HL 2nd Edition

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Holy Lands ®

The Dark Ages

Edition 2.1

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“… I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now
is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of
God; and they that hear shall live.”
-Jesus Christ

John 5:25

In Loving Memory
David R. Bassell; a true hero
1942 - 2003

Internal Sketchwork by Chachi & Gabe Hernandez, and Monte Moore

3D graphical images by Quests of Faith studios
Cover art by Paul Bower

Holy Lands™ is a registered trademark ® of Quests of Faith.

Copyright © 2003 Quests of Faith Games. All Rights Reserved.

Holy Lands 2 The Dark Ages

This game is dedicated to my beloved wife, Tara, who can inspire the uninspirable. She is an extraordinary woman
with extraordinary love. She is my princess and my best friend. And to my children: Parker, Oliver, and my little girl who
is on her way into this big world.

With very special thanks to Paul, Scott, Chachi, Monte, and Gabe for their selfless enthusiasm and unmatchable
talent. And to Kerri for her willingness to take painstaking time to help make a perfect product.

Moreover, special thanks to all the play-testers who gave of their time and talent to help: John, Clint, Kenny, Jacob,
Rein, Mike, Joe, Jared, Carol, Meagan, Eli, Dominic, Bryan, Ryan, Myles, Alex, Chris, Dusty, Kyle, Trevor, Tommy,
Kevin, Scott, Thomas, Andrew, Brandon, Ruben, James, Dan the boy, Heath, Cloud and the many others. And to Mike
Cagley at Sylvan Oaks Christian Church for his faithful trust and support.

God bless you all for your efforts

Holy Lands 3 The Dark Ages

“Dost thou believe on the Son of God?”
-Jesus Christ

John 9:35

Holy Lands 4 The Dark Ages

Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................ 6
Chapter 4......... 226
Chapter 1 ............... 7 Magic and Sorcery ........................... 227
Welcome to Holy Lands ....................... 8 Enemy Classes ................................. 240
A Game Demonstration ..................... 11 Demi-races ...................................... 249
The Basics......................................... 14 Demons and Creatures ..................... 259
Combat ............................................. 22 Animals ........................................... 284
Getting Technical .............................. 33
Creating a Character .......................... 45
Chapter 5......... 288
Historic Notes ................................. 289
Chapter 2............ 58 Map of the Known World ................. 297
Attributes .......................................... 60 For the Rac ..................................... 302
Abilities............................................. 64 A Beginning Adventure .................... 312
Character Classes ............................... 65 Index ............................................... 318
Skills .............................................. 106 Character Sheets.................... back pages
Weapon Skills ................................. 164
Sins ................................................ 170
Miracles .......................................... 175

Chapter 3 ......... 190

Guilds and Monasteries .................... 191
Equipment & Services...................... 198
Weapons ......................................... 200
Armor and Clothing ........................ 208
Herbs, Cures, & Poisons .................. 212
Holy Items ...................................... 216

Holy Lands 5 The Dark Ages


“Come over here, child; that I may give you something. It is called wisdom, and not many lads and lasses have it
at your age. I know a lot about these lands and they are not so holy. You say that you must journey, that there is
adventure out there for you. Well, I know at your age you are hard of hearing, but try to listen up. I have seen the
Druids gather around Stonehenge and conjure up their demons. My life was taken there by the Devil, you know. I
learned there at Stonehenge that demons do not take kindly to Saints. God saw it differently and allowed my soul back
to be among the living. I have battled the mages of Norway in duels of supernatural forces; a contest of the wickedest
magic against the divine forces of God. Only my faith allowed my mortal body to survive. The Arts are deadly, my
child; deadly. I have seen the scimitars of Arabia rage through Jerusalem. I have seen ruthless battles in Spain against
the Moors. I have seen much blood spilled for the cause of peace. I have seen kingdoms overthrown by kingdoms only
to be overthrown by another kingdom. People say they find nothing holy about war, but if the truth be known, war
finds nothing holy about people. Protect yourself, my child, and trust in God. Though war may rage against you, you
must trust in the One that can Save your soul. You may fight to protect your Christian land, or you may fight to
restore it. You may fight to destroy the evil Lands, but never forget Satan, the one who can destroy your soul for
eternity. For God will judge you, never forget that, and God will make you accountable in the end. Every word you say
and every reason you choose to swing your sword will come into judgment. Trust Him and fight true. Your life, and
more importantly your soul, may depend on it. Go on your journey, my child. Take your dagger and your gold. Buy
and sell your weapons and your herbs, but take with you that which can never be bought or sold, and that is your faith
in God. Hold on to the wisdom that I have shared with you and protect it in your heart better than you protect your
-The Wise Saint

Holy Lands 6 The Dark Ages

Chapter 1
The Rules of Play

Welcome to Holy Lands

A Game Demonstration
The Basics
Getting Technical
Creating a Character

Holy Lands 7 The Dark Ages

Welcome to Holy Lands
The Spirit of the Game
The Raconteur
A Game of Character
Holy Lands is a game that does not require a board,
cards, or a computer. All you need is this book, some
gaming dice, a friend or two, and your imagination. Holy
Lands may very well be a game unlike any other you have The Spirit of the Game
ever played before because it is limited only by your mind's
eye. Your imagination and a good shake of the dice As stated before, the basis of this game is your
determine the outcome of a situation. The object is the imagination. You will need two or more participants to
never-ending task of destroying the evil that plagues the play. One person is required to be the game’s manager (or
medieval worlds! You (as a player) create a character of Raconteur) and you need at least one other person to play a
Christian faith and play the role (hence the name ‘role- character. The Raconteur (or Rac for short) is responsible
playing’) of that character on adventures. Your character is for the storyline of the adventure. The players follow the
known as your PC, or Player Character. Perhaps your descriptions of the Raconteur and make decisions for their
Player Character will be a strong and fearless Knight with a character based on their perception. Two main guidelines
sword and shield or maybe a staff-wielding wise Saint who should be followed as the game is played:
can perform powerful Miracles. You (as your character) Have FUN! Holy Lands is a game, and games are
must take up your staff or your sword and fight using the designed for fun. Holy Lands can be very intense because
chance of the dice to destroy magic and demons that are of its complexity of rules. Nevertheless, this complexity
trying to obliterate the medieval Church. If the task seems should be used only to give the game more dimension, by
simple, you are in for quite a surprise. which the rules are intended.
The power of righteousness within the Holy Lands Whether you are a player or the Raconteur, do your
shines as a light in the dark world. This order stands in part to make the other players enjoy their game as well.
evil’s way of total world chaos. The pagan lands attack Every player has an important part in the team’s survival
from the outside while the devil and his demons infect the and prosperity. You will see that the more you put into the
lands from the inside. One by one, they are destroying our story, the more you are sure to get out of it!
spiritual allies. The dark powers use their sorcerers and
other followers to pillage the Holy Lands with magic, Play HONORABLY! Holy Lands was developed
thievery, and bloodshed. The Holy Lands need you! by Quests of Faith as a ministry to honor God and His
Backed by God, you must rid civilization of the destructive Church. We feel that there is much to benefit from
and deadly forces of the devil and his wicked minions. The playing Holy Lands. We believe that God designed life in
survival of the Church is dependent on all Christians who such a way that by doing the will of the Lord, one reaps
will stand against the evil enemies and fight with the power prosperity. Holy Lands, as a game, reflects this belief. A
of the Holy Spirit! Several tools are at your disposal. All character can prosper far greater by doing good than by
are necessary and all have a special part to play in the doing evil. Make sure you take the time to consider your
offense of Truth. They range from the skills that God has character’s actions and the consequences those actions will
blessed you with to sharp blades and even Miracles. bring. Stand up for what is good and true and make sure
Fortunately, other heroes just like you are out there also that the Raconteur rewards you for it. This is honorable
waging war to protect the Church and its Holy Lands. All game play and is the responsibility of all who play Holy
Christians must stand together to fend off the attacks from Lands.
pagan lands and fight to reclaim the Lands that belong to
God’s Church.

Fight on Christian Soldier; by the sword and by God!!

Holy Lands 8 The Dark Ages
personalities all their own, and every activity within the
The Raconteur game helps the character grow.

The Raconteur (pronounced rac-on-ter - or use Rac

for short) has a job to be a witty storyteller who designs and Speaking in Character
leads the adventures. The Raconteur does not play a single Because of the nature of a role-playing game’s
character but plays every character and event outside of the imaginary elements, it is very necessary for players to speak
players’ control. These characters are known as NPC’s or with each other in order to gain perspective. The Raconteur
Narrated Personality Characters. should allow them to do so without holding the characters
accountable to everything said. Although some Racs may
Usually, the Raconteur is the only one of the group choose to play it as such, it is important to know that what
that knows what is going to happen next. It is the Rac’s you say and when you say it is not what your character has
job to keep the players on their toes. They also have the said, and should not be considered such unless declared by
difficult task of keeping the game honorable. That does the player. Players should be aware beforehand of what the
not mean that the Rac has to keep the players honorable; Raconteur considers speaking in character and speaking out of
which is their own responsibility, but it does mean that the
To avoid frustration and confusion, the advised rule of
story should be glorifying to God. The Raconteur needs to thumb for conversation situations is to accept what the
have a good, working knowledge of the game system as well character says when the player declares that his character has
as how each adventure will progress before beginning. said it. Thus, begin character statements with “My character
will say…” or “I (as in my character) will say in reply to

Odds are the Rac would

The Framework of a Character
appreciate some helpful insight Your character’s qualities organize into several
as to how you feel the game sections, including basic Character Information, Attributes,
Abilities, and Skills, to help you utilize them better. You
should go. will see these sections labeled on the Character Sheet.
The first section is the Character Information,
which holds the details your character’s physical
characteristics and personal information, such as height,
The outline of an adventure can be as elaborate or as weight, name, age and whether they are male or female.
simple as the Rac desires. It is up to them as to how much
Next, your character’s Attributes, which are his or
problem solving or Combat will be involved in each
her most important characteristics because they define your
adventure. Although the majority of the adventure’s
character’s basic mental, physical, and spiritual qualities.
creation is the Rac’s responsibility, it may be helpful to
They are your character’s Strength, Agility, Intellect, Faith,
invite constructive insight from the players to make the
etc. Attributes are the foundation for all other skills your
game or future games as enjoyable as possible.
character will develop. Note: The rules will refer to the
corresponding number of an Attribute as an Attribute
Rating, or AR for short.

A Game of Character Then, your character’s Abilities. Abilities note your

character’s aptitude at performing basic skills, such as how
The first thing you, the player, must do is create a well they can jump, climb, or find hidden things (Search).
character (see the Creating a Character section starting page Abilities are simple physical actions structured from
45). You will then take this character through the combinations of the aforementioned Attributes. They are
Raconteur’s adventures. As a player, you will need to make Abilities that every normal character has yet not something
decisions for your character, such as deciding what to say, with which your character becomes greatly proficient.
where to go, and what to do. You are able to develop your Note: The rules will refer to the corresponding number of
character as different and distinct as you are. Each an Ability as an Ability Mark, or AM for short.
character has both strengths and weaknesses that can help Skills are those abilities with which your character
and hinder them. They also have skills, abilities, and becomes proficient. Skills are broken down into three
categories called Gifts, Talents, and Crafts. Gifts are your
Holy Lands 9 The Dark Ages
character’s strongest Skills because they begin at a higher
The following make a set of necessary dice:
proficiency level and progress the fastest. Conversely,
Crafts begin at the weakest proficiency level and progress 1d4 - A four-sided, pyramid-shaped die
the slowest. Talents, obviously, are in between the two. 1d6 - These dice are commonly found in board games.
Note: The rules will refer to the corresponding number of It is best to have at least two of these.
a Skill as Proficiency Rating, or PR for short. 1d8 - Eight-sided die
d100 – see 2d10; although there is a single d100 die,
2d10 and d100 often mean the same thing
Role-Playing a Weaker Character 2d10* - Two ten-sided dice which together make up a
Often enough, a player has high expectations for his or number from 00-99, also called percentile dice
her character when creating it. The problem with that is that 1d12 - Twelve-sided die
the player becomes disappointed when the character is 1d20 - Twenty–sided dice
anything less than a pseudo-deity at Level 1. We envision a
Herculean Warrior that can save cities from dragon attacks, *when rolling 2d10 for Damage or other non-percentile roll, the
“tens” die is always only a single number, such as 2, 3, or 8, not 20,
making history as the greatest warrior since King
30, or 80; and zeroes always count as 10, not zero
All of that can be achieved in the Holy Lands game,
but in due time. Two key points to consider as you begin
playing are as follows: Rolling the Dice
1) Give your character time to grow. Every action your character can attempt that has a
He or she can become the history-making character chance of failing requires a roll of the dice. The action falls
you envision but they have to earn it – they have to pay their into a category represented by some section of your
dues. The great knights of yesteryear were not always great
character’s framework, his Attributes, Abilities, Gifts,
knights. They were first know-it-all teenagers and fallible
Talents, Crafts, Saving Throws, or Combat Skills.
young adults. Nevertheless, their skills grew and their
knowledge grew. Before too long, they were heroes. These terms will be discussed in further detail later.
The following is a list of the commonly used Rolls
2) Role-play a character’s weakness and the dice required. You can find more details about
True leaders see problems as opportunities to
these rolls in the following sections of this Chapter and
overcome and learn from, and in turn, grow. Other people
panic or get angry, while still others figuratively just lie down Chapter 2, but for now, the Common Dice Rolls table would
and die. The point is to use your character’s weaknesses as be a good thing to memorize before beginning.
opportunities to role-play. Maybe your character did not end
up being the all-elusive Spy you had intended. Instead, he is
less than agile and less than smart. It is just as fun to be a Common Dice Rolls
clumsy oaf for a few levels. In fact, earning the Experience
points for role-playing can be easier to earn than performing Attribute Rolls: d12 (low)
life-threatening feats. Ability Rolls: d20 (high)
In short, those players who accept their characters for Combat Rolls: d20 (high)
who they are often grow their characters into the great Skill Rolls: d20 (high)
heroes that we envisioned when we created them. Saving Throws*: d20 (high)

(low) indicates that the lower the roll, the better because the player
must roll under a target number
(high) indicates that the higher the roll, the better because the player
must roll over a target number
* denotes normal Saving Throws. Irregular Saving Throws use
Dice Attribute Rolls

This game requires a set of gaming dice. It is

preferred that each player has his or her own set to lessen Natural Rolls
the confusion. You can purchase a set from us here at As you read through and play Holy Lands, you will
Quests of Faith if you are not able to find any at your local hear the term ‘Natural’ when referring to dice rolls. Natural
gaming or comic store. We have printed our web address dice rolls are the numbers rolled on the face of the dice
in the beginning of this book. unmodified by any Bonuses or Penalties. Quite simply, the
actual number rolled is Natural.

Holy Lands 10 The Dark Ages

A Game Demonstration
Bowman: First of all, what kingdom are we in and,
This section allows you to see the game in action
second of all, how did we end up in a haunted
in order to demonstrate the most common
fundamentals. For those who have never played a role-
Raconteur: Well, you’re in the Kingdom of England,
playing game, trying to explain how one works can be
right in the middle and you didn’t know this
very confusing. Especially when the person who is
forest was haunted until just now. Your
learning about a role-playing game hears that it
characters are just realizing it’s haunted as they
requires no game board, no computer, no cards, or
hear sounds of groaning and are seeing old,
anything except dice. The concept is very different
decrepit headstones every so-often.
from how most people perceive a game that people
Cleric: I want to determine if the groans I’m hearing
are human or not.
This section can help anyone who desires to Raconteur: Ok, roll your Demonology.
understand more about how to play Holy Lands; The Cleric (rolling a d20): I made it- by a landslide! I got
Dark Ages, not just the beginning role player. It 19 total.
breaks out the most common terms and explains how
to play them by using real-game examples. In fact, this This is an example of a Skill Roll where the player
section is a good place to start for anyone who will be must roll a d20 over a target Difficulty Factor, which
playing Holy Lands for the first time. is by standard, an 11. In this case, the Skill was
We shall begin by ‘setting the stage’… Demonology. Since the roll was very successful, the
character will gain important information that will
This example adventure begins with three follow below. For more details on Skills, see page
characters, a Cleric, a Bowman, and Warrior, who are 106.
all walking through a forest (a common place for
adventures to begin, by the way). Three players are
Raconteur: Well, you can tell that the moaning and
each playing one of the three characters and a
groaning is not of this world. They are definitely
Raconteur is leading the charge, making a group of
supernatural spirits, and with that roll, you can
four players. They have just begun their first adventure
determine that they are just ghosts.
with their new characters. We have made this
Warrior: Just ghosts?
adventure for example purposes.
Raconteur: Yeah, they can’t harm you physically but
their presence means that some beings around
Raconteur: Ok, the characters are done so let’s get here feed on live flesh.
moving. Well say you all have just moved on Bowman: That’s just great; we’re gonna be food for
from your respective guilds, or (pointing to the the dead.
Cleric) monastery. You guys all start out walking Cleric: Not for the dead- for the undead.
through a forest. It’s about 8 o’ clock and getting Bowman: Oh, that makes it better.
dark, the sun has mostly set, and there is a chilly Warrior: Not really.
breeze blowing through the forest. Overall, the Raconteur: Actually, those characters with
night seems eerie. It’s quite possibly a bad thing, Demonology know and can share with the rest of
too, because you guys know that the nearest town the group that a ghost is the spirit of a dead
is at least a half-a-day’s travel in any direction. demonic being who is sentenced to hell and will
The nearest town is in the direction you are be cast there with Satan in the End, but for now,
traveling just through this forest, which is called are forced to roam the earth in search of mortal
the Forest of Leem. Any questions so far? souls to haunt. You also know that a demonic
beast can often survive very well on raw flesh
A good Rac will ask this question often, just to when they follow a ghost around who, for obvious
make sure everyone stays together. For more info reasons hates the living and loves to torment
on how to be a good Rac, see the section entitles them.
For the Rac at the end of this book.

Holy Lands 11 The Dark Ages

Bowman: I will draw my bow and fire the best shot I
Warrior: Then my sword is out and I’m ready for can into the area where I believe he was.
anything. Raconteur: Just before you let the arrow fly, you see
Raconteur: Good. Then make a Perception Roll. some red eyes appear about fifteen feet from the
Warrior: Uh oh, I don’t like the way you said that. direction you were about to shoot. They lunge
(Rolls a d20) I barely made it – 10. for the three of you.
Bowman: Well, that gives me a target, which is better
Here we have an example of an Ability Roll, which than what I had. I’m shootin’!
you roll on a d20 and must be over the character’s Raconteur: You guys all barely see a large, hairy
Ability Mark. Unlike a Skill Roll, an Ability Mark is demon wolf rush from the bushes into the pale
not a standard target number, but rather can moonlight. He’s coming right for you and he’s
change from character to character depending on hungry!! Roll your shot.
other Attributes. In this case, the character needs Bowman (she rolls a d20 and jumps up out of her seat
to roll over a 9, which is his Perception Ability Mark. in excitement when she sees the roll): OH yes!!
Natural 20!! Plus Bonuses…total of 24!! Now,
In addition, this is a great example of how the Rac that is a shot, baby!
has used the player’s enthusiasm to save the Raconteur: Well done! The beast will Dodge. (Rolls a
character from a potentially “sticky” situation. In d20 trying to beat the Bowman’s roll but
this example, the Rac lets the player lead the way obviously rolls a very low number.) Oh no!!
into what the Rac already has planned. (Everyone is out of their seat cheering when they
see the roll.)
Raconteur: Well done, you notice something or
someone is following you. There are red-glowing This is an example of entering into a Combat
eyes hidden within the darkness of the brush, scenario, which players roll with a d20. An unseen
obviously demonic. They disappear when you foe sprung an Attack on the characters. However,
look their way. Your instincts tell you that they a fine shot by the Bowman proved fatal because
belonged to someone or something pretty large the Attack Roll was a Natural 20 (the highest
and fast. Natural roll possible) and the opponent rolled a
Bowman: Did I see that? Natural 1 (the lowest possible Natural roll). This
Cleric: Did I? may, as seen in this scenario, cause an automatic
Raconteur: Neither of you saw it, just Furric the fatality to the victim due to the large amount of
Warrior. Damage in a single hit. For more information on
Warrior: Well, I definitely want to tell the others and Combat, see the Combat section starting on page
point out where I saw it. 22.
Bowman: Let’s all stop, I’ll fire an arrow in that
direction and see what happens. Notice, too, that the Raconteur was in favor of the
character’s victory. This may go against the Rac’s
Cleric: Wait! What are you thinking? What if there
grain at times but is an art that can make a good
are many and you just start a war?!?
game a great game, in turn making a good Rac a
Warrior: Well, if there are a lot of them, then let’s get
great Raconteur.
a lot of shots in now! They probably don’t want
to have a social hour with us. They are demons!!
Cleric: I just don’t know if firing an arrow at the one Warrior: Yes, he rolled a Natural 1!!
thing is a good idea. What if there is a chance of Cleric: Oh yeah! That thing is going down!
us getting out of here without instigating death?! Raconteur: Wow. Roll for Damage.
Bowman: Look. That thing is not here to get Bowman (rolling 3d8 and counting): …7 and 8 is
friendly, we all know that. It’s here to eat us for a 15…and 7 is 22 points of Damage!! Oh yeah.
nice, prime, raw-meat dinner and I don’t want to Raconteur: Triple that…66 points of Damage total.
be the main course- or any course for that matter. Nice.
If you want to be the main course, then you go Bowman: Wait, plus 4 for my Bonuses.
try to talk to it! As for me, I’m shooting! All: 70 points of Damage!
Warrior: And I’m getting ready to swing. About how Raconteur: It’s dead. An arrow through the skull.
far away do I think it was when I saw it? Good job. You notice behind him, off in the
Raconteur: About fifty feet directly behind you, just distance, another set of red eyes turns and runs
off the trail you’re following. away. You hear brush movement from this great

Holy Lands 12 The Dark Ages

hairy wolf-thing rushing for safety. His buddy Here is another example of an Ability Roll. In this
getting killed was obviously not part of his plan, case, the Rac requires the characters to roll a
so he’s outta there. Perception Roll. Then he also gives the characters a
Bowman: I want to shoot at him. clue that there is more information to gain by telling
Cleric: No! Let him go. That was a luck y shot. Let them to roll a more specialized Skill, Profile Area, if
the other think it was skill. Don’t give him any they have it.
reason to change his mind at this point.
Warrior: I agree. We will need all the resources we Bowman (rolling a d20 as well and adding): Uh…14
have for things in this forest that want to eat us, total. Did I make it?
not enough for those things that are running
Bowman: All right, all right. But, I think I’m on a In this example, the Bowman has the Skill of Profile
roll here. I just hate to waste a good streak of Area, and the player rolls it.
Cleric: Let’s move on for another hour or so and pitch Raconteur (rolling a d20 to Attack): Yes, but make a
camp. This place is not going to get any safer Dodge against Light Missiles.
and we can watch out better if we stay put. Bowman: Who? Me?
Bowman: I’m for that. Raconteur: Yes. You notice a couple goblins in the
Warrior: I say we pitch camp right here, right now. trees and one is pointing a blowgun right at you.
It’s going to get darker and I’m sure that the Warrior: Oh no, do I notice them?
darker it gets, the more dangerous it gets. Raconteur: Go ahead and make a Perception Roll.
Cleric: Well, my thought was that we could travel as Bowman (rolling a d20): Ok I’m Dodging the dart.
far as possible to get through as much of this Oh, not good. I got a 3…let’s see…plus 1 is …4
forest as we can. Then when we must, we can total.
stop and camp. Raconteur: Nope, you got hit (rolls 3d4 for Damage).
Warrior: My fear is that we won’t make it anywhere 7 points of Damage and make a Saving Throw
without a proper watch. We may as well lay down versus Poisons.
and die right now if we have more of those wolf Bowman: Oh great. (Rolls a d20 to Save) Yes- 18!
things following us waiting for their opportune What do I need?
time to eat our flesh raw. Plus, that one may be Raconteur: You only needed a 9 or better to Save
running back for reinforcements to get others to versus Poisons.
help him pick his teeth with our bones.
Bowman: What? That didn’t make any sense. I This final example is one of a Saving Throw. A
think you’ve had too much pizza, dude. Saving Throw is where a character attempts to
Cleric: That’s a good point… avoid, or Save versus, some negative affect, in this
Warrior: Which one, that I’ve had too much pizza? case Poison.
Cleric: No, that our characters need to pitch camp You achieve a Saving Throw by rolling a d20 over a
now. certain number, which changes depending on the
Bowman: You understood that language? affect the character is attempting to avoid. For
Cleric: Well, I don’t know, but the point is: we don’t more information on Saving Throws, see page 17.
know what’s following us right now. And I don’t
want to play on their terms if there is someone Bowman: I want to shoot at the one with the
back there. I want to check to see if there may be blowgun. I’ve got my sights set on him now.
anything lurking in the darkness again. Raconteur: All right…
Raconteur: Ok, make a Perception Roll, and does
anyone have Profile Area?
Bowman: Yeah, I do.
Raconteur: Fine, roll it.
Cleric (rolling a d20): Uh oh, Profile Area may mean
If you thought this looked fun, imagine the fun you
an ambush is afoot. I failed my Perception.
will have in your own game. Now, keep reading
until you feel ready to go and then go for it!

Holy Lands 13 The Dark Ages

The Basics
Life points
Death, Comas, Resurrection
Rounds and Time
Experience points
Performing Miracles
Saving Throws
Another option for healing is the Medical Skill, which
requires a PC (player character) or NPC (Narrated

Life points Personality Character) to have the Skill in order to use it.
Medical can be a relatively swift process but very limiting in
its L.p. restoration, which is typically under 10 L.p. It is
Life points are the measure of a character’s capacity also limiting in the fact that it is a one-time process per
to sustain Damage (for more information about Damage, wound, and, if that attempt fails, you can have no more
see page 25). Each character begins the game with a restorative Medical done to that character until Damage
certain number of Life points (Life points are otherwise wounds them again (For details on Medical, see page 141).
known as L.p.). These L.p. are directly related to a
maximum amount of Damage that a character can sustain One ‘sure-fire’ way to gain back lost L.p. is to drink
before dying. herbal drafts or cures. The trade-off for herbal drafts and
cures is that they are instantaneous in their healing yet
Your character’s Life points temporarily decrease each costly to buy as whole elixirs. For less or no gold, your
time they take Damage. Once the character’s Life points character can buy or find the herbs necessary to complete
reach zero, the character is either dead or in a coma. the drafts and cures, and then make the elixirs out of the
ingredients. However, making herbal drafts and cures
No matter how many Life points your character gains requires the Herbal Science Skill and successful use of it.
and loses, the maximum number of Life points can only (For more details, see page 212 for Herbs, Cures, and
increase as your character reaches a new level. Poisons, or page 133 for more information on the Herbal
Science Skill.)
Another nearly ‘sure-fire’ way to have Life restored is
Restoring Life points to have healing Miracles performed on your character.
This requires a PC or NPC, such as a Healer, to
If your character has lost Life points and, as long as successfully perform the Miracles on the Damaged
they are still alive, you can restore their Life points back up character. In addition, NPC’s who can heal, can also
to their maximum. A number of options for achieving Life charge a pretty penny for their services (For more details,
restoration are at your disposal, some very costly and/or see the Healing Miracles section of Chapter 2 starting on
time consuming. page 179).
The simplest yet most time-consuming way to have
your character heal is to sleep and rest. For each hour of
sleep or bedrest, your character restores 1 Life point, and
can do so continuously until the maximum is again
reached. You can see how much game-time would be
Rounds and Time
required for a character to restore 20 Life points, which A Round is the basic unit of time measurement used
means 20 hours of undisturbed bed rest. That can be very in situations throughout the Holy Lands game, including
hard to find in the middle of an adventure, especially when situations of Combat, Movement, Skills, and other
your companions are ‘ready to go’! actions.

Holy Lands 14 The Dark Ages

A Round itself is a 3-second duration of time, which Earning Experience points
can be a relatively short amount. Where situations demand
greater amounts of time, the Ten-round and Five-score are Every action the character attempts that will gain him
used. or her experience the next time they face that situation
earns Experience points. This typically requires success
A Ten-round is 10 consecutive normal Rounds or instead of attempts. For example, a character may
30 seconds of continuous game-time. You will notice as attempt to pick a complex lock for hours unsuccessfully.
you play that situations require greater time than a Round Unless he or she accomplishes it, they have learned very
and it becomes tedious to add Rounds. Ten-rounds will little about how that lock works for the next time they
often apply to situations requiring a higher Skill Difficulty. attempt it. However, if successful and no matter how
For example, picking a simple lock requires a successful lucky, they have learned a lot about how that lock works
Pick Locks Roll of normal Difficulty and 1 Round (only 3 and should be rewarded for the Experience.
seconds) per attempt. However, picking a more difficult
lock requires a successful roll of higher Difficulty and a The key to Experience points is to reward the
Ten-round (30 seconds) per attempt. characters for the success of achieving an action based on
their level of effort. In other words, if characters happen to
Furthermore, a Five-score is a five minute period of accomplish a task easily that was intended to be difficult,
time, which is equal to 100 (hence the name Five-score) the characters should earn less Experience than is assigned.
Rounds. Using the above example, an extremely complex For example, if a character stepped on a rake while
lock would require a successful Pick Locks Roll of even running from a terrible Dragon Walker and the rake hit
higher Difficulty plus 1 Five-score (5 minutes) of time per the Dragon Walker in the throat, killing him seconds
attempt, making it necessary to concentrate for several before eating the character, in that scenario, the character
minutes, undistracted and with various tools, on getting the has done nothing. That character should be rewarded tens
lock open. of Experience points rather than the hundreds assigned.
This is because that character has not put any effort into
Game-time vs. Real-time dragon slaying and has consequently developed no skills in
the practice (though, socially, honor may follow them from
You will notice throughout the game the terms ‘game- now on in that city as a great dragon-slayer).
time’ and ‘real-time’ used to describe various time situations.
Game-time refers to time as experienced from your
character’s perspective, which is continuous only in the
Real-time is time, as we know it. In real-time, the
clock’s second hand continues to move whether we like it or
The good fight is the only
not. Nevertheless, game-time must often stop and continue
for us to gain perspective in real-time.
fight worth fighting
For example: It may have taken two hours of real-time
to role-play a Combat scenario, but the characters themselves
actually fought for only a couple of minutes in game-time.
Conversely, the characters may have traveled great distances The Raconteur can divide the total Experience point
requiring weeks of game-time. However, to speed that part amount of an accomplishment between two or more
along, the Rac just declared it as done and it only took characters if they have all contributed to the success of the
minutes of real-time to explain the path.
action. In this instance, Experience need not be divided
equally, but rather divided fairly according to the effort of
each contributor. The ranges below show how many
awarded Experience points a character (or characters)
Experience points receives for their efforts. The Raconteur should refer to
this list when awarding Experience points until you are
A character earns Experience points whenever they comfortable with using your own judgment.
accomplish something noteworthy. Experience points are
reflective of the character’s experiences in life, which no
one can take away once received. It is the duty of the
Raconteur to distribute Experience points to each player at
the close of each game or during a break. He or she should
hand out Experience points fairly according to each player’s

Holy Lands 15 The Dark Ages

Experience point Table Performing Miracles
A Miracle is a prayer to God that requests something
50-150 Range
supernatural to occur. Miracles require the character’s
faith in and devotion to God in order to happen, which
Abilities: Simple to Moderate Difficulty (per Ability)
Attributes: Simple to Moderate Difficulty (per Attribute) denotes that some skill in faith is involved. For this
Christianity: Converting unbelievers reason, Characters who are able to perform Miracles must
Combat: Aiding in group effort have the Miracles Skill and exhaust some amount of their
Combat: Avoiding unnecessary fighting faith to accomplish the Miracle.
Combat: Defeating Lesser evil (for primary opponent) Miracles take place through the character by
Combat: Unsuccessful efforts (50-100) harnessing the supernatural powers of God. The
Help: aiding a fellow character importance in that is a ‘good’ or Christian Miracle-worker,
Help: Efforts unsuccessful 50-100) for example, can combust an innocent old woman’s head if
Notes: Keeping good notes (50 per effective use)
they so choose. However, that does not mean that God so
Role-playing: Playing in character (50-100)
desired the action to come to pass. That character has
Skills: Life saving for self (character only)
abused his powers and punishment should follow. The
Skills: Simple to Moderate Difficulty (per Skill type)
point is this: any Miracle-worker can perform any Miracle
Teamwork: Good sportsmanship (100-150)
Usage*: Creatively using resources (100-150) any time on any one as long as they have the Faith to do
Usage*: Using drafts, Cures, or poisons effectively so. God and the courts of Holy Lands hold Miracle-
Usage*: Using Holy items effectively workers to the same standards as every other character in
terms of using their gifts for the glory of God. Just as a
modern-day doctor has the power to take a life in the
150-300 Range operating room, they are responsible to use their skills for
healing. So are the Miracle-workers responsible for using
Abilities: High to Extreme Difficulty (per Ability) their gifts for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, with
Attributes: High to Extreme Difficulty (per Attribute) healing and with the destruction of the dark forces.
Combat: Defeating Greater evil (for primary opponent)
Destroying: Magic Items (per major item)
Faith Rolls: Effective usage
Ideas: Contributing to future games (150-200)
Faith points
Miracles: Effective usage (per Miracle name) Faith points (also known as F.p.) are different from a
Plans: Developing a plan (150-250) character’s Faith Attribute in that the Faith Attribute is a
Role-playing: Playing honorably (150-200) quality of the player character- an indicator of the
Skills: High to Extreme Difficulty character’s level of belief in the existence and providence of
Skills: Life saving for fellow character (risk to character) God (you’ll learn more about Attributes in the following
Success**: Achieving a mission Chapter). Faith points, however, represent the character’s
“faith energy” in which they can wield the Faith they have.
300-600 Range Successfully performing a Miracle requires a
designated amount of Faith points, a successful Skill Roll;
Combat: Defeating Advanced evil (for main opponent) and the higher the power of the Miracle, the more F.p. is
Skills: Learning a new Craft
required. That is why not all Miracle-workers can perform
Skills: Life saving for NPC (great risk to character)
all Miracles all the time, even if they are Skilled in the use
Skills: using multiple Extreme Difficulty Skills
of the same type of Miracles as another clergy.
* denotes that characters used these items effectively
** it is recommended that 200 -250 Experience points (to each
character - not divided) be given out each adventure to all player Restoring Faith points
characters who actively participated in the adventure (this can
encourage future involvement) Faith points can be restored a couple of ways after the
clergy uses them. First, Faith points regenerate
themselves at a rate of 1 F.p. per hour. Therefore, really,
Note: if a character dies, he or she should not gain any Experience
points for the portion of the adventure prior to death, even if
the character need not do anything to regain lost F.p.
resurrected; however, no Experience points should ever be taken Second, after the character sleeps for six consecutive
away once awarded (unless an error is recognized) hours, his or her Faith points are totally restored. Third,

Holy Lands 16 The Dark Ages

the character can use the Skill of Meditation to meditate creatures. For now, we will stick with discussing the
(see page 141 for details). Finally, holy water and some standard Saving Throws for Christians.
herbal cures restore Faith points (see page 214 for details).

When it comes to rolling Saving Throws, just like in

Combat, the tie always goes to the defender – regardless of
Miracle Skills and Classes race, religion, gender, plane of existence, etc. In most cases
of Saving Throws, the target number is considered the
There are four types of Miracle Skills: High
“Attack” and the defender is always the character attempting
Miracles, Clerical Miracles, Healing Miracles, and Holy to Save.
Songs. There are five different Character Classes, which
are able to utilize the four different types of Miracles.
These Character Classes are as follows:

Miracle-worker Classes
Standard Saving Throws
To successfully “Save versus” a normal affect, the
The Saint, which is able to perform both Clerical and player must roll a d20 equal to or over (not under) the
High Miracles corresponding Saving Throw number.
The Cleric and the Devil Hunter, both of which are
limited to the use of Clerical Miracles
The Healer, which is limited to but very proficient in the For Christians
use of Healing Miracles
On the Character Sheet, on the far-top right, is a list
The Bard, which is limited to the use of Holy Songs
of the Saving Throw conditions, which apply to all
For more details on Performing Miracles, see page Christian characters and Christian NPC’s. To the right of
175. those conditions, in parentheses, is the corresponding
number needed to beat the condition. Some Attributes
and Skills give the character a Bonus to some Saving
Throws. If received, you can add this Bonus to the

Saving Throws Natural roll in order to give the character a greater chance
of beating the Saving Throw number.
A Saving Throw is a random roll of the dice that The following is a list of Saving Throws that apply to
gives a character the chance to avoid a harmful thing, or all Christian characters and Christian NPC’s.
Save. When a character Saves against some negative affect
that would have normally harmed the character, it was just
not in God’s will for that to occur. Other belief systems Saving Throws: Christians
might say that mere chance or good fortune happened, the
stars and planets had aligned at the right time, the gods of Affect Save number
whatever the circumstance were smiling on the character, Use Magic (16)
or whatever. The fact is that a Saving Throw represents Curses (15)
God’s perfect yet non-understandable will because the Spells (14)
character has very little to do with the outcome. Rune Traps (13)
Magic Fumes (12)
For example, if a Spy failed to Pick Locks on a Magic Items (11)
trapped door, the trap sprung, and a poisoned needle Death (10)
pricked him. By all normal circumstances, the poison Poison (9)
should have been killing the Spy. However, the player Phobias (7)
rolled to Save vs. Poisons and was successful. Therefore, Miracles (5)
God had delivered the Spy from the unfortunate and Holy Items (4)
maybe fatal outcome of being poisoned.
There are two types of Saving Throws: standard
Saving Throws, and Irregular Saving Throws, both of
which apply to Christians, enemies, and non-Christians, For Non – Christians
and standard Saving Throws that apply to animals and The spiritual laws that govern Christians are not the
same spiritual laws that govern non-Christians. Therefore,
Holy Lands 17 The Dark Ages
God’s hand deals differently with them when it comes to
Saving Throws: Enemies
acts of defiance against His will, as well as protection from
the direct harm of evil. Although it can seem obscure to Affect Save number
humans, God sometimes prospers what we consider evil and Miracles (15)
seemingly punishes whom we consider good men and good Holy Items (14)
women. Nevertheless, Christians know that God’s will is Death (12)
sovereign and just, and in the end, He will have fulfilled it Poison (10)
perfectly – no matter how it turns out in our sight. Curses (6)
For this reason, the Saving Throws for unbelievers Spells (5)
allow them to enjoy some pleasures of evil without Rune Traps (4)
Magic Items (3)
immediate consequences, and therefore suffer some lack of
Magic Fumes (2)
rewards, such as escaping death. As stated above, the line
Phobias (1)
that separates the two sides is pretty obscure, but overall,
Use Magic (0)
the numbers are balanced.
The following is a list of Saving Throws that apply to
all non-Christian, non-Enemy, human NPC’s, which For Animals and Creatures
would be some average, everyday citizens of towns and
Animals and Creatures are soulless beasts, and
villages as well as other adventurers.
therefore God’s will does not rule them. They are simply
‘programmed’ to do what they do and so they cannot really
do wrong, per se. With that comes a lack of great blessings
Saving Throws: Non-Christians
yet freedom from divine punishment. Therefore, their lives
are quite average in terms of protection from harm. The
Affect Save number
Miracles (16) following Saving Throw list defines this further.
Holy Items (15)
Phobias (14)
Poison (13) Saving Throws: Animals and Creatures
Death (12)
Curses (11) Affect Save number
Spells (10) Miracles (11)
Rune Traps (9) Holy Items (11)
Magic Items (8) Phobias (11)
Magic Fumes (7) Poison (11)
Use Magic (4) Death (11)
Curses (11)
Spells (11)
For Enemies Rune Traps (11)
Magic Items (11)
In the Holy Lands, enemies are usually demons and Magic Fumes (11)
half-races of demons, called demi-races. However, enemies Use Magic N/A
are also humans bent on evil and lawlessness, such as
thieves, rogues, wizards, witches, and assassins. Those
grouped as enemies have a slightly different Saving Throw
list in which they follow. You will notice that they are
Saving Throw Descriptions
much more likely to not Save versus Holy powers and The following descriptions are of the individual
much more likely to Save versus the evil powers of magic. Saving Throws. The descriptions apply to any person,
This is due to their closeness to the dark powers, making animal, creature, demon, devil, or other being; however the
their tolerance of it very high, contrarily making their numbers needed to Save are found in the lists above.
tolerance to the forces of good very low.
The enemies Saving Throw list is as follows. Use Magic
The character or NPC must apply the Use Magic
Saving Throw whenever they attempt to use magic or a
magic item of any kind. This Saving Throw exists because

Holy Lands 18 The Dark Ages

a person not trained in the evil Arts cannot handle magic’s Poison
power. They will suffer physical punishment as described
in the Magic and Sorcery section of Chapter 4 if not Saved This Saving Throw is needed when a character has
(see page 238 for details). ingested or been injected by a poison. A successful Save
versus Poison means that the character suffers half the
affect of the poison, taking half Damage.
You apply the Spell Saving Throw when a character Phobias
or being is the target of a spoken spell. A successful Save
versus Spells means that it was not time for that spell to Characters acquire phobias from their lack of Faith.
affect the life of that character or being. This can negatively affect the way they would normally
handle a situation. To avoid this from happening, the
character can attempt to Save versus Phobias, allowing
Curses them to conquer their fear at that time.
A character must attempt to Save versus Curses
whenever he or she is the target of a Curse incanted by a Miracles
witch. A successful Save versus Curses means that the
witchcraft did not affect the Saving character at all. Miracles can affect all beings, even Christians, if they
are within range or targets. This Saving Throw applies
when a character is the unwilling target of a Miracle.
Rune Traps
You apply this Saving Throw when a character or Holy Items
being comes within a certain distance of a Rune trap See
page 227 for more information about Rune traps). A Save Like Miracles, powers of Holy Items can affect
versus Rune Traps determines whether the character anyone. This Saving Throw applies when a character is the
triggers the magical trap or not. A successful Saving involuntary target of such a Holy Item.
Throw means that the character or being did not set off the

When a character’s Life points reach zero, they must
roll to Save versus Death. This is their only chance of
continuing survival. Saving versus Death will put the
character or creature into a coma. See the Death, Comas,
and Resurrection section on page 21 for more details.

Magic Items
This Saving Throw applies when the character
attempts to avoid the affects of magic items, such as magic
wands, staves, and rings. It also applies to Saving versus
the affects of scrolls and magic weapons.

Magic Fumes
A character is able to avoid the affects of magical
gases by successfully Saving versus Magic Fumes. Some Irregular Saving Throws
Rune configurations and magic items emit noxious or
An irregular Saving Throw is a roll of the dice that,
deadly fumes. A roll to Save versus Magic Fumes must be
in most cases, must be under a certain target number, as
done for every Round the character is exposed to the gas.
opposed to a standard Saving Throw, which must be over a
target number.

Holy Lands 19 The Dark Ages

making a Negotiation Roll against the opponent’s
Irregular Saving Throws
Negotiation Roll, the higher roll wins. The other way is to
Affect Save number make a Wisdom Roll (Attribute Roll) with the usual d12.
Persuasion Special (Wisdom Roll) The roll must be under the Saving character’s Wisdom
Intimidation Special (Patience Roll) Attribute Rating.
Negotiation Special (Wisdom Roll) Saving versus Negotiation means that the character is
Temptation Special (Virtue Roll) able to disregard the opponent’s attempt to change the
value of what they desire and turn the negotiation so the
value is more in their favor.
Persuasion (Skill Roll)
A character rolls to Save versus Persuasion when
Temptation (Sins)
someone is attempting to use his or her Persuasion Skill in
order to have the character do something that he or she Saving versus Temptation allows a character to avoid
may not want to do. the fall of a Sin in which they are being tempted, and thus
avoiding the consequences of that Sin. To Save versus
A character can roll to Save versus Persuasion one of
Temptation, a character must roll under his or her Virtue
two ways. If that character has the Persuasion Skill, they
Attribute with a d12. Note: all temptations of Sin can be
would Save by making a Persuasion Roll against the
Saved against, however, some Consequences of Sins
opponent’s Persuasion Roll, the higher roll wins. The other
cannot. For more information, see the Sins section
way is to make a Wisdom Roll (Attribute Roll) with the
starting on page 170.
usual d12. The roll must be under the Saving character’s
Wisdom Attribute Rating.
Saving versus Persuasion means that the character is
able to know that the opponent is attempting to persuade
him or her in a way that may be undesired.

Intimidation (Skill Roll)

A character rolls to Save versus Intimidation when
The race is not to the
swift, nor the battle to
someone is attempting to use his or her Intimidation Skill
to have the character do something that he or she may not
want to do.
Like Persuasion, a character can roll to Save versus
Intimidation one of two ways. If the character has the
the strong… nor yet
favor to the men of skill;
Intimidation Skill, they would Save by making an
Intimidation Roll against the opponent’s Intimidation Roll,
the higher roll wins. The other way is to make a Patience
Roll (Attribute Roll) with the usual d12. The roll must be
under the Saving character’s Patience Attribute Rating. but time and chance
happen to them all.
Saving versus Intimidation means that the character is
able to resist the panic in which the opponent is attempting
to create in them.

Negotiation (Skill Roll) -Ecclesiastes 9:11

A character rolls to Save versus Negotiation when
someone is attempting to use his or her Negotiation Skill to
bargain the value of something in order to get it for a cost
that the character does not readily agree to.
Like Persuasion and Intimidation, a character can roll
to Save versus Negotiation one of two ways. If the
character has the Negotiation Skill, they would Save by

Holy Lands 20 The Dark Ages

If the character does not Save versus Death or ends
Death, Comas, and up dying in a coma, a second alternative is available. This
alternative is a Resurrection Miracle or spell, either of which
Resurrection must be done within four days of death. A Resurrection
Miracle is the better route to go because it restores half the
If your character’s Life points have reached 0, then, character’s Life points and leaves them with no mental
before you decide to give him or her a proper burial, there impairments. On the contrary, a Resurrection spell can
are still a couple of options for survival. cause more harm than good. There are serious, permanent
insanities that plague the character resurrected by a spell
First, the character must successfully roll a Saving
(see the Resurrection spell of Magic and Sorcery on page
Throw versus Death. This Saving Throw affords every
237 for further details about spell resurrection).
character and being a chance at cheating final death even
though their L.p. have reached 0. However, the character’s
fate is in the roll of the dice. If they Save versus Death, the
character still lives, yet they live in a very deep and

Hell and Destruction

temporary coma that lasts 1 Ten-round, which equals one
half-minute, per Life point that the character would have at
their maximum. For example, a character has 24
maximum L.p. normally. In recent Combat, they had 6
L.p. left but then were hit for 6 points of Damage; they are are never full; so the
then knocked down to 0 L.p. However, they successfully
Saved versus Death and therefore were in a coma that
lasted 24 Ten-rounds, which equals 12 minutes, before eyes of men never
final death. In other words, they have 12 minutes of
game-time to get help.
This window of opportunity allows medical aid, herbal
Cures, and Miracles to prevent the comatose character
from dying further. See page 14 for more information -Proverbs 27:20
about restoring Life points.

Holy Lands 21 The Dark Ages

The Combat Sequence
Defence of Armor
Combat Skills
when his opponent has failed a Combat Roll miserably
Combat is a sequence of attacking and defending rolls
(Natural 1).
that the characters engage in throughout an adventure
campaign. The numbers that determine Advantage,
Attack, Dodge or Defend actions are rolled on a d20, the
higher the better. However, Damage is determined by Natural 20 Bonus
rolling the appropriate die or dice that the weapon causes. A Natural 20 on an Advantage Roll gives that
If a player rolls a Natural 20 or Natural 1 for a Combat character a +3 to their next immediate Attack.
action, it allows for a Bonus or Penalty to the next action.
See the following descriptions for details of each action. If the opponent also rolled a Natural 1 on the same
Advantage Roll, that character suffers a -3 to their next
Defend or Dodge Roll against the attacking character.
Note: if they prefer, the player who rolled a Natural 20

Advantage may apply a +3 to their next Attack against the opponent,

making a +6 total, instead of the opponent suffering a -3.
The Advantage determines who will Attack first in
each new Round and, therefore, is usually the first dice
rolled in the Combat sequence. Advantage also applies to
Natural 1 Penalty
opponents engaging in spiritual Combat, Skill Attacks, A Natural 1 on an Advantage Roll gives that
Skill competitions, physical Combat, as well as any character a -3 to their next immediate Defend.
situation that requires two or more characters or beings to
determine who will do something first. If the opponent also rolled a Natural 20 on the same
Advantage Roll, that character gains a +3 to their next
All involved combatants or opponents roll a d20 and Attack Roll against the defending character.
add any Advantage Bonuses to determine who will Attack
first. Advantage Bonuses are added only if any are available
from the Weapon Skill (W.S. Light Arms, Hand to Hand, Forfeiting the Advantage
etc.) being used.
A character may decide to forfeit an Advantage Roll
The highest roll wins the Advantage to Attack (or
in order to prepare for the oncoming Attack more readily.
react) first. If a tie is rolled among the highest rollers, only
The character may only do this when he or she is aware of
those players re-roll until one opponent has the higher
the oncoming Attack and would normally roll for the
number. The lower rollers are able act or react when it is
their turn, in subsequent order, after the next higher roll.
Forfeiting an Advantage Roll allows the character to
Typically, the only time that the Advantage is given to
become the defender automatically, which gives them an
a character without a roll is when the attacker is executing
additional +1 Bonus to Defend or Dodge per level of their
a Surprise Attack, when the opponent is incapacitated, or
experience. This applies in addition to any other Bonuses
they may receive from their normal Combat Skills.
Holy Lands 22 The Dark Ages
3) Attacker misses target horribly and may (21% chance)
Attack hits a nearby wall, tree, companion, innocent
passerby, or other unfortunate (if not applicable,
An Attack on an opponent, which is rolled with a d20 use #4).
in normal Combat, can actually be done with a Skill (such 4) Attacker misses footing and falls off balance, possibly
as Grapple or Tackling) as well as a fist, a whip, a missile losing 1 Round’s Advantage Roll. A successful
weapon, a sling, or a frying pan. Agility Roll prevents losing Advantage (if not
applicable, use #5).
It is important to identify the type of weapon that the 5) Attacker misses target by a great distance, causing any
character is using for the Attack because certain characters witnesses amusement.
acquire Bonuses to Attack with specific weapon types, such 6) Attacker misses target by a moderate distance.
as longbows, light arms, paired weapons, etc. These
Bonuses, found in the character’s Combat Skills, are added
to the roll of the d20 when determining a character’s
Attack Roll.
Attacking with Skills
A ‘weapon’ of Attack can also be the use of a Skill,
such as Stunning Strike, Grapple, or Tackling.
Natural 20 Bonus When attacking with a Skill, the Attack Roll is
A Natural 20 on a successful Attack inflicts Double actually made with the appropriate Skill Roll (d20 plus
Damage or Triple Damage to the opponent, depending on Proficiency Bonuses). Quite simply, the defending
the rolls. opponent must equal or best the Attack with a Defend or
Dodge Roll to avoid being Damaged. For more details, see
Only if the defending opponent also rolls a Natural 1 the Defend or Dodge section on the following page.
while failing to Defend, the attacker inflicts Triple Damage.
Note: At the Raconteur’s discretion, any single hit that
causes more than 50 points of Damage should be an
automatic fatality – even if inflicted on the characters.
Simultaneous Attacks
A character may elect to forfeit his or her Dodge or
Defend Roll to simultaneous Attack their opponent as their
Double- and Triple Damage opponent Attacks them. This allows both opponents to
Note: You factor Double Damage and Triple Damage cause Damage if both hits are over their opponent’s armor
by doubling or tripling the Naturally Rolled number(s) first Defence (for details, see Defence of Armor on page 31). This
and then adding any Combat Bonuses. aggressive tactic allows the character to “go for broke.”
In order to successfully simultaneously Attack, the
player must declare it prior to making an Advantage Roll,
Natural 1 Penalty which he or she must forfeit. Also, the character’s
simultaneous Attack must best the opponent’s Attack Roll.
First, a Natural 1 rolled to Attack is never successful,
At that time, both Attacks will hit and cause Damage
regardless of the opponent’s Defend Roll. It means the
simultaneously. If the simultaneous Attack Roll is not
character has made an extremely poor strike that has now
greater than the opponent’s Attack Roll, the attempt failed
endangered himself or his companions.
altogether and the character receives the opponent’s
To follow, a Natural 1 on an Attack Roll suffers the Damage.
character one of six fates. Roll a d6 to determine the Note: A Simultaneous Attack can actually prevent an
outcome. Note: this does not apply if the defender rolls a opponent’s Attack if the Simultaneous Attacker’s Roll is
Natural 20 to Defend, which disarms and staggers (disables better than twice the Attacker’s Roll.
and stuns) the attacker for 1 full Round.

Natural 1 Attack Penalties (d6) Surprise Attacks

There are two kinds of Surprise Attacks, neither of
1) Attacker hurts himself/herself causing 1d6 plus which allow the surprised victim an Advantage Roll. The
appropriate Attack Bonus Damage. Raconteur will determine which scenario will apply to a
2) Attacker hurls weapon 3d6 plus Strength Attribute
given surprise situation.
Rating in feet (if not applicable, use #3). (Cont’d)

Holy Lands 23 The Dark Ages

Characters achieve the first kind of Surprise Attack by character with 1 AtR and the character successfully
simply catching their opponent off guard but the opponent Defends with a Natural 20, whether or not he has used his
still has a chance at defending. The opponent must 1 Attack, he can now return an immediate Attack to his
successfully make a Perception Roll in order to notice the enemy, which will not count as his 1 AtR.
assault in time to attempt a Defend or Dodge. A failed
This applies to close range Combat and other
Perception Roll against a simple surprise Attack means that
circumstances that permit immediate return Attacks, not
the character was not ready for the Attack and did not
with missile weapons.
notice it in time to take defensive action. In this case, they
will simply receive Damage if the surprise Attack is
successful. Either that or they have missed the opportunity
to make an Advantage Roll against the attacker. This kind The Number 1 Rule of
of surprise Attack is the most fair and should be the most
common regardless of whether the characters are the
Combat: The tie always goes to
attackers or the attackees.
the defender!
The second kind of surprise Attack is a true surprise
Attack. A truly surprise Attack means that the victim was
oblivious to any kind of Attack until they actually took
Damage or noticed a weapon whizzing by their head. In
this case, it not only makes an Advantage Roll impossible
but also the character cannot even attempt to Dodge or Natural 1 Penalty
Defend the oncoming Attack. This means that you must
Contrary to the Natural 20 Defend, a Natural 1 to
base this type of Surprise Attack on an Accuracy hit rather
Defend is never successful. In addition, the failed Defend is
than an Attack versus Defend (for more information on
so poor that the defender may cause Damage to their self
Accuracy, see page 39).
by his or her own weapon in the attempt. The defender
inflicts an additional d6 of Damage plus the appropriate
Defend Bonus to himself or herself (where appropriate).

Defending with Skills
A Defend is an attempt to block the motion of the
opponent’s weapon with a countering weapon or object. When an opponent Attacks with a normal Combat
Therefore, a character cannot use his or her Light Missiles, Attack, such as a weapon, the defender may use a Skill,
Longbows, or Thrown Weapon Skills to Defend. Instead, such as Weapons Evasion, Evade and Disarm, Grapple, or
the character must use a Weapon Skill Bonus that Blind Fight to Dodge, if he or she has such Skills to use.
corresponds to the weapon used to block the motion of an The attacker rolls a normal Attack Roll and adds any
Attack, such as a sword (W.S. Light Arms). Attack Bonuses. In response, the Defend Roll is a Skill,
and the character therefore rolls a d20 and adds any Skill
A Defend Roll is a normal Combat action, done with
Proficiency Bonuses. The better of the two rolls wins.
a d20, and must best the opponent’s Attack Roll. The
character adds any Combat Skills Bonuses they gain from Any ties go to the Defend Roll. Additionally, a
the weapon type they are using to Defend. Natural 20 Defend Roll with a Skill will always beat any
Attack, regardless of the Attack Roll.

Natural 20 Bonus
A Natural 20 to Defend always defends the oncoming
Attack, no matter what the circumstances. Even if the Dodge
Attack was a Natural 20 with a +15 Bonus and the Defend
When an enemy Attacks a character, that character
was a Natural 20 with zero Bonuses, in this case, the
may choose to Defend or Dodge. A Dodge is a character’s
Natural tie goes to the defender.
attempt to totally evade an Attack, which, like a Defend,
In addition, a Natural 20 on a Defend Roll allows the uses a d20 and must be above the opponent’s Attack Roll.
defender to immediately gain and return an Attack with a
Unlike a Defend, it is necessary to roll a Dodge with
+1 Bonus regardless of how many AtR they may have.
Bonuses from the Weapon Skill against which the
For example, if an enemy with 3 AtR is attacking a

Holy Lands 24 The Dark Ages

character dodges. However, the character rolls a Defend and the character therefore rolls a d20 and adds any Skill
using the Bonuses of the Weapon Skill with which the Proficiency Bonuses. The better of the two rolls wins.
character is defending. The difference is important. For
Any ties go to the Dodge Roll. Additionally, a
example, a character using a short bow must shoot to
Natural 20 Dodge Roll will always beat any Attack,
Attack and add his Bonuses from Light Missiles. Should
regardless of the Attack Roll.
one Attack him with a Light Arms sword, the bowman
could not use the Light Missiles Weapon Skill to Defend,
for an arrow shot cannot stop what would be a direct hit Skills versus Normal Combat
with a steel blade. In this case, the bowman has 3 real
options. First, the bowman could Dodge, in which he Since you roll both actions, Skills and Combat Rolls, on
a d20, you can use them interchangeably very easily. To do
would use his Light Arms Dodge Bonuses. Another option
this, simply replace any Attack Roll with the pertinent Skill
would be to fire the bow at the attacker, which you would Roll, such as Stunning Strike or Grapple. Likewise, you can
consider a Simultaneous Attack using Light Missiles. replace the normal Dodge Roll with a relevant Skill Roll, such
Finally, to use his bow to physically block the Attack (a as Bounding, or replace a Defend Roll with a Weapons Evasion
Defend), which would be considered a Light Arms Defend Roll.
when used this way. The basis of this remains consistent with the basic
Combat Sequence. You simply replace basic Combat actions
with relevant Skills, and use the Skill’s Bonus rather than the
Combat action’s Bonus. However, some Skills specify that
Natural 20 Bonus you use the Combat Bonus instead of the Skill Bonus or you
Like a Defend, a Natural 20 to Dodge always dodges add both Bonuses, so check the Skill’s description to be sure.
the oncoming Attack, no matter what the circumstances.
Even if the Attack was a Natural 20 with a +15 Bonus
and the Dodge was a Natural 20 with zero Bonuses, in this
case, the Natural tie goes to the dodger.
In addition, a Natural 20 on a Dodge Roll allows the
defender to immediately gain and return an Attack with a
+1 Bonus regardless of how many AtR they may have. If a character’s Attack Roll is successful, it causes
For example, if an enemy with 3 AtR is attacking a Damage to the opponent’s Life points. You determine
character with 1 AtR and the character successfully dodges Combat Damage by the weapon that your character used
with a Natural 20, whether or not he has used his 1 and any Bonuses that are in their Combat Skills. The
Attack, he can now return an immediate Attack to his Combat Skills Damage Bonus must come from the
enemy, which will not count as his 1 AtR. corresponding weapon type that the character is using
This applies to all Weapon Skill Dodges, including (W.S. Light Arms, Heavy Arms, Kick Attack, etc.).
missile weapons and thrown weapons.

Multi- Damage
Natural 1 Penalty
With exceptionally good Attacks, such as Natural 20
Contrary to the Natural 20 Dodge, a Natural 1 to Attacks, characters inflict Double Damage and sometimes
Dodge is never successful. In addition, the failed Dodge is Triple Damage to their opponent. See page 23 for more
so poor that the defender may cause Damage to their self details.
by his or her own weapon in the attempt. The defender
inflicts an additional d6 of Damage plus the appropriate
Dodge Bonus to himself or herself (where appropriate). Controlled Damage
For non-lethal Attacks, such as sparring or mock
fights, the characters should elect to inflict Controlled
Dodging with Skills
Damage to their opponent. To do so, the players must
When an opponent Attacks with a normal Combat declare Controlled Damage against the character. They
Attack, such as a weapon, the defender may use a Skill, engage in regular Combat Rolls, applying all Bonuses for
such as Bounding to Dodge, if he or she has such a Skill to Advantage, Attacks, Defends, Dodges, and even Damage.
use. The attacker first rolls a normal Attack Roll and adds However, Controlled Damage causes only 1d4 points of
any Attack Bonuses. In response, the Dodge Roll is a Skill, Damage regardless of the size or type of the weapon.

Holy Lands 25 The Dark Ages

Knock Out Damage someone pushed the character over. However, from this
height, the character can attempt to make an Agility roll to
A character may choose to strike an opponent in the avoid taking the full Damage. A successful Agility Roll
head or neck area with a blunt object (frying pan, the allows the character to sustain only half Damage from this
handle or pommel of a weapon, a plank of wood, etc.) in an height.
attempt to knock them unconscious. This requires the
player to declare the action and roll a successful Surprise You can use the following table as a reference for
Attack against a non-defending opponent. A successful fallen character Damage.
Attack Roll is one that is over, not equal to, the opponent’s
armor Defence number. ‘Non-defending’ means that the
Damage: Character Falls
victim is not aware of the oncoming strike and/or does not
struggle in any way.
You determine the time that a character can knock Distance Damage
out an opponent for by the Damage of the blunt object and 0 to 9 feet 1d6+1
the character’s Strength. The character removes the first 4 10 – 14 feet 2d6+2
points of Knock-Out Damage from the victim’s Life 15 – 19 feet 3d6+3
points. Every point of Knock-Out Damage above 4 plus 20 – 24 feet* 4d6+4
the attacking character’s Strength Attribute Rating 25 – 29 feet* 5d6+5
determines how many Ten-rounds (30 seconds) the victim 30 – 34 feet* 6d6+6
will be unconscious. The character may add any applicable 35 – 39 feet* 7d6+7
Bonuses to Damage for using certain weapon types. 40 – 44 feet* 8d6+8
45 – 49 feet* 9d6+9
If the attacking character does not roll above 4 points 50 – 54 feet* Instant death
for Knock-Out Damage, the victim is not subdued into
unconsciousness. He or she simply takes the Damage and *distances of 20 feet or more cause the character to be completely
disabled for 2 days per 5 feet fallen over 20 feet plus a 2% chance
is able to turn and fight. The Damage of an object is as per foot fallen to acquire broken bone(s) and a 2% chance per foot
follows: fallen of acquiring severe, permanent injuries, such as being fully or
partially paralyzed, grossly disfigured (Beauty AR negatives per 10
feet fallen), loss of limbs (if appropriate), and/or death in 2d4 days
from internal bleeding (all at the Rac’s discretion)
Object Knock-Out Damage

Weapon pommels 1d8 (LA)

Objects: WF of 1 1d8 (LA)
Heavy objects (WF: 2) 2d6 (HA) Falling Objects
Objects: WF of 3+ 1d6/WF (HA)
Damage from falling objects is 1d4+1 points of
(LA) = considered Light Arms Damage per Weight Factor, then you multiply that
(HA) = considered Heavy Arms number by the Distance Factor (DF) the object dropped.
WF = Weight Factor (see page 35 for details) For example, a hidden foe drops a candelabrum with a
WF of 1 on a character from 20 feet above him (DF= 4).
The Damage rolled is 4d4+4 points of total Damage. If
Falling Damage the candelabrum had a WF of 2 and was dropped from the
same height, the Damage would be 8d4+8, etc. (For
thrown examples, see Accuracy in the Getting Technical
Character Falls section staring on page 39.
Damage to a character that has fallen, as measured Falling objects with a Weight Factor of 0 cause 1
from their head, from a high spot or elevation is 1d6+1 point of Damage per DF dropped. For more information
points of Damage per five feet fallen. For example, 20 about Factors, see the Getting Technical section starting on
feet causes 4d6+4 points of Damage, 25 feet causes page 33.
5d6+5 points of Damage, 30 feet causes 6d6+6 points of
Note: to Dodge falling objects, use the character’s
Damage, etc.
W.S. Thrown Bonuses.
However, you would apply 1d6+1 of Damage for any
height under ten feet, assuming the character tripped and
fell while walking or running, or in the instance that

Holy Lands 26 The Dark Ages

rolls are assumed as Natural 2-19’s (none are Natural 1’s
AtR or Natural 20’s).
You may notice a fundamental similarity in all of the
You have already learned about Rounds in a previous
following illustrations; it is that the Round does not end
section, which are 3-second blocks of time in which Holy
until all opponents have used or lost all of their AtR.
Lands game-time is based. In Combat, AtR stands for
Attacks per Round, and AtR represents the amount of
times your character is able to Attack an opponent in 1
Round. Quite simply, the more AtR your character has,
the more times he or she can Attack an opponent in a short 1 AtR versus 1 AtR
amount of time.
You can follow the text below with the graphic
The maximum number of AtR a person can have illustration. The illustration starts at the bottom of this
depends on the Weapon Skill of the weapon in which they page and continues down through three different Rounds of
are using. See the specific Weapons Skills starting on page Combat. Within each illustration, you will notice two
167 for details on its max AtR. These maximums can different columns: one for the Attacker and one for the
only be further enhanced by magic or holy powers. Opponent. The sequence of events in each illustration
moves downward in an alternating pattern between
columns beginning with the Attack box on the top left.
Defends/Dodges per Round The box next to it on the right is the next action in the
sequence. The sequence continues with the next closest
As you can see, gaining 1 additional AtR is a vast
box and alternates between columns as each combatant
improvement. What’s more, your character can Defend or
makes a move.
Dodge a number of times per Round equal to twice his or
her AtR. Therefore, if your character has 3 AtR, he or she All Rounds assume that the attacker has won the
can Dodge up to six arrows shot at them in a single Round. Advantage Roll (not illustrated) and begin with the
Attacker making the first action against the Opponent,
Fortunately, using your AtR for Attacks does not
who will attempt to Defend (you may use a Dodge Action in
affect the amount of times your character can Dodge or
place of any Defend Action).
Defend, neither does dodging or defending use any actual
AtR. For example, if six arrows come whizzing after your
Spy who is caught in a Combat Round having used two of Round 1
his 3 AtR, he can still attempt to Dodge all six of the
arrows. First, the attacker Attacks his opponent who will
Defend successfully (hence the Defend box). Because he
The number of AtR is simply a reference for how Defended successfully, the Opponent is then able to return
many times a character can complete certain actions in a an Attack. After the Attacker successfully Defends the
single Round. In the case of Dodging and Defending, the Opponent’s return Attack, the Round ends because both
number is doubled. opponents have exhausted their 1 AtR. In this Round, no
Damage is inflicted because both opponents successfully

Attacker Opponent
Basic Combat
Sequence Attack
Players, whose characters have engaged in Combat,
roll dice in turns according to the characters’ actions. Attack
When one character or NPC rolls to Attack, the opponent
then, typically, rolls to Defend or Dodge. That is a concise Defend
version of the Combat scenario; however, many other
factors play into Combat. The following description of a
basic Combat sequence assumes that there are only two End of Round 1
Level 1 characters involved, both have only 1 AtR, and all

Holy Lands 27 The Dark Ages

Round 2 All Rounds assume that the Attacker has won the
Advantage Roll (not illustrated) and begin with the
Now we will assume that the Opponent fails to Attacker making the first action against the Opponent,
Defend. He then takes Damage, and, because he took who will attempt to Defend (a Dodge Action can be used in
Damage, loses his ability to return his 1 Attack. The place of any Defend Action).
Round ends.

Round 1
Attacker Opponent
This first Round shows how both opponents
successfully Defend the others’ Attack and therefore are able
Attack to immediately return an Attack. The Round ends after
both opponents exhaust their 2 AtR.
Fails Defend

Takes Damage Attacker Opponent

Loses Attack
End of Round 2

Round 3 Attack
This Round illustrates that the Opponent is able to Defend
return an Attack because he has successfully defended.
However, in this Round, the Attacker failed to Defend his Attack
Opponent’s return Attack and therefore takes Damage.
Attacker Opponent
End of Round 1
On the Attack
A good rule of thumb to remember about the Combat
Fails Defend sequence is if the character takes Damage, he or she
loses the ability to return that immediate Attack in which
Takes Damage they would normally be able.

Round 2
End of Round 3
In this next Round on the following page, the
Attacker and the Opponent started the Round well. The
Attack came from the Attacker, which was defended by the
2 AtR versus 2 AtR Opponent. Nevertheless, when the Attacker then Defended
and returned an Attack, the Opponent failed to Defend,
This subsection illustrates how the Combat sequence
took Damage, and therefore lost the opportunity to use his
can go if both opponents have 2 AtR. You can follow the
second AtR. Thus, the Round ends.
text and the illustration to the right.

Holy Lands 28 The Dark Ages

Round 4
Attacker Opponent
As in Round 3, the opponent that took the Damage
is the opponent that loses their next immediate return
Attack Attack.
Attacker Opponent

Defend Attack
Fails Defend Attack
Fails Defend
Takes Damage
Takes Damage
Loses Attack
Loses Attack
End of Round 2
Round 3
In the third Round, the Attacker Attacks, and notice
that the Opponent failed his first Defend and consequently End of Round 4
took Damage. Therefore, the Opponent loses the ability to
return an Attack until he successfully Defends again later.

3 AtR versus 1 AtR

Attacker Opponent
This subsection illustrates how the Combat sequence
can go if 1 opponent has 3 AtR and the other has 1. You
can follow the text below with the illustration to the right.
All Rounds assume that the Attacker has won the
Fails Defend
Advantage Roll (not illustrated) and begin with the
Attacker making the first action against the Opponent,
Takes Damage
who will attempt to Defend (you may use a Dodge Action in
place of any Defend Action).
Loses Attack
Defend Round 1
Attack Round 1 of this Combat sequence shows how even
the defending Opponent can have the upper hand if he or
Defend she fails to win the Advantage Roll. The attacker wins the
Advantage and attacks. The Opponent successfully
Attack Defends and is able to return the Attack. You will notice
Defend that even if the Attacker is able to Defend the Opponent’s
return Attack, he is unable to Attack again. In fact, the
Opponent is able to Attack a second and third time in a
row without a return Attack.
End of Round 3

Holy Lands 29 The Dark Ages

On the Opponent’s third and final Attack, the
Attacker is not even able to Defend because he has
exhausted not only his AtR for Attacks, but also his AtR 1 AtR versus 3 AtR
for defending, which is two times the AtR. Therefore, the
Attacker is able to Attack one time and Defend or Dodge Attacker Opponent
twice in a Round. The Opponent is able to Attack faster
than the Attacker is able to Defend in this case, giving him
a free, unDefenendable Attack. Attack
Fails Defend

1 AtR versus 3 AtR Takes Damage

Attacker Opponent Loses Attack

No Attack
Attack Attack
Defend Defend

Attack No Attack
Defend Attack
No Attack
Attack No Attack
End of Round 2
No Attack
No Defend

Takes Damage Round 3

In the following Round, you can see how the Attacker
End of Round 1 can gain the upper hand very fast by having more AtR than
the Opponent and winning the Advantage Roll. By the
end of the Round, even if the Opponent has ‘stood his
ground’ thus far without taking any Damage, he is unable
to Defend the final blow and will take Damage.

Round 2
Contrary to Round 1, the following Round shows how Effort can put a new tunic
the Attacker with only 1 AtR can maintain a perfect battle
posture against an opponent with multiple AtR. By on a man – but faith puts a
winning the Advantage, he is able to Attack first. A
successful first Attack eliminates one of the Opponent’s new man in the tunic
AtR. Now the rest of the Round requires sustaining good
Defend or Dodge Rolls. In so doing, the Attacker can avoid
any Damage.

Holy Lands 30 The Dark Ages

3 AtR versus 1 AtR 3 AtR versus 1 AtR

Attacker Opponent Attacker Opponent

Attack Attack
Fails Defend
Takes Damage
Defend Loses Attack
Fails Defend
Takes Damage
No Attack
No Defend
No Defend
Takes Damage
Takes Damage

End of Round 4
End of Round 3

Round 4
This final Round can show how the Opponent with
less AtR can really fall victim to an advanced Attacker who
Defence of Armor
has won the Advantage. By failing to Defend the first Now that you have a good understanding of the
Attack, the Opponent takes Damage and therefore loses his Combat process, it is important to know the advantages of
only AtR. This also costs him an AtR for Defending, wearing armor and how it applies to the Combat process.
leaving him with only one left when the Attacker still has 2 The purpose of wearing armor is to protect the wearer’s
AtR left. Therefore, by failing a second Defend, he has body by preventing or absorbing Damage. Naturally, the
exhausted all of his options. He can no longer Attack or better the armor, the more protection the wearer will gain.
Defend, and will take Damage from the final Attack in that Defence is a term that refers to the level of protection a
Round. character’s clothes or armor offer against an Attack, or
more specifically Damage. In addition, Capacity, which we
shall discuss below, is a term that refers to the armor’s level
of structural integrity and directly relates to Defence.
A believer at war with his The armor’s Defence number, or DEF, directly relates
to an opponent’s Attack Roll, because the Attack Roll must
brother cannot be at peace exceed the DEF in order to cause Damage. All characters
by nature have a natural Defence of 1, and you add any
with his Father armor Defence number to this number to calculate the
character’s total DEF. For example, leather armor has a
DEF of +2. Therefore, any character wearing leather

Holy Lands 31 The Dark Ages

armor has a total Defence of 3 (the character's natural DEF armor’s Defence is always equal to the armor’s Capacity and
of 1 plus the armor of +2) vice versa.
For example, Osric the Bowman attempts to Attack Note: 60 or even 40 points of Damage caused
Jarred the thief with his longbow. He shoots at Jarred, directly to armor should theoretically shear the garment off
rolling a total of 5 to Attack. Jarred the thief is only or otherwise render it useless.
wearing leather armor with a total DEF of +3 and
therefore hits Jarred causing Damage (Osric needed a 5 or
better to hit Jarred since Jarred’s total DEF is 4). Osric Defence and Capacity
then rolls Damage by which Jarred will reduce his Life Any Attack Roll where the character’s armor deflects or
points. absorbs Damage, which includes any Attack Roll that causes
the character Damage, can cause Damage to the armor’s
Next, Osric attempts to shoot Cormon the Rogue,
Capacity, which lowers the armor’s Defence.
who is wearing a full suit of chainmail. Osric rolls the
same as last time, a total of 5. Since Cormon has a total
DEF of 9, his armor deflects Osric’s arrow, preventing any
For more information on Armor and Defence, see
page 208. Combat Skills
Ten different Weapon Skills (including W.S. Light
Arms, W.S. Heavy Arms, W.S. Paired Weapons, etc.)
make up a character’s Combat Skills, which encompass the
Capacity character’s overall Proficiency in Combat. A single
The Capacity of armor is a number that represents Weapon Skill represents a character’s ability to use that
how many times it can sustain a certain amount of specific type of weapon (such as Light Arms representing
Damage before it becomes useless. The Capacity number the character’s Proficiency with a broadsword, mace, and
directly relates to the armor’s Defence number. Therefore, staff). Furthermore, a Weapon Skill’s Proficiency Bonus
when Damage lowers the armor’s total Capacity, (such as +2 to Attack with Light Missiles, +3 to Defend
consequently the Defence lowers as well. For example, if a with Light Arms, etc.) represents the character’s
character’s armor has a DEF of 5, that armor’s Capacity is Proficiency at using that particular Combat action with
5. When the same armor’s Defence is reduced to 4, the that weapon type. You will apply this Bonus to the
Defence is reduced to 4. appropriate Combat Roll when using that weapon type.
The only exception is in the case of Dodging, which as
Any player, who successfully hits his opponent, may discussed earlier, applies to evading the corresponding type
declare Armor Damage. By declaring Armor Damage, the of weapon rather than using it.
player is saying that he or she would like to reduce their
opponent’s armor Capacity. If the Attack Roll is high A character’s Combat Skills increase every level
enough to cause Damage to the opponent’s L.p., Armor according to their Weapon Skills within their Gifts,
Damage is automatically implied, and the player does not Talents, and Crafts. Like the Proficiency of an Ability, the
need to declare it. If the Attack Roll was not high enough player chooses which elements of his or her Combat Skills
to cause Damage to the opponent, declaring Armor will increase each level. The Weapon Skills section of
Damage allows the player to roll Damage against the Chapter 2 and the Character Class Descriptions provides
opponent’s armor in hopes of a high Damage Roll. further details.

Every Attack that causes a total of 20 points of

Damage or more in a single hit reduces the opponent’s
armor Capacity by 1, thus reducing the DEF by 1 as well.
Any hit causing less than 20 points of Damage does not
reduce the armor’s Capacity and Defence. However,
Capacity, and thus Defence, is reduced by 1 point for every
20 points of Damage inflicted in a single hit. Therefore, a
single hit causing 40 points of Damage reduces the armor’s
Capacity, and thus Defence, by 2, and a single hit causing
60 points of Damage reduces the opponent’s armor
Capacity, and thus Defence, by 3, etc. To conclude, the
Holy Lands 32 The Dark Ages
Getting Technical
Structural Material Classes
Terms and Phrases
This section will allow you to understand and The Factor Table
identify the technical terms that you will find F Distance (DF) Height (HF) Face (FF) Weight (WF)
throughout this rulebook. 0 0’ – 11” 0” – 5” 0” – 1” 0 – 1 lbs.
1 1’ – 3’ 6” 2” 2 - 4 lbs.
2 4’ – 8’ 1’ 4” 5 - 8 lbs.
3 9’ – 11’ 1.5’ 6” 9 - 13 lbs.

Factors 4
12’ – 24’
25’ – 35’
14 - 19 lbs.
20 - 26 lbs.
6 36’ – 48’ 3’ 1’ 27 - 34 lbs.
Factors are the technical aspects of the rules that 7 49’ – 63’ 3.5’ 14” 35 - 43 lbs.
allow you regulate the fairness of character and NPC 8 64’ – 80’ 4’ 16” 44 - 53 lbs.
actions. It is fine to assume your character can do 9 81’ – 99’ 4.5’ 18” 54 - 64 lbs.
anything at any distance for any amount of time and 10 100’ – 120’ 5’ 20” 65 - 76 lbs.
with any amount of weight on his back, but fairness 11 121’ – 143’ 5.5’ 22” 77 - 89 lbs.
and game balance require the four main Factors. 12 144’ – 168’ 6’ 2’ 90 - 103 lbs.
Factors determine how close someone can sneak up to 13 169’ – 195’ 6.5’ 26” 104 - 128 lbs.
your character before giving away his presence, or they 14 196’ – 224’ 7’ 28” 129 - 144 lbs.
can demonstrate how a smaller object is more difficult 15 225’ – 255’ 7.5’ 30” 145 - 161 lbs.
to hit than a larger one in the same situation. 16 256’ – 288’ 8’ 32” 162 - 179 lbs.
17 289’ – 323’ 8.5’ 34” 180 - 198 lbs.
There are four main types of Factors that you 18 324’ – 360’ 9’ 3’ 199 - 218 lbs.
will use as a basis for all Factors in Holy Lands, which 19 361’ – 399’ 9.5’ 38” 219 - 239 lbs.
the table to the right lists. The four main Factors are 20 400’ – 440’ 10’ 40” 240 - 261 lbs.
Distance Factor, Height Factor, Face Factor, and 21 441’ – 483’ 10.5’ 42” 262 - 284 lbs.
Weight Factor. You may want to earmark this page 22 484’ – 528’ 11’ 44” 285 - 308 lbs.
because you may need to refer to the Factor Table 23 529’ – 575’ 11.5’ 46” 309 - 333 lbs.
quite frequently. Other Factors include Light Factor 24 576’ – 624’ 12’ 4’ 334 - 359 lbs.
and Noise Factor, which use the main four factors as 25 625’ – 675’ 12.5’ 50” 360 - 386 lbs.
a base. 26 676’ – 728’ 13’ 52” 387 - 414 lbs.
27 729’ – 783’ 13.5’ 54” 415 - 443 lbs.
28 784’ – 840’ 14’ 56” 444 - 473 lbs.
29 841’ – 899’ 14.5’ 58” 474 - 504 lbs.
Using the Factor Table 30 900’ – 960’ 15’ 5’ 505 – 536 lbs.
31 961’ – 1,023’ 15.5’ 62” 537 – 569 lbs.
The first column on the left of the Factor Table
32 1,024’ – 1,088’ 16’ 64” 570 – 603 lbs.
represents the Factor number that you will use to
33 1,089’ – 1,155’ 16.5’ 66” 604 – 638 lbs.
calculate whatever measurement the situation requires, 34 1,156’ – 1,224’ 17’ 68” 639 - 674 lbs.
such as distance, weight, etc. The corresponding 35 1,225’ – 1,295’ 17.5’ 70” 675 – 711 lbs.
columns reference the measurement that the Factor 36 1,296’ – 1,368’ 18’ 6’ 712 - 749 lbs.
number represents. 37 1,369’ – 1,443’ 18.5’ 74” 750 – 788 lbs.
38 1,444’ – 1,520’ 19’ 76” 789 – 828 lbs.
39 1,521’ – 1,599’ 19.5’ 78” 829 – 869 lbs.
40 1,600’ – 1,680’ 20’ 80” 870 – 911 lbs.
Holy Lands 33 The Dark Ages
Distance Factor Factoring Height
The measurements of the Distance column are all in The Height Factor number divided in half equals the
feet, not square feet, and they represent a straight and minimum height of the person in feet. One inch short of
direct distance between two points. the next Factor number divided in half equals the
maximum height of each Factor number. For example, if
Distance Factors are one of the easier Factors to a character has a Height Factor of 10, she is somewhere
figure out formulaically. In other words, you may not have within the height range of five feet to five-and-a-half feet.
to refer back to this table all the time when calculating Her Height Factor is 10, which equals five feet tall, and
Distance Factors. the next Height Factor is 11, which equals five-and-a-half
feet tall.
Factoring Distance The total range of a Height Factor may not be that
The Distance Factor number times itself equals the necessary to calculate, but at least knowing that the next
minimum range of the distance in feet. One foot short of Height Factor number divided in half is the minimum of
the next Factor number times itself equals the maximum the range and can give you an approximate of the
range of each Distance Factor number. For example, if a calculation.
character runs a Distance Factor of 20, she has ran
somewhere within the distance range of four hundred feet Using Height Factors
to four hundred forty feet. The Distance Factor is 20,
which equals four hundred feet, and the next Distance Height Factor primarily determines characters’
Factor is 21, which equals four hundred forty-one feet. height. However, you can use the base Height Factor for a
couple of other Factor calculations, such as:
The total range of a Distance Factor may not be that
necessary to calculate, but at least knowing that the
number times itself is the minimum of the range can put Face Factors (see the Face Factor subsection below for
you ‘in the ballpark’ of the calculation. details)
Climbing Speed (see the Movement section of this Chapter
for details)
Using Distance Factors
You can use the base of the Distance Factor for a
number of other Factor calculations, such as: Face Factor
The measurements of the Face column are all in
Movement and travel speeds (see the Movement section of either feet or inches, and they represent the target size of
this Chapter for details) the object. You base the target’s Face Factors formula
Noise Factors (see the Noise Factor subsection of this primarily on the object’s Height Factor.
section for details)
Light Factors (see the Light Factor subsection of this
section for details)
Factoring Face
Falling Damage (see the Damage section of Combat for You base the target’s Face Factors on the size of the
more details) circle that can fit within the target’s smallest visible plane,
height, length, or width, from the character’s perspective.

Height Factor
Face Factor of this sign
The measurements of the Height column are all in
(largest circle that fits
feet, and they typically represent the height of characters, within its shape)
NPC's, devils, animals, etc.
Height Factors, like Distance Factors, are also one of
the easier Factors to figure out formulaically. In other
words, you may not have to refer back to the Factor Table For humans, devils, animals, and other living beings,
all the time when calculating Height Factors. Face Factor is mostly unnecessary because you would use
Combat Accuracy instead. For more information on
hitting living and animate beings, see the Combat Accuracy
section on page 39.

Holy Lands 34 The Dark Ages

Weight Factor perceiving character is allowed to make a Perception Roll to
determine if they heard it at that distance.
The measurements of the Weight column are all in
pounds, and they can represent the weight of characters, Note: Several variables play into the Noise Factor
objects, or anything that has mass. scenarios, such as Heightened Perception, animal’s keen
senses, certain environments being more acoustic than
others are, etc.
Factoring Weight
Weight Factors, unlike the other Factors, are not
very easy to figure out formulaically. This means you will
have to refer back to the Factor Table often when Movement
calculating Weight Factors.
You base all Movement, which is anytime a character,
NPC, or animal is moving from their current location,
Using Weight Factors primarily on your character’s Speed Attribute Rating.
Weight Factor primarily determines characters’ or Whether your character is traveling miles, running from
objects’ weights. However, you can use the base Weight someone (or something!), or climbing a tree, your
Factor for a couple of other Factor calculations, such as: character’s Speed Attribute determines time, distance, and
therefore, rate of travel. Even riding a horse requires a
good idea of how fast you get to where you are going.
Falling Object Damage (see the Damage section of
Combat in this Chapter for more details) Movement may seem like a complex thing to
Character Weight Factor (see the Creating a Character determine at first glance but will become simpler as you get
section of this Chapter for details) used to the principles. Bear in mind too, that determining
Character Strength abilities (see the Strength Attribute in movement is not always necessary, but it is good to know
the following Chapter for more information) how to figure if need be.
Movement falls into several categories depending on
the situation, which the rules outline below.
Light Factor
When Light Factor comes into play, it is simply
figured by Distance Factor. In other words, the Light
Combat Movement
Factor of an illuminant source, such as a torch or candle, First, we will look at Combat Movement, which is the
equals the DF in which it can produce visibility. most regular type of movement. As stated above, you base
For example, a torch with a Light Factor of 3, your character’s rate of Movement upon his or her Speed
according to the Distance Factor of the Factor Table, can Attribute. Likewise, opponents also base their rate of
produce visibility of 9 to 11 feet in otherwise pure movement on their Speed Attribute and, therefore, Speed
darkness. can play a big part in a Combat situation, especially if one
of the opponents decides to retreat.
Combat Movement is quite simple to calculate,
Noise Factor actually. You simply multiply your character’s Speed
Attribute Rating by 5. The total is equal to the total
Like Light Factors, the Noise Factor of an object
number of feet the character can run in 1 Round and still
indicates how far away, based on Distance Factors, another
be able to fight without Movement being a hindrance.
character can audibly perceive the object’s sound once it
comes into range.
Perceiving some sound means that the character has Combat Movement
heard the object when it came within the DF assuming the
character is in an otherwise quiet environment. Speed AR x 5 = max feet per Round

For example, a person wearing chainmail with a The illustration on the following page shows a basic
Noise Factor of 6, according to the Distance Factor of the Combat scenario where three characters (the letters) have
Factor Table, can be heard by another character from a entered a room with three enemies (the circles). For
distance of 36 to 48 feet away. At that point, the clarification purposes, we will say that the Warrior is the
“W”, the Cleric the “C”, and the Bowman is the “B”. In
Holy Lands 35 The Dark Ages
addition, it should be understood that the enemies all have opponent in order for the Rac to consider the character “in
a Speed of 5. Combat.”
All Combat officially stops when the character and all
of his or her party that is within Combat range are no
longer engaged in Combat Rounds (assuming that the
discussed characters are mobile and otherwise able to assist
in the fighting). Once all Combat has officially stopped
after long durations, the characters must rest for a time
befitting the physical recovery of the battle.

Combat Duration

Endurance AR = max Ten-rounds of Combat

First, we will elaborate on the Warrior. He is the

fastest of the three characters with a Speed of 6.
Therefore, he can run 30 feet in one Round and still fight Running/Sprinting
normally. In the above illustration, it appears that the
The Running/Sprinting aspect of Movement may be
enemies have noticed his fleetness and assume that his
necessary to find out how far someone who stole your
fighting skills are as sharp as his Speed. As a result, two of
character’s purse got before you started chasing him (or
the enemies will oppose him.
similar situations).
Next, we see that the Cleric charges in at the same
time as our Warrior but does not get as far in the duration

He makes my feet like

of the Round. His Speed is a 4 and therefore he can only
run 20 feet in a single Round. Only one enemy charges
him, which can run faster and, in turn, farther than the
The Bowman has other plans for the situation. She
feet of deer…
will stay put and fire her bow to assist the Warrior who has
the two opponents.
- 2 Samuel 22:34
A following subsection entitled Accuracy will illustrate
this scenario further as we discuss Range and Accuracy.
Like Combat, running and sprinting begin by using
the 5 feet per Speed Attribute Rating per Round but after a
certain amount of time, the character’s Speed increases to
Combat Duration 10 feet per Speed Attribute Rating per Round. After the
Your character can fight in battle only for a certain initial Round that a character begins to run and until the
amount of time once beginning. You must predicate this character reaches top Speed, the character’s Speed
duration on your character’s Endurance Attribute Rating. increases 10 feet per Round each Round. For example, a
character with a Speed of 7 begins sprinting. Her first
A character can fight for a maximum number of Ten- Round, she travels 35 feet (Speed AR: 7 x 5 = 35 feet).
rounds, or thirty-second intervals, equal to their Endurance Her second Round, she travels 45 feet, and third Round,
Rating. After that time has lapsed, they can no longer 55 feet, then 65 feet, and finally her top Speed of 70 feet
fight and must stop to rest. If the character continues after per Round.
that time, the character’s Combat rolls are all reduced to
Natural rolls at 1 AtR. At top Speed, which typically takes half of the
character’s Speed Attribute Rating in Rounds to reach after
The character need not fight continuously to become the initial Round, the character must make an Agility Roll
tired within the above-mentioned timeframe. They need each Round that they encounter an obstacle of any kind or
only be involved in any type of Combat situation for the run over a surface that is not both solid and flat, such as in
duration, including running to or from opponents, the forest or on rocky hills. A failed Agility Roll on one of
Dodging arrows, ducking for cover, etc. In other words, these types of surfaces will cause the character to fall and
they need not be constantly swinging swords with an take 1d6+1 Damage.

Holy Lands 36 The Dark Ages

Mark by +10. Thus causing the character a much greater
chance of failing. In addition, you must always reduce the
Speed AR x 5 = max number of feet traveled in 1st character’s Climb Speed at least by half when the Difficulty
Round level is above Moderate.
Speed AR ÷ 2 = Rounds to top Speed (after first For more information on Abilities and Difficulty
Round) levels, see the Abilities section starting on page 64.
Speed AR x 10 = max feet per Round (top Speed)
Endurance AR = Rounds sustained at top Speed
Endurance AR = Ten-rounds sustained at half Speed
Endurance AR = Rounds sustained at half Speed
before and/or after reaching top Speed You determine how well a character can jump based
on more than one aspect, depending on whether the
character is jumping high or far. Either direction requires
A character can sustain a run at top Speed for a the character to be running at full Speed when jumping in
number of Rounds equal to his or her Endurance Attribute order to achieve the maximum distance. Any Speed less
Rating. After that, the character must stop to catch their than maximum Speed denotes that the character is
breath or slow to half Speed in 1 Round or will collapse in running at half Speed and can therefore only achieve half
exhaustion after 1 more Round. distance.
The total number of Rounds a character can sustain
running before or after reaching top Speed is equal to their High Jump
Endurance Attribute Rating. All Rounds that are run in
A character’s HF (Height Factor) determines the
which the character is approaching top Speed are
maximum height he or she can jump. At full-running
considered half Speed.
Speed, characters can jump a height equal to half their HF
If the character is running but never reaches their and still maintain a run. This, obviously, assumes that the
maximum Speed, you can consider them running at half player has made a successful Jump Roll at the appropriate
Speed, which they can sustain for a number of Ten-rounds time. Otherwise, neither the jump nor the landing is
equal to their Endurance Attribute Rating. successful.

Climbing High Jump

Every character has some ability to climb based on HF ÷ 2 = max height character can jump (at full
their Climb Ability Mark (Climb AM), but you base how running Speed) and still maintain a run
fast a character can climb on their Speed Attribute Rating. HF = maximum height character can high jump
The Speed AR represents the number feet the character can headfirst (requires dive-roll or Damage)
climb up or down a normal and climbable surface, such as a
normal tree, in 1 Round. For example, a character with a In addition, a character can perform a true high
Speed Attribute Rating of 4 can climb 4 feet up a jump, where they leap over an obstacle headfirst, equal to
climbable tree per Round, requiring a successful Climb Roll his or her HF. This, too, assumes the character made a
every 4 feet climbed. successful Jump Roll. Note: Only a character with the
Tumbling Skill is able to land this type of high jump safely.
Doing so safely requires a successful Jump Roll for the
Climbing jump and a successful Tumbling Roll for the somersault
Speed AR = max feet per Round
If a character attempts a headfirst high jump without
For climbing, it is important to remember that the the Skill of Tumbling and/or fails their Jump or Tumbling
character’s Climb Ability Mark represents the Difficulty Roll, they must take 1d6+1 points of Damage from the
level for the character to climb up or down a normally landing on a normal surface. You would double the
climbable surface, like a tree. Damage dice (2d6+2) for landings on harmful surfaces,
such as rocks or broken glass, or for Natural 1 Jump Rolls.
On the other hand, if the surface is more difficult Likewise, you would triple the Damage dice (3d6+3) for
than a normal tree or rocky slope, the Difficulty level may Jump Rolls of Natural 1 onto a harmful surface.
become High, which increases the character’s Climb Ability

Holy Lands 37 The Dark Ages

Long Jump There are two ways to avoid the Damage from a long
Any character (that is able to jump) can leap a total of jump. They are: landing in a pit of dirt or other soft
feet equal to their Strength Attribute Rating. They need surface with a successful Jump Roll or having the Skill of
only be at a moderate (around half Speed) run to do so. Bounding.

For a true long jump, a character can jump a The successful roll of the Skill of Bounding allows the
maximum distance equal twice their Strength Attribute character to run full Speed, jump their maximum distance
Rating. This assumes that the character is running full as a long jump, and still maintain a run. No Jump Roll is
Speed, as well as having achieved a successful Jump Roll. necessary if the character is using their Bounding Skill for
Moreover, this type of ‘power’ jump makes it impossible for this type of jump; you would make a Bounding Roll in its
the character to maintain a run after landing. In fact, if place.
the character jumps their maximum distance onto a hard
surface, such as a stone floor, even with a successful Jump
Roll, they will take 1d6+1 points of Damage from the Traveling Long Distances
impact. An unsuccessful Jump Rolls doubles the Damage
dice to 2d6+2. In addition, as with the high jump, a failed Determining how far a character can travel in large
Jump Roll of a Natural 1 earns the character triple Damage distances is simple. A character can travel a maximum
dice (3d6+3 points of Damage). number of miles equal to two times his or her Speed
Attribute in one hour. However, this speed of travel is very
taxing to the traveler and requires him or her to rest for a
Long Jump prolonged time after stopping. The character’s Endurance
Attribute Rating will tell you how many miles he or she will
Strength AR x 2 = maximum horizontal distance in feet make before becoming exhausted. The need to rest will be
Strength AR = maximum horizontal distance in feet of very strong at that point and will begin to fatigue the
an ordinary leap (at any Speed) character’s Skills and Combat. Each mile over the
character’s maximum Endurance causes a -1 to all Skill
and Combat Rolls. A simple hour rest can prevent the
On the other hand, the character can travel a number
of miles equal to his or her Speed AR in one hour, and can
maintain this pace for hours without needing to rest. For
this pace of travel, the character's Endurance AR
determines the number of hours the character can
maintain this pace.
The pace calculations listed below apply to any
creature, including horses, demons, humans, etc.

Long-distance Travel

Speed AR x 2 = grueling pace; max miles traveled in

one hour
Endurance AR x 2 = max number of miles at a grueling
pace before needing to rest
Speed AR = average pace; number of miles traveled
per hour
Endurance AR = max number of hours of travel at an
average pace before needing to rest

Holy Lands 38 The Dark Ages

object or the opponent is unable to Dodge, you use a
Range normal Accuracy shot plus Targeting Skill Bonuses.

Every weapon has a maximum range in which

characters can use it. The following is a list of ranges for Combat Accuracy
various weapon types. When the opponent is not able, or aware, to Dodge or
Defend an Attack (considered a Surprise Attack); the
Weapon Type and Range attacker still uses an Attack Roll (d20 with Attack Bonuses
Arms reach/fists 3 feet (*HF: 5-8) added) plus any Targeting Skill Bonuses. However, the
4 feet (*HF: 9-12) opponent cannot use a Dodge Roll to oppose an Accuracy
5 feet (*HF: 13-17) shot, since the opponent is not even aware of the Attack.
Hand weapons 3-8 feet (arms reach + weapon For this reason, the opponent can do nothing on his or her
length) own to help the situation. Rather, the Rac applies a
Short Whip 8 feet for Damage (6 feet for
Difficulty Factor number that the Attack Roll must exceed.
If the Attack Roll exceeds the calculated Difficulty Factor,
Long Whip 15 feet for Damage (12 feet for
Ensnare) the opponent takes Damage; if it does not exceed the
Boomerang (sm.) 150 feet max (min. 60 feet wide for Difficulty Factor, the Attack misses and the opponent does
return) not take Damage.
Boomerang (lg.) 200 feet max (min. 80 feet wide for The Rac determines this Difficulty Factor by the
unaware opponent’s DEF and modifies it by their range
Thrown (WF:0) Strength AR x 20 feet maximum
Thrown† (WF:1-3) Strength AR x 10 feet maximum and activity. Therefore, when a character attacks an
Thrown† (WF:4-5) Strength AR x 5 feet maximum unaware opponent, add the following Activity Level and
Thrown‡ (WF:6-7) Strength AR x 2.5 feet maximum Range modifiers to the opponent’s DEF to create the
Thrown‡ (WF:8+) 1 foot per Strength AR maximum Difficulty Factor.
Crossbow 200 feet (40-foot arch height for
max distance)
Short Bow 250 feet (50-foot arch height for Combat Accuracy (d20)
max distance)
Longbow 400 feet (80-foot arch height for Difficulty Factor = Opponent’s DEF + Activity Level
max distance) modifier + Range modifier
*For arms reach/fists, HF represents the Height Factor of
the character
†Double the Range for spears, javelins, and slings

‡Indicates the Weight Factor of the object exceeds the use Use the illustration on the following page to continue
of W.S. Light Arms. Use a natural Attack Roll (no Bonuses with the example from the Movement section. Remember,
applied for the thrower) and W.S. Hand to Hand Roll for the Warrior is the “W”, the Cleric the “C”, and the
the Dodge. Bowman is the “B”.
First, the Warrior and the Cleric have met their
opponent (the circles) and each has engaged in Combat.
This diagram shows their maximum fighting range by the
radiuses of their white shades, which is about six feet for
Accuracy the Cleric and about eight feet for the Warrior due to his
longsword. But, remember that the Bowman would wait at
When a character attempts to hit a distant target with the door that she entered and take a shot at the opponent
a whip, thrown, or missile weapon, you must always take who was going to double-up on the Warrior.
into account the character’s Accuracy. A player deals with
this in two ways depending on the situation, Combat or
The simplest way to determine which kind of
Accuracy check the character will use is by how the
He who has the right to
opponent or target will respond to the shot. If the boast does not have to
opponent is able to and will Dodge, you base the Accuracy
on Combat Attack Rolls. If the target is an inanimate

Holy Lands 39 The Dark Ages

For opponents at ranges of 50 feet or more, refer to
the table below.

Accuracy Difficulty Modifier: Range

For Extended Ranges

Distance Difficulty Modifier

50 to 99 feet +1
100 to 149 feet +2
150 to 199 feet +3
200 to 249 feet +4
She takes the shot as soon as possible. Remember 250 to 299 feet +5
that the one that would be her opponent is attacking the 300 to 349 feet +6
Warrior. This enemy cannot Dodge the arrow because the 350 to 400 feet +7
Warrior is his focus and, in this scenario, does not notice
the Bowman, thus making this shot an Accuracy shot and
adding Targeting Bonuses. Therefore, the Rac must
calculate the Difficulty Factor to hit the enemy.
First, find the DEF. The target enemy is wearing a
Targeting Accuracy
chainmail jerkin and cloth pants, giving him a 6 DEF (1 When a character attempts to hit an inanimate
naturally, +4 for the chainmail, and +1 for the pants). object, the Attack is not a Combat Roll. The Targeting
Next, you must factor in the activity level of the Accuracy shot is a Skill Roll, which you would roll on a
opponent. Since he is moving faster than a walk yet not d20. A successful roll must beat the Difficulty Factor for
making quick, random movements, the activity Modifier the shot.
Table says to add +5 to the current total. You would base this shot on the character’s Targeting
Finally, we must consider the Range. Using the Skill. If the character does not have the Targeting Skill,
five-foot tiles on the floor, we can see that the target that character has automatic Penalties and, therefore, the
opponent is a little over fifty feet away. The rules say that shot suffers an automatic -3 to the roll.
we must automatically add +1 for any distance over 50, so
there will be a +1 for the Range. Determining the Difficulty Factor
The total Difficulty Factor then becomes 12, which The Difficulty Factor of an Accuracy shot can change
is the number that her Attack Roll must best in order to hit based on the environment of the inanimate target. If the
her target. target is farther, it will be more difficult to hit. Likewise, if
it is moving or swaying, a successful hit can also prove
more complicated.
Use the following table to determine the Activity
Level modifier: For Targeting inanimate objects: use the Factor
Table on page 33 to find the target’s FF (Face Factor),
which determines the first part of the Difficulty Factor.
Accuracy Difficulty Modifier: Activity Level Second, subtract the number from twenty.
Activity Level Difficulty Modifier Third, add +1 to the Difficulty Factor for any
Fixed; unable to move +1 distance over 50 feet and an additional +1 for every 50
Motionless but chance of moving (i.e. sleeping) +2 feet of distance. For point-blank to a 50-foot range, you
Slow and steady motion (i.e. a sailing ship) +3 would not add the initial +1.
In motion; moderate movement (i.e. walking) +4
Swift motion; activity (i.e. running/rope swinging) +5 Finally, use the activity modifiers to the left to add
High activity; random movements (i.e. a bat flying) +6 any additional difficulty to the Difficulty Factor.
Therefore, the final formula for targeting Accuracy is
as follows:

Holy Lands 40 The Dark Ages

The following is a description of the materials that
Targeting Accuracy (d20)
make up the various Structural Material Classes:
Difficulty Factor = (20 – FF) + Range + Activity

Class 0 Materials
After figuring the Difficulty Factor, the player rolls Materials such as flesh, cloth, rope, parchment,
their Targeting Skill Roll. At this point, the character may leather, dirt, and mud cannot withstand much piercing
add any Bonuses to Attack he or she may have for the force applied to them and cause trivial Damage by
related Weapon Skill in use. For example, if the themselves.
character is shooting a longbow, he or she may add any
Attack Bonuses they have for W.S. Longbows.
Hit Damage to Diminish CAP: Class 0

5 points of Hit Damage

Structural Material This class of materials is the weakest class because it

Classes can only receive Damage unless used with great precision.
Even so, great precision can only cause minimal Damage.

A Structural Material Class indicates how much

Damage is required from a hit to pierce the surface of an
Class 1 Materials
object. There are four levels of Structural Material Classes,
which range from the weakest (Class 0) to the strongest Materials, such as wood, bone, glass, pottery, and
(Class 3). chainmail armor can withstand some piercing force and can
cause some Damage when used with enough force. With
A Class of an object is determined based upon its
the exception of wood or bone, Class 1 objects are generally
strength and structural integrity called Capacity, or CAP
not designed to cause Damage or to be used with force.
for short (for details on Capacity, see the Armor section of
Combat in this Chapter). Every successful hit to an object
causes some amount of Damage, which you can refer to as
Hit Damage to Diminish CAP: Class 1
Hit Damage. Depending on the Class of the object, a
higher structural-classed object can pierce it if the Hit
9 points of Hit Damage
Damage is high enough. For example, an opponent with
a wooden javelin is attempting to Attack a character Chainmail armor appears in this class of materials
wearing chain mail armor. The javelin is going to need because it, as a whole, is not a solid, strong piece of metal.
high Hit Damage in order to pierce or diminish the
structural integrity of the chain. The javelin, which is a The wood and bone mentioned as a Class 3 material
Class 1 object, will actually diminish before the armor does, are the strong and fashioned types of weapons. However,
which is a Class 2 object. This is because the Class 2 brittle woods and bone would most likely fall into the Class
object returns more Damage to the lower Class object than 0 material specification.
the lower Class object causes Hit Damage.
A certain number of Damage points are required to Class 2 Materials
diminish the Capacity of any Structural Material Class.
Once a blow to the material achieves this level of Hit Materials, such as metal tools, stones, thin metals
Damage, the Damage reduces the Capacity by 1. If the (like plate and scale mail armor), and metal blunt and
blow doubles the required Hit Damage to diminish the bladed weapons can withstand a significant amount of
CAP, the CAP is reduced by 2. For example, a large, Damage and can easily cause Damage when used with some
wooden door has a CAP of 49. Since wood is a Class 1 force. They include objects that were designed to cause
material, the required Hit Damage is 9. This means that if Damage or to be used with force.
a character was to attempt to break through this door with
an object of a stronger Structural Material Class, such as
an axe, the character would have to cause more than 9 Hit Damage to Diminish CAP: Class 2
points of Damage forty-nine times to break completely
through. 17 points of Hit Damage

Holy Lands 41 The Dark Ages

Sword Breaking The stone in this class are all rocks and large bricks,
such as those used to build castles. These stones have
If a character Attacks an opponent with a metal Capacities into the hundreds and the metals in this class
weapon, such as a sword, which is successfully Defended by have Capacities into the thousands.
the opponent’s metal weapon, the attacking character may
elect to attempt to break the opponent’s sword. By doing
so, the attacking character then rolls the Damage any way.
If the character causes more than 17 points of Damage in
Determining CAP
a single blow to the opponent’s sword, the weapon is It is the Rac’s job to determine the CAP of the
broken. objects in which player characters will attempt to diminish.
Sword breaking can only occur when hitting a normal There is no calculation for this. Simply use a number that
weapon (i.e. non-magical and non-holy). In other words, will be reasonable for an object of a higher material class to
this type of Damage does not affect magic and holy break through.
weapons of any kind. A good way to determine it is to ask yourself: ‘How
many times should it take a character to break through this
if every hit was over the required Hit Damage?’

Capacity versus Armor Capacity

Terms and Phrases

You may have noticed that there is a different Hit
Damage requirement for the Capacity of armor from the
Combat section than is listed in this section. This is because
the Capacity in a Combat scenario cannot be equivalent to This subsection will allow you to review your
the armor and similar material used in the section. The knowledge of the technical terms of the Holy Lands rules,
reason being that in a Combat scenario the opponent is as well as the meanings of common phrases.
generally not trying to destroy the opponent’s armor. They
are specifically trying to hit their opponent, typically in any
place available.
In a Combat scenario, the Hit Damage to diminish the “d…” or “-d…” Indicates die or dice; as in d20,
opponent’s armor CAP is always 20 because the primary which is a twenty-sided die; 2d12, which is two
focus of the Attack must be the opponent- not the armor. twelve-sided dice, etc.
In order to diminish only the opponent’s armor in a
Combat scenario, the attacker must make a Targeting Ability Roll A dice roll with a d20 where the
Accuracy hit rather than a Combat Attack. Thus suffering number rolled must exceed the character’s AM
any return Attacks because they would have to forfeit their (Ability Mark) in order to be successful
ability to Dodge or Defend.
Ability An ability of the character, such as Jump,
Search, and Balance, in which you measure the
character’s aptitude with an AM (Ability Mark)
Class 3 Materials number
Materials in this Class include large stone, brick, and Accuracy A term used to describe a shot with a
thicker metal like large iron cauldrons, iron doors, and iron missile or thrown weapon or a lash with a whip
bars. A Class 3 Material can withstand great amounts of in which the target does not Dodge; sometimes
Damage from lower Structural Material Classes and can associated with the Combat Attack but more to
easily cause large amounts of Damage when used with the Targeting Skill; rolled with a d20
Advanced The most powerful of the three
classifications of enemies and creatures; other
Hit Damage to Diminish CAP: Class 3 classifications are Lesser and Greater

25 points of Hit Damage Advantage Roll A Combat action that determines

which opponent will Attack first
Materials in this class are the “heavy hitters” that can Adventure A short storyline derived by the Rac
only cause Damage. There are few things in the natural
for the characters to play within, typically a
medieval world that can come close to harming these
one- or two-session game scenario

Holy Lands 42 The Dark Ages

AM (Ability Mark) The number that measures the Defend (Roll) In Combat, a character attempts to
aptitude level of the character’s corresponding physically stop the opponent’s Attack with a
Ability that must be beaten when rolled on a Defend; rolled on a d20 and must best the
d20 in order to be successful Attack Roll
AR (Attribute Rating) The number that measures Demi-race A term used to describe a race of
the aptitude level of the character’s demonic beings, such as trolls and goblins,
corresponding Attribute which must be rolled who has survived through the centuries by
under with a d12 in order to be successful forming and cultivating war societies
AtR (Attacks per Round) Shows how many times Demon Typically individual demonic beings (such
a character can Attack an opponent in 1 Round; as gargoyles), as opposed to a more civilized
double the character's AtR shows how many race, who generally cannot survive among any
Dodges or Defends the character can perform in other beings but may serve a devil
a single Round
Devil A great and powerful demon that has risen to
Attack (Roll) The character’s attempt to inflict power by ruling over other demons and
Damage on an opponent; rolled with a d20 demi-races
Attribute Roll A dice roll with a d12 where the Difficulty Factor The term used to describe a
number rolled must be under the character’s number that a player must roll above, on a
AR (Attribute Rating) in order to be successful d20, when a character attempts a Skill Roll
Attribute A basic quality of the character’s Dodge (Roll) In Combat situation, the character
physical, mental, or spiritual make up, such as who attempts to avoid an Attack from hitting
Intellect, Wisdom, Strength, Faith, etc. them will make a Dodge Roll on a d20, which
must best the opponent’s Attack Roll
Bonuses Any number that is added to a Natural die
or dice roll; indicated by a plus sign followed Effort (Roll) A Skill Roll with a d20 that represents
by the number, such as “+5” how hard the character has attempted a Skill
(Proficiency included)
Campaign Any series of on-going adventures
usually following or creating a broader Equipment Any of a character’s items which you
storyline would not consider a weapon, clothing, or
Combat Roll An Attack, Defend, Dodge, or Special
Roll that you roll on a d20 during a Combat F.p. (Faith points) Points used to perform Miracles
scenario; or Damage, which you roll on the by those Character Classes that are able to do
appropriate die or dice relative to the weapon so
Factor Any of several categories, which measure
Combat Skills A character’s overall fighting ability, the size or mass of an area, such as Weight
which is made up of several Weapon Skills Factor, Height Factor, Face Factor, etc.
Combat A series of Attacks and Defends engaged Five-score The meaning of five-score is 100; in
in by two or more opponents game terms a Five-score is 100 Rounds of
time, which is equal to 5 minutes
Creature A soulless beast born of magic that is
inherently evil and thus hated by the religious, Greater A moderately powerful level of
yet often attempts to live a virtuous life, making classification of enemies and creatures; other
them hated by evil, as well classifications are Lesser and Advanced
Damage (Roll) In Combat scenarios, after a Holy Item Any item that a Clergyman has endowed
character successfully Attacks an opponent, he with a Holy supernatural property of any kind
or she then rolls Damage based on the weapon
L.p. (Life points) A number that measures how
used. Then, the Damage rolled is directly
many points of Damage the character can
equivalent to the amount of L.p. the opponent
sustain before dying
loses from the blow.

Holy Lands 43 The Dark Ages

Lesser The least powerful of the three Round A three-second block of time in which
classifications of enemies and creatures; other Combat, Movement, and other aspects of the
classifications are Greater and Advanced game are measured, see also Ten-round and
Magic Item Any item that a sorcerer has endowed
with a magical supernatural property of any Saving Throw A dice roll made with a d20 in
kind which the player makes when their character
must avoid something negative, such as
Magic The supernatural force of evil that
poisoning or falling victim to a Curse, from
aggressively opposes the natural and
happening to their character; the roll must beat
supernatural forces of God
the corresponding Saving Throw number,
Miracle A supernatural occurrence called upon by such as Saving versus Death requires a roll
a Clergyman where he or she uses God’s equal to or over 12 on a d20
power for some purpose
Skill A specialized ability, such as Identify Holy
Modifier A term used to describe a non-Bonus or Symbols or Locate/Disarm Traps, derived
non-Penalty modification to a roll of a die or from the character’s competency in Attributes
dice, generally determined by the Rac rather and/or Abilities
than the character
Skill Roll A die roll on a d20 in which a player
Movement A term used to describe any physical must best a Difficulty Factor number in order
progress the character makes that is non- for the character to successfully achieve a Skill,
Combat, such as jumping, climbing, running, such as Pick Locks, Identify Holy Item, etc.
Special (Rolls) This type of Combat Roll is made
Natural (Roll) A term that describes the actual when the player declares that he or she would
numbers rolled on a die or dice before being like their character to utilize a non-standard
modified by any Bonuses, Penalties, or Combat maneuver that is specific only to their
Modifiers Character Class
NPC (Narrated Personality Character) Any Ten-round A term used to identify ten Rounds,
character that is not a PC in which the which is equivalent to thirty seconds of time
Raconteur narrates his or her dialog and
Weapon Skill Any of ten competencies the
character has at wielding a certain type of
PC (Player Character) Any character that is created weapon, such as Light Arms or Heavy Arms,
and played by one of the players which altogether make up the character’s
Penalties Any number that is subtracted from a Combat Skills
Natural die or dice roll; indicated by a minus Weapon In Combat, any object made for causing
sign followed by the number, such as “-5” Damage to an opponent, such as a sword, axe,
Proficiency A term that describes the level of Skill etc.
a character has; is either a Bonus or a Penalty
added to character’s Skill
Rac (Raconteur) The manager or director of a
campaign or adventure who organizes the main When fear knocks on the
elements of the storyline
door, send faith to answer it,
Range A term used to describe the maximum
distance in which a character can utilize a and you shall find no one there

Holy Lands 44 The Dark Ages

Creating a Character
This section contains details for the following steps to Creating a Character:
Step 1: Attributes
Step 2: Character Class
Step 3: Abilities
Step 4: Gifts
Step 5: Talents
Step 6: Crafts
Step 7: Weapon Skills
Step 8: L.p. & F.p.
Step 9: Sins
Step 10: Height & Weight
Step 11: Modifications
Step 12: Personalizing
Step 10, and then come back to Step 2. Step 10 deals
The first thing you need to do in order to create a
with the height and weight of your character, which may
Holy Lands character is grab a Character Sheet. Make
affect some Attributes.
sure to make copies of the one in the back of this book
before using it. After you have a blank Character Sheet, Character Sheet example: Step 1
follow these simple steps and create your own character. It
is important that you only use pencil when marking on Attributes
your Character Sheet because the elements that make up a
Intellect 6
character can change frequently, especially as your
Memory 4
character moves through an adventure. The Example
Wisdom 7
Character Sheet should help you find the right areas to fill
Agility 3
in on your own Character Sheet.
Strength 6
Speed 2
Endurance 4

Step 1: Attributes Beauty

Patience 8
Determine your character’s Attribute Ratings by Virtue 6
rolling 2d4 for each Attribute and fill in the numbers on Faith 7
the Character Sheet as shown below. These Attribute
Ratings determine your character’s core strengths and
weaknesses. Note: Now is a good time to consider the Attribute Option
Character Class or occupation you would like your
character to have. See the list in Step 2 and make sure If you prefer, you can roll a complete list of twelve
that your character will meet the Attribute Requirements as Attribute Ratings to the side or on a separate sheet of
you roll. See the Attribute Option to the right for paper. Then apply the list in any order you desire, giving
reaching your Attribute preferences. your most needed Attributes the higher Attribute Ratings.
Special Note on Attributes: after completing Step If you choose to adopt this method, and you have
1 is the time to determine if your character will be Attribute Ratings you find weak, you cannot re-roll
unusually short or unusually tall. If you would like your individual numbers. If you want to change any individual
character to be very short or very tall, skip Step 2, go to numbers, you must re-roll the entire list.

Holy Lands 45 The Dark Ages

Step 2: Character Class Step 3: Abilities
Choose the Class of your character and write it on the You determine your character's Ability Marks by
Character Sheet. You can choose from eighteen different adding the Attribute Ratings of two certain Attributes and
Character Classes listed below subtracting the total from 20. This may seem complicated
at first glance but it is quite simple.
Note that each Character Class listed has their
specific Attribute Requirements listed below its description, Perception: add the total of your character’s Intellect
which means, if your character does not currently meet the and Wisdom Attribute Ratings and subtract the total
Attribute Ratings, you have to exchange the required from 20.
Attribute Rating with other Attributes that meet the Search: add the total of your character’s Patience and
Wisdom Attribute Ratings and subtract the total
from 20.
Climb: add the total of your character’s Agility and
Strength Attribute Ratings and subtract the total
from 20.
Character Sheet example: Step 2 Jump: add the total of your character’s Agility and
Character Information Speed Attribute Ratings and subtract the total from
Player Name Duncan Bassell Balance: add the total of your character’s Patience and
Character Name Agility Attribute Ratings and subtract the total from
Character Class Cleric 20.
Gender male Level 1 Hide: add the total of your character’s Speed and
Age HF ( ft.) WF ( lbs.) Wisdom Attribute Ratings and subtract the total
from 20.

For more details about the Character Classes listed

below, see the Character Class section of the following Character Sheet Example: Step 3
Chapter. Abilities
Perception 7
= 20-(INT+WIS)
Search 5
Archer (soldier-type) Strength: 7; Agility: 5 = 20-(PAT+WIS)
Bard (minstrel/musician) Intellect: 7; Beauty: 5 Climb 8
Bowman (ranger/woodsman) Agility: 7; Speed: 5 = 20-(STR+AGI)
Chancellor (Noble ambassador) Charisma: 7; Intellect: 5 Jump 11
Chapman (merchant) Intellect: 7; Charisma: 5 = 20-(SPD+AGI)
Cleric (priest/ member of church workers) Wisdom: 7; Balance 9
= 20-(PAT+AGI)
Faith: 5
Devil Hunter (renegade hunter) Strength: 7; Wisdom: 5 Hide 11
= 20-(SPD+WIS)
Healer (priest/member of church workers) Faith: 7;
Patience: 5
Jester (acrobat/entertainer) Agility: 7; Charisma: 5
Knight (Noble warrior) Virtue: 7; Strength: 5
Saint (Miracle-worker) Faith: 7; Wisdom: 5
Saisier (martial artist) Agility: 7; Strength: 5
Step 4: Gifts
Scholar (high intellectual) Intellect: 7; Memory: 5 Write down your character’s Gifts, which are his or
Scout (hunter/woodsman) Wisdom: 7; Agility: 5 her Skills necessary to the function and occupation of the
Soldier (non-Noble royal worker) Strength: 7; Agility: 5
Character Class. You can find your character’s list of Gifts
Spy (thief/thief catcher) Agility: 7; Patience: 5
in each Character Class Description (see pages 70-105 for
Voyager (swashbuckler/seafarer) Agility: 7; Speed: 5
the Character Class Descriptions).
Warrior (mercenary fighter) Strength: 7
Each Gift on your Character Sheet that is not a
Weapon Skill receives a ‘+3’ Bonus, which you can write
to the right of the Skill.

Holy Lands 46 The Dark Ages

A Note on Languages
Character Sheet example: Step 4 Once created, your character can speak the language of
Gifts his or her Land of Origin and the Gothic language, which is
Cult Knowledge +3 more commonly known as the “traveler’s tongue.” Note:
Demonology +3 Your character’s Land of Origin will be determined in the
Identify Holy Symbols +3 final phases of character creation.
Although the Gothic language is not the primary
Read Runes +3
language of any land, it is a common business language in
Speak Ancient Languages +3 and around Europe. The merchants of most large shires
speak Gothic in order to do business with foreign travelers,
but in the countryside away from the cities, most peasant
W.S. Light Arms folk will speak only the land’s native tongue and not the
W.S. Light Missiles Gothic language.
Be aware that for each additional language your
character knows, other than his or her primary language and
the Gothic language, requires the Skill of Speak Additional
Language. For example, if your character speaks German
Weapon Skills as Gifts primarily and you want her to speak Celtic and English, you
must choose Speak Additional Language twice as either a
If a Character Class receives a Weapon Skill as a Talent or Craft, once for Celtic and once for English.
Gift, write it on the Gifts section of the Character Sheet The following list indicates the languages of the known
next to the letters ‘W.S’. Weapon Skills acquired as Gifts world. A character who has the option to Speak or
receive special Bonuses that Step 7 will direct. Read/Write Ancient Languages would receive knowledge of all
of the ancient languages if chosen. The knowledge of
ancient languages is the only group of languages that
characters can learn in this way.

Languages Ancient Languages

Step 5: Talents Arabic
Celtic Hieroglyphic Egyptian
You choose your character’s Talents, which are his or Chinese Hieroglyphic Hittite
her Skills pertinent to the Character Class but, because you English Hittite
select them, they can set you apart from other characters of French Illyrian
the same Character Class. You can find your character’s German Messapian
list of Talents, from which you select five Skills, in the Gothic Phrygian
Character Class Description. Greek Thracian
Character Sheet example: Step 5 Japanese
Talents Persian
Creatures and Beasts +2 Prakrits
Creep +2 Slavic
Devil Lore +2 Spanish
Identify Spells +2

Choosing Weapon Skills as Talents

W.S. Heavy Arms
If you desire, you may choose a Weapon Skill in place
of a Talent. To do this, simply select the Weapon Skill for
your character from the list of Weapon Skills on the
Character Class description. You may choose up to five,
Each Talent on your Character Sheet that is not a which would replace all five Skills (that is if there are five to
Weapon Skill receives a ‘+2’ Bonus, which you should choose from on your character’s list of Weapon Skills).
write to the right of the Skill. You can find a description of each Skill in the Skills
section of the following Chapter.

Holy Lands 47 The Dark Ages

Weapon Skills as Talents receive Bonuses that Step 7
will direct.
Step 7: Weapon Skills
Check your character’s Gifts, Talents, and Crafts for
the Weapon Skills he or she may have (if any). You should
Step 6: Crafts note Weapon Skills with a ‘W.S.’ before the description
(such as W.S. Light Arms, W.S. Hand to Hand, etc.) and
You choose your character’s Crafts, which are his or they should not be followed with any Bonus (such as +2)
her hobbies or interests that can further set your character on the Character Sheet.
apart from other characters of the same Character Class.
Together, all ten of these Weapon Skills make up
You can find your character’s list of Crafts, from which you
your character’s Combat Skills. The Bonuses for Weapon
select three Skills, in the Character Class Description.
Skills go in the Combat Skills section of the Character
Each Craft on your Character Sheet that is not a Sheet, and each Weapon Skill has its own line in which
Weapon Skill receives a ‘+1’ Bonus, which you should you will add the Bonuses.
write to the right of the Skill.
You add Bonuses to your character’s Combat Skills
Character Sheet example: Step 6 in the following ways (also, the Special Notes afterward):

Light Sleep +1 For Weapon Skills as Gifts
Miracles - Clerical +1
W.S. Hand to Hand For each Weapon Skill listed in your character’s
Gifts, you may add +1 to any three Combat actions,
except AtR, listed on the corresponding line of the Combat
Skills. For example, if your character received W.S.
You can find a description of each Skill in the Skills Heavy Arms as a Gift, you can place a +1 next to any
section of the following Chapter. three of the Advantage, Attack, Defend, Dodge, Damage, or
Special actions of the Heavy Arms Weapon Skill. (Missile
and Thrown Weapon Skills do not allow for a Defend
Choosing Weapon Skills as Crafts action.)
Note: You cannot combine the Bonuses in order to
If you desire, you may choose a Weapon Skill in place
place more than a +1, such as a +2 or +3, within these
of a Craft. To do this, simply select the Weapon Skill for
Combat actions. Your character will receive more Bonuses
your character from the list of Weapon Skills on the
later based on his or her Attribute Ratings.
Character Class description. You may choose up to three,
which would replace all three Skills, only if there are three
to choose from on your Character Class Description list.
Weapon Skills as Crafts receive Bonuses that the next step
For Weapon Skills as Talents
will direct. For each Weapon Skill listed in your character’s
Talents, you may add +1 to any two Combat actions,
except AtR, listed on the corresponding line of the Combat
Character Sheet example: Step 7 Skills. For example, if your character received W.S.

Combat Skills
Advantage Attack Defend Dodge Damage AtR Special
Hand to Hand + + + + + 1 +
Heavy Arms + + 1 + 1 + + +
Light Arms + 1 + 1 + + + 1 +
Paired Weapons + + + + + +
Longbows + + [===] + + +
Light Missiles + + 1 [===] + 1 + 1 +
Thrown + + [===] + + +
Shield Play + + + + + +
Whips + + + + + +
Kick Attack + + + + + +

Holy Lands 48 The Dark Ages

Heavy Arms as a Gift, you can place a +1 next to any two add to the sum of the three Attribute Ratings to calculate
of the Advantage, Attack, Defend, Dodge, Damage, or your character’s Life points.
Special actions of the Heavy Arms Weapon Skill. (Missile
and Thrown Weapon Skills do not allow for a Defend
action.) Life points Dice per Character Class
Note: You cannot combine the Bonuses in order to Character Class Dice
place more than a +1, such as a +2, within these Combat Archer 2d6
actions. Your character will receive more Bonuses later Bard 2d6
based on his or her Attribute Ratings. Bowman 2d6
Chancellor 2d6
Chapman 2d6
Weapon Skills as Crafts Cleric 2d6
Devil Hunter 2d6
For each Weapon Skill listed in your character’s Healer 2d4
Crafts, you may add +1 to any one Combat action, except Jester 2d6
AtR, listed on the corresponding line of the Combat Skills. Knight 2d8
For example, if your character received W.S. Heavy Arms Saint 2d4
as a Gift, you can place a +1 next to any of the Advantage, Saisier 2d8
Attack, Defend, Dodge, Damage, or Special actions of the Scholar 2d6
Heavy Arms Weapon Skill. (Missile and Thrown Weapon Scout 2d6
Skills do not allow for a Defend action.) Soldier 2d8
Spy 2d6
Note: Your character may receive more Bonuses later
Voyager 2d6
based on his or her Attribute Ratings. Warrior 2d8

Special Note s
If your character receives W.S. Paired Weapons as a Faith points
Gift, Talent, or Craft, refer to page 168. There is a Special Faith points mainly apply to the five Character
Note on Paired Weapons. Classes that can perform Miracles. They are the Saint, the
If your character receives W.S. Kick Attack as a Gift, Cleric, the Healer, the Bard, and the Devil Hunter. All
Talent, or Craft, add +3 to the Damage for this Weapon other Character Classes receive only 1 F.p. per level in
Skill. This is automatic and is separate from the normal which they can contribute to group prayers. You may move
Bonuses applied above. However, it only applies at Level 1. on to the next step if your character only receives 1 F.p.
The five Character Classes that receive more than 1
F.p. all receive and progress Faith points differently, but all
Faith points are based on the character’s Faith Attribute.
Step 8: L.p. and F.p. To establish a character’s Faith points, use the following
guidelines based on your character’s Class.
Every character will have some amount of Life points
and Faith points. To determine how many of each your
character has, follow this step. The Saint
The Saint adds the number of his or her Faith
Attribute Rating to the sum of 2d8. This Character Class
Life points is the strongest with most types of Miracles. Saints can
perform all Clerical and High Miracles.
Life points reflect how many points of Damage your
character can sustain before dying. You determine your
character’s Life points by adding his or her Strength, The Cleric
Endurance, and Wisdom Attribute Ratings together and
The Cleric adds the number of his or her Faith
then rolling a pair of dice. You will add the dice roll to the
Attribute Rating to the roll of 2d6. This Character Class
sum of the three Attribute Ratings. Find your character’s
is limited to performing only Clerical Miracles.
Class from the list below to determine which pair of dice to
apply. The Dice column indicates the pair of dice you will

Holy Lands 49 The Dark Ages

The Healer
The Healer adds the number of his or her Faith
Step 9: Sins
Attribute Rating to the roll of 2d8. This Character Class Your character’s Virtue Attribute determines the
is limited to performing only Healing Miracles. number of outwardly identifiable Sins that he or she will
acquire. The lower a character’s Virtue, the more Sins they
The Bard acquire. To see how many Sins your character will need to
endure during game play, see the Acquired Sins Table
The Bard does not automatically acquire Faith below.
points. They will only receive them if they have made the
commitment to God to learn the Holy Songs. The Bard
can show this commitment by gaining the Skill of Miracles Acquired Sins Table
– Holy Songs by either choosing it at Level 1 or learning it
later. Until they have the Skill, they, like the other Virtue Sins Acquired
Character Classes, have only 1 F.p. 2–3 4 Sins
4–5 3 Sins
If the Bard acquires the Skill, he or she then rolls
6–7 2 Sins
2d4 and adds the sum to their Faith AR. The Bard then 8 1 Sin
increases F.p. by 2d4 every level. The Bard is limited to 9 0 Sins
performing only Holy Songs.
After determining how many Sins your character has,
you will need to determine which ones they acquired. Roll
The Devil Hunter
a d20 as many times as your character has Sins and write
Like the Bard, the Devil Hunter does not the corresponding Sin on your character sheet. If you
automatically acquire Faith points. They will only receive duplicate a Sin, re-roll until each of your character’s Sins
them if they have made the commitment to God to learn is different.
Clerical Miracles either at Level 1 or later. The Devil
Make sure you write the Consequence and whether or
Hunter can show this commitment by choosing the Skill
not it is direct (D) or Indirect (I). The rules explain this
of Miracles – Clerical. Until they have the Skill, they, like
further in the Sin’s description. For a more detailed
the other Character Classes, have only 1 F.p.
description of each Sin, see the Sins section of Chapter 2.
If the Devil Hunter acquires the Skill, he or she then
rolls 1d6 and adds the sum to their Faith AR. The Devil
Hunter then increases F.p. by 1d6 at every level. The Random Sins List (d20)
Devil Hunter is limited to knowing one Clerical Miracle
per level, and acquires a new Clerical Miracle at each new Sin / Consequence
level. The player chooses which Miracle his or her Devil 1) Attachment / Must serve (a PC) each game [I]
Hunter will know at each level. 2) Bitterness / Must hate (a PC) each game [D]
3) Cheating / -1 per level to all Charisma Rolls [I]
4) Control / Receives ½ benefits of Miracles [I]
Faith points Dice by Character Class 5) Cruelty / Natural Attack Rolls only [D]
6) Doubt / -1 per level to all Faith Rolls [D]
Character Class Dice 7) Drunkenness / -1 per level to all Agility Rolls [I]
Bard 2d4 8) Envy / -1 per level to learning new Skills [D]
Cleric 2d6 9) Gluttony / 2x rations each meal [D]
Devil Hunter 1d6 10) Gossip / -1 per level to all Patience Rolls [I]
Healer 2d8 11) Greed / -1 per level to all Wisdom Rolls [D]
Saint 2d8 12) Laziness / -1 per level to all Skill Rolls [D]
All others N/A (1 F.p.) 13) Lying / -1 per level to all Memory Rolls [I]
14) Malice / Natural Advantage Rolls only [I]
15) Paganism / -1 per level to all Virtue Rolls [I]
16) Prejudice / Cannot relate to (specified race) [I]
Character Sheet example: Step 8 17) Pride / Must reattempt all failed Rolls [D]
18) Strife / Cannot reattempt failed Rolls [D]
19) Theft / Cannot add a second Character Class [I]
Life points ( 27 ) Faith points ( 11 ) 20) Vanity / Must increase Beauty AR at new level [D]

Holy Lands 50 The Dark Ages

Step 10: Height and After you have selected your character’s height and
Weight made any modifications to the Attributes, it is time to
determine your character’s weight and WF (Weight
This step allows you to choose the height of your Factor).
character, which will in turn determine your character’s To determine Weigh Factor, add half of your
weight. Your character’s height and weight both easily character’s Strength Attribute Rating (rounded up) and
convert to Height and Weight Factors, respectively, which your character’s HF number together. The sum of those
may be necessary information in the game. two numbers equals his or her WF. When you know the
WF number, look at the Character Weight Factors table
below. You will notice that the WF’s show a corresponding
Height range of weights in pounds. Within this range, select your
character’s weight.
To determine your character’s height, simply consider
how tall you would like him or her to be. They can be After you have selected your character’s weight from
anywhere from two-and-a-half feet to eight-and-a-half feet the WF range, write both the WF and weight in pounds on
tall. This broad range allows players to play short, quick your Character Sheet.
characters, as you would play a gnome, or great, big, strong
Character Sheet example: Step 10
characters as you would play a giant.
When you have decided how tall your character will Character Class Devil Hunter
be, use the Character Height Factors table to find the Gender male Level 1
corresponding Height Factor. On your character Sheet, Age 22 HF 11 ( 5.5 ft.) WF 15 ( 160 lbs.)
mark down the height, HF (Height Factor), and be sure to Land of Origin
note any Modifiers that go along with two. These
Modifiers affect your character’s Attributes to be sure, and
may in turn, affect your character’s Climb, Jump, Balance,
and Hide Abilities. Character Weight Factors

WF Weight
Character Height Factors 5 20 - 26 lbs.
6 27 - 34 lbs.
7 35 - 43 lbs.
HF Height Modifiers 8 44 - 53 lbs.
5 2.5’ +3 to Agility, -3 to Speed, +3 to Beauty, -3 to Strength 9 54 - 64 lbs.
6 3’ +2 to Agility, -2 to Speed, +2 to Beauty, -2 to Strength 10 65 - 76 lbs.
7 3.5’ +2 to Agility, -2 to Speed, +2 to Beauty, -2 to Strength 11 77 - 89 lbs.
8 4’ +1 to Agility, -1 to Speed, +1 to Beauty, -1 to Strength 12 90 - 103 lbs.
9 4.5’ No Modifiers; Average Human Range 13 104 - 128 lbs.
10 5’ No Modifiers; Average Human Range 14 129 - 144 lbs.
11 5.5’ No Modifiers; Average Human Range 15 145 - 161 lbs.
12 6’ No Modifiers; Average Human Range 16 162 - 179 lbs.
13 6.5’ No Modifiers; Average Human Range 17 180 - 198 lbs.
14 7’ +1 to Strength, -1 to Agility 18 199 - 218 lbs.
15 7.5’ -2 to Agility, -1 to Speed, -1 to Beauty, +2 to Strength 19 219 - 239 lbs.
16 8’ -3 to Agility, -2 to Speed, -2 to Beauty, +3 to Strength 20 240 - 261 lbs.
17 8.5’ -4 to Agility, -3 to Speed, -3 to Beauty, +4 to Strength 21 262 - 284 lbs.
22 285 - 308 lbs.
23 309 - 333 lbs.
Playing a small character has some advantages and 24 334 - 359 lbs.
disadvantages as does playing a large character (see pg 203). 25 360 - 386 lbs.
26 387 - 414 lbs.
Note: for a “dwarven” type character, choose the 27 415 - 443 lbs.
shorter heights but swap the Strength Penalty for the 28 444 - 473 lbs.
Agility Bonus. In other words, give the penalty to the 29 474 - 504 lbs.
Agility and the Bonus to the Strength. 30 505 – 536 lbs.

Holy Lands 51 The Dark Ages

The Affects column lists the other areas of the character
Step 11: Modifications that the corresponding Attribute affects. For example,
the Agility Attribute affects the character’s AtR for all
Weapon Skills that the character knows, which you would
If any of your character’s final Attribute Ratings are
have written in his or her Gifts, Talents, or Crafts.
8 or higher, you are able to improve other areas of your
However, the Strength Attribute, according to the table,
character’s profile. This means that they have exceptional
also affects the character's Weapon Skills, but this time the
basic proficiency in some characteristics that will positively
Damage. The difference, again, with Strength, as opposed
affect another part of their being. Typically, the physical
to Agility, is that it affects all Weapon Skills whether the
Attributes will affect the Combat Skills of a character, the
character knows it as a Skill or not.
mental Attributes can affect the Skills, and the spiritual
Attributes can affect the Life and Faith points of a The Attribute Ratings columns show the Bonuses
character. applied to the character’s trait that the Attribute affects.
In other words, the Attribute affects some trait; the
Bonuses in the Attribute Ratings columns show by how
Note: Bear in mind that the minimum number an much according to the Attribute Rating of the Attribute.
Attribute Rating can have (with the exception of Virtue) is 2.
In addition, the character would receive any additional
Therefore, if your character has a Strength of 3, and then you
decide to play a two-and-a-half foot character, which would Bonuses from the previous number or numbers, if they
normally lower the Strength AR by -3, the minimum the have not already. For example, if your character has a
Strength Attribute Rating drops is -1, for a total of 2. final Agility Attribute Rating of 10, according to the table,
he or she would receive a +1 AtR to one of the Weapon
Skills known as a Gift, Talent, or Craft. Furthermore, the
character would gain another +1 AtR for the Agility
Using the Attributes Bonus Table Attribute Rating of 8 that you can apply to the same
The Attributes Bonus Table, found below on this Weapon Skill AtR or a different that your character knows
page, allows you to see what Attributes affect other areas of as a Gift, Talent, or Craft (assuming the character has not
your character. You will want to refer back to this table at been awarded that Bonus before).
any time your character’s Attribute Ratings reach 8 or In summary, if you have not awarded your character a
greater. Bonus for having an Attribute Rating reach 8 or higher, he
If your character has any Attribute Ratings that are 8 or she can increase it with that Bonus plus any Bonuses
or higher, use the table to find the corresponding affect that you should have awarded by prior Attribute Ratings.
that you can enhance. The left-most column lists the
Attributes. Each one has a positive affect somewhere else
with the exception of Beauty, which is simply a measure of
the character’s physical attractiveness to other people.

Attributes Bonus Table

Attribute Ratings
Attributes Affects: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Intellect Skills (any 2 as Gifts, Talents, or Crafts) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Memory Skills (any 2 as Gifts, Talents, or Crafts) +1 - +1 - +1 - +1 - +1
Wisdom Skill (any 1 as Gift, Talent, or Craft) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Agility AtR (any 1 W.S. as Gift, Talent, or Craft) +1 - +1 - +1 - +1 - +1
Strength Damage (all Weapon Skills- including +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
missile Weapon Skills)
Speed Dodge (all Weapon Skills) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Endurance Save vs.: Death & Poison (both) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Beauty No affect - - - - - - - - -
Charisma Negotiation, Persuasion, and Intimidation +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Skills (any/all)
Patience Skill (any 1 as Gift, Talent, or Craft) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Virtue L.p. (increase Maximum) +1d6 +1d4 +1d6 +1d4 +1d6 +1d4 +1d6 +1d4 +1d6
Faith F.p. (increase Maximum) +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4

Holy Lands 52 The Dark Ages

can roll percentile dice (2d10 or d100) to find one
Step 12: Personalizing randomly, or you can just scan the lists and pick one out.

Well done, friend- you are almost finished creating Name Titles
your own Holy Lands character! In this last step, you will
apply the final additions to your character. These touches Be sure to use your character’s name title found on
make your character come alive with details. Use the their Character Description before their name. For
following guidelines to complete your character’s personal example, your character’s name is Hannah, but with the
and physical details and family history. name title, she becomes the Lady Hannah.
The most common name title for a male character is
‘Sir’ and for female characters, ‘Lady’. However, there are
Character Age others you may prefer, such as ‘Lord’, which was used for
nobility, and ‘Father’, ‘Brother’, ‘Sister’, or ‘Mother’ used
Your character’s age is one of those pieces of to identify Clergy.
information that can really help or hinder them at various
points in the game. It can often be important to know.
More than that, it can often be important to be a certain
Land of Origin
This step allows you to find your character’s age based Next, you will want to determine your character’s
on his or her Attribute Ratings. All you do is add the three land of origin; in other words, where he or she was born. A
highest numbers of your characters Attribute Ratings character’s land of origin does not mean that the character
together. If you do not like the age of your character based is necessarily familiar with the geography, politics, and
on this information, simply choose the age you desire. culture of that land; it simply means that they are native to
Bear in mind that the mid-teens to the mid twenties often it by way of being born there. On the contrary, you may
work best for adventuring. want your character to be very familiar with the land, its
people, and its traditions. The choice is yours, but make
sure that the chosen native language of your character ties
Character Age into your character’s land of origin history well.
Your character can originate from several lands of the
Age = 3 highest Attribute Ratings added together medieval world. Many are Christian lands, yet others are
pagan, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or some other religion.
It is not necessary to choose a land of origin based on
Character Gender anything other than your personal preference. However, it
The Holy Lands game does not favor characters of can be very important to choose one. Often in a game, the
either gender. Therefore, your character may be male or matter of the character’s history will come up and the more
female without restrictions to Character Classes. Simply details known the better.
choose the gender that you desire for your Character Class If it difficult for you to choose a land of origin for
and write it on your Character Sheet. your character or if you are unfamiliar with the lands, you
can use the list of random lands of the known world, which
is located on the following page. You may either roll a d20
Character Name to find one randomly, or simply select one that you are
comfortable having.
You get to create a name for your character that can
be anything you desire. You may want to name your
character after a historic hero you have. The name can be
real or fantastic, silly or serious, but the important thing is
to be creative and make sure you create a name that you
are happy having.
On page 56 are two long lists of names, one for male
characters, and one for female characters. If you do not
think you will be able to come up with a name for your
character you will be happy with, use the lists. Either you

Holy Lands 53 The Dark Ages

choose the phobias that befits your character (Hint: pay
Random Lands
attention to their Sins!).
1) Arabia
2) Byzantine Empire
3) China, Mongolia, India, or Japan; which are very
distant and mysterious Lands Random Phobias List (d20)
4) Eastern Europe
5) Egypt Irrational Fear of:
6) German Empire 1) Heights
7) Irish Chiefdoms 2) Dogs
8) Kingdom of Denmark 3) Cats
9) Kingdom of England 4) Horses
10) Kingdom of Jerusalem 5) Bodies of Water
11) Kingdom of Leon 6) Magic
12) Kingdom of Navarre 7) Darkness
13) Kingdom of Norway 8) Crowds
14) Kingdom of Scotland 9) Authority figures
15) Kingdom of Sicily 10) Rodents
16) Kingdom of Sweden 11) Being alone (abandonment)
17) Kingdom of the Franks (France) 12) Being followed (paranoia)
18) Muslim Caliphates 13) Insects
19) Seljuk Territories 14) Fire/smoke
20) Unknown Land of Origin or Uncivilized territories 15) Silence
16) Attracting attention to self
17) Personal relationships
18) Failure
Phobias (optional) 19) Being touched
20) Laughter (paranoia)
Phobias are irrational fears that your character has
acquired from childhood or from some traumatic
experience. Your character may make it known to others
Character Sheet example: Step 12
that they have such a fear by completely freaking out when
Phobias Laughter (paranoia)
in those situations or they may die with no one knowing
Sins/Consequences Bitterness / hate PC each game
that they were haunted by the tormenting fears. Prejudice / cannot relate to French
The phobias aspect of a character is merely there for
you to role-play. It is a chance for you to both give more
dimension to your character and to have some fun playing.
If you choose to have your character fear nothing, although Gold and Silver
it is unrealistic, you can certainly do so.
Your character begins the game with a certain
Phobias are based on your character’s Faith and, like amount of Gold and Silver. This is a random roll and you
Sins, the lower the Attribute Rating the more phobias. As will want to write the result on your Character Sheet.
you did with Sins, use the tables below to determine your
character’s phobias. Note: 1 gold piece = 20 silver pieces

For Gold: roll 2d6

Acquired Phobias Table
For Silver: roll 2d12
Faith Phobias Acquired
2–3 3 Phobias
4–5 2 Phobias Family History (optional)
6–7 1 Phobia
8 0 Phobias Like the land of origin, your character’s family history
can be a necessary thing to know at certain points in the
You may roll as many times as you like until you get game. This part of the step is optional; however, for those
a phobia that suits your character, or you may simply of you wishing to determine your character’s family history,
simply follow these guidelines:

Holy Lands 54 The Dark Ages

Parents’ names Siblings
To determine your character’s parents’ names, roll To determine the number of your character’s brothers
2d8 first, one for each parent. This will determine if the and sisters roll a d6 for each and subtract 1. Use 1d6 for
parents are alive and known about. A Natural 1 for either your character’s brothers and one for sisters.
means that one parent is deceased and a Natural 2 for
either means that the father or mother is unknown.
Next, roll percentile dice for each parent that is alive Equipment and Weapons
and well to determine their names. Use the corresponding The last part of the last step is writing in your
names on the Male Character Names and Female character’s equipment, weapons, and armor. Look to your
Character Names tables on the following page. You can character’s Class Description. Listed under the Initial
use one number rolled for both names, roll once for each, Equipment section are all the weapons, clothes or armor,
or simply select a name for each. and equipment with which your character begins.
You will want to write the weapons under the
Parents’ Homeland Weapons section of your Character Sheet, the armor or
This part of the step determines where your clothing under the Armor section, and the remaining items
character’s parents currently reside. You can use your under Equipment.
character’s land of origin or roll a d20 and use the Random
Lands table on this page again. Weapons and Damage
You do not roll for the Damage of the weapon as you
Parents’ Occupations did Attributes, Life points, etc. The weapon Damage
Use the following tables to determine your character’s always remains a dice roll rather than a single number. In
parents’ current occupation or trade. Roll a d20 for each other words, you do not roll the Damage dice of a weapon
or once and use the number for both. when creating a character; just write the Damage dice next
to the weapon on your character sheet. You only roll the
Damage dice of a weapon when in combat. Therefore, the
Mother’s Occupation (d20) weapon on your character sheet should have the same
format as the following example:
1: Noble/Royalty (queen, duchess, or other) Long Dagger (2d8 Damage)
2-3: Craft maker
4: Fisher
Armor and DEF
5-10: Housewife/Peasant
11-13: Potter You are going to want the write the corresponding
14-17: Seamstress type of armor your character receives next to the Area of
18-19: Serving Wench Protection the armor provides. In other words, if your
20: Adventurer character receives a tunic, write ‘tunic’ next to the
AP: Chest. On the same line, write in the DEF Bonus
Father’s Occupation (d20) under the DEF column. Your character’s Class
Description lists all the necessary DEF and AP
1-2: Blacksmith information.
3-4: Carpenter
5-7: Adventurer
8-9: Fisher
10: Innkeeper
11: Merchant
12: Noble/Royalty (king, prince, or other)
13-15: Peasant/Farmer
16-17: Tanner
18-19: Soldier
20: Shopkeeper

Holy Lands 55 The Dark Ages

Male Character Names (d100)

00. Addar 01. Gilead 02. Milo

03. Alaric 04. Hadrian 05. Moedier
06. Allumar 07. Hamlet 08. Nero
09. Anthony 10. Hedric 11. Oenius
12. Antonius 13. Hyrumon 14. Oliver
15. Arthur 16. Jacob 17. Oscar
18. Azzan 19. Jarrow 20. Osric
21. Balimar 22. Kalawyn 23. Paedin
24. Bornyr 25. Jarred 26. Parker
27. Bellric 28. Jeremiah 29. Paulos
30. Bohen 31. Gaillen 32. Pepin
33. Caleb 34. Job 35. Peter
36. Cannan 37. Joniah 38. Poello
39. Corolus 40. Jonah 41. Rayos
42. Cassimar 43. Jordan 44. Reyomon
Female Character Names (d100) 45. Christoph 46. Joenan 47. Raknar
48. Crovan 49. Joshuan 50. Randolph
51. Corbin 52. Juryss 53. Robin
00. Abigail 01. Ezra 02. Mary 54. Cornelius 55. Kemuel 56. Roland
03. Alexandria 04. Galena 05. Melda 57. Duryss 58. Laertes 59. Sylwinn
06. Alvidia 07. Gayle 08. Meira 60. Dibbin 61. Lancelot 62. Saul
09. Anna 10. Gaylene 11. Milah 63. Donatel 64. Leonott 65. Sihon
12. Annabell 13. Genevieve 14. Misha 66. Duncan 67. Lok 68. Solomon
15. Antonia 16. Gertrude 17. Nadia 69. Eli 70. Luto 71. Thomas
18. Arlene 19. Grace 20. Naomi 72. Enan 73. Luke 74. Tirzah
21. Assira 22. Guinevere 23. Natalie 75. Erick 76. Menott 77. Tristan
24. Averly 25. Gwendolyn 26. Natasha 78. Fortinbros 79. Millyn 80. Twiss
27. Avery 28. Hannah 29. Nyla 81. Felix 82. Marco 83. Uemryc
30. Azaell 31. Heather 32. Ondessa 84. Fairren 85. Marlow 86. Vyrden
33. Bella 34. Helen 35. Ophelia 87. Gabriel 88. Martel 89. Voltemond
36. Bernice 37. Hovola 38. Padina 90. Galston 91. Matthew 92. Widukind
39. Bethany 40. Iris 41. Pamela 93. Garrett 94. Moorlin 95. Villomar
42. Cassandra 43. Jasmine 44. Petra 96. Gavunoc 97. Micah 98. Merigor
45. Catherine 46. Jeirrah 47. Phaline 99. Gawain
48. Celeste 49. Jenna 50. Quella
51. Christianna 52. Jessica 53. Rachel
54. Christina 55. Jhessaill 56. Ruth
57. Cleopatra 58. Josephine 59. Sarah
60. Contessa 61. Kara 62. Shann
63. Daniella 64. Keena 65. Shannon
66. Deborah 67. Kendra 68. Sonja
69. Delilah 70. Kielah 71. Tamar
72. Dianna 73. Krisael 74. Tamara
75. Dinniah 76. Laura 77. Tara
78. Elizabeth 79. Lillyanna 80. Tasha
81. Elkanah 82. Linda 83. Tess
84. Ellie 85. Lydia 86. Tessa
87. Ellizer 88. Mara 89. Tola
90. Ephah 91. Maria 92. Victoria
93. Ericka 94. Maya 95. Xena
96. Esther 97. Marianne 98. Martha
99. Eve

Holy Lands 56 The Dark Ages

Example Character Sheet
Character Information Attributes Abilities Saving Throws
Player Name Duncan Bassell Intellect 6 Perception 7 Use Magic (16)
Character Name Sir Leonott Memory 4 = 20-(INT+WIS) Curses (15)
Character Class Devil Hunter Wisdom 6 Search 5 Spells (14)
Gender male Level 1 Agility 3 = 20-(PAT+WIS) Rune Traps (13)
Age 22 HF 11 ( 5.5 ft.) WF 15 ( 160 lbs.) Strength 7 Climb 8 Death (12)
Land of Origin German Empire Speed 2 = 20-(STR+AGI) Magic Fumes (11)
Phobias Laughter (paranoia) Endurance 4 Jump 11 Magic Items (10)
Sins/Consequences Bitterness / hate PC each game Beauty 7 = 20-(SPD+AGI) Poison (9)
Prejudice / cannot relate to French Charisma 7 Balance 9 Phobias (7)
Patience 8 = 20-(PAT+AGI) Miracles (5)
Virtue 6 Hide 11 Holy Items (4)
Life points ( 27 ) Faith points ( 11 ) Faith 7 = 20-(SPD+WIS)

Gifts Talents Crafts

Cult Knowledge +3 Creatures and Beasts +2 Light Sleep +1
Demonology +3 Creep +2 Miracles - Clerical +1
Identify Holy Symbols +3 Devil Lore +2 W.S. Hand to Hand
Read Runes +3 Identify Spells +2
Speak Ancient Languages +3

W.S. Light Arms W.S. Heavy Arms

W.S. Light Missiles

Combat Skills
Advantage Attack Defend Dodge Damage AtR Special
Hand to Hand + + + + + 1 +
Heavy Arms + + 1 + 1 + + +
Light Arms + 1 + 1 + + + 1 +
Paired Weapons + + + + + +
Longbows + + [===] + + +
Light Missiles + + 1 [===] + 1 + 1 +
Thrown + + [===] + + +
Shield Play + + + + + +
Whips + + + + + +
Kick Attack + + + + + +

Weapons Equipment and Items Armor and Clothes AP DEF

Broadsword (2d10 Damage) Gold pouch Head
Sleeping Blanket Leather Jerkin Chest +2
Small pack Arms
Cloth breeches Legs +1
Leather boots Feet N/A

Total DEF 4

Armor Creep Penalty


Experience points
Gold 10 Silver 13
Jewels Rations 8 Next Level 2,000

Holy Lands 57 The Dark Ages

So God created man in His own image, in the
image of God created He him; male and female
created He them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them,
“Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth,
and subdue it. And have dominion over the fish of
the sea, and of the fowl of the air, and over every
living thing that moveth upon the earth.”
-Genesis 5:25

Holy Lands 58 The Dark Ages

Chapter 2
The Character

Character Classes
Weapon Skills

Holy Lands 59 The Dark Ages

Attribute Rolls
The Attributes
Attributes are a character’s most basic physical,
mental, and spiritual conditions. They are the strengths Attribute Difficulty Factors
and weaknesses that form the character's framework of Like Skill Rolls, attempting Attribute Rolls require
Abilities and Skills. Twelve different Attributes make up some type of Difficulty Factor, which means that there
every basic element of a Holy Lands character, ranging must be a target number that the player must roll below in
from mental Intellect to physical Strength to spiritual order for the character to be successful. With Attributes,
Faith. For a character, each of their twelve Attributes will the Difficulty Factor is always the difference of the number
have a corresponding number that indicates the rolled on the d12 and the Attribute Rating. If the
competency level in that area, the higher the number the difference does not exceed the Difficulty Factor, the
more competent. The rules call these numbers Attribute Attribute attempt was unsuccessful. For example, a
Ratings or AR for short. Some of a character’s Attribute moderate Difficulty Factor for an Attribute Roll is 2,
Ratings will be higher than other AR’s and some are which means the player must roll a number whose
considerably lower than others; again, a representation of a difference is equal to or greater than 2 from the character’s
character’s strengths and weaknesses. A character can use Attribute Rating. Therefore, the character with a Strength
these Attributes to perform simple actions but Attributes AR (Attribute Rating) of 6 who is attempting a moderate
are mostly there as a measure of the character's qualities. Strength action must roll a 4 or lower on a d12 in order to
When attempting simple actions using Attributes, an be successful.
Attribute Roll is what decides whether it was successful.

Attribute Rating Maximums Attribute Difficulty Factors

The maximum number most Attribute Ratings can Difficulty DF Difference
reach is 12. However, your character can increase the Simple No difference†
Attributes of your Character Class’s primary Attribute Moderate Difference of -2
Requirement to 16 and the secondary Attribute Requirement High Difference of -5
to 14. To find your character’s Class Attribute Extreme Difference of -9
Requirements, see the Character Class descriptions of this

Chapter. Indicates that any roll that is equal to or less than the Attribute
Rating is successful

Most Attribute Rolls should fall into the Simple

Difficulty level or Moderate Difficulty level. Typically, if
Attribute Rolls the task requires more from a character than simply using
the Attribute quality, the task should actually require an
When an Attribute Roll is required to determine if Ability or Skill. However, for those rare cases where a
the character successfully performed a simple action, such Difficult or Extreme Difficulty level is required to attempt
as checking to see if a character remembers something an Attribute, consult the table above entitled Attribute
important (Memory Roll) or if the character is attempting Difficulty Factors.
to use their Attributes as a default for learning a new Skill,
the player rolls a d12. Attribute Rolls are different from
most other rolls in that the player is trying to roll the
lowest number they can. In this case, a Natural 1 is the
best a character can get and, when a character duels
The Attributes
Attributes with an opponent, the lowest number from the Twelve Attributes make up a character’s basic
Attributes maximum is the winner. framework, which you can find on your Character Sheet.
They are as follows in alphabetical order:
Holy Lands 60 The Dark Ages
Agility attempting to stay awake alone. Characters can remain
awake all night if a fellow character stays up with them the
The Agility Attribute is the measure of a character’s entire time in conversation.
nimbleness. It determines their capability to control their
body, arms, and legs quickly and responsively.
Holding Breath
Your character can use the Agility Attribute as
defaults for such actions as snatching and grabbing objects The character need not make any Endurance Rolls for
and surfaces, or keeping a rhythm or beat, among others. this purpose, but the character is able to hold his or her
breath for ten times the Endurance AR in seconds. For
example, a character with an Endurance of 6 can hold her
Beauty breath underwater or within toxic fumes or smoke for up to
sixty seconds.
With the exception of being a measure of the
character’s physical appeal, the Beauty Attribute is
otherwise functionless. Beauty Rolls should be few and Faith
rare because Beauty is not an action. Anything that would
require using the character’s Beauty would most likely This Attribute measures a character’s belief and trust
actually check the Charisma. The Beauty Attribute Rating in God. A Faith level also represents a character’s capacity
is simply an indication of how attractive the character for God to perform supernatural activity through them.
physically appears. For the Bard, Cleric, Healer, Devil Hunter, and
Saint Character Classes, the Faith Attribute Rating is the
base for their Faith points, which is required to perform
Charisma Miracles.
This Attribute reflects how well people like the
character as well as their ability to be entertaining and Faith Rolls
influential. Although Charisma is the character’s beauty
A Faith Roll represents the character praying for the
“in action”, it is not the true beauty from inside. In other
physical, mental, or spiritual capacity that he or she may
words, Charisma can measure how well a character uses his
lack when needed most. The result of the roll is considered
or her Beauty, but it is very separate, because the character
God’s will for the character in granting the request.
need not be dashing or beautiful to be influential.
For all Character Classes, a player may attempt a
Faith Roll in place of any Ability or Attribute one time per
Leadership day per level of the character. For example, a character of
Players should use Charisma Rolls when the character experience Level 3 can attempt to use her Faith Roll 3
is seeking leadership of some kind. Although Charisma is times per day in place of her weaker Jump Ability or
not a Skill, your character can use it to attract attention if Memory Attribute.
needed. In addition, any Character Class can use their Faith
Attribute Roll in place of any Skill that the character does
not have; they can use this one time per day per level. For
Endurance example, a character of experience Level 5 can attempt a
Scale Walls Roll to climb up a vertical wall up to 50 feet
The Endurance Attribute represents the character’s
high (characters advance 10 feet per roll). The limitation
capability to endure physical stresses and physical exercise.
with this Faith Roll is the fact that the character must have
the Prerequisite of the Skill, the same way as if they were
Remaining Awake learning the Skill. For more information, or to find the
Prerequisite of a Skill, see the Skills section of this chapter.
Players must make Endurance Rolls for any of their
characters attempting to remain awake after the midnight Any example of using the Faith Attribute Roll in
hour even if the character has napped or rested throughout place of another Attribute, Ability, or Skill costs the
the day. Typically, the midnight hour is the point in the character one time per day, which he or she can use a
night when all is most calm and quite. Therefore, if the number of times up to the Experience level. This is the
character must remain awake for watch, they must only type of Faith Roll in which the character is limited in
successfully achieve an Endurance Roll every hour they are use. The character may use any other type of Faith Roll,

Holy Lands 61 The Dark Ages

such as one to activate an unknown holy item, as often as Speed
is necessary.
This is the measure of a character’s capability to run
Note to the Raconteur: The Attribute Difficulty fast. The Attribute Rating applies to most aspects of
Factors Table on page 60 may apply to Faith Roll Movement; however, you will rarely apply a Speed Roll to a
situations as necessary according to the Difficulty of the single, specific action. See the Movement section starting
Ability or Attribute. on page 35 for more details on using the Speed Attribute.

Intellect Strength
Intellect is the character’s capacity to comprehend and This Attribute is a characters physical power. A
apprehend logical information that the character can learn character will directly relate the Strength Attribute to the
from a book. Examples of this information would be maximum pounds in Weight Factor that he or she can
mathematical formulas, words of a song or poem, push, pull, or press.
mechanical features, and other things that require reading
or studying in steps. A character’s Intellect pertains to
learning and knowing principles that are consistent and Strength Capabilities
straightforward, as opposed to understanding philosophy,
The character can carry into battle, without penalties,
values, and beliefs. For this reason, the character can
up to two times his or her Strength Attribute Rating in
consider their Intellect the “book smarts” of a person.
Weight Factor. For each additional WF above that, the
Most Intellect Rolls will be determining whether a character suffers a -1 to all Combat and Skill Rolls.
character can come up with an answer to a question in time Furthermore, he or she can press, push, or pull a WF equal
and the quality of that answer. Note: Players cannot use to three times his or her Strength Attribute Rating. For
Intellect Rolls in place of any Skill, including Logic, example, a character with a Strength AR of 6 can press,
Archeology, Demonology, or any of the sciences. pull, or push a maximum WF of 18, which is equivalent to
up to 218 pounds.
The Strength Attribute Roll is one of the most
Memory common Attribute Rolls that the characters will make. It
The Memory Attribute is simply the measure of the has many uses and you can find details in the following
character’s ability to remember details, pictures, events, sections: Movement, Combat, among others.
conversations, instructions, and the like.
Use the Attribute Difficulty Factor table on page 60 Virtue
for situations that require the character to remember things
after long periods. This Attribute is the measure of a character’s holiness
and integrity. It reflects a character’s moral and ethical
conditions, which are characteristics of godliness. A lack of
Patience Virtue is reflective of a more Sinful personality and thus,
the lower the Virtue of a character, the more Sins that
The Patience Attribute represents the character’s character acquires.
capability to endure mental and emotional stresses. It is
the measure of a character’s self-control and attention The Virtue Attribute is the only one of the twelve
span. Patience indicates whether a character has a short Attributes that can fall into the negatives. Once this
fuse and quick temper or if they remain composed even in occurs, obviously the character has lost the ability to use
unwelcoming environments. the Virtue Attribute Rolls for anything beneficial. The
higher the Virtue Attribute the more moral and righteous
the character, and conversely, the lower the Virtue AR, the
Saving Throw versus Intimidation more wicked and murderous the character.
Unless they have the Skill, the character will
primarily use the Patience Attribute Roll as an irregular Saving Throw versus Temptation
Saving Throw versus Intimidation. It will determine if the
character can stand strong and stay focused on the real Unless they have no Sins, the character will use the
issue rather than succumb to the opponent’s Intimidation. Virtue Attribute Roll as an Irregular Saving Throw versus
Temptation. It will determine if the character can

Holy Lands 62 The Dark Ages

withstand the desire to succumb to one of their sinful Wisdom
The Wisdom Attribute reflects a character’s basic
ability to understand the behaviors, morals, and beliefs of
Gaining and Losing Virtue people and animals. Wisdom lets the character learn from
Virtue is the only one of the twelve Attributes that the consequences of his or her own actions in life as well as
can permanently increase or decrease mid-level (without from other people’s life.
reaching a new level) according to the character’s actions. Wisdom Rolls encompass the character’s ability to
This occurs when the character performs what one teach and learn that which the character could not learn by
considers a Feat of Blatant Evil or a Feat of Selfless Good. reading a book, such as identifying something by sound,
Characters can acquire and lose Sins according to the taste, or scent, recognizing someone’s emotions, and
Acquired Sins Table in the preceding chapter (see page 50 reading someone’s lips. It makes a person able to feel with
for details). Likewise, characters can gain more L.p. emotions, help comfort others, and instruct other people
according to the Attribute Bonus Table found on page 45 who are misguided.
when the Virtue Attribute increases. On the other hand,
the character will not lose L.p. if the Virtue AR decreases.
Intellect versus Wisdom
Deciding whether to use Intellect or Wisdom for an
Feats of Selfless Good can increase a Virtue Rating Attribute Roll may seem confusing at first because we have
by +1 by completing one of the following actions: If the always known them both to have similar meanings. In the
character valiantly risks death to save innocent NPC lives Holy Lands game, however, their applications are very
without reward; if the character takes great personal risk for distinct.
Intellect is used whenever the character is utilizing
another’s interests; or if they forsake great gain for an
information that can be learned from a book; typically, facts,
NPC’s slight gain. art, stories, or news that a person can easily transfer to
another person via writing.
Wisdom, on the other hand, utilizes information that is
Feats of Blatant Evil can permanently and difficult to communicate in writing and characters can only
immediately decrease a Virtue Rating by -1. Feats of learn by personal experiences, such as recognizing something
Blatant Evil include the character harming, torturing, or by how it smells, how it feels, or how it tastes. In addition,
killing an innocent person or animal, the character reading someone’s lips or sensing their body language is very
pillaging, looting, stealing from an innocent person, if they difficult to teach someone via writing. In fact, it is difficult
to teach at all. It requires the character to learn it based on
needlessly destroy an NPC’s property or goods, or if the
experience. Therefore, the character uses their Wisdom
character commits any High or Severe Crimes as written in
Attribute for related Attribute Rolls.
the Crime and Punishment section on page 290. In short, that which the character can learn from
reading or studying relates to the Intellect Attribute and that
which the character can only learn by personal experience
relates to Wisdom.

Attributes Bonus Table

Attribute Ratings
Attributes Affects: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Intellect Skills (any 2 as Gifts, Talents, or Crafts) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Memory Skills (any 2 as Gifts, Talents, or Crafts) +1 - +1 - +1 - +1 - +1
Wisdom Skill (any 1 as Gift, Talent, or Craft) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Agility AtR (any 1 W.S. as Gift, Talent, or Craft) +1 - +1 - +1 - +1 - +1
Strength Damage (all Weapon Skills- including +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
missile Weapon Skills)
Speed Dodge (all Weapon Skills) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Endurance Save vs.: Death & Poison (both) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Beauty No affect - - - - - - - - -
Charisma Negotiation, Persuasion, and Intimidation +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Skills (all)
Patience Skill (any 1 as Gift, Talent, or Craft) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Virtue L.p. (increase Maximum) +1d6 +1d4 +1d6 +1d4 +1d6 +1d4 +1d6 +1d4 +1d6
Faith F.p. (increase Maximum) +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4
Holy Lands 63 The Dark Ages
The Abilities
AM (Ability Marks)
that specializes in climbing surfaces beyond what characters
are able to scale with the Climb Ability.

The Abilities Jump, which is your character’s Ability to jump high and
far, is a combination of your character’s Agility and
A character’s Ability measures his or her basic skill Speed Attributes.
level at accomplishing tasks that are common to most
people at some level. Abilities that all characters have at You use the Jump Ability when your character is
some level are listed below: attempting to jump over something within his or her high
jump and long jump capability. See pages 39-40 for
details on high and long jumps. See also the Bounding
Perception, which is your character’s Ability to perceive Skill on how to improve the Jump Ability.
otherwise discreet activity, is a combination of your
character’s Intellect and Wisdom Attributes.
Balance, which is your character’s Ability to maintain
You would use the Perception Ability anytime some standing on shifting or narrow surfaces; is a
obvious activity could go unseen, unheard, or otherwise combination of your character’s Patience and Agility
unnoticed by the characters, such as a fight starting in a Attributes.
tavern. Note: Heightened Perception is a Skill that
specializes in noticing things that are not obvious, but are Your character’s Balance Ability represents how well
important to the character. The character must use he or she can maintain stability and steadiness on unstable
Heightened Perception when the Perception Ability is not surfaces. Players should roll a Balance Roll for every 10
specialized enough and, likewise use the Perception Ability feet of distance the character moves on the unsteady
when dealing with the obvious. surface (where applicable) or for every Round of time the
character remains on the surface if the surface is in
Search, which is your character’s Ability to find hidden
objects and compartments, is a combination of your
character’s Patience and Wisdom Attributes. Hide, which is your character’s Ability to make himself
or herself unseen, is a combination of your
Characters use their Search Ability when they are character’s Speed and Wisdom Attributes.
looking for something hidden within a room or area.
Search does not directly relate to the Perception Ability, Hide is the Ability that applies to the character who
which recognizes activity. You can roll the Search Ability is attempting to find a spot that would put them out of
per the size of area searched or per some amount of time; view from others and it also represents their ability to get to
the choice is up to the Rac and is based on the situation. it quickly. A Hide Roll should be rolled for each event that
the character

Climb, which is your character’s Ability to climb

normally climbable surfaces, is a combination of your
character’s Agility and Strength Attributes.
Characters use the Climb Ability when they are
AM (Ability Marks)
attempting to climb trees, hills, and rocks. You may make Each of your character’s Abilities has a corresponding
a Climb Roll per some amount of feet climbed (see the number that represents his or her Ability Mark (or AM
Climbing section on page 37 for climbing speeds). A failed for short). This AM is very similar to a Skill’s Difficulty
roll in most cases may have no real consequences except the Factor, which you can, in fact, use interchangeably where
time spent making little or no progress or the character appropriate. The AM number is the number that the
may fall- all determined by the Rac. Scale Walls is a Skill player must roll above with a d20 when his or her character

Holy Lands 64 The Dark Ages

is attempting to accomplish an Ability Roll. You use an same tree at night, during a terrible thunderstorm in the
Ability Roll (rolled with a d20) whenever the character is rain, the Rac could increase the Difficulty by +10. At
utilizing an Ability. some point, the Difficulty can increase beyond what the
character can achieve, which would simply require the
Like a Skill, it is necessary to increase the Difficulty
player to accept that and move on to something else.
of a task. For example, using the Search Ability to find a
sword in an average room would be a lot easier to achieve
than using the Ability to search for an unmemorable and Ability Mark Modifiers
obscure story in a library of books. However, unlike a
Skill, the Difficulty Factor is the AM of the Ability and Difficulty AM Increase
can vary from character to character. Simple/normal No difference†
Moderate +5
Difficult +10
Modifying Ability Marks Extreme +15

For situations that are more difficult than normal †

Indicates that any roll that is equal to or above the Ability Mark is
and the character must use an Ability Roll, the Rac may successful
increase the character’s AM by some number that
represents the increased Difficulty, in increments of 5.
For example, if a character attempted to climb a normal Like Skills, the AM increase can also mean the
tree, the player would roll an Ability Roll with a moderate necessary time to accomplish the Ability has increased as
Difficulty (or no change to the AM). However, if the same well. This may take the character twice the normal time to
character attempted to climb the same tree at night in the climb the tree if attempting it at night and three times the
dark, the Rac could increase the Difficulty to the next normal time if attempting it at night, during the
Difficulty level (or add +5 to the character’s current AM). thunderstorm.
Likewise, if the same character attempted to climb the

Character Classes
The Classes
Progressing a Character
Playing an Additional Character Class
Character Class Descriptions

The Classes
A player may choose from 18 Character Classes. Each Character Class has different strengths and weaknesses that
you will find within their Skills and Attribute Requirements. The purpose of choosing a Character Class is for you to
determine how your character will serve God and the church. Will your character be male or female? Will he or she be
aggressive and combative, such as a Knight, Saisier, or Warrior? On the other hand, will he or she be sneaky and elusive
like a Spy or Scout? Maybe you envision your character being more passive and mysterious, such as a Scholar or Healer.
The choice is yours and should be what you desire, not what others think you should be. The reason being that your
character’s main Character Class is the one that he or she is stuck with, even if gaining a secondary class. In other words,
adding a secondary Character Class only broadens your character’s main class. It does not switch the character’s occupation.

Holy Lands 65 The Dark Ages

modify your character’s Abilities if you have increased any of
Be sure you know about the following Attributes:

your character’s Attribute

Agility: lowers Climb, Jump, and Balance by 1
Requirements and Dual- Intellect: lowers Perception by 1
Patience: lowers Search and Balance by 1
Classing limitations before Speed: lowers Hide and Jump by 1
Strength: lowers Climb by 1
creating your character Wisdom: lowers Perception, Search, and Hide by 1

The Advantages 2. Increase any 3 Gifts: For a single-Classed character,

choose any three of your character’s Skills listed in their
Each of the Character Classes has one or more Gifts that will increase by +1 each. Weapon Skills are not
special privileges unique to that Character Class or few included in this step, but will increase in a following step.
other classes. They can use these in place of or add to an Note: If your character’s second Character Class has reached
Advantage, Attack, Dodge, or Defend action depending on a new level, instead increase any three Crafts by +1 each;
the Character Class. The Character Class descriptions these now act as your character’s Gifts. If you are
will explain this further in the Advantages section. In progressing your character’s original Character Class,
addition, some Character Classes gain a secondary special increase any three Gifts by +1 each.
advantage that this section also describes. See the
Character Class Description of the character you would
like to play for details on their advantages. 3. Increase any 2 Talents: Choose any two of your
character’s Skills listed in their Talents that will increase by
+1 each. Weapon Skills are not included in this step, but
The Limitations will increase in a following step. If your character has
reached Level 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15, you may add one new Skill
Like the character’s advantages, the class may also or Weapon Skill as a Talent from your character’s Class
come with some limitations. This may be in the form of description. Note: For Dual-Classed characters, the above
weapon or armor restrictions or some other limitation. step does not change except you may only add new Skills and
These restrictions require the player to conform to these Weapon Skills at Level 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15 from the Talents
in game play or risk suffering the Experience points list of the Class that has just reached a new level.
earned for playing in character.

4. Increase any 2 Crafts: For a single-classed character,

choose two of your character’s Skills listed in their Crafts
Progressing a Character that will increase by +1 each. Weapon Skills are not
included in this step, but will increase in a following step.
Note: If your character’s second Character Class has reached
Upon reaching a new level, you will increase
a new level, increase one Gift by +1; instead Gifts now act
different areas of your character. Use the following guide
as your character’s Crafts. If you are progressing your
for reference. If you are increasing a Dual-Classed
character’s original Character Class, increase any two Crafts
character, which is a character who has added a second
by +1 each.
Character Class to the original, see the Notes of each
step. You will be using these to progress your character
in conjunction with the regular steps.
5. Increase all W.S. as Gifts: For a single-Classed
character, all Weapon Skills (W.S.) listed under your
character’s Gifts, you can apply a +1 to any three Combat
1. Increase any 2 Attributes: be sure that you only
actions for that Weapon Skill. Only if your character has
increase any two Attributes by a maximum of +1 each.
reached Level 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15, you must place one of the
You cannot apply +2 to one Attribute. If any Attribute
+1 Bonuses on the AtR for that Weapon Skill; the other
Ratings has reached 8 or higher, refer to the Attributes
two can be placed on any two other actions within the
Bonus Table on page 63 to see what areas of your
Weapon Skill. Note: If your character’s second Character
character may be enhanced. Remember that some
Class has reached a new level, add +1 to any three Combat
Attributes affect Abilities. Use the following list to

Holy Lands 66 The Dark Ages

actions for all Weapon Skills listed in your character’s
Life points increase per Character Class
Crafts (which are now acting as your character’s Gifts).
If your second Class has reached Level 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15, Character Class L.p. Progression
you must place one of the +1 Bonuses on the AtR for Archer 2d6/level
that Weapon Skill; the other two can be placed on any Bard 2d6/level
two other actions within the Weapon Skill. If you are Bowman 2d6/level
progressing the original Character Class, follow the Chancellor 2d6/level
instructions for a single-Classed character. Chapman 2d6/level
Cleric 2d6/level
Devil Hunter 2d6/level
6. Increase all W.S. as Talents: For all Weapon Healer 2d4/level
Skills (W.S.) listed under your character’s Talents, you Jester 2d6/level
can apply a +1 to any two Combat actions for that Knight 2d8/level
Weapon Skill. Only if your character has reached Level Saint 2d4/level
4, 8, or 12, you must place one of the +1 Bonuses on Saisier 2d8/level
the AtR for that Weapon Skill; the other +1 can be Scholar 2d6/level
placed on any other action within the Weapon Skill. If Scout 2d6/level
your character has reached Level 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15, you Soldier 2d8/level
may add one new Talent or Weapon Skill from your Spy 2d6/level
character’s Class description. Note: For Dual-Classed Voyager 2d6/level
characters, the above step does not change except you Warrior 2d8/level
may only add new Skills and Weapon Skills at Level 3,
6, 9, 12, or 15 from the Talents list of the Class that has
just reached the new level. 9. Increase maximum Faith points: For Character
Classes that are able to perform Miracles, use the following
table to increase your character’s maximum F.p. When your
7. Increase all W.S. as Crafts: For a single-Classed character’s maximum F.p. increase, any Faith points that
character, all Weapon Skills (W.S.) listed under your your character may have used, you may increase those by the
character’s Crafts, you can apply a +1 to any one same amount. Note: For Dual-Classed characters, you must
Combat action for that Weapon Skill. Only if your increase your character’s Life points based on the Class that
character has reached Level 5, 10, or 15, you must place has just reached a new level.
the +1 Bonuses on the AtR for that Weapon Skill; no
other Bonuses are applied. Note: If your character’s
second Character Class has reached a new level, add +1
to any one Combat action for all Weapon Skills listed
Faith points increase by Character Class
under your character’s Gifts (which are now acting as
your character’s Crafts). If your second Class has reached
Character Class F.p. Progression
Level 5, 10, or 15, you must place one of the +1
Bard 2d4/level
Bonuses on the AtR for that Weapon Skill; no other Cleric 2d6/level
Bonuses are applied. If you are progressing the original Devil Hunter 2d4/level
Character Class, follow the instructions for a single- Healer 2d8/level
Classed character. Saint 2d8/level
All others 1 F.p./level
8. Increase maximum Life points: Use the following
table to increase your character’s maximum Life points.
When your character’s maximum L.p. increase, any Life
points that your character may have lost, you may
increase those by the same amount. Note: For Dual-
A character is built on what
Classed characters, you must increase your character’s
Life points based on the Class that has just reached a new
you stand for – a reputation on
level. what you fall for

Holy Lands 67 The Dark Ages

Playing an Additional Dual-class Limitations

Character Class Primary

Add Second Character Class
No limitations†
Bard No limitations†
A character begins as only one Character Class, Bowman No limitations†
which is and will remain the main occupation of the Chancellor Knight only
character. Upon reaching a new level, you may add up to Chapman No limitations†
one other Character Class to enhance your character’s Cleric Knight or Saint only
knowledge and Skills. If your character takes on another Devil Hunter Cleric, Knight, Saint, or Warrior only
class, you would call this Dual-Classing. Healer Saint only
Jester No limitations†
There are advantages and disadvantages to Dual- Knight Cannot Dual-Class
Classing. The advantages may be obvious: your character Saint Cannot Dual-Class
gains more Skills, Weapons Skills, and may increase in Saisier No limitations†
Life points or Faith points faster. One of the main Scholar No limitations†
disadvantages is that your character overall progresses Scout No limitations†
slower because you must now distribute Experience points Soldier Knight, Archer, or Chancellor only
between two Classes. This means that if you would like Spy No limitations†
to progress both Classes evenly, you must distribute Voyager No limitations†
Experience points evenly, thus causing your character to Warrior No limitations†
progress half as fast as he or she does as one Character
† indicates that this class can Dual-Class with any other Character Class
Class. See the section under the heading Progressing
as long as the character meets the Attribute Requirements for the
Dual Classes on page 69 for more details. new Class

Changing Over
When a character reaches a new level, the player may
Note to the Rac: If you can, work out a quick
scenario that illustrates how a character has just acquired add a new Character Class to the character if he or she
their second Character Class. It does not have to be desires. The Rac should incorporate a character gaining a
formal or even time consuming to the game, unless you are new Character Class into the storyline if possible. By doing
at a point in the adventure where it is not hindering the this, the Rac adds more realism and dimension to the
momentum. You can have the character be absent from character’s new type of livelihood. The following list
the party, learning the new occupation for a time while the describes the steps that you will take to add a second
others are resting or meandering around a town. If time Character Class to your current character.
does not permit this scenario, you may communicate that
the character had visited some guild a while ago to learn
the Skills and has been practicing ever since. The character Step 1: Increase the Current Character Class
has now reached a point in his or her life where the Skills
are now efficient. The opportunity is yours; but this may First, make sure that you have increased your character
be a significant piece of the character’s history, which you based on the following section entitled Progressing a
may be able to use as subplot for a future storyline. Character. After this progression, your character’s Life
points and other areas will remain unchanged until the next
level. In other words, adding a second Character Class does
One Character Class cannot Dual-Class at all and not affect some areas of a character until one of the Classes
some may only Dual-Class with specific other Character reaches a new level.
Classes. Use the following table to determine if your
character can Dual-Class and with which classes. Be sure Step 2: Dual-Class Limitations
you are aware of this information before you create your
character. Then, make sure your character can Dual-Class with
the desired Class. See the Dual-Class Limitations table above
for this information.

Holy Lands 68 The Dark Ages

Step 3: Attribute Requirements Step 6: Possessions
Next, make sure that your current character meets All of the character’s possessions remain unchanged.
the Attribute Requirements of the desired Class. See the The player adds no gold, silver, weapons, equipment, food, or
specific Character Class Description for this information. armor to their character by gaining a second Character Class.
The character must acquire these items through game play.
If it is befitting to an adventure, the Rac may allow the
Step 4: Skills character to receive some necessary items at the time, such as
Next, add the Gifts of the new Character Class to granting a Knight his new horse, or granting a Saint a new
the Crafts section of your current character. This step crucifix.
represents that your character has now acquired all the
necessary Skills of the new Character Class. Players
Step 7: Progressing the Dual-Classed
must write all of the second Character Class’s Gifts in the
Crafts section of the Character Sheet and begin them Character
with a +2 Proficiency Bonus. When this Dual-Classed character receives Experience
If the character acquires Weapon Skills in this step, points, the player must apply them to either one of the two
use the following one for direction. Classes in any combination. For example, if the character
receives a thousand Experience points for an adventure, the
Note: if your character already has a Gift of the player can apply five hundred of them to the original
new Character Class, do not add it again or move the Character Class and five hundred to the new, or two hundred
current one. You may, however, choose any new Skill to the new one and eight hundred to the old one, or none to
from the new Character Class’s list of Talents or Crafts the new one and all to the old one, etc.
in place of the Gift your character already has.
It is important that the player declare which Character
Class will receive the points each time the Rac awards them.
Step 5: Weapon Skills Each of the two Character Classes progress differently with
Gifts, Crafts, Life points, and Weapon Skills, among other
Any Weapon Skills that the character gains from
things, and the player must do so based on the previous
the previous step, the player would write in the Crafts
Progressing a Character section of this chapter. That way, the
section of the Character Sheet but are treated as Gifts.
player increases the Character Class that has reached a new
In other words, the player may apply a +1 to any three
level according to how the section directs.
Combat actions (except AtR) for the corresponding
Weapon Skill.

Character Class Descriptions

The following pages outline the major characteristics that make a Character Class unique. However, there are many
things that each character will have in common, such as being human, being Christian, and having a purpose that God
expects them to fulfill. Other things that may be common but not common to all characters are salaries, attitude
dispositions, and family backgrounds. These are all for you to decide and work out with the Raconteur.
Your character may be an official employee of the church or of a guild. He or she may have a regular salary in which
your character receives just for protecting someone or some place of value. Maybe your character is a bounty hunter type, or
a spy for the church who the king or other official pays to return information. Maybe your character will have a house that
he or she lives in with parents who are dying. Your character can be a “good Samaritan” within his or her community.
Maybe your character is so short, tall, ugly, skinny, fat, or physically disfigured that he or she is considered a freak to
neighbors. Maybe he or she is a hero or someone who has a sworn enemy.
The opportunities are endless and are for you to determine. If the Rac OK’s it, then consider it done. Play your
character any way you like, but have fun and let the other players have fun. As intense and strategic as Holy Lands may be,
it is still a game. Remember this as you play your character. You are free to play your character how you would like.

Holy Lands 69 The Dark Ages

The Archer
“As the sun is to the day and the moon to the night, so is the bow to my verity.”

Playing the Archer

Name Titles
The Archer Character Class is a military-trained “Sir…” for males
soldier who has learned the ways of battle archery. In
addition, the royal military trains their archers to be “Lady…” for females
Skilled in many things; namely, the ways of heraldry,
riding a horse, and performing medical procedures on the
wounded, among other things. However, their greatest
asset will always be their skilled use of the short bow and


Combat Special
The Archer’s Special Combat action is the ability to
perform a Skill Shot, which takes time to focus and aim
well. By carefully setting sights on a target and taking the
time, the Archer adds their Special Bonus to the Attack
and Damage Rolls for that shot. The time required is one
full Round, yet before the Round is over, the arrow is let
fly. In other words, the Archer can only have the one Skill
Shot in that Round and it must be the last action taken
within the Round. The Archer cannot Dodge or take
Damage in the same Round as they were to attempt the
Skill shot, or the shot will not be possible.


Armor Restrictions
The Archer prefers the use of leather and heavy
leather armors unless trained in the Skill of Use Metal
Armor, in which case they are not limited.

Weapon Restrictions
The Archer prefers not to waste the time learning the
use of the Heavy Arms, Paired Weapons, Shield Play, or
Kick Attack Weapon Skills, as it would tie up too much
time to learn a hobby that ultimately takes the bow away.

Holy Lands 70 The Dark Ages

The Archer
Creating the Archer
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements
You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Strength: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Agility: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Thrown
Heraldry Initial Equipment
Medical Longbow & 12 Arrows (3d8 Damage)
Targeting Leather Jerkin (AP: Chest; DEF: +2)
Weaponry Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
W.S. Longbows Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
W.S. Light Missiles Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
2d6 Food Rations
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Critical Strike Progressing the Archer
HP – Sight Experience points
Land Navigation
Mounted Combat The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Political Science attain each new level.
Profile Area 1. 0
Read/Write 2. 1,850
Use Metal Armor 3. 3,700
4. 7,030
5. 11,470
6. 17,020
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills 7. 23,680
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to 8. 31,450
the right: 9. 40,330
Archeology 10. 50,320
Biblical Studies 11. 61,420
Carpentry 12. 73,630
Comedy 13. 86,950
Creep 14. 101,380
Fishing 15. 116,920
Repair Armor At each level
Speak Additional Language To increase your character at each new level, see the
Track Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 71 The Dark Ages

The Bard
“As pale is the world wrought with magic, thrice more is a world without the grace of a skillfully woven tale.”

Playing the Bard

The Bard thrives and survives (quite well if
accomplished) on the power of music. The Bard is skilled
in the ways of entertainment. From stage acting to music
to storytelling, the Bard is a social necessity. He or she has
the duty and the responsibility to vibrantly pass on the tales
of the brave and other heroic events.

Combat Special
The Bard’s Special Combat action is the ability to
perform a Critical Dodge, which allows the character to
add their Special Bonus to their Dodge Roll when forfeiting
the Advantage. This ability gives the Bard a significantly
higher chance to Dodge than the average character.


Armor Restrictions
The Bard prefers the use of fine clothing or perhaps
decorative leatherwear. The Bard will not wear metal
armor or any armor that is more for function than it is for

Weapon Restrictions
The Bard prefers not to pursue a career of fighting
but rather a career of social and economic influence.
Therefore, the Bard cares to learn only the Weapon Skills
that allow them to attack from a distance (W.S. Thrown
and Light Missiles) or offer protection (W.S. Shield Play).

Name Titles
“Sir…” for males
“Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 72 The Dark Ages

The Bard
Creating the Bard
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements
You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Intellect: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Beauty: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Light Missiles
Gifts W.S. Thrown
W.S. Shield Play
HP – Hearing Initial Equipment
Play Wind or Stringed Instrument (Choose one)
Read/Write Dagger (2d6 Damage)
Singing Decorative Tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1)
Storytelling Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Talents Mandolin or Flute
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills 2d6 Food Rations
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Crafting Progressing the Bard
Miracles- Holy Songs
Experience points
Negotiation The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Persuasion attain each new level.
Play Wind or Stringed Instrument (choose one) 1. 0
Ventriloquism 2. 1,950
3. 3,900
4. 7,410
Crafts 5. 11,850
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills 6. 17,400
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to 7. 24,060
the right: 8. 31,830
Creep 9. 40,710
Impersonate 10. 50,700
Juggling 11. 61,800
Play Percussion Instrument 12. 74,010
Political Science 13. 87,330
Public Speaking 14. 101,760
Read/Write Additional Language 15. 117,300
Sign Language
Sleight of Hand
Speak Additional Language At each level
Tumbling To increase your character at each new level, see the
Twirl Object
Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 73 The Dark Ages

The Bowman
“The nock and flight of a feathered arrow shall mark the final breath of my prey.”
Skill shot, or the shot will not be possible.
Playing the Bowman
The Bowman Character Class is a hunter and a
skilled woodsman. He or she is at home in the depths of
the forest and comfortable in the high mountains. They
often company with other bowmen or people of the forest,
as they are not as comfortable in the cities. Limitations

Advantages Armor Restrictions

The Bowman only wears armor of leather and heavy
Combat Special leather armors and would never wear metal armor, as it
would hinder their ability to sneak up on their prey.
Like the Archer, the Bowman’s Special Combat
action is the ability to perform a Skill Shot, which takes
time to focus and aim well. By carefully setting sights on a Weapon Restrictions
target and taking the time, the Bowman adds their Special The Bowman prefers the use of
Bonus to the Attack and Damage Rolls for that shot. the bow to any other weapon but may
The time required is one full Round, yet before also learn other of the more basic
the Round is over, the arrow is let fly. In Weapon Skills.
other words, the Bowman can only have
the one Skill Shot in that Round and it
must be the last action taken within the Name Titles
Round. The Bowman cannot Dodge or
take Damage in the same Round as they “Sir…” for males
were to “Lady…”
attempt the for females

Holy Lands 74 The Dark Ages

The Bowman
Creating the Bowman
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Agility: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Speed: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Kick Attack
W.S. Light Arms
Gifts W.S. Thrown

Animal Science
Land Navigation Initial Equipment
Profile Area
Targeting Longbow and 12 Arrows (3d8 Damage each)
Track Leather Jerkin (AP: Chest; DEF: +2)
W.S. Longbows Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
W.S. Light Missiles Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Talents 2d6 Food Rations

Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills

from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Herbal Science Progressing the Bowman
HP – Sight Experience points
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Mimic Animal Sounds
Nightvision attain each new level.
Poison Science 1. 0
Shadow 2. 2,100
3. 4,200
4. 7,980
Crafts 5. 12,420
6. 17,970
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
7. 24,630
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
8. 32,400
the right:
Animal Handling 9. 41,280
Bounding 10. 51,270
Biblical Studies 11. 62,370
Earth Science 12. 74,580
Fishing 13. 87,900
HP – Hearing 14. 102,330
Light Sleep 15. 117,870
Rope Works
Speak Additional Language
At each level
Swimming To increase your character at each new level, see the
Trap Works Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 75 The Dark Ages

The Chancellor
“Know thee who I am, for I am a chancellor to the king of this land.”

Playing the Chancellor

Chancellors are noble ambassadors to the king of his
or her native land. At lower levels, they have no real power
of government besides being noble, which is a class above
common citizens. Nevertheless, Chancellors are
responsible to uphold the laws of the land and report the
goings-on that they observe. This report is often directly or
indirectly to the king or other high governing official of the


Combat Special
The Chancellor’s Special Combat action is the ability
to perform Critical Advantage, which allows the
Chancellor to apply their Special Bonus the Advantage
Roll. To achieve a Critical Advantage, the Chancellor
must Dodge or Defend all the Attacks of an opponent for
one full Round. By doing so, the Chancellor gains the
Bonus on the following Round’s Advantage Roll.


Armor Restrictions
The Chancellor prefers the use of fine clothing or
perhaps decorative leatherwear. Like the Bard, the
Chancellor will not wear metal armor or any armor that is
more for function than it is for appearance.

Weapon Restrictions
Being a very “international” character, Chancellors
have encountered many weapon types. They are able to
learn the Whips Weapon Skill along with other common
ones. They prefer not using Heavy Arms because it is not
proper for a chancellor to encumber themselves with large

Name Titles
“Lord…” for males
“Fair Maid…” for females

Holy Lands 76 The Dark Ages

The Chancellor
Creating the Chancellor
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements
You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Charisma: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Intellect: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Light Missiles
Gifts W.S. Thrown
W.S. Shield Play
W.S. Whips
Political Science Initial Equipment
Read/Write Long Dagger (2d8 Damage)
Speak Additional Language Fine Tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1)
Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Talents Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
4d6 Food Rations
the right:
Biblical Studies
Costume Progressing the Chancellor
Earth Science Experience points
Identify Holy Symbols The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Medical attain each new level.
Public Speaking 1. 0
2. 1,900
3. 3,800
Crafts 4. 7,220
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills 5. 11,660
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to 6. 17,210
the right: 7. 23,870
Archeology 8. 31,640
Creep 9. 40,520
Juggling 10. 50,510
Land Navigation 11. 61,610
Play Stringed Instrument 12. 73,820
Play Wind Instrument 13. 87,140
Profile Character 14. 101,570
Read/Write Additional Language 15. 117,110
Sign Language
Signaling At each level
To increase your character at each new level, see the
Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 77 The Dark Ages

The Chapman
“Nay, friend; a full purse alone is not the prize, but a full purse after the taxman cometh.”

Playing the Chapman

Chapmen are merchants and peddlers who make a
living from their own craft. They are able to create and sell
wares made by their own hands, and in turn use the coin to
produce more wares to sell again; gaining profit from the
skill of their own work.


Combat Special
The Chapman’s Special Combat action is the ability
to perform a Determined Advantage, which allows the
Chapman to apply their Special Bonus to the Advantage
automatically whenever he or she has forfeited the
Advantage against the same opponent previously.


Armor Restrictions
A Chapman may wear any
armor he or she desires,
however, they are not skilled in
the use of wearing heavier armor
initially. Therefore, they may learn
the Skill (Use Heavy Armor) later if
they elect.

Weapon Restrictions
The Chapman prefers not to have heavier items
that they cannot sell bog them down. Therefore, they
tend to use lighter arms and sell the heavier arms.

Name Titles
“Sir…” for males
“Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 78 The Dark Ages

The Chapman
Creating the Chapman
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Intellect: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Charisma: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Light Missiles
Gifts W.S. Thrown
W.S. Shield Play
Identify Holy Symbols Initial Equipment
Read Runes
Negotiation Dagger (2d6 Damage)
Profile Character Tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1)
Weaponry Cloak
Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Talents Pouch of 3d6 Gold, 3d12 Silver
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills 2d6 Food Rations
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Fine Crafting Progressing the Chapman
Horsemanship Experience points
Political Science
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Repair Armor attain each new level.
Sewing/Tailor 1. 0
2. 1,850
3. 3,700
Crafts 4. 7,030
5. 11,470
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
6. 17,020
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
7. 23,680
the right:
8. 31,450
Biblical Studies
Cobbler 9. 40,330
Creep 10. 50,320
Cult Knowledge 11. 61,420
Dance 12. 73,630
Juggling 13. 86,950
Persuasion 14. 101,380
Play Wind Instrument 15. 116,920
Speak Additional Language
Trap Works
At each level
Twirl Object To increase your character at each new level, see the
Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 79 The Dark Ages

The Cleric
“Blessed is he who doth oppose the Devil with a great fury.”

Playing the Cleric

The Cleric is a member of workers for a church or
monastery (which the player should specify at character
creation). Clerics are fighting priests who can perform
Miracles at will, unlike the normal priests of a church.


Combat Special
The Cleric gains the Critical Defend, which he or
she can use as the Special Combat action. Critical Defend
allows the Cleric to apply the Special Bonus to the normal
Defend Bonus for his or her first Defend in any Combat

Special Miracle Abilities

At the cost of no Faith points, the Cleric is able to
heal himself or someone else one time per day per level.
This healing requires the Cleric’s touch and restores
1d6+1 L.p. per level of experience.


Armor Restrictions
The Cleric can acquire the Skill of Use Metal Armor,
however, until then, he or she prefers the use of leather

Weapon Restrictions
The Cleric will never use a weapon created for the
primary function of drawing blood. Therefore, he or she
can only wield or throw blunt weapons, such as the mace,
flail, or morningstar; or else they will lose all Miracle-
performing abilities for 1d4 days per Attack.

Name Titles
“Brother…” or “Father…” for males
“Sister…” or “Mother…” for females

Holy Lands 80 The Dark Ages

The Cleric
Creating the Cleric
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Wisdom: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Faith: 5 W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Thrown
W.S. Shield Play
Biblical Studies Initial Equipment
Identify Holy Symbols Mace (2d10 Damage)
Medical Tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1)
Miracles – Clerical Cape
Preach Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Read/Write Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Talents 2d6 Food Rations

Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills

from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Diffuse Hostility
Empower Crucifix Progressing the Cleric
Presence Experience points
Public Speaking
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Read Runes
Read/Write Additional Language attain each new level.
Singing 1. 0
Use Metal Armor 2. 2,000
3. 4,000
4. 7,600
Crafts 5. 12,040
6. 17,590
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
7. 24,250
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
8. 32,020
the right:
Creatures and Beasts 9. 40,900
Creep 10. 50,890
Diffuse Hostility 11. 61,990
Devil Lore 12. 74,200
Edify 13. 87,520
Heraldry 14. 101,950
Herbal Science 15. 117,490
Miracles - Healing
Play Wind Instrument
Read/Write Ancient Languages
At each level
Speak Additional Language To increase your character at each new level, see the
Storytelling Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 81 The Dark Ages

The Devil Hunter
“I feel some condolence; for today is a day of much pain for the devil who meets my sword.”

Playing the Devil Hunter

The Devil Hunter is a renegade warrior who is hell-
bent on righteous anger against the demonic world. This
Class has devoted its life to proactively ridding the known
world of any demonic creature it should encounter-


Combat Special
The Devil Hunter gains the Providence as the
Special Combat action. The player does not roll for this
Special, instead the Bonuses are automatically added to any
and all Combat actions the character engages in against a
demon or devil only.

Special Miracle Abilities

If the player chooses the Miracles- Clerical Skill, the
Devil Hunter gains the ability to perform any one Clerical
Miracle he or she chooses at Level 1, and add the
knowledge of another Clerical Miracle at each new level.


Armor Restrictions
Because the Devil Hunter does not want to sacrifice
his or her ability to sneak up on their prey, they prefer to
wear lighter armor, as opposed to any metal armor.

Weapon Restrictions
The Devil Hunter is not restricted from using and
therefore learning any Weapon Skill, although they are
limited to certain types at Level 1.

Name Titles
“Sir…” for males
“Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 82 The Dark Ages

The Devil Hunter
Creating the Devil Hunter
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Strength: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Wisdom: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Heavy Arms
W.S. Thrown
Gifts W.S. Shield Play

Cult Knowledge
Demonology Initial Equipment
Identify Holy Symbols
Read Runes Broadsword (2d10 Damage)
Speak Ancient Languages Leather jerkin (AP: Chest; DEF: +2)
W.S. Light Arms Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
W.S. Light Missiles Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Talents 2d6 Food Rations

Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills

from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Biblical Studies
Creatures and Beasts
Creep Progressing the Devil Hunter
Devil Lore
Herbal Science Experience points
HP – Hearing
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
HP – Sight
Nightvision attain each new level.
Identify Spells/Curses 1. 0
Read/Write 2. 2,000
3. 4,000
4. 7,600
Crafts 5. 12,040
6. 17,590
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
7. 24,250
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
8. 32,020
the right:
Archeology 9. 40,900
Intimidation 10. 50,890
Land Navigation 11. 61,990
Light Sleep 12. 74,200
Miracles – Clerical 13. 87,520
Profile Area 14. 101,950
Repair Armor 15. 117,490
Speak Additional Language
Subversive Intelligence
Swimming At each level
Track To increase your character at each new level, see the
Trap Works Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 83 The Dark Ages

The Healer
“The greatest gift one can give is the strength of life.”

Playing the Healer

The Healer is a member of the clergy who specializes
in the power of healing Miracles. This Class is able to
perform Healing Miracle at half the F.p. cost. For
performing their life-giving services, a Healer can earn (or
cost) a great deal of money, which is considered a donation
or sacrifice to further the purpose of the church.


Combat Special
As their Special Combat action, the Healer gains the
Critical Dodge, which allows the Healer to apply the
Special Bonus to the normal Dodge Bonus for his or her
first Dodge in any Combat Round.

Special Miracle Abilities

At the cost of zero Faith points, the Healer is able to
restore her or someone else’s Life points in an instant once
per day (requires touch); thus restoring any lost L.p.


Armor Restrictions
Due to the Healer’s devotion to opposing that which
takes life, he or she cannot ever wear anything that is
Combat-related, including any kind of armor. Therefore,
the Healer is limited to wearing only robes.

Weapon Restrictions
The Healer cannot ever use anything that has a
primary function of causing Damage, which limits them to
the use of a staff only.

Name Titles
“Brother…” for males
“Sister…” for females

Holy Lands 84 The Dark Ages

The Healer
Creating the Healer
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Faith: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Patience: 5 W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Thrown

Initial Equipment
Biblical Studies
Diffuse Hostility Staff (1d12 Damage)
HP – Touch Heavy Robe (AP: Chest/Legs; DEF: +3)
Medical Sandals (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Meditation Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Miracles – Healing Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Preach 2d6 Food Rations

Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right: Progressing the Healer
Demonology Experience points
Diffuse Violence
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Empower Crucifix attain each new level.
Herbal Science 1. 0
Identify Holy Symbols 2. 2,000
Read Runes 3. 4,000
Read/Write 4. 7,600
Restoration 5. 12,040
6. 17,590
7. 24,250
Crafts 8. 32,020
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills 9. 40,900
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to 10. 50,890
the right: 11. 61,990
Archeology 12. 74,200
Speak Additional Language 13. 87,520
Creep 14. 101,950
Cult Knowledge 15. 117,490
Land Navigation
At each level
Miracles – Clerical To increase your character at each new level, see the
Play Wind Instrument Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.
Poison Science

Holy Lands 85 The Dark Ages

The Jester
“Once before one laughs twice, ‘tis twice as nice to at him laugh thrice.”

Playing the Jester

Historically, the Jester was insane and therefore used
as entertainment before royalty. You may like to play your
Jester as such or simply as one who acts insane before his
or her audience. After all, a Jester’s physical abilities can
make a lot of gold when used as entertainment.


Combat Special
As their Special Combat action, the Jester gains the
Critical Stumble, which allows them to apply the Bonus
of the Special to the first Dodge in their Combat
Round. This stumble is representative of them
using their clumsiness as a benefit.


Armor Restrictions
Because the Jester desires to remain limber
and unencumbered, he or she will never wear
heavier armor, unless it is for a comedic

Weapon Restrictions
Rather than fight toe-to-toe, the Jester
prefers the use of lighter arms so he or she can
“dance” around the opponent in an acrobatic way;
thus, toying with them.

Name Titles
“Sir…” or “Herald…” for males
“Lady…” or “Lady Herald…” for females

Holy Lands 86 The Dark Ages

The Jester
Creating the Jester
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Agility: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Charisma: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Kick Attack
W.S. Light Arms
Gifts W.S. Light Missiles
W.S. Thrown
Comedy Initial Equipment
Sleight of Hand Dagger (2d6 Damage)
Tumbling Tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1)
Twirl Object Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Talents Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
2d6 Food Rations
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Impersonate Progressing the Jester
Play Percussion Instrument
Play Stringed Instrument Experience points
Play Wind Instrument
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Public Speaking
Singing attain each new level.
Ventriloquism 1. 0
2. 1,950
3. 3,900
Crafts 4. 7,410
5. 11,850
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
6. 17,400
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
7. 24,060
the right:
8. 31,830
Breakfall 9. 40,710
Creep 10. 50,700
Heraldry 11. 61,800
Heights 12. 74,010
Profile Character 13. 87,330
Read/Write 14. 101,760
Roll with Blows 15. 117,300
Rope Works
Speak Additional Language
At each level
Storytelling To increase your character at each new level, see the
Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 87 The Dark Ages

The Knight
“I vow my sword and therefore my life to my king and my God.”

Playing the Knight

The Knight is a noble warrior who will sacrifice
everything to uphold his or her honor, defend the weak,
and pursue that which is virtuous, defending the Christian
church unto death.
A player may be one of two types of knights: a knight
errant or a paladin. The difference is that a paladin works
more closely with his or her king, and a knight-errant
wanders the lands seeking justice.


Combat Special
As their Special Combat action, the Knight gains
Judgment, which allows them to apply the Bonus of the
Special to all Attack Rolls after the first in their Combat
Round is successful.

Special Miracle Abilities

When the Knight’s Virtue AR reaches 10 or higher,
he or she gains the ability to heal, and can restore 2d6+2
L.p. one time per day per two levels of experience to
himself or to another. It costs no F.p. but the Knight
must touch the person he or she is healing.


Armor Restrictions
There are no armor restrictions for the Knight.

Weapon Restrictions
The Knight will only engage in honorable Combat;
therefore, he or she will only use weapons of close range.
The Knight will not use missile or thrown weapons.

Name Titles
“Lord…” or “Sir…” for males
“Fair Lady…” or “Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 88 The Dark Ages

The Knight
Creating the Knight
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Virtue: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Strength: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Kick Attack
W.S. Heavy Arms
Gifts W.S. Paired Weapons

Heraldry Initial Equipment
Use Metal Armor Broadsword (2d10 Damage)
Weaponry Small Shield (+3 Defend; 1d8 Damage)
W.S. Light Arms Chain Jerkin (AP: Chest; DEF: +4)
W.S. Shield Play Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Talents Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
2d6 Food Rations
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills Riding Horse or Falcon (choose one)
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Biblical Studies
Light Sleep
Mounted Combat Progressing the Knight
Political Science
Presence Experience points
Profiling Tactics
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Repair Armor attain each new level.
Siege Engines 1. 0
2. 2,050
3. 4,100
Crafts 4. 7,790
5. 12,230
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
6. 17,780
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
7. 24,440
the right:
8. 32,210
Creep 9. 41,090
Dance 10. 51,080
Identify Holy Symbols 11. 62,180
Land Navigation 12. 74,390
Mechanics 13. 87,710
Profile Area 14. 102,140
Profile Character 15. 117,680
Public Speaking
Speak Additional Language
At each level
Storytelling To increase your character at each new level, see the
Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 89 The Dark Ages

The Saint
“My eyes are ever toward the Lord.”

Playing the Saint

The Saint is the character who has forsaken nearly
everything of the world in order to wield the power of God,
which can only come by such faith. He or she has given up
relying on strength and might to receive the blessing of
supernatural powers. By these Miracles, the Saint lives and


Combat Special
As their Special Combat action, the Saint gains the
Critical Dodge, which allows the Saint to apply the
Special Bonus to the normal Dodge Bonus for his or her
first Dodge in any Combat Round.

Special Miracle Abilities

At the cost of no Faith points, the Saint is able to
illuminate any crucifix he or she holds in-hand. As long as
the Saint holds the crucifix, the pleasant luminescence will
emit up to a 30-foot radius around the Saint.


Armor Restrictions
Due to the Saint’s devotion to things above this
world, he or she would never wear anything that one would
wear as protection from physical harm, including any kind
of armor. Therefore, the Saint is limited to wearing robes.

Weapon Restrictions
The Saint cannot ever use anything that has a
primary function of causing Damage, which limits them to
the use of a staff only.

Name Titles
“Brother…” for males
“Sister…” for females

Holy Lands 90 The Dark Ages

The Saint
Creating the Saint
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Faith: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Wisdom: 5 W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Thrown
W.S. Kick Attack
Biblical Studies Initial Equipment
Empower Crucifix
Intuition Staff (1d12 Damage)
Medical Light Robe (AP: Chest; DEF: +2)
Meditation Sandals (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Miracles – Clerical Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Miracles – High Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
2d6 Food Rations
Wooden Crucifix
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Diffuse Hostility Progressing the Saint
Divine Insight
HP – Touch Experience points
Identify Holy Symbols
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Read Runes
Preach attain each new level.
Read/Write 1. 0
Restoration 2. 2,100
Sense Pursuit/Target 3. 4,200
4. 7,980
5. 12,420
Crafts 6. 17,970
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills 7. 24,630
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to 8. 32,400
the right: 9. 41,280
Animal Science 10. 51,270
Carpentry 11. 62,370
Creep 12. 74,580
Miracles – Healing 13. 87,900
Play Stringed Instrument 14. 102,330
Play Wind Instrument 15. 117,870
Singing At each level
Speak Additional Language To increase your character at each new level, see the
Storytelling Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.
Twirl Object

Holy Lands 91 The Dark Ages

The Saisier
“Some only dream of knowing their opponent, while others study fist first.”

Playing the Saisier

The Saisier (pronounced say-zeer) is a powerful
martial artist skilled in the use of the hands and feet as
deadly weapons. The weaponless fighting skills of the
Saisier are comparable to most opponents with a weapon,
and he or she feels no uneasiness when unarmed. In fact,
the Saisier feels more comfortable without the cumbrance
of a weapon.
Though the Saisier have knowledge of the “eastern”
(ancient Chinese and Japanese) style arts, they do not
subscribe to their religion and philosophy. The Saisier are
elite martial artists who have adapted the eastern physical
aspects of the arts to the western (European) faith and style
of worship.


Combat Special
As their Special Combat action, the Saisier gains the
Critical Advantage, which allows the Saisier to apply the
Special Bonus to the normal Advantage for his or her first
Advantage Roll in any Combat Round.


Armor Restrictions
The Saisier will never wear armor heavier than leather
due to the weight and hindrance caused by metal armor.
They require more flexibility in order to perform the jump
kicks and other aerial maneuvers.

Weapon Restrictions
The Saisier prefers to use his or her hands and feet as
weapons, but is able to utilize light arms if elected.

Name Titles
“Sir…” for males
“Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 92 The Dark Ages

The Saisier
Creating the Saisier
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Agility: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Strength: 5 W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Thrown
W.S. Paired Weapons
Gifts W.S. Whips

Creep Initial Equipment
Roll with Blows Staff (1d12 Damage)
Tumbling Tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1)
W.S. Hand to Hand Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
W.S. Kick Attack Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Talents 2d6 Food Rations

Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills

from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Earth Science
Grapple and Break Progressing the Saisier
Grapple and Slam
Grapple Escape Experience points
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Pick Locks attain each new level.
Stunning Strike 1. 0
Weapons Evasion 2. 2,100
3. 4,200
4. 7,980
Crafts 5. 12,420
6. 17,970
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
7. 24,630
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
8. 32,400
the right:
Biblical Studies 9. 41,280
Dance 10. 51,270
Herbal Science 11. 62,370
HP – Touch 12. 74,580
Juggling 13. 87,900
Light Sleep 14. 102,330
Presence 15. 117,870
Profiling Tactics
Scale Walls At each level
Speak Additional Language To increase your character at each new level, see the
Twirl Object Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 93 The Dark Ages

The Scholar
“Quite simply, knowledge is power.”

Playing the Scholar

The Scholar is the “key” Character Class used to
“unlock” the obstacles that otherwise stop might and skill.
Using the knowledge of the sciences and culture, the
Scholar can think his or her way into or out of most
situations. You may elect for your Scholar to be of noble
or aristocratic descent because scholarly knowledge is
typically a privilege among those of a higher class.


Combat Special
As their Special Combat action, the Scholar gains the
Increased Dodge, which allows the Scholar to apply the
Special Bonus to the second Dodge Roll in any Combat
Round after a first Dodge is successful. Furthermore, the
Scholar may apply the Increased Dodge to any Dodge
within the same Round after the first is successful.

Additional Advantages
Because their intellect leads them rather than faith,
the Scholar gains a +2 per level to Save versus Use Magic.


Armor Restrictions
The Scholar prefers to wear clothes that are more
“becoming” than armor, although he or she may where any
type of armor once they gain the Skill of Use Metal Armor.

Weapon Restrictions
The Scholar prefers not to use heavy arms, but rather
may enjoy fencing, represented by the knowledge of W.S.
Light Arms.

Name Titles
“Sir…” for males
“Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 94 The Dark Ages

The Scholar
Creating the Scholar
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Intellect: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Memory: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Light Missiles
Gifts W.S. Thrown
W.S. Whips
Animal Science
Earth Science
Logic Initial Equipment
Political Science
Read/Write Dagger (2d6 Damage)
Read/Write Additional Language Tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1)
Speak Additional Language Cloak
Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Talents Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills 2d6 Food Rations
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Biblical Studies
Demonology Progressing the Scholar
Herbal Science Experience points
Identify Holy Symbols
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Read Runes
Mechanics attain each new level.
Poison Science 1. 0
2. 1,900
3. 3,800
Crafts 4. 7,220
5. 11,660
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
6. 17,210
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
7. 23,870
the right:
8. 31,640
Animal Handling
Comedy 9. 40,520
Creep 10. 50,510
Cult Knowledge 11. 61,610
Dance 12. 73,820
Estimation 13. 87,140
Heraldry 14. 101,570
Land Navigation 15. 117,110
Read/Write Ancient Languages
At each level
Sign Language To increase your character at each new level, see the
Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 95 The Dark Ages

The Scout
“The breath of life pants for the thrill of the hunt.”

Playing the Scout

The Scout is to the woods what the Spy is to the city.
The Scout uses his or her energy to hunt and trap animals
and sell the fur. For this reason, the Scout is Gifted in the
Light Missiles Weapon Skill, but they may further their
hunting skills by selecting the W.S. Thrown (for spears,
etc.) as a Talent or Craft. As is expected, the Scout may
make a comfortable living as a trapper or a scout for an


Combat Special
As their Special Combat action, the Scout gains the
Pointed Attack, which allows the Scout to apply the
Special Bonus to the any Attack Roll in which the Attack
falls below the opponent’s DEF. Therefore, if the Attack
Roll is not successful due to a low roll versus DEF, the
player can apply this Special to the roll in an attempt to
increase it above the DEF, thereby making it a successful


Armor Restrictions
The Scout prefers the use of leather armor and
padded leather armor due to the fact that it is lightweight
and flexible; therefore making it conducive to hunting.

Weapon Restrictions
The Scout will typically not use heavy arms, as they
are too heavy for hunting; therefore preferring the use of
light arms, missile weapons, and thrown weapons.

Name Titles
“Sir…” for males
“Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 96 The Dark Ages

The Scout
Creating the Scout
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Wisdom: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Agility: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Thrown
Gifts W.S. Kick Attack

Animal Science
Horsemanship Initial Equipment
Land Navigation
Profile Area Short bow and 12 arrows (3d6 Damage each)
Skin Animal Tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1)
Track Cloak
W.S. Light Missiles or W.S. Thrown Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Talents Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
2d6 Food Rations
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills 2 Throwing Daggers (2d6 each)
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Animal Handling
Earth Science
Fishing Progressing the Scout
Herbal Science
Nightvision Experience points
Poison Science
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Swimming attain each new level.
Targeting 1. 0
2. 1,950
3. 3,900
Crafts 4. 7,410
5. 11,850
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
6. 17,400
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
7. 24,060
the right:
8. 31,830
Biblical Studies
Juggling 9. 40,710
Heights 10. 50,700
Light Sleep 11. 61,800
Medical 12. 74,010
Mimic Animal Sounds 13. 87,330
Mounted Combat 14. 101,760
Play Wind Instrument 15. 117,300
Speak Additional Language
At each level
Twirl Object To increase your character at each new level, see the
Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 97 The Dark Ages

The Soldier
“The spirit to enforce the laws is worth more than wages.”

Playing the Soldier

Towns and castles often pay and trust soldiers to keep
the peace. The Soldier is a non-noble who knows the laws
and has the right to apprehend and bring to justice
unlawful wrongdoers, often by any means necessary. They
can present themselves as a soldier in most any castle and
city within their native Christian kingdom, and they will
most likely have a job. At the least, they should receive a
reward for enforcing the laws against a wrongdoer, where
other peasants may have to stand trial for their imposing


Combat Special
As their Special Combat action, the Soldier gains the
Pointed Attack, which allows the Soldier to apply the
Special Bonus to the any Attack Roll in which the Attack
falls below the opponent’s DEF. Therefore, if the Attack
Roll is not successful due to a low roll versus DEF, the
player can apply this Special to the roll in an attempt to
increase it above the DEF, thereby making it a successful


Armor Restrictions
There are no armor restrictions for the Soldier.

Weapon Restrictions
The Soldier prefers the use of heavier arms, but is
trained in the use of light arms as well. The Soldier is able
to use any weapon they desire as long as they have the
Weapon Skill.

Name Titles
“Sir…” for males
“Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 98 The Dark Ages

The Soldier
Creating the Soldier
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Strength: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Agility: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Shield Play
W.S. Light Missiles
Gifts W.S. Thrown

Horsemanship Initial Equipment
Use Metal Armor Halberd (2d12 Damage)
Weaponry Chain Jerkin (AP: Chest; DEF: +4)
W.S. Light Arms Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
W.S. Heavy Arms Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Talents 2d6 Food Rations

Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills

from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Grapple Progressing the Soldier
Land Navigation Experience points
Light Sleep
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Mounted Combat attain each new level.
Repair Armor 1. 0
Siege Engines 2. 1,850
3. 3,700
4. 7,030
Crafts 5. 11,470
6. 17,020
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
7. 23,680
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
8. 31,450
the right:
Cooking 9. 40,330
Creep 10. 50,320
Logic 11. 61,420
Masonry 12. 73,630
Play Wind Instrument 13. 86,950
Political Science 14. 101,380
Profiling Tactics 15. 116,920
Speak Additional Language At each level
Storytelling To increase your character at each new level, see the
Targeting Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 99 The Dark Ages

The Spy
“Judge not, for looks are deceiving.”
Playing the Spy
The Spy is the Character Class that organizations Armor Restrictions
enlist to catch thieves, assassins, and other dangerous
The Spy prefers the use of leather armor and
enemies that undermine might. They are elusive and
improved leather armor due to the fact that it is lightweight
dangerous, skilled in the art of deception and evasion. The
and flexible; therefore making it conducive to
shadows and the night are the Spy’s closest and often only
true friends.

Weapon Restrictions
The Spy will typically not
use heavy arms, as they are too
Combat Special heavy and cumbersome;
therefore preferring the use of
As their Special Combat action, the light arms, missile weapons,
Spy gains the Evade, which allows the and thrown weapons.
Spy to use the Special Bonus as
additional Dodges or Defends
per Round in addition to the Name Titles
current number dictated
by the character’s AtR. “Sir…” for males
“Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 100 The Dark Ages

The Spy
Creating the Spy
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Agility: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Patience: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Light Missiles
Gifts W.S. Thrown
W.S. Kick Attack
Lift Object Initial Equipment
Locate/Disarm Traps
Scale Walls 2 Long Daggers (2d8 Damage each)
Shadow Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
W.S. Paired Weapons Tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1)
Hooded Cloak
Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Talents Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills 2d6 Food Rations
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Detect Concealment
Disguise Progressing the Spy
Elude Pursuit
Persuasion Experience points
Pick Locks
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Pick Pockets
Recognize Counterfeit attain each new level.
Subversive Intelligence 1. 0
2. 2,050
3. 4,100
Crafts 4. 7,790
5. 12,230
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
6. 17,780
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
7. 24,440
the right:
8. 32,210
Bounding 9. 41,090
Comedy 10. 51,080
Cult Knowledge 11. 62,180
Heights 12. 74,390
Heraldry 13. 87,710
Light Sleep 14. 102,140
Read/Write 15. 117,680
Recognize Disguise
Roll with Blows
Speak Additional Language
At each level
Twirl Object To increase your character at each new level, see the
Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 101 The Dark Ages

The Voyager
“Life is to be lived and the world is to be seen.”

Playing the Voyager

The Voyager is the swashbuckling seafarer who loves
to travel. The sea is their preferred mode of journey, but
any way they can see more of the world is suitable. They
live to voyage and adventure and have a hard time staying
in one town for too long.
The whip is their favorite weapon, but the Voyager
has seen many different lands and used many different
types of weapons. In other words, there is a large variety of
Weapon Skills for the Voyager to learn, even at Level 1.


Combat Special
The Voyager’s Special Combat action is the ability to
perform a Determined Advantage, which allows the
Voyager to apply their Special Bonus to the Advantage
automatically whenever he or she has forfeited the
Advantage against the same opponent previously.


Armor Restrictions
A Voyager may wear any armor he or she desire,
however, they are not skilled in the use of wearing heavier
armor initially. Therefore, they may learn the Skill (Use
Heavy Armor) later if they elect.

Weapon Restrictions
The Voyager prefers the use of the whip, and they
prefer not to have heavier items bog them down.
Therefore, they tend to use lighter arms and shields.

Name Titles
“Sir…” for males
“Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 102 The Dark Ages

The Voyager
Creating the Voyager
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirements You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Agility: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
Speed: 5 W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Light Arms
W.S. Light Missiles
Gifts W.S. Thrown
W.S. Shield Play
Nets and Snares W.S. Kick Attack
Rope Works
Sail Small Vessels
Seafaring Initial Equipment
Trap Works Long Whip (1d10 Damage)
W.S. Whips Tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1)
Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Talents Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills 2d6 Food Rations
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
the right:
Land Navigation Progressing the Voyager
Mechanics Experience points
Political Science
The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Sail Large Vessels
Sea Fisher attain each new level.
Singing 1. 0
2. 1,900
3. 3,800
Crafts 4. 7,220
5. 11,660
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills
6. 17,210
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
7. 23,870
the right:
8. 31,640
Carpentry 9. 40,520
Comedy 10. 50,510
Creep 11. 61,610
Dance 12. 73,820
Locate/Disarm Traps 13. 87,140
Pick Locks 14. 101,570
Play Wind Instrument 15. 117,110
Poison Science
Speak Additional Language
At each level
Storytelling To increase your character at each new level, see the
Progressing a Character section of this Chapter.

Holy Lands 103 The Dark Ages

The Warrior
“Fight! Fight! Fight!”

Playing the Warrior

The Warrior is an eager and ready fighter who takes
pride in being a man-at-arms. He or she lives and breathes
might and strength. They prefer the company of their
sword or battle-axe to any social situation, and a true
warrior will never back down from a physical contest.

As their Special Combat action, the Warrior gains the
Force Fight, which allows them to apply the Bonus of the
Special to all successful Attack Rolls after the first in their
Combat Round is successful.


Armor Restrictions
The Warrior prefers the use of light or no armor in
order to gain maximum movement. However, the Warrior
may use any armor he or she prefers as long as they have
the Skill of Use Metal Armor.

Weapon Restrictions
The Warrior prefers the use of heavier arms, and
especially those weapons that cause the most Damage.
However, the Warrior can gain most any Weapon Skill,
even at Level 1.

Name Titles
“Sir…” for males
“Lady…” for females

Holy Lands 104 The Dark Ages

The Warrior
Creating the Warrior
Weapon Skills
Attribute Requirement
You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list
Strength: 7 in place of selecting a Talent or Craft.
W.S. Hand to Hand
W.S. Light Arms
Gifts W.S. Paired Weapons
W.S. Light Missiles
W.S. Thrown
W.S. Kick Attack
Scales Walls
Light Sleep
Weaponry Initial Equipment
W.S. Heavy Arms
W.S. Shield Play Longsword (2d12 Damage; 1 or 2 handed)
Small Shield (+3 Defend)
Leather Jerkin (AP: Chest; DEF: +2)
Talents Cloth Breeches (AP: Legs; DEF: +1)
Boots (AP: Feet; DEF: N/A)
Choose 5 Talents at Level 1. You may select Skills
Pouch of 2d6 Gold, 2d12 Silver
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to
Sleeping blanket, small pack, candle
the right: 2d6 Food Rations
Critical Strike
Grapple and Slam
Intimidation Progressing the Warrior
Profile Character
Repair Armor Experience points
Roll with Blows
Tackling The following is a list of Experience points needed to
Use Metal Armor attain each new level.
1. 0
2. 2,050
Crafts 3. 4,100
Choose 3 Crafts at Level 1. You may select Skills 4. 7,790
from the following list or Weapon Skills from the list to 5. 12,230
the right: 6. 17,780
Creep 7. 24,440
Cult Knowledge 8. 32,210
Grapple and Break 9. 41,090
Grapple Escape 10. 51,080
Mechanics 11. 62,180
Profiling Tactics 12. 74,390
Read/Write 13. 87,710
Siege Engines 14. 102,140
Speak Additional Language 15. 117,680
Twirl Object At each level
To increase your character at each new level, see the
Progressing a Character section of this Chapter

Holy Lands 105 The Dark Ages

What are Skills?
Attempting Skills
Gifts, Talents, and Crafts
Gaining New Skills
Skill Descriptions
has attempted the Skill, and the second is the Difficulty
of the task to complete. If the Effort triumphs over the
Difficulty, then your character has successfully
What are Skills? accomplished the task. A Skill Roll determines if all of
the above happens successfully or not.
A Skill is a combination of your character’s
Attributes that together form one specialized skill. For
example, the Targeting Skill requires some degree of a The Skill Roll
character’s Intellect Attribute, Agility Attribute, and even
a little Patience to execute masterfully. A Skill Roll is the roll of a d20, which represents
the base of the character’s Effort. Your character’s
Every character will have different degrees of Proficiency, which is a Bonus, then modifies the Effort
expertise in the Skills that they have chosen or acquired. by adding the Bonus to the Effort.
The expertise of a Skill is measured with a number called
a Proficiency Bonus (+1, +4, etc.), which is a number
that modifies the Natural Skill Roll when a character Skill Roll
attempts an action using that Skill. This Proficiency can
increase as your character further develops. Effort = d20 roll + Skill Proficiency
Your character can have a Skill in one of three
different classifications. Each classification represents a
different level of expertise, which all increase at different Quite simply, if you roll a high Effort number,
rates and offer various Proficiency numbers when first which exceeds the Difficulty Factor of the Skill, your
received. Gifts represent the highest degree of expertise character accomplishes the task. A failed roll simply
and therefore offer the highest Proficiency Bonus at means that the Skill was too difficult for the character to
Level 1. The next area is Talents, which represent Skills accomplish at that time.
that your character has a knack for but is not necessarily
so Gifted. Finally, Crafts represent the lowest level of
Failed Skill Rolls
Consequences for failed attempts will vary from
Not all Skills will increase at the same time. This is
situation to situation, but typically, the character is
because the rules only allow predetermined amounts to
simply not successful in accomplishing the task. He or
increase when your character reaches a new level. The
she has wasted that amount of time trying. Furthermore,
player then decides which Skills he or she would like to
Skill Rolls of a Natural 1 are never successful and can
improve by a maximum +1 each.
mean that something of consequence happened in
addition to failing at accomplishing the task, such as
broken lock picks or your character falls while attempting
the Skill. The Rac must decide on the additional
Attempting Skills consequence and the severity level of that consequence
depending on the task attempted and the situation.
Two main factors play a part in determining
whether a character is successful at accomplishing a Skill.
The first factor is the Effort with which the character

Holy Lands 106 The Dark Ages

Successful Skill Rolls Moderate Difficulty
Skill Rolls of Natural 20, no matter what the Most Ability attempts will fall into the Moderate
Difficulty level, are always successful and could mean that category, making the Difficulty Factor an 11. This
something of fortune happened from that attempt in Difficulty level applies when the task is not intentionally
addition to successfully accomplishing the task depending set up in a way that would make it more difficult for
on the situation. For example, maybe the character anyone to achieve and allows the average character with
disarmed the key trap and picked the lock all with the the Skill about a 50/50 chance at success. For
same Pick Lock attempt. example, a lock on a door is typically there to deter
unwanted people or creatures from just walking in and
Note: if the Difficulty level is above Moderate and
robbing the place. This lock is an example of one that
the player rolls a Natural 20, then the attempt is simply
would require a moderately difficult Pick Locks Difficulty
successful and no real additional fortunate circumstances

Skill Difficulty: Moderate

Difficulty Factor
Difficulty Factor = 11
There are four basic levels to the scale of Difficulty
Factors ranging from Simple to Extremely Difficult, and
the Rac must apply the Difficulty level he or she sees fit
depending on the situation.
High Difficulty
Simple Difficulty Certain situations require the next higher Difficulty
level from 11 to 19 depending on the environment or
Most of the Skills are designed in such a way that a condition. For example, using the above scenario, if a
Simple Difficulty is too low to use. However, sometimes lock is on a door and someone has specifically built it to
the character may need to Creep while other noise is prevent picking, then it is now more than the average
happening, or the character must identify a holy item lock. Therefore, the average lock pick would also have a
that he or she identified last week, for examples. much more difficult time opening it than they would the
Sometimes these circumstances allow the character to first one.
achieve a Skill very easily, which means that the
Difficulty level should be low. The Rac will impose a
lower Difficulty only when the character should have no Skill Difficulty: High
problem, in reality, completing the Skill with little effort.
The Rac will apply this Difficulty level whenever it is Difficulty Factor = 19
uncalled for to use a higher Difficulty level and when, by
all rights, the task has little chance of failure.
Note to the Rac: you should use this Difficulty
level somewhat rarely. If this low of a Difficulty level is Extreme Difficulty
required, you may want to use a default Attribute Roll or
just skip the rolling process and allow the character to Certain situations require an extremely high
achieve the task if he or she has the necessary Skill. In Difficulty level, higher than even a 19 Difficulty Factor,
other words, always consider using the Moderate depending on the environment or condition. For
Difficulty whenever the character must roll for a Skill. example, using the above scenarios, if a lock is on a
Only use Simple when a 50/50 chance seems door, someone has specifically built it to prevent picking,
unreasonably difficult. and the character is hanging upside down from a rope,
then it is now more than the average lock and an
uncomfortable position in which the character must
Skill Difficulty: Simple (uncommon) work. Therefore, the average lock pick would not be able
to open the lock at all without divine intervention, which
Difficulty Factor = 6 can only come in the form of a Natural 20 on the first
attempt. In addition, the time required would be at
minimum a Five-score of time whether successful or not.

Holy Lands 107 The Dark Ages

at this Difficulty level. In this case, the fortunate
Skill Difficulty: Extreme
circumstance would be successfully achieving the task in
Difficulty Factor = 28 an efficient amount of time.

Attempts at Extreme Difficulties

Chances to Attempt Skill Rolls Due to the extreme Difficulty level of the task, a
character who is attempting a Skill Roll at Extreme
As long as the task is present and the character is
Difficulty can only attempt to roll a Natural 20 one
physically and mentally able, the character can attempt to
time. This is assuming that the character does not have
accomplish the task with his or her Skill as often as they
the ability to accomplish the task without a Natural 20.
like. The important thing to consider here is the time
In other words, this is assuming that the character is not
even able to achieve a 28 Difficulty Factor with their
Each Skill Roll represents an amount of time that Bonuses. If so, it is impossible for that character to
the character had to spend attempting the task. A achieve that Extremely Difficult task after their initial
successful roll may have been faster than normal attempt and failure to roll a Natural 20. This being the
depending on how high of an Effort number the player case until their Skill Proficiency has increased at least by
rolled. Likewise, a severely failed Skill Roll could have +1.
cost the character twice or three times the normal time it
If the character is able to reach a 28 Difficulty
would have taken to fail.
Factor due to the fact that they have a +8 Bonus or
Like the quality of the Skill Roll, the Difficulty better to that Skill, they are able to attempt the Skill
level of the task also plays a part in the required time to Roll as many times as time will permit. However, no
accomplish it. For example, a task of Moderate additional fortunate circumstances will occur with a
Difficulty task may require a Round to accomplish Natural 20 Skill Roll at this Difficulty level for any
successfully, where a similar task of a High Difficulty character.
would require a Ten-round to achieve, and, still more, a
similar task of an Extreme Difficulty would require a
Five-score to attempt.
Gifts, Talents, and
Attempts at Moderate Difficulty
The character may attempt a task at the Moderate Crafts
Difficulty level as often as they would like as long the
opportunity is available and the character is able.
Likewise, a Natural 20 Skill Roll at this Difficulty level Gifts
should under normal circumstances, provide the character
an additional fortunate outcome in addition to A player should consider their character’s Gifts as
accomplishing the task. This is of course at the Rac’s having come from God. Gifts are special tools that few
discretion and assuming the situation permits. others equal in Proficiency. God has given these
different and necessary Gifts to each character as tools to
use in their conquest of evil. The Proficiency Bonus
Attempts at High Difficulty given to Gifts is the highest of the three Skill categories.
Like the lower Difficulty level, a character should be Gifts are Skills that your character is Gifted in just by
able to attempt to accomplish a High Difficulty task with choosing a specific Character Class. You will not add any
a Skill Roll as many times as he or she desires as long as Skills to your character’s Gifts, even if they take on a
time permits. However, at this Difficulty level, it must second Character Class.
cost the character no less than ten times the amount of
time as it would at the lower level. Using the above
example, it should require a Ten-round when a similar
task at the lower Difficulty level would only require 1
Proficiency at Level 1
Round of time.
All Gifts begin with a Proficiency Bonus of +3 at Level
Furthermore, the fortune of an additional positive 1
occurrence from a Natural 20 Skill Roll does not apply

Holy Lands 108 The Dark Ages

Progression corresponding Weapon Skill (W.S. Paired Weapons does
apply a mandatory +1 to the AtR at Levels 1, 3, 6, 9,
At each new level, the player chooses three Gifts and 12; which counts as one of the two +1’s). Available
that the character currently has and increases their Combat actions are Attack, Dodge, Damage, Special, and
Proficiency a maximum of +1 for most Weapon Skills, Defend.

Weapon Skills as Gifts

Some Character Classes receive one or more
Weapon Skills as Gifts. In this case, you would add a A Craft is a hobby or interest that your character
maximum of +1 to any three Combat actions, except learns as they go through their life. Crafts are the area of
AtR, for that corresponding Weapon Skill (Note: W.S. your character’s Skills that, overall, progress the slowest.
Paired Weapons applies a mandatory +1 to the AtR at Players choose three Skills that they will know as Crafts
Levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12; which counts as one of the at Level 1 and must learn any other Crafts gained.
three +1’s). Available Combat actions are Attack,
Your character can learn nearly any Skill as a Craft
Dodge, Damage, Special, and for most Weapon Skills,
as long as they have the necessary prerequisite Skills,
Attribute Ratings, or Ability Marks and are able to be
taught or otherwise able to learn the Skill. There are no
limits to the maximum number of Crafts a character can
have, however there are some regulations that permit the
Talents character to learn only a certain number of Crafts at each
level. Likewise, there are prerequisites that can prevent a
Talents are Skills that help your character excel at character from gaining a certain Craft if they lack the
his or her Character Class. God also bestows the required Skill.
character with Talents, but at a lesser level than Gifts.
Talents are skills your character has a natural knack for
and has since birth. From that aspect, your character Crafts
cannot learn additional Talents by someone teaching
them; rather God will grant them to your character as Proficiency at Level 1
they grow and develop. In game terms, this means that All Crafts begin with a Proficiency of +1 at Level 1
you choose 1 new Talent for your character at Levels 3,
6, 9, 12 and 15; giving them a total of ten Talents.
Characters start with five Talents, which you will choose Progression
from the list on your Character’s Class Description. You
At each new level, the player chooses one Craft that
will choose all future Talents from this list as well.
the character currently has and increases its Proficiency a
maximum of +1.
Talents A character can also pay to increase the Proficiency
of Crafts out of the negatives (if learned by observation
Proficiency at Level 1 only) by learning more from a guild or other source of
All Talents begin with a Proficiency Bonus of +2 at instruction. See the following page for details.
Level 1

Weapon Skills as Crafts

Progression Players may choose one or more Weapon Skills as
At each new level, the player chooses two Talents Crafts. In this case, you would add a maximum of +1 to
that the character currently has and increases their any one Combat action, except AtR, for that
Proficiency a maximum of +1 corresponding Weapon Skill (W.S. Paired Weapons does
apply a mandatory +1 to the AtR at Levels 1, 3, 6, 9,
and 12; which counts as the one +1 earned). Available
Weapon Skills as Talents Combat actions are Attack, Dodge, Damage, Special, and
Players may choose one or more Weapon Skills as for most Weapon Skills, Defend.
Talents. In this case, you would add a maximum of +1
to any two Combat actions, except AtR, for that

Holy Lands 109 The Dark Ages

game, a +0 is considered a Proficiency Bonus because it
Gaining New Skills is a Bonus for a character to not be penalized for using
the Skill.
Characters can learn new Skills as Crafts only.
Furthermore, because the Skill is constantly in a
However, they can learn them from a broad range of
state of regression while it is in the negatives, any Craft
different sources. All newly learned Skills will all have
that the character does not improve is in danger of being
one thing in common- someone must teach the character
lost completely. If this happens, the character must
the new Skill by means of showing them, lecturing them,
relearn the Skill once again later. More on this in the
and/or educating them with illustrations, diagrams, and
following subsection below.
The teaching-and-learning process only works for
gaining new Crafts and improving deficient Skills The Learning Process
(deficient Skills are Crafts that have a Proficiency
Penalty, which is a Proficiency in the negatives). Once In order for your character to learn a new Skill as a
the Skill no longer has a Proficiency Penalty, someone Craft, you must have knowledge of a few key points.
may still teach a character more about the Skill, but it is First, every Skill has a prerequisite that your
up to the character to apply it in real experiences. This character must achieve before gaining it. A Skill’s
means that Crafts, which have reached a +0 or better, prerequisite can be a required Ability Mark of specific
have been influenced by external sources as much as is Abilities, an Attribute Rating of specific Attributes, or
possible. In other words, teaching and learning only other Skills with specific Proficiency levels. Each
affect a Craft that is in the negatives. After that, the individual Skill description describes how the Skill must
Craft increases when the player increases the Proficiency be learned and what the Skills prerequisites are. If the
(upon reaching a new level). The only thing that character has not learned the prerequisite to a Skill,
teaching a Skill can accomplish is introducing the he or she cannot learn the Skill that follows it.
character to the Skill, after that, the discipline of the
character must gain the knowledge for the character on Next, the character must perceive or apprehend
his or her own. the basics of the Skill by some type of observation. This
requires the character to witness, hear, and/or study about
the Skill in action. Some Skills require more time in
When a character first studying and some require very little preparation but a lot
of active trying. The following are the four ways a
learns a Skill by observation character can learn a new Skill by observation.

(Visual or Study), the Skill Observation Methods of Learning

begins at a -2 Proficiency. Instruction- This Instruction method is a formal
time of teaching and learning with an instructor who has
Learning a Craft at a guild or lesson plans, the proper equipment, and proper facilities all
set specifically for teaching students the Skill. This setting
monastery (Instruction) is usually in a guild, monastery, or other place of gathering.
Upon learning the Skill from this method, the character
allows the Skill to begin with a gains the Skill as a Craft at a +0 Proficiency.
Study- This method means that the character must
+0 Proficiency. read about the subject from a credible source that is able to
transfer the knowledge successfully. Upon learning the
Skill from this method, the character gains the Skill as a
After the character becomes efficient with the Skill, Craft at a -2 Proficiency Penalty.
they control their own course of learning and external Visual/Lecture- This method requires another
influences can no longer improve the character’s Skill. person to demonstrate, physically or verbally, how he or
she performs the Skill, whether the instructor means to
You will find some exceptions in certain Skill
teach the observer or not. All the character must do to
descriptions, but for the most part, the character is on learn from this method is successfully observe how the
their own for learning after the Skill uses a Proficiency fundamentals of the Skill work in action. Upon learning
Bonus instead of a Proficiency Penalty. To help one the Skill from this method, the character gains the Skill as a
remember this concept, it is good practice to write a +0 Craft at a -2 Proficiency Penalty.
next to the Skills that have increased from a -1. In this

Holy Lands 110 The Dark Ages

Within a Skill description, and next to each method different learning methods in which the character can
of learning, is a number. This number represents the learn to act. The first is Visual and Active and the second
amount of Five-scores the character is required to spend is Instruction. Notice that Visual and Active is on the
on that part of the learning method successfully in one same line. Therefore, the character must learn to act by
day. ‘Success’ is represented by a successful roll of the watching another actor, which is Visual (Perception Rolls),
die per duration of time spent observing. For and then practicing on his or her own, which is Active
Visual/Lecture, Instruction, and Study methods of (see the Default Progression paragraph below). The other
learning, the roll required is a successful Perception Roll. option is Instruction, which means the character could
However, for the Instruction method of learning, you will learn from formal instruction.
notice that there are always two numbers separated by a
A player can roll Default Progression and Perception
slash (/). The first slash represents the hands-on
Learning Rolls in any combination of turns as long as the
instruction (or Visual/Lecture) part of the lesson and the
first successful roll is a Perception Roll. In other words,
second number is the Active method.
where applicable, the character can make a Perception
Learning Roll and, if one is required, make a Default
Learning Duration Progression Roll after that. Then they may make a
Perception Learning Roll, and then two Default
The time duration in which you base all methods of Progression Rolls, or any other combination as long as the
learning is a Five-score. This five-minute duration of character makes all of the required rolls within a forty-
game-time is required for the character to attempt to eight hour period.
absorb the Skill’s necessary information that he is she is
observing. If successful, the character gains information
on how the Skill works. If unsuccessful, the character Default Progression
has wasted the last five minutes distracted from what
Default Progression is the type of learning specific
would have otherwise built on their knowledge of the
to the Active method. It utilizes hands-on learning rather
than mental adherence to concepts. The characters’
In addition, the character must successfully Attributes are the primary factors that determine whether
complete all required methods of learning within a forty- a character learns the information based on the Active
eight hour period (2 full days) after they have begun. method.

Perception Learning The Active Method of Learning

Perception Rolls and, therefore, the character’s Active- This method of learning simply requires the
Perception Ability determine whether the character is able character to build the Skill through his or her own trial-
to absorb the necessary learned information on how to and-error process. The Active method usually follows
perform the Skill. In each Skill description, there is a another method, which means that the character must
short list of learning methods (after “Learning =”) that apply what they have just learned. Upon applying this
indicates how many ways a character can learn the Skill. method to the newly learned Skill, the character improves
the newly learned Craft to a -1 Proficiency Penalty.
A character may learn and improve the Skill by any of
the listed means with a designated number of Perception
Rolls (except the Active learning method, which uses
Ability or Skill Rolls). Wherever the Skill lists the Active method of
learning, it will also list an Attribute or more basic
Ability in the prerequisite. This Attribute or Skill is the
Formula for Learning Methods one that the base of the new Skill utilizes and therefore
defaults to when the character is learning but has not
Learning = Instruction [Perception/active] learned completely. The player must make successful
Visual/Lecture [Perception] and Active [active] Attribute Rolls or Skill Rolls with the basic Skill in place
Study [Read/Write Skill] of the new Skill Rolls until he or she gains the new Skill.

Note: where the description lists more than one However, Default Progression can only take place
method of learning, know that any one line is required to after the character has successfully observed the Skill
learn the Skill, not all. However, if there is more than through Perception Learning unless it is not required.
one method of learning in one line item, all of them are For example, the Acting Skill uses the Active method of
required. For Example, the Acting Skill has two lines of learning but requires the Visual method first. Therefore,

Holy Lands 111 The Dark Ages

after the character has learned the basics by Perception
Learning (using the Visual method) the Active method
requires the character to make three successful Charisma As iron sharpens iron,
Rolls since Charisma is the default Attribute for the
so a man sharpens the
The Teaching Process countenance of his
The teaching process of a Skill is much simpler
than the learning process although it requires much more
patience. The only requirement for a character to be an
informal teacher is to have the Skill that they are going
to teach at a +1 Proficiency or better. -Proverbs 27:17
Formal teaching requires the character to have the
Teach Skill. The Teach Skill is not a Skill by itself but
rather is knowledge of a planned presentation of some The New Skill
kind that has successfully taught pupils previously. For
example, someone formally attempting to teach the Once a character learns a Skill by observation, the
Bounding Skill would already have the Teach: Bounding player may write it down in the Crafts section of the
Skill Character Sheet. All new Skills begin with a Proficiency
Penalty of either -3, -2, -1, or -0 and can be increased
The presentation must include any and all of the
the same way they were gained.
proper equipment needed for someone to learn the Skill
and must be complete. Characters can find plans for
these types of presentations archived in the libraries of Proficiencies for Learning Methods
guilds and monasteries in which they can visit.
For Skills that were learned by the Study method of
A character can gain the Teach Skill by successfully learning, the character always begins the Proficiency
teaching the Skill to two different people prior. In this Penalty at -2. This is because Study allows for lesser
case, the first two times he or she taught the Skill, they retention due to the lack of actual hands-on learning.
taught it in way that the learning character would learn
using the Visual/Lecture method of learning, but then For Skills that were learned with the Visual/Lecture
every time after that, the character could teach in a way and Active methods of learning, the character Proficiency
that the character would learn using the Instruction begins with a -1. This is because the Visual/Lecture
method of learning, saving much time and headache. method of learning gains the Skill a -2 and the Active
After two times of teaching the same Skill to different method improves it to -1.
people, the character gains a presentation that he or she For Skills that are learned with the Instruction
can use the next time they teach the Skill to someone method of learning, the character may begin the
else. Proficiency at +0, because this is considered the most
A player can add the Teach Skill to his or character comprehensive method for learning the Skills.
by simply writing a “T-” in front of the Skill that the Some Skills such as Targeting can begin with a -3
character is now able to teach. Below is an example of Penalty because your character can gain it without being
how this character can now teach the Medical Skill. taught. Therefore, just by attempting it, as long as the
character has the Prerequisite, he or she gains the Skill
but with a steep penalty.
As long as a Skill has a Proficiency Penalty (in the
Biblical Studies +3 negatives), the character can increase it by +1 by either
Identify Holy Symbols +3 learning more of the Skill from training again, which
Demonology +3 generally costs as much as it did to learn the Skill, or by
T- Medical +3 increasing the Skill by +1 at each new level. In the same
Miracles- Clerical +3 way, a character can lose a Skill if it falls too far into the
Preach +3 negatives. See the following page for more information
Read/Write +3 on losing Skills.

Holy Lands 112 The Dark Ages

this is completed, the character would gain the Skill at a
-2 Proficiency Penalty should she stop there.
Putting It All Together After the learning character has watched the
To summarize the entire Skill learning process, we instructing character enough to know the fundamentals,
will use an example to illustrate the steps that are she must begin to learn it hands on with her instructor’s
required. guidance. In other words, she is now past the Visual part
and is now into the Active part of the lesson. She must
now make, with the guidance of the instructing character,
Example Skill six successful Strength Rolls. Once this is successful, the
character improves the Skill Proficiency to a -1
Prerequisite = Strength: 8 Proficiency Penalty.
Learning = Instruction [5/5] Bear in mind, that this whole learning process took
Visual/Lecture [12] and Active [6]
a minimum of an hour and a half of continuous
instruction assuming that both characters made all their
rolls successfully.
We will say that an example character wanted to
gain the example Skill listed above. According to the
requirements, she needs an 8 of Strength and must spend Losing Skills
a good amount of time learning the Skill. Right now,
our example character only has a Strength of 7, so, first At each new level the character reaches, all Skills
of all, she must at least wait until next level before she with Proficiency Penalties that the character does not
will even be able to attempt the learning process. increase by +1 and has not increased during the previous
Assuming she waits and adds +1 to her Strength level, must actually decrease by -1 since they are not
Attribute Rating, she tries again next level. We can now actively being developed.
move to the first step.
Furthermore, once a Skill Proficiency decreases
First, since our example character now meets the below -3, the character no longer knows enough about
requirements, she has two options; she can go to a guild the Skill to use it efficiently and the player must erase it
that teaches this Skill or find someone willing to take the from the Character Sheet. The character must relearn
time to teach her. We can see that the Instruction those Skills that disappear before being able to utilize it
method of learning requires less than half the time and again on a Skill Roll.
Effort that the Visual and Active method would. This
would allow our example character to begin with a +0
Proficiency instead of a Penalty. Even so, our character
cannot afford for the guild to teach her formally.
Therefore, she goes to a fellow character who she knows
has the Skills, who in turn agrees to teach her for a much
smaller fee.
The Lord is less concerned
Next, the teaching character begins to demonstrate
the Skill so her pupil will learn by watching. Thus, the about those who make
tutor must begin making successful Skill Rolls for the
example Skill. During this time, the learning character mistakes than He is about
must also make successful Perception Rolls. Therefore,
the instructor must make twelve successful Skill Rolls those who do not try
and, for each one, the observing character must make a
successful Perception Roll immediately afterward. Once

Holy Lands 113 The Dark Ages

Skill Descriptions
This subsection lists and describes all the Skills that are available for a character to learn.

Acrobatics Grapple Profile Area

Acting Grapple and Break Profile Character
Animal Handling Grapple and Slam Profiling Tactics
Animal Riding Grapple Escape Public Speaking
Animal Science Heights Read Runes
Archeology Heraldry Read/Write
Artistry Herbal Science Read/Write Additional Language
Biblical Studies Horsemanship Read/Write Ancient Languages
Blacksmith HP: Hearing Recognize Disguise
Bladesmith HP: Scent Repair Armor
Blind Fight HP: Sight Restoration
Bounding HP: Touch Ricochet
Bowsmith Identify Counterfeit Roll with Blows
Breakfall Identify Holy Symbols Rope Works
Capture Missile Identify Spells Sail Large Vessels
Carpentry Impersonate Sail Small Vessels
Cobbler Intimidation Scale Walls
Comedy Intuition Sea Diving
Compose Music Invent/Ingenuity Sea Fisher
Concealment Juggling Seafaring
Cooking Land Navigation Sense Pursuit/Target
Costume Lift Object Sewing/Tailor
Counterfeit Light Sleep Shadow
Craft Holy Item Livestock Herding Siege Engines
Crafting Locate/Disarm Trap Sign Language
Creatures and Beasts Logic Signaling
Creep Masonry Singing
Critical Strike Mechanics Skin Animal
Cult knowledge Medical Sleight of Hand
Dance Meditation Speak Additional Language
Demonology Mimic Animal Sounds Speak Ancient Languages
Detect Concealment Miracles: Clerical Speed Read
Devil Lore Miracles: Healing Storytelling
Diffuse Hostility Miracles: High Stunning Strike
Diffuse Violence Miracles: Holy Songs Subversive Intelligence
Disguise Mounted Combat Swimming
Divine Insight Negotiation Tackling
Double Shot Nets and Snares Tackling Throw
Earth Science Nightvision Targeting
Edify Persuasion Teach
Elude Pursuit Pick Locks Track
Empower Crucifix Pick Pockets Trap Works
Escape Artistry Play Percussion Instrument Triple Shot
Estimation Play Stringed Instrument Tumbling
Evade and Disarm Play Wind Instrument Twirl Object
Farming Poison Science Use Metal Armor
Fine Crafting Political Science Ventriloquism
Fishing Preach Weaponry
Food Preservation Presence Weapons Evasion
Gemology Pressure Points

Holy Lands 114 The Dark Ages

Acrobatics Acting Animal Handling
Acrobatics gives the character the This Skill gives the character the This Skill allows the character to
ability to perform tumbling-type tricks ability to convince the “audience” that tame and train hostile or wild animals.
while swinging from high ropes or he or she is not who they see. An This Skill can work at an increased
walking high wires. This Skill builds audience can be anyone paying Difficulty level for creatures, such as
upon the Heights and Tumbling Skills attention to the actor, such as a unicorns and other beings that
and is an aerial form of the Tumbling paying crowd who has come to watch a communicate non-verbally. Demonic
Skill. Acrobatics is a performance- stage performance, or it can be two beings do not respond favorably to a
based Skill unlike Heights, which is guards standing post. Christian who is trying to use Animal
more a Skill that allows the character Handling on them. In fact, it will
to find comfort in extremely high only increase any hostility towards the
places. Acting character. However, the animal
handler would more than likely not
Prerequisite = Charisma: 6 know this the first time they
Acrobatics Learning = Instruction [4/6] encountered a wild demonic creature
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [7] unless they had the Skill of
Prerequisite = Tumbling: +1† Demonology, as well; so, a good player
Heights: +1 would role-play it as such, even if the
Learning = Instruction [5/5] Acting is relatively simple for a player should know.
Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [8] character to learn, however the
† learning character must recognize that
Indicates that this Skill is used as the
Default Progression, which is rolled for the the person is acting by either watching Animal Handling
Active learning methods a play, knowing the actor is going to
attempt to act beforehand, or by Prerequisite = Animal Science: +2
noticing if the actor fails his or her Learning = Instruction [6/11]
Acting Rolls. For the last one, the Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [12]
Acrobatics is one of the more
difficult Skills to learn because it has character may not know the actor is
The difficult thing about
two prerequisites; however, if finally acting and cannot therefore know to
learning this Skill is the danger factor
learned, it is an excellent form of watch for acting tips.
and the difficulty in having the proper
entertainment and means of dramatic facilities. First, the character must
escape. “tangle” with fierce and wild animals,
Complimenting Skills are:
such as lions, bears, wolfs, and wild
Disguise, which the character needs horses. Yet, more than that, the
Complimenting Skills are: character must not fail his or her rolls
in order to appear as someone
specific because the wrong move could prove
Heights, which the character needs
Costume, which the character needs fatal. Still more, the character must
in order to feel comfortable at
to appear as and impersonate a accomplish all the learning within one
extreme heights
Tumbling, this allows the character general personality, such as a day. All this together makes it almost
to perform gymnast maneuvers drunken bum, a person of the necessary to learn this Skill from a
on ground surfaces opposite sex, or a person of a guild.
Breakfall, which the character needs different Character Class
to reduce the Damage inflicted Impersonate, which the character
from falling from high places or needs to mimic the Complimenting Skills are:
onto treacherous surfaces mannerisms, speech, and habits
Roll with Blows, which allows the of a specific person Creatures and Beasts, which allows
character to reduce Damage the character to recognize a
inflicted by an opponent’s demonic creature from a
Attack strange animal
Animal Riding, which the character
needs to ride animals that
people normally do not ride

Holy Lands 115 The Dark Ages

Animal Riding Animal Science Archeology
This Skill allows the character to This Skill stems from a Archeology is a Skill that allows
ride hostile, exotic, or wild animals character’s interest in or love of the the character to recognize and know
and creatures. If the character has animal kingdom. Animal Science ancient history, from Creation to the
this Skill and rides an animal or allows the character to identify current period. It gives the character
creature, which cannot or will not animals by appearance, by tracks, by knowledge about ancient peoples and
reach around and pull the rider off, their feces, and recognize animal their cultures, architecture, and
the character can command the beast behaviors, such as hostility and languages (although it does not give
to move in a desired direction and at a friendliness. The character with this them the ability to read, write, or
desired speed, as well as stop and go. Skill will also recognize and know speak the languages, it merely gives
Animal Handling is required for some animal habitats, their practices, and them the ability to identify and
commands, such as waiting for the diets. classify the languages with the people).
rider or attacking someone else, and it
This Skill also gives the This Skill can also give the
is important to know that the animal
character knowledge about the character knowledge about the periods
is not tamed, just being ridden.
animal’s value for furs, meat, etc. in which general biblical events
occurred in ancient times. Biblical
Animal Riding Studies is required for details about
Animal Science these events, however.
Prerequisite = Animal Handling:+1
Prerequisite = Memory: 6
Learning = Instruction [3/5]
Visual/Lecture [4] and Active [6]
Learning = Instruction [7/4] Archeology
Study [13]
Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [5] Prerequisite = Intellect: 5
Learning = Instruction [6/6]
Like Animal Handling, the Study [14]
difficult thing about learning this Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [7]
You primarily base learning
Skill is the danger factor and the
Animal Science on the character’s
difficulty in having the proper Learning the Skill of Archeology
Memory because there is a lot of
facilities. First, the character must requires participating in an excavation
information learned about the
“tangle” with fierce and wild animals, of any type and seeing real ancient
different types of animals. Retention
such as lions, bears, wolfs, and wild artifacts, as well as learning about the
of the information is vital and key to
horses. Yet, more than that, the primary ancient peoples.
the success of using the Skill.
character must not fail his or her rolls
because the wrong move may prove
fatal. All in all, the character should Complimenting Skills are:
Complimenting Skills are:
learn this Skill from a guild.
Biblical Studies, which allows the
Skin Animal, which the character
character to know detailed
needs in order to skin the
Complimenting Skills are: events of biblical stories and
animal’s fur for sale or clothing
how to apply the Bible’s
Animal Handling, which the
Skin Animal, which the character teaching to one’s life
character needs to calm, train,
needs in order to skin the Read/Write Ancient Languages,
or befriend an animal
animal’s fur for sale or clothing which the character needs to
Animal Riding, which the character
Creatures and Beasts, which allows understand ancient texts and
needs to ride animals that
the character to recognize a carvings of ancient people
people normally do not ride,
demonic creature from a Speak Ancient Languages, which
such as bears, rhinoceroses,
strange animal the character needs in order to
and mythical creatures
Animal Science, which the verbally communicate in
character needs in order to ancients languages
identify various animal species
and their habitats

Holy Lands 116 The Dark Ages

Artistry Biblical Studies Blacksmith
Artistry is a Skill that represents This Skill represents the This Skill allows the character to
the character’s ability to draw, paint, character’s knowledge of the Holy know the trade of blacksmithing,
and sculpt original works of art. The Scriptures within all the books of the which requires the use of a hammer
Skill can encompass sketches, Bible. They know the chronological and anvil to fashion metal wares. The
painting with watercolors or oils, sequence and details of biblical stories Blacksmith Skill is the character’s
creating canvas or mural paintings, such as uncommon events and ability to forge metal armor and other
and sculpting busts or chiseling passages. equipment, such as horseshoes,
statues. This is a character’s love for bridles, and other horse tack
More than that, Biblical Studies
art, from which they may sell or trade equipment.
also gives the character knowledge of
works to make a living or to earn extra
biblical principles on how they should
live in our daily life as God expects. Blacksmith
They will be able to identify true
Artistry Saints, Healers, Clerics, and other Prerequisite = Strength: 6
workers of Miracles from hypocrites, Learning = Instruction [3/9]
Prerequisite = Intellect: 6 heretics, and false prophets by their Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10]
Learning = Instruction [3/8] lifestyles. True clergy must abide by a
Study [8] truly faithful lifestyle, because without
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10] doing so, the power of God does not
work through them.
Complimenting Skills are:
Learning the Skill of Artistry Biblical Studies Bowsmith, which allows the
requires the character to practice character to create bows and
drawing and sculpting original works Prerequisite = Wisdom: 6 arrows
of art. Learning = Instruction [10/3] Siege Engines, which gives the
Study [18] character the ability to create,
Visual/Lecture [15] and Active [5] repair and fire siege weapons
Complimenting Skills are: Repair Armor, which the character
The Skill of Biblical Studies needs to repair all armor types,
Counterfeit, which allows the requires mostly lectures and/or reading including leather, metal, and fur
character to recreate works of of biblical text. The active part of the Bladesmith, which allows the
art that look exactly like the learning methods would include character to know how to
original mostly asking questions to elders of fashion bladed weapons
Identify Counterfeit, which gives the church and researching specific
the character the ability to
people and places.
identify counterfeit artwork
Crafting, which the character needs Material Costs: Blacksmith
in order to craft decorative
Complimenting Skills are: For chain armor (per piece) 6g
For plate/scale armor (per piece)8g
Archeology, which allows the For gauntlets and helmets 4g
character to know detailed Hammer 1g
Material Costs: Artistry information about ancient Anvil 10g
people and their lifestyles For manacles and shackles 2g
Paintbrushes (various, 4 pcs.) 11s Identify Holy Symbols, which gives For horseshoes (for 4 pieces) 11s
Canvas (large) 8s the character the ability to For bridles, reigns, and tack 2g
Canvas (small) 5s identify a holy item and its
Paints (11 colors) 1g function
Charcoal pencils (8 pieces) 1s Read/Write Ancient Languages,
Chalk (white, 8 pieces) 2s which the character needs to
Marble slab 3-5g understand ancient texts and
Hammer and Chisel 1g carvings of ancient people

Holy Lands 117 The Dark Ages

Bladesmith Blind Fight Bounding
The Bladesmith Skill is the Blind Fight is a Skill that Bounding is a Skill that allows
character’s ability to forge metal represents the character’s ability to the character to perform their
weapons. utilize their entire hand-to-hand and maximum Jump Movement Ability,
close-weapon Combat Skills in such as high jumps and long jumps, at
Creating weapons of superior
addition to all Dodge capabilities while any Speed above 0. Furthermore, the
quality requires the Skill of Fine
he or she is unable to see. The character with this Skill can jump as
Crafting in addition to this Skill,
character must roll this Skill before high as he or she is tall, land, and
Bladesmith Rolls of higher Difficulty,
each Combat Round to determine if continue running if running full
multiple time duration requirements,
he or she adds their Combat Bonuses speed. Likewise, the character can
finer materials, and planned creation.
to their Combat Rolls. A successful long jump 3x his or her Strength AR
Characters cannot ever accidentally
Blind Fight Roll allows the character in feet, rather than the normal 2x.
create a weapon of superior quality. A
to add his or her Bonuses for that See the Jump section of Movement on
weapon with a +1 Difficulty would
Round, while a failed roll means that page 37 for more information on long
require twice the cost, twice the time,
the character must fight blind without and high jumps.
and an increased Difficulty Factor
the ability to add his or her Combat
(19) of a regular weapon. A weapon The character is also able to
with a +2 would require three times perform aerial backflips in place of a
the cost, three times the time, and a A character cannot fight blind in Combat Dodge or Defend. To
Difficulty Factor of 28, etc. any way without possessing this Skill. perform this feat, the backflipping
character rolls a Bounding Roll in
place of a Dodge or Defend. After
Bladesmith Blind Fight adding Bonuses, the higher roll wins.
The benefit to the backflip is that it
Prerequisite = Blacksmith: +1† Prerequisite=Evade & Disarm: +1† automatically ends the current Round
Weaponry: +1 Intuition: +1 and begins a new Round, regardless of
Learning = Instruction [3/9] Learning = Instruction [10/10] how many AtR either opponent has
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10] Visual/Lecture [12] and Active [12] left. Note: The backflipping

Indicates that this Skill is used as the †
character can only attempt one
Indicates that this Skill is used as the
Default Progression, which is rolled for the Default Progression, which is rolled for the Bounding Roll in a Round and, if
Active learning methods Active learning methods unsuccessful, he or she takes Damage.
The Round continues with the
attacker able to Attack again (if they
Complimenting Skills are: Learning this Skill requires the have another AtR) or begin a new
character to practice fighting mock or Round with an Attack (no Advantage
Bowsmith, which allows the real opponents while blindfolded. Roll necessary). The Rac must decide
character to create bows the consequences for Natural 1
Siege Engines, which gives the Bounding rolls based on the situation.
character the ability to create, Complimenting Skills are:
repair and fire siege weapons
Repair Armor, which the character Capture Missile, which allows the Bounding
needs to repair all armor types, character to capture arrows and
including leather, metal, and fur other missile shots with his or Prerequisite= Jump†: 8 or less AM
her bare hands Learning = Instruction [6/8]
Weapons Evasion, which gives the Visual/Lecture [7] and Active [9]
Material Costs: Bladesmith character the ability to fight †
Indicates that this Ability is used as the
against an armed opponent with Default Progression, which is rolled for the
For daggers and knives 2g their bare hands Active learning methods
For long daggers / short swords 3g Evade and Disarm, which allows
For blunt weapons / pole arms 4g the character to both Defend
For axes and large swords 5g and physically disarm the
Anvil 10g opponent with their bare hands

Holy Lands 118 The Dark Ages

Bowsmith Breakfall Capture Missile
The Bowsmith Skill is the This Skill allows the character to The Capture Missile Skill gives
character’s ability to make bows and minimize the Damage taken from the character the incredible ability to
arrows. falling. Breakfall can be very handy grab airborne missile weapons, such as
when the character finds himself arrows, crossbow bolts, and sling
Creating bows and arrows of falling from high places or thrown shots, with their bare hands. This
superior quality require the Skill of against a hard surfaces. Landing with Skill does not take the place of the
Fine Crafting, Bowsmith Rolls of Breakfall can be on the character’s feet Dodge or Defend action, which
higher Difficulty, multiple time as well as the side, but usually turns remains separate. The character must
duration requirements, finer into a somersault-type roll in the end. Dodge the missile and then attempt to
materials, and planned creation. In capture it.
other words, the character cannot ever A successful Breakfall Roll
accidentally create a weapon of reduces the Damage from falling by The range in which the missile
superior quality. A weapon with a +1 half. The character can only use this was fired determines the Difficulty
Difficulty would require twice the Skill in situations in which the Factor to capture it. The only
cost, twice the time, and an increased character falls on or is thrown against requirement for using Capture Missile
Difficulty Factor (19) of a regular Damaging surfaces, not against blows. is that the missile comes within reach
weapon. A weapon with a +2 would of the character. Use the following
require three times the cost, three list to determine the Difficulty.
times the time, and a Difficulty Breakfall
Factor of 28. For ranges greater than 100 feet:
Prerequisite = Tumbling: +1
use a Moderate Difficulty
Learning = Instruction [3/7]
For ranges of 30 to 100 feet: use a
Bowsmith Visual/Lecture [4] and Active [8]
High Difficulty
For point-blank ranges of less than
Prerequisites = Weaponry: +1† 30 feet: use an Extreme Difficulty
W.S. Longbows Learning the Breakfall Skill
W.S. Light Missiles requires the character to practice
Learning = Instruction [4/9] actively falling from lower places, such Capture Missile
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10] as the ground, and working up to

Indicates that this Skill is used as the
higher places, such as tabletops or Prerequisite= Evade and Disarm:
Default Progression, which is rolled for the even rooftops. +1
Active learning methods Learning = Instruction [4/13]
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [15]
Complimenting Skills are:
Complimenting Skills are:
Roll with Blows, which is a Skill
Complimenting Skills are:
that gives the character the
Bladesmith, which allows the
ability to reduce the Damage
character to make bladed Weapons Evasion, which gives the
inflicted to him or her by rolling
weapons character the ability to fight
with blow
Siege Engines, which gives the against an armed opponent with
Heights, which the character needs
character the ability to create, their bare hands
in order to feel comfortable at
repair and fire siege weapons Evade and Disarm, which allows
extreme heights
the character to both Defend
Tumbling, this allows the character
and physically disarm the
to perform gymnast maneuvers
opponent with their bare hands
Material Costs: Bowsmith on ground surfaces
Roll with Blows, which is a Skill
that gives the character the
For longbows 4g ability to reduce the Damage
For short bows 3g
inflicted to him or her by rolling
For crossbows 4g
with blow
For twelve long arrows 1g
For twelve short arrows / bolts 5s

Holy Lands 119 The Dark Ages

Carpentry Cobbler Comedy
Carpentry is the Skill that allows The Cobbler Skill allows the Comedy gives the character the
the character to build and repair wood character to make fine shoes and Ability to tell jokes, act silly, and
structures, such as houses, keeps, footwear, such as sandals, boots, and otherwise cause another person to
boats, carts, and wagons. fancy shoes. This trade can be very laugh. They use their wit to tell light-
useful in creating shoes for sale or hearted jokes or by using props to
trade. make humorous acts. It allows the
Carpentry character to take another person out
of an uncomfortable or bad mood and
Prerequisite = Strength: 6 Cobbler put them into a relaxed and pleasant
Learning = Instruction [3/5] mood using jokes and merriment.
Visual/Lecture [4] and Active [6] Prerequisite = Patience: 5
Learning = Instruction [5/7] Making a Comedy Roll requires
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [8] the player to declare the attempt
before doing the act. In other words,
Complimenting Skills are: the player must declare what they will
attempt to do or say prior to the
Siege Engines, which gives the Learning the Cobbler Skill
Comedy Roll rather than after the
character the ability to create, requires the character to watch
fact. A successful Comedy Roll means
repair and fire siege weapons another shoemaker in action as much
that the following joke, remark, or act
Mechanics, which the character as requires trial and error.
needs to build and repair was funny, and the higher the roll the
mechanical structures funnier.
Invent/Ingenuity, which allows the Complimenting Skills are: People, who hear the comedic
character to “tinker” with act and do not want to laugh at it,
original inventions, such as new Craft Holy Item, which gives the must accomplish a successful Patience
kinds of lock traps character the ability to create Roll per Comedy Roll they hear.
holy items and clothing
Crafting, which the character needs
Material Costs: Carpentry to create original decorative Comedy
For houses 75g Fine Crafting, which allows the Prerequisite = Charisma: 7
For small shops / guilds 55g character to create fancy and Learning = Instruction [3/5]
For large shops / guilds 125g valuable decorative crafts, such Visual/Lecture [4] and Active [6]
For small monasteries (wood) 175g as jewelry, stained-glass
For small monasteries (stone) 285g windows, and finely crafted
For large monasteries (wood) 250g weapons
Complimenting Skills are:
For large monasteries (stone) 435g
For small keeps (wood) 200g Acting, which gives the character the
For small keeps (stone) 325g Material Costs: Cobbler ability to perform on stage in
For large keeps (stone) 525g front of a large audience
For wagons (horse drawn) 22g For leather boots 2g Sleight of Hand, which the
For carts 14g For leather shoes 1g character could incorporate into
For small bridges 45g For decorative leather boots 4g a comedic act for an
For large bridges 115g For decorative leather shoes 3g entertaining “magic” show
For small sailboats 35g Costume, which allows the
For large sailing vessels 400g character to dress as other
Hammer 1g personalities
Spikes (per dozen) 4s

Holy Lands 120 The Dark Ages

Compose Music Concealment Cooking
Compose Music is the Skill that This Skill allows the character to This Skill gives the character the
affords the character the art of writing conceal objects on his or person, such knowledge of how to prepare food
and organizing music. This type of as in their clothing, up their sleeve. healthfully and tastefully. It also
organization allows the character to Concealment, unlike the Hide Ability, allows the character to know about the
gather musicians to perform a certain does not oppose the Search Ability. foods and delicacies of people from
song or collection of songs as In other words, someone cannot use other lands and cultures.
composed. the Search Ability to see if a person is
This Skill is necessary for the
carrying a concealed object. Rather,
This can be an excellent way for preparation of meats to become edible.
the opponent must have the Identify
characters to make money and gain Otherwise, the person eating can get
Concealment Skill to recognize a
recognition. sick if one does not cook the meat
successfully concealed object.
However, an opponent can use the
Compose Music Search Ability to search a person
physically (frisk) for a concealed Cooking
Prerequisite = Read/Write: +1† object.
Play Stringed Instrument: +1 Concealment allows the character Prerequisite = Wisdom: 5
Play wind Instrument: +1 to conceal large swords under the Learning = Instruction [1/3]
Learning = Instruction [9/7] cloak or to conceal daggers in the Visual/Lecture [2] and Active [4]
Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [8] sleeve and similar situations.

Indicates that this Skill is used as the
Default Progression, which is rolled for the Learning the Cooking Skill
Active learning methods Concealment simply requires the character to
observe how someone thoroughly
Learning the Compose Music Prerequisite = Hide: 8 or less AM cooks meat once and try it on his or
Skill requires the character to observe Learning = Instruction [3/5] her own a couple times. The
skillful music in action as well as how Visual/Lecture [4] and Active [6] character then gains additional
it is written and organized.
knowledge based on observation and
Complimenting Skills are: Complimenting Skills are:

Acting, which would give the Lift Object, which gives the Complimenting Skills are:
character the ability to write character the ability to snatch
an object undetected by human Food Preservation, which gives the
musical performances
eyes or magic traps character the ability to preserve
Dance, which the character needs to
Sleight of Hand, which the food for extended periods of
know dances of various lands
character needs to make a small time
and cultures
object “magically” disappear Skin Animal, which the character
Singing, which allows the character
from their hands needs to skin an animal once
to sing in key of the music
Detect Concealment, which allows hunted
the character to recognize that
someone is carrying a
Material Costs: concealed object
Compose Music

Lute (guitar-like stringed inst.) 5g

Lyre (harp-like stringed inst.) 8g
Flute 3g
Parchment (per sheet) 1s
Quill and ink 3s

Holy Lands 121 The Dark Ages

Costume Counterfeit Craft Holy Item
This Skill allows the character to The Counterfeit Skill allows the Craft Holy Item is a Skill that
properly, convincingly, and creatively character to recreate official allows the character to create Holy
dress as a person from another land, documents and original works of art. items out of regular items. The
another lifestyle, or of another character can apply holy properties to
A complete counterfeit job of
Character Class. It gives the such items and sell, trade, or use them
one document or work of art can take
characters complete knowledge of the on adventures.
days to make perfect depending on the
dress of other cultures as well as of
amount of detail and art equipment See the section about Creating
their own culture and political
required. Simple official documents Holy Items in Chapter 3 for full
standings. It also allows the character
may require nothing more than a details on what it takes to create a
to know and impersonate the general
properly forged signature and a good Holy item or weapon.
behaviors of those who would wear the
copy of the wax seal. Where some
works of art can take up to four days
recreate, and one mistake causes the Create Holy Item
Costume counterfeiter to have to start over.
Prerequisite = Fine Crafting: +1†
Empower Crucifix: +1
Prerequisite = Intellect: 5
Learning = Instruction [5/2]
Counterfeit Learning = Instruction [8/10]
Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [12]
Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [4]
Prerequisite = Artistry: +1 Study [18]
Study [10]
Learning = Instruction [10/8]

Visual/Lecture [12] and Active [10] Indicates that this Skill is used as the
Default Progression, which is rolled for the
Active learning methods
It is relatively easy to learn the Determining the time required
many different types of clothing styles to counterfeit something is up to the Notice that a character can learn
because the character has undoubtedly Rac, but the time will always be in this Skill by studying. It is important
seen them already. Learning this hours for Moderate Difficulty and in to note that there are very few books
simply identifies the technical details days for higher Difficulties. written on the subject that can
of cultural dress that one can only actually teach this Skill alone.
learn by being taught. Typically, the character will only find
Complimenting Skills are: the ones that can in monasteries
where he or she may be better off
Complimenting Skills are: Heraldry, which gives the character learning anyway.
knowledge of political and
Acting, which would give the cultural crests and banners
character the ability to create Identify Counterfeit, which gives Complimenting Skills are:
accurate costumes of the parts the character the ability to
Disguise, which the character needs identify counterfeit artwork
Weaponry, which gives the
to know in order to use make- Political Science, which the
character knowledge of various
up and props to look like character needs to know the
weapons and their functions
someone in particular wealthy lifestyles of people
Fine Crafting, which gives the
Sewing/Tailor, which allows the from other lands
character the ability to create
character to create clothing of fine works of art, such as
various types jewelry and fancy glass or metal
Material Costs: Counterfeit statues
Empower Crucifix, which the
Material Costs: Costume Paintbrushes (various, 4 pcs.) 11s character needs to know in
Canvas (large) 8s order empower a crucifix with
Costume jewelry 3-10s Canvas (small) 5s a Miracle or other holy
Fake weapons 5-10s Fine Paints (11 colors) 1g property
Jester costumes 2g Parchment (per sheet) 1s

Holy Lands 122 The Dark Ages

Crafting Creatures and Beasts Creep
This Skill gives the character the This Skill allows the character to This very necessary Skill allows
creative ability to create decorative know and identify creatures and beasts the character to sneak around unheard
crafts, such as dolls, dollhouses, that were born of magic, such as by nearby people or beings. Creep
puppets, bead jewelry, chess and other centaurs, golems, gryphons, and other gives the character power over being
game pieces, and many various strange creatures. These creatures are heard but not over being seen, which
decorative knick-knacks. not demonic but not natural either. would require the Shadow Skill.
For more information about The Creep Skill surpasses the
creatures, see pages 275-276. Perception Ability. In other words,
Crafting only the HP-Hearing Skill can hear
someone successfully creeping. The
Prerequisite = Intellect: 4 Creatures and Beasts Perception Ability and Light Sleep
Learning = Instruction [1/2]
Skill only can hear a failed Creep
Visual/Lecture [2] and Active [2] Prerequisite = Demonology: +1 attempt (with the exception of a
Learning = Instruction [8/1] Natural 1 Creep Roll, which anyone
Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [2] within earshot can hear).
Learning the Crafting Skill can Study [10]
be relatively easy. It mostly requires
the character’s imagination, some Creep
supplies, and some simple ingenuity. This Skill is more of a science
than an active Skill. Therefore, the Prerequisite = Balance: 8 or less
more reading, studying, or visual Learning = Instruction [3/3]
Complimenting Skills are: representations of the beasts the Visual/Lecture [4] and Active [3]
character can find the better.
Fine Crafting, which would give the
character the ability to create
Learning the Creep Skill simply
fine crafts, such as jewelry and
Complimenting Skills are: requires the character to learn to walk
stained glass
Craft Holy Item, which gives the softly on various surfaces, such as
Devil Lore, which would give the hard, stone floors or in the forest, etc.
character the ability to create
character the ability to know
holy items and clothing
details about the devils that
Invent/Ingenuity, which allows the
have power over the dark Complimenting Skills are:
character to “tinker” with
original inventions, such as new
Animal Science, which gives the Shadow, which would give the
kinds of lock traps
character the knowledge of character the ability to move
animals and their habitats through crowds and in dark
Demonology, which allows the environments unseen and
Material Costs: Crafting character to know and identify unheard
demons that roam the earth Track, which gives the character the
Bead jewelry 1-4s ability to identify and follow
String puppets 1g tracks
Dolls 2-7s Elude Pursuit, which allows the
Dollhouses 2g character to lose any pursuers
Chess set 1-3g in any environment
Decorative sculptures (wood) 2s

Holy Lands 123 The Dark Ages

Critical Strike Cult Knowledge Dance
This Skill allows the character to This Skill gives the character the This Skill gives the character the
shoot or hit a target and, if successful, knowledge of various cults, their devil ability to know and perform the many
cause Double Damage. The character leaders, their various rituals and dances of the world. It is required for
can only use this Attack once per practices, and areas in which they the character to know the proper
Round as their Attack Roll and it gather. It allows the character to dance steps and perform in step with
must be the final action of that know most details about the many musical accompaniment.
Round as it takes much precision and cults of the worlds and their practices.
Like the Skill of Acting, this
care. If the character rolls a Natural
Without this Skill, the character Skill gives the character the
20 for their Critical Strike, they inflict
cannot know details and practices of confidence and desire to perform
Quadruple (4x) the normal Damage
the different cults beyond what they dances in front of others, especially an
and a Natural 19 inflicts Triple (3x)
have personally experienced. audience.
The “underground” information
In order to use this Skill, the
this Skill offers is limited to religious Dance
character must forfeit an Advantage
or cultic practices, not criminal
Roll, is not able to Dodge or Defend,
activities. Criminal activity Prerequisite = Agility: 6
and yet cannot take Damage that
knowledge requires the Skill of Learning = Instruction [4/4]
Round before the Critical Strike. This
Subversive Intelligence. Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [6]
may require someone else to distract
the opponent for an entire Round
while the character prepares the Cult Knowledge
Critical Strike attack. Learning the Dance Skill
Prerequisite = Memory: 6 requires practice and direction from a
Learning = Instruction [6/2] knowledgeable dancer.
Critical Strike Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [4]
Study [9]
Prerequisite = Targeting: +2 Complimenting Skills are:
Learning = Instruction [2/4]
Visual/Lecture [3] and Active [5] Acting, which would give the
Learning the Cult Knowledge character the ability and desire
Learning the Critical Strike Skill Skill requires studying and memory to perform skits and plays on
requires knowledge of the Skill’s for the many different names and stage
fundamentals and then practice practices. Singing, which gives the character
preparing such a blow. the ability to vocally perform
songs in key with music
Complimenting Skills are: Comedy, which allows the character
Complimenting Skills are: to do and say silly things to
Devil Lore, which would give the make people laugh
Double Shot, which gives the character the ability to know
character the ability to shoot details about the devils that
two nearby targets with two have power over the dark
arrows in one shot underworld
Triple Shot, which gives the Creatures and Beasts, which gives
character the ability to shoot the character the knowledge of
three nearby targets with three beasts born of magic
arrows in one shot Demonology, which allows the
Ricochet, which allows the character character to know and identify
to ricochet arrows and demons that roam the earth
crossbow bolts off hard
surfaces to hit targets around
corners, etc.

Holy Lands 124 The Dark Ages

Demonology Detect Concealment Devil Lore
This Skill allows the character to Using the Detect Concealment This Skill gives the character
know and identify demons and demi- Skill allows the character to identify knowledge about the devils who rule
races. By using their Demonology where another person could and the earth. Devils are demons that
Skill, characters can know the possibly is concealing an object or have survived for ages and have
attributes, weaknesses, and level (that weapon on their person. evolved into very powerful cult leaders.
is, whether the demon is Lesser, These devils amass other demons and
Note to the Rac: Managing
Greater, or Advanced) of a demon. humans to their service to conquer the
this will require you to know which
world and especially the Christian
Though they seem similar, there characters have this Skill and at what
faith. They are extremely elusive and
is a distinct difference between a Proficiency, but you should have the
mostly unseen by humans, even to the
creature and a demon, and therefore player roll a d20 without knowing for
high-ranking leaders of their cults.
require two different Skills to identify what. Use their roll to determine if
These leaders must prove their service
(one is Demonology and the other is the character is successful or not and
for years before even being able to
Creatures and Beasts). Yet again, then tell them why he or she rolled it.
communicate with the devil leader. In
there is another Skill to know the
fact, some cults believe that their devil
history of specific and very advanced
Detect Concealment leader, who deceives many of his own
demons. These demons have attained
cult members, is a good and just god.
the level of a devil, and, therefore,
require the Devil Lore Skill to know. Prerequisite = Concealment: +1 Furthermore, having the Devil
Learning = Instruction [2/4] Lore Skill allows the character to
Visual/Lecture [3] and Active [5] know the true devil leader of a cult.

Prerequisite = Memory: 6 Learning the Detect Concealment Devil Lore

Learning = Instruction [4/5] Skill requires the character to know
Study [12] and understand the Concealment Skill. Prerequisite = Demonology: +1†
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [6] With that in place, the character can Cult Knowledge: +1
apply how he or she does it to how Learning = Instruction [5/1]
another person might be doing it Study [10]
Learning the Demonology Skill while right in front them. Visual/Lecture [7] and Active [2]
requires someone to teach the basics †
Indicates that this Skill is used as the
of demonic weaknesses, “breeds”, and Default Progression, which is rolled for the
lifestyles. Active learning methods

Complimenting Skills are: Learning the Devil Lore Skill

requires the character to learn much
Lift Object, which gives the
about the cults and the demons of the
Complimenting Skills are: character the ability to snatch
an object undetected by human
Devil Lore, which would give the eyes or magic traps
character the ability to know Sleight of Hand, which the
character needs to make a small
Complimenting Skills are:
details about the devils that
have power over the dark object “magically” disappear
Demonology, which allows the
underworld from their hands
character to know and identify
Creatures and Beasts, which gives Profile Character, which allows the
demons that roam the earth
the character the knowledge of character to detect the motives
Creatures and Beasts, which gives
beasts born of magic and intentions of others based
the character the knowledge of
Cult Knowledge, which allows the on their behaviors and body
beasts born of magic
character to know and identify language
Cult Knowledge, which allows the
cultic groups and their leaders
character to know and identify
cultic groups and their leaders

Holy Lands 125 The Dark Ages

Diffuse Hostility Diffuse Violence Disguise
Diffuse Hostility allows the Like the Diffuse Hostility Skill, This Skill allows the character to
character to calm a hostile human this Skill can soothe two or more use make-up and other accessories to
being out of an aggression with rightly people (one per level) who are disguise himself or someone else as a
spoken words. It can soothe the becoming or have become physically specific person. The disguising person
tension between two friends, relatives, combative. This Skill can also allow must know details and features of the
or spouses. Diffuse Hostility can bring the character to avoid unnecessary person they are attempting to portray.
wise counsel to heal a relationship as Combat, both of which can be
The Difficulty of this Skill will
well as ease an angry person. worthwhile when it comes to
increase based on who will see the
Experience points.
Diffuse Hostility can only work if disguised individual. If the person or
the diffuser did not first antagonize people are familiar with the portrayed
the aggressor into the anger. Diffuse Violence person, the character had better have
taken care of the details with a good
This Skill can also diffuse the
Prerequisite = Diffuse Hostility: +1 Disguise Roll. If the roll was low,
Sin of Strife (see the Strife Sin for
Learning = Instruction [3/2] more rolls should follow until the
further details).
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [3] disguise is completely thorough.
Each Disguise Roll requires at
Diffuse Hostility least s Five-score of time to complete
Like the Diffuse Hostility Skill, and maybe longer if the Rac so
Prerequisite = Virtue: 6 learning this Skill requires learning determines.
Learning = Instruction [6/3] and applying wise counsel. It also
Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [4] requires a righteous heart to desire to
use the Skill. Disguise

Learning the Diffuse Hostility Prerequisite = Costume: +1

Skill requires learning and applying Complimenting Skill is: Learning = Instruction [5/2]
wise counsel. It also requires a Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [3]
righteous heart to desire to use the Diffuse Hostility, which gives the
Skill. character the ability to calm
people who have become angry Complimenting Skills are:
Complimenting Skill is: Costume, which gives the character
Note to the Rac: The Diffuse the ability to dress as another
Diffuse Violence, which gives the Hostility and Diffuse Violence Skills can class of character or member of
character the ability to calm dramatically impact your adventure, group
people who have or will especially if you planned for a story to Recognize Disguise, which gives
become combative lead somewhere due to a conflict. In
the character the ability to
fact, it can quickly bring your plans to a
identify that another person is
screeching halt. Nevertheless, you
must reward this Skill and you cannot disguised as someone else
turn the game in favor of the diffused
characters when it is used. This
important principal represents one of Material Costs: Disguise
the many virtues of the Christian faith;
where one person does right even
Complete disguise kit (wigs, make-
though two or more others assume that
up, costume jewelry, etc.) 10g
unnecessary violence or hostility
accomplishes something. Make-up kit 3g
Likewise, Experience points Wigs kit 4g
should be awarded for each use of Costume jewelry 3-10s
either of these Skills. Fake weapons 5-10s

Holy Lands 126 The Dark Ages

Divine Insight Double Shot Earth Science
This rare and powerful Skill This Skill applies to archery This skill allows the character to
allows the character to receive insight weapons only. It allows the character know about, learn about, and use the
from God. The character can ask a to hit two separate nearby targets with earth and its elements (fire, water,
question that would receive an answer two arrows or bolts using only one earth, and air). It gives them the
of “yes” or “no” regarding the strike. The character must shoot the capability to build a fire with sticks
direction in which a specific person or two arrows or bolts with one pull-and- and stones, find a hidden source of
object is located. It does not reveal release. water, purify water by boiling, make a
anything regarding the distance to or polar magnetic compass with a needle,
The two targets cannot be more
the condition of the person or object. and identify insects and their habitats.
than five feet apart from each other
The question must relate to a past or
per twenty feet of distance from the
current situation, not a situation that
shooter. Earth Science
has yet to happen.
Upon release, the player rolls a
In order to hear the answer from Prerequisite = Intellect: 5
d20 for the Skill, and adds any
God, the character must spend 1 Learning = Instruction [8/3]
Bonuses he or she has for this Skill.
Five-score of time in quite, Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [5]
If aware, the opponents Dodge using
undistracted prayer and meditation. Study [7]
the Weapon Skill of the weapon type
After that time, the character will feel
that the shooter is using (either W.S.
the true/false feeling in their heart.
Longbows for longbows or W.S. Light
Missiles for short bows or crossbows). Learning the Earth Science Skill
Divine Insight requires instruction on the earth’s
elements by someone who knows
Prerequisite = Meditation: +1†
Double Shot much on the subject.
Virtue: 8
Prerequisite = Critical Strike: +1†
Learning = Instruction [2/12]
Visual/Lecture [2] and Active [18]
W.S. Light Missiles or Complimenting Skills are:
W.S. Longbows
Study [7]
Learning = Instruction [3/5] Gemology, which gives the

Indicates that this Skill is used as the Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [8] character the ability to identify
Default Progression, which is rolled for the and appraise precious metals
Active learning methods and stones
Learning the Double Shot Skill Herbal Science, which the character
A character must learn Divine needs to identify and use herbs
Insight in a monastery, church, or requires knowledge of the Weapon
and herbal drafts
other holy building. The character Skill’s fundamentals and then practice
Poison Science, which allows the
cannot learn this Skill on any other executing such a shot.
character to identify and use
ground than holy ground. poisons
Animal Science, which gives the
Complimenting Skills are: character the ability to identify
Complimenting Skills are: animals
Critical Strike, which gives the
Meditation, which gives the character the ability to cause
character the ability to pray for Double Damage to a target
and receive Faith points Triple Shot, which gives the
restored character the ability to shoot
Restoration, which allows the three nearby targets with three
character to pray for and arrows in one shot
receive restored Life points Ricochet, which allows the character
Empower Crucifix, which the to ricochet arrows and
character needs to embed a crossbow bolts off hard
Miracle onto a crucifix for surfaces to hit targets around
someone else to use corners, etc.

Holy Lands 127 The Dark Ages

Edify Elude Pursuit Empower Crucifix
This powerful Skill allows the The character with this Skill can For complete directions on how
character to speak in an uplifting cover his or her tracks and/or evade to use this Skill, refer to the
manner that grants another person the sight of the pursuer. In other Empowering a Crucifix section on
Bonuses the next time they attempt to words, this Skill is necessary for a pages 218-219 for details.
use a specific action. The edifying character to “lose” a pursuer who is
words provide the hearer a +1 per using either the Track Skill or Shadow
Proficiency Bonus of the edifying Skill to follow them. The Rac will Empower Crucifix
character to one specified action. determine the Difficulty Factor of
This means that the edifying character this Skill based on the distance and Prerequisite = Miracles (any): +1
must speak in an uplifting manner the Skill level of the pursuing Learning = Instruction [2/3]
about how the hearer uses a specific character. The closer and more Visual/Lecture [3] and Active [6]
Skill, Attribute, or Ability, and, if Skilled the pursuer, the more difficult
successfully edified, the hearer gains it will be to elude their pursuit.
the Bonuses to the next time he or
she uses the action. The character
Elude Pursuit Material Costs: Empower
applies the edifying Bonuses to their
Effort Roll or Attribute Rating,
depending on the situation. Prerequisite = Shadow: +1†
Track: +1 Wood crucifix (w/o Miracle) 10s
This Skill can also diffuse the Learning = Instruction [6/6] Bone crucifix (w/o Miracle) 1g,10s
Sin of Strife (see the Strife Sin for Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [9] Copper crucifix (w/o Miracle)4g,10s
further details). Silver crucifix (w/o Miracle) 12g,5s

Indicates that this Skill is used as the Gold crucifix (w/o Miracle) 20g
Default Progression, which is rolled for the Add Miracle charge see page 218
Active learning methods

Prerequisite = Preach: +1
Learning = Instruction [5/8] Characters must learn this Skill
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [10] from one who is experienced in both
eluding pursuit and teaching the
fundamentals of the Skill.
For the character to learn this
Skill, he or she must practice applying
their knowledge of the scriptures to Complimenting Skills are:
peoples' daily struggles and self-
Track, which gives the character the
ability to follow tracks and
footprints of a person or animal
Shadow, which allows the character
Complimenting Skills are:
to follow someone without the
pursued noticing
Preach, which gives the character
Profile Area, which the character
the ability to win souls and
needs to notice where an
cease demonic activity
ambush may be set or where to
Biblical Studies, which allows the
set a proper ambush
character to know about biblical
events and scriptures
Empower Crucifix, which the
character needs to embed a
Miracle onto a crucifix for
someone else to use

Holy Lands 128 The Dark Ages

Escape Artistry Estimation Evade and Disarm
This Skill allows the character to This Skill gives the character the This Skill allows the character to
perform seemingly magic escape ability to estimate distances, weights, evade and disarm his or her opponent
techniques from confining areas that and other amounts of measurement with their bare hands (gauntlets are
have a lock, such as sealed boxes, nearly perfectly. This Skill can also required for bladed weapons). The
dungeon cells, chains, etc. The come in handy in estimating statistics, character must perform this Skill in
beauty of this Skill is the character such as how many people within a place of a Defend Roll and successfully
can perform these escapes even when large group are carrying a concealed performing it totally removes the
escape is seemingly impossible, such weapon or estimating how many gold opponent’s weapon from their
as when the character is locked in the pieces a large chest holds. possession without harm to the
chained box and thrown into the sea character.
or into a fire. In order to perform
this Skill, the character must have Estimation
some object for picking locks in their Evade and Disarm
possession. Prerequisite = Logic: +1
Learning = Instruction [2/5] Prerequisite = Weapons
Note to the Rac: allow this Visual/Lecture [3] and Active [7] Evasion: +1
Skill to defy logic a little (think Learning = Instruction [8/12]
“Houdini”). Let the character end up Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [15]
escaping unseen and appearing in a
Learning Estimation requires
distant spot away from the place he or The difficult thing about
more hands-on work, such as
she was escaping; out of harm’s way learning this Skill is the danger
measuring, than instruction because it
(assuming they have Swimming or factor. It requires much trial-and-
is not something easily taught to
other Skill needed to achieve the error, which the error part causes
someone else.
complete escape). actual physical Damage. Use
Controlled Damage for mock teaching
Complimenting Skills are: (see page 25 for details).
Escape Artistry
Logic, which the character needs in
Prerequisite = Pick Locks: +1
order to do simple to complex
Complimenting Skills are:
Learning = Instruction [6/6]
mathematical equations
Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [8] Weapons Evasion, which allows the
Targeting, which the character
needs to accurately hit an character to Defend weapon
Learning this Skill requires Attacks with his or her bare
inanimate object with a thrown
someone who is proficient in the ways hands
or missile weapon
of escape artistry to teach the Blind Fight, which the character
The Sciences (all), which the
character in all the different means of needs to fight an opponent in
character can use to estimate
escape, such as in water, in fire, animal population, plant and pure darkness or while blinded
hanging upside down in chains, etc. vegetation life, and mineral Capture Missile, which allows the
growth within certain areas character to grab arrows and
bolts with their bare hands
Complimenting Skills are: (leather gloves required)

Pick Locks, which the character

needs in order to open locks
without the key
Trap Works, which allows the
character to set effective traps
Locate/Disarm Traps, which the
character needs to find and
disarm complex and intricate
traps, such as poison needles

Holy Lands 129 The Dark Ages

Farming Fine Crafting Fishing
This Skill allows the character to Having this Skill allows the Fishing is the Skill that allows
grow and maintain crops and livestock character to create very costly and the character to build and sell all
for food or for sale. The character valued crafts, such as fine jewelry, manner of fishing equipment, such as
must know this Skill in order to know stained glass windows, ice sculptures netting, poles, hooks, weights, and
the proper harvest seasons, crop yields, (in appropriate climates), stage lures. It also provides the character
and crop value as well as proper pyrotechnics, and other unique and with a proper understanding of the
livestock slaughter procedures, skilled types of crafts. various fish of the known world, their
livestock nutrition, and livestock habitats, and their diets.
Players can use this Skill to
create things that are beyond the
normal scope of creating decorative Fishing
Farming crafts. Note to the Rac: make this
Skill a requirement for all crafting Prerequisite = Patience: 5
Prerequisite = Wisdom: 5 endeavors the characters attempt, Learning = Instruction [1/1]
Learning = Instruction [2/2] such as the above-listed ones. Study [4]
Visual/Lecture [3] and Active [3] Visual/Lecture [2] and Active [2]
Study [5]
Fine Crafting

Prerequisite = Crafting: +1
Complimenting Skills are:
A true farmer must teach this Learning = Instruction [7/7]
Skill to the character in order to get Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [11] Sea Fisher, which allows the
the basics of livestock care and crop character to catch large
cultivation. amounts of fish from large
bodies of water
Animal Science, which gives the
Complimenting Skills are: Complimenting Skills are: character the knowledge of
various common land animals
Livestock Herding, which the Craft Holy Item, which the Earth Science, which the character
character needs in order to character needs in order to needs to know and use the
move large numbers of animals create holy items and weapons earth and its elements
at a time successfully
Earth Science, which allows the Artistry, which the character needs
character to have knowledge of to create realistic paintings and
the earth and its elements sculptures
Animal Science, which gives the Bladesmith, which the character
character the knowledge of wild needs in order to create finely
animals crafted bladed weapons

Material Costs: Farming Material Costs: Fine

Plow (horse- or yak- drawn) 15g
Scythe (2d12 Damage) 10g For stained-glass (per sq. foot) 7g
Mill (with threshing stone) 55g Jewelry varies greatly
Stage pyrotechnics (per effect) 6g
Fireworks (each) 3g

Holy Lands 130 The Dark Ages

Food Preservation Gemology Grapple
This Skill allows the character to This Skill represents the This Skill allows the character to
preserve food, such as meats, character’s knowledge of the various restrain and immobilize another being
vegetables, breads, and cheeses, to precious metals and gems that miners of up to twice his or her Weight
prevent rotting by using salts and unearth from deep within the mines Factor. The character uses
leather wrapping. The character is of the earth. Characters can also use submission holds that binds the
able to preserve food for 3 days per this Skill to identify the value of a opponent’s hands or otherwise
Proficiency Bonus beyond the normal gem or precious metal and what they incapacitates the opponent’s limbs
3 days food stays fresh and edible. can sell it for in the marketplace. from being a threat. Using Grapple
allows the character to control the
opponent upright or on the ground.
Food Preservation Gemology
The opponent can attempt to
Prerequisite = Cooking: +1 Prerequisite = Earth Science: +1 Dodge with his or her W.S. Hand to
Learning = Instruction [3/8] Learning = Instruction [4/3] Hand (as basic Combat sequence) or
Study [8] Study [7] use an opposing Grapple Roll to
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10] Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [5] prevent being grappled.
Once the opponent is grappled,
the grappler can only use Kick Attack
Learning this Skill requires the Someone versed in the or another Grapple Skill to harm the
character to learn from an instructor knowledge of gems and precious opponent, but each kick requires a
who is able to preserve food and who is metals must teach the Gemology Skill. successful Grapple Roll after it or the
therefore able to utilize the necessary The instructor must have several victim became free (Moderate
salts and wraps properly. different gems and precious metal Difficulty Factor).
objects to demonstrate the value. A
good place to learn this is from buying
Complimenting Skills are: and selling gems to different people. Grapple

Cooking, this allows the character to Prerequisite = Agility: 6†

cook foods healthfully and Complimenting Skills are: Strength: 6
tastefully Learning = Instruction [8/13]
Skin Animals, which gives the Earth Science, which allows the Visual/Lecture [12] and
character the ability to trap and character to know about the Active [17]
skin animals earth and its elements
Earth Science, which the character Fine Crafting, which gives the

Indicates that this Attribute is used as the
needs to know about the earth Default Progression, which is rolled for the
character the ability to create Active learning methods
and its elements fine crafts, such as jewelry and
stained glass
Craft Holy Item, which the
Material Costs: Food character needs to create items
with permanent holy powers Complimenting Skills are:

Leather wraps (4 pcs.) 11s Grapple and Slam, which gives the
Salts (per ½ pound) 8s character the ability to lift the
Oils (per ½ pint) 5s grappled opponent and slam
him to the ground
Grapple and Break, which the
character needs to break an
opponent’s limbs while in a
submission hold

Holy Lands 131 The Dark Ages

Grapple and Break Grapple and Slam Grapple Escape
The character needs this Skill in This Skill utilizes the Grapple This Skill is required to escape
order to break the limb of the Skill and combines it with a wrestling- from the immobilizing grip of the
opponent in which he or she has style body slam, which lifts the Grapple technique. A Dodge Roll
grappled. Without this Skill, the grappled opponent in the air and (W.S. Hand to Hand) is required to
character does not have the proper forcefully slams him or her to the evade someone trying to Grapple you,
technique to do so. The character ground, further incapacitating them. but if he or she is successful, this Skill
may make a single roll, one to Grapple The character may make a single is necessary to break free from the
or one to Grapple and Break. Grapple and Slam Roll for a complete grip.
action in place of a Grapple Roll, or
A broken limb represents ¼ of a A character with this Skill
later roll Grapple and Slam to slam
characters Life points. Therefore, if slightly modifies the Grapple and
the character after he or she has
the character had all four limbs Break and Grapple and Slam rules in
successfully grappled the opponent.
broken at the same time, he or she that someone attempting one of those
would be left with 1 Life point. A A slam costs the opponent Skills on someone with this Skill
broken neck should be instant death 1d6+1 Life points plus an additional requires two separate rolls. That is,
to a character or opponent. Note to number of points of Damage equal to someone cannot Grapple and Slam or
the Rac: the ‘broken neck’ rule must the slamming character’s Strength AR Grapple and Break someone with this
apply either way or neither way. (double the total for Natural 20). Skill in a single roll. The character
with Grapple Escape always has a
chance to escape after being grappled
Grapple and Break Grapple and Slam and before any other action can take
Prerequisite = Grapple: +1 Prerequisite = Grapple: +1†
Learning = Instruction [2/1] Strength: 7
Visual/Lecture [3] and Active [2] Learning = Instruction [5/9] Grapple Escape
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [10]
Prerequisite= Grapple†: +1

Indicates that this Skill is used as the Learning = Instruction [4/4]
Learning this Skill requires the Default Progression, which is rolled for the
character to observe the instructor in Active learning methods Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [6]
action, which may require an †
Indicates that this Skill is used as the
opponent or two to suffer broken Learning this Skill requires the Default Progression, which is rolled for the
limbs. That is what makes this Skill instructor to know and demonstrate Active learning methods
difficult to learn and therefore rarely many different types of slams on a
seen. Instructors find the best place willing opponent or in battle.
to teach a pupil this Skill is on the Complimenting Skills are:
Complimenting Skills are:
Tackle, which allows the character
to tackle an opponent to the
Complimenting Skills are: Tackle, which allows the character
ground with great force
to tackle an opponent to the
Grapple and Slam, which gives the
Tackle, which allows the character ground with great force
character the ability to lift the
to tackle an opponent to the Grapple and Break, which the
grappled opponent and slam
ground with great force character needs to break an
him to the ground
Grapple and Slam, which gives the opponent’s limbs from a
Grapple and Break, which the
character the ability to lift the submission hold
character needs to break an
grappled opponent and slam Grapple Escape, which allows the
opponent’s limbs from a
him to the ground or other character to escape from an
submission hold
surface with great force opponent’s Grapple technique
Grapple Escape, which allows the
character to escape from an
opponent’s Grapple technique

Holy Lands 132 The Dark Ages

Heights Heraldry Herbal Science
This Skill allows the character to Heraldry is the art and science of Herbal Science represents the
feel comfortable and confident at identifying and knowing crests, character’s knowledge of the many
extreme heights as if he or she were banners, organizational symbols, and different types of vegetation he or she
on or near the ground. This is the coats of arms as well as genealogies. may encounter, including poisonous
Skill required to walk tightropes and The character is required to have this plants, plants that grant nourishment,
balance beams or scale ledges, all at Skill if he or she is to identify or and especially plants used to create
extreme heights. counterfeit crests, symbols of knights herbal drafts and cures. At the Rac’s
and their orders, symbols of guilds, as discretion, this Skill allows the
Without this Skill, characters
well as royal documents and family character to find one of the different
cannot attempt movement of any kind
lineage papers (especially for royalty herbs listed in the Herbs, Cures, and
at extreme heights without a
and nobility). Poisons section of Chapter 3 (for the
debilitating sense of vertigo. This
Rac, you will find a random chart of
dizziness causes -6 to all rolls Heraldry contrasts the Subversive
the herbal shrubs on page 309) as well
(including Balance Rolls) until the Intelligence Skill in that Heraldry gives
as how to create an herbal draft or
character acquires the Skill of knowledge of legitimate organizations
Heights. that operate under or for the laws of
the land, where Subversive Intelligence
You would roll the Heights Skill
gives knowledge of the underground, Herbal Science
in place of a Balance Roll where
criminal organizations.
appropriate, including times where
your character is attempting to walk Prerequisite= Intellect: 6†
tightropes and balance beams or scale Memory: 5
Heraldry Learning = Instruction [10/5]
Visual/Lecture [12] and Active [6]
Prerequisite = Memory: 5 Study [15]
Learning = Instruction [8/2]
Heights Visual/Lecture [11] and Active [2] †
Indicates that this Attribute is used as the
Default Progression, which is rolled for the
Prerequisites = Balance: 7 or less Active learning methods
Learning = Instruction [3/9]
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10] Learning the Heraldry Skill Characters may learn this Skill
requires the character to view family from reading a complete and
Learning this Skill requires the history ledgers and see the many comprehensive book on the subject.
character to attempt tightropes and different types of heraldic crests.
balances at great heights. Hopefully,
the character has an instructor who Complimenting Skills are:
has the resources to use safety Complimenting Skills are:
harnesses and/or safety nets below. Poison Science, which allows the
Political Science, which is a Skill character to identify and safely
that gives the character the extract poisons from various
Complimenting Skills are: ability to know current and sources
historic political boundaries and Earth Science, which the character
Acrobatics, which allows the leaders needs to know about the earth
character to perform tumbling Subversive Intelligence, which the and its elements
tricks at great heights character needs in order to Animal Science, which gives the
Scale Walls, which gives the know the goings-on of character knowledge of animals
character the ability to climb up underground organizations and their habitats and behaviors
vertical surfaces made of bricks Cult Knowledge, this allows the
W.S. Longbows, which the character to identify cults and
character needs to shoot the their practices
longbow, allowing for shots at
Material Costs: Herbal
targets of up to 400 feet of Science
Herbal Alembic (steeps drafts) 2-5g

Holy Lands 133 The Dark Ages

Horsemanship HP: Hearing HP: Scent
This Skill gives the character the This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
knowledge and ability to ride and care have a heightened Perception (HP) have a heightened Perception (HP)
for horses. Without this Skill, the when using his or her sense of when using his or her sense of smell.
character is not able to stay on a horse hearing. When characters normally When characters normally attempt a
without a more proficient rider with attempt a Perception Roll that involves Perception Roll that involves a scent or
them, let alone control the animal’s sound, the person with this Skill may taste, the person with this Skill may
movements. elect to use it (with a Simple elect to use it (with a Simple
Difficulty) in place of the normal Difficulty) in place of the normal
Players roll this Skill whenever
Perception Roll. This Skill also allows Perception Roll. This Skill also allows
the character must gain or regain
the character to, at the Rac’s the character to, at the Rac’s
control of a horse, or when the
discretion, attempt to hear things well discretion, attempt to smell or taste
character commands the mount to do
before those without this Skill (based things well before those without this
something against it’s nature,
on the Moderate Difficulty). Skill (based on the Moderate
especially if scared. This Skill is
required to break a wild horse in order In addition, this Skill allows the
to make it safe for normal riding. character to focus his or her hearing This ability typically uses a five-
on one sound or conversation that foot distance per Proficiency of
other noises may be drowning out. additional Perception.
This ability typically uses a ten-
Prerequisite = Strength: 5 † foot distance per Proficiency of HP: Scent
Wisdom: 5 additional Perception.
Learning = Instruction [3/6] Prerequisite = Endurance: 7
Visual/Lecture [4] and Active [8] Learning = Instruction [4/9]
HP: Hearing Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [13]

Indicates that this Attribute is used as the
Default Progression, which is rolled for the Prerequisite = Endurance: 7
Active learning methods Learning = Instruction [4/9]
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [13] Learning the HP: Scent Skill
requires the character to learn to smell
Complimenting Skills are: or taste things that he or she would
otherwise not smell or taste in a
Learning the HP: Hearing Skill
Mounted Combat, which gives the normal environment, such as the
requires the character to learn to hear
character the ability to fight forest or mountains.
things that he or she would otherwise
while riding horseback not hear in a quite environment, such
Animal Riding, which the character as in the forest or mountains.
needs to ride other ride-able Complimenting Skills are:
animals besides horses
Animal Handling, which allows the HP: Sight, which gives the character
Complimenting Skills are: the ability to notice things by
character to calm and command
wild or hostile animals sight before others without the
HP: Sight, which gives the character Skill
the ability to notice things by HP: Touch, which gives the
sight before others without the character the ability to notice
Material Costs: Skill things by vibration before
Horsemanship HP: Touch, which gives the others without the Skill
character the ability to notice HP: Hearing, which gives the
Riding Horse 25g things by vibration before character the ability to notice
War Horse 40g others without the Skill things by sound before others
Pony 12g HP: Scent, which gives the without the Skill
Saddles and tack 12g character the ability to notice
things by smell or taste before
others without the Skill

Holy Lands 134 The Dark Ages

HP: Sight HP: Touch Identify Counterfeit
This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to Identify Counterfeit is the Skill
have a heightened Perception (HP) have a heightened Perception (HP) that affords the character the
when using his or her sense of vision. when using his or her sense of touch. knowledge of recognizing counterfeit
When characters normally attempt a When characters normally attempt a documents, artwork, and official
Perception Roll that involves seeing, Perception Roll that involves touching, signatures.
the person with this Skill may elect to the person with this Skill may elect to
use it (with a Simple Difficulty) in use it (with a Simple Difficulty) in
place of the normal Perception Roll. place of the normal Perception Roll. Identify Counterfeit
This Skill also allows the character to, This Skill also allows the character to,
at the Rac’s discretion, attempt to see at the Rac’s discretion, attempt to feel Prerequisite = Artistry: +1
things well before those without this vibrations well before those without Learning = Instruction [8/5]
Skill (based on the Moderate this Skill (based on the Moderate Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [8]
Difficulty). Difficulty).
This ability typically uses a ten- This ability typically uses a ten-
Learning the Identify Counterfeit
foot distance per Proficiency of foot distance per Proficiency of
Skill requires the character to see
additional Perception. additional Perception.
actual counterfeited documents and/or
create counterfeit documents (by
HP: Sight HP: Touch using the Counterfeit Skill).

Prerequisite = Endurance: 7 Prerequisite = Endurance: 7

Learning = Instruction [4/9] Learning = Instruction [4/9] Complimenting Skills are:
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [13] Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [13]
Counterfeit, which would give the
character the ability to create
counterfeit documents and
Learning the HP: Sight Skill Learning the HP: Touch Skill artwork
requires the character to learn to see requires the character to learn to feel Recognize Disguise, which the
things that he or she would otherwise the presence of supernatural forces character needs in order to
not see in a normal environment, that normal people would otherwise recognize a good disguise
such as in the forest or mountains. miss, such as feeling if an item is holy Detect Concealment, which allows
or magic without inspecting it. the character to recognize if
someone is concealing an item
Complimenting Skills are: on his or her person
Complimenting Skills are:
HP: Hearing, which gives the
character the ability to notice HP: Sight, which gives the character
things by sound before others the ability to notice things by
without the Skill sight before others without the
HP: Touch, which gives the Skill
character the ability to notice HP: Scent, which gives the
things by vibration before character the ability to notice
others without the Skill things by scent or taste before
HP: Scent, which gives the others without the Skill
character the ability to notice HP: Hearing, which gives the
things by smell or taste before character the ability to notice
others without the Skill things by sound before others
without the Skill

Holy Lands 135 The Dark Ages

Identify Holy Symbols Identify Spells Impersonate
Unlike Runes, holy symbols This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
inscribe themselves when a clergy recognize a spell by its affect. It also impersonate the mannerisms, posture,
imbues the power of Miracles to a allows a character to know what spell and speech patterns of another person,
weapon or item. These symbols allow is happening if he or she hears the including mimicking their voice. In
characters with this Skill to identify spellcaster incanting it or by reading it order to use this Skill, the character
the function or functions of a holy in a spellbook or scroll. must observe the person for a time
item long enough to study his or her
Furthermore, having this Skill
behaviors (Perception Rolls are
Typical holy symbols are permanently grants the character a
required each Round of observation).
mysterious symbols of various shapes, +1 per Proficiency Bonus to their
which represent variations of elements Saving Throws versus Spells and When used with the Disguise
of heaven and of the earth, such as Curses. Skill, the character is able to
wind, weather, fire, water, and earth. impersonate another person down to
Some symbols are as of yet still the finest detail (assuming they both
unknown. Identify Spells have similar body shapes).

Prerequisite = Read Runes: +1

Identify Holy Symbols Learning = Instruction [5/2] Impersonate
Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [4]
Prerequisite = Memory: 7 Study [10] Prerequisite = Acting: +1
Learning = Instruction [10/5] Learning = Instruction [5/8]
Visual/Lecture [12] and Active [6] Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [10]
Study [15] Characters trying to learn this
Skill must hear each spell and the
sounds that make them broken down Getting good with this Skill
For more information on holy for easier identification. An simply requires practice impersonating
symbols, see page 224 in the Holy understanding of Runes is also others. Since people are so different,
Items section of Chapter 3. critical. the character has many options to
start with.

Complimenting Skills are: Complimenting Skills are:

Complimenting Skills are:
Craft Holy Item, which gives the Read Runes, which would give the
character the ability to create a character the ability to read and Acting, which gives the character
holy item that others may use identify Rune traps knowledge and confidence of
Identify Spell, which the character Identify Holy Symbols, which the stage acting
needs in order to identify what character needs in order to Costume, which gives the character
spell a spellcaster has spoken know about holy items the ability to dress as others
Read Runes, which allows the Craft Holy Item, which gives the with great detail
character to identify the character the ability to create a Comedy, which the character needs
meaning or affect of a Rune holy item that others may use in order to make people laugh
configuration, including Rune with various jokes and pranks

Holy Lands 136 The Dark Ages

Intimidation Intuition Invent/Ingenuity
This Skill allows the character to Using this Skill allows the Invent/Ingenuity allows the
use a terrifying face-to-face approach, character to use his or her higher character to invent new and improved
such as a shout, a phrase, a look, or a wisdom to gain a positive or negative mechanical devices creatively, such as
tone of voice, to intimidate another feeling about a situation primarily enhanced locks and traps as well as
person, who then feels threatened. related to his or her safety and household items that make life a little
Using this Skill causes the especially survival. The character can more convenient.
intimidated person to suffer negatives “check in” intuitively about anything,
Special note: characters cannot
to whatever dice roll follows the but all he or she will gain is an
use this Skill to create or harness
intimidation (not including the roll to instinctive feeling about the situation,
things, such as firearms, electricity, or
Save versus Intimidation). If unable such as a good feeling or a bad feeling.
combustion, which would
to Save, the intimidated person
Unlike the Skill of Divine revolutionize the era prematurely.
suffers a -1 per Proficiency Rating of
Insight, the intuitive feeling gained This Skill simply allows the clever
the intimidator’s Skill. The person
from this Skill is central to the person to create enhanced versions of
can attempt to dispel an intimidator
character alone, and it does not come things that would already exist.
with a Saving Throw (a Patience Roll
from God. In other words, the feeling
in this case), which negates any
leads the character in a way that
intimidation. Invent/Ingenuity
betters him or her only, and is based
The player attempting to on currently gained knowledge. It is a
intimidate should have to come up hunch that may be skewed by the Prerequisite = Mechanics: +1
with a scary phrase or action that his character’s own motives and Sins. Learning = Instruction [8/8]
or her character will use, otherwise use Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [10]
the imagination of the players.
Learning this Skill requires the
Intimidation Prerequisite = Wisdom: 7† character to see and build various
Patience: 6 innovative items that someone has the
Prerequisite = Charisma: 7 Learning = Instruction [10/12] knowledge of inventing.
Learning = Instruction [5/5] Visual/Lecture [12] and Active [14]
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [6]

Study [10] Indicates that this Attribute is used as the
Default Progression, which is rolled for the
Complimenting Skills are:
Active learning methods
Learning this Skill requires the Mechanics, which gives the
character to learn threatening phrases, In order to learn this Skill, the character the ability to build and
gestures, and other techniques. character must attempt various repair mechanical objects
situations that require an intuitive Earth Science, which gives the
guidance. character the ability to know the
Complimenting Skills are: earth and its elements
Crafting, which the character needs
Persuasion, which gives the Complimenting Skills are: in order to create decorative
character the ability to charm crafts for sale and otherwise
another person Divine Insight, which would give
Negotiation, which the character the character the ability to gain
needs in order to bargain to his knowledge from God
or her advantage Sense Pursuit/Target, which the
Presence, which allows the character needs in order to
character to carry an sense eminent danger
intimidating presence about him Heightened Perception, which
or her gives the character increased
ability to their Perception

Holy Lands 137 The Dark Ages

Juggling Land Navigation Lift Object
This Skill allows the character to Land Navigation allows the This Skill is not about lifting
juggle multiple objects at one time, character to determine his or her heavy objects; rather it allows the
such as balls, knives, fire torches, and position of movement accurately in character to snatch an object from its
other objects of various shapes and most environments, including when current location without anyone else
sizes. The character uses this Skill underground. The character can use noticing- even if the item is being
primarily for entertainment, but it this Skill to gauge lateral directions of guarded. Unlike Pick Pockets, this
definitely has its practical uses in such travel, such as north, east, south, and Skill pertains to lifting objects that
events as tournaments. west, as well as determining elevation are not within someone else’s
and grade of slopes. possession. Lift Object is particularly
useful for re-stealing an object that an
Juggling This Skill is necessary to avoid
enemy had previously stolen. This
characters becoming lost in new and
Skill also allows the character to lift
Prerequisite = Agility: 7 unfamiliar surroundings, such as
an object from its current location
Learning = Instruction [4/10] forests, deserts, mountains, and
without setting off any Rune traps
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [12] especially underground dwellings.
that may be guarding it.
You should use it often when the
character must find their place of Furthermore, having this Skill
origin again or find a rendezvous permanently grants the character a
Learning this Skill requires the
point after traveling through +1 per Proficiency Bonus to their
character to observe and study from a
unfamiliar territory. Saving Throws versus Rune Traps.
professional juggler. Furthermore,
the character must learn by juggling
several groups of various types of Land Navigation Lift Object
objects, to hone his or her dexterity.
Prerequisite = Wisdom: 7 Prerequisite = Agility: 7
Learning = Instruction [4/8] Learning = Instruction [5/12]
Complimenting Skills are: Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [10] Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [14]

Acting, this gives the character the

confidence and ability to
perform in front of an audience Learning this Skill requires a Learning this Skill requires the
Comedy, which would allow the knowledgeable guide to lead the character to practice lifting various
character to incorporate humor character through the various objects from various locations,
into his or her juggling routine environments and explain in detail the including objects that a mock guard is
Tumbling, which the character different changes of direction, slope, watching.
needs in order to perform and elevation.
acrobatic maneuvers on the
ground Complimenting Skills are:
Complimenting Skills are:
Pick Pocket, which gives the
Earth Science, this gives the character the ability to lift an
character knowledge of the object from someone’s person
earth and its elements; fire, without being detected
water, wind, and earth Pick Locks, which allows the
Seafaring, which allows the character to unlock a lock with
character to navigate while pick tools rather than the key
traveling on the sea Creep, which the character needs in
Herbal Science, which the character order to move quietly without
needs in order to use and being heard
identify the different herbs and
where their natural
environment is

Holy Lands 138 The Dark Ages

Light Sleep Livestock Herding Locate/Disarm Trap
This Skill allows the character to Livestock Herding gives the As the name implies, this Skill
sleep in such a way that he or she can character the ability to herd farm allows the character to find and
wake up if an unfamiliar or disturbing animals from one place to another. disarm various traps. The most
sound comes within a close distance. Without this Skill, the character is common traps associated with this
This type of sleep allows the character unable to control multiple farm Skill are mechanical, poison-needle
to sleep through consistent and animals at one time. traps set in locks, while other traps
familiar noises, such as snoring and include trap doors and other trigger-
the weather, but wake up at the sound released traps.
of footfall or unfamiliar conversation. Livestock Herding
The character must roll two
In order to use this Skill, the Prerequisite = Patience: 5 times for this Skill, once to detect the
character makes a Light Sleep Roll Learning = Instruction [3/3] trap, and once to disarm. If the
whenever someone or something fails Visual/Lecture [4] and Active [4] character fails the first, he or she does
a Creep Roll within hearing distance, not detect the trap (a Natural 1 here
or when unaware conversationalists or should spring the trap). If they fail
other travelers are making noise and the second, they have sprung the trap
Learning this Skill requires the
come within hearing distance of the (a Natural 1 here causes double the
character to observe a farmer in action
sleeper. normal Damage or impact).
as well as get to know a herd of
Light Sleep Locate/Disarm Trap

Prerequisite = Endurance: 7
Complimenting Skills are: Prerequisite = Trap Works: +1
Learning = Instruction [2/12] Learning = Instruction [4/7]
Visual/Lecture [3] and Active [14] Farming, which gives the character Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10]
the ability to cultivate crops
Fishing, which allows the character
to create and use poles and
Learning this Skill requires the lures for fishing Learning this Skill requires the
character to practice with the Animal Science, which the character to attempt this Skill with
instructor a minimum of two character needs in order to several different types of locks and
consecutive nights and days. The identify and know the various traps; of course, the instructor need
instructor makes the suspicious types of wild and domestic not poison the mock, training traps.
sounds and the character attempts to animals
hear them, waking from their sleep.
Complimenting Skills are:

Complimenting Skills are: Pick Locks, which gives the

character the ability to unlock a
HP-Hearing, which gives the lock with pick tools rather the
character the ability to hear proper key
things from an increased range Trap Works, which allows the
Creep, which allows the character to character to set a trap
move quietly without being effectively, especially
heard mechanical
Meditation, which the character Nets and Snares, which the
needs in order to pray in a character needs in order to
restorative way specialize in devising ensnaring
rope traps

Holy Lands 139 The Dark Ages

Logic Masonry Mechanics
This Skill is primarily math This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
based, using numbers to solve build, repair, and otherwise work with build and repair objects that operate
arithmetical equations. However, stone, brick, and mortar. Without mechanically, including wagons and
characters can also use this Skill for this Skill, characters cannot build carts, trap doors, and pulley systems.
deduction purposes, using a set of stone structures, such as castles, forts, Although any character can stumble
known facts to draw a logical keeps, and underground stone through basic mechanical repairs, this
conclusion about what would follow architecture, such as mineshafts and Skill is required for a character to
the facts. For the math portion, this catacombs safely and effectively. build and work with mechanical
Skill offers the character the ability to objects efficiently.
count and add, subtract, multiply, and
divide objects and numbers. Masonry
For the deduction portion of Prerequisite = Strength: 5
Logic, the character can use any Learning = Instruction [2/3] Prerequisite = Strength: 5
known information about a series of Visual/Lecture [3] and Active [3] Learning = Instruction [2/3]
facts, such as shapes, sizes, and Study [5] Visual/Lecture [3] and Active [3]
numbers, and draw the most Study [5]
reasonable and rational conclusion of Learning this Skill requires the
which shape, size, or number would character to practice building and Learning this Skill requires the
continue the series. working with brick, stones, and character to practice building and
mortar. They need to learn the proper working with mechanical devices.
way to build structures from a trained They need to learn the proper way to
Logic professional. repair such devices from a trained
Prerequisite = Intellect: 6
Learning = Instruction [5/8] Complimenting Skills are:
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [10] Complimenting Skills are:
Study [12] Carpentry, which gives the
character the ability to build and Carpentry, which gives the
Learning this Skill requires the repair wood structures character the ability to build and
character to practice counting and Siege Engines, which allows the repair wood structures
other mathematical problem solving. character to build and use siege Siege Engines, which allows the
Like reading and writing, counting weapons character to build and use siege
and mathematic knowledge is a Mechanics, which the character weapons
privilege for a character; not as needs in order to create and Rope Works, which the character
common as it is in our modern society repair mechanical objects needs in order to tie ropes for
pulleys, knots, and slipknots

Complimenting Skills are: Material Costs: Masonry

Estimation, which gives the
Stones (large; per 12) 1g, 10s
character the ability to estimate
Stones (medium; per 12) 1g
measures, such as weights,
Stones (small; per 12) 10s
distances, speeds, etc.
Bricks (large) 3s
Read/Write, which allows the
Bricks (medium) 2s
character to read and write in
Bricks (small) 1s
their native language
Mortar (per barrel) 4g
Read/Write Ancient Languages,
which the character needs in
order to read and write the
ancient languages

Holy Lands 140 The Dark Ages

Medical Meditation Mimic Animal Sounds
Characters need the Medical This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
Skill in order to perform any type of enter into a deep, prayerful meditation mimic the sounds of various animals.
medical healing on an injured person. that can restore a soul’s faith. A The character may primarily utilize
This type of medical allows the successful meditation requires 30 this Skill for entertainment or for
character to treat broken bones, minutes of undistracted time that the covert signaling to others when in
common ailments such as colds and character must spend in silence and stealthy situations.
flues, and wounds effectively. prayer. The time in meditation must
Characters can use Medical to know be within a quiet environment.
the cause and cure for a poison as
For each half-hour of time spent
well. This Skill allows the character Mimic Animal Sounds
in prayer, the player rolls a Meditation
to know true medical healing rather
Roll. Upon success, the character’s
than superstition and “old wives’ Prerequisite = Animal Science: +1
F.p. is increased to half the
tales”. Learning = Instruction [5/6]
maximum. If the character’s F.p. is
A successful Medical Roll already there or higher, the character’s Visual/Lecture [7] and Active [9]
performed on an injured person F.p. do not change. If the character
restores 1d6 L.p. back plus an meditates for one full hour
additional +1 per Proficiency Rating successfully, he or she increases their For the character to learn this
of the character’s Skill. The injured F.p. up to the maximum. Skill, he or she must spend time
character can only receive one Medical listening to various animals or others
healing per wound. He or she cannot who can impersonate animal sounds.
have a character with Medical heal Meditation
them again unless another wound has
again been inflicted. Prerequisite = Faith: 7 Complimenting Skills are:
Learning = Instruction [1/4]
Visual/Lecture [2] and Active [5] Signaling, which gives the character
Medical Study [9] the ability to send body
language and hand gesture
Prerequisite = Virtue: 7 For the character to learn this signals to another person to
Learning = Instruction [8/9] Skill, he or she must spend blocks of communicate something
Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [10] half-hour times in meditation and Impersonate, which allows the
Study [16] prayer. character to impersonate
another person by mimicking
For the character to learn this their mannerisms and voice
Skill, he or she must learn the various Complimenting Skills are: Ventriloquism, which the character
medical techniques used to treat needs in order to “throw” his or
Restoration, which gives the voice in an effort for it to
different injuries and common
character the ability to restore appear as if the source is
his or her L.p. while meditating somewhere else
Divine Insight, which allows the
Complimenting Skills are: character to gain knowledge
from God while meditating
Herbal Science, which gives the Empower Crucifix, which the
character the ability to use character needs in order to
herbs and create herbal drafts imbue a crucifix with one or
and cures more Miracles
Poison Science, which allows the
character to identify and use
Animal Science, which would allow
the character to heal and help
injured or sick animals

Holy Lands 141 The Dark Ages

Miracles-(any class) Mounted Combat Negotiation
Characters that are not of the This Skill allows the character to This social Skill allows the
Miracle-using Character Classes fight an opponent while riding a horse character to negotiate another party
cannot learn the Skill of using any or other animal. Without this Skill, down to the lowest reasonable
Miracle types. In other words, the the character does not the have the compromise in the character’s favor.
Skill of using Miracles is not available proficiency to fight and ride at the Especially in purchase transactions, it
for non-Miracle Classes to learn. same time. Mounted Combat includes allows the character to find the
any attempt at fighting an opponent bottom or top price the other person
For a complete description of
of any kind with any kind of weapon, will spend or sell for. In all situations,
the different Miracles, see the
including bows, blades, and lances. Negotiation allows the character to
Miracles section of Chapter 2.
find the other party’s motives in the
The mounted character is able to
transaction, in which the character
apply the Proficiency Bonus of this
can attain the best possible deal to his
Skill to all Combat actions in place of
or her benefit.
Miracles (any class) normal Weapon Skill Bonuses, but is
limited to 1 AtR. This applies to the Unlike the Skills of Persuasion
Prerequisite = N/A use of W.S. Heavy and Light Arm and Intimidation, a successful
Learning = Not available to learn weapon types whether or not the Negotiation between two parties means
character has the Weapon Skill. It that both parties feel as though they
does not apply all other Weapon have “won” at the end of the
Skills, which are reduced to natural transaction.
Special Note: the Bard, Cleric,
rolls, and the character must make a
Healer, Saint, and Devil Hunter
successful Mounted Combat Roll
Character Classes have the choice of Negotiation
before attempting a mounted Attack
knowing certain Miracles at Level 1 as
Roll with any other Weapon Skill
a Craft. If they do not elect to learn Prerequisite = Charisma: 7
besides Light or Heavy Arms.
these Miracles at Level 1 as a Craft, Learning = Instruction [10/6]
they cannot learn them in the same Visual/Lecture [12] and Active [8]
way that they would learn other Skills. Mounted Combat
On the contrary, God must grant
them to the character at the Prerequisite = Horsemanship: +1 For the character to learn this
appropriate time. Learning = Instruction [6/9] Skill, he or she must spend time
In game terms, this means that Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [11] practicing negotiations with other
the player must choose for his or her parties regarding various transactions.
For the character to learn this
character to gain the Miracles at
Skill, he or she must spend time
Levels 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15, when their
attacking and defending with various Complimenting Skills are:
character gains a new Talent. This
weapon types while mounted
Skill, whether it is a Craft or Talent,
horseback. Persuasion, which gives the
must then be gained as a Talent at the
appropriate level. This represents God character the ability to charm
granting the character the Skill as a someone into doing something
Complimenting Skills are: he or she may not otherwise do
“coming-of-age” ability, since a person
cannot “learn” such a gift. Intimidation, which allows the
Animal riding, which gives the character to bully someone into
character the ability to ride non- doing something at less than his
horse animals or her normal capability
Horsemanship, which allows the Public Speaking, which the
character to ride and care for character needs in order to
horses speak before large crowds
Animal Handling, which the calmly and comfortably
character needs in order to
calm and befriend wild animals

Holy Lands 142 The Dark Ages

Nets and Snares Nightvision Persuasion
This Skill allows the character to Nightvision allows the character This Skill allows the character to
set traps where the actual function of to see more clearly when in low- or charm another person into doing a
the trap is to capture, entangle, no-light environments. Typically, simple action that he or she may
ensnare, and otherwise immobilize using this Skill does not require the normally not do. It represents the
another being. This type of trap player to roll anything; the Skill stays character using the other person’s self-
utilizes a capture system, which the constant when in dark environments. esteem against himself, and therefore,
victim triggers by tripping over, at the end of it all, the person feels
The character’s Proficiency
kicking, or pulling a hidden release regret for the action they have just
Bonus for this Skill equals an
mechanism, such as a taught rope or a committed. They then feel remorse
additional ten feet of visibility into
mechanical stepping-stone. for the character that charmed them
darkness. For example, if a candle
equal to the inappropriateness of the
The character sets the trap by has a Light Factor of 3, which equals
having the necessary components to a 9-foot radius of visibility, and the
make a trap and then rolling a Nets character has a +2 to their This Skill does not put the
and Snares Skill Roll. The intended Nightvision Skill, he or she can see 20 persuaded person into a mindlessly
victim falls prey to the trap by coming more feet than the other characters, charmed state where they will do only
within range of it and making a roll for a total of 29 feet. See page 35 for the bidding of charmer, which a
on a d20. If the intended victim’s roll more details on using Light Factor. Charm spell would. Rather, it just
is lower than the character's Skill convinces the persuaded person that
Roll, he or she falls victim to the trap. doing something he or she normally
Nightvision sees as unconventional is actually no
Without this Skill, it is
big deal.
impossible for a character set such a Prerequisite = Endurance: 7
net or snare trap effectively and Learning = Instruction [6/8]
efficiently. Visual/Lecture [7] and Active [9] Persuasion

Prerequisite = Charisma: 7
Nets and Snares Learning = Instruction [5/9]
Learning this Skill requires the
character practice seeing things in Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [10]
Prerequisite = Trap Works: +1 †

Rope Works: +1 low- and no- light environments for

Learning = Instruction [8/8] prolonged periods of time.
Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [9] Learning this Skill requires the
character to practice hearing and

Indicates that this Skill is used as the Complimenting Skills are: speaking charming things to people
Default Progression, which is rolled for the who respond to the persuasion.
Active learning methods
HP- Sight, which gives the
character the ability to notice far
away activity as if it were closer Complimenting Skills are:
Complimenting Skills are: Blind Fight, which allows the
character to fight an opponent Negotiation, which gives the
Trap Works, which gives the even when he or she is unable character the ability to bargain a
character the ability to set to see transaction to his or her favor
trigger traps that cause Damage Intuition, which the character needs Intimidation, which allows the
to the victim in order to sense things that character to frighten someone
Locate/Disarm Traps, which allows may affect him or her into doing something
the character to find and disable Public Speaking, which the
traps character needs in order to
Mechanics, which the character speak in front of large crowds
needs in order to build and
repair mechanical devices

Holy Lands 143 The Dark Ages

Pick Locks Pick Pockets Play Percussion
This Skill allows the character to The Pick Pockets Skill can be
utilize lock-picking tools to unlock very useful for retrieving previously This Skill gives the character the
locks on doors, chests, and cell doors. stolen items that are now in someone ability to play proficiently such
Without lock picks of some kind, this else’s physical possession without him musical instruments as the hammered
Skill is useless. or her knowing. This Skill allows the dulcimer, bells, gongs, the
character to quickly reach into or tambourine, maracas, and drums.
Some locks have a higher
untie someone’s pouch of gold This Skill utilizes the Agility
Difficulty than others, which the Rac
undetected. The character may have Attribute to keep a musical beat when
would determine as needed.
to use a distraction, such as bumping playing such instruments.
Note to the Rac: you need not into the person, in order to turn the
follow the Difficulty Factor guidelines person’s attention away from the lift.
so strictly for this Skill. In other Play Percussion Instrument
words, select a number that best fits
the lock for the Difficulty when 11 Pick Pockets Prerequisite = Agility: 6
seems too low but 19 may seem too Learning = Instruction [4/6]
high. For example, do not be afraid Prerequisite = Lift Object: +1 Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [7]
to use 16 as a Difficulty for a Level 1 Learning = Instruction [5/10]
character or 25 for higher-level Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [12] Learning this Skill requires the
characters. character to practice making musical
beats on various percussion
Learning this Skill requires the instruments with other people playing
Pick Locks character to practice picking the other types of instruments together.
pockets of various wooden dummies
Prerequisite = Agility: 7 that have bells attached to their
Learning = Instruction [3/11] purses. Successful picks retrieve the Complimenting Skills are:
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [12] item within the pouch without ringing
the bells. Play Wind Instrument, which gives
the character the ability to play
Learning this Skill requires the wind instruments
character to practice picking different Complimenting Skills are: Play Stringed Instrument, which
allows the character to play
locks and lock types.
Pick Locks, which gives the stringed instruments
character the ability to unlock Compose Music, which the
character needs in order to
Complimenting Skills are: locks using pick tools instead of
the actual key write music for others to play
Pick Pockets, which gives the Escape Artistry, which allows the
character the ability to snatch character to perform unseen
something from the purse of escapes from perilous Material Costs: Play
another person undetected situations
Percussion Instrument
Escape Artistry, which allows the Lift Object, which the character
character to perform unseen needs in order to snatch an
Hammered Dulcimer 2g
escapes from perilous object from its current location
Bells and Mallet 1g
situations undetected
Maracas (per pair) 15s
Lift Object, which the character Cymbals (large; per pair) 2g
needs in order to snatch an Cymbals (medium; per pair) 1g
object from its current location Cymbals (small; per pair) 12s
undetected Leather Drum (large) 2g
Leather Drum (medium) 1g, 10s
Leather Drum (small) 1g
Tambourine 1g

Holy Lands 144 The Dark Ages

Play Stringed Instrument Play Wind Instrument Poison Science
This Skill gives the character the This Skill gives the character the This Skill allows the character to
ability to play proficiently such ability to play proficiently such use, identify, and extract poisons from
musical instruments as the lute, the musical instruments as the flute, the their sources. Most poisons are
lyre, the harp, and other medieval recorder, the clarinet, hornpipe, and herbal, which means the character can
stringed instruments. Of the three other medieval wind instruments. Of extract them from plant sources, but
types of musical instrument Skills, the three types of musical instrument some come from animals or even
this one uses a group of instruments Skills, this one uses a group of demonic sources. For herbal extracts,
that does not carry as loudly as the instruments that carry sound louder the Skill of Herbal Science can help,
other two. In other words, stringed than the other two. In other words, but Poison Science is necessary for the
instruments may be very enchanting wind instruments may be very character effectively and efficiently to
to hear, but they have a slightly enchanting to hear, and they have use poisons in a way that affects the
limited range of sound than wind or more range of sound than stringed or victim. Without this Skill, characters
percussion instruments. percussion instruments. cannot utilize poisons to a capacity
that will actually harm the intended
victim efficiently.
Play Stringed Instrument Play Wind Instrument
Furthermore, having this Skill
Prerequisite = Patience: 7 Prerequisite = Endurance: 6 permanently grants the character a
Learning = Instruction [8/12] Learning = Instruction [6/9] +1 per Proficiency Bonus to their
Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [14] Visual/Lecture [7] and Active [10] Saving Throws versus Poisons.

Learning this Skill requires the Learning this Skill requires the
character to practice making musical character to practice making musical Poison Science
notes on various stringed instruments, notes on various wind instruments,
Prerequisite = Wisdom: 6
and then making full songs with other and then making full songs with other
Learning = Instruction [8/9]
people playing other types of people playing other types of
Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [10]
instruments together. instruments together.
Learning this Skill requires the
Complimenting Skills are: Complimenting Skills are: character to practice extracting and
applying various poisons to and from
Play Percussion Instrument, which Play Percussion Instrument, which vials under the direction of someone
gives the character the ability to gives the character the ability to experienced.
play drum and other rhythm play drum and other rhythm
instruments instruments
Play Wind Instrument, which Play Stringed Instrument, which Complimenting Skills are:
allows the character to play allows the character to play
wind instruments stringed instruments Animal Science, which gives the
Compose Music, which the Compose Music, which the character the ability to identify
character needs in order to character needs in order to various animals and their
write music for others to play write music for others to play habitats
Herbal Science, which allows the
character to use herbs for
drafts and cures
Material Costs: Play Material Costs: Play Wind Earth Science, which the character
Stringed Instrument Instrument needs in order to identify and
use the earth and its elements
Lute 1g Flute 10s
Lyre 2g Recorder 1g
Harp (small) 3g Clarinet 2g
Harp (large) 4g Piccolo 15s

Holy Lands 145 The Dark Ages

Political Science Preach Presence
This Skill allows the character to For a character to use this Skill, This Skill allows the character to
know about the different lands of the he or she must communicate godly, influence others’ behaviors just by
known world, their recent history, convicting wisdom to someone who is being present. The player rolls this
their current political leadership, and heading in a wrong direction. It Skill for his or her character anytime
the history of their laws and customs. allows them to use powerful they are nearby a relevant situation,
It gives the character knowledge of the statements of godly assurance and even if he or she is sleeping.
current and historical aspects of the hope to turn others from their Sin. However, the character must be
lands of the known world, including This can be especially useful when audible or visible to the situation.
their legal, traditional, and political someone else is rolling to Save versus
Further, successfully using this
practices. Temptation; the character can preach
Skill allows the character to thwart
in hopes of adding his or her Skill
the Sins of another person. In other
Bonuses to their Saving Throw.
Political Science words, if the character successfully
In addition to winning souls for achieves a Presence Roll, nearby
Prerequisite = Intellect: 6 God, this Skill gives the character humans in the midst of committing a
Learning = Instruction [6/7] limited power over demons, demi- Sin may immediately cease the bad
Visual/Lecture [7] and Active [8] races, and devils by making them action if they so elect without a
Study [13] cease speech while the preacher Saving Throw versus Temptation.
speaks. They are unable to make any
In addition, this Skill allows the
Learning this Skill requires the verbal sounds during such sermons.
character to command people’s
character to gain knowledge of the The character can preach for 1
attention in various situations,
various lands and their traditions from Ten-round per Proficiency Bonus.
including hushing a noisy room,
a source that knows such information. controlling disorder, and changing the
Preach demeanor of a room or person.

Complimenting Skills are:

Prerequisite = Biblical Studies: +1
Learning = Instruction [5/6]
Heraldry, which gives the character
the ability to identify various Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [7]
Prerequisite = Virtue: 7
crests and banners of royal and Learning = Instruction [4/8]
noble groups Learning this Skill requires the
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10]
Subversive Intelligence, which character to have knowledge of the
allows the character to know Holy Scriptures and practice
the happenings of a land’s communicating it to others.
underground and black market
Complimenting Skills are:
Cult Knowledge, which the Complimenting Skills are:
character needs in order to
Negotiation, which gives the
know about religious cults and Biblical Studies, which gives the
character the ability to bargain
their leaders character the ability to know
with another person in a way
about biblical passages and
that is beneficial to him or her
stories of the Bible
Edify, which allows the character to
Edify, which allows the character to
speak uplifting words that grant
speak uplifting words that grant
Bonuses to someone else
Bonuses to someone else
Persuasion, which the character
Empower Crucifix, which the
needs in order to charm
character needs in order to
someone into doing something
imbue a Holy Crucifix with
he or she would otherwise not
miraculous power

Holy Lands 146 The Dark Ages

Pressure Points Profile Area Profile Character
This Skill builds on the This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
Stunning Strike Skill and allows the identify any areas that someone may sense the motives of a person by
character to strike an opponent in use for an ambush, either for or reading his or her body language and
such a way that can be potentially against him or her. It identifies any mannerisms. It allows the character
fatal. Unlike Stunning Strike, this areas within sight that may have to identify such nervous behaviors as
Skill utilizes only the characters someone lurking, or may be the best fidgety movement, perspiration, eye
hands, not a weapon of any kind. place to hide. movement and dilation, and other
When the character strikes an actions of people who are lying or
Note to the Rac: you may want
opponent, the Skill initially affects otherwise being devious.
to make high rolls actually see an
the opponent as a standard Stunning
ambush or hidden individuals well Acting however is a Skill that
Strike. However, within 5-500
before, should there be one. evades this Skill, allowing the lies of
minutes (d100 x 5) the opponent dies
the person to go unnoticed; assuming
of a massive cardiac arrest if they do In addition, this Skill is
the Acting Roll prevails when the two
not make an Endurance Roll. If they necessary to configure military
Skills roll against each other.
do, the opponent falls into a coma strategies and sieges, not to mention
and will die within 2d6 hours. The any plan that requires multiple people
opponent feels otherwise normal until to accomplish an efficiently Profile Character
their time elapses. coordinated ambush of any kind.
A successful Medical Roll or any Finally, this Skill allows the Prerequisite = Wisdom: 7
healing Miracle can thwart harm and character to “reconstruct” the events Learning = Instruction [9/8]
prevent death from this Skill as long of a scene based on the position of Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [10]
as it is made before coma or death. physical “evidence”, much like
modern-day detectives do at a crime
scene. Learning this Skill requires the
Pressure Points character to practice observing
deceptive people as well as being
Prerequisite = Stunning Strike: +3 Profile Area deceptive to others.
Learning = Instruction [8/12]
Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [15] Prerequisite = Wisdom: 7
Learning = Instruction [9/8] Complimenting Skills are:
Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [10]
Learning this deadly Skill Profile Area, which gives the
requires the character to practice character the ability to sense
striking pressure points on dummies Learning this Skill requires the and identify ambush spots
and mock-up people. character to practice setting up mock Profiling Tactics, which allows the
ambushes in various environments. character to watch and actually
learn their opponent’s fighting
Complimenting Skills are: style
Complimenting Skills are: Intuition, which the character needs
in order to sense a feeling
Stunning Strike, which gives the
about a person or situation
character the ability to stun Profile Character, which gives the
their opponent with an Attack character the ability to sense the
Critical Strike, which allows the true motives of a person
character to cause Double Profiling Tactics, which allows the
Damage to their opponent character to watch and actually
Grapple and Break, which the learn their opponent’s fighting
character needs in order to style
snap the bones of their Siege Engines, which the character
grappled opponent needs in order to build, use,
and repair siege weapons

Holy Lands 147 The Dark Ages

Profiling Tactics Public Speaking Read Runes
In order to use this Skill, the This Skill allows the character Runes are the mystical symbols
character must observe their deliver well-organized speeches and that power the evil forces of magic.
opponent’s fighting style in action public addresses to crowds and before This skill gives the character the
(with successful Profiling Tactics Rolls) royalty. It gives the character the ability to read and identify Runes and
for a number of Rounds equal to his confidence to do so in a professional the power they hold. For example, if
or her Proficiency Rating of this and persuasive manner. This Skill is the characters encounter a Rune trap
Skill. In so doing, the character gains necessary for any character to perform on the floor in front of them, the one
their Proficiency Bonus of this Skill the aforementioned tasks in a with this Skill can identify the danger
to all Combat actions should the dignified manner that is influential to the trap holds before setting it off.
character engage in Combat against the audience. Likewise, he or she could read the
that opponent within 48 hours. Runes that power a magic item,
This Skill is also necessary for
thereby identifying its function.
The character may gain any the character communicate thoughts
number of Bonuses in this way intelligently while speaking in For details on Runes and Rune
against the opponent up to their meetings of councils of high officials, configurations, see the Magic and
Proficiency Rating. For example, if and especially before royalty. Sorcery section starting on page 227.
a character has +4 to this Skill but
Furthermore, having this Skill
only observes their opponent for 2
Public Speaking permanently grants the character a
Rounds before meeting them in
+1 per Proficiency Bonus to their
contest, the character may apply the
Prerequisite = Intellect: 6 Saving Throws versus Use Magic,
+2 Bonus to all Combat actions
Learning = Instruction [5/8] Magic Fumes, and Magic Items.
while fighting.
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [9]

Learning this Skill requires the Read Runes

Profiling Tactics
character to practice delivering
Prerequisite = Memory: 7
Prerequisite = Patience: 7 speeches before an audience.
Learning = Instruction [15/3]
Learning = Instruction [9/8]
Visual/Lecture [18] and Active [4]
Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [10]
Study [18]
Complimenting Skills are:
Learning this Skill requires the
character to practice observing Acting, which gives the character the
opponents’ fighting styles and then confidence to be someone else Learning this Skill requires the
engaging in real or mock Combat in front of others character to memorize the eighteen
against them. Presence, which allows the different Rune symbols, their
character to command attention meaning, and the sound they
and control disorderly crowds represent.
Complimenting Skills are: Diffuse Hostility, which the
character needs in order to
diffuse hostile people and calm Complimenting Skills are:
Profile Area, which gives the
character the ability to sense
and identify ambush spots Identify Spells, which gives the
Profile Character, which allows the character the ability to
character to sense another recognize a spell by its affect
person’s motives Identify Holy Symbols, which the
Blind Fight, which the character character needs in order to
needs in order to fight an identify Holy items
opponent while blinded Cult Knowledge, which allows the
character to identify cults by
their symbols and practices

Holy Lands 148 The Dark Ages

Read/Write Read/Write Additional Read/Write Ancient
In our modern society, this does
Language Languages
not seem like much of a Skill. This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
Nevertheless, in the medieval times it read and write another language in read and write languages lost to the
was common for only nobility to learn addition to his or her own. For each known world. Unlike the Read/Write
to read. Skill, the character must select one Additional Language Skill, this Skill
This Skill allows the character to additional language he or she will gives the character the knowledge of
read and write his or her native know in addition to their native one. all useable ancient languages.
language. The level of Proficiency The character learns one language per
The character need not speak
and often the Skill Roll determine Read/Write Additional Language Skill.
the language that he or she learns to
how well the character can actually The character need not speak read and write.
read and write. the language that he or she learns to
Note to the Rac: allow
Note to the Rac: allow read and write.
characters with lower Proficiency only
characters with lower Proficiency only Note to the Rac: allow to be able to read and write very
to be able to read and write very characters with lower Proficiency only simple phrases. As their Proficiency
simple phrases. As their Proficiency to be able to read and write very grows, they should be able to read and
grows, they should be able to read and simple phrases. As their Proficiency understand more-difficult works, such
understand more-difficult works, such grows, they should be able to read and as novels or poetry.
as novels or poetry. understand more-difficult works, such
as novels or poetry.
Read/Write Ancient
Read/Write Languages
Read/Write Additional
Prerequisite = Intellect: 6
Language Prerequisite = Read/Write: +1
Learning = Instruction [12/12]
Learning = Instruction [12/12]
Visual/Lecture [15] and Active [15]
Prerequisite = Read/Write: +1 Visual/Lecture [15] and Active [15]
Study [30]
Learning = Instruction [12/12] Study [30]
Visual/Lecture [15] and Active [15]
Study [30] Learning this Skill requires the
Learning this Skill requires the character to learn the alphabet of the
character to learn the alphabet of his Learning this Skill requires the ancient languages and apply them to
or her native language and apply them character to learn the alphabet of the sentences.
to sentences. additional language and apply them to
Complimenting Skills are:
Complimenting Skills are:
Complimenting Skills are: Speak Additional Language, which
Speak Additional Language, which gives the character the ability to
gives the character the ability to Speak Additional Language, which speak languages other than his
speak languages other than his gives the character the ability to or her own
or her own speak languages other than his Read/Write Ancient Languages,
Read/Write Ancient Languages, or her own which the character needs in
which the character needs in Read/Write Ancient Languages, order to understand ancient
order to understand ancient which the character needs in languages
languages order to understand ancient Speak Ancient Languages, which
Read/Write Additional Language, languages allows the character to
which allows the character to Read/Write, which allows the understand verbal
understand the writings of other character to understand the communications of all ancient
languages writings of his or her native languages

Holy Lands 149 The Dark Ages

Recognize Disguise Repair Armor Restoration
This Skill is required for a This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
character to recognize another person repair various types of light armor, meditate so deeply that the Spirit of
who is well disguised; in other words, including leather, improved leather, God begins to restore his or her
someone who has successfully and metal armor. This can be quite physical body. By using this Skill,
achieved a Disguise Roll. Without handy and save the character a great the character gains 2 L.p. back per
this Skill, characters cannot recognize deal of money rather than paying to Proficiency Bonus per 20 minutes of
a well-disguised person. replace their armor. successful, undistracted meditation.
The character’s repair abilities Obviously, the character can
Recognize Disguise are limited to his or her Prerequisite. only use this Skill for his or her own
Until the character gains both good, not on anyone else.
Prerequisite = Disguise: +1 Prerequisites, the character can only Furthermore, the character must not
Learning = Instruction [2/3] repair one type of armor (either light fall asleep or be in a coma or this Skill
Visual/Lecture [3] and Active [4] armor or metal armor). does not work.

Repair Armor Restoration

Learning this Skill requires the
character to know the effects of make- Prerequisite = Sewing/Tailor: +1 Prerequisite = Meditation: +1
up, and know how to spot hard-to-see And/Or Learning = Instruction [4/7]
flaws of a disguise. Blacksmith: +1 Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [8]
Learning = Instruction [4/5]
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [6]
Complimenting Skills are: Study [4] and Active [5]
Learning this Skill requires the
Disguise, which gives the character character to practice deeper
the ability to utilize make-up meditation than usual; meditation so
and costumes to appear as Unless the character has both deep that he or she actually feels the
someone else Prerequisites at the time of learning presence of God. Once the character
Detect Concealment, which the this Skill, he or she can only repair has learned this Skill, he or she has
character needs in order to one type of armor. If later they felt the healing power of the Spirit.
identify if and where someone acquire the other Prerequisite, he or
is concealing an object she must go through the learning
Identify Counterfeit, which allows process of this Skill again. Complimenting Skills are:
the character to recognize a
counterfeit piece of art or Meditation, which gives the
official document Complimenting Skills are: character the ability to pray
deeply enough to restore his or
Sewing/Tailor, which gives the her Faith points
character the ability to create Divine Insight, which the character
and repair clothing needs in order to gain
Blacksmith, which the character knowledge from God while
needs in order to create armor meditating
from “scratch” metals Medical, which allows the character
Weaponry, which allows the to heal others using the science
character to identify and of medicine
improve weapons

Holy Lands 150 The Dark Ages

Ricochet Roll with Blows Rope Works
This Skill allows the character to Using this Skill allows the This Skill allows the character to
fire his or her arrow in such a way that character to roll with a strike in order utilize ropes to make pulley systems,
it rebounds off a solid surface and hits to avoid taking its full Damage. In nets, tightropes, rope ladders,
the target just around a corner. This other words, by rolling with the blow, harnesses, and other rope systems. In
Skill requires the character to shoot at the mutual movement of the two addition, this Skill allows the
a 45-degree angle from the target with opponents absorbs some of the character to tie any of the intricate
one ricochet, or a Difficult attempt Damage. The character may roll this knots, such as slipknots, loops,
may be at a 90-degree angle with two Skill anytime he or she is going to lassoes, stoppers, hitches, seafaring
ricochets. Any more than two take Damage from a physical Attack knots, and the hangman’s noose.
ricochets half the Damage should the that they are aware of beforehand (this
Without the Skill, the character
shot hit the target. does not include falling Damage,
is limited to the simple uses of a rope
which requires the Skill of Breakfall).
The surface must be a solid, and the knowledge of the standard
straight surface, such as a wall, a tree, The Roll with Blows Skill Roll knot type.
or a large rock. This Skill applies determines how much Damage the
only to missile weapons, including character avoids. If the character
short bows, longbows, and crossbows. beats a Moderate Difficulty (11 or Rope Works
higher), he or she subtracts 1 point of
Damage per Proficiency Bonus. If Prerequisite = Agility: 6
Ricochet they beat a High Difficulty (19 or Learning = Instruction [5/7]
higher), subtract 2 points per Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [8]
Prerequisite = Targeting: +1† Proficiency, and 3 points per
Estimation: +1 Proficiency for the Extreme Difficulty Learning this Skill requires the
W.S. Longbows or W.S. Light (28 or higher). character to practice tying various
Missiles knots, such as the ones listed above,
Learning = Instruction [6/12] and creating rope systems.
Visual/Lecture [7] and Active [14] Roll with Blows

Indicates that this Skill is used as the
Prerequisite = Agility: 7 Complimenting Skills are:
Default Progression, which is rolled for the
Active learning methods Learning = Instruction [8/12]
Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [14] Seafaring, which gives the character
Learning this Skill requires the the ability to navigate while at
Learning this Skill requires the sea
character to practice shooting his or
character to practice rolling with the Nets and Snares, which the
her bow at an angle through tunnels,
blows of a mock or real opponent with character needs in order to
off of trees, or off walls until they are
create net and snare traps that
able to hit there target.. various weapons.
capture the victim
Sea Fisher, which allows the
character to utilize a dragnet to
Complimenting Skills are: Complimenting Skills are:
catch many fish while at sea

Targeting, which gives the character Weapons Evasion, which gives the
the ability to hit inanimate character the ability to use his
objects with a thrown or missile or her bare hands to defend
weapon against weapons Material Costs: Rope Works
Critical Strike, which the character Evade and Disarm, which the
needs in order to impose character needs in order to
Rope (½ inch thick; per 10 feet) 10s
Double Damage on a target disarm an armed opponent
Rope (1 inch thick; per 10 feet) 1g
Double Shot, which allows the Blind Fight, which allows the
Rope (2 inch thick; per 10 feet) 3g
character to hit two targets with character to an opponent while
one shot blinded

Holy Lands 151 The Dark Ages

Sail Large Vessels Sail Small Vessels Scale Walls
A character needs this Skill in This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
order to pilot sailing vessels that are pilot sailing vessels that require only climb sheer vertical walls that have the
made for carrying large amounts of one person to control, such as small slightest footholds at all, including
cargo, sailing the high seas, or require fishing boats. Without this Skill, a stone and brick walls. This Skill far
more than one person to control. character cannot properly navigate the surpasses the Ability of Climb, which
Such vessels include transport ships boat in the right direction, and will is limited to climbing trees and rock
and naval carriers as well as smaller not be able to handle the craft in any hills. See the Climb Ability on page
yacht-sized boats. This Skill allows kind of harsh weather. 64 for more details.
the character to captain the ship in
The character should roll this
terms of knowing proper navigation
Sail Small Vessels Skill per 10 feet and can scale nearly
techniques, especially in harsh
any vertical surface. The amount of
Prerequisite = Seafaring: +1† foothold should determine the
Learning = Instruction [4/4] Difficulty. Normal brick and stone
Sail Large Vessels Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [5] walls are considered Moderate
Difficulty, where a wall with absolutely
Prerequisite = Seafaring: +1† no footing has an Extreme Difficulty.
Learning = Instruction [8/5] Learning this Skill requires the
Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [6] character to practice sailing small Scale Walls
vessels in various waters, such as
rivers, lakes, and seas. Prerequisite= Climb: 7 or lower AM
Learning this Skill requires the Learning = Instruction [8/8]
character to practice sailing large Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [10]
vessels and commanding others on Complimenting Skills are:
such things as which sails to raise and
lower, how to turn them, and when to Seafaring, which gives the character
the ability to navigate while at Learning this Skill requires the
set anchor.
sea character to practice climbing sheer
Nets and Snares, which the walls with or without a harness.
Complimenting Skills are: character needs in order to
create net and snare traps that
Seafaring, which gives the character capture the victim Complimenting Skills are:
the ability to navigate while at Sea Fisher, which allows the
character to utilize a dragnet to Heights, which gives the character
catch many fish while at sea the ability to walk tightropes at
Nets and Snares, which the
extreme heights
character needs in order to
Creep, which the character needs in
create net and snare traps that
order to move silently on
capture the victim
various surfaces
Sea Fisher, which allows the
character to utilize a dragnet to Material Costs: Sail Small Bounding, which allows the
Vessels character to perform backflips
catch many fish while at sea
and other high jump maneuvers
Small sailing vessel 35g

Material Costs: Sail Large


Large sailing vessel 400g

Holy Lands 152 The Dark Ages

Sea Diving Sea Fisher Seafaring
Having this Skill allows the This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
character to swim in deep, utilize dragnets, which are large nets travel on ships and sailing vessels
treacherous, and cold water. This that boats drag in order to catch a without getting sick as well as navigate
Skill is required in order for the large amount of fish. In addition, this his or her direction while at sea using
character to breathe correctly in Skill gives the character the ability to the winds, stars, and sun for reference.
extremely cold water. Otherwise, know about the type of fish that live This Skill also allows the character to
characters will lose consciousness. within certain environments, and repair ships and boats in the event of a
Likewise, this Skill is required for the when the best times to fish are. leak, such as during a storm, etc.
character to perform other Skills and
With the proper boat, a good This Skill is required for the
tasks underwater, including Combat
dragnet, and successful use of this character to remain efficient, stable,
and spear fishing.
Skill, two hours of sea fishing can and balanced after being aboard a ship
This Skill allows the character to yield 1-100 (d100+1) edible and for prolonged periods. Otherwise, the
hold their breath for twice the time of sellable fish. character’s Sins will be amplified every
a normal person, however only while couple of days until he or she “cracks
underwater. See page 61 for more up” completely.
details on holding breath. Sea Fisher

Prerequisite= Seafaring: +1 Seafaring

Sea Diving Learning = Instruction [4/6]
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [7] Prerequisite= Wisdom: 6†
Prerequisite= Swimming: +1 Balance: 9 or less AM
Learning = Instruction [7/9] Learning = Instruction [4/6]
Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [10] Learning this Skill requires the Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [7]
character to join professional sea †
Indicates that this Attribute is used as the
fishers on some outings to see how Default Progression, which is rolled for the
Learning this Skill requires the they do the job. Active learning methods
character to practice spear fishing
underwater, and swimming in extreme
and treacherous waters, such as in the Complimenting Skills are: Learning this Skill requires the
seas. character to love being at sea and
Sea Diving, which gives the
spend time learning the ways of
character the ability to swim in
seafaring, including navigating while
Complimenting Skills are: extreme waters
far at sea.
Swimming, which the character
Swimming, which gives the needs in order to swim
character the ability to swim Seafaring, which allows the
character to navigate while at
Complimenting Skills are:
Sea Fisher, which the character
needs in order to use dragnets sea
Sea Diving, which gives the
to catch large amounts of fish character the ability to swim in
Seafaring, which allows the extreme waters
character to navigate while at Swimming, which the character
sea needs in order to swim
Material Costs: Sea Fisher
Sea Fisher, which allows the
Small Dragnet 3g character to catch multiple fish
Medium Dragnet 5g with dragnets
Large Dragnet 8g

Holy Lands 153 The Dark Ages

Sense Pursuit/Target Sewing/Tailor Shadow
Having this Skill allows the This Skill gives the character the Having this Skill allows the
character to sense someone or ability to create and repair clothing of character to follow another person
something that is targeting with a all kinds, including pants, tunics, without the person’s knowledge. In
weapon or pursuing him or her, all robes, cloaks, and other common order to use this Skill, the character
without seeing them, hearing them, or garments. This Skill is required for may have to maintain a ways of
otherwise knowing for sure. This any character attempting to sew or distance from the pursued, but this
Skill allows the character have the repair cloth or wool fabric. Skill allows the character to stay far
feeling that someone is pursuing them enough away without losing track.
whenever someone or something Furthermore, the character must roll
successfully makes a Track or Shadow Sewing/Tailor this Skill if he or she is shadowing
Roll against the character. Likewise, someone and that person senses so.
the character can sense when another Prerequisite= Patience: 6 When the person turns to see if
person has them “in their sites” and is Learning = Instruction [4/9] someone pursues them, the character
about to make any kind of Attack Roll Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10] must roll this Skill to determine if the
against the character. pursued noticed them.
Note to the Rac: have the A failed attempt at this Skill
Learning this Skill requires the
player roll this Skill with a d20, but means that the character fell too far
character to practice making and
you need not tell them why they rolled behind and lost track of their prey,
repairing various garments with
it until after you determine if it is and must search for them again; or
various types of material and fabric.
successful or not. that the pursued noticed him or her
following, whichever is relevant to the
Sense Pursuit/Target Complimenting Skills are:

Cobbler, which gives the character

Prerequisite= Intuition: +1†
the ability to make and repair
Faith: 6
Learning = Instruction [3/9] Prerequisite= Hide: 8 or less AM
Repair Armor, which the character
Visual/Lecture [4] and Active [10] Learning = Instruction [10/10]
needs in order to return armor
to its original state Visual/Lecture [11] and Active [11]

Indicates that this Skill is used as the
Default Progression, which is rolled for the Crafting, which allows the character
Active learning methods to create decorative items
Learning this Skill requires the
Learning this Skill requires the character to practice tailing various
character to practice honing in on his people through different
or her pursuer by knowing when environments, including cities,
someone is following or targeting Material Costs: forests, and fields.
them. Sewing/Tailor

5’ x 5’ fabric (cotton) 7s Complimenting Skills are:

Complimenting Skills are: 5’ x 5’ fabric (wool) 10s
Sewing needles (per dozen) 3s Elude Pursuit, which gives the
Shadow, which gives the character Thread (per spool) 2s character the ability to lose
the ability to follow someone Mannequin/dummy 3g someone who shadows him or
undetected her
Track, which the character needs in Creep, which the character needs in
order to locate and follow order to move unheard over
someone’s tracks various surfaces
Intuition, which allows the character Track, which allows the character to
to sense something about a follow the tracks of their
specific person or situation pursued

Holy Lands 154 The Dark Ages

Siege Engines Sign Language Signaling
This Skill allows the character to Having this Skill allows the This Skill allows the character to
build, repair, and use siege weapons character to communicate with their send and understand military
and other siege engines used to fingers and hands to others who know statements by using hand signals.
penetrate and destroy strongholds. the common sign language. This sign Without this Skill, characters cannot
Without this Skill character cannot language is very primitive compared to properly communicate or understand
efficiently fire or use siege weapons of our modern day sign language for the signaled commands without speaking,
any kind. deaf, but it allows the character to get especially under pressure.
their point across to someone familiar
Siege engines include, catapults, When two people are hiding
with the language. This language is
trebuchets, wheeled rams, siege from an enemy and they possess this
common to all lands and is extremely
towers, the ballista (giant crossbow), Skill, they can both send and receive
common among deaf travelers.
and tunneling engines. There are common military command signals,
several requirements for the full use of including, ‘wait for my signal’,
this Skill, however, only two of the Sign Language ‘attack’, ‘back to our original point’,
three are actually required for limited ‘move in quietly’, or the characters
use of the Skill (see Prerequisites for Prerequisite= Signaling: +1 can make up their own.
details). Learning = Instruction [11/10]
Visual/Lecture [12] and Active [11]
Siege Engines
Prerequisite= Intellect: 6
Prerequisite= Weaponry: +1† Learning this Skill requires the Learning = Instruction [9/9]
Targeting*: +1 character to practice signaling and Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [10]
Mechanics**: +1 seeing common gestures to and from
Learning = Instruction [5/10] a person with knowledge of the Skill.
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [11] Learning this Skill requires the

Complimenting Skills are: character to practice signaling with
Indicates that this Skill is used as the
Default Progression, which is rolled for the another person to get the commands
Active learning methods
Signaling, which gives the character down.
*required for using siege weapons only
**required for building and repairing siege the ability to send and
weapons understand military commands
with only the use of hand Complimenting Skills are:
Learning this Skill requires the gestures
character to practice learning how to Logic, which the character needs in Sign Language, which gives the
use and/or build and repair siege order to do simple to difficult character the ability to send and
weapons from a military general. arithmetic understand words and phrases
Ventriloquism, which allows the with only the use of hand
character to “throw” his or her gestures
Complimenting Skills are: voice as if it came from Profiling Area, which the character
somewhere else needs in order to plan military
Weaponry, which gives the strategies and plan ambushes
character the ability to appraise Shadow, which allows the character
and identify various weapons to follow someone undetected
Targeting, which the character
needs in order to accurately hit
inanimate targets
Mechanics, which allows the
character to build and repair
mechanical devices

Holy Lands 155 The Dark Ages

Singing Skin Animal Sleight of Hand
This Skill allows the character to Having this Skill allows the This Skill allows the character to
sing a wide range of notes solo or to character to skin animals in such a make small objects “magically”
accompany musical instruments. way that the pelt or hide remains in disappear and reappear in his or her
Quite simply, using this Skill can be a tact and of value to pelt sellers. hand or other places on their person
great way to earn some extra money as Without this Skill, characters cannot (also known as palming). The
entertainment, and singing is often a remove the hide or pelt of hunted character can use this Skill for
requirement for any type of royal or animals in one piece. Rather, it entertainment or for tricking the
tavern entertainment employment. becomes torn and mutilated. enemy into believing the character lost
something, among other tricks.
This Skill also allows the
Singing character to identify and appraise The object used cannot be larger
hides and pelts to find their value. or heavier than a dagger, and the
Prerequisite= Endurance: 5 character performing the trick must
Learning = Instruction [5/5] have on at least a tunic and breeches.
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [6] Skin Animal This allows the character to utilize his
or her clothing by which they move
Prerequisite= Animal Science: +1 and hide the object. For advanced
Learning = Instruction [6/8] Difficulty, the character can make the
Learning this Skill requires the Visual/Lecture [7] and Active [9] object appear somewhere else within
character to practice singing the
10 feet, such as on another person or
higher and lower notes with and
in a drawer.
without musical accompaniment.
Learning this Skill requires the
character to watch an animal-skinner
in action and then practice on his or Sleight of Hand
Complimenting Skills are:
her own kills.
Prerequisite= Agility: 8
Dance, which gives the character the
Learning = Instruction [6/8]
ability to dance the dances of
Complimenting Skills are: Visual/Lecture [7] and Active [9]
the period in step with musical
Play Stringed Instruments, which Nets and Snares, which gives the
the character needs in order to character the ability to build Learning this Skill requires the
play stringed instruments traps that capture the victim character to practice making various
Play Percussion Instruments, Animal Science, which the objects “disappear” and “reappear” on
which allows the character to character needs in order to his or her person.
play percussion instruments identify the types of different
Animal Handling, which allows the
Complimenting Skills are:
character to tame and control
wild animals
Lift Object, which gives the
character the ability to snatch
an object undetected
Pick Pocket, which the character
needs in order to snatch
Material Costs: Skin Animal
something from another person
Skinning knife (small animals) 1g
Pick Locks, which allows the
Skinning knife (medium animals) 2g
character to open locks utilizing
Skinning knife (large animals) 3g
pick tools

Holy Lands 156 The Dark Ages

Speak Additional Speak Ancient Speed Read
Language Languages Having this Skill allows the
This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to character to read writings in his or her
speak and understand another speak and understand languages lost native language faster than the
language in addition to his or her to the known world. Unlike the average reader does. The Proficiency
own. For each Skill, the character Speak Additional Language Skill, this for this Skill indicates how many
must select one additional language he Skill gives the character the times faster than the average reader
or she will know in addition to their knowledge of all known ancient the character can read. For example,
native one. The character learns one languages. a character with a Proficiency of +2
language per Speak Additional can read twice as fast as someone
The character need not read or without this Skill who is reading the
Language Skill. For the list of
write the language that he or she same thing.
languages of the known world, see
learns to speaks.
page 47.
Note to the Rac: allow
The character need not read or Speed Read
characters with lower Proficiency only
write the language that he or she
to be able to speak and understand
learns to speak. Prerequisite = Read/Write: +1
simple phrases. As their Proficiency
Learning = Instruction [4/9]
Note to the Rac: allow grows, they should be able to speak
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10]
characters with lower Proficiency only and understand more-difficult
Study [15]
to be able to speak and understand speeches, such as conversations in the
simple phrases. As their Proficiency languages.
grows, they should be able to speak
and understand more-difficult Learning this Skill requires the
speeches, such as conversations with Speak Ancient Languages character to practice skipping words
natives. and still maintain understanding of
Prerequisite = Memory: 7 the writing.
Learning = Instruction [12/12]
Speak Additional Language Visual/Lecture [15] and Active [15]
Study [30] Complimenting Skills are:
Prerequisite = Memory: 6
Learning = Instruction [12/12] Learning this Skill requires the Speak Additional Language, which
Visual/Lecture [15] and Active [15] character to learn the spoken phrases gives the character the ability to
of the ancient languages and apply speak languages other than his
Learning this Skill requires the them in speaking. or her own
character to learn the spoken phrases Read/Write Ancient Languages,
of the additional language and apply which the character needs in
them in speaking. Complimenting Skills are: order to understand ancient
Speak Additional Language, which Read/Write Additional Language,
Complimenting Skills are: gives the character the ability to which allows the character to
speak languages other than his understand the writings of
Read/Write Ancient Languages, or her own another language
which gives the character the Read/Write Ancient Languages,
ability to read and understand which the character needs in
ancient languages order to understand ancient
Speak Ancient Languages, which languages
the character needs in order to Read/Write Additional Language,
speak ancient languages which allows the character to
Read/Write Additional Language, understand the writings of
which allows the character to another language
understand the writings of
another language

Holy Lands 157 The Dark Ages

Storytelling Stunning Strike Subversive Intelligence
Having this Skill allows the Successfully using this Skill This Skill allows the character to
character to captivate an audience allows the character to stun the know about and identify underground
with a creative and dramatic story. opponent with a bare, open-handed organizations by their practices,
This Skill combines wit, passion, and strike to the neck or head. The stun behaviors, or symbols. These
splendor together into a talent of shocks the opponent into a daze that underground organizations include
storytelling, which was a favorite lasts for one Round per the character’s non-cult guilds, such as thieves,
pastime in the middle ages. Without Proficiency of the Skill. During this assassins, and mages’ guilds. If such a
this Skill, the character cannot speak time of being stunned, the opponent cult is in use as these other
about a story, especially fictional, that cannot Defend, Dodge, Attack, or operations, the character can identify
is able to keep his or her audience’s make any other physical action. They or know about the non-cultic, illegal
attention. are thus in a hazy stupor in which activities. Knowing about the cultic
they remember sounds but nothing activities of any group requires the
This Skill also allows the
else. Skill of Cult Knowledge.
character to write plays and other
literary works of art if he or she has In order to use this Skill, the
the Skill of Read/Write. character must make a stiff-handed or Subversive Intelligence
fist Attack that hits the opponent’s
neck or temple area. If successful, the Prerequisite = Wisdom: 6
Storytelling stunned individual falls after two Learning = Instruction [10/5]
Rounds of standing. Visual/Lecture [11] and Active [6]
Prerequisite = Charisma: 7
Study [20]
Learning = Instruction [8/5]
Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [6] Stunning Strike
Study [15]
Prerequisite = W.S. Hand to Hand Learning this Skill requires the
Learning = Instruction [7/12] character to gain knowledge of various
Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [15] local and infamous underground
Learning this Skill requires the
organizations from reliable witnesses
character to practice telling tales to
or members.
other people of all ages.
Learning this Skill requires the
character to practice striking Complimenting Skills are:
Complimenting Skills are: opponents in their neck and temple
area with stiff-handed strikes or fist Cult Knowledge, which gives the
Acting, which gives the character the attacks. character the knowledge of
confidence and ability to act on
cults and their practices
Political Science, which the
Read/Write, which would give the Complimenting Skills are: character needs in order to
character the ability to record
know about the leadership and
their stories in writing Pressure Points, which gives the traditions of lands
Costume, which allows the character the ability to wound Costume, which allows the
character to dress as people someone mortally with his or character to don the dress of
from other lands and other her bare hands various groups
occupations Grapple, which the character needs
in order to restrain an
opponent physically
W.S. Hand to Hand, which allows
the character to fight

Holy Lands 158 The Dark Ages

Swimming Tackling Tackling Throw
This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
swim in bodies of water, and without run and thrust his or her body at their run and thrust his or her body at their
this Skill, characters cannot swim and opponent in such a way that it takes opponent in such a way that it lifts
will drown. Quite simply, characters the opponent to the ground. Without the opponent from the ground,
cannot propel themselves across water this Skill, characters cannot hurling him or her into the air and
without this Skill. effectively hit another person in a landing them back on the ground on
tackling manor to bring him or her to their back.
The character does not make a
the ground; in attempting to do so,
Swimming Roll every time he or she A successful Tackling Throw
the person would cause as much or
must swim; rather, the character causes 1d6+1 points of Damage per
more Damage to himself than he
would roll if he or she tried to do Proficiency Bonus to the opponent
would to the opponent.
anything while treading water, and hurls them 5 feet per Proficiency
including tying something, fighting, A successful tackle causes 2d6 Bonus. The character never directly
or cutting something. points of Damage plus 1 point per receives Damage from a successful
Proficiency Bonus to the opponent tackling throw. Evading a tackling
The speed at which a character
from the brunt of the hit and from throw requires a successful W.S.
can swim depends on his or her
hitting the ground. The character Hand to Hand Defend or Dodge.
Strength AR and Proficiency
never directly receives Damage from a
combined. He or she can swim on the
successful tackle. Evading a tackle
water’s surface a maximum number of Tackling Throw
requires a successful W.S. Hand to
feet equal to two times the Strength
Hand Defend or Dodge.
AR plus Proficiency Bonus per Prerequisite = Tackling: +1
Round. Underwater, characters can Learning = Instruction [8/8]
swim a maximum number of feet Tackling Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [10]
equal to their Strength AR plus
Proficiency Bonus per Round. Prerequisite = Agility: 6
Strength: 7 Learning this Skill requires the
Learning = Instruction [8/8] character to practice tackling and
Swimming Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [10] lifting various-sized people or padded
Prerequisite = Wisdom: 6 †
Indicates that this Attribute is used as the
Learning = Instruction [8/8] Default Progression, which is rolled for the
Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [10] Active learning methods
Complimenting Skills are:
Learning this Skill requires the Learning this Skill requires the
character to practice treading water character to practice tackling various- Tackling, which gives the character
and then kicking to propel. sized people or padded objects. the ability to tackle an opponent
to the ground
Grapple, which the character needs
Complimenting Skills are: Complimenting Skills are: in order to restrain an
opponent physically
Sea Diving, which gives the Tackling Throw, which gives the Pressure Points, which gives the
character the ability to swim in character the ability to lift the character the ability to wound
extreme environments opponent off the ground with a someone mortally with his or
Seafaring, which the character tackling hit her bare hands
needs in order to feel Grapple, which the character needs
comfortable and stable on a in order to restrain an
ship opponent physically
Sea Fisher, which allows the Pressure Points, which gives the
character to catch multiple fish character the ability to wound
while at sea someone mortally with his or
her bare hands

Holy Lands 159 The Dark Ages

Targeting Teach Track
This Skill allows the character to This is not a stand-alone Skill, Using this Skill allows the
add this Skill Bonus to the Attack rather you attach it to Skills that your character to locate, identify, and
and Damage Bonuses when character is able to teach using the follow the tracks of footprints. Such
attempting to hit a target that cannot Instruction method of learning. footprints can be man or beast.
or will not Dodge, including unaware Without this Skill attached,
Though locating tracks may not
opponents and wild game targets. characters can only teach a Skill using
be that difficult for any character,
the Visual/Active method of learning,
Given the right circumstances, identifying who made them, how fast
which takes longer to teach and starts
such as in target competition, any they were going, and maintaining
the pupil at a -2 Proficiency once they
character can have this Skill without track of the prints require the Track
finally do learn it. However, the
the need to learn it. Without learning Skill. Even at that, when the
Instruction method of learning
it, the character gains the Skill at a -3 character needs to locate a track of a
utilizes the proper teaching
Proficiency. After the first attempt specific person or beast on various
techniques, is faster to teach, and
with it, the character officially gains surfaces, this Skill is required.
starts the pupil at a +0 Proficiency
the Skill and may write it on his or
once they learn the Skill. At higher Difficulties, characters
her Character Sheet.
can use this Skill to find and follow
The character must teach two
This Skill applies to missile tracks on hard surfaces by looking for
different people the same Skill in
weapons, thrown weapons, and whips. disturbances in the dust, grass, or
order to attach the Teach Skill to a
For details on using Targeting, see the nearby brush.
regular Skill, allowing them to teach
Accuracy section on page 39.
it faster and more effectively the next
time. Track
Prerequisite = Wisdom: 7
Prerequisite = W.S. Thrown, W.S.
Teach Learning = Instruction [9/7]
Light Missiles, or W.S. Longbows Visual/Lecture [10] and Active [8]
Prerequisite = None
Learning = Instruction [7/9]
Learning = N/A
Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [10]
Learning this Skill requires the
character to practice locating,
Learning this Skill requires the For details on the teaching
identifying, and following tracks over
character to attempt to hit a distant process of Skills, see the beginning of
various surfaces, including dirt, mud,
target with a whip, missile, or thrown this section starting on page 112.
and grass.
weapon. After gaining the Skill, the
character must use a Learning method
to improve it if it is in the negatives. Complimenting Skills are:

Skin Animal, which gives the

Complimenting Skills are: character the ability to remove
an animal’s pelt or hide cleanly
Nightvision, which gives the Shadow, which the character needs
character the ability to see in in order to follow someone
the darkness undetected
Bowsmith, which the character Heightened Perception, which
needs in order to build and gives the character the ability to
repair bows and arrows use his or her senses better
Ricochet, which gives the character than the average person does
the ability to rebound missile
weapons off of hard surfaces in
order to hit targets around

Holy Lands 160 The Dark Ages

Trap Works Triple Shot Tumbling
This Skill allows the character to Like Double Shot, this Skill Using this Skill allows the
set a more technical trap effectively, allows the character to shoot more character to perform tumbling and
one that causes harm to the victim than one target with one pull of the ground gymnastic maneuvers, such as
without the character having to be bow. This Skill allows the archer to somersaults, cartwheels, back-
there to trigger it. Such a trap target three targets at one time by handsprings, and other limber moves.
includes spring-loaded poison needle pulling three arrows on the bowstring. By having the Skill of Bounding in
traps, falling objects, or shooting addition to this Skill, the character
Upon release, the player rolls a
darts. can do jump maneuvers, such as flips
d20 for the Skill, and the opponent(s)
and vaults off higher surfaces.
The character sets the trap by roll a d12 to Dodge versus either W.S.
having the necessary components to Longbows or W.S. Light Missiles, Without this Skill, the character
make a trap and then rolling a Trap depending on which type the character cannot perform even the easier
Works Skill Roll. The intended is using. somersault maneuvers without causing
victim falls prey to the trap by coming 1d6+1 Damage to themselves.
Unlike Double Shot, this Skill
within range of it and making a roll
only applies to bow weapons excluding
on a d20. If the intended victim’s roll
crossbows. Tumbling
is lower than the character's Skill
Roll, he or she falls victim to the trap.
Prerequisite = Agility: 7
Without this Skill, the character Triple Shot Learning = Instruction [7/9]
cannot set a trap that is sure to work Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [10]
properly without having to be present Prerequisite = Double Shot: +1
to assist it, and that the trap releases Learning = Instruction [8/9]
the full effectiveness of the Damage. Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [10]
Learning this Skill requires the
character to see gymnast maneuvers in
Trap Works action and then practice them on
Learning this Skill requires the
various surfaces.
character to practice shooting three
Prerequisite = Mechanics: +1 arrows with one pull.
Learning = Instruction [8/9]
Visual/Lecture [9] and Active [10] Complimenting Skills are:
Complimenting Skills are: Break Fall, which gives the
Learning this Skill requires the
character to practice setting mock character the ability to absorb
Critical Strike, which gives the
traps that operate from tripwire, some of the Damage from a fall
character the ability to cause
pressurized stones, or small Roll with Blows, which gives the
Double Damage to a target
mechanical latches, such as locks or character the ability to absorb
Double Shot, which gives the
some of the Damage from an
doorknobs. character the ability to shoot
opponent’s strike
two nearby targets with three
Bounding, which allows the
arrows in one shot
character to perform jumps and
Complimenting Skills are: Ricochet, which allows the character
to ricochet arrows and
Locate/Disarm Traps, which gives crossbow bolts off hard
the character the ability to surfaces to hit around corners,
identify and disarm traps left by etc.
other people
Nets and Snares, which the
character needs in order to set
traps that capture the victim
Mechanics, which gives the
character the ability to build and
repair mechanical objects

Holy Lands 161 The Dark Ages

Twirl Object Use Metal Armor Ventriloquism
This Skill allows the character to This Skill does more than just Using this Skill allows the
twirl weapons, sticks, and batons allow the character to carry on character to “throw” his or her voice
around his and her body from one normally in metal armor. It can allow as if it came from a different location
hand to the other. Although this the character to manipulate their within ten feet. Characters will
Skill is primarily for show and metal armor in such a way that it primarily use this Skill for
entertainment, it can add extra absorbs some Damage from a blow. entertainment purposes, but they can
Damage when applied to Attacks. Any time the character wearing metal also use it to throw off pursuers or
armor receives Damage from an distract opponents.
By successfully using this Skill,
opponent’s physical Attack, he or she
the character can then roll an Attack
may roll this Skill in an effort to
with the twirling object. With the Ventriloquism
absorb a number points of Damage
object in hand or thrown, the
equal to his or her Proficiency Bonus.
character adds the Proficiency Bonus Prerequisite = Acting: +1
If successful, subtract the character’s
of this Skill to the Damage if the Learning = Instruction [7/9]
total Proficiency Bonus from the total
Attack is successful. The character Visual/Lecture [8] and Active [10]
number of Damage received.
must first roll to twirl an object and
then roll to Attack, requiring two This Skill is required for any
different consecutive rolls. character to attempt a Skill, Attribute,
Learning this Skill requires the
Combat, or Ability Rolls while wearing
character to practice “throwing” his or
any type of metal armor on their AP:
Twirl Object her voice by using depth perception as
Chest or AP: Legs. Without this
well as trying not to move his or her
Skill, characters suffer negatives to
Prerequisite = Agility: 7 lips while speaking.
each of these rolls as determined by
Learning = Instruction [5/10] the Rac based on the situation.
Visual/Lecture [6] and Active [11]
Complimenting Skills are:
Use Metal Armor
Juggling, which gives the character
Learning this Skill requires the the ability to juggle multiple
character to learn the twirling motions Prerequisite = Strength: 6
objects of different sizes and
of various objects, such as swords, Learning = Instruction [4/7]
staffs, and other objects, with both Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [8]
Impersonate, which gives the
hands. character the ability to mimic
Learning this Skill requires the the voice and mannerisms of
character to practice in Combat with another specific person
Complimenting Skills are: metal armor at least on their chest Acting, which allows the character to
and legs. do stage acting with confidence
Juggling, which gives the character and enthusiasm
the ability to juggle multiple
objects of different sizes and Complimenting Skills are:
Tumbling, which gives the character Weapons Evasion, which gives the
the ability to perform gymnast character the ability to use his
maneuvers on ground surfaces or her bare hands to defend
Bounding, which allows the against weapons
character to perform jumps and Evade and Disarm, which the
backflips character needs in order to
disarm an armed opponent
Blind Fight, which allows the
character to fight an opponent
while blinded

Holy Lands 162 The Dark Ages

Weaponry Weapons Evasion
This Skill allows the character to This Skill allows the character to
identify, appraise, and improve use their bare hands in Combat
weapons. At lower levels, the against an armed opponent. With
character can only appraise and this Skill, the character’s hands are
identify weapons from around the fast and tough enough to hit away
known world, thus identifying their oncoming weapons. To achieve this,
origin and function. At every other the character simply rolls this Skill in
Proficiency Bonus (+2, +4, +6, and place of any Defend. Because this
+8 only), the character can improve a Skill is very specialized, it affects no
normal weapon to a maximum of half other Combat Skill Bonuses, nor do
the Proficiency Bonus. any Combat Skill Bonuses affect the
Bonuses of this Skill.
The character may improve the
weapon in one area per two levels of In some cases, especially at lower
experience only, such as Damage and levels of Proficiency, the Rac may rule
Attack, and only one improvement that the character can only use this
made to one area at a time. The Skill when wearing gloves or
process takes at least a half hour to gauntlets.
sharpen for Damage improvements,
and at least one hour to dismantle and
rebuild the weapon for an Attack Weapons Evasion
Prerequisite = Roll with Blows: +1
Learning = Instruction [5/15]
Weaponry Visual/Lecture [7] and Active [20]

Prerequisite = Wisdom: 6
Learning = Instruction [4/9] Learning this Skill requires the
Visual/Lecture [5] and Active [10] character to practice slapping away
various oncoming types of weapons.

Learning this Skill requires the

character to practice sharpening and Complimenting Skills are:
rebalancing weapons as he or she
increases in levels. Roll with Blows, which gives the
character the ability to reduce
the amount of Damage received
Complimenting Skills are: by a blow
Evade and Disarm, which the
Siege Engines, which gives the character needs in order to
character the ability to use, disarm an opponent bare
build, and repair siege engines handed
Bladesmith, which gives the Capture Missile, which allows the
character the ability to create character to grab missile
bladed weapons weapons in mid-flight
Bowsmith, which allows the
character to create bows and
archery weapons

Holy Lands 163 The Dark Ages

Weapon Skills
Increasing Weapon Skills
Learning Weapon Skills
Weapon Skill Specials
The Weapon Skills
A Weapon Skill allows the character to use that same
A Weapon Skill (or W.S. for short) is a character’s
weapon with a degree of mastery above the average user. If
proficiency to wield a specific type of weapon. Weapon
a character acquires a Weapon Skill, they will develop their
Skills utilize the five main Combat actions (Advantage,
proficiency with a weapon as they grow through the levels.
Attack, Defend, Dodge, and Damage) characters can use
This means that a Weapon Skill will progress each level,
against an opponent. In addition, each Character Class
unlike Skills, which progress each level only if elected.
and some Weapon Skills allow the character to use an
additional Combat action called the Special. However, with Bonuses to specific Combat actions within a Weapon
a Weapon Skill, the Combat actions only relate to the Skill represent the character’s proficiency with that type of
weapon type with which the character is proficient. weapon. You add this Bonus to the corresponding Combat
action for each roll. For example, if a character has a +4
A character’s Weapon Skills separate into broad
to Attack with his W.S. Heavy Arms, he is very proficient
categories of similar weapon types. This is because similar
in attacking with large weapons and gets to add four to
weapons have similar functions when causing Damage to a
each Attack Roll for that Weapon Skill.
target; characters swing, thrust, throw, kick, or whip.
Every weapon that a character can use will fall into one of
the Weapon Skill categories.

Common Hand-to-Hand Damage Dice

Increasing Weapon
This list shows the various types of Damage are
common to Combat situations and the dice that are used.
Unlike regular Skills (Gifts, Talents, and Crafts),
Weapon type Typical Damage Dice each Weapon Skill that the character knows increases some
Small fist (without W.S. Hand to Hand) 1d4 amount upon reaching a new level. If a character has a
Average fist (without W.S. Hand to Hand) 1d6 Weapon Skill as a Gift, Talent, or Craft and he or she
Large fist (without W.S. Hand to Hand) 1d8 reaches a new level, you may apply one or more Bonuses to
Small fist (with W.S. Hand to Hand) 1d6
some Combat actions of that Weapon Skill. The number
Average fist (with W.S. Hand to Hand) 1d8
Large fist (with W.S. Hand to Hand) 1d10 of Bonuses applied to the Weapon Skills varies depending
Small kick (without W.S. Kick Attack) 1d6 on whether you have listed it under your character’s Gifts,
Average kick (without W.S. Kick Attack) 1d8 Talents, or Crafts. Use the following list to determine how
Large kick (without W.S. Kick Attack) 1d10 many Bonuses to apply to which Combat actions.
Small kick (with W.S. Kick Attack) 1d8
Average kick (with W.S. Kick Attack) 2d6
Large kick (with W.S. Kick Attack) 2d8
At each level
You will increase your character’s Weapon Skills each
level, but some Weapon Skills increase faster than others.

About Weapon Skill Bonuses

For Weapon Skills listed as Gifts
Any physically able character can use any weapon
You may apply a +1 to any three Combat actions of
type; lacking Weapon Skills do not prohibit characters
that weapon Skill with the exception of AtR at each new
from using weapons. They do however grant Bonuses to
those who progress in knowledge with the Weapon Skills.

Holy Lands 164 The Dark Ages

For AtR: at every third level, which is at Levels 3, 6, The above example shows the requirements for
9, 12, and 15, you must apply one of your character’s learning the Weapon Skill. In this example, the character
Bonuses to the AtR of all Weapon Skills listed as a Gift. attempting to learn must possess the W.S. Light Arms as a
Gift, Talent, or Craft, have at least a 5 for his or her Agility
Attribute Rating, and make several successful rolls against
For Weapon Skills listed as Talents the opponent who will demonstrate the new Weapon Skill.
You may apply a +1 to any two Combat actions of The character that is learning must roll Natural
that Weapon Skill with the exception of AtR at each new Combat Rolls with the Weapon Skill they are learning as if
level. the character has it with no Bonuses.
For AtR: at every fourth level after receiving the According to the above example, the character must
Weapon Skill, you must apply one of your character’s Attack with the new weapon type twelve times successfully,
Bonuses to the AtR of all Weapon Skills listed as a Talent. Dodge the opponent’s use of the weapon type sixteen times,
Typically, this occurs at Levels 4, 8, and 12. and Defend with the weapon type twenty times. This
process may take two or more days or it may take two or
For Weapon Skills listed as Crafts more hours of game time depending on the dice rolls.

You may apply a +1 to any one Combat action of Damage inflicted should always be Controlled Damage
that weapon Skill with the exception of AtR at each new when characters are learning from an instructor in a
level. sparring situation. See page 25 for details on Controlled
For AtR: at every fifth level after receiving the
Weapon Skill, you must apply one of your character’s
Bonuses to the AtR of all Weapon Skills listed as a Gift.
Typically, this occurs at Levels 5, 10, and 15.
When learning a new
Weapon Skill, the character
attempts Natural Rolls with the
Learning Weapon Skills Weapon Skill they are learning
A character gains Weapon Skills at Level 1 by
choosing which ones he or she knows to begin with. The as if they have it without
player can put these into their character’s Talents or Crafts
section, or some Classes begin with Weapon Skills as Gifts.
A character is able to learn additional Weapon Skills as
long as he or she meets the Prerequisites; characters use the Upon learning, the player writes the new Weapon
requirement process as they do for gaining new Skills. Skill in his or her character’s Crafts and may apply a +1
However, with Weapon Skills, the character must use each Bonus to any one action (except AtR) for the
of the three main Combat actions successfully in order to corresponding Weapon Skill; the same as if they had
learn it effectively. Certain numbers, which would gained the Weapon Skill as a Craft at Level 1. In
represent the times required for methods of learning a addition, the character gains a weapon that he or she can
Skill, now represent the number of times the character use with that Weapon Skill (at the Rac’s discretion).
must successfully Attack, Dodge, and Defend a teaching
opponent who is using the Weapon Skill against the
character. Use the example below as an illustration.

Weapon Skill Specials

W.S. Example
There are Special types of expert weapon techniques
Prerequisite = W.S. Light Arms that a character can learn from a Weapon Skill in addition
Agility: 5 to the normal Combat Bonuses. These Specials are similar
Learning = Attack [12]; Dodge [16]; Defend [20] to the Character Class actions of the same name and, in
Special = Consecutive Attack [Attack: +2] some cases, will be the same action. However, characters
Max AtR = 5 gain the Character Class Specials at Level 1, where the

Holy Lands 165 The Dark Ages

Weapon Skill Specials are learned when certain their Special Bonus to their Attack Roll in addition to any
corresponding actions reach a certain proficiency. regular Bonuses the character receives for attacking.
For example, using the above example Weapon The Ensnare and Capture allows the character to
Skill, the character with W.S. Example gains the Special ensnare an opponent’s weapon in the strong grasp of the
called the Consecutive Attack when his or her Attack Bonus whip and follow it up by yanking the weapon from the
for that Weapon Skill reaches +2. To contrast, the opponent’s hand(s). Both actions require separate Attack
Character Class that starts with the W.S. Example may Rolls. The opponent must make a Dodge Roll (vs. W.S.
gain the Consecutive Attack Special at Level 1 rather than Whips) to avoid the Ensnare and then successfully Defend
have to progress the skill and then gain it. (vs. W.S. Whips) to avoid the weapon Capture, which
would result in a tug-of-war that releases after that Round.
Note: if the Weapon Skill itself does not grant a
Each action counts as a separate Attack but uses only one
Special action, the Special Bonus for that Weapon Skill
AtR. Should the character roll a Natural 20 to Ensnare, a
defaults to the Character Class Special action.
Capture Roll should be automatically successful depending
on the situation. This will be at the Rac's discretion.

Specials Descriptions For a Surprise Attack or to ensnare a regular object,

the character typically makes the Ensnare Roll versus an
The following are Special Combat actions that are Accuracy Difficulty number (see the Accuracy section
specific to one or more Weapon Skills. As stated above, starting on page 39 for details) and no Capture Roll is
they may be the same as the Specials gained by certain usually necessary.
Character Classes at Level 1. See the specific Weapon
Skill description for the point at which the character gains
the Special action. Jump Kick
This technique is exclusive the Kick Attack Weapon
Combined Action Skill and is an aerial kick attack. Where a normal W.S.
Kick Attack kick causes 2d6 points of Damage and uses 1
This Special maneuver is exclusive to the Paired Attack per Round, a character can perform this Special,
Weapons Weapon Skill and allows the character to achieve which causes Double Damage but uses 2 AtR. The Attack
two different actions with both hands at one time, such as counts as 2 AtR but the character is not penalized
Attack with both hands, Defend with both hands, or Attack time-wise for the action. Therefore, if the character has 2
with one hand while defending with the other; both of AtR for his or her W.S. Kick Attack, he or she can do one
which actions are done simultaneously. This advantageous Jump Kick per Round just as if doing one regular kick.
tactic gives the character two chances to hit an opponent or Likewise, if the character has 3 AtR, he or she can do one
two chances to Defend an opponent’s Attack. Jump Kick, land, and do a final kick; all in one Round as if
A Combined Action Roll requires 2d20 (instead of the doing 2 regular kicks. For 4 AtR, the character can do two
normal 1d20). Each d20 represents a Paired Weapons Jump Kicks as if doing two regular kicks, or one Jump
Attack or Defend; one for each weapon. Evading both Kick, land, and do two more regular kicks, all in one
paired weapons requires the opponent to have multiple Round, etc.
AtR, W.S. Paired Weapons as well, or a Dodge or Defend The player adds the Bonus to this Special to the
Roll above both of the paired weapons attacks. If the character’s Attack Roll if attacking, and to the Defend Roll
opponent fails to match or beat both paired weapons if defending with a kick attack.
Attacks, they will take the Damage from the weapons that
they did not best.
Shield Bash
Performing each maneuver, even though they are
done in the same instant, uses 1 AtR each, for a total of 2 This type of Attack is exclusive to the Shield Play
AtR. Therefore, if the character has 4 AtR for his or her Weapon Skill, and allows the shield wielder to use a shield
W.S. Paired Weapons, he or she can attempt two as a battering offensive. This single Attack uses 2 AtR, but
Combined Actions in succession. causes Double the shield’s normal Damage plus the
character’s Damage Bonuses. Furthermore, an opponent
cannot Defend against the blow if within range; they simply
Ensnare and Capture take Damage if they attempt to Defend with a normal
These Combat techniques are exclusive to the Whips weapon. However, an opponent can attempt to Dodge the
Weapon Skill. Using these actions allow characters to add blow by declaring the action prior to rolling, otherwise a
Defend is assumed.

Holy Lands 166 The Dark Ages

Skill Shot Due to their weight and awkwardness, when a
character throws heavy arms, refer to the Range section on
This type of shot is exclusive to the W.S. Longbows page 39. The throwing character can utilize his Heavy
and the W.S. Light Missiles, as they both encompass the Arms Weapon Skill Bonuses, but the dodging character
use of drawn missile weapons. This Special allows the can make a Dodge Roll based on his or her W.S. Thrown
character to apply the Special and Attack Bonuses to his or Dodge action.
her Attack and Damage Rolls when firing with the
corresponding missile Weapon Skill. In order to do this, Prerequisite = W.S. Light Arms
Strength: 6
the character must wait one full Round after he or she has
Learning = Attack [10]; Dodge [12]; Defend [16]
nocked the arrow in order to steady a precise aim. In
Special = None
addition, this action must be the final action of the Round
Max AtR = 4
for the character and the character must not become
distracted, take Damage, or otherwise lose focus of the
target for the entire Round. Having this happen would
compromise the Skill Shot, making it a regular Attack Roll.
W.S. Light Arms
Most weapons, or objects used as weapons, fall into
The Weapon Skills the W.S. Light Arms, including swords, daggers, blunt
weapons, staves, candlesticks, frying pans, and chairs.
The following subsections outline the Weapon Skills Consider most any weapon, with the exception of whips,
and their descriptions. As stated previously, all of your heavier arms, and paired weapons that the character uses
character’s Weapon Skills make up his or her Combat in-hand, as light arms. Spears and similar thrown weapons
Skills. are also light arms when the character uses them in his or
her hand. If thrown, the character is utilizing the W.S.
Thrown (see the W.S. Thrown on page 169).
W.S. Hand to Hand Prerequisite = Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Prerequisite = Strength: 5 Learning = Attack [9]; Dodge [10]; Defend [14]
Agility: 5 Special = None
Learning = Attack [7]; Dodge [10]; Defend [13] Max AtR = 5
Special = None
Max AtR = 5

The W.S. Hand to Hand represents the character’s

ability to engage in fistfights. This Weapon Skill can W.S. Paired Weapons
represent a boxing fighting style or street brawling.
Paired Weapons is a specialized Weapon Skill that
You will apply this Weapon Skill whenever the allows the character to Attack and/or Defend with two
character is weaponless and whenever the character must similar weapons, one in each hand. The advantage to this
Dodge an irregular Attack, such as an opponent who is Weapon Skill is that the character can use two weapons,
lunging with a Tackle or Grapple (Skill attempt). Irregular one to Defend and one to Attack, against the opponent who
Attacks that require the W.S. Hand to Hand in order to may have only one. This allows the character to execute an
Dodge can also include a monster’s tentacles or other body, Attack immediately after he or she Defends.
except the legs.
In order for the character to apply the W.S. Paired
Weapons Bonuses, he or she must be using a similar-weight
weapon in each hand. Otherwise, the Bonuses for a
different Weapon Skill are applied. This means that the
W.S. Heavy Arms Paired Weapons Weapon Skill is necessary to execute the
actions, but the primary Weapon Skill correlates to the
W.S. Heavy Arms represents the characters ability to
actual weapons in hand. For example, if a character were
fight with large weapons, such as pole arms, large swords,
using his fist to punch with his right hand and a short
and lances. With the exception of lances and staves, any
sword in the other, the player would apply the W.S. Hand
non-missile hand weapons that require two hands to hold
to Hand Bonus for his fist Attack and the W.S. Light Arms
will always be considered heavy arms.

Holy Lands 167 The Dark Ages

Bonus for the sword Attack. If the character uses two fists Learning either of the missile Weapon Skills (W.S.
or whips to Attack as Paired Weapons, apply the Bonus of Light Missiles or W.S. Longbows) allows the character to
the lesser Weapon Skill as the Bonus for that action, practice shooting at a target and, if the target is another
whether it is Whips, Paired Weapons, or Hand to Hand. human being, using blunt-tipped arrows that cause 1d4
Prerequisite = Agility: 7 Damage.
W.S. Light Arms or W.S. Hand to Hand
Learning = Attack [11 with opposite normal hand];
Dodge [10]; Defend [16 with opposite normal hand] Dodging Against the Irregular Weapon Skills
Special = Combined Action [AtR: 2] (see page 166) It may seem confusing at first as to which Dodge from
Max AtR = 6 which Weapon Skill you must use to avoid certain Attacks.
For example, which Weapon Skill should your character use
Special Note on Paired Weapons: when the to Dodge a giant octopus tentacle or a sorcerer’s Fireball spell?
character first receives the W.S. Paired Weapons, such as It is important not to make this part more complicated
at Level 1, the player must apply a +1 Bonus to the AtR, than it really is. Use your good judgment and your common
therefore starting with 2 AtR. This represents the sense. The most closely related Weapon Skill would do fine
combatant’s ability to execute two Combat actions, one since your character has the ability anyway. The following
brief guidelines will help in surmising the proper use of the
with each hand, in a Round. Applying this Bonus does
Dodge action against irregular Attacks:
count as one of the awarded Bonuses. Therefore, if the
character is applying Bonuses to any 3 Combat actions, Use a Dodge versus W.S. Hand to Hand when
one of them must be on the AtR for Paired Weapons. avoiding any attached body part of the attacker, including a
Likewise, if the character is applying one Bonus to any 1 fist, a tentacle, or an entire body (such as someone swinging
Combat action, it must be on the AtR. on a rope or diving with a tackle).
Use a Dodge versus W.S. Kick Attack if the attacker
is using his or her legs or the lower part of the body that is
slower but more powerful than the upper part.
Use a Dodge versus W.S. Thrown when avoiding
W.S. Longbows any objects that the attacker used his or her own effort to
launch, including anything thrown or hefted. Use this
The Longbows Weapons Skill is a specialized Weapon Weapon Skill to Dodge falling objects.
Skill. A longbow requires special training to use because it Use a Dodge versus W.S. Light Missiles when
can be nearly twice the length of a short bow. avoiding any objects that the attacker used little or no effort
Furthermore, it can be a very deadly weapon when in the to launch, including fireballs, eye rays, and explosions.
Likewise, use this Weapon Skill when the attacker uses some
hands of a trained bowman due to the amount of possible
mechanical device to launch the object, such as a catapult,
Damage and increased range of accuracy (up to 400 feet). etc.
Prerequisite = Strength: 6
W.S. Light Missiles
Learning = Attack [20]; Dodge [10]
Special = Skill Shot [Attack: +2] (see page 166) W.S. Thrown
Max AtR = 3 W.S. Thrown is a Weapon Skill that applies to a
character’s proficiency at throwing weapons that are equal
to or less than his or her Strength AR in Weight Factor,
such as slings, boomerangs, daggers, spears, small rocks,
and small shields.
W.S. Light Missiles
Note: The character does not use a Weapon Skill to
W.S. Light Missiles applies to the use of short bows throw an object that has a WF higher than his or her
and crossbows. Note: Though you may consider a sling a Strength Attribute Rating. To Attack with this large of an
missile weapon, they actually require the accuracy and object use a Natural Roll unmodified by any Bonuses.
dexterity of a throw and therefore utilize the Thrown However, the person attempting to evade the large, thrown
Weapon Skill. object can use his or her W.S. Light Arms Dodge Bonus to
Prerequisite = Strength: 5 Dodge.
Learning = Attack [17]; Dodge [10] Prerequisite = Agility: 5
Special = Skill Shot [Attack: +2] (see page 166) Learning = Attack [15]; Dodge [10]
Max AtR = 3 Special = None
Max AtR = 3

Holy Lands 168 The Dark Ages

W.S. Shield Play can hit a target that is up to eight feet away and can
ensnare an object that is up to six feet away.
This Weapon Skill allows the character to effectively
use a shield as both a weapon and a means of defense. It Note: a character is able to Defend blades and blunt
allows the character to apply any additional Bonuses to the weapons with a whip by using it backwards and stopping the
Defend action when using a shield of any kind, even more forthcoming weapon with the whip’s sturdy handle.
so than the Defend Bonuses afforded by a shield. Prerequisite = Agility: 7
Learning = Attack [20]; Dodge [10];
A character need not have this Weapon Skill to use a Defend [15] using the blunt handle
shield and thus gain the Bonuses offered by a shield. Special = Ensnare and Capture [Attack: +2]
However, between the extra Attack per Round offered (see Max AtR = 4
the special note below) and the Shield Bash Special, the
shield can become a deadly weapon in the hands of a
trained wielder.
W.S. Kick Attack
W.S. Kick Attack is a Weapon Skill that uses the
Shield Play and Kick Attack character’s legs as comparable weapons to any opponents’
weapons. With this, the character can both Attack and
offer a final Attack at the end Defend with their legs. They are able to use their kicking
of the Round, not counted as skills effectively and dangerously.
Without this Weapon Skill, characters can kick, but
an AtR, if all the character’s the Damage is less and the rolls are Natural. The Damage
with W.S. Kick Attack is 2d6 plus any Damage Bonuses; a
previous Attacks in that Round normal kick without the Weapon Skill causes 1d8 Damage
and no Bonuses (see the Common Hand-to-Hand Damage
were successful Dice table at the beginning of this section). Furthermore,
just by choosing it, the character gains a Damage Bonus of
+3 for this Weapon Skill only, making a kick’s Damage a
A special note on Shield Play: characters with this
minimum of 2d6+3. This Bonus is totally separate from
Weapon Skill are able to complete their Combat Round
any other Bonus gained by the Weapon Skill. It helps
with a shield Attack if he or she first used a different
show the power of a kick by one trained with the use of
Weapon Skill for all their AtR, and if the previous AtR’s
their legs.
that Round were successful Attacks. Using this action does
not cost as an AtR but the character can add it to his or
her existing Attacks per Round. For example, if the
character used a sword to hit the opponent twice The Kick Attack Weapon
successfully and he or she only has 2 AtR, that character
can finish the Round with a shield Attack as a favorable
Skill automatically gains a +3
finale to the Round.
Bonus to Damage just for
Prerequisite = Strength: 6
Learning = Attack [20]; Dodge [10]; Defend [15] picking it as a Weapon Skill
Special = Shield Bash [AtR: 2]
Max AtR = 2
A special note on Kick Attack: characters with this
Weapon Skill are able to complete their Combat Round
with a kick if he or she first used a different Weapon Skill
W.S. Whips for all their AtR, and if the previous AtR’s that Round
In addition to the low Weight Factor and Range of a were successful Attacks. See the Special Note on Shield
whip, having the Whips Weapon Skill allows the character Play for more details.
to use the Ensnare and Capture Special Attack, which can Prerequisite = Agility: 7
be useful in separating an opponent from his weapon. Learning = Attack [15]; Dodge [18]; Defend [12]
Special = Jump Kick [AtR: 2]
A long whip can hit a target up to 15 feet away and
Max AtR = 5
can ensnare an object up to 12 feet away. A shorter whip

Holy Lands 169 The Dark Ages

Sins Descriptions
Sins are the harmful qualities of a character that can
negatively affect their daily life. They are actions and Saving versus the Consequences
behaviors that show the result of a character’s bad
decisions. Every character, just by being human, has some Sins that have direct Consequences allow the character
aspect of every Sin listed below; but only the Sins to Save versus Temptation (a Virtue Roll) to avoid even
designated to your character will outwardly effect game carrying out the Sin action and, therefore, avoiding
play. All Sins have the potential to cause division among suffering the Consequence. These Sins will have the term
travelers within a party. Therefore, it is important to work “direct” in their Consequence description.
through one another’s Sins. Those Sins that have the term “indirect” in their
Once a character’s Virtue Attribute Rating reaches 4, Consequence description have no single action that
6, and 8, the player may remove any one of the character’s identifies the Sin. With the exception of the Sin of Theft,
Sins. The character is no longer plagued with that Sin the character carries out the Sin as more of an attitude
Consequence. It is up to the player as to which Sin will be than specific actions. Consequently, there are no Saving
overcome by his or her character. Once the character’s Throws to prevent the Sin Consequence. Rather the Sin
Virtue Attribute Rating reaches 9, the character has no plagues the character by feelings and emotions that make
more Sins to contend with in regular game play. normal life difficult and thus Consequences follow.

You will notice that we have omitted the Sin of Lust

from the following list. This is because it would add an
element that has no part in this game.
Sins Descriptions
There are harmful effects that follow characters due to
the Sins they keep. Sins actually become evident by these Having this Sin means that the character so admires
Consequences that result. Consequences can be direct someone else that he or she believes this person can bring
from the Sin action or behavior as well as being indirect. the character joy, protect the character, and otherwise
The difference is that a direct Consequence of a sin behavior better the character’s life in some way. This is obviously
may land the character in a dungeon for doing the action, false and a Sin because only the character through God can
where an indirect Consequence is a punishment from God truly do these things.
that later withholds blessings that He would have granted
to the character normally. Consequence: Indirect
The player must play out the Consequences of a Sin The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
and adhere to the result that having the Sin causes during must develop a pitiful relationship of service and
game play. Although the Rac should get familiar with each admiration of another PC in which the character is
of the character’s Sins in time, the ultimate responsibility traveling with each game. The person to whom the
lies on the players to address the Sins of their characters. character attaches to may change each game if the player
To help you to remember to play this out, if possible, put a would like, which is representative of being let down, or the
star () on your Character Sheet next to the area that the same PC may be the “victim” of the attachment each
Sin affects. That way, whenever you need to use that Skill, game. The choice is up to the player with the character
Attribute, or Ability, you will notice that you have flagged who has the Attachment Sin.
it for a Sin Consequence. Players will lose role-playing If two or more characters have the Attachment Sin,
Experience points for their character by not complying with they cannot attach to one another unless there is no other
the Consequences of their characters Sins. option.

Holy Lands 170 The Dark Ages

There is no Saving Throw allowed for this Sin; the The cheating character may not Save versus
character must bear this shortcoming throughout game Temptation against this Sin, but does gain a +1 per level to
play. Save versus the three Charisma-related Skills.

Bitterness Control
Having this Sin means that the character so hates The character with this Sin must do things their own
someone that he or she cannot bring himself or herself to way- without help. They feel as though they are the only
work with this person in any way. They may or may not let one who can do something effectively, and having any
on that they are bitter towards anyone until the time comes assistance is a sign of weakness and self-inefficiency.
to work with the person.
Consequence: Indirect
Consequence: Direct
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character must suffer gaining only half the benefit to those Miracles
must develop a hateful indifference towards another PC. that are helpful to him or her, including all healing
The sinful character will not be able to relate to the person Miracles.
they are bitter to in any way, including working with them
The controlling character may not Save versus
at all. This bitterness is often unfounded and unjust, but
Temptation against this Sin the first time the Miracle is
may also go unknown until it is time to work together.
performed on them. They may attempt to Save versus
The person to whom the character is bitter to may change
their Control for 1 Five-score of time after the character
each game if the player would like, which is representative
receives half of the blessing from the Miracle. After that,
of the Sin being the problem and not the person, or the
the character is back to their old, controlling self again.
same PC may be the “victim” of the bitterness each game.
The choice is up to the player with the character who has
the Bitterness Sin.
If two or more characters have the Bitterness Sin,
they must all be bitter towards each other, behaving Having this Sin means that the character must try to
juvenilely to each other at all times. assert their dominance over those who the character feels is
“less” than he or she is, including, animals, children,
The bitter character may Save versus Temptation only shorter people, or weaker people. If the character is male,
when the need is great for him or her to work with the he may feel like all women are weaker, etc.
person in which they are bitter.
Consequence: Indirect
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
Cheating must suffer losing any Bonuses he or she may have to
The character with this Sin is into cheating and easy Attack. Though you cannot apply them while your
gain. They are not “into” doing things as they expect character has this Sin, it is recommended to continue to
others to do things. This character prefers the easy way, build your character’s Attack Bonuses so they may be used
constantly looking for loopholes and a “one up” on when the Sin is overcome. The thought behind this
someone who is doing things the right way. Consequence is that the character spends so much energy
trying to exert his or her greatness unnecessarily, but when
Consequence: Indirect it comes down to really needing to fight, the character is
not all he or she thinks they are. There is no Saving
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
Throw to this Sin.
must suffer a -1 per level of their experience to all
Charisma rolls. This represents the fact that people see
through the character’s cheating personality. The character
also suffers a -1 per level to all Effort Rolls for Charisma- Doubt
related Skills, including Negotiation, Persuasion, and Having this Sin makes the character mistrust God
Intimidation. and instead trust him or herself more. In other words,
characters with this Sin place more faith in themselves and
their own abilities than they do in God.

Holy Lands 171 The Dark Ages

Consequence: Direct character 1 Five-score of time of distractedness, in which
the character learns nothing.
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
must suffer a -1 per level of experience to all Faith Rolls.
This represents the character’s belief that God will not help
them- even when they ask for His help. Gluttony
A character may roll to Save versus their Doubt Having this Sin means that the character is not able
Temptation. If the player successfully rolls to Save first, to continue for an extended period of time (hours equal to
they may then attempt a Faith Roll without the his or her Endurance AR) without eating. This character
Consequences Penalty. needs food constantly and believes that not eating causes
grave diseases and other physical misfortunes.

Drunkenness Consequence: Direct

The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
Having this Sin means that the character takes his or
must eat two or more times the normal amount of food
her alcohol intake to the limit whenever they drink. Beer,
required to survive. This character must eat two rations
ale, and mead are all they can think about, and drinking is
three times a day, where a normal character need only eat a
the only way they know how to “wind down”. The player
minimum of one ration twice a day. Therefore, the
may or may not play the character as a drunk, who actually
character with this Sin must always carry or have available
drinks, but drinking consumes the thought, and even the
at least six rations at the start of a day. Should the
thought affects the physiology of the character.
character not be able to eat as needed, he or she suffers -1
to all Combat Rolls and +1 to all Skill Difficulty Factors
Consequence: Indirect
per meal missed until able to eat again. Once the character
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character has again eaten, the character feels normal and the
must suffer a -1 per level of experience to all Agility Rolls Penalties from the Sin are all relieved.
and therefore suffers a -1 per level to all Effort Rolls for
In addition to the increased cost of food
Agility-related Abilities, including Jump, Climb, and Balance
consumption, the character with this Sin is not necessarily
Rolls. There is no Saving Throw for this Sin.
overweight at first, but must add a +1 to his or her Weight
Note: a secondary consequence to this Sin is that the Factor upon reaching a new level.
character must waste much time and money satisfying their
Saving versus Temptation for this Sin affords the
drunken urges.
character to need to eat only one ration three times a day.

The character with this Sin is not able to see past the
The character with this Sin feels better about himself
thought of someone being more skilled than he or she is.
or herself when they speak lowly of someone behind the
They become jealous when the character feels that someone
person’s back. They will, at some point, gossip about their
has more “talent” than they have.
closest friends and dear relatives to those that are not even
Consequence: Direct close.

The Consequence to this Sin is that the character Consequence: Indirect

must suffer a -1 per level of experience to all rolls required
In addition to being mistrusted by the one’s they
to learn a new Skill. This applies to all Effort Rolls (for
gossip to, the Consequence to this Sin is that the character
Abilities and Skills) and Attribute Rolls; whichever
must suffer a -1 per level of experience to all Patience Rolls
increases the difficulty to learn the Skill during Perception
and therefore suffer a -1 per level to all Effort Rolls for
and Active learning (see pages 112-114 for details on
Patience-related Abilities, including Search and Balance
learning Skills). The character is so jealous of the
Rolls. Patience Rolls include rolls to Save versus
instructor’s abilities that they find it difficult to
Intimidation. This represents the character’s constant fear
concentrate on their own advancement.
of confrontation about how they behave regarding other
The character must make a successful Saving Throw people’s privacy and respect.
each time he or she switches to a different method of
There are no Saving Throws for this Sin.
learning. An unsuccessful Saving Throw costs the

Holy Lands 172 The Dark Ages

Greed even keep his or her own story straight and therefore
cannot remember how the real story went. In fact, the
This Sin causes the character to act irrationally about character makes up lies in his or her head about the event
money and material things. The character consumes him when it is happening. The character therefore does not
or herself with having and gaining more wealth. always even know when he or she is lying or not.

Consequence: Direct There is no Saving Throw for this Sin and must
affect every Memory Roll until the character overcomes the
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character Sin permanently.
must suffer a -1 per level of experience to all Wisdom Rolls
and therefore suffer a -1 per level to all Effort Rolls for
Wisdom-related Abilities, including Perception, Search, and Malice
Hide rolls. Wisdom Rolls also include Saving Throws
versus Persuasion and Negotiation, which represents the fact Having this Sin makes the character feel anger and
that the character’s greed hinders his or her ability to care disgust for another person without any real reason.
whether a person is making fair deal. Actually, unbeknownst to the character, it all stems from
the character’s hatred of him or herself. The character
The character may attempt to Save versus their greedy
inadvertently transfers this hatred to someone else or to a
Temptation in an effort to gain 1 Ten-round of time for
group of others in the form of argumentativeness and cruel
sane and rational rolls.
intentions, sometimes resulting in physical confrontations.

Consequence: Indirect
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
Having this Sin causes the character to do things must suffer losing any Bonuses he or she may have to
with less effort than is often needed to get a task done. Advantage. Though you cannot apply them while your
This character may have a tough time doing anything character has this Sin, it is recommended to continue to
constructive at all. In fact, all this character wants to do is build your character’s Advantage Bonuses so they may be
rest and relax. used when the Sin is overcome. The thought behind this
Consequence is that the character spends so much time in
Consequence: Direct angry thought against innocent people that when it comes
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character to true Combat, the character is less “ready to go” than he
must suffer a -1 per level of experience to all Effort Rolls or she had presumed.
for ALL Skills. This means that any time the lazy There is no Saving Throw to this Sin.
character wants to attempt to use one of his or her Skills as
a Gift, Talent, or Craft, they must reduce their Effort Roll
by -1 per level. Paganism
The lazy character may attempt to Save versus their
This Sin represents the character’s desire and
laziness as long as they roll to Save prior to rolling the
overwhelming curiosity to dabble with magic and other evil.
Skill attempt. If the Save is successful, the character has
He or she feels compelled to justify the evil nature of magic
overcome his or her laziness temporarily (for this attempt)
and possibly even possesses and uses items of magic.
and may now attempt the Skill with no Penalties.
Consequence: Indirect

Lying The Consequence to this Sin is that the character

must suffer a -1 per level of experience to all Virtue Rolls
This Sin is the one that tempts the character to say including Saving Throws versus Temptation. This means
things that are simply not true. The character lies about that the character will have an increased difficulty to Save
things that are important to be truthful about as well as versus this and all other Sins.
things that are insignificant.
There is no Saving Throw to this Sin.
Consequence: Indirect
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
must suffer a -1 per level of experience to all Memory Rolls.
This is representative of the fact that the character cannot

Holy Lands 173 The Dark Ages

Prejudice any Skill, Ability, or Attribute Roll, even if their very life is
in danger. The character will not attempt any task that
This Sin causes the character to act with an requires a roll of any kind for one Five-score of game time.
unreasonable hatred to all people of a specified race,
religion, or ethnicity, such as blacks, Muslims, Jews, The enraged character may attempt to Save versus
Germans, etc. This hatred may stem from a childhood their Strife after he or she fails a roll before having the
memory of an unjust act happening to the character’s tantrum. The successful use of the Diffuse Hostility or
family from someone of another race or simply from the Edify Skill by the enraged character's friend can also
character’s parents being prejudice as well. eliminate the Sin of Strife temporarily, until another failed
The player must select the race or religion in which
his or her character will be prejudice at the time the
character acquires the Sin. Theft
Consequence: Indirect Having this Sin makes the character feel a strong
desire to take what is not theirs secretly, especially things of
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
value. Because the character has a conscience, he or she
must never relate in any way to a person of the specified
with this Sin may find it very difficult to steal things from
race. This means that the character can neither help nor
friends, family, or even people the character knows; instead,
accept help from the person in which they are prejudice. In
the character has a strong desire to steal things in which he
fact, the character must feel hatred and disdain to the
or she does not know who the owner is.
person of the loathed race. There is no Saving Throw to
this sin.
Consequence: Indirect
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character is
Pride not able to add a second Character Class. This is
representative of the character’s inability to take chances of
Having this Sin causes the character to be overly personal growth, and risk exposing his or her Sinful,
impressed with himself or herself as a person. The criminal nature.
character will favor his or her abilities and ideas over any
peers’ and will think less of other ideas and other peoples’ There is no Saving Throw to this Sin. Once the
abilities. character overcomes this sin, he or she is able to add a
second Character Class.
Consequence: Direct
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character Vanity
must continue to reattempt a task if he or she fails any
Skill, Ability, or Attribute Roll until successful. This could This Sin represents the character’s arrogance, which
obviously waste much time, possibly valuable resources, and stems from his or her self-indulgence. Characters with this
endanger him or her and those around. Sin think unrealistically high of themselves, and they
believe others feel the same admiration about them.
The Prideful character may attempt to Save versus
their Pride after each time he or she fails a roll.
Consequence: Indirect
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
Strife must increase his or her Beauty Attribute Rating upon
reaching each new level until the character overcomes this
Having this Sin causes the character to be overly Sin.
critical and angry with himself or herself as a person. The
character will exhibit rages, short-temperedness, and even There is no Saving Throw to this Sin. Because each
violence when he or she feels embarrassed, inadequate, character increases two Attribute Ratings each new level,
unneeded, sad, or hurt. the character may want to increase the Virtue Attribute
until this Sin is eradicated.
Consequence: Direct
The Consequence to this Sin is that the character
cannot reattempt a task or any other task if he or she fails

Holy Lands 174 The Dark Ages

More about Performing Miracles
Properties of a Miracle
High Miracles
Clerical Miracles
Healing Miracles
Holy Songs
Miracle Descriptions

Group Prayers
More about Performing Even though only certain Character Classes are able

Miracles to perform Miracles, all Christian characters can contribute

Faith points to create a Group Prayer. In this situation,
one Miracle-worker is responsible for carrying out the
This section explains more details about how
actual Miracle, but anyone who joins hands with the
characters use Miracles than was previously covered on
Miracle-worker can contribute their Faith point(s) to
pages 16 and 17. Therefore, if you have not read that
increase the total number of F.p. used to perform the
part, you may want to start there and come back here when
you have finished.
For example, if forty other people with 1 F.p. each
gathered together in a Group Prayer to contribute to the
The Skill of Miracles Miracle-worker’s cause, the Miracle-worker could then
perform the Miracle as if he had forty more F.p.
Although Miracles are in the character’s Skill Obviously, this gives the Miracle-worker a great
categories and they progress like the other Skills, the opportunity to increase the power of the Miracle from what
character does not need to attempt a Skill Roll to perform it would have normally been.
a Miracle. It can be very important, however, for a
character to continue to build his or her Proficiency Bonus A Group Prayer can only be accomplished with a
for their Miracles Skill because the character can apply Clergy (Healer, Saint, or Cleric Character Class) leading
those Bonuses to rolls for supernatural Combat and the prayer and responsible for the Miracle. This means
sometimes use them to contribute some additional help to that the Bard and Devil Hunter Character Classes cannot
the Miracle. lead the prayer although they can always contribute F.p.
Furthermore, anyone contributing F.p. must join hands
Certain Miracles require a roll every time they are with others who are contributing F.p. and ultimately all
used, but the roll is considered more of an Attack Roll than have joined hands with the Miracle-worker. Once any
a Skill Roll. See the Supernatural Combat section starting character uses their F.p., they cannot have the F.p.
on this page for more details. restored until the character sleeps for at least six hours or
At rare times, however, a character may need to make successfully meditates.
a Skill Roll to perform a Miracle. Such times include
when the Miracle-worker has been mentally weakened or
distracted by a spell or toxic substance. Nonetheless, the Supernatural Combat
highest Difficulty even for these attempts should be the
When two or more opponents are attempting to
High difficulty, which requires a roll of 19 or higher (see
attack one another with Miracles or magic, the scenario
page 107 for Skill Difficulties). Most of these attempts
takes the role of Combat. However, this is considered
should fall into the Moderate or even Simple Difficulty
spiritual or supernatural Combat. When appropriate, you
levels, as it only takes a thought to perform a Miracle.

Holy Lands 175 The Dark Ages

roll this supernatural Combat with a d20. As in normal The Spiritual Defend
Combat, naturally, the highest roll wins. You apply the
same principles and sequence of rolls as normal Combat to Once an opponent has made a spiritual attack on a
spiritual Combat, which also allows you to involve other character, he or she may be able to prepare a defensive
physical combatants in the scenario. maneuver. However, most spells and Miracles do not allow
for anyone to take a defensive action against them; many
only allow a Saving Throw against them. If allowed, the
Advantage character may attempt to physically Dodge the assault or
launch a supernatural response. Opponents of the Water
Just like physical Combat, all opponents involved in
Burst, Holy Missile, and Thrust Debris Miracles may
spiritual Combat roll Advantage to determine who will
attempt to Dodge these by rolling a number on a d20
attack first. The Advantage Roll for spiritual Combat is
higher than the Miracle-worker rolled to perform it. On
the same as hand Combat: rolled on a d20. Likewise, one
the other hand, opponents of the Mystic Missile, Fireball,
can forfeit their Advantage Roll in order to add their Level
and Thrust Object spells have a predetermined number that
of experience to their forthcoming Defend Roll (see page 22
he or she must roll above in order to Dodge.
for more details regarding forfeiting the Advantage) should
it be available.
Characters using the Miracles Skill add the

For time has come for

Proficiency of their Skill to their Advantage Roll. Physical
combatants use their normal Advantage Bonus for the
related Weapon Skill used.
Note to the Rac: for spellcasting opponents in
supernatural Combat, use the Advantage and Dodge of
judgment at the house of
their Combat Bonuses for their spiritual Combat.

Magic versus Miracles

It is necessary to note that Miracles do carry a slight -1 Peter 4:17
advantage over magic spells. That advantage is that a magic
spell requires the spellcaster to utter a magic phrase vocally,
and a good spellcaster can utter a spell quite fast. However,
since a Miracle is a prayer and prayers can be a thought, a
Miracle can be a thought –even a visual thought– of what the
Miracle-worker would like to accomplish. Spiritual Attacks per Round
Hence, a character need not utter a Miracle in spoken All Miracle-workers and spellcasters have a certain
prayer, but the devils that control the forces of magic must
number of times in which they can perform a Miracle and
always hear the spell the spellcaster wants to cast.
Nevertheless, both spiritual forces require about the same cast a spell in a Round, respectively. The Miracle-worker
amount of time to achieve in supernatural Combat. has what is called Miracles per Round and the spellcaster
has what is called Spells per Round, both of which
determine how many times they can use their spiritual
The Spiritual Attack forces in a 3-second period (for spells per Round, see page
230). Both Miracles per Round and Spells per Round
After determining who has the Advantage in a indicate how many times they can use their power, this
spiritual Combat scenario, the winner casts a spell or includes for an attack as well as for a defend maneuver.
performs a Miracle. For Miracle-workers, the player need
only declare that his or her character wishes to perform a From Levels 1-3, clergy can only perform 1 Miracle
Miracle and it is done; the Miracle is cast. However, in per Round. At Level 4 and at every fourth level thereafter
some cases, the Miracle-worker must roll a d20 and add (Levels 8 and 12), the clergy gains an additional Miracle
Bonuses to determine how well he or she aimed the power. per Round.

For spell-cast Attacks: the Attack Roll is already

predetermined in the description of the spell. Therefore, Miracles per Round
anyone attempting to Defend against magic attacks need
only read the spells description to find the Saving Throw 1 Miracle per Round at Levels 1-3
number or Dodge or Defend requirement. +1 Miracle per Round every fourth level (4, 8, and 12)

Holy Lands 176 The Dark Ages

In addition, a spiritual attack or defend uses one You can see that the Cleric (“C”) can direct the
complete AtR of Combat, both an Attack and a Defend in Miracle up to twenty feet away as indicated by the range
that Round. Therefore, if an opponent only has 1 AtR and (“→”).
1 Miracle or Spell per Round and they use a Miracle or
For Range: Area, use the Miracle’s Area property
Spell, they have only 1 AtR left as a Defend or Dodge only.
with the Miracle-worker as the epicenter.
This is because a character with 1 AtR has ONE Attack
but TWO Defends per Round. Furthermore, one
supernatural attack requires the energy of one full AtR,
which uses an Attack and a Defend, leaving one Defend to Target
use that Round. Target is a term that describes what is affected by
performing the Miracle. There are three main categories of
the Target property: Area, Self, and Other.

Properties of a Miracle Area

If playing a character that can perform Miracles, it is The first is Area, which means that the Miracle
necessary that you are familiar with the many different affects an area and everything within it. A Miracle with the
aspects of a Miracle. Most High Miracles are more or less Target: Area property will have a more specific diameter size
“standard” to the next in terms of range, duration, and area of the target area following in parentheses. For example,
of effect. However, Clerical Miracles, Holy Songs, and the Vacuum Fumes Miracle uses an area as the target of the
Healing Miracles can be more “non-standard” in their affect. The entire property is Target: Area (10’ x 10’ x
properties. The following properties of a Miracle detail the 10’), which means that the area it affects is a ten-cubic-
use of Range, Duration, F.p. Cost, and Target of foot volume and everything within it.
Miracles and how to modify these properties by spending
more Faith points.
The next category of the Target property is Self.
Range This category indicates that the Miracle-worker can only
direct the Miracle at himself or herself. The Miracle
Range is a term that describes how far away from the cannot affect another person unless indicated by the Self or
Miracle-worker he or she can direct the Miracle and have it Other Target.
still be effective. The total range is the distance from the
Miracle-worker to the epicenter of the Miracle. For
example, the Adhesion Miracle has a Range of 20 feet but Other
a maximum Area of 5 feet in diameter. Therefore, if the
Other as the Target indicates that only another being
Miracle-worker should direct the epicenter of this Miracle
or object can be the affected target of the Miracle. For
up to the maximum twenty feet away, it would extend an
specific Other targets, the target will be followed by the
extra 2.5 feet past the 20-foot maximum.
necessary information in parentheses. For example, the
Use the below illustration to help visualize the range Weapon to Snake Miracle cannot affect a living being. In
of a Miracle. The “C” represents the Cleric performing the fact, it can only affect a weapon. Therefore, the target
Adhesion Miracle, the arrow represents the maximum range would read Target: Other (weapon only).
of the Miracle, and the white circle represents the
placement of the Miracle itself.
The Duration of a Miracle indicates the total time
that the Miracle lapses from start to finish.

Time represents the Duration for most Miracles,
which Rounds, Ten-rounds, and Five-scores usually count
the occasion, although, some Durations are in minutes,

Holy Lands 177 The Dark Ages

hours, or even days. Most Miracles count typical increase all the categories listed above for the example
Durations in 1-Round increments, however. Miracle two times their normal, she would multiply the
F.p. by two for each category and add the three totals
together. In this case, the F.p. cost is 3 times two, which
Instant equals 6 for Range, 6 for Duration, and 6 for the number
Instant as a Duration means that the Miracle is of Targets, totaling 18 F.p. for all.
finished as soon as the Miracle-worker performs it. For If she wanted to increase all the available categories by
example, the Heal Wounds Miracle causes the character to one increment again, she would have to multiply the Base
be healed right when the Miracle is performed. F.p. by 3, equaling 9 each and costing a total of 27.
Spending 27 F.p. would then give the character three
Permanent times the Range, equaling 60 feet maximum; three times
the Targets (hitting three individuals instead of one); and
Permanent as a Duration indicates that the Miracle lasting three times the Duration, or 3 Rounds total.
creates some affect that remains even though the actual
Miracle has lapsed. For example, the Heal Wounds
Miracle permanently restores the character’s L.p. as F.p. Cost Modifier Table
opposed to the Miracle only restoring the L.p. temporarily.
Range: Base F.p. x1 per additional Range of distance
Duration: Base F.p. x1 per additional Duration of affect
F.p. Cost Target: Base F.p. x1 per additional Target person /
Every Miracle that a Miracle-worker can perform Delay: Base F.p. x1 per Round of delayed activation
requires some amount of F.p. from the character’s pool of Trigger: Base F.p. x3 to enable trigger of live person
Faith points (with the exception of the Miracles that the per 5 feet of object position
Clergy get as special Miracle abilities). Most Miracles cost
a flat number of F.p., but some allow the character to
“buy” additional Duration time, extended Range, multiple Delay Modifier
Targets, or a larger Target area.
The Delay Miracle modifier allows the Miracle-worker
Miracles that allow the character additional properties to perform the Miracle but delay the actual affect for some
have a Cost Modifier option listed below the F.p. Cost. time later. This can be extremely useful for moving
See the below example Miracle for an illustration. through some environment and setting the Miracle to go
off when a pursuer travels along the same path. A good
example of this was when Moses parted the Red Sea for the
Example Miracle Israelites to cross, and just when the pursuing Egyptians
tried to cross, the parted water came crashing on them.
Range: 20 feet
Target: Self or Other The Delay modifier allows the Miracle-worker to set
Duration: 1 Round the delay per Round. In addition, you multiply the base
F.p. Cost: 3 cost of the Miracle times the number of Rounds the
Cost Modifiers: Range, Duration, Target character will delay the Miracle. Therefore, a delay of 5
Rounds would cost the Miracle-worker five times the base
cost of the Miracle.
The above example Miracle allows the character to
perform the Miracle but also gives the character the option Trigger Modifier
to extend the Range, increase the Duration, and multiply
the Targets to more than one other individual. The Trigger Miracle modifier allows the Miracle-
worker to perform the Miracle in a way that the actual
affect of it does not trigger until a living being (human,
demon, animal, etc.) come within a certain distance. For
Cost Modifiers
this to occur, the Miracle-worker must set the Miracle on
Use the table on the above right to determine the F.p. an object no larger than a large sword (a wagon, for
cost modifiers that the Miracle offers. You simply multiply example, would be too large, but the wagon wheel would be
the BASE F.p. cost for each category and then add the sufficient). When any living being comes within a five-foot
totals together. For example, if the character decided to radius of the object, they trigger the Miracle.

Holy Lands 178 The Dark Ages

The cost of the Trigger effect is three times the Wind F.p Page
Miracle’s base cost per five feet of distance in which the
object triggers. Therefore, having the distance be ten feet Breathe 3 180
Divert 5 182
from the object that someone can trigger would cost six
Holy Missile 5 184
times the base cost. Fifteen feet of maximum distance
Strong Winds 1 186
would cost nine times the base cost, etc.
Thrust Debris 7 187
Vacuum Fumes 3 188
Wind Walk 7 188

High Miracles Clerical Miracles

High Miracles are the Miracles that only the Saint
Character Class can perform. They are “elemental” type Clerical Miracles are Miracles that have a more
Miracles by nature, that is: of the earth, wind, water, and specific purpose than High Miracles. In other words, High
fire. High Miracles are the most versatile in that they can Miracles are slightly more versatile where Clerical Miracles
be the most easily modified by the Miracle-worker in terms are more limited yet can be equally effective.
of Duration, Range, and number of Targets.

The Clerical Miracles

The High Miracles For more details about the Clerical Miracles, see the
For more details about the High Miracles, see the Miracles description on the following pages
Miracles description on the following pages
Clerical Miracles F.p. Page
Earth F.p Page Cloaking 3 180
Adhesion 5 180 Conjure Weapon 3/5 181
Disperse Composition 7 182 Fumble Object 5 183
Heat Metal 5 183 Object Properties 7 184
Slick 5 186 Perceive Thoughts 3 184
Undistributed Weight 5 187 Sense Presence 5 186
Tongues 5 187
Weapon to Snake 11 188
Fire F.p Page
Combust Cloth 3 181
Combust Water 5 181
Combust Wood
Fire Cloud
Healing Miracles
Flash Blindness 7 183 As the name implies, Healing Miracles offer physical
Hellfire 11 184 healing to characters wounded or impaired by disease or
Curse. Miracle-workers can only acquire these Miracles in
Water F.p Page sequential order, one Miracle per level, starting with the
Level 1 Miracle The Miracle-worker gains each new
Boil Water 5 180 Miracle according to the level they have just reached.
Breathe 3 180 Therefore, at Level 1, the healer can perform the Miracle
Extinguish 3 182 of Heal Wounds; at Level 2, the healer gains the Miracle of
Purify Water (see notes) 3 214 Divine Healing; at level 3, Dispel Magic, etc.
Suspend Water 5 187
Swim 5 187 All Healing Miracles require the healer to touch the
Water Burst 7 188 person to be healed unless he or she spends extra F.p. to
Water Walk 5 188 gain Range.

Holy Lands 179 The Dark Ages

The Healing Miracles Boil Water
For more details about the Healing Miracles, see the (High: water)
Miracles description on the following pages. Note: only
This Miracle brings the surface Area of a body of
the Healer Character Class is able to utilize these Miracles
water to boil after 1 Round that causes 2d8+2 points of
at half the normal F.p. cost.
Damage per Round to all living beings it touches.
Level F.p. Page Range: 20 feet
1) Heal Wounds 10 183 Target: Area of water (10’ x 10’ per level of experience)
2) Divine Healing 20 182 Duration: 2 Rounds
3) Dispel Magic 30 181 F.p. Cost: 5
4) Remove Curse 40 185 Cost Modifiers: Range, Duration, Target (per 10’ x 10’)
5) Restore Sight/Hearing/Limbs 50 185
6) Resurrection 60 185
(High: water/air)

Holy Songs Performing this Miracle allows the character to

sustain normal life without the need to breathe for the
A Holy Song is a Miracle that a Bard can make Duration. He or she can remain underwater or in a
active by skillfully playing the melody on a musical smoke/fume environment for the Duration in addition to
instrument. To perform a Holy Song, Bards must make a what their Endurance Attribute allows them (see page 61
successful Miracles-Holy Songs Roll in place of their normal for more details on holding breath).
Play Wind Instrument or Play Stringed Instrument Roll. Range: 20 feet (for Target: Other)
Target: Self or Other (1 Target per level of experience)
Duration: 1 Five-score
The Holy Songs F.p. Page F.p. Cost: 3
Canticle of Dreams 6 180 Cost Modifiers: Range, Duration, Target
Hymn of the Spirit 9 184
Hymn of Divine Sight 7 184
Song of Dances 9 186 Canticle of Dreams
(Holy Song)
Within 1 Round, this pleasant Holy melody puts
everyone within Range except the Miracle-worker into a
nice, happy sleep for the Duration. Everyone who does not
Miracle Descriptions Save versus Miracle, even the Miracle-worker’s party, will
fall victim to the song.
This Miracle requires a successful Miracles-Holy Songs
Roll in place of a Play Wind or Stringed Instrument Roll
but requires the character to play either a wind or stringed
(High: earth) instrument to activate the Miracle.
Range: Area (10 foot radius of music source)
Performing this Miracle creates an extremely sticky Target: Area (20 feet diameter)
circle less than a half inch deep on a rock, earth, or glass Duration: 1 Ten-round (of sleep) after 1 Round of
surface. The person stuck to the adhesive surface must playing
have a Strength AR of 7 or higher (or a combined Strength F.p. Cost: 6
with someone’s help) to remove themselves and must also Cost Modifiers: Range (per additional 10-foot radius)
make a Strength Roll per Round until successful in order to
get free.
Range: 40 feet Cloaking
Target: Area (5 feet diameter)
Duration: 1 Round per level of experience (Clerical)
F.p. Cost: 5
Cost Modifiers: Range, Target (per 5 feet) This Miracle allows the Miracle-worker to blend in
with the background surroundings as a chameleon does.

Holy Lands 180 The Dark Ages

This Miracle mostly requires the character to remain Combust Wood
unmoved, however he or she may be in any environment-
whether the environment is open-aired, or cluttered with (High: fire)
background. Furthermore, someone may detect the This Miracle causes an area of wood (one foot in
cloaked character’s movement with a Perception Roll if the diameter) to catch fire. Though the Duration of the
cloaked character moves at a Speed higher than 2 in well- Miracle is 1 Round, normal, dry wood will continue to
lit environments and a Speed higher than 5 in darker burn until consumed. The flame is a natural flame that
environments. This Miracle does not make the Miracle- causes 1d6+2 Damage per Round to any living being
worker invisible, and is therefore not susceptible to See the exposed to the flame (face burns reduce Beauty by 1 AR
Invisible spells. per 2 Rounds exposed).
Range: N/A Range: 20 feet per level of experience
Target: Self only Target: Area of wood (1-foot diameter)
Duration: 1 Ten-round Duration: 1 Round
F.p. Cost: 3 F.p. Cost: 3
Cost Modifiers: Duration (per Ten-round) Cost Modifiers: Duration

Combust Cloth Conjure Weapon

(High: fire) (Clerical)
This Miracle causes an area on the target cloth (no This Miracle allows the Miracle-worker to make any
larger than a foot in diameter) to catch fire. Though the Light or Heavy Arms weapon appear in his or her hands for
Duration of the Miracle is 1 Round, normal, dry cloth will a temporary time. The weapon has no Bonuses normally,
continue to burn until consumed. The flame is a natural but additional Bonuses can be “bought” with more F.p.
flame that causes 1d6+2 Damage per Round to any living The weapon will disappear immediately before someone
being exposed to the cloth (face burns reduce Beauty by 1 other than the character can gain possession of the weapon;
AR per 2 Rounds exposed). therefore, the character cannot trade, give, or sell the item.
Range: 20 feet per level of experience The weapon will not disappear if the Miracle-worker throws
Target: Area of cloth (1-foot diameter) the weapon until someone else attempts to grab it in their
Duration: 1 Round
F.p. Cost: 3
Range: N/A (in-hand of Miracle-worker only)
Cost Modifiers: Duration
Target: Self only
Duration: 1 Ten-round per level of experience
F.p. Cost: 3 (for Light Arms); 5 (for Heavy Arms)
Combust Water Cost Modifiers: Attack, Defend, or Damage Bonus
(F.p. cost x3 per +1 for any one action Bonus)
(High: fire)
This Miracle causes the surface Area of a normal
(non-Holy and non-magical) body of water to catch fire as
if there is a flammable liquid on the surface. Unlike the
flame created by the Combust Wood and Combust Cloth Dispel Magic
Miracles, this flame is unnaturally created and sustained. (Healing: Level 3)
Its flames glow blue and white and cause 2d6+2 Damage
per Round to any living being exposed to the flame (face This Healing Miracle allows the healer to dispel the
burns reduce Beauty by 1 AR per 2 Rounds exposed). affects of any magic (except Curses) immediately. In fact,
Range: 20 feet per level of experience this Miracle can intercept the forces of magic before a
Target: Area of water (15-foot diameter) spellcaster can activate them. This works in the following
Duration: 1 Ten-round way: when the Miracle-worker forfeits the Advantage, he or
F.p. Cost: 5 she can perform the Dispel Magic Miracle at the same time
Cost Modifiers: Duration, Target (per 15-feet) as the spellcaster’s spell or at the same time a magic item is
activated. The Miracle then suppresses the forthcoming
spell affect, but is rendered useless once the Miracle works.
This Miracle can also permanently dispel any magic
fumes that have been released, permanently dispel the

Holy Lands 181 The Dark Ages

affects of a potion (turns it into pure water), and Divine Healing
permanently dispel any magical affects that currently
inflicts a character (such as magical binding). Dispel Magic (Healing: Level 2)
cannot permanently dispel the magic of a magic item, Performing Divine Healing can accomplish any of
scroll, or Rune configuration, nor can it dispel Curses. three healing feats; all require the touch of the Healer.
Range: 50 feet
Target: Area (10-foot diameter) First, it can disperse 50 L.p. per level of the Healer
Duration: 1 Round per level of experience among several individuals (touch required for all healing).
F.p. Cost: 30 The Miracle-worker can distribute the Life as he or she sees
Cost Modifiers: Range fit. For example, if five people are injured but one of
them is severely injured, the more injured person can
receive the majority of the L.p. At Level 3, the Healer will
Disperse Composition be able to distribute up to 150 L.p. among up to 150
people; at Level 5, up to 250 L.p. among the same number
(High: earth) of people, etc.
Performing this miracle on a glass, earth, or stone Second and third, the Healer can cure one individual
surface slowly (after 1 Round) creates a five-foot diameter per level of the Healer of poisoning or of some natural
of suspended mush, which is actually the hard surface de- disease. The Healer cannot heal Curses with this Miracle.
solidified. The total area is five-feet around in diameter on
the surface and five-feet deep within the structure. The In addition, the Miracle does not allow for all of the
Miracle-worker can increase the depth or the width by three healings to occur at one time unless the F.p. spent is
increasing the F.p. cost of this Miracle. tripled. Likewise, any two of the three healings can take
place at one time if the F.p. cost is doubled.
This suspended mush allows the character to pass
through and move within it as if it were water. Should a This service requires a 15g donation to the church if
person become caught within the de-solidified surface when done by a clergy at a monastery.
it is again solidified, the person is trapped and will die Range: Touch
within a duration of time equal to his or her Endurance AR Target: Self or Other
in Rounds. The Miracle-worker can attempt to disperse Duration: Instant and Permanent
F.p. Cost: 20
the composition below an enemy’s feet in an attempt to
Cost Modifiers: Range (per 20 feet), Target, Affect
catch them. However, the victim can attempt a normal
(F.p. cost x2 for any 2 available affects; x3 for all
Jump Roll to avoid falling in the pit.
three available affects)
Range: 20 feet per level of experience
Target: Area of rock, glass, or earth (5-foot diameter)
Duration: 1 Ten-round
F.p. Cost: 7 Extinguish
Cost Modifiers: Duration, Target (increase depth or
(High: water)
width by 5-foot increments)
This water Miracle extinguishes any natural, Holy, or
magical fire under a 10-foot diameter in size. The source
Divert of this Miracle is undetectable; water simply appears to
quench the flame out.
(High: wind) Range: 20 feet per level of experience
This wind Miracle causes any missile object to divert Target: Area of fire (10-foot diameter)
Duration: Instant
from its path as if it has just ricocheted off a stone pillar.
F.p. Cost: 3
The Divert Miracle surrounds the Miracle-worker and blows
Cost Modifiers: Target (per 10 feet of Area)
any objects that would otherwise cause harm away at forty-
five degree angle for the Duration.
Range: 20 feet (for Target: Other)
Target: Self or Other (within Range)
Duration: 1 Round per level of experience
F.p. Cost: 5
Cost Modifiers: Range, Target

Holy Lands 182 The Dark Ages

Fire Cloud Heal Wounds
(High: fire) (Healing: Level 1)
Performing this fire Miracle creates a puff of fire that The Heal Wounds Miracle allows the Healer to restore
instantly surrounds the Target’s body and then 2d6+2 Life points per level of the Healer to one
disappears. The puff causes 2d8+2 points of Damage individual.
(or half if Saved against) and stuns for 1 Round, but Range: Touch
cannot combust any material. Target: Other
Range: 50 feet Duration: Instant and Permanent
Target: Other (living beings only); 1 Target per level of F.p. Cost: 10
experience Cost Modifiers: Range (per 20 feet of distance), Target
Duration: Instant and Permanent
F.p. Cost: 5
Cost Modifiers: Range (per additional 20 feet) Heat Metal
(High: earth)
Flash Blindness Performing this Miracle heats the target metal to a
melting point. The metal that the Miracle-worker heats
(High: fire)
must not be able to heat sink with another metal object
Performing this Miracle permeates the Miracle- or the metal will not melt. The metal piece gets a Saving
worker with a flash of light that blinds everyone (who fails Throw to avoid the affect; an 11 to Save versus Miracles
to Save) within the Range for the Duration. is successful.
Range: Area (20-foot radius around Miracle-worker)
Target: Area (40-foot diameter) The melting of a Target metal object requires 3
Duration: Instant (flash); 1 Ten-round (of Blindness) Rounds to turn to liquid. Any living being that is in
F.p. Cost: 7 contact with the heated melted, such as wearing the
Cost Modifiers: Range (per additional 20 feet), Duration heated metal armor, receives 1d6+1 Damage for the first
Round, then double that Damage for each additional
Round thereafter.
Fumble Object The metal requires the same amount of time to cool
as it did to heat and causes the same amount of Damage
as the parallel Round when heating up.
This Miracle causes anyone who tries to handle or
For example, the Miracle-worker heated an
who is handling the Target object to fumble with it for
opponent’s armor for three Rounds; the victim suffered
the Duration and then drop it. The object must be a
1d6+1 Damage the first Round and 2d6+2 Damage
normal (non-holy or non-magic) item, and gets a Saving
each of the next two Rounds until the armor was
Throw to avoid the affect; an 11 to Save versus Miracles
liquefied. Then, because the armor was melted, and
is successful.
though the Miracle was complete, the armor could still
Certain objects may cause Damage if the person potentially cause 2d6+2 Damage for two more Rounds
fumbles, such as bladed weapons and drawn bows. For as the armor still burned, and the final Round cause
this, the fumbling character receives 1d6+1 Damage per 1d6+1. Then the armor would have cooled to a point
Round fumbled with (obviously, some weapons, such as a where no more Damage could be taken.
drawn bow, can only cause Damage one time, one
In this example, the Miracle-worker heated the armor
for three Rounds and therefore the armor took the same
Other objects, such as a sack items, and glassware, amount of time in reverse to cool.
may fumble into many pieces when they hit the ground. Range: 20 feet per level of experience
Range: 20 feet per level of experience Target: Area of metal (single piece no larger than 5
Target: Object (in hand) square feet)
Duration: 1 Round Duration: 1 Round plus equal cooling period;
F.p. Cost: 5 Permanent (3 Rounds required to melt)
Cost Modifiers: Target, Duration (per Round fumbled; F.p. Cost: 5
maximum 3 Rounds) Cost Modifiers: Target (per additional 5 square feet of
total area), Duration (per Round)

Holy Lands 183 The Dark Ages

Hellfire visible as long as they are within the Range of the holy
(High: fire) Range: Area (40-foot radius of music source)
This powerful Miracle creates a consuming pillar of Target: Area (80 feet diameter)
Duration: Up to a Five-score of playing
flames from the ground (up to 6-feet tall) that causes
F.p. Cost: 7
1d8+2 points of Damage per Round per level of the
Cost Modifiers: Range (per additional 10-foot radius)
Miracle-worker to the Target individual. If the Miracle-
worker elects to continue the Miracle after 1 Round, the
victim’s clothing and any wood objects will catch fire. No
Saving Throws are available against this Miracle; however,
Hymn of the Spirit
a Natural 19 or 20 to Dodge avoids the harmful flame. (Holy Song)
Range: 50 feet
Target: Other This triumphant Holy Song grants all Christian
Duration: 1 Round characters who hear it a +1 per level of the Miracle-worker
F.p. Cost: 11 to all Combat actions (except AtR) as long as the Miracle-
Cost Modifiers: Range (per additional 20 feet), Duration worker plays the song. In addition, it adds a +1 AtR to all
recipients of the blessing per 2 levels of the Miracle-worker.
Those individuals, who do not hear it or are of
Holy Missile another faith, do not receive the blessing in any way.
(High: wind) Range: Area (30-foot radius of music source)
Target: Area (60 feet diameter)
This wind Miracle creates a devastating burst of air Duration: Up to a Ten-round of playing
that hits any Target being within Range. However, the F.p. Cost: 9
target victim may attempt to Dodge (vs. W.S. Thrown) the Cost Modifiers: Range (per additional 10-foot radius)
blast based on the Miracle-worker’s Skill Roll plus
Proficiency Bonus. A successful Dodge reduces the
Damage by half. A Natural 19 or 20 to Dodge this Object Properties
Miracle allows for no Damage at all. Spellcasters may add
any Bonuses they have for supernatural Combat. The (Clerical)
burst causes 1d6+2 points of Damage per level of the Performing this Miracle grants the Miracle-worker
Miracle-worker. the knowledge of key information about an object
Range: 30 feet including:
Target: Other  when it was made
Duration: Instant  who made it
F.p. Cost: 5  what its functions and properties are
Cost Modifiers: Range, Target
 what major events the objects has been involved in
 and when it was used last and by whom

Hymn of Divine Sight Once the Miracle-worker has held the object and
performed the Miracle for at least 1 Round, the
(Holy Song) information becomes part of the Miracle-worker’s memory.
As the name implies, this Miracle allows Christian Range: Touch
Target: Other (object only)
characters to see that which they would normally not see.
Duration: 1 Round (to memory) and Permanent
One function of this Miracle creates a brilliant white,
F.p. Cost: 7
radiant light that has no apparent source (in other words,
Cost Modifiers: Range (per 10 feet)
you cannot see a bright light anywhere, just the affects of
the light). This light permeates from the Miracle-worker a
distance equal to the Range and for a time as long as he or
she plays the song (up to a Five-score).
Perceive Thoughts
The other function of the light is that it reveals any (Clerical)
invisible beings and objects within the Range for everyone This Miracle allows the Miracle-worker to read 1
to see. The invisible objects and beings are completely Round’s worth of the Target’s surface thoughts. He or she
silently “hears” the Target’s thoughts as a spoken

Holy Lands 184 The Dark Ages

statement within his or her own thoughts. Typically, the Miracle does not remove Curses or heal diseases. It only
Target must not be speaking, rather in thought, for this does one of the below per F.p. cost.
Miracle to be effective.
Restore Sight- to naturally blind (not Cursed)
Range: 30 feet
Target: Other
Duration: 1 Round per level of experience Restore Hearing- to naturally deaf (not Cursed)
F.p. Cost: 3 individuals
Cost Modifiers: Range (per 30 feet)
Restore Limbs and lost body parts- to individuals
with severed limbs and body parts
Remove Curse Typically, this service requires a 50g donation to the
church if done by a clergy at a monastery.
(Healing: Level 4) Range: Touch
The Remove Curse Miracle allows the Healer to Target: Self or Other
remove one Curse from a cursed individual. This Miracle Duration: 1 Ten-round (for restoration) and Permanent
does not remove natural diseases unless the disease was F.p. Cost: 50
caused by the magical Curse. The downside to this Miracle Cost Modifiers: Range (per 20 feet of distance), Target
is that the entire process takes 10-60 (1d6 x 10) minutes (per person per body part or impairment)
of constant prayer and laying hands on the victim. The
upside is that the Curse is gone forever and can never be
put back on the victim once removed. Typically, this Resurrection
service requires a 30g donation to the church if done at a (Healing: Level 6)
Range: Touch When the Healer gains the Resurrection Miracle, he or
Target: Self or Other she can restore life to a person who has recently died. The
Duration: Instant and Permanent after 10-60 minutes Resurrect Miracle can only resurrect people one time. If
F.p. Cost: 40 they die again after being resurrected once, the person is
Cost Modifiers: Range (per 20 feet of distance), Target dead for good. No Miracle or magic spell can bring them
back to life.
A person who has been dead for more than one day
per Endurance Attribute Rating cannot be resurrected back
to life.
This Miracle requires the Healer to pray over the
victim for a full day (24 hours) without interruption and
the player rolls the Miracles-Healing Roll at the end of the
24-hour period. An interruption of the prayer ceremony
requires another 24-hour period of prayer. As long as the
prayer begins before the end of the final day, the prayer can
continue, and success will resurrect the victim. The prayer
cannot begin after the final day allowed for the Miracle to
resurrect the victim.
Typically, this service requires a 100g donation to the
church if done by a clergy at a monastery.
Range: Touch (most of the day)
Target: Self or Other
Duration: 1 day (24 straight hours) and Permanent
F.p. Cost: 60
Cost Modifiers: None
Restore Sight/Hearing/Limbs
(Healing: Level 5)
This Miracle allows the Healer to restore one of the
three losses listed below in the Duration time. This

Holy Lands 185 The Dark Ages

Sense Presence start to dance an equally lively dance. The hearer suffers
negatives to all rolls equal to the Miracle-worker’s
(Clerical) Proficiency of his or her Miracles Skill.
This Miracle allows the Miracle-worker to detect if Range: Area (30-foot radius of music source)
there is any being within the Miracle’s Range from the Target: Area (60 feet diameter)
Duration: Up to a Ten-round of playing
character. It can sense any living or undead presence
F.p. Cost: 9
including devils and angels that are omnipresent and devoid
Cost Modifiers: Range (per additional 10-foot radius)
of natural form, and it approximates their whereabouts. It
does not give a count or movement rate of the presences.
Range: 50-foot diameter per level of experience
Target: Area (25-foot radius per level) Strong Winds
Duration: 1 Round (High: wind)
F.p. Cost: 5
Cost Modifiers: Duration (per additional Round) This Miracle, similar to the Divert Miracle, creates a
strong wind that can blow anything equal to its strength
away from the Miracle-worker. You can measure the
Slick wind’s strength by the amount of F.p. spent on its
creation. A strong wind that must blow a person with a
(High: earth) Weight Factor of 17 requires a strength of 17 and would
This powerful Miracle creates an incredibly slippery therefore cost 17 F.p. Use the following list to determine
surface that no person or being can move normally on. It how hard a strong wind can blow against certain WF’s.
causes any person or being to slip, slide, and fall
uncontrollably any time they attempt to move or gain Wind Strength = WF: barely moves resistant victim
balance. If a person or being is not in motion when the backward
Slick Miracle is performed under them, they will not fall Wind Strength = WF +1: easily moves resistant victim
until they begin to move or attempt to move. backward
Wind Strength = WF +2: pushes resistant victim with
Any Movement on the surface is extremely difficult or
impossible. A Balance Roll is required with a High Wind Strength = WF +3: pushes resistant victim with
Difficulty (+10 to the AM) for the character to even great force
attempt to move his or her arms, such as to draw a weapon Wind Strength = WF +4: slides resistant victim across
or reach for something. No Balance Roll is available to ground
move on the surface because it is so supernaturally slick Wind Strength = WF +5: lifts resistant victim off
that nothing or no one can use it for normal Movement. ground
The victim must place something, such as a cloth
over it, to move on it. Even this requires an Extremely
Any victim who is lifted off the ground is thrown out
Difficult (+15 to the AM) Balance Roll to move on.
of the Area of the wind and receives 2d6 Damage and an
Using something as leverage, such as a tree branch still
additional +1 per wind strength over the victim’s WF for
requires a High (+10) DF to the Balance AM.
Range: 20 feet per level of experience the landing. For wind strengths over 9, everyone caught in
Target: 10-foot diameter Area of rock, earth, or glass the winds receive 1d6+1 Damage per Round from flying
surface debris.
Duration: 1 Round Note: it is up to the Miracle-worker to judge the force
F.p. Cost: 5 of the wind he or she would like to call based on the size of
Cost Modifiers: Duration, Target (per additional 1o-foot those within the Area. The Rac should help but not give
the exact WF’s of the would-be victims.

Song of Dances Range: 50 feet

Target: 25-foot diameter Area
(Holy Song) Duration: 1 Ten-round
F.p. Cost: 1 (per wind strength)
This lively Holy Song causes all those who hear it
Cost Modifiers: Range (per additional 50 feet),
except the Miracle worker, including animals, demons, Duration, Target (per additional 25-foot diameter)
devils, and others who do not Save versus the Miracle, to

Holy Lands 186 The Dark Ages

Suspend Water As the Miracle-worker grows in levels, the width of
the burst increases, allowing more than one person to be in
(High: water) the Target Area at a time.
This impressive Miracle allows the Miracle-worker to Range: 20 feet
lift and suspend water against the laws of gravity, as Moses Target: Area (6 feet high x 3 feet wide x 10 feet long)
increases by 3 feet wide per level of experience
did in the crossing of the Red Sea. The Target Area of
Duration: Instant
water, which the Miracle-worker can modify by spending
F.p. Cost: 7
more F.p., determines the amount of water that is
Cost Modifiers: Range (per 20 feet)
The Miracle-worker can lift and suspend a pillar or
sheet of water as well as parting a body of water. The Tongues
Miracle-worker can lift the suspended water up to 10 feet
above the source. To part water, you apply the size of the (Clerical)
Target Area to the separation of the water. So, the Performing this Miracle allows the Miracle-worker to
maximum separation is a 24’ x 24’ x 1’ space between the speak any language he or she hears. They must hear at
parts of water, or some combination of the size least a couple of words in the language before the Miracle
(23’ x 23’ x 3’, or 22’ x 22’ x 5’, or 20’ x 20’ x 9’, etc.) takes affect. After that, the Miracle-worker can speak the
Range: 50 feet language for the Duration.
Target: Area of water 24’ x 24’ x 1’ foot wall of water or Range: 20 feet (for Target: Other)
suspended water Target: Self or Other
Duration: 1 Ten-round Duration: 1 Ten-round per level of experience
F.p. Cost: 5 F.p. Cost: 5
Cost Modifiers: Range, Duration, Target (per additional Cost Modifiers: Range, Target (per person)
20 feet added to the perimeter)

Undistributed Weight
(High: earth)
(High: water)
This Miracle shifts the weight of an object from its
This water Miracle allows the Miracle-worker to swim current balance from one end to another. Therefore, a
at a rate of speed equal to their Speed Attribute Rating. In balanced staff can become unbalanced like a sledgehammer
other words, they can move in water as fast as they can and, conversely, a sledgehammer can become balanced in
move on land when empowered by this Miracle. the middle like a staff. No Saving Throw is available.
Range: 50 feet (for Target: Other)
Target: Self or Other; 1 Target per level of experience Performing this Miracle on an opponent’s weapon
Duration: 1 Ten-round can have the following affects:
F.p. Cost: 5
Cost Modifiers: Range, Duration For short swords and daggers: gives opponent -2 to
Attack and Defend, 1 AtR, reduces Damage by
For long swords and axes: gives opponent -4 to Attack
Thrust Debris and Defend, 1 AtR, reduces Damage by half
(High: wind) For thrown and missile weapons: Range reduced by
half, -4 to Attack, Damage reduced by half
This offensive Miracle allows the Miracle-worker to For pole arms and lances: -5 to Attack and Defend,
create a burst of clutter or debris that explodes from the Damage reduced by half
ground toward the victim. This Miracle requires some
debris or clutter to be available to thrust at the victim in Range: 20 feet per level of experience
order to work. The debris causes 3d8 points of Damage Target: Other (object or weapon)
plus an additional +1 per Proficiency Bonus of the Skill. Duration: 1 Ten-round
F.p. Cost: 5
The Target opponent can attempt to take half
Cost Modifiers: Duration, Target (per additional object
Damage by Dodging the debris (vs. W.S. Thrown) by
or weapon)
making a Dodge Roll above the Miracle-worker’s Miracles-
High Skill Roll.

Holy Lands 187 The Dark Ages

Vacuum Fumes The character must know the number of feet he or
she can travel for the time provided by the Duration.
(High: wind) Range: 20 feet (for Target: Other)
Performing this Miracle creates a vacuum of fresh air Target: Self or Other
Duration: 1 Round (or maximum 100 feet of travel) per
that completely removes odors, smoke, and magic fumes
level of experience
from the Area instantly.
F.p. Cost: 5
This Miracle also clears dust and airborne viruses and Cost Modifiers: Range, Target (per additional person)
bacteria. The Vacuum Fumes Miracle can also snuff out a
fire, torch, or other natural or supernatural flame in an
instant. Weapon to Snake
In addition, any living being that is caught in the (Clerical)
vacuum will not be able to breathe for the Duration.
Range: 50 feet Performing this Miracle on any one of an opponent’s
Target: Area of air (20’ x 20’ x 20’) normal weapons (without magic or holy properties of any
Duration: 1 Round per level of experience kind) turns it into a poisonous viper that immediately
F.p. Cost: 3 attacks its possessor. The snake gains the automatic
Cost Modifiers: Range, Target (per additional 20’ x 20’ Advantage and the possessor suffers a -2 to Dodge the
x 20’) Attack for the first assault before dropping the snake.
The snakebite inflicts 1d8+5 points of Damage to
the victim and causes them to make a Saving Throw versus
Water Burst Poisons. An unsuccessful Save inflicts another 1d6+1
(High: water) Damage each Round for the next three Rounds.

This water Miracle creates a burst of steaming, hot The snake remains aggressive against anyone who
water from any natural body of water. The burst can travel comes near it except the Miracle-worker for the Duration.
in any direction above the water level. It transfers any 10’ Range: 20 feet per level of experience
Target: Other (weapon only)
x 10’ x 10’ area of natural water in a geyser-like spout that
Duration: 1 Round
can shoot up to 30-feet away.
F.p. Cost: 11
The Water Burst Miracle always occurs when the Cost Modifiers: Duration, Target (per additional
Miracle-worker commands, but the burst only causes weapon)
Damage to the target if the Miracles-High Roll is
successful. Damage from the burst is 3d6+3 if it hits the
target. Wind Walk
Range: 30 feet
Target: Other (body of water) (High: wind)
Duration: 1 Round This Miracle is similar to the Water Walk Miracle
F.p. Cost: 7 except it takes place on the air of the winds. The Miracle
Cost Modifiers: Target (10’ x 10’ x 10’ area of water creates a slight breeze if there is not one, which the
required per target)
character can walk in any slightly angled direction
(maximum of 5 feet up per 10 feet over) on air as if it were
a hard surface. The more choppy the wind, however, the
Water Walk slower the walk may be. See the Water Walk Miracle for
(High: water) details about the limitations.

This Miracle allows the Miracle-worker to walk on The player must calculate the number of feet the
water as if it is a normal, hard surface. Still waters allow character can travel for the time provided by the Duration.
the character move and run normally, but choppy waters Range: 20 feet (for Target: Other)
Target: Self or Other
require the character to travel at a slow pace. For this kind
Duration: 1 Round (or maximum 100 feet of travel) per
of variable water, such as small ocean waves or windy sea
level of experience
waves, the character must remain traveling no faster than a
F.p. Cost: 7
Speed of 3. Faster Movement than that requires a Balance Cost Modifiers: Range, Target (per additional person)
Roll every Round, and a failed roll means the character falls
into the water and the Miracle is over.

Holy Lands 188 The Dark Ages

Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an
evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living
But exhort one another daily…, lest any of you be
hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
For we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the
beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the
“Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your
Hebrews 3:12-15

Holy Lands 189 The Dark Ages

Chapter 3
Mastering the Lands

Guilds and Monasteries

Equipment & Services
Armor and Clothing
Holy Items
Herbs, Cures, and Poisons

Holy Lands 190 The Dark Ages

Guilds and Monasteries
Intelligence. For common guilds, identifying these symbols
Guilds and monasteries are places a character can go
requires the Skill of either Political Science or Heraldry;
for multiple reasons. The primary reasons characters will
however, the Chapman Character Class may know all
end up here is to learn new Skills, enhance deficient Skills,
common guilds symbols automatically and roll a moderate
find companions and resources, obtain healing, and seek
Difficulty Factor for elite and underground ones due to the
shelter or safety. These places offer a pleasant social
Classes heavy involvement with the commerce of the lands.
atmosphere as well as protection and Skill-building.

Criminal Guilds
Guilds In addition to the common guilds described in this
section, you must know that other guilds in and around
Guilds are organizations where people of all types and Europe exist that are borne from corruption, crime, and
social classes come together to learn and share their magic activities. These include Thieves’ guilds, Assassins’
expertise about a specific trade or field with one another. guilds, and Mages’ guilds.
There are thousands of guilds throughout the known world
These underground groups are often very elusive to
in every country; some focus on a narrow field of expertise,
the public’s eye. However, the Skill of Subversive
such as one Skill or trade, and some focus on a broad range
Intelligence provides characters with some knowledge of local
of trades. In non-European countries and especially non-
criminal guilds and their activities depending on the
Christian countries, these places may operate very similarly
to a European guild but may have a different title, such as
a union, league, or some other group title.
Criminal Guilds
Guild Workers For the Rac: for information on how to create and
utilize criminal guilds in an adventure, see the Creating
A person who heads a guild generally resides there and Criminal Guilds section starting on page 310 of Chapter 5.
oversees all of the day-to-day operations of the guild. This
person is called the guildmaster. A person known as a secondary
guildmaster assists the guildmaster, and all other guild staff are
called guildhands. The secondary guildmaster is the person
Thieves’ Guilds
who will succeed the guildmaster in the event of death or Thieves’ Guilds operate in nearly every large city as a
absence. fencing organization for stolen and counterfeit
merchandise. They amass storehouses of valuable items
When a character joins a guild, he or she receives
with a favor towards magic, holy, and exquisitely crafted
some sort of identification of membership. Common
items and weapons; not to mention their love for
guilds offer the character a writ, which is a parchment
possessing valuable jewels. Thieves’ guilds account for
describing the terms of membership, signed by the
millions of gold pieces cities lose every year.
guildmaster or secondary guildmaster, and fastened with
the guild’s wax seal. Other guilds, especially more elite No city official (unless they, too, are involved in the
guilds and underground guilds, offer their members corruption) like having a Thieves’ Guild present in their
pendants, rings, or silk cloths that are intricately designed shire, especially an efficient Thieves’ guilds. They will
with the guild’s symbol. These articles are often regarded often pay handsomely for each member of these guilds who
as more sacred than the person’s life that carries it due to are brought to justice.
the importance of security.
Identifying guild symbols on membership articles for
elite or underground guilds requires the Skill of Subversive

Holy Lands 191 The Dark Ages

Assassins’ guilds swimming, and similar Skills.
A seasoned seafarer, who has
Assassins’ guilds exist for the rich or high officials to traveled the oceans wide
hire killings of other rich or high officials by nameless and trading goods with
faceless assassins. The cost for a hired killing is great; various countries,
often initiated out of the desire of a greedy and power- usually heads this guild.
hungry heir to a position of wealth and power. Although characters
Unlike Thieves’ guilds, an Assassins’ guild is may find this guild
extremely rare and hard to find. They do not exist in every inland, their typical
city. In fact, there may be only one contact person in a locations are found in major
city, if at all. The assassins never give their names and seaport trading cities.
never show their faces to their “clients”. More than that,
they rarely show their faces to other assassins, even
assassins of the same guild. They operate highly elusive Buccaneers’ Guild
covers and always think steps ahead of any would-be
pursuers. Cost to join: 3d4 gold pieces
Cost to learn Skills: 2d4 gold for lower-level Skills
3d6 gold for more specialized Skills
Mages’ guilds ½ cost to members
Membership Identification: Writ; leather pendant for
Mages’ guilds are underground organizations that
guildhands and guildmasters
gather for the purpose of sharing knowledge of spells and Membership Requirements: Oath; no secrets kept
magic items. These guilds must remain underground among guild members
because, in some European kingdoms, magic practice is
punishable by death; likewise, in all Christian lands, magic
is forbidden to some degree.

Common Guilds Martialists’ Guild

The Martialists’ Guild teaches all Skills and Weapon
As stated before, lawful guilds are plentiful, positive
Skills pertinent to the Saisier Character Class, including all
stimuli for a shire’s economy, and often easy to join. The
martial arts-type combat Skills and related Skills. The
following guilds require only a desire to join and a few gold
guildmaster and all guildhands of this guild are experienced
pieces in order for a character to gain membership.
Saisier warriors that quite possibly come from an Oriental
Characters will find these guilds in nearly every shire descent, where the heritage of martial arts has flourished
throughout the European kingdoms as a close-knit network for many centuries. Martialist guilds of the European
of cooperative guilds. kingdoms teach Christian
philosophies and principles of
humbleness and service as a
Learning Skills at Common Guilds significant part of the
Characters need not join common guilds in order to training. A true Saisier
learn new Skills; however, in doing so could save the warrior will never strike a
character a great deal of gold in the end. Joining a common defenseless person or a
guild affords the character the right to learn any new Skill at person who has
half the normal cost to non-members. In the detail boxes surrendered.
that follow each guild description is a list of information
pertaining to that guild. You will notice that there is a cost The Martialist Guilds
to join and a cost to learn Skills, and a reduced cost for encourage a spirit of meekness in
members. their warriors and require that all members
pledge an oath never to use their skills to “show off”. They
must always only use their skills for defense, used only in
Buccaneers’ Guild situations to protect themselves or others.
The Buccaneers’ Guild is a guild that teaches all
Skills and Weapon Skills associated with the Voyager
Character Class, including all the seafaring, sailing,

Holy Lands 192 The Dark Ages

Martialists’ Guild Guild of the Royal Courts
The Guild of the Royal Courts is by far the largest
Cost to join: 3d4 gold pieces and most renowned guild in the known world. This guild
Cost to learn Skills: 2d4 gold for lower-level Skills teaches Skills and etiquette pertinent to all Character
3d6 gold for more specialized Skills Classes that are involved with the royal courts, from
½ cost to members entertainment to military strategy;
Membership Identification: Silk cloth (sash)
including the Archer, Bard,
Membership Requirements: Oath; never harm an
Chancellor, Jester, Knight,
innocent and never needlessly exhibit skills
and Soldier.
Being a member
of this guild often
gives even ordinary
peasants a slightly
Rangers’ Guild more prestigious social
This guild teaches all Skills and Weapon Skills status than non-members
pertinent to the Bowman and Scout Character Classes, do. Of course, it does not
including hunting, trapping, and animal-skinning gain them nobility status, but it can
techniques; and a focus on archery and dagger-throwing be helpful in gaining leverage when it comes to political
Weapon Skills. A long-time woodsman or hunter head the issues among the shire folk.
Rangers’ Guilds as the guildmaster and secondary
Characters will only find these guilds in major cities
guildmaster. They are very
throughout Europe. A low-level political official, such as a
efficient at the silent arts
mayor of a shire or a baron typically head them as
of hunting and
guildmaster and secondary guildmaster. This guilds often
trapping and train
receive funding and therefore visibility from higher royalty,
their guildhands as
which use these guilds as a “thermometer” to gauge the
political standing and activity of the people.
This guild
requires an oath never Guild of the Royal Courts
to needlessly harm an
animal, as this guild believes Cost to join: 4d8 gold pieces
in the protection and value of animals as a God-gifted Cost to learn Skills: 3d4 gold for lower-level Skills
resource. 3d8 gold for more specialized Skills
½ cost to members
Note: the Rangers’ Guild is an excellent resource for Membership Identification: Bronze ring
obtaining high-quality archery and hunting equipment for Membership Requirements: Oath; a pledge of loyalty
around 25% less than a character can buy them elsewhere. to the king of the land
Although not all Rangers’ Guilds like to sell their fine
wares to non-members.

Rangers’ Guild Sages’ Guild

The Sages’ Guild is dedicated to furthering knowledge
Cost to join: 3d6 gold pieces and the arts. In Holy Lands, it was the predecessor to the
Cost to learn Skills: 2d4 gold for lower-level Skills modern-day education system and libraries. It was a
3d6 gold for more specialized Skills somewhat successful attempt at bridging the gap of
½ cost to members education and artistic knowledge for peasants and nobility
Membership Identification: Leather pendant alike to study and learn from one another, as well as build
Membership Requirements: Oath; never needlessly on current knowledge.
harm an animal
The Sages’ Guild allows characters to learn Skills
pertinent to the Scholar Character Class and any other
Skills of science, including the natural and supernatural
sciences (magic and holy power).

Holy Lands 193 The Dark Ages

The Sages’ Guild feels so strongly about the power of activity. They teach the Skills pertinent to the Spy
universal education that they require new members to Character Class predominately, but have the capability to
pledge an oath always to open their notes, journals, and teach any Skill needed. This guild specializes in catching
other books or scrolls to any other member who request so. or stopping (by any means necessary) thieves and assassins
No member shall keep any knowledge secret from another that threaten the land.
curious member. This guild also
The Guild of the High Courts train spies to track and
encourages instructing the
stop Thieves’ guilds and Assassins’ guilds as well as lone
uneducated whenever
criminals. They do not accept just any character of the
Spy Character Class, but actually search for and recruit
Because of its higher-level spies for their dual-class capabilities. They
lack of support and want the most diverse and talented Skills possible. In other
resources, characters words, characters cannot do anything on their own to join
may only find this the guild (if they can even find it), but rather must be the
guild in large cities best Spy they can and the guild will come find them.
throughout Europe where
The members of the Guild of the High Courts have
the residents consider
been trained to believe that one mistake on the job will be
education a priority.
the last one and can therefore not afford to make that fatal
error. They would never recruit anyone with a history of
Sages’ Guild laziness or mistakes. The Guild prides itself on its
knowledge of nearly every move the enemy makes inside
Cost to join: 3d4 gold pieces and outside of the land, and their efficiency at stopping the
Cost to learn Skills: 2d4 gold for lower-level Skills enemy.
3d6 gold for more specialized Skills Due to the need for the strictest confidentiality, the
½ cost to members most critical aspect of the Guild of the High Courts is their
Membership Identification: Writ; bronze pendant for need for secrecy. They have a strict oath that must be lived
guildmasters and secondary guildmasters up to in which the member must never speak a word of
Membership Requirements: Oath; always help knowledge about the operations of or even the existence of
another person understand what you know and how
the guild. He or she must acknowledge that as a member,
you came to know it
they will become a hunted criminal for exposing any
information to the public about the guild. They must also
agree to put the secrecy of the guild before their very life at
all costs, especially in the hands of the enemy. In addition,
they agree to be put to death if their superior even suspects
Elite Guilds the member of treason or any disloyalty to the guild. A
Elite guilds are organizations that operate “above the person who truly knows about the existence of the guild
law” and deal directly with nobility and royalty in matters knows that they may be killed justly for speaking the name
of security for the land. The two primary elite guilds are of the guild in public.
listed below; one deals with the observation and discovery of Not much is known
enemy activity and the other deals with the demonic, about the guilds total
magic, and otherwise evil supernatural activity of the size, number of
known world. members, or
Both of the below guilds are highly elusive to the guildmaster positions
public. In fact, most shire residents throughout the known due to fact that one
world only know of these guilds as legends. Because they guild will never know
work so closely with the highest of royal and religious of another guild; they
officials, death has always followed anyone who tried to deal directly and solely to
expose these guilds publicly. the king of the lands and his
closest advisors.

The Guild of the High Courts

The Guild of the High Courts is the guild that
specializes in covert military and undercover criminal

Holy Lands 194 The Dark Ages

Guild of the High Courts The history of the Guild of Sevens

Cost to join: nothing The roots of the Guild of Sevens reach further than
Cost to learn Skills: not available to non-members has been accurately recorded. It has a convoluted and
no cost to members confusing heritage that causes great controversy among
Membership Identification: Pendant, tattoo, ring, or scholars. Scholars of ancient history and archeology
sash having a distinct jester-head profile (extremely believe that its heritage was founded during the age in
rare and only worn when entering the guild) which Solomon’s temple was built; it was then believed to
Membership Requirements: Oath; guild secrecy or be known as the Company of
death Seven. This company
Basic Competency apparently had only
Training; requires all physical Attributes to be no lower seven members, no
than 10 and all mental Attributes to be no lower than 9 more, no less.
Must pass the Thief- According to
Catcher’s Run (see Joining a Guild for a description) the story, each
of the seven
members was a
powerful Miracle-
The Guild of Sevens worker who single-
handedly hunted and
The Guild of Sevens is to the demonic enemies of the destroyed hundreds of demons. When one of the members
land what the Guild of the High Courts is to the Thieves’ became incapacitated or killed, an apprentice would take his
guilds. The Guild of Sevens is a religious group bent on place. This continued for decades until their alleged
ridding the world of demons, devils, sorcerers, and other demise. Ancient writings have found that the Company of
cultic activities. They teach Skills pertinent to the Devil Seven became greedy, power-hungry, and corrupt;
Hunter, Cleric, and Saint Character Classes, including apparently, the group desired riches and lost focus of their
Miracle-working and magic knowledge. The guild’s symbol purpose. The suspicious thing about this information is
is a seven-stringed lyre as pictured on the right. that the writings that tell of this are from people who have
Guilds of Sevens often reside below monasteries in no record of existence or people who would never have
great dungeon-like catacombs. The numbers of members known such things, such as farmers from other lands and
are typically few; usually fewer than twenty members and political officials who never existed. In other words, as
the seven high leaders reside below and within a monastery. difficult as it may be for medieval historians to sort out,
One controversial ideal the guild has with its monastery is they have found inconclusive evidence of the true end to
that the members of the guild must swear NOT to protect the Company of Seven. In fact, they have uncovered
the monastery in the event of a raid or attack. This is a evidence of what may have been a secret society named the
royally ordered mandate to protect the anonymity of the Company of Sevens later in history.
guild. Their obligation in this event is to escape and find Storytellers have told tales of an “underground” group
help if possible. If not, they must remain hidden and known as the Company of Sevens since the sudden
unseen by the attackers and notify help afterward. disappearance of the Company of Seven. According to
Each group of members is led by a group of seven some medieval historians, the Company of Seven never
high leaders known as The Council, who are high-level became corrupt but rather were becoming weak by a
Saints, Clerics, or Devil Hunters. The members of The growing number of cults who were aware of the company’s
Council are the only ones who know about other Councils every move. The cults had a great advantage over the
and other “branches” of the Guild of Sevens. This guild, Company of Seven due to the cult’s secrecy and the
too, like the Guild of the High Courts, must put their company’s growing publicity. The only solution was for the
secrecy above their member’s very life. Like their sister company to go underground.
guild, a person could be killed justly for speaking the name Although they are virtually unaware of the Guild of
of the guild. In addition, they, too, seek and find their Sevens, medieval historians believe that the Company of
potential members, as they are mostly unknown to anyone Sevens still exists in one form or another. They believe
except their members. that they either truly became a heretical cult or that that
theory was a cover to further their good work in secrecy.
The truth is that the Company of Seven was losing
men fast due to their publicity; the cults were on to their

Holy Lands 195 The Dark Ages

operation. At the same time, many righteous Miracle- Joining a Guild
workers desired to join their group. Therefore, the
Company of Seven faked a corruption scandal and Characters can join a guild in a number of ways
therefore their downfall. Now their group could grow depending on the political level of the organization. A
secretly as the cults grew larger, too. They then became the lower-level or newer guild may simply require a small
Company of Sevens, who always maintained seven high membership fee or donation to join. On the other hand, a
leaders known as The Council. The group made no very elite guild may require a very high membership fee plus
decisions without The Councils permission. documentation on the character’s family background, a
sworn oath of secrecy by the character, a basic test on the
Over the centuries, the Company of Sevens prospered character’s competency and skill level, and may even
into hundreds of members throughout Europe and the holy require the character to do a “run” through a physical
lands, destroying thousands of demons and cults; course that can be fatal if failed. More commonly, a guild
unbeknownst to but a few others. During the seventh will simply require a membership fee or donation and a
century, the Company of Sevens became the Guild of basic test of the character’s skill level in the pertinent trade.
Sevens, as their recognition was increasing. The Guild of
the High Courts collaborated with them to destroy the evil The difference between the guilds described above is
threats of the lands and offered them protection from their level of involvement with political and religious
public scrutiny. officials. On the norm, guilds are public clubs for the shire
locals to get together and share information and stories
about related topics. For these guilds, their only relation to
Guild of Sevens the political and religious officials is the need to pay taxes
to them. However, some elite guilds that work closely with
Cost to join: nothing royal and religious groups must protect themselves from
Cost to learn Skills: not available to non-members spies of their enemies. These guilds are often underground,
no cost to members powerful societies networked throughout multiple countries
Membership Identification: Pendant, ring, or sash
having a distinct seven-stringed lyre (extremely rare
and only worn when entering the guild) Guilds of Common Physical Characteristics
Membership Requirements: Oath; guild secrecy (or
Some guilds are set up to cater to people of specific
physical features, such as short people, fat people, or women
Basic Competency only. Guilds that allow only unnaturally short people, for
Training; requires all spiritual Attributes to be no lower example, would be a Guild of the Wee Folk, whose members
than 10 and all mental Attributes to be no lower than 9 are people that are four-feet tall or shorter. Likewise, some
guilds may only allow members of the same gender, such as
the Guild of Women Crafters or a guild for only male
combatants who fight to the death.

Holy Lands 196 The Dark Ages

Services of a Monastery
Monasteries The clergy of a monastery are often skilled and
Monasteries are more than just houses of worship. knowledgeable in many ways, which allow them to pass on
They are actually communities of monks, priests, and other their knowledge and help to others. However, it is a main
clergy who live and work together for the good of the principle of all monasteries that they only pass on at not
region. The clergy teach godly instruction to all who are cost that which they have received free, and only in times of
interested in learning. When the clergy are not out on a great need, including times of war, famine, and drought.
pilgrimage to other lands, they are typically at the Otherwise, all services require a donation of proportionate
monastery learning, teaching, working, or worshipping. size to the monastery. In other words, because the clergy
They all share in the chores of the monastery, which, have spent a great deal of time and effort learning their
depending on the size of the monastery, can require much skills, accumulating their food, and building their shelter,
time. For larger monasteries that have many clergy, several passing on such resources are not free. Characters who
housing and scholastic buildings surround the main house desire use of such resources must donate a respective
of worship and require great care and upkeep, not to amount to the good works of the monastery for others to
mention the farming, milling, and livestock areas. Smaller utilize the resources in the future.
monasteries are comprised of a main house of worship that The following is list of services most monasteries offer
have some attached living quarters, maybe some small for a fair donation.
crops, and a few farm animals.
A monastery contributes greatly to its surrounding
region, including offering work for peasants, shelter for
Services of a Monastery
travelers, and education for children. More than that, a
Service Donation
community relies heavily on their monasteries for food in
Teach educational Skill 3d6s
times of famine, for healing in times of battle and plagues,
Teach other Skill (50% chance) 2d8g
and for refuge during wartime. For this reason, castles Room and board 9s
often supply monasteries with food, clothing, gold, and Meal 1g
other resources by which they can in turn help their Create Holy Weapon varies- see pp. 216-224
surrounding communities in times of need. Sell Holy Weapons varies- see pp. 216-224
Healing varies- see Miracles

Within a monastery, there are many rules that one
Cost to join: lifetime service commitment within the
monastery must live by in order not to defile the sacred place.
Cost to learn Skills: 3d6 silver for church-related Skills Violation of these rules could mean consequences,
2d8 gold for others (50% chance anywhere from banishment from the monastery forever to
the Skill is known by someone at the monastery) death by execution at the crossroads. The following is a list
no cost to members of rules of most monasteries.
Membership Identification: Often just a pendant
Membership Requirements: Oath never to leave the
monastery except on a pilgrimage or monastery- Rules of a Monastery
related service; must always uphold chore
responsibilities No weapons allowed within the monastery walls
Woman and men must not fraternize together
No talking during times of prayer and worship
Nothing magical allowed
No gambling allowed
No selling/purchasing of non-monastery goods allowed
Prayer time in the main sanctuary every evening
Lights out after sundown
No animals allowed within the sacred buildings
Must clean up after one’s self
Must take on one chore of cleaning or farm help

Holy Lands 197 The Dark Ages

Equipment & Services
General Equipment
Pack (small; leather) Cost: 1g
General Equipment Pack (small; cloth)
Pack (medium; leather)
Cost: 8s
Cost: 2g
Candles Pack (medium; cloth) Cost: 15s
Small (burns ½ hour) Cost: 1s Pack (large; leather) Cost: 3g
Medium (burns 1 hour) Cost: 2s Pack (large; cloth) Cost: 1g
Large (burns 1 ½ hours) Cost: 3s Pale (small) Cost: 1g
Pale (large) Cost: 2g
Camping/cooking equipment Pouch/purse (regular; leather) Cost: 4s
Tent (small/2 person) Cost: 1g Pouch/purse (large; leather) Cost: 8s
Tent (medium/6 person) Cost: 3g Waterskin (small; 1 pint) Cost: 3s
Tent (large/12 person; 6ft. tall) Cost: 7g Waterskin (medium; ½ gallon) Cost: 6s
Sleeping blanket (regular) Cost: 1g Waterskin (large; 1gallon) Cost: 9s
Sleeping blanket (heavy wool) Cost: 2g Mug (small; ceramic) Cost: 5s
Lantern (burns wick & oil) Cost: 2g Mug (large; ceramic) Cost: 8s
Lantern oil (per pint) Cost: 12s Tankard (small; 2 pints) Cost: 10s
Lantern wicks (per dozen) Cost: 2s Tankard (medium; 3 pints) Cost: 15s
Frying pan (small iron skillet) Cost: 1g Tankard (large; ½ gallon) Cost: 1g
Frying pan (large iron skillet) Cost: 2g Flask (small) Cost: 9s
Flint & steel (ignites fires/sparks) Cost: 5s Flask (large) Cost: 16s
Rope (½ inch thick; per 10 feet) Cost: 5s Cup (small; wooden) Cost: 2s
Rope (1inch thick; per 10 feet) Cost: 10s Cup (medium; wooden) Cost: 5s
Rope (2 inch thick; per 10 feet) Cost: 1g Cup (large; wooden) Cost: 8s
Torches (burns for 1 hour) Cost: 5s
Boiling pot (small) Cost: 1g Building Equipment
Boiling pot (large) Cost: 2g Brick (small) Cost: 1s
Boiling pot (cauldron) Cost: 6g Brick (medium) Cost: 2s
Brick (large) Cost: 3s
Carts and wagons Mortar (per barrel) Cost: 4g
Cart (small/hand-drawn) Cost: 5g Stones (WF: 2 each; per dozen) Cost: 10s
Cart (large/hand-drawn) Cost: 7g Stones (WF: 5 each; per dozen) Cost: 1g
Wagon (small/horse-drawn) Cost: 7g Stones (WF: 8 each; per dozen) Cost: 1g, 10s
Wagon (large/horse-drawn) Cost: 12g Stones (WF: 10 each; per dozen) Cost: 2g
Wheelbarrow Cost: 4g Lumber (plank; short) Cost: 5s
Lumber (plank; medium) Cost: 10s
Containers Lumber (plank; long) Cost: 1g
Barrel (small; 2 gallon) Cost: 1g Lumber (beam; small) Cost: 5s
Barrel (medium; 5 gallon) Cost: 2g Lumber (beam; medium) Cost: 10s
Barrel (large; 10 gallon) Cost: 3g Lumber (beam; large) Cost: 1g
Barrel (extra-large/ 20 gallon) Cost: 5g Spikes (short tacks; per dozen) Cost: 2s
Bottle (for wine) Cost: 1g Spikes (medium length; per dozen) Cost: 4s
Chest (small) Cost: 1g Spikes (long; per dozen) Cost: 9s
Chest (medium) Cost: 2g Hammer (light) Cost: 1g
Chest (large) Cost: 3g Hammer (heavy) Cost: 1g, 10s
Coffin Cost: 4g Twine (spool; 100 yards) Cost: 6s
Vial (small; for poisons) Cost: 3s
Vial (medium; for drafts/potions) Cost: 9s Musical Instruments
Vial (large; holds 2 drafts/potions) Cost: 1g See the appropriate Skills in the preceding Chapter

Holy Lands 198 The Dark Ages

Hunting and Fishing Parchment (per 10 sheets) Cost: 4s
Snare trap (small; for small animals) Cost: 2g Journal (leather bound; w/20 sheets) Cost: 1g
Snare trap (medium; for dogs/deer) Cost: 5g Charcoal pencil (per 3) Cost: 1s
Snare trap (large; for bear) Cost: 8g Chalk (per 3) Cost: 2s
Fishing string (thin; 50 yd. spool) Cost: 10s
Fishing hooks (small; bone; per 3) Cost: 1s Food Market
Fishing hooks (med.; bone; per 3) Cost: 3s Ration (1 meal; 2 food groups) Cost: 3s
Fishing hooks (large; bone; per 3) Cost: 6s Fish (small) Cost: 3s
Fishing net (small; 2 ft. diameter) Cost: 10s Fish (medium) Cost: 5s
Fishing net (medium; 4 ft. diameter) Cost: 1g Fish (large) Cost: 8s
Fishing net (large; 7 ft. diameter) Cost: 1g, 5s Chicken (whole) Cost: 5s
Fishing net (small dragnet) Cost: 3g Chicken (half) Cost: 3s
Fishing net (medium dragnet) Cost: 5g Turkey (whole) Cost: 7s
Fishing net (large dragnet) Cost: 8g Turkey (half) Cost: 5s
Canoe (small; w/ 2 paddles) Cost: 3g Beef (side) Cost: 18s
Canoe (large; w/ 2 paddles) Cost: 5g Beef (cuts) Cost: 5s
Lamb (side) Cost: 11s
Horse Equipment Lamb (cuts) Cost: 7s
Saddle (small; leather) Cost: 2g Bread (loaf) Cost: 1s
Saddle (medium; leather) Cost: 3g Milk (cow’s; per gallon) Cost: 5s
Saddle (large; leather) Cost: 4g Milk (goat’s; per gallon) Cost: 3s
Tack and bridle Cost: 1g Cheese (small block) Cost: 3s
Saddlebags (small; leather) Cost: 2g Cheese (large block) Cost: 5s
Saddlebags (medium; leather) Cost: 3g Fruits (each for large or per pound) Cost: 2s
Saddlebags (large; leather) Cost: 5g Vegetables (per pound) Cost: 2s

Special Equipment
Lock picks (standard) Cost: 3g
Lock picks (good; +1 to Skill)
Lock picks (fine; +2 to Skill)
Cost: 5g
Cost: 9g Services
Grappling hook (small; 3 prong) Cost: 2g Lodging (per night)
Grappling hook (large; 3 prong) Cost: 3g Stables (per person) Cost: 5s
Grappling hook (small; 4 prong) Cost: 3g Guild (members only; per person) Cost: 10s
Grappling hook (large; 4 prong) Cost: 4g Inn (common; per person) Cost: 2g
Training bird (w/ twine; Falconry) Cost: 10s Inn (merchant class; per person) Cost: 8g
Bird whistle Cost: 11s Inn (noble class; per person) Cost: 20g
Manacles (restrains arms) Cost: 1g Inn (royal class; per room) Cost: 50g
Shackles (restrains feet) Cost: 1g Monastery (no weapons; per room) Cost: 9s
Chain (moderate weight; per foot) Cost: 9s
Chain (heavy; per foot) Cost: 15s Meals and Drink
Herbal alembic (makes drafts/cures) Cost: 2g Beef meal (beef chops, potatoes) Cost: 4s
Merchant’s scale Cost: 4g Lamb meal (leg of lamb, potatoes) Cost: 5s
Makeup creams (various shades) Cost: 7s Turkey meal (turkey leg, potatoes) Cost: 4s
Wig (various styles) Cost: 1g Chicken meal (chick. leg, potatoes) Cost: 3s
Pork meal (pork chops, potatoes) Cost: 4s
For Weaponry Corn soup and rolls Cost: 2s
Scabbard (for daggers) Cost: 3s Tankard of ale (small) Cost: 2s
Scabbard (for long daggers) Cost: 4s Tankard of ale (large) Cost: 5s
Scabbard (for short swords) Cost: 6s Cup of wine (small) Cost: 1s
Scabbard (for long swords) Cost: 8s Cup of wine (large) Cost: 3s
Quiver (for crossbow bolts) Cost: 7s Tankard of mead (small) Cost: 3s
Quiver (for short bow arrows) Cost: 9s Tankard of mead (large) Cost: 6s
Quiver (for longbow arrows) Cost: 12s
Additional Services
For Writing and Drawing Money changing (silver for gold) Cost: 15%
Quill (for writing) Cost: 1s Hired labor (per person; per day) Cost: 1g
Ink (per ounce) Cost: 1s Improve blade to +4 (Att. or Dam.) Cost: 5g/+1

Holy Lands 199 The Dark Ages


Light Arms
Broadsword* Long Dagger*
The broadsword is the largest sword a character can
The long dagger is favored over smaller daggers for its
use as a light arm. It has a wide blade and the character
increased length, but this can also make it more difficult to
can use one hand or two to wield.
conceal if needed. This is a one-handed weapon.
Cost: 5g WF: 5
Cost: 3g WF: 2
Damage: 2d10 HF: 7
Damage: 2d8 HF: 4

Archer’s Sword* Dagger*

Archers typically carry this sword in case the fight gets
This category includes knifes and shorter daggers.
close. The character can use one hand or two to wield.
Throwing daggers are included here, too, but blacksmiths
Cost: 4g WF: 4
make them with additional Attack Bonuses (for W.S.
Damage: 2d10 HF: 6
Thrown). See page 206 for throwing daggers.
*see Additional Services on pg. 199 for improved blades Cost: 2g WF: 1
Damage: 2d6 HF: 2

Holy Lands 200 The Dark Ages

Light Arms
Battle Axe* Mace and Chain / Morningstar
Weaponsmiths make battle-axes with one axe head or
Whether shafted or attached by chain, these weapon
two, and the characters typically wield them with one hand.
types are popular among Clerics and those who engage in
Cost: 5g WF: 4
Mounted Combat.
Damage: 2d10 HF: 6
Cost: 5g WF: 4
Damage: 2d10 HF: 6

Ball and Chain

Made from a heavy steel ball chained to its handle, Mace
this weapon is popular for its powerful crushing Damage.
A favorite among Clerics for its compact size and
Cost: 4g WF: 4
perfect length, the mace gives suitable contest against any
Damage: 2d8 HF: 6
Cost: 4g WF: 4
Damage: 2d10 HF: 6
*see Additional Services on pg. 199 for improved blades

Holy Lands 201 The Dark Ages

Light Arms and Whips
Flail (W.S. Light Arms) Long Whip (W.S. Whips)
This weapon is similar to the mace except chained.
Using this leather weapon requires the Whips Weapon
Cost: 5g WF: 4
Skill; maximum range 15 feet for Damage, 12 feet for
Damage: 2d10 HF: 6
Ensnare and Capture.
Cost: 5g WF: 2
Damage: 1d10 HF: 32 (up to 16 feet)
Staff (W.S. Light Arms)
Used for walking as well as for combat; requires two
hands to wield. Short Whip (W.S. Whips)
Cost: 1g, 10s WF: 2
Using this leather weapon requires the Whips Weapon
Damage: 1d12 HF: 11 (up to 5.5 feet)
Skill; maximum range 8 feet for Damage, 6 feet for
Ensnare and Capture.
Cost: 2g WF: 2
Short Staff (W.S. Light Arms) Damage: 1d8 HF: 18 (up to 9 feet)
Excellent weapons to use as paired weapons.
Cost: 1g WF: 1
Damage: 1d8 HF: 5

Holy Lands 202 The Dark Ages

Heavy Arms
Great Sword* *see Additional Services on pg. 199 for improved blades

This great and powerful sword is the largest of all

swords. It always requires two strong hands to wield.
Cost: 8g WF: 5
Greater or Lesser Weapons
Damage: 2d12 HF: 10
Characters who have an abnormal Height Factor (such
as an extremely short or extremely tall character) must use
proportionally sized weapons. If your character has an HF
Claymore* of 8 or less, he or she cannot use normal heavy arms, and
Originally from the Kingdom of Scotland, this heavy some normal light arms are now considered W.S. Heavy
sword was used by highlanders to sever the enemies’ horses’ Arms to the short character. Likewise, if your character has
an HF of 14 or greater, normal heavy arms are considered
legs to “level the playing field”.
W.S. Light Arms to the large character.
Cost: 7g WF: 5 The Rac must appropriately proportion the various
Damage: 2d12 HF: 9 weapons according to the unusually sized character. This is
usually done by adding or subtracting one of the Damage die
to or from the current Damage of a normal weapon (for
Longsword* example, since a standard longsword causes 2d12 Damage, a
greater longsword would cause 3d12 Damage while a lesser
The most popular of the heavy swords as it can be one would cause 1d12) . Also, the cost must be modified
wielded with one hand or two; with or without a shield. accordingly, usually halved or doubled according to the
Cost: 6g WF: 4 Damage.
Damage: 2d12 HF: 9

Holy Lands 203 The Dark Ages

Heavy Arms
Halberd* Bardiche*
This weapon is more or less a regular battleaxe
The bardiche has a longer blade, which contributes to
mounted on a longer pole for increased length; requires two
its increased accuracy. Therefore, add +1 to Attack when
hands to wield.
using this weapon.
Cost: 6g WF: 5
Cost: 9g WF: 5
Damage: 2d12 HF: 12
Damage: 2d12 HF: 12

This weapon can be used to thrust or chop an
opponent; requires two hands to wield. *see Additional Services on pg. 199 for improved blades
Cost: 6g WF: 5
Damage: 2d12 HF: 12

Holy Lands 204 The Dark Ages

Missile Weapons
Longbow (W.S. Longbows) Heavy Crossbow (W.S. Light Missiles)
Originally from the English yeomen, this bow has the
Designed to pierce chainmail armor, this missile
greatest range and power of them all.
weapon is favored among the military archers of the castles.
Cost: 4g WF: 3
Cost: 7g WF: 2
Damage: - HF: 12
Damage: - HF: 6
Longbow arrows Heavy Crossbow Bolts
Cost: 3g (per 12) Damage: 3d8
Cost: 2g (per 12) Damage: 3d6

Short bow (W.S. Light Missiles) Light Crossbow (W.S. Light Missiles)
This short bow is the most common archery weapon
Designed to pierce chainmail armor, this missile
and favored among the sportsmen of the woods for its size.
weapon is favored among the military archers of the castles.
Cost: 3g WF: 2
Cost: 5g WF: 2
Damage: - HF: 6
Damage: - HF: 5
Short Bow arrows Light Crossbow Bolts
Cost: 2g (per 12) Damage: 3d6
Cost: 1g (per 12) Damage: 3d4

Holy Lands 205 The Dark Ages

Thrown Weapons
Spears / Javelins Boomerangs
Spears and javelins can be used to throw or as a two-
Two sizes of boomerangs; these weapons return to the
handed hand weapon; when used either way, they cause the
thrower when they hit nothing.
same amount of Damage.
Cost: 2g / 1g WF: 2 / 1
Cost: 4g / 2g WF: 3 / 2
Damage: 2d6 (lg.) / 1d8 (sm.) HF: 4 / 3 (width)
Damage: 2d12 / 2d10 HF: 12

Throwing Daggers* / Throwing Axes* Sling

This weapon shoots sling shots but is not considered a
These weapons can be used as hand weapons but are
missile weapon. Therefore, only someone proficient in
also specially made for throwing, and there fore add a +2
W.S. Thrown is able to utilize the sling with an advantage.
to Attack and Damage when thrown.
Cost: 3s WF: 0
Cost: 2g / 4g WF: 1 /2
Damage: 1d10 (with rocks) HF: 0
Damage: 2d6 / 2d8 HF: 3

Steel Sling Shots

*see Additional Services on pg. 199 for improved blades Cost: 1g (per 12) Damage: 2d6

Holy Lands 206 The Dark Ages

Lances and Shield Play
Lances (W.S. Heavy Arms) Shields (W.S. Shield Play)
Knights and other characters can use a lance for
Shields provide any character who uses them with
tournaments and in regular battle; the tournament lance is
Bonuses to Defend; having the Shield Play Weapon Skill
made to break on a square hit to the opponent’s shield, but
simply provides more versatility, including using the shield
the battle lances are not. For a character to use a lance
as a weapon. Note: non-battle shields all cause 1d8
properly, he or she must have both the Mounted Combat
Damage when used as a weapon.
Skill and W.S. Heavy Arms.

Small Battle Shield (buckler)

Tournament Lances
Cost: 2g WF: 3
Cost: 4g WF: 5
Defend: +3 HF: 4 (2 feet round)
Damage: 2d8 HF: 25 (12.5 feet)
Damage: 1d8 FF: 4

Tipped Battle Lances Medium Battle Shield

Cost: 8g WF: 4
Cost: 4g WF: 4
Damage: 2d12 HF: 24 (13 feet)
Defend: +4 HF: 6 (2 x 3 feet)
Damage: 1d10 FF: 5
Reinforced Battle Lances
Cost: 10g WF: 6 Heavy Battle Shield
Damage: 2d10 HF: 27 (13.5 feet)
Cost: 5g WF: 5
Defend: +5 HF: 9 (2.5 x 4.5 feet)
Damage: 2d6 FF: 7

Holy Lands 207 The Dark Ages

Armor and Clothing
Areas of Protection
Armor and Clothing
Armor and clothing offer your character physical
protection beyond what his or her skin can offer. For the
game, armor’s protection is measured with a factor called
Defence (DEF for short), which is a number that the
opponent must roll above with an Attack Roll in order to
cause the opponent Damage. The higher the Defence the
more physically protected the character will be. For
example, if your character were wearing a padded-leather
jerkin and cloth breeches, he or she would have a total Chain Coif DEF: +1
DEF of 6, which means that any opponent would have to Half Helm DEF: +2
roll a 7 or higher to hit your character. Full Helm DEF: +3

More about Defence of Armor

Cloth DEF: +1
Every human being has a natural DEF of 1 just by Leather DEF: +2
being naked. Some clothing and armor increase this Improved Leather DEF: +3
number depending on the DEF Bonus. For Chain/Ring Mail DEF: +4
example, if your character were wearing a ringmail Scale Mail DEF: +5
jerkin and protective metal leggings, he or she Plate Mail DEF: +6
would have a total DEF of 8; the ringmail jerkin
offers +4, the metal leggings offer +3, and the
character’s natural DEF is 1. If your character
wore a full suit of plate armor, which offers the
maximum level of protection to all areas of the body, Cloth Gauntlets DEF: +0
he or she would have a total DEF of 15. This would Leather Gauntlets DEF: +1
require opponents to roll a 16 or higher for all Attack Rolls Metal Gauntlets DEF: +2
in order to cause Damage to your character.

Remember: your character Cloth Breeches DEF: +1

Leather Breeches DEF: +2
has a natural Defence of 1; Metal Leggings: +3

therefore, you add any DEF

Bonuses provided by armor or
clothing to 1 in order to No affect to total DEF

calculate your character’s total


Holy Lands 208 The Dark Ages

The Defence of armor measures the level of protection Furthermore, in the above example, the DEF: +0
the piece provides to the character as a whole. During indicates that the hat your character is wearing applies no
Combat, the rolls of the dice, mainly Attack Rolls and additional Defence Bonuses, which simply means that the
Damage, determine where and how hard the opponent hit hat occupies the area of the body but provides no real
the character. In other words, both characters are fighting, physical protection.
but the dice determine the amount of control over the
Attacks. Therefore, the total of the character’s Defence is
relative to his or her overall vulnerability, not specific to More is not Always Better
any protected area. The chest is the largest and most-
exposed target of the body and the character can therefore All Areas of Protection contribute to the character’s
gain higher Defence by protecting it more. The arms, legs, overall Defence, therefore your character does not need to
and head, on the other hand are smaller targets and have all areas covered in order to increase protection. In
therefore opponents aim for them less (overall). They, addition, your character can only have one piece of armor
then, cannot contribute to the overall protection of the per Area of Protection count toward his or her DEF. In
character as protecting the chest can. other words, if your character put on a chainmail jerkin for
a +4 DEF, and then put on another chainmail jerkin, his
or her Defence would not improve beyond the +4 of the
Equipped Armor first piece. In fact, the second chainmail jerkin would only
count as hindering weight.
Consider it a rule that you must have the armor that
your character is wearing written on the appropriate line in
order to have the armor equipped. ‘Equipped’ means that the
character is using the armor and not just carrying it. For You can only apply the piece
example, if the character has three pieces of armor for the
AP: Chest written in his equipment, the one that the player of armor with the greatest
has written on the AP: Chest line on the Character Sheet,
even if they have a higher DEF than the one properly
written, is the one that contributes to his Defence. The others
Defence Bonus per Area of
are simply with the character; they probably are in the
character’s pack (considered unequipped).
Protection to your character’s
maximum DEF; all others in
the same AP only count as
extra weight
Areas of Protection
Each piece of armor or clothing your character wears
covers some part of his or her body, but not all offer Furthermore, some pieces of armor take two Areas of
protection to that area of the body. A hat, for example, Protection in which you can add no further DEF to either.
covers the head but does not offer any real physical For example, robes cover the AP: Chest and the AP: Legs.
protection and occupies the space that your character could Therefore, if a character is wearing a heavy robe that
otherwise wear a helmet. Therefore, your character’s head improves the character’s DEF by +3 and then puts on a
is an Area of Protection or AP for short, which is an area cloth tunic (AP: Chest; DEF: +1) and cloth breeches
of the body that is vital enough to need protection. The (AP: Legs; DEF: +1), the character’s total DEF is not
specifications for a hat would look like this: improved beyond the robe’s +3 Bonus.

Hat/cap There is an exception to this rule, however, which is

AP: Head DEF: +0 Cost: 3s WF: 0 consistent with the former rule. If your character has a
piece of armor that protects one AP and that piece of
armor has a higher DEF Bonus than the piece of armor
In the above example, the AP represents the Area of that covers two AP, you would apply the higher of the two
Protection the clothing occupies, which could mean that no to the character’s total DEF. For example, if your
other piece of armor or clothing can occupy this area of the character is wearing a heavy robe that has a +3 DEF
body at the same time. You would write ‘hat’ on your Bonus (AP: Chest/Legs), and he or she slips on a padded-
Character Sheet in the Armor and Clothing section and to leather jerkin (AP: Chest; DEF: +3) and some metal
the left of the word “Head” (under the word ‘AP’).
Holy Lands 209 The Dark Ages
protective leggings (AP: Legs; DEF: +3), the combined Gloves/gauntlets (leather or wool)
Defence of the jerkin and the leggings is greater than the AP: Arms DEF: +1 Cost: 15s WF: 0
robe’s by itself. Therefore, the character may apply the
Bonuses of the combined armor to his or her DEF, which Belt
negates the DEF of the robe. AP: N/A DEF: N/A Cost: 5s WF: 0

Cumbrance of Armor AP: Legs DEF: +1 Cost: 1g WF: 1

Characters will suffer Penalties to various appropriate Breeches/pants/knickers (cloth)

rolls and Attributes for wearing too much or cumbersome AP: Legs DEF: +1 Cost: 15s WF: 0
armor. If necessary, apply a -1 to all rolls, including Combat
and Effort Rolls, for each WF of equipped armor above
Boots (leather or wool)
what is contributing to the total DEF. This should apply to
AP: Feet DEF: +0 Cost: 1g WF: 1
all bulky armor worn or equipped that does not affect the
character’s AP.
AP: Feet DEF: +0 Cost: 15s WF: 0

The following list shows the most common types of
Armor and Clothing armor found throughout the known world. You will notice
that metal armor may inhibit the character’s ability to use
his or her Creep Skill, in addition to normal movement.

Clothing Leather jerkin

The following list shows the most common types of AP: Chest DEF: +2 Cost: 2g, 10s WF: 1
clothing available. Characters may pay more or less
depending on the shire from which it was purchased. In Padded-leather/studded-leather jerkin
AP: Chest DEF: +3 Cost: 3g WF: 2
addition, characters may pay more for garments of finer
quality, such as silk or satin.
Leather breeches
AP: Legs DEF: +2 Cost: 2g, 5s WF: 1

Fur/hide (bear) jerkin

Hat/cap AP: Chest DEF: +3 Cost: 2g WF: 2
AP: Head DEF: +0 Cost: 3s WF: 0
*Chainmail cowl (with cloth undergarment)
Cape (not hooded) or cloak (hooded) AP: Head DEF: +1 Cost: 4g WF: 1
AP: N/A DEF: N/A Cost: 15s WF: 0 Creep penalty: -2
Tunic *Chainmail jerkin
AP: Chest DEF: +1 Cost: 10s WF: 0 AP: Chest DEF: +4 Cost: 11g WF: 3
Creep penalty: -3
AP: Chest DEF: +1 Cost: 10s WF: 0 *Chainmail skirt
AP: Legs DEF: +2 Cost: 8g WF: 2
Maiden’s Dress Creep penalty: -3
AP: Chest/Legs DEF: +1 Cost: 15s WF: 0
Half helm
Light Robe (cloth) AP: Head DEF: +2 Cost: 4g WF: 1
AP: Chest/Legs DEF: +2 Cost: 1g WF: 1 Creep penalty: -0
Heavy Robe (wool)
AP: Chest/Legs DEF: +3 Cost: 1g,15s WF: 2

Holy Lands 210 The Dark Ages

*Full helm with face
AP: Head DEF: +3 Cost: 10g WF: 2
Creep penalty: -1 Armor for Horses
*Platemail armor (breastplate) The following list shows the most common types of
AP: Chest DEF: +6 Cost: 9g WF: 2 armor horses can wear. There is no AP applied as horse
Creep penalty: -1 armor typically covers the entire top portion of the animal.

*Scalemail armor
AP: Chest DEF: +5 Cost: 12g WF: 2 Leather horse armor
Creep penalty: -2 DEF: +5 Cost: 16g WF: 6

*Metal Gauntlets Padded-leather horse armor

AP: Arms DEF: +2 Cost: 9g WF: 1 DEF: +7 Cost: 20g WF: 7
Creep penalty: -1
Chainmail or ringmail horse armor
Metal bracers (full-forearm protection) DEF: +9 Cost: 30g WF: 8
AP: Arms DEF: +2 Cost: 6g WF: 1
Creep penalty: -0 Platemail or scalemail horse armor
DEF: +11 Cost: 35g WF: 9
*Metal leggings (greaves)
AP: Legs DEF: +3 Cost: 11g WF: 2
Creep penalty: -2
*denotes items in which the character must have the Use
Metal Armor Skill in order to use without penalties.
Characters without this Skill suffer a -1 per piece of metal
armor worn (pairs of gauntlets count as one) to all Combat
Rolls as well as all physical-related Skill, Ability, and Attribute

Holy Lands 211 The Dark Ages

Herbs, Cures, & Poisons
Herbal Drafts and Cures
find these herbs in various climates and environments
Herbs and the knowledge of herbal substances are the
throughout the known world. The Raconteur will have to
main ingredients to creating healing elixirs and poisons,
decide whether the herbs habitat is in a warm, cold, wet, or
both of which can give or take life at a critical point in the
dry environment. Note to the Rac: you can use the
Random Herbs list on page 309 if you want the find to be
more casual.
Herbal Science versus Poison Science Note on poisons: for poisonous plants, see the
There is a point at which the Skills of Herbal Science and Poisons section. The listed herbs below only offer
Poison Science overlap quite a bit but still leave much medicinal help for healing.
knowledge to their own science. Herbal Science gives the
character the knowledge of herbs and their affect on a
person or being, which includes poisonous herbal affects.
Nevertheless, Herbal Science does not give the character the Elder Root
knowledge of finding or extracting poisons from non-
vegetation sources, such as snakes, toads, and other Type: shrub
poisonous creatures, which are typically the more lethal Yield: 2d6 pinches per shrub
sources. In the same way, Poison Science limits the character to Affect: Applying four Pinches of Elder
the knowledge of identifying poison sources of all kinds, Root leaves to the wounds of someone in a
extracting the poison, and using it effectively. More than coma can prolong their coma to twice the
that, it allows the character to identify and use the Silvermint normal time. No other uses are known for
herb, which is able to slow or stop the affects of a poison. this herbal shrub.
Value: 1g per shrub; 8s per Pinch

Herbs Fessel
Type: mushroom
A character can use certain herbs by themselves
Yield: 1d4 pinches per mushroom
without needing to create a draft or Cure to use its affect.
Affect: A Fessel mushroom looks
In other words, the character can eat or wrap in wound-
identical to a poisonous Fair Lady
bandages some herbs and their berries or roots to apply the mushroom except the spots are
affect that way. Yet, other herbs must be made into herbal more frequent and more of a
drafts and cures in order to use them. yellowish tint. Though they taste
Characters will typically buy and sell herbs based on awful, the Fessel mushroom can restore
the measurement called a pinch. A pinch is approximately 1d4+1 L.p. per Pinch and is typically
a heaping pile of the dried and finely chopped plant that found in a small patch of 1d4 other
Fessel mushrooms. No other uses
fits into the palm of an average person’s hand. Some
are known for this herb.
herbalists and herbal shop have a more standard cup for
A successful Herbal Science Roll is always required to
measuring the herbs, called a thrice-thimble, which is
positively identify the Fessel mushroom from the Fair
roughly the equivalent to three thimbles full of herbs. It Lady.
varies from plant to plant how many pinches the shrub will Value: 15s per mushroom
yield and it varies from draft to draft how many pinches the
character will need to create the elixir.
The following items list the most common herbs and
their uses. Characters with the Skill of Herbal Science can

Holy Lands 212 The Dark Ages

Morroweed Willow Cane
Type: shrub Type: shrub
Yield: 1d4 pinches per shrub Yield: 1d4 pinches per shrub
Affect: By munching on the berries of this shrub, the Affect: Eating one pinch of Willow Cane causes the
character is able to alleviate common character to fall fast asleep
household ailments that would otherwise for 1d4 hours, and an
bring them down, such as colds and flues, additional 1d4 hours per
stomachaches, headaches, cramps, pinch after that. This
diarrhea, and vomiting. Relief occurs allows for help with
within one hour. This herb also restores insomnia as well as a more
1 L.p. per pinch, but a character can only forced method of bedrest
eat one pinch per their Endurance AR or healing.
the herb will cause the symptoms it would Value: 12s per pinch
otherwise heal, including upset stomach.
Characters with the Skill of Herbal Science can
use this herb to create a Cure of AntiFume.
Value: 10s per pinch

Pennythistle Herbal Drafts and Cures

Type: shrub
Herbal drafts and cures are healing elixirs that your
Yield: 1d4 pinches per shrub
character can use to gain some beneficial affect. The only
Affect: Pennythistle is the most potent
difference between a draft and a cure is that a cure is made
healing herb known. It can restore 1d8+1
L.p. per pinch (at 1 L.p. per Ten- with holy water, where a draft is made with purified water.
round) if eaten, and is also the only Both undergo the same creation process and often the
herb known by which a character can same herbs, with the exception of the water.
make a Draft of Healing and a Cure of Characters can mix drafts and cures with other drinks
Healing. in order to disguise their unpleasant taste.
Value: 1g per pinch

Making Drafts and Cures

The easiest way for a character to make a draft or cure
Type: shrub is with a steeping device called an herbal alembic, which is a
Yield: 1d4 pinches per shrub two-chamber device that boils, purifies, and infuses 1 cup
Affect: a character can apply 2 pinches of of water and the herbs together in a tea-like mixture. The
Silvermint to the wounds of someone poisoned. result is an herbal draft or cure (1 cup of the mixture).
Doing so slows the affect of a poison to Should the character have access to such a device, he or she
half the Damage, or doubles the time does not require the Skill of Herbal Science. On the other
before paralyzation, sleep, or
hand, to properly create a draft or cure using pots and
other negative occurrence
other household items, the character must have and
sets in. In addition, a
successfully use the Skill; either way, the process takes
character with Herbal Science
can make a Cure of AntiPoison about one-half hour to complete one draft or cure.
from Silvermint.
Value: 2g per shrub; 12s per Pinch Draft of Healing
Type: draft
Ingredients: 2 pinches Pennythistle and water
Affect: This natural draft restores 3d8+3 L.p. to the
drinker at 1 L.p. per Round.
Value: 3g

Holy Lands 213 The Dark Ages

Draft of Slumber Cure of Healing
Type: draft Type: cure
Ingredients: 2 pinches Willow Cane and water Ingredients: 3 pinches Pennythistle and holy water
Affect: This natural draft causes the drinker to fall fast Affect: This cure fully restores the drinker’s L.p. up
asleep for 1d8 hours. Characters cannot use their Light to his or her maximum at 1 L.p. per Round. The
Sleep Skill to wake them up, but rather, only a loud, character must ingest the entire cure in order to benefit
external noise or physical disturbance may do it. from it.
Value: 1g, 5s Value: 12g

Cure of Slumber
Holy Water/Purifying Water Type: cure
A clergy (Saint, Healer, and Cleric) are the only Ingredients: 3 pinches Willow Cane and holy water
Character Classes that can create Holy Water from regular Affect: This cure causes the drinker to fall into an
water. The process requires a five-minute prayer, some Faith unwakeable sleep for 2d8+2 hours. The character is
points, and at least one cup of water. The character can not able to wake up under any circumstances until the
create up to one cup of Holy Water per level per day, which duration of the cure has lapsed.
he or she can use to create herbal cures or drink alone. One Value: 5g
cup of Holy Water costs 3 F.p. and can restore 2d6+2 F.p. if
drank alone, or 1 cup can be used to create one herbal cure.
For water that is particularly dirty, poisoned, or
otherwise unhealthy to drink, or for other types of liquids,
the clergy must perform two prayers and must use two times
the normal F.p. cost per cup in order to turn it into Holy
Water. The first attempt only purifies the water to make it
consumable by humans, which you could consider a Purify
Water Miracle that does not require a Skill roll to use.
Performing this Miracle allows the character to turn any Any character with the Skill of Poison Science can
liquid except blood, including foul water, ale, juice, wine, and extract poisons from their source, but most shires consider
other drinks into purified water.
poison use as unlawful. The laws of most civilized lands
consider those with many poisons found in their possession
to be assassins, and therefore the use of poisons is illegal.
Like lock-picks and other items that cater to the unlawful,
Cure of AntiPoison characters can usually only purchase true poisons on the
black-market. Nonetheless, evil NPC’s and others use
Type: cure
Ingredients: 3 pinches Silvermint and holy water poisons to trap locks and assassinate people quickly and
Affect: This cure can totally cease the affects of a thoroughly.
poison. Once ingested, this cure negates all poisons Since the blood of demons can be poisonous in itself,
within the character’s body. It will not restore Life points some demons, devils and some members of the advanced
or any other loss caused by the poison, but does alleviate Enemy Classes are immune to the effects of poisons.
any symptoms directly caused by the poison being Therefore, this fact further solidifies the laws against
present, such as paralyzation, nausea, or disorientation.
possessing poisons, and doing so means that the character
Value: 6g
is using the syrupy death for ill.
Note on poisons: each time a poison Damages a
Cure of AntiFume character equal to his or her Endurance AR, all rolls that
Type: cure character makes suffer a -1, including Combat, Skill,
Ingredients: 3 pinches Morroweed and holy water Ability, Attribute, and Saving Throw rolls.
Affect: This cure allows the drinker to become
Furthermore, poisons need not be fresh or wet to be
immune to the affects of any magical fumes for up to four
effective. On the contrary, something, an arrowhead for
hours after ingestion. This cure can also reverse the
affects of magic fumes and prevent future affects for example, may be soaked in poison until the poison is dried.
occurring within 1 Five-score of time. As long as that arrowhead remains dry, the poison does not
Value: 4g wash away for quite a while, often for years. It then
becomes used when it touches moisture, presumably when
penetrating flesh.
Holy Lands 214 The Dark Ages
The Poisons

Affect: One dose of this poison causes a light-
headed dizziness in which the character suffers -1 to all
rolls for 1d8+3 Five-scores of time, at the end of which
the character falls asleep for 1d8 hours.
Value: 2g per dose

Crower’s Bane
Typical size of a dose of poison (left) as compared to a
Affect: One dose of this poison causes a light-headed standard arrowhead (right)
dizziness in which the character suffers -1 to all rolls for
2d6+3 Ten-rounds of time, at the end of which the
character is totally paralyzed for 1d6 hours. There is a
13% chance that the character becomes permanently Mad Lemon
Value: 2g per dose Affect: One dose of this poison causes 1 point of
Damage per Round up to a total loss of 3d6+5 L.p.
Value: 3g per dose

Demon’s blood (any type)

Affect: Blood from demons and devils is poison to all Nightvenom
humans and animals, but especially to a Christian
character. For Christians, one dose causes 1 point of Affect: One dose of this poison causes 2 points of
Damage per Round up to a total loss of 4d8+4 L.p. Damage per Round up to a total loss of 10-40+8 L.p.
However, for animals and non-Christians, the poison (1d4 x 10 + 8).
only causes 2d8+2 Damage, or half. Value: 3g per dose
Value: 3g per dose

Demon’s Blood Snake venom

Often, leaders of cults and other devil-worshipping Affect: This poison is extracted from the fangs of
organizations require that their new members drink a would- deadly snakes. One dose of this poison causes 1 point of
be lethal dose of their devil’s blood to ensure that the recruit Damage per Round up to a total loss of 6d6+6 L.p.
is not a Christian. If the new member is a weaker Christian,
Value: 2g per dose
the blood of the devil will usually kill them quickly.

Fair Lady
Affect: This poison comes from a poisonous
mushroom that looks similar to a Fessel toadstool (see Affect: Hunters use the sap of these berries to coat
page 212 for more information on Fessel) but has a very the tips of their arrows. This ensures a kill of their prey.
opposite affect. One dose of this poison causes a This poison is particularly useful to hunters because,
potentially lethal amount of Damage over a relatively after the kill, cooking the meat slightly longer than usual
short amount of time. The victim suffers 2 points of neutralizes the harmful affects of the poison. One dose
Damage per Round up to a maximum of 20-80+8 L.p. of this poison causes 2d8+3 points of Damage divided
(2d4 x 10 + 8). Additionally, the Fair Lady poison over a Five-score of time 1d4+1 times before subsiding.
causes lightheadedness and nausea, which makes the Value: 3g per dose
character suffer a -1 per Five-score to all rolls until death
or until the poison ceases to cause further Damage.
Value: 6g per dose

Holy Lands 215 The Dark Ages

Holy Items
Using Holy Items
Creating Holy Items
Known Holy Items
Holy Symbols
all holy items will follow the below guidelines for Virtue AR
Holy Items are weapons or objects that hold
supernatural blessings, which characters can use and reuse
until some force destroys it. The clergy and workers of a
monastery fashion and bless the item for use by Christians, Virtue Requirements for Using Holy Items
so people will see the true power of God. These workers
construct all holy items with the finest of materials only Virtue Maximum usable holy properties
and spare nothing in detail and meticulously fine 4-5 Single holy property; only item affected
artisanship. They use only new, well-made materials to 6-7 User affected minimally
fashion a holy item, as Christians believe that holy items 8-9 User affected greatly/other affected minimally
deserve the finest of sacrifices for its creation. See the 10+ Multiple properties or multiple beings affected
subsection on the following page entitled Creating Holy
Items for more details on how a clergyman constructs a The above table describes the minimum Virtue AR
holy item. required to use various items. In short, the lower the
Virtue AR of a character, the more limited he or she will be
with holy items.
Purchasing Holy Items
Characters are free to buy and sell holy items Activating a Holy Item
throughout the known world without penalty. However,
some instances require that a character relinquish If a user knows the power of an item and he or she
possession of the item freely without charge to the meets the Virtue AR requirement, they can activate the
recipient. Likewise, a character who creates a holy item item at will with a simple prayer requesting the item’s
cannot sell or trade the item but must freely give it to power. This happens instantaneously and no spoken words
someone as a gift (see the subsection entitled Possessing are required; a simple thought is enough. With few
Multiple Holy Items on the following page). exceptions, the item will always activate upon this user’s
If the user does not meet the Virtue AR requirement
needed to activate the item, he or she cannot use the item’s
Using Holy Items power, only the item’s natural function, such as holding
things if the item is a pouch. With few exceptions, there is
All holy items have a specified Virtue Attribute Rating no way for a character who does not meet the Virtue
that the character must have in order to use the item; some requirement to activate a holy item.
items have higher requirements than other items depending
If the user does not know the function of a holy item
on the power it holds. If the character does not have the
but meets the Virtue AR requirement needed to use it, the
Virtue requirement, he or she is not worthy of the item’s
character may attempt a Faith Roll. A successful Faith
power and therefore cannot use it. This is representative of
Roll will activate the item. In this case, it does not count
God’s need for only His most devoted servants to follow
as a Faith Roll in the same sense as using Faith to
and obey Him with His great, trusted power. Each item
accomplish a Skill the character does not have, in which
described in this section will list its Virtue requirement
the character is limited. Therefore, a character may use
along with the other characteristics it holds, but typically
this type of Faith Roll as many times as he or she likes in a

Holy Lands 216 The Dark Ages

Possessing Multiple Holy Items must either use it or bestow it upon someone freely as a
token of grace from the power of God. If the character
Due to a holy item’s great power and sacredness, a intentionally receives money, services, or other
character may only possess a limited number of holy items compensation of any kind in exchange for the item, he or
at one time. Any character can possess one regular holy she will suffer the loss of 1 Virtue AR and his or her ability
item, one holy weapon, and one piece of holy armor at a to perform Miracles until the character repays the full
time or risk losing an item (note: a pair of something such amount of money to the purchaser of the item and/or
as boots or gauntlets count as one item or piece of armor as serves the purchaser in the same manner the purchaser
long as they require each other to make a set). A character served to receive the item. Should the purchaser die before
cannot possess two holy items, two holy weapons, or two the character can repay the compensation, the character
pieces of holy armor at one time. This represents a loses the Virtue AR and ability to perform Miracles
limitation of power imposed by holy forces to prevent abuse permanently. This represents the character’s great
of position. responsibility to give freely the power that God has given to
Should a character possess more than one holy item, them freely.
weapon, or armor, the markings of the first item fades, as
does its power, when the character first uses the new item.
Creating Original Holy Items
The faded item remains powerless until the character freely
resigns possession of it or bestows it upon someone else. If your character has the Skills, use them to your
To do this, the character cannot accept money, payment, advantage. You are free to have your character create holy
or agreement of payment of any kind in exchange for the items that do not exist in this book as well as the ones that
do. So, if your group has a need that you can meet with a
faded item. Once the character resigns the faded item or
holy item, then by all means, create it.
hands it over to someone else’s possession, lost markings Be creative, and know that the item must have
will return, and the same character cannot use the item limitations and possibly disadvantages, on which you and the
again for one year’s time. Rac will have to agree. Remember that the greater the
power, the more responsibility there should be to wield it.
A character can resign a holy item by prayerfully
Note to the Rac: remember, too, that the character
placing it safely in some location such as a tomb, can only create an item as powerful as he or she is Faithful.
basement, castle ruins, or some otherwise uninhabited In other words, if the character creates the most powerful
room or somewhat-protected location. By doing so, the item he or she can, someone must have a Virtue AR equal to
item severs a relationship with the character and awaits a or greater than the creator’s Faith AR in order to use it.
new wielder. A character cannot bury the item in the earth
or throw it into a sea or ocean in order to resign it, but can The first step in creating a holy item is for the
throw it into a shallow river or lake. character to decide on the function and plan the
construction of the holy item.
The second step is to acquire the necessary materials
to assemble the item. Characters can only make holy items
Creating Holy Items out of the finest materials available or the item loses
various properties.
One main factor must be present in order for a
The third step is the actual creation of the item.
character to create a true holy item (not a crucifix); and
This step may require the use of some other Skill besides
that is having and using the Skill of Craft Holy Item.
Craft Holy Item, such as Weaponry, Fine Crafting, or Rope
Typically, clergy are the only Character Classes able to
Works, depending on the function of the item. This step
acquire this Skill with the necessary efficiency to create the
develops the item for its natural function and, depending
holy item. This is because the Skill has many Prerequisites
on the item, may require a great deal of time (days) to
that come naturally for the clergy Character Classes.
make exceptionally well.
However, anyone is able to create a regular crucifix, which
is not a holy item in and of itself, but an item that can The final and most time-consuming step in creating
hold the power of a Miracle for anyone to use later. For a holy item is giving the item its supernatural power. This
details on crucifixes, see the section below with the Holy requires the clergy to pray over the item, sometimes for
Crucifixes title. hours. The amount of time required for prayer depends on
the Virtue requirement to use the item. The clergy must
Note on selling created items: a character who is
pray for thirty minutes per Virtue requirement of the item.
not serving as a lifetime member at a monastery cannot
You can use the Virtue Requirements table on the preceding
create a holy item and sell or trade it for money, services,
page as a guide.
or agreement of compensation of any kind. He or she
Holy Lands 217 The Dark Ages
After the item receives the power and is able to hold
Crucifix Abilities by Materials
the Miracle permanently, the item inscribes itself with
various holy symbols depicting its power. Those who have Material Miracles Charges Value
the Skill of Identify Holy Symbols are able to use these Wood 1 max 1 max 10s
markings to determine the function of the item. Bone 2 max 1 each max 1g, 10s
Copper 3 max 6 max 4g, 10s
Silver 4 max 12 max 12g, 5s
Destroying Holy Items Gold 5 max 25 max 20g

Holy items, like magic items, are indestructible by

nature, at least by normal means of destruction. In other
words, you cannot destroy a holy item by beating it into a As you can see from the table above, the finer the
rock or smashing it with a great hammer. material the crucifix is made from, the more power the
item can hold. Furthermore, the “charges” refer to the
The only way a holy item can be destroyed is by using number of times the Miracle can activate. A wood crucifix
it in an evil and ungodly way. It is up to the Rac to can hold only one Miracle and only one charge of that
determine the amount of destruction incurred by misuse, Miracle. Likewise, bone crucifixes hold two different
but typically, a holy item can become useless after 1d8 or Miracles but only one charge of each. On the other hand,
so blatantly evil acts of destruction. Each time someone the metal crucifixes hold more Miracles than the wood or
uses a holy item in an evil manner, such as to harm an bone and allow a certain number of charges regardless of
innocent or intentionally further an evil cause; the item the type of Miracle. For example, a copper crucifix can
begins to crack and eventually starts to chip. Soon, the hold six charges of Miracle A, or three charges of each
item falls into several pieces. Miracle A and Miracle B, or two charges of each Miracle
Once an item begins to fall apart, no one can repair A, Miracle B, and Miracle C. Likewise, it could hold any
it. Rather, it falls apart forever and someone with the combination of the above, such as one charge of Miracle A,
knowledge of Craft Holy Item can only recreate its replica. three charges of Miracle B, and two charges of Miracle C-
However, some angels have been known to deliver repaired all on the same crucifix.
holy items from heaven after it has been destroyed…

Crucifix Cost by Miracle Power

Holy Crucifixes Type

Offensive +2g +5g +8g
Holy Crucifixes are cross-shaped objects that hold a Defensive +1g +3g +5g
Miracle within them for anyone to use. Unlike other holy Other +2g +4g +7g
items, holy crucifixes do not have a Virtue requirement,
which means that anyone with any level of Virtue can
benefit from the item. Holy crucifixes can be made of The above table illustrates the cost difference of
various materials ranging from modest to very costly, but Miracle power imbued to a crucifix. The costs in each
the more costly the material the more power the crucifix column represent additional value that you must add to the
can hold. These crucifixes can be made of wood, bone, cost of the normal crucifix for each Miracle charged on it.
copper, silver, or gold, and using the order of this list, wood Each column represents the strength of power of the
crucifixes are the weakest and gold ones are the highest Miracle imbued to the item; low power means the Miracle
quality. The bone material must be made of animal or is relatively weak (imbued by a lower level Miracle-worker:
human bones, not demons’, devils’, demi-races’, or Levels 1-5), medium means the power is average (Levels 6-
creatures’ or they will not work. Should the bones be of 10), and high means the Miracle is powerful (Levels 11-
dead Saints, the properties double. 15).
The only real “specification” all holy crucifixes must
adhere to is their size. A true holy crucifix is 1-foot tall by
six inches wide and a maximum of 1-inch thick. It does Empowering Crucifixes
not make a difference if the crossbar is centered or offset-
centered as long as the crucifix “conforms” to the rest of Without the supernatural charges applied to a
the specifications. crucifix, the item is simply a symbol of Christian faith.
This can have real power from a Christian perspective, but

Holy Lands 218 The Dark Ages

from a Miracle standpoint, it is just a piece of wood or
metal. Someone able to wield the power of Miracles must
imbue the item with holy power for the object to become a
Known Holy Items
true Holy Crucifix. Doing so requires a clergy or other
Unlike Holy Crucifixes, other holy items are
Miracle-worker to perform the Miracle on the crucifix,
extremely valuable because of their reusability. A holy item
which “records” the power that can be activated by someone
stores its power for use at the character’s disposal, which he
else later.
or she can release from the object without requiring the use
This process requires two Skills and thus two of Faith points. Characters activate the power of a holy
successful rolls with those Skills. The first roll is a Miracles item by simple prayer that bids for the function of the item
Skill Roll, where the character attempts the Miracle to occur. Therefore, the character must know what the
normally except the target is the crucifix. For this, the function of the item is in order to use it.
character must touch the crucifix with one or both hands.
The power of the item’s Miracle will stop when the
The second roll is an Empower Crucifix Roll. This roll
character that activates it stops it by prayer or the duration
represents the character’s Skill at applying the Miracle to
lapses. A person can use the holy item as often as the item
the object.
allows, generally a certain number of times per day.
If the Empower Crucifix Roll is unsuccessful, the
Miracle-worker uses the F.p. that the Miracle cost to
perform, and the crucifix fails to become empowered. This Holy Items
is the main reason for a sharper cost for powerful
crucifixes. The following is a list of holy items that characters
may find in the known world. All holy items listed here
Important Note: Though others may partake in a have either a constant affect or two uses per day (unless
group prayer to contribute F.p. to empower the crucifix, otherwise noted). Assume that the affect is constant unless
the power of the crucifix’s Miracle is only as powerful as the otherwise noted. Likewise, all holy items conform to the
Miracle-worker who imbued the object. In other words, the wearer’s size where applicable and unless otherwise noted.
limiting factor of the crucifix’s power may or may not be
Faith points, but it will always be the level of experience of
the Miracle-worker. Boots of Creeping
While wearing this pair of boots, the character gains
the Creep Skill at a +7 Proficiency. If the character has
the Creep Skill already, he or she gains +7 to that
Proficiency Bonus.
Virtue Requirement: 6
Value: 30g

Boots of Fleetness
Upon command, this pair of boots allows the
character to double his or her Speed Attribute for 1 Ten-
round per day.
Virtue Requirement: 6
Value: 30g (+15g per additional use per day)

Boots of Jumping
Upon command, this pair of boots allows the
character to leap high a number of feet equal to his or her
Height Factor and/or leap far a number of feet equal to 2
times his or her Height Factor one time per day. The
character need not be running to use these boots.
Virtue Requirement: 7
Value: 40g (+20g per additional use per day)

Boots of Stepping
Upon command, this pair of boots allows the
character to step up or down along a vertical surface as if
he or she is walking on invisible steps. It is as if the
invisible steps protrude parallel to the wall, tree, or other
Holy Lands 219 The Dark Ages
vertical surface, in an upward or downward, diagonal Pendant of Levitation
direction. These boots require the character to be within Upon command, this copper pendant allows the
three feet of the vertical surface in order to use them and character to float up or down in a vertical direction at a
lasts for 50 feet of vertical travel. At the lapse of the speed of up to 30 feet per Round. The maximum
duration, the character remains suspended until he or she distance the character can levitate is 100 feet, but he or
takes another step, at which time the character will fall. she must be moving at all times or the power ceases.
The character can use the boots one time per day. The character can move horizontally 5 feet per 10 feet of
Virtue Requirement: 8 vertical movement. The pendant allows for one use per
Value: 35g (+17g per additional use per day) day.
Virtue Requirement: 8
Boots of Tracklessness Value: 40g (+20g per additional use per day)
While wearing this pair of boots, the character is able
to walk on all surfaces, including snow, dirt, and grass, Pendant of Mental Message
without leaving any footprints. The character is able to Upon command, this silver pendant allows the
walk atop snow and thick mud as long as the surface is character to send a brief thought or phrase silently and
as much or more solid than it is liquid. instantly into the mind of someone within sight one time
Virtue Requirement: 9 per day. The message cannot be longer than 1 Round
Value: 45g long, but can be portrayed in any tone or “voice” the
character has heard before.
Cloak of Disguise Virtue Requirement: 8
Upon command, this cloak allows the character to Value: 30g (+15g per additional use per day)
take on the exact facial likeness and speech pattern of
some specific humanoid for 2 Five-score per day. The Pendant of Passwall
cloak does change the body shape or size, dress, and Upon command, this golden medallion allows the
some features of the character. Allows 3 uses per day. character to place his or hand on a solid wall no thicker
Virtue Requirement: 8 than 5 feet and, after 1 Round, become a spiritual entity
Value: 30g (+15g per additional use per day) that passes right through it. The character must continue
to move, and the power lapses after he or she passes
Cloak of Drifting through the wall. Allows for 3 uses per day.
Upon command, this cloak allows the character to Virtue Requirement: 8
drift as if gliding when he or she has fallen or jumped Value: 40g (+20g per additional use per day)
from a high place. The wearer drifts in an any horizontal
direction he or she wants but must descend a minimum Pendant of Reading
of 5 feet down per 20 feet drifted over (max horizontal Upon command, this bronze pendant allows the
distance is four times height jumped from). wearer to read any language he or she sees for 30
Virtue Requirement: 7 minutes per day. Allows for 3 uses per day.
Value: 35g (+17g per additional use per day) Virtue Requirement: 6
Value: 20g (+10g per additional use per day)
Pendant of Escape
Upon command, this silver pendant allows the wearer Pouch of Keeping
and all of his or her personal belongings to turn into a This pouch is able to hold an unlimited amount of
mist in which all things pass through, except wind and items without growing in size or weight. Slightly larger
fire, which may actually harm the character. The mist is than a normal money pouch, it can hold anything that fits
a nearly invisible moisture cloud approximately twice the into its mouth (6 inches in diameter). Once the items are
width and bulk of the wearer and must remain so. While in there, they make no sound. The holder must reach
as a mist, the wearer must continue to move in any into the pouch, pray for the items he or she wants to
direction, including up and down, but cannot move faster extract, and they appear in his or her hand. All forgotten
than a Speed of 3. He or she cannot pass through solid or unknown items are lost until known or described.
objects, such as wood, stone, or glass, but can condense Virtue Requirement: 5
to squeeze through tiny places. Further, the cloud can Value: 30g
temporarily swirl around large solid objects that push
through the cloud as long as the mist always remains in Rattles of Dancing
one connected piece. The wearer can remain as a mist When the user shakes this pair of rattles in unison,
for 1 Ten-round or for a maximum distance of 150 feet, their musical power make all who hear them (and do not
whichever comes first. Save versus Holy Items) have to dance a jig in step with the
Virtue Requirement: 9 beat. The hearers suffer a -5 to Attack and Defend, but
Value: 50g (+25g per additional use per day) gain a +3 to Dodge with all Weapon Skills while the

Holy Lands 220 The Dark Ages

music plays. Using these rattles requires the character Value: 30g (+15g per additional use per day; +5g
make a successful Play Percussion Instrument Roll every per additional 10 feet of length)
Ten-round of time in order to keep the timing of the beat.
Virtue Requirement: 8 Stone of Hearing
Value: 35g per pair This stone is small enough to fit in the palm of an
average hand and the holy symbols upon it look like
Ring of Evils natural roughness. The holder of this ordinary-looking
This golden ring is encrusted with a small ruby or polished black stone can place it, throw it somewhere, or
emerald that glows according to the presence of an evil hold on to it and hear through it as if it were his or her
being. When a demon, devil, or someone or something own ears. The stone can work up to a ten-mile distance
with a negative Virtue AR comes within 50 feet of the from the hearer. The holder can always sense in which
ring, the ring begins to glow dimly. The glow brightens direction the stone lies and can summon it in hand
as the evil being comes closer. whenever it is within the owner’s sight.
Virtue Requirement: 4 Virtue Requirement: 5
Value: 45g Value: 35g

Ring of Healing
This silver ring grants the wearer the power to
restore Life points to herself or to an injured person.
The wearer must touch the person in order to heal them. Holy Weapons
This ring restores 4d8+8 L.p. one time per day.
Virtue Requirement: 9 Holy weapons include weapons or weapon-related
Value: 40g (+15g per additional use per day) items, such as scabbards and quivers. Unlike regular holy
items, holy weapons are items that the wielder uses in an
Ring of Magic Protection offensive manner, either against physical or spiritual forces.
This copper ring gives the wearer a constant +7 to
Save versus all magic attacks, including Curses, spells, Bow of Holy Fire
Rune traps, magic fumes, and magic items. This ring Upon command and at the full draw of an arrow, this
does not grant the wearer any Bonuses to Save versus otherwise normal-looking long- or short bow causes the
Use Magic. arrow’s tip to ignite with a white-and-blue flame. Though
Virtue Requirement: 6 the fire consumes no part of the arrow, the holy fire will
Value: 25g ignite any flammable surface it touches with a normal fire.
The flame causes 1d8+1 Damage in addition to the
Ring of the Templars Damage of the arrow. The wielder can use the bow in
Upon command, this golden ring allows the character this manner up three times daily.
to receive half Damage from any kind of attacks for 1 Virtue Requirement: 5
Ten-round per day. All Damage that the wearer would Value: 75g (+35g per additional 3 uses per day)
normally receive during the ring’s duration is halved
before being applied. Engraved upon it, the ring has the Everfull Quiver
distinct Templar cross, along with the other holy When equipped to the back of the wearer as a normal
symbols. quiver, this item always remains full of arrows. Only the
Virtue Requirement: 9 wielder can remove one of its arrows at a time, and no
Value: 60g (+30g per additional use per day) one can dump them out or otherwise remove them
except at the draw of the bow. The arrows that appear
Rope of Holding are “normal” longbow or short bow arrows or crossbow
Upon command, one end of this otherwise normal- bolts; that is they have no additional Bonuses.
looking rope bolts in any direction, including up, down, Virtue Requirement: 5
and horizontal, as specified by the wielder. The one end Value: 45g (+25g per +3 Bonus to Damage)
can stay in place in mid air for 1 Five-score of time. The
suspended end will not move until the wielder commands MagicShatter Axe
or the time has elapsed. This fireproof holy item can be The sole purpose of this two-headed battle-axe is to
cut in one place or will snap if more than 500 pounds is shatter magic items and rid the earth of them forever.
upon it at one time. However, by placing the two frayed This axe will shatter any magic weapon it successfully
ends together, the rope becomes whole again. The Defends against, as well as shatter any Rune traps or
length of the rope is 50 feet and can be used one time per other magic item hefted against.
day. Virtue Requirement: 9
Virtue Requirement: 5 Value: 60g

Holy Lands 221 The Dark Ages

Singing Dagger works against normal weapons (non-holy or non-
The singing dagger appears as a normal-looking magical). In addition, it causes +5 to Damage above the
dagger or long dagger engraved with the special holy normal to any successful hit.
symbols. Normally, the dagger causes +4 to Damage. Virtue Requirement: 10
However, when thrown, the singing dagger makes a hum Value: 65g
that can sound like a low-volume singing. In addition,
when thrown, its maximum Range doubles, it adds a +5 Sword of Blinding Defense
to the thrower’s Attack with the W.S. Thrown, and causes Like the Sword of Blessed Defense, this sword
+8 to Damage the target if it successfully hits. causes harm to the opponent if its wielder successfully
Virtue Requirement: 8 Defends with it (only works against non-magic or non-
Value: 30g holy weapons). However, with this weapon, the
opponent becomes temporarily blind for 1d8+1 Rounds
Staff of Healing upon impact. The opponent can attempt a Saving
This staff appears as an otherwise normal staff Throw versus Holy Item in order to avoid this affect
engraved with holy symbols, but allows the wielder to altogether (roll each time impact is made with the
heal herself or someone else two times per day. Each weapon). This sword causes +5 Damage constantly.
healing requires the person to touch the staff along with Virtue Requirement: 9
the wielder and restores 1 L.p. per Round up to the Value: 55g
person’s maximum.
Virtue Requirement: 9 Sword of Fire
Value: 55g (+25g per additional use per day) This sword appears as a normal sword except it is
constantly aflame with a light-blue-and-white flame that
Staff of Lightning gently engulfs the blade. The flame glows with a +5
This devastating staff allows the user to conjure a ball Light Factor (30-foot radius of light) and can ignite
of electricity at the tip of the staff for up to a Ten-round flammable surfaces. Though this sword can be any type
of time. During this duration, the wielder can command of sword, a Sword of Fire causes +8 to the normal
the lightning to strike an opponent within 50 feet and Damage and causes Double Damage to ice or water
within the line of sight. The opponent has no chance of beings. A special scabbard usually accompanies it.
Dodging the lightning or Defending against it with normal Virtue Requirement: 9
means. A single blast of electricity causes 4d6+8 points Value: 65g
of Damage and can be cast up to twice daily.
Virtue Requirement: 9 Sword of Ice
Value: 75g (+35g per additional use per day) The Sword of Ice looks as though it was fashioned
out of light-blue crystal. It can be any type of sword,
Staff of Magnetism including either light or heavy arms. The “blade” is an
Upon the wielder’s command, this staff attracts one indestructible shard of ice crystal that is somewhat
(non-magical or non-holy) metal object, including a translucent, and it glows blue whenever a demon or devil
sword, dagger, or other metal weapon, to its tip with a comes within 50 feet. The sword causes Double
Strength of 12. If the holder of the metal weapon has a Damage to fire beings; however, it constantly causes +8
Strength less than 12, he or she loses the weapon from Damage to all creatures due to its icy chill.
their grip. If the holder has a Strength of 12 or higher, he Virtue Requirement: 8
or she may make a Strength Roll. If they are successful, Value: 50g
the object stays in his or her hand; otherwise, they lose
the item. The staff has a range of 30 feet and can be Sword of Power
used up to twice daily. This fantastic sword gives its wielder a +3 to Attack,
Virtue Requirement: 7 +4 to Defend, +8 to Damage, and it adds 1 AtR when
Value: 65g (+30g per additional use per day) using it. In addition, it constantly “speaks” to the wielder
about things that are good and virtuous, giving the
Sword of Blessed Defense wielder +1 to any Skill he or she can perform while
This fantastic sword causes the Damage of the holding the Sword of Power in hand. In addition, the
opponent’s weapon to the opponent if the wielder of the sword restores 1d8+3 L.p. to the wielder or another
Sword of Blessed Defense successfully Defends against person up to three time daily. Finally, if elected, the
the opponent. The sword causes a shock through it wielder and all of his or her valuables may become
upon impact that Damages only the opponent. The invisible for 1 Five-score of time up to twice daily if the
opponent can attempt a Saving Throw versus Holy Item wielder holds the sword in both hands.
in order to avoid this affect altogether (roll each time Virtue Requirement: 10
impact is made with the weapon). This sword only Value: 125g

Holy Lands 222 The Dark Ages

Holy Properties of Weapons However, unlike other holy items, holy armor is
destructible by any type of magic or holy Damage,
The following are properties that a character can add including any type of attack by a holy or magical weapon.
to his or her weapon for an additional cost. You must add In such a case, the holy armor takes the Damage that the
all costs to the base cost of the weapon or holy weapon. weapon or attack would have caused any armor.
Although holy symbols are present by adding any of the
following to a normal weapon, doing so does not make it a The following is a list of known holy armor and
holy weapon. Thus, there is no Virtue requirement, for the properties that one can add to their normal armor.
weapon is not a true holy weapon, and it would therefore be
normally destructible. Armor of Missile Aversion
This holy armor constantly grants the user immunity
Attack or Defend Bonuses, which grants the wielder to all missile strikes (including holy or magical arrows or
these Bonuses when using the weapon. Maximum of crossbow bolts). The armor mystically averts all arrows,
+4 for each action. Cost: +9g per Bonus objects, and powers in which the wearer would have to
utilize the W.S. Light Missiles or W.S. Longbows that
Damage Bonuses, which grants the wielder Damage would have otherwise hit and caused Damage- one foot
Bonuses when using the weapon. Maximum of +10. before hitting the character. The missile behaves as if it
Cost: +7g per Bonus ricocheted off a hard surface, glancing off at some 45-
degree angle, which means it may hit someone else
Etched Design, which would allow the character to have nearby…
words, symbols, or his or her own design engraved Virtue Requirement: 8
on the weapon. The engravings would be permanent Value: 65g
and no one would be able to remove the markings
without destroying the weapon. Cost: +7g Feather Weight Armor
Wearing this armor, the character feels as if he or she
Luminous Glow, which would give the blade of the is wearing only a tunic, regardless of the type of material
weapon a constant glow with a Light Factor of +4 the armor is made from. Even if the piece of armor is
(20 feet). You may only apply this property to bladed platemail or scalemail, the weight and therefore the
weapons. Cost: +15g hindrance is of no consequence to the character’s
abilities. For this reason, the character need not have the
Returns to Wielder, which would allow the character to Skill of Use Metal Armor in order to use this piece of metal
retrieve the weapon to his or her hand any time the armor.
weapon is within sight. To do this, the wielder simply Virtue Requirement: 5
prays and weapon floats back to his or her hand. Value: 45g for chainmail, 55g for platemail or
The weapon cannot pass through solid objects while scalemail
floating. Cost: +25g
Helm of Great Strength
Supernatural Hue, which gives the weapon a permanent Upon command, this helm doubles the characters
color throughout its entire material that cannot be Strength Attribute Rating and any Combat Damage for 1
removed. The character can have the weapon made Ten-round (to double the amount of Damage, simply
into any color he or she desires. Characters of double the number rolled and then add any Bonuses).
specific orders use this property to identify their The character can use this helm for 1 Ten-round up to
allegiance or simply to identify their weapon with their twice per day.
color. The weapon can only be one color at a time. Virtue Requirement: 8
Cost: +8g Value: 40g (+20g per additional use per day)

Robe of Great Defense

This ornate robe appears as a decorative heavy or
light robe except it is totally indestructible by any means
natural or supernatural. For this reason, the robe
provides a +5 to its wearer’s Defence. Fire, water, blade
Holy Armor tips, and other such things are able to penetrate the
Holy armor includes any type of armor in which the armor as it would normal cloth or wool; however, the
character uses as protection from spiritual or physical robe always remains in tact and is not susceptible to
Damage normal cloth or wool is.
forces, such as robes and leather armor. Like all holy
Virtue Requirement: 7
items, holy armor is indestructible by normal means.
Value: 55g

Holy Lands 223 The Dark Ages

Holy Properties of Armor certain holy symbols. The following list describes and
illustrates known holy symbols.
The following are properties that a character can add
to his or her armor for an additional cost. You must add
all costs to the base cost of the armor or holy armor. Like Blessed Might
holy weapons, adding a holy property to piece of normal
This holy symbol is present on all items that give
armor does not make it a piece of holy armor. Thus, there
strength to the user in some way.
is no Virtue requirement, for the armor is not true holy
armor, but it would therefore be normally destructible.
Blessed of God
Etched Design, identical to the holy weapon property of This holy symbol is present on all true holy items.
the same name. Cost: +12g

Evermending Armor, which is a property where the Blessed Soul

armor can never be fully destroyed. The armor
This symbol is present on all holy items that grant a
mends itself after each time it incurs Damage, thus
constant power to the wielder.
making normal armor indestructible. The armor
mends itself 1 DEF per Ten-round until it reaches its
maximum DEF. Cost: +40g Essence of the Spirit
Impervious to Fire, which is a property that makes This symbol is present on all holy items that grant the
armor totally immune to any kind of natural or wielder silence, weightlessness, or alter their composition.
supernatural fire. The armor permeates a protective
shield a 1-foot radius around the piece of armor
where no fire can pass. In most cases, this protects
the wearer as well, assuming the wearer’s extremities This symbol appears on all holy items that are
fall within the 1-foot area. In the case of a robe, the indestructible or have some permanent affect.
wearer is completely protected from fire Damage as
long as the robe is on. Cost: +22g
Power of Fire
Silent, which is a property that makes the armor and
This symbol appears on all holy items that use or
anything it would normally make noise with totally
manipulate fire.
silent. Neither the piece of armor nor any other item
it brushes against makes a sound. This allows the
character to wear metal armor, including silent Power of Healing
chainmail, with no Penalties to Creep. Cost: +20g
This symbol appears on all holy items that heal.
Supernatural Hue, identical to the holy weapon
property of the same name. Characters of specific
orders use this property to identify their allegiance or Power of Light
simply to identify their armor with their color. The This symbol appears on all holy items that glow.
armor can only be one color at a time. Cost: +12g

Power of the Earth

This symbol appears on all holy items that use or
Holy Symbols manipulate earth.

The following is a list and an illustration of the

various kinds of holy symbols found on holy items. Holy
Power of the Sea
symbols appear in some configuration when a clergy creates This symbol appears on all holy items that use or
a holy item or crucifix. They may be arranged in any manipulate water.
order, but certain ones must be present when the item
holds its corresponding power. Over the centuries, clergy
and scholars have identified the spiritual meaning of Power of the Winds
Appears on holy items that use or manipulate wind.

Holy Lands 224 The Dark Ages

I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no
god beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not
known me.
That they may know from the rising of the sun…,
that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and
there is none else.
I form the light, and create darkness. I make
peace, and create evil. I the Lord do all these
Isaiah 45:5-7

Holy Lands 225 The Dark Ages

Chapter 4
Further Discovery

Magic and Sorcery

Enemy Classes
Demons and Creatures

Holy Lands 226 The Dark Ages

Magic and Sorcery
Magic Items
magic, this demonic combination makes up the power of
In the Holy Lands role-playing game system, magic is
the power of devils that works through sorcerers and Rune
symbols; it is purely evil. On the other side, Miracles are
the workings of God and His trusted followers. Magic and
Miracles never cross friendly paths and users of either Forms of Rune Configurations
power rarely ever relate with the other except in mortal A spellcaster can set up a Rune configuration for use
contest. This is because those who can wield these powers in one of three different arrangements. The first
must devote themselves to their master for life, the master arrangement is the spoken form, called a spell. A spell is
of magic being Satan and the master of Miracles being simply a spoken configuration of Runes that the caster has
God. It is the Devil’s desire to destroy as much of committed to memory. Therefore, just as a spellcaster
humanity as he can by opposing Miracles with magic. It is would write a Rune configuration, he or she would speak it,
up to you to stop him with the forces of the Spirit called conjuring the power of darkness.
against all who use magic.
Just as an extremely faithful and devoted follower of
God is able to perform devastating Miracles to those who
are evil, the wickedest sorcerer can overwhelm a faithless
character with magic. As you will see in this section, the
forces of magic are strong and they often fight dirty.
Nevertheless, the power of God will always prevail in the
end, no matter what happens in supernatural Combat. It is
therefore up to the faith of the good and the power of the
wicked to determine who will be the victor when a Miracle-
worker opposes the evil of a sorcerer in supernatural

Runes Another more-common runic arrangement is to write

the spell on a piece of parchment (shown above). This
Runes are the catalyst for magical energy. Magic is arrangement, called a scroll, allows anyone who can read
not possible without the presence of the Runes in one form the runic alphabet to cast the spell that another spellcaster
or another. Likewise, if true Runes are present, magic is has written. A scroll has the Runes needed to cast the spell
present. One does not occur without the other. For this written in a large, easy to read format that disappears as the
reason, if the characters come upon an item with true caster reads it. This allows for a one-time use of a spell.
Runes on it, they are sure to know that the item is magical.
In the same manner, if the characters encounter some
magical force, such as spell, a magical room that moves, or
a magically animated suit of armor, they can know that Further, a person skilled in creating magic items,
there are Runes nearby in one form or another. called an alchemist, can inscribe the Rune configuration on
Eighteen Runes of magic power plague the known a weapon or other item, imbuing it with the power of the
world. When configured properly in some 6 x 6 x 6 spell. This allows for a constant or repeated use of the spell
arrangement, they unleash the terror of sorcery. Because from the item, similar to the power of a holy item. There
the devil’s number is 666 and Runes are the language of is more of a process to making an item magical than just

Holy Lands 227 The Dark Ages

inscribing Runes, however. The item must undergo a
ritual that devotes the weapon or item to the purpose of
evil, especially against the church of God. This ritual
requires hours and sometimes days. In fact, the longer the
ritual the more life the evil forces give to the item or
weapon, virtually allowing it to have its own demonic
personality. Such rituals require a blood sacrifice of some
kind to show determined loyalty, which means that every
true magic item cost some life during its creation, and very
powerful magic items cost very dear life.

Rune Traps
Another form of Rune arrangement is a movement-
released configuration, which releases a spell when someone
or something comes near it. This arrangement is known as
a Rune trap. Spellcasters inscribe Rune traps on stone
ground because once they do, it is nearly impossible to
remove. This process uses a Skill known only to
spellcasters called Create Rune Traps.

Magic alarms and traps

A circle of movement-released Runes indicates the
presence of a magic alarm or trap. Whether they are of the
trap or not, any human presence that passes within 10 feet
of a Rune trap or alarm must attempt a Saving Throw
versus Rune Traps. A failed roll indicates that the trap is
activated, where a successful Save means that the person
did not set off the trap.
An active Rune trap or alarm circle emits a faint red
or yellow glow that is visible only to clergy (Saints, Clerics,
and Healers) even when hidden under a carpet or piece of
wood, metal, etc. This mystical glow has a radius of 1 foot
from the Rune circle, but emits the invisible red or yellow
light up to 10 feet. In other words, the 1-foot aura of light
One of the drawbacks (from a spellcaster’s emits a dim light equal to a candle’s flame (Light Factor
perspective) to a Rune trap is the phenomenon that the +3) visible only to clergy.
spellcaster must inscribe the Rune arrangement on three The four types of movement-released Rune traps are
different planes, making it difficult to conceal. In other as follows: Alarm, Conjure Demon, Trigger, and a
words, three or more of the characters of the trap must face Release Rune trap.
at least three different directions, either up or down, and
north, east, south, or west. For this reason, spellcasters
inscribe a Rune trap in the corner of a room to flow from Alarm
the ground or ceiling and then along two of the walls. An Alarm Rune trap sends a magical warning alert to
See the diagram to the above right for an illustration another object or person connected with the trap. It is
of two different Rune traps, one set on the ceiling and one activated when a human presence comes within 10 feet of
set on the floor of a trapped room. Notice how both Rune the Rune circle (and does not Save versus Rune Trap). The
configuration have a portion of the characters on three alerted object may be a sorcerer’s crystal, weapon, mind, or
different planes, as is required. another connected Rune configuration.

Holy Lands 228 The Dark Ages

Conjure Demon
Four main magic fumes Rune traps release are as
A Conjure Demon Rune trap immediately conjures a follows:
demon that appears within 20 feet of the Rune circle in
any direction. The demon can be lesser, greater, or
advanced depending on the sorcerer who created the Rune Magic Fumes
Sleeping gas, which puts all who inhale it into an
unwakeable sleep for 1d8 hours.
Trigger Poison gas (Save versus Magic Fumes), which causes
The Trigger Rune trap triggers a magically connected 1d8 points of Damage from the first inhalation, and
mechanical device to release or move. The mechanical 1 point every Round thereafter as long as the
device can vary depending on the mechanical expertise of character remains in the fumes.
the person who set the trap. It may release spring-loaded, Gas of Sickness, emits a noxious gas that causes all who
poison-tipped darts, a large swinging blade, or a falling inhale it to become violently sick and vomit for 1d8
hours. All affected lose -5 to all Skill, Ability, and
object targeted for the area of the Rune trap. For these,
Combat Rolls for the duration.
the character must make a Perception Roll, often at an
Gas of Wickedness, which causes everyone as long as
increased Difficulty, to determine if he or she even sees the
they inhale this terrible fume to become bloodthirsty
danger targeting them. If successful, the character rolls a and hell-bent on killing the nearest living creature
Dodge versus W.S. Thrown or missiles against a Moderate, within sight; even if they are their closest friend.
High, or Extreme Difficulty Factor (11, 19, or 28 as the
Attack); the Rac determines all of these.
A Trigger Rune trap may also release a wooden trap
door, moving walls, or some non-threatening mechanical
device in favor of the spellcaster. Spells
A spell is simply a spoken Rune configuration that
Release the spellcaster has committed to memory. Like a scroll,
the spellcaster speaks the necessary Runes to invoke the
The Release Rune trap releases a spell or magic fume
power. However, due to the necessity to have perfect
from the Rune circle as if it were casting the magic. The
pronunciation and accent, spells are very difficult to
Rune circle can release any spell or fume depending on the
memorize. On the other hand, a scroll begins to invoke
magic level of the sorcerer who set the trap.
itself once the eyes of a spellcaster begin to read it; allowing
for a little help in casting the spell from a scroll.
As you will see in the following section, different
Enemy Classes use different types of spells. One class of
enemy uses one type of spell magic while other Enemy
Magic fumes
Classes use another type. The reason is that spellcasters
There are different fumes that a Release Rune trap and other Classes supplement their lack of spell knowledge
can release, all of which require a Saving Throw versus with magic items, which is the primary intention of magic
Magic Fumes to avoid their effects. The Rune circle items.
releases the noxious gases in a pillar of various-colored
fumes depending on the affect. The pillar rises for 2d6
Rounds to fill the room it resides in at a maximum size of Spellcasters
50 x 50 x 50 feet.
In Holy Lands, consider anyone who can cast a spell
Sorcerers often configure the Rune trap as a Release from memory a spellcaster. In this regard, a spellcaster
trap and a Trigger trap, allowing the magic trap to lock the can be a great and powerful sorcerer or simply a thief who
doors of the room or otherwise trap the victims while knows a spell or two. In these examples, one is a master
releasing the noxious gas. They will always place such a spellcaster, and the latter is a minor spellcaster.
trap in a room smaller than the 50 x 50 x 50 foot area.

Mastering spellcasting
Like a clergy with Miracles, master spellcasters must
devote their lives and ultimately their souls to the arts of
Holy Lands 229 The Dark Ages
magic. Regrettably, no spellcaster is limited in their use of
Casting Spells by Enemy Skill Levels
weapons as a clergy is, especially as Saints and Healers who
cannot use any weapon except a staff. On the contrary, Skill Level Spells/Day Spells/Round
spellcasters can use any type of weapon they desire, whether Lesser 5 1
they use swords or otherwise, and can become proficient Greater 10 2
with the weapon during their time of learning magic spells. Advanced 15 3
However, no master or even well-learned spellcaster will be
a master physical combatant. It takes half-again as much
time to learn the art of spellcasting as it does to learn the
The above table applies to all spells and all
art of tactical fighting. Therefore, the spellcaster must give
spellcasters, regardless of spell type and spellcaster Class.
up one or the other in order to master one of them. The
same holds true for anything the spellcaster desires to learn
outside the realm of spellcasting. For this reason, the
sorcerers, druids, and witches of the following section are in
a Class of their own.

Druidic Magic
Dual-Classing spellcasters
Obviously, druids practice druidic magic, which, like
Like Dual-Classing a character, members of one high Miracles, utilize and manipulate the earth and its
Enemy Class, such as a rogue, thief, or assassin, can “dual- elements. However, druidic magic takes it a step further
class” with a spellcasting Class, but there are limitations. and allows the spellcaster to control plants and animals.
Because of the time required to learn the skills, one will
never encounter a normal human advanced in spellcasting For details on druids, see pages 242-243.
and also advanced as a second Enemy Class. There is just
not enough time in a person’s life to master more than one
Class, especially when magic is one of them.
Druidic Spells

Note: from here on, the term Advanced refers to the Spells Magic Level Page
level of skill of an Enemy Class. There are three levels: Ball of Light Lesser 231
Lesser, Greater, and finally Advanced, which is the highest Commune with Animals Lesser 231
level of skill. The rules will cover these terms again in the Foul Water/Food Lesser 231
following section. Rot Wood Lesser 231
Summon Animal Lesser 232
In game terms, the specific rule is that an Advanced Animate Plant Greater 230
spellcaster Class (such as a sorcerer, witch, or druid) cannot Commune with Plants Greater 231
also be an Advanced non-spellcaster Class (such as a thief, Gain Familiar Greater 231
assassin, or rogue). In fact, if a spellcaster is Advanced, he Ruin Blade Greater 231
or she cannot even be a Greater anything else. The highest Thermal Vision Greater 232
level of a spellcaster Class is Lesser if his or her primary Commune with Stones Advanced 231
Enemy Class is Advanced. Likewise, the highest level of a Darkness Advanced 231
non-spellcaster Class is Lesser if his or her primary Shape Shift Advanced 232
spellcasting Class is Advanced. Summon Creature Advanced 232
Tree Bilk Advanced 232

Casting Spells
Spellcasters, like Miracle-workers, are limited as to
how many spells they can cast in a day and in a Round. Animate Plant
Where Miracle-workers use Faith points, which offer This spell allows the caster to animate multiple long
versatility in how many Miracles they can perform per day, plants that can grab and immobilize a character within 1
spellcasters use Spells per Day, which offers no versatility. Round. To avoid being tangled, the character must
Rather, they are limited to the number of spells they can notice the animated plants fast enough, which may
require a Perception Roll, and then a successful Agility
cast as determined by their level of skill (Lesser, Greater, or
Roll to move to freedom. In order to be tangled, the
Advanced). The following table illustrates their limitations
character must be within 5 feet of the animated plants. If
regarding per day and per Round spellcasting.
successfully tangled, the character must have a Strength
AR of 10 or higher in order to rip free of the

Holy Lands 230 The Dark Ages

entanglement. Otherwise, someone else must cut the fire out. Holy and magical light permeate at ¼ radius
character free within 1 Ten-round or he or she will die of within the blackness.
strangulation. Skill Level: Advanced
Skill Level: Greater Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None (special: Agility Roll)
Foul Water/Food
Ball of Light This spell allows the caster to foul all food and water
This spell allows the caster to illuminate a floating orb permanently within a ten-foot radius. The fouled food or
of light, which mesmerizes the character for up to a full water does not appear or smell rotten, however it is
Five-score of time. The druid’s hands control the orb, nearly toxic, and causes a -3 Penalty to all rolls, including
which always floats within 1 foot of the druid’s torso or all Combat, Skill, and Attribute Rolls, if consumed at all
disappears. The mesmerized character cannot perform (Saving Throw available). The sickness causes vomiting
any Combat or Skill action until struck or otherwise and diarrhea as well as the Penalties for 2d6+2 hours.
physically distracted away from the orb. The druids use Skill Level: Lesser
this spell to distract travelers and then disarm them or Saving Throw: Endurance Roll to prevent Penalties
take some other action against them while the orb glows.
Skill Level: Lesser
Gain Familiar
Saving Throw: vs. Spells
This spell allows the druid to gain an animal familiar,
which follows and heeds the every command of the
Commune with Animals druid. The animal can be any type of animal the druid
This spell allows the caster to talk with animals about chooses, large or small. This familiar will fight to the
things that animals understand, such as where people are death to protect the druid, but will most often not fight to
or went, what dangers lurk nearby, or where food or the death if commanded to attack (unless commanded to
water is. This spell does not allow the druid to command die, which is very unlikely). The druid and the animal
or control the animal above what they mutually agree. have such a strong bond that they can sense each other’s
Skill Level: Lesser presence and sense when the other is scared or in pain.
Saving Throw: N/A Skill Level: Greater
Saving Throw: N/A
Commune with Plants
This druidic spell allows the caster to talk with a plant Rot Wood
about who or what has traveled nearby since the sun Casting this spell allows the druid to rot some specific
rose or set. It may allow for gaining other information as piece of normal (non-holy or magical) wood up to his or
determined by the Rac. her Weight Factor in size. Typically, druids use this to
Skill Level: Greater disarm their opponent of wooden weapons, such as
Saving Throw: N/A staves and bows, or rot the wood of floors or steps to
create injuries. The rotted wood splinters with the
smallest force applied to it. The range of this spell is 50
Commune with Stones
feet from the caster.
Like the Commune with Plants spell, this druidic spell
Skill Level: Lesser
allows the caster to talk with a stone about who or what
Saving Throw: vs. Spells (for object = 17)
has traveled nearby since the sun rose or set. It may
allow for gaining other information as determined by the
Rac. Ruin Blade
Skill Level: Advanced Casting this spell allows the druid to rust and dull a
Saving Throw: N/A normal (non-magical and non-holy) metal bladed weapon
within 30 feet of distance in 1 Round. The blade is
thereby destroyed permanently and causes half the
normal Damage with all attacks. The blade is beyond
Casting this spell allows the druid to command an
repair of any natural Skill, such as Weaponry, and
area of unnatural darkness to befall an entire 100 by 100
requires supernatural attention, which is typically too
foot area (up to 20 feet high). All sight, including the
costly to justify.
Nightvision Skill, is useless. The druid can move the
Skill Level: Greater
blackness anywhere he or she desires within sight. The
Saving Throw: vs. Spells (for weapon = 15)
darkness absorbs all natural light and fire, including
moon and sun light. The darkness actually snuffs natural

Holy Lands 231 The Dark Ages

Shape Shift legs, and teeth. Tree Bilk can move through even the
This spell allows the druid to take on the shape and thickest forest very fast and are equally fast in Combat.
characteristics of any animal he or she chooses, including They have long and terrible claws and woody, sharp
a bear, an eagle, a wolf, etc. While shape-changed, the teeth that they use to mutilate their prey. Often, forest
druid assumes all attributes of the animal, such as flight travelers do not even notice the camouflaged and nearly
and heightened senses where applicable, and forsakes his silent Tree Bilk until it is too late. A druid casting this
or her normal human qualities, such as speaking and spell can summon 2d4 Tree Bilk, who materialize within
normal walking. See the specific animal in the Animals the thickets of the forest trees. They will never leave the
section on pages 284-287 for the characteristics that the forest and always return to their spiritual state when their
spellcaster acquires. The spell can last for 2d6 days as job is finished. Only the druids of that forest are able to
the spellcaster desires. conjure the Tree Bilk demons of the same forest.
Skill Level: Advanced Skill Level: Advanced
Saving Throw: N/A Saving Throw: N/A

Summon Animal
Casting this spell allows the druid to summon a
nearby common animal of any kind he or she desires.
The animal is always of its own mind but feels a great
affinity toward the druid who summoned it. It will fight to
protect the druid or attack on command, but will very
rarely fight to the death for its summoner. In fact, the
animal will not even follow the druid for a great length,
but will rather come when the druid summons, and leave
when the “job” is finished.
Skill Level: Lesser
Saving Throw: N/A or vs. Spells (for animal)

Summon Creature
Casting this spell allows the druid to summon a beast
or creature of legend, such as a gryphon, unicorn, or
centaur. Like a summoned animal, the creature is always
of its own mind but feels a great affinity toward the druid
who summoned it. It may fight to protect the druid in
most cases, but will very rarely fight to the death for its
summoner. Typically, druids will summon a creature for
reasons other than fighting, such as for its swiftness, or
tracking abilities.
Skill Level: Advanced
Saving Throw: N/A or vs. Spells (for enemy)

Thermal Vision
Casting this spell allows the druid to see things of an
environment based on their temperature. This allows Tree Bilk (Greater Evil)
them to see warm bodies of life at any time of day and in L.p.: 67
any type of weather. The range of this vision spans as Height Factor: 30 (up to 15 feet tall)
far as the druid can see and can last up to 2 Five-score of Average Attribute Ratings: 6
time. Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Speed: 10
Skill Level: Greater All AM: 6
Saving Throw: N/A Skills: physical Skills: +4
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws or bite)
Tree Bilk Combat Bonuses: +5 Attack and Damage;
This spell allows the druid to conjure the demonic +7 Dodge and Defend; +4 Advantage
Tree Bilk demons of the forest. Normally, Tree Bilk live AtR: 3 Spells per Round: N/A
as evil spirits among the trees. Once summoned, they Damage: claws: 3d6; teeth: 3d8
materialize as tall, slender trees with great claws, long DEF: 8 (naturally hard bark)

Holy Lands 232 The Dark Ages

Sorcery Spells constructs the golem within 30 feet of distance. The
sorcerer forms the golem from one of the three different
Sorcery spells are spells that sorcerers cast. Though elements of the earth: stone, crystal, or iron. Once
they may have some similarities to Miracles, all spell magic formed, the golem stands up to 7 feet tall. It does the
is more sinister than holy powers. So, too, are these spells bidding of its master until the job is finished, after which
of sorcery. In fact, sorcerers spend much of their time the golem is deconstructed. In all cases, only holy or
trying to duplicate the power of Miracles and, although magic weapons can harm a golem. All normal weapons
unsuccessful, spell magic can well rival holy Miracles and have no affect on the construct.
test the Saints of God. Skill Level: Advanced
Saving Throw: N/A
For details on sorcerers, see pages 245 and 246.

Bronze Golem (Greater Creature)

Sorcery Spells L.p.: 85
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 22
Spells Magic Level Page All AM: 4
Illusionary Sound Lesser 234 Skills: physical Skills: +5
Levitate Object Lesser 235 Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand; Heavy Arms
Mystic Missile Lesser 235 Combat Bonuses: +7 Damage; +5 Attack;
See the Invisible Lesser 235 +3 Dodge and Defend; +4 Advantage
Thrust Object Lesser 235 AtR: 2 Spells per Round: N/A
Fireball Greater 234 Damage: fist: 3d6; large weapon: up to 5d6
Invisibility Greater 234 DEF: 8 (naturally hard surface)
Levitate Greater 234 Notes: immune to normal weapons (only holy or
Teleport Greater 234 magic weapons cause Damage)
Visual Illusion Greater 235
Alter Appearance Advanced 233
Create Golem Advanced 233
Create Portal Advanced 234 Crystal Golem (Greater Creature)
Electric Field Advanced 234 L.p.: 63
Illusory Pain Advanced 234 Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 18; Agility: 10
All AM: 4
Skills: physical Skills: +7
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand; Heavy Arms
Alter Appearance Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +5 Damage;
This spell allows the caster to become any other +4 Attack; +3 Dodge and Defend
human or humanoid in every visual way. The spellcaster AtR: 3 Spells per Round: N/A
takes on every physical feature that he or she can see Damage: claws/fist: 2d10; large weapon: up to 4d6
about the person they are to become. From this DEF: 6 (naturally hard surface)
perspective, the more the spellcaster knows and can see Notes: immune to normal weapons (only holy or
about the person, the better. There is no Saving Throw magic weapons cause Damage)
to see through the illusion, but a character with the Skill
of Profile Character can make a Skill Roll with a High
Difficulty to detect the spellcaster’s false mannerisms.
However, for this to be successful, the character must Stone Golem (Greater Creature)
engage in a conversation or critically observe the L.p.: 77
spellcaster in action. Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 26
Skill Level: Advanced All AM: 4
Saving Throw: None (special) Skills: physical Skills: +3
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand; Heavy Arms
Combat Bonuses: +7 Damage; +5 Attack;
Create Golem +3 Dodge and Defend; +4 Advantage
Once cast, this spell takes 1 Ten-round to manifest a AtR: 2 Spells per Round: N/A
great golem of power, which is a magical and Damage: fist: 3d8; large weapon: up to 6d6
independent construct that resembles a large being. The DEF: 7 (naturally hard surface)
spellcaster can create one of three golems that have Notes: immune to normal weapons (only holy or
different strengths and weaknesses and the sorcerer magic weapons cause Damage)

Holy Lands 233 The Dark Ages

Stone Golem Fireball
Casting this spell allows the spellcaster to throw a
blazing ball of flame from his or her hands that
immediately hits the target within 30 feet. The target
character must make a Dodge Roll to avoid the fireball,
and only a 19 or higher versus Thrown weapons makes
it (if the character uses a Skill to Dodge, such as
Bounding, he or she needs a 19 or higher). You may add
+1 to the Dodge Roll per 10 feet of distance past 30 feet
the target character is from the spellcaster. If struck, the
fireball causes 4d8+6 points of Damage.
Skill Level: Greater
Saving Throw: Dodge (19 or higher vs. Thrown)

Illusionary Sound
Casting this Lesser spell allows the sorcerer to create
an illusionary sound anywhere within 200 feet of him or
her. The maximum duration of the sound is 1 Round but
can be nearly any sound. The sound can be the exact
copy of one of the characters’ voices. All within distance
hear the sound as if the source were nearby. Characters
who can hear the illusionary sound may attempt to Save
versus Spells in order to identify that the sound was an
illusion and that the source is not nearby.
Skill Level: Lesser
Saving Throw: vs. Spells (identifies as illusion)

Illusory Pain
This spell allows the spellcaster to cause 4d8+10
Create Portal
points of “imaginary” Damage, which the target victim
Casting this spell creates a 6-foot circular “doorway”
feels as real Damage in the form of strangulation. The
that, by stepping into it, teleports someone to another
spell immobilizes the character for 1 Round per point of
location up to 250 miles away. The portal remains open
Damage. A successful Saving Throw versus Spells
for up to a Ten-round of time, after which it disappears.
reduces the Damage by half. Should this Damage reduce
During that time, anyone or anything that passes through
the character’s L.p. below zero, the character dies from
the portal is transported to the new location.
shock. Otherwise, the character begins to regain the
Skill Level: Advanced
L.p. back at a rate of 1 L.p. per Round; he or she simply
Saving Throw: N/A
feels relief from the illusion. The target victim must be
within 30 feet of the spellcaster in order for the spell to
Electric Field affect him or her.
This devastating spell creates a field of powerful Skill Level: Advanced
electricity between the spellcaster’s hands that starts to Saving Throw: vs. Spells (Damage reduced by ½)
zap anyone within 30 feet of the spellcaster. It can
continue for up to a Ten-round or until ceased by the
spellcaster. The electricity causes 2d8 Damage per
Quite simply, this spell allows the sorcerer to become
Round to anyone caught by the electricity, and the
invisible to all normal sight for up to 30 minutes. All light
character being zapped cannot Attack, Defend, or Dodge
passes right through him or her and their immediate
anyone while taking Damage from the field.
belongings. However, if the spellcaster Attacks anything,
Furthermore, all of his or her Attributes are reduced to
he or she becomes visible temporarily for 1 full Round.
half, including Speed, and no Miracles can be performed.
Skill Level: Greater
The only way to avoid the electricity by the field is to
Saving Throw: N/A
leave the area. The character can attempt a Saving
Throw versus Spells, in which a successful roll reduces
the Damage for that Round in half. To achieve this, the Levitate
character must successfully Save for each Round zapped. Casting this spell allows the sorcerer to float through
Skill Level: Advanced the air in a vertical direction, either up or down. The
Saving Throw: vs. Spells (Damage reduced by ½)
Holy Lands 234 The Dark Ages
maximum distance the spellcaster can levitate is 150 feet, or weapon, from a state of rest into dangerously fast
and the maximum Speed he or she can levitate is 50 feet motion. For Lesser sorcerers, the object must be light
per Round. (maximum WF: 2), and will travel up to 40 feet. Typical
Skill Level: Greater Damage from this object is 2d8+2, but the target
Saving Throw: N/A character can attempt to Dodge. A Dodge versus Thrown
weapons must exceed 15 to be successful.
Greater and Advanced sorcerers can thrust heavier
Levitate Object
and larger objects that cause up to 4d8+4 points of
This spell allows the spellcaster to magically raise or
Damage and require a 19 or higher to Dodge.
lower any object without touching it that is equal to or
Skill Level: Lesser
less than half his or her weight. The object can be up to
Saving Throw: N/A
30 feet of distance away initially, but can be levitated up
to 100 feet away, either up or down.
Visual Illusion
Skill Level: Greater
Casting this spell allows the spellcaster to create a
Saving Throw: vs. Spells (for weapon = 15)
visual illusion of a single structure, such as a house or
small monastery, or of a small scene. The small scene is
Mystic Missile limited to a 100 x 100 x 100 foot area of landscape or
Once cast, this spell launches a burst of magical the same amount of area within a room or building. Any
energy from the spellcaster’s hands that immediately hits illusory scene is limited to mild motion effects, such as
the target character. The maximum distance the spell can still water movement or swaying grass or banners
reach is 30 feet from the spellcaster. The target consistent with mild winds.
character must first know that the missile is coming and The only way to utilizing a Saving Throw against this
then make a successful Dodge or Defend (with a shield spell is to believe that somehow the scene is an illusion
only) versus missile weapon (using W.S. Light Missiles before rolling. Otherwise, the scene looks real to the
or W.S. Longbows Dodge). The player must roll a 19 or average eye. However, if the scene is suspicious to a
higher to avoid the Damage of the missile. If hit, the character for whatever reason, he or she can attempt to
missile causes 2d8+2 Damage for lesser sorcerers, Save versus Spell to confirm the illusion.
4d8+4, for greater, and 6d8+6 for advanced. Skill Level: Greater
Skill Level: Lesser Saving Throw: vs. Spell (if suspicious of the scene)
Saving Throw: Dodge or Defend only

See the Invisible

As the name implies, this spell allows the sorcerer to Witchcraft
see all things within sight that are magically or
miraculously invisible. This does not include the Miracle Female witches and their male counterparts, warlocks,
or holy power of Cloaking, which is more of a cast witchcraft spells. Witches and warlocks spend much
chameleon effect rather than invisibility. This spell can time brewing and gathering elements for their spells, which
last for up 30 minutes once cast, although some demons are unlike druidic and sorcerer spells. While other types of
and magical creatures have this as a constant ability. magic spells are instantaneous and the overall affects are
Skill Level: Lesser relatively temporary, Witchcraft spells include curses that
Saving Throw: N/A cause long durations of misery and debilitation to the
Teleport Curses require a ritual of chanting, brewing, and
Casting this powerful spell allows the sorcerer to speaking in the evil ways of the Runes, which can last for
disappear from one location and instantaneously hours from start to finish. More than that, the ritual
reappear in any other location he or she desires within
requires some piece of the victim, such as hair, blood, or
their line of sight (up to 100 feet away). The limitation of
even a piece of clothing worn by the intended victim, to add
this spell is that Greater sorcerers can only cast it once
to the evil brew. By doing so, the witch’s spell knows who
per day, and Advanced sorcerers only twice per day.
Skill Level: Greater the intended victim is. It then curses the victim with
Saving Throw: N/A suffering, no matter how far away from the witch the
victim is. The victim is cursed until a clergy can remove
the spell, which can be quite costly.
Thrust Object
This spell uses telekinetic forces to thrust an For details on witches, see pages 247-248.
otherwise inanimate object, such as a book, candelabra,

Holy Lands 235 The Dark Ages

the last 24 hours, the victim forgets who he or she is,
Witchcraft Spells
who other people are, and what they were doing. At full
lapse of the curse, the character cannot remember
Spells Magic Level Page
anything about his or her life or anyone else’s life. All
Curse of Objects Lesser 236
that he or she can remember is how to talk, how to eat,
Curse of Sin Lesser 236
drink, and sleep, how to get dressed, and other basic or
Curse of Twitch Lesser 237
instinctual knowledge. Although the character retains
Summon Demon Lesser 237
knowledge of Attribute- and Ability-related activities, he
Weaken Lesser 238
or she cannot remember any Skills or Combat-related
Curse of Amnesia Greater 237
abilities. Therefore, all Skill Proficiencies are reduced to
Curse of Animals Greater 237
-3 and all Combat Rolls are reduced to Natural rolls until
Curse of Weakness Greater 237
the curse is removed or until re-learned.
Raise Undead Greater 237
Skill Level: Greater
Voodoo Greater 238
Saving Throw: N/A
Conjure Demons Advanced 236
Conjure Undead Advanced 236
Curse of Charm Advanced 236 Curse of Animals
Divination Advanced 237 This terrible spell turns the victim into an animal.
Resurrection Advanced 237 The victim is limited to the abilities of that animal but
retains knowledge of his or her human existence. The
animal cannot communicate with other humans
effectively, except for simple “yes” or “no” behaviors.
Skill Level: Greater
Saving Throw: vs. Curse
Conjure Demons
Casting this powerful spell allows the witch to conjure
2d6 lesser demons of various types (except undead), Curse of Charm
which appear within 30 feet of the witch (or of the victim This spell requires the witch or warlock to cast the
if the witch is using a crystal ball). The demons carry out spell on a special brew or piece of food, such as an
any simple command the witch demands, especially to apple. Once cast, the victim who eats of the fruit or
attack and kill or retrieve something. The demons follow drinks of the concoction is charmed to obey the every
the witch’s orders for 1d4 hours after being summoned, command of the witch or warlock until the victim is able
after which time they wander away. to remove the curse. The cursed victim is then unable to
Skill Level: Advanced think for himself, rather he or she is consumed with
Saving Throw: N/A serving the witch, even unto death. The victim will
follow the witch, protect him or her from anyone or
anything, and act on any request made by the witch or
Conjure Undead
Casting this spell allows the witch to conjure 2d6
Skill Level: Advanced
greater undead, including any combination of vampires,
Saving Throw: vs. Curse (no affect if successful)
ghouls, shambling zombies, and skeletons. This spell
does not allow the caster to conjure wraiths. The
monsters appear within 50 feet of the spellcaster (or of Curse of Objects
the victim if the witch is using a crystal ball). The undead Casting this spell on a character debilitates his or her
horde only knows to attack, kill, and dismember their ability to wield holy items. Any holy item or weapon the
victims and do not rest until defeated or until exposed to cursed person tries to use, becomes a normal object, and
sunlight, at which time they burn into flames. is therefore susceptible to permanent Damage. The holy
Skill Level: Advanced item or weapon loses all of its holy properties until the
Saving Throw: N/A cursed person totally relinquishes possession of it.
Skill Level: Lesser
Saving Throw: vs. Curse (no affect if successful)
Curse of Amnesia
This devastating curse causes the victim to lose
memory of all events and people. Once strickened, the Curse of Sin
character slowly, over a period of 24 hours, begins to Casting this spell causes the character to gain one of
forget certain key events in the past. Then, over the next the Sins and its consequence listed on page 50. The
24 hours, begins to forget even more, including his or character cannot remove this Sin by increasing his or her
her relationship to friends and family as well as forgetting Virtue AR, as other Sins are removed. A clergy must
plan ideas and important responsibilities. Finally, over remove the curse in order to remove the Sin. To select

Holy Lands 236 The Dark Ages

which Sin the character will receive, the witch (or the to be an Advanced vampire or zombie, where a peasant
Rac) can choose it based on interest or the Rac can farmer would be raised to be a Lesser zombie or
simply roll for it randomly. vampire. The witch or warlock can decide whether he
Skill Level: Lesser or she will raise a vampire or a zombie for each.
Saving Throw: vs. Curse (no affect if successful) Skill Level: Greater
Saving Throw: N/A
Curse of Twitch
This nasty curse causes the character to acquire a Resurrection
twitch that spasms the body at random times throughout This spell requires three full days of chanting and
the day. This convulsive reaction not only looks scary rituals over a dead victim. At the end of the time, the
(use a -3 to all Charisma Rolls), but it causes the character victim is resurrected to 1 L.p., but with drawbacks. The
to have limited abilities. The character affected by this victim suffers a loss of all of his or her Virtue Attribute
curse must roll percentile dice before each roll he or she and gains 5 Sins (on top of whatever he or she currently
would normally make. If the number is less than 50 has). Two of those Sins (the victim can decide) will
(50% chance) the character must reduce the roll, whether never go away no matter how high the person raises his
it is a Skill, Combat, or Ability Roll, to the Natural roll. or her Virtue AR. Likewise, there is a 25% chance that
In other words, the character must eliminate any Bonuses the victim will be permanently and irreversibly blind, and
that he or she would have added to the roll otherwise. a 25% chance that the victim will be permanently and
Skill Level: Lesser irreversibly deaf throughout his or her new life.
Saving Throw: vs. Curse (no affect if successful) Skill Level: Greater
Saving Throw: N/A
Curse of Weakness
Becoming cursed by this spell causes the character to
Summon Demon
acquire a weakness to one or more of the listed items
This spell allows the spellcaster to summon a Lesser
below. By having the below weaknesses, the character
or Greater demon that will arrive “on scene” within 1
then suffers Double Damage from this affect until a
Ten-round of time. As stated, the spellcaster may
clergy removes the curse. Roll a d6 to see which
summon a Lesser demon of any kind, which will fight to
weakness(es) the character acquires from below:
the death for the spellcaster. On the other hand, the
1. Fires
spellcaster may summon a Greater demon who will not
2. Poisons
fight to the death for him or her. Rather, it will leave if
3. Combat Damage
things start to turn against his favor.
4. Poisons and Combat Damage
Skill Level: Lesser
5. Fires and Poisons
Saving Throw: N/A
6. Fires, Poison, and Combat Damage
Skill Level: Greater
Saving Throw: vs. Curse (no affect if successful)

Summoning versus Conjuring

This spell allows the witch to see the future of some You may have noticed the terms “summoning” and
event up to one year ahead. Because the devils control “conjuring” when reading some of the spells. They do not
this spell, the telling is accurate for the most part, but mean the same thing and can therefore not be used
slightly skewed to glorify evil. However, because God interchangeably.
alone has control over time and destiny, anything could In spell descriptions, to summon means to call
change if God wills it. something that already exists, such as a pet owner summons
Skill Level: Advanced his or her dog. Thus being summoned, the pet would
Saving Throw: N/A answer by moving locations to the owner. On the other
hand, to conjure means to create from nothing, in which
case the term can only refer to magic or Miracle powers.
Raise Undead Conjuring means to make something suddenly exist that did
This spell allows the witch to enter a graveyard or not exist prior. To contrast, summoning means to call
other place where buried dead reside and raise them into something from its current physical location and bid it to
zombies and vampires. This spell only applies to non- move to the summoner’s location, where conjuring means
Christian dead. Therefore, the Christian dead cannot be that the conjuror changes the reality of the beast or item
raised by this spell. The undead are then raised to the from a non-existent state to an existent one.
level (such as Lesser, Greater, and Advanced) at which
they died. For example, a great warrior would be raised

Holy Lands 237 The Dark Ages

Voodoo With the exception of potions, which only 3 uses
This cowardly spell (use Save vs. Curse) allows the each, the wearer or wielder of all items listed below can use
witch or warlock to cause pain to a victim by simulating the item up to 3 times per day.
harm on a magical voodoo doll (separate magic item).
The spellcaster creates the voodoo doll by using a piece
of the victim’s clothing to clothe it, and then performs the Boots of Levitation
ritual over the doll. Once the victim is cursed, he or she These boots allow the wearer to levitate up to 100
takes Damage relative to the impact the doll takes. The feet in the air. He or she can use these boots to move up
witch can attack the doll with pinpricks or knife stabs, or down.
which cause the victim 2d8 Damage, or by smashing the
doll, which causes the victim up to 3d6 Damage. The Crystal Ball
victim can be debilitated for 1d4 hours by simulating This ball allows sorcerers to see into the future and
breaking the extremities, but no arms or legs are ever watch people by glaring into it. As with the spell of
really broken on the victim. As this is not a true curse, Divination, the future told by the ball may be changed if
the spell wears off after the victim’s Life points reach 10 God wills it. In addition, in order to watch someone
or lower or after the victim has been tortured for 1 hour, from the crystal ball, the sorcerer must possess a piece of
whichever is sooner. the person’s clothing, blood, hair, etc.
As you may see, there is a chance the victim could die
if he or she takes more Damage than they have L.p. For Mimic Ring
example, if the victim has 11 L.p. left, the spell remains This ring allows the wearer to create an identical
in affect. Should the last voodoo Damage be more than clone of him or herself that is completely independent of
12 points, he or she is dead (roll to Save vs. Death). the user. This doppelganger will remain present for up
Skill Level: Greater to 30 minutes and will work in conjunction with the user.
Saving Throw: vs. Curse (no affect if successful) No magic properties are duplicated, just physical

Weaken Pendant of Impervious to Fire

Casting this spell makes the victim suffer Penalties to Having this powerful pendant allows the wearer to be
all rolls, including Combat, Skill, Attribute, and Ability constantly impervious to natural and supernatural fire.
Rolls. If cast by a Lesser witch, the victim suffers -3 to
all rolls, which lasts for 1 hour. If cast by a Greater Potion of Absorb Miracle
witch, the victim suffers -5 to all rolls, which lasts for 4 Drinking this potion allows the user to harmlessly
hours. If cast by an Advanced witch, the victim suffers - absorb the next offensive Miracle attack that would
7 to all rolls, which lasts for 16 hours. Only one Weaken otherwise cause direct harm or affect.
spell at a time can harm a single victim.
Skill Level: Lesser
Saving Throw: vs. Spell (no affect if successful) Potion of Great Strength
This potion doubles the drinker’s Strength and all
Damage for the next ten minutes.

Potion of Invisibility

Magic Items Drinking this potion allows the user to have the
power of the Invisibility spell (see page 234).

The following is a list of some of the magic items that

Ring of Invisibility
characters may encounter in the known world. Typically,
This ring allows the user to become invisible to have
characters may find people wearing magic items, but they
the power of the Invisibility spell (see page 234).
may also be found horded with other treasure. Although it
is a crime to possess, purchase, or use magic items in most
of the known world, especially Christian lands, some lands Ring of Teleportation
freely trade them. This ring allows the wearer to teleport to a location
up to 1 mile away or within sight, whichever is closer.
Because there is no allowance to buy, sell, or trade
magic items, the following list does not specify a cost or Voodoo Doll
value for each item; although, a typical magic item costs Witches and warlocks use this doll to cast the Voodoo
anywhere from 50-170g (4d4+1 x10 for randomness) on spell that curses the victim (see the Voodoo spell on this
the black market. page for details).

Holy Lands 238 The Dark Ages

The Consequences of Magic instantly. This may cause the character to gain another
Sin, which the player must add until the Virtue AR is
Magic is a very dangerous force that plagues the increased.
known world, especially Christian characters. Whether a
Holy Lands character fights against it or attempts to use it, If the character ingests something magical and does
magic can have very negative effects on them. This means not Save, especially using a magical potion, use this table.
that even prolonged exposure to a magic item creates a Roll a d8 to find the corresponding consequence:
chance that the item will consequently curse the character. For something magical ingested (d8):
A character must roll to Save versus some magic affect 1) Internal bleeding; dies within 1d4 days
depending on the influence the magic item has on the 2) Vomiting and nausea for 2d6 hours; suffers -2 to all
character. Use the following table to determine which rolls, including Skill, Ability, and Combat Rolls
Saving Throw to apply to which situation. 3) Totally paralyzed for 1d4 hours
4) Completely blind for 1d8 hours
5) Completely deaf for 1d8 hours
Magic Saving Throw Table 6) Poisoned; lose 1d4+1 L.p. per hour for 10 hours
7) Weakness; suffers -4 to all rolls, including Skill,
Ability, and Combat Rolls, for 2d4 hours
Exposure Save vs.
8) Poisoned; lose 4d8 L.p. at 1 L.p. per Ten-round.
Character carries a magic item too long* Magic Items
Character casts a spell Use Magic
Character drinks a magic potion Use Magic
Character reads a magic scroll Use Magic If the character casts something magical by speaking
Character is within 10 feet of Rune trap Rune Traps and does not Save, especially using a spell or scroll, use this
Curse spell cast on character Curses table. Roll a d8 to find the corresponding consequence:
Opponent uses a magic item on character Magic Items For casting/speaking something magical (d8):
Spell cast on character Spells 1) Insanity Curse; complete paranoia against everyone
2) Completely blind for 2d8 hours
*characters can carry a magic item for 1 hour per Endurance Attribute
Rating before the item negatively affects the character; character 3) Curse of festering boils; dies in 1d4 days; suffers -2 to
must roll to Save for each hour thereafter all rolls, including Skill, Ability, and Combat Rolls
4) Passes out; unwakeable sleep for 1d8 hours
5) Insanity Curse; complete physical rage against anyone
who defies the character
Though a magic item may negatively harm a
6) Lose an additional 2 Virtue permanently; add Sin
character, no one is physically prohibited from using it.
7) Character turns into an animal (Rac’s choice) for 3d8
This is the devilishly appealing fact to the use of magic hours
where, contrary to holy items, there is no Attribute 8) Reduce all Skill and Combat Skill Bonuses by -1
Requirement to use an item. Nevertheless, as stated above, permanently
consequences can result from accidentally dabbling with
magic as well as it can from purposefully using it.
Characters that have not devoted their lives to the evil If the character carries, wears, or uses a magical item
arts cannot use magic or magic items without receiving or weapon for longer than their Endurance AR in hours
often severe consequences. For Christian characters, this and does not Save, use this table. Roll a d8 to find the
can be anywhere from a relatively mild poisoning to death. corresponding consequence:
It may be necessary in unforeseen, critical situations For something magical carried too long (d8):
for a character to carry or even use a magic item. If he or 1) Weaken; all Skill and Combat Skill Bonuses lost for
she does use magic, the character must roll to Save versus 1d4 days
Use Magic. If unsuccessful, he or she will suffer one of the 2) Insanity Curse; complete paranoia against everyone
penalties from the below lists. Note: a spell cast from a 3) Insanity Curse; complete physical rage against anyone
who defies the character
sorcerer or a magic item used on a character does not
4) Character loses 2d6 L.p. now + 2d6 L.p. each
require a character to Save versus Spells and then have to
additional hour carrying the item
Save versus a negative consequence. In this case, the
5) Totally paralyzed for 2d8 hours
negative consequence is the spell or magic item. 6) Curse of festering boils; dies in 1d4 days; suffers -2 to
Special Note: due to its wicked nature, anytime a all rolls, including Skill, Ability, and Combat Rolls
character uses magic or a magic item for selfish gain rather 7) Lose an additional 2 Virtue; add Sin
than for a common good, he or she loses 1 Virtue AR 8) Passes out; unwakeable sleep for 2d4 hours

Holy Lands 239 The Dark Ages

Enemy Classes
The Enemy Classes are people who have willfully
chosen a lifestyle of blatant evil. They have gone far
beyond just being sinful, but rather have chosen to hone
their sins as if they were Skills. They feed on their own Assassins are those within the Enemy Classes that kill
ungodliness and derive power from it in a way that other people for money; they are typically ex-thieves who
strengthens them. For this reason, many of those within wanted more of a thrill than stealing. Often hired, people
the Enemy Classes have heard the call of God or otherwise of high power and wealth seek assassins to kill someone else
gained knowledge of the plan of salvation. These people of similar or higher power. It typically makes no difference
have then chosen a path of wickedness despite knowing of to an assassin whether the person who they are hired to kill
the coming judgment; they have, for whatever reason, is Christian, Jewish, rich, poor, female, male, a child, a
chosen to hate God and to defy that which is good. Some king, French, Moorish, or any other nationality, religion,
have turned from God out of the overwhelming desire for or physical make up. They simply kill to collect money.
power, some for greed, and some because of hatred for
Because of their line of work, assassins can be very
Christians, which allows them to find a more “convenient”
costly to hire. The average “job” costs the “client” around
religion or lifestyle.
100g and can cost up to 400g or more. As you can see, an
assassin need not “work” all the time year-round. One
Attributes and the Enemy Classes “job” could earn the assassin nearly a year’s salary for the
average peasant.
The Enemy Classes are people, too. Therefore, their
Attributes will be similar to Christian characters and other
humans with some exceptions. These classes have the same
Attributes by name, but the underlying differences are very Encountering Assassins
important. For one, God is not the focus of their Faith
Assassins are sly, sneaky, and their lives are very
Attribute. Members of the Enemy Classes worship some
other deity or nothing at all. For the magic-using classes, secretive. They usually travel alone and never keep close,
they worship a deity of some kind, such as “nature spirits” personal friends. Generally, an assassin’s life is as
for druids, and demons for sorcerers and witches. The other mysterious as it is illegal. Therefore, the more they devote
Enemy Classes - rogues, thieves, and assassins – may choose their life to their work, the more they find themselves
to worship pagan gods, but they typically disbelieve in any slipping away from society. Not only would it be rare for
religion and choose to follow themselves only. the characters to encounter a true assassin, but also, the
Furthermore, a member of the Enemy Classes will characters more than likely would not even know that they
always have a Virtue Attribute below 2, but typically well into just did so. Because being an assassin means certain death
the negatives. This represents that their blatant acts of evil if he is caught, a true assassin would never expose his life to
against humanity has taken its toll on their character.
anyone except his “client”.
Assassins appear as normal people traveling alone and
For information on the guilds of the following keeping to themselves. They are very withdrawn socially
Enemy Classes, especially thieves, mages, and assassins, see and never like attention drawn to them. They do things
pages 191-192. Alternatively, for the Rac, see pages 310- that they are purposed to do only, and they do things fast
311 of Chapter 5 on creating criminal guilds. and then disappear.

Holy Lands 240 The Dark Ages

Lesser Assassin Advanced Assassin
The most common type of assassin is the Lesser
Due to the short average lifespan of assassins, there
assassin, because people in this profession tend to not live
are very few Advanced assassins around. Most of them live
that long. These Lesser assassins are still more thief than
in hiding enjoying the wealth they have accumulated; they
assassin, but they are amateur hired killers nonetheless.
take very few “jobs” anymore.
They are often more dangerous than the more advanced
assassins because they think they can kill anyone in their L.p.: 135
way and get away with it, where the others pick their target Average Attribute Rating: 7
and strike, leaving any additional trouble alone. Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Wisdom: 11
Average Ability Mark: 6
L.p.: 27 Exceptional Abilities: Hide: 2; Perception: 2
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Exceptional Skills: Pick Locks: +12; Creep: +12;
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Wisdom: 7 Profile Area: +8; Light Sleep: +8
Average Ability Mark: 10 Weapon Skills: All
Exceptional Abilities: Hide: 8 Combat Bonuses: +10 Advantage; +9 Attack;
Exceptional Skills: Pick Locks: +5; Creep: +5; +7 Dodge; +6 Defend; +6 Damage
Profile Area: +3; Light Sleep: +3 AtR: 4 Spells per Round: 1
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Paired Weapons Armor: No heavier than improved leather
Combat Bonuses: +2 Advantage; +1 Attack; DEF: 6 total max
+1 Dodge; +1 Defend; +1 Damage Weapons: 1d4+1 long daggers (2d8+3 Damage
AtR: 2 Spells per Round: N/A each)
Armor: No heavier than leather Valuables: 5d6 gold, 1d8 x 10 silver; 81% chance
DEF: 5 total max of having 1d8 poisons
Weapons: 1d4 long daggers (2d8 Damage each) Magic Abilities: 38% chance of having Lesser
Valuables: 3d6 gold, 1d6 x 10 silver; 22% chance sorcery spells
of having 1d4 poisons
Magic Abilities: None

Greater Assassin
Greater assassins tend to be less dangerous to the
general public as a whole than Lesser assassins, but more
effective at killing their target. By this level of skill, the
assassin is careful, efficient, and very deadly.

L.p.: 68
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Wisdom: 10
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Hide: 4; Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Pick Locks: +9; Creep: +8;
Profile Area: +7; Light Sleep: +5
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Paired Weapons; Kick
Attack; Hand to Hand
Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+4 Dodge; +3 Defend; +3 Damage
AtR: 3 Spells per Round: N/A
Armor: No heavier than leather
DEF: 5 total max
Weapons: 1d4+1 long daggers (2d8+3 Damage
Valuables: 4d6 gold, 1d6 x 10 silver; 57% chance
of having 1d8 poisons
Magic Abilities: None

Holy Lands 241 The Dark Ages

L.p.: 22

Druids Average Attribute Rating: 5

Exceptional Attributes: Intellect: 7; Patience: 7
Average Ability Mark: 10
Druids are nature worshippers, and most people Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8
consider druidic magic as natural magic. Like High Exceptional Skills: Herbal Science: +5; Animal
Miracles, druidic magic manipulates the earth's elements: Handling: +3; Earth Science: +3
wind, fire, earth, and water. For this reason, the devils very Weapon Skills: Light Arms (staff typically)
actively disguise the dark magic of druids as “white” magic, Combat Bonuses: +1 Dodge; +1 Defend
which seems to most to be a non-evil type of magic. This AtR: 1 Spells per Round: 1
makes the “religion” appealing to some nature-loving folk. Armor: No heavier than heavy robes
Therefore, some druids do not realize that their practice is DEF: 4 total max
ultimately evil, but they know that it is pagan because they Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
worship various tree spirits and nature gods. Once the Valuables: 22% chance of having 1d4 herbs
druid becomes well practiced and devoted for life to the Magic Abilities: Lesser druidic spells (see pages
druidic ways, the devils who usurp these nature gods may 230-232 for details)
reveal themselves to the higher druidic priests.
Druids live only in the woods, and some druids are
born and will eventually die within their colonies. It is the
only “civilization” most druids know. Therefore, druidic Greater Druid
orders live peaceably among themselves and the animals.
By the time the druid has reached this level of power,
However, as the druids grow in power, the magic seduces
he or she is becoming more familiar with the truth of their
them into more sinister and darker magic. By the
“religion”. They are beginning to realize that the devil is
advanced levels of druidic sorcery, the use of their magic
behind their power, but that their power is growing greatly.
has turned from animal-friendly spells to spells that are
It may take up to several years for a druid to reach this
more destructive.
point in power.
The druids are very versed in the runic alphabet and
use it as writing communicatively as well as magically. L.p.: 68
Druids use the runes to inscribe messages, such as blessings Average Attribute Rating: 6
in their afterlife, on headstones along with other rune Exceptional Attributes: Intellect: 11; Patience: 10
configurations. Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Herbal Science: +9; Animal
Handling: +8; Earth Science: +7
Encountering Druids Weapon Skills: Light Arms (staff typically)
When the characters encounter a group of druids, the Combat Bonuses: +2 Dodge; +3 Defend;
druids will more than likely have animals, such as deer, +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; +1 Damage
AtR: 2 Spells per Round: 2
squirrel, and rabbits, enjoying their company. The druids
Armor: No heavier than heavy robes
dislike outside human visitors and tension can increase
DEF: 4 total max
rapidly as their animal companions become skittish, but
Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
most druids are friendly and welcoming to visitors at first. Valuables: 48% chance of having 1d8 herbs
Magic Abilities: Greater druidic spells (see pages
230-232 for details)

Lesser Druid
Lesser druids find comfort in their “religion” and
enjoy the company of their animals. Most often Lesser Advanced Druid
druids will die before becoming hostile against anyone, as When a druid reaches this stage of power, their devils
this is the peace part of the belief. However, there are have so seduced him or her by the powers they possess that
some more evil Lesser druids that are in it to gain more they may never turn from it. Advanced druids are familiar
power of the druidic kind, and will gladly use it against with the devils who lead them and may have even glimpsed
others, especially Christians. them or spoke to them face-to-face. Nonetheless,
Advanced druids must often play their “congregation”
Holy Lands 242 The Dark Ages
about their “religion”, comforting the Lesser druids who
inquire about the spirits they worship and telling some
greater druids the truth. They explain that some, as Lesser
druids, simply would not understand whom they
The rogue Enemy Class is by far the most prominent
worshipped, and that they could tell when they felt the
of the classes because it takes nothing to be a rogue except
druid was “worthy”.
drunkenness and a desire to be lawless. Therefore, every
would-be bad person either starts their evil career as a rogue
L.p.: 115
or ends up as a rogue when he or she fails at a more skillful
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Intellect: 12; Patience: 11 Enemy Class.
Average Ability Mark: 6 The rogues, like the Warrior counter-part, like to
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2 fight. Moreover, when they are not fighting, they like to
Exceptional Skills: Herbal Science: +12; Animal drink, cause trouble, and then fight some more about
Handling: +12; Earth Science: +8 something else. Concisely, the rogues are the belligerent,
Weapon Skills: Light Arms (staff typically) obnoxious bullies that cause mayhem and pain to otherwise
Combat Bonuses: +4 Dodge; +4 Defend;
civilized people. If you still have not yet gotten the idea of
+2 Advantage; +2 Attack; +2 Damage
a rogue, the historical Vikings were perfect examples.
AtR: 3 Spells per Round: 3
Vikings were drunken, pagan warriors who made quite a
Armor: No heavier than heavy robes
DEF: 4 total max living sacking monasteries, conquering cities, and
Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage) destroying quiet villages all in the name of power. By the
Valuables: 74% chance of having 1d8 herbs tip of their sword, they mercilessly slaughtered and raped
Magic Abilities: Advanced druidic spells (see countless innocent peasants, stole and killed village
pages 230-232 for details) livestock, and plundered the village for everything it had.
They were relentless, ruthless, and powerful.
Note to the Rac: The Vikings are a perfect force for
the characters to fight. Do some research on them and
include them in your campaigns. Make them ruthless and
unyielding. See page 293 for more ideas on the medieval

Encountering Rogues
For a normal citizen to encounter a rogue means a
fight or slaughter. Typically, rogues do not even come
around normal civilizations unless they are going to sack it,
and no rogue ever wanders far without at least a dozen
other drunken slobs to go with them. They tend to stay in
forests that normal people think are haunted, or they
survive on their ships, sailing form village to village
pillaging the innocent for goods.
A rogue will always be heavily armed and armored-
even when sleeping. As stated above, the rogue is
unyielding; their life depends on their fighting abilities.
Therefore, if a challenge is afoot, they will take it and fight
to the death. Granted, they will never fight fair, especially
if they can outnumber their opponent. On that note, if a
group of rogues is outnumbered, they will be the first to
turn tail and forsake their “friends” for safety.

Holy Lands 243 The Dark Ages

Lesser Rogue Greater Rogue
Unbelievably, lesser rogues are the least common of By the time the rogue has reached this level of power,
all the rogues and by far the most “dispensable”. The lesser he or she is becoming quite belligerent and dangerous.
the rogue, the less value he or she is to the other clansmen. They start to see their own power and use it to lead other
This represents the fact that being a rogue does not take Lesser rogues. The Greater rogue becomes more ruthless
much skill, just meanness and brutality. Therefore, the and cruel, and now he or she needs to cause pain to
lesser the rogue is in terms of skill, the lesser he or she is in innocents as much as he or she needs to drink heavily.
nastiness. Further, a “soft” rogue is a dead rogue as far as
the clan is concerned. L.p.: 80
Average Attribute Rating: 6
L.p.: 31 Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 7 Exceptional Abilities: Climb: 4
Average Ability Mark: 10 Exceptional Skills: Use Metal Armor: +9;
Exceptional Abilities: Climb: 8 Tackle: +8; Grapple: +8; Profiling Tactics: +3
Exceptional Skills: Use Metal Armor: +5; Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms; Hand to
Tackle: +5; Grapple: +3 Hand; Shield Play; Kick Attack
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms; Hand to Combat Bonuses: +3 Advantage; +5 Attack;
Hand; Shield Play +3 Dodge; +4 Defend; +7 Damage
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; AtR: 3 Spells per Round: N/A
+1 Dodge; +1 Defend; +2 Damage Armor: Up to full armor/no restrictions
AtR: 1 Spells per Round: N/A DEF: 15 total max/10 typically
Armor: Up to full armor/no restrictions Weapons: Broadswords/battle axes (2d10
DEF: 15 total max/8 typically Damage), great sword (2d12 Damage)
Weapons: Broadswords/battle axes (2d10 Valuables: 2d6 gold, 2d10 silver
Damage), medium shield (+4 Defend) Magic Abilities: None
Valuables: 2d6 gold, 2d10 silver
Magic Abilities: None
Advanced Rogue
A rogue grows in power relatively fast as long as they
are mean and cruel. By the time they reach the Advanced
stages, they are leaders of clans and possibly declaring war
with small kingdoms, especially small Christian kingdoms.

L.p.: 165
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 12
Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Climb: 2
Exceptional Skills: Use Metal Armor: +12;
Tackle: +12; Grapple: +11; Profiling
Tactics: +4
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms; Hand to
Hand; Shield Play; Kick Attack
Combat Bonuses: +6 Advantage; +9 Attack;
+6 Dodge; +7 Defend; +10 Damage
AtR: 4 Spells per Round: N/A
Armor: Up to full armor/no restrictions
DEF: 15 total max/12 typically
Weapons: Broadswords/battle axes (2d10
Damage), great sword (2d12 Damage), medium
shield (+4 Defend)
Valuables: 3d6 gold, 2d10 silver
Magic Abilities: None

Holy Lands 244 The Dark Ages

Sorcerers Lesser Sorcerer
Lesser sorcerers are by far the most common level of
Sorcerers are a spellcasting and often devil- mage. This is because of the intensity and study required
worshipping lot. Like the druids, they immerse themselves to become a Greater sorcerer. Often, the younger and
in the ways of “the arts”, learning all they can about the more adventurous types decide to dabble in the arts until
runic alphabet. They forsake all other forms of knowledge, they realize amount of study required. For this reason,
such as the ways of war, politics, and riches, to devote their Lesser sorcerers tend to be more verbal about their
lives solely to the advancement of the magical arts. endeavors into magic, and even immature about their true
However, unlike the druids, sorcerers more or less know level of power.
that what they do defies goodness and lawfulness. Theirs is
a drive for power, for dominance. L.p.: 22
Sorcerers will stop at nothing to develop their skills in Average Attribute Rating: 5
Exceptional Attributes: Intellect: 7; Memory; 7
the arts, and they will not hesitate to eliminate anyone who
Average Ability Mark: 10
stands in their way. Some sorcerers are very wicked and
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8
vile, and are bent on destruction and power. However,
Exceptional Skills: Read/Write: +5; Read
most appear civilized on the exterior, even wise, educated in Runes: +5; Read/Write Ancient Languages: +3
the ways of the affairs of man. Though this is not their Weapon Skills: Light Arms (staffs only)
area of interest, it all comes with the pursuit of further Combat Bonuses: +1 Attack; +1 Damage
knowledge. AtR: 1 Spells per Round: 1
Armor: Up to heavy robes
DEF: 4 total max
Encountering Sorcerers Weapons: Typically a staff (1d12 Damage) and
dagger (2d6 Damage)
Like assassins, most sorcerers (also known as mages) Valuables: 2d8 gold, 2d10 silver
appear as common folk, from common peasants to sagely Magic Abilities: Lesser sorcerer spells (see pages
old advisors. They appear as normal citizens until the 233-235 for details)
magic overtakes them like a disease. For this reason,
mages can go unnoticed by society for years, so characters
may often not even know that they have encountered a
sorcerer. Nevertheless, there is a point where the magic
surpasses their will to do right, and the desire for power
lashes out in a fit of anger and hatred for those who oppose
the darkness.
Characters will most likely identify a mage by this
anger for good people. As a sorcerer grows in power, so
must his hatred for organized society. The sorcerer finds
him or herself lashing out at common folk or even
authority figures at otherwise trivial discrepancies. Besides
finding a sorcerer casting a spell, rages of anger are often
the most obvious or only clues that the character has
encountered a sorcerer at all.

Spellbooks and magic items

Obviously, a telltale sign that a sorcerer is in your
midst is that they have magical items on their property.
On one hand, mages can very cleverly disguise the fact that
they are wearing magic items. On the other hand, a true
sorcerer never strays too far from his or her spellbook,
which sometimes contains years of knowledge regarding the
arts. If it is not on their person, a sorcerer’s spellbook is
surely nearby.

Holy Lands 245 The Dark Ages

Greater Sorcerer
By the time the sorcerer reaches this level of power,
he or she becomes quite edgy and more antisocial. Thieves are the type that finds strength and power in
Although they may still appear civilized when in public, it taking what is not theirs. They feel empowered by gaining
becomes more and more rare that you will even see one. something without earning it. Thieves enjoy the rush of
They spend a lot of quiet time studying and often well into stealing and the thrill of doing what is against the law.
the wee hours of the morning. Most thieves steal from the rich and sell their newly
acquired wares on the black market. They consider it a
L.p.: 65 good day when they have stolen a “big-ticket” item and
Average Attribute Rating: 6 have earned a sizable amount of gold for it. They may
Exceptional Attributes: Intellect: 11; Memory; 10
sneak into homes and take items or rob someone at
Average Ability Mark: 8
knifepoint. Nevertheless, most thieves barely make a living
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
stealing food or purse snatching from beggars and peasant
Exceptional Skills: Read/Write: +9; Read
Runes: +8; Read/Write Ancient Languages: +5 folk. For this reason, whatever their target victims, most
Weapon Skills: Light Arms thieves spend at least some time in the royal dungeons.
Combat Bonuses: +3 Attack; +2 Damage; Furthermore, thieves caught stealing more costly items are
+1 Dodge, +1 Defend, +1 Advantage often made examples of by cutting off their fingers or hand
AtR: 2 Spells per Round: 2 in front of an on looking town audience.
Armor: Up to heavy robes
DEF: 4 total max
Weapons: Typically a staff (1d12 Damage) and Encountering Thieves
long dagger (2d8 Damage)
Valuables: 3d8 gold, 2d10 silver Unlike assassins, thieves are more outgoing and
Magic Abilities: Greater sorcerer spells (see pages personable, even to the point of being obnoxiously loud.
233-235 for details) They tend to meander around with more than one
companion who are equally or more so as loud as they.
Unlike rogues, thieves tend to stay away from routine
Advanced Sorcerer drunkenness in an effort to keep their senses sharp for
opportunities to steal.
This level of sorcerer is extremely rare to find. By
this level, the sorcerer has become so twisted in his or her
thoughts that they often keep no companions except Lesser Thief
creatures and hideous hirelings, and live the life of an evil
hermit. Lesser thieves are most common. This level of thief
is mostly a cutpurse or robber rather than a sneaky burglar,
L.p.: 122 although they aspire to learn those skills, too.
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Intellect: 12; Memory; 11 L.p.: 25
Average Ability Mark: 6 Average Attribute Rating: 5
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Speed: 7
Exceptional Skills: Read/Write: +12; Read Average Ability Mark: 10
Runes: +12; Read/Write Ancient Exceptional Abilities: Hide: 8; Search: 8
Languages: +8 Exceptional Skills: Pick Locks: +5; Creep: +5;
Weapon Skills: Light Arms Lift Object: +3; Pick Pockets: +3
Combat Bonuses: +4 Attack; +4 Damage; Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Whips
+2 Dodge, +2 Defend, +2 Advantage Combat Bonuses: +2 Advantage; +1 Attack;
AtR: 3 Spells per Round: 3 +1 Dodge; +1 Defend; +1 Damage
Armor: Up to heavy robes AtR: 1 Spells per Round: N/A
DEF: 4 total max Armor: No heavier than leather
Weapons: Typically a staff (1d12 Damage) and DEF: 5 total max
long dagger (2d8 Damage) Weapons: 1d4 long daggers (2d8 Damage each)
Valuables: 3d8 gold, 2d10 silver Valuables: 2d8 gold, 1d6 x 10 silver; 18% chance
Magic Abilities: Greater sorcerer spells (see pages of having 1d4 poisons
233-235 for details) Magic Abilities: None

Holy Lands 246 The Dark Ages

Advanced Thief
Advanced thieves are as rare as they are hated. By the
time they reach the Advanced level, the thief can pretty
much own anything they want that belongs to someone
else. Though by now, they have all they need.

L.p.: 140
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Speed: 11
Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Hide: 2; Search: 2
Exceptional Skills: Pick Locks: +12; Creep: +12;
Lift Object: +8; Pick Pockets: +8
Weapon Skills: All
Combat Bonuses: +10 Advantage; +9 Attack;
+7 Dodge; +6 Defend; +6 Damage
AtR: 4 Spells per Round: 1
Armor: No heavier than improved leather
DEF: 6 total max
Weapons: 1d4+1 long daggers (2d8+3 Damage
Valuables: 4d8 gold, 1d6 x 10 silver; 45% chance
of having 1d4 poisons
Magic Abilities: 38% chance of having lesser
sorcery spells

Greater Thief
Witches and warlocks are mostly solitary people who
By the time thieves have reached this level of skill, spend much time worshipping demons and gathering
they have become as cocky as they have proficient, for they specimens for spells. Because a warlock, who is a male
have stolen much of other people’s property and thus far witch, is so rare, the rules typically mention witches only,
avoided serious consequences. which are far more common. Nevertheless, know that a
warlock has all the same qualities as a witch except for
L.p.: 68 gender.
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Speed: 10 Witches may gather with other witches in a coven to
Average Ability Mark: 8 meet and engage in a group ritual, but for the most part,
Exceptional Abilities: Hide: 4; Search: 4 stay to themselves. Like sorcerers, witches become so bent
Exceptional Skills: Pick Locks: +9; Creep: +8; on evil that they cannot keep friends or even
Lift Object: +7; Pick Pockets: +5 acquaintances. Rather all people fear the witch, especially
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Whips; Kick Attack; when they know what the witch practices.
Hand to Hand
Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+4 Dodge; +3 Defend; +3 Damage
AtR: 2 Spells per Round: N/A
Encountering Witches
Armor: No heavier than leather Frankly, it should be an extremely rare case where the
DEF: 5 total max characters encounter a witch, but when the time comes, the
Weapons: 1d4+1 long daggers (2d8+3 Damage witch will behave very predictably. The witch will be very
each) scary in terms of her mannerisms that a conversation will
Valuables: 3d8 gold, 1d6 x 10 silver; 30% chance be impossible, and she will try to extract something from
of having 1d4 poisons
the characters, such as their blood for spells.
Magic Abilities: None

Holy Lands 247 The Dark Ages

Lesser Witch Greater Witch
Witches in general are rare, but of them all, Lesser
A Greater witch is an aspiring conjurer driven to evil
witches are the most common. Lesser witches are typically
with a passionate fury. He or she has begun to lose their
social outcasts with hideous features to begin with, and out
beauty inside and out, and is now obsessed with the
of their anger for society, they turn to the evil powers of
darkness. They spend most of their time creating curses
darkness. On the other hand, some are very beautiful
and gathering spell components. People rarely see Greater
people who find themselves seduced by magic’s evil power,
witches, who are usually the quiet evil type that does the
which later disfigures their physical beauty along with their
bidding of a more powerful master.
moral qualities. Therefore, the Lesser witch may still be
beautiful and even somewhat social. L.p.: 54
Average Attribute Rating: 6
L.p.: 21 Exceptional Attributes: Memory: 11; Patience: 10
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Attributes: Memory: 7; Patience: 7 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Average Ability Mark: 10 Exceptional Skills: Herbal Science: +9; Poison
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 Science: +8; Read Runes: +7
Exceptional Skills: Herbal Science: +5; Poison Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Science: +3; Read Runes: +3 Combat Bonuses: +1 Dodge; +1 Defend;
Weapon Skills: Light Arms +2 Advantage; +3 Attack; +1 Damage
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack AtR: 2 Spells per Round: 2
AtR: 1 Spells per Round: 1 Armor: No heavier than heavy robes
Armor: No heavier than heavy robes DEF: 4 total max
DEF: 4 total max Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage) Valuables: 48% chance of having 1d8 herbs
Valuables: 22% chance of having 1d4 herbs Magic Abilities: Greater witchcraft spells (see
Magic Abilities: Lesser witchcraft spells (see pages pages 236-238 for details)
236-238 for details)

Advanced Witch
When the witch reaches this level of power, he or she
is hideous and grotesque in features. They are so powerful
that the witch serves no one, but rather may work with
another Greater sorcerer to achieve some evil. Advanced
witches often keep animals, such as black cats, goats, and
ravens as their familiars.

L.p.: 111
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Memory: 12; Patience: 11
Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
Exceptional Skills: Herbal Science: +12; Poison
Science: +12; Read Runes: +8
Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Combat Bonuses: +2 Dodge; +4 Defend;
+4 Advantage; +4 Attack; +2 Damage
AtR: 3 Spells per Round: 3
Armor: No heavier than heavy robes
DEF: 4 total max
Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage) and long dagger
(2d8 Damage)
Valuables: 74% chance of having 1d8 herbs
Magic Abilities: Advanced witchcraft spells (see
pages 236-238 for details)

Holy Lands 248 The Dark Ages

groups less than 3 and prefer to roam with large groups of
Demi-races are races of beings that are half-man and
more than 100 strong. They attack and kill any animal
half-demon, hence the term ‘demi-race’, which means half-
uncontrollably on site, especially deer, rodents, and
race. Demi-race origins are obscure and uncertain, but
livestock. Sometimes, if many goblins are near a small
legends say that these peoples have walked the earth since
village together, they will attack the livestock mercilessly
before the time of Moses. There are several types of demi-
until either every animal is dead or until the goblins are
races, all of which we discuss further in this section. All
outnumbered. Furthermore, they resort to stealing
are different, but have a couple characteristics in common;
children and causing trouble when a village is too large to
they are relatively dangerous and quite evil compared to the
attack. Typically, they take the infants back to the group
human race. There are some exceptions to this fact,
to share in feasting.
however, as you will see in some demi-race descriptions.
Average Height Factor: 9 (4.5 feet tall)
Demi-races survive and thrive with like beings in
societies both small and large. They are civilized enough to Average Weight Factor: 14 (135 pounds)
populate and cultivate their small villages in a productive
Spoken Language: Faliscan (primary)
manner. They have been known to war with other demi-
races and with humans, but typically, creatures of a demi-
race find comfort in small groups of their own kind. They
often inhabit underground dwellings, forests, caves, and
small, secluded villages, as these places offer some hiding Goblin Societies
from humankind.
Goblin packs have no homes but rather travel in
Mostly evil, members of demi-races tend towards groups of 3 to 100 or more. They roam in large
mischievousness if not unashamed evil, and therefore can encampments outside of villages causing mischief to the
never be trusted fully. However, legends and some nearby residents of all races. They steal children, milk,
confirming villagers have told of some members of the grain, and other food until they need more. Goblins
kinowyn race helping humans in some way. In fact, some delight in creating turmoil to villagers by pouring things
people speak very highly of kinowyn; but for the most part, down chimneys, smashing hen’s eggs, and otherwise
the stories tell of violence and cruelty dealt between terrorizing the residents.
humans and their demonic counter-parts that passes
centuries. When the encampment is threatened, the horde will
fight until they are at a disadvantage, at which time they
immediately retreat and the village never sees them again.
The goblin encampment then typically flees to the hills,
where they begin to inhabit mountains and caves.

Goblins Goblins have a leader, who is usually heavily involved

with the pillaging of livestock and any battles the group
encounters, but when it comes to the mischief, he is not
Goblins, like trolls, are mean, cruel, and aggressive.
present typically.
They are creatures that love to kill and eat humans for fun
and food. An average goblin is typically half as tall as the Average Village Size: 20-120 (2d6 x 10)
average human is and they are fairly weak. Their strength,
however, is in their numbers. Goblins never travel in

Holy Lands 249 The Dark Ages

Goblin Warrior Goblin Mage (lesser sorcerer)
Lesser L.p.: 18
L.p.: 22 Average Attribute Rating: 5
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Memory: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Speed: 7 Average Ability Mark: 10
Average Ability Mark: 10 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Heightened
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Heightened Scent: +5; Read Runes: +3
Scent: +5; Use Metal Armor: +3 Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Weapon Skills: Light Arms Combat Bonuses: +1 Attack; +1 Damage
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +2 Attack; AtR: 1 Spells per Round: 2
+1 Dodge; +1 Defend; +1 Damage Armor: Robes DEF: 4 total max
AtR: 1 Spells per Round: N/A Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
Armor: Any DEF: 11 total max Valuables: 45% chance of having 1d4 gold
Weapons: broadsword or axe (2d10 Damage) Magic Abilities: lesser sorcery spells (pg. 231)
Valuables: 35% chance of having 1d4 gold
Magic Abilities: none Goblin King (advanced rogue)
L.p.: 57 L.p.: 104
Average Attribute Rating: 6 Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Speed: 10 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Strength: 11
Average Ability Mark: 8 Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +9; Heightened Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +12; Heightened
Scent: +8; Use Metal Armor: +5 Scent: +12; Use Metal Armor: +8
Weapon Skills: Light Arms, Light Missiles Weapon Skills: Light Arms, Heavy Arms
Combat Bonuses: +5 Advantage; +7 Attack; Combat Bonuses: +9 Advantage; +10 Attack;
+4 Dodge; +3 Defend; +3 Damage +7 Dodge; +6 Defend; +6 Damage
AtR: 3 Spells per Round: N/A AtR: 4 Spells per Round: N/A
Armor: Any DEF: 12 total max Armor: Any DEF: 15 total max
Weapons: broadsword or axe (2d10 Damage), Weapons: broadsword or axe (2d10 Damage),
and/or short bow (3d6 Damage) great sword or bardiche (2d12 Damage)
Valuables: 67% chance of having 1d4 gold Valuables: 75% chance of having 3d6 gold
Magic Abilities: none Magic Abilities: none

Holy Lands 250 The Dark Ages

Kinowyn Societies
Kinowyn Kinowyn live in the thick of forests and can have
homes set up in trees or nestled within rocky or extremely
A kinowyn, like the legendary wood elf, is a forest
dense, brush. They build their forest homes miles from
creature that closely resembles a shorter human, except
any roads or trails and they design them in a way that
dynamically handsome and well formed. Though they are a
makes them easily concealable. The face of a kinowyn
half-demon race, kinowyn are the most refined of all the
home is usually a cloth of an earth-tone color covered in
demi-races; they are the most apt to get along with
camouflaging leaves and held up by supporting branches,
humankind. Nevertheless, because of kinowyns’ beauty
which the kinowyn resident can easily disassemble in case
and their demonic origin, sophisticated humans hate them
of intruders. There is usually very little to a kinowyn
with a jealous passion. Humans liken kinowyn to the
home, as kinowyn tend to wander the forest or spend their
depiction of Satan, who is extremely handsome. Besides
time in the trees, even in the rain. For this reason,
that, kinowyn are not trustworthy. Often, they betray
kinowyn villagers can disassemble and conceal an entire
humans’ trust as fast as they have earned it, even if it costs
kinowyn forest village in seconds, making it virtually
the human’s life. Stories tell of kinowyn betraying even
undetectable to human passers-by.
their friendship with children.
Kinowyn like to hunt, tend to their village, tell
Due to their height, people have mistaken kinowyn
stories, practice magic, and practice their archery and
for boys and girls in their early teens. The main physical
Combat skills. Of these, they are most skilled with the
differences between a kinowyn and a human are that
longbow, in which elder kinowyn males teach the younger
kinowyn have pointed ears and are very beautiful.
males how to shoot at a very young age. Following close
People have seen kinowyns in cities walking about behind that is there desire to use magic. Legends say that
with their hoods covering their ears. Some men have fallen the kinowyn are magical creatures by nature, and this
in love with the lady kinowyn to the point where the man contributes to their increased skill with “the arts”.
would die for them, which is unfortunately what always Nonetheless, the greatest joy of the kinowyn civilization is
happens. The love-struck victim winds up dead in the their full-moon festivities, which they have been observed
forest trying to win her love or simply trying to glimpse dancing, drinking, and making music into the early hours
their fair lady kinowyn. of the morning.
Average Height Factor: 10 (5 feet tall) Each kinowyn village has elder leaders who are their
king and queen. Much like humans, kinowyn pass their
Average Weight Factor: 14 (140 pounds)
royal birthright on to their heirs within their family.
Spoken Language: Illyrian (primary) and Gothic
Average Village Size: 20-120 (2d6 x 10)

Holy Lands 251 The Dark Ages

Kinowyn Warrior Kinowyn Mage

Lesser Lesser
L.p.: 30 L.p.: 21
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Intellect: 7 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Intellect: 7
Average Ability Mark: 10 Average Ability Mark: 10
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8; Hide: 8 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8; Hide: 8
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Heightened Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Heightened
Sight: +5; Profile Area: +3; Creep: +3 Sight: +5; Read Runes: +3
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Longbows Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Combat Bonuses: +2 Advantage; +1 Attack; Combat Bonuses: +1 Attack; +1 Damage
+1 Dodge; +1 Defend; +1 Damage AtR: 1 Spells per Round: 2
AtR: 2 Spells per Round: N/A Armor: Robes DEF: 4 total max
Armor: leather DEF: 9 total max Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
Weapons: archer’s sword (2d10 Damage) or Valuables: 45% chance of having 1d4 gold
longbow (3d8 Damage) and 3d6 arrows Magic Abilities: lesser sorcery spells (pg. 231)
Valuables: 35% chance of having 1d4 gold
Magic Abilities: none Greater
L.p.: 52
Greater Average Attribute Rating: 7
L.p.: 72 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 10; Intellect: 11
Average Attribute Rating: 6 Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Intellect: 10 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Hide: 4
Average Ability Mark: 8 Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +9; Heightened
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Hide: 4 Sight: +8; Read Runes: +6
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +9; Heightened Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Sight: +8; Profile Area: +7; Creep: +5 Combat Bonuses: +3 Advantage; +1 Attack;
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Longbows +2 Dodge; +1 Defend; +1 Damage
Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +4 Attack; AtR: 2 Spells per Round: 3
+5 Dodge; +3 Defend; +3 Damage Armor: Robes DEF: 4 total max
AtR: 3 Spells per Round: N/A Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
Armor: leather DEF: 9 total max Valuables: 83% chance of having 1d6 gold
Weapons: archer’s sword (2d10 Damage) or Magic Abilities: greater sorcery spells (pg. 231)
longbow (3d8 Damage) and 3d6 arrows
Valuables: 67% chance of having 1d6 gold
Magic Abilities: none Kinowyn King (advanced rogue)

Advanced L.p.: 125

L.p.: 120 Average Attribute Rating: 8
Average Attribute Rating: 7 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Intellect: 11
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Intellect: 11 Average Ability Mark: 6
Average Ability Mark: 6 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2; Hide: 2
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2; Hide: 2 Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +12; Heightened
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +12; Heightened Sight: +12; Profile Area: +10; Creep: +10
Sight: +12; Profile Area: +8; Creep: +8 Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Light Missiles; Paired
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Light Missiles; Paired Weapons; Kick Attack; Shield Play
Weapons; Kick Attack Combat Bonuses: +10 Advantage; +8 Attack;
Combat Bonuses: +10 Advantage; +7 Attack; +9 Dodge; +8 Defend; +7 Damage
+9 Dodge; +6 Defend; +6 Damage AtR: 4 Spells per Round: 1
AtR: 4 Spells per Round: 1 Armor: any DEF: 11 total max
Armor: leather DEF: 9 total max Weapons: 2 broadswords (2d10 Damage) and
Weapons: 2 archer’s swords (2d10 Damage) and longbow (3d8 Damage) and 48 arrows
longbow (3d8 Damage) and 3d6 arrows Valuables: 95% chance of having 2d8 gold
Valuables: 67% chance of having 1d6 gold Magic Abilities: lesser sorcery spells (pg. 231)
Magic Abilities: lesser sorcery spells (pg. 231)

Holy Lands 252 The Dark Ages

Skith Skith Societies
The skith are very intelligent, very cunning reptilian Skith live along waterways and coastlines. They are
humanoids. They are the same average size of humans but very partial to water and are avid swimmers. Frequently,
appear to be upright-walking lizards. Skith have long tails the skith give birth to their 2d4 offspring underwater. In
that are up to 5 feet long, which they use to lash their addition, though it is not necessary, skith young can spend
nearby victims. The skiths’ tail causes 2d8 Damage with their first several months underwater. Obviously, skith
normal Attacks (considered a Kick Attack). Note: where enjoy spending their leisure hours swimming and sleeping.
the descriptions of skith say that they have more than 1
AtR, one of those AtR is reserved for a tail-lash. In other The majority of a skith “village” live underground in
words, the AtR listed in the description is actually one less damp cave dwellings; however, some skith build their
if the skith does not use his or her tail. quarters above ground in rounded mud-and-leaves houses.
Even in these, skith like to have some of their “house”
Skith are cunning, devious creatures to all except underground. For this reason, skith are also excellent
their own kind. They hate humans with a passion and diggers. They can tunnel up to several miles of their village
despise even the other demi-races. They hate all demons, “roadways” twice as fast as humans could.
devils, animals, and creatures, except they like to eat
animals and creatures. Like goblins, skiths’ primary diet is As stated before, skith hate everyone who is not a
rodents, deer, and livestock, but they also eat fish. Unlike skith. They do not get along with any other race
goblins, they do not prefer human flesh, although they will whatsoever, and will never come to the aid of anyone else.
feed on it if available. They also tend to avoid meaningless combat, especially
when outnumbered, but view any confrontation as a reason
Like the kinowyn demi-race, skith are more reserved, to gather reinforcements. In other words, though a skith
methodical, and civilized among their kind; however, they may flee a fight, he is only running to get more skith to
are given to war much easier than the other demi-races. outnumber the opponent. Skith prefer to use weapons that
The skith are strategic warriors, who could well rival can be thrown, such as spears and javelins, and a few are
humans if they could amass allies. However, the skith’s well-practiced sorcerers.
lifespan is half a human’s, which makes it more difficult to
grow a society.
Average Height Factor: 11 (5.5 feet tall) Average Village Size: 20-80 (2d4 x 10)

Average Weight Factor: 17 (180 pounds)

Spoken Language: Thracian (primary)

Holy Lands 253 The Dark Ages

Skith Warrior Skith Mage

Lesser Lesser
L.p.: 28 L.p.: 20
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Speed: 7 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Intellect: 7
Average Ability Mark: 10 Average Ability Mark: 10
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8; Climb: 8 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8; Climb: 8
Exceptional Skills: Swimming: +5; Scale Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Creep: +5;
Walls: +5; Nightvision: +3; Creep: +3 Read Runes: +3; Scale Walls: +3
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms, Kick Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Attack (tail), Thrown Combat Bonuses: +1 Attack; +1 Damage
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +2 Attack; AtR: 1 Spells per Round: 1
+1 Dodge; +1 Defend; +1 Damage Armor: robes DEF: 4 total max
AtR: 2 Spells per Round: N/A Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
Armor: robes DEF: 4 total max Valuables: 45% chance of having 1d4 gold
Weapons: spear or halberd (2d12 Damage) Magic Abilities: lesser sorcery spells (pg. 231)
Valuables: 35% chance of having 1d4 gold
Magic Abilities: none Greater
L.p.: 51
Greater Average Attribute Rating: 7
L.p.: 67 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 10; Intellect: 11
Average Attribute Rating: 6 Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Speed: 10 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Climb: 4
Average Ability Mark: 8 Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +9; Creep: +8;
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Climb: 4 Read Runes: +6; Scale Walls: +4
Exceptional Skills: Swimming: +9; Scale Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Walls: +8; Nightvision: +7; Creep: +5 Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +2 Attack;
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms, Kick +3 Dodge; +1 Defend; +1 Damage
Attack (tail), Thrown AtR: 2 Spells per Round: 2
Combat Bonuses: +5 Advantage; +7 Attack; Armor: Robes DEF: 4 total max
+4 Dodge; +3 Defend; +3 Damage Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
AtR: 4 Spells per Round: N/A Valuables: 83% chance of having 1d6 gold
Armor: robes DEF: 4 total max Magic Abilities: greater sorcery spells (pg. 231)
Weapons: spear or halberd (2d12 Damage)
Valuables: 67% chance of having 1d6 gold
Magic Abilities: none Skith King (advanced rogue)

Advanced L.p.: 115

L.p.: 112 Average Attribute Rating: 7
Average Attribute Rating: 7 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Climb: 11
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Climb: 11 Average Ability Mark: 6
Average Ability Mark: 6 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2; Climb: 2
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2; Climb: 2 Exceptional Skills: Swimming: +12; Scale
Exceptional Skills: Swimming: +12; Scale Walls: +12; Nightvision: +10; Creep: +10
Walls: +12; Nightvision: +8; Creep: +8 Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms, Kick
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms, Kick Attack (tail), Thrown; Paired Weapons
Attack (tail), Thrown; Paired Weapons Combat Bonuses: +8 Advantage; +10 Attack;
Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +10 Attack; +9 Dodge; +7 Defend; +8 Damage
+9 Dodge; +6 Defend; +6 Damage AtR: 5 Spells per Round: N/A
AtR: 5 Spells per Round: N/A Armor: leather DEF: 9 total max
Armor: robes DEF: 4 total max Weapons: spear or halberd (2d12 Damage) and 2
Weapons: spear or halberd (2d12 Damage) or 2 broadswords (2d10 Damage each)
long daggers (2d8 Damage each) Valuables: 78% chance of having 1d8 gold
Valuables: 78% chance of having 1d8 gold Magic Abilities: none
Magic Abilities: none

Holy Lands 254 The Dark Ages

Troll Societies
Some archeologists believe that trolls are akin to
goblins, being a taller and stronger “version”; however, Trolls by themselves live a somewhat more solitary life
there is no substantial evidence of this fact. Nevertheless, than the other demi-races. Though a strong core group of
most trolls have very similar features to goblins, and they trolls often remains in a village, trolls prefer to live in
tend toward the same governing structure. On the other mountain and forest crevices some distance from the core
hand, trolls, unlike goblins, tend to wander from their of their village. Although it was an extremely rare case,
village to venture out on their own; inhabiting under one troll village was known to have numbered into the
bridges and cave dwellings. Trolls prefer the taste of hundreds.
human flesh with vegetables to any other meat. Trolls usually leave their village when they realize that
Trolls are non-social, lazy, unmotivated, yet they have a responsibility to help the others of the village
somewhat gentle to their own. There is very little do some regular chores. Trolls are very lazy, and prefer a
communication among trolls, even among trolls living life of solitude to a productive life of work and social
together in a village. They just do their work and get interaction. For this reason, troll villages are always very
along. To other races, however, especially humans, trolls small.
are very aggressive and hostile. They are protective of The amazing thing about troll villages, unlike their
themselves to a point they always attack first, even if they nomadic goblin cousins, is that they remain where they
do not feel threatened. Trolls feel that others must serve were established, often for centuries. Though this village
them in slavery or they must serve others in slavery, and may never truly grow due to most trolls leaving “the nest”,
there is no in-between. This is all they have known it will often remain at the original location for generations.
throughout the ages. Therefore, they fight first to protect The only events that typically take a troll village away from
their freedom. its original location is human development and war.
Average Height Factor: 13 (6.5 feet tall)
Average Weight Factor: 20 (250 pounds) Average Village Size: 10-40 (1d4 x 10)
Spoken Language: Thracian (primary)

Holy Lands 255 The Dark Ages

Troll Warrior Troll Mage

Lesser Lesser
L.p.: 28 L.p.: 22
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 7 Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 7
Average Ability Mark: 10 Average Ability Mark: 10
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8; Climb: 8 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8; Climb: 8
Exceptional Skills: Grapple: +5; Scale Walls: +5; Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Creep: +5;
Nightvision: +3; Creep: +3 Read Runes: +3; Scale Walls: +3
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Combat Bonuses: +1 Attack; +1 Damage
+1 Dodge; +1 Defend; +2 Damage AtR: 1 Spells per Round: 1
AtR: 1 Spells per Round: N/A Armor: robes DEF: 4 total max
Armor: any; but typically leather Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
DEF: 11 total max Valuables: 45% chance of having 1d4 gold
Weapons: Great Sword (2d12 Damage) Magic Abilities: lesser sorcery spells (pg. 231)
Valuables: 27% chance of having 1d4 gold
Magic Abilities: none Greater
L.p.: 56
Greater Average Attribute Rating: 7
L.p.: 72 Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11
Average Attribute Rating: 6 Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 10 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Climb: 4
Average Ability Mark: 8 Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +9; Creep: +8;
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Climb: 4 Read Runes: +6; Scale Walls: +4
Exceptional Skills: Grapple: +9; Scale Walls: +8; Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Nightvision: +7; Creep: +5 Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +2 Attack;
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms +3 Dodge; +1 Defend; +1 Damage
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack; AtR: 2 Spells per Round: 2
+3 Dodge; +3 Defend; +7 Damage Armor: Robes DEF: 4 total max
AtR: 3 Spells per Round: N/A Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
Armor: any; but typically leather Valuables: 83% chance of having 1d6 gold
DEF: 13 total max Magic Abilities: greater sorcery spells (pg. 231)
Weapons: Great Sword (2d12 Damage)
Valuables: 55% chance of having 1d6 gold
Magic Abilities: none Troll King (advanced rogue)

Advanced L.p.: 130

L.p.: 122 Average Attribute Rating: 7
Average Attribute Rating: 7 Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11 Average Ability Mark: 6
Average Ability Mark: 6 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2; Climb: 2
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2; Climb: 2 Exceptional Skills: Grapple: +12; Scale
Exceptional Skills: Grapple: +12; Scale Walls: +12; Nightvision: +10; Creep: +10
Walls: +12; Nightvision: +8; Creep: +8 Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms, Kick
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Heavy Arms Attack, Thrown; Hand to Hand
Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack; Combat Bonuses: +8 Advantage; +9 Attack;
+6 Dodge; +6 Defend; +10 Damage +8 Dodge; +7 Defend; +10 Damage
AtR: 5 Spells per Round: N/A AtR: 5 Spells per Round: N/A
Armor: any; but typically chain Armor: any DEF: 15 total max
DEF: 15 total max Weapons: spear or halberd (2d12 Damage) and
Weapons: spear, halberd, or great sword (2d12 great sword (2d12 Damage)
Damage each) Valuables: 78% chance of having 2d8 gold
Valuables: 68% chance of having 1d8 gold
Magic Abilities: none Magic Abilities: none

Holy Lands 256 The Dark Ages

Scholars believe that the wolfyn demi-race descended Wolfyn Societies
from the grimwolves and humans many millennia ago.
Somehow, the grimwolves demonic being penetrated the Most wolfyn always travel in caravans with other
human lineage to form the were-wolf like beast, the wolfyn. wolfyn. Their caravans typically consist of a “train” of
These smart, cunning, and ruthless beasts have made quite wagons carrying female, young, and some warrior wolfyn.
a name for themselves throughout the known world. They The caravan travels often from one major trading city to
are trained in their villages in the art of war and often wage another throughout the vast uncivilized territories.
it against humans. Because of the wolfyn, the uncivilized However, the majority of the male wolfyn set out apart
lands remain uncivilized. Throughout the uncivilized from the caravan in packs to hunt for food.
territories, the wolfyn dominate the market places and most The males are typically excellent hunter-gatherers,
areas. They are who controls trading and commerce due to and they use their skills for trading meat and pelts in the
their intelligence and numbers, not to mention their cities. Wolfyn are excellent at stalking, tracking, and
individual physical strength. trapping their kill. They work very effective alone or in
Because of their wolf-like nature, wolfyn must hunt. large groups. Their deadly team efforts make them a
For this reason, wolfyn make the most deadly assassins in terrible threat to their prey, no matter what or who it might
the entire known world. More so than even human be.
assassins because wolfyn are efficient in packs, where greed Wolfyn tend to live in cooler climates and readily
or distrust tend to overtake grouped human assassins. adapt to the snow. They avoid the hot desert lands, and
Their favorite meal is raw animal flesh, but they may settle gravitate more towards the higher, cooler, mountainous
for human flesh if it is available. regions.

Average Height Factor: 13 (5.5 feet tall) Average Village Size: 30-180 (3d6 x 10)
Average Weight Factor: 20 (150 pounds)
Spoken Language: Phrygian (primary)

Holy Lands 257 The Dark Ages

Wolfyn Warrior (typically an assassin) Wolfyn Mage

Lesser Lesser
L.p.: 25 L.p.: 25
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Intellect: 7; Strength: 7 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Intellect: 7
Average Ability Mark: 10 Average Ability Mark: 10
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8; Climb: 8 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8; Climb: 8
Exceptional Skills: Heightened Sense (all): +5; Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Creep: +5;
Track: +5; Nightvision: +3; Creep: +3 Read Runes: +3; Heightened Senses (all): +3
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Paired Weapons Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Combat Bonuses: +1 Attack; +1 Damage
+1 Dodge; +1 Defend; +2 Damage AtR: 1 Spells per Round: 1
AtR: 2 Spells per Round: N/A Armor: robes DEF: 4 total max
Armor: any; but typically leather Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
DEF: 11 total max Valuables: 45% chance of having 1d4 gold
Weapons: 2 long daggers (2d8 Damage each) Magic Abilities: lesser sorcery spells (pg. 231)
Valuables: 35% chance of having 1d4 gold
Magic Abilities: none Greater
L.p.: 60
Greater Average Attribute Rating: 7
L.p.: 72 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 10; Intellect: 11
Average Attribute Rating: 6 Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Attributes: Intellect: 11; Speed: 10 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Climb: 4
Average Ability Mark: 8 Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +9; Creep: +8;
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Climb: 4 Read Runes: +6; Heightened Senses (all): +4
Exceptional Skills: Heightened Senses (all): +9; Weapon Skills: Light Arms
Track: +8; Nightvision: +7; Creep: +5 Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +2 Attack;
Weapon Skills: all +1 Dodge; +1 Defend; +3 Damage
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack; AtR: 2 Spells per Round: 2
+3 Dodge; +3 Defend; +7 Damage Armor: Robes DEF: 4 total max
AtR: 3 Spells per Round: N/A Weapons: staff (1d10 Damage)
Armor: any; but typically leather Valuables: 83% chance of having 1d6 gold
DEF: 13 total max Magic Abilities: greater sorcery spells (pg. 231)
Weapons: 2 broadswords (2d10 Damage each)
Valuables: 62% chance of having 1d6 gold
Magic Abilities: none Wolfyn King (advanced rogue)

Advanced L.p.: 125

L.p.: 121 Average Attribute Rating: 7
Average Attribute Rating: 7 Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Climb: 11
Exceptional Attributes: Intellect: 12; Climb: 11 Average Ability Mark: 6
Average Ability Mark: 6 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2; Climb: 2
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2; Climb: 2 Exceptional Skills: Heightened Senses (all): +12;
Exceptional Skills: Heightened Senses (all): +12; Track: +12; Nightvision: +10; Creep: +10
Track: +12; Nightvision: +8; Creep: +8 Weapon Skills: all
Weapon Skills: all Combat Bonuses: +8 Advantage; +9 Attack;
Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack; +8 Dodge; +7 Defend; +10 Damage
+6 Dodge; +6 Defend; +10 Damage AtR: 5 Spells per Round: N/A
AtR: 5 Spells per Round: N/A Armor: any DEF: 15 total max
Armor: any; but typically chain Weapons: 2 broadswords (2d10 Damage each)
DEF: 15 total max and 2 long daggers (2d8 Damage each)
Weapons: 2 broadswords (2d10 Damage each) Valuables: 95% chance of having 2d8 gold
and 2 long daggers (2d8 Damage each) Magic Abilities: none
Valuables: 86% chance of having 1d8 gold
Magic Abilities: none

Holy Lands 258 The Dark Ages

Demons and Creatures
Devils and Cults
the right champions for the mission. At a time when most
able warriors were willing to die for the glory of battle, few

There were fallen ones

showed up to compete in the tournament. The stakes were
too high and the glory would be nil.
Three chosen expeditioners won the contest several
on the earth in those weeks before Christmas that year. Charlemagne made sure
to see the party well funded, and they began right away.

days, and also

Over the weeks, the team uncovered caverns throughout
the nearby mountains that seemed to house many evil
creatures. Soon they found a special cave housing many

afterward, when the demons, but this one led to an underground dwelling. This
was no ordinary underground cave dwelling, however. This
cave led to a massive, cavernous underworld that spanned

sons of God came in to miles below and through the earth’s surface. Nevertheless,
this discovery caused a disturbance in the world beneath in
which the strange and dangerous creatures from below were
the daughters of men surfacing more frequently. The time was now for the team
to go- and so they did, two days before Christmas that year.

and they bore children. In the end, the team gave their life to construct the
bestiary. They had uncovered a vast underground world
that later became known as Sotofraas (pronounced soe-toe-
frass), which is translated to mean Shadow Earth. They
-Genesis 6:4 disappeared for years into the Sotofraas and Charlemagne
commissioned party after party to search and rescue them.
There was no luck. Nearly a decade later, a rescue team
Sir Cathorne the Good and his company was again sent and returned without the party; they had
however uncovered the company’s journal. The journal
In the year 788 A.D., strange and dangerous chronicled years of the companies survival, dramatic events,
creatures were beginning to surface to the known world at a and personal struggles. In the end, the original mission
noticeable rate, but a rate still undeserving of King was successful after all, for they had also documented many
Charlemagne turning his attention from the constant species of demons and beasts- including their strengths and
military threats to personally handle the situation. As a weaknesses.
result, Charlemagne called for the assembly of a small
expeditionary team for the sole purpose of creating a
definitive bestiary outlining every known unnatural creature The first journal entry of Sir Cathorne the Good
that haunted the earth. The hope of doing so was that the It be the year of our Lord seven hundred and
world would have a better understanding of what they were eighty-eight. ‘Tis a cold and bitter Winter that I take
up against. my journey thither, for my King and my God.
The team needed to be small, for the primary reason Though I sojourn among my company three; Brother
was to observe and document; the team needed to be Udalric, Sir Mortun, and myself, my heart is alone.
skilled, for the mission was obviously dangerous; and the For tomorrow be the greatest of the year’s feast-
team needed to be willing to die for the cause. days; the day of Yule. More than that, it be the
Charlemagne and his advisors called a tournament to find

Holy Lands 259 The Dark Ages

celebration of the birth of our Lord, to whom we live
and die. Amen.
I travel, then, to death, and know that in the end,
we three shall certainly die within the bowels of the Demons are the embodiment of pure evil. They were
earth, never to be seen by our families again; not our once beautiful angels that served God in heaven. Over the
ages, most of these fallen angels have evolved into
clothes nor remnants of our bodies. Nay, none of it;
grotesque physical beings, although some have kept their
not even a word save, I pray, for the writings of this
handsome exterior. Nevertheless, one thing holds true for
book. Know, then, we sacrifice ourselves for this all real demons: they have lost true corporal integrity. By
bestiary- that our tales may educate Christendom to this, they have only four fingers and toes where whole
the foul creatures spat from the depths of Hell as a beings have five. This irreversible characteristic marks a
plague to our fair lands. With disdain, I write. For be demon as a curse to their fallen ways.
it without them, on the morrow: my beloved wife
A demon’s diet is made up of raw flesh, preferably
would I kiss, with my sons would I dance, and with
human flesh, but they can feed on any kind of meat or
my brethren would I laugh as is befitting the great fungus. They mostly eat rats, insects, mushrooms, mold,
day of joy. Nay, in its wake shall I weep, for though and slugs when they are waiting for their next fleshy meal.
my compatriots and I shall prayerfully partake of the Their true need is fresh, raw blood, which they need daily
Sacraments with our mouths, our hearts be at home to survive. Demons can remain in hiding, feeding off
among those we love. disgusting things, until deprived of fresh blood for too long
This race shall carry long while a race between (maximum 3 days), at which time they savagely and
deprivation and depravity both bid us dead. For it is brutally attack any living being for their own survival.
not foreseen which will kill us first; that which we
hate and long to be without, or the sorrow for that Poison Attack
with which we long to be.
Of my skill am I confident, and know I my A demon’s blood is poisonous (see page 215 for
companions strong and true. Nay, they truly be the details) to any non-demonic being it penetrates, even
creatures. For this reason, obviously this type of poison
finest in their class. Of our talent would it be
does not affect demons. Furthermore, where you see the
difficult to compare, but of the task I fear it
term “plus Poison” in a demon’s Weapon description
impossible; for we have been weighed and means that the Attack causes Damage plus it releases a
measured and found to be without suitable dose of the demon’s blood (4d8+4 Damage) into the
contestation; champions. We three have accepted victim. The victim must take the Damage from the Attack
the commission of our King and decree forthwith and roll to Save versus Poison. If unsuccessful, the victim
that knowledge must be gained if we are to defeat receives half Damage (2d8+2 Damage) from a dose of
that which threatens our very existence of being. demon’s blood as well as the Damage from the Attack.
And so, as I lay in shelter from the falling rain and
listen to the rushing water of one of God’s tranquil
tributaries, our journey begins.
This entry finds its long-windedness empty- as I Undead are demonic beings that were once dead and
had hoped through the blackness of the clouds the have since been magically raised from the grave or cursed to
Sun would shine its face upon us one last time further existence in order to do evil. All undead beings
before we begin our slumber. For before the Sun share some common characteristics, such as their
sensitivity to sunlight and fire. Once they are in true,
will rise again, we must depart into the cavernous
natural sunlight, undead start to lose 1 L.p. per Round
depths here within the falls of the River Ebro.
until they burn up out of existence. Likewise, they have a
Ancient bestiaries declare that the beasts near the painful reaction to all natural and holy fire, which always
surface sleep come morn. We must penetrate as causes Double Damage. For these reasons, undead dwell in
deep as is possible and shall use their haunting damp, dark places, or only scavenge during the darkest
slumber to our advantage. Until the Sun doth rise hours of the night.
again, for which I will not know, I bid farewell.

Holy Lands 260 The Dark Ages

Darkhorse Armor: barding (horse armor) if ridden
DEF: 3 (naturally), 11 total max (if ridden)
Spoken Language: none Weapons: fore legs (2d8 Damage), bite (3d6
Damage plus poison) or rear kick (4d6
Weakness: bodies of water (will not enter/avoids) Damage)
Immunity: immune to normal fire Damage Valuables: none unless ridden
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Poisons
Lesser darkhorse (non-winged)
Typically found alone or in small groups of 1-6 (1d6) Advanced darkhorse
L.p.: 27 Typically found alone or in pairs
Height Factor: 10 (up to 5 feet tall at shoulders) L.p.: 157
Weight Factor: 38 (up to 800 pounds) Height Factor: 12 (up to 6 feet tall at shoulders)
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Weight Factor: 40 (up to 900 pounds)
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 18; Speed: 20 Average Attribute Rating: 7
Average Ability Mark: 10 Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 20; Speed: 22
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 (x3 for flight)
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Heightened Average Ability Mark: 6
Senses (all): +5; Light Sleep: +3 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
Weapon Skills: Kick Attack Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +12; Heightened
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Senses (all): +12; Light Sleep: +8
+4 Damage; +1 Dodge Weapon Skills: Kick Attack
AtR: 2 (with fore legs) or 1 (with rear kick or bite) Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
Armor: barding (horse armor) if ridden +10 Damage; +4 Dodge
DEF: 2 (naturally), 9 total max (with armor) AtR: 3 (with fore legs) or 1 (with rear kick or bite)
Weapons: fore legs (2d8 Damage), bite (3d6 Armor: barding (horse armor) if ridden
Damage) or rear kick (4d6 Damage) DEF: 3 (naturally), 13 total max (with armor)
Valuables: none unless ridden Weapons: fore legs (2d8 Damage), bite (3d6
Magic Abilities: none Damage plus poison) or rear kick (5d6
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Poisons Damage)
Valuables: none unless ridden
Magic Abilities: none
Greater darkhorse Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Poisons
Typically found alone or in groups of 1-4 (1d4)
L.p.: 63
Height Factor: 11 (up to 5.5
feet tall at shoulders)
Weight Factor: 39 (up to
850 pounds)
Average Attribute
Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes:
Strength: 19;
Speed: 20 (x3 for
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities:
Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills:
Nightvision: +9; Heightened Senses
(all): +8; Light Sleep: +5
Weapon Skills: Kick Attack
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+7 Damage; +2 Dodge
AtR: 3 (with fore legs) or 1 (with rear kick or bite)

Holy Lands 261 The Dark Ages

Dragon Walker Valuables: none unless ridden
Magic Abilities: fire breath (5d6+5 Damage;
Spoken Language: none Range 20 ft; Save: Dodge vs. Missiles)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Miracles
Weakness: varies (typically none)
Immunity: resistant to fire (causes ½ Damage)
Advanced dragon walker
Typically found alone; rarely in pairs
Lesser dragon walker L.p.: 158
Height Factor: 12 (up to 6 feet tall at shoulders)
Typically found in groups of 2-8 (2d4) Weight Factor: 40 (up to 900 pounds)
L.p.: 28 Average Attribute Rating: 7
Height Factor: 8 (up to 4 feet tall at shoulders) Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 20; Speed: 22
Weight Factor: 29 (up to 500 pounds) Average Ability Mark: 6
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 15; Speed: 15 Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +12; Heightened
Average Ability Mark: 10 Senses (all): +12; Light Sleep: +8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite or tail lash);
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Heightened Missiles (breath weapon)
Senses (all): +5; Light Sleep: +3 Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite or tail lash); +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
Missiles (breath weapon) AtR: 2 (with bite) or 1 (tail lash)
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Armor: never unless ridden
+1 Dodge; +3 Damage DEF: 8 (naturally tough skin)
AtR: 1 (with tail-lash or bite) Weapons: bite, tail lash (5d6 Damage), or magic
Armor: never unless ridden Valuables: none unless ridden
DEF: 4 (naturally tough skin) Magic Abilities: fire breath (6d6+6 Damage;
Weapons: bite (3d6 Damage), tail lash (4d6 Range 30 ft; Save: Dodge vs. Missiles)
Damage), or magic Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Miracles
Valuables: none unless ridden
Magic Abilities: fire breath (3d6+3 Damage;
Range 15 ft; Save: Dodge vs. Missiles)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Miracles

Greater dragon walker

Typically found alone or in groups of 1-4 (1d4)
L.p.: 74
Height Factor: 10 (up to 5 feet tall at
Weight Factor: 35 (up to 700 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 18; Speed: 20
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +9;
Heightened Senses (all): +8; Light
Sleep: +5
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite or tail
lash); Missiles (breath weapon)
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+3 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 2 (with bite) or 1 (tail lash)
Armor: never unless ridden
DEF: 6 (naturally tough skin)
Weapons: bite, tail lash (4d6 Damage), or magic

Holy Lands 262 The Dark Ages

Gargoyles Advanced gargoyle
Spoken Language: all ancient languages Typically found alone or in pairs
Weakness: varies (typically none) L.p.: 160
Height Factor: 16 (up to 8 feet tall)
Immunity: immune to fire (causes no Damage) Weight Factor: 24 (up to 350 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11; Speed: 10
Lesser gargoyle (x5 for flight)
Average Ability Mark: 6
Typically found in groups of 2-7 (1d6+1) Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
L.p.: 30 Exceptional Skills: Heights: +12;
Height Factor: 11 (up to 5.5 feet tall) Nightvision: +12; Heightened Scent and
Weight Factor: 16 (up to 180 pounds) Sight: +9
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Weapon Skills: All
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 7; Speed: 7 (x3 Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
for flight) +6 Defend; +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
Average Ability Mark: 10 AtR: 4 (with claws or weapon) or 1 (with bite)
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 Armor: never DEF: 4 (naturally)
Exceptional Skills: Heights: +5; Nightvision: +5; Weapons: claws/fist (3d6 Damage), bite (3d8
Heightened Scent and Sight: +3 Damage) or weapon (typically heavy arms)
Weapon Skills: All except W.S. Paired Weapons Valuables: Typically 1d4g and 2d8s
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Magic Abilities: Lesser sorcery spells
+1 Defend; +1 Dodge; +2 Damage Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Holy Items
AtR: 2 (with claws or weapon) or 1 (with bite)
Armor: never DEF: 2 (naturally)
Weapons: claws, fist, or bite (3d6 Damage) or
weapon (typically heavy arms)
Valuables: Typically 1d4g or 2d8s
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Holy Items

Greater gargoyle
Typically found in groups of 1-4 (1d4)
L.p.: 72
Height Factor: 13 (up to 6.5 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 20 (up to 250 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11; Speed: 10
(x4 for flight)
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Heights: +9; Nightvision: +8;
Heightened Scent and Sight: +6
Weapon Skills: All
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+3 Defend; +3 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 3 (with claws or weapon) or 1 (with bite)
Armor: never DEF: 3 (naturally)
Weapons: claws/fist (3d6 Damage), bite (3d8
Damage) or weapon (typically heavy arms)
Valuables: Typically 1d4g and 2d8s
Magic Abilities: Lesser sorcery spells
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Holy Items

Holy Lands 263 The Dark Ages

Ghouls (undead) Advanced ghoul
Spoken Language: varies; native prior to death Typically found alone or in pairs
Weakness: sunlight and fire (see pg. 260 for details) L.p.: 145 (see Immunity)
Height Factor: 16 (up to 8 feet tall)
Immunity: non-holy weapons cause half Damage Weight Factor: 24 (up to 350 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11; Speed: 10
Lesser ghoul Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
Typically found in groups of 2-9 (1d8+1) Exceptional Skills: Heights: +12;
L.p.: 21 (see Immunity above) Nightvision: +12; Heightened Scent and
Height Factor: 10 (up to 5 feet tall) Sight: +9
Weight Factor: 16 (up to 180 pounds) Weapon Skills: All
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Endurance: 7 +6 Defend; +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
Average Ability Mark: 10 AtR: 4 (with claws or weapon) or 1 (with bite)
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 Armor: never
Exceptional Skills: Creep: +5; Nightvision: +5; DEF: 2 (naturally)
Heightened Scent, Hearing, and Sight: +3 Weapons: claws/fist (3d6 Damage plus Poison),
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand, Light arms bite (3d8 Damage plus Poison) or weapon
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Valuables: Typically 1d4g
+1 Defend; +2 Dodge; +1 Damage Magic Abilities: Lesser sorcery spells
AtR: 2 (with claws or weapon) or 1 (with bite) Saving Throw Bonuses: +5 versus Holy Items
Armor: ragged clothing (+1 DEF)
DEF: 2 (naturally), 3 with clothing
Weapons: claws or bite (2d8 Damage plus Poison),
or weapon (typically light arms)
Valuables: Typically 1d4g or 2d8s
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Miracles

Greater ghoul
Typically found in groups of 2-7 (1d6+1)
L.p.: 70 (see Immunity above)
Height Factor: 13 (up to 6.5 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 20 (up to 250 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11; Speed: 10
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Heights: +9; Nightvision: +8;
Heightened Scent and Sight: +6
Weapon Skills: All
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+3 Defend; +3 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 3 (with claws or weapon) or 1 (with bite)
Armor: never
DEF: 2 (naturally)
Weapons: claws/fist (2d8 Damage plus Poison),
bite (3d6 Damage plus Poison)
Valuables: Typically 1d4g
Magic Abilities: Lesser sorcery spells
Saving Throw Bonuses: +3 versus Holy Items

Holy Lands 264 The Dark Ages

Gremlins Advanced gremlin
Spoken Language: none Typically found in groups of 2-5 (1d4+1)
Weakness: varies (typically none) L.p.: 98
Height Factor: 8 (up to 4 feet tall)
Immunity: typically none Weight Factor: 8 (up to 50 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Speed: 11
Lesser gremlin Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Jump: 2; Climb: 2; Hide: 3
Typically found in groups of 2-16 (2d8) Exceptional Skills: Bounding: +12; Scale
L.p.: 14 Walls: +12; Nightvision: +8; Creep: +8
Height Factor: 5 (up to 2.5 feet tall) Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand, Light Arms,
Weight Factor: 3 (up to 13 pounds) Thrown
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +6 Attack;
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Speed: 7 +6 Defend; +10 Dodge; +9 Damage
Average Ability Mark: 10 AtR: 4 (with claws) or 1 (with bite)
Exceptional Abilities: Jump: 8; Hide: 8 Armor: never
Exceptional Skills: Bounding: +5; Scale DEF: 3 (naturally)
Walls: +5; Nightvision: +3; Creep: +3 Weapons: claws (3d6 Damage) and bite (3d8
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand Damage)
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Valuables: typically none
+1 Defend; +2 Dodge; +1 Damage Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
AtR: 2 (with claws) or 1 (with bite) Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Poisons
Armor: never
DEF: 2 (naturally)
Weapons: claws (2d6 Damage) and bite (2d8
Valuables: typically none
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Poisons

Greater gremlin
Typically found in groups of 3-9 (2d4+1)
L.p.: 45
Height Factor: 6 (up to 3 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 4 (up to 19 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Speed: 10
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Jump: 4; Climb: 4; Hide: 5
Exceptional Skills: Bounding: +8; Scale
Walls: +9; Nightvision: +5; Creep: +7
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand, Thrown
Combat Bonuses: +3 Advantage; +4 Attack;
+3 Defend; +7 Dodge; +5 Damage
AtR: 3 (with claws) or 1 (with bite)
Armor: never
DEF: 3 (naturally)
Weapons: claws (2d8 Damage) and bite (3d6
Valuables: typically none
Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Poisons

Holy Lands 265 The Dark Ages

Grimwolves Advanced grimwolf
Spoken Language: none Typically found in packs with other grimwolves
Weakness: mild fear of fire and hates sunlight L.p.: 155
Height Factor: 7 (up to 3.5 feet tall at shoulders)
Immunity: immune to poisons (causes no Damage) Weight Factor: 20 (up to 250 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 14; Speed: 20
Lesser grimwolf Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
Typically found in packs of 3-9 (2d4+1) Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +12; Heightened
L.p.: 25 Senses (all): +12; Creep: +8
Height Factor: 6 (up to 3 feet tall at shoulders) Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite or claws)
Weight Factor: 18 (up to 200 pounds) Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
Average Attribute Rating: 5 +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 10; Speed: 15 AtR: 1 (with bite) or 2 (claws)
Average Ability Mark: 10 Armor: never
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 DEF: 5 (naturally thick fur)
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Heightened Weapons: bite (4d6 Damage plus poison), claws
Senses (all): +5; Creep: +3 (3d6 Damage), or magic
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite or claws) Valuables: none
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Magic Abilities: poison breath (5d6+5 Damage at
+1 Dodge; +3 Damage 1 point of Damage per Round; Range: 6 ft; Save
AtR: 1 (with claws or bite) vs. Magic Fumes)
Armor: never Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Holy Items
DEF: 3 (naturally thick fur)
Weapons: Claws or bite (3d6 Damage)
Valuables: typically none
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Holy Items

Greater grimwolf
Typically found in packs of 2-8 (2d4)
L.p.: 67
Height Factor: 6 (up to 3 feet tall at shoulders)
Weight Factor: 18 (up to 200 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Speed: 18
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +9; Heightened
Senses (all): +8; Creep: +5
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite or claws)
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+3 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 1 (with bite) or 2 (with claws)
Armor: never
DEF: 4 (naturally thick fur)
Weapons: bite (3d6 Damage plus poison), claws
(2d10 Damage), or magic
Valuables: none
Magic Abilities: poison breath (5d6+5 Damage at
1 point of Damage per Round; Range: 6 ft; Save
vs. Magic Fumes)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Holy Items

Holy Lands 266 The Dark Ages

Imps Advanced imp
Spoken Language: ancient languages Typically found in groups of 2-5 (1d4+1)
Weakness: varies (typically none) L.p.: 144
Height Factor: 12 (up to 6 feet tall)
Immunity: typically none Weight Factor: 14 (up to 135 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Speed: 11
Lesser imp Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Jump: 2; Climb: 2; Hide: 3
Typically found in groups of 2-16 (2d8) Exceptional Skills: Track: +12; Creep: +8; Scale
L.p.: 19 Walls: +12; Nightvision: +8; Shadow: +7
Height Factor: 8 (up to 4 feet tall) Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand, Light Arms,
Weight Factor: 10 (up to 75 pounds) Thrown
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +6 Attack;
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Speed: 7 +6 Defend; +10 Dodge; +9 Damage
Average Ability Mark: 10 AtR: 4 (with claws) or 1 (with bite)
Exceptional Abilities: Jump: 8; Hide: 8 Armor: never
Exceptional Skills: Track: +5; Scale Walls: +5; DEF: 3 (naturally)
Nightvision: +3; Creep: +3; Shadow: +3 Weapons: claws (3d6 Damage), bite (3d8
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand; Light Arms Damage), or with light weapon
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Valuables: typically none
+1 Defend; +2 Dodge; +1 Damage Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
AtR: 2 (with claws/weapon) or 1 (with bite) Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Poisons
Armor: never
DEF: 2 (naturally)
Weapons: claws (2d6 Damage), bite (2d8
Damage), or with light weapon
Valuables: typically none
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Poisons

Greater imp
Typically found in groups of 3-9 (2d4+1)
L.p.: 55
Height Factor: 10 (5 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 12 (up to 100 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Speed: 10
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Jump: 4; Climb: 4; Hide: 5
Exceptional Skills: Track: +8; Scale Walls: +9;
Nightvision: +5; Creep: +7; Shadow: +5
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand; Light Arms
Combat Bonuses: +3 Advantage; +4 Attack;
+3 Defend; +7 Dodge; +5 Damage
AtR: 3 (with claws/weapon) or 1 (with bite)
Armor: never
DEF: 3 (naturally)
Weapons: claws (2d8 Damage), bite (3d6
Damage), or with light weapon
Valuables: typically none
Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Poisons

Holy Lands 267 The Dark Ages

Manticores Advanced manticore
Spoken Language: none Typically found in packs with other manticore
Weakness: varies (typically none) L.p.: 155
Height Factor: 7 (up to 3.5 feet tall at shoulders)
Immunity: immune to poisons (causes no Damage) Weight Factor: 20 (up to 250 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 14; Speed: 20
Lesser manticore Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
Typically found in groups of 2-5 (1d4+1) Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +12; Heightened
L.p.: 28 Senses (all): +12; Creep: +8
Height Factor: 5 (up to 2.5 feet tall at shoulders) Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite, tail, or claws)
Weight Factor: 18 (up to 200 pounds) Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
Average Attribute Rating: 5 +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 10; Speed: 15 AtR: 1 (with bite or tail) or 3 (claws)
Average Ability Mark: 10 Armor: never
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 DEF: 5 (naturally thick fur)
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +5; Heightened Weapons: bite (4d6 Damage), claws (2d12
Senses (all): +5; Creep: +3 Damage), or tail (4d6 Damage plus poison)
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite, claws, or tail) Valuables: none
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
+1 Dodge; +3 Damage Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Miracles
AtR: 1 (with claws, tail, or bite)
Armor: never
DEF: 3 (naturally thick fur)
Weapons: Claws or bite (3d6 Damage), or poison
tail (3d6 Damage plus poison)
Valuables: typically none
Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Miracles

Greater manticore
Typically found alone or in groups of 1-4 (1d4)
L.p.: 72
Height Factor: 6 (up to 3 feet tall at shoulders)
Weight Factor: 18 (up to 200 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Speed: 18
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +9; Heightened
Senses (all): +8; Creep: +5
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite, claws, or tail)
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+3 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 1 (with bite or tail) or 2 (with claws)
Armor: never
DEF: 4 (naturally thick fur)
Weapons: bite (3d6 Damage), claws (2d10
Damage) or tail (3d6 Damage plus poison)
Valuables: none
Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Miracles

Holy Lands 268 The Dark Ages

Minotaurs (demon bulls) Advanced minotaur
Spoken Language: all ancient languages Typically found alone or in pairs
Weakness: varies (typically none) L.p.: 160
Height Factor: 16 (up to 8 feet tall)
Immunity: none Weight Factor: 29 (up to 500 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 13
Lesser minotaur Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
Typically found in groups of 2-7 (1d6+1) Exceptional Skills: Tackling: +12;
L.p.: 32 Nightvision: +12; Heightened Scent and
Height Factor: 12 (6 feet tall) Sight: +9; Tackle and Throw: +8
Weight Factor: 20 (up to 250 pounds) Weapon Skills: Heavy Arms; Hand to Hand;
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Shield Play; Light Arms
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 9; Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
Average Ability Mark: 10 +6 Defend; +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 AtR: 4
Exceptional Skills: Tackling: +5; Armor: none DEF: 7 (naturally tough hide)
Nightvision: +5; Heightened Scent and Weapons: medium shield (+4 Defend), bardiche
Sight: +3; Tackle and Throw: +3 (2d12 Damage), or fist (2d10 Damage)
Weapon Skills: Heavy Arms; Hand to Hand Valuables: 85% chance of having 1d8g
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Magic Abilities: none
+1 Defend; +1 Dodge; +2 Damage Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Poison
AtR: 1
Armor: none DEF: 5 (naturally tough hide)
Weapons: great sword or bardiche (2d12
Damage), or fist (2d8 Damage)
Valuables: 33% chance of having 1d6g
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Poison

Greater minotaur
Typically found alone or in groups of 1-4 (1d4)
L.p.: 74
Height Factor: 13 (up to 6.5 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 22 (up to 300 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Tackling: +9; Tackle and
Throw: +6; Nightvision: +8; Heightened Scent
and Sight: +6;
Weapon Skills: Heavy Arms; Hand to Hand;
Shield Play; Light Arms
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+3 Defend; +3 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 3
Armor: none DEF: 6 (naturally tough hide)
Weapons: medium shield (+4 Defend),
bardiche (2d12 Damage), fist (3d6 Damage)
Valuables: 59% chance of having 1d6g
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Poison

Holy Lands 269 The Dark Ages

Ogres Advanced ogre
Spoken Language: all ancient languages Typically found alone or in pairs
Weakness: varies (typically none) L.p.: 164
Height Factor: 16 (up to 8 feet tall)
Immunity: none Weight Factor: 29 (up to 500 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 13
Lesser ogre Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Climb: 2
Typically found in groups of 2-7 (1d6+1) Exceptional Skills: Grapple: +12;
L.p.: 30 Nightvision: +12; Heightened Scent: +9;
Height Factor: 14 (up to 7 feet tall) Grapple and Slam: +8
Weight Factor: 22 (up to 300 pounds) Weapon Skills: Heavy Arms; Hand to Hand;
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Shield Play
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 9; Combat Bonuses: +6 Advantage; +9 Attack;
Average Ability Mark: 10 +7 Defend; +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
Exceptional Abilities: Climb: 8 AtR: 3
Exceptional Skills: Grapple: +5; Nightvision: +5; Armor: typically none, but may wear leather
Heightened Scent: +3; Grapple and Slam: +3 DEF: 4 (naturally) 9 with leather armor)
Weapon Skills: Heavy Arms; Hand to Hand Weapons: medium shield (+4 Defend), spiked war
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; club (2d12 Damage), or fist (2d10 Damage)
+1 Defend; +1 Dodge; +2 Damage Valuables: 85% chance of having 1d6g
AtR: 1 Magic Abilities: none
Armor: typically none, but may wear leather Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Poison
DEF: 2 (naturally), 7 (total max with leather armor)
Weapons: spiked war club (2d12 Damage), or fist
(2d10 Damage)
Valuables: 24% chance of having 1d4g
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Poison

Greater ogre
Typically found alone or in groups of 1-4 (1d4)
L.p.: 74
Height Factor: 15 (up to 7.5 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 24 (up to 350 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Climb: 4
Exceptional Skills: Grapple: +9; Nightvision: +8;
Heightened Scent: +6; Grapple and Slam: +6
Weapon Skills: Heavy Arms; Hand to Hand;
Shield Play
Combat Bonuses: +3 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+4 Defend; +3 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 2
Armor: typically none, but may wear leather
DEF: 3 (naturally), 8 (total max with leather)
Weapons: medium shield (+4 Defend), spiked war
club (2d12 Damage), or fist (2d10 Damage)
Valuables: 59% chance of having 1d4g
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Poison

Holy Lands 270 The Dark Ages

Satyrs Advanced satyr
Spoken Language: Greek Typically found in pairs
Weakness: varies (typically none) L.p.: 157
Height Factor: 12 (up to 6 feet tall)
Immunity: immune to holy items Weight Factor: 18 (up to 200 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12; Balance: 12
Lesser satyr Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Jump: 2; Climb: 2
Typically found in groups of 2-16 (2d8) Exceptional Skills: Use Metal Armor: +12; Play
L.p.: 28 Wind Instrument: +12; Nightvision: +8;
Height Factor: 10 (up to 5 feet tall) Weapon Skills: All
Weight Factor: 14 (up to 140 pounds) Combat Bonuses: +10 Advantage; +7 Attack;
Average Attribute Rating: 5 +9 Defend; +6 Dodge; +7 Damage
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Speed: 7 AtR: 3
Average Ability Mark: 10 Armor: any (typically chain or less)
Exceptional Abilities: Jump: 8; Balance: 8 DEF: 12 total max (typically 10)
Exceptional Skills: Use Metal Armor: +5; Play Weapons: paired swords (2d10 Damage ea.), great
Wind Instrument: +5; Nightvision: +3 sword (2d12 Damage), shield (+4 Defend)
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Shield Play Valuables: 85% chance of having 2d6g
Combat Bonuses: +2 Advantage; +1 Attack; Magic Abilities: Lesser and Greater druidic spells
+1 Defend; +1 Dodge; +1 Damage and See the Invisible (constant)
AtR: 1 Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Poisons
Armor: any (typically leather or less)
DEF: 8 total max
Weapons: broadsword (2d10 Damage) and light
shield (+3 Defend/2d6 Damage)
Valuables: 45% chance of having 1d6g
Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Poisons

Greater satyr
Typically found in groups of 2-8 (2d4)
L.p.: 72
Height Factor: 11 (up to 5.5 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 16 (up to 175 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Balance: 11
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Climb: 4
Exceptional Skills: Use Metal Armor: +8; Play
Wind Instrument: +9; Nightvision: +5
Weapon Skills: Heavy Arms; Shield Play
Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +3 Attack;
+5 Defend; +3 Dodge; +4 Damage
AtR: 1 (with lance) or 2 (with great sword)
Armor: any (typically chain or less)
DEF: 12 total max (typically 8)
Weapons: great sword (2d12 Damage) and
medium shield (+4 Defend)
Valuables: 75% chance of having 1d6g
Magic Abilities: Lesser druidic spells and See the
Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Poisons

Holy Lands 271 The Dark Ages

Shadow Devils Advanced Shadow Devil
Spoken Language: all ancient languages Typically found alone or in pairs
Weakness: varies (typically none) L.p.: 162
Height Factor: 16 (up to 8 feet tall)
Immunity: immune to poisons (causes no Damage) Weight Factor: 24 (up to 350 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11; Speed: 10
Lesser Shadow Devil (x5 for flight)
Average Ability Mark: 6
Typically found in groups of 2-7 (1d6+1) Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
L.p.: 38 Exceptional Skills: Track: +12;
Height Factor: 8 (up to 4 feet tall plus tail) Nightvision: +12; Heightened Scent and
Weight Factor: 13 (up to 120 pounds) Sight: +9
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Weapon Skills: Kick Attack (tail lash)
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Speed: 7 (x3 for Combat Bonuses: +10 Advantage; +9 Attack;
flight) +6 Defend; +6 Dodge; +7 Damage
Average Ability Mark: 10 AtR: 4 (with tail) or 1 (with bite)
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 Armor: never DEF: 4 (naturally)
Exceptional Skills: Track: +5; Nightvision: +5; Weapons: tail (2d10 Damage) or bite (3d8
Heightened Scent and Sight: +3 Damage)
Weapon Skills: Kick Attack (tail lash) Valuables: Typically 1d4g and 2d8s
Combat Bonuses: +2 Advantage; +1 Attack; Magic Abilities: Immobilizing Scream (Range: 50
+1 Defend; +1 Dodge; +1 Damage feet; paralyzes hearer 1 Round; Save vs. Spells)
AtR: 2 (with tail) or 1 (with bite) Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Holy Items
Armor: never DEF: 2 (naturally)
Weapons: tail (2d8 Damage) or bite (3d6 Damage)
Valuables: Typically 1d4g or 2d8s
Magic Abilities: Immobilizing Scream (Range: 30
feet; paralyzes hearer 1 Round; Save vs. Spells)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Holy Items

Greater Shadow Devil

Typically found in groups of 1-4 (1d4)
L.p.: 78
Height Factor: 13 (up to 6.5 feet tall plus tail)
Weight Factor: 16 (up to 175 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Speed: 10 (x4
for flight)
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Track: +9; Nightvision: +8;
Heightened Scent and Sight: +6
Weapon Skills: Kick Attack (tail lash)
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+3 Defend; +3 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 3 (with tail) or 2 (with bite)
Armor: never DEF: 3 (naturally)
Weapons: tail (3d6 Damage), bite (2d10 Damage)
Valuables: Typically 1d4g and 2d8s
Magic Abilities: Immobilizing Scream (Range: 40
feet; paralyzes hearer 1 Round; Save vs. Spells)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Holy Items

Holy Lands 272 The Dark Ages

Skeletons (undead) Advanced skeleton
Spoken Language: none Typically found in pairs (often mounted on darkhorses)
Weakness: varies (typically none) L.p.: 155
Height Factor: 14 (up to 7 feet tall)
Immunity: immune to poisons (causes no Damage) Weight Factor: 12 (up to 100 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 12
Lesser skeleton Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Jump: 2; Climb: 2
Typically found in groups of 2-16 (2d8) Exceptional Skills: Use Metal Armor: +12;
L.p.: 21 Mounted Combat: +12; Nightvision: +8;
Height Factor: 11 (up to 5.5 feet tall) Weapon Skills: All
Weight Factor: 8 (up to 50 pounds) Combat Bonuses: +10 Advantage; +7 Attack;
Average Attribute Rating: 5 +9 Defend; +6 Dodge; +7 Damage
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7 AtR: 3
Average Ability Mark: 10 Armor: heavy (typically metal)
Exceptional Abilities: Jump: 8; Climb: 8 DEF: 15 total max
Exceptional Skills: Use Metal Armor: +5; Scale Weapons: paired swords (2d10 Damage ea.), great
Walls: +5; Nightvision: +3 sword (2d12 Damage), shield (+4 Defend)
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Shield Play Valuables: 85% chance of having 2d6g
Combat Bonuses: +2 Advantage; +1 Attack; Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
+1 Defend; +1 Dodge; +1 Damage Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Holy Items
AtR: 1
Armor: any (typically leather or less)
DEF: 11 total max
Weapons: broadsword (2d10 Damage) and light
shield (+3 Defend/2d6 Damage)
Valuables: 45% chance of having 1d6g
Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Holy Items

Greater skeleton
Typically found in 3’s (often mounted on darkhorses)
L.p.: 57
Height Factor: 12 (up to 6 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 10 (up to 75 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Climb: 4
Exceptional Skills: Use Metal Armor: +8;
Mounted Combat: +9; Nightvision: +5
Weapon Skills: Heavy Arms; Shield Play
Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +3 Attack;
+5 Defend; +3 Dodge; +4 Damage
AtR: 1 (with lance) or 2 (with great sword)
Armor: heavy
DEF: 15 total max (typically 12)
Weapons: tipped battle lance (2d12 Damage) and
great sword (2d12 Damage), medium shield
(+4 Defend)
Valuables: 75% chance of having 1d6g
Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Holy Items

Holy Lands 273 The Dark Ages

Vampire (undead) Advanced vampire
Spoken Language: varies; native prior to death Typically found alone or in pairs
Weakness: combusts in natural sunlight L.p.: 144 (see Immunity)
Height Factor: 16 (up to 8 feet tall)
Immunity: non-holy weapons cause half Damage Weight Factor: 24 (up to 350 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11; Speed: 10
Vampires are blood-sucking demons who feed on the Average Ability Mark: 6
blood of humans and animals. By doing so on a non- Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2; Jump: 2
Christian human being, the victim later (1d4 nights later) Exceptional Skills: Heights: +12;
becomes a vampire (a Christian character simply dies). Nightvision: +12; Heightened Scent: +9;
Vampire does not show a reflection in a mirror, and a Grapple: +8; Bounding: +8
crucifix repels them. Vampires can feed on animals’ blood Weapon Skills: All
for up to 10 days before needing to feed on human blood, Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
at which time they are quite desperate and hostile. A +6 Defend; +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
vampire can shape shift into a bat or black cat at will for AtR: 4 (with claws or weapon) or 2 (with bite)
any duration, but cannot use their Cursed Bite (below) Armor: never (cloth clothing only)
DEF: 4 total max
while in animal form.
Weapons: claws/fist (3d6 Damage), bite (3d8
Damage) or weapon (typically heavy arms)
Cursed Bite Valuables: 85% chance of having 1d8g
Once a vampire bites a victim, he or she must make Magic Abilities: Shape Shift (bat or black cat)
an Endurance Roll or pass out for 2d4 hours. Once the Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Holy Items
victim is unconscious, the vampire removes all or most
of their blood. If the victim does not Save at that time, a
non-Christian NPC gains a Curse, which turns them into
a vampire within 1d4 nights.
Skill Level: Greater
Saving Throw: vs. Curse (no affect if successful)

Greater vampire
Typically found in groups of 1-4 (1d4)
L.p.: 70 (see Immunity above)
Height Factor: 10 (up to 5 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 16 (up to 170 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11; Speed: 10
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Jump: 4
Exceptional Skills: Heights: +9; Nightvision: +8;
Heightened Scent: +6; Grapple: +6;
Bounding; +6
Weapon Skills: All
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +7 Attack;
+3 Defend; +3 Dodge; +5 Damage
AtR: 3 (with claws or weapon) or 1 (with bite)
Armor: never
DEF: 4 total max
Weapons: claws/fist (2d8 Damage), bite (3d6
Damage) or weapon (typically light arms)
Valuables: 62% chance of having 1d6g
Magic Abilities: Shape Shift (bat or black cat)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Holy Items

Holy Lands 274 The Dark Ages

Wraiths (undead) Advanced wraith
Spoken Language: none Typically found alone or in pairs
Weakness: mild fear of fire and hates sunlight L.p.: 154 (see Immunity)
Height Factor: 13 (up to 6.5 feet tall)
Immunity: only fire or holy weapons cause Damage Weight Factor: 18 (up to 200 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Strength: 10
A wraith is an invisible spirit; a magically raised, Average Ability Mark: 6
undead warrior, created to protect a person or dwelling, or Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
hunt something. Due to their physically deadly powers, Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +12; Heightened
there is no lesser wraith. By nature (or super-nature!), a Sight: +9; Use Metal Armor
wraith has the deadly magic Fiendish Spirit, which affects Weapon Skills: All
all living beings within range. For this reason, wraiths Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
dwell in dark and solitary ruins, often dungeons, abandoned +6 Defend; +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
mines, and caves. Witches and sorcerers often conjure AtR: 4 (normally) or 5 (with paired weapons)
wraiths to protect places that store valuable items. Armor: typically heavy
DEF: 15 max total
Weapons: 2 long daggers (2d8 Damage each), or
Fiendish Spirit halberd (2d12 Damage), broadsword (2d10
This spell emits a deadly spiritual pulse from the Damage), medium shield (+4 Defend)
being of a wraith. The pulse ebbs Life points away from Valuables: 76% chance of having 1d8g
all living beings within a certain distance of the wraith at a Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
rate of 1 L.p. per Round. For greater wraiths, the range Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Miracles
is 50 feet in any direction, but for advanced wraiths, the
range is 75 feet in any direction. Only a character with a
Faith and Virtue AR of 8 or higher is immune to the
pulsating attack. Other than that, the character can make
a Saving Throw vs Spells each Round to avoid Damage.
Skill Level: Greater
Saving Throw: N/A

Greater wraith
Typically found alone or in pairs
L.p.: 75 (see Immunity above)
Height Factor: 13 (up to 6.5 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 18 (up to 200 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Strength: 10
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +8; Heightened
Sight: +6; Use Metal Armor: +4
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Paired Weapons;
Heavy Arms; Kick Attack; Shield Play
Combat Bonuses: +3 Advantage; +3 Attack;
+4 Defend; +5 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 3 (with weapon) or 4 (with paired weapons)
Armor: any DEF: 15 total max (typically 12)
Weapons: 2 long daggers (2d8 Damage each), or
halberd (2d12 Damage), broadsword (2d10
Damage), medium shield (+4 Defend)
Valuables: 52% chance of having 1d8g
Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +3 versus Miracles

Holy Lands 275 The Dark Ages

Wyverns Advanced wyvern
Spoken Language: none Typically found alone or in pairs
Weakness: varies (typically none) L.p.: 157
Height Factor: 80 (up to 40 feet head to tail)
Immunity: immune to fire (causes no Damage) Weight Factor: 40 (up to 900 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Speed: 10 (x5
Lesser wyvern for flight); Strength: 15
Average Ability Mark: 6
Typically found in groups of 2-7 (1d6+1) Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
L.p.: 35 Exceptional Skills: Heights: +12;
Height Factor: 40 (up to 20 feet head to tail) Nightvision: +12; Heightened Scent and
Weight Factor: 22 (up to 300 pounds) Sight: +9
Average Attribute Rating: 5 Weapon Skills: same as lesser wyvern
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 7; Speed: 7 (x3 for Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
flight); Strength: 9 +6 Defend; +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
Average Ability Mark: 10 AtR: 4 (with claws) or 2 (with bite or tail)
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8 Armor: never DEF: 8 (naturally)
Exceptional Skills: Heights: +5; Nightvision: +5; Weapons: claws, tail, bite (3d8 Damage) or magic
Heightened Scent and Sight: +3 Valuables: 66% chance of having 1d4g
Weapon Skills: Kick Attack (claws and tail); Hand Magic Abilities: Fire Breath (Range: 60 feet;
to Hand (bite); Missiles (breath weapon) Damage: 6d6+6; Save: Dodge vs. missiles)
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Miracles
+1 Defend; +1 Dodge; +2 Damage
AtR: 2 (with claws) or 1 (with bite or tail)
Armor: never DEF: 4 (naturally)
Weapons: claws, tail, bite (2d8 Damage) or magic
Valuables: 22% chance of having 1d4g
Magic Abilities: Fire Breath (Range: 30 feet;
Damage: 3d6+6; Save: Dodge vs. missiles)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Miracles

Greater wyvern
Typically found in groups of 1-4 (1d4)
L.p.: 78
Height Factor: 60 (up to 30 feet head to tail)
Weight Factor: 32 (up to 600 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Agility: 11; Speed: 10 (x4
for flight); Strength: 13
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
Exceptional Skills: Heights: +9; Nightvision: +8;
Heightened Scent and Sight: +6
Weapon Skills: same as Lesser wyvern
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack;
+3 Defend; +3 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 3 (with claws) or 2 (with bite or tail)
Armor: never DEF: 6 (naturally)
Weapons: claws, tail, bite (3d6 Damage) or magic
Valuables: 45% chance of having 1d4g
Magic Abilities: Fire Breath (Range: 50 feet;
Damage: 5d6+6; Save: Dodge vs. missiles)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Miracles

Holy Lands 276 The Dark Ages

Zombie (undead) Advanced zombie
Spoken Language: varies; native prior to death Typically found in groups of 2-8 (2d4)
Weakness: natural sunlight combusts to flames L.p.: 111 (see Immunity)
Height Factor: 14 (up to 7 feet tall)
Immunity: non-holy weapons cause half Damage Weight Factor: 12 (up to 100 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 12
Lesser zombie Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2; Climb: 2
Typically found in groups of 2-16 (2d8) Exceptional Skills: Scale Walls: +12;
L.p.: 25 (see Immunity) Nightvision: +8;
Height Factor: 11 (up to 5.5 feet tall) Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Hand to Hand
Weight Factor: 8 (up to 50 pounds) Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +7 Attack;
Average Attribute Rating: 5 +9 Defend; +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 7 AtR: 3
Average Ability Mark: 10 Armor: tattered clothing
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 8; Climb: 8 DEF: 8 total max
Exceptional Skills: Scale Walls: +5; Weapons: broadsword (2d10 Damage) or long
Nightvision: +3 dagger (1d8 Damage)
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Hand to Hand Valuables: 85% chance of having 1d4g
Combat Bonuses: +1 Advantage; +1 Attack; Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
+1 Defend; +1 Dodge; +2 Damage Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus Holy Items
AtR: 1
Armor: tattered clothing
DEF: 6 total max
Weapons: broadsword (2d10 Damage) or long
dagger (1d8 Damage)
Valuables: 45% chance of having 1d4g
Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 versus Holy Items

Greater zombie
Typically found in groups of 2-12 (2d6)
L.p.: 55 (see Immunity)
Height Factor: 12 (up to 6 feet tall)
Weight Factor: 10 (up to 75 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 11
Average Ability Mark: 8
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4; Climb: 4
Exceptional Skills: Scale Walls: +9;
Nightvision: +5
Weapon Skills: Light Arms; Hand to Hand
Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +3 Attack;
+5 Defend; +3 Dodge; +7 Damage
AtR: 2
Armor: tattered clothing
DEF: 7 total max
Weapons: broadsword (2d10 Damage) or long
dagger (1d8 Damage)
Valuables: 75% chance of having 1d4g
Magic Abilities: See the Invisible (constant)
Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Holy Items

Holy Lands 277 The Dark Ages

Devils and Cults
Devils, like demons and creatures, come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors; but they all have a few things in
common. First, they are ageless demons who have grown to great strength and power. Second, they are all maliciously and
wickedly evil, bent on killing Christians and destroying the medieval church. Third, their power has earned them a ‘god-like’
status to their following, which is typically made up of the Enemy Classes who do the bidding of their evil master.

Holy Lands 278 The Dark Ages

Devils Cults
Most members of the human race will go their entire Cults are often groups of people who gather to
life without seeing a devil, at least in its physical form. worship a devil. Though cult members are typically evil,
Devils take advantage of their ability to become including assassins, thieves, sorcerers, and witches, some
otherworldly in spiritual presence. By doing so, they are cult members are deceived into believing that the devil they
able to take on a purely spiritual form, which is worship is a righteous god; deceived by the devil himself or
untouchable, unseen, and undetected by human bodies and by the high council of the cult. Most cults teach a hatred
cannot harm or otherwise touch earthly beings. Rarely do for the Christian faith and it’s God, but some feel that
they surface to be seen by humankind, even avoiding their their cultic religion can live harmoniously with Christianity
own high priests. Devils are selfish, wickedly deceitful, and despite their opposing doctrines. Such cults are typically
like their master Satan, they are unable to tell the truth led by deceiving high councils of evil people who do not
about anything. They only speak to their most devoted want to lose members by seeming “hostile” or “intolerant”.
high priests and then only to spread their deceit and On the other hand, some cults are strictly in it to lead
corruption to their followers; ultimately in expectation of people away from the Truth. If done ‘properly’, organizing
spreading it among other people. a cult can be big business; for they require their members
to contribute treasures and riches by any means necessary.
The Devil Template (Advanced evil) Cults are as diverse and prevalent as the cities of the
known world, numbering in the hundreds of ‘gods’. They
For the Rac: The characters should never encounter are in nearly every shire and city to some capacity, from
Satan himself; they should know him by name only. If the small gatherings to prominent religions to dark
characters could see Satan, there is a chance they could underworlds. Typically darker, most cults have their own
destroy him, which would be unbiblical. Therefore, it is distinct combination of colors they use as their ritual garb,
better just to never encounter him. Use the following along with a distinct identifying symbol.
template for all devils the characters do encounter, as all
other devils have similar characteristics. No one knows the total number of members of the
cults, and rarely anyone except the high leaders of the cult
HF: all devils are at least 8 feet tall; average 10 feet ever even sees an actual devil. Furthermore, no one knows
WF: all devils weigh between 300 and 500 pounds the heart of a cult member except God Himself. For these
L.p.: 200 – 500 (1d4+1) x 100 reasons and more, taking up the fight against an evil cult
Attributes: at least two are above 20; all others can be a long and sustained campaign with few fruits of
should be around 15 (except Virtue: -15) notable reward.
Abilities: all are 1
Skills: all devils have all Skills except Miracles (all), The following is a list of common cults found
Empower Crucifix, Craft Holy Item, and others at throughout the known world. For the Rac: roll a d12 for
the Rac’s discretion at around +15 Proficiency. randomness.
They use these Skills as a way to impress and
gain the trust of someone while in human form.
Weapon Skills: all
Combat Bonuses: +10 Advantage; +11 Attack;
Known Cults
+10 Dodge; +10 Defend; +12 Damage
AtR: at least 5; max 7
Devil Country of Origin
Spells per Round: at least 3; max 5
1) Amun Egypt
Armor: devils wear any armor, especially magic
2) Anu Assyria
3) Ashur Assyria
DEF: up to 6 naturally; 20 total max with armor
4) Baal Canaan
Weapons: devils use all weapon types; add an extra
5) Beelzebub Canaan
Damage die due to the increased size (for
6) Dagon Canaan
example, a normal broadsword causes 2d10
7) Hera Greece
Damage, so a devil’s broadsword causes 3d10)
8) Juno Rome
Valuables: devils rarely carry gold and silver
9) Marduk Babylon
pieces, but may have some type of valuables (for
10) Mithra Greece
example, 1d6 gold necklaces worth 2d8g each),
11) Poseidon Greece
or may be guarding a trapped horde of treasure
12) Ra Egypt
Magic Abilities: devils know all spells for all magic
types as well as other spells (at Rac’s discretion)

Holy Lands 279 The Dark Ages

Centaur (Greater creature)
Creatures Typically found alone or in groups of 1-4 (1d4)
L.p.: 74
Though they may strongly resemble a cross between a
Height Factor: 14 (up to 7 feet tall)
demon and an animal, creatures are neither. Unlike
Weight Factor: 39 (up to 850 pounds)
demons and animals, creatures are soulless beasts borne
Average Attribute Rating: 6
from pure magic. They have hide, blood, and other Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 19; Speed: 20
features of an animal, but all were created by magic in Average Ability Mark: 8
ancient times. For this reason, their nature is inherently Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 4
evil; but a strange phenomenon surrounds these creatures Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +9; Heightened
of magic: they seem more opposed to evil than for it. In Senses (all): +8; Track: +7
fact, creatures violently fight against workers of magic and Weapon Skills: All except Hand to Hand
even demons at any chance they get. This is not to say Combat Bonuses: +4 Advantage; +5 Attack;
that they fight for Christianity, because they do not. They +3 Defend; +3 Dodge; +7 Damage
simply carry on for themselves opposing evil. AtR: 3 (with weapon, fist, or fore legs) or 1 (with
rear kick or bite)
Some medieval scholars believe that because creatures
Armor: any arms, head, and chest armor
are purely magic, which is evil, yet they have a will of their DEF: 3 (naturally), 14 total max (with full armor)
own, they rage against anything associated with their Weapons: fore legs and bite (2d8 Damage each),
nature because they know the malignancy of magic. Thus, any weapon, or rear kick (3d6 Damage)
they fight out of a hatred for their nature. Other scholars Valuables: 73% chance of having 2d6g
believe that they fight out of an intrinsic jealousy for Magic Abilities: none
workers of magic in an effort to cease any would-be Saving Throw Bonuses: +4 versus Poisons
attempts to create greater beings than creatures. In other
words, creatures want to be the only pure-magic creatures
that exist. Although most scholars subscribe to the former
school of thought rather than the latter, you may get a very
different story if you were to ask a creature personally about
their hatred of magic or inquiry about their nature…
Sorcerers in ancient times formed creatures out of a
lost kind of magic, similar to the Create Golem spell, which
is a temporary version of the ancient magic. Their purpose
in doing so was to create an army of loyal and powerful
beasts that would crush all who opposed them – allowing
sorcery to dominate the world. After several years of
creature building, their plans were thwarted when the
creatures suddenly turned on their masters and brutally
slaughtered their very creators. It was during the Great
March, when the time came for the creatures to march over
and destroy sorcery’s opposition that they instead marched
over their own masters. This unforeseen event marked a
new age and a new respect for these beasts of magic.
Sorcerers created the creatures to never grow old,
never need sleep, and never need food. Therefore, creatures
only die when slain and cannot reproduce. For this reason,
there are very few creatures known to roam the earth,
because man and demon have hunted the beasts for sport
(creatures taste horrible to all beings). With the exception
of the centaurs, which number about 100, only a handful
(3d8) of the other creatures exists on the earth. They are
as coveted as they are rare, though. Many people worship
these beasts as gods, having only seen them once in a
lifetime. Only characters with the Skill of Creatures and
Beasts can readily identify the traits of creatures.

Holy Lands 280 The Dark Ages

Pegasus/Unicorn (Greater creature)
Always found alone
L.p.: 87
Height Factor: 12 (up to 6 feet tall at shoulders)
Weight Factor: 40 (up to 900 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 7
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 20; Speed: 22
(x3 for flight)
Average Ability Mark: 6
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +12;
Heightened Senses (all): +12; Light
Sleep: +8; Track: +7
Weapon Skills: Kick Attack
Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
+10 Damage
AtR: 3 (with fore legs) or 1 (with rear kick, horn,
or bite)
Armor: barding (horse armor) if ridden
DEF: 3 (naturally), 13 total max (if ridden)
Weapons: fore legs and horn (2d8 Damage), bite
(3d6 Damage plus Poison) or rear kick (5d6
Valuables: none unless ridden
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +6 versus all magic

Gryphon (Advanced creature)

Always found alone
L.p.: 160
Height Factor: 14 (up to 7 feet tall at shoulders)
Weight Factor: 39 (up to 850 pounds)
Average Attribute Rating: 6
Exceptional Attributes: Strength: 19; Speed: 20 (x3
for flight)
Average Ability Mark: 4
Exceptional Abilities: Perception: 2
Exceptional Skills: Nightvision: +12; Heightened
Senses (all): +12; Track: +11
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws and bite)
Combat Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +9 Attack;
+6 Defend; +6 Dodge; +10 Damage
AtR: 3 (with claws) or 1 (with bite)
Armor: none
DEF: 8 (naturally tough hide and fur)
Weapons: fore legs and bite (2d8 Damage each) or
rear kick (3d6 Damage)
Valuables: 73% chance of having 2d6g
Magic Abilities: none
Saving Throw Bonuses: +8 versus all magic

Holy Lands 281 The Dark Ages

Angels are the powerful celestial beings that make up the army loyal to the service of their Master, who is God. Angels
only answer to and obey God and never negotiate in any way with any other beings. If they are sent to do something, they
do so without falter or discussion. Their undying reason for existing is to execute the very command of God in a way that
serves His will. Angels will never turn from their duty upon request from anyone or anything besides God Himself.

Holy Lands 282 The Dark Ages

Angels can be male or female in gender and possess
incredible power and beauty. God uses angels to bring
healing, information, and judgment upon His people,
which angels do at any cost; even to their death. These Angel of Light (Lesser good)
stunning beings can float, fly, disappear, and reappear at Purpose: to bring information or guidance
will. Further, like devils, they can become a spiritual HF: all angels are at least 8 feet tall; average 10 feet
presence untouchable, unseen, and undetected by human WF: angels have no earthly weight except in force
bodies. Although in purely spiritual form, angels cannot L.p.: 30 - 180 (3d6 x 10)
harm or otherwise touch earthly beings. Attributes: at least four are above 15 (including
Virtue); all others should be around 12
For the Rac: Angels should be instrumental in
Abilities: all are 1
delivering holy items, information, or other purposeful
Skills: all angels have all Skills at around +16
elements to the characters at rare points of a campaign. Proficiency. They use these Skills in
They can be an awesome element if you are careful not to accordance with their duty or purpose only
over-play them. When used very sparingly to save a Weapon Skills: all
character at key points, angels bring a tremendous feeling Combat Bonuses: +6 Advantage; +6 Attack;
of God’s mercy and power to the game. Sometimes the +6 Dodge; +6 Defend; +6 Damage
dice play against a character and even against you. Know AtR: 3
that you always have angels “in your back pocket” to play Miracles per Round: 4
when you feel a character deserves something miraculously Armor: angels of light wear robes only
done or undone. If so, make sure that you make it a DEF: 6 naturally
larger-than-life event. Furthermore, it should only happen Weapons: holy staff only; add an extra Damage die
a handful of times in a player’s life (notice not a character’s due to the increased size (holy staff causes 2d10
life). Otherwise, you may be tempted to over-use it, which Damage)
in turn makes the players expect it and cheapens the Valuables: none unless in accordance with purpose
experience when it does happen. Miracle Abilities: angels know all common
Miracles and more (at the Rac’s discretion)

Angel of Death (Advanced good)

Purpose: to bring judgment in the form of death
HF: all angels are at least 8 feet tall; average 10 feet
Angel of Mercy (Greater good)
WF: angels have no earthly weight except in force Purpose: to bring healing and comfort
L.p.: 200 – 800 (2d4 x 100) HF: all angels are at least 8 feet tall; average 10 feet
Attributes: at least four are above 20 (including WF: angels have no earthly weight except in force
Virtue); all others should be around 18 L.p.: 100 - 400 (1d4 x 100)
Abilities: all are 1 Attributes: at least four are above 18 (including
Skills: all angels have all Skills at around +16 Virtue); all others should be around 15
Proficiency. They use these Skills in Abilities: all are 1
accordance with their duty or purpose only Skills: all angels have all Skills at around +16
Weapon Skills: all Proficiency. They use these Skills in
Combat Bonuses: +12 Advantage; +12 Attack; accordance with their duty or purpose only
+12 Dodge; +12 Defend; +12 Damage Weapon Skills: all
AtR: 7 Combat Bonuses: +9 Advantage; +9 Attack;
Miracles per Round: 4 +9 Dodge; +9 Defend; +9 Damage
Armor: angels of death wear robes only AtR: 5
DEF: 12 naturally Miracles per Round: 5
Weapons: angels use all weapon types; add an Armor: angels of mercy wear robes only
extra Damage die due to the increased size (for DEF: 9 naturally
example, a normal broadsword causes 2d10 Weapons: typically none or holy staff only; add an
Damage, so an angel’s broadsword causes extra Damage die due to the increased size (staff
3d10) causes 2d10 Damage)
Valuables: angels of death always carry and use at Valuables: none unless in accordance with purpose
least one holy weapon Miracle Abilities: angels know all common
Miracle Abilities: angels know all common Miracles and more (at the Rac’s discretion)
Miracles and more (at the Rac’s discretion)

Holy Lands 283 The Dark Ages

This section lists the common animals that the
characters will encounter in the forests, mountains, and Bears
even within shires. The characteristics listed under each
animal’s description can vary depending on size. The Rac L.p.: 62
will increase or decrease the stats as needed. AtR: 1
WF: 35
HF: 15 (standing)
DEF: 5 (tough fur)
Damage: 3d6 (paws/bite)
Creating Unnaturally Large Animals Average Attribute: 5
For the Rac: you may want to incorporate an Average Ability: 10
extraordinarily large animal or group of large animals into a Exceptional Characteristics:
campaign. For example, maybe a bear twice the size of a Strength AR: 16; Speed AR: 12;
normal bear has been stealing farm animals from a nearby Perception AM: 6; Climb AM: 7
village, and the village folk have commissioned the characters Skills: HP Hearing, Sight, and Smell: +10; Tackle: +5;
to help rid them of the menace. For this type of animal, Nightvision: +8; Swimming: +5
simply double the stats of a normal animal and let the Combat Bonuses: Attack +2; Defend +1; Damage: +8
characters go at it. Value: 30g for hide; 20g for meat
For smaller animals, you can triple their size and L.p.
while doubling their other stats. For example, if a large bat
inhabits a cave, triple its HF, WF, and L.p., and double its Wild Boars
other stats, like its Combat Bonuses and value.
Make sure you double everything that is reasonable. L.p.: 32
Some things may not be reasonable, including the animal’s AtR: 1
AtR and the Dodge and Defend Bonuses, which, if the animal WF: 10
becomes enormous, may actually decrease. Use your good HF: 5
judgment on these, but certainly double or triple the animal’s DEF: 4
Life points and double the average Attributes, and Damage Damage: 2d8 (tusks or bite)
and Attack Bonuses. Average Attribute: 4
Average Ability: 11
Exceptional Characteristics: Speed
AR: 10; Perception AM: 6; Climb AM: 7
Skills: HP Hearing, Sight, and Smell: +6
Common Animals Combat Bonuses: Advantage: +2; Attack +2;
Dodge +1; Damage: +3
Value: 5g for hide; 7g for meat
L.p.: 12 Falcons/Eagles/Hawks
AtR: 3
L.p.: 16
WF: 2
AtR: 1
HF: 10 (wingspan)
WF: 3
DEF: 1
HF: 8 (wingspan)
Damage: 1d8 (bite)
DEF: 1
Average Attribute: 6
Damage: 1d8 (bite)
Average Ability: N/A
Average Attribute: 6
Exceptional Characteristics: Agility
Average Ability: N/A
AR: 16; Speed AR: 20; Perception AM: 5;
Exceptional Characteristics: Agility AR: 16;
Balance AM: 7
Speed AR: 20; Perception AM: 5; Balance AM: 7
Skills: HP Hearing (sonar): +15
Skills: HP Hearing/Sight: +10; Nightvision: +8
Combat Bonuses: Attack +2; Dodge +5; Damage: +4
Combat Bonuses: Attack +2; Dodge +4; Damage: +5
Value: 5g for magic purposes
Value: 20g

Holy Lands 284 The Dark Ages

L.p.: 30
AtR: 2 (with front legs); 1 (with rear legs)
WF: 20
HF: 7 (up to 3.5 feet at shoulders)
DEF: 1
Damage: 1d6 each (front legs); 2d8 (back kick)
Average Attribute: 6
Average Ability: 10
Exceptional Characteristics: Speed AR: 10;
Perception AM: 6
Skills: HP Hearing, Sight, Touch, and Smell: +6;
Nightvision: +4; Swimming: +1
Combat Bonuses: Damage: +2
Value: 13g

Riding Horses
Miniature Horses (Falabella)
L.p.: 60
AtR: 2 (with front legs); 1 (with rear legs) L.p.: 25
WF: 40 AtR: 2 (with front legs); 1 (with rear legs)
HF: 10 (up to 5 feet at shoulders) WF: 7
DEF: 2 HF: 4 (2 feet at shoulders)
Damage: 1d8 each (front legs); 3d6 (back kick) DEF: 1
Average Attribute: 8 Damage: 1d4 each (front legs); 1d10 (back kick)
Average Ability: 10 Average Attribute: 6
Exceptional Characteristics: Strength AR: 10; Speed Average Ability: 10
AR: 24; Perception AM: 6; Jump: 6 Exceptional Characteristics: Perception AM: 6
Skills: HP Hearing, Sight, Touch, and Smell: +10; Skills: HP Hearing, Sight, Touch, and Smell: +6;
Nightvision: +4; Swimming: +3; Profile Nightvision: +4; Swimming: +1
Character: +3 Combat Bonuses: Dodge +2; Damage +1
Combat Bonuses: Attack +2; Dodge +2; Damage: +4 Value: 20g (rare)
Value: 25g

L.p.: 30
L.p.: 85 AtR: 2 (with front legs); 1 (with rear legs)
AtR: 3 (with front legs); 1 (with rear legs) WF: 30
WF: 70 (2,660 pounds) HF: 8 (up to 4 feet at shoulders)
HF: 12 (up to 6 feet at shoulders) DEF: 1
DEF: 2 Damage: 1d6 each (front legs); 3d8 (back kick)
Damage: 2d6 each (front legs); 3d8 (back kick) Average Attribute: 6
Average Attribute: 8 Average Ability: 10
Average Ability: 10 Exceptional Characteristics: Perception AM: 6
Exceptional Characteristics: Strength AR: 16 (up to Skills: HP Hearing, Sight, Touch, and Smell: +6;
1,500 pounds); Speed AR: 20; Perception AM: 6; Nightvision: +4;
Jump: 6 Combat Bonuses: Damage: +3
Skills: HP Hearing, Sight, Touch, and Smell: +10; Value: 16g
Nightvision: +4; Swimming: +3; Profile
Character: +3
Combat Bonuses: Attack +4; Dodge +1; Damage: +8
Value: 40g

Holy Lands 285 The Dark Ages

Hounds L.p.: 11
AtR: 1 (bite); 2 (claws)
L.p.: 15
WF: 4
AtR: 1
HF: 5 (standing)
WF: 10
DEF: 1
HF: 5
Damage: 1d8 (bite); 1d6 (claws)
DEF: 1
Average Attribute: 7
Damage: 2d6 (bite)
Average Ability: 6
Average Attribute: 7
Exceptional Characteristics:
Average Ability: 6
Agility AR: 10;
Exceptional Characteristics: Agility AR: 10;
Speed AR: 10;
Speed AR: 10; Perception AM: 5
Perception AM: 5
Skills: HP Hearing/Scent: +12; Nightvision: +3
Skills: HP Hearing/Scent: +12; Nightvision: +6;
Combat Bonuses: Attack +2; Dodge +4; Damage: +5
Swimming: +6
Value: 12g for hunting
Combat Bonuses: Attack +2; Dodge +6; Damage: +2
Value: 12g for pelts
L.p.: 14 Deer (medium game)
AtR: 1
L.p.: 25
WF: 8
AtR: 1 (with antlers)
HF: 4
WF: 18
DEF: 1
HF: 8
Damage: 1d10
DEF: 1
Damage: 3d6 (with
2d6 (bite)
Average Attribute: 7
Average Ability: 6
Attribute: 7
Exceptional Characteristics: Agility AR: 12;
Average Ability: 6
Speed AR: 10; Perception AM: 5
Exceptional Characteristics: Agility AR: 12;
Skills: HP Hearing/Scent: +12; Nightvision: +6
Speed AR: 20; Perception AM: 5; Jump AM: 3
Combat Bonuses: Attack +2; Dodge +4; Damage: +5
Skills: HP Hearing/Scent/Sight: +12; Nightvision: +6
Value: 7g for pelts
Combat Bonuses: Attack +2; Dodge +8; Damage: +2
Value: 8g for hide; 3g for antlers; 6g for meat
L.p.: 30 Moose/Elk (large game)
AtR: 1
L.p.: 35
WF: 10
AtR: 1 (with
HF: 5
DEF: 1
WF: 26
Damage: 2d8 (bite)
HF: 4
Average Attribute: 7
DEF: 2
Average Ability: 6
Damage: 3d8 (with
Exceptional Characteristics: Agility AR: 10;
Speed AR: 10; Perception AM: 5
Average Attribute: 7
Skills: HP Hearing/Scent: +12; Nightvision: +8
Average Ability: 6
Combat Bonuses: Attack +4; Dodge +2; Damage: +6
Value: 18g for pelts
Strength AR: 12; Perception AM: 5
Skills: HP Hearing/Scent: +12; Nightvision: +6
Combat Bonuses: Attack +2; Dodge +2; Damage: +8
Value: 12g for hide; 4g for antlers; 7g for meat

Holy Lands 286 The Dark Ages

Farm Animals and Pets Chickens
L.p.: 5
AtR: 1
WF: 1 (up to 4 pounds)
HF: 3 (up to 1.5 feet)
DEF: 1
Damage: 1d6 (peck)
Average Attribute: 5
Average Ability: 10
Skills: none
Combat Bonuses: +3 Dodge
Value: 2g for meat

Cows Small Rodents

L.p.: 30 L.p.: 2
AtR: 1 AtR: 1
WF: 34 (up to 650 pounds) WF: 0 (up to 1 pound)
HF: 10 (up to 5 feet at shoulders) HF: 0 (up to 0.5 inches)
DEF: 1 DEF: 1
Damage: 2d8 (trample) Damage: 1 point (bite)
Average Attribute: 5 Average Attribute: 5
Average Ability: 10 Average Ability: 10
Skills: none Skills: none
Combat Bonuses: none Combat Bonuses: none
Value: 20g for meat, 10g for hide Value: none

Pigs Cats
L.p.: 25 L.p.: 6
AtR: 1 AtR: 1
WF: 22 (up to 300 pounds) WF: 3 (up to 10 pounds)
HF: 6 (up to 3 feet at shoulders) HF: 2 (up to 1 foot at shoulders)
DEF: 1 DEF: 1
Damage: 2d6 (trample) Damage: 1d8 (bite or scratch)
Average Attribute: 5 Average Attribute: 5 (Agility: 12
Average Ability: 10 Average Ability: 10 (Climb: 3)
Skills: none Skills: Scale Walls: +10
Combat Bonuses: none Combat Bonuses: +4 Dodge; +2 Attack
Value: 15g for meat, 5g for hide Value: 4g as pet

Goats/sheep Turkey
L.p.: 20 L.p.: 8
AtR: 1 AtR: 1
WF: 15 (up to 150 pounds) WF: 6 (up to 30 pounds)
HF: 5 (up to 2.5 feet at shoulders) HF: 4 (up to 2 feet at shoulders)
DEF: 1 DEF: 1
Damage: 2d6 (trample) Damage: 1d6 (peck)
Average Attribute: 5 Average Attribute: 5
Average Ability: 10 Average Ability: 10
Skills: none Skills: none
Combat Bonuses: none Combat Bonuses: none
Value: 9g for meat, 3g for hide/wool Value: 6g for meat

Holy Lands 287 The Dark Ages

Chapter 5
The Spirit of Adventure

Historic Notes
For the Rac
A Beginning Adventure

Holy Lands 288 The Dark Ages

Historic Notes
Gold, Salary, and the Economy
Crime and Punishment
Historic Events
Historic People
Historic Places
This section allows you to incorporate the feel of real
history into your adventures. Though the Holy Lands
game system allows you the freedom to utilize history in a 1 gold piece equals 10 silver
way that fits your campaign, you should consider using
some elements of true history.
Work! Work! Work!
The Dark Ages How a character obtains money is left up to the player
and the Rac. Characters can perform acts or concerts
Holy Lands is set in the dark ages, and more using their Skills at faires, they can search for hidden
specifically, medieval Europe. The word ‘medieval’ is Latin treasure in ruins, catacombs, caves, and other places of
and literally means ‘middle ages’: medium (middle) and adventure, or they can just plain work for wages.
aevum (ages). ‘Middle ages’ is a term that describes the Craftspeople, merchants, and those who provide a service
period of time from about 350 AD to around 1450 AD. make a living by either buying and selling goods or
That covers about 1,100 years before the Renaissance providing a special service for hire.
period. Knights, castles, kings, peasants, peddlers, shires,
maidens, grand cathedrals, and fantastic tales of heroes and
folklore all have their place in medieval times and, in turn, The average wage is 2g per
Holy Lands. Use your imagination to see the sights, smell
the smells, and hear the sounds of medieval life as you visit day, or 12g per week
the different people and places.

For the common worker, the average salary is 2g per

day, or about 12g per week. Most workers work for their

Gold, Salary, and the wages 6 days out of the week, often from sunup to
sundown. Christian lands require that their people take

Economy Sunday off from work and spend the day in prayer and
worship in honor of the Sabbath. The following list shows
some commonly needed jobs during worktime:
Gold and silver are the primary resources in which
Apprentice help (blacksmith, butcher, cobbler)
characters can buy and sell goods. The kingdoms mint the
Carpentry (helping repair and build shelter/wagons)
metals into coins that are virtually universal across all the
Cleaning shops (sweeping, mopping, scrubbing)
lands of the known world. In other words, one gold piece
Cleaning sleeping chambers (changing linens, etc.)
from one land will equal one gold piece from another land. Cleaning stables/shoeing horses
One gold piece is equivalent to ten silver pieces. Gathering/preparing food (mushrooms, turnips, etc.)
The cost of an item is designated by a ‘g’ for gold and Gathering lumber/chopping trees
an ‘s’ for silver. An example of an item that costs 7 gold Harvesting crops
pieces and 6 silver pieces would look like this: Making and laying bricks
Sea fishing help (pulling nets and cutting/preparing fish)
Longbow with arrows: 7g, 6s Sewing/washing clothes
Tavern help (serving patrons, cooking, washing dishes)
Tending to livestock (feeding, gathering wool and eggs)

Holy Lands 289 The Dark Ages

Severe crimes, such as murder and arson, are
Crime and Punishment considered to have been committed against the king
himself. Justices do not hear these crimes. Rather they are
Every kingdom in the Christian lands have people carried out at a royal court and heard before a council of
called traveling justices that go from county to county dukes. If found guilty, the punishment is often severe.
hearing cases about everything from petty thefts to land Characters stand waiting for these trials in a royal dungeon
disputes to murder. These justices have the royal authority for up to 2d6 weeks before being heard. People on trial
to judge these cases and enforce punishments. Most often have the right to have a notary (like our modern-day
justices (89%) are fair and honorable in respecting the laws lawyer) stand with them to make sure they receive a fair
in terms of punishment. This is mostly because they travel trial.
with 2d4 knights and 1d4 chancellors of the king who
Crimes that are committed against the church, such
must report all crimes and punishment that the justice has
as heresy and cultic practices, are heard in church courts.
heard. In this regard, knights and chancellors have no
Bishops and abbots, rather than royal advisors judge these.
authority to overturn a justice’s decision once it is made.
Church court trials are heard within 2d6 days and the
The following list shows crimes and their person waiting for the trial waits in a castle dungeon or
punishments. Up to three punishments can apply to a monastery ‘holding room’. A notary is also allowed to
single crime, even if a single person commits multiple represent these cases of church court trials.
crimes. Each crime is heard and punished for separately.

Severe Crimes
Historic Events
Conspiring against royalty/nobility It would be impossible to mention each important
Intentional/unjustified murder event that defines the dark ages. Events like battles,
Punishments (roll percentile for each punishment) kingdom overthrows, church corruption, scholastic
89% chance fined 40-140g; roll (2d6+2 ) x 10g advancements, new inventions, plagues, and geological
75% chance sentenced 2d6-month imprisonment tragedies all had their place in shaping the middle ages as
22% chance sentenced to death by guillotine we know it. In fact, volumes have been written about
single important events alone. We encourage you to look
into some events of medieval history and incorporate them
High Crimes into your games. This subsection describes a couple of
recurring historical events that are ready to go into your
Breach of agreement (such as land or livestock) games right now.
Crimes against the courts
Purchasing or using magic items/sorcery
Murder/cheating in tournaments
Mistreating an animal Faires are gatherings of merchants, patrons, and
Thievery (high value items) entertainers that meet in the streets of cities, towns, and
Punishment (roll percentile dice for each punishment) villages to buy and sell goods and watch performances.
89% chance fined 20-70g; roll (1d6+1) x 10g
Merchants set up tables, booths, wagons, and other
75% chance sentenced 1d6-month imprisonment
transportable shops in town squares, and allow all to come
and participate. People come from all the neighboring
Minor Crimes counties, even from other lands, to partake in a popular
faire. Likewise, travelers are usually pleased when they
Brawling/assault happen onto a shire with a faire of any size.
Lying/breach of agreement
The size of a shire determines the size of the faire. A
Possessing magic items
city can hold a faire as large as 2,000 – 12,000 (2d6 x
Thievery (low value item)
1,000) people, a town or small city faire can hold up to
Punishment (roll percentile for each punishment) 1,000 – 6,000 (1d6 x 1,000) people, and a village faire
89% chance fined 3d6g can bring in up to 100 – 800 (1d8 x 100) people. This
75% chance sentenced 1d4-week imprisonment means big business for the shire and especially the
merchants. Some merchants wander the lands seeking

Holy Lands 290 The Dark Ages

bigger and faires to peddle their goods. A faire can take Archery
place every three months or once or twice a year, depending
on the size and financial need of the shire. Truly large Village tournament: 2d6 NPC’s compete for a 10g
faires take place in cities once a year to celebrate the trophy. Two opponents shoot against each other, 3 shots
harvests or other similar event. each, using their Targeting Skill, at separate targets some
distance away. The highest 3 rolls wins and that player
However, a faire brings in more than just money and advances to the next level to compete against another
good people to buy and sell; it can bring in evil people who player. The distance of the target increases each level.
prey on the crowded masses. Thieves, cutpurses,
pickpockets, and cheating swindlers thrive on the Town tournament: same as the village tournament
unsuspecting patrons of a faire. Generally, the larger the except 3d6 NPC’s compete for 50g.
faire, the more talented the thieves are who attend. City tournament: same as the village tournament
except 4d8 NPC’s compete for 100g and shoot at least 3
at a time.
Like faires, tournaments are a great way for a city of Beast hunting
any size to raise money once or twice a year. By hosting a
Village tournament: 2d6 NPC’s compete for a 25g
tournament, spectators and contestants come in from all
trophy. Quite simply, teams of two or three with one
around to behold the tournament experience. Even small
armed officiator are led to a remote mountainside at sunup.
village events draw people from the neighboring countryside
They have 24 hours to return to the same place. The team
to wager on their favorite champions. Even though most
that has slain the most vicious, single beast (demon,
characters get their start in a small village tournament, the
creature, or animal) wins. They must return with at least
big cities hold the best ones. Big city tournaments pay the
the head of the slain beast.
best prizes, have better events, and certainly have the most
skilled contestants (always Level 10 or higher). Town tournament: same as the village tournament
except 4d6 NPC’s compete for 70g and are allowed 48
The below list shows the entry fee that a character
hours of time.
must pay in order to participate in the tournament’s
events: City tournament: same as the village tournament
except 6d8 NPC’s compete for 150g and are allowed 72
Entry Fees: hours of time.
Village Tournament: 5g
Town Tournament: 20g
City Tournament: 50g Use of any supernatural
powers by a competitor in or
Once the character enters the tournament, he or she
must decide in which events to participate. The following during a tournament is
list shows the different events followed by a more in-depth
description. Characters are not limited in the number of punishable as a high crime
events they can participate; however, some events happen at
the same time as another event. The Rac will decide which
of the following events time permits the character to Jousting
participate: City tournament (only): 4d6 NPC’s compete for a
200g trophy. This event requires the character to have the
Tournament Events: Skill of Mounted Combat, a horse, a shield, and full metal
Archery: low danger armor. Lances are provided if the character does not
Beast hunting: high danger already have them. Lances break over opponents’ armor or
Jousting: moderate danger shield; however, if the Attack Roll is above the DEF,
Knife throwing: low danger Damage is rolled as the two riders pass each other. Use a
Lethal hand-to-hand fighting: high danger normal Heavy Arms Attack Roll adding any Mounted
Non-lethal sword fighting: moderate danger
Combat Bonuses. The highest Attack Roll wins. Use the
best three-out-of-five for the two opponents. The winner
advances to the next opponent. Total Damage of 20 or

Holy Lands 291 The Dark Ages

more unhorses the opponent and, if that character more advanced. They all have an average of +5 to all
ultimately beats the unhorsed opponent, that character related Skills and Combat Skills (3 AtR).
wins the opponent’s horse.
City tournament: same as the town tournament
except 2d8 NPC’s compete for 100g and all have an
Knife throwing average of +8 to all related Skills and Combat Skills
(3 AtR).
Village tournament: same as the archery
tournament except uses knives instead of bows.
Town tournament: same as the archery tournament
except using knives instead of bows.
Historic People
City tournament: same as the archery tournament
except using knives instead of bows. Unlike our modern times, most of the people of the
dark ages were not equal in status and therefore had
drastically different rights. Some of the lower classes were
Lethal hand-to-hand fighting not even considered “people”. On the contrary, those of a
Village tournament: 2d4 NPC’s compete for 20g higher status considered some people more like scum. The
trophy. This kick boxing-style event takes place in taverns following list shows the ranking order of the people of a
often, with or without a tournament present. This event typical kingdom in the middle ages. Anyone under another
uses the standard Combat procedure for the two opponents, person is the subject of the ones listed above him or her.
both of which cannot wear any armor (clothes only) or use See the Kingdom Regions list under the Historic Places
any weapons whatsoever. They can however, utilize their heading for a list and ranking order of lands by their size.
W.S. Hand to Hand, W.S. Kick Attack, Grapple, Tackling,
and any other physical type Skills. The two opponents
pound each other until one of them gives up or dies.
Kingdom Leaders
Opponents have an average of +2 to all Skills and Combat
King/Queen Oversees kingdom
Skills but only 50% have either W.S. Kick Attack or the
Prince/Princess Heir to king/queen
Grapple and Tackle Skills (1 AtR). Pope Oversees kingdom’s religious matters
Town tournament: same as the village tournament Duke/Duchess Oversees duchy of kingdom
except 2d6 NPC’s compete for 60g trophy and the Count/Countess Oversees county of a duchy
opponents are more advanced. They all have W.S. Kick Bishop Oversees large religious regions
Attack and W.S. Hand to Hand, any average of +5 to all Baron/Baroness Governs a city of a county
Skills and Combat Skills (3 AtR). Magistrate Governs a shire or village of a county
Knight Serves king in military campaigns
City tournament: same as the town tournament Abbot Oversees a monastery of a county
except 2d8 NPC’s compete for 100g and all have an Saint Flourishes the church
average of +8 to all Skills and Combat Skills (3 AtR). Priest/Healer Provides shire’s religious services
Militia Soldier Keeps peace within a shire or city
Citizen Most Character Classes
Non-lethal sword fighting Peasant Common farmer/worker
Village tournament: 3d6 NPC’s compete for 20g Slave Very few rights; owns no property
trophy. This event is similar to the lethal hand to hand
event above except both opponents are armed with
tournament-issued broadswords or other light arms and Saracens
tournament-issued medium shield. The opponents must
supply and wear their own full metal armor. Rather than Quite simply, the term Saracen refers to the Muslims
fight until one yields or is dead (which sometimes happens), of the medieval world, but especially to Muslim warriors.
the opponents fight and the judges determine the winner Geographically, Saracens inhabit the Seljuk territories,
after the first opponent deals three Damaging blows. The Arabia, Egypt, and the Muslim caliphates, all of which are
opponent to deal the first three successful blows wins. Muslim dominated (see the map of the known world in this
Opponents have an average of +2 to all related Skills and chapter for the locations of these Saracen territories).
Combat Skills (1 AtR). Typically, characters can identify Saracen warriors by their
turban headwear and their large curved swords known as
Town tournament: same as the village tournament scimitars, which deal 2d10 points of Damage.
except 3d8 NPC’s compete for 70g and the opponents are
Holy Lands 292 The Dark Ages
The Vikings Retired-Adventurer Shopkeeper
In Holy Lands, the Vikings are a group of ruthless L.p.: 51
invaders from the kingdoms of Sweden, Denmark, and Average Attribute Ratings: 7
Norway, all of which were pagan kingdoms Average Ability Marks: 6
Skills: Grapple: +3; Persuasion: +3; Negotiation: +5;
during the middle ages. The
Evade and Disarm: +5
Vikings are all male warriors that
Weapon Skills: All (typically Heavy Arms)
load onto their longboats, about
AtR: 3
40 strong, and sail to various, Combat Skills Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +5 Attack;
rich Christian towns to pillage +4 Damage; +3 Dodge and Defend
churches and monasteries, loot Weapons and Armor: heavy arms and armor
cathedrals and homes, and DEF: 15 total max (11 typically)
destroy everything in their wake.
They thrive and survive on
drunkenness and robbery. Average Tavern Drunk
Throughout the middle ages, the L.p.: 28
Vikings were one of the most- Average Attribute Ratings: 5
dreaded forces due to their sheer numbers and ruthless Average Ability Marks: 11
brutality. Characters can identify Viking warriors by their Skills: Acting: +2; Public Speaking: +2;
horned helmets and wide-bladed swords. Persuasion: +1; Comedy: -3; all physical Skills: -3
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand; Kick Attack; Light Arms
The Viking longboats are quite a feat of medieval
AtR: 1
engineering; an engineering marvel in many historians’
Combat Skills Bonuses: +2 Advantage; -1 Attack;
eyes. They are large enough to hold more than 40 +1 Damage; -1 Dodge and Defend
oarsmen and their supplies, yet long, narrow, and shallow Weapons and Armor: light arms and armor
enough to navigate DEF: 10 total max (6 typically)
the rivers of
western Europe.
This gave them the Adventuring Tavern Drunk
element of surprise L.p.: 52
when penetrating Average Attribute Ratings: 5
the unsuspecting Average Ability Marks: 11
civilizations. Skills: Acting: +5; Public Speaking: +5;
Persuasion: +3; Comedy: -3; all physical Skills: -1
Weapon Skills: all
Key NPC’s AtR: 2
Combat Skills Bonuses: +5 Advantage; +4 Attack;
This subsection will give you some detailed +3 Damage; +2 Dodge and Defend
information regarding some of the key Narrated Weapons and Armor: heavy arms and armor
Personality Characters (NPC’s) that the characters will DEF: 15 total max (12 typically)
encounter during adventures. Your character may come
across some or all of these historic figures, from the
Emperor Charlemagne to the tavern drunk and anyone in Town Militia/City Military Official
between. After all, what would medieval adventure be L.p.: 60
without all the “other” historic notables? Average Attribute Ratings: 8
Average Ability Marks: 4
Skills: Grapple: +5; Grapple Escape: +3;
Average Shopkeeper/Citizen Negotiation: +5; Evade and Disarm: +5
L.p.: 19 Weapon Skills: All (typically Heavy Arms)
Average Attribute Ratings: 6 AtR: 3
Average Ability Marks: 10 Combat Skills Bonuses: +7 Advantage; +5 Attack;
Skills: Negotiation: +3 +4 Damage; +3 Dodge and Defend
Weapon Skills: none Weapons and Armor: heavy arms and armor
AtR: 1 DEF: 15 total max (12 typically)
Combat Skills Bonuses: none

Holy Lands 293 The Dark Ages

High City Military Official Example Kingdom
L.p.: 87 The following diagram shows an example kingdom
Average Attribute Ratings: 9 broken down into its hierarchal regions. The largest region
Average Ability Marks: 3 is the kingdom itself. Within the kingdom is four duchies,
Skills: Grapple: +8; Political Science: +6; which each have three counties. Historically, geographical
Negotiation: +7; Evade and Disarm: +5; Weapons features, such as mountains, bodies of water, and canyons,
Evasion: +7; Stunning Strike: +6 identified many of the boundaries that separated different
Weapon Skills: All (typically Heavy Arms) regions.
AtR: 3
Combat Skills Bonuses: +6 Advantage; +8 Attack;
+5 Damage; +4 Dodge and Defend
Weapons and Armor: heavy arms and armor
DEF: 15 total max (12 typically)

High King/Emperor
L.p.: 100
Average Attribute Ratings: 10
Average Ability Marks: 2
Skills: Grapple: +10; Political Science: +8;
Negotiation: +9; Evade and Disarm: +8; Weapons
Evasion: +9; Stunning Strike: +8
Weapon Skills: All (typically Heavy Arms)
AtR: 4
Combat Skills Bonuses: +9 Advantage; +10 Attack;
+7 Damage; +6 Dodge and Defend
Weapons and Armor: heavy arms and armor
DEF: 15 total max (13 typically)

Historic Places
Like our modern society, most of the lands of the
dark ages were ruled hierarchally; that is: one larger region
rules over the smaller regions within it, which all rule over
Castles and Sieges
the smaller regions they have within them. To compare, Castles were an integral part of medieval life. They
the United State’s federal government is the ultimate were strongholds where the royal family and their subjects
authority over all the states within it, and all the states resided. However, some castles were built for the royal
govern all the counties within them. Similarly, the family to stay in when they traveled abroad, which means
following table lists the hierarchal structure of a typical they only resided there for some part of the year. Although
medieval kingdom and the people or person commonly each castle is different, many characteristics remain
responsible for the region. consistent from castle to castle, even to castles from other

Kingdom Regions The primary part of a castle is the keep. The keep is
where the royal family and their subjects live, eat, sleep,
Kingdom Ruled by king/queen and work. It holds the main living areas; including the
Duchy Large regions of a kingdom -duke/duchess feast hall, the private bed chambers, the armory, the throne
County Regions of a duchy –count/countess room, and the meeting rooms. Keeps of the known world
Shire Village region of a county –baron/baroness range from plain, drab, and simple, to elaborate, ornate,
City Populated/developed region –baron/baroness and gaudy and everywhere in between. In addition, as the
Monastery Religious capitol of a shire or city –abbot characters travel to the different castles, they will see that
Town More-industrialized than a village –magistrate many castles in smaller kingdoms only consist of a single
Village Under-developed community –magistrate keep.

Holy Lands 294 The Dark Ages

Of course, no castle would be complete without the At the fore of a curtain wall is the gatehouse. The
moaning and groaning of the tortured victims in the gatehouse houses large protective gates made out of heavy
dungeon. The dungeon holds the prisoners of crimes and wood or iron bars. It often has more than one gate so
wars in cells below the keep, often well-below the keep. invaders have two gates to ram through rather than just
Iron-barred cells that never see the light of day line the one. This allows the defenders to catch the invaders in the
halls of the castle’s dungeon, where at least two rooms are gatehouse for a while, or stop them at the gatehouse
set aside for the torture chamber and for the dungeon altogether using the murder holes. Atop the gatehouse
masters. The torture chamber houses the various devices were murder holes, which are openings used by the castle
of torture, which dungeon masters use to punish criminals defenders on top of the gatehouse to pour hot oil, hot sand,
or gain information from captured prisoners of war. These scalding water, or arrows down on any invaders who pass
devices are often terrible contraptions that cause through the gatehouse. Defenders also drop caltrops
excruciating pain without killing the victim, which is an through the murder holes. Caltrops are four-pronged
event often reserved for public observation. spikes in which any way they land on the ground, a spike
sticks straight up, causing the invaders, and their horses,
A protective wall, called a curtain wall, always
tremendous pain when they step.
surrounds larger castles, as well as keeps within a more-
protected kingdom. It protects the keep from a siege by Inside the curtain walls is the courtyard of a castle.
invaders. Typically, the curtain walls have a walkway on The courtyard is used for many things, including
top for archers to rain down arrows on assailants, and a tournaments, faires, and military training; however, more
walkway inside the wall for safe passage to certain key often than not, the courtyard is sealed off for the privacy of
points. Usually, these key points are to the towers, or the royal family and their subjects.
battlements, also along the protective wall. Often castles
Along the outside of the curtain walls are either wet
have more than one curtain wall: one large wall
or dry moats, which make it very difficult for the invaders
surrounding the main keep, called the inner curtain wall,
to bring siege engines near the curtain walls. In larger
and at least one smaller wall, called an outer curtain wall,
castles, the defenders may enlist the help of sea demons or
which surrounds the inner curtain wall.
alligators to populate the wet moats, which attack anyone
near or entering the moat.

Holy Lands 295 The Dark Ages

Laying siege to a castle Later on, traveling on horseback may be feasible, and the
characters might even find themselves using some sort of
It is often very difficult for an army to penetrate a teleportation as a means of travel. For most modes of
castle to take it over, otherwise called a siege. It is virtually travel, use the Movement information for Long-distance
impossible without the help of siege engines, which are Travel on page 38 for calculations. Be sure to take into
large mechanical devices used to overcome the curtain walls account terrain and weather, which may limit the pace of
and attack the castle’s defenders from afar. travel.
In Holy Lands, your character must have the Skill of
Siege Engines in order to use the machines. A common
siege engine is the catapult, which is used to launch The Muslim World
various things over curtain walls, including dead, diseased
animals and the heads of slain defenders, as well as flaming The Muslims, which are a group of religious believers
items. Another common siege engine is the battering that believe in a heretical doctrine from Christianity, are
ram, which is a large ram used to smash through the gates often the Christian world’s worst enemy. Although both
of a castle. Also, the trebuchet, which is a more elaborate faiths manage to live ignoring the other’s existence, with
and innovative design of the catapult that can launch the Muslims in their caliphates and the Christians in their
heavier items farther than the standard catapult. Another kingdoms, they sometimes meet with savage fury and
common engine is the ballista, which is a massive crossbow bloody battles. Slaughterous wars between the Muslim
of sorts that launches heavy, arrow-shaped spears into the Saracen and the Christian knight have littered the history
courtyard of the castle. These “arrows” are often too heavy books for centuries.
for soldiers to move and sometimes have massive ropes tied
to them, which took a good deal of time to cut.
Meanwhile, the invaders climb up the ropes or use them to A caliph is the Muslim
pull other siege engines to the wall. Finally, the invaders
have to get over the menacing curtain wall using great equivalent to a Christian king
ladders or engines called siege towers, which are protected
ladder structures encased in wood or iron and mounted on and, therefore, a caliphate is
wheels. The siege tower often carry many men already in
side when the invading army wheel the towers to the
the Muslim equivalent to a
curtain wall. Once there, the men inside climb the siege
tower and attack the defenders atop the curtain walls.
Christian kingdom
Arabia, the Seljuk territories, Egypt, and the Muslim
caliphates are all Muslim-held lands. They often clashed
The Known World with Christian kingdoms over key lands, such as Jerusalem
and the caliphates just south of the kingdoms of Leon and
The known world includes all the lands that Navarre. Leon, Navarre, and those southern caliphates
characters may travel to throughout their adventures. make up what is modern-day Spain.
Mostly for the Rac, the map of the known world on the
following page allows the players to see the geography of the
lands from the characters’ perspective. Since the main The Uncivilized Territories
setting of Holy Lands is medieval Europe, which is broken
For the Rac, the uncivilized territories is the place to
down into three, more-detailed maps on the following
make the truly fantastic setting; where dragons live, where
pages, the map of the known world shows other lands that
wolfyn run entire towns, and where trolls, goblins,
the characters may find themselves in or from which other
kinowyn, and other weird beings live, play, and work as
people have come. It does not show, however, China,
humans do in civilized territories. The uncivilized
Japan, and India, which are distant lands east of Arabia.
territories is a vast expanse of land that is largely unsettled
by peoples of any political loyalty. During the middle ages,
these lands were home to many wandering, nomadic
Traveling the Known World caravans. You can use it as a place for more primitive
The single most common mode of travel in the tribes of hunter-gatherers and gypsy caravans, as well as the
middle ages is to walk. The characters will most likely find settlements of strange creatures. The uncivilized territories
themselves walking everywhere they go, especially at first. make up what is now much of the modern-day Russia.

Holy Lands 296 The Dark Ages

Map of the Known World

Holy Lands 297 The Dark Ages

Holy Lands 298 The Dark Ages
The Irish Chiefdoms The Kingdom of England
Modern-day Ireland was made up of many chiefdoms During the Middle Ages, it seemed as though
and kingdoms during the Middle Ages; their borders England was constantly being overthrown by one political
obscure and changing often. In the early Middle Ages, power or another. Whether it was the Vikings, the
these clans and tribes were pagan, but during the 400’s, St. Romans, the Danes, or the Britons reclaiming their land,
Patrick began a Christianization of the land, which created England experienced many a bloody battle upon its soil.
an energetic Celtic Christianity. This dynamic culture After all, the Kingdom of England was a prosperous land
shift gave birth to a productive new way for the Irish abounding with people, wealth, jobs, and other industrious
Chiefdoms, including the unprecedented building of activities.
monasteries and schools. During this time, the arts, trade,
For the characters, the cities of London and
and education flourished. By the late 700’s to the middle
Canterbury are the heart of the kingdom of England. They
800’s, which is when Holy Lands is set, the coastlines of
seemed to produce, in some scholars’ opinion the brightest
the Irish Chiefdoms experienced the crushing raids of the
and most-influential people of the Middle Ages. Here
Viking invaders. In response to these assaults, the Irish
religion, the arts, and education flourished greatly. In the
Chiefdoms strengthened their political entities and built
latter Middle Ages, the cities of Oxford, Bristol, and York,
more-formidable strongholds along their coastlines.
among others became integral and pivotal cities that led to
Languages: Celtic, English, and Norse the prosperity of the Kingdom of England.
Languages: French, English, and Norse
Using the Maps of the Known World
You are free to use the maps of the known world
included in this book for game purposes in any way you see
The Kingdom of the Franks (France)
fit. You will notice on the following maps that some major The latter half of the Middle Ages proved to lessen
locations have been identified for you. You may make the territory of the Kingdom of the Franks, which is most
copies of these maps and draw or write on them as you
of modern-day France. This Kingdom was a powerful
move through your adventures.
For the Rac: feel free to make up and “install” any political state for centuries with a strong military,
cities, villages, monasteries, castles, or other locations of economic, and industrial foundation.
interest as they fit in with your campaign. Do not worry This did not start to change until the mid 800’s, after
about being historically accurate or even close. This is a
the death of the Emperor Charlemagne. The territory of
game and you can play the medieval world any way you like.
If you want, do a little research online or at your local library the kingdom spanned its own kingdom and the lands of the
into some major points of interest around where you have German Empire. For the games sake, the Kingdom of the
set your adventure. Otherwise, just have fun! Franks encompasses much of current France, and is
separate from the German Empire in all aspects.
Languages: French, German, English (Normandy)
The Kingdom of Scotland
In the early Middle Ages, Scotland, like the Irish
Chiefdoms, was made up of many different pagan tribes The German Empire
and kingdoms. However, during the Middle Ages,
Depending on when the setting of your games take
Scotland emerged as a unified, Christian kingdom. Even
place, the German Empire may be part of the Kingdom of
still, the kingdom of Scotland remained populated by a
the Franks. Charlemagne ruled both territories as the
patchwork of peoples from other lands. One of those
Realm of the Franks. After his death, the two became
peoples was called the Picts, whose origin is uncertain; they
separate political domains.
inhabited the north and the east of Scotland. The Irish,
called Scots, lived in the west and maintained ties with The German Empire was, during the Middle Ages,
Ireland, and the Britons inhabited the southlands. also known as the Holy Roman Empire, which was a state
run by the Pope in Rome in conjunction with the emperor
Languages: Celtic, English, and Norse
and kings of the empire.
Languages: French, German, Italian

Holy Lands 299 The Dark Ages

Holy Lands 300 The Dark Ages
Holy Lands 301 The Dark Ages
For the Rac
Playing God
About Your Players
Designing a Campaign
Elements of Adventure
We have dedicated this section entirely to the
Raconteur in an effort to help both new and experienced
Racs improve their games. If you are a player only, you When a Character Prays
may wish to skim through this section and help your Rac One important aspect of not playing God is making
out if he or she needs it. Otherwise, skip this section, as it sure you respond properly to a character who prays,
will not be very useful to your character’s play. especially if the character makes a request in the prayer
(prayers in this subsection refer to all non-Miracle and
non-Skill prayers). It can be very tempting to offer a little
more protection or other favor to the character who
Playing God willingly takes the time to pray to God for thanks,
protection, or help during an adventure, especially if he or
‘Playing God’ means that someone (which would be she does it at a critical time in the game where the party
the Rac in nearly all cases) decides and acts on how God desperately needs God’s help. Although it would be an
would rule in a given situation. Though all people, excellent time to show God’s grace (especially if there is a
animals, demons, and devils act within the will of God, non-Christian player in the group), or it may be a perfect
which is perfect, God does not make those actions. He time to add drama to the moment to save the party
simply allows them to happen. Therefore, how a character miraculously, you have to be careful about how you play
or NPC behaves or what they do does not mean that God God’s actions. It is never your place to say what God
did it. Playing God means that you have taken an action would do and you must never play it as if you have that
or spoken for God directly, such as saving or killing a authority.
character when the dice rolled otherwise, or you have
Make sure that whenever you come to a situation
provided information or help beyond the character’s Skills
where you feel God would act, you do so with the roll of the
that could only come from God.
dice. Ideally, these times would be limited to acts of
kindness or help to an NPC; stay far away from judgment
at the hand of God. If you feel God would intervene in a
Acting on God’s behalf requested prayer or other situation, give it a 50/50 chance
or less with the roll of a dice and make sure you stick to the
without an objective roll of roll.
chance is a forbidden use of
your power. Period. Never speak for God

Holy Lands is set up in such a way that NO ONE

(including you- the Rac) can ever play God totally. The
Speaking for God
roll of the dice determines all acts of God, such as Up to now, all acts of God we have discussed that are
Miracles, Saving Throws, and all matters of “chance.” If it somewhat permitted are physical or event-related actions.
were otherwise, Holy Lands would be a danger to Christian With the exception of the Skill of Divine Insight, where
theology and a “slap in the face” to Christian doctrine God provides a “yes or no” feeling only, speaking for God
because people would be determining the thoughts of God. is prohibited as a Rac. There is great danger that you may
The Bible says that His way is not our ways; they are much lead a Christian in a wrong direction by speaking on God’s
higher and beyond our comprehension. Holy Lands behalf, even though your intentions are good. Be sure you
represents this fact with the chance of the dice.

Holy Lands 302 The Dark Ages

understand and follow this rule very closely as you make The important thing is to use the consistency and
your way through an adventure. assertiveness that the position requires for the overall good
of the game. Rather than use (abuse rather) your power to
your advantage, use it to further all the players and their
“What can I do, then?” characters. This section will dissect a typical game scenario
in an attempt to give you a better understanding of your
Your job as a Rac is never to play God, but rather to players’ perspectives.
manage the story and enforce the rules to ensure fairness,
fun, and fellowship. You must play the NPC’s, who the
characters will interact with, you must play the enemies Personalities and Role-playing
that the characters fight with, and you must manage the
rules of the characters’ Skills, Abilities, and Miracles. All Bear in mind that all personalities are unique, but
of these things have their place in role-playing the medieval they all have similarities when it comes to game play. Role-
will of God, but you should never make God seen or heard playing is a great way to reach lost souls for the kingdom of
based on your own ruling. God, but it is also a way for all of us to safely interact
socially. It gives us a way to relate with others in a
controlled environment, which allows us to act in ways we
may not in real-world situations. That is why we like to
About Your Players role-play, to play the role of someone we would like to be.
Your players all want to feel important, included, and
It is important to know that your players make up the accepted; that is the reason they attempt things with their
game. Period. If you made the unfortunate decision to be characters that sometimes astonish us. The introverted
the Rac because you believe you could make the game player becomes an extroverted character and the social and
great, you are in for a sad surprise. Certainly, your ideas talkative players become sly, quiet, and sneaky spies; thus,
and fresh story plots can give the players something new the beauty of role-playing. A good Rac will learn to “roll”
and exciting to do; but if the players cannot get excited with these unpredictable behaviors and handle the situation
about it, the game was dead before it began. in a smooth manner. The following will help you do so.
The fact is that the players could have a great time
without you by going into towns, fighting demons, bringing Predicting the unpredictable
bad people to justice, etc. Nevertheless, they need you to
include those people and events in there and to regulate the Some things only come with experience, but you can
rules. After that, it is their game. The more you try to learn to handle common game “speed bumps” by
steal the spotlight, the more you dim the fun from the understanding them before they occur. The following list
characters, making the players bored and frustrated. gives you some things to prepare for if they happen in your
On the other hand, a people-pleasing Rac is not fun
either, and furthermore, you will find players simply
become bored and frustrated at some points anyway. A 1. Player conflicts
little bit is ok here and there, but if you find it becoming It is important to take a very objective stance on all
more frequent by more players, it is time to do something issues within a game, but the most important is when there
different. This section intends to help you with that. is a conflict between two or more players.
If the issue does not include you, it is ok to let the
players work it out between themselves. Not every
You Have the Power situation requires the Rac. In fact, it is beneficial for you
Something a lot of new and self-conscience Racs do to encourage the players to leave you out of most
not realize is that they have the power to take the game circumstances unless it requires knowledge of the situation
totally under control if they so choose. For example, you or rules mechanics. If you are able, stay out of it and let
can kill a character if you do not like its player, but that the players rely on each other rather than you. By doing
would be a blatant display of abusing your power. Though this, you encourage teamwork and independence, giving the
others may have wanted that player to keep his or her player power over his or her actions. You also learn more
mouth shut more also, you just showed everyone that you about the game, the players, and even a thing or two about
are going to play favorites. life when you just observe the players working out their own

Holy Lands 303 The Dark Ages

Should the conflict involve you, set a good example to
all by adjusting to fairness, even if it means ‘rewinding’ the Use tact, objective fairness,
story to a place that allows for a retry. Be assertive but be
fair. If it is the truth, reassure the players that the and love for the game when
situation is happening the way it is because you are fully
aware of what is going on. If you missed something
confronting a player’s
important, there is no harm in apologizing for it and
taking the game back a notch to fix it.
Be very careful with this, however, because it easy to
Be assertive. Be fair. abuse your power the wrong way. Be fair and use your
good judgment. If the player is really “in a funk”, point it
out to them in front of the players tactfully. If they snap
Ultimately, you have the final say. Use it to your out of it, do not hold back Experience points. After all,
advantage to make a situation better for the game as a the whole point is to get the game going again, not to make
whole. When it comes to your players, if you try to “win” them an example. If they do not snap out of it and the
all the time, you certainly can if you want to; but you will tension remains after you point it out to them, hold back
inevitably end up losing. You will lose the players’ respect some of the Experience points for not participating in the
and probably lose players altogether. adventure. This may cause some further tension between
you and that player, but the chances are all the other
2. Negative Player Attitude players will respect your fair decision and make a point to
back you up.
Following right behind the Rac ego trip is the second
fastest game killer: player negativity. If there is only one Special note: most people hate confrontation of this
player that is “in a mood”, it can be easier to deal with than kind, and generally it has no place in a game setting of this
if there is more than one. Nevertheless, with one in a nature. Nevertheless, some times (very rarely) it is
mood, others can quickly follow, so you do not want to let necessary. Good judgment and common sense will tell you
it go unattended. when a player is a “weed” in your “garden of players” and
he or she needs a little confrontation, but sometimes you
As a Rac, you have to have rather thick skin. Do not will just have to ask what is wrong and fix it on your end.
take everything personally. Many times, players may have After all, it is just a game and meant to be fun for
had a rough day before coming to the game, they may have everyone.
not gotten enough sleep the night before, maybe they are
going through some personal issues in their home, or
maybe they are cranky from too much sugar or caffeine. It 3. Distractions
is easy to take these things personally; like your game is not Distractions are right up there with the other
enjoyable or the player does not like you. important game killers. There are some things within your
The easiest way to dispel a player’s negativity is proper control you can do to prevent distractions, as we will see
communication. This does not come easy to a lot of us but below. Some things are outside of your control as far as
is a powerful skill to learn as a good Rac and as a person in preventing distractions, such as a player who is distracting,
the world. In the game, it is always good practice to do but there is always something you can do in order for you
your best to let the players know where they are from your to regain control. First, we will talk about preventing
perspective. For example, you can let them know that distractions.
their character is in a certain position in which if they look The following list shows some of the most common
up, they will see a large boulder teetering on the edge of a distractions and ways to handle them before each game.
cliff about to fall on them. In the same way, it can be just
as effective to let the player know that they are in a First, plan to play in a private room away from non-
negative mood that may cost them role-playing Experience game traffic. This will cut out many of the other
points. That is why we have suggested for you to give out distractions that will follow. A room set up solely for
about 200 to 250 Experience points each game “just for weekly gaming is the best answer, but not always feasible.
the adventure”. If someone did not participate fully, you Second, allow chatty players to socialize for ten to
should not feel like you have to award him or her fully. thirty minutes before game time. This will let them get the
distracting chatter out and let any late people arrive before
the game starts.

Holy Lands 304 The Dark Ages

Third, since socializing can be very distracting and situations, and a little is ok. The problem comes when a
contagious, make any non-game related talk wait until a player does this repeatedly and it begins to make the game
scheduled break. Make this rule before you play. Tell unbalanced, allowing that player to perform unrealistically
everyone to agree to this and collectively decide on a time. well most of the time.
One ten-minute break every hour works well, but for an
extra-talkative bunch, try a five- or ten-minute break every
half hour. It is ok to be strict with this rule because, Cheating can be very
whether they say it or not, know there are other players
who want to be able to focus on the game when it is game unbalancing to a game, and
time, and only socialize when it is not. Furthermore, if
you hear distracting, non-game chatter during the typically the players will have
adventure, ask the people to, “please wait until break with
that”. Hopefully, it will not take too many times of this noticed it, too- everyone
before the rest of the players start helping you out to
enforce this rule. should understand when you
Fourth, turn off any distracting forms of media, have to do something about it
including the TV, the computer, and the radio. If you can,
follow the old adage ‘out of site, out of mind’ by turning off
and hiding video games and game controllers. Ask players The best thing to do is to let the players know that
to turn their cell phones down or off during the game. If you have noticed some “flubbed” rolls and it is time to be
they must take or make phone calls, either from their stricter with things (try: “after you roll it, leave it for all to
phone or from the home’s, ask them to take it out of the see”). It is very understandable that cheating unbalances a
room if possible. game and that the Rac should crack down on it if noticed.
You do not have to single anyone out in order to do this
Fifth, have the meals worked out beforehand. If you either. Simply make it a rule that no one can roll anything
are going to get a pizza or something delivered, figure that before told to do so and if they do, the roll is unacceptable-
out earlier rather than later when everyone is hungry and it no matter how good it is. As long as that is the declared
interrupts the game. house rule, everyone must abide by it. Note: you as the
Overall, ask that each player understand and respect Rac should feel confident that you could hide your rolls if
the other players’ desire to play when it is game time. you feel the need. You can confidently explain to the
Moreover, do your best to make sure everyone is physically players that you must sometimes increase or decrease rolls
comfortable. If that is out of your control, do your best to according to the situation if it is for the good of the game.
make to make sure everyone will remain mentally The one thing with this is you had better make sure that is
comfortable. Ask that everyone understand the general the truth! Assure them that you do it rarely in the game’s
rules of common courtesy and common sense for everyone. best interest and make it the case.
You should only have to bring it up a couple of times
before you get all the payers on the same accord. 5. Uncomfortable behaviors
It is not very often that you get an extreme player
4. Cheating who wants their character to behave violently toward other
Cheating can be a tough situation to handle, no PC’s, act inappropriately, or otherwise cause discomfort
question, but an important one nonetheless. among the group, but it happens. Sometimes a player
Unfortunately, how you handle it is up to your own good actually has his or her character try to kill another PC or
judgment, but we can give you some pointers if the act sexually inappropriate. This type of role-playing is
situation gets out of hand. The important thing is to unacceptable and can create an uncomfortable atmosphere
remember always that this is just a game. Therefore, if a for the other players who just want to have fun. The worst
person needs to cheat to in order to make his or her game thing you can do in this situation is nothing. Anything
fun, they may have bigger issues than you can most likely you can say against this helps others bring it into
solve. The time to take action against a cheater is when perspective.
their cheating is affecting the game as a whole. It is It is not your responsibility to control a player’s
definitely not a big deal for you as the Rac to flub some behaviors, that is their own responsibility, but it is your
rolls or increase an enemy’s stats last minute in order to responsibility to deal out what would be fair and due
make the game more realistic or more enjoyable for the consequences should a character behave unacceptably.
players; in fact, you may need to do this in many

Holy Lands 305 The Dark Ages

Three things you can use to deter an action are realism, a reason would be inappropriate in the eyes of the law
Virtue Penalty, and/or the fact that it is a criminal act and because the character has no more rights than the person
punishment will follow. You should use your good he or she is pursuing.
judgment as to which one to use based on the situation.
Hopefully, just by mentioning any of the three above
First, sometimes players just do not understand the consequences, the action does not have to take place.
situation and they feel as though they can do anything that Nevertheless, sometimes they will take place and it is up to
they want. If they try to say they would do it because of you decide the consequences if any. Think about these
their Sin, assure them they can either attempt to Save situations before they happen and be prepared to deliver
versus that and avoid the consequences or that their Sin punishment if it is befitting.
would not go to such extreme. Either way, a consequence
Note: killing trolls, goblins, and the likes may not be
will most likely follow committing the act. For example,
unlawful in your games, but be consistent with the laws of
the characters are walking into a weapon shop and
the lands when it comes to killing humans and animals.
demanding a deal because they are “adventurers”. This
could be ok if they are just playing in character, but
sometimes the players need to understand that their
characters are not the super-characters the players feel they
are. For these types of situations, having to explain simply Designing a Campaign
and politely the character is nobody special to the seasoned
warrior behind the counter can be helpful. Sometimes you This section will give you ideas to sharpen your games
have to let the NPC, such as the warrior, be a little rash and add dimension to the world.
and maybe even threatening. If you do, however, you may
need to back it up once or twice with a little demonstration
of their skills… Delimiting the World
It is important to know that, because Holy Lands is a
The Sins Excuse role-playing game, you are able to remove the limits of
history and reality to some degree. While some important
The Sins are set up in such a way to cause some strain
aspects of the game must remain, you are free to go
on the character’s righteousness, but they in no way should
be an excuse for committing truly inappropriate acts. The wherever else you would like with your adventures. An
most consequential of the Sins is Theft, which can bring example of one important thing that must remain is that
criminal charges against the character if committed, including God created the human race, and none other, in His own
chopped-off hands. Other than that, the Sins allow the image to have dominion over the earth. Another example
character to express a poor attitude among their company, is that God created the heavens and the earth, not the
but no Sin allows for vile, lewd, or otherwise harmful heavens and other, fantastic earths. (We will discuss both
behavior against someone else. The latter behaviors call for of these thoughts further below.) The fact is that God gave
intolerance from the Rac and consequences of a justified us all that we have, which He mostly made up of the
caliber to follow.
human race and our earth in which we live, and that is
good enough.

Second, if a character does something blatantly evil The formula you will see in all of the following aspects
you always have the option and the authority to remove a allows you to include what fantasy you like by rooting the
point of their Virtue Attribute Rating. If you can, tell the element in either a godly or a demonic likeness. The
player of your intentions before the act is committed. If important thing to remember when you create an element
they continue anyway, you can remove the point of Virtue of fantasy for your setting is to hold the element’s traits to
as well as add an appropriate Sin. If they already have the the characteristics of its origin.
Sin or there is not an appropriate Sin to add based on the The following lists some ideas that will help you break
situation, make a random roll for a new one. out of the historic world to allow a more of a fantasy feel to
Finally, the laws of the lands allow punishment to your adventures.
follow. It can happen right away, as if the shire militia
where nearby or, if that is not possible, someone may be Using Other Races
hidden watching the event and go back to call the shire
militia to find the criminal. For example, a player is in a As stated above, God created the human race, and
shire and says they want to pick a lock to someone’s house none other, in His own image to have dominion over the
for whatever reason. In this case, picking the lock for any earth. This includes people of all colors, shapes, sizes, and

Holy Lands 306 The Dark Ages

religions. As different as we can appear, we are all a Gnomes
product of God’s creation and therefore a product of
In fantasy and mythology, gnomes are an extremely
humankind. Consequently, anything non-human must be
short (2 ½ feet tall on average) race of people who live in
of an angelic, demonic, or animal likeness, all with a godly
communities along various hillsides. They are non-violent,
happy and sometimes mischievous little ones. Although it
If you are used to playing games with many different may be a stretch, you can use them as a town or village of
and equal races, such as elves, dwarfs, and gnomes, then shorter people. If you like, call them gnomes as a
the lack of them in a fantastic perspective may seem nickname for their size, or you can have them be the
limiting. On the other hand, questionable theological “Little Ones of the Town of…”, or whatever fits your
issues arise when you obscure what is godly with what is not campaign. Historically, archeology has shown that some
godly, such as these other races. For the comfort of structures and architecture were built for people of shorter-
Christian gamers, Holy Lands was created as a godly than-average stature. So, do not exclude them if they help
alternative to these types of games, providing a definitive with your story.
fine-line between good, which is of God, and evil, which is
Note: you can create a gnome-type character if you
of the devil. Therefore, different beings not of humankind
like. See page 51 for details.
cannot be Christian, for God created only humans with a
soul. A solution for this limitation, if you want to include
another “race” and cannot just make them a demi-race, Troglodytes
which is half-demonic, is to make the race a weird variation In fantasy, a troglodyte is a race of degraded,
of the human race. You can use the personalities and primitive, or brutal people, a sort of a prehistoric cave
features of the race, but make them more “humanized”. digger. Well, you can see that this would not be a stretch
With the exception of the elven race, which are inherently to include in your campaigns. In fact, this describes some
half-magic and therefore half-demonic, you can create most people who make other role-playing games! Seriously, you
races from a more human perspective. Disproportionate can put a troglodyte race in your campaigns by making
sizes and disfigurements are a reality in life, and you can them a sort of society-rejected colony in the mountains.
therefore use this as a catalyst to “race” creation by They would most likely be a group of disfigured humans
increasing the commonality. However, it is important to with mental disorders. You may want them to have been
keep that which is evil, evil and that which is good, good. seduced into devil worship, which would give them some
strange and dangerous magical powers. Alternatively, you
Dwarves may want them to be good yet primitively civilized in a
godly colony. Either way, “normal” society has shunned
Dwarves in fantasy are a gruff, non-social, fighting
them from their presence because of the troglodyte’s
race of short minors who live in the mountainous areas.
hideous appearance and/or primal behaviors.
They make excellent weapons, ale, and enjoy mining and
fighting. In all of this, there is no reason to exclude them
from your Holy Lands campaign. You can even call them Elves, Trolls, Wolf-, and Bear-people
dwarves and put them in the taverns! In fact, you can Some races are inherently demonic and Holy Lands
create one as a PC (see page 51 for details). The important cannot allow them to gain acceptance by Christian
thing to maintain is that they are a race of humankind, like societies. However, some lands are barbaric and
whites, blacks, Jews, and Hispanics are, but they are shorter uncivilized, and demand that some otherwise undesirable
and grumpier, which is their stereotype. Like the human characters find there way into acceptance. Even in taverns
race, they should have many who love and serve God and and marketplaces, demi-races and other demonic creatures
many who turn their faith elsewhere. may find their place in cities of uncivilized territories as
You can make your dwarves strong and fierce fighters merchants, consumers, and shopkeepers. Nevertheless,
and number in the thousands throughout the mountains. bear in mind (no pun intended), that these bear-, wolf-, or
You can make them rude and untrusting to taller people, other demonic creatures are barely accepting of humans, let
yet helpful in times of war. The fantasy dwarven race is alone Christians, and will not tolerate their kind among
not a stretch for the Holy Lands game, and you should not demonic and uncivilized company.
exclude them from your campaigns if you find them

Holy Lands 307 The Dark Ages

The Physical World for a plague, make the room you need on the physical
Some Racs of the Holy Lands game system have
simply created a fantasy world of their own while otherwise
following the normal rules. Their justification is that they Fantastic Events
feel limited by our earth and especially by history. By In fantasy, major events happen between gods, races,
doing this, however, it takes away from the whole Christian and on different planes of existence. These huge events
aspect of the game, leaving just another fantasy role- evade our history or our physical world. Nevertheless, just
playing game. Furthermore, it produces many theological because it did not really happen according to our history
problems that allow for “gray” areas. As stated above, our textbooks, does not mean we cannot play them in Holy
earth has its own mysteries and is good enough for a Lands. A good plot scheme for the “gods” scenario would
setting. be to use angels and devils in place of gods. For example,
One major advantage that you have, as a role-playing use an angel to call in reinforcements to fight against a
setting creator, is that in medieval times, the people devil’s plan to ruin the earth. Maybe this devil has amassed
believed that the world looked different from how it really a legion of thousands of undead and other demons who are
is. For one, they thought the earth was flat. Second, they terrorizing cities to the Northlands. The angel has called
believed that many lands and regions were unexplored, God’s people to do battle with these evil creatures.
holding great mystery as to their true environment. They Meanwhile, a great battle wages in heaven between the
believed that miles and miles of land inhabited nothing but supernatural forces. Maybe the evil forces have won for
monsters and dragons. For this reason, we will use their now and the demons are multiplying as they ravage the
viewpoint to build our civilizations. By doing so, it gives kingdom, sending people into hiding underground and
you as a Rac the controls as to how the world looks. It creating ruins where cities used to be. Perhaps the battle
removes the limits of the physical layout of the world while has been waging for years and now evil is winning, which is
still keeping the earthly perspective. This, quite simply, why hideous monsters are plundering kingdoms to ashes.
people call fiction, and countless stories have used this This fantastic plot obviously did not happen historically,
approach for their settings. For example, in the movie but would make for a great campaign.
The Princess Bride, our heroes traveled many a foreign land In conclusion, do not be afraid to burn the earth
but the movie did not tell us exactly where the characters nearly to ashes. Make sure you leave room in there for
were. They referred to what would be real lands and people God to be triumphant in the end and for humanity to
yet still keeping the heroic-fantasy theme. One character restore itself eventually. Other than that, make it happen,
was a Spaniard, while many places and scenes were but allow for a moral ending and a godly explanation.
fictitious, including the Fire Swamp. It was fun and well- Maybe the whole thing was the result of a mass turn
done fiction. against God, which the heroes only realize. Moreover,
The author of the example movie was concerned maybe it was all part of a judgment of God. The choice is
about creating an enjoyable story while merely stretching yours.
the limits of history. Your job as a Rac is to do the same.

Where are we?

Quite often, characters will ask where they are on the
earth. It is a good idea for you to know or at least have a Elements of Adventure
general idea. If you foresee your campaign needing more
There is so much that can go into preparing an
‘room’ than the physical world allows for, do not be afraid
adventure that you can really bog yourself down with trying
to say, “You don’t know; somewhere in the so-n-so
to come up with details. Whenever you are stuck or you
kingdom”. Make sure that before you say this, the
just cannot muster the creativity to think of what goes
characters in fact would not know. You may want to have
where, let the dice decide. Take a break from designing
them in some general area, such as the German Empire or
adventures and roll things that you cannot decide on.
England, whatever is befitting to your campaign. This can
be helpful if you are planning a major battle between maybe This section is designed for drawing up random finds
a demi-race and the humans, and you need it to be spaced and encounters. Scan the following tables for the part of
away from civilization you have already established. the adventure you are stuck on, and roll the appropriate
Likewise, if you need ‘room’ for a massive dragon attack or die.

Holy Lands 308 The Dark Ages

These tables can be a great for designing adventures characters are looking for some specific herb, they will be
occasionally or for selecting parts of an adventure, but it is accumulating a lot of gold worth of herbs in the meantime.
never a good idea to depend on these to always design your To offset this, skip this process and just give them the herb
campaigns. You want to tailor these random rolls for the they are hunting within a certain amount of time, such as a
best fit within your adventures. couple of hours. You may want the Difficulty Factor to be
18, for example, and once they roll over that with Herbal
Science, they have found the one for which they are
searching. Each roll could count as 20 minutes, or
something similar.
Random Weather
Use this table whenever you need to know the weather
setting of an adventure. It is one of the least important
Random Herb Hunt (d12)
things to know all the time, but is definitely necessary at
1) Bellwillow (poisonous; 1 dose worth)
some points of a campaign. This table does not include
2) Crower’s Bane (poisonous; 1 dose worth)
extreme conditions such as blizzarding snow or scorching
3) Elder Root (1 shrub)
heat waves, so you will have to use those appropriately and 4) Fair Lady mushrooms (poisonous; 1 dose worth)
deliberately. 5) Fessel mushrooms (1d4 mushrooms)
6) Mad Lemon (poisonous; 1 dose worth)
7) Morroweed (1d4 shrubs)
Random Weather (d20) 8) None found
9) Pennythistle (1 shrub)
1) Cold, foggy, calm 10) Silvermint (1shrub)
2) Cold, misty, calm 11) Warberries (poisonous; 1d4 doses worth)
3) Cold, overcast, heavy winds 12) Willow Cane (1 shrub)
4) Cold, raining, calm
5) Cold, raining, heavy winds
6) Cool, foggy, calm
7) Cool, heavy rains, heavy winds
8) Cool, overcast, calm
9) Cool, overcast, heavy winds
Random Drafts and Cures
10) Cool, raining, light winds Use this table whenever the characters find an herbal
11) Cool, sprinkling, calm draft or Cure. Assume that all of the below listed items are
12) Pleasant clear skies, breezy one dose or about one cup of liquid in a vial made for
13) Pleasant, clear skies, calm drafts.
14) Pleasant, some clouds, calm
15) Pleasant, some clouds, heavy winds
16) Pleasant, some clouds, light winds Random Drafts and Cures (d8)
17) Warm, clear skies, breezy
18) Warm, clear skies, calm
1) Cure of AntiFume
19) Warm, some clouds, breezy
2) Cure of AntiPoison
20) Hot/muggy, some clouds, light winds
3) Cure of Healing
4) Cure of Slumber
5) Draft of Healing
6) Draft of Slumber
7) Holy Water
Random Herbs 8) Purified Water
You can use this table whenever the characters are
attempting to search for herbs. Depending on the
adventure, you may want to have the characters find one Random Holy Items
list item every fifteen minutes, ½ hour, or every hour per
successful Herbal Science Roll. If the character does not A good rule to live by in giving out holy items is
have Herbal Science, only Poison Science, then tell them almost to never give them out. Overall, you should create
they found nothing whenever you roll something other a world with more adventure and problem-solving then
than a poison. Note: you have to figure that if the flashy magic and holy power. Likewise, it should be
extremely rare that the characters run into NPC’s that use

Holy Lands 309 The Dark Ages

holy items, thus making holy items very coveted. Holy Random Holy Armor
items should be so rare that players appreciate their benefit
greatly. If they are not appreciating the powers of holy Like the Random Holy Weapons table, use this table
items, you may be giving them out too much. sparingly, but when you know want the characters to find
holy armor.

Random Holy Items (d20)

Random Holy Armor (d4)
1) Boots of Creeping
2) Boots of Fleetness 1) Armor of Missile Aversion
3) Boots of Jumping 2) Feather Weight Armor
4) Boots of Stepping 3) Helm of Great Strength
5) Boots of Tracklessness 4) Robe of Great Defense
6) Cloak of Disguise
7) Cloak of Drifting
8) Pendant of Escape
9) Pendant of Levitation
Random Magic Items
10) Pendant of Mental Message You could use this table for various reasons, but you
11) Pendant of Passwall would definitely want to utilize it for determining what
12) Pendant of Reading magic items an enemy will use. For example, it is one
13) Pouch of Keeping
thing to know that you will have the characters encounter a
14) Rattles of Dancing
gargoyle in a dungeon. It is quite another to know that
15) Ring of Evils
you will have the characters encounter a gargoyle wearing a
16) Ring of Healing
17) Ring of Magic Protection Mimic Ring.
18) Ring of the Templars
19) Rope of Holding
20) Stone of Hearing Random Magic Items (d10)

1) Boots of Levitation
2) Crystal Ball
Random Holy Weapons 3) Mimic Ring
4) Pendant of Impervious to Fire
Use this table sparingly, but when you know want the 5) Potion of absorb Miracle
characters to find a holy weapon. 6) Potion of Great Strength
7) Potion of Invisibility
8) Ring of Invisibility
Random Holy Weapons (d12) 9) Ring of Teleportation
10) Voodoo Doll
1) Bow of Holy Fire
2) Everfull Quiver
3) MagicShatter Axe
4) Singing Dagger
5) Staff of Healing
6) Staff of Lightning
Creating Criminal Guilds
7) Staff of Magnetism There are several things to take into consideration
8) Sword of Blessed Defense when a criminal guild is present in a town. This subsection
9) Sword of Blinding Defense will help you address those considerations as you create
10) Sword of Fire your criminal guild.
11) Sword of Ice
12) Sword of Power A criminal guild can be a pivotal and intricate part of
a campaign. For example, you may have a thieves’ guild
controlling an entire town through extortion and political
corruption. The guild may have everyone so scared for
their lives that they will not talk about anything to the
characters, making it difficult to help rid them of their own

Holy Lands 310 The Dark Ages

Some important things to consider are laid out in the 2) Large guild (many members, 1d4 safe houses)
following tables. First, you need to know how many guilds 3) Medium guild (some members, 2d4 safe houses)
are in the town. To do this, roll a d4 and use the roll based 4) Medium guild (some members, 1d4 safe houses)
on the following table. 5) Small guild (few members, 2d4 safe houses)
6) Small guild (few members, 1 safe house)

Random Criminal Guilds (d4)

Random Encounters
1) 1 Thieves’ guild
2) 1 Thieves’ and 1 Assassins’ guild Use this table for random encounters, which are
3) 1 Mages’, 1 Assassins’, and 1 Thieves’ guild always hostile and may not be in the characters’ favor.
4) 2 Thieves’ guilds

Random Hostile Encounters (percentile)

After that, you will need to know the guilds’ level of
involvement in the town’s affairs, including political and 00-01) 1 bear
financial corruption. Use the following table to select how 02-03) 1 Greater grimwolf per 2 characters
involved the guild(s) are in the town. Roll 1d4 for each 04-05) 1 Greater troll warrior per character
guild that is present. 06-07) 1 Greater vampire per 2 characters
08-09) 1 Greater wolfyn assassin per 2 characters
Political leaders include any town official above
10-11) 1 Lesser assassin per character carrying a body
peasantry, including constables, sheriffs, high clergy,
12-13) 1 Lesser ghoul per character
mayors, and any decision-making or wealthy individual.
14-15) 1 Lesser sorcerer per character (angry)
Note: if there is heavy involvement or total control, make 16-17) 1 Lesser thief per character robbing them
sure to include the wealthy shopkeepers in there too; those 18-19) 1 Lesser wolfyn assassin per character
who would need to pay “taxes” to the controlling guild. 20-21) 1d4 Greater dragon walkers
22-23) 1d4 Greater gargoyles hunting
24-25) 1d4 Greater wyverns hunting
Random Guild Involvement in a Town (d4) 26-27) 1d4+1 Greater druids carrying sacrifice victim
28-29) 1d4+1 Greater minotaurs
1) Total control over political leaders 30-31) 1d4+1 Greater ogres
2) Heavy involvement with some political leaders 32-33) 1d4+1 Greater thieves robbing an innocent
3) Minimum involvement with few political leaders 34-35) 1d4+1 Lesser dragon walkers
4) No involvement; totally underground operation 36-37) 1d4+1 Lesser manticores
38-39) 1d6 Lesser gargoyles hunting
40-41) 1d6+1 Greater goblin warriors
After you roll for the above two, you should have a 42-43) 1d6+1 Greater skith warriors
good idea about who runs the town, either the officials who 44-45) 1d6+1 Lesser druids carrying a sacrifice victim
should or one of its offending criminal guilds. The next 46-47) 1d6+1 Lesser minotaurs hunting
step is to determine the size of the criminal guild. Roll a 48-49) 1d8 witches gathering mushrooms and lizards
d6 for each guild within a town and use the corresponding 50-51) 1d8+1Lesser satyrs
number on the table below. Then roll any corresponding 52-53) 2 Greater manticores
die or dice for the appropriate list item below. You will 54-55) 2 Greater wraiths
want to assume that each “safe house”, which would be a 56-57) 2 Lesser gremlins per character
hideout, has one high leader, and one of those safe houses 58-59) 2 wild boars
is the main headquarters. Make sure that you size the 60-61) 2d4 Greater satyrs
guild accordingly to the size of you town. For example, if 62-63) 2d4+1 Greater gremlins
you are designing a small town criminal guild, “many 64-65) 2d4+1 Lesser skith warriors
members” would imply around 100 members, but for a 66-67) 2d6 Lesser goblin warriors
large city, it would imply hundreds - maybe even a 68-69) 2d6 Lesser kinowyn bowmen (without swords)
thousand - members. 70-71) 2d6 Lesser kinowyn warriors (with swords)
72-73) 2d6 Lesser troll warriors
74-75) 2d6+1 Lesser rogues marching 1d4 slaves
76-77) 2d8 Lesser skeletons
Random Criminal Guild Size (d8)
78-79) 2d8+1 Greater rogues marching 1d8 slaves
80-81) 2d8 Lesser imps
1) Large guild (many members, 2d4 safe houses)
82-83) 3 Greater ghouls

Holy Lands 311 The Dark Ages

84-85) 3 Greater skeletons mounted on darkhorses 92-93) 4 Greater witches carrying a sacrifice victim
86-87) 3 Lesser wyverns hunting 94-99) 6 Lesser ogres
88-89) 3 wolves
90-91) 4 Greater sorcerers paranoid and hostile

A Beginning Adventure
We have designed this adventure using the guidelines
found the previous chapters to allow the Raconteur and the Lito of Helderon
beginning players to get started. This adventure requires at
least 1 PC and as many as 6. The following text is for the Lito (pronounced lee-toe) seems to be a fairly shy
Rac’s eyes only. individual. He stands about 5 feet, 9 inches tall and wears
a modest outfit of browns and greens; including a cloak, a
For player characters: the Rac will give you all the shirt, pants, and boots. It appears that Lito has a long
information to you as needed. Please put this section away dagger or short sword under his cloak and a pouch of
for now and enjoy the Rac’s adventure. money.
Raconteurs: make sure you read the entire adventure Additional information: Lito Karamar is a shy man
before beginning because some of the story’s twists and of Arab descent. He came from Arabia with his family to
turns require some preparation. Helderon when he was only 2 years old. They were
escaping Christian persecution from the Arab Muslims that
continues to the current day. Lito’s parents, being
Christians still reside in a separate farming house, where
Preparation Lito occasionally works. He is a Christian and will quickly
profess it. He has a +1 to all Combat Skills and 1 AtR.
To prepare for this adventure, you will need to use a Equipment: Lito is carrying a long dagger (2d8+1
copy of the shire map on page 317. This shire, called Damage) and a hidden boot dagger (2d6 Damage). He also
Helderon, will be the setting for the story. Next, you will has a pouch of 6 Gold Pieces and 15 Silver Pieces.
want to assign places of living for each of the NPC’s listed
below. Obreon’s houses will need to be approximately 100
feet away from Malich’s shop. The other’s houses can be as Malich, the tanner
close or apart as you like and make sure you use a pencil so
Malich (pronounced mal-eek) appears to be a jovial
you can change the locations as you read further. If it is
man in his early twenties. He is dark skinned, tall, slender,
helpful, use the map of the German Empire on page 301
and very handsome. He wears a long grey robe, grey cloak,
to place the towns where you feel they should be. In
and grey boots. Malich will tell the characters in a thick
addition, you may want to pre-assign a couple random
accent, “Well met, travelers. I am the local tanner here in
inns, taverns, and equipment and weapon shops that the
Helderon and the best for miles around, if I may say so
characters may visit.
myself. From the looks of it, weary travelers, you could use
a good tanner. I have the finest leather goods in Helderon.
If you will, come visit my store.”
The NPC’s
Additional Information: Malich Suandar is also of
The following NPC’s will be introduced to the players Arab descent. He is 23, well built with excellent fighting
as the story unfolds. As much information about them will skills. If asked, Malich will say he is Christian although he
be supplied to you as is necessary, however, it is important tends to avoid the corporal Sunday worship of the Church.
to explain this information to the players only as they He has a +3 to all Combat Skills and 2 AtR.
uncover it for themselves. This allows them to draw their
Equipment: Malich carries 2 concealed long daggers
own conclusions. The first paragraph following the NPC’s
name can be read to the players as they meet them, but (2d8+1 Damage each) and a pouch of 5 Gold Pieces.
make sure the section called additional information is
revealed as the players ask the NPC or investigate further.

Holy Lands 312 The Dark Ages

Obreon, the scribe Martesh, the cobbler’s nephew
Obreon (pronounced oh-bree-on) appears to be a Martesh is a young man and appears to be very
shorter, very old and wise man with dark skin, hair, and a distant and unsociable, a sharp contrast to his uncle,
fluffy dark beard. He wears a white and yellow robe and Dabal. He has very fair skin and blonde hair. He speaks
brown sandals. He carries a pipe in one hand and a staff in with a heavy Norwegian accent when he says to the
the other. He will tell the characters upon meeting them, characters, “Well met, travelers. At your service, I am.”
“Well met, my friends. I am Obreon the scribe of this fair
Additional Information: Martesh Alestrom is 15
shire. I am modestly paid by the shire to copy appropriate
years old, average height, and slim build. He came to the
laws from other Lands into our language.” Obreon has a
shire about 2 years ago from the Kingdom of Norway
foreign accent identical to Malich’s.
where he witnessed the Viking locals kill his parents for
Additional Information: Obreon Adonar will always preaching Christianity to the drunken rogues. Martesh will
be seen with Malich. They are good friends that have been not profess to be a Christian after what he saw and even he
through much together. Obreon is 54 years old and also of does not know what he believes now. He is very angry that
Arab decent. He is very learned in the character’s native he had to watch his parents die for what they believed in
language but speaks with a thick Arabian accent. He and when they so strongly preached about love. He will rarely
Malich had traveled to this shire five years ago directly from talk about it to anyone unless he feels very comfortable
their homeland Arabia. Obreon will not speak of his faith with him or her. Martesh has incredible fighting skills (+4
if asked. If pressed, he will become very harsh and refuse to to all and 3 AtR) though he carries no weapons.
be pressed any further.
Equipment: Martesh carries only his clothes; which
Equipment: Obreon has a staff made of very hard include pants, tunic, and boots.
cedar (1d10+2 Damage) and a pouch of 7 Gold Pieces.
Bishop Sidrow, the baptizer
Dabal, the poor cobbler
Bishop Sidrow is a tall, broad-shouldered man with a
Dabal (pronounced da-ball) appears to be a short, fat fluffy grey beard. He has a fair complexion and
man with tattered rags for clothing. He has fair skin with shimmering white teeth. Bishop Sidrow is a light-hearted
large rosy cheeks. Dabal is happy, full of life, and enjoys man with a funny joke at the ready. He can always be seen
the shire in which he lives and the friends he has. He smiling and happy. He carries nothing more than a staff
welcomes the characters upon meeting them. He says, but wears the finest robe around. It is hung with the finest
“How very splendid it is to meet you, travelers. My home German silks and wool, and is mostly purple with a somber
shall be your home and my things shall be your things for green stole and sash. He will tell the characters with a
the duration of your stay. If I can help you with anything great laugh, “God bless thee, travelers, and welcome to our
while you are in this fair shire, please ask. My nephew, shire. I would wager it will be by sundown before you shall
Martesh, will be happy to show you around if I am too busy see us crazy people in action.” His size and merriment can
making shoes.” be intimidating.
Additional Information: Dabal Alestrom is a native Additional Information: Bishop Sidrow is the
of the shire. He is a straightforward man and a professed highest-ranking clergy in this quadrant of the German
follower of Jesus, the Messiah. He lives with his large and Empire; only three others equal his rank below the Pope.
happy wife, Marie, and his 3 young children, Akbar, He has baptized thousands of people and preached
Elizabeth, and, Uriah. With them also lives his nephew, thousands of sermons in his 35 years of service to the
Martesh, who recently moved with them from the Kingdom Church. He is a devout follower of God and a very
of Norway. Dabal has nothing to hide from the characters virtuous man overall.
and will offer anything he has to them, though he has very
Equipment: Bishop Sidrow carries nothing but a
little (little food, no livestock, no weapons, no armor, little
staff and occasionally will carry a tome of Holy Scriptures.
clothing). All money he earns goes to feed him and his
family. He is eternally grateful for any gifts the character
gives to them. Other NPC’s
Equipment: Dabal has a pouch of 2 Gold pieces and Other NPC’s that you may need to make up “on the
25 Silver. fly” could be the friends and relatives of the murdered
victims and relatives of the other NPC’s.

Holy Lands 313 The Dark Ages

explanation in The Task section below as if Lito is
The Encounter explaining it to them now instead of while traveling.

The first part of this adventure begins in the German

Empire in a shire called Reldar, which is about 50 miles The Task
south of where the actual adventure takes place. The
characters may need to buy equipment, weapons, or Lito will explain to the characters that there has been
something else while their there. Otherwise, they can do it an attack on new believers of his shire, but he will not tell
later. You may want to have them break up a fight or them that he believes it is a Muslim-lead attack. He will
catch a cutpurse just to get the ball rolling. In a few tell them the following,
moments of wandering the town, the characters will be “Thank you for hearing my plea for service. Our
approached by Lito to ask them for a favor. In case they shire has recently experienced a disturbing work of the
inquire, Lito will choose the characters because they appear Devil and we do not know what to do. It all started one
to be adventurers, as opposed to peasants or some type of moon ago when the shire’s protective relic was stolen. The
royalty. Lito will politely and calmly say the following, relic was the Holy Axe of Helderon, which was the weapon
“Well met, travelers. I do pray you forgive me for this used by the warrior Kobrock to single-handedly slay over a
disturbance but I was wondering if I might have a word hundred attacking Viking raiders eighty years ago. The
with you. My name is Lito from the shire of Helderon and relic saved our shire then and was ignorantly held in too
I have a tremendous favor to ask of you. My shire has high regards from that point forward. We believed that the
experienced the most grievous of sins since a Viking raid shire was invincible while this relic was with us.
nearly 100 years ago and we need help. (Holds out a pouch The town remained peaceful as the axe was handed
5g per character) I have some gold to offer now but there down through the generations and consecrated as sacred.
will be more if the challenge is met. There is no time to It ended up in the possession of Kobrock’s great-grandson
lose. I will explain on the way.” Suhail. Suhail thought that he had become king because
he now possessed the Holy Axe of Helderon and feverishly
demanded undue rights. He was behaving like a child, a
Feat of Virtue brat.
One or more characters may gain or lose a Virtue One night a moon ago, while Suhail slept, an
point here if one of the following actions takes place: intruder broke into his sleeping chambers and slew him
with the axe. Nevertheless, the Holy Axe of Helderon was
Gain one Virtue to the player (one only) who initiates
not found near Suhail’s bloody corpse. More so, five other
all the characters not taking any money now or ever, even
innocent citizens were slain with the same axe on that very
as a reward. In the event that no money is taken, all
night, all while they slept. Two of them were children, one
players must only receive necessary equipment. The
was a priest, and the others were an elderly couple that had
initiating player will lose the gained Virtue point if he or
been married for over 40 years. We all know that the
she receives any reward later either directly or by another
massacre was an attempt for the assassin to destroy the
player for this quest.
holy power of the axe by committing heinous evil with it.
Lose one Virtue point for the players who initiate and However, the axe was never found. We do not know if the
actively participate in depriving Lito of his gold without power was destroyed or not.
joining him back to Helderon.
There is more, however. The assassin apparently
believed, too, that the relic was protecting our beloved
shire. For, after that, all new converts that had turned
their life from wickedness to know Jesus Christ were killed
The Proposition the night they were baptized. Two weeks ago, Bishop
Sidrow had baptized three new converts along with several
The characters, at this point, have a number of others who had simply never been baptized. The three new
options, which you as the Raconteur will have to steer them converts were found that night hanging from their windows
to choose one of two. The first and most favorable option by their feet. They had been strangled by, what appeared to
is to accept the challenge before them and go with Lito. In be, clawed hands. One was a boy of 13. The other was a
this case, the characters will get the full explanation from man who drastically changed his life to do charity work.
Lito on the way. See The Task below. The other option Previously, he was a moneylender who was a professed
for the players to choose is to need more information cheat, robbing hundreds of gold in interest from innocent
before accepting. If this occurs, simply read them Lito’s patrons who desperately needed a loan on money to buy
Holy Lands 314 The Dark Ages
food. The third was a woman who was abused by her everyone in the town. You can tell the players that they are
husband for years because of her Christian beliefs. When beginning to feel as though they are on the wrong path. If
he died prematurely, she obeyed the Lord and went to be the players persist on following them, they will be noticed
baptized. and confronted by Malich, who will insist that they back
My friends, I have stolen away from the shire against
the constable’s wishes. They do not want any outside help, If the players decide to devise a plan, they will learn
but I believe it is the only answer. I do not know what that the town wanted no outside help because they planned
must be done but someone must flush out the assassin and to ambush the killers by tricking them into believing that
restore peace to our town. The shire folk are leaving. there was a new convert. Dabal will announce that his
Worse than that, the weak in faith are leaving the Truth nephew, Martesh, has given his life over to Lord Jesus and
and even cursing It. People are outraged and terrified. that he is to be baptized tomorrow. Martesh had already
You must help us! Please, I beg of you.” been a Christian but was very shy about his faith, even to
his uncle. The whole shire will gossip in anticipation. If
one or more of the characters devise to use the same plan
as Martesh, they will be baptized on the same day.
The Journey
Lito will direct them to the shire Helderon, which will The Ambush
take either two days by foot or one day by horse. The shire
The day that the cobbler’s nephew is baptized in the
is 50 miles north from their current location. You can use
river a mile North of the shire, nearly the entire town
the Random Encounters Table on page 311 for added
shows up for the event. They will be there whispering and
adventure if you like or simply lapse the time and begin in
gossiping about the danger that the person (people) being
the shire Helderon. Unfortunately for the players, Lito will
baptized and how they may be killed tonight. Some will be
have no more information than what he has already
screaming and begging for the child to not be baptized for
communicated. The players may inquire about Lito’s
fear of death. If any of the players decide to pretend to be a
history, in which case you will need to refer to his
new convert, they will be warned several times by the
description in the NPC’s section on page 312.
residents about the incidents that have occurred. They will
be warned both before and after the baptismal.
That night, at approximately 2AM, a Lesser gargoyle
The Shire Helderon demon will attack one of the new converts. You will want
it to attack the characters if they have participated in the
tricking. The demon may be slain or it can escape and be
When the players arrive ‘on scene’ at the shire
followed. Either way, after the excitement settles, the
Helderon, they will see the annual Harvest Festival
players will see Malich wandering the nearby streets. He
occurring (use the Faire information on page 290). It
will suspiciously say that he anticipated the attack and was
celebrates a great year of crop harvests this season, and
hoping to help defend the victim. He may be questioned or
Helderon had the best ever. The affair will last for two
even apprehended by the constabulary, but he will not talk.
days. Merchants, peddlers, and entertainers flood the shire
The players should be encouraged, if they have not thought
streets to participate in the event. Everyone seems really
of it already, to check out Malich’s shop, which is where he
happy. You will want to have the players meet a lot of
lives as well. At this point, the players have no right to just
NPC’s as Lito shows them around. Lito may say things
storm in or sneak in to the place and they should be told
that will lead the players to believe that certain people are
that. Perhaps, give them some suspicious activity to
suspects but they will all check out if the players
witness or have them overhear a conversation between
investigate. Have them bump into Malich and Obreon.
Malich and Obreon screaming about the failed murder
Neither will be suspicious to any of the players or Lito
attempt and how Obreon knew that it was too obvious.
initially, but Malich will say as he is leaving, “By the way,
are any of you of the Muslim faith at all?”
Malich will say that he was just curious or that one of The Confrontation
them looked of that complexion as he suspiciously walks
away. At this point, the players can devise a plan or they By bringing their information to him, the characters
can tail Malich and Obreon. If they try to follow the two should be instructed by Bishop Sidrow to enter the house
friends, they will see that the two men are hardly acting of Obreon or the shop of Malich in order to investigate.
suspicious at all. In fact, they are jovial and carefree with
Holy Lands 315 The Dark Ages
When the characters enter either place, Obreon and journals with their plans to kill Christians. The secret door
Malich will attempt to escape from being captured. They is hidden on the carved surface of the wall and can only be
will flee to a back room and down a secret door under their found by triggering a switch within the desk by a successful
carpets. If Obreon and Malich are separated at this point, Search Roll, in which it opens slowly. The hidden door
that is ok. They can meet up below or not at all, whatever opens to a small closet where the Holy Axe of Helderon is
fits with your story thus far. Use the sample dungeon map kept (among other weapons of normal grade).
found on the following page for the remainder of the
The supply storage- This room holds some common
adventure. Each square will represent a 10 x 10 x 10 foot
equipment you feel the characters can use: rope, weapons,
herbal drafts, etc. Have some magic items in here that
they will hopefully destroy.
The sleeping chamber- This room is where Malich
The Dungeon would spend some nights in silence. It has a bed, some
leather goods (pouches, sacks, waterskins, and some leather
The following guidelines will help you navigate the armor if desired). There is a pouch of 8 gold and 20 silver
characters through the dungeon portion of this adventure. under the pillow of the bed.
The dungeon is dark with no lighting whatsoever. The holding room- This room has a shivering and
The trap doors- Obreon and Malich can easily avoid scared little Arabian boy, named Olan, curled up in the
these if being pursued. The floor at both entrances is dark corner of this room. He had been kidnapped six
trapped with hidden trapped doors that will swing open weeks ago from Arabia and was sent to Obreon to hold for
whenever minimal weight is applied to them. They are 8 ransom. Muslim extremists kidnapped him because of his
feet wide by 8 feet long and virtually cover the width of the Christian faith.
hallways. If a character falls into one of these traps, he or
she will drop 15 feet (causes 3d6+3 points of Damage
from the fall) into a dark, empty pit that was dug with All of these events should occur from this adventure:
hardened and smoothed walls to prevent climbing (requires The Muslim extremists (Obreon and Malich) will be
2 consecutively successful Scale Walls Rolls to get out). revealed with their plan to kill Christians, the boy is
rescued, and the Holy Axe of Helderon is reclaimed
The doors- All of the doors are locked but the door (Bishop Sidrow will give it to one of the characters because
into the study room is trapped with a poison needle trigger there is no heir to it).
mechanism that will stick any character with a failed
attempt to Pick Locks. The keys to all the doors may be
found in Obreon’s sleeping chambers. Holy Axe of Helderon- axe with holy properties; not
The cell- The cell holds another Lesser gargoyle a true Holy Weapon (see page 223 for details). Holy
demon. The cell door will release if a trap door is tripped. properties: +2 to Attack and +5 to Damage, returns to
In that event, the demon will come running out to Attack. wielder, beautifully ornate.

The study room- This is where Obreon studies

occasionally. There is a desk, some candles, and some

Holy Lands 316 The Dark Ages

Holy Lands 317 The Dark Ages
Abilities 64 Dice 10 Muslims
Ability Marks (AM) 64 Dice Rolls 10 Territories 296
Calculating 46 Difficulty Factors Warriors (Saracens) 292
Accuracy 39 For Skills 107 Narrated Personality Character 9
in Combat 39 for Attributes 60 NPC 9, 293
Difficulty Modifiers 40 for Abilities 65 Key NPC’s 293
Targeting Accuracy 40 Dodge 24 Historic People 292
Advantage 22 against irregular weapon types 168 Poisons 214
AM (Ability Mark) 64 Enemy Classes 240 Demon’s Blood 215, 260
Angels 282-283 Assassins 240 Rac (Raconteur) 9
Animals 284-287 Druids 242 Races (of beings) 307
AR (Attribute Rating) 60 Rogues 243 Demi-races 249
Armor 208 Sorcerers 245 Random Tables
Defence of 31, 208 Thieves 246 Criminal Guilds 311
Capacity of 32 Witches 247 Drafts and Cures 309
Areas of Protection 208, 209-210 Equipment 198-199 Encounters 311
Equipped 209 Experience points 15 Herbs 309
Cumbrance of 210 Experience point Table 16 Holy Items 310
Armor and clothing 210-211 Factors 33 Magic Items 310
For horses 211 Difficulty see Difficulty Factor Magic Consequences 239
AtR (Attacks per Round) 27 Distance Factor 34 Weather 309
Miracles per Round 176 Height Factor 34 Range 39
Spells per Round 230 Face Factor 34 Rounds 14-15
Attack 23 Factor Table 33 For Combat 27
Spiritual Attacks 176 Weight Factor 35 Runes 227
Attributes 60 Light Factor 35 Rune Traps 228
Rolling for Attributes 45 Noise Factor 35 Saracens 292
AR Maximums 60 Faires 290 Saving Throws 17
Capacity 41 Faith points 16, 175 Against Magic 239
of armor 32 Restoring 16 Descriptions 18-19
standard versus armor CAP 42 Five-score 15 Irregular Saving Throws 19-20
Castles and Sieges 294-296 Gifts 108 Services 199
Character Classes 65 Gold and Silver 54, 289 Sins 170
Progressing a Character 66 Guilds 191 Skills 106
Playing an additional Class 68 Criminal Guilds 191, 310 Against Normal Combat 25
Character Class Descriptions 70-105 Common Guilds 192 Attempts at 108
Combat Skills 32 Elite Guilds 194 Difficulties 107
Combat 22 Joining a Guild 196 Gaining new Skills 110
Basic Combat Sequence 27-30 Herbs 212 Learning new Skills 110
Combat Accuracy 39 Herbal Drafts and Cures 213-214 Losing Skills 113
Combat Movement 35 Random 309 Teaching new Skills 112
Fighting Duration 36 Holy Armor 223 Skill Descriptions 114-163
Supernatural Combat 175 Holy Items 219 Spellcasters 229
Skills in normal Combat 25 Purchasing Holy Items 216 Druids 242
Crafts 109 Using Holy Items 216 Sorcerers 245
Creating a Campaign 306 Creating Holy Items 217 Witches 247
Creating a Character 45-56 Holy Crucifixes 218 Spells
Attribute Requirements 46 Holy Armor 223 Druidic Spells 230
Languages 47 Holy Weapons 221 Sorcery Spells 233
Weapon Skills 48 Holy Symbols 224 Witchcraft Spells 235
L.p. and F.p. 49-50 Holy Water 214 Structural Material Classes 41
Rolling for Sins 50 Holy Weapons 221 sword breaking 42
Height and Weight 51 Languages 47 Talents 109
Attribute Bonus Table 52 Life points 14 Ten-round 15
Phobias 54 at zero Life points 21 Terms and Phrases (review) 42-44
Creatures 280 Magic 227 The Known World (map) 297
Crime and Punishment 290 Magic Items 238 Time 15
Crucifixes 218 Creatures 280 Tournaments 291
Cults 279 Consequences of Magic 239 Vikings 243, 293
Damage 25 Miracles 16, 175 Virtue (gaining and losing) 63
Common Damage dice 164 Miracles per Round 176 Weapon Skills 167
Falling Damage 26 Miracle Properties 177 Learning Weapon Skills 165
Hit Damage (Str. Mat. Classes) 41 Modifiers 178 Increasing Weapon Skills 164
Defence (of armor) 31, 208 Descriptions 179-188 Weapon Skill Specials 165-166
Defend 24 Monasteries 197 Weapons 200
Spiritual Defend 176 Movement 35 greater and lesser weapons 203
Demi-races 249 Combat Movement 35 Light Arms 200-202
Demons 260 Running/sprinting 36 Whips 202
Demi-races 249 Climbing 37 Heavy Arms 203-204, 207
Demon’s Blood 215, 260 Jumping 37 Thrown Weapons 206
Devils 279 Long-distance travel 38 Missile Weapons 205

Holy Lands 318 The Dark Ages

Holy Lands Character Sheet
Character Information Attributes Abilities Saving Throws
Player Name Intellect Perception Use Magic (16)
Character Name Memory = 20-(INT+WIS) Curses (15)
Character Class Wisdom Search Spells (14)
= 20-(PAT+WIS)
Gender Level Agility Rune Traps (13)
Age HF ( ft.) WF ( lbs.) Strength Climb Death (12)
= 20-(STR+AGI)
Land of Origin Speed Jump Magic Fumes (11)
Phobias Endurance = 20-(SPD+AGI) Magic Items (10)
Sins/Consequences Beauty Balance Poison (9)
Charisma = 20-(PAT+AGI) Phobias (7)
Patience Hide Miracles (5)
Virtue = 20-(SPD+WIS) Holy Items (4)
Life points ( ) Faith points ( ) Faith

Gifts Talents Crafts


Combat Skills
Advantage Attack Defend Dodge Damage AtR Special
Hand to Hand + + + + + +
Heavy Arms + + + + + +
Light Arms + + + + + +
Paired Weapons + + + + + +
Longbows + + [===] + + +
Light Missiles + + [===] + + +
Thrown + + [===] + + +
Shield Play + + + + + +
Whips + + + + + +
Kick Attack + + + + + +

Weapons Equipment and Items Armor and Clothes AP DEF

Feet N/A

Total DEF

Armor Creep Penalty


Experience points
Gold Silver
Jewels Rations Next Level

Copyright © 2003, Quests of Faith, All Rights Reserved. Permission to duplicate for Holy Lands use only.
Family History Notes
Mother’s Name
Mother’s Occupation
Father’s Name
Father’s Occupation
Parents’ Homeland
Brothers Sisters
Family Heirloom
Family Notes

Animal Companion Save vs: Animal Companion Save vs:

Curses (11) Curses (11)
Type Spells (11) Type Spells (11)
Name Rune Traps (11) Name Rune Traps (11)
L.p. ( ) HF WF Death (11) L.p. ( ) HF WF Death (11)
DEF Damage M. Fumes (11) DEF Damage M. Fumes (11)
Exceptional Characteristics M Items (11) Exceptional Characteristics M Items (11)
Poison (11) Poison (11)
Miracles (11) Miracles (11)
Skills Holy Items (11) Skills Holy Items (11)

Combat Bonuses Combat Bonuses

Notes Notes

Crucifixes Holy Item Additional Items

Material Type
Base value Properties
Max Miracles Max charges
Miracle 1 charges
Miracle 2 charges Virtue Requirement
Miracle 3 charges Value
Miracle 4 charges
Miracle 5 charges Holy Armor
Material Type
Base value Properties
Max Miracles Max charges
Miracle 1 charges
Miracle 2 charges Virtue Requirement Additional Crafts
Miracle 3 charges Value
Miracle 4 charges
Miracle 5 charges Holy Weapon
Material Type
Base value True name
Max Miracles Max charges Properties
Miracle 1 charges
Miracle 2 charges
Miracle 3 charges Virtue Requirement
Miracle 4 charges Value
Miracle 5 charges

Holy Lands Character Sheet Side 2

Copyright © 2003, Quests of Faith, All Rights Reserved. Permission to duplicate for Holy Lands use only.

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