Soal Pas 1 Kelas 7 2021-2022

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Jl. Bojonghuni No.75 Maleber Kecamatan Ciamis Kabupaten Ciamis



Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Nama :
Kelas : VII ( Tujuh )
Hari, Tanggal : Jumat, 10 Desember 2021
Waktu : ( 60 menit )

A. Choose either a, b, c, or d for the right answer.

Text 1 is for questions no. 1 — 4
Faiz and Rizqi is in the cinema to watch a movie. Suddenly 7. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Gina will go to school.
they meets Aji, Friend of Faiz outside of the cinema. She says......... to his parents.
Faiz : Hello Aji, Good Afternoon. a. Good night c. Good bye
Aji : Good Afternoon, Faiz (1)..........................? b. Good afternoon d. Good morning
Faiz : I’m fine thank you and how about you?
Aji : (2)................................. 8. It’s nine o’clock in the night. Gia will go to sleep.
Faiz : Oh, this is my friend, Rizki. He says....... to his parents
Aji : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji. (3)........................... a. Good night c. Good bye
Rizki : Hi, my name is Rizki. Nice to meet you too. b. Good afternoon d. Good morning
Faiz : Well Aji, I think we have to go now, the movie is
started to play. 9. ……… an orange (disana ada sebuah jeruk)
Aji : Oh okay, (4)........................... a. There c. There is
Faiz : See you. b. There not d. There are

1. a. nice to meet you c. How are you? 10. ……… a pencils (disana ada banyak pensil)
b. where are you? d. glad to see you a. There c. There is
b. There not d. There are
2. a. I’m fine too. c. good to see you.
b. nice to meet you. d. see you later. 11. ……… a beautiful girl (disana ada seorang wanita cantik)
a. There c. There is
3. a. How are you? c. Nice to meet you. b. There not d. There are
b. Good afternoon. d. Glad to see you.
12. This letter is … R
4. a. Where are you going? c. How are you? a. ai b. dabelyuw c. Ar d. ri
b. See you later. d. How are you?
13. bi – ou – ou – kei = …
5. Ciko : .................., where are you going? a. bag b. book c. Blind d. back
Vita : Good afternoon, I’ll have lunch at the
canteen. 14. This letter is … J
Ciko : Let’s go together. a. way b. jie c. Eic d. kie
a. Good night. c. Good afternoon
b. Good morning d. Good bye. 15. bie – ei – en – ei – en – ei = ….
a. banana b. bald c. Birth d. banae
6. Ester : I’m Ester. How do you do?
Fitri : .............. I’m Fitriyani Maida. 16. his name is B I S M A = …
a. Are you ok? c. How do you do. a. bie – ai – es – em – ei c. bie – es – ai – ar – die
b. How are you? d. I am fine. b. die – ar – em – es – i d. bie – si – ma – die
Text 1 is for questions no. 17 — 21
Our Body B. Read the text carefully !
Our body is divided into three parts. There are parts Profession
of the head, body and legs. On the head we have hair, fore                 Mr. Gunawan is a bank manager. He works at Bank
head, eyebrow, eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, mouth, lips, teeth, Guna  Daya. He goes to the bank by car every day.
tongue, etc. We use our eyes for seeing, we use ears for                 His wife is Mrs. Rianti. She is an English teacher. She
hearing, we use nose for smelling, and we use our mouth for work s at Putra Bangsa Elementary school. She goes there by
eating. motorcycle.
We also have shoulder, chest and stomach on the                 Mr. Gunawan and Mrs. Rianti have 3 children. They
body. We have two hands. There are five fingers in each are Eko, Ikha, and Arma. Eko is a junior high school student.
hand. So we have ten fingers. We use our hand to hold He wants to be a pilot someday. Ikha and Arma are
something. For walking, we have two legs, right and left legs. Elementary students. They want to be teachers like their
17. How many parts are there on our body?
a. Three parts c. Two parts Answer these question !
b. Four parts d. Five parts 1. What is Mr. Gunawan ?
2. Where does Mrs.Rianti work ?
18. What do we use our eyes for? 3. What does Eko want to be ?
a. Seeing c. hearing 4. What is Ikha ?What do Ikha and Arma wants to be ?
b. Eating d. Smelling

19. How many fingers do we have?

a. Two fingers c. eight fingers
b. Ten fingers d. Nine fingers

20. What do we use our legs for?

a. Seeing c. Walking
b. Hearing d. Eating

21. What do we use for smelling?

a. Mouth c. Eyes
b. Lips d. Nose

22. There are...........days in a week.

a. one c. Seven
b. five d. Eleven

23. On ......., muslim go to the mosque for Friday prayers.

a. Sunday c. Friday
b. Tuesday d. Thursday

24. Indonesia Independent Day is in .....

a. march c. April
b. february d. August

25. There are.....months in the year.

a. 11 c. 19
b. 10 d. 12

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