BAP Guidance Long English

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Guidance on applying to Kabul Luftbruecke for the German Federal

Admission Program

Carefully read this Guidance several times to make sure you submit a correct and complete application!

Who can apply?

● The main applicant must be an Afghan citizen and have at least one identity document (e.g. passport,
e-tazkira, paper tazkira or birth certificate).
● The main applicant must be in Afghanistan.
● The main applicant must belong to at least one of these risk groups:
○ Persons at risk related to their job or activity
○ Persons at risk related to either their female gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, or
religious beliefs.
● The main applicant should be the person in your family who is most targeted, especially where
evidence is available.
● The main applicant can add core family members (husband / wife or same-sex partners; children
below the age of 18) and other family members who are dependent on the main applicant or share
risk with the main applicant. Family members in a safe country should not be added.

Steps to submit your application

1. Open the application form ( and read the questions. Prepare
your application and all supporting documents offline.
2. Read this guidance to prepare your application. If possible, print this guidance sheet.
3. Once your application is prepared, open the questionnaire: (
and enter your application. You will need more than 1 hour and a stable internet connection. Fill the
questionnaire on a laptop, computer or tablet if possible; if not you can do it from a phone.
4. Once your case is submitted, you will receive a Kabul Luftbruecke application number. Keep a
record of your application number.

Important to read before entering your data

● Each main applicant may only register his or her application once and cannot modify the
application after it is submitted. It is not possible to submit multiple applications through different
● Enter data correctly and completely. Carefully use the guidance to prepare your application.
● Prepare documents and statements according to the instructions below. If you are awaiting
important documents, wait until you receive them before submitting your application.
Preparing your application
Your application is structured around four sections:
(1) Questionnaire section: questions about the main applicant and their risk
(2) Written statement: describing the main applicant and their risk
(3) Evidence section: evidence about the main applicant and their risk
(4) For family members: questions and evidence
Make sure that there is consistency between the sections. State all threats and risks you selected in the
questionnaire in your written statement. Select all threats and risks faced by the main applicant - that are
stated in the written statement - in the questionnaire. They should also be supported by evidence, if possible.
Example: In the questionnaire, if you select that the main applicant was arrested twice in the last year and
intimidated more than five times in the last three months. You should describe both the arrests and all five
intimidations in your written text. You should also upload any available evidence of the arrests and

(1) Questionnaire Section

In the questionnaire there are four parts with approximately 120 questions about the main applicant and their
The main applicant must select at least one of the following risk groups and fill the relevant questions:
Part 2: Risk because of main applicant’s job or activity
● Select the main job or activity for which the main applicant is most at risk. If the job or activity is not in
the list (e.g. military) choose the closest option. You can select several activities in the same area.
● Refer to the activities selected in your written statement and (if available) upload evidence.
● If the main applicant has appeared in public in their job or activity, select the relevant option. In their
job or activity; where and how was the main applicant visible? How did the Taliban know about them?
How did others find out about them?
● Name the specific organization / company / institution you worked for (full time, part time, as a
contractor, volunteer or as a member). If possible, submit evidence (see (3) below).

Part 3: Risk because of vulnerability

● Select the relevant vulnerable risk group of the main applicant: female gender, sexual orientation and
gender identity, or religious beliefs.

Do not insert a written statement in any “Other” text field in the questionnaire section. You can insert a
statement later under 5.4 (Evidence Section, see (2)below).

Make sure there is consistency between all the questions you answered in this section.

Example: If you answered that you experienced physical violence or torture it make sense to select “health” as a legal
right at risk.
Example: If you answered that you are a women’s human rights defender. Select women’s rights, human rights and
self-determination as sensitive topics as part of the risk you selected. You should also describe your work on women’s
rights in your written statement and explain how this puts you at risk.

Select all threats or attacks that happened to the main applicant or that the main applicant was present at or
affected directly and personally by because of their risk group. All threats and risks faced by the main
applicant must be included in the questionnaire and in the written statement (see (2) below), and
where possible, supported by evidence (see (3) below).

(2) Written statement

Write a statement in English (or German) about the main applicant’s risk. Insert the statement into the
questionnaire in section “5.4. Explanation” or upload it as a PDF. Make sure that there is consistency
between your written statement, your answers in the questionnaire and the evidence you upload.
For example, you can include:
- a short description of threats and attacks in chronological order. When? What? Where? Who?
Connect the description with the risk group you have selected in the questionnaire.
- a general description of the overall risk faced by the main applicant consistent with the risk selected in
the questionnaire, e.g. due to their job or activity, female gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, or
religious beliefs, or ethnicity.

(3) Evidence section

Prepare the evidence (including documents, web links and written statements) using these guidelines.
● Do not submit falsified documents or tamper with any documents. The German Government
may reject your case if evidence is considered false.
● Upload scans or pictures of original documents. They need to be clear and readable.
All evidence should be submitted in the original language. If possible, an English (or German) translation of
documents should be included. Make sure that all parts of a text are translated, including dates, addresses,
signatures, stamps etc. Translations should be accurate. Do not add anything to the text.
If you do not have evidence for key events, add an explanation why not in your written statement.

Upload documents in the required format. You may need to rename, reformat, merge, split or compress
documents. Take time to prepare all documents before submitting them with your application.
● You can submit documents in the formats: PDF, JPG, PNG.

● Prepare each ID document of each family member in a separate file.
● Name the files containing your documents in English (or German) and in the following way: Family
name-First name-Document name. For example, Ahmadi-Mohammad Nazif-Passport.
● You can upload up to 5 documents per topic. Each file may be a maximum of 10 MB.
● You can use online tools for reformatting, merging, splitting or compressing PDFs. For example:
● Carefully upload all documents in the correct part of the website.

Evidence about threats and attacks

Upload all available evidence about the threats and attacks the main applicant selected in the questionnaire
and described in the written statement. If you have them, you can submit threat letters or summons letters
(e.g. from Taliban) or letters warning of threats from the former government. There are also many other
forms of evidence you can submit, e.g. screenshots of private messages or transcripts of voice messages
(see a full list of examples in the table on p. x below).


Threat situation A: The main applicant went to a gathering where a group of people met to organize a protest. Taliban
police arrived at the gathering and arrested some of those present. The main applicant was able to flee.

Possible evidence for threat situation A: Screenshots of private WhatsApp messages sent by those at the gathering
about what happened (ideally with dates visible in the screenshot), incl. translation; English transcripts of voice
messages; newspaper articles about the incident (incl. in Dari or Pashto, with translation)

Threat situation B: The main applicant was detained and questioned by the Taliban police. She was released after a few

Possible evidence for threat situation B: Arrest warrant, summons or detention release note (if available); screenshots of
private WhatsApp messages sent by the main applicant’s family or friends about her detention or release (ideally with
dates visible), incl. translation; screenshots of private WhatsApp messages sent by the main applicant to others about
her detention or release (ideally with dates visible), incl. translation; English transcripts of voice messages

(4) Family members

For all family members, answer the questions and upload the necessary documents (see table on p. x
For non-core family members, write additionally two separate statements in English (or German) about their
(1) dependency on and (2) shared risk with the main applicant. Financial dependency is not enough. Insert
the statement into the questionnaire section 6.
For example, you can describe:

- the family member’s health and any care they can only receive from the main applicant.
- the family member’s social dependency on the main applicant, e.g. because the main applicant or core
family serve as a mahram.
- what will happen to the family member if the main applicant and core family leave Afghanistan without
- threats and attacks against family members because of the main applicant e.g. threat messages or house

Documents for the main applicant

Please submit as many documents as possible. Expired documents can also be submitted. You do not need
to submit all of these documents, but, if you have them , you can submit:

Type of document Examples

Identity documents Passport, e-Tazkira, paper tazkira, birth certificate

If the main applicant has more than one identity document, submit all available
documents. Passports can also be submitted if they are expired or about to expire.

Evidence of threats - Threat letters e.g. from Taliban or letters warning of threats e.g. from the
former Government
- Screenshots from social media or messages e.g. WhatsApp, email or
Facebook, containing threats or conversations about what happened. They should
include the dates at which the messages were sent and the details of the sender, if
- Photographs of events and injuries: Faces should be recognizable and marked,
if possible.
- Newspaper articles or publications evidencing main applicant’s risk,
including descriptions about what happened, interviews the main applicant has given or
sensitive publications (e.g. PDFs, screenshots or web links)
- Video and audio files cannot be submitted. Upload written transcripts of
audio or screenshots of video evidence. Keep the original audio or video. You
may be asked to provide it at a later stage. If the video or audio evidence you want to
submit is online, you can submit the link to the website.
- Death certificate: If relevant to the main applicant’s risk that someone close to them
was killed or died, you can submit a death certificate for that person, if available.

Employment or Employment card or contracts, photographs, email correspondence, certificates,

activity related letters of recommendation, other documents

Education Certificates, education ID, transcripts


Public visibility Screenshots of social media posts and websites etc, articles about the main
documents applicant, photographs

Medical documents Letters of diagnosis and treatment from the doctor, prescriptions, other medical
results, e.g. X-rays, blood tests, photographs etc.

Connection to German related: certificates, employment or education IDs, contracts,

Germany transcripts, email correspondence, letters of support, photographs, German
documents language certificates, publications, German visa

Documents for family members of the main applicant

You do not need to submit all of these documents, but, if you have them , you can submit:

Identity documents
If family members have more than one identity document, upload all available documents.

Preferred Alternatives

All family - Passport - Paper tazkira

members - e-Tazkira - Birth certificate

Family relationship documents

If you want to add family members to your application, you need to prove the family relationship between the main
applicant and the family member. Upload all available documents.

Husband / wife - Marriage Certificate (Nikah Khat - Birth certificate of your child, if you and your
/ Nikah Nama or Waseeqa Khat / spouse are both named
Eqrar Nama) (scans or pictures - Religious marriage certificate
should include all pages) - Wedding pictures

Children - Birth certificate or - Child’s tazkira with father’s name (scans or

- Marriage certificate (if child is pictures of both sides)
named) - Vaccination cards
- For adopted children: official - Death certificate (if children are named)
guardianship certificate

Other family - Birth certificates showing family - Tazkira showing family relations, e.g. with
members relations matching father’s names for siblings (scans or
- Marriage certificates showing pictures of both sides)
family relations - Inheritance paper (if family relations are

Family dependency documents

For family members who are not the main applicant’s core family (husband / wife or same-sex partner; children
under 18), a justification must be provided. Prepare these statements in advance (see advice in (4) above)

Only for other - Medical documents, guardianship certificates, death certificates, educational
family documents
members - Written statement about their dependency

Shared risk documents

For family members who are not the main applicant’s core family (husband / wife or same-sex partner; children
under 18), a justification must be provided. Prepare these statements in advance (see advice in (4) above)

Only for other - photographs, screenshots of messages/social media posts/videos/call logs, threat
family letters, death certificates
members - Written statement about the shared risk

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