Ortho Muhs Laqs
Ortho Muhs Laqs
Ortho Muhs Laqs
Definition :
Fractures / cortex
- Break in continuity of surface of Bone .
Classification : ① Aetiology
- Traumatic Direct -
- stress -
② On basis of complexity :
simple -
Fracture in 2 pieces
Complex -
i. Most symptom : Pain
3 On basis of displacement :
most consistent sign : Tenderness
Un displaced
. Close
Open Internally open (from within) -
due to sharp fracture .
Externally open
⑤ On basis of pattern :
comminuted -
Multiple fragments
2 fractures in one bone at different levels
High velocity
Low velocity
causes of Pathological Fractures :
- Local
Generalised diseases :
Osteogenesis imperfect
Bone cyst [simple ; Aneurysmat) Ollier 's disease
Radiation Acquired Osteoporosis (most )
Eosinophilic granuloma -
Tumors f. Benign ; malignant] Rickets
Paget's disease
multiple myeloma
Metastatic carcinoma
Fracture healing
① Stage of Haematoma 7
Upto days
Blood leaks from torn vessels and forms haematoma .
Ischemic Necrosis of fracture ends .
Sensitisation of precursor cells which later contribute to healing process .
Fibroblasts ,
osteoblasts etc and these collectively form a soft granulation tissue .
fracture is still mobile .
④ stage of Remodelling .
Formerly called stage of Consolidation
Over 1-2 years
Woven bone is replaced by mature bone with typical lamellar structure .
⑤ stage of modelling .
Formerly called stage Remodelling
of .
Bone is gradually strengthened over period of
many years .
Factors . Patient factors : .
Age ( faster in children)
Nutritional status
systemic diseases
Related to fracture : .
pattern C comminuted fractures heal slower)
Soft tissue interposition
Ischaemic fracture ends delay
Open fractures
Related to treatment : .
Compression -
Enhances healing
Immobilisation L Improper may delay healing ]
Reduction Good apposition → Faster healing
Inadequate reduction -
delayed healing
Colle's fracture
*a lower end of Radius fractures :
. Colle 's fr .
- Smith 's fr .
Barton 's fr .
Definition fracture at distal end of Radius at its cortico cancellous junction
[ about 2cm
Incidence .
Commonest fracture above 40
years of age
in because of post menopausal osteoporosis
More Wm mon women .
impact .
. Indirect -
fall on outstretched hand .
Displacements .
Impaction of fragments .
. Proximal shift
Dorsal displacement 4 Dorsal tilt
Lateral displacement & Lateral tilt
C1F .
Dinner fork deformity may be present
Radiology .
Most displacements can be identified on X-ray .
Dorsal displacement is most characteristic ( seen in lateral view )
Lateral displacement is seen in AD view .
Complications . stiffness of joints -
. Subluxation of inferior radio ulnar -
Carpal tunnel syndrome
.MX .
Undisplaced -
Immobilisation in Colle 's cast Xb weeks
followed by immobilisation
Displaced -
Technique -
*& X -
*a percutaneous K wires
Mechanism .
Fall on outstretched hand .
Elbow is forced into hyper extension .
Types ① Extension :
Distal fragment is extended in relation to proximal fragment .
(more common )
② Flexion :
Distal fragment is flexed in relation to proximal fragment .
Displacements ① Posterior / Backward shift
Symptoms . Pain
. Swelling
- Inability to more affected elbow .
signs . Tenderness
. Unusual prominence of tip of olecranon due to backward tilt .
since fracture is above condyles is bony points relationship of normal elbow is maintained .
* It presented late ,
swelling makes it difficult to appreciate latter 2 signs
Radiology . Presence of ossification centres around elbow may make diagnosis difficult in
following be X
seen on rays :
AD view :
proximal shift medial ,
/ lateral shift ,
medial tilt , Rotation of distal fragment
Lateral view :
Proximal shift posterior shift
, , posterior tilt , rotation of distal fragment
Supraoondykoi fracture
✓ v
Fraction fracture
Undis placed displaced
✓ ✓
k wire fixation .
( image intensifies unavailable)
Check X-ray
day 7
Mobilisation v
Reduction Reduction
maintained slips
✓ V
Maintain in slab for 48 hours Capillary circulation good capillary circulation poor B
Mx as Mx as
④ ⑥
Injury to brachial artery
Injury to nerves -
Early . Volkmann 's ischemia -
Late Malathion
Gun stock deformity
Myosin's ossificans
Volkmann's ischemic contractor
Posterior Dislocation of Hip
There are 3 main types of dislocations in hip :
posterior (commonest)
central fracture -
. Intro .
Head of femur is pushed out of acetabulum posteriorly .
It is associated with chip fracture of posterior tip of acetabulum in about 50% of
C1F .
H10 severe trauma
. pain
Associated with
shortening of leg .
Head of femur may be felt in gluteal region .
Radiology .
Femoral head is out of acetabulum .
thigh is internally rotated ; Lesser trochanter is not seen .
Shenton 's line is broken .
Bony chip from acetabulum should be looked for
Closed Reduction
it is possible general
anaesthesia .
Technique :
③ Surgeon flexes hip and knee at right angles and exerts an axial pull .
④ Usually a sound of reduction is heard and hip moves freely in all directions
→ - -
Open Reduction :
may be required in cases where :
complications ① Injury to sciatic nerve
9ft Pain in hip after a seemingly painless period following 14 of dislocated hip
⑨ Osteoarthritis :
Late complication
Pathoanatomy . most fractures are displaced → Distal fragment is
proximally migrated & externally rotated
Displacements are less marked because capsule of hip joint is attached to distal
fragment .
- Classifications ① Anatomical :
lit subcapital
di) Transcervical
fracture just
fracture in
below head
middle of neck
§)y >
" ""
③ Garden 's Classification : Based on degree of displacement of fracture .
Stage 1 :
Fracture incomplete
Head tilted in poster lateral direction
Stage 2 : -
stage 3 : -
Distal fragment rotates externally ¢ causes internal rotation of head .
stage 4 : fracture is complete and fully displaced .
Mechanism .
Elderly -
Trivial fall .
Young -
Severe trauma
C1F .
pain in Groin
Inability to move limb or bear weight following trivial injury .
slight swelling
On Examination :
shortening of leg
Tenderness in groin
Radiology .
Take X-ray of both hips rather than just affected hip .
following features should be noted :
MX This fracture is termed Unsolved fracture
of high incidence
rightly because
- . an
of complications .
Factors which make treatment difficult :
It is difficult to achieve reduction and maintain it because proximal fragment
is too small .
Internal fixation
following implants used :
In children
Fracture Neck of femur
v v
v v
multiple screws
Adults :
Thomas splint
Prosthetic Replacement
Closed Reduction
under X-ray control v v
v u
With otherwise Hip with
v v
Younger Patients Head Vascular -
Due to inadequate immobilisation & poor blood supply .
Rx : Elderly : Replacement Artnroplasty
Young : -
Neck reconstruction ( Baksi 's procedure)
Pauwels osleotomy
Rx : .
Elderly Hemi Replacement Arthroplady
Young Bipolar prosthesis ; Meyer 's Procedure
: .
③ Osteoarthritis :'
Late Complication .
II :
i. Young
' :
Inter -
trochanter ic osleotomy
Elderly : Total Hip Replacement
Inter-trochanteric fractures
Def fractures intestrochantric of proximal femur
of region ,
involving either the
- Mechanism .
Elderly :
sidewall fall or Blow to greater trochanter .
Young : following a violent trauma ( like in road traffic accident)
Patnoanatomy .
Generally displaced and comminuted
. Distal fragment rides up so that femoral Neck shaft angle is reduced Gala Vara ] .
C1F . Pain in groin region .
Swelling region of hip
Inability to move the leg .
Radiology .
Easy diagnosis on X-ray .
Findings indicating unstable fracture and poor prognosis :
Rt Inter -
Objective :
maintain a normal femoral neck shaft angle during process of union
Conservative Methods :
Prolonged bed rest required C 3-4 month] .
Conservative methods are used less because of success of operative methods .
operative Methods :
Fracture is reduced under X-ray control and fixed with internal fixation devices .
Most commonly used internal fixation devices : in Dynamic Hip screw CDHS)
External fixation : patients with bedsores
useful for and those who are unfit
complications .
Malini on -
Osteoarthritis , R
Early stage -
later stage Young trochantericosteotomy
Old -
- Indirect : -
Dathoanatomy .
Usually andis placed due to Pre patellar expansion
of quadriceps tendon in front
and Patellar retina culae on sides .
C1F . pain and Swelling over knee
. Patient is not able to lift leg with knee in full extension [Extensor tag seen ]
. Tenderness over patella
Comminuted fracture : Crepitus is felt
Displaced fractures : A gap is felt btw fracture fragments .
Radiology .
AP view and lateral view sufficient in most cases
view .
skyline view :
May be required in some undisputed fractures .
Mx placed
Undis : -
Reduction of fragments
Comminuted fracture :
complications :
① knee stiffness : Treated by physiotherapy
② Extensor weakness :
Due to inadequate repair of extensor apparatus .
Types ① Primary :
Occurs in joint de
a novo .
Generally seen in old age in
weight bearing joints .
Joints involved for Asian habits ( squatting sitting
- : -
② secondary : .
there is an underlying primary disease of joint which leads to
degeneration .
at after adolescence
any age
causes :
Hip joint knee Joint
Coxa vara -
patellar fractures
malunited fractures
Ace tabular fractures
pathology 4 in water content & depletion of proleoglycans from cartilage matrix
Fibrillation of cartilage
Further Rubbing
Bone margins of joint hypertrophies and forms a aim of pudding spurs Costeophytes)
Frequently bilateral
- Shows geographical variation :
Intermittent in beginning ,
constant later
stiffness Initially -
due to pain and musk spasm
later -
Contractor and inconguity of joint surface
Swelling is a late feature .
. Examination .
Coarse oiepitus on
moving the joint
Irregular and enlarged looking joint ( due to peripheral ostuophytes)
Deformity knee Varus
Hip -
flexion addiction
- -
External Rotation
Effusion -
Rare and transient
Terminal limitation of
joint movement .
subluxation detected on ligament testing
Investigations Radiology
' .
subchondrdl Cysts
Osleophyte formation
Loose bodies
Joint deformity
Others :
Mx .
principles :
① Delay occurrence if hasn't begun yet .
Methods :
Local heat
⑤ Surgery :
osteotomy :
High Tibial Osteotomy
Joint Replacement
Joint debridement
Fracture of shaft of Tibia
- Mechanism - Direct : '
Road traffic accidents are commonest cause
Generally object causing fracture lacerates skin over it causing an open fracture -
Indirect : .
Bending force -
Oblique fracture
Torsional force -
Spinal fracture
Sharp edge of fracture may pierce skin from within causing open fracture
Displacements sideways i Angulatory ; Rotational .
C1F .
History of injury
wound communicating with underlying bone
DX X ray in AD view and lateral view .
a) closed fractures
v v
Un displaced Displaced
v v
stable Unstable
pop cast X4wks v
Closed Reduction v
Closed I open
DIP cast
Maintained Displaced
v v
Grade 1 : Wound debridement
- POP cast with dressing through a window in cast .
. Antibiotics
Grade 2 : wound debridement +
primary closure + External fixation
. Above knee plaster cast .
Change to pop after wound heals .
External fixation
Early bone grafting
Now a days , operative techniques are preferred over conservative methods .
Hence most open fractures are treated using open Reduction Internal fixation CORIA .
Technique of closed Reduction -
Under anaesthesia , patient lies supine with knees flexed over end of table .
Wedging -
Done for fractures which show little angulation on X-ray after POP is applied .
complications i.
Delayed Union or Non Union
Rx -
2. malunioun
3. Infection
4- Compartment syndrome
Injury to common perineal and tibial nerves .
Pott’s fracture
Definition the
fracture Ifradure -
Bending or twisting injury to ankle joint
syndesmosis Others
of ankle mortise
d) fupination -
5) vertical compression comminuted fractures of medial malteds , distal end of tibia & lateral malleolus .
- C1F .
swelling over ankle joint
H10 twisting injury to ankle .
On examination
Crepitus (if fracture is present )
Ankle may be lying deformed ( Abducted or addicted) .
Radiology . X
ray ankle joint AP and lateral view .
- Fracture -
dislocation :
Closed reduction by manipulation under general anaesthesia
It Below
A) Conservative : .
4 If x -
ray unsdlifactory →
operative methods .
Avulsion fr .
: Tension band wiring .
Lower 43 Of fibula fr .
: 4 -
hole plate
. Posterior malleolus : -
Tibio fibular syndesmosis damage Long : screw from fibula into tibia .
Complications i. stiffness of ankle joint .
2. Osteoarthritis
Commonest site : Lower end of femur
Acute Osteomyelitis
Types primary Haematogenous [ more Often children ]
- . -
common → seen in
an or .
- Pneumococcus
Organisms reach the bone via blood circulation
Spread of pus :
Segment of bone becomes a vascular ( segue strum )
→ Pus under periosteum →
Generation of sub periosteal new bone
lperiosteal Reaction)
> Perforation of periosteum → Pus moves out into subcutaneous plane (Abscess)
Epiphyseal plate resistant to spread of pus .
On examination ; Patient ( mostly child ) is febrile & dehydrated .
Investigations .
Blood -
: Earliest sign -
Bone scan : TC99 may show increased uptake by bone in metaphysis .
Indium -
111 labelled leukocyte scan is most specific for diagnosis of bone infections .
Acute poliomyelitis
th A) Child is brought within 48 hours of onset of symptoms :
Rest ,
antibiotics and hydration are continued post operatively .
complications . General :
. Local :
i. Chronic osteomyelitis
2 Acute pyogenic arthritis
3. Pathological fracture
4. Growth plate disturbances :
Damage may lead to complete or partial cessation of
may give rise to shortening , lengthening ,
deformity of limb .
Chronic Osteomyelitis
> Used synonymously with chronic osteomyelitis .
Game 's osteomyelitis sclerosing non suppurate're chronic
, osteomyelitis
. Brodie 's abscess
Etiology -
Pathology .
Persistent infections >
more subperio steal new bone ( Deriosteal reaction )
Thickening of bone
[ osteomyelitis bone has an irregular surface] .
Continuous discharge of pus s sinus formation
sequestrom (piece of dead bone) surrounded by infected granulation tissue trying to
eat sequestrum away .
It has smooth inner surface and rough outer surface [outer surface is constantly
eroded by surrounding granulation) .
Involverum -
Complaints . Chronic discharging sinus ( commonest complaint)
sinuses often heal and reappear with acute exacerbation .
Pain -
thickened irregular bone
. Tenderness on deep palpation
may be stiff due to excessive
Adjacent joint scarring in soft tissues .
Investigations 1) X-ray
and irregularity of cortices
patchy sclerosis
equestrum denser than the normal bone
4) pus culture
5) Blood investigations
. Ri .
Principles : treatment is surgical .
Operative Procedures :
b) saucerisation : Bone cavity is non collapsing and thus there is always pent up pus
and it is responsible for persistence of infection .
Amputation :
Rarely in cases of long standing discharging sinus , especially when
sinus undergoes a malignant change
After surgery ,
the wound is closed over a Continuous irrigation system .
A slow suction is applied to outlet tube .
medullary canal is irrigated in this way for 4 to 7 days .
Complications it Acute exacerbation or flare up of infection .
it Growth abnormalities
) Pathological
Iii fracture
vil Amyloidosis
Tuberculosis of the Spine
spine is site of and joint TB
commonest bone .
pathology . TB spine is always secondary .
Bacteria reach spine via haematogenous route i from lungs or lymph nodes
Collapse of vertebra ( wedging -
Types ( commonest)
paradise al
CII . Back pain ( commonest presenting symptom)
Cold abscess -
presents as a swelling
- constitutional symptoms
fever , weightloss
Examination short steps to avoid the
Gait :
jerking spine
Evidence of cold abscess : it Para vertebral abscess fusiform ( Bird nest abscess )
Globular / tense abscess
④ I widened mediastinum on AP view
signs of healing -
Sclerosis of areas surrounding lytic lesions
2) a scan : -
3) MR1 -
4) myelography -
5) Biopsy -
6) others : CBC ,
Chest x -
ray .
B .
Principles :
Anti tubercular therapy :
Rest -
used in children
Body cast
may be
- .
mobilisation : patient is allowed to sit and walk as he improves while spine supported in
collar for cervical spine or ASH brace for dorso -
lumbar spine .
Treatment of Cold abscess :
Evacuation : cold abscess is drained ,
its wall curated and the wound is closed
without a drain .
Complications i. Cold abscess
2. Neurological compression
Pott’s Paraplegia
. TB spine with neurological involvement .
Pathology .
Inflammatory oedema -
Extradural pus and granulation tissue -
Internal gibbus
Types Early onset Late onset
become quiescent .
Causes :
Grades : com plaits off in coordination or specificity while walking .
Can walk with support .
Grades : severe weakness
Paraplegia in extension
Grade 4 : -
Paraplegia in extension
paraplegia in flexion
Investigations . X -
. MRI -
Rx .
principles :
Conservative Mx :
Operative 4 :
for parade not improving with conservative 4 or severe paraplegia in
it Cost -
transverse domy