MECG1043 Design Project Report

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MECG1043 Design Project Report

Design of XY Table with Power Screws

Date: January 05, 2022

Name: Angel Blacio, García Stalin
Design Project No.: 2
Instructor: Professor Carlos Gabriel Helguero

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Design specifications.

 Spacing range is 6”x6” on the XY table.

 Mass Platform Load 60 lbs., including platform weight.
 One power screw will be used for the X axis and another power screw for the Y axis.
 One motor will be used for each power screw.
 The pitch angle is 0.5°.
 The external load on the platform includes an axial force of 20 lbs along the y-direction, which
has an offset height of 1.0" from the top level of the XY table.
 The resolution of the linear motion should be greater than 10 μm
 It will have bearings at each end.
 The speed should be less than 25 mm/s.
 The screws are of the ACME type.
 Safety design factor nd=1.75

Torque calculation

Axis X

We select a μ =0.17, according to table 3, since it shows us the coefficient of friction in lubricated contact

The force F opposes the movement of the nut. P= μ*W, μ is the coefficient of contact friction and W is
the total load.

P=0.17∗60 lb
P=10.2 lb
In Table 3, we select the first option.

Calculate the total inertia.

J=J r +J s + J m

J r =m ( )
np 2

=60lb ¿ ¿

1 2 1
J s = mr p = ∗(1.15 lb )∗¿
2 2
Kg∗cm ∗2.2 lb
∗1¿ 2
1 Kg
J m =0.1
J=J r +J s + J m =0.00603+0.00689+0.0341=0.047 lb∗¿
∗( μπ d p + Lcosα )
2 dc
T u=T S +T C = + μc P + Jα
(μπcosα −μL) 2
T u= ∗¿ ¿
T u=1.117∗0. 4+ 0.191+ 1.845

T u=2.483 lb∗¿

∗( μπ d p −Lcosα )
2 d
T d=T S +T C = + μc P c + Jα
(μπcosα+ μL) 2
T d= ∗¿ ¿
T d=1.117∗0. 123+0.191+1.845

T d=2.173 lb ∈¿

In table 4 we can choose VRDM 364 because it has a nominal torque of 0.45Nm which is equal to 3.98

Axis y

P=μ∗W +20 lb
P=0.17∗60 lb +20 lb
P=30 .2 lb
∗( μπ d p + Lcosα )
2 dc
T u=T S +T C = + μc P + Jα
(μπcosα −μL) 2
3 0.2∗0.219
T u= ∗¿ ¿
T u=3.307∗0.4+ 0.566+1.845

T u=3.73 4 lb∗¿

∗( μπ d p −Lcosα )
2 d
T d=T S +T C = + μc P c + Jα
(μπcosα+ μL) 2
3 0.2∗0.219
T d= ∗¿ ¿
T d=3.307∗0. 123+0.191+1.845

T d=2.4 43 lb ∈¿

En la tabla 4 podemos escoger VRDM 364 porque tiene un torque nominal de 0.45Nm que es igual a
3.98 lb*in.


Table 1. Friction coefficients of threaded pairs.

Table 2. Friction coefficients of on thrust collar.

Table 3. Main dimensions of standards ACME strings.

Table 4. Motor-specific data of VRDM 36x.

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