Norseman Directional Drilling Safe Work Practice

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The purpose of this practice is to promote compliance with both government and company
guidelines regarding directional drilling for a safe and productive work environment.


PPE / Equipment Mandatory
CSA/ANSI approved hardhat P
CSA/ANSI approved footwear P
CSA/ANSI approved eye protection P
CSA/ANSI approved hi-vis safety vest or clothing displaying
reflective materials meeting regulatory standards.
Protective clothing – (including fire retardant coveralls) where
workers need protection from temperatures, moisture
CSA/ANSI approved hearing protection - muffs or plugs P
Hand protection (work gloves) P

Safe Work Practices

This section sets forth safety guidelines and practices for projects utilizing horizontal directional
drilling (HDD) techniques in order to protect existing underground utilities and minimize risks to
crew and public safety.


Applicable standards include the Horizontal Directional Drilling Good Practices Guidelines by
the HDD Consortium, and the HDD manufacturer’s equipment operation manual.

The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall become familiar with and follow the safety
guidelines established in the above standards at all times.


The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall implement the following general safety
guidelines and practices:
1. Occupational and Health & Safety: (OH&S): Norseman HDD Underground Solutions
and/or support worker shall perform all operations in compliance with OH&S
guidelines and Norseman HDD Underground Solutions’ HSE Program.
2. Training: Norseman HDD Underground Solutions and/or support worker shall ensure
all personnel are properly trained and equipped.
3. Planned Emergency Response: The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall



follow procedures set out below under “Response to Events” in the event of a utility strike
as dictated by each individual bore.

4. Operator
Operators of drilling, tracking and support equipment must be competent or supervised
by a qualified operator. Operators must have continuous 2 way radio contact with the
driller locator and product side personnel to coordinate the drilling operation. Back up
radios or spare batteries should be available.

5. Support
Support personnel should be briefed by the operator upon arrival, and must follow and
maintain all safety procedures throughout the job. Support personnel and visitors must be
informed of hazards, their responsibilities, and any restrictions of activities.


Prior to the start of construction, the HDD Operator and/or support worker shall complete the

1. Work Area Familiarization: The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall familiarize
itself with the work area and the technical requirements of the plans.
2. Utility Locates. The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall request utility locates
and complete all other utility coordination requirements.
3. Complete an On-Site Hazard Assessment: include the following:
*Discuss specific hazards and procedures; Discuss location of emergency facilities;
*Discuss evacuation plan and emergency procedures Brief all personnel,
subcontractors and visitors as they arrive
*Record discussions and attendees. It is imperative that site-specific hazards
identified and appropriate safety procedures are discussed, as every site has unique
safety issues that need to be addressed. Crews should be aware of specific safety
and emergency procedures.

Specific Hazards
1 Underground
Underground hazards to consider include:

• Electrical power cables, which can cause serious injury or electrocution if

• Fiber optic cables carry laser light signals, which can cause eye damage
• Fluid and gas pipes, which may transport asphyxiating, toxic, flammable, and/or
explosive gases or liquids
• Low-pressure sewage and storm water lines. These pose a unique hazard
potential if an HDD gas or electric line installation has been installed that has
intersected the sewage line without detection. Subsequent maintenance or repair
activity could cause a gas leak, explosion, or electrocution



2. Surface
Surface hazards to include:

• Manholes within the drill area should be opened and inspected, without entry, to
determine the underground utility it services. The direction of flow in a sewer
should be checked to determine the approximate grade. This information can be
used to project depth of the utility where the bore is being made
• Wires attached to poles should be assumed to be live
• Out buildings (i.e. storage sheds) should be checked to determine if they have
electrical wires or other utility services that may not be marked on any plans
• Gas barbeque grills, outdoor lighting, etc. should be identified and services
• Ditch line depressions in the landscape or obvious changes in vegetation may
reveal previous excavation and should be investigated
• Road repairs may indicate the presence of recently installed or repaired utilities
• Marker signs or casing vents at or near property lines indicate underground
• Private utilities and utilities that do not subscribe to the one-call system are not
marked by One Call operators.
• The Contractor should check local regulations and proper due diligence should be
taken to verify the existence of such (e.g. Rural Water Lines)

3. Overhead
Overhead hazards include:

• Overhead lines must be avoided. Overhead lines are of particular concern during
mobilization/demobilization, while handling drill pipe, or loading and unloading
heavy equipment. Always maintain a safe separation between equipment and
power lines. If necessary, place highly visible markers on either side of the
overhead hazard or designate an individual to notify equipment operators as they

4. Verify Utility Locates

• The location of all identified utilities must be verified using non-destructive
methods of excavation. The bore profile must be designed to maintain
acceptable clearances between underground utilities and structures, and the final
reamed hole. Possible migration of the back reamer from the pilot bore toward
the utility, due to excessive steering or a tight radius, must be carefully
considered when establishing clearances. As easements become increasingly
congested, it may be necessary to increase the easement widths to
accommodate demand for new utilities.
• If there is any risk to the utility from the drilling activity, a window must be
excavated at or near the utility to visually monitor the potentially hazardous
situation. A vacuum unit is required to remove the drilling fluid during this
process, and high pressure drilling fluid hazards must be addressed. If the bore
passes closely by a utility, it may be necessary to continuously monitor the
separation after the drill head or reamer passes the window as the drill string or
product pipe may subsequently contact the utility during the completion of the



• Communication is a critical ingredient of any successful horizontal directional

drilling project. It is imperative that the drill locator and the drill rig operator have
an understanding of the job prior to commencement of the work. They should
walk the planned borepath with the tracking equipment to evaluate any potential
fields of electromagnetic (active) interference and look for signs of reinforced
concrete or other possible passive interference that may hinder the operation,
and discuss the identified hazards.
• During the actual boring process, if abnormal readings are found with the
tracking equipment, the contractor should stop, back up, and verify previous
readings prior to commencing the bore. This is critical; as deviation from the
planned bore profile could result in an underground utility strike. Care must also
be taken during the pullback to ensure that utilities are not damaged due to the
upsizing by the enlarged back reamer and possible straightening of the bore
during back reaming and product installation.

5. Traffic Control (Pedestrian and Vehicle)

• Necessary traffic control must be maintained throughout the project. Typically,
mobilization, demobilization, material handling, and intermittent movement of
mobile equipment require traffic control if the activity conflicts with vehicle or
pedestrian traffic. Traffic control includes permits, planning, notification, flag
persons, warning signs and barricades. The work area, particularly around the
drill rig and entrance/exit pits, must also be secured to prevent unauthorized entry.
Emergency vehicles and buses must have access during construction.

6. Drilling Unit
• If the drilling unit is equipped with an Electrical Strike Sensing System, its use
should follow manufacturer’s recommendations. The system may include audible
and visual warning alarms, grounding mats, and personal protective equipment.
Electrical sensing stakes must be driven into the ground and the strike alert
system tested prior to operation.


While the work is being performed, the HDD Operator and/or support worker shall complete the

1. Calibration and Tracking: The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall
calibrate the tracking and locating equipment at the beginning of each work day
and maintain a calibration log.
2. Monitoring and Recording: The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall
monitor and record the alignment and depth readings provided by the tracking
system every 25-30 feet for normal conditions, and every 5-10 feet when precise
alignment control is necessary.
3. Maintain Drilling Fluid Circulation: The HDD Operator and/or support worker
shall maintain drilling fluid circulation throughout the HDD process including the
initial pilot hole installation, and the reaming and back pull process. The pull back
shall not exceed the fluid circulation rate capabilities.



4. Back-reaming: The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall back-ream as

required to accommodate the product size. Compaction reamers are not
permissible. The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall plan the back pulling
operations carefully to ensure that all back pulling operations can be completed
without stopping and within the permitted work hours.
5. Clearances. The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall maintain all required
clearances and offsets from existing utilities.
6. Documentation: The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall at all times and
for the entire length of the HDD alignment be able to demonstrate and provide
the horizontal and vertical position of the alignment, the fluid volume used, return
rates, and pressures.
7. Inspection: The HDD Operator and/or support worker shall inspect the work and
surrounding area to ensure damage has not occurred to existing utilities due to
HDD construction operations.


The following precautions should be observed during the drilling operation:

• If a hazardous situation is suspected, work should be stopped until an evaluation is

made and appropriate corrective action taken
• Potential “pinch points” on the drill rig and support equipment must be identified and
• Safe clearances (as specified by regulatory authorities) must be maintained between
the bore and all utilities. The minimum clearance must take into consideration the
final reamed diameter and the bend radius of the pilot bore
• Workers must stay clear of the rotating drill string
• The drill must not be operated when personnel are working on or near the drill string
• The drill must not be operated without positive communication with the drill locator or
exit side personnel
• The manufacturer’s specified maximum torque and thrust/pullback capacity of the
drill pipe must not be exceeded
• Remote breakout wrenches must be used safely
• Drilling machine torque or backhoes with wrenches should never be used to make
or break tool joints.

2. Reaming and Installation Precautions

The following precautions should be observed during reaming and product installation:

• Two-way radio communication must be maintained at all times between the entry
and exit sides
• The drill pipe must not be rotated until all personnel have been notified and
acknowledgement has been made by all personnel
• Workers must never step over rotating drill pipe and must maintain a safe distance
when working near rotating drill pipes



• When crossing existing underground utilities, the utility must be exposed at the
crossing location and monitored during the crossing.

3. Other Activities: Common hazards such as slips, trips, and falls, excavation cave-ins,
pinched fingers and toes, vehicle accidents, and back injuries and hazards specific to
HDD equipment and operations must be identified and isolated or removed to avoid
incidents and accidents.


If an existing utility is struck during the boring operation, emergency procedures must be
initiated to reduce the likelihood of human injury. Procedures to follow in the event of utility
strikes are summarized below by type of utility.

• Electrical Strike If an electrical strike occurs, workers should not move. The voltage
difference between the equipment and the ground, or between a person’s feet may be
sufficient to cause injury or death. Do not touch the machine, drill pipe, water system,
mud-mixing system, or anything connected to the drill as these items may be highly
charged. The drill operator should remain calm and reverse the direction of advance in
an attempt to break contact with the electrical line. The electrical utility company must be
contacted immediately. The drill operator should follow the manufacture’s procedure to
determine if the drill is electrically charged before attempting to dismount the drill.
• Gas Strike If a gas line strike occurs, evacuate the area immediately. The drill operator
should shut down all engines and under no circumstance should the operator attempt to
reverse the bore to break contact as further movement may cause a spark. Emergency
services and the gas utility company should be contacted immediately.
• Fiber Optic Strike If a fiber-optic strike occurs, workers must not look into the cut ends
of the cable, which can cause severe eye damage. Drilling must stop immediately and
the utility owner must be contacted.
• Communications Line Strike If a communications line strike occurs, drilling must stop
immediately and the utility company should be contacted.
• Sanitary/Storm Sewer And Water Strike If a water or sewer line strike occurs, drilling
should be stopped immediately and all bystanders should be warned that a strike has
occurred and that they should stay away. Medical attention should be obtained for
personnel who have come into contact with sewage. As with any strike, the utility owner
should be contacted immediately.


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