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10 + Olivier CIPIÈRE

Félix DONADIO, Jocelin CARMES, Alexandre REYNAUD

Vaalbara, this fabulous continent, vast and abundant, wild and fertile.
No one has ever Landed there. But soon, the first step on this uncharted Land
will mark the dawn of a new era. You are the leader of one of the five mythical
clans that have set out to discover Vaalbara. Make good use of the talents of
your community members to expand your Realm, harmonize your development
and strengthen your influence to unite all clans under your banner.


At the end of the 9th round, the player with the most  • 51 Land cards
(Victory Points) wins the game. • 60 Character cards (5 x 12)
• 75  tokens (value 1, 5, 10 and 25)

There are 51 Land cards of 6 different types. Through-
out the game, players explore Lands to expand their
Realm. Each Land type has its own way to reward the
players. The Land cards’ backs depict the Omens.
Each card back is different. Type Reward Player count for setup

There are 12 different character cards. Each player Name
starts the game with one copy of each card. Char-
acter cards determine the turn order based on their
initiative value, and trigger effects, as well.


Omens may be good, or bad. How your Clan’s Omens
rank compared to the others changes each round. The Best Worst
card on the top of the Lands deck depicts the Clans’
Omens for the round. During the game, you will use
them to resolve ties when determining the turn order.

A. Sort the Land cards by the number of players indicated and keep only the cards with a number less than or equal
to the number of players. Put the other cards back in the box, they will not be used during the game.
 EXAMPLE : for a 2-player game, keep the 2+ cards, and return the 3+ and 4+ cards to the box.

B. Each player chooses a clan and the corresponding 12-card Clan deck.
C. Give 2 Victory Point tokens to each player to place them in their Realm (the area of the table in front of
them). Place the remaining tokens in the center of the table.
D. Each player shuffles their Clan deck, placing it face down in their Realm, and draws 5 cards as their starting hand.
E. Shuffle the Land cards and place the deck face down on the table to create the LAND DECK. Draw cards
face up to create 2 Land rows below the Land deck. Each Land row must contain as many Lands as there
are players. The Land row furthest from the Land deck is considered the first.

2 nd row

1 st row E


The game is played over 9 rounds and ends when all players have 9 Land cards in their Realm. Each round is
divided into 3 Phases: ASSIGNMENT, RESOLUTION and END OF ROUND.

Each player simultaneously The turn order for that phase is determined by the
selects a character card from their initiative value of the revealed cards. The player who
hand and places it face down played the lowest initiative value plays first, and
in their Realm. When all players other players proceed in ascending initiative order.
have selected a character card, Resolve ties using the clans’ Omens. The clan that
reveal them. ranks the highest plays first.

During their turn, each player must perform the two following actions in this order:
You must apply the effect of the
1.  CHARACTER ACTION: 2.  LAND ACTION: Select a Land card from the first Land
character card you played this round (even if it is row and add it to your Realm. Immediately gain the
not beneficial to you). Then, discard it face up next corresponding Reward. You must keep your victory
to your Clan deck, making sure that all the Character points face down until the end of the game.
cards you played so far are visible to the other players.
 NOTE: Do not fill the first Land row’s empty slots before the end of the round. The later you play in the turn order,
the fewer choices you have when it is your turn to add a Land to your Realm.

When all players have performed their two actions,
slide the second Land row down to replace the first
Land row. Draw Lands from the Land deck to create a
new second Land row. Then, each player draws cards
from their Clan deck until they have 5 cards in hand,
or their Clan deck is empty.

 EXAMPLE : Round 2. 1 : Land added in round 1 2 : Land added in round 2

The available Lands are:  BLUE  CHARACTER: The Hunter’s effect applies, Blue
gains 3 , because Blue is the first player.
LAND: Blue takes the Meadow and gains
2  (1 for this Meadow and 1 for Meadow 2
owned by Red).
Players simultaneously reveal their  PURPLE  CHARACTER: The Hunter’s effect does not
selected Character cards: apply, because Blue is a neighbor who played 1
before Purple.
LAND: Purple takes the Field and gains 4 
(2 for each Field in their Realm).
 YELLOW  CHARACTER: The Crafter’s effect does not apply,
because Yellow plays before red, who is a neighbor. 1
 YELLOW  RED BLUE PURPLE LAND: Yellow adds the River to their Realm and
 BLUE  and  PURPLE  are tied. The Clans’ Omens give gains 12  (6 multiplied by 2 Rivers in their 2
the initiative to  BLUE . Realm).
 RED  CHARACTER: The Farmer will double the Land
reward this round.
LAND: Red has to pick the last card, the Field.
So, the turn order for the round is: They gain 4  (2  multiplied by 2 because of the

The game ends when all players have 9 Land cards in their Realm. Players reveal their  tokens,
and gain an additional 5  bonus if their Realm contains 5 different Land types, or 10  if their
GAME Realm contains 6 different Land types. The player with the most Victory Points wins the game. In
case of a tie, the tied player who ranks the highest in the Clan’s Omens is the winner.

When the game ends, Marie has

 E X A M P LE:
57  , 3 Fields, 2 Meadows, 2 Forests, 1 Village, and 1 River
in her Realm. Because she has 5 different Land types, she
gains an additional 5  bonus. Total: 57 + 5 = 62 

Gain 1  per Meadow Gain 2  per Field in your Realm,
in your Realm including this one.
and your neighbors’ Realms,
including this one.
Gain a number of Gain 2  per different Land
as indicated on the Forest card type in your Realm, including
(ranging from 3 to 6). this Village.

Gain 10  if this is the Gain a reward equal to the initiative

2nd Mountain in your Realm. value of the character you played
Gain 20 additional  if this is this round (max. 6) multiplied by
the 4th Mountain in your Realm. the number of Rivers in your Realm,
including this one.

All players with a Fighter in hand Swap a Land from the first or second Land
may reveal her to gain 1  . row with the top card from the Land deck.
To gain 1  , players must show their Fighter to The new card is placed face up, and the
the other players. previous card is placed face down on the top
of the Lands deck. This effect changes the
 • BARD Omens for the rest of the round.
Another player of your choice gains 2  .
You cannot count other players’  . If you ask  • MIDWIFE
them, they can refuse to tell, tell the truth, or Take a character back from your
even lie about it. Discard Pile to your hand.
You cannot take the Midwife back
 • HUNTER into your hand
If you play before your neighbors
this round, gain 3  .  • RIDER
In case of a tie, only the player that ranks Swap a Land from the first Land row
the highest in the Clans’ Omens gains 3  . with a Land from the second Land row.
You can select 2 Lands of the same type to
 • ORACLE effectively nullify the effect.
Gain 2  for each of your neighbors
who played an odd initiative value.  • CRAFTER
In a 2-player game, you have only one neighbor If you play after your neighbors this round,
and gain either 2   , or 0. gain 5  .
In case of a tie, only the player that ranks the
 • CARPENTER lowest in the Clans’ Omens gains 5  .
Gain 3  per Forest in your Realm.
You must apply the effect before selecting a  • PIONEER
Land. So if you select a Forest during the same Swap a Land from your Realm with
turn as you play the Carpenter, it does not the bottom card from the Land deck.
count when applying the Carpenter’s effect. Gain the reward for this Land.

Steal 2  from the player who played  • FARMER
before you this round. Double the reward for the Land
If you play first, gain 0  . you add to your Realm this round.

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