Group Dy. Chapter7-11
Group Dy. Chapter7-11
Group Dy. Chapter7-11
Prizing and acceptance – must achieve his corrections then the good words again.
potentials and aspirations. Presence of It will work best for a team to develop in the
commitment and publicly affirmed.
Filipino the values of Lakas ng loob (self confidence), kusang
Filipino Values loob (initiative), Utang na loob (gratitude), and Tapat na
According to Lynch (1970) are essential for smooth loob (integrity). In a team, there is a need to reform first
interpersonal relationship.
people inside the group, thus the need for "Kusang loob"
1. Pakikisama - refers to the yielding of a person to the and "Loob ng puso." Finally, discipline must reign in a team;
“one of us” identification.
therefore there is a need for "tapat na loob."
2.Go- Between – the need of mediator or facilitator.
Relationship in the Philippines can be reciprocal or mutual
3.Euphemism- to be able to state the most unpleasant (utang na loob) or empathetic (ilagay mo ang sarili mo sa
remarks in the most pleasant manner.
kanyang katauhan upang maunawaan mo.)
According to Dr. Patricia Licuanan in her special address on Two kinds of Filipino:
the 29th Psychological Association of the Philippines annual
Convention, she gave briefly the dynamics of strengths and Nasiraan ng loob- one who has taken himself for
weaknesses of Filipino. granted.
Pakikipagkapwa tao- pakikisama, Bilib sa sarili- one who thinks he is the only human
pakikiramay,bayanihan, - sensitiveness of Filipino to
being in the world.
help could be the source also of weaknesses-
tendency to be subjective. An equilibrium must be maintained between self and the
Family- Closes kinship that gives sense of security-
other by knowing oneself and knowing others.
extreme case tends to lead to nepotism.
Sense of Humor- tendency to look at the lighter Our relationship with others are the following kinds:
side, to be optimistic which might lead to passivity
1. Personal : I - Thou relationship
and escapist attitude.
Creativity- Flexibility and innovativeness could lead - Person to person
to extreme shifting and poor productivity.
2. Functional : I - It Relationship
Religiously- Adherence to faith or God could lead
extremely to be dependent and loss of own - Person to thing (of the person)
3. Personal and : I - You Relationship
FILIPINO VALUES FOR TEAM EFFECTIVENESS - Human in a way yet functional because of
The Filipino is an expert in human relationship. He can
create systems to make relationship serve his purposes. necessity
Such as: suki system, compadre system, bata-bata system Functional:
and utang na loob system.
To utilize Filipino values for team effectiveness the following The right relationship is to love persons and use things. The
are essential elements: Filipino can use very much the value of personalism to
a. Self-awareness of own values
b. Awareness of your neighbor’s values develop the right kind of relationship.
Pakikipagkapwa-tao is a must for a Filipino in an
organization. This sprang from his very nature or
Chapter 9: Group Morale 4. greater division of labor and coordination
It has been used by military in time of war. Also 5. fewer difficulties in communication with
◦ willingness of the members to work in 7. Greater satisfaction of the members with the
◦ In problem solving and in group works, each member of the group through their values,
members are engaged in a common task specifically their moral values that have been
of a feeling on the part of the individual through Moral or morality refers to a set of values that have
adherence to common goals and confidence in the to do with "how human cooperate and coordinate
In learning moral values, one has to implement his environment. It is not something he make out of
discipline. The discipline comes from the word “disciple” one nothing but something he makes of other people’s
who learns form or voluntarily follows a leader. Parents are responses to him as others see him, so he gradually
the leaders and children are the followers. The learning of tends to see himself.
1. Rules must be set that will act as educational interact or communicate with each other directly or orally.
agency. To acquaint the child with standards of Two main purposes for discussion are:
conduct that are acceptable to the group and must 1.For problem solving and decision making
of rules and regulations. The child must be clearly 1.Closed Group Discussion- Private deliberation in
aware of what to do and what to expect and who to order to gain better insight of opinions of others.
obey. Examples:
3. Reward and punishment must be given a. Study Group- member discuss topics of mutual
Punishment will inhibit undesirable acts and b. Workshop- study group that meets regularly or at
rewards serve to reinforce desirable acts. regular intervals over a period of time at a definite place.
Common causes of discrepancies c. Staff Meeting- the head of any complex organization
1. Confusion may arise when a child sees what his may call his staff members to deliberate on important facts
parents say, is not what they do. Discrepancies or issues.
between family expectation and peer group occur d. Briefing Session- information is needed by a group
because of the conflict of moral concept. whose members are ready to undertake a common
knowledge and moral behavior. The child finds it e. Round table- a common problem deliberated,
expedient to behave in such a way that he tries to “ round a table” for purpose of learning and sharing
ideas from each other.
4. Poor Management Atmosphere- threat or fear to
2. Public Group Discussion- Discussion conducted for make decision and be unpopular.
the listening audience. Steps in Decision Making
Example: A. Consensus- free open exchange of ideas, active
a. Panel- a small group of experts or well trained persons of participation, there must be commitment listen actively
authority in their own fields tackle problems for the benefit substitute us, ours instead I, or mine.
of an audience. Participants engage in direct conversational B. Brain storming- free wheeling discussion, relevant or
interchange of ideas irrelevant, ask what and why but no criticism.
b. Dialogue- two communicating participants in which C. Multivoting- ask participant to vote on the issue wherein
one of them is problem and must be the center of the majority rules.
discussion. The other participant supplies more questions D. Nominal Group Technique – indirect voting only
than information. facilitator and group member will vote through secret
c. Symposium- each participant delivers a relatively short ballots.
speech which being interrupted from time to time, CHAPTER 11 LEADERSHIP
answering questions and giving its views or explaining LEADERSHIP is a process of inducing subordinate to behave
in a desired manner.
certain aspect of the problem presented. Speakers follow
each other in accordance until all participants have been UNDERSTANDING THE BASICS OF LEADERSHIP
given the chance to expound on subjects relative to
Know yourself is the key word.
symposium. The leader never lies to himself, especially about himself,
Steps in Problem Solving and Decision Making knows his flaws as well as his assets, and deals with them
1. Awareness of the Problem- Gather important facts and directly.
advance tentative solution to the problem. Talk to people It is important for a leader to be matured, for the needs, to
who know about the problem. have experienced, and grown to that experience.
2. Generate Alternative- Make options, estimate the he is capable of learning to be dedicated, observant never
servile, always truthful. Then he can encourage others.
possibility of good points of each solution and determine
possible consequences of each alternative in terms of value, It is not much ingredients of leadership, as it is product of
importance and interest. Approach the problem from leadership.
It is the quality that cannot be acquired, but it is earned.
different directions. Analyze and review the problem.
It is given by the co-workers and follower, and without it,
Challenge the judgement “It can be done”. the leader cannot function.
3. Make Hierarchical Plan- Make priority of possible solution. CURIOSITY AND DARING
The leader wonders about everything, wants to learn as
4. Implement your plans and test your decision or check or
much as he can, is willing to take risks, experiment and try
review the plan- analyse accumulated experience and new things.
knowledge. He does not worry about failure, but embrace errors,
The Cycle of Your Basic Steps in Problem Solving knowing how he learn from them.
Factors Affecting Poor Decision Making
He has the capacity to convince others, through his
1.Confused responsibility, lack of coordination, and aloquence, through his communication skills.
indecisions. He ought to be one who is able to relate well with sincerity.