Peer Review

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experts in those fields are most capable of making informed judgments about

specific applications of their profession.

Association of International Certified Professional Accountants [AICPA]

AICPA peer review program relies on highly trained professionals who review one
another�s work according to the highest ethical and professional standards to
produce a quality service and protect the public interest.

strengthen the peer review process that included bolstering the requirements for
becoming a peer reviewer and enhancing the review of a firm�s system of quality

virtually every firm that performs accounting or auditing work is now required to
go through the peer review process, which examines the design and operating
effectiveness of an accounting firm�s quality management system every three years

There are two types of peer reviews:

In a system review, a peer reviewer evaluates the CPA firm�s system of quality
control for performing accounting and auditing work. This includes an examination
of a sample of the firm�s engagements.

In an engagement review, a sample of the CPA firm�s accounting work is studied and
appraised. CPA firms that undergo engagement reviews do not perform audits, but
perform other accounting work including reviews and compilations, which represent a
lower level of service than audits

The Certified Public Accountant (CPA)who perform peer reviews are experts of the
highest caliber.

Peer review teams include experts in highly specialized engagements.A special

emphasis is placed during peer review on highly specialized engagements and those
with an extra public interest focus such as single audits and employee benefit plan

importance of peer review:

Audits need to be performed in accordance with professional standards. peer review

assists in upholding those standards.

Peer review is built around accountability.CPA firms and individual accounting

professionals are held accountable by their peers. Firms and individuals that do
not perform well go through a remediation process to improve quality,

provides transparency.Many peer review reports are publicly available via AICPA�s
Peer Review. Users can see if a firm is enrolled and the date of the firm�s last
peer review. More transparency is good for users of audits, and it protects the
broader public interest represented by the audited organizations.

provides an opportunity for practitioners� work to be reviewed by those most

qualified to do so � their fellow auditors. The dedication and expertise of peer
reviewers helps them contribute to quality that the public can rely on

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