Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
July 2022
Addis Ababa
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
2. Expected profiles of graduates.................................................................................................2
2.1. Basic Skills........................................................................................................................2
2.2. Engineering Knowledge and Skill....................................................................................2
2.3. Profiles for Streams (Focus Areas)...................................................................................2
3. Competencies and learning outcomes.....................................................................................4
3.1. Core Electrical Engineering Competency.........................................................................4
3.2. Specialization specific competency..................................................................................4
4. Courses to be included in the exam.........................................................................................5
4.1. Core courses common to all specializations.....................................................................5
4.2. Specialization specific courses..........................................................................................5
5. Categorizing courses into themes............................................................................................7
5.1. Analysis of fundamental electrical engineering concepts.................................................7
5.2. Practical skill.....................................................................................................................7
5.3. Analysis and design of computer architecture and programming.....................................7
5.4. Analysis and design of basic electrical systems................................................................7
5.5. Design and implementation for Specializations................................................................7
6. Conclusion...............................................................................................................................9
Electrical and Computer Engineers (ECE) design and implement devices, circuits and systems
for electronic communication, computing, electrical power, control and related applications.
Graduates of the Electrical and Computer Engineering program play key role in the development
of the country.
The ECE curriculum focuses on broad-based training to provide flexibility of career choices and
focused training to provide competence in particular electrical engineering profession. It finds
balance between breadth and depth to provide a solid foundation in the basic engineering,
mathematics, electrical engineering on one hand, and comprehensive training in humanities and
management on the other.
The freshman courses are developed nationally by MoE.
In the third semester students will join the preengineering program.
In the four consecutive semesters, after preengineering, all the students take courses
mainly in the core electrical engineering module.
In the final three semesters, students are given the opportunity to focus on one of the five
areas, namely communication engineering, electrical power engineering, computer
engineering, industrial control engineering and microelectronics engineering.
In Ethiopia Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), in general, and the engineering education in
particular, have embarked on major reform since the last decade. Notable in this regard is the
capability building in the Engineering Capacity Building Program (ECBP) program, which was
initiated in 2006.
Since 2012 E.C, the Ministry of Education (MoE) through one of its wings, Higher Education
Strategic Center (HESC), has initiated to have modularized curricula in all programs in HEIs and
to harmonize a program among institutes offering the same program.
As of 2014 E.C the Ministry of Education has planned to implement university exit exam to start
from 2015 E.C. As part of this effort, this document was prepared during the workshop prepared
by MoE between July 18 – 19, 2022 in Bishoftu, Ethiopia. This document outlines competencies
and courses that can evaluate the student in key skills and knowledge upon completion of the
To come up with the electrical and computer engineering competency and course list for
university exit examination, key graduate profiles of electrical and computer engineers were first
selected from relevant curriculum. Based on the identified graduate profiles, competency and
learning outcomes were identified. After this, courses were selected that can evaluate the
identified competency and learning outcomes. And finally, the courses were categorized into
1. Expected profiles of graduates
Electrical and Computer Engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the technology
of electricity and electronics, especially the design and application of electronic circuit,
equipment for power generation and distribution, machine control, communications and
computer hardware and software. Graduates of this program are required to have the necessary
competency to undertake these activities. The knowledge and skills expected are divided into
basic skills, engineering knowledge and skills and specialization specific knowledge.
1.3.1. Communication Engineer
Analyze, design and implement modern communication equipment and systems.
Manage and upgrade communication/telecommunication industries.
1.3.2. Electrical Power Engineer
Analyze and design electric power systems.
Participate in the assessment and development of renewable energy technologies for the
national grid expansion as well as rural electrification efforts.
Analyze and design protection systems for electrical and mechanical systems.
2. Competencies and learning outcomes
The competencies and learning outcomes envisaged to be evaluated by the university exit exam
of electrical and computer engineering are categorized into core electrical engineering and
specialization specific competencies.
2.1. Core Electrical Engineering Competency
This competency is the heart of the program, which provides foundation for the electrical and
computer engineering. The core learning outcomes are the following.
o Fundamental concepts of signals, systems and electrical and electronic
o Computer architecture and programming.
o Communication, control and power systems using basic concepts of electrical and
computer engineering.
o Computer architecture and programming
Practical skills
o In installation and maintenance of electrical and computer systems.
3. Courses to be included in the exam
Electrical and Computer Engineering students take 60 – 65 courses and it is unrealistic to try and
evaluate the student their competency of all these courses by just one university exit
examination. Therefore, only 17 courses are selected that can evaluate the competency of the
student in key skills and knowledge that are identified in the competency and learning outcome
section. It should also be noted that the questions from the selected courses should focus on long
term knowledge and transferrable skills by taking into account the open book theme of
professional practice. These courses are selected from core courses that are common to all and
specialization courses for each stream.
3.1. Core courses common to all specializations
The following courses were selected to evaluate the core electrical and computer engineering
ECEG2121 Fundamental of Electrical Engineering (Circuit)
ECEG3162 Object Oriented Programming
ECEG2131 Applied Electronics I
ECEG2141 Signals and System Analysis
ECEG3151 Introduction to Electrical Machines
ECEG3153 Electrical Workshop Practice II
ECEG3163 Computer architecture and Organization
ECEG3171 Digital Signal Processing
ECEG3174 Introduction to Communication Systems
ECEG3175 Introduction to Control Engineering
ECEG3176 Introduction to Power Systems
ECEG3173 Introduction to Instrumentation
4. Categorizing courses into themes
The courses are categorized according to the expected competencies of a prospective graduate of
Electrical and Computer Engineering.
4.1. Analysis of fundamental electrical engineering concepts
ECEG2121 Fundamental of Electrical Engineering (Circuit)
ECEG2131 Applied Electronics I
ECEG2141 Signals and System Analysis
ECEG4311 Data Communication and Computer Networks
ECEG5312 Telecommunication Networks
ECEG5322 Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation
ECEG5313 Wireless and Mobile Communication
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, based on identified graduate profiles, competencies and learning outcomes 17
courses were selected to evaluate the competency of Electrical and Computer Engineering
graduates. This draft competencies and list of courses for university exit exam for electrical and
computer engineering should be reviewed and discussed with all the other universities and
The list of courses may be updated based on curriculum revision if there is an addition or
removal of courses from the identified set of courses.
For successful competency evaluation of the students the following key points should be taken
into account.
The examination questions should focus on key knowledge of each specific course
instead of detailed assessment that has already been undertaken in their course work.
The examination questions should focus on long-term knowledge and transferrable skill.
It should also take into account the student ECTS load during graduation time.
The timing and administration of the competency examination should not be a hindrance
for timely graduation.