SWE20B Operaor's Manual

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Operator’s Manual
(Original Version)


Sunward Intelligent Industrial Park, Xingsha, Changsha, China
June, 2013

This manual provides rules and guidelines which will help you use this machine safely and
effectively. The precautions in this manual must be followed at all times when performing
operation and maintenance. Most accidents are caused by the failure to follow fundamental
safety rules for the operation and maintenance of machines. Accidents can be prevented by
knowing beforehand conditions that may cause hazard when performing operation and
Operators and maintenance personnel must always do as follows before beginning operation or
 Always be sure to read and understand this manual thoroughly before performing operation
and maintenance.
 Read the safety message given in this manual and the safety labels affixed to the machine
thoroughly and be sure that you understand them fully.
 This manual should be considered as a permanent part of your machine. If you sell the
machine, be sure to give this manual to the new owners together with the machine.
 Only original spare parts procured from Sunward are to be used. To use parts of poor quality
will be detrimental to machine’s overall performance.
 All operation described in this instruction manual should be carried out exclusively by trained
and qualified staff.
 This machine is designed in metric system and the sizes provided in this manual are metric,
therefore, please only use parts and tools in metric system.
Sunward guarantees maintenance to our customers. Please refer to guarantee certificate which
you have obtained from our distributors for maintenance concerns. With a guarantee certificate,
you are entitled to get maintenance from Sunward. In some cases even beyond maintenance
period, Sunward provides maintenance on the spot. However, if machine is abused or kept in
overloading operations or its performance is changed beyond our original regulations,
compensations for maintenance will be unavailable and service on the spot will be paid
according to some regulations.
All the information including charts and specifications in this manual is the latest that we can
get. We reserve the right to make without prior notice any modification or amendment to
machine component.

Sunward Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd


1. SAFETY RULES....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 SAFETY MARK ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 SAFETY LABEL .................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTION ................................................................................. 1
1.4 PREPARE FOR EMERGENCIES ........................................................................................ 2
1.5 WEAR SAFETY PROTECTIVE ARTICLES...................................................................... 2
1.6 CHECK MACHINE BEFORE START-UP.......................................................................... 2
1.7 ADJUST OPERATOR SEAT ...............................................................................................2
1.8 ENTER OR LEAVE MACHINE CORRECTLY ................................................................. 2
1.9 START ENGINE CORRECTLY .......................................................................................... 2
1.10 FORBID HITCHING OTHER PEOPLE ............................................................................ 3
1.12 MOVE MACHINE SAFELY.............................................................................................. 3
1.13 PREVENT ACCIDENT WHILE BACKING OR SWINGING ......................................... 3
1.14 OPERATE DIGGING WORK SAFELY ............................................................................4
1.15 AVOID ACCIDENT BY CONTROL FAILURE ............................................................... 5
1.16 PARK MACHINE SAFELY ...............................................................................................5
1.17 SAFE MAINTENANCE .....................................................................................................5
1.18 SUPPORT MACHINE CORRECTLY ...............................................................................6
1.19 CLEAN TRASH ON THE MACHINE............................................................................... 6
1.20 PREVENT BATTERY FROM EXPLODING.................................................................... 6
1.21 STORE PARTS SAFELY ...................................................................................................7
1.22 PREVENT SPLASHING OBJECTS ..................................................................................7
1.23 PREVENT PARTS FROM FLYING OFF.......................................................................... 7
1.24 KEEP AWAY FROM TRANSMISSION PARTS..............................................................7
1.25 AVOID INHALING ASBESTOS DUST ...........................................................................7
1.26 BEWARE OF INHALING FOG OR EXHAUST GAS......................................................8
1.27 BEWARE OF SCALD ........................................................................................................ 8
1.28 BE CAUTIOUS OF PRESSURE LIQUIDS ....................................................................... 8
1.29 AVOID HEATING UP NEAR PRESSURE OIL PIPE ......................................................8
1.30 AVOID HEATING UP INFLAMMABLE LIQUID PIPE ................................................. 8
1.31 REMOVE PAINT BEFORE WELDING OR HEATING ..................................................9
1.32 DISPOSE OF LIQUID SAFELY ........................................................................................ 9
1.33 DISPOSE OF CHEMICAL SAFELY ................................................................................. 9
1.34 AVOID FIRE....................................................................................................................... 9
1.35 EMERGENCY EXIT ........................................................................................................ 10
1.36 NOISE AND VIBRATION ........................................................................................................ 10
1.37 OTHER SAFETY MARKS...............................................................................................11
2. MACHINE FAMILIARIZATION ........................................................................................13
2.1 POSITION OF THE VARIOUS MACHINE COMPONENTS.......................................... 14
2.2 CABIN ................................................................................................................................. 18
2.3 MONITOR PANEL.............................................................................................................19
2.4 WANE CONTROL PANEL................................................................................................20
2.5 START-UP SWITCH .......................................................................................................... 21
2.6 HEATER.............................................................................................................................. 21
2.6.1 WORK THEORY ......................................................................................................... 21
2.6.2 INSTALLATION.......................................................................................................... 22
2.6.3 OPERATION ................................................................................................................22
2.7 RADIO................................................................................................................................. 22
2.8 SEAT ADJUSTMENT ........................................................................................................23
2.9 PILOT SAFETY LEVER ....................................................................................................24
2.10 ENGINE ACCELEROGRAPH SPEED CONTROL LEVER..........................................24
2.11 PILOT OPERATION ........................................................................................................ 25
2.12 OPEN AND CLOSE FRONT WINDOW ......................................................................... 27
2.13 AIR DUCTING HOOD AND UPPER-COVER ............................................................... 27
2.14ACCESSORY AND TOOL LIST ...................................................................................... 28
2.15 IDENTIFIER ..................................................................................................................... 30
3. MACHINE OPERATION...................................................................................................... 31
3.1 MACHINE WORKING ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................ 31
3.2 RUNNING AND OPERATION..........................................................................................31
3.3 OPERATE ENGINE ........................................................................................................... 32
3.4 TRAVEL CONTROL.......................................................................................................... 36
3.4.1 CONTROL TRAVEL WITH PEDAL..........................................................................36
3.4.2 TRAVEL WITH HANDLE CONTROL ...................................................................... 37
3.4.3 TRAVEL SPEED.......................................................................................................... 38
3.4.4 TRAVEL BRAKE.........................................................................................................38
3.4.5 OUTLINE OF TRAVEL...............................................................................................38
3.5 EXCAVATION ................................................................................................................... 40
3.6 LIFT WORK........................................................................................................................ 48
3.7 HYDRAULIC BREAKING OPERATION ........................................................................49
3.8 BOOM SWING ................................................................................................................... 51
4 MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................... 52
4.1 CORRECT MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION PROCEDURE.................................. 52
4.2 MAINTENANCE GUIDE...................................................................................................55
4.2.1 ADD LUBRICANT GREASE...................................................................................... 55
4.2.2 ENGINE OIL ................................................................................................................ 56
4.2.3 GEAR OIL .................................................................................................................... 59
4.2.4 FUEL SYSTEM ............................................................................................................60
4.2.5 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM............................................................................................... 64
4.2.6 AIR FILTER ................................................................................................................. 70
4.2.7 COOLING SYSTEM .................................................................................................... 72
4.2.8 OTHERS ....................................................................................................................... 75
4.2.9 MAINTENANCE IN SPECIAL SITUATION.............................................................82
4.2.10 PROTECTION FOR LONG TERM STORE ............................................................. 83
4.2.11 HEATER MAINTENANCE.......................................................................................83
5. TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE...............................................................................84

6. TROUBLE SHOOTING......................................................................................................... 87

7. SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................................. 90
7.1 TECHNICAL PARAMETER ............................................................................................. 90
7.2 TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 92
7.3 OPERATION PARAMETER ............................................................................................. 95
8. ATTACHMENT...................................................................................................................... 97
8.1 ELECTRIC DRAWING ...................................................................................................... 97
8.2 FOUR PUMP SYSTEM HYDRAULIC DRAWING ......................................................... 98
8.3 HYDRAULIC COMPONENT LIST ..................................................................................99
9. ABOUT MANUFACTURER ............................................................................................... 100



Fig 1-1 is the mark to remind of safety, when you see this
mark on the machine or in the manual book; it indicates that
the human body is in danger of injury.


There are various labels at various points of machine, in
these labels, various words indicate various hurt risks, such
(as right figure), they mean as follows:
1) DANGER—indicates an imminently hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
2) WARNING—indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
3) CAUTION—indicates potentially
hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.

“DANGER”, “WARNING” safety labels

are stuck at given points of machine
within the range of possible danger.
General attentions listed on the
“CAUTION” safety label. In this manual
book, “CAUTION” also reminds of safety
Study the manual carefully and follow the safety
instructions in the labels and manual before
The safety instructions in this chapter
operating the machine.
1) Always keep the safety labels clean. Change only include the general safety rules
of machine. They can’t cover all the
any lost or damaged label with a new one. If the
possible dangers. If there is any
labels or manual book are lost, you can contact
problem, please report to your superior
dealer and indicate the model of machine to before operation and maintenance.
purchase a new one.
2) Only qualified operator is permitted to operate this machine. Keep the machine in good
condition as per this manual.

3) Don’t refit machine without authorization, otherwise
it will affect the performance and service life of
machine, or may cause human body hurt oreven


All concerned people should be cautious so as to

prevent accident from occurring, and at the same time,
deposit first-aid kit and fire extinguisher nearby, and place
the phone numbers of hospital and fire department near
telephone to ask for help in case of emergency.
Before operation, always wear protective articles
when the work requires, they include:
Skintight work clothes
Hard hat
Safety gloves
Safety glasses, goggles, or veil
Respirator or filtration veil
Earplug or ear cap
Before starting machine every day or every shift,
check the machine according to the contents in “Check
machine before start-up” in this manual.
If you use this machine for the first time, or change
operator, the operator should adjust seat to suit himself:
back on the seat, the feet can operate the pedals at ease.
(Refer to 2.8 seat adjustment for details)
Always face the machine when you use the steps and
hand-holds to enter or leave machine.
Never use any control lever as hand-hold.
Never enter or leave machine when the machine travels,
swings, or digs (lifts).


The operator must sit on cab seat to start engine. Not allow
starting engine with the operator standing on crawler.
Not allow starting engine with short circuit start-up (including
terminal start-up).

When the machine is in operation or traveling,
prohibit other people except operator staying on the
Any part or load of machine touching electricity
transmission line will cause human death or GBH.
Prohibit machine or its load being close to electricity
transmission line, the machine should be 3 meters away
from line.


z Before the machine travels and swings, operator
should know the position of other people.
z When machine travels or before it swings, operator
should warn other people by ringing the horn.
z Operation at confined area should use signal in
swinging, and harmonize the hand signal before
machine start-up.
z Before operating the machine traveling, confirm that
the operation of traveling pedal/control lever is
corresponding with the traveling direction.
z Treadle the foreside of traveling pedal or push
traveling lever forward, and the machine will travel
along tension wheel. By contraries, the machine will
travel along sprocket wheel.
z When machine travel on slope, place bucket as figures
show, keep bucket 200-300mm up the slope ground, if
the machine slides or becomes unstable, set the bucket
down at once.


In order to prevent accident while backing or
swinging, the operator must follow:
z Before back or swing the machine, look round and confirm nobody is around.
z Ensure that other people stand out of the boom swing range.
z Pay attention to that whether other people stay in work range or not. Ring horn or use other
signals to warn before moving the machine.
z If the operator’s vision is blocked when the machine backs, a signalman is needed and the
signalman should always be seen.
z If signalman is needed, he or she should use hand
signal. Only when both signalman and operator
understand the meaning of signal, the operator can
operate the machine traveling and swinging.
z Understand all the meanings of flag, mark, and signal,
and determine the person who is in charge of
z Keep the cleanness of window, mirror, and lamp.
z When the visibility is weakened by dust, rain, and fog,
etc, lamplight should be used.
z Please read carefully and understand well the
contents of this manual book.
z Before digging, operator should be aware of the
position of the embedded lines, such as cable, gas
pipe, water supply pipe, and operate the machine
carefully to prevent accident.
z All the non-working people should be away from the
working range of machine.
z Make sure the ground of working site is hard enough
to support machine.
z When the machine works at pithead, the tension
wheel end should be outward pithead, keeping the
traveling orientation vertical with pit cliff. In this way,
the machine can move away easily when the cliff
z When the machine works in deep spot, you should
prevent the boom bottom and cylinder from colliding
with high objects.
z Turn over prevention
When the machine works on slope, the track should
be parked along the slope, retract the bucket as much
as possible, keep the bucket close to ground and
machine to avoid turning over.
When swinging with load, decrease swing speed to
avoid turning over. When work on frozen ground, you should prevent the ascending
temperature from causing the ground to soften, otherwise it will affect the stability of
z During operation, prevent boom or arm from colliding with high objects.
z The bucket is only for digging work, do not allow using bucket to work as pneumatic pick or
hydraulic breaker does.

When the machine loses control, if someone tries
to mount on or stop machine, it will cause GBH or
To avoid the machine losing control, pay attention to
the following proceedings:
z Place the machine on horizontal ground, try your best
not to stay on slope, and stop machine as following
Lower the bucket to the ground.
Run engine at low revs for 3 minutes to cool down
Stop engine, take out key from key switch.
Switch off pilot control.
z If the machine has to stay on slope, use chocks to
block crawler, lower bucket, and plug bucket teeth
into ground.
z Fix the machine well to avoid accidental movement.
z Park the machine away from other machines at proper
Stop machine as following schedule:
z Place machine on horizontal ground.
z Lower the bucket to the ground.
z Run engine at low rev for 3 minutes.
z Place the timing handle at stop position, screw the
ignition key to “OFF” position.
z Switch off pilot control.
z Close window, top window, and cabin.
z Attention of maintenance:
Before working, be aware of maintenance rules.
Keep the working area clean and dry.
Don’t allow injecting lubricant or maintaining to the moving machine.
Avoid body and clothing touching with transmission parts.
z Preparation for maintenance
Place the machine on horizontal ground.
Lower the bucket to the ground.
Run engine at low rev for 5 minutes.
Pull stop handle forward, stop engine, take out key from the switch.
Hang “DO NOT OPERATE” label at control lever.
Switch off pilot control.

z Safety in maintenance
If maintenance must be made during engine operation,
there must be somebody in cabin.
If the machine must be lifted, then the angle between
boom and arm must be kept between 90-110° to support
the lifted parts stably in maintenance work.
Never work under the machine being lifted by boom.
z Check some parts at regular intervals, repair or replace,
if necessary. (refer to chapter “maintenance” in this
z Make sure all parts are in good condition and fitted
correctly. Replace worn or damaged parts. Clean any
accumulative lubricant or scraps.
z When adjust electric system or weld on machine,
disconnect earthing cable (negative pole) of battery.
z Prohibit repairing or maintaining machine before the
machine is well supported.
z Before maintenance, lower the working device to the
z If the machine or work device have to be lifted for
maintenance purpose, the machine or work device
should be well supported.
z Don’t support the machine on slag, hollow brick, or
other fragile objects.
z Don’t work under machine when it is only supported
by a jack.
z Keep the engine, radiator, battery, hydraulic line, fuel
tank, and cabin clean.
z After stopping engine, the surrounding temperature
may rise immediately. Open overhaul gate to cool
engine as soon as possible and clean engine
z Clean machine at regular interval, eliminate
accumulative lubricant and other trash. Make sure not to spray water or vapour into cabin.
z Prohibit fire or flame being close to the battery top, otherwise the battery gas will explode.
z Check the electricity deposit with voltage meter or gravimeter. Don’t place metal bestriding
connection rod to check electricity deposit.
z Never electricize the frozen battery, otherwise it will explode. The battery should be warmed
up to 16°C (60°F).

z The stored parts, such as bucket, hydraulic breaker, etc, are likely to fall down, causing GBH
or death.
z By all effective means, store parts and machine safely to avoid falling down. Don’t permit
unauthorized people, especially children being
closed to the parts storage area.
z Prevent splashing metal or grits hurt, wear blinkers
or safety glass.
z Before knocking on object, check whether somebody
else is in the working area or not, and stop other
people from entering the working area to avoid hurt.
In operation or maintenance, take care of the parts
that may fly off, avoid possible flying off parts to human
body and face.


z Touching transmission parts may cause GBH.
z When work around the transmission parts, in order to
avoid accident, prevent hand, foot, hair and clothes
from entangling in the machine.


z Prevent inhaling possible asbestos dust, for the
asbestos fibre may cause lung cancer.
z Some washers contain asbestos fibre, in these
components, normally, the asbestos is in the resin or
enveloped in some way. If the asbestos-contained
parts don’t bring dust, there isn’t danger in normal
z To avoid causing dust, don’t clean with compressed
air, and avoid brushing and grinding
asbestos-contained materials. In maintenance work, please wear regulated respirator, use
special dust collector to clean asbestos. If you can’t get this dust collector, use little oil or
water to be moistened asbestos-contained material. Comply with working area rules and
concerned asbestos disposal rules, stop other people from entering working area.

z Inhaling engine exhaust gas will cause disease, so
much as, or death.
z If it is necessary to operate machine in the building,
open door and window to ensure well ventilation, or
use long exhaust pipe to discharge smoke.
z During operation, engine oil, gear oil, hydraulic oil
will become hot. Meanwhile, engine, hose, pipeline,
and other parts will also become hot. Beware of
z Carry out inspection and maintenance after oil and
parts are cooled to prevent scalding. The hydraulic oil
tank and pipeline are high pressured, before
maintenance or replacement, release the pressure to
avoid hot oil erupting.


z Effluent liquids in high pressure can penetrate through
skin, causing GBH.
z Release pressure before disjoining liquids or other
pipeline to avoid this danger. Operate control lever
many times to release pressure.
z Before supercharging, tighten all the connections.
z Inspect leakage with cardboard, make sure to protect
your hand and body against touching high pressure
z If accident occurs, see the doctor at once.
z Any liquid penetrated in skin must be cleaned within a
few hours. Otherwise it will cause necrosis.
z If heating up near pressure oil pipe, the inflammable
spray will cause severe burn to the nearby people. Don’t carry out welding, gas protection
welding, or gas cutting near pressured oil pipe or other flammable goods.
z If it is a must to carry out welding, gas protection welding, or gas cutting near pressure oil
pipe, mount temporary fireproof jacket to protect hose or other materials.
Not permit welding inflammable liquid steel pipe or hose. Before welding this kind of pipe
or hose, clean this pipe or hose completely with incombustible solvent.

z Prevent bringing potential poisonous gas and dust.
z When paint is heated up by welding or by other
methods, it will cause poisonous gas.
z Remove paint as following methods before welding
or heating up.
Rub out paint with abrasive paper or wheel, during
this work, remember to wear regulated respirator to avoid
inhaling dust.
Rub out paint with solvent or paint remover. After
rubbing out, clean paint remover with soap and water
before welding. Before welding or heating up, volatilize
the paint remover gas at least 15 minutes.
z The paint removing work should be operated outdoor
or at well ventilation sites.
z All fuels, the majority of lubricants, and some
coolants are inflammable. These inflammable liquids
should be stored away from fire, do not permit
stabbing or setting storage case on fire.
z Dispose of fuel carefully, stop engine before adding
fuel, prohibit smoking while adding fuel or using
flame near the machine being added fuel. Add fuel at
outdoor site.
z Don’t put oil-containing rags on machine to ensure machine is clean.
Touching deleterious chemical directly will cause serious injury to human body. The
chemical used in excavator, such as lubricant, coolant, dope, and adhesive, may be deleterious.
Before using deleterious chemical, you should check and understand its danger, know how
to operate safely, and use recommended implement to work.
In order to avoid fire, following methods are necessary.
z Check leakage, the leakage of fuel, hydraulic oil and lubricant may cause fire.
Inspect clamps whether lost, damaged or loosened or not, hose twisted or not, attrition
between hose and hard pipe or not, oil cooler damaged or not, and oil cooler connection loosened
or not. Use a piece of cardboard to check leakage, never check leakage with nude hand to
prevent pressured oil from shooting up causing injury.
Tighten, repair, or replace any clamps, pipe, hose, oil cooler, and flange bolt of oil cooler.
Don’t twist or knock on high-pressured pipe.
Don’t assemble twisted or damaged pipeline or hose.
z Inspect short circuit. The short circuit of electric system can cause fire.

Before every shift or 8-hour operation, check loosened, twisted, hardened, or cracked cable
and wire.
Before every shift or 8-hour operation, check lost or damaged connectors.
Before operation, tighten, repair, or replace any loosened or damaged cable, wire and
connector. If the cable or wire is loosened or twisted, don’t operate the machine.
z Repair switch
Before everyday operation, check the function of key switch and engine emergency stop
switch. If there is any unusuality, repair at once. In
case of fire, if you can’t stop engine, it will aggravate
firepower, and may cause GBH.
z Clean out inflammable materials
Spilled fuel, stored breeze, and other inflammable
materials may cause fire. Keep the machine clean
every day to prevent fire.

Emergency exit mark is shown in right figure:

When there is an emergency and the operator can not get out of the cabin, take the small hammer
hung on the wall in cabin to break the window with emergency exit mark to leave the machine.
The cabin safety structure can not be repaired after damage but it can be replaced with other
qualified safety protective structures.

1. Pay attention not to be hurt by the splashing objects while

breaking the window with a certain distance to the breaking hole
for safety.
2. The breaking hole should be big enough for operator to get out
(according to operator’s own condition) and the hole should have
no sharp spines for safety.

1.36 Noise and vibration

The emission sound pressure level at the operator's and the sound power level of machine are
measured according to ISO 6396:2008 considering the method of ISO 3744:2009 under the
operation condition required in EU Directive 2000/14/EC and 2005/88/EC, the test results as
The A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the operator's position is:
LpA= 80 dB, which is less than 80 dB required in EN 474-1:2006+A1:2009.
The sound power level of the machine is:LWA= 93 dB, which complied with the limit of
2000/14/EC and 2005/88/EC
it is suggest to wear ear shields for long time operation.

The exposure to the vibrations can be considerably reduced observing the following
-- the correct equipment for the machine and for the work to do;
--select the suitable seat, which can reduce the vibration to the operator sufficiently. (remark: the
seat provided in the machine has complied with spectral class EM 6 of EN ISO 7096:2008);
-- Adjust and set the operator seat in the correct position;
-- check regularly the operator seat’s adjusting and do not forget its properly maintenance;
-- Operate correctly with the machine equipment using it uniformly and avoid, as much as
possible, abrupt movement and excessive shakes;
-- Adjust the speed and choose the best journey during the machine travelling, avoid as much as
possible uneven journey or the impact with possible obstacles so to minimize the vibrations level

The following result is measured for sitting operator in accordance with EN 12096:1997 under
the normal operation condition, refer to ISO/TR25398.
The mean square weighted value of the acceleration to whom the upper limbs of the operator
is subjected, which is less than 0.5 m/s2;
The mean square weighted value of the acceleration to whom the body of the operator is
subjected, is less than 0.5 m/s2.


z warning:Please do not get near to the machine when it is being operated.

z Warning:Please do not get near to the machine when machine working equipment is being

z Warning:Please do not stop engine before opening engine hood.

z Warning: Please stay away from the loader arm clearance area.

z Warning:Please near away from the rotating area.

z Warning:Pay attention to machine’s lifting capacity in operation.

The lifting capacity is based on the criteria of the machine being level on
a firm supporting ground. When the machine is operated in conditions that deviate from these
criteria (e.g. on soft or uneven ground, on a slope or when subject to slide loads), these
conditions shall be taken into account by the operator and need contract manufacture for safety

Name of excavators

Development Crawler Cabin

Model Swing Weight(Kg)
code No. allocation allocation
With Rubber
Closed cab
swing crawler
SWE20B 465
With Rubber
Open cab
swing crawler

Note: The above weight figures are measured with the following five requirements: 1. Diesel oil
tank is full (diesel oil instrument displays full); 2. Hydraulic oil is enough; 3. Water tank
antifreeze fluid is enough; 4. Sealing plate is assembled; 5. Driver’s weight is not included


FIG. 2-1

1. Cabin 12. Dozer cylinder

2. Seat 13. Bucket
3. Rear hood 14. Link rod
4. Fuel tank 15. Swing arm
5. Hydraulic cylinder 16. Bucket cylinder
6. Traveling motor 17. Arm
7. Support wheel 18. Arm cylinder
8. Carrier board 19. Boom
9. Rubber crawler 21. Boom cylinder
10. Guide wheel 22. Swing device
11. Dozer blade

1 Monitor
2 Heating/defrost alternation switch
3 Right operating handle
4 Bulldozer/chassis telescopic control rod
6 Engine accelerograph speed control
7 Starting switch
8 Wane control switch
9 Seat
10 Left operating handle
11 Pilot safety rod
12 Assisting control pedal
13 Left-traveling control rod
14 Right-traveling control rod
15 Arm swing control pedal

FIG 2-2

Cab operation:

FIG. 2-4

— Engine abnormality condition indicator
2 — Electric charging indicator
3 — Engine oil pressure warning indicator
4 — Cooling water temperature warning indicator
5 — Warm-up indicator
6 — High speed traveling indicator
7 —Air filter clogged indicator lamp
8 —Work hour meter
9 — Cooling Water temperature indicator
10—Fuel level indicator

Check operation control

When the start switch is on position 3 (refer to start
switch), auto-check start, all the indicators come on
for about 2 seconds.
1 — Engine abnormality condition indicator
This symbol light comes on when the engine is in an abnormal condition (oil pressure too low or
cooling water temperature too high), meanwhile, the buzzer alarms, the engine will automatically
stop after about 30 seconds.
2 — Electric charging indicator
This symbol light comes on when the generator working condition is abnormal; and it turns off
when generator becomes normal.
3 — Engine oil pressure warning indicator
This indicator indicates the engine oil pressure. When the pressure is normal, there’s no
indication; it lights on when the pressure is low and meanwhile, buzzer will warn.
4 — Cooling water temperature warn indicator
When the water temperature is normal, there’s no display, the signal lights up when the
temperature is high, and the buzzer warns at the same time.
5 — Warm-up indicator
If the machine has to start in cold weather, put the key at warm-up position and this signal will
light up.
6 — High speed traveling indicator
This indicator lights up when machine is traveling at high speed; and it will not light up when the
machine is traveling at low speed.
7 — Air filter clogged indicator lamp
When the air filter core is clogged, red indicator light comes on. Please clean or replace outer

8 —Work hour meter
The number on this device is the work time of this machine.
9 — Cooling Water temperature indicator
This indicates the engine cooling water temperature. The pointer is within green range when the
water temperature is normal; if it goes into the red range, it means water temperature is too high;
the LCD will flicker with buzzer alarming.
10—Fuel level indicator
If the fuel level is normal, green lamp comes on; if red lamp comes on and LCD flicker, that
means only little fuel in tank, it should check and fill fuel.


Wane switch group of cab Wane switch group of closed cab

1-Boom lamp switch

This switch turns on and off the boom lamp. This indicator turns on when the boom lamp turns
on, and the indicator is off when the boom lamp turns off.
2-windshield wiper switch
This switch turns on and off the cabin windshield wiper. When press this button, wiper starts
working, and the green lamp turns on, press the button again, green light turns off, which means
the wiper has stopped.
This is a two-gear switch, first half is the first gear (wipe and water-jet), the second half is the
second gear (wipe).(Simple cab has not this function)

The wiper is likely to freeze up on
the glass, any operation of the
wiper before it is thawed may cause
damage to it.

3- water-jet switch
The switch control wiper of cab water-jet, when press this switch, water-jet generator begins
to work, and the green lamp turns on, or water-jet be closed. (Simple cab has not this function)
4-high speed traveling switch
Machine travels at high speed with the green lamp on when this button is pressed, if you
don’t press this button, machine travels at low speed with green lamp off.
5-heater switch.
When press this button, green lamp turns on, heater works, the whole cabin starts to be heated.
6—deflexion and breaking transfer switch
Press this switch, pilot valve of controlling deflexion switch to control breaking pilot, green
lamp turns on.
7—warning switch
Press this switch, warning switch turns on ,green lamp turns on ,or warning lamp turn off.
(Simple cab has not this function)

Do not turn the switch from “off” 3

to “on” or from “on ” to “off”
in a short time, or it may cause
damage to the engine. 4

① -OFF(stop the engine)

② -ON(connect electric power )
③ -PREHEAT(warm-up)
④ -START(start engine)start the engine, The switch will turn back to “ON” position when
let go of the key.

High and low port of engine circulating water is connected with inlet and outlet of heater core
separately by hose. Open hot water valve when heating, circulating water (about 90 °C) will flow
into the heater core, open airflow switch, warm air will blow continuously, thus obtaining
heating effect.

For the heating system adopts engine cooling water as heat source, it is connected
with water tank, when ambient temperature is lower than 0°C and engine stops
working, empty water tank or add antifreeze to water tank in order to prevent heater
core crack.

Heater unit must be firm and not loose
after installation. Wire harness and hot
water tube circuit must be connected
z Be cautious to the operation of heater in
reliably. warm weather, because the coolant will
circulate in the heater even after the switch
2.6.3 OPERATION is turned off.
z When the heater is not needed, do as the
Ensure enough space for ventilation. follows to stop the circulation of coolant:
Do not store flammable or explosive Park the machine on a level ground, shut down
stuff near the air exit. the engine, open engine cover, shut down valve
Heater work switch ①.

I-heater fan rotates at low speed

II-heater fan rotates at high speed

It is recommanded that this system

should be applicated before engine
start-up, otherwise, there may be a
shortage of battery power.

Well-known brand radio with strong aseismatic and dustproof capability is beautiful and durable.

1 9 8 11 10




2 3 13 4 5 6 7 12

① power key
② band switch
③ system reset key
④ stereo/monophony switch key
⑤ time display and set key
⑥ hand down/minute adjustment key
⑦ hand down/hour adjustment key
⑧ automatic scan store broadcasting station/mute key
⑨ numeric storage, broadcasting station preset key
⑩ volume/ tone/balance adjustment button
⑾ volume adjustment button
⑿ tone adjustment button
⒀ display
(Refer to the radio user manual)


Model SC15-43 is a specially designed deluxe driver seat for construction machineries. The
backrest and cushion are both designed according to body engineering ergonomics, which will
offer driver most comfort. The seat is assembled with suspension, which helps to reduce the
harmful vibration effectively and ease the fatigue of driver.

Technical Features
(1) The Forward and afterward travel of the seat is 220mm (For:90mm, Aft:130mm)
(2) The stepless adjustable angle scope of the backrest: 35 degrees – 170 degrees.
(3) Headrest adjustable height scope:60mm

Operation Instruction
(1) For & Aft adjustment
Put up the adjustment knob C by your hand, then pull or push knob C forward or backward
to the proper position you want, and then release the knob, the slider will lock automatically.
(2) Backrest adjustment

Put up recliner knob A, then rotate the backrest to the proper position you want, release the
knob to lock the backrest.

(1) Only adjust the seat when the driver is in safety status.
(2) For slider and recliner adjustment, please make sure the knob in the proper position; only
when the adjustment mechanism parts are separate can you do the adjustment.
(3) After all the adjustment, please make sure every knob stays in proper position and every part
is locked.
The seat of the machine meets the requirements of EN ISO 7096:2000.


z Before leaving the operator’s seat, set the safety lever securely to lock position.
If any controls should be touched accidentally when the safety lever has not been
locked, it may cause serious accident.
z Make sure the engine is stopped and safety lever is set to lock position before leaving
the operator’s seat.
z Carefully push or pull the safety lever, do not touch other levers.
z The safety lever can lock the work lever of front device (left & right operation
joystick). Therefore, there will be no impact when the left & right operation lever
is touched by accident; but you should know that the safety lock lever is not used
for the operation of dozer (undercarriage extension) lever, left & right travel control
lever, boom swing control pedal, assistant control pedal.

z When pull the safety lever up to lock position, the whole front work device will not be able
to work.
z Push the safety lever to release position.

z Lower bucket (front work device) to ground and put all the control levers on, stop the
z When the engine does not work, safety lever is on “release” position and the starting
switch is on, by pushing handle can the machine work. The battery can supply the movement
of control valve with pressure.
z If the front work device can still work when the safety lever is on “Release” position,
and all the control levers are at “Neutral”,that means there are some malfunctions
of the system. Push the safety valve to “Lock” position, turn off the engine switch


Engine accelerograph lever adjusts engine revs. When
accelerograph handle is lifted to the upmost, engine runs at full
load; lower handle to bottommost, engine runs at minimum load;
adjust accelerograph between upmost and bottommost to adjust
engine revs, and also you can screw handle to adjust accelerograph imperceptibly.


Operation marks:

You should clearly understand the corresponding part

of each control lever.
The instruction of this manual is established under the
international standard.
These control levers are used for the operation of
boom、arm、bucket、swing、boom swing and dozer
(undercarriage extending).

A. Right joystick
This joystick can make the following operations:
a- Lift boom
b- Lower boom
c- Load backhoe, or bucket close
d- Unload backhoe, or bucket open

B. Left joystick
This joystick can do the following operations:
e- slew the superstructure widdershins
f- slew the superstructure clockwise
g- extend the arm
h- retract the arm

Composite operation can be achieved by the assorted operations of the two joysticks.
The horn button is equipped on the joystick.
C. Dozer (undercarriage extension) control pedal
This control lever can control the dozer or
undercarriage extension by composite operation with
the dozer & undercarriage transform switch.

(A)-lift the dozer/track becomes narrow

(B)-lower the dozer/track becomes wide

D. Traveling control lever
Make sure that the dozer is at the foreside of the
operator’s seat before operating the traveling control
lever. Reverse the control lever when the dozer is at
the heel of operator’s seat.
The traveling control lever can operate the machine go
forward or backward or change the direction of
Refer to the page of “traveling joystick operation”.

E. Boom swing control pedal

This pedal is used to control the boom swing.
(A) Boom swings to the right
(B) Boom swings to the left

F. Assistant control pedal

This pedal is used to control the hydraulic oil of
assistant hydraulic circuit
(A) Hydraulic oil flows to the assistant pipe
(B) Hydraulic oil flows to the assistant pipe.

z Set the pedal to lock position when it is not
being used, if any controls should be touched
accidentally when the pedal has not been
locked, it may cause serious accident!
z These devices are used to lock the boom swing
and assistant pedal. You can lock the pedal
by putting the lock pedal on the pedals.



Front window of the cabin can easily be opened for
maintenance and emergency leave. Open the
fastening of front window, push the glass window
upwards and backwards to the scheduled position,
then the front window is fastened. Before closing the
front window, firstly, loosen the lock pin, grasp the 2
handles with your hands, lower the front window
slowly to the bottom, then lock the lock pin tightly.

When close the front window, hold the

handles tightly and lower the window
slowly so as not to break the glass or
hurt your head and hands.


Air ducting hood:

The engine should be equipped with air ducting hood to prevent foreign
materials from being reeled into fan which disturbs the normal work of
fan. On the other hand, the assembly of air ducting hood can prevent
accident caused by carelessly putting hand into the fan. It is equipped
with mounting plate on both left and right and is connected with the water
The upper-cover can protect the hydraulic components, electric circuit in the interior of the
excavator and ensures the beautiful appearance. It is fixed on the platform and also protects

Random accessory list

No. COD. Name Quantity

1 703201106001 O-ring 2
2 703201034501 O-ring 34.5X2.65 1
3 703201025001 O-airproof ring 25X2.65 1
4 703202033001 combination washer 33 2
5 730652000004 Dustproof ring DLW03001 4
6 730652000027 Dustproof ring DLW03501 2
7 730652000031 Dustproof ring DLW05003 2
8 730403000079 Filter-cartridge of oil return EF-133 1
9 730401000051 Filter-cartridge of oil absorption SPF-247 1
10 305070500060 Steel cable baffle ring 2
11 301020003007 Steel cable baffle ring 2
12 301020103001 Steel cable baffle ring 2
13 701702010004 Pin B10x45 2
14 701702010005 Pin B10x50 2
15 701702010002 Pin B10x40 2
16 703101010001 Grease cup M10X1 8
17 703101006001 Grease cup M6 2
18 720211000008 Safety lever BX2011C-5A 1
19 720211000009 Safety lever BX2011C-10A 5
20 720211000011 Safety lever BX2011C/15A 1
21 720211000010 Safety lever BX2011C-20A 1
22 720211000018 Safety lever BX2011C-30A 2
23 750601000010 Bucket teeth 0-3L 3
24 750601000012 Pin 0-3L 3
25 302010000681 Adjusting washer( 55*32) 10
26 302010000657 Adjusting washer (63*36) 4
27 302010000677 Adjusting washer (90*51) 2
28 302010000683 Adjusting washer (80*36 2
29 750603000001 Viewfinder 136# 1
30 750401000009 Grease gun JC-LG14K 1
31 790010000001 Fatigue dress 2
32 730401000093 Oil-filter 119305-35151 1
33 730403000077 Filter-cartridge of diesel oil filter 119810-55650 1
34 730403000071 Filter-cartridge of air cleaner 119515-12500 1
35 730403000072 Filter-cartridge of air cleaner 119233-12700 1

Tool list
No. COD. Name Quantity
1 740104000019 Inner hexagon spanner S3 GB5356-85 1
2 740104000003 Inner hexagon spanner S4 GB5356-85 1
3 740104000004 Inner hexagon spanner S5 GB5356-85 1
4 740104000005 Inner hexagon spannerS6 GB5356-85 1
5 740104000006 Inner hexagon spanner S8 GB5356-85 1
6 740104000007 Inner hexagon spanner S10 GB5356-85 1
7 740115000001 double-solid wrench 8-10 1
8 740115000022 double-solid wrench 12-14 1
9 740115000002 double-solid wrench 13-16 1
10 740115000003 double-solid wrench 17-19 1
11 740115000004 double-solid wrench 18-21 1
12 740115000007 double-solid wrench 24-27 1
13 740115000024 double-solid wrench 22-24 1
14 740106000014 double offset ring spanner 8-10 1
15 740106000016 double offset ring spanner 12-14 1
16 740106000006 double offset ring spanner 16-18 1
17 740106000005 double offset ring spanner 17-19 1
18 740106000009 double offset ring spanner 19-22 1
19 740106000003 double offset ring spanner 24-27 1
20 740103000001 adjustable wrench 150X19 GB4440 1
21 740103000004 adjustable wrench 300X36 GB4440 1
22 740121000011 cross-screwdriver 150 GB1064-89 1
23 740121000029 screwdriver 150X6.5X1 GB10639 1
24 740131000004 cutting pliers 200MM 1
25 740131000022 nipper pliers 200 1
26 740119000023 wrench for oil-filter 1
27 740210000026 ball hammer 1.5P 1
28 740505000017 Tool box 385*180*155 1
29 810299000010 bracket of bucket (interchange parts) 1
30 810299000011 bracket of bucket (interchange parts) 1


Gravity center mark:

Pull hook mark: Foot pedal dropping mark:

7 50 6 1 00 2 0 14 8

(1) Machine adjustment is not needed below the altitude of 2300m.
(2) The machine should work at a temperature above -30 ℃ and you should fully preheat
machine before starting it.
(3) You can run it all day even on rainy or snowy days but have to obey corresponding safe
operation instructions.

z The manual only applies to normal working conditions, when the machine works
in other potentially dangerous conditions, such as conditions with
inflammable, explosive materials, dust and poisonous chemical materials,
you should obey corresponding safe operation instructions and regulations.
z When the machine is used with other purposes not in this manual, you have
to get the consent of Sunward or its agents and obey relative regulations
in the place where the machine is used.


1) Watch engine running carefully

z Pay special attention to the first 50 hours’ running until you are familiar
with the sound and feelings of new machine.
z Operate the machine with the engine power limited in the range of 80% of the
full load
z Avoid excessive engine idle.
z Check the indicators and indicate lamps frequently during operating.

2) Every 8-hour operation or everyday

z Carry out the 8-hour operation or everyday maintenance.
z Pay attention to liquid leakage.
z In the first 100-hour or when work in mud, lubricate the pivot of working instrument every
other 8 hours’ operation.
3) After first 50-hour operation
z Carry out 50-hour operation maintenance.
z Check the torque of detectable fastener.
4) After first 100-hour operation

Carry out 50-hour and 100-hour maintenance.


3.3.1 Daily inspection
1) Electric system
Check whether there are abraded or cracked wire and
slack connector or not, and check whether the light
can be turned on or off normally.
2) Boom, arm, bucket, dozer blade, sheet metal,
track shoe
Check whether there are curving, damaged and lost
parts or not.
3) Fastener
Check whether there are slack or lost parts or not.
4) Fuel system
Drain water and sediment from the fuel tank.
5) Hydraulic
FIG. 3-1
Check leakage, hose twist, abrasion between pipe
and hose or other parts.
6) Lubrication
Check the appointed lubrication points listed in the periodic maintenance table.
7) Protection device
Check shield and mud shield.
8) Safety
Keep all people away from machine and remove barrier.

3.3.2 Check diesel engine

Place the machine on a horizontal ground, check the
engine oil level (stop engine, the engine oil will return
to the tank 15 minutes later)
The oil dipstick should be in the range of “MIN” and
“MAX” mark.
3.3.3 Electric device
FIG. 3-2
Check all switches, light indicators, safety warning
devices, battery electrolyte acidity and fuses.

3.3.4 Air filter

When indicator light comes on, it means that you
should maintain or replace filter core.

3.3.5 Oil level in hydraulic oil tank


Hydraulic oil filling mark: 750 61 002 0 201

Please pay attention to the followings when fill oil to hydraulic oil tank:
1) Place machine on a horizontal ground and retract all hydraulic
cylinders, the oil level is not allowed to exceed MAX mark.
2) Similarly, when all hydraulic cylinders extend, the oil level should be
above the MIN mark.
3) Choose the recommended oil according to the Lubricant List.
4) All filled hydraulic oil must pass through returning oil filter.

Engine staring and stopping mark:

FIG. 3-5

3.3.6 Before starting engine
1) Keep pilot valve control lever locked and pilot handle & travel pole neutral. Operator sits on
2) Turn key switch to ON position, all indicator lights come on except engine hour meter and
LCD module, buzzer tweets, self inspection is finished after 2 seconds and the monitor
system is on normal working condition.
3.3.7 Start engine
1) Keep pilot valve control lever locked.
2) Turn key switch to ON position.
3) Beep horn to warn surrounding people.
4) Start engine by turning key switch clockwise to START position. Release key, the switch
will return to ON position.

In order to avoid damage of starter, never operate motor starter for 10 seconds
or more every time. If the engine can’t start, turn the key switch to OFF
position and wait at least 2 minutes, then try again. After the wrong start,
the engine should be stopped completely, then you can turn key switch,
otherwise it may damage starter.
If there is a flicker in monitor, stop engine at once and check the reason.

3.3.8 Start engine in cold weather

1) Keep pilot valve control cut off pole to the lock position, pilot joystick and travel pole at the
neutral position.
2) Turn key switch to "ON" position.
3) Right-turn key switch to "HEAT" position, about 30 seconds later, indicator light comes on,
it means the preheating work is finished.
4) Key switch continue to right-turn to"START" position to start engine, switch will
automatically return to "ON" position when release key.

3.3.9 Adjust engine rev

When accelerograph handle is lifted to upmost and engine runs at full load; lower handle to
bottommost, engine runs at minimum load; adjust accelerograph between upmost and
bottommost to control engine rev, and also you can screw handle to adjust accelerograph
3.3.10 Stop engine
1) Lower the bucket to ground.
2) Place the accelerograph handle to minimum load position for about 5 minutes.

3) Screw key switch to “OFF” position to stop engine, and take out key.
4) Pull pilot control lever to LOCK position.

Don’t stop engine directly when it is fully loaded,

stop engine after 5 minutes minimum load operation
to unload the heat load and avoid possible damage
to engine. If engine stops with load, remove load
and start engine at once. Operate engine for 1
minute at half speed before loading.

3.3.11 Use assistant battery

z When battery is used or charged, it will

produce explosive gas. Avoid flame or spark
being close to battery. Electricize battery
in a well-ventilated area. Place the machine
on dry & hard ground, not on steel plate,
otherwise it may produce spark accidentally.
Never connect anode and cathode directly,
otherwise it will cause short circuit.
z When start engine, the operator must sit on
the operation seat to control machine. FIG. 3-6

z Earth the 12V cathode (-), and only use 12V

assistant battery.
z When the battery exhausts, start engine with
assistant battery.

1) Connect assistant battery

Connect assistant battery①
z Stop engine which is equipped with assistant
battery. (Red)

z Connect one end of red wire ① with battery

anode (+), and connect the other end with
assistant battery anode (+). ②
z Connect one end of black wire ② with cathode Assistant battery Machine battery
of assistant battery, and connect the other end
with excavator framework as earthing FIG.3-7
connection. When connecting with excavator

framework, keep as far as possible away from the battery connection wire end.
z Start engine.
2) Separate assistant battery
z First, break black cathode (-) wire ② away from framework.
z Disjoin the other end of black cathode (-) wire ② from assistant battery.
z Disjoin red anode (+) wire ① from assistant battery.
z Disjoin red anode (+) wire ① from machine battery.



1) Straight travel: Treadle two pedals forward at the
same time. (pedal 1 and 2)

2) Straight back: Treadle two pedals backward at the

same time. (pedal 3 and 4)

FIG 3-8

3) Turning in one point

z Turn left (FIG. 3-9): Treadle right pedal 2 forward
and treadle left pedal 3 backwards. (FIG. 3-6)

FIG 3-9

z Turn right (FIG. 3-10): Treadle right pedal 4

backwards and treadle left pedal 1 forward. (FIG.


4) Turning with one side crawler (FIG.3-11)
z Turn left: treadle right pedal 2 forward. (FIG. 3-8)
z Turn right: treadle left pedal 1 forward. (FIG. 3-8)

In order to protect travel

mechanism, avoid turning while
backing as possible as you can.



If the machine hairlike traveling is needed, you can
insert two attached handles to carry out hand control.
This method is safe and reliable and fits for loading
and unloading machine to trailer.


1) Straight travel: Push two handles forward at the

same time.
2) Straight back: Pull two handles backward at the
same time.
3) Turning in one point
z Turn left (FIG. 3-13): Push right handle 2 forward
and pull left handle 1 backward. FIG.3-13
z Turn Right (FIG.3-14): Pull right handle 2
backward and push left handle 1 forward.
4) Turning with one side crawler
Turn left: push right handle 2 forward.
Turn right: push left handle 1 forward.
In order to protect travel mechanism, avoid turning
while backing as possible as you can.

Travel direction mark:
When the machine is traveling, press high/low speed switch ⑤on control panel( FIG 2-5), the
shift of travel motor high and low speed is achieved, then the machine can travel at high or low


Release travel pedal or travel handle, it will return to natural position automatically, the machine
stops traveling.
1) Avoid crossing over obstacles whenever possible. Because the machine may get injured
from the possible strike. If you must do so, keep the hoe attachment close to the ground and
stride over the obstacle slowly with the centre of the track.
2) On uneven ground, travel at low speed and avoid accelerating, stopping or changing
directions abruptly.
3) When working in water, check the depth of the water, make sure that the water’s depth is
not higher than the half of the track roller. Never dip the rear end of the machine into water.
z If the lubricant parts need to work in water for a long time, add enough lubricant oil until
the old oil is replaced.
z Never imerge the slew bearing in water or sand, if you have to do so, contact the dealer or
technician to confirm if this is allowed.
4) Pay special attention to the balance when traveling on a slope (the maximum grade ability
is 20°, maximum lateral tipping angle is 10°). And you should note that when actual
working area conditions are poor, the machine’s
stability might be lower.
z When traveling on slopes or grades, lower the
bucket to a height of 20 to 30cm. In
emergencies, lower the bucket to the ground
and stop the machine.
z When traveling on slopes or grades, move
slowly in first gear (low speed).
z Do not travel down slopes in reverse. FIG.3-15
z Do not change the directions or cross slopes sideways. First return to a flat surface, then
redirect the machine.

5) If the excavator can’t travel for getting into miriness, you can extend arm and place bucket
to ground to lift one side of crawler, then turn the lifted crawler to clean out the bedload. In
order to reduce the force enduring of boom and
arm, the angle between boom and arm should be
in the range of 90°--110°
6) When the machine gets into wallow or passes
raceway, you can use arm and boom to help the
machine pass.




7) The machine must travel in the pose shown in fig

3-17 when traveling up on a slope of 15° or
more. FIG 3-17

900 ~

8) The machine should travel at low speed and in a

pose shown in FIG. 3-18 when it is traveling down
on a slope of 15° or more.

FIG. 3-18

If the control lever comes back to the neutral position while it is

traveling down the slope, the machine will automatically stop.
If the machine slides while traveling up on the slope, use the pulling
power of the boom to help the machine clime up the slope.
If engine stops accidentally while traveling down the slope, set the
control lever back to the neutral position to stop the machine, lower the
bucket to the ground to block the machine and then restart the machine.

3.5.1 Working condition
When dig lengthways with backhoe, make the drive
wheel backward and guide wheel forward. (as figure)
In order to guarantee safety in quarry working, make
the drive wheel backward and guide wheel forward.

Pilot handles control FIG. 3-19

1 — Left pilot handle

2 — Right pilot handle

Control with right pilot handle

Right figure is the obverse view of right pilot handle (when operator sits on the seat). The four
movements of handle can make the excavator move as follows.
a —— Raise boom
b —— Lower boom
c —— backhoe load, or bucket close
d —— backhoe dump, or bucket open

Control with left pilot handle

Right figure is the obverse view of left pilot handle (when operator sits on the seat). The four
movements of handle can make the excavator move as follows.
e ——Make the superstructure slew widdershins.
f ——Make the superstructure slew clockwise.
g —— Extend arm
h —— Retract arm

3.5.2 Composite movement of excavator
1) When the machine slews, you can operate the composite movement of boom and bucket.

2) It can operate as follows: bucket digs while arm is flexing; arm digs while lowering boom,
3) Besides the co-operation between right and left e
handle, pull either of the handles to any
diagonal orientation (45° direction), can
achieve the adjacent two composite g
3.5.3 Slewing platform brake
Release slewing control handle, return it to neutral
position, it will bring sufficient brake power to
brake platform. While reverse handle operation can
bring more brake torque.

z Do not allow operation on rocks (neither hard rocks nor soft ones).
z Do not allow breaking or flat operation by slewing the machine. (e.g break wall
or flat the ground)
z Do not allow digging the bucket teeth into ground while slewing.
z Do not allow pulling the machine forward by digging bucket teeth into ground.
z Do not allow excavation by walloping or using the weight of the machine.
z Break the hard groundsill rocks into small pieces by hydraulic hammer before
excavation, etc. This can prevent damage to machine and will be more oecumenical.
z During excavation, especially deep digging work, pay attention to avoid bucket
teeth and boom cylinder colliding with dozer blade.
z Try your best to place the dozer blade at the rear end.
z The dozer is used for simple bulldozing work, so never dig the dozer blade too deep,

3.5.4 Attention in excavation

1) Operator must wear safety helmet and work clothes, make sure the safety of working area
before starting machine.
2) During digging work, the dozer blade should be placed on ground.
3) Other people are not permitted to stand on the machine or within the range of 6 m away
from working radius. When begin to work or transport with full load, operator should ring
horn to warn.
4) Bucket should dig along the cutting track and avoid digging hard earth constrainedly,
otherwise it will cause the hydraulic oil overheated.

5) During work, do your best to avoid pulling the handle to the end, otherwise it will make
hydraulic oil overheated and damage components.
6) Slewing is not allowed if bucket has not left the working face.
7) It allows using arm and bucket to impel or level off rideau, but never operate side of bucket
to work by slewing force.
8) When work at swampy ground (especially on rainy day), the excavator must be kept at a
proper distance away from working face to prevent collapse.
9) After stopping machine, shut off all switches of control panel, shut off electric power and
lock cabin.
10) During digging work, avoid overload work to reduce energy consumption and hydraulic oil
11) During digging work, pay attention to the cylinder stroke end, avoid using baffle of boom,
arm, and bucket to prolong the lifetime of framework.
12) If the productivity can satisfy the working demand, in order to prolong engine lifetime and
keep low noise running, try your best not to run at maximum accelerograph, the best revs of
engine should be 1600-1800 r/min.
13) Before every shift, according to the rules, inject grease to all reaming connections through
grease nozzles until the grease overflows. Otherwise it will cause axle and sleeves damage.

3.5.5 Park excavator

1) Place excavator on a horizontal ground.
In order to protect the electric parts in
2) Lower the bucket to ground. cabin, close top window and cabin door when

3) Place accelerograph handle on minimum you park the excavator.

load position for 5 minutes.

4) Turn ignition key to “OFF” position, and take out key.
5) Pull pilot control lever to lock position.
6) Lock all doors and compartments.

7) Inspection after the engine is stop.

z Check the oil tank and water tank, work
In cold weather, the excavator should be
device, superstructure and infrastructure, parked on hard ground to avoid crawler and
repair all the abnormal parts; ground congealing together. If congealment
z Fill all the oil tank, this can refer to happens accidentally, please lift crawler
by using boom, move excavator carefully to
chapter “check the oil level”, and clean
avoid damaging drive wheels.
all the paper scrapes and dirt from engine.

z Remove any dirt from
8) Lock all the doors and boxes.
9) If you have to park the machine on the slope, use other method to prevent machine from

3.5.6 Operate on swampy ground

1) Try your best to avoid traveling on swampy ground.
2) Clean crawler frame if the machine works on very soft ground or is stuck.

3) Slew superstructure 90° and lower bucket to lift one side of crawler off ground, keep the
angle between boom and arm within a range of 90°--110°, and place the bucket arc on the
4) Turn the lifted crawler to eliminate dirt.
3.5.7 Lift one side of crawler by using boom and arm.

z Keep the angle between boom and armwithin

a range of 90°--110°, and place the
bucket arc on ground.
z Slew superstructure 90° and lower bucket
to lift one side of crawler off ground.
Don’t dig into the ground with bucket
teeth when the machine is in backhoe
z Place chock under the framework to FIG.3-24
support machine.

3.5.8 Avoid tilting

Avoid transverse traveling on slope. When the
machine travels on slope, the traveling direction
should be accordant with the gradient. When upgrade
and downgrade, keep the bucket pointing to the
traveling direction and lifted 20-30cm to the ground.
Lower bucket at once if the machine is skidding or
instable. FIG.3-25

When the machine slews with heavy load, operate carefully with low slewing speed.

Don’t slew on slope.

3.5.9 Operate in water or mud
You should note following information when operate
in water or mud: 900~1100

1) The working area should be hard enough to

prevent excavator from going down.
2) The water flow should be slow.
3) Undercarriage immerged height should not exceed
chain support wheel.
FIG. 3-26
4) Avoid immerging slewing support, inner gear ring,
and slewing connector.
5) The rear end of machine is not allowed to be
immersed into water.
When operate in these conditions, please check the
excavator position often.

FIG. 3-27

3.5.10 Backhoe operation

1) Place the bucket teeth on ground while the angle
between bucket bottom and ground is 45°.
2) Apply arm to be the main digging force, pull
bucket to the machine direction.
3) When dirt adheres to the bucket, remove arm and
(or) bucket quickly to throw dirt.
4) When dig straight trench, place crawler parallel to
the trench. After digging to required depth,
FIG. 3-28
remove machine to continue digging.

z When lower boom, you should avoid stopping it suddenly. Otherwise the
impact load may damage excavator.
z When operate arm, in order to prevent damaging hydraulic cylinder, you
should avoid lowering hydraulic cylinder to the bottom.
z Prevent bucket from colliding with crawler.
z When digging deep trench, you should prevent boom or arm cylinder hose
from impacting with ground.

3.5.11 Leveling operation

Don’t apply bucket overmuch to

level road surface, otherwise
excavator will be damaged.

Don’t push or pull earth with bucket when the

machine travels.
1) Push dozer blade backward to fill and level
FIG. 3-29
2) Apply boom, arm, and bucket generally. As
the figure shows, place bucket and arm on a line
basically. Operate arm in while lifting boom
slowly. Once arm passes the vertical position,
lower boom slowly and keep the movement of
bucket plane. Operating boom, arm, and bucket at
the same time enables the leveling operation more

3.5.12 Prevent collapse

1) Place traveling motor to the rear end of machine
to work while the machine and the digging
surface are in certain angle or perpendicular. Wrong

2) Don’t place machine at the edge of trench or

digging area.
3) Don’t dig earth under the machine.
3.5.13 Operation tips FIG.3-31
1) In digging work, don’t let bucket collide with
2) Try your best to place the excavator on
horizontal ground.
3) Don’t operate bucket as hammer or piling
machine. Don’t slew machine to remove blocks
or to break up wall.

FIG. 3-32

In order to avoid damaging hydraulic tank,
do not bump or tamp the ground with bucket
when bucket hydraulic tank is fully
extended (bucket fully retracted).
Don’t try to extend armfully and
drop bucket, penetrate ground with
4) Adjust the digging length and depth every time to bucket teeth to dig up rocks. These
ensure every digging is fully loaded. will cause serious damage of
The rapid circulation output of every full load of machine.
digging will be bigger than part full load.
In order to increase throughput, full load should be the
first goal, then the working rate Wrong

5) Once trench is excavated, it can dig up rocks by

raising bucket from earth.
6) Don’t make side bucket be loaded. For example,
don’t level materials by swinging bucket or side
impact objects with bucket.
3.5.14 Prevent misuse of machine
1) Don’t treat traveling movement as accessional
digging force. Otherwise it will damage the


2) Don’t raise the front and rear of machine and treat

the weight of machine as accessional digging force.
Otherwise it will damage the machine.

Dozer blade operation mark:

3.5.15 Pay attention to the dozer blade position
1) When extend dozer blade, it may collide with boom
cylinder or bucket, please pay attention to it. Note

2) When carries out deep digging work, place dozer

blade at rear to guarantee safety.

3.5.16 Prevention measurement for dozer blade FIG.3-35

1) Don’t use dozer blade to dig, otherwise it will
damage dozer blade or crawler system.
2) Dozer blade can’t support large or unstable
barycenter objects, otherwise it will damage dozer
blade or crawler system.
3) When the machine is traveling, dozer blade can’t
hook any object, otherwise it will damage dozer
blade or crawler system.
4) When prop up machine with dozer blade, the FIG.3-36
ground should be plane to ensure dozer blade touch
ground stably.

3.5.17 Be careful when retract foreside working

Don’t allow the bucket to collide with dozer blade.


3.5.18 Don’t allow dozer blade to touch roadblock

Don’t allow dozer blade to touch roadblock, otherwise dozer blade, cylinder or other components
will be damaged


Lifting hook mark:

7 50 6 1 00 2 0 15 2

Follow all safety regulations when the

machine lifts objects.
z Don’t use damaged chain, wire rope, or
cord in lifting work.
z Don’t move the load suddenly, don’t move
load on the top of human beings, and never
permit anybody to be adjacent to the load.
z Ensure everybody is away from the lifted
objects until the chocks support the load
or the load has been stably placed on the
z Fix superstructure and place the
traveling motor at the rear.
Don ’ t connect sling/chain to the bucket

1) Sling/chain should tightly bind the load, the workman should glove when bind sling/chain.
2) Connect sling/chain with bucket lifting ring, curled bucket and retracted arm.
3) Before start, uniform the hand signal with signalman.
4) Acquaint with the positions of all workmen in the range of work area.
5) Mark hand rigging on the load to ensure the people pulling hand rigging is away from load.
6) Try to lift the load before normal operation.
z Park the machine beside the load.
z Load the machine.
z Lift load to the height of 50mm (2in) off the ground.
z While keeping the load close to ground, move the load from the machine.
z If there is any evidence of stability reduction, lower load to the ground.
7) Just lift the load to required height.

Hydraulic breaking operation tips…if equipped
Choose hydraulic breaker with correct dimension and weight. Consult with your dealer.
Pump / Main valve section assignment
The hydraulic pressure of section AUX (the hydraulic pressure of the breaker section) supplied
by P2 is 21 M Pa.
Attention to hydraulic breaker tubing
1) When the hydraulic breaker is out of use, cover the pipe end of arm and fit a plug at the end
of hydraulic breaker hose to avoid dirt entering into system.
2) Ensure stocking cover and plug in tool compartment for maintenance purpose.
3) Avoid dirt entering into system when change bucket with breaker.
4) After connection, check the oil leakage and bolts slack condition.
Before fitting hydraulic breaker on the arm, read machine and hydraulic breaker manuals
carefully, and carry out the required confirmation or inspection.
Carry out required inspection before daily operation.
1) Operate machine slowly, the stability of machine
will be decreased because the hydraulic breaker is
heavier than the bucket. Therefore, use dozer
blade to support and work in front of dozer blade. Wrong
2) Avoid hammering work with hydraulic breaker.
Never use boom or arm to break objects,
otherwise it will damage machine.


3) Don’t move objects with hydraulic breaker, Note

otherwise it will damage machine.

4) Don’t operate hydraulic breaker when hydraulic

cylinder piston retracts or extends fully, avoid
damaging hydraulic cylinder or machine.

5) If hydraulic breaker hose jumps abnormally, stop

operation immediately. The pressure change of FIG.3-40
breaker accumulator or damaged accumulator will

cause unusual hose jump, and damage hydraulic breaker or machine.
6) When retract foreside attachment, don’t allow the chisel of breaker to touch boom.
7) Don’t operate hydraulic breaker in water.
8) Don’t lift objects with hydraulic breaker, otherwise it will cause machine upset and (or)
breaker damage.
9) Don’t swing superstructure to the side of machine to operate hydraulic breaker, or the
machine will be instable and thus shorten the
lifetime of undercarriage. Wrong

Replacement of hydraulic oil and filter core

Hydraulic breaker operation will pollute hydraulic
system and accelerate aging. You should replace
hydraulic oil filter core and hydraulic oil more
frequently to avoid damaging hydraulic pump and
other hydraulic parts. The recommended replacement
interval is shown as follows.
Replacement interval (hours)

Excavator with hydraulic Excavator with

hammer breaker no rmal bu ck et

Hydraulic oil 600★ 1500 or 2500

Filter core 100★ 500

z The figures with mark ★ apply for excavators whose

hydraulic breaker operation time is more than 100%. For the
hydraulic breaker operation time ratio is less than 100%,
the replacement interval should be as the diagram shows.
z When the machine operates hydraulic breaker continuously
more than 100 hours, replace hydraulic oil filter core.

Hydraulic breaker
operation time
percentage (%)

FIG.3-42 Replacement interval (hours)

The boom swing pedal locates at the position of operator’s right foot, it is used to swing boom,
but the superstructure (cabin, engine, etc) won’t slew when operating this pedal.

A. Treadle lower side of pedal, swing boom to right side.

B. Treadle higher side of pedal, swing boom to left side.

Set the pedal to the lock position when

it is not used. If not, if any controls
should be touched accidentally when the
pedal has not been locked, it may cause
serious accident.

You can lock them just by putting the lock pedal on it.
A――Unlocked position
B――Locked position

The figure to the right shows the maximum swing

distance of boom swing from superstructure central FIG.3-4


FIG. 4-1


Please read this manual carefully and learn how to
maintain excavator correctly. Follow the correct
maintenance and inspection procedures in this
Check excavator before daily operation.
1) Check monitor.
2) Check all liquid level.
3) Check leakage, distortion, abrasion, and damage
of hoses and pipes.
4) Check noise and temperature around excavator.
5) Check slack or loss of parts.
Repair the excavator before operation if the machine has problems, or consult your dealer.

z Use recommended fuel, hydraulic oil and lubricant.
z Only use original SUNWARD parts.
z If user doesn’t use recommended fuel, hydraulic oil, lubricant and original SUNWARD
parts, the warranty will automatically be invalid.
z Never adjust engine rev limiter or hydraulic system safety valve.
z Avoid electric parts touching water and vapor.
z Never disassemble engine pump controller, sensor, etc.

4.1.1 Periodic maintenance

Carry out all recommended maintenance in this

4.1.2 Check work calculagraph (hour meter) usually

Determine when the machine needs periodic
maintenance according to calculagraph ①.

The intervals in the periodic maintenance list are based

on the normal condition. If operate excavator in bad
conditions, the intervals should be shorten.

4.1.3 Use fuel and lubricant correctly FIG. 4-3

Always use recommended fuel and

lubricant, otherwise it will damage
the machine and lose the warranty of

4.1.4 Preparation for maintenance

1) Place the machine on a hard horizontal ground.
2) Lower the bucket to the ground.
3) Operate engine at low rev for 5 minutes.
4) Stop engine, and take out the key from switch. (If it is necessary to maintain the machine as
the engine runs, operator can’t leave cabin)
5) Pull the pilot control lever to “LOCK” position.
6) Before maintenance, please hang the label “DO NOT OPERATE” on left joystick.
4.1.5 Engine maintenance
Please carry out periodic maintenance in the engine manual.

4.1.6 Periodic replacement of hydraulic hose

1) Make sure to carry out periodic inspection of machine to guarantee safe operation. If listed
parts are damaged, it may cause serious fire. Because it is difficult to judge the aging situation
of these parts by vision, you should replace them at listed intervals. However, if any part is
found bad in the inspection, it should be replaced before operation without consideration of
intervals. Also check the hose couplers, if they are distorted, cracked or aged, replace them if
2) Make sure to check all hoses periodically, and replace them if necessary.
3) Consult your dealer about how to replace hose correctly.

Recommended periodic hose placement list

Periodic replaced parts
Fuel hose (from fuel tank to precipitator, from precipitator to oil
Engine 1.5 years
feeding pump)
Pump inhaling hose (from oil tank to main pump) 2 years
Machine Pump output hose (from pump outlet to multipurpose valve) 2 years
Body Multipurpose valve hose (from multipurpose valve to working
2 years
device, slewing coupler, slewing motor)
Low pressure hose (pilot hose, oil-returning hose) 2 years
Boom cylinder hose 2 years
Working Arm cylinder hose 2 years
Device Bucket cylinder hose 2 years

Note: Make sure to replace seals (such as O ring) when replace hoses.



★★ Means that these parts need maintaining when work in water or mud.
Recommended lubricant grease brand and specification

Parts name y
8 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Boom and platform

1 △
connecting pin
end pins of boom cylinder 2 △
ng pin of each pin of bucket and arm 8 △
working end pins of dozer
2 △
device cylinder
dozer blade and chassis
2 △
connecting pin
swing bearing roller conveyer 1 △
swing internal gear ring 1 △
Control rod 4 When it is maintenance

Position: bucket, arm, boom, slewing gear, slewing bearing, etc.

From —20 to 40°C(from —4 to 104F)
BP petroleum BP Energrease Ls—EP2
Caltex petroleum Multifax EP2
Esso Beacon EP2
Japan Daphne Coronex Grease EP2
Mobil petroleum Mobilux EP2
Germany 2# lithium grease ★
Shell Shell Alvania EP Grease 2
Remark Heavy duty lithium grease

Note:The excavator departed from factory has been filled with “★” marked lubricant

Identifier with butter:


Interval (hours)
Parts name Qty
8 50 100 250 500 1000 2000
1. Engine oil oil ―― △
Replac 1.6~
2. Engine oil △★ △
e 2.8L
3.Engine oil filter ―― △

Note:★ means that the engine oil must be replaced after the first 50 hours’
operation of machine.
Please maintain as per the requirement in diesel engine manual book.

z The performance of engine oil is very

different, commonly the engine oil adopts
API or CCMC standard.
z YANMAR engine company recommends to use
engine oil .of 3TNV70-SSU(API
classification CD)
In order to make the correct choice of a commercial oil, please refer to the “YANMAR operation
and maintenance manual.”

Recommended engine oil

Engine oil ba
nd -30℃ to 20℃ -10 to 35℃ 25℃ to 40℃

Esso Essolube D-3 5W 20 40

Japan Apollo oil Super Wide 15W-40

Mobil 1310 1340 ★

Belgium Fino CF15W-40

Note: The excavator departed from factory has been filled with “★” marked engine

Engine oil specification:

Be sure engine oil being used must meet following criterion or classification.
API classification CD (or higher)….
ACEA classification E3, E4, E5.
JASO classification DH-1
The other technical requirement for engine.
Replace engine oil, when value TBN drops to 1.0(mgKOH/g),
Engine oil viscosity :
Refer to viscosity fig below for proper engine oil of SAE during different ambient temperature.

Check engine oil level

The reading will be imprecise if

In order to get correct value, check
check oil level immediately after
oil level before starting engine
everyday and make sure to park the stopping machine. Make sure to cool
excavator on level ground. down the engine oil at least 15
minutes before inspection.

1) Park the excavator on a level ground.

2) Take out dipstick, wipe the oil with clean cloth, and insert dipstick into engine again.
3) Take out dipstick again, the oil level must lie between MAX and MIN marks.

4) Fill engine oil through filler filter if necessary. Make sure to use recommended oil.
Replace engine oil
The engine oil and oil filter must be replaced after the first 50 hours’ operation.
After first replacement, please carry out replacement as per <YANMAR operation and
maintenance manual>.

Replace engine oil filter…every 500 hours

Steps of replacing engine oil and filter

1) Warm up engine oil before start, but don’t overheat.

2) Park the excavator on a level ground.
3) Lower the bucket to ground.
4) Run engine idle for 5 minutes.
5) Shut off engine, and take out key switch.
6) Pull the pilot control lever to lock position.
7) Take off the outlet plug, pour the oil into a 10L container through a clean cloth.

The engine oil may be very hot,

please be cautious of scalding.

8) After oil is vented, check whether there is metallic chipping on cloth.

9) Fit and screw down outlet plug.
10) Clean surrounding area of engine oil filter seat. Turn the filter cartridge anti-clockwise to
remove old seals.
11) Clean sealed washer surface of filter seat.
12) Wipe clean oil on the seals of new filter.
13) Fit new filter, turn filter clockwise until the washer touch interface. Ensure not to damage
washer when fitting filter.
14) Screw down engine oil filter. Remember not to make it too tight to prevent screw thread
distortion or filter core seals damaging.
15) Open oil filter cover, and fill recommended oil in engine 15 minutes later, check whether the
oil level lies within the marking range or not.
16) Fit filler cap.
17) Start engine. Run at low revs for 5 minutes.
18) Check whether the engine oil pressure indicator light goes out at once, if not, stop engine
and check for the reason.
19) Stop engine, take out key from key switch.
20) Check whether there is any leakage at outlet plug.
21) Check oil level on dipstick

4.2.3 GEAR OIL

Interval (hours)
Parts name Qty
8 50 100 250 500 1000 2000
Check oil to Lubricant by hydraulic oil of working oil

1、Slewing reducer level circuit
Check oil
— △
2、Traveling reducer level
Replace 0.33x2 L △★ △
The first replace time is 250 hours, after that is 1000
Recommend gear oil
Brand Gear oil
Manufacturer -20℃--40℃
Esso Esso Gear Oil GP80-90,GP85W-90
Nippon Petroleum Gear Lube Sp90
Mobil Mobilube Gx90
Fina GL-580W-90
GREAT WALL brand of China
Shanghai oil refining factory API-GL-4 85W/90

Note: The excavator departed from factory has been filled with “★” marked gear

Slewing reducer
Check oil level…every 250 hours operation
1) Park the excavator on a level ground.
2) Lower bucket to the ground.
3) Run engine idle for 5 minutes.

4) Shut off engine, and take out key switch.
5) Pull the pilot control lever to lock position.

6) Open oil level check plug, check oil level.

7) If necessary, fill the filler through oil ② filler hole
to the level as the right figure shows.(refer to “gear oil
In the figure: ② is the reducer oil filler hole, ③ is the
oil drainage port. FIG 4-5

Replace gear oil…every 1000 hours operation

1) Park the excavator on a level ground. The gear oil may be very hot,
please start working until the
2) Lower bucket to the ground. gear oil cools down.
3) Run engine at low revs for 5 minutes.
4) Shut off engine, and take out key switch.
5) Pull the pilot control lever to lock position. The first replacement should be
applied after 250 hours ’
6) Take out oil drainage port plug ③, and empty gear operation of the new machine,
oil. after this time, replace it every
7) Re-fit on oil drainage port plug. 1000 hours.

8) Take out filler cap. Fill in gear oil until the oil level is equal to the oil filler hole.


Interval (hrs)
Parts name Qty 10 20
8 50 400 1000 2000
0 0
1. Vent fuel tank sediment 1 △
2. Check and vent sundries in
1 △★ △
3. Vent water and sediment in
1 △
water segregator
4. Replace fuel filter 1 △
Leakage, crack, etc. —— △
Crack, distortion,
fuel hose —— △

Recommended fuel:
Check and vent the precipitator every
Please use high quality diesel fuel (GB2520 in 50 hours, and replace it every 1000
60 hours.
normal condition; 10 for the winter) only, do not use kerosene.


Be caution about the fuel. Turn

off engine before fueling. Do not
smoke while fueling the fuel tank
or work near the fuel system.

1) Refer to “stop engine” chapter, park the

FIG. 4-6
excavator properly and turn off the engine
2) Check fuel indicator on monitor, do fueling work if necessary.
3) Prevent any dirt, dust, water or other impurity from getting into fuel tank or fuel system.
4) Make sure that there is no fuel sparked onto the ground in the fueling work every day after
the work in order to prevent coagulation of fuel.
5) Put on cap after fueling.

Vent the sediment in fuel tank

1) Rotate the superstructure flat roof 90°, and park
the excavator on level ground.
2) Lower the bucket to ground.
3) Run engine at low revs for 5 minutes.
4) Shut off engine, and take out key switch.
5) Pull the pilot control lever to lock position
6) Open the vent valve on the bottom of fuel tank for
several seconds, vent water and sediment. Then
close the vent valve.

Check and vent the

50 hours

Fuel precipitator, which is generally

called fuel coarse strainer. The fuel,
which comes from fuel tank, should be
filled into fuel pump after being
percolated through it, this can protect
fuel pump.
Vent water and sediment of the segregator…
Vent water and sediment of the segregator…everyday. Shut off engine in a correct manner. Open
the vent valve on the bottom of the segregator. Screw the valve anticlockwise for circles, until
the valve goes down for 25mm. Vent the water in the catch basin of the filter until pure fuel
flows out.

Exhaust the air in fuel system after

venting the water.

Replace the fuel filter…every 400 hours.

1) Use proper container when venting the fuel to protect environment and secure safety. Do not
pour the fuel on ground、into slot or river、pool and lake. Properly dispose of the scrap fuel.

2) Clean the surrounding area of filter. Disassemble the filter, clean the surface of the sealed
3) Replace O ring.
4) Fill clean fuel into the new fuel filter and lubricate the O ring with clean oil.
5) Screw down the filter by your hands, but make sure not over do it.
6) Exhaust the air from fuel system after replacement of the filter.

Over screwing will have the screw More operation details are on
chapter “ engine operation &
thread distorted and damage the
maintenance instruction book”
sealed ring of filter core or filter

Check the fuel hose…every day…every 200 hours

Leakage of fuel will result in fire,

and human accident.

In order to prevent such danger:

1) Park the excavator on firm level ground. Lower the bucket to ground, stop the engine in a
correct manner, and take off the key from key switch.
2) Check the twist wear and leakage of fuel hose. Replace or fasten the hose if any abnormality
is found.(refer to the table below)
Inspection of hoses
Check point abnormality Solution
leakage Fasten or replace
Hose end
Everyday wear replace
Hoses with knitted cover
crack replace

Hose end crack replace

Hoses with knitted cover crack replace
Every 200
hose brushfire protrusion replace
hose bending replace(adopt proper
hose end and connector distortion & eroding bending semidiameter)

Please use the original components of

sunward only.

Exhaust air from fuel system.

Air in the fuel system will cause

stat-up difficulties and abnormal
operation of engine. After venting
water and sediment from precipitator,
make sure to exhaust air from fuel
system after replacing the fuel filter
or venting over the fuel tank.

Exhaust air from fuel system by pushing down the joystick on fuel filter seat.

More details are on “ engine

maintenance instruction book”.


Interval (hours)
Parts name Qty
8 50 100 200 400 800 1500 2000
1. Check hydraulic oil level —— 8 50 100 200 400 800 1500 2000
2. Vent sundries of hydraulic oil △ ★
3. Replace hydraulic oil 30L △
4. Clean oil inhaling filter ——
5. Replace oil inhaling filter —— When replacing hydraulic oil
6. Clean oil returning filter △
7. Replace oil returning filter △
8. Replace pilot oil filter —— △ △
9. Check Leakage —— △
hose and Crack and
pipeline 8 50 100 200 400 800 1500 2000

Recommended hydraulic oil brand and specification

Note: The excavator departed from factory has been filled with “★” marked
hydraulic oil..

Oil species Hydraulic oil

Parts Hydraulic system
Replacement interval 2000 hours

Engine oil -30℃-30℃ -5℃-40℃


Fina HM46
Esso Standard
Mobil AW32 AW46
Caltex HD46
Note Abrasion-resisted hydraulic oil

Inspection and maintenance of hydraulic system

The hydraulic parts will be very hot

during operation. Please remember to
cool down excavator before inspection
or maintenance.

1) Make sure to park the machine on a firm level ground when maintaining hydraulic system.
2) Lower bucket to ground, and stop engine.
3) Begin hydraulic system maintenance after parts, hydraulic oil, and lubricant have cooled
down completely. The hot parts or oil are likely to fly out or spark out and cause serious
damage. When remove screw plug or bolts, keep your body and face away from them.
4) Before maintaining hydraulic system, exhaust air of hydraulic oil tank to release pressure.
5) Make sure to operate control lever several times to release inner pressure.
6) Avoid checking and maintaining the traveling and slewing circuit at slope.
7) When connecting hydraulic hoses and pipes, pay special attention to keep seals surface clean
and avoid damaging them. Please remember following items:
z Wash the interior of hoses, pipes, and oil tank with cleanser; and wipe up them before
z Use scatheless or non-defective O rings. Don’t damage them in the assembly.
z Never distort high pressure hose, the lifetime of distorted hose will be shortened greatly.
8) Fill same brand & spec. hydraulic oil, never use different brands of oil at the same time.
When you want to use “recommended hydraulic oil brand and specification” listed oil,
make sure to replace all hydraulic oil in the system at the same time.

Never use other hydraulic oils not

included in the list.
Don ’ t start engine when the
hydraulic oil tank is empty.

Check hydraulic oil level…everyday

Never start engine when the

hydraulic oil tank is empty.

1) Park machine on a level ground.
2) Arm cylinder extracts and bucket cylinder
extends completely to fix excavator.
3) Lower bucket to ground.
4) Run engine idle for 5 minutes.
5) Stop engine, and take out key switch.
6) Pull pilot control lever to lock position.
7) Open right side door, check oil level
meter. The oil level must lie between
marks. Otherwise you should fill oil. FIG.4-9

Fill oil:
1) Screw anticlockwise and open screw cover on the top.
2) Fill oil through filter netting, and check oil lever meter again.
3) Screw down cover.

Vent hydraulic oil tank impurities…every 200 hours

Never start engine when the

hydraulic oil tank is empty.

1) For easy access, rotate superstructure 90°,and park the machine on level ground.

2) Lower bucket to the ground.

3) Run engine idle for 5 minutes.
4) Stop engine, and take out key switch.
5) Pull pilot control lever to lock position.

Don’t loosen vent plug before oil

cools down, the hydraulic oil may
be hot enough to cause scald. FIG.4-10

6) Keep your body and face far away from oil outlet plug.
7) Loosen vent plug at the bottom of hydraulic oil tank after oil cools down, vent water and
8) Screw down vent plug after water and sediments have been vented.

Replace hydraulic oil…every 2000 or 1500 hours

Clean oil inhaling filter …when replace hydraulic oil

The hydraulic oil may be hot,

cool it down before

1) For easy access, rotate superstructure 90o,and park

the machine on level ground.
2) Arm cylinder extracts and bucket cylinder extends
completely to fix excavator.
3) Lower the bucket to ground. FIG. 4-11

4) Run engine at low revs for 5 minutes.

5) Stop engine, and take out key. The replacement interval of
hydraulic oil is different with
6) Pull pilot control lever to lock position.
its specification. (Refer to the
7) Screw the screw plug ① of vent hole, release the recommended oil table of this
inner pressure of fuel tank. part)

Before screwing the screw plug, or

separating the oil pipe, stand at the
side of the part, screw it slowly to
release pressure, and keep your face
and body away from the screw plug.

1) Release oil vent plug ③ at the bottom of

hydraulic oil tank by spanner to vent the oil. And
fill the scrap oil into some kind of container.
2) Release the rubber hose connecting oil return
hole flange ② and oil sucking hole flange ④.

3) Remove the oil return hole flange ② and oil

sucking hole flange ④.
4) Remove the oil sucking filter core and oil
returning filter core.
5) Clean the interior of oil sucking filter core and oil tank, if change filter, fit new filter on the
6) Connect the clean filter core (or new filter core ) with their connect flange, fasten the fuel
tank, then connect the rubber hose.
7) Clean, fit on, and screw down oil outlet plug.
8) Fill the new clean hydraulic oil from point A to the oil tank. Keep the oil level reach the
position between the marks of oil level meter.

9) Screw down screw plug ① of air vent hole.

Exhaust air

After the replacement of hydraulic

oil, exhaust the air from hydraulic
circuit and hydraulic device. If this
work has not been properly done, it may
cause damage to the hydraulic devices.

1) Release exhaust plug of hydraulic pump.

2) Once hydraulic oil overflows from the exhaust plug plug, screw the plug down
3) Start engine and run it idle for 10 mins.
4) Run engine idle, do 4-5 times incomplete journey extending & contracting operation all
the hydraulic cylinders.
5) Run engine at high speed, do 4-5 times incomplete journey extending & contracting
operation with all the hydraulic cylinders.
6) Run engine idle again, do 4-5 times complete journey extending & contracting operation
with all the hydraulic cylinders.

Check the hoses and pipes…everyday…every 200 hours

The jets of high pressure liquid

can penetrate skin and cause
serous damage.

1) Inspect leakage with cardboard, pay attention

to protect your hand and body not touching high
pressure liquids
2) If accident occurs, see the doctor at once.
3) Any liquid penetrated in skin must be cleaned FIG.4-13
within a few hours. Otherwise it will cause

The leakage of hydraulic oil and lubricant can cause fire and damage of human
body, in order to prevent this danger:
z Park the excavator on a firm level ground.
z Lower the bucket to ground.
z Run engine idle for 5 minutes.
z Stop the engine in a correct manner and take out the key from key switch.
z Put pilot control split level to LOCK position.
z Check the twist, the wear between other parts, leakage of fuel hoses. Replace
or fasten them immediately if there is any abnormality. (Refer to the table

Hose inspection
Interval hour Check point Abnormality manner
Hose surface leakage
Everyday Hose end leakage
fasten or replace
Connector leakage
hose or O ring
hose surface crack replace
hose end crack replace
hose surface out coming of replace
hose surface enhanced replace
Every 200 hose material replace
hours hose parts protrusion replace(adopt proper
hose end and bending bending semidiameter)
connector distortion and replace

Please use the original

components of sunward only


Parts name qty
8 50 100 250 500 1000 2000
Or when the
Clean 1 △
1.Air filter core indicator light
replace 1 After 5 times clean or 1 year operation
2.Air filter and Check the
connecting seal △
pipes condition
between Replace immediately when crack or leakage is
engines detected
Clean air filter core…every 250 hours or clogging indicator light comes on.
Replace outer and inner filter core…every 5 times clean or 1 year operation.

z Only clean air filter at scheduled time to prevent dust entering engine.
z Also check airproof and fixation termly of elastic joint between engine and
air filter. Because the engine, muffler, radiator, hydraulic oil pipe, glide
components and many other parts of the machine may still hot, touching may cause
z Shut off engine and cool the machine down before inspection and maintenance.
z Wear proper protective equipments when operating compressed air, such as
blinkers and light filter mask, metal scraps or other objects may cause damage
to human body.

1) Park excavator on level ground.

2) Lower bucket to ground
3) Run engine idle for 5 minutes.
4) Stop engine, and take out key switch.
5) Pull pilot control lever to lock position.
6) Open engine cover. Remove pothook of
rubber ring ④ and release shell (8).
7) Release the lock catch and take out the dust collection cup ⑥.

8) Clean the interior of the dust collection cup ⑥

9) Take out the filter core ⑦.

10) Cover the back of the shell of the air filter with cloth or adhesive tape to avoid the entering
of dust.
11) Clean the interior of the shell.
12) Use dry compress air whose pressure is lower
than 686kPa to clean air filter core ②, first, blow
along the flute of interior of the filter core, than
blow from outside, finally blow from the interior.

Decrease pressure of compressed air,

keep other people away from operation
site, beware of flying debris and wear FIG.4-15
personal safety implements.

13) Light a lamp in the filter core, check the filter core,
replace it immediately whether any hole or spot is
14) Remove the cloth or adhesive tape of step 10.
15) Install filter core.
16) Install dust collection cup ⑥, keep the “TOP”
mark up, then lock the lock catch ⑤. FIG.4-16

17) Use rubber ring ④ to fasten shell ⑧.

18) Press button ③ on dust indicator ① to press the
red piston into filter core shell.
Connection pipeline between air filter and engine
Check airproof…everyday
Replace…When pipeline
has crack and air leakage

If bad airproof or crack occurs

on connection pipeline, dirty
air will enter and damage engine.


Interval (hours)
Parts name Qty 8 50 100 250 500 1000 2000
1. Check cooling water level 1 △
2. Check and adjust fan belt
1 ※1 △
3. Replace cooling water 10L △
4. Clean radiator interior 1 △※3
and hydraulic oil
cooler core exterior 1 When replace cooling water

z Only maintain in the first inspection.

z When the machine is delivered, 30% of antifreezing fluid has been filled in the
cooling system.
z Operate the machine at dusty areas, maintenance interval should be shortened.

Fill soft and pure tap water or bottled water.

If the air temperature is below 0℃(32℉), add antifreeze and soft water to the cooling system.
In general, the ratio of antifreeze should be between 30% and 60%.
If the ratio is less than 30%, the cooling system will be rusted; if the ratio is more than 60%,
the engine will be overheated. Use 50% water and 50% glycol antifreeze, the engine can
operate at the -37℃ perennially.

z Antifreeze is poisonous, if ingested, will cause serious injury or

death. In case of drinking it by accident, you should lead vomiting
and go to hospital at once.
z Ensure storing the antifreeze with container, which has been sealed
with cover or has obvious mark, the antifreeze should be stored at
the place that children can’t get.
z If the antifreeze splashes into eyes by accident, wash eyes 10 to 15
minutes with water, and then go to hospital at once.
z Obey all the regulations when store or throw away antifreeze.

Check cooling water level…everyday

Before the system cools down, don’t

loosen water filler cover ① of
radiator. Screw off the cover slowly,
release all the pressure before

When engine is running, the cooling water level

should reach the lower surface of flume neck. If
the water level is lower than the lower surface,
add cooling water to water tank.
Check and adjust fan belt tension
Every 100 hours (the first check should be
after 50- hour operation) FIG. 4-18

Lax fan belt may cause insufficient z Don’t check, test, and replace belt
power of battery, engine overheat, and when engine is running.
quick & abnormal belt abrasion. On the z Mount new belt, run engine at low
other hand, over tighten the belt will revs for 3-5 minutes, adjust tension
damage bearing and belt. again to ensure the new belt is
perched correctly.

Press the belt with thumb at the middle point between strap wheels and crank, if the press is
58.8N (6kg), the maximum flexibility should be 10mm.
Visually check the damage, crack, and abrasion of
belt. If there is any ill evidence, change the belt.

Clean radiator and oil cooler core

z Use low pressure compress air (less
Exterior……every 250 hours than 0.2MP) to do clean work, be aware
of flying claps, wear individual
Interior……once per half year
protect equipments, including eye
protection items.
z When working in the dusty
z Open radiator repairing door and hood
environment, check the sundries and
cover. blocking of radiator, oil cooler and
z Use compressed air (less than 0.2MP) or condenser core.
water to clean or wash the radiator of oil

Replacement of coolant every 1000 hours

z Shut off engine and cool down the machine before operation.
z The body、muffler、radiator and other parts of the machine will be very hot when
the engine is just stopped, touching these parts may cause serious scald.
z The cooling water of engine is also very hot, be careful when loosen radiator box
cover and venting plug to avoid serious scald by the injection of high temperature
and high pressure cooling water.
z If it is needed to maintain the machine while engine is running, the cooperated
work of 2 men is necessary, one should sit on the operator’s seat while another
one do maintenance work.
z Keep your body and clothes away from the transmission parts.
z When the engine is running, it is very dangerous to stand behind the machine, as
the machine is likely to move suddenly.
z Do not move the radiator box cover or the water venting plug before the engine
coolant has cooled down. Shut off engine, slowly loosen the radiator box cover
and water venting plug after the engine and radiator cover have cooled down.

1) Open the engine back cover.

2) Loosen the radiator box cover, release the press in radiator.

3) Loosen the water venting plug ① to vent the coolant into some kind of container.

4) Screw down the water venting screw plug and add some cleanser and water, fill the radiator
water tank with water. This job may take some time. Please use the cleanser under the
instruction on this manual.
5) Start engine, run idle for about 30 mins. Pay
attention to the cleanser level and add water if the
level goes down.
6) Shut off engine and vent all the cleanser.

7) Screw down the water venting plug ①, add water,

start engine and run idle for 10 mins, then shut off
the engine and vent all the water.
8) Repeat the hereinbefore cleaning work until the
water is clean.

9) Screw down the water venting plug ①and add new

coolant till the appointed height after clean job.
10) Start engine and run it idly, exhaust air, shut off
engine after the coolant level is stable and stay at FIG. 4-19

the appointed height.

11) Check the coolant height, then screw down the water tank cover.

4.2.8 OTHERS

Interval (hours)
Parts name Qty 8 50 100 250 500 1000 2000
1 . Check abrasion and
—— △
laxation of bucket teeth
2.Replace bucket 1 When necessary
3.Control lever lubricant When necessary
4.Check track tag 2 △

5.Replacement of rubber
2 When necessary

6.Clean track mechanism ―― When necessary

7 . Bolt & nut fasten
When necessary

Check bucket teeth

1) Check the abrasion and laxation of bucket
teeth everyday.

2) Replace the seriously abraded teeth.

3) The replacement procedure : (1)


To prevent injury caused by flying

off metal scrap, wear goggles or FIG. 4-20
safety glasses.

z Take out lock pin ① with hammer and punch.

When disassembling the lock pin, be careful,
do not damage elastic steel ring ②.
z Dismantle teeth, check the damage of lock pin
① and elastic steel ring ②, replace them if
z Clean the protruding seat surface.

Various buckets may use
various teeth assembly.

z Fit the lock pin into the hole completely as

z Check the bucket teeth at regular interval to
ensure the abrasion, don’t exceed the
scheduled limitation.

Replace bucket FIG.4-22

To prevent injury caused by flying off
metal scrap when beat the connection
rod in or out, wear goggles, safety
glasses or other safety instrument.

1) Park machine on the level ground, lower the

bucket to the ground and place its plane
surface on the ground. Ensure the bucket FIG. 4-23
won’t roll after pins are removed.
2) Remove the orientation pin at the clip spring exterior and take out orientation pin.
3) Remove bucket pin A and B, separate arm and bucket.
4) Clean orientation pin, pin and holes, daub sufficient lubricant to them.
5) Calibrate the arm and new bucket, ensure the
bucket will not to roll.
6) Fit pin A and B, and fit corresponding
orientation pins and new clip springs.
7) Adjust bucket connection clearance of pin A
and B. Guarantee the unilateral clearances
between bucket and connection rod, and
between clearance bucket and arm are from
0.25mm to 0.7mm, the clearance between pin
and bucket should be as little as possible. Use
adjusting gasket to adjust the middle
clearance.(use the same amount of gasket at both sides)
8) Grease pin A and B.

Lubrication of control lever

Park the excavator with engine off,

takes out the key, set pilot safety
control lever to lock position. If
not, the sudden movement of excavator
may cause serous damage.

Add some lubricant to the control lever and
pedal if they can not move smoothly.
A. Control lever

1) Disassemble the low part of the rubber

dustproof cover of the operation lever,
turn over it upward.
2) Clean the aging lubricant and add new
3) Reposit the rubber dustproof of control
lever. FIG.4-26

B. Link bar mechanism

1) Remove rubber mat ①.
2) Loosen the bolt, disassemble cover ②.
3) Disassemble rubber dustproof ③.
4) Use doper to add lubricant to lubricant
nozzle ④.
5) Clean the overflowed lubricant.
6) Fit the cover and rubber mat in the
reversed order of disassembly operation.

Check track lag
…every 50 hours (or when necessary)

z Please use wood block, jack or other firm and stable supporter to lift the machine.
Never work while there is not enough support of the machine, especially when the
hydraulic cylinder is working.
z There is pressure grease in the track tightening mechanism, the grease pressure relief
valve may fly out and cause damage if you do not operate as the follow procedures.
z Slowly screw off the grease pressure relief valve.
z Never let your body, face, legs or arms be exposed in front of the grease pressure
relief valve.
z Two men are needed when checking the track tensity, one operate the excavator to lift
the track of one side, the other one measure the dimension, you must pay more attention
to prevent the sudden movement of the machine. Warn up the engine before the checking
work and park the machine on a level ground, and use stoppers if necessary.

A. Inspection
1). Slowly operate the control valve, use the
operation device and dozer blade to lift the
2). Check the center under surface of the track frame
and the clearance of the up surface (A), the
clearance should be within following range: A


If there is too much dirt, dust or other

things on the undercarriage assembly, you
may get an incorrect measure result, so you
must clean the undercarriage before the
measuring work.


B. Adjustment
Increase tension power
1) Take off cover ①.
2) Use grease gun to inject grease into grease
pressure relief valve ② through grease nozzle.
3) Check the track tensity.
Decrease tension power
1) Take off cover ①.
2) Slowly screw off grease pressure relief valve ② to
release grease. If there are any difficulties when FIG.4-30

adding the grease, move the machine forward or

3) Screw down grease pressure valve ②.
4) Check the track tensity.
Replace rubber track
Check the rubber track and repair or replace them
immediately when following conditions appear. And
contact the SUNWARD dealer for repair or
replacement. FIG.4-31
1) If the track has been pulled longer and can not
recover, it should be replaced immediately.
2) If the dummy club ①is lower than 5mm, replace
3) If more than 2 of the steel wire core ②have
exposure, replace track.
4) If half of the steel wire core ② has broken, replace
the track.
5) Replace the track if only one of the iron core has
6) Replace track when rubber track has a more than 60mm long gap.

A. Disassemble
1) Completely loosen the tightened track. (Refer to page 83 and 84 “inspection of track”)
2) Slowly operate the control lever, use the operation device and dozer blade to lift the machine,
and use other firm and stable objects to support the machine.
3) Insert a steel pipe into the gap between rubber track and the track frame, slowly reverse the

sprocket wheel until the steel pipe is near the guild wheel and rubber track leaves the guild
wheel to a certain height.
4) Slide the rubber track to the side of machine to disassemble it. Both of the two tracks can be
disassembled following this schedule.

B. Installation
1) Slowly operate the control lever to lift the machine with control device and the dozer blade,
then use some wood block、jack or other firm subjects to support the machine.

2) Install the rubber track on the sprocket wheel.

3) Insert a steel pipe into the gap between the rubber track and the track frame, slowly reverse
the sprocket wheel until the steel pipe is near the guild wheel and rubber track has left the
guild wheel for a certain height.

4) Slide the rubber track to the inboard of the machine, get the track、sprocket wheel and guild
wheel in mesh and take out the steel pipe.
5) Check the rubber track and ensure that it is in mesh with sprocket wheel and guild wheel.
6) Tighten the rubber track with tightening mechanism until it reaches the standard tensity.
7) Install the other track in the same manner.

Clean the track

z Stop machine and clean it immediately when

it is very dirty.
z Any dry and firm dirt or freezing dirt will
cause damage to the track mechanism and
shorten its service life.

1) Lift the track on one side of the machine and firmly support it before cleaning the machine.
2) Clean all the sand grains and dirt in the guild wheel slide way.

Bolt & nut tighten moment

(Iso10.9 intensity standard certificated)
1) If no special request, considering the screw down moment of the bolt and nut refers to the
following table.
2) Don’t use the moment in the following table when assembling plastic caps, or the cap may be
broken. Contact the SUNWARD dealer or after service department for help when doing this.
3) Use standard pieces of bolts and nuts in the same specification for replacement.

4) Alternately screw down the bolts and nuts (up、down、left and right), or screw it 2-3 times to
ensure enough tensity.

Screw thread
Screw thread specification(mm) Screw moment(N.m)

10 M6×1.0 9.8±0.5
12,13 M8×1.25 22.6±1.1
14,17 M10×1.5 47.1±2.4
Thick screw
17,19 M12×1.75 83.4±4.1
19,22 M14×2.0 134.4±6.7
22,24 M16×2.0 207.9±10.4
27,30 M20×2.5 410.9±20.5
12,13 M8×1.0 24.5±1.2
14,17 M10×1.25 50±2.5
Thin screw 17,19 M12×1.5 87.3±4.3
thread 19,22 M14×1.5 135.3±6.8
22,24 M16×1.5 220.6±11
27,30 M20×1.5 452.1±22.6


Operation condition Maintenance

1. Inspect the loose and lost of connector、bolts and nuts,
obvious damage and leakage.
Work in mud、water or 2. Clean mud、stone、sand grain on the machine, check the
rain damage、crack and loose of jointing after work.
3. Carry out everyday lubrication and maintenance.
4. Clean concerned parts with water after working in acid
rain or corrosive chemical materials.

1. Inspect all the screw plugs and make sure that all of
them have been screwed down.
Work beside the sea 2. Clean the machine carefully to remove all the salt on
machine and maintain the wiring frequently to prevent
possible cauterization.
1. More frequently clean the air filter core.
2. Wash the radiator and oil cooler cooling fin to remove
dust and dirt.
In dusty or hot condition 3. More frequently clean the fuel sucking filter and its
4. Termly carry out clean maintenance, especially the
surface of the engine and generator.
1. Carefully operate the machine. Check if the undercarriage
and track assembly are over damaged or worn.
2. Check for the loosen、damaged and lost connector、bolts
Work in the stony ground and nuts.
condition 3. More frequently check the over damaged and worn bucket
and breaker.
4. Install a top frame and front frame if necessary to prevent
damage caused by fallen subjects.
1. Use high quality, low glutinosity oil, which fit the
environment temperature.
2. Make sure to use the antifreeze, which fit the temperature.

In cold weather 3. Charge the battery a little bit before the usual time. If the
battery is not completely charged, the electrolyte may be
4. Clean all the dirt on machine to prevent possible damage
caused by frozen dirt.

If the excavator needs to be stored for over 1 month, the following protection should be adopted
to maintain its function during the store period.

Protection for long term store

Maintenance Details

Clean machine Completely clean the machine, fix any malfunction.

Check the lubricant to find if it is dirty or insufficient. Add

Add lubricant oil and
lubricant to the parts, which need this. And smear a layer
of oil.
Battery Take off the battery and charge it then restore it.

Add antirust. Add antifreeze if it is possible to be frozen;

Coolant or vent out all the coolant, and hang a label:“No water in
radiator” in the cabin.

Dustproof and
Store the machine in a dry garage and cover it.
moistureproof measure
Tools Inspect and repair it after stored.
If the oil layer is damaged, the part is likely to rust, and
Lubricant operation cause some abnormal wear. Start the machine once per
month at least to prevent this situation and check the liquid
level of coolant and lubricant.

z “Lubricant operation” means to warm up the

machine and repeat the operation of a series
of traveling, rotation and digging for 2-3
z The lubricant oil and grease will become
aging. Therefore, carry out inspection
before operating the machine every time.


(1) Use compressed air to wash heating core surface termly(half a year~one year)
according to work environment.
(2) Inspect hot water tube circuit and wire harness termly to prevent abrasion, scald, over
bend and connector loose.


There is a possibility that the machine will roll, tip over, or fall while loading or
unloading it. Therefore, you need to take the following precautions:
z Select a firm, level surface and keep sufficient distance from the roadside.
z Use a loading ramp of adequate strength and size. Maintain the slope of loading ramps
within 15°.
z Keep the truck bed and loading ramps free of oil, clay, ice, snow, and other materials,
which can become slippery.
z Never change courses on the ramps.
z Do not slew on the ramps. The machine may tip over.
z If you must swing on the truck bed, do so slowly as the footing can be unstable.
z Because the fulcrum on the trail is not stable, when swinging or rotating on a trail,
you need to do it very slow.

5.1 General transportation rules

Before transporting the machine with trailer, obey the related local regulations of freeway
governing the length, width, height, and weight.
If any measurement exceeds the regulation of local freeway, you must apply for special
permission, or separate the machine to smaller parts for transportation purpose.

5.2 Transportation measurement


A. total height:2210 mm C. chassis width:990 mm

B. total length:3820 mm D. chassis width:(track frame extended):1320 mm
E. superstructure width(cabin):1213 mm
Specific dimension in transport parameter and outline drawing are
shown in section 7(technical specification)

5.3 Loading & unloading

z The machine should travel at lowest speed on ramps.

z Turning while traveling on ramps is very dangerous, and it is forbidden. If you must
do so, turn the machine back to the ground or truck bed, modify the traveling direction,
and then pass the ramps.
z The intersection of the top of ramps and truck bed is protuberant, pass it carefully.
z Prevent the possible tip over and injury while the superstructure of excavator is
swinging. Retract, lower arm and swing superstructure slowly to achieve best stability.

Make sure that the ramps are strong enough before loading the machine and follow these
1) Apply the truck’s parking brake and place stoppers against its tires.
2) Fasten the ramps securely to the truck bed so that they will not come off. Set the ramps to an
angle of 15°or less.
3) Direction of the excavator:
The work device should be placed at the foreside and
directs forward while loading (as the right figure);
and while unloading, place the work device
backward at the rear, and travel backward.
4) Line up the center of the truck bed with the center of
the machine and the center of the ramps with the
center of the crawlers.
5) Use the engine accelerograph control lever to reduce
the revs of engine, drive the machine slowly to the FIG.5-2
slope, and lower the hoe attachment as much as
possible, making sure it will not hit the truck.
6) Close the windows and doors of cabin, cover the vent, prevent rain from entering.

Warm up the excavator before loading

& unloading in the cold weather.

5.4 Transportation

Put chain and wire rope over the

lower frame. Do not put the chain and
wire on or through the hydraulic
pipes or hoses.
1) Set stoppers in front and behind the crawlers.
2) Put a chain or wire rope over the lower frame and
the foreside devices and fasten them securely.

5.5 Transportation on highway

You must understand and obey the local regulations
before transporting the machine on highway.
1) Check the trailer’s length, width, height and weight
before transportation by trailer. FIG.5-3

2) Check the road condition before transportation, such as limit of size,weight and transportation
Sometimes the machine needs to be disassembled to fit the size or weight limits.


Long-term storage of machine

While storing the machine, retract the cylinder piston rod to the inside of cylinder as much as
possible to avoid piston rod corrosion caused by rain and wind, clean machine surface and all the
exposed parts.

Machine handling before storage

(1) Grease the parts that need lubrication until fresh grease runs out.
(2) Change engine oil.
(3) Grease the exposed surface of piston rod.
(4) Fill in diesel oil to the fuel oil tank to the full.
(5) Choose a proper storage place:It’s best to store the machine in a room, if it can only be
stored outdoors, you should choose a flat ground and cover the machine with cloth.

Machine storage period

(1) Run the machine once a month during storage period.
(2) Run the air-conditioner system once a month.

Machine handling after storage

(1) Wipe the grease off on piston rod surface.
(2) Grease all the places that need lubrication.
(3) Check engine oil level to make sure it is in a stipulated position, otherwise you should
fill oil. If there is any water in oil, change oil
(4) Turn the key to “ON” position, switch accelerograph button from low to high speed and
last for 3 seconds, then switch to low speed and start engine.
If malfunction occurs, stop machine immediately, analyze the reason and maintain adjust or
repair the machine as following methods, objects and order.

Only authorized people can disassemble and repair the hydraulic parts, please
consult with manufacturer if mentioned works is necessary.
Lower the work equipment or dozer blade to the ground when servicing them and
release the residual pressure of hydraulic system:
Park the machine on level ground, stop the engine, put the pilot control rod
on open position
and shake the pilot operation handle for several circles.

As to malfunction reason and repair

manner of the engine, please refer to
the 《YANMAR 403C-11 engine malfunction
estimation and maintenance manual 》.

Malfunctions and solutions

Malfunction Reasons Solutions

1. Hydraulic malfunction.
2. Air bubble in hydraulic 1. Consult with your
system. dealer.
3. Aging hydraulic oil, 2. Check whether air
degenerative oil mixed with leakage at oil pump inlet
Noisy hydraulic pump and moisture, wrong brand and pipeline.
vibratory pipeline specification produce 3. Replace oil.
4. Run engine in low revs
4. Low hydraulic oil and then warm up the
temperature and high engine.
viscidity of hydraulic oil.

1. The machine is out of use
for a long time, air 1. Operate control levers
separates from oil and for several times.
floats in pilot control
pipeline and hydraulic 2. Check hydraulic control
cylinder,etc. system, low-pressure
2. No pressure or exceeding relief valve, and gear
Control levers don’t work pump.
pressure in pilot system.
or work slowly.
3. Low hydraulic oil 3. Warm up machine.
temperature and high
viscidity of hydraulic oil 4. Consult with your
4. Hydraulic pump dealer.
malfunction. 5. Consult with your
5. Main safety relief valve dealer.

1. Corresponding pilot valve

2. Corresponding
commutator valve 1. Repair
malfunction 2. Consult with your dealer
A cylinder doesn’t work 3. Corresponding overload
or work slowly. valve malfunction 3. Consult with your dealer

4. Hydraulic cylinder pole 4. Consult with your dealer

damaged 5. Replace oil seals
5. Hydraulic cylinder interior
seals damaged

1.Corresponding pilot valve

2.Hydraulic motor
Slewing platform don’t
3.Slewing retarder 2.Consult with your dealer
slew, slew slowly, or slew malfunction 3.Consult with your dealer
not smoothly. 4.Slewing bearing
5.Need to add lubricant 5.Add lubricant grease
grease into the slewing

Malfunction Reason Resolution
1. Control pilot valve malfunction
1. Repair
2. Corresponding commutator valve and
Track of one side 2. Consult with the dealer
stop valve malfunction
doesn’t work or 3. Consult with the dealer
3. Center connector seal damage
move very slowly 4. Consult with the dealer
4. Hydraulic motor malfunction
(serious deflexion 5. Consult with the dealer
5. Travel redactor fault
of traveling) 6. Consult with the dealer
6. The displacement of two-gang hydraulic
pump is not equal

The hydraulic oil 1. There is dirt on the surface of oil cooler. 1. Clean
temperature rises 2. Wear of hydraulic parts and reduction of 2. Contact the dealer。
the cubage efficiency. 3. Over digging , over
too fast or becomes
3. Overfall valve and over load valve loading, change the
too high
opens too frequently digging method.

Some unexpected
1.Multitandem valve lever block. 1. Contact the dealer
actions occur
2.Pilot valve core block. 2. Contact the dealer
without operating
Mandril leak at the Seal ring of the pilot valve mandril piston
Inspect and replace
top of pilot valve trepan boring aging or damage

Work device Usually caused by the block of multitandem

Inspect and replace
malfunction valve lever’s one way valve

Heater Malfunctions and solutions

Malfunction Description Check Solution

Heater unit stops Air blower stops A. Circuit break. Check and repair Check
working. running. B. Bad grounding. and repair
Heating effect is Air blower A. Hot water tube Check tube circuit.
not good. works normally. circuit block. Clean core surface.
B. Heavy dust on heater
core surface.



Engine…………………………………………………………………YANMAR diesel engine

Model……………………………………………………………………YANMAR 3TNV70-SSU
Number of cylinder………………………………………………………………………………3
Power………………………………………………………………… 13.3 kW/2200rpm
Fuel assumption…………………………………………………………………………269g/kw.h
Coupling ………………………………………………………MONOLASTIC 32 Flanschkupplung

Hydraulic device
Hydraulic pump…………………………………………………………………… plunger pump
Model………………………………………………………………… PVD-OB-19P-6G3-5125Z
Flow………………………………………………………………2x9.5+6.7+2.7 c c/rev
Work pressure……………………………………………………… 2 1 + 2 1 + 1 8 . 6 + 3 . 9 M P a
Multitandem valve…………………………………………………………………… EV310081
Hydraulic pilot valve………………………………………………………carry out the hydraulic
proportion control of the boom,
arm, bucket and flat swing
through 2 “+”control joysticks
Left operate handle model……………………………………………………….…HC-RCX 47585
Right operate handle model…………………………………………………………HC-RCX 47586
Pilot system pressure……………………………………………………………………3.5Mpa
Hydraulic cylinder (standard backhoe) ………….double action combined sealed hydraulic tank
Boom cylinder………………………………………………………………………φ55Xφ30mm
Arm cylinder………………………………………………………………………φ55Xφ30mm
Bucket cylinder……………………………………………………………………φ50Xφ30mm
Dozer cylinder……………………………………………………………………φ75Xφ40mm
Swing cylinder…………………………………………………………………… φ60Xφ35mm
Undercarriage cylinder…………………………………………………………… φ55Xφ30mm
Swing hydraulic motor…………………………………………………Plunger variable motor
Model………………………………………………………………… PCR-1B-05A-P-9189Z
Travel hydraulic motor……………………………………… Plunger two polar variable motor
Model…………………………………………………………………… PHV-2B-20A-P-9188Z
Hydraulic oil tank capacity…………………………………………………………………35L

Hydraulic cooling device

Oil cooling device model……………………………………………………B7793A.000
Fan drive……………………………………………………………………… engine drive

Hydraulic oil filter

Oil return filter core model…………………………………………………………………EF-133
Swing mechanism
Maximum output screw moment…………………………………………………………2651N.m
Flat rotate speed……………………………………………………………… 0-10.9 rpm
Slewing bearing…………………………………………………Single volleyball slewing bearing
traveling brake…………………………………………………hydraulic brake “+”spring pressure
multiple brake (normally closed)
Electric device
Fuel device
Fuel tank capacity………………………………………………………………………………23L
Travel mechanism
Speed ratio …………………………………………………………………………………1/31
Maximum output torque moment
High speed…………………………………………………………………………1886 N.m
Low speed……………………………………………………………………3336Nm
Travel speed
High speed…………………………………………………………………………4.26 km/h
Low speed…………………………………………………………………………2.33 km/h
Travel brake…………………………………………………hydraulic brake“+” spring pressure
multiple brake (normally closed)
Track tensity……………………………………………………………………………hydraulic
Optional items:
Standard bucket: ……………………………………………………………………………384mm, 0.04 m 3
Optional bucket: ……………………………………………………………(260mm, 0.027 m 3 ),
(300mm, 0.03 m 3 ), (600mm, 0.06 m 3 ), (1000mm, 0.1 m 3 )
Standard arm: …………………………………………………………………………… 950 mm

Customers can choose simple cabin and quick coupler as an option according to different


SWE20B is an all hydraulic track excavator with beautiful appearance, 360° rotatable flat roof,
1080mm long small rear end, all of these ensure the work in limited place.
The engine is YANMAR 3 cylinder water-cooling diesel engine which has a normal rated power
of 13.3kW/2200rpm. Use flexible supporting breadthwise,install the engine at the rear end of
Air filter is a fixed equipment of 119540-12520; safety device (optional) on engine inlet pipe
ensures more safety and stability of the engine.
Large capacity water tank with air exhaust device for the engine cooling system can effectively
protect engine and ensure normal work in high temperature and prevent overheating.
The main pump and engine directly connected with flange, maximum work pressure is 21 Mpa.
Use flexible shaft coupling installed in the diesel motor flywheel to drive the main pump,
perfectly avoid the influence on main pump, which is caused by the vibration of diesel motor.

Hydraulic system and pilot system

Hydraulic pump, main valve, swing motor from Japan Nachi 、Italy Hydrocontrol with perfect
quality and stable work condition can ensure the stable work of the whole system.
z Full power qualified system can make full use of the engine power.
z Aboratively matched drive control element can ensure the good control of the whole
z The system can appropriately distribute and make use of flow to improve and promote
the machine performance.
z High pressure double speed travel motor provides high traction and travel speed.
z Adopt a 33L oil tank to supply the oil pump.
z Oil pump supply oil to the entire working device through multitandem valve, and the
oil comes back to oil tank through oil cooler and magnetism papery filter.
z The pilot control mechanism in cabin can ensure the multitandem valve action.
z The gear pump connected with main pump can supply hydraulic oil to pilot oil passage.
z The high precision high-pressure filter in pilot oil passage can avoid interferer from

Hydraulic oil cooling

We adopt aluminium oil air exchanging cooler. Hydraulic oil can be perfectly cooled.

Fuel device
Diesel tank can be supplied from a 23L fuel tank, the compact and appropriate design makes it
very easy to add fuel and clean.

Swing drive
Hydraulic swing motor drives the swing supporting of inner joggle through a planetary reducer.
The normally engaged brake in drive system can ensure the safety of the machine.
Boom swing
The design of ultra-large angle boom swing mechanism makes the machine be applied at side
ditch, side channel, foot of wall and cliff. It better meets the current demand of both home and
foreign markets and broadens the use range of machine.

The excavator undercarriage is a high tortuosity rigid steel structure part.
The large dimension pilot wheel and drive wheel provide best travel ability on severe road
condition and self-clean ability.
Undercarriage with the function of left and right track frame flexing has greatly improved the
stability of machine in operation.
The wheels and track are Shan Tui products with high stability and quality. The single element
of track device, such as oriented wheel, carrier roller, track wheel, have a long lubricant cycle
and don’t need to be maintained frequently.
Hydraulic track tension device can conveniently tension and loosen track.
The helix spring provides huge tension power for oriented wheel and ensures the track
orientation, avoid track digression.
High alloy steel track has good adhesion, stability and long service life.

Travel drive
Travel drive adopts axial piston double speed oil motor for power supply, providing high travel
speed and more traction.
Novel travel mechanism is a build-in structure with compact structure and high universality.
The viarable system make the travel speed change from 0~2.20km/h to 0~3.89km/h.

Travel brake
Japan Nachi axial plunger piston motor and well-assorted brake drive adopt hydraulic
brake“+”multiple spring pressure brake (normally closed) to provide stable brake ability while
working, especially when working on the slope.
Compensation valve connected with travel motor can avoid overdrive when machine traveling
on slope.

The cabin has two types, the common one & the brief one.
The common cabin and flexibly installed cabin tally with international standard on width、height
and structure. In addition, the test result according to the ISO10262 and ISO12117 standard of
cabin protection structures by the engineering equipment lab center of Ji Lin University shows that
the prototype meets the lowest performance requirements.

Wide front door can extend to the front and ensure convenient passage.
Glass around the cabin and turnover front window provides best view for operator.
Cabin seat is designed according to the ergonomics and can provide more comfort. The surface,
backrest and rigidity are adjustable and can suit different kinds of requirement from different
Seat with safety belt and pillow is optional.
Control lever is appropriately integrated with left & right control box, the light handle of the
lever can prevent fatigue caused by long time work.
Double action pedal switch control the travel drive. Also it can be controlled manually.
Monitor is within operator’s sight and it is very easy to recognize the indicators on it, such as
engine、electronic device and hydraulic system. All the indicator’s sketch maps comply with
SAE certification.
There is radio installed in cabin.
Also, there is heater in cabin (optional). The heater we adopt is world famous Bergstrom product
with perfect performance.

Machine canopy and sound insulation

The whole canopy is composed of firm middle machine canopy and back cover. It can protect
the engine and pumps, the high quality sound insulation materials reduce noise to comply with
European standard.

Arm teeth
We adopt knockdown tooth, which has a tooth cover and tooth holder made by wearable alloy
steel. The cover and holder are connected with lateral pin, which allows easy replacement.
Though there is no special bucket tooth on the side of the bucket, there are side blades with
clearance angle to help digging.


7.3.1 Outline dimension


(2)Working range dimension

Outline dimension(length×width×height) mm 3820X1170X2378
A Distance between wheel mm 1210
B Length of track mm 1537
C Turret distance to ground mm 446
D Gyration radius of turret mm 1122
E Chassis width mm 990/1320

Dimension F Track width mm 230

parameter G Ground clearance of chassis mm 160
H Track height mm 381
I Overall length mm 3820
J Overall height(to cab top) mm 2210
K Upper structure width mm 1213
Dozer dimension(length × width) mm 1310×267

7.3.2 Operating parameter

A Max. digging height mm 3456
B Max. unloading height mm 2425
C Max. digging depth mm 2216
D Max. vertical digging depth mm 1558
E Max. digging radius mm 3815
F Max. reach at ground level mm 3722
G Max. lifting height of dozer mm 299
H Max. digging depth of dozer mm 315
R Min. swing radius mm 1582





No. Name No. Name

1 diesel engine 14 oil return filter core
2 plunger pump unit 15 air filter——breather
3 relief valve 16 oil tank
4 pilot filter core 17 main valve block
5 pilot solenoid valve 18 center rotation joint
6 two-speed solenoid valve 19 travel driving unit
7 main valve ---- travel operation 20 dozer blade cylinder
8 right joystick (pilot control 21 swing motor
9 left joystick (pilot control 22 boom swing cylinder
10 selector valve——blade+crawler 23 aux. pipe
extends and retracts
11 pilot oil source block 24 arm cylinder
12 oil suction filter core 25 boom cylinder
13 oil cooler 26 bucket cylinder


Company: SUNWARD intelligent equipment Co., LTD.

Trade mark:

Address: 16 LiXiang Road, Xingsha economic and technologic development district, Changsha,


Tel: 0086-0731-4020688 4020666

Maintenance point: our office in some provinces and cities of China

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