Fourth Mid-Term Exam Make-Up

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Name: 6th YEAR Date:


(Book: Focus 4- Units 7 &8)

1) Complete the sentences with the correct passive forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. I’m very lucky because I ____________________ (give) wonderful presents for my
birthday every year.
2. We are constantly ____________________ (bombard) with advertisements.
3. Children need ____________________ (praise) when they do something well.
4. I just can’t stand ____________________ (treat) this way!
5. I can’t believe she wanted to do this. She must ____________________ (force) to agree to
6. Who told you this? I think you might ____________________ (give) the wrong
7. She’s really afraid of ____________________ (laugh) at.
8. I think he’s a great painter His talent should ____________________ (recognise) by more
2) Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use a passive
1. They estimate there are between 100 and 200 billion galaxies in the universe.
a. There ______________________________between 100 and 200 billion galaxies in
the universe.
2. People in ancient Egypt thought that Pharaoh was divine.
a. It ______________________________ that Pharaoh was divine.
3. Scientists believe that the universe was created by the Big Bang.
a. The universe ______________________________ by the Big Bang.
4. We could argue that mathematics contains the answer to all questions.
a. It ______________________________ mathematics contains the answer to all
5. People expect technology to develop even faster in the future.
a. Technology ______________________________ even faster in the future.
3) Turn these sentences into the correct passive structure. __/16pts
1. People know that she is a good swimmer.
She _______________________________________________________
2. They say that Francis is in hospital.
It _________________________________________________________
3. They think that the children are in bed.
The children __________________________________________________
4. People believe that the robber has worked in the bank.
The robber ___________________________________________________
5. His colleagues thought that he was on holiday.
He _________________________________________________________
6. People believe that nuclear power stations are dangerous.
It __________________________________________________________
7. People know that cars pollute the environment.
It __________________________________________________________
8. They think that the new product is bad.
It __________________________________________________________
4) Read the conversation. Then complete the sentences below with the correct passive
forms. __/10 pts
Harriet: My parents sent me for riding lessons for my sixteenth birthday.
Cynthia: Riding lessons? Bah! My father is buying me a pony.
Felicity: Only a pony? Well, Mummy and Daddy are going to give me a horse for my birthday.
Annabel: A horse? Do you mean a stallion? Because my uncle has promised me a stallion when I'm
Brian: Well, girls, listen to this. When I was sixteen, my fairy godmother offered me a unicorn she
had taught to fly.
Girls: A flying unicorn? No way! You're so lucky!
Brian: Money can buy many things, but clearly not common sense…
1. Harriet was sent for riding lessons for her sixteenth birthday.
2. Cynthia __________________________________________a pony.
3. Felicity ___________________________________________ a horse.
4. Annabel _____________________________________ a stallion when she's sixteen.
5. A unicorn ____________________________________ when he was sixteen.
6. The unicorn ________________________________to fly by Brian's fairy godmother.

5) Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.__/10pts
0 Unfortunately, I have to work tomorrow.
I wish _I didn’t have to work tomorrow__
1 It’s a pain that I don’t know Tom’s email address.
If only________________________________________________________.
2 It’s a shame I didn’t go over my notes before the exam.
I wish_________________________________________________________.
3 I’m not happy I take after my father in appearance.
If only__________________________________________________________.
4 It’s a pity I can’t play the trumpet.
I wish___________________________________________________________.
5 Unfortunately, I overslept on the day of my job interview.
I wish____________________________________________________________.
6)Choose the correct verb forms.__/8pts
1 You want to go to the cinema but I don’t.
➞ I’d rather we went / would go to the theatre.
2 We didn’t book the rooms in advance.
➞ If only we booked / had booked the rooms in advance.
3 I can’t swim.
➞ I wish I can / could swim.
4 I should learn how to swim.
➞ It’s time I learned / had learned how to swim.

5 Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to help us.
➞ I wish she was / had been able to help us.
6 They’re coming with us.
➞ I’d rather they aren’t / weren’t coming with us.
7 He isn’t a formal member of the club, unfortunately.
➞ If only he was / had been a formal member of the club.
8 He ought to realise what he’s lost.
➞ It’s high time he realised / would realise what he’s lost.
7) Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in
1 The water in the lake isn’t clean. ONLY
If _________________________ clean.
2 You should learn how to drive. HIGH
It’s _________________________ how to drive.
3 You want to go out but I want us to stay in tonight. RATHER
You want to go out but _________________________ in tonight.
4 You aren’t coming with us and I think it’s a shame. WISH
I _________________________ with us.
5 It’s a shame we didn’t go to New Zealand with them. IF
_________________________ to New Zealand with them.
6 I think the teacher gives the children too much homework. RATHER
_________________________ the children so much homework.
7 It’s a shame this candidate didn’t win the election. WISH
I _________________________ the election.
8) Complete the second sentence with the correct form of the underlined verb in the first
0. If only I was more outgoing.
If only I had been more outgoing when I was at school.
1. I wish I could go on holiday.
I wish I ______________________ on holiday last summer.
2. If only we lived in a big city now.
If only we ____________________ in a big city when we were children.
3. I wish I hadn´t lived alone at university.
I wish I ______________________ alone now.
4. If only I hadn´t been so tired that night.
In only I _____________________ so tired now.


a) Complete the words in the sentences. __/4pts

1 We should stop using f _ _ _ _ l fuels such as oil and coal.
2 They’re building a new d _ _ to hold back the river.
3 The sea is full of floating plastic d _ b _ _ s.
4 Plastic is a danger to fish and other m _ _ _ _ e animals.
b) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. __/4pts
1 Plants absorb prey / nutrients from the soil.
2 Scientists have discovered a new species / creature of fish.
3 There are very strong currents / waves in some deep parts of the ocean.
4 Small hazards / particles of plastic are consumed by fish.

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