DX-M (English - Brochure)
DX-M (English - Brochure)
DX-M (English - Brochure)
Computed Radiography at a very high resolution
of 50µm pixel pitch, for Digital Mammography
and General Radiography
phosphor plate
Needle-based technology delivers
quality images
A CR solution with needle-based detectors to reach the
high-level quality demanded by mammography. One
that has the potential for dose reduction for all studies,
including mammography, neonatology, and pediatrics.
That incorporates artificial intelligence with SmartRotate,
which enhances productivity, allows consistent viewing
independent of the cassette-orientation, and keeps the
full focus on patient care. That combines excellent image
quality with high throughput, delivered by a unique five
cassette drop-and-go buffer and very fast preview. And all
housed in a compact system comprising the top features
of already-proven Agfa CR systems.
Excellent image
enables a reduction of X-ray dose
Comprising the very best components from already
proven ground-breaking CR solutions, the DX-M is
the culmination of years of Agfa R&D technologies.
By building upon this excellence, the DX-M is
driving the future of CR imaging.
Places you closer to your patient detection of very small details such
as extremities and rheumatology.
In pediatrics and mammography, the
DX-M’s cassette-based workflow makes Eliminates waiting times and
it both effective and efficient. The allows for a continuous workflow
cassettes allow easy positioning of
your patient - a major advantage when With a five cassette input and five cas-
working with children - and makes the sette output drop-and-go buffer, DX-M
system ideal for portable applications, eliminates waiting time and allows
such as in neonatal intensive care. continuous workflow, while automatic
cassette handling and the ability to
Maximizes productivity switch easily between studies makes
across all applications it highly productive and user friendly.
Comprising the very best components The fast preview facility on the exam-
from already proven ground-breaking CR ination window of the MUSICA work-
solutions, the DX-M is the culmination station starts shortly after a cassette
of years of Agfa R&D technologies. By is dropped into the buffer and allows
building upon this excellence, the DX-M correct positioning and exposure to be
is driving the future of CR imaging. determined even while the final image
is in the process of being completed.
Supports General Radiology,
including Full Leg Full Spine, Artificial Intelligence for the
extremities, neonatal and right view, automatically
pediatric applications
SmartRotate puts Artificial Intelligence
As yet another Agfa innovation in into the hands of the technologist and
imaging, the DX-M supports all General radiographer during patient positioning.
Radiology applications, including With SmartRotate the cassette orien-
Full Leg Full Spine, extremities, tation is always right – which helps
neonatal and pediatrics. Its use of to provide more efficient, consistent
needle-based detectors provides and patient-centered care. Images are
excellent image quality while offering presented ready for viewing, directly and
the potential for dose reduction. automatically. This ‘plug and play’ feature
uses a Deep Neural Net to identify
Very high resolution of the image content, and then rotate it
50 µm pixel pitch correctly. With fewer manual post-pro-
cessing actions, the operator saves time
Our dedicated plates & cassettes offer and can focus on imaging - instead of
a very high resolution image quality adjustments. What’s more, the consistent
and are therefore suited for general presentation of the images in the PACS
radiography applications that require enables better comparison with priors.
DX-M - the benefits
Suitable for the most space- Services & Support
restricted environments
Agfa offers service agreement
With space at a premium in any solutions tailored to the individual
healthcare facility, the DX-M’s 51 cm customer’s situation. The service
depth makes it suitable for even the agreements are available in Basic,
most space restricted environments. Comfort and Advanced levels,
Requiring no dedicated area, its making lifecycle costs predictable.
footprint allows it to be placed easily
in any X-ray room where it can be
slotted into the smallest of spaces.
Its network capability makes it ideal
for supporting single or multiple X-ray
rooms - facilitating both centralized
and decentralized workflows.
* DX-M with CR Mammography application is not available in the US.
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Septestraat 27 - 2640 Mortsel - Belgium
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is intended for guidance purposes only, and characteristics of the products and
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Products and services may not be available for your local area. Please contact
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