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Int. J. Morphol.

, Case Report
24(1):5-6, 2006.

Anomalous Lobar Pattern of Right Lung: A Case Report

Anomalía del Patrón Lobar del Pulmón Derecho: Reporte de un Caso

Vishal Modgil; **Srijit Das & ***Rajesh Suri

MODGIL, V.; DAS, S. & SURI, R. Anomalous lobar pattern of right lung: A case report. Int. J. Morphol., 24(1):5-6, 2006.

SUMMARY: The right lung classically has two fissures, an oblique and a horizontal, dividing it into three lobes namely the
superior, middle and lower. The anomaly of the lobar pattern has been described by many research workers on CT scans, where as, there
are fewer studies on gross anatomical specimens. In the present case , which was incidentally detected, we report three fissures dividing
the right lung into four lobes. Such abnormal fissures and lobes are clinically important for identifying broncho-pulmonary segments.
Anatomical knowledge of anomalies of fissures and lobes of lungs may be important for surgeons performing lobectomies, radiologists
interpreting X ray and CT scans and also of academic interest to all medical personnel.

KEY WORDS: Anomaly; Anatomical variation; Abnormal; Fissure; Lobe; Lung.


The anatomical knowledge of the fissures and the During routine dissection of thoracic region of 45 year
lobes of the lung is important for accurate interpretation on old male cadaver, we encountered an anomalous right lung,
CT scans. The right lung classically has two fissures, an which displayed variation in the pattern of fissures and lobes.
oblique and a horizontal dividing it into three lobes namely There was no history of pulmonary disease in the indivi-
the superior, middle and lower (Standring, 2005). The oblique dual. The pulmonary fissures and lobes were studied and
fissure runs downwards, thereby meeting the inferior border appropriate measurements were taken. The specimen was
of the lung at a distance of approximately 7.5 cm behind photographed (Fig.1).
anterior end (Standring). In the present case we report an
accessory fissure in the right lung specimen which divided
it into four lobes. OBSERVATIONS

The horizontal fissure is reported to pass from the

oblique fissure at the level of midaxillary line to the anterior The right lung displayed an oblique fissure, which
border of the lung at the level of sternal end of fourth costal originated at a distance of 7cm from the apex on the verte-
cartilage (Standring). The present case describes a peculiar bral part of medial surface and after traversing a distance of
horizontal fissure which started from the oblique fissure but 8 cms, it further sub divided into two fissures. One of the
traversed backwards towards the vertebral part of the medial fissures continued towards the anterior border to cross it at a
surface. distance of 13 cms from the apex (horizontal fissure). The
other fissure continued downwards as the conventional
The knowledge of anatomical variations of the lobes oblique fissure to cross the inferior border at a distance of 2
of the lung is important for identifying broncho-pulmonary cm from the anterior border. An accessory fissure was noted
segments. Many a times, radiologists may misinterpret an X in the superior segment of the inferior lobe. As a consequence
ray or CT scan. Anatomical knowledge of such variations is to anomalous fissure, we observed four lobes in the right
helpful for lobectomies and surgical resections involving lung. No abnormality was detected in the left lung.
individual segments.

Senior Resident, Department of Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical College,New Delhi-110002, India
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi-110002, India.
Professor, Department of Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi-110002, India.

The incidence of superior accessory fissure is reported to be
more common in the right lung as compared to the left one (David &
Tarver). The present finding agrees to this fact. Interestingly, superior
accessory fissure has a reported incidence of 5 – 30 % in autopsy studies
as compared to 3 % incidence in high resolution CT scans hence the
knowledge of its presence is clinically important for correct
Fig.1. Photograph of interpretation of CT scans (David & Tarver).
dissected right lung specimen
showing: Knowledge of an accessory fissure is helpful for clinicians in
A. Oblique fissure;
order to differentiate it from other normal anatomical and pathological
B. Horizontal fissure;
C. Accessory fissure;
structures. Interpretation of various radiographic appearances of
D. Apex; E. Base. interlobar fluid is important for clinicians. In X ray, incomplete fissures
always give an atypical appearance of pleural effusion. Many a times,
the accessory fissures fail to be detected on CT scans, because of their
incompleteness, thick sections and orientation in relation to a particu-
lar plane (Ariyurek, 2001) .

DISCUSSION In many diseases, segmental localization is a must and the

knowledge of accessory fissure is of much clinical importance to the
clinician. Pre operative planning and strategy for pulmonary lobectomy
The defective pulmonary development gives rise to variations in and segmental resection may also change during presence of such
lobes and fissures of lung. The fissures are the spaces which separate indi- accessory fissures. An incomplete fissure is also a cause for post
vidual broncopulmonary buds or segments and they get obliterated except operative air leakage (Walker, 1997). Often this accessory fissure acts
along the two planes which later manifests as horizontal or oblique fissure as a barrier to infection spread, creating a sharply marginated pneumonia
(Meenakshi, 2004). Non-obliteration of these spaces gives rise to accessory which can wrongly be interpreted as atelectasis or consolidation
fissures of the lung (Meenakshi). An accessory fissure may be of varying (Godwin & Tarver). Incomplete fissures are also responsible for altering
depth occurring between bronco-pulmonary segment (David & Tarver, the spread of any lung disease. (Meenakshi).
1984). Accessory fissures may be present in any of the five lobes. The
inferior accessory fissure which demarcates the medial basal segment and The knowledge of anatomy of fissures of lung may help
the superior fissure which demarcates the superior segment, are the most clarifying initially confusing radiographic findings like extension of
common accessory fissures detected on CT scans (David & Tarver). fluid into an incomplete major fissure or spread of various diseases
through different pathways (Dandy, 1978). Considering the clinical
The accessory fissure which separates the superior segment of importance of such anomalies, we as anatomists opine that prior
the lower lobe from the basal segment is termed as ‘superior accessory awareness and anatomical knowledge of the presence of accessory
fissure’ (David & Tarver). In the present study, the accessory fissure detected fissures and lobes in the lung may be important for clinicians and
on the right lung can be correctly termed as superior accessory fissure. radiologists.
MODGIL, V.; DAS, S. & SURI, R. Anomlía del patrón lobar del pulnón derecho: Reporte de un caso. Int. J. Morphol., 24(1):5-6, 2005.

RESUMEN: El pulmón derecho clásicamente tiene dos fisuras, una oblicua y una horizontal, dividiéndolo en tres lóbulos: superior, medio e
inferior. Anomalías del patrón lobar han sido descritas en algunas investigaciones con scaner, pero son poco estudiadas en anatomía macroscópica. En el
presente caso, el cual fue accidentalmente detectado, describimos tres fisuras dividiendo el pulmón derecho en cuatro lóbulos. Tanto las fisuras como los
lóbulos son clínicamente importantes para identificar segmentos broncopulmonares. El conocimiento de las variaciones de las fisuras y de los lóbulos del
pulmón son importantes para los cirujanos, imagenólogos y anatomistas.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Anomalía; Variación anatómica; Fisura; Lóbulo; Pulmón.


Ariyurek, O. M.: Gulsun, M. & Demirkazik, F. B. Accessory fissures Standring S. Gray’s Anatomy. 39th ed. Churchill Livingstone, New
of the lung: evaluation by high-resolution computed tomography. York, 2005. pp. 947.
Eur. Radiol., 11:2449-53, 2001.
Walker, W. S. & Craig, S. R. A proposed anatomical classification of
Dandy, W. E. Incomplete pulmonary interlobar fissure sign. Radiology, the pulmonary fissures. J. R. Coll. Surg. Edinburg., 42:233-4,
128:21-5, 1978. 1997.

Godwin, J. D. & Tarver, R. D. Accessory Fissures of the Lung. A. J. Correspondence to:

R., 144:39-47, 1984. Dr. Srijit Das
190 RPS Flats
Meenakshi, S.; Manjunath, K.Y. & Balasubramanyam, V. Sheikh Sarai Phase-I
Morphological Variations of the Lung Fissures and lobes. The New Delhi-110017
Indian J. of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences., 46: 179-82, 2004. INDIA Received : 03-09-2005
E-mail: [email protected] Accepted: 24-10-2005

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