LCE Lubrication Self-Assessment Tool
LCE Lubrication Self-Assessment Tool
LCE Lubrication Self-Assessment Tool
The Lubrication Self-Assessment will provide a snapshot overview of your lubrication program. The Lubrication Assessment asks several questions that will
guide you through the assessment process. Each section has a definition associated with the questions. Simply place the cursor over each topic category and
the topic definition will appear. When you are ready, move the cursor over the raw score column adjacent to the category. Five choices for each topic will
appear. Select your choice and type the corresponding number (1-5) into the Raw Score column. Your assessment score will appear in the Assessment Score
column. Repeat this process until you have answered all of the questions. Your overall Lubrication Program Assessment Score will be calculated automatically.
From a management perspective, is the overall health of the lubrication program defined by comparing
the current standards and protocols in place to best practices?.
Do I calculate lubrication volume used compared to lubrication volume stored to determine minimum and
maximum stocking requirements?
Satellite Storage and Controls Scoring Criteria
Do my satellite storage and control procedures define requirements for storage, handling, shelf life
considerations and filtering of lubricants?
Do I have segregation requirements for food grade and non-food grade lubrication storage? 0
Have I identified all of my assets that require lubrication and do they reside in my CMMS(EAM)? 0
Do my Preventive Maintenance Procedures (Job Plans) clearly identify the Application Methods,
Dosages and Frequencies?
Have I conducted Engineering calculations to determine lubricant dosages for each asset? 0
Are all sumps and application points clearly labeled with the lubricant required? 0
Do I have a defined process for adding new assets to the lubrication program? 0
Disposal Requirements Scoring Criteria
Do my disposal procedures define the process for disposing of used and contaminated lubricants? 0
Do my disposal procedures identify the process for disposal of materials used to remove excess
lubricants or to clean lubricant spills?
Do I have designated lubricant waste receptacles for empty, expired, contaminated, or damaged lubricant
containers and aerosol spray containers?
Do my disposal requirements identify a list of lubricants and their individual disposal requirements? 0
Training and Skill Levels Scoring Criteria
Does my lubrication training program clearly define the levels of expertise required and the qualifications
to reach each certification?
Does my lubrication training program teach personnel proper lubrication handling procedures? 0
Sampling and Analysis Scoring Criteria
Do my sampling and analysis procedures ensure consistent scheduling and sampling of lubricants? 0
Do my policies for condition monitoring of critical assets require the documentation and record retention
of lab results?
Are my lubrication analysis reports reviewed, and work orders generated when out-of-specification
readings occur?
Do I have clear and bright sampling technique procedures that conduct a visual assessment of oil to
identify water and suspended solids ? 0%
Lubrication Self-Assessment Result 0%
The overall Lubrication Self-Assessment score reflects the current condition of your maintenance program. Match the color of your result to the descriptions
Red (0-20%:) Your lubrication program is not effective. You are inducing failure, causing damage to your assets.
Pink (21-40%): Your equipment is running to failure. Asset breakdown is imminent. Your lubrication program is in critical need of improvement.
Yellow (41-60%): Conducting minimal lubrication and tribology tasks, but not creating a significant amount of value.
Blue (61-80%): You are performing some lubrication preventive maintenance tasks and some tribology. There is more you could do to improve your
lubrication program.
Green (81-100%): Congratulations, you have an effective program in place!
For more information about how to set up an effective Lubrication Program, email [email protected] PHONE: 843.744.7110WEBSITE: