Tomato Research Article

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European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research

Vol.3, No.3, pp.48-56, July 2015

___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (


Ogundare, S.K; Babalola, T.S; Hinmikaiye, A. S. and Oloniruha, J.A
Kabba College of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Colleges, Ahmadu Bello University
P.M.B 205, Kabba.

ABSTRACT: Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of integrated use of
chemical and organic fertilizers on growth and fruit yield of tomato in Kabba College of
Agriculture. The experiment involved five treatments which are as follows: 125kh/ha
NPK+3t/ha poultry manure, 125kg/ha NPK+3t/ha cow dung, 125kg/ha NPK+3t/ha kitchen
waste, 125kg/ha NPK 15:15:15 and Control. The treatments were laid out in a Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD) and replicated four times. The parameters taken on soil
chemical properties are soil pH, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and soil organic matter.
Growth and yield parameters taken are as follows: plant height (cm), number of leaves, and
stem girth (cm), number of fruit per plant, fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm) and yield per
land area (kg/ha). Result obtained from parameters studied (Plant height, leaf numbers, branch
number, stem girth, fruit number per plant and fruits weight) revealed that tomato performed
better (P<0.05) with the application of 125kg/ha NPK+3t/ha poultry manure application. The
also, study showed that use of inorganic and organic fertilizer had better effects on growth and
yield of tomato. Therefore, for good yield and better productivity of tomato, a combination of
125kg/ha NPK fertilizer + 3t/ha poultry waste is recommended for tomato production in the
study area.
KEYWORDS: Tomato, Growth, Yield, Organic, Inorganic, Fertilizer

Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) is one of the most important vegetables grown for their
edible fruits. Tomato is cultivated in Nigeria with an annual production of six million tonnes
(Idah et al., 2007). Tomato is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which
help control cancer, health disease as well as improve the general health of man (Antonio et
al., 2004).
Most soils in Africa are poor compared with other parts of the world (Bationo et al, 2006).
African soil nutrient balances are often negative due to a low level of fertilizer inputs, and soil
nutrient depletion is a major reason for decreasing or stagnation of agricultural productivity
(Sanchez, 1997. Mbah (2006) asserts that soil fertility is a major overriding constraint that
affects all aspects of crop production. As is the case in other regions in Africa, local farmers
use inadequate nutrient inputs, inappropriate quality and inefficient combinations of fertilizers,
which in the end prove to be very costly (Palm, 1997). A consequence of this trend is a deeply
unbalanced soil nutrient composition that ultimately leads to a reduction in crop yield potential
(Tonfack et al., 2009). Nutrients, when in adequate quantity, increases fruit quality, fruit size,
colour, and fruit taste of tomato (Azad, 2000). It also helps in increasing desirable acidic

ISSN 2054-6319 (Print), ISSN 2054-6327(online)
European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research
Vol.3, No.3, pp.48-56, July 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

Tomato production cuts across Nigeria’s geo-political zones and generates income to the
farmers, but the production system is on a low scale in southern guinea savannah, due to
improper fertilizer usage which lead increases soil acidity (Lombin, 1987) and Cheezy and
Yayock (1989). The use of organic manure alone is faced with problems of bulkiness and dirt.
A balanced use of organic and inorganic fertilizers could enhance soil chemical, physical, and
biological properties as well as rate of nutrient turn over within the soil-plant system (Paul and
Mannan, 2006). Combined use of organic and Inorganic fertilizer reduced cost and amount of
fertilizer required by crops (Krupnik et al., 2004). It also produced highest plant growth (Alam,
2006). In vegetable production, organic fertilizer combined with inorganic has proved to be
effective in combating nematodes (Olatunji et al., 2012).
The high cost of tomato in the Nigerian market justifies that the production is far lower than
the demand. If proper nutrient management is adapted by the tomato producer, the production
will certainly goes up to meet the demand. This study was therefore designed to evaluate the
effect of integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizer on growth and yield of tomato in
Kabba, Southern Guinea Savanna agro-ecology of Nigeria.


Experimental site
The experiment was carried out for two consecutive growing seasons (2011 and 2012) at the
Research Site of Horticultural Section, Kabba College of Agriculture, Kabba. The site is
located at latitude of 07° 35' N and longitude of 06° 08' E and is 1000 m above sea level, in
Southern Guinea Savanna Agro Ecological Zone of Nigeria, where the dry seasons are dry and
hot while, wet seasons are cool. The rainfall spans between April to November with peak in
June. The dry season extends from December to March. The mean annual rainfall is 1570mm
per annum with an annual temperature range of 18°C - 32°C. The mean relative humidity (RH)
is 60% (Meterological data, 2011). The major soil order within the experimental site is Gleysol
(Higgins, 1957; Babalola, 2010).

Soil sampling and analysis

In order to determine some chemical properties of the soil on per plot basis, soil samples were
collected from each plot at 30 and 60days after transplanting. Soil sample was analyzed in the
laboratory for N, P, K, pH, organic carbon. Total N (%) was determined by the macro-Kjeldahl
method (Bremner, 1982). Available P (ppm) was found using Bray I method according to Olsen
(1982). Soil pH values were obtained by using a HI9813-5 portable pH/EC/TDS/°C meter
(HANNA instruments, Romania, 2002). Soil organic carbon was determined by Walkley-
Black procedure (Nelson and Sommers, 1982).

Field methods
An experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three
replications to investigate the effect combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizer on growth
and yield of tomato. The experiments comprised of five treatments were as follows: T1:
125kg/ha NPK + 3 t/ha Poultry manure, T2: 125kg/ha NPK + 3t/ha cow dung, T3: 125kg/ha
NPK + 3t/ha kitchen waste, T4: 250kg/ha NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer, T5: NO NPK, NO organic

ISSN 2054-6319 (Print), ISSN 2054-6327(online)
European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research
Vol.3, No.3, pp.48-56, July 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

residues (Control). The treatments were carried out on the same plots in 2011 and 2012 growing
In the nursery, Seeds of tomato hybrid (ROMA V) were sown on a flat bed for one month
before transplanting to the field. Sites were cleared manually using cutlass and later ridged with
hoes. Organic manure were uniformly spread on the flat beds and incorporated with hoes two
weeks before transplanting. NPK fertilizer was applied at transplanting. The seedlings were
transplanting at the rate of one-plant-per-hole at a spacing of 75cm by 50cm which make up
twenty-one stands per plot. Plots were weeded manually at three weeks interval.

Determination of growth and yield of tomato

Plant height was measured from the ground level to the growing point and the observation was
recorded at the end of the growing period for each treatment and was expressed in centimeters.
Similarly, effective leaves were counted and the mean was calculated. The number of days to
50% flowering was counted for all treatments. The average was then calculated and recorded.
The total number of fruit clusters was counted for each treatment and then the mean was
calculated and recorded. The observations on fruit weight for each treatment were recorded at
the time of harvest. After each harvest, the individual fruits were weighed and the data on fruit
weight was summed up and expressed in gram. The observations on yield were recorded at the
time of harvesting. After harvesting, the tomato fruits were weighed from each treatment plots.

Data analysis
All data collected were analyze using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) using general linear
model procedure of the statistical analysis system (SAS Institute, 2003) and means were
compared using Duncan Multiple Range Test at p = 0.05 probability level (Steel and Torres,


The physicochemical properties of the soil in the study area were given in the Table 1. The
results showed that the texture of the soil was sand loam and was slightly acidic in nature with
PH of 6.0. The organic matter content was low (1.45 g/100g). Total N was low (0.09 g/100g).
The available P and potassium were equally low with values of 2.2 mg/kg-1 and 0.32Cmol/kg-
respectively. The cation-exchange-capacity was low. Generally, the soil fertility was low
based on the above fertility indices.
The chemical composition of agricultural waste materials used is shown in Table 2. The
chemical characteristics of waste materials differed significantly (p=0.05). All the materials
were relatively high in the essential nutrients required for the growth and development of crop.
However, their C: N ratio varied and ranges between 10.66 in poultry manure and 17.7 in cow

ISSN 2054-6319 (Print), ISSN 2054-6327(online)
European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research
Vol.3, No.3, pp.48-56, July 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

Table 1: Pre-planting Soil Sample of the experimental site

Particle size %
Sand 730.0
Clay 70.0
Silt 200.0
Soil texture Sand loam
pH(H2O) 6.0
Total N(g/100g) 0.09
Available P(mg/kg) 2.2
Exchangeable cations Cmol/kg
K 0.32
Ca 2.48
Mg 3.61
Organic carbon(g/100g) 1.25
Organic matter(g/100g) 1.45

Table 2. Chemical composition of organic waste used

properties Poultry manure Kitchen wastes Cow dung

Organic carbon (%) 38.36 54.00 43.35
Total N (%) 3.60 2.80 3.05
C:N 10.6 15.9 17.7
Phosphorus (%) 1.34 1.08 1.02
Potassium (%) 3.12 1.81 2.06
Calcium (%) 1.23 1.19 0.96
Magnesium (%) 0.32 0.24 0.21

Effect of Combined use of NPK fertilizer and Organic residue on growth characters of
From the results observed at four weeks after transplanting, plant height, number of branches,
number of leaves produced, and the stem girth of the crops were significantly affected by the
treatments. There were no significant differences in terms of plant height among the treatments
of 125kg/ha + 3t/ha poultry manure, 125kg/ha NPK + 3t/ha cow dung, 125kg/ha NPK + 3t/ha
kitchen waste and 250 kg/ha NPK fertilizer, although all these treatments were significantly
better in terms of plant height than the control. The highest mean value of plant height was
observed in 125kg/ha NPK + 3t/ha poultry manure, while the lowest mean value was observed
in the unamend plot.
The number of branches in the plants was significantly affected by the treatment applied. The
highest branches were observed in the plot with 125 kg/ha NPK + 3t/ha poultry manure. This
was significantly better than plots with 250 kg/ha NPK, however the unamend plot recorded
the least value of branches. Leaves were better produced in the plot with 125kg/ha NPK + 3t/ha
poultry manure (29.4 leaves). This was significantly better than the plots with cow dung,
kitchen waste at 3t/ha + NPK fertilizer, plot with 250kg/ha NPK and the control. However,
unamend plots recorded the least values of leaves produced. Stem girth was better in the plot

ISSN 2054-6319 (Print), ISSN 2054-6327(online)
European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research
Vol.3, No.3, pp.48-56, July 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

with 125kg/ha + 3t/ha poultry manure and the plot with sole application of NPK fertilizer at
250 kg/ha. However, the stem girth of the plants with 125kg/ha NPK + kitchen waste, 250kg/ha
NPK fertilizer alone and the control were not significantly different.
The better performance of crops with NPK fertilizer combined with poultry manure in all the
growth characters observed infers that the plant response to NPK fertilizer and poultry manure
which agrees with earlier finding of Olatunji and Oboh (2012). They reported increase in
growth and yield of tomato with combined use of organic and mineral fertilizer. The finding in
this experiment also corroborated the findings of Li and Mahler (1995) who obtained better
vegetative development in wheat, most especially when soil was amended with inorganic and
organic materials of low C:N ratio.

Table 3: Tomato growth characters as influenced by combine use of organic &

inorganic Fertilizer (mean of 2011 and 2012)

treatment Plant Height Number of Number of Stem Girth

(cm) Branches leaves (cm)

125Kg/ha 61.8a 6.65a 29.4a 0.92a

NPK + 3t/ha
125Kg/ha 54.8ab 3.80b 21.0b 0.71a
NPK + 3t/ha
125Kg/ha 54.4ab 2.55bc 16.5b 0.62a
NPK + 3t/ha
250 Kg/ha 54.4ab 3.75b 19.5b 0.76a
NPK Fertilizer
Control 41.9b 1.56c 15.4b 0.56a

In a column, figures bearing same letter(s) do not differ significantly at 5% level of probability
by DMRT. NPK (NPK fertilizer), PTY (poultry manure), CWD (cow dung), KTW (kitchen

Effects of NPK and organic residues on soil and leaf nutrient of tomato
Table 3 shows the effect of application of organic residues and NPK fertilizer on soil and leaf
nutrients of tomato. Soil N, P, and K were significantly affected. Plot with 125kg/ha NPK +
poultry manure (3t/ha) had the highest value of soil nutrients. However, this was not
significantly better than plot with 125kg/ha NPK + 3t/ha kitchen waste. Soil K was highest in
plot with 125kg/ha NPK + 3t/ha cow dung, and was significantly better than plots with
125kg/ha + poultry waste (3t/ha), 250kg/ha sole application of NPK fertilizer and unamend
plot (control). Soil P was not significantly affected by the treatment at 5% probability level.

ISSN 2054-6319 (Print), ISSN 2054-6327(online)
European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research
Vol.3, No.3, pp.48-56, July 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

Table 3 also presents the effect of combined use of organic waste and NPK fertilizer levels on
leaf N, P, and K. This result shows that leaf P only was significantly affected by the treatment
application. Though leaf nitrogen was not affected significantly, its highest value was observed
in plot with poultry manure. Leaf nutrients (N and P) improved with the application of organic
residues combined with NPK fertilizer. The finding agrees with the findings of Ogundare
(2011) who investigated on effect of combined use of organic and inorganic manure on leaf
nutrient of maize. The increase could be attributed to the influx of nitrogen and phosphorus
from both organic and inorganic sources to the crop.

Table 4: Soil and Tomato leaf nutrient as affected by combine use of organic and
Inorganic fertilizer (mean of 2011 and 2012)

treatment soil Nutrient Leaf Nutrient

(%) (%)
125Kg/ha 2.63a 0.84a 2.86a 0.37a 7.2a 0.26c
NPK + 3t/ha
125Kg/ha 2.37a 0.87a 2.84a 0.21b 8.6a 0.41ab
NPK + 3t/ha
125Kg/ha 2.53a 0.62b 2.90a 0.28ab 8.2a 0.43a
NPK + 3t/ha
250 Kg/ha 2.31a 0.59a 2.83a 0.22b 8,3a 0.26c
Control 2.34a 0.58b 2.91a 0.23b 7.4a 0.31bc
In a column, figures bearing same letter(s) do not differ significantly at 5% level of probability
by DMRT. NPK (NPK fertilizer), PTY (poultry manure), CWD (cow dung), KTW (kitchen

Yield and yield component of tomato

Number of fruits per plant, fruit yield per plant, fruit yield per plot and tomato yield were
significantly affected by combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizer. Plants with 125kg/ha
NPK + 3t/ha poultry waste produced the highest number of fruits (14), although not
significantly better than plots with 125kg/ha NPK + cow dung (3t/ha), 125kg/ha + 3t/ha kitchen
waste and plot with 250kg/ha NPK. All these were better than the control. Yield per plant, yield
per plot and yield in tonnes per hectare were highest in plot with 125kg/ha NPK fertilizer +
3t/ha poultry manure. In all the treatments, unamend plot recorded the least values of fruit yield
per plant, fruit yield per pot and yield in tonnes per hectare with values of 0.18kg, 2,6kg and
5.8t/ha per hectare respectively. The better performance of plot with poultry manure + NPK
fertilizer corroborated the result of Kang and Balasubramanian (1990), Ogundare (2011) and
(Asadu and Unagwu, 2012). The better performance of crop in terms of growth and yield was
observed when poultry manure was combined with NPK fertilizer.

ISSN 2054-6319 (Print), ISSN 2054-6327(online)
European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research
Vol.3, No.3, pp.48-56, July 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

Table 5: Effect of the combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizer on the yield
characters of tomatoes (mean of 2011 and 2012)

Treatment Number of Fruit yield per Fruit yield per Yield (t/ha)
fruits per plant plot (kg) plot (kg)

125Kg/ha 14a 0.42a 8.8a 19.6a

NPK + 3t/ha
125Kg/ha 11ab 0.33a 8.2a 18.2a
NPK + 3t/ha
125Kg/ha 13a 0.39a 8.6a 19.1a
NPK + 3t/ha
250 Kg/ha 10ab 0.30ab 6.4b 14.1ab
Control 06b 0.18b 2.6c 5.8c

In a column, figures bearing same letter(s) do not differ significantly at 5% level of probability
by DMRT. NPK (NPK fertilizer), PTY (poultry manure), CWD (cow dung), KTW (kitchen

The study showed that use of inorganic and organic fertilizer had better effects on growth and
yield of tomato. Also, a combination of 125kg/ha NPK fertilizer + 3t/ha poultry waste perform
best among the combination of treatment applied.

For good yield and better productivity of tomato, a combination of 125kg/ha NPK fertilizer +
3t/ha poultry waste is recommended for tomato production in the study area.

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European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research
Vol.3, No.3, pp.48-56, July 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

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ISSN 2054-6319 (Print), ISSN 2054-6327(online)

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