8D - Problem Solving (Quality)

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8D Problem-Solving Worksheet

Project Tracking Number: _______ Date Initiated: _______ Date Closed: _______

Identify the Problem

Use a Team Approach

Describe the Problem

Interim Containment

Define the Root Cause(s)

Develop Solution(s)

Implement the Solution(s)

Prevent Recurrence

Congratulate the Team

0: Identify the Problem

We can learn of problems from many sources, including: internal metrics used to monitor the health of processes and the organization, feedback from customers and employees and results of audits against standards and regulations. Use data, not emotions, to prioritize the order of problems to work on. Responses: Questions & Considerations:
How was the problem identified? Are real data available to confirm and diagnose the problem? Is a team needed to tackle the problem or can one person handle the job working alone? What is the level of urgency and impact of the problem?

1: Use a Team Approach

When setting up a problem-solving team, consider team membership, roles of the members, boundaries of freedom for the team and the team start-up process. Responses: Questions & Considerations:
Who are the project team members? What is the role of each team member? Have a Team Champion and SME (Subject Matter Expert) been identified? What are the boundaries of freedom for the team? How will team activities be documented and communicated? Has a Team Start-Up Worksheet been used?

2: Describe the Problem

Describing the problem starts with a well-thought-out Problem Statement. The Problem Statement communicates the scope of the problem that the team is working on and gets the team focused. A complete Problem Statement should also provide information relevant to the problem to help the team get started and clarify what is expected from the team. (Note: In actual use, the Second Discipline might precede the first. To be effective, the team must have the right mix of skills and relevant experience. Sometimes it is almost impossible to select and form an effective team until the scope of the problem is defined.) Responses: Questions & Considerations:
Has a Problem Statement been developed? Note: The Problem Statement communicates the nature of the problem to the team, focuses the team on the scope of the problem, provides data and information on what the problem is AND what it isnt and lets the team know what they are expected to do.) Do the expectations clarify the role the team should play (determine root causes and implement or recommend a solution), specify the deadline and include monetary limits for the team? Does the Problem Statement communicate a problem to be studied or assign a task to be carried out?

8D Problem-Solving Worksheet, page 1

Resource Engineering, Inc. Phone 800-810-8326 or 802-496-5888 Fax: 802-496-7724 www.QualityTrainingPortal.com

3: Interim Containment
Interim containment means that a band-aid is put in place to prevent the effect of the problem or to prevent the full effect from impacting customers and/or employees while a permanent solution is being developed and implemented. Interim containment may include: sorting bad parts from good ones, adding operations, using additional labor on the process and additional inspection. Responses: Questions & Considerations:
Have the interim containment measures been verified to work? Has the impact of the interim containment measures been tested to ensure that additional problems are not created? Are the actual additional costs of the containment measures known and been verified that they are worth it?

4: Define the Root Cause(s)

Defining the root causes is the core of the 8-D problem-solving process. This is normally the toughest aspect of the problem-solving process; if the root causes of the problem were obvious, then the problem would have been solved already. There are usually two families of causes at work when we know there is a problem. The first, the causes that appears to be the problem, are frequently symptoms, not root causes. The specific cause or causes that allowed the apparent causes or symptoms to occur are the root causes, often buried deep in the process. Responses: Questions & Considerations:
What techniques have been used to discover the root causes? (e.g.: The 5-Whys, What isWhat isnt Analysis, Timeline Analysis, Failure Analysis, Simulations, Statistical Analysis) Have you asked the Root Cause Question: Do these causes explain all that is known about what the problem is, as well as all that is known about what the problem isnt? This is really a twopart question: make sure the root causes found fits both the is and the isnt sections of the question. If the causes being tested dont fit both, then they are probably not the root causes. Have the root causes identified been verified? Verification may require a series of confirmation runs.

5: Develop Solution(s)
Often the solution or solutions become obvious once the root causes are known. However, sometimes, a systematic approach is needed to use the root cause analysis to develop a solution. If the solution is obvious, select the best solution or mix of solutions that will lead to a robust, yet cost-effective, resolution. If solutions are not yet evident, follow the data trail. When solutions are not obvious, often the root cause has not been found. Responses: Questions & Considerations:
Has the solution passed the tests of practicality, feasibility and cost-effectiveness? Is the solution robust and capable of preventing a recurrence of the problem? Does the ROI (return on investment) or the payback of the solution justify the cost of implementing the solution? Can the solution be implemented within the required deadline?

8D Problem-Solving Worksheet, page 2

Resource Engineering, Inc. Phone 800-810-8326 or 802-496-5888 Fax: 802-496-7724 www.QualityTrainingPortal.com

6: Implement the Solution(s)

Once the solution and its implementation are approved, the next step is to create an Action Plan. The Action Plan outlines what steps are needed to implement the solution, who will do them, and when they will be completed. A Simple Action Plan merely documents what needs to be done, who will do it, and when will it be done by. A complex solution needs more thorough planning and documentation. Responses: Questions & Considerations:
Is a Simple Action Plan (who will do what by when) adequate or will a Complex Action Plan be needed? If a Complex Action Plan is needed, have Activity Plans, Gantt Charts and PERT Charts been developed? Part of implementing a solution is to document new procedures or changes to procedures as well as any changes that relate to the organizations quality system; has this been done? Has training to support the new system(s) been developed and provided? After people use the new or revised process a few times, they most likely will have some improvement ideas. Have the suggestions been assessed, and have corresponding adjustments been made to the process, has the documentation been updated, and has retraining been provided?

7: Prevent Recurrence
The job of a problem-solving team is not complete once the solution is implemented. Preventing recurrence is an important part of a problems solution. To prevent recurrence of the problem, the team must verify that the outcome of their Action Plan works and they must validate that the outcome is on-target. Verification is testing that the solution produces the desired outcome; validation is ensuring that the outcome really solves the problem. Responses: Questions & Considerations:
Has the outcome of the Action Plan been verified to work? Has the outcome been validated to be on-target? Have Action Plan results been documented, related procedures updated, and corresponding changes to any affected quality system elements made? Have audits been established to assess the use and effectiveness of the solution to ensure that the gains are held? Have the results been leveraged to prevent occurrences of like problems in all similar operations?

8: Congratulate the Team

Once a team has completed implementing the solution and ensured that the solution works, all team members deserve to be congratulated. Team members need to know that their efforts are appreciated and that the organization knows about their accomplishments. Responses: Questions & Considerations:
Has the organization (leadership group) recognized the team for their efforts in a timely manner? Has the project team recognized those that have provided the team with support and assistance?

8D Problem-Solving Worksheet, page 3

Resource Engineering, Inc. Phone 800-810-8326 or 802-496-5888 Fax: 802-496-7724 www.QualityTrainingPortal.com

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