KNES Secondary Newsletter TII Week 2 (January 15, 2023 January 19, 2023)

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Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department Newsletter – 2022/2023

Some of the activities during the academic year 2022/2023

National Geography Ultimate Explorer Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) English Literature field trip to Kuwait City
Year 7 Geography Educational Field Trip (Oct. 2022) Y10 Science Educational Field Trip (Oct. 2022) (Sept. 2022)

Job Shadow program in the Theatre (Oct. 2022) Job shadow Program at RSM, Arraya Tower, Kuwait KNES Visiting the British Embassy (Sept. 2022).
Welcome by Her Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador to Kuwait, Ms. Belinda Lewis,
Entrepreneurial Master Class (EMC) “Owning our future” British Embassy Kuwait - Paying our last respects to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II.

Junior Achievement Award (INJAZ) KNES visited the British Embassy (Nov. 2022) Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award KNES Visiting the British Embassy (Nov. 2022)
Year 11 & 12 Job Shadow – Gulf Bank for a Remembrance presentation. Huriyyatus Shofa Abdul Hakim ‘Reach for the Sky’ dinner with the Red Arrows.
(Student of Kuwait National English School)

Y10 & 11 Computer Trip to Sheikh Y9, 10 & 11 Students Unifrog Y9 Students visiting the Achievement Award (INJAZ)
Yr 9 students visiting Al Ghanim furniture factory
Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre (CPD & launch for Y9) Kuwait Times Printing Press


Universities from the UK visiting KNES
Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department
Newsletter - KNES Secondary Newsletter {TII Week 2: January 15 – January 19, 2023}

KNES Mission Statement

“While engaged in our scholastic pursuit towards
excellence in all academic areas we recognize all the
moral values in building Humanity, realise our
Kuwait National English School common destiny and engage ourselves to act upon
Secondary Department issues threatening our Human Family and hence our
Earth Home.”
“Education, and only the right one, means liberation; ignorance is the worst sign of slavery”
1/23/2023 9:34 PM Condorcet 1743 – 1794, French Philosopher, Politician and Mathematician

Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department External Examination Time table May/June 2022
January 09, 2023 – Wednesday January 11, 2023
Edexcel/Pearson January 2023 Examinations
Date of Examination AM/PM Syllabus Component Syllabus/Component title Exam Times Exam Duration Number Names
of of
Code Code Start End Hrs Mins students invigilators

Mon. AM WBI 11 Biology 1 IAL Unit 1: BIOLOGY 1 8:00 9:30 1h 30 m Mr. Meshari
January 09, 2023 Molecular Diet, Transport and Health Dr. Raouf
Wed. AM WCH 11 Chemistry 1 IAL Unit 1: CHEMISTRY 1 8:00 9:30 1h 30 m Mr. Meshari
January 11, 2023 Structure, Bonding and Dr. Raouf
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Mon. AM WAA01 Arabic 1 IAL Unit 1 ARABIC 1 8:00 10:30 2h 30 m Mr. Meshari
January 23, 2023 Understanding & Written resp. Dr. Raouf

Edexcel/Pearson (Kuwait Starting time for examinations): {IAL (Morning) (AM) - 8:00 am} & {IAL (Afternoon) (PM) - 11:00 am}

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Dates for your 1/23/2023 9:34 PM

(First Term dates: September 04, 2022 – December 15, 2022) diary
(Second Term Dates: January : – April 06, 2023)
08, 2023 (Third Term dates: April 16, 2023 – June 12, 2023)
September 04, 2022 Start of First Term for all students 8th January 2023 Start of Second Term 2022/2023 16th April 2023 Start of Third Term (2022/2023)
1st September 2022 – Presentation by the British Embassy (10:00 am) 9th – 21st January 2023: IAL Edexcel/Pearson Examination 20th April 2023 Reports to Parent
4th Sept. 2022 Start of First Term for Yr 7 → Yr 13 9th & 10th January 2023: Unifrog (CPD for staff & Launch for Yr 9)
11th January 2023: Registration for IGCSE open
April 2023 UK Maths Challenge (Y7, 8 & 9)
25th Sept. 2022 – Y11 &12 Job Shadow – Gulf Bank (Kuwait city)
29th Sept. 2022 – English Literature Trip to Kuwait City 12th January 2023: Reports to Parents April 2023 Eid Al Fitr*
12th January 2023: Yr 9 Educational Trip to Kuwait Times Printing Press
3rd October 2022 – Job Shadow (EMC) (Y10) [Business Studies] 16th January 2023: British Universities visiting KNES (Global Study UK) 1st – 3rd May 2023 Parental Meetings
6th October 2022 – Innovation Camp (Y11 & 12) [Business Studies] 16th January 2023: Job Shadow: Injaz Al Ghanim Furniture manufacturer May/June 2023 Secondary Graduation
10th – 12th October 2022 Parental Meetings 17th & 18th January 2023: Parental Meetings (6:30 pm – 8:30 pm)
16th – 20th October 2022 – Mid Term Holiday 19th January 2023: Y10 & Y11 Computer science trip to AUM Robotic 4th – 8th June 2023 Third Term Exams
17th Oct – 17th Nov. 2022 – IGCSE Cambridge November 2022 session
29th January 2023 – 2nd February 2023: CIS/NEASC Inspection 8th June 2023 – End of External Examination from the UK
27th October 2022 - Educational Trip to Kuwait Oil Company
27th October 2022 – Educational Trip National Geography 14th June 2023 Report Handed out
6th February 2023: IGCSE Year 9 Option Meeting 12th June 2023 End of Third Term for students (2022/2023)
27th October 2022 – Job Shadow: Injaz “Owning our future”
16th February 2023: Science Fair & Quizzes 15th June 2023 Last Day for returning Teachers
1st November 2022 – University visit: GUST University 26th February 2023 – 2nd March 2023: National Day Holiday
1st November 2022 – Winter uniform 20th June 2023 Last Day for staff leaving KNES
February 2023: UK Maths Challenge (Y10, 11 & 12) 20th June 2023 Last Day for SLT
2nd November 2022 – Educational Trip to National Geography
8th November 2022 – British Embassy + KNES Remembrance Day February 2023: Overseas Educational Trip 28th June 2023 – Contingency date for External Examination
10th November 2022 – Remembrance Day Assembly 2022
11th November 2022 Remembrance Day March 2023 – GUST High School Maths Competition
21st November 2022 – KNES community watching the FIFA World Cup 2022 8th March 2023 English Quizzes
21st November 2022 – British Embassy Dinner + KNES Y12 Students 9th March 2023: Secondary Sports Day
22nd November 2022 – Year 8 Field Trip to KDD 11th March 2023 – Start of External Examination from the UK
23rd November 2022 – Year 7 Field trip to the International Book Fair (Misref)
20th – 22nd March 2023 BSO Inspection
1st December 2022 – Y9, Y10 & 11 Computer students to the Salem centre
19th March 2023 – Summer Uniform
4th – 13th December 2022 First Term Exams 26th March – 6th April 2023 Second Term Exams
15th December 2022 End of First Term (2022/2023) 6th April 2023 End of Second Term (2022/2023)
18th December 2022 – 5th January 2023 Holiday
20th – 27th April 2023 Spring Holiday

A Growth Mindset at Kuwait National English School Secondary Department 2

”Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are ” - Sigmund Freud

buried alive, and will come forth later,
a in uglier ways.
"Good friends, good books, and t
a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” - Mark Twain
Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department
Newsletter - KNES Secondary Newsletter {TII Week 2: January 15 – January 19, 2023}

Junior Achievement Award – Year 9 students visiting Al Ghanim Furniture


Year 9 students of Kuwait National English

School were welcomed at Al Ghanim Furniture
factory on Monday January 09, 2023. They were
accompanied by Mr. Omar and Mr. Mahmoud.

Universities from the United Kingdom visiting KNES on Monday January 09, 2023.

Kuwait National English School students were welcomed at a university in Kuwait (AUM)
Workshop on Robotic
Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department {TII Week 2: January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}
YEAR 7 - (Y7A - Mr. Dale, G17), (Y7B Ms. Nadia, B24) & (Y7C Ms. Aida Cetin, B14)

YEAR 7 Term II Week 2 {January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}

Form Tutor: (Y7A - Mr. Dale, G17), (Y7B Ms. Nadia, B24) & (Y7C Ms. Aida Cetin, B14)
Class Representative: (Y7A - Khalil Suliman), (Y7B - Mohammed Khalil) & (Y7C- Salma Samer)

Art & Design (Ms. Aida): Clown drawing. Pupils should apply skills they have learnt so far this year to a drawing of a clown. Students will
create a correctly proportioned drawing, considering perspective and successfully added shading and texture

Computer Science (Ms. Farhat): Procedures and functions

Understand the skills to use procedure and functions with procedural abstraction method in python.

English Language (Ms. Nadia): Writing for purpose:

book review writing. Develop reading skills to identify and comment on different meanings (implicit).

French (Dr. Sana): Talking about your survival kit. Using “avoir” (je, tu, il/elle).
Grammar: avoir (present singular). Qu’est-ce que…. ?
Geography (Mr. Dale): Describing the different rainfall patterns of the UK.
Global Citizenship (Mr. Charlton): Energy, Pollution, Waste and Recycling. Understand how much of mankind was encouraged to throw away
and consumer-driven culture, and the detrimental impact this continues to have on people and the planet Earth.

History (Mr. Alex) World castles project.

To be able to give reasons why castle designs are similar and different around the world.

Mathematics (Mr. Charlton): Chapter 14 cont… Area. Students will be able to calculate perimeter of different figures.
Students will be able to calculate area of compound shapes.

Music (Mr. Tudor): This unit is all about effective keyboard performance technique including basic treble clef staff
notation. How do we turn the keyboard on? (power supply adaptor routines). How do we connect headphones
and splitters? (demo and class to get headphones all working). How do we leave the keyboard when we’ve finished
playing or at the end of a lesson? (establish routines for good keyboard housekeeping.
Understand how the classroom keyboard is used and played

P.E. (Mr. Tamer & Ms. Yara): Football Basic Skills (Boys). Badminton Basic Skills (Girls). Boys Should: Control the ball while dribbling without
obstacles. Manage to kick after dribbling. Manage to do a front pass with control and accuracy.
Girls Should: Grip and hit practice. Serves exercises. Shooting techniques exercises. Single matches.

PSHE (Mr. Charlton): Personal wellbeing – family relationships. To explore the causes of tension between young people
and their parents, and to understand that parents and children have different feelings and perspectives.

Science (Mr. Sudhir): Muscles and Bones. Muscles and Blood, The Skeleton.
Social studies (Mr. Charlton): The Natural and Economic Resources of the Arab World.
To study agricultural resources of the Arab World.

Spanish (Mr. Guillaume): Do you look like science? Give opinions about school subjects.

YR 7A Form Tutor: Mr. Dale (G17) YR 7B Form Tutor: Ms. Nadia (B24) YR 7C Form Tutor: Ms. Aida (B14)

Fitness Star of the week (Mr. Tamer): Fitness Star of the week (Mr. Tamer): Fitness Star of the week (Mr. Tamer):
George Fadi Ali Emad
Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department {TII Week 2: January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}
YEAR 8 - (Year 8A Form Tutor: Mr. Michael Bardi (B25) & Year 8B Form Tutor: Mr. Kashif Sattar (G10)

YEAR 8 Term II Week 2 {January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}

Form Tutor: (Y8A - Mr. Michael Bardi, B25) & (Y8B Mr. Kashif Sattar, G10)
Class Representative: (Y8A - Issam El Halbouni) & (Y8B - Daniel Massoud)

Art & Design (Ms. Aida): Street art- artists Banksy and Robbo.
Group conversation about street art. Watching the Robbo vs Banksy documentary

Computer Science (Ms. Farhat): Booting the computer. Understand the working of BIOS, cold boot, boot routine.
English Language (Mr. Michael): Holes: Chapters 1 – 5. Early impressions, and analysis on the plot and major characters.
French (Dr. Sana): Module 3: Mon identité. Unit 2: On se dit tout. Talking about relationships. Grammar: reflexive verbs.

Geography (Mr. Dale): Explaining what causes urbanization.

Global Citizenship (Mr. Charlton): The Future of our Planets. Understand and commit to living sustainably in communities and cities.
History (Mr. Alex): Who’s who source based assessment. To be able to describe the different classes in Tudor society.

Mathematics (Mr. Syed): Chapter 2 cont… Probability. Students will be able to find the probability space for two events.
Students will be able to know the number of times an event is likely to happen.

Music (Mr. Tudor): This unit is all about effective keyboard performance technique including basic treble clef staff
notation. How do we turn the keyboard on? (power supply adaptor routines). How do we connect
headphones and splitters? (demo and class to get headphones all working). How do we leave the keyboard
when we’ve finished playing or at the end of a lesson? (establish routines for good keyboard housekeeping.
Understand how the classroom keyboard is used and played

P.E. (Mr. Tamer & Ms. Yara): Football Basic Skills (Boys). Badminton Basic Skills (Girls). Boys Should: Control the ball while dribbling
without obstacles. Manage to kick after dribbling. Manage to do a front pass with control and accuracy.
Girls Should: Grip and hit practice. Serves exercises. Shooting techniques exercises. Single matches.

PSHE (Mr. Charlton): Personal wellbeing – family relationships: living in step-families.

To explore the changes that occur when parents separate and to examine living in a step-family.

Science (Ms. Priya): Physical and Chemical trends in the Periodic table. Explain melting freezing and boiling points
and use them to predict the state of a substance. Describe and identify trends in physical properties within the
periodic table. Identify trends and make predictions about chemical properties using the periodic table.

Social studies (Mr. Charlton): The Growth of Islam. To study the spread of Islam after the death of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
Spanish (Mr. Guillaume): What do you have for breakfast? Say what they have for breakfast and describe mealtimes.

YEAR 8A (Form Tutor: Mr. Michael Bardi, Room B25) YEAR 8B (Form Tutor: Mr. Kashif Sattar, Lab G10)

Fitness Star of the week: (Mr. Thamer):

Fitness Star of the week: (Mr. Thamer):
Lamar Salem
Mosleh Fawaz
Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department {TII Week 2: January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}
(Form Tutor 9A: Mr. Alex Whewall (G18) & (Form Tutor 9B: Mr. Syed Ali (B21)

YEAR 9 Term II Week 2 {January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}

Form Tutor: (Y9A - Mr. Alex Whewall, G18) & (Y9B Mr. Syed Ali, B21)
Class Representative: (Y9A - Suleiman Naqi) & (Y9B - Talin Radwan)

Art & Design (Ms. Aida): Intro to Animals- Proportion/grid drawing. Pupils will learn what is meant by proportion and techniques for
ensuring their drawing is well proportioned. Students will be able to use the grid techniques with some success to
demonstrate. skills for creating a correctly proportioned drawing.

Business Studies (Mr.Syed): Recruitment, Training and selecting employees. Students will learn the process of selecting employees. The
recruitment process in detail. Why is it important to recruit a good workforce?
What are the different training methods?

Computer Science (Ms. Farhat): Implementing linear search. Understand the working of linear search using arrays and lists and loop in python
English Language (Mr. Michael): Great Expectations: Chapters 1 – 5. Early impressions, and analysis on the plot and characters.
French (Dr. Sana): Module 3 : A l’horizon Unit 2: Le monde est un village
Learning languages Using on peut Grammar modal verbs – on peut + infinitive.

Geography (Mr. Dale): Understanding the different sectors of the economy and different professions.
Global Citizenship (Mr. Charlton): The Future of our Planets.
Ability to envision an optimistic future for the planet alongside being prepared to act in a way that will achieve it.

History (Mr. Alex): Democracy and dictatorship. To be able to explain the differences between dictatorships and democracy.
Mathematics (Mr. Syed): Chapter 11. Quadratic equations cont. Students will recall how to factorise quadratic expressions.
Students will be able to factorise quadratic equations by factorization.

Music (Mr. Tudor): Exploring American Line Dance and Country and Western Music.
Understand the connection between the steps, movement and formation of dances and the inter-related musical
features within the music that accompanies them.

P.E. (Mr. Tamer & Ms. Yara): Football Basic Skills (Boys). Badminton Basic Skills (Girls). Boys Should: Control the ball while dribbling without
obstacles. Manage to kick after dribbling. Manage to do a front pass with control and accuracy.
Girls Should: Grip and hit practice. Serves exercises. Shooting techniques exercises. Single matches.

PSHE (Mr. Charlton): Personal wellbeing – family relationships. To understand that in relationships a person has both rights
and responsibilities, and to explore examples of taking responsibility within the family.

Science (Ms. Kashif): 9Ab – Inherited variation. To identify different types of inherited variation and explain distribution.
Spanish (Mr. Guillaume): Prepared? Ready? Go! Talk about an active lifestyle.

Year 9A 1st place Basketball tournament KS3

YEAR 9A (Form Tutor: Mr. Alex Whewall, Room G18)

Fitness Star of the week: (Mr. Thamer):
Kenan Mohamad

YEAR 9B (Form Tutor: Mr. Syed Ali, B21)

Fitness Star of the week: (Mr. Thamer):
Shahd Hesham
Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department {TII Week 2: January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}
Yr 10A: Form Tutor: Ms. Beth Demisse (Rm: B20) - YEAR 10 - Yr 10B: Form Tutor: Ms. Priya Bynipudi (Room: G11)

YEAR 10 Term II Week 2 {January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}

Form Tutor: (Y10A – Ms. Beth Demisse, Rm: B20) & (Y10B Ms. Priya Bynipudi, G11)
Class Representative: (Y10A - Sanad Yousef) & (Y10B - Al Batool Ali)
Accounting (Mr. Chacko): Stock valuation: The Trial Balance and first step to preparing the financial statements.
Art & Design (Ms. Aida): Revise expectations of IGCSE Art & Design Realistic, Observational Object drawings in chosen field (1)
Understand the requirements for IGCSE Art & Design · Choose topic for Term 2
Biology (Ms. Priya): Photosynthesis. Investigate the need for chlorophyll, light and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, using appropriate controls.
Investigate and describe the effects of varying light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature on the rate of
photosynthesis. Identify and explain the limiting factors of photosynthesis in different environmental conditions
Business (Mr. Syed): Chapter 6: Motivation at work Pages 63 – 75. What are the factors that motivate workers and how businesses can create
job satisfaction? The three leadership styles: autocratic, democratic and laissez faire. The tasks of a business leader to motivate
employees and develop leadership skills. What makes good leaders and good citizens.
Activities 13.6, 13.7 completed in class. Case study on page 211: International business in focus.
Chemistry (Mr. Kashif): Topic 5 - Chemical energetics. Introduction to enthalpy changes, examples of endo and exothermic reactions.
Drawing labelled diagrams for endo and exothermic reactions.
Computer (Ms. Farhat): Fetch-decode cycle, Cache memory. Be able to demonstrate the process of the fetch–decode–execute cycle including the role
of each component in the process. Understand what is meant by a core, cache and clock in a CPU and explain how they can affect
the performance of a CPU.
Economics (Mr. Chacko): UNIT 3.3 The role of Trade Unions. Page 150 to 159.
English (Mr. Michael): Report writing 2: Developing student’s skills in writing different forms of reports.
French (Dr. Sana): Module 3 : là où j’habite. Unit 1: J’habite en ville. Unit 2: aujourd’hui et autrefois
Talking about advantages and disadvantages of where you live. Beau, nouveau, vieux.
Comparing where you used to live and where you live now. Using the imperfect tense
Geography (Mr. Dale): Discussing the distribution and formation of volcanoes and earthquakes.
History (Mr. Alex): Disarmament. Understand how the League dealt with the issue of disarmament.
Mathematics (Ms. Beth): Approximation and Limits of accuracy. Round numbers and find upper and lower bounds of quantities and their calculations.
P.E. (Mr. Tamer & Ms. Yara): Handball Basic skills (Boys). Athletics events (Girls) To introduce students to Athletics Events. To improve student’ knowledge,
understanding and practical ability in track, field events. (High jump, long jump, running, throwing events). To introduce students to Handball basic
skills. To improve student’ knowledge, understanding and practical ability in handball.

Physics (Mr. Sudhir): Energy Transformations and energy Transfer. Energy conversions.
Sociology (Mr. Dale): Students will discuss: Nuclear and extended families, Single parent families and reconstituted families

Year 10B 1st place

Basketball tournament

YEAR 10A (Form Tutor: Ms. Beth Demisse, B20) Year 10 Subjects:
Compulsory subjects: English, Mathematics, P.E.
YEAR 10B (Form Tutor: Ms. Priya Bynipudi, G11)
Ministry Requirements: Arabic, Islamic & Quran
Option 1: French, Business, Biology
Fitness Star of the week: (Mr. Thamer):
Option 2: Economics Geography Chemistry
Sanad Yousef
Option 3: Biology, Arabic(IGCSE), Sociology, Computer

Option 4: Accounting, Art & Design, Physics

Option 5: Chemistry, Business, Computer

Option 6: Physics, Arabic(IGCSE), History, English Litt.

Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department {TII Week 2: January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}
YEAR 11 (Form Tutor: Mr. Chacko Varghese, Room G19)

YEAR 11 Term II Week 2 {January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}

Year 11 Form Tutor: Mr. Chacko Varghese, Room G19
Head Boy: Hamza Samer Abdelkhader, Head Girl: Patricia Georges El Haddad & Prefect: Basheer Bashar Daboul

Accounting (Mr. Chacko): Control accounts Sales and sales returns control journals.
Art & Design (Ms. Aida): Realistic, Observational Object drawings in chosen field (1). Realistic, Observational Object drawings in chosen field
Use B-range pencils, other drawing media and Sharpies to do drawings in their sketch pads, related to their chosen topic
Biology (Ms. Priya): Chromosomes, genes, and proteins.
Explain how a protein is made. Define a haploid nucleus, diploid nucleus and Explain that DNA controls cell function.
Business (Mr. Chacko): Why managers need to know the costs of operating their business. The types of costs: (Fixed and Variable costs). What are
Economies of scale and why do businesses strive to achieve them?
Chemistry (Mr. Kashif): Topic 11 – Organic Chemistry. 11.3 and 11.4. Crude oil, fuels, combustion and alkanes, including reactions of alkanes.
Computer (Ms. Farhat): Magnetic, optical and solid-state (flash memory) storage. Be able to describe the operation of magnetic, optical and
solid-state (flash memory) storage and give examples of each.
Economics (Mr. Chacko): Measurement of inflation and deflation using the Consumer Prices Index (CPI).
English (Mr. Michael): Analytical writing 2: Consolidating student’s response skills in analytical writing (PEEL),
English Literature (Ms. Nadia): Othello: Act 3, scene 4. Othello’s jealousy grows with the evil manipulations of Iago. He is now convinced Desdemona is
having an affair with Cassio.
French (Dr.Sana): Module 7: Tourisme. Unit 5: Plage, mer et soleil. More about holidays. Using the present, imperfect and conditional.
Geography (Mr. Charlton): Paper 4 Skills. Population Studies, Natural Environment, Economic Development.
Mathematics (Ms. Beth): Mensuration. Find perimeter, area, and volume of different shapes.
Find the lengths of arcs and area of sectors. Find volume and surface area of shapes.
Physics (Mr. Sudhir): Electromagnetic forces. Force on current carrying conductor, Flemmings left hand rule.
Sociology (Mr. Dale): Students will discuss: Nuclear and extended families, Single parent families and reconstituted families
P.E. (Mr. Tamer & Ms. Yara): Handball Basic skills (Boys). Athletics events (Girls) To introduce students to Athletics Events. To improve student’ knowledge,
understanding and practical ability in track, field events. (High jump, long jump, running, throwing events). To introduce students to Handball
basic skills. To improve student’ knowledge, understanding and practical ability in handball.

History (Mr. Alex): Yalta and Potsdam. Explain what agreements were made at the two conferences.

Year 11 Subjects:
Compulsory subjects: English, Mathematics, P.E.
Ministry Requirements: Arabic, Islamic & Quran
YEAR 11 (Form Tutor: Mr. Chacko Varghese, G19) Option 1: French, Business, Biology

Option 2: Economics Geography Chemistry

Fitness Star of the week: (Mr. Thamer):
Option 3: Biology, Arabic(IGCSE), Sociology, Computer
Mohammed Faisel
Option 4: Accounting, Art & Design, Physics

Option 5: Chemistry, Business, Computer

Option 6: Physics, Arabic(IGCSE), History, English Lit.

Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department {TII Week 2: January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}
YEAR 12 (Form Tutor: Mr. Charlton Pick)

YEAR 12 Term II Week 2 {January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}

Year 12 Form Tutor: Mr. Chalton Pick
Head Boy: Hamza Samer Abdelkhader, Head Girl: Patricia Georges El Haddad & Prefect: Basheer Bashar Daboul

Biology (Year 12) (Ms. Priya):

Cell Structure, Reproduction and Development.
know the ultrastructure and function of prokaryotic cells, including cell wall, capsule, plasmid, flagellum, pili,
ribosomes and circular DNA.
know the ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells, including nucleus, nucleolus, ribosomes, rough and smooth
endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, centrioles, lysosomes and Golgi apparatus

Business (Year 12) (Mr. Chacko):

Operations Planning
The link with other departments.

Chemistry (Year 12) (Mr. Kashif):

Topic 6 – energetics.
6.6, 6.7, 6.8. Calculate enthalpy change using Hess’s law and evaluate experiments, including sources of error.

History (Year 12) (Mr. Alex):

Mathematics & Statistics (Year 12) (Ms. Beth):

Pure Maths 2: Chapter 1: Algebraic Methods. Simplify algebraic fractions. Divide polynomials by a linear
expression. Use factor theorem to factorise a cubic expression. Construct mathematical proofs using algebra. Use
proof by exhaustion and disproof by counter-example. Use the remainder theorem to find the remainder when a
polynomial f(x) is divided by (ax-b).

YEAR 12 (Form Tutor: Mr. Charlton Pick)

Weekly star:
AL RUMAIH, Abdulaziz Adel

Global citizenship Award:

BAJWA, Araiz
Winter 2022
Kuwait National English School – Secondary Department – Weekly Newsletter
Academic Year 2022/2023
{TII Week 2: January 15, 2023 – January 19, 2023}
Date placed on portal: January 22, 2023

Monday, January 23, 2023

Dr. Raouf Khodabocus, BSc, MSc, PhD, FCIC (Canada)
Assistant General Director, Kuwait National English School
Hawally, State of Kuwait

“We need to live together with tolerance and respect. We must become global citizens.” (Stephen Hawking)

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