BasicEconomicsReadingPassageswithTextStructureWorksheetsFREE 2
BasicEconomicsReadingPassageswithTextStructureWorksheetsFREE 2
BasicEconomicsReadingPassageswithTextStructureWorksheetsFREE 2
Notes about this product:
For information and the link to the Google Slides™ portion CLICK HERE
Notes about the Printable Portion
o There are many different ways that I use these text structure sets. I mix it up with my
students, but no matter how I use them, I feel like my students benefit! The more text
structure practice they have, they better they get at identifying the structures!
o Page 3 includes a worksheet with all 5 text structures in one place. This page works great
as an assessment.
o Pages 4-8 have each text structure paragraph on its own with a corresponding graphic
organizer. Before handing this page to students, fold it in half. This allows students to
highlight keywords and ideas from each paragraph to determine the text structure. Once
they figure out the text structure they can unfold the paper and complete the graphic
organizer. The graphic organizer can be a way for them to check their work determining
the text structure or you can check their work before they start the graphic organizer.
Ideas on How to Use This Product:
o Hand out one single paragraph page each day during a week. On Friday, give the one
page assessment.
o Randomly hand out the single paragraph pages to students. Once they determine their text
structure, have them find the other students with their same page and work together to
complete the graphic organizer. As groups present their paragraphs, the rest of the class
can fill in the information on page 5.
o Focus on one single paragraph during guided reading. Work together to find the key
words and fill out the graphic organizer.
Name________________________ Text Structure: Economics
Tell the text structure of each of the following paragraphs.
Compare and Contrast Descriptive Sequence Cause and Effect Problem and Solution
Fold here until the text structure is determined. Unfold to fill out the graphic organizer.
consumer wants. This is called supply and
demand. The supply is the product that can be
purchased and the demand is how many
people want the product. Since it is cold in the
winter, the demand for swimsuits is low. This
means that swimsuits will be cheaper in the
winter. In the summer, however, a lot of
people need swimsuits. This high demand so
causes swimsuits to cost full price. On a
really hot day, ice cream will cost full
price because lots of people want because
a cool treat. An ice cream store
might have a sale on a cold
day because the demand for ice
cream will be lower. so
Text Structure:
Fold here until the text structure is determined. Unfold to fill out the graphic organizer.
organized and determined. They need to
keep track of all the expenses a business
has. They also need to make sure to pay
employees and order enough goods to
sell to consumers. A business owner is in
charge of the decisions to make their
business successful. Running a business
can be very rewarding but also takes a
lot of effort.
Text Structure:
Fold here until the text structure is determined. Unfold to fill out the graphic organizer.
for something very
important, but you already
spent all your money. This
could be a big problem. A
budget can help you organize
how you spend your money
so you don’t run out of money.
Budgeting your money can
help you plan for big expenses
in the future. For example, going on
vacation can be very expensive. To solve
the problem of an expensive trip, you can
save a little money at a time until you have
Text Structure:
Fold here until the text structure is determined. Unfold to fill out the graphic organizer.
over time. First, people
used to trade or barter
when they wanted
something. Then, people began
using items to act like currency. For
example, the ancient Mayans used to use
chocolate as money. Next, people created
coins to be used as money. This made
currency more standard, but it weighed a Later
lot! Later, paper money was used. Today,
many people pay for things with a credit
card or banking apps. How do you think
money will change in the future?
Fold here until the text structure is determined. Unfold to fill out the graphic organizer.
services. A good is an actual item that Both
you can buy like a toy or a car. A
service, however, is not an actual thing.
When you pay for a service, you are
paying someone to do something. For
example, mowing the lawn or dog walking
are services. Sometimes a business can
provide both goods and services. For Services
example, a car shop might sell tires and
also put them on your car. Businesses
can sell both goods and
services and consumers
can buy both too.
Text Structure: