over/down the street.
7. They entered the park through/in/past a large gate.
8. Jack got out of/out from/through the car and went to
the bank.
9. Kelly stood up and walked across/towards/along me.
10. The underground goes under/over/by the river several
11. Let’s walk over/along/across this path and see where
it goes.
12. We walked all the way across/into/up the mountain.
13. They built a new bridge into/past/across the river.
1 4 .1live on Norton Road, it’s just past/into/under the bus
15. She stood on a balcony and looked up/down/over into
the yard.

10. M atch the words and their definitions.

1. a small house in the country a) block of flats
2. a house with no stairs,
on one level b) townhouse
3. a house which is not joined
to another house c) semi-detached house
4. a house which is joined
to another house on one side d) penthouse
5. a house that is one of
a row of houses that are
joined together on each side e) bungalow
6. an expensive and
comfortable flat at the
top of a tall building f) villa
7. a large house, usually
in the countryside or
near the sea, where people
stay on holiday g) detached house
8. a large building
with apartments h) cottage

11. Replace the phrases with the ones from the box.
When do you want to leave? Just to go or to
come back, too? Enjoy yourself! Here is the
money. Can I be of any service to you?______
1. Have a good time!

2. Single or return?

3. May I help you?

4. What time would you prefer to go?

5. Here it is!

12. Com plete each second sentence using the word in

brackets so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. W rite betw een two and five words.
1. My friend isn’t keen on travelling, (like)
My friend_______________________ travelling.
2. Bill is unaware of what has happened, (know)
Bill_______________________ what has happened.
3. He is bad at cooking, (cook)
4. She is not a very good singer, (sing)
She_______________________ very well.
5 . Jack is a regular reader of “The Times” (reads)

13. Transform the sentences filling in the gaps with one

word of the same root as the one in bold.
1. In her youth, Helen was such a beauty.
In her youth, Helen was such a ________________ girl.

2. My cousin is a very careful driver.
My cousin drives very________________________.
3. It is not a surprise that he speaks English so fluently.
It is n o t________________________ that he speaks
English so fluently.
4. I don’t know Maths well.
M y_______________________ of Maths is rather lim­
5. I do think that the movie was very boring.
The movie________________________ me to death.
6. How do these two things differ?
What’s the_______________________ between these
two things?
7. He comes from China.
He is a _______________________ .
8. Did you describe the thief to the police?
Did you give the police a ________________________
of the thief?
9. Don’t make so much fuss!
Don’t be s o _______________________!
1 0 .1do medicine at university.
I am a _______________________ student.

14. Choose the correct answer.

1. She______ the furniture in her room every other day.
a) makes b) dusts c) washes
2. I always______ books to the library on time.
a) borrow b) return c) make
3. Jane______the floor at the moment.
a) mops b) mop c) is mopping
4. I always go to school______ foot.
a) on b) at c) by
5. We______park here, as it is not allowed!
a) don’t have to
b) can’t
c) haven’t to
6. The London Eye is one o f______landmarks in Britain.
a) the best known
b) the well-known
c) the better known
7. Central Park in NewYork is_____ beautiful in early autumn.
a) much b) very c) very much
8. - Enjoy yourself!
a) That’s OK.
b) Here you are.
c) Thanks, you too.
9. The place where you can skate is ______ .
a) a gym
b) a water park
c) an ice rink
10. Lemons are not normally______ oranges.
a) so sweet than
b) as sweet as
c) sweeter as
11. _____ I borrow your dictionary, please?
a) Could b) Should c) Must
12. Take my iPod! I ______ it at the moment.
a) don’t use
b) am not using
c) am using
13. Vehicles g o ______ the bridge to get to the other bank
of the river.
a) towards b) under c) over
14. John is shorter______ in his class.
a) than any other boy
b) then any other boy
c) than any other boys
15. Good price! I ______ we’ll buy that. Give me the money!
a) am thinking
b) don’t think
c) think


1. Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer.

Ticket Agent: Good morning. How can I help you?
Wendy: Hello. I’d like to buy a ticket to Oxford. I’m
leaving today.
Ticket Agent: An adult ticket?
Wendy: Yes. One adult, please. I’m a student al­
Ticket Agent: Single or return?
Wendy: I am coming back tomorrow, so a return,
please. When is the next train to Oxford?
Ticket Agent: The train leaves in forty minutes from Plat­
form 8. What time do you want to return to­
Wendy: In the morning, if it’s possible. At about
nine or ten.
Ticket Agent: Unfortunately, there are no early morning
trains from Oxford. The earliest train leaves
at 10.25 am. Is it all right for you?
Wendy: OK, no problem.
Ticket Agent: That’s £15, please.
Wendy: Here you are. Thank you.
Ticket Agent: You’re welcome. Enjoy your trip to Oxford.
Good day!
Wendy: Buy, thank you.
1. Wendy wants to travel
a) by train.
b) by bus.
c) in a car.
2. Wendy needs to buy___
a) a child ticket.
b) a student ticket.
c) an adult ticket.
3. Wendy wants to return_
a) on the same day.
b) the next day.
c) in ten days.
4. The train leaves from __
a) Platform 9.
b) Platform 8.
c) Platform 10.
5. Wendy agrees to return _
a) by an evening train.
b) by an afternoon train.
c) by a later train.
M atch the titles (1 -5 ) to the texts (A -D ). There is
one extra title.
1. Protection from Insects
2. Good for Health
3. The Right Footwear
4. Watch Your Step
5. Company Is Better
A. Rattlesnakes are very seldom seen. They can feel our vi­
brations from our walking and then they hide, often behind
rocks, logs or in thick brush. If you don’t want to get a
snake bite, be careful when you walk. Look in front of or
behind logs and rocks. Before you sit down or pick up
something from the ground, look around the area carefully.
Watch where you put your hands and feet. Most impor­
tantly, enjoy snakes at a distance and do not disturb them.
B. One of my favorite hobbies is hiking with friends. It’s great
because you don’t need to carry all the things alone. We
usually decide who takes what. For example, I carry a
compass, a map, a tent, and GPS unit to navigate our po­
sition. Kate takes a repellent, sunscreen cream and some
medicines. Others bring some food and tools. It’s more
fun to hike together and it’s safer of course.
C. Hiking is a great way to enjoy nature and stay healthy, but
it can be dangerous, too. For example, mosquitoes, spi­
ders and other bugs can spoil even the best outdoor hol­
iday. So it’s really important to wear long-sleeved shirts
and long trousers, and a hat. I also recommend to hike
during the morning and early afternoon. Always pack a
repellent and spray it on your clothes and open parts of
the body.
D. Buying a pair of hiking shoes is a very serious thing. This
is not like “they fit okay, they look cool, and I’ll take
them.” Hiking boots should be light and comfortable.
They should keep your feet dry, warm, and protected.
When you have a good pair of boots on your feet, your
hiking experience becomes more exciting and enjoy­
able. If your feet aren’t happy, you can’t be happy, either.
Text A В c D


1. Im agine that you moved house (переехал). Read

the letter from Jack and answer his questions. Ask
him your own three questions.
Hi, friend!
How are you? How is the weather? It’s getting cold here,
as it’s autumn time.
Last week we moved to a new house in the suburbs. You
know that we lived in a block of flats in the city centre. At first,
we thought about a townhouse or a cottage. Now we live in a
nice two-storeyed detached house with a small garden and a
big yard. The traffic here is not so heavy, and we can ride bikes
every day. It’s quieter and nicer here and I have a bigger room!
I know that you moved house, too. Where do you live
now? Is your new house or flat better, and why? What do you
like about the new place?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,


1. Fill in the words from the box to make up word com ­

cup bag bar tub box glass
packet tin jar pot loaf
1. A of coffee/tea.
2. A of margarine/ice-cream.
3. A of milk/Coke.
4. A of cream/yoghurt.
5. A of biscuits/chewing gum
6. A of cereals/cornflakes.
7. A of chocolate/candy.
8. A of jam/coffee.
9. A of nuts/crisps.
10. A of soup/beans.
11,. A of bread.

2. Com plete the sentences with suitable words from

ex. 1. Pay attention to the forms of nouns.
1. I’d like a ______ of green tea, please.
2. We need a ______ of Coke and a big carton of apple
3. Jane poured some milk into th e ______ and took it to
4. Have a look! There’s a ______of ice-cream in the fridge.
5. Harry ate a whole______ of chocolates.
6. Granny sends you this lovely______of honey.
7. I must buy three______ of natural yoghurt.
8. The______ of beans is on the top shelf.
9. It’s unhealthy to eat th re e ______ of chocolate every
10. Gerry ate a ______ of crisps.
11. Don’t forget to buy tw o ______ of white bread.

3. Change the words in brackets and use them in cor­

rect form s.
Example: (Strawberry) are tasty with cream. - Strawberries
are tasty with cream.
1. The (cherry) are so sweet!

2. Can I have a bottle of (sparkle) water?

3. Indian food is often very (spice).

4. Do we need any (tomato)?

5. I love morning coffee with fresh (crust) bread.

6. Let’s have (fry) fish and a cucumber salad.

7. Mum bought a kilo of fresh (peach).

4. Change the verbs in brackets and use them in cor­

rect forms (infinitives or gerunds).
Example: Do you fancy (have) some ice cream? - Do you
fancy having some ice cream?
1. How about (make) an apple pie?

2. (Eat) fruit is healthy for you.

3. I’d like (have) a tuna salad, please.

4. I can’t stand (eat) onions.

5. Jane decided (order) lamb chops.

6. I really enjoy (eat) strawberries.

7. Mum bought some meat (cook) steak for dinner.

8. I look forward to (try) these lemon cakes.

9. Jim suggested (order) pizza for everybody.

10. Kate’d prefer (have) chicken with rice.

11. Do you deny (steal) the car? Yes or no?

1 2 .1refuse (accept) that there’s no way out.

13. The kids were pretending (be) asleep.

14. Do you mind (move) your car, please?

15. I’m really looking forward to (go) on the cruise.

16. What would you like (do) tonight?

17. How did you manage (persuade) them to come?

18. We’ve run out of petrol and have to stop (buy) some.

19. I’ve just finished (read) the book.

2 0 .This medicine didn’t help. Try (take) an aspirin.

Com plete the recipe using the correct words from

the box. One word is extra.
• 250 g butter
• 200 g dark chocolate
• 75 g dried cherries
• 50 g chopped nuts
• 80 g cocoa powder
• 65 g flour
• 1 teaspoon baking powder
• 360 g sugar
• 4 eggs
beat mix bowl oven
cool stir add boil
In a large 1 . ______ melt the butter and the chocolate
and mix. Add the cherries and nuts, if you’re using them, and
2 . ______together.
In a separate bowl, 3 . ______ together the cocoa pow­
der, flour, baking powder and sugar, then 4 . ______ this to
the chocolate, cherry and nut mixture. Stir together well.
5 . ______ the eggs and mix.
Pour your brownie mix into the baking tray, and place in
the 6 . ______for around 25 minutes. You don’t want to over­
cook them.
When you take the brownies out of the oven, 7 . ______
them in the tray, then carefully cut into squares. Enjoy!

Use much, many, (a) little, (a) few.

My Favourite Soup
- Here’s how I usually make my favourite soup. You start
with butter.
- H o w l._____ ?
- Just 2 . _____ .
- And what do you do then?
- Then I slice 3 . ______ onions and cook them in butter.
- How 4 . _____ of them?
- As 5 . ______ as you want. Then you add 6 . _______
- How 7 . _____ ?
- Not very 8 . ______ . Just 9 . ______ small glasses.
- And after that?
- You then add 1 0 .______ potatoes, 11.______ carrots,
1 2 .______cabbage, and 1 3 .______ tomato paste.
- How 1 4.______ time does it take you?
- Only 1 5 .______ hours.
- Thanks for the recipe.
- You are welcome.
7. Com plete each second sentence using the word in
brackets so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. W rite betw een two and five words.
1. Would you mind if I open the window here? (my)
Would you mind_______________________here?
2. Nick is rather inexperienced. He can’t cope with that, (too)
Nick is ______________________ that.
3. You are expected to be at home before dark, (expect)
We_______________________at home before dark.
4. Remember you must switch off the light before
leaving, (to)
Remember_______________________before leaving.
5. You should give up smoking! (stop)
You should_______________________!

8. Transform the sentences filling in the gaps with one

word of the sam e root as the one in bold.
1. The conference is held here every year.
The conference is held here______.
2. How long is it?
What’s its_____ ?
3. The old man is still full of energy.
He is still a very______ old man.
4. Do you think the answer is satisfactory?
Are you______ with the answer?
5. The soup you have cooked tastes delicious.
The soup you have cooked is really very______ .
6. There was a heavy fall of snow yesterday.
It snowed_____ yesterday.
7. He has won the contest!
He is th e ______of the contest!
8. My parents love me very much.
Mine are______parents.
9. My friend composes music.
My friend is a ______.

9. Ask questions to the word(s) in bold.

1. This is his textbook.
2. There are a lot of newspapers on the table.
3. The walls of the classroom are green.
4. There are some apples on the table.
5. It is often cool in summer.
6. It is about 700 km from here to Moscow.
7. Mr Sandford is in his office.

10. Choose the correct answer.

1. We don’t eat pasta.
a) lot b) much c) many
2. Would vou like some beef for the course.
a) traditional b) main c) little
3. The London Eye is the British capital’s most famous
a) gallery b) museum c) landmark
4. You______ eat so many sweets! It’s unhealthy.
a) mustn’t b) can’t c) shouldn’t
5. Is there_____ cheese left in the fridge?
a) many b) much c) some
6. I tried______ the door. But it wouldn’t.
a) open b) to open c) opening
7. Let’s stay at home today. It’s ______ to go out.
a) cold enough
b) enough cold
c) too cold
8. - Do you add sugar in your hot chocolate?
a) Just a few.
b) Just a little.
c) Just little.
9. I can give you______ advice, if you want.
a) an b) some C) a word
10. There are______ carrots in the kitchen.
a) any b) a c) some
11. - Would you like something to drink?
a) Ice tea, please.
b) That’s right.
c) Not for me.
12. We shouldn’t make our children______what they don’t
want to.
a) to do b) do c) doing
13. You can make your own______with oil and lemon.
a) salad dressing
b) dressing salad
c) salad for dressing
14. How______ there in this lake?
a) many fish is
b) much fish is
c) many fish are
15. Stop______ ! It’s too noisy.
a) to talk b) talk c) talking


1. Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer.

Julian: Ok, Natalie, what do we need to buy? Let’s
make a shopping list.
Natalie: Right. Well, do we have any milk in the fridge?
Julian: Let me see. Yes, we have two bottles of milk, but
no yoghurt.
Natalie: Then, we need 4 pots of yoghurt. How about
some vegetables? Tomatoes and cucumbers and
some celery, and lettuce. 1want to make a salad.
Julian: What about some garlic and onions?
Natalie: 1know you love them in the salad, but 1don’t.
Anyway, we can buy some. We also need two
loaves of fresh bread. 1love fresh crusty bread!
Mmm... And do you remember you promised to
make a cherry pie for today’s dinner?
Julian: Yes, 1do. 1know it’s your favourite. But we have
to buy everything for it. So we need some flour,
eggs and butter.
Natalie: Are there any cherries for the pie?
Julian: There are a few apples but no cherries. We need
a kilo, 1think.

Natalie: Good. Did you look in the freezer for ice cream?
Julian: There isn’t any vanilla but there is some choco­
late ice cream.
Natalie: You should get a tub of vanilla ice cream. It goes
best with cherry pie.
Julian: Really? OK, I trust you. So, it’s a long shopping
Natalie: It’s good to make a list, so we don’t forget any­
thing. Let’s go then.
Julian: Right. Let’s go.
1. Julian and Natalie need to buy____
a) milk.
b) milk and yoghurt.
c) yoghurt.
2. Natalie wants to cook______
a) a fruit salad.
b) a vegetable salad.
c) a tuna salad.
3. Natalie says she loves______
a) bread.
b) garlic.
c) celery.
4. For the cherry pie Julian______
a) doesn’t need to buy anything.
b) should buy everything.
c) should buy only cherries.
5. Julian and Natalie agree to get some
a) chocolate ice cream.
b) cherry ice cream.
c) vanilla ice cream.
2. M atch the titles (1 -5 ) to the texts (A -D ). There is
one extra title.
1. A National Dish
2. A Daily Menu
3. A Healthy Snack
4. A Good Start
5. An Unhealthy Food
A. Breakfast is a very important meal. If you have it at home,
choose milk, yoghurt, fresh fruit and cereal. These low-
fat foods can give you energy for the whole day. They also
contain a lot of vitamins and minerals you need. Children
who eat a healthy breakfast study better. They are more
active, creative, and concentrate better all day long.
B. You can get hungry at school between meals or classes. So
what should you do? Instead of a sandwich on white bread,
a bag of chips, and cookies try to have something healthier.
For example, some low-fat yoghurt, nuts or a whole-grain
sandwich with lean meat. It is also better to have water and
not juice, because most juices are full of sugar.
C. Gazpacho is a cold tomato soup typical of the south of
Spain. It originated there. In cities like Seville and Cor­
doba summer temperatures are over plus 38°C and gaz­
pacho /gasz'paetfau/ is the best choice for cooling down
quickly. There are various versions of gazpacho all over
Spain, but the basic ingredients are tomatoes, cucum­
bers, onions and olive oil. Other gazpacho recipes
include pepper, bread, garlic and vinegar.
D. French fries are full of salt and calories. Even a small
serving from popular fast food cafes contains about 350
calories. And this leads to putting on weight. What’s

more, French fries are loaded with fat. Frying robs the
vegetables of their natural nutritional value. To make
matters worse, many restaurants prepare fried foods
using unhealthy artificial oils that contain bad fats.
Text A В c D

Com plete the conversation with the phrases (a -g ).

a) A chocolate brownie with a cup of black coffee, please.
b) Sparkling or still?
c) Thank you for your order.
d) Hello. Yes, I think I’m ready. I’d like some soup.
e) Then sparkling mineral water and a black coffee.
f) And what would you like to drink?
g) Would you like any side orders?
Waiter: Good afternoon. Are you ready to order?
Customer: 1 . ______
Waiter: All right. We have chicken soup, cauliflower
cream soup and salmon soup.
Customer: I’d like the cream soup, please. Then I’ll have
lamb chops with tomato sauce.
Waiter: 2. ______
Customer: Grilled peppers and onions.
Waiter: 3 . _____
Customer: I’ll have a bottle of mineral water, please.
Waiter: 4 . _____
Customer: Sparkling, please.
Waiter: Anything for dessert?
Customer: 5.
Waiter: OK. So that’s cauliflower cream soup, lamb
chops with tomato sauce and grilled peppers
and onions. 6 . ______
Customer: And a chocolate brownie!
Waiter: Right! 7 . ______

Im agine you have a pen friend from Korea called
Mi-Yun. Read her letter and answer her three ques­
tions. Ask her your own three questions.
Great to hear from you. I hope you and your family are all
In your last letter you asked me about the food we have
for breakfast in Korea.
Well, in Korea traditionally, food eaten in the morning
does not differ greatly from the other meals of the day. So for
breakfast we have rice, some soup, several kinds of vegeta­
bles, Kimchi and grilled meat or fish. Kimchi is a traditional
Korean dish. It’s rather hot and spicy. It is made from Chinese
cabbage, garlic, spring onions, red pepper, salt and sugar.
Today, however, a lot of people often eat Western-style
breakfasts. They normally choose coffee, sandwiches, fried
eggs or cornflakes and yoghurt.
What about the breakfast people have in your country?
What do you usually have for breakfast? What is your
favourite dish?
Hope to hear from you soon.


1. Form nouns from the following words using a suffix.

Example: engine - engineer, ecology - ecologist
1. philosophy-___________________
2. s in g - ___________________
3. g e o lo g y -___________________
4. s c ie n c e -___________________
5. m athem atics-___________________
6. m u s ic -___________________
7. sail - ___________________
8. teach - ___________________
9. p a in t-___________________
10. physics - ___________________

2. Form adjectives from the following words using a

Example: wonder - wonderful, act - active
1. talent - ___________________
2. im a g in e -___________________
3. a m b itio n -___________________
4. create - ___________________
5. s k ill- ___________________
6. h is to ry -___________________
7. mystery - ___________________
8. fame -
3. Use the proper derivative of the word in brackets.
1. The “Mona Lisa” is a famous___________________ by
Leonardo da Vinci. (PAINT)
2. In his spare time he is a keen___________________ .
3. He is a ___________________ young artist. (TALENT)
4. It was the best birthday___________________ in my
5. A ___________________ young woman is living next
door. (MYSTERY)
6. The island was discovered by the Portuguese
7. She’s very___________________ - she writes poetry
and paints. (CREATE)
8. Columbus’s father was a ___________________ .
9. The only officer I saw was o u r___________________ ,
Captain Shiners. (COMMAND)
10. Jack’s a very___________________ young manager.

4. Ask questions to the word(s) in bold.

1. Bob was watching TV when his Dad came home.
2. His mom was ironing at 7 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
3. It was raining hard when we left home.
4. Pete was listening to music at two in the morning.
5 . Jack was playing football in the yard when his brother
called him.

5. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous or the

Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
A: 1 1 .______ (hear) Jack came back home.
B: Yes. It is the first time he has been abroad. He 2 . ______
(return) two days ago.
A: Where he 3 . ______(go)?
B: To Italy. By the way, I have never been there myself and I
4 . ______(plan) to fly to Rome this summer.
A: How long Jack 5 . ______ (stay) there?
B: For about a fortnight.
A: When you 6 . ______ (think) we can talk to him? I haven’t
seen him since he 7 . ______ (go) abroad.
B: Tomorrow. But now he 8 . ______ (be) busy. He
9 . ______ (phone) all his friends.

6. Choose the correct response.

1. A: Did you enjoy the show?
B: a) It was nice, thank you.
b) Sounds really good.
2. A: When were you born?
B: a) In Spain, why?
b) On 6th January.
3. A: What did you do?
B: a) Hung out with my friends,
b) I often do it at weekends!

4. A: That sounds most interesting!
B: a) And it really was!
b) Yes, it did.
5. A: Who is Agatha Christie?
B: a) A famous British writer.
b) Very popular.

7. Transform the sentences so that they mean the

sam e. Use one word in each gap (contractions are
not allowed).
1. She is a very good dancer.
She______ very______ .
2. Close the window.
________________________ , ______ you?
3. - He lives in London! - You don’t say so!
- He lives in London! - __________________ ?
4. My brother is showering now.
He______having__________________ now.
5. There are no books on the desk.
6. I need some advice!
I need__________________ advice!
7. Books are good presents for children.
A ______is ______ good__________________ child.

8. Use the correct article if necessary.

A Friend
Once there was 1 . ______ little boy called Bill. He said
to his father, “I’m lonely. Where can I find 2 . ______friend?”
His dad said, “Behind where we live there is 3 . ______
field. It is filled with 4 . ______grass and 5 . ______ red pop­
pies and 6 . _______corn-flowers. There are 7 . ____ big
brown and yellow butterflies. Go into 8. ______ field,
9 . ______ Bill. Perhaps you will find 10. _______ friend
11.______little boy went into 12. ______ field. Among
1 3 .______ poppies he saw 1 4 .______ tiger. 1 5 .______
tiger was as yellow as 1 6 .______ sunshine. Over his coat
were 17.______ beautiful dark stripes. He had 1 8 .______
very long twitching tail. “Hello, 19. ______ Tiger,” said
2 0 .______boy.
“Hello,” said 2 1 .______ beast showing his teeth.
“Do you eat 2 2 .______ little boys?”
“No. I only eat 23. ______ sandwiches. I have
2 4 .______ few wrapped in 2 5 .______ lunch paper. Would
you like some?” They had dinner on 2 6 .______grass. Then
they played 2 7 .______ hide-and-seek all over 2 8 .______
field. They had 2 9 .______ lot of 3 0 .______ fun.

9. Choose the correct verb .

1. Who found/founded the City of Moscow?
2. Yesterday it was nasty and we fe ll/fe lt bad.
3. The Sun rises/raises in the East.
4. This car doesn’t run/ran on petrol.
5. The plane fle w /flo w high in the sky.
6. A cat was laying/lying on the sofa.
7. They hung/hanged the picture on the wall.
10. Choose the correct answer.
1. Jack had a bump on his head______ an accident on his
a) because b) because of c ) and
2. The “Mona Liza” was______ by Leonardo da Vinci.
a) painted b) designed c) sculpted
3. Did you have a nice weekend?
a) It was great!
b) I’d like to see it!
c) Sounds great!
4. Come in, Mum would like to ______ to you.
a) spoke b) speak c) speaks
5. Do you know______they went to America?
a) where b) which c) why
6. The police officers______ the burglar in the morning.
a) caught b) catch c) was catching
7. The girl tried hard t o ______ his disposition (располо­
a) win b) fall c) lead
8. ______ is that man with Jane?
a) How b) Who c) Which
9. Jack London is a ______ writer.
a) famous English
b) famous American
c) favourite American
10. The past of “die” is ______ .
a) died b) dieed c) dyed
11. How______ apples are there on the kitchen table?
a) much b) many c) lot of
12. There wasn’t ______ on the street.
a ) nobody b) somebody c ) anybody
13. Could you speak a little louder, please? I _____ hear
you well.
a) shouldn’t b) can’t c) mustn’t
1 4 .1look forward______ you.
a) to see b) seeing c) to seeing
15. Cooks use various______ to add flavour to food.
a) species b) spies C) spices


1. Read the tex t and mark the statem ents True (Г),
False F (F) or Not Stated (N S ).
Thomas Alva Edison
Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847, the
USA. He was the seventh and last child of Samuel and Nancy
Edison. When he was young, he went to school only for a few
months. His teachers disliked him because the boy always
asked a lot of questions. So he was taught reading, writing,
and arithmetic by his mother. But Thomas was always a very
curious child and taught himself much by reading scientific
and technical books.
Thomas Edison began working at an early age. At 12 he
sold fruit, snacks and newspapers on a train. Later he be­
came a telegraph operator. But he was fired from his job be­
cause he became bored and started playing jokes on his
boss. So Edison decided to change his profession and he
became one of the most talented inventors the world knows.
Edison’s first invention was not successful, but he didn’t
give up. He moved to New York and made many telegraphic
improvements. This brought him money. During this time he
married Mary Stilwell and they had three children.
They soon left New York and went to New Jersey where
Edison built his most famous laboratory “ Menlo Park” . He
hired eighty workers who were chemists and mathemati­
cians, to help him with inventions at his “invention factory” .
The first great invention was the phonograph. It was the
first machine that could record someone’s voice. Edison re­
cited the poem “ Mary Had a Little Lamb” , and the phono­
graph played the words to him. The phonograph was a
sensation and brought Edison international fame.
Edison’s next invention changed the world and technology
forever. It was the light bulb (лампочка).Soon many
electricity at home. It was just a miracle! Everyone thought that
Thomas was a wizard and called him “Wizard of Menlo Park”.
Afterwards Edison also worked on X-rays, batteries, and
the first talking doll. Another of his greatest ideas was “movies”
and the first camera. Edison first demonstrated movies in 1891.
The whole world again called him a genius. But he knew that
having a good idea was not enough. Edison liked to say that
without hard work you could not create anything.
1. Thomas Edison was born to a big f a m i l y . ______
2. Thomas’s teachers could not answer
all his questions. ______
3. Thomas Edison was educated by his f a t h e r . ______
4. Thomas Edison’s first job was a telegrapher. ______
5. Thomas Edison worked
with helpers in his lab. ______
6. The children played with the p h o n o g r a p h . ______
7. The light bulb was
the most successful invention. ______
8. Thomas Edison invented lots of things. ______
9. Edison thought talent
was enough to be an inventor. ______

2. Read the dialogues (A-C) and match them with the

places (1 -4 ). There is one extra place.
1. At home
2. In the library
3. At the cinema
4. In the museum
Dialogue A В c

Dialogue A
A: Good morning. How can I help you?
B: Hello. I need to make a report about famous explorers. I
chose Captain James Hook. Where can I find some in­
formation about him?
B: Books on explorers are on the top shelves over there.
A: Thanks. Here is my card. How many can I take home?
B: You can take three, but you can also use our online re­
Dialogue В
A: Excuse me.
B: Yes?
A: Where can I see paintings by Salvador Dali?
B: In the next hall, just turn left.
A: And can I take pictures there?
B: You can take pictures, but don’t use a flash.
A: Thank you.
B: Welcome.
Dialogue С
A: Tea is ready. Help yourself.
B: Thanks.
A: Here are the biscuits. What are you watching?
B: Take a seat. It’s a news report about a painting that was
stolen from the museum.
A: Really? Was it a precious work of art?
B: It was, and the thieves escaped.

M atch the titles (1 -5 ) to the texts (A -D ). There is

one extra title.
1. Kidnapping
2. Vandalism
3. Mugging
4. Shoplifting
5. Burglary
A. Nigel Harrow hid himself in the garden. He quietly waited
until night, when the house was empty. Then he carefully
forced open the window and climbed into the house. He
took the new plasma TV, two paintings by Dali and a lot
of money.
B. Harry Lean waited on the street corner until the young
woman turned into the street. Then he jumped out, hit
her, and ran off with her leather handbag. It was after­
noon time, but nobody stopped him. He was so quick.
C. Mr Lamport’s car was attacked at the parking near his
office. The criminals took him to the old country house
and asked for 3 million dollars. Surprisingly, Mr Lamport
convinced his captors to let him go after two days of
D. Zoe Milner was caught when she was spraying paint on
the garage walls. She said she wanted to make the walls
look more cheerful and bright. But this was done without
permission and it was not her garage. The police did not
arrest her but asked to pay a fine.
Text A В c D

Com plete the conversation with the phrases (a-g ).

a) Гm sure you had a great time, too.
b) Did you have a nice time?
c) That’s just fantastic!
d) We didn’t do anything special,
e) We saw how people lived at that time, what clothes they
wore and what crafts they had.
f) There were a lot of musicians.
g) How was your weekend?
Mike: So Jane, 1 .______
Jane: It was pretty good, Mike. On Saturday I went to the
festival of historic and military reconstruction “Times
and Epochs” . It took place in the open-air museum
Kolomenskoye in Moscow.
Mike: Really? That sounds interesting! 2 . ______
Jane: I did! This year the festival was devoted to the Middle
Ages. 3 . ______There were horse and sword fights,
archery, and a bazaar of old Russian arts. In the
evening there was a traditional knight’s tournament.
Mike: Wow! 4. And what about the medieval
music? I really like it.
Jane: I know you do. 5 . ______ And the music is beautiful,
I agree. I’m so sorry you didn’t go there.
Mike: I went to the country to visit my Grandma and Grand­
dad. 6. just went fishing, relaxed and talked.
I liked it.
Jane: 7 . ______And I bought a CD for you, with medieval
Mike: Oh, thank you, Jane!
Jane: You’re welcome.


Imagine you have a pen friend from England called

Peter. Read his letter. W rite a letter to Peter and answer
his three questions. Ask him your own three questions.
How’s life? Hope you’re all right. Last weekend we had a
school outing to Hampton Court Palace not far from London.
It’s a medieval palace where King Henry VIII lived. Our guide
wore a medieval costume! She was fantastic! It was interest­
ing to see what life was like many centuries ago. We visited
the Palace rooms, the kitchens, and the beautiful gardens. I
especially liked the collection of swords and pistols. And you
know, there are ghosts in the Palace!
How was your weekend? Do you like visiting historical
places? Where did you go last? What did you like most about
the visit?
Hope to hear from you soon. Bye for now.
Best wishes,


1. Form adjectives from the following words using a

Example: wonder - wonderful, a ct - active
1) interest - ___________________
2) excite - ___________________
3) danger - ___________________
4) scare - ___________________
5) history - ___________________
6) impress - ___________________
7) culture - ___________________
8) bore - ___________________
9) tradition - ___________________
10) legend - ___________________

2. Use the words in brackets in the correct forms.

Last summer, my family and I spent our holidays in the north
of Croatia /kreu'eijs/. We stayed in a very nice and 1.______
(comfort) hotel not far from the town of Porec. It took us twenty
minutes to get to the town centre. Every day we went 2._____
(swim), and dad even tried 3.______(dive). Personally, I pre­
ferred cycling, though I’m not a very good 4._____ (cycle).
Of course we tried the local food. There were lots of
5.______(tradition) tavernas and cafes in the town and we
had dinner there every evening! But it was not all about fun.
We visited lots of 6 .______ (interest) places, like the sixth
century church. It was so 7.______ (impress).
I also loved the local people, who were very 8 .______
(friend) and welcoming. I think I fell in love with the country.

3 . M ake up word combinations.

1. to miss a) a passport
2. to lose b) food poisoning
3. to steal c) sunburnt
4. to get d) a flight
5. to get e) luggage

4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

1. I'm just going to shop______ souvenirs.
2. Let’s sunbathe______ the beach and then have a snack.
3. We spent the day trekking______the mountains.
4. Jack kicked the ball high______ the air.
5. Watch______for the wild life, it’s amazing.
6. Will you help m e______ my luggage?
7. The History Museum is open______ 8.30 am every day.

5. M atch the words and their definitions.

1. snorkeling a) sailing on water standing on a board and
using a big sail
2. windsurfing b) swimming using a tube to help you
3. scuba diving c) going for long walks in the country for
4. trekking d) swimming underwater using special
breathing equipment
5. hiking e) walking long distances especially in the
mountains, hills or forests
6. Choose the correct answer.
1. We took/made/did a lot of photos during the safari.
2. During the expedition, we swam/surfed/trekked ten
hours a day.
3. Backpacking/Cycling/Sailing is the best way to travel
- like a tortoise with your home on your back!
4. The Red Sea has beautiful coral rocks/reefs/stones
close to the shore.
5. I’d love to go camping/trekking/sailing, but Mum
doesn’t like sleeping in a tent.
6. They said they would stand/live/stay in a hotel.
7. The voyage/trip/tour from London to Oxford takes
about an hour.
8. I couldn’t find my bag. It was stolen/taken/missed.
9. The hotel has rooms with a sea sight/look/view.
10. If I travel to Japan, I’ll test/try/check local food.

7. Fill in the gaps with the article if necessary. There

must he a different article in each sentence of the
1. A. They gave the house______ new coat of paint.
B. They gave the house______ final coat of paint.
2. A. It all happened in ______ autumn of 1990.
B. It all happened in ______ autumn.
3. A .______ article in the sentence is wrong.
B. There should be ______ article in the sentence.
4. A. Look!______ dinner has burnt.
B. Let’s talk about it after______ dinner.
5. A. When we were in France we were staying a t______
nice small hotel by the sea.
В. I have never stayed a t______ Royal Hotel.
6. A. There are a lot of fish in ______lake.
B. Near out cottage there is ______ lake.
7. A .______novel is a book that has become a bestseller.
В. I am reading______novel by J. London.

Use the Future Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. If the weather is bad, w e _____ _ (to stay) at home.
2. I ______ (not to go) out if it begins to rain.
3. If they don’t take a taxi, they______ (to miss) their train.
4. I think you______(to like) the movie when you see it.
5. We______ (not to wait) till mother returns from work.
6. You______(not to find) anybody there if you don’t hurry.
7. I’m afraid that when his letter comes, i t ______(to be)
to late.
8. There______(to be) a lot of people in the shop if you go
there now.
9. W e______ (to get) to the station in half an hour if we
leave right now.
10. Do you think it______(to be) warmer when it stops rain­

Use the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. He will miss the train if he _______ (not to take) a taxi.
2. I won’t go away till mother______ (to return).
3. I will not marry until I ______ (to be) thirty.
4. It’ll be midnight when w e ______(to get) to their place.
5. How long is it before the bell______ (to go)?
6. I’m sure you will like the room when you______(to see)
7. He will certainly keep his word if he ______ (to make) a
8. I will probably be out when she______ (to call).
9. What shall I tell him when he______ (to ask)?
10. Will it be all right if I ______ (to tell) them everything?

10. Use the Present Simple or the Future Simple of the

verbs in brackets.
1. We______ (to be) late for work if w e______ (not to go)
out at once.
2. If he______ (to come) at six, he______ (not to see) the
3. H e______(to be) angry if she______ (not to tell) him
the reason.
4. If she____ (to read) the letter, she________(to under­
stand) everything.
5. I ______ (to tell) him the truth if he______ (to ask) me.
6. If sh e ______ (not to ring) me up tonight, I ______ (to
send) her a telegram.
7. She probably______ (not to read) the play until we
______ (to ask) her.
8. You______(not to miss) much if you______ (not to go)
9. I ______(help) you as soon as I ______ (come).
10. S h e ______ (not to marry) until s h e _______ (to be)

11. Open the brackets using the Present Simple, Pres­

en t Continuous or Future Simple.

1. Mary______ (cook) dinner as soon as she______ (be)
through with her homework.
2. It______ (be) 7 o’clock now. I ______ (not, know) when
he______(return) and whether he______ (come) at all.
3. T hey______ (leave) for Paris in two days’ time. The
plane______(start) at 3 pm sharp.
4. Tomorrow, if yo u ______ (feel) well, I ______ (let) you
go for a walk.
5. We______(go) on an excursion if w e______ (pass) the
exams successfully.
6. Everyone______ (know) that when i t ______ (not be)
hot, snow______(begin) to melt easily.
7. I ______(promise) I ______ (write) to you every day.

12. Transform the sentences so th at they mean the

sam e. Use one word in each gap (contractions are
not allowed).
1. I have been here for an hour.
I ______ here______ ______ ago.
2. John will work hard and then he will make good progress.
If John______ ______ , he______ ______ ______
3. Come tonight if you are not busy.
Come tonight______ ______ ______ busy.
4. “Does your friend speak good English?” asks Jack.
Jack wonders______ m y _______ ______ good En­
5. This is a play by Shakespeare.
This___________________ play.
6. This is a small mouse and this is, too.
______ are______ ______ .
7. Jane has got a swimming pool in her cottage.
______ is ____________________in ______ cottage.

13. M atch to make sentences.

1. You can come at five, a) will you?
2. You catch the bus to college, b) do you?
3. You won’t do it, c) didn’t you?
4. You never work more than you want, d) can’t you?
5. You made no effort to help him, e) won’t you?
6. You got the letter yesterday, f) did you?
7. You will keep it secret, g) weren’t you?
8. You were living in London then, h) haven’t you?
9. You are a friend of Mary, i) aren’t you?
10. You have read that book, j) don’t you?

14. Choose the correct answer.

1. This is the woman______ daughter is a singer.
a) who b) which c) whose
2. I have_______mytrain. What am I going to do now?
a) missed b) taken c) lost
3. Jane is interested______ helping endangered animals.
a) on b) in c) for
4. She is ______ to call you in an hour.
a) sure b) probably c) may
5. I’m sure you______ enjoy yourself in England.
a) are going b) will c) will going
6. If they______ hurry, they’ll miss the plane.
a) won’t b) wouldn’t c) don’t
7. Do you know where______ Volga River is?
a) a b )- c) the
8. - Have a good time!
a) Thanks! b) It’ easy! c) Of course!
9. We very well go to London in the summer.
a) could b) should c) must
10. Make sure they' the regulations.
a) follow b) will follow c) care
11. If I were you, I do that!
a) wouldn’t b) won’t c) don’t
12. Did you like film?
a) the b )- c) a
13. Do you speak French language?
a) the b) a c )-
1 4 .1don’t think anyone will me in this outfit.
a) recognize b) attract c) know
15. The hotel beach was with people.
a) crowded b) full c) small

1. Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
Anne: Hey Stephanie, how was your holiday?
Stephanie: Hi, Anne. You won’t believe it! I was on a jungle
safari with my parents.
Anne: What?! That’s so cool! Where were you? In Africa?
Stephanie: Yeah! We were in Kenya. It was so exciting.
Anne: I can imagine. What did you see out there?
Stephanie: We saw a lot of wild animals. There were many
antelopes and zebras. Then lions and rhinos... It
was all so impressive! Kenyan wildlife is amazing.
Anne: Did you see a tiger or a lion? Tigers are beautiful!
I saw them only on the screen, but I like them a
lot. I think they are so graceful.
Stephanie: No, we did not. We saw only lions, but no tigers.
Anne: Stephanie, and weren’t you scared? An animal
could attack your jeep or something? It’s still
Stephanie: Oh, no! It was a jungle safari for tourists. We
were in a jeep which was prepared for the tour.
And we also had a guide for our safety. Nothing
attacked us.
Anne: Did you visit any towns?
Stephanie: Yes, we actually stayed in a hotel not far from the
city called Mombasa. In the morning we usually
sunbathed on the beach. And after lunch we
went to the city to see some historical sights.
Mum also shopped for souvenirs, and me and
dad took a lot of photos.
Anne: I see you had a great time.
Stephanie: We surely did! And I brought a bracelet for you,
Anne. It’s traditional Kenyan handmade jew­
Anne: Oh, thanks, Stephanie.
1. Stephanie spent the holiday with her
a) friend Anne.
b) family.
c) sisters.
2. Anne says she likes______
a) tigers.
b) lions.
c) zebras.
3. Stephanie explains that the safari was______
a) safe.
b) dangerous.
c) boring.
4. Stephanie says they usually went______
a) surfing.
b) snorkeling.
c) sightseeing.
5. As a present Anne g o t______
a) an album of photos.
b) a piece of jewellery.
c) a toy lion.

M atch the titles ( 1 - 5 ) to the texts (A -D ). There is

one extra title.
1. Beautiful Nature
2. Unpredictable Weather
3. Best Time to Visit
4. Active Adventure
5. Off the Shores
A. The Lake District is situated in the north of England. It’s
the largest national park in the country. People come here to
see the greenest countryside and most stunning views. The
Lake District has everything you may want: picturesque
lakes, valleys, rivers, waterfalls and forests. As soon as you
see it you will understand why it inspired so many poets and
B. There is a good choice of activities in the Lake District. If
you think that just walking is boring, you may try out some­
thing more risky, like mountain biking, kite surfing, horse
riding, kayaking - the Lake District has all these and even
more! The National Park is popular for rock climbing, cy­
cling and water sports, too.
C. Lake Windermere is the largest lake in the National Park.
Visitors can take a day trip on board of a ship and enjoy the
beauty of the Lake District from the water. Tours may last
from 45 minutes to 3 hours - or you can even spend all day
on and around the lake and have lunch on board. But you
should choose a sunny day for that.
D. Weather in the Lake District can change quickly. The
morning may be warm and sunny. It will turn into a rainy af­
ternoon and then a nice warm evening. Local people say they
can have four seasons in one day! They advise to carry an
umbrella all the time, because rain may start at practically
any time of the day.

Text A В c D


Imagine you have a pen friend from England called

John. Read his le tte r and answer his three ques­
tions. Ask him your own three questions.
How’s life? Hope you’re OK. Last week at school we had
our literature club sitting. We were talking about William
Shakespeare, the famous English playwright. He was born
in 1564 in a small town not far from London, called Stratford-
upon-Avon. We learnt a lot about the plays and sonnets he
wrote and listened to some of them recited. That was great!
It was interesting to listen to the beautiful verses! Now I would
like to read Hamlet, one of his best-known plays, and also
see it staged.
How was your last week? I know you have a literature
club, too. I wonder what you can tell me about one of the fa­
mous Russian playwrights.
Hope to hear from you soon. Bye for now.
Best wishes,


1. M ake up word combinations.

1. natural a) supplies
2. global b) events
3. medical c) disasters
4. endangered d) projects
5. charity e) warming
6. child f) labour
7. conservation g) species
1. to put up a) a wrist
2. to suffer from b) a pond
3. to sprain c) a donation
4. to twist d) posters
5. to clean out e) money
6. to make f) an injury
7. to raise g) an ankle

2. Form nouns from the following words.

1. donate - ___________________
2. recycle - ___________________
3. survive - ___________________
4. e d u c a te -___________________
5. w a rm -___________________
6. overpopulate - ___________________
7. f is h - ___________________
8. s tic k - ___________________
3. Form adjectives and participles from the following
1. t h r ill- ___________________
2. p o w e r-___________________
3. challenge-___________________
4. m ed icin e -___________________
5. s p lit- ___________________
6. a lle rg y -___________________
7. wood - ___________________
8. g lo b e -___________________

4. Use the words in brackets in the correct forms.

1. The children_____ (excite) about opening their presents.
2. I think I’m getting a cold, I’ve got a ______ (run) nose.
3. Visitors to the park can make______ (donate).
4. Jack’s got a ______ (swell) knee after cycling.
5. A plane carried food and medical______ (supply) to the
flooded areas.
6. I thought my wrist is broken, but it ju s t______ (sprain).
7. ______ (globe) warming is a serious eco problem.
8. Ted is the m ost______ (bore) person I’ve ever met.
9. I ______ (shock) to hear that there had been an earth­
quake in Japan.
10. Sorry, I’m having a ______ (split) headache.

5. Com plete the sentences using one of the words.

endangered hurricane global disaster
homeless supplies donations
money challenging war
1. I wish there were only peace and no_____________ on
our planet.
2. The eco camp was the most_____________experience
in my life.
3. The earthquake left a lot of people_____________ .
4. It’s been the worst natural_____________ for our coun­
5. A strong_____________ is now coming to the coast of
6. Celebrities are raising _____________ to help poor
7. The sea turtle is an_____________ species.
8. People need food and medical_____________ .
9. The earth temperature rises and causes_____________
10. They’ve made generous_____________ to the World
Wildlife Fund.

Choose the correct word.

1. Would you like to have/do/make a donation to our char­
2. The concert wants to rise/raise/rose money for charity.
3. Do you want to join this conservation/conserve/con-
served project?
4. Jill’s having a runny/sore/high throat and a tempera­
5. A situation when a lot of people have no food for a long
time is called poverty/war/famine.
6. We won’t go on a mountain hike, there may be a(n) ava-
lanche/tsunami/f lood.
7. I fell and sprained my stomach/nose/ankle.
8. We have supported/campaigned/inspected against
killing whales for years already.
9. If you’re never/just/ever in St. Petersburg, come and
see us.
10. She fell off her bike and bruised/pulled/split her knee.

Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

1. I took your bag instead of mine______mistake.
2. They went______ a ten-kilometre hike.
3. Paula suffers______ a bad headache.
4. Can I p ut______some posters?
5. Marathon runners want to raise money______ charity.
6. We sat______ the campfire.
7. Adam is responsible______ making banners.
8. I think you are mistaking m e______ someone else.
9. I cooked some sausages______ the barbecue.
10. Why don’t we gather and clean______ the pond?

Fill in the gaps with a corresponding -ing or -e d ad-

je c tiv e .
1. The movie was . - I was to death.
2. That was somethina reallv - I was really
3. Are you in Maths? - No, I think it isn’t
at all. (INTEREST)
4. Look! She is ! - What a situation!
5. We were all by what we heard! - The puppies
looked so . (AMUSE)
6. I’ve read a really book. - Do you think the au-
dience will be ? (THRILL)

9. Open the brackets using the correct form s of the

verbs (Conditionals) in brackets.
1. If I _____________ (not to work) so hard, I would never
make progress.
2. If anything happens, I _____________ (to be) blamed.
3. I don’t know if he_____________ (to come) tonight.
4. You will never succeed, if you_____________ (to have)
no confidence in yourself.
5. I_____________ (to finish) work in no time, if you didn’t
disturb me.
6. He_____________ (to die), if the surgeon hadn’t oper­
ated on him.
7. If you had strained your ears, y o u _____________ (to
hear) a slight noise in the bushes.

10. Open the brackets using the correct form s of the

While Mrs. Grant 1.______(prepare) a meal for her guests
yesterday, she 2 .______ (get) rather worried about some
unusual mushrooms which a kind friend of hers 3.______
(send) her from the country, where she 4.______ (live) be­
fore. Mrs. Grant 5.______ (think) the mushrooms 6.______
(look) suspicious and 7.______ (decide) 8 .______ (give)
one to the dog. The dog 9 .______ (eat) it. “I 10._______
(prepare) the mushrooms for my guests if nothing
11.______ (happen) to the dog” , 12.______ (be) the lady’s
idea. When the guests 13.______ (arrive), Mrs. Grant
14. _____(tell) them that her dog 15.______ (die) a few
minutes before.

11. Use the correct article if necessary.

Once there was 1.______ king in 2.______ Britain called
King Arthur. He was 3.______great and good king. He loved
4 . ______beautiful princess and wanted to marry her, but
5. ______girl didn’t love him. 6.______ king was very sad,
and 7.______ people of 8.______ country thought that he
would die soon. There was 9.______magician called Merlin.
10.______ magician could change himself into 11.______
animal or 12.______ bird, he could do a lot of magic things!
One day he came to 13.______ palace to see 14.______
king. He said, “King Arthur, I will help you. You’ll marry
15. _____princess and she will have 16.______ son. I will
help you if you give 17._____child to me.” 18._______ un­
happy man gave 19.______ promise to 2 0 .______ magi­
cian. 21.______ year later 22._______son was born to
23.______ king. Now he had to keep 24.______ promise
that he had given to 25.______ magician.

12. Transform the sentences, as in the exam ple.

Example: It’s a pity I haven ’tseen
the film.
1. It’s a pity I am too young now.

2. It’s a pity they didn’t warn us then.

3. It’s a pity I stayed in Moscow last summer.

4. It’s a pity I don’t know her phone number.

5. It’s a pity you didn’t come to see us.

6. It’s a pity it’s raining heavily now.

7. It’s a pity I can’t help you.

8. It’s a pity you didn’t understand me.

9. It’s a pity my parents aren’t with us now.

10. It’s a pity you didn’t have money on you!

Com plete each second sentence using the word in

brackets so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. W rite betw een two and five words.
1. I am not rich and I can’t afford to go abroad twice a year,
If__________________ afford to go abroad twice a year.
2. I can’t swim, so I’m not going scuba diving with Jim. (go)
If I could__________________ scuba diving with Jim.
3. The patient is alive! The surgeon has operated on him. (died)
The patient__________________ if the surgeon hadn’t
operated on him!
4. The summer was rainy and we had to stay indoors, (if)
been rainy, we wouldn’t have had
to stay indoors.
5. If only I listened to Brian then! (listened)
I wish__________________ to Brian then!
6. It’s a pity I don’t know her address! (wish)
I __________________ her address!
7. How I wish it were spring now! (only)

14. Choose the correct answer.

1. All the guests_yesterday.
a) have come b) came c) will come
2. I ______in this neighbourhood since I was three years
a) live
b) have been living
c) am living
3. I wish I ______a cottage of my own.
a) had b) have c) were having
4. Jack______ in Russia for three weeks now.
a) has gone b) has been c) is
5. The movie was really very______ .
a) bored b) boring c) bore
6. They______ a good sum of money before they bought
this car.
a) had saved
b) have saved
c) have been saving
7. Some birds______ their eggs in the sand.
a) lie b) record c) lay
8. The______of endangered species depends on us.
a) hunting b) saving c) survival
9. It’s ______to think of the harm people can do to Nature.
a) frightened b) frightening c) frighten
10. Many birds and animals are now______danger of dying
a) in b) on c) out
11. My friend______to France for a couple of weeks.
a) has gone b) has been c) is gone
12. - Would you like to go fishing?
a) That’s right.
b) With great pleasure.
c) No, it isn’t.
13. There is a ______ because it hasn’t rained for months.
a) drought b) flood c) hurricane
1 4 .1haven’t seen him ______.
a) for a long time
b) since a long time
c) for last Monday
15. They had had dinner_____ I arrived.
a) by
b) by the time
c) by time


1. M atch the titles ( 1 - 5 ) to the texts (A -D ). There is

one extra title.
1. Measures to Take
2. A Serious Drought
3. An Eco Protest
4. An Endangered Species
5. Weather Changes
A. The tornado last year was one of the scariest things in my
life. The sky turned a very strange colour, it was brown, yel­
low, grey, blue, and even green. It is scary because you never
see the sky turns green. And the clouds were black. The wind
suddenly started blowing so strong! Then there was a loud
sound, like a train was coming. It lasted about 30 seconds,
and then a few minutes later, the sky turned blue and the
wind stopped blowing.
B. There has been no rain for months now in many parts of
the island. This summer has been hotter than usual with
record temperatures. No rain means no grass. No grass
means animals have no food. There are cracks in the ground
in some places. Farmers are worried about how to feed their
animals. Fire has been a problem in many places this summer,
too. Some rivers have dried up, and it’s hard to fight fires.
C. Bluefin tuna is the largest tuna and can live up to 40 years.
However, it may soon disappear from earth. The population
of Bluefin tuna has become smaller because of too much
fishing and a lot of illegal fishing.
International eco organizations say illegal fishing has already
destroyed the fish in the Atlantic and Mediterranean oceans.
They say we all should take measures to preserve the tuna.
D. Earthquakes are unpredictable. So it is important to know
what to do when it happens, and react quickly and safely. The
most important thing is to stay calm and not panic. If you are
inside a building, don’t go out. You should hide under a heavy
desk or table far from windows. If you are outdoors, go to an
open area away from buildings. The most dangerous place
is near walls.
Text A В C D
2. Read the text and mark if the statem ents are True
(7), False (F) or Not Stated (NS).
Earth Hour
Every year millions of buildings around the world be­
come dark for one hour. This event is called Earth Hour and
it usually takes place at the end of March.
The event is organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
It started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia, when 2 million people
turned off all lights for an hour. The main idea is to draw at­
tention to environmental problems and to ask people to do
something positive to help the planet. And it’s great that peo­
ple of all ages, nationalities, races and backgrounds can join
this event.
Since 2007 Earth Hour has grown to a massive global
event. The next year already more than 35 countries partic­
ipated in the event. In 2013, already millions of people in
7,000 cities and towns around the world switched off their
lights for 60 minutes.
Every year well-known buildings around the world take
part in Earth Hour. For instance, the Sydney Opera House,
the Petronas towers in Malaysia, the UK Parliament, Buck­
ingham Palace and the Empire State Building in New York.
They all go “dark” , for Earth Hour. The campaign even went
into space when astronauts reduced power on the Interna­
tional Space Station in 2011.
In 2013 in the UK, a popular pop group gave a live con­
cert without electricity for Earth Hour. They were wearing
panda costumes, because panda is the WWF’s symbol. Fa­
mous chefs created special recipes which families could pre­
pare and eat by candlelight. Actors and TV personalities
recorded Rudyard Kipling’s famous “Just So Stories” so that
families could listen to them by candlelight.
1. Earth Hour is an event that is held globally every year.

2. Earth Hour events started in Malaysia in 2007.

3. Earth Hour helps save a lot of energy and money.

4. The WWF wants to make people think about environ­

ment. ______
5. More people take part in Earth Hour every year.

6. Famous buildings switch on their lights for Earth Hour.

7. Famous chefs and singers are members of the WWF.

8. British families should use candles for Earth Hour.

Read the statem ents ( 1 - 3 ) and match them to the

speakers (A -C ). There is one extra statem ent.
Speaker A В c

1. The speaker talks about an injury.

2. The speaker talks about a social problem.
3. The speaker describes an eco problem.
4. The speaker describes a natural disaster.
Speaker A
Can you imagine there’re people who don’t have very basic
things, like food, clean water, a house, clothes and medi­
cines? I think it’s really sad that some people have to live like
that. Everyone should have a house and be able to live
healthily with proper food. The government and world should
do something about it. People that are rich should also help.
Speaker В
I’ve just read about it. You won’t believe it, but it starts with a
small wave deep in the ocean. Then it may grow into a mon­
ster wave of 30m high when it gets close to the shore. When
the waves become extremely big and high, they attack the
coasts and shores. The waves may kill people and destroy
buildings, so people have nothing to eat and nowhere to live.
And dirty water brings lots of illnesses.
Speaker C
I went horse riding with friends last year. I’m a good rider ac­
tually but that time I fell off the horse. I landed on my head
and almost broke my arm, and hurt my wrist. Now I see that
I was really lucky. Anyway I had to go to hospital because of
the swollen wrist, and stay at home for a few days. Now I’m
absolutely fine and of course I won’t stop horse riding.
1. Form nouns from the following words.
t . express - ___________________
2. p a in t- ___________________
3. attend - ___________________
4. in s p ire -___________________
5. fre e z e -___________________
6. s in g - ___________________
7. react - ___________________

2. Form adjectives and participles from the following

1. archaeology - ___________________
2. im p re ss-___________________
3. b e a u ty -___________________
4. fa m e - ___________________
5. a m a ze -___________________
6. n a tu re -___________________
7. wonder - _______________

3. M atch the columns to make word combinations.

1. designer a) drops
2. bread b) meats
3. eye c) gowns
4. cold d) clothes
5. paper e) pencils
6. evening f) rolls
7. colour g) clips
4. Choose the correct word.
1. I don’t know the title but I recognize the tune/beat/
2. The Beatles were the most famous crew/band/team in
the world.
3. Wayne is a talented singer/musician/dancer, he plays
the piano.
4. I’ve got tickets to the rock concert/event/music this
5. The cream cakes at the baker’s/chemist’s/choco-
late’s are lovely.
6. The artist is making lines/murals/sketches for his next
7. The temple columns were of white bronze/wood/
8. The orchestra is composed/conducted/played by Mr.
John Williams.
9. It’s not the best place to shop for designed/
designer’s/designer clothes.
10. A friend painted/designed/took a portrait for me.

5. Use the words in brackets in the correct forms.

1. The seventeenth century castle______(locate) on a hill.
2. Linda is a young and talented______ (sing).
3. Critics______ (outrage) when they saw the painting.
4. Do you fancy______(go) to the piano concert tonight?
5. The museum has a n ______ (impress) collection of
6. With a fe w ______ (touch) of paint he finished the
7. The art gallery______ (situate) near the History Mu­
8. Mike likes making______ (sketch) in the open air.
9. Who______ (influence) you to take up music?
10. The park is an area of spectacular______ (nature)

Com plete the sentences using one of the words.

carnival temples authentic replica
cello conventions percussion jugglers
living handmade
1. Surrealist artists broke w ith_____________ .
2. To m e_____________ presents are always the best.
3. Drums and tambourines are____________instruments.
4. It looks like a violin, but it’s much bigger and it’s called a

5. I’ve never seen a _____________ statue in my life!

6. There are nine_____________ , all are dedicated to dif­
ferent gods.
7. It’s a n _____________ work by Salvador Dali.
8. I loved clowns and_____________ in the circus.
9. _____________ masks often have a symbolic meaning.
10. The ship is not real, but it’s an exact_____________ .

Change the sentence and use the verb in the

Passive Voice.
1. They will translate this text next year.

2. The branches of the bush hid her face.

3. They are constructing some new metro lines.

4. We don’t speak Russian in English classes.

5. Nobody has given me any money yet.

6. Students often refer to these dictionaries.

7. My mother made me do the bed.

8. They say he is a good student.

9. The teacher has just explained a new rule to us.

10. Everybody lost sight of the boat in the fog.

Use the pronoun that is correct or suits best.

1. He is very lazy. He hardly ever does______ work.
a) some b) no c) any d) anything
2. When we were on holiday, we spent______ money.
a) much b) a lot of c) many d) a lot
3. I don’t like stories______ have unhappy endings.
a) - b) they c) who d) that
4. What do you think of this photo o f______ in the sea?
a) me b) mine C) my d )l
5. We m et______ day.
a) another
b) some other
c) the other
d) other
6. It was a great party.______ enjoyed it.
a) Everyone
b) All
c) Everybody of us
d) Alius
7. Everybody should vote by raising______hand.
a) his b) her c) theirs d) their
8. Where is the man to ______I have just spoken?
a) which b) who c) that d) whom

Fill in the blanks with the correct article if neces­

sary. There must be a different article in each sen­
tence of the pair.
1. A. That’s very______good advice.
B .______ advice you have given me is really helpful.
2. A. The city is situated in ______North America.
B. Have you ever been to ______United States of Amer­
3. A . ______ school is a modern building of concrete and
B. When does______school start in your country?
4. A. How many movies about______ James Bond have
you seen?
B. You are ju st______ James Bond!
5. A. Mr. Putin is now______ President of Russia.
B. You should discuss it with o u r______President.
6. A. There is ______ bookstore near here.
B .______ bookstore is open every day except Sunday.
7. A. It happened o n ______ cold January morning.
B. It was______ morning.
10. Com plete each second sentence using the word in
brackets so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. W rite betw een two and five words.
1. “We’ll be travelling round Europe next month,” said Dick
Dick said that__________________ be travelling round
2. “ I think you may be coming down with flu,” Jim said to
me. (thought)
Jim said th a t___________________be coming down
with flu.
3. “Has Dorian always had to wear a suit to work?” I asked
Mrs. Green (if)
I asked Mrs. Green___________________to wear a
suite to work.
4. “I had Helen and Bill over for dinner last night,” said Liz.
Liz said th a t__________________ had Helen and Bill
for dinner.
5. “Do you love me, Gloria?” Fred remembered asking her
a month ago. (if)
Fred remembered asking Gloria a month ago
__________________ him.
6. Dick asked Sue who she had gone out with the weekend
before. (go)
Dick asked Sue, “Who d id__________________ week­
7. Barry told Sam to come over to him the day after.”
Barry said, “Sam,__________________ .”
8. Julian wondered whether he could see Jill that night. (Jill)
“Can__________________ ?” asked Julian.

11. C orrect the gram m ar m istakes. The words to be

corrected are in bold.
1. We landed at the Heathrow airport in London.

2. There is about 700 km from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

3. You will never know the language unless you will work a

4. Have you heard the last news?

5. We are here since we came in an hour ago.

6. Do you always work hardly at your English?

7. Do you know him good?

8. What a nice weather we are having today!

9. I am thinking that Jack will come soon.

10. This dictionary is more expensive as that one.

11. The car is not yours. It is Nick.

12. The roses in the garden smell wonderfully.

13. The police is coming in a minute.

14. Fruitarians are people who eat mainly fruits.

15. It was a bank near here two years ago.

12. Choose the correct answer.

1. The girl composed this piece______ .
a) himself b) herself c) yourself
2. Jack______ me he had never been abroad.
a) said b) spoke c) told
3. The island______ by thousands of tourists every year.
a) is visited b) will visit c) will be visit
4. Let’s go to the cinema tonight,______ ?
a) will we b) will you c) shall we
5. He asked m e______ do it today.
a) not b) not to c) to not
6. We went there______ foot.
a) on b) by c) -
7. The concert w ill______on the bank of the river.
a) be hold b) be held c) hold
8. Mrs. Snowwenttothe______to buy the latestwomen’j
a) jeweller’s
b) confectioner’s
c) news agent’s
9. This picture was painted______ a famous artist.
a) with b) from c) by
10. This famous cafe serves______ Italian food.
a) antique b) replica c) authentic
11. The customer asked m e______the bookcase was new.
a) - b) if c) that
12. Who will the speech be given______ ?
a) - b) by c) with
1 3 .1think all the shops______ closed since last Friday.
a) were b) have been c) had been
14. This is your passport. And where is ______ ?
a) my b) mine c) myself
15. What did you______ him about the new book?
a) say b) talk c) tell


1. Read the tex t and m ark the statem ents are True
(T), False (F) or Not Stated (NS).
The kings of Ancient Egypt were called Pharaohs
/'fearauz/. One of them was Tutankhamun /,tu:t(9)nka:'mu:n/,
who lived more than three thousand years ago.
He became Pharaoh when he was about 9 years old, and
his rule was not very important. Tutankhamun also died
young. Historians believe that he died at the age of 18, but
they are not sure how. Probably he had a head injury from an
accident. Others say he died from an infection after breaking
his leg. Like all Egyptian Pharaohs Tutankhamun was buried
in a tomb on the west bank of the Nile.
All of the Pharaohs were buried in tombs like Tu-
tankhamun’s. However, most of these tombs were robbed
by thieves and all the treasures were stolen. But Tu-
tankhamun’s tomb was untouched. Only in 1922 it was dis­
covered by the British archaeologist Horward Carter.
When the tomb was opened, Carter couldn’t believe his
eyes. “Can you see anything?” a friend asked him. ‘Yes,”
said Carter. “Wonderful things!” There were more than 5,000
objects, which included a wonderful golden mask of Tu-
The ancient Egyptians believed in a life after death, so
they put a lot of personal things into the tomb. They believed
that a person would use them in that life. And in Tu-
tankhamun’s tomb there were clothes, beds, glasses, plates.
Carter also found models of ships, toys and games. There
were also other objects like chariots, swords, armoury, stat­
ues of Tutankhamun and many Egyptian gods, and of
course, a lot of jewels. Many of these things are now dis­
played in the Museum of Cairo in Egypt.
1. Tutankhamun was an Egyptian king. ______
2. Tutankhamun died in a road accident. ______
3. Tutankhamun’s tomb was not robbed. ______
4. Carter discovered lots of Egyptian tombs. ______
5. The tomb had a lot of everyday things inside. ______
6. The tomb’s walls showed Tutakhamun’s life. ______
7. Today the treasures can be seen in Britain. ______

Read the dialogues (A-C) and match them with the

places (1 -4 ). There is one extra place.
1. In a shop
2. In the street
3. In a museum
4. At the post office
Dialogue A В c

Dialogue A
A: Good morning. Can I help you?
B: Good morning. Yes. I’d like to send this package to St.
Petersburg, Russia.
A: How would you like to send it?
B: How much will it be by airmail?
A: It’ll be $15. And it’ll take about five or seven days. And
don’t forget to write out the return address.
B: Okay, I’ll send it by air.
Dialogue В
A: Excuse me, could you help me, please?
B: Yes?
A: Is there a postbox near here? I’d like to send a postcard
home, but the post office is closed.
B: No wonder, it’s Sunday today. Well, go down this road
and turn left at the corner. You’ll see a postbox near the
History Museum.
A: Thank you very much indeed.
Dialogue C
A: How much are these postcards?
B: They’re 6 for $3.
A: But I need only three. I’ve bought so many already.
B: If you buy them individually, they’re $0,70 each.
A: Alright. I’ll take these three and three of those, over
there, with the city views. Where do I pay?
B: Go to the cash desk, please.
3. Read the statem ents (1 -4 ) and match them to the
speakers (A-C). There is one extra statem ent.
Speaker A В C
1. The speaker describes a huge shopping centre.
2. The speaker gives advice to shoppers.
3. The speaker talks about planned shopping.
4. The speaker talks about a favourite place to shop.
Speaker A
Actually I always make a list before I go shopping. I put down
the things I really need and can afford. When I’m in a shop I
don’t spend tons of time on it. I know exactly what I need and
go straight to that department. I try to stick to my list. It’s hard
at times, I agree, but it saves me both, time and money. I may
buy something extra but it’s usually a small thing or some­
thing I’ve forgotten to put on my list.
Speaker В
I should say that I’m not a shopaholic, but I love going to Wal-
Mart shop. Wal-Mart is not far from where I live. There isn’t
anything I can’t buy there. And it’s so convenient. They have
a lot of really good and fashionable clothes for some really
good prices. I love buying groceries and school stationery
there. And they have the best chocolate cakes ever!
I think I could spend a week there or even more. There are
streets of shops of all kinds and they all have names so that
you will not get lost. You can find any brand, any boutique or
fashion there. Really, it’s like a small city. I read there’re

about a thousand shops. If you get tired of shopping, there’s
an amusement park, cinemas, a theatre and lots of cafes.


Imagine you have a pen friend from England called

Debora. Read her le tte r and answer her three
questions. Answer her your own three questions.
How’s life? Hope you’re alright!
In your last letter you asked me to tell you who my
favourite writer is. This is Agatha Christie, the famous English
detective story writer. Her main characters are H. Poirot and
Ms. Marple, who are as popular as Sh. Holmes. There are a
lot of screen adaptations of her books and I am sure you ei­
ther read her book or saw the films.
Now at school we are doing a project on Russian celebri­
ties. Can you say a few words about your favourite writer or
actor, who is well-known in your country?
Write soon.
Best wishes,

Choose the correct answer.

Variant One
1. She______ the furniture in her room every other day.
a) makes b) dusts c) washes
2. I always______ books to the library on time.
a) borrow b) return c) make
3. Jane______ the floor at the moment.
a) mops b) mop c) is mopping
4. I always go to school______ foot.
a) on b) at c) by
5. We______ park here, as it is not allowed!
a) don’t have to
b) can’t
c) haven’t to
6. I tried ______ the door. But it wouldn’t.
a) open b) to open c) opening
7. Let’s stay at home today. It’s ______ to go out.
a) cold enough
b) enough cold
c) too cold
8. - Do you add sugar in your hot chocolate?
a) Just a few.
b) Just a little.
c) Just little.
9. I can give you______advice, if you want.
a) an b) some c) a word
10. There are______ carrots in the kitchen.
a) any b) a c) some
11. Jack had a bump on his head______ an accident on his
a) because
b) because of
c) and
12. The “Mona Liza” was______by Leonardo da Vinci.
a) painted b) designed c) sculpted
13. - Did you have a nice weekend? - ______ !
a) It was great!
b) I’d like to see it!
c) Sounds great!
14. Come in, Mum would like to ______ to you.
a ) spoke b ) speak c ) speaks
15. Do you know______ they went to America?
a) where b) which c) why
16. If I were you, I ______ do that!
a) wouldn’t b) won’t c) don’t
17. Did you like______ film?
a ) the b) - c )a
18. Do you speak______ French language?
a ) the b )a c) -
1 9 .1 don’t think anyone w ill_____ me in this outfit.
a) recognize b) attract c) know
2 0 .The hotel beach was______with people.
a) crowded b) full c) small
Variant 2
1. The London Eye is one o f______landmarks in Britain.
a) the best-known
b) the well-known
c) the better known
2. Central Park in New York is ______beautiful in early au­
a) much b) very c) very much
3. Enjoy yourself!
a) That’s OK.
b) Here you are.
c) Thanks, you too.
4. The place where you can skate is ______ .
a) a gym b) a water park c) an ice rink
5. Lemons are not normally______ oranges.
a) so sweet than
b) as sweet as
c) sweeter as
6. We don’t eat pasta.
a) lot b) much c) many
7. Would you like some beef for the course?
a) traditional b) main c) little
8. The London Eye is the British capital’s most famous
a) gallery b) museum c) landmark
9. You eat so many sweets! It’s unhealthy.
a) must b) can’t c) shouldn’t
10. Is there cheese left in the fridge?
a) many b) much c) some
11. This is the woman daughter is a singer.
a) who b) which c) whose
1 2 .1have my train. What am I going to do now?
a) missed b) taken c) lost
13. Jane is interested helping endangered animals.
a) on b) in c) for
14. She is ______to call you in an hour.
a) sure b) probably c) may
15. I’m sure you______ enjoy yourself in England.
a) are going b) will c) will going
16. They______ a good sum of money before they bought
this car.
a) had saved
b) have saved
c) have been saving
17. Some birds______ their eggs in the sand.
a) lie b) record c) lay
18. The______ of endangered species depends on us.
a) hunting b) saving c) survival
19. It’s ______to think of the harm people can do to Nature.
a) frightened
b) frightening
c) frighten
20. Many birds and animals are now______danger of dying
a) in b) on c) out
Variant 3
1. ______I borrow your dictionary, please?
a) Could b) Should c) Must
2. Take my iPod! I ______it at the moment.
a) don’t use b) am not using c) am using
3. Vehicles g o ______ the bridge to get to the other bank
of the river.
a) towards b) under c) over
4. John is shorter______ in his class.
a) than any other boy
b) then any other boy
c) than any other boys
5. Good price! I ______we’ll buy that. Give me the money!
a) am thinking b) don’t think c) think
6. - Would you like something to drink?
a) - Ice tea, please.
b) - That’s right.
c) - Not for me.
7. We shouldn’t make our children______ what they don’t
want to.
a) to do b) do c) doing
8. You can make your own______ with oil and lemon.
a) salad dressing
b) dressing salad
c) salad for dressing
9. How______ there in this lake?
a) many fish is
b) much fish is
c) many fish are
10. Stop______ ! It’s too noisy.
a) to talk b) talk c) talking
11. The police officers______ the burglar in the morning.
a) caught b) catch c) was catching
12. The girl tried hard to _____ his disposition.
a) win b) fall c) lead
13. _____ is that man with Jane?
a) How b) Who c) Which
14. Jack London is a ______ writer.
a) famous English
b) famous American
c) favourite American
15. The past of “die” is ______.
a) died b) dieed c) dyed
16. All the guests______yesterday.
a) have come b) came c) will come
17. I ______in this neighbourhood since I was three years
a) live
b) have been living
c) am living
1 8 .1 wish I _____ a cottage of my own.
a ) had b) have c) were having
19. Jack______ in Russia for three weeks now.
a) has gone b) has been c) is
20. The movie was really very______ .
a) bored b) boring c) bore
Variant 4
1. If they______ hurry, they’ll miss the plane.
a) won’t b) wouldn’t c) don’t
2. Do you know where______Volga River is?
a) a b) - c) the
3. - Have a good time!
a) Thanks! b) It’ easy! c) Of course!
4. We______very well go to London in the summer.
a) could b) should c) must
5. Make sure they______ the regulations.
a) follow b) will follow C) care
6. My friend______to France for a couple of weeks.
a) has gone b) has been c) is gone
7. -W ould you like to go fishing?
a) That’s right.
b) With great pleasure.
c) No, it isn’t.
8. There is a ______ because it hasn’t rained for months.
a) drought b) flood c) hurricane
9. I haven’t seen him ______ .
a) for a long time
b) since a long time
c) for last Monday
10. They had had dinner______ I arrived.
a) by
b) by the time
c) by time
11. How______ apples are there on the kitchen table?
a) much
b) many
c ) lot of
12. There wasn’t ______ on the street.
a ) nobody
b) somebody
c ) anybody
13. Could you speak a little louder, please? I ______ hear
you well.
a) shouldn’t
b) can’t
c) mustn’t
1 4 .1 look forward_____ you.
a) to see b) seeing c) to seeing
15. Cooks use various______ to add flavour to food.
a) species b) spies C) spices
16. Jane______ her mother that she wasn’t going to the
a) said b) told c) spoke
17. Everybody must speak a foreign language______ .
a) good b) well c) fluent
18. Her house is ______ theirs.
a) smaller then b) smaller than c) smaller as
19. - Have some chocolate! - No, thanks. I don’t eat______.
a) them b) it c) they
20. Did they com e_____ ?
a) tomorrow b) last week c) the last week

Use the proper derivative of the word from the right
Variant 1
1. One of the symbols of the 1 )______ BRITAIN
capital is the Tower of London, which
was built in the 2 ) ______century by ELEVEN
William the Conqueror. They say that
the 3) ____ __ of the Tower took CONSTRUCT
about twenty years. A few centuries
later King Henry III added many
4 ) ______to the Tower, including BUILD
even a zoo. Today, thousands of vis­
itors come to the Tower 5 ) _____ to YEAR
learn more about this interesting
2. Some TV and film stars perform in
the theatre, too, because giving a
live 6 ) ______ is quite 7 ) _______ PERFORM, DIFFER
from performing on film. But many
actors say they like that “real”
8 ) ______ , though in many ways it ACT
may even be more 9 ) ______ and DANGER
risky and 10) ______ not so well USUAL
3 . The 11) ______ writer Anton RUSSIA
Chekhov, who was born in 1860,
made an enormous 1 2 )______ to CONTRIBUTE
modern Literature. His works have
had a great influence on Literature,
particularly in terms of 1 3 )______ EMOTION
expression, plot structure and char­
acter 14) ___ __ . Even now his DEVELOP
plays and stories are 15) ______ EXTREME
popular all over the world.
4. Marlon Brando, born in 1924, was
perhaps the greatest film
16) __of his generation. He ACT
was indeed very 17)______ , but he TALENT
was never interested in 1 8 )______ , EDUCATE
though he became a 1 9 )______ at STUDY
a drama school in New York. His first
real 2 0 ) ______ came to him with SUCCEED
the film “A Streetcar Named Desire”
(1947), when he became world fa­

Variant 2
1. People 1) ______ think that the GENERAL
tomato is a vegetable, but in fact it is
a fruit. In 2 ) ______America they CENTRE
have been eating tomatoes for thou­
sands of years. But only in the 1500s
tomatoes became known to Euro­
peans, who thought they were
3 ) _____ . They refused to eat them POISON
and grew tomatoes as plants for
4 ) _____ . Since then, the tomato DECORATE
has become 5 ) ______popular. EXTREME
2. Package holidays, which include a
6 ) ____ __and hotel 7 ) _______in FLY, ACCOMMODATE
the same booking, are very popular.
8 ) ___ __ , however, a new holiday RECENT
has been introduced: the “all-inclu­
sive” type. Many holidaymakers,
9 ) ___ __those with families, are PARTICULAR
attracted by the new package. This
is because all meals as well as
Ю )___ __are included in the price. ENTERTAIN
3. You are welcome to the 11)______ WONDER
Stratford-upon-Avon, a city where
the great Shakespeare was born. It
is not far from the 12)______capital BRITAIN
if you go by car. The city is an
1 3 )______ place to get acquainted EXCITE
with history and literature. Don’t for­
get to go to the 1 4 )______ church FAME
and the house of Shakespeare’s
wife. If you are a theatre-goer, enjoy
a 1 5 ) ______ at the Royal Shake­ PERFORM
speare Theatre.
4. Greek 1 6 )______ is full of amazing MYTH
stories about gods and heroes.
These stories describe the
1 7 ) ___ __actions of people such HERO
as Daedalus /'diidalis/, for example, a
18) ____ __inventor, and his son SKILL
Icarus. Daedalus built giant wings
from wax and feathers and gave
Icarus 19) ____ __ not to fly too ADVISE
close to the Sun. Icarus forgot his fa­
ther’s 2 0 ) ______ . The wax melted WARN
and he fell into the sea, where he
V a ria n t 3
1. Many TV actors see the theatre as an
opportunity to do some “real”
1) ______ , despite the fact that the- ACT
atre work is not 2 ) ______well paid. USUAL
There, the actor cannot ask the
3 ) ______ if they can do the scene DIRECT
again. The 4 ) ______ must go on! PERFORM
The 5 ) ______ and response of the BEHAVE
audience is also important!
2. The 6 ) ______ Russian 7 ) _______ FAME, WRITE
Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) has had
a great influence on modern Litera­
ture all over the world. Even today,
more than a hundred years after his
8) ___ __ , Chekhov’s stories are DIE
still 9 ) ______ popular and major EXTREME
new Ю )___ __of his plays are fre­ PRODUCE
quently mounted, to great success.
3. The film “A Streetcar Named Desire”
made Marlon Brando a 11)______ FAME
actor. When he was a schoolboy, he
never did well, but at a drama school
in New York he proved to be a good
1 2 )___ __ . There he learnt about STUDY
the ideas of the 13) ______ RUSSIAN
K. Stanislavsky, who had developed
a way to bring acting closer to
1 4 )___ __ , which helped Brando REAL
become a good 1 5 )______ . ACT
4. The Tower is one of the most
1 6 )____ __landmarks of London, FAME
the 17)______ capital, which is now ENGLAND
visited by thousands of tourists from
all over the world. The Tower was
begun by William the Conqueror and
its 1 8 )______ took 20 years. In the CONSTRUCT
19)______ century the English king THIRTEEN
Henry III added some more buildings
to the Tower, 2 0 ) ______ a church INCLUDE
and a zoo.
Variant 4
1. Nowadays the so-called “all-inclu­
sive” package holidays are thought
to be very 1 ) ______ . They are ATTRACT
2) ___ of a lot of things: a INCLUDE
3 ) _____ , 4 ) ______ in a hotel, FLY, ACCOMMODATE
meals, drinks and snacks. Such
holidays are 5 ) _______ popular EXTREME
with those people who come to the
seaside with children or those on a
rather limited budget.
2. A warm welcome always awaits you
in 6 ) ______ Brighton. It is less than SUN
an hour by train from the 7 ) ______ ENGLAND
capital. The city is an ideal place for
8 ) ___ __and nightlife. Don’t forget RELAX
to look around the 9 ) ______ Royal AMAZE
Pavilion. And enjoy your meal at a
Ю )______cafe or restaurant. FASHION
3. The mythology of Greece is full of
11) ______ stories about heroes AMAZE
and gods. They are about the ac­
tions of such 1 2 )______ people as HERO
Icarus and Daedalus, a skillful
1 3 )___ __ , who built giant wings INVENT
from feathers and wax and gave his
son Icarus 14)___ __not to fly very ADVISE
close to the Sun. But Icarus didn’t
follow the 1 5 )___ __of his father - INSTRUCT
the wax melted and he died.
4. The tomato is a fruit, but people
1 6 )____ __think that it is a vege­ USUAL
table. When it came to 1 7 )______ EUROPE
countries from the 1 8 )___ __con­ AMERICA
tinent in the early 1500s, people re­
fused to eat it. They only used the
plant as a 19) ______ . Can you DECORATE
imagine our life without the tomato
today? I think it is 2 0 ) ______ . POSSIBLE
Vocabulary and Grammar
1 . 1 . needn’t; 2. Must; 3. May; 4. could; 5. had to; 6. must; 7. ca n ’t;
8. needn’t; 9. had to; 10. May.
1. Jack is the cleverest boy in (of) his class.
2. The Volga is one of the longest rivers in (of) Russia.
3. That exercise isn’t as (so) hard as this one.
4. This book is more interesting than that novel.
5. Alaska is bigger than any other state in (of) the USA.
6. Bob is the taller boy of the two.
7. Jane’s party is the best (that) I have ever been to.
8. Nick’s car is the fastest car (that) I have ever driven.
9. The weather today is (no) worse than yesterday.
10. The brightest student in (of) the group now is Helen.
1. looking; 2. talking (speaking); 3. shining; 4. doing; 5. waiting/looking;
6. playing; 7. lying; 8. raining; 9. thinking; 10. listening.
1a, 2d, 3h, 4c, 5f, 6i, 7g, 8e, 9b, 10j.
1. is shining, is; 2. knows, goes; 3. does Mr. Green do, is, works; 4. are
leaving, starts; 5. are you looking, am trying; 6. believe, is thinking;
7. are you thinking, look (are looking), think.
1. The cottage is not large, but it is com fortable.
2. Read the article and translate it into English.
3. What nice weather it is today!
4. Are there many new stamps in her collection?
5. Do you often do your homework at night?
6. Is your m other a doctor (teacher) or a teacher (doctor)?
7. The students listened to their teacher very attentively.
8. Mr. Brown always brings his son new books (magazines) and maga­
zines (books).
9. What a wonderful story your father told us!
10. We live in a large flat in the centre of the city.
1f , 2g, 3d, 4c, 5e, 6a, 7b.
1. bus lane; 2. traffic light; 3. pavement; 4. bridge; 5. zebra cross­
I. through; 2. over; 3. along; 4. past; 5. across; 6. down; 7. through;
8. out of; 9. towards; 10. under; 11. along; 12. up; 13. across; 14. past;
15. down.
1h, 2e, 3g, 4c, 5b, 6d, 7f, 8a.
1. Enjoy yourself!
2. Just to go or to come back, too?
3. Can I be of any service to you?
4. When do you want to leave?
5. Here is the money.
1. My friend doesn’t like travelling.
2. Bill doesn’t know what has happened.
3. He doesn’t (can ’t) cook well.
4. She doesn’t (can ’t) sing very well.
5. Jack reads “The Tim es” regularly.
1. beautiful; 2. carefully; 3. surprising; 4. knowledge; 5. bored;
6. difference; 7. Chinese; 8. description; 9. fussy; 10. medical.
1b, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8c, 9c, 10b, 11a, 12b, 13c, 14a, 15c.
1a, 2c, 3b, 4b, 5c.
Text A В C D
Title 4 5 1 3

Vocabulary and Grammar

1. A cup of coffee/tea; 2. A tub of m argarine/ice-cream ; 3. A glass
of m ilk/C oke; 4. A pot of cream /yoghurt; 5. A packet of
biscuits/chewing gum; 6. A box of cereals/cornflakes; 7. A bar of
chocolate/candy; 8. A j a r of jam /coffee; 9. A bag of nuts/crisps;
10. A tin of soup/beans; 11. A loaf of bread.
1. a cup; 2. a bottle; 3. the glass; 4. a tub; 5. a whole box; 6. jar;
7. pots; 8. The tin; 9. bars; 10. a bag; 11. loaves.
1. The cherries are so sweet!
2. Can I have a bottle of sparkling water?
3. Indian food is often very spicy.
4. Do we need any tom atoes?
5 . 1love morning coffee with fresh crusty bread.
6. Let’s have fried fish and a cucum ber salad.
7. Mum bought a kilo of fresh peaches.
1. making; 2. eating; 3. to have; 4. eating; 5. to order; 6. eating;
7. to cook; 8. trying; 9. ordering; 10. to have; 11. stealing. 12. to
accept; 13. to be; 14. moving; 15. going; 16. to do; 17. to persuade;
18. to buy; 19. reading; 20. taking.
1. bowl; 2. stir; 3. mix; 4. add; 5. beat; 6. oven; 7. cool.
1. much; 2. a little; 3. a few; 4. many; 5. many; 6. a little; 7. much;
8. much; 9. a few; 10. a few; 11. a few; 12. a little; 13. a little;
14. much; 15. a few.
1. Would you mind my opening the window here?
2. Nick is too inexperienced to cope with that.
3. We exp ect you to be at home before dark.
4. Remember to switch off the light before leaving.
5. You should stop smoking!
1. yearly; 2. length; 3. energetic; 4. satisfied; 5. tasty; 6. heavily;
7. winner; 8. loving; 9. musician.
1. Whose textbook is this?
2. How many newspapers are there on the table?
3. What colour are the walls of the classroom?
4. What is there on the table?
5. When is it often cool?
6. How far is it from here to Moscow?
7. Where is Mr. Sandford?
10 .
lb , 2b, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6b, 7c, 8b, 9b, 10c, 11a, 12b, 13a, 14c, 15c.
lc , 2b, 3a, 4b, 5c.
Text A В C D
Title 4 3 1 5

1d, 2g, 3f, 4b, 5a, 6e, 7c.
Vocabulary and Grammar
1. philosopher; 2. singer; 3. geologist; 4. scientist; 5. mathematician;
6. musician; 7. sailor; 8. teacher; 9. painter; 10. physicist.
1. talented; 2. imaginative; 3. ambitious; 4. creative; 5. skilful; 6. his­
torical; 7. mysterious; 8. famous.
1. painting; 2. sailor; 3. talented; 4. celebration; 5. mysterious; 6. navi­
gator; 7. creative; 8. weaver; 9. commander; 10. ambitious.
1. What was Bob doing when his Dad came home?
2. When ((at)what time) was his mom ironing?
3. When was it raining hard?
4. Who was listening to music at two in the morning?
5. Where was Jack playing football when his brother called him?
1. hear; 2. returned; 3. did he go; 4. plan (am planning); 5. did he stay;
6. do you think; 7. went; 8. is; 9. is phoning.
1a, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5a.
1. She dances very well.
2. Close the window, will you?
3. -H e lives in London! - Does he?
4. He is having a shower now.
5. There are not any books on the desk.
6 . 1need a piece (word) of advice!
7. A book is a good present fo r a child.
1. a; 2. a; 3. a; 4. - ; 5. - ; 6. - ; 7. - ; 8. the; 9. - ; 10. a; 11. the; 12. the;
13. the; 14. a; 15. The; 16. - ; 17. - ; 18. a; 19. - ; 20. the; 21. the; 22. - ;
23. - ; 24. a; 25. - ; 26. the; 27. - ; 28. the; 29. a; 30. - .
1. founded; 2. felt; 3. rises; 4. run; 5. flew; 6. lying; 7. hung.
1b, 2a, За, 4b, 5c, 6a, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10a, 11b, 12c, 13b, 14c, 15c.
1. T; 2. NS; 3. F; 4. R 5. T; 6. NS; 7. NS; 8. T; 9. F.

1g, 2b, 3e, 4c, 5f, 6d, 7a.

Vocabulary and Grammar
1. interesting; 2. exciting; 3. dangerous; 4. scary; 5. historic/historical;
6. impressive; 7. cultural; 8. boring; 9. traditional; 10. legendary.
1. com fortable; 2. swimming; 3. diving; 4. cyclist; 5. traditional; 6. in­
teresting; 7. impressive; 8. friendly.
1d, 2e, 3a, 4c, 5b.
1. for; 2. on; 3. through; 4. into; 5. out; 6. with; 7. from.
1b, 2a, 3d, 4e, 5c.
1. took; 2. trekked; 3. Backpacking; 4. reefs; 5. camping; 6. stay;
7. trip; 8. stolen; 9. view; 10. try.
1. A. a; B. the
2. A. the; B. -
3. A. the; B. an
4. A. the; B. -
5. A. a; B. the
6. A. the; B. a
7. A. the; B. a
1. will stay; 2. w on’t go; 3. will miss; 4. will like; 5. w on’t wait; 6. w o n’t
find; 7. will be; 8. will be; 9. will get; 10. will be.
1. doesn’t take; 2. returns; 3. am; 4. get; 5. goes; 6. see; 7. makes;
8. calls; 9. asks; 10. tell.
1. will be, d o n ’t go; 2. comes, w on’t see; 3. will be, doesn’t tell;
4. reads, will understand; 5. will tell, asks; 6. doesn’t ring, will send;
7. w on’t read, ask; 8. w on’t miss, don’t go; 9. will help, come;
10. w on’t marry, is.
1. will cook; 2. is; 3. is; 4. d on’t know; 5. will return; 6. will come;
7. are leaving; 8. starts; 9. feel; 10. will let; 11. will go; 12. pass;
13. knows; 14. is; 15. begins; 16. promise; 17. will write.
12 .
1. 1cam e here an hour ago.
2. If John works hard, he will m ake good progress.
3. Come tonight unless you are busy.
4. Jack wonders if my friend speaks good English.
5. This is a S hakespeare’s play.
6. These (They) are small m ice.
7. There is a swimming pool in J a n e ’s cottage.
1d, 2j, 3a, 4b, 5f, 6c, 7e, 8g, 9i, 10h.
1c, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6c, 7c, 8a, 9a, 10a, 11a, 12a, 13a, 14a, 15a.
1b, 2a, 3a, 4c, 5b.
Text A В C D
Title 1 4 5 2
Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1c, 2e, 3a, 4g, 5b, 6f, 7d;
B. 1d, 2f, 3a, 4g, 5b, 6c, 7e.
1. donation; 2. recycling; 3. survival; 4. education; 5. warming; 6. over­
population; 7. fishing; 8. sticker.
1. thrilling; 2. powerful; 3. challenging; 4. medical; 5. splitting; 6. allergic;
7. wooden; 8. global.
1. were excited; 2. runny; 3. donations; 4. swollen; 5. supplies;
6. is sprained/is just sprained; 7. Global; 8. boring; 9. was shocked;
10. splitting.
1. war; 2. challenging; 3. homeless; 4. disaster; 5. hurricane; 6. money;
7. endangered; 8. supplies; 9. global; 10. donations.
1. make; 2. raise; 3. conservation; 4. sore; 5. famine; 6. avalanche;
7. ankle; 8. campaigned; 9. ever; 10. bruised.
1. by; 2. on; 3. from; 4. up; 5. for; 6. around; 7. for; 8. for; 9. on; 10. out.
1. boring, bored; 2. exciting, excited; 3. interested, interesting; 4. con­
fused, confusing; 5. amused, amusing; 6. thrilling, thrilled.
1. didn’t work; 2. will be; 3. will come; 4. have; 5. would; 6. would have
died; 7. would have heard.
10 .
I . was preparing; 2. g ot (was g e ttin g ); 3. had sent; 4. had lived;
5. thought; 6. looked (were looking); 7. decided; 8. to give; 9. ate;
10. will prepare; 11. happens; 12. was; 13. (had) arrived; 14. told;
15. had died.
1. a; 2. - ; 3. a; 4. the; 5. the; 6. the; 7. the; 8. the; 9. a; 10. the; 11. an;
12. a; 13. the; 14. the; 15. the; 16. a; 17. the; 18. the; 19. a; 20. the;
21. a; 22. a; 23. the; 24. the; 25. the.
1. I wish I w eren’t too young now. 2. I wish they had warned us
then. 3. I wish I hadn’t stayed in Moscow last summer. 4. I wish I
knew her phone number. 5 . 1wish you had come to see us. 6 . 1wish
it w eren’t raining heavily now. 7. I wish I could help you. 8. I wish
you had understood me. 9. I wish my parents were with us now.
1 0 .1wish you had had money on you.
1. If I w ere richer, I could afford to go abroad twice a year.
2. If I could swim, I would go scuba diving with Jim.
3. The patient would have died if the surgeon hadn’t operated
on him!
4. If the sum m er hadn’t been rainy, we w ouldn’t have had to
stay indoors.
5 . 1 wish I had listened to Brian then!
6 . 1wish I knew her address!
7. If only it w ere spring now!
1b, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7c, 8c, 9b, 10a, 11a, 12b, 13a, 14a, 15b.
Text A В C D
Title 5 2 4 1

1. T; 2. F; 3. NS; 4. T; 5. T; 6. F; 7. NS; 8. T.
Speaker A В C
S tatem ent 2 4 1

Vocabulary and Grammar
1. expression; 2. painting; 3. attendance; 4. inspiration; 5. freezer;
6. singing, singer; 7. reaction.
1. archeological; 2. impressive; 3. beautiful; 4. famous; 5. amazing;
6. natural; 7. wonderful.
1d, 2f, 3a, 4b, 5g, 6c, 7e.
1. tune; 2. band; 3. musician; 4. concert; 5. baker’s; 6. sketches; 7. m ar­
ble; 8. conducted; 9. designer; 10. painted.
1. is/was located; 2. singer; 3. were outraged; 4. going; 5. impressive;
6. touches; 7. is/was situated; 8. sketches; 9. influenced; 10. natural.
1. conventions; 2. handmade; 3. percussion; 4. cello; 5. living; 6. tem ­
ples; 7. authentic; 8. jugglers; 9. Carnival; 10. replica.
1. This text will be translated next year.
2. Her face was hidden by (with) the branches of the bush.
3. Some new metro lines are being constructed.
4. Russian is not spoken in English classes.
5. No money has been given (to) me yet. (I haven’t been given any
money yet.)
6. These dictionaries are often referred to by students.
7 . 1 was made to do the bed (by my mom).
8. He is said to be a good student.
9. A new rule has just been explained to us (by the teacher).
10. The boat was lost sight of in the fog.
1c, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5c, 6a, 7d, 8d.
1. A. - ; B. the
2. A. - ; B. the
3. A. the; B. -
4. А. В. а
5. A. the; В. -
6. А. а; В. the
7. А. а; В. -
10 .
1. Dick said that the following month they would be travelling
round Europe.
2. Jim said that he thought I might be coming down with flu.
3. I asked Mrs. Green if Dorian had always had to wear a suite
to work.
4. Liz said that the night before she had had Helen and Bill for
5. Fred remembered asking Gloria a month ago if she loved him.
6. Dick asked Sue, “Who did you go out with last weekend?”
7. Barry said, “ Sam, com e over to me tom orrow .”
8. “Can I see Jill tonight?” asked Julian.
11 .
1. We landed at - Heathrow airport in London.
2. It is about 700 km from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
3. You will never know the language unless you w ork a lot.
4. Have you heard the latest news?
5. We have been here since we came in an hour ago.
6. Do you always work hard at your English?
7. Do you know him well?
8. What - nice weather we are having today!
9 . 1 think that Jack will come soon.
10. This dictionary is more expensive than that one.
11. The car is not yours. It is N ick’s.
12. The roses in the garden smell wonderful.
13. The police are coming in a minute.
14. Fruitarians are people who eat mainly fruit.
15. There was a bank near here two years ago.
12 .
1b, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8c, 9c, 10c, 11b, 12b, 13b, 14b, 15c.
1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. NS; 5. T; 6. NS; 7. F.
Vocabulary and Grammar
Variant 1
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b
6. b 7. c 8. b 9. b 10. c
11. b 12. a 13. a 14. b 15. c
16. a 17. a 18. a 19. a 20. a

Variant 2
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. b
6. b 7. b 8. c 9. c 10. b
11. c 12. a 13. b 14. a 15. b
16. a 17. c 18. c 19. b 20. a

Variant 3
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c
6. a 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. c
11.a 12. a 13. b 14. b 15. a
16. b 17. b 18. a 19. b 20. b

Variant 4
1. c 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. a
6. a 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. b
11. b 12. c 13. b 14. c 15. c
16. b 17. b 18. b 19. a 20. b

Variant 1
1. British; 2. eleventh; 3. construction; 4. buildings; 5. yearly; 6. per­
form ance; 7. different; 8. acting; 9. dangerous; 10. usually; 11. Russian;
12. contribution; 13. em otional; 14. developm ent; 15. extremely;
16. actor; 17. talented; 18. education; 19. student; 20. success.
Variant 2
1. generally; 2. Central; 3. poisonous; 4. decoration; 5. extremely;
6. flight; 7. accom m odation; 8. Recently; 9. particularly; 10. entertain-
ment(s); 11. wonderful; 12. British; 13. exciting; 14. famous; 15. perform ­
ance; 16. mythology; 17. heroic; 18. skilful (skilled); 19. advice; 20. warn­
Variant 3
1. acting; 2. usually; 3. director; 4. perform ance; 5. behaviour; 6. fa ­
mous; 7. writer; 8. death; 9. extremely; 10. productions; 11. famous;
12. student; 13. Russian; 14. reality; 15. actor; 16. famous; 17. English;
18. construction; 19. thirteenth; 20. including.
Variant 4
1. attractive; 2. inclusive; 3. flight; 4. accom m odation; 5. extremely; 6.
sunny; 7. English; 8. relaxation; 9. amazing; 10. fashionable; 11. amaz­
ing; 12. heroic; 13. inventor; 14. advice; 15. instruction(s); 16. usually;
17. European; 18. American; 19. decoration; 20. impossible.

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