Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Video WebQuest
Audio Assessment
Launch Lab
Animal Race
A cheetah can run at a speed of almost 120 km/h. It is the
fastest runner in the world. A horse can reach a speed of
64 km/h, an elephant’s top speed is about 40 km/h, and a
tortoise walks at a speed of about 0.3 km/h. The speed of an
object is calculated by dividing the distance that the object
travels by the time it takes it to move that distance. How does
your speed compare to the speeds of these animals?
Make a three-tab book.
For a lab worksheet, use your StudentWorks™ Plus Online. Label it as shown. Use it
? Inquiry Launch Lab to organize your notes
on motion.
Chapter 2 • Motion 43
44 Chapter 2 • Motion
Change in Position -2
Have you ever run a 50-m dash? Describing how far and in -3
what direction you moved was an important part of describing -4
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
your motion.
■ Figure 2 A coordinate system is
Distance In a 50-m dash, each runner travels a total dis- like a map. The reference point is at
tance of 50 m. The SI unit of distance is the meter (m). Longer the origin, and each object’s position
can be described with its coordinates.
distances are measured in kilometers (km). One kilometer is
Identify the position of the
equal to 1,000 m. Shorter distances are measured in centime- orange car.
ters (cm) or millimeters (mm). One meter is equal to 100 cm
and to 1,000 mm.
Displacement Suppose a runner jogs to the 50-m mark
and then turns around and runs back to the 20-m mark, as
shown in Figure 3. The runner travels 50 m in the original
direction (east) plus 30 m in the opposite direction (west), so Position
the total distance that she ran is 80 m. How far is she from the Science usage
starting line? The answer is 20 m. Sometimes, you may want the location of an object in relation to
a reference point
to know the change in an object’s position relative to the start-
The cat’s position was 3 meters west of
ing point. An object’s displacement is the distance and direc- the house.
tion of the object’s change in position. In Figure 3, the runner’s
Common usage
displacement is 20 m east. a point of view; a job or rank
The length of the runner’s displacement and the total dis- After graduation, I accepted a teller
tance traveled would be the same if the runner’s motion were in position at the bank.
a single direction. For example, if the runner ran east from the
starting line to the finish line without changing direction, then
the distance traveled would be 50 m and the displacement
would be 50 m east.
N 0m 10 m 20 m 30 m 40 m 50 m
20 m 30 m
Displacements in the same direction can Displacements in opposite directions Displacements that are not in the same
be added. can be subtracted. direction or opposite directions cannot
be directly added or subtracted.
10 m − 5 m = 5 m
The direction of the total displacement is always the direction
of the larger displacement. In this case, the larger displacement
is east, so the total displacement is 5 m east.
Now suppose the two displacements are not in the same
direction or in opposite directions, as illustrated on the right in
Figure 4. Here, the student walks 4 m east and then 3 m north.
The student walks a total distance of 7 m, but the displacement
is 5 m in a roughly northeast direction. 4 m east and 3 m north
Rules for cannot be directly added or subtracted, and they should be dis-
Table 1 Adding cussed separately. The rules for adding displacements are sum-
Displacements marized in Table 1.
1. Add displacements in the same Speed
direction. Think back to the mail truck moving down the street. You
2. Subtract displacements in could describe the movement by the distance traveled or by the
opposite directions. displacement. You might also want to describe how fast the
3. Displacements that are not in the truck is moving. To do this, you need to know how far it travels
same or in opposite directions in a given amount of time. To describe how fast an object
cannot be directly added moves, scientist use the object’s speed. Speed is the distance an
together. object travels per unit of time.
46 Chapter 2 • Motion
In SI units, distance is measured in meters and time is mea- ? Inquiry Virtual Lab
sured in seconds. Therefore, the SI unit for speed is meters per
second (m/s). Sometimes, it is more convenient to express speed
in other units, such as kilometers per hour (km/h). Table 2
shows the speeds of some common objects.
SC.912.P.12.2: Analyze the motion of an object in terms of its position, velocity, and acceleration
(with respect to a frame of reference) as functions of time. MA.912.S.1.2: Determine appropriate
EXAMPLE Problem 1 and consistent standards of measurement for the data to be collected in a survey or experiment.
PRACTICE Problems Find Additional Practice Problems in the back of your book.
1. A passenger elevator travels from the first floor to the 60th floor, a distance Review
of 210 m, in 35 s. What is the elevator’s speed? Additional Practice Problems
2. A motorcycle is moving at a constant speed of 40 km/h. How long does it
take the motorcycle to travel a distance of 10 km?
3. How far does a car travel in 0.75 h if it is moving at a constant speed of
88 km/h?
4. Challenge A long-distance runner is running at a constant speed of 5 m/s.
How long does it take the runner to travel 1 km?
Speed (km/h)
20 red light
Constant speed
5 speed
1 2 3 4 5
Distance (km)
48 Chapter 2 • Motion
Graphing Motion
The motion of an object over a period of time can be shown
on a distance-time graph. For example, the graph in Figure 7
shows the distance traveled by three swimmers during a
30-minute workout. Time is plotted along the horizontal axis of
the graph, and the distance traveled is plotted along the vertical
axis of the graph.
Each axis must have a scale that covers the range of numbers
to be plotted. In Figure 7, the distance scale must range from
0 to 2,400 m and the time scale must range from 0 to 30 min.
Next, the x-axis is divided into equal time intervals, and the
y-axis is divided into equal distance intervals.
Once the scales for each axis are in place, the data points can
be plotted. In Figure 7, there is a data point plotted for each
swimmer every two and a half minutes. After plotting the data
points, a line is drawn connecting the points.
Distance-Time Graph
2,400 Mary
1,800 Kathy
Concepts in Motion
Distance (m)
1,400 Animation
1,200 Julie
1,000 ■ Figure 7 This graph shows how far
800 each girl swam during a 30 minute
workout. Time is divided into 2.5-min-
ute intervals along the x-axis. Distance
swam is divided into 200-m intervals
along the y-axis.
0 10 20 30 Examine the graph and determine
Time (min) which girl swam the farthest during
the workout.
Section Summary 5. MAIN Idea Describe the trip from your home to school using the
words position, distance, displacement, and speed.
◗ Motion occurs when an object changes its
position relative to a reference point. 6. Explain whether the size of an object’s displacement could be
greater than the distance the object travels.
◗ Displacement is the distance and direction
of a change in position from the starting 7. Describe the motion represented by a horizontal line on a distance-
point. time graph.
◗ Speed is the rate at which an object’s 8. Describe the difference between average speed and constant speed.
position changes. 9. Think Critically During a trip, can a car’s instantaneous speed ever
◗ On a distance-time graph, time is the be greater than its average speed? Explain.
x-axis and distance is the y-axis.
◗ The slope of a line plotted on a distance-
time graph is the speed. Apply Math
10. Calculate Speed Michiko walked a distance of 1.60 km in 30 min.
Find her average speed in m/s.
11. Calculate Distance A car travels at a constant speed of 30.0 m/s for
0.80 h. Find the total distance traveled in km.
About 250 million years ago, the continents formed a super- Pangaea separated into smaller pieces. About 66 million years
continent called Pangaea. ago, the continents looked like the figure above.
52 Chapter 2 • Motion
20 km/h
20 km/h
10 km/h
10 km/h
10 km 60 km 20 km 40 km
30 km 20 km 10 km 0 km 10 km 20 km 30 km 40 km 50 km 60 km 30 km 20 km 10 km 0 km 10 km 20 km 30 km 40 km 50 km 60 km
West East West East
70 km 60 km
10 km/h 10 km/h
10 km/h 10 km/h
10 km 60 km 20 km 40 km
10 km 0 km 10 km 20 km 30 km 40 km 50 km 60 km 70 km 80 km 10 km 0 km 10 km 20 km 30 km 40 km 50 km 60 km 70 km 80 km
West East West East
SC.912.P.12.2: Analyze the motion of an object in terms of its position, velocity, and acceleration
(with respect to a frame of reference) as functions of time. MA.912.S.1.2: Determine appropriate
EXAMPLE Problem 2 and consistent standards of measurement for the data to be collected in a survey or experiment.
Solve for Momentum At the end of a race, a sprinter with a mass of 80.0 kg
has a velocity of 10.0 m/s east. What is the sprinter’s momentum?
Identify the Unknown: momentum: p
List the Knowns: mass: m = 80.0 kg
velocity: v = 10.0 m/s east
Set Up the Problem: p = mv = (80.0 kg) × (10.0 m/s) east
Solve the Problem: p = (80.0 kg)(10.0 m/s) east = 800.0 kg·m/s east
Check the Answer: Our answer makes sense because it is greater than
the momentum of a walking person, but much
smaller than the momentum of a car on the highway.
PRACTICE Problems Find Additional Practice Problems in the back of your book.
12. What is the momentum of a car with a mass of 1,300 kg traveling north at Review
a speed of 28 m/s? Additional Practice Problems
13. A baseball has a momentum of 6.0 kg·m/s south and a mass of 0.15 kg.
What is the baseball’s velocity?
14. Find the mass of a person walking west at a speed of 0.8 m/s with a
momentum of 52.0 kg·m/s west.
15. Challenge The mass of a basketball is three times greater than the mass of a
softball. Compare the momentums of a softball and a basketball if they
both are moving at the same velocity.
54 Chapter 2 • Motion
30,000 kg
1,500 kg
Section Summary 16. MAIN Idea Describe a car’s velocity as it goes around a track at a
constant speed.
◗ The velocity of an object includes the
object’s speed and its direction of motion 17. Explain why streets and highways have speed limits rather than
relative to a reference point. velocity limits.
◗ An object’s motion is always described rel- 18. Identify For each of the following news stories, determine wheth-
ative to a reference point. er the object’s speed or velocity is given: the world record for the
hundred-meter dash is about 10 m/s; the wind today is 30 km/h
◗ The momentum of an object is the product
from the north-west; a 200,000 kg train was traveling north at
of its mass and velocity: p = mv.
70 km/h when it derailed; a car was issued a ticket for traveling at
140 km/h on the interstate.
19. Think Critically You are walking toward the back of a bus that is
moving forward with a constant velocity. Describe your motion
relative to the bus and relative to a point on the ground.
Apply Math
20. Calculate Momentum What is the momentum of a 100-kg football
player running north at a speed of 4 m/s?
21. Compare the momentums of a 6,300-kg elephant walking 0.11 m/s
and a 50-kg dolphin swimming 10.4 m/s.
Acceleration Acceleration
Velocity Velocity
56 Chapter 2 • Motion
Section 3 • Acceleration 57
PRACTICE Problems Find Additional Practice Problems in the back of your book.
22. An airplane starts at rest and accelerates down the runway for 20 s. At the Review
end of the runway, its velocity is 80 m/s north. What is its acceleration? Additional Practice Problems
23. A cyclist starts at rest and accelerates at 0.5 m/s2 south for 20 s. What is
the cyclist’s final velocity?
24. Challenge A ball is dropped and falls with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2
downward. It hits the ground with a velocity of 49 m/s downward. How long
did it take the ball to fall to the ground?
58 Chapter 2 • Motion
Projectile motion If you have tossed a ball to someone, ■ Figure 17 The horizontal speed of
you have probably noticed that thrown objects do not travel in the horses in this carousel is constant,
but the horses are accelerating because
straight lines. They curve downward. That is why quarterbacks, their direction is changing constantly.
dart players, and archers aim above their targets. Anything that The acceleration of each horse is toward
the center of the circular carousel.
is thrown or shot through the air is called a projectile. Earth’s
gravity causes projectiles to follow a curved path.
Horizontal and vertical motion When you throw or shoot an
object, such as the rubber band in Figure 18, the force exerted by
your hand gives the object a horizontal velocity. For example,
after releasing the rubber band, its horizontal velocity is con-
stant. The rubber band does not accelerate horizontally. If there
were no gravity, the rubber band would move along the straight
dotted line in Figure 18.
However, when you release a rubber band, gravity causes it VOCABULARY
to accelerate downward. The rubber band has an increasing ACADEMIC VOCABULARY
vertical velocity. The result of these two motions is that the Constant
rubber band travels in a curve, even though its horizontal and not varying or changing over time; a
vertical motions are completely independent of each other. quantity that does not vary
The constant hum of the fan made it
difficult to sleep.
Section 3 • Acceleration 59
Section Summary 25. MAIN Idea Describe the acceleration of your bicycle as you ride it
from your home to the store.
◗ Acceleration is the rate of change of
velocity. 26. Determine the change in velocity of a car that starts at rest and
has a final velocity of 20 m/s north.
◗ The speed of an object increases if the
acceleration is in the same direction as the 27. Describe the motion of an object that has an acceleration of 0 m/s2.
velocity. 28. Think Critically Suppose a car is accelerating so that its speed is
◗ The speed of an object decreases if the increasing. First, describe the line that you would plot on a speed-
acceleration and the velocity of the object time graph for the motion of the car. Then describe the line that
are in opposite directions. you would plot on a distance-time graph.
◗ If an object is moving in a straight line, the
size of the change in velocity equals the
final speed minus the initial speed.
◗ Acceleration toward the center of a curved
Apply Math
29. Calculate Time A ball is dropped from a cliff and has an accelera-
or circular path is called centripetal tion of 9.8 m/s2. How long will it take the ball to reach a speed
acceleration. of 24.5 m/s?
30. Calculate Speed A sprinter leaves the starting blocks with an accel-
eration of 4.5 m/s2. What is the sprinter’s speed 2 s later?
n Measure the position of a moving object.
n Create a distance-time graph.
n Use a distance-time graph to explain how an
object is changing speeds.
Chapter 2 • Lab 63
Grand challenge This was the setting for the Figure 1 Stanley, an autonomous vehicle
2005 DARPA (Defense Advanced Research designed by a team from Stanford University,
Projects Agency) Grand Challenge, a competition won the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge.
won by Stanley and the Stanford Racing Team.
The competition was part of an ongoing effort to Eliminating dangerous driving Is this tech-
develop autonomous ground vehicles—vehicles nology useful in the civilian world? Human drivers
that drive and navigate without a remote control face many distractions. Factors like cell phone use
or a human driver. Using autonomous vehicles in and unexpected traffic situations contribute to
combat situations keeps soldiers off the battlefield almost 40,000 deaths in U.S. traffic accidents each
and protects lives. year. But autonomous cars would not be distracted
and could make rapid course and speed adjust-
Physics at the wheel How can a car drive ments and reduce accidents.
itself? To drive safely, it must interpret the envi-
ronment, evaluate its position relative to the Participants in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge
destination, navigate obstacles, and control speed proved that autonomous cars could function in a
and direction of motion. Light beams emitted by city setting. This competition required complex
lasers and radio waves given off by a radar unit maneuvers like merging into traffic, parking,
bounce off surrounding objects and geographical negotiating stop signs, and rerouting around
features. Reflection times determine distances unexpected roadblocks. Ultimately, cars like
between the car and these objects and help eval- Stanley could save lives on the battlefield and in
uate changes in position and terrain. our communities.
64 Chapter 2 • Motion
n 1 Describing Motion
displacement (p. 45) MAIN Idea Position describes where an object is, and speed
motion (p. 44) describes how fast the object is moving.
speed (p. 46)
• Motion occurs when an object changes its position relative to a
reference point.
• Displacement is the distance and direction of a change in position
from the starting point.
• Speed is the rate at which an object’s position changes.
• On a distance-time graph, time is the x-axis and distance is y-axis.
• The slope of a line plotted on a distance-time graph is the speed.
n 2 Velocity and Momentum
momentum (p. 54) MAIN Idea An object’s velocity describes the object’s speed and
velocity (p. 51) direction of motion.
• The velocity of an object includes the object’s speed and its direction
of motion relative to a reference point.
• An object’s motion is always described relative to a reference point.
• The momentum of an object is the product of its mass and velocity:
p = mv.
n 3 Acceleration
acceleration (p. 56) MAIN Idea Acceleration describes how the velocity of an object
centripetal acceleration (p. 59) is changing with time.
• Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity.
• The speed of an object increases if the acceleration is in the same
direction as the velocity.
• The speed of an object decreases if the acceleration and the velocity of
the object are in opposite directions.
• If an object is moving in a straight line, the size of the change in
velocity equals the final speed minus the initial speed.
• Acceleration toward the center of a curved or circular path is called
centripetal acceleration.
Runner Time (min)
15 Covered (km)
Ling-Ling 12.5 42
LaToya 7.8 38
5 Bill 10.5 32
José 8.9 30
1 2 3 4 5
Distance (km)
7. What is Ling-Ling’s average speed?
A. 0.3 km/min C. 3.0 km/min SC.912.P.12.2
2. The graph shows how a cyclist’s speed B. 530 km/min D. 3.4 km/min
changed over a 0.25-h trip. What is the
cyclist’s average speed? SC.912.P.12.2 8. Which runner has the fastest average speed?
A. 2 km/h C. 20 km/h A. Ling-Ling C. Bill SC.912.P.12.2
B. 30 km/h D. 8 km/h B. LaToya D. José
3. Once the trip was started, how many times 9. If all four runners have the same mass, who
did the cyclist stop? SC.912.P.12.2 has the smallest momentum? SC.912.P.12.2
A. 0 C. 2 A. Ling-Ling C. Bill
B. 4 D. 5 B. LaToya D. José
4. What was the fastest speed that the cyclist 10. The movement of the Australian plate pushes
traveled? SC.912.P.12.2 Australia north at an average speed of about
A. 20 km/h 17 cm per year. What will Australia’s
B. 30 km/h displacement be in meters in 1,000 years?
C. 12 km/h A. 170 m north C. 1,700 m north
D. 10 km/h B. 170 m south D. 1,700 m south SC.912.P.12.2
Swimmer B
1,200 speed of one car relative to the other com-
pare with speed of each car relative to the
ground? SC.912.P.12.2
600 Swimmer A
Use the figure below to answer question 17.
v = 13 m/s
0 10 20 30
Time (min)
If You Missed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Question . . .
Review Section . . . 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 3