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Ortho Muhs Laqs

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Ortho LAQs

Definition :
Fractures / cortex
- Break in continuity of surface of Bone .

Classification : ① Aetiology
- Traumatic Direct -

Tap I crush / Penetration

indirect -

Traction /Angulation / Rotation

- stress -

due to chronic repetitive injury

② On basis of complexity :

simple -

Fracture in 2 pieces
Complex -

fracture in multiple pieces .

i. Most symptom : Pain
3 On basis of displacement :
most consistent sign : Tenderness
Un displaced


④ On basis of Relationship with external environment :

. Close

Open Internally open (from within) -
due to sharp fracture .

Externally open

Object causing fracture lacerates skin and soft tissue

⑤ On basis of pattern :



comminuted -

Multiple fragments
2 fractures in one bone at different levels

⑥ On basis of force causing fracture :

High velocity

Low velocity

causes of Pathological Fractures :

- Local
Generalised diseases :

. Infection [ Pyogenic tubercular) ,

Hereditary -

Osteogenesis imperfect
Bone cyst [simple ; Aneurysmat) Ollier 's disease
Radiation Acquired Osteoporosis (most )


Eosinophilic granuloma -

Tumors f. Benign ; malignant] Rickets

Paget's disease
multiple myeloma
Metastatic carcinoma
Fracture healing

① Stage of Haematoma 7
Upto days
Blood leaks from torn vessels and forms haematoma .

Ischemic Necrosis of fracture ends .

Sensitisation of precursor cells which later contribute to healing process .

② stage of Granulation tissue .

Upto 2.3 weeks

sensitised precursor cells produce cells which differentiate to form Blood vessels ,

Fibroblasts ,
osteoblasts etc and these collectively form a soft granulation tissue .

fracture is still mobile .

③ stage of callus . 4th to 12th week

callus is radio logically visible .
[Earliest sign on X-ray Cat 3 weeks)]
Callus formation is slower in adults than children .

fracture clinically united mobile

; No more

④ stage of Remodelling .
Formerly called stage of Consolidation
Over 1-2 years
Woven bone is replaced by mature bone with typical lamellar structure .

⑤ stage of modelling .
Formerly called stage Remodelling
of .

Bone is gradually strengthened over period of
many years .

Factors . Patient factors : .
Age ( faster in children)
Nutritional status
systemic diseases

Related to fracture : .
pattern C comminuted fractures heal slower)

Soft tissue interposition
Ischaemic fracture ends delay

Open fractures

Related to treatment : .
Compression -

Enhances healing
Immobilisation L Improper may delay healing ]
Reduction Good apposition → Faster healing
Inadequate reduction -

delayed healing
Colle's fracture
*a lower end of Radius fractures :

- Galeazzi fracture dislocation

. Colle 's fr .

- Smith 's fr .

Barton 's fr .

Definition fracture at distal end of Radius at its cortico cancellous junction
[ about 2cm

from distal articular surface ) in adults with typical displacements .

Incidence .
Commonest fracture above 40
years of age
in because of post menopausal osteoporosis
More Wm mon women .

mechanism Direct High velocity

. -

impact .

. Indirect -
fall on outstretched hand .

Displacements .
Impaction of fragments .

. Proximal shift
Dorsal displacement 4 Dorsal tilt
Lateral displacement & Lateral tilt

C1F .


Dinner fork deformity may be present

Radiology .
Most displacements can be identified on X-ray .

Dorsal displacement is most characteristic ( seen in lateral view )
Lateral displacement is seen in AD view .

Complications . stiffness of joints -

fingers stiffness is most common .

. Subluxation of inferior radio ulnar -

Carpal tunnel syndrome

due to injury to median nerve .

.sudeck 's osleodystrophy

Rupture of extensor pollicis longus tendon .

.MX .
Undisplaced -
Immobilisation in Colle 's cast Xb weeks

followed by immobilisation

Displaced -

Manipulative reduction in Colle 's cast × 6 weeks .

Technique -

① Muscles of forearm related

② surgeon grasps injured hand as if he is shaking hands .

③ Disimpact fragments by londitudinal traction .

④ After correction of displacements ,

distal fragment is pressed into Palmar Flexion
and Ulnar deviation
⑤ Master cast applied from below elbow to metacarpal heads , maintaining wrist
in Palmar flexion 4 Ulnar deviation - Colle 's cast
** Patient is encouraged to move fingers as soon as Plaster dries

*& X -

ray is taken to check closed reduction .

X -

ray is taken every week for 1st 3 weeks to detect re displacement


*a percutaneous K wires

may be needed for transfixed comminuted fractures .

Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus
* one of most serious fractures of childhood .

Mechanism .
Fall on outstretched hand .

Elbow is forced into hyper extension .

Dathoandtomy through distal metaphysic

transverse fracture line of humerus above condyles

Types ① Extension :
Distal fragment is extended in relation to proximal fragment .

(more common )

② Flexion :
Distal fragment is flexed in relation to proximal fragment .

Displacements ① Posterior / Backward shift

② Posterior / Backward tilt

③ Medial 1 Lateral shift

④ medial tilt
⑤ Internal Rotation

Symptoms . Pain

. Swelling
- Inability to more affected elbow .

signs . Tenderness
. Unusual prominence of tip of olecranon due to backward tilt .

since fracture is above condyles is bony points relationship of normal elbow is maintained .

* It presented late ,
swelling makes it difficult to appreciate latter 2 signs

Radiology . Presence of ossification centres around elbow may make diagnosis difficult in

minimally displaced fractures .

following be X
seen on rays :

AD view :
proximal shift medial ,
/ lateral shift ,
medial tilt , Rotation of distal fragment

Lateral view :
Proximal shift posterior shift
, , posterior tilt , rotation of distal fragment

Supraoondykoi fracture

✓ v

Radial pulse Present Radial Pulse Absent


Fraction fracture
Undis placed displaced

✓ ✓

Closed Reduction Close reduction

& Percutaneous under GA

k wire fixation .
( image intensifies unavailable)

Pop IabX3wks (under image intensifier)


Check X-ray

Check X-ray after twk Acceptable Unacceptable



Pop support for 3 weeks Check X-ray

day 7

Mobilisation v

Reduction Reduction

maintained slips

Continue POP Open Reduction

for 3 weeks and K wire fixation

✓ V

Mobilisation mobilisation after 3weeks

& Radial Pulse Absent

Immediate close reduction


Pulse returns within t.hr A Pulse does not return

Maintain in slab for 48 hours Capillary circulation good capillary circulation poor B

u keep in slab under

Proper reduction and treat close supervision

any other supra condyles v


fracture circulation circulation Explore vessel and

improves deteriorate internally fix the


Mx as Mx as

④ ⑥

Injury to brachial artery

Injury to nerves -

median nerve (most common)

Radial nerve

Early . Volkmann 's ischemia -

Ischemic injury to muscles and nerves of flexor compartment

Of forearm .

Late Malathion
Gun stock deformity

Myosin's ossificans

Volkmann's ischemic contractor
Posterior Dislocation of Hip
There are 3 main types of dislocations in hip :
posterior (commonest)
central fracture -

. Intro .
Head of femur is pushed out of acetabulum posteriorly .

It is associated with chip fracture of posterior tip of acetabulum in about 50% of

cases ( called fracture -

dislocation ) .

Mechanism Force directed shaft of femur

along hip flexed
with .

Occurs often ly in motor accidents .


Occupant of car is thrown forwards and his

knee strikes against the dashboard [ Hence called Dashboard Injury] .

C1F .
H10 severe trauma
. pain


Deformity (Flexion addiction internal rotation)

, .

Associated with
shortening of leg .

Head of femur may be felt in gluteal region .

* this injury is often missed when alw other severe injuries .

Radiology .
Femoral head is out of acetabulum .

thigh is internally rotated ; Lesser trochanter is not seen .

Shenton 's line is broken .

Bony chip from acetabulum should be looked for

aaa may be necessary where associated fracture is suspected .

.MX Reduction of dislocated hip is head

emergency as longer remains out , more

are chances of it becoming a vascular .

Closed Reduction

In most cases to reduce hip by manipulation under


it is possible general
anaesthesia .

the chip fracture of acetabulum (if present) ,

falls in place as head is reduced .

Technique :

① Patient is anaesthetized and placed supine .

② Assistant grasps the pelvis firmly .

③ Surgeon flexes hip and knee at right angles and exerts an axial pull .

④ Usually a sound of reduction is heard and hip moves freely in all directions


→ - -
Open Reduction :
may be required in cases where :

cil Close reduction fails

there is an intra articular loose fragment allowing accurate

not reduction .

I Acetabular fragment is large $ is from weight bearing part of

acetabulum .

complications ① Injury to sciatic nerve

② myosin 's ossificans :

Occurs a few weeks to months after injury .

tray shows mass of fluffy new bone around hip .

Ri . Rest & analgesics .

③ A vascular Necrosis of femoral head :

In I5-2OI cases of dislocation

changes appear in X ray generally I-2 years after injury


9ft Pain in hip after a seemingly painless period following 14 of dislocated hip

Eventually requires hip replacement


⑨ Osteoarthritis :

Late complication

Causes A vascular femoral head

Incongruous acetabulum and femoral head .

px : total hip replacement

Fracture of neck of femur
The term fracture of neck of femur is used for Intra capsular fractures of
femur neck .

Extra capsular fractures generally called Inter trochanter ic fractures

are - .

Pathoanatomy . most fractures are displaced → Distal fragment is
proximally migrated & externally rotated

Displacements are less marked because capsule of hip joint is attached to distal

fragment .

- Classifications ① Anatomical :
lit subcapital
di) Transcervical

fracture just
fracture in
below head
middle of neck
§)y >


Basal At base of neck

I /

* more proximally fracture is located ,

worse is the prognosis .

② Panvel 's classification : Based on angle of inclination of fracture in relation to

horizontal plane ( Pauwel 's angle)

" ""

③ Garden 's Classification : Based on degree of displacement of fracture .

Stage 1 :

Fracture incomplete
Head tilted in poster lateral direction

Obtuse angle laterally at trabecular stream


called Impacted or Abducted fracture

Stage 2 : -

fracture complete but an displaced


Break in trabecular stream with little angulation

stage 3 : -

fracture is complete and partially displaced .

Distal fragment rotates externally ¢ causes internal rotation of head .

Alignment btw trabeculae of head and acetabulum is also lost .

stage 4 : fracture is complete and fully displaced .
Mechanism .
Elderly -
Trivial fall .

osteoporosis is considered important contributory factor .

Young -

Severe trauma

C1F .
pain in Groin
Inability to move limb or bear weight following trivial injury .

slight swelling

patient with impacted fracture walking


may even arrive .

On Examination :

External rotation of leg Patella facing outwards


shortening of leg

Tenderness in groin

Attempted hip movements are painful


Active straight leg raising is not possible .

Radiology .
Take X-ray of both hips rather than just affected hip .

following features should be noted :

Break in medial cortex of neck


External rotation of the femur


Overriding of greater trochanter flies at level of head of femur)


Break in trabecular stream


Break in Shenton 's line .

MX This fracture is termed Unsolved fracture
of high incidence
rightly because
- . an

of complications .

Factors which make treatment difficult :

Blood supply of proximal fragment ( Head) is cut off


It is difficult to achieve reduction and maintain it because proximal fragment
is too small .

invariably needs operative treatment

Because of above factors ,
this fracture .

closed Iopen Reduction


Modality of treatment is usually with Internal fixation .

Internal fixation
following implants used :

multiple Cancellous screws -

Most commonly used .

Dynamic Hip screw LDHS )


multiple Knowle 's pin 1 Moore 's pins -

In children
Fracture Neck of femur

v v

Impacted Iundisplaced Displaced

v v

Conservative methods Physiologically 560 years Physiologically 760 years

multiple screws

Adults :
Thomas splint

Prosthetic Replacement
Closed Reduction
under X-ray control v v

v u
With otherwise Hip with

Reduction Reduction Normal Hip preexisting

Possible not possible arthritis

v v

Multiple screw fixation Open Reduction Hemiarlhroplasty Total Hip

with screw 1AM prosthesis)


.mx of late presenting Cases :

- Patient Age 760 years :

Replacement Artnroplasty

Younger Patients Head Vascular -

Mcmurray 's Ipauwel 's osleotomy

Meyer's Procedure

Head A- vascular Bipolar Prosthesis



① Non Union . In approximately 30-401 Cases .

Due to inadequate immobilisation & poor blood supply .

Rx : Elderly : Replacement Artnroplasty
Young : -
Neck reconstruction ( Baksi 's procedure)

Pauwels osleotomy

② Avascular Necrosis few months to

Diagnosis on X
ray possible after 2 years .

Rx : .
Elderly Hemi Replacement Arthroplady

Young Bipolar prosthesis ; Meyer 's Procedure
: .

Total Hip Replacement


③ Osteoarthritis :'
Late Complication .

Occurs due to A- vascular deformation of head or Union in faulty alignment .

II :
i. Young
' :
Inter -

trochanter ic osleotomy
Elderly : Total Hip Replacement
Inter-trochanteric fractures
Def fractures intestrochantric of proximal femur
of region ,
involving either the

greater or lesser trochanter or both .

- Mechanism .
Elderly :
sidewall fall or Blow to greater trochanter .

Young : following a violent trauma ( like in road traffic accident)

Patnoanatomy .
Generally displaced and comminuted

. Distal fragment rides up so that femoral Neck shaft angle is reduced Gala Vara ] .

C1F . Pain in groin region .

Swelling region of hip

Inability to move the leg .

tenderness greater trochanter

over .

Radiology .
Easy diagnosis on X-ray .

Findings indicating unstable fracture and poor prognosis :

Comminuted of medial cortex .

Avulsion of lesser trochanter

Extension of fracture to sub trochanter ic region
- .

Rt Inter -

trochanteric fractures unite readily .

Objective :
maintain a normal femoral neck shaft angle during process of union

Conservative Methods :

Lil Russell 's traction

Iii) skeletal traction in tnomas splint

Prolonged bed rest required C 3-4 month] .

related [ Bedsores pneumonia )

May cause complications to
reuimbency ,
etc .

Conservative methods are used less because of success of operative methods .
operative Methods :

Fracture is reduced under X-ray control and fixed with internal fixation devices .

Most commonly used internal fixation devices : in Dynamic Hip screw CDHS)

ail Ender 's Nails

I Gamma nails
in proximal Femoral Nail CPFN]

External fixation : patients with bedsores
useful for and those who are unfit

for major operation

complications .
Malini on -

Gives rise to Coxavara Closed Neck shaft angle)

> B- Inter trochanterK

osteotomy ( Generally avoided

for elderly patients

Osteoarthritis , R

Early stage -

later stage Young trochantericosteotomy

Old -

total Hip Replacement

Fracture of patella
- Mechanisms -
Direct : -

Blow to anterior aspect of a flexed knee .

Usually results in comminuted fractures .

Stellate fracture : com minutia of whole of patella .

- Indirect : -

Due to violent contraction of quadriceps


fracture line runs transversely across the patella dividing it into

Two (Two part fracture) .

Dathoanatomy .
Usually andis placed due to Pre patellar expansion
of quadriceps tendon in front
and Patellar retina culae on sides .

strong quadriceps contraction result in rupture of Patellar Retina adae


C1F . pain and Swelling over knee
. Patient is not able to lift leg with knee in full extension [Extensor tag seen ]
. Tenderness over patella
Comminuted fracture : Crepitus is felt
Displaced fractures : A gap is felt btw fracture fragments .

Radiology .
AP view and lateral view sufficient in most cases

A fracture separation fragments lateral

with wide of is
easy to diagnose in

view .


skyline view :
May be required in some undisputed fractures .

Mx placed
Undis : -


Plaster cast extending from the groin to just above malleoli ,

with knee in full extension Callander last] × 3 weeks .


Two Part fracture

: Operation is always necessary

Reduction of fragments

tension band wiring


Repair Extensor Retinaculae

If reduction not possible : PatelIectomy + Repair extensor retina Iae
If t fragment is one of poles : Excision (partial Patellectorny ) + Repair Extensor
. All operations are followed by support in cylinder cast for 4-6 weeks .

Comminuted fracture :

complications :
① knee stiffness : Treated by physiotherapy
② Extensor weakness :
Due to inadequate repair of extensor apparatus .

③ Patel to femoral Osteoarthritis .

Osteoarthritis CoA) is a degenerative joint disease .

Types ① Primary :
Occurs in joint de
a novo .

Generally seen in old age in
weight bearing joints .

Joints involved for Asian habits ( squatting sitting
- : -

knee [ most common ,


Hip [ most common in population with western living habits]


Trapezio metacarpal joint


Inter phalangeat joints

② secondary : .
there is an underlying primary disease of joint which leads to

degeneration .

at after adolescence
any age

causes :
Hip joint knee Joint

A vascular Necrosis condyles fractures of femur


Coxa vara -

patellar fractures

Congenital dislocation of Hip ligament injuries of knee joint


malunited fractures
Ace tabular fractures

pathology 4 in water content & depletion of proleoglycans from cartilage matrix

Repeated weight bearing on such cartilage


Fibrillation of cartilage

Further Rubbing

Subchondral bone becomes hard and glossy (Eburnated)

Bone margins of joint hypertrophies and forms a aim of pudding spurs Costeophytes)

Formation of Subchondral ousts and sclerosis


Loose flakes of cartilage incite synovial inflammation and thickening of capsule .

Deformity and stiffness

Ctf Occurs in elderly
' .
more .

Frequently bilateral
- Shows geographical variation :

Knee joint ( population with Asian living habits)


Hip joint C Population with western living habits)


- Pain (Earliest symptom ) -

Intermittent in beginning ,
constant later

initially dull on starting activity after rest i cramping later

stiffness Initially -
due to pain and musk spasm
later -
Contractor and inconguity of joint surface

Swelling is a late feature .

. Examination .
Coarse oiepitus on
moving the joint
Irregular and enlarged looking joint ( due to peripheral ostuophytes)

Deformity knee Varus

Hip -

flexion addiction
- -

External Rotation
Effusion -
Rare and transient
Terminal limitation of
joint movement .

subluxation detected on ligament testing

Investigations Radiology
' .

Narrowing of joint space [ may be limited to medial compartment of

ITbio - femoral joint of the knee)


Subchondral Sclerosis (dense bone under articular surface)


subchondrdl Cysts

Osleophyte formation

Loose bodies

Joint deformity

Others :

Rule out rheumatoid

ferology and ESR arthritis

Serum Uric Acid : Rule out gout .

Mx .
principles :
① Delay occurrence if hasn't begun yet .

② Stall progress of disease and Relieve symptoms .

③ Rehabilitate patient with or without surgery .

Methods :

① Analgesics (long acting formulations preferred )

② Chondro protective agents : Glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate

③ viscosupplementati.cn sodium Hylarunon I injected

: in
joints 3-5 times at weekly intervals)

④ supportive therapy : weight Reduction

Avoidance of stress

Local heat

Exercises to build muscles to improve stability

Local application of counter irritants and liniments

⑤ Surgery :

osteotomy :
High Tibial Osteotomy

for knee with genu varum

Inter trochanter ic Oskotomy -

for Hip joint

Joint Replacement

Joint debridement

Arthroscopic removal of loose bodies degenerated men is cat tears etc


Fracture of shaft of Tibia
- Mechanism - Direct : '
Road traffic accidents are commonest cause

Generally object causing fracture lacerates skin over it causing an open fracture -

. Fracture occurs in tibia and fibula at same level .

Indirect : .
Bending force -

Oblique fracture
Torsional force -

Spinal fracture
Sharp edge of fracture may pierce skin from within causing open fracture

Displacements sideways i Angulatory ; Rotational .

C1F .
History of injury
wound communicating with underlying bone

DX X ray in AD view and lateral view .


a) closed fractures

v v

Un displaced Displaced
v v

stable Unstable
pop cast X4wks v

Closed Reduction v

Closed I open

Patella Tendon Bearing CDTB) v Non hailing

cast I brace X bwks satisfactory satisfactory

DIP cast

with a weekly Ciosed

Check X ray Nailing

for 1st 4wks

Maintained Displaced


v v

PTBX 4wks Open Klosed

( if required) Nailing
b) 0pen#re :

Grade 1 : Wound debridement
- POP cast with dressing through a window in cast .

. Antibiotics

Grade 2 : wound debridement +
primary closure + External fixation
. Above knee plaster cast .

Change to pop after wound heals .

Wound debridement dressing


External fixation
Early bone grafting

Now a days , operative techniques are preferred over conservative methods .

Hence most open fractures are treated using open Reduction Internal fixation CORIA .

Technique of closed Reduction -

Under anaesthesia , patient lies supine with knees flexed over end of table .

the leg is kept in tractionusing halter (made of bandage)


fracture ends are manipulated till good alignment is achieved -

Wedging -

Done for fractures which show little angulation on X-ray after POP is applied .

Mast is out circumferential14 at level of fracture on concave side of angulation .

complications i.
Delayed Union or Non Union

Rx -

a) Nailing with Bone grafting

b) Phemister grafting
c) Ihizarov 's method

2. malunioun

3. Infection

4- Compartment syndrome

5. Injury to popliteal artery

Injury to common perineal and tibial nerves .
Pott’s fracture
Definition the
fracture Ifradure -

dislocation of bones forming ankle joint .

Bending or twisting injury to ankle joint

Classification Hansen classification :


Injury medial side lateral side Tibio fibular


syndesmosis Others

1) Addiction injury medial malleolus Avulsion fracture of Normal

fracture with lateral malteds
oblique fracture line

2) Abduction injury Avulsion fracture of fracture of lateral Normal

medial malteds mailed us at the level

of ankle mortise

3) Promotion external rotation


Transverse fracture of spiral fracture of fibula Damaged

medial malleolus at above level of ankle
level of ankle mortise mortise

d) fupination -

external rotation Transverse fracture of spiral fracture of lateral Normal fracture of

medial malteds at malleolus at level of posterior malleolus
level of ankle mortise ankle mortise

5) vertical compression comminuted fractures of medial malteds , distal end of tibia & lateral malleolus .

- C1F .
swelling over ankle joint
H10 twisting injury to ankle .

On examination

Crepitus (if fracture is present )
Ankle may be lying deformed ( Abducted or addicted) .

Radiology . X
ray ankle joint AP and lateral view .

- Note following features :

it fracture line of medial & lateral malleoli .

Iii ) Tibio fibular syndesmosis

( Iii) posterior subluxation of talus .
R -
Fracture without displacement : Immobilisation by below knee plaster cast X 3-6 weeks .

- Fracture -
dislocation :
Closed reduction by manipulation under general anaesthesia
It Below
A) Conservative : .

knee plaster cast .

iii) check with X-ray


it continue plaster cast for 8- to weeks if x

ray is satisfactory

4 If x -

ray unsdlifactory →
operative methods .

B) operative methods : Open reduction + internal fixation .

Techniques of internal fixation

medial mailed us : -

transverse fracture : compression screw ,

tension band wiring

Oblique fracture : compression screws


Avulsion fr .
: Tension band wiring .

Lateral malteds transverse tr Tension band wiring

- : -

spiral fracture compression screws


comminuted fracture : Buttress plating


Lower 43 Of fibula fr .
: 4 -
hole plate

. Posterior malleolus : -

C '↳ articular surface of tibia : No additional R


7 Yz articular surface of tibia :

compression screws

Tibio fibular syndesmosis damage Long : screw from fibula into tibia .

c) External fixation closed method can't be used

Required in cases where .


Open fractures with crushing of muscles and tendons

Complications i. stiffness of ankle joint .

2. Osteoarthritis
Commonest site : Lower end of femur
Acute Osteomyelitis
Types primary Haematogenous [ more Often children ]
- . -

common → seen in

Secondary Following open fracture bone operation

. -

an or .

. Aethiopathogenesis Staphylococcus ( commonest)

. : .

- Pneumococcus

Organisms reach the bone via blood circulation


Bacteria get lodged in metaphysic

Bone initiates an inflammatory reaction in response to bacteria

Bone destruction and production of inflammatory exudate

Spread of pus :

a) Along medullary cavity thrombosis of

medullary vessels
- .

b) out of cortex damage to petiosteal blood supply


Segment of bone becomes a vascular ( segue strum )
→ Pus under periosteum →
Generation of sub periosteal new bone
lperiosteal Reaction)

> Perforation of periosteum → Pus moves out into subcutaneous plane (Abscess)
Epiphyseal plate resistant to spread of pus .

' C1F Acute onset of pain at the end of bone

¢ swelling
. .

On examination ; Patient ( mostly child ) is febrile & dehydrated .

Inflammation localised to metaphysical area of the bone .

Investigations .
Blood -

PMN Leukocytes is i Elevated ESR

X -

: Earliest sign -

Denoted new bone deposition at metaphysic

( takes 7- 10 days to appear)

Bone scan : TC99 may show increased uptake by bone in metaphysis .

Indium -

111 labelled leukocyte scan is most specific for diagnosis of bone infections .


Acute septic arthritis


Acute rheumatic arthritis



Acute poliomyelitis
th A) Child is brought within 48 hours of onset of symptoms :

No pus is formed yet


limb is put to rest in a splint or by traction


Antibiotics : children 14 years : Ceftriaxone & vancomycin

Older children : Ceftriaxone & doxacillin

Antibiotics changed to specific ones after cultured sensitivity .

Child is adequately hydrated with IV fluids .

A four hourly temperature chart .

Limb can be mobilised when child improves .

weight bearing is restricted for 6- 8 weeks .

surgical intervention is required if patient does not respond favourably to

antibiotics within 48 hours .

B) If child is brought after 40 hours of onset of symptoms :

USG examination of the affected part for early detection of deep collection of


Surgical exploration and drainage


A drill hole is made in the bone in region of metaphysic .

Hole is enlarged untill free drainage is obtained

- .

swab is taken for culture ¢ sensitivity .

Wound is closed over sterile suction drain .

Rest ,
antibiotics and hydration are continued post operatively .

Antibiotics are continued for 6 weeks .

complications . General :



. Local :

i. Chronic osteomyelitis
2 Acute pyogenic arthritis

3. Pathological fracture
4. Growth plate disturbances :
Damage may lead to complete or partial cessation of


may give rise to shortening , lengthening ,

deformity of limb .
Chronic Osteomyelitis
> Used synonymously with chronic osteomyelitis .

Types ( secondary to osteomyelitis)

Chronic pyogenic osteomyelitis acute .

. Chronic osteomyelitis due to TB fungal infections ,


Game 's osteomyelitis sclerosing non suppurate're chronic

, osteomyelitis
. Brodie 's abscess

Etiology -

Delayed and inadequate treatment of acute osteomyelitis .

Highly virulent organism


Reduced host resistance : malnutrition ,

Immunocompromised states .

Pathology .
Persistent infections >
more subperio steal new bone ( Deriosteal reaction )

Thickening of bone
[ osteomyelitis bone has an irregular surface] .

Continuous discharge of pus s sinus formation

sequestrom (piece of dead bone) surrounded by infected granulation tissue trying to
eat sequestrum away .

It has smooth inner surface and rough outer surface [outer surface is constantly
eroded by surrounding granulation) .

Involverum -

dense sclerotic bone overlying a sequestrum .

Complaints . Chronic discharging sinus ( commonest complaint)
sinuses often heal and reappear with acute exacerbation .

Pain -

minimal but may become aggravated during acute exacerbation .


Examination Sequestrum may mouth

discharging of the itself
. Chronic sinus -
be visible at the sinus .

thickened irregular bone
. Tenderness on deep palpation
may be stiff due to excessive
Adjacent joint scarring in soft tissues .

Investigations 1) X-ray
and irregularity of cortices

patchy sclerosis
equestrum denser than the normal bone

, and cloacae may be visible

2) Sino Radio opaque and taken
gram : -

dye is injected X-ray is .

3) CT scan and MRI

4) pus culture

5) Blood investigations

. Ri .
Principles : treatment is surgical .

Aims : cil Removal of dead bone

til Elimination of dead space and cavities
1 Removal of infected granulation tissue and sinuses

Operative Procedures :

a) sequestered my : Removal of seguestrum .

If it lies within medullary cavity ,

a window

is made in overlying involverum and the segue strum removed .

b) saucerisation : Bone cavity is non collapsing and thus there is always pent up pus
and it is responsible for persistence of infection .

In saucerisation , cavity wall is removed and cavity is converted

into a saucer .

This allows free drainage of infected material .

c) Curettage lined granulation tissue is curated

: the wall of
cavity ,
by infected ,

until the underlying normal looking bone is seen .

d) Excision of infected bone ( if it can be excised without compromising the functions

of the limb) .

Amputation :
Rarely in cases of long standing discharging sinus , especially when
sinus undergoes a malignant change

After surgery ,
the wound is closed over a Continuous irrigation system .

. Inlet tube goes into medullary cavity ,

and an outlet tube brings the irrigation
fluid out .

A slow suction is applied to outlet tube .

Irrigation fluid suitable antibiotics and detergent

consists of a .

medullary canal is irrigated in this way for 4 to 7 days .
Complications it Acute exacerbation or flare up of infection .

it Growth abnormalities



) Pathological
Iii fracture

iv) Joint stiffness

4 sinus tract malignancy

vil Amyloidosis
Tuberculosis of the Spine
spine is site of and joint TB
commonest bone .

Agent Mycobacterium tuberculosis


pathology . TB spine is always secondary .

Bacteria reach spine via haematogenous route i from lungs or lymph nodes

Spreads via para vertebral plexus of veins ( Batson 's plexus ) ,

which has free communication
with visceral plexus of abdomen ,
a common site for TB infection

Bacteria lodge in contiguous areas of 2 adjacent vertebra

Granulomatous inflammation

Erosion of vertebral margins


Disc degeneration and eventually destruction

Collapse of vertebra ( wedging -

more severe in lesions of dorsal spine )

Cold abscess

Types ( commonest)
paradise al

CII . Back pain ( commonest presenting symptom)
Cold abscess -

presents as a swelling
- constitutional symptoms

fever , weightloss

Examination short steps to avoid the
Gait :
jerking spine

Attitude & deformity : stiff straight neck -

typhus Igibbus in dorsal spine TB .

paravertebral swelling Fhectuaht ( cold abscess)



spinal movements are limited

Investigations 1) X ray : -

Reduction of disc space ( earliest sign )

Destruction of vertebral body

Evidence of cold abscess : it Para vertebral abscess fusiform ( Bird nest abscess )
Globular / tense abscess
④ I widened mediastinum on AP view

Iii ) Retro pharangeal abscess

① I psoas abscess

Diffuse rarefaction of vertebrae above and below the lesion .

signs of healing -
Sclerosis of areas surrounding lytic lesions

2) a scan : -

may detect small para vertebral abscess


Precise extent of destruction of vertebral body and posterior elements

3) MR1 -

Investigation of choice to evaluate the type and extent of compression of cord .

4) myelography -

Indicated for patients presenting with spinal tumor syndrome

5) Biopsy -

To confirm diagnosis in doubtful cases

6) others : CBC ,
Chest x -

ray .

B .
Principles :

it Achieve healing of the disease

ii. I Prevent ,
detect and treat promptly complications like paraplegia .

Anti tubercular therapy :

Rifampicine CR3 110mg 1kg )


Isoniazide LH3 15mg 1kg)


Dyrazinamide [ 23 125mg 1kg)


Ethambutol LE3 1IS -25mg 1kg )

→ Intensive phase 12 months) -

→ continuation phase (g- 18 months) HRE

care of spine : Rest during acute phase followed by guarded mobilisation

to spine .

Rest -

period of bed rest is required during early stages of treatment .

Minerva jacket or a collar may be used for immobilisation of cervical spine .

used in children
Body cast
may be
- .
mobilisation : patient is allowed to sit and walk as he improves while spine supported in
collar for cervical spine or ASH brace for dorso -
lumbar spine .

patient is advised to avoid sports for 2 years .

Treatment of Cold abscess :

Aspiration : should be by antigravity insertion with needle entering through

a zigzag tract .

Evacuation : cold abscess is drained ,
its wall curated and the wound is closed
without a drain .

Complications i. Cold abscess

2. Neurological compression

Pott’s Paraplegia
. TB spine with neurological involvement .

Pathology .
Inflammatory oedema -

Neural tissues become oedema tous because of vascular stasis .

Extradural pus and granulation tissue -

most common cause of compression

Sequeira displaced into canal

' .

Internal gibbus

Types Early onset Late onset

during active phase -

several years after disease has

become quiescent .

Causes :

it Abscess lit Recurrence of disease

ii ) Granulation tissue Iii ) fibrous Septa @ following healing
iii) posterior spinal disease 1 Severe kyphosis ( internal gibbus)
iv) Infective thrombosis of spinal
blood supply
Grading -
Grade 1 : patient unaware of deficit .

Babin ski the i Ankle 1 Patellar domus present .

Grades : com plaits off in coordination or specificity while walking .

Can walk with support .

Grades : severe weakness

Paraplegia in extension

partial loss of sensation

Grade 4 : -

Paraplegia in flexion with severe muscle spasm


Near complete loss of sensation .

- C1F . Muscle weakness

Loss of sensations

Paraplegia in extension

paraplegia in flexion

Complete flaccid paraplegia

Investigations . X -

. MRI -

type of vertebral destruction .

presence of para vertebral abscess

cause of paraplegia ( pus ; seguestrum)

Rx .
principles :

Promote recovery of affected neural tissues .

Achieve healing of vertebral lesion

Undertake rehabilitate measures to prevent contradunes .

Conservative Mx :



Bracing for 6-12 months

Operative 4 :
for parade not improving with conservative 4 or severe paraplegia in

flexion with sensory loss 76 months .

it Cost -

transverse domy

if Antero lateral decompression

iii ) Hongkong operation ( Radical debridement and artnodesis )
ir) Lamine etomy

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