PPM 2014 04 Spec - Issue2 Naidoo
PPM 2014 04 Spec - Issue2 Naidoo
PPM 2014 04 Spec - Issue2 Naidoo
Pervashnee Naidoo
Nico Martins
Pervashnee Naidoo and Nico Martins (2014). Investigating the relationship between
ARTICLE INFO organizational culture and work engagement. Problems and
Perspectives in Management, 12(4)
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Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2014
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2014
implied link between these constructs makes this an variety in each method for a general comparison
important relationship to study and understand. between them to be valid, and both offer valuable
insight into OC. The present research adopted a
2. Organizational culture quantitative approach to the study of OC since this
Research by Pettigrew (1979), Deal and Kennedy approach has benefits such as the covering of large
(1982), Ouchi (1981), Peters and Waterman (1982), samples with ease, being applicable even if there
and Schein (1985) were primarily responsible for should be time constraints, having a lower level of
promoting the popularity of the concept of an OC. intrusiveness than many quantitative methods, in
This wealth of literature offers strong support for the agreement with the reasons given by Martins and
notion that OC is an important concept in business von der Ohe (2006) for making more use of
(see, for example, Deal & Kennedy, 1982; Denison, validated quantitative tools.
1990; Ouchi, 1981; Peters & Waterman, 1982; and Research has placed a great deal of emphasis on
Schein, 1985), that it may be linked to organizational whether culture and climate are different or similar,
effectiveness (Ott, 1989) and central processes, such and, more recently, looked at how and why these
as leadership and governance (Schein, 1985), and two constructs can be interrelated, to offer a more
that it is a fundamental component of the general complete and parsimonious interpretation of
performance of an organization (Martins, Martins & higherorder social structures of an organization
Terblanche, 2004). (Ostroff et al., 2013). The most accepted definition
Numerous accepted definitions of OC are used in the of climate is “the relatively enduring organizational
literature, which represent the epistemological environment that (a) is experienced by the
backgrounds of the researchers (Bellot, 2011). occupants, (b) influences their behavior, and (c) can
Schein’s (1990) definition and variations thereof be described in terms of the values or a particular set
have been used by most organizational culture of characteristics or attributes of the environment”
researchers. The present study adopted the definition (Tagiuri & Litwin, 1968, p. 25). According to
developed by Martins (which is based on Schein’s Denison (1996), climate develops from the deeper
definition (1990, p.111)) and subsequently define core of culture. The present study adopted the view
organizational culture as: taken by Denison (1996) and Schneider (2000), who
stated that culture and climate are not strongly
… an integrated pattern of human behavior which is differentiated, but are complementary constructs that
unique to a particular organization and which represent different but overlapping interpretations of
originated as a result of the organization’s survival the nuances in the psychological life of
process and interaction with its environment. organizations.
Culture directs the organization to goal attainment.
Newly appointed employees must be taught what is 3. Work engagement
regarded as the correct way of behaving (Martins, The interest in and discussion of work engagement
1989, p. 15). has been escalating in human resource development,
There also seems to be a wealth of OC models that psychology, management, and in occupational health
attempt to explain the relationships between OC and care communities (e.g., see Bakker, Schaufeli, Leiter
related constructs. Martins (1989) developed a & Taris, 2008; Luthans, Norman, Avolio & Avey,
model based on the work of Schein (1985) to 2008; Rich et al., 2010; Christian, Garza &
describe OC. The model is based on the interaction Slaughter, 2011; Shuck, Reio & Rocco, 2011), and
between three key elements: the organization’s within the context of the broader field of positive
subsystems, survival functions and the dimensions organizational behavior (Bakker & Schaufeli, 2008),
of culture (Martins, 1989). It is a comprehensive in which the concept usefully provides an emphasis
model, as it encompasses all the aspects of an on positive aspects of organizational life (Sonnetag,
organization upon which OC could have an 2011).
influence, and vice versa (Martins et al., 2004), but Kahn (1990) was the first to conceptualize
for the purposes of this study, the model is used to engagement, defining personal engagement as the
determine which dimensions of OC may influence concurrent manifestation and expression of an
work engagement in organizations. individual’s ideal self in task behaviors that
With respect to the measurement of culture, Ostroff, encourage a connection to work and to others, a
Kinicki and Muhammad (2013) indicated that it may connection to personal presence (physical, cognitive,
be senseless to debate the merits of using surveys and emotional), and a connection to active, full role
(quantitative measurement) versus case studies performance.
(qualitative measurement), as there is too much
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2014
Maslach and Leiter (1997) postulated that dimensions of organizational culture and work
engagement exists on a continuum, and is the direct engagement respectively, and (2) to determine if
opposite of the three burnout dimensions, namely organizational culture is a statistically significant
exhaustion, cynicism, and a sense of inefficacy. predictor of work engagement.
However, according to Schaufeli and Salonova
(2011), burnout and engagement are exclusive of 5. Research design
one another; individuals undergoing low burnout 5.1. Research approach. A scientific
may not be undergoing high engagement, and vice quantitative survey was used to achieve the
versa, which led Schaufeli, Salanova, GonĨalez- research objectives and to test the
Romá and Bakker (2002) to operationalize work hypotheses. Correlation and regression data
engagement as distinct from burnout. analysis techniques were applied, which
Work engagement as defined by Schaufeli et al. offered plausible ex post facto explanations
(2002, p. 74) is: for the relationships between each of the
… a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind dimensions of OC and work engagement
that is characterized by vigour, dedication, and respectively, and the predictive value of the
absorption. Rather than a momentary and specific dimensions of OC.
state, engagement refers to a more persistent and 5.2. Research method. 5.2.1.
pervasive affective-cognitive state that is not Participants and sampling. The sample
focused on any particular object, event, individual, consisted of 3 000 permanent employees
or behavior. from middle-management levels and below
in an ICT company in South Africa (N =
The researchers agree with the argument presented 20771). Proportionate random stratified
by Bakker et al. (2008) that the field of engagement sampling was implemented, which allowed
at work is best served by a consistent definition for the researcher to sample the rare extremes of
work engagement, one that addresses employees’ the population for higher statistical
experience of work activity. Therefore the precision, compared to random sampling
researchers adopted the definition of work (Marcyzk, DeMatteo & Festinger, 2005).
engagement as postulated by Schaufeli et al. (2002).
A total of 455 usable questionnaires were received,
The strong appeal and legitimacy of work which yielded a response rate of 15.14%. As seen in
engagement can be attributed to the multitude of Table 1, most participants were male (70.8%). The
studies support the relationship between high majority of the respondents were White (39.6%),
engagement levels and the following outcomes: followed by Black (38%), Coloured (13.2%), and
commitment (Halbesleben, 2010; Saks, 2006), Indian (9.2%). This suggested an adequate
financial profit (Harter, Schmidt & Hayes, 2002), representation of the organization’s labor force. The
improved performance (Bakker & Bal, 2010) in majority of the sample comprised employees at an
terms of improved inter-role and extra-role behavior operational level (62.4%).
(Saks, 2006), enhanced job satisfaction (Saks, 2006),
managerial effectiveness (Luthans & Peterson, Table 1. Demographic profile of the respondents
2002), better individual performance (Kahn, 1990),
Item Category Frequency (f) Percentage
greater business unit performance (Harter et al., (%)
2002), and proactive behavior (Salanova &
Male 322 70.8
Schaufeli, 2008). Gender
Female 133 29.2
In the light of the literature study, the following African 173 38
hypotheses were empirically tested: Coloured 60 13.2
H1: There is a statistically significant positive Indian 42 9.2
correlation between each of the dimensions of White 180 39.6
organizational culture and work engagement 20-29 38 8.4
respectively. 30-39 132 29
H2: Organizational culture is a statistically Age
signifycant predictor of work engagement. 40-49 180 39.6
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2014
Research Council (1994, as cited in Odendaal & objectives (3.02) and Strategy and change
Roodt, 1998), research shows that an average of 3.20 management (3.06).
can be seen as a reasonable cut-off point to
differentiate between positive and negative The descriptive statistics of the sub-dimensions of
perceptions. the UWES appears in Table 3. Table 3 illustrates
that all sub-dimensions had a strongly negative
Goals and objectives (3.99), followed by External skewness, suggesting a positive tendency towards
and internal environment (3.60), Leadership (3.54), work engagement. This outcome was to be expected,
and Management processes (3.30) were positively as the tool was developed to give negatively skewed
perceived by employees, meaning that the majority results (Schaufeli et al., 2002).
of the OC dimensions were positively viewed by
employees. Among those dimensions that were The alpha coefficients of all three sub-dimensions
perceived negatively was Employee needs and ranged from 0.85 to 0.87, indicating internal
objectives, which scored the lowest, with a mean consistencies within the recommended range (Tab-
score of 2.83, followed by Means to achieve le 3). The overall reliability of the UWES was 0.949.
Table 3. Descriptive statistics and reliabilities for the UWES
N Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis Cronbach’s Alphas
1 Leadership 1
9 Dedication .316 **
.354 **
.294 **
.310 **
.392 **
.326 **
.242 **
.861** 1
10 Absorption .316** .312** .278** .254** .332** .265** .220** .808** .812** 1
Note: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). r = • 0.1 • 0 .3- small practical effect; r = • 0.30 ” 0.49 – medium
practical effect; r • 0.50 – large practical effect (Cohen, 1988).
The OC dimension Strategy and change Vigour. According to Table 5, the dimensions of OC
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2014
management correlated significantly and positively explained 22.8% of the variance in Vigour (F-
with Vigour (r = .358; medium effect; p ” 0.01), value : p ” 0.000). Goals and objectives made the
strongest statistically unique contribution in
(r = .354; medium effect; p ” 0.01), and Absorption
predicting Vigour (ȕ = 0.218; p 0.000). This was
(r = .312; medium effect; p ” 0.01). The OC
dimension Management processes correlated followed by Management processes (ȕ = 0.216; p
signifycantly and positively with Vigour (r = .409; 0.01) and Leadership (ȕ = 0.207; p 0.000),
medium effect; p ” 0.01), Dedication (r = .392; indicating that these OC dimensions made a slightly
medium effect; p ” 0.01), and Absorption (r = .332; less but nonetheless statistically unique contribution
medium effect; p ” 0.01).
in predicting Vigour. The association between the
Based on the above, H1: There is a significant OC variables of Strategy & change management,
positive relationship between each of the dimensions Employee needs and objectives, Means to achieve
of OC and work engagement respectively, is
accepted. objectives, and External and internal environment
with Vigour was insignificant, suggesting that these
6.3. Inferential statistics: multiple regression. 6.3.1.
variables did not make a significant contribution to
Regression analysis for dependent variable:
the prediction of Vigour.
Table 5. Multiple regression analysis – dimensions of the SACI predicting vigour
Model summary A NO VA
Table 5 (cont.). Multiple regression analysis – dimensions of the SACI predicting vigour
Model Unstandardized coefficients Standardized
coefficients t p
(a) Predictors B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 0.88 0.348 2.53 0.012
6.4. Dependent variable: vigour. According to = 0.125; p 0.01), indicating that these OC
Table 6, the dimensions of OC explained 14.2% of dimensions made a slightly less but nonetheless
the variance in Absorption (F-value: p ” 0.000). statistically unique contribution in predicting
Leadership made the strongest statistically unique Absorption. The association between the
contribution in predicting Absorption (ȕ = 0.181; remaining OC variables with Absorption was
p 0.001). This was followed by Management insignificant suggesting that these variables did
processes (ȕ = = 0.143; p 0.05) and Goals and not make a significant contribution to the
objectives (ȕ = prediction of Absorption.
Table 6. Multiple regression analysis – dimensions of the SACI predicting absorption
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2014
Model t p
B Std. err or Beta
6.5. Dependent variable: Absorption. As can be Leadership (ȕ = 0.126; p 0.05), indicating that
seen in Table 7, the dimensions of OC explained these OC dimensions made a slightly less but
18.6% of the variance in Dedication (F-value: p ” nonetheless statistically unique contribution in
0.000) Management processes made the strongest predicting Dedication. The association between the
statistically unique contribution in predicting remaining OC variables with Dedication was
Dedication (ȕ = 0.223; p 0.01). This was suggesting that these variables did not make a
followed by Goals and objectives (ȕ = 0.183; p significant contribution to the prediction of
0.000) and Dedication.
Table 7. Multiple regression analysis – dimensions of the SACI predicting dedication
Model summary ANOVA
Table 7 (cont.). Multiple regression analysis – dimensions of the SACI predicting dedication
Unstandardized coefficients Standardized
Model t p
B Std. error Beta
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2014
6.6. Dependent variable: Dedication. As can be = 0.126; p 0.01) indicating that these OC
seen in Table 8 the dimensions of OC explained dimensions made a slightly less but nonetheless
20.7% of the variance in the total UWES (F- statistically unique contribution in predicting
value: p ” 0.000). Management processes made Work Engagement. The association between the
the strongest statistically unique contribution in organizational remaining culture variables was
predicting Work engagement (ȕ = 0.205; p insignificant suggesting that these variables do
0.01). This was followed by Goals and objectives not make a significant contribution to the
(ȕ = 0.183; p 0.000) and Leadership (ȕ = prediction of Work engagement.
Table 8. Multiple regression analysis – dimensions of the SACI predicting work engagement
Model summary ANOVA
R R-square Adjusted R- Std. error of the Dedication Sum of squares df Mean square F Sig.
square estimate
Regression 127.38 7 18.197 17.98 .000b
Model t p
B Std. Error Beta
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2014
of OC are likely to be related to higher levels of and work engagement was confirmed (Alarcon,
work engagement. These results are consistent with 2010; Greenidge, 2010; Shuck et al., 2011). Several
those of previous studies that investigated the lines of research evidence indicate that engaged
culture-work engagement relationship (Greenidge, employees outperform their disengaged counterparts
2010; and Alarcon et al., 2010). The present study on a number of organizational metrics (Shuck et al.,
provides evidence that OC is a key consideration in 2011). As work engagement has been shown to
understanding work engagement. relate to several positive work outcomes, the results
of the present study suggest that it makes sense for
Regression analysis indicated that only three of the organizations to foster a positive culture, and to
seven culture dimensions make a statistically unique
contribution in predicting the dimensions of work References
engagement. The findings of the study therefore ensure that employees remain engaged in their work,
provide partial support for Hypothesis 2, which in order to retain workers longer than organizations
postulated that all the dimensions of OC would that fail to promote engagement (Alarcon et al.,
significantly predict work engagement. 2010).
Overall, the OC dimensions of leadership, goals and This study did not look into the effect of subgroup
objectives, and management processes seem to have differences related to age, gender, seniority, or
a greater influence on the work engagement service units. Identifying aspects of OC that have the
variables of vigour, dedication, and absorption, strongest impact on work engagement for specific
suggesting a greater effect on work engagement. occupational groups in areas where there is high
turnover, resignations, and burnout can be highly
Conclusion valuable in future research. Along with
The findings of this study are in line with previous organizational cultural antecedents, the
research where the strong relationship between OC consequences of work engagement can also be
included in future studies.
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