Design of Community Pharmacy

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Communlty Pharmacy Management

Pharmacy Practice 10.2

Quantuty Health by describing the change inpatient's overall health status

gain condition
after the intervention as defined by standard measures, both general and

Conduct an economic evaluation of the medicine's management

(including estimates of drug costchanges)


Incharge Records O water

Dispensing area

Counseling Wailing
and demo_
Fig. 10.1: Layout Design of an Ideal Community Pharmacy
The infrastructure requirements for the community pharmacy premises state that, the
facilities should be appropriate for dispensing, storing of the medicines as well as for
compounding. The premises must be designed and equipped in such a way that they are
suitable for their activities, as well as get protected from robbery. The size of premises should
be sufficient to carry out pharmaceutical activities such as, proper storage of medicinal
products and provision of various kinds of pharmaceutical and palient care services. Several
countries have defined a minimum area for designing of community pharmacy unit while this
area get varies between countries and often depends on the pharmacy services
Following are some basic infrastructure requirements hat are essential to in pharmacy
Presence of Consultation/Counselling Room:
In many countries there are increasing in providing this infrastructure service for private
conversations, adult immunization, cognitive services, medicine use review and provision of
other services. Consultation room should be separate and designated area which is
conveniently located within pharmacy premises so pharmacist can discuss and review with
patient relating to matters of medicine therapy privately if required. In the pharmacy
premises, at least two counselling room shall be facilitated. These rooms shall be designed as
half-glass paneled with blind.
Pharmacy Practlce 10.3
Community Pharmacy Management
Power Supply:
here is need to
keep standby or emergency power supply to
and freezer. There is also need storage rooms, refrigerator
to facility of back door buzzer and storage alarm
aangerous drugs/psychotropic substances. The
the specific pharmacy premises design
shall be to sustain
requirements such as; heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system.
Air Conditioning System:

All areas of pharmacy premises shall be centrally air-conditioned specially the storage
section where the pharmaceutical material shall be kept under air-conditioned for 24
Lighting System:
The premises of pharmacy should be design to maintain uniform lightening over entire
area. If possible, then premises can use combination of artificial and natural lightening. In
entire premises, facility to maintain overall good lighting with require intensity to perform
various activities and provide the safe, healthy and pharmaceutical services at work
Patient Waiting Area:
In pharmacy premises, there should be adequate space for providing the services to the
patient. The space shall be provided for patient to stay at waiting to submit their prescription
in front of the receiving counter. The waiting area should be spacious, properly ventilated,
adequate with lightening and provision for supply of water. The patient waiting area shall
contain display with notice board, reading material, as well as consisting suggestion box with
writing facility.
Dther Requirements:
Separate entrance for the physically disabled patient, pregnant women and elderly
Availability of equipment to make availability and compounding of required
medicinal dosage form.
Refer Chapter 4 for different types of layout to facilitate the various pharmaceutical
services along with objectives and infrastructure requirement.
Types of Service Design
Following are the types of service design:
1) Clerk or Personal Service: In this service, the customers demand and clerk
personal service provider) delivers the demanded items. Some items are
handled by
the customers. This service and design aids maximum
store staff and customers. Suitability and friendly service
interchange between
play an important role in
the achievement of a drug store. Quality of service should not
product price increases in this service because of more service compromised. The
only drawback of this service. overheads; this is the
2) Self-Selection Design: This design is not
store; but is appropriate for
beneficial for prescription-oriented drug
non-prescription drugs, coSmetics, pkoto-supplies.
greeungs, etc. Customers are allowed to handle ana select the
Clerk service is also provided at certain areas. themselves.
3) Ser-Service: Complete self-service in a
drug store is noi
prescription department; however in a
possible due to h o
super drug store where other
this service
appropriate. The main principle in selr-Service is items are sald
all purchases. central checkot
he ko t s of

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