Recognition Bro 2022 Dec.

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Dare to Dream in English

Anglia Examinations

Anglia Examinations
About Anglia Examinations

Why Choose Us? Our Advantages About Us

The robust nature of our • Access to our community of Anglia Examinations has been
exams and our rigorous quality Anglia graduates. based in Chichester, England,
control procedure provide since 1993. During that time,
a credible means of testing • Ofqual recognition for our we have grown steadily by
English-language skills and top 4 levels (B1 to offering reputable English
capabilities. This, together with C2 on the CEFR) through language exams to hundreds
our close-knit international our partnership with of thousands of candidates.
network will give you access AIM Qualifications and
to a community of learners in Assessment Group. Anglia Examinations is a
regions around the world. wholly-owned subsidiary of
• UCAS tariff points are Chichester College Group,
We offer a unique 10-step awarded for our Mastery which comprises five Colleges,
approach to language learning, Level (Level 3 CEFR C2). Anglia Examinations, First
helping students to reach their Steps Childcare Group and
full potential. Many of them • Global recognition in more Chichester English School. With
use their qualifications to gain than 40 countries. 2,000 staff it makes us the
access to further education or largest college group in Sussex,
employment. • Wide international official providing high-quality learning
recognition by universities, opportunities for over 25,000
governments and students every year.
institutions – for a full list
of recognising institutions
please refer to Recognition

Anglia Examinations 2
Welcome to Anglia Examinations

Words from the Chief Examiner, Alice Osman

Welcome to Anglia Examinations HQ.

As Chief Examiner for Anglia Examinations, I am proud to see that an

increasing number of candidates around the world are recognising
the value of taking our exams. For many, the exams have become
part of their school’s curriculum, with each level motivating students
to continue their language-learning journey to the next achievable

Our full range of English language exams cover all four skills, and
is suitable for students of any age, from young learner to adult.
Success at each step provides recognition of their achievement and maps their progress. At Anglia
Examinations we also work hard to support our candidates who are looking to go to university or
enhance their employment prospects by taking one of our accredited levels.

Anglia teachers worldwide are enthusiastic about preparing their students for the exams as they
appreciate the ‘step by step’ approach to learning English as well as the flexibility that our exam
timetable offers, and the support network available.

Anglia offers a range of products other than our main 10-step suite of English language exams,
including online Business English exams and C.I.T.E exams (Certificate for International Teachers
of English) at a range of levels. These products can help candidates focus their language in a
specialist area i.e. the business environment or classroom language and language teaching.

Thank you for taking the time to look at our corporate brochure and we hope to welcome you as
a member of the Anglia Family.

3 Anglia Examinations









Anglia Examinations
Discover Our Qualifications

Includes 10 levels in a unique The four steps of the Business Our C.I.T.E exams are intended
‘step by step’ approach. exams are aligned to the CEFR for use by candidates whose
For Adult and Young Learners from A2+ to C1. These exams English level may range from A2
we have an incremental system allow: to C1 on the CEFR. These exams
that allows candidates: help:

• to develop confidence to • candidate to emphasise • teachers to attain the

progress through the levels application in realistic English required to teach
from First Step to Mastery situations. in an English language
(C2). • enhance career prospects classroom.
• an opportunity for life-long and employability. • teachers gain competence
learning. • employers to prepare their in the relevant English
• to be tested in all four skills workforce to operate in a language skills needed for
of reading, writing, listening global business. teaching.
and speaking. • teachers of other subjects
to transfer their subject
Marking, test development specialism teaching skills
and production are managed to practical, classroom-
in the UK headquarters in language skills.
Chichester, under the umbrella
of Chichester College Group.
Marking is done by Anglia UK
trained markers.

From Preliminary upwards our

exams are aligned to the CEFR.
Words from a teacher from Buenos

Preparing for and taking C.I.T.E. helped me
and my teaching. The relevant and updated
course content helped me improve the
skills needed for teaching English, reflect
on classroom teaching, and, above all, it
was taken as a personal and professional
Therefore, I highly recommend it to
candidates who are beginning their career
and also to experienced teachers.
- Mirta Sarchione

5 Anglia Examinations
Accreditation and Recognition

Anglia Examinations’ formal relationship with the Awarding Body, AIM Qualifications and Assessment
Group, means our top four qualification levels are Ofqual accredited.
Moreover, from May 2021, students successfully completing our Mastery level (Level 3, CEFR C2) are
awarded UCAS tariff points; one of only a few ESOL English exams in the UK to do so.



Entry Level Certificate in ESOL Level 1 Certificate in ESOL Level 2 Certificate in ESOL Level 3 Certificate in ESOL
International (Entry 3) (B1) Ofqual International (B2) Ofqual International (C1) Ofqual International Ofqual qualification
qualification number 601/4946/2 qualification number 601/4947/4 qualification number 601/4949/8 number 601/4948/6

For more information on AIM please click here.

I am delighted with the news that Anglia’s

Mastery Exam now attracts UCAS tariff
points. This represents a significant
milestone in the ongoing development of
Anglia exams as the ESOL examination of
choice for students to prove their English
level and to support their progression to university and
improve their career prospects.
- Julie Kapsalis, Director, anglia examinations anD managing
Director, chichester college group

Anglia Examinations 6
Anglia Recognition Globally

Here is a selection of institutions which recognise Anglia Examinations. Please note that this is not
the full list:

• In Italy, by the Ministry of Education - MIUR Enti certificatori lingue straniere.

• In Colombia, by the Ministry Education (
• In Argentina, more than 20 universities accept Anglia Examinations.
• In Spain, Anglia Examinations are included on the ACLES list (Asociación de Centros de Lenguas
en la Enseñanza Superior en España) which works in partnership with 70 Universities in Spain.
We are also included on CRUE(Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas). Our
certificates are also officially recognised by the following Spanish Governments in order to have
the “Habilitación Lingüística”: Islas Baleares, Galicia, Andalusia, Madrid, Aragón.
• In The Netherlands, more than 7000 students in different schools take Anglia exams annually.
• In Cyprus, more than 6000 students from various schools take Anglia exams each year.
• In Vietnam, and Indonesia thousands of teachers take our C.I.T.E exams.

You can use the online search tool on the website to see other institutions that accept Anglia
qualifications, just click here.

Alignment to CEFR

Anglia Examinations alignment to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(CEFR) provides a meaningful and useful point of reference that is understood globally.

7 Anglia Examinations

Why teachers like preparing students for an Anglia exam.

For more testimonials please click here

-Gabriela racca - lucrecia tombetta -Natalia KuNz

“ “ “
I like preparing students I like preparing students I like preparing students for
for an Anglia exam because for Anglia exams because I Anglia exams because, first
they have a user-friendly feel part of an extraordinary of all, Anglia’s step-by-step
approach for both primary and international network that approach provides a user-
secondary school students. works really hard to empower friendly range of exams for all
Moreover, most of the tasks students as well as teachers. ages and levels. Besides, as
included are the ones found Internationally recognised there is no required material
in any ELT coursebook, which certificates, regular paper- to prepare my students for
means teachers don’t need based and online exams, an Anglia exam, I have the
to go the extra mile to find continuous teacher training, freedom to use the course
useful activities. Also, the cultural exchanges, study trips, books I like and feel more
interlocutors/assessors carry and invaluable webinars make comfortable with.
out the interviews in such a Anglia the best choice to offer
way that students become so our students at INSTITUTO
engaged in the conversation BABEL, Corral de Bustos,
that they forget they are Córdoba, Argentina.
sitting an exam. The speaking
component is definitely the
cherry on the cake.

Anglia Examinations 8

For more information on Anglia Examinations local representatives please click the logos.

Argentina Bolivia Canada Chile Colombia

Costa Rica Cyprus Ecuador Greece Indonesia

Italy Mexico Netherlands Panama Paraguay

Peru Spain Taiwan Uruguay Venezuela

9 Anglia Examinations
Additional Supporting Documents

Our Accreditation and Credentials

Anglia Exams Accreditation and Credentials

Anglia Examinations has been owned by Chichester College Group since 1993. Anglia are partners with AIM
Qualifications and Assessment Group who are regulated by Ofqual to standardise the qualifications in order to
maintain confidence in the high quality exams of Anglia Examinations.

Five Reasons to Trust Anglia Exams

1. We apply rigorous standards to our exams; we will never compromise on the quality and robustness of
our qualifications.
2. Our four highest level of exams are accredited by AIM Qualification & Assessments Group who are
regulated by Ofqual.
3. Anglia Examinations is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chichester College Group who are now the
largest college group in Southeast of England.
4. Our exams are mapped to the Common European of References for Languages (CEFR) so that you can
see how our levels compare.
5. Many universities, employers and local governments around the world recognise our qualifications. New
institutions are formally recognising Anglia English language exams on a regular basis.

You can now gain UCAS tariff points for our highest-level exam (Mastery General English CEFR C2), which
means that holders of this qualification will secure UCAS points to count towards university admissions in the

Anglia Examinations 10
Dare to Dream in
- Partner with Anglia
Examinations today

Contact Details
For more information about Anglia
Examinations, please visit our
Or Anglia Morocco Representative
Phone: 212 528 843 349

Anglia Examinations Syndicate Ltd

Company Registration Number: 02046325
Westgate Fields, Chichester
West Sussex, PO19 1SB
United Kingdom

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