Drawing Test HTP (House Tree Person Test) : by Muhammad Asim

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Drawing Test

HTP ( House Tree Person Test)

By Muhammad Asim
Types of Tests

 Objective Tests ( Same Interpretation by everyone)

 Projective Tests ( Inter rater and inter judgement is different by Everyone,
Detection of ambiguous stimuli from vague and unclear stimuli)

 Projective tests ( Subjective scoring )

 Non Projective tests ( Objective scoring)
House Tree Person test

 Developed by John Buck

 Developed in 1948
 Revised in 1969
 Reliability and Validity: The manual contains no information on validity and

 For Diagnostic Purpose.

 For judging Personality.
 For judging Brain damage.
 Neurological functioning.
HTP is An ice breaker.
Used for assessment of resistant and reluctant clients.

 3 white papers
 Pencil/ Pen
 150 minutes
 Can be applied above age from 3 years old.
 60 questions to be asked.
Interpretation of results

 projective test, the results of the HTP are subjective

 The subjective analysis of the test takers responses and drawings aims to
make inferences of personality traits and past experiences.
 The subjective nature of this aspect of the HTP, as with other qualitative
tests, has little empirical evidence to support its reliability or validity.
 This test, however, is still considered an accurate measure of brain damage
and used in the assessment of schizophrenic patients also suffering from
brain damage.
House Interpretation
Questions to be asked

 Who lives here,

 are they happy,
 what goes on inside,
 what's it like at night,
 do people visit here,
 what else do the people in the house want to add to the drawing?
House size

 Little house ( rejection , detachment feelings toward family).

 Big house ( Revolves life around his family).

 Fantasy World , and intellectual thinking.


 Ego
 Dark and strong lines shows strong ego.
 If extended lines it shows defensiveness of self.
Activities mention in house

 Psychotic tendencies
 Delusions
 hallucinations
Doors And windows

 Welcoming Attitude.
 If door is closed shows you are not social
 If windows have bars shows that you are not independent and you are in
 Absence of window shows abuse behavior.
 Lock on Door shows over defensiveness.
 Knob on door shows highly defensiveness.
Shading, Clouds, Rain, Birds and Snow

 Shows Anxiety and depression.

 Psychopathology and abnormality.
 Snow shows severe depression.

 Anyone can access You.

 You are friendly person.
Tree and Flowers

 Pleasant aspect of life.


 Shows depression and anxiety.

 Sexual conflicts.
Double Story

 Double minded personality.

Door closed and windows open

 Restriction from family.

Window with person present

 High need to connect with others.

Water ponds, Pools

 Sexual relationships
Back Doors

 You have secrets in life.


 welcoming behavior

 Signs of visitors and people getting access to you


 Presence of Authoritative person in your life

 Love and affection

 Good interpersonal relationships.


 Sexual Desires
Tree interpretation
Questions to be asked

 What kind of tree is this,

 how old is it,
 what season is it,
 has anyone tried to cut it down,
 what else grows nearby,
 who waters the tree,
 trees need sunshine to live so does it get enough sunshine?
 Life and Your inner Growth
 Health in society
 Your Relationships in society

 Long branches ( You are not satisfied from society)

Human like tree

Psychotic tendency
Weeping tree ( depression tendency)
Top Part of tree

 Interpersonal Relationship with society

Lower part of Tree

 Your inner self

 Your personal growth
Support lines, Ropes

 Rely on support from others to achieve success.

Defensive About Tree

 Rigid Personality

 Small branches ( Limited skills Inferior)

 Big branches ( More effort to fulfill their needs)
 Twisted branches ( Environmental help needed)
 Dead branches ( hopelessness)
Triangle shaped upper tree part

 Aggressive personality

 Wide Trunk ( strong ego)

 Normal trunk ( flexible personality)
Scars on Trunk and cat on tree

 Traumatic Event in life

 Severe depression
Balanced Tree

 Balanced Personality
Gap in trunk Upper Part

 You have some abnormality

Broken branches

 Broken interpersonal Relationships


 Good Functionality in society


 Good reality contact

 You are not a fantasy person.
 No roots ( feeling of insecurity)
Tall Tree

 Wish to be dominant

 Wish for having children


 Self loving personality

Birds on tree

 Want escape from reality.

 Presence of third person in life.
Cloud like tree

 Confused thinking
Pointed leaves

 Aggression
Person Interpretation
Questions to be asked

 Who is this person,

 how old are they,
 what's their favorite thing to do,
 what's something they do not like,
 has anyone tried to hurt them, who looks out for them?
Big head

 High intellectual ability


 Your way to perceive the world around you.

Hollow eyes

 Hallucinations
Eye brows and eye lashes

 Perfectionism

 Castration Fear.

 High aggression
Open mouth

 Too much talkative.

Closed mouth

 You are in toward.

Without mouth

 no contact with reality.


 You have positive feelings for life.


 You are ready to take advices from others.

Chin, shoulders, beard, moustache

 Male dominance
 power

 Your expressiveness
 Anxiety ( if irregular hairs)

 Wide neck strong ego

 Normal neck normal personality
 No neck you have conflicts.

 Access to you environment.

 Open arms ( Welcoming person)
 Cross arms ( no one is allowed to access you )
 Hidden arms you have secrets.

 Pointed ( Aggression )
 Grape like fingers ( Immaturity)
Shaded hands

 You have guilt.

Nude figure drawn

 Psychotic and sexual abuse.


 Autonomy in environment.
 independency

 Small feet ( dependency)

 Large feet (desire to be independent)
Emphasis on feet

 Self loving personality

 Maternal Dependency
 Immaturity
Belt And Tie

 Desire for Sexual Relationship

 phallic preoccupation
Small hands

 Having A wish to make intimate relationship


 Buck, John N.; Warren, W. L. (1992). The House-Tree-Person projective

drawing technique: Manual and interpretive guide. Revised edition. Los
Angeles, CA: Western Psychological Services.
 "Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders". Retrieved March 4, 2012. Niolon,
Richard. "Ph.D.
Thanks For Patience 

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