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Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment

Vol. 22, No. 2: 182-189 (2016)


Diet of Raja asterias (Delaroche, 1809) caught along

the Mediterranean part of the Moroccan coast
(Northern Morocco)
Mint Khalil Fatimetou*, Saoud Younes

Laboratory of Applied Biology and Pathology, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, EL

M’hannechech Ii, Av.Sebta.Sn.Bp.2121, Cp.93002 Tetouan-MOROCCO
Corresponding author: [email protected]


This study was conducted on the diet of 367 individuals and included 165 males and 202
females of Raja asterias caught between April 2013 and March 2014 at M'diq port
(Mediterranean Moroccan coast). Their body size varied from 20 to 66.5 cm for males
and from 20 to 72cm for females. R. asterias caught in this region showed clear
preference for crustaceans and fish. The average emptiness coefficient was 29.61% and
varied depending on the size and sex. We also observed dietary differences depending on
the size of the animal.

Keywords: Raja asterias, feeding ecology, Mediterranean, Morocco


Skates live in coastal waters and along with sharks constitute a key component
in marine benthic ecosystem. Raja asterias (Delaroche, 1809) is common in the
whole Mediterranean Sea with probable exclusion of the Black Sea (Fischer et
al. 1987; Relini et al. 2000). It has been recorded along the Atlantic coast of
northern Morocco and in southern Portugal (Whitehead et al. 1984). In general
terms, R. asterias can be considered as a Mediterranean endemic species. It
generally inhabits the sandy bottom of coastal waters ranging from 2 to 200 m
of depth, and is found to be most common between 20 and 50 m of depth. This
species grows to about 80 cm in total length (TL) (Serena et al. 2010). In
Morocco, they are incidentally caught by fisheries targeting benthic species with
high market value but it is the main ray species exploited in the study area. It
dominates the Rajiformes group in all landings at the northern Moroccan ports.
In this study, we investigated the diet of R. asterias caught at the M'diq port
(Mediterranean Moroccan coast) using two approaches: a qualitative approach
and the systematic nature of ingested prey; and a quantitative approach that uses

monthly monitoring of changes in the emptiness coefficient in function of the
size, seasons and the analysis of stomach contents based on the certain food

Materials and Methods

In total 367 individuals of R. asterias were collected between April 2013 and
March 2014 at the M'diq port, northern region of Morocco (Figure 1). They
included 165 males and 202 females with their size varying from 20 to 66.5 cm
and from 17 to 72 cm, respectively. They were captured by artisanal fishermen
using trawls, long-line hooks and gill nets. The dissection of the specimens was
performed with the incision from the anus to the mouth with a pair of scissors.
The content of the digestive tract was taken and kept in 60% ethanol solution.
Each stomach was cut longitudinally and emptied of its contents. The number of
empty stomachs was recorded. Ingested prey was identified, counted, weighed
and recorded using a dissecting microscope. The ingested prey was determined
to the lowest possible taxonomic level according to FAO (1998), Serena (2005),
Ajayi (1982). Quantitative analysis of stomach content was reflected in the
calculation of the following indices: Emptiness coefficient: VI = (empty
stomach number / examined stomachs number) ×100. Following Hyslop (1980)
frequency of occurrence, number, and weight indices were calculated for each
prey category. Frequency of occurrence (F) was calculated by dividing the
number of stomachs containing a particular prey item or category by the total
number of stomachs containing prey multiplied by 100. This index reflects the
number of predators which utilize that prey resource, or the homogeneity of the
foraging strategy. The percentage of a particular prey (N) was calculated by
dividing the total number of prey items within the category by the total number
of individual prey items in non-empty stomachs multiplied by 100; this index
can reflect abundance or size of the prey. The gravimetric index (W) was
obtained by dividing the total weight of a prey category by the total weight of all
prey items multiplied by 100; this index can reflect the energetic importance of
a prey item (Cortés 1997). The food factor was calculated using this formula: Q
= (N x W). The index of relative importance (IRI) (Pinkas et al. 1971), which
combines the frequency of occurrence of the prey (F), its coefficient number (N)
and its weight coefficient (W): IRI = (N+ W) ×F gives a more accurate picture
of the diet. It also allows the prioritization of the consumed prey. Main Power
Index or Index Main Food MFI (Zander 1982) was calculated as below.

 N+ f 
MFI =  xW
 2 

We estimated the degree of preference for different prey by applying Hureau

(1970) and Geistdoerfer (1975) prey classification methods.

Figure 1. The study area (Modified from centre INRH/Nador 2006)


In the examined samples, we found the total of 473 prey items. The analysis of
these prey items shows that this species has a variable diet that includes various
zoological groups (crustaceans, fish, polychaetes and molluscs). Arthropods are
represented by crustaceans (decapods, isopods and amphipods) and Annelids
(polychaetes) whose taxonomic determination has proved to be difficult. The
diet includes molluscs such as cephalopods and bivalves. Vertebrates are
represented by whole or partly digested fish belonging to Clupeidae, Carangidae
and Sparidae, Engraulidae. This analysis indicates that R. asterias in the studied
area of the Mediterranean Moroccan coast has a diverse diet. It also indicates
that the qualitative composition of the prey depends not only on their preference
for crustaceans and fish, but also on the abundance and availability of such food.

Vacuity index (%VI)

Among 368 individuals investigated, 109 had empty stomachs; this gives a
mean vacuity index (%VI) 26.09%. This coefficient varied slightly with sex;
23.46% for male and 28.52% for females. However, variations of this
coefficient depend on the size of the fish, meaning that it is larger for
individuals of average size. Analysis of monthly variation of emptiness
coefficient shows that the maximum values are recorded between May and July,
and in December (Figure 2). Subsequently, there is decreasee in the coefficient
of emptiness in March and April coinciding with the pre-spawning period. The
fish seems to feed more intensively to complete the maturity.

Figure 2. Monthly variation of vacuity index (%VI) of Raja asterias in the
Mediterranean Moroccan coast

In total 248 full stomachs contained 473 prey items, weighing 480.07g which
was equal to an average of 2 preys per stomach and an average weight of 1.01 g
per prey. The classification of the prey is shown in Table 1. According to the
classification method by Hureau (1970), the crustaceans and fish are the most
preferred prey, whereas annelids and molluscs belong to the secondary prey
group. According to the method described in Geistdoerfer (1975), it appears that
R. asterias in the Mediterranean Moroccan coast feeds mainly on crustaceans
and fish (preferred prey), whereas molluscs and annelids are additional prey
(occasional prey). Zander (1982) classification shows that crustaceans and fish
are essential prey (primary food) whereas annelids and molluscs are accessories
prey (insignificant food). We summarize as R. asterias is carnivorous and has a
relatively broad food spectrum. This species feeds mainly on crustaceans and

Variations in diet in function to the size

We classified the individuals in two size categories: small (LT ≤ 42cm) and
large (LT > 42 cm). Analysis of the diet changes depending on the size (Figure
2) shows that the frequency (F) and the percentage by number (N) of the
crustaceans significantly decrease with the size. The same gradient was
observed for dietary factor (Q) and the main power index (MFI). For fish, we
found that the frequencies and percentages were greater in the large individuals
(LT > 42 cm), whereas the weight percentages were significantly higher in the
large individuals; this can be explained by the fact that predators, as they
increase in size, ingest increasingly large sized prey. The values of Q and MFI
are also in favor of large individuals. Annelids and molluscs constituted less
frequency and a smaller percentage in weight.

Table 1. Values of prey indices found in the diet of Raja asterias: %F (frequency of
occurrence), %N (percentage by number), % W (percentage in weight of prey items), Q:
food coefficient and MFI: Main food index

%F %N %W Q: food MFI: Main

coefficient food index
Crustaceans 60.3 68.71 56.73 3897.91 455.62
Decapods 49.59 32.72 22.94 750.59 147.16
Amphipods 22.17 23.25 11.54 268.30 54.99
Isopods 19.38 21 13.95 292.95 62.54
Fish 29.43 26.42 41.45 1095.01 219.03
Clupéiformes 14.11 16.70 26.03 434.70 102.16
Perciformes 5.24 5.28 11.45 60.45 26.26
Annélids 6.85 2 .95 3.54 10 .44 7.88
Nématods 1.41 1.26 0.10 0.126 0.11
Polychaetes 0.80 1.05 0.06 0.063 0 .05
Molluscs 3.22 1.90 0.20 0.38 0. 32
Céphalopods 2.01 0.84 0.08 0.067 0.07

Figure 3. Changes in index of relative importance (%IRI) by size class of Raja asterias

Seasonal variation in diet

The ingested prey by R. asterias showed little variation throughout the year. We
found crustaceans, fishes, annelids, and molluscs in all four seasons. The
relative importance of different prey presents some variation depending on the
season. In general, the percentage by the number of prey varied significantly for
crustaceans and fish for the summer and fall seasons. The weight percentage
changed only slightly over the four seasons. Annelids were observed only in
three seasons (autumn, winter and summer), while the molluscs was not found
in summer. The percentage by the number of fish was significantly higher
during the summer season and autumn, while the values of the weight

percentages were slightly higher during the summer seasons and almost the
same for the other seasons. Crustaceans were found throughout the year, but
were significantly more abundant in the number and weight during summer and
autumn. The fishes were also found throughout the year although their
importance varied slightly with the seasons. The percentages were greater
during the summer. We also found that over the four seasons, crustaceans and
fish were still the most preferred preys in comparison to annelids (polychaetes)
and molluscs.


Our results showed that R. asterias caught off the Moroccan Mediterranean
coast has relatively varied diet, consisting mainly of crustaceans, decapods,
amphipods isopods, and fish. Molluscs and annelids were not significant. Our
results are comparable to those obtained by other authors. Serena (2005) showed
that the diet of R. asterias along the Italian coasts varies and consists essentially
of shellfish, fish, polychaetes and molluscs. The major prey items are benthic
species, although some pelagic species were also isolated from the stomachs of
Mediterranean starry ray, which demonstrated that this ray species, as reported
by Orlov (2003), is able to feed in some distance from the bottom. In our study
area, the diet composition of rays consisted mainly of crustaceans (Brachyura,
Natantia, Amphipods, Isopods, Thalassinidea) and fish (Ostéichtyen perciforme,
Pleuronectiforme and Gobidae). Besides, we also identified prey items
belonging to Mollusca, Cephalopoda and Echinodermata (Ophiuroidea).
Moreover, we recorded a higher proportion of fish items in adult ray stomachs,
which can be explained by their greater experience and subsequent better
success in fish predation. Similar diet among various size groups of rajids have
been reported from other seas (Holden and Tucker et al. 1974; Ajayi 1982;
Orlov et al. 1998; Orlov 2003). High degree of similarity in diet of male and
female individuals was found. Our results agreed with previous studies
conducted in the Central and South-Central Mediterranean Sea (Capape and
Quignard 1977; Cuoco et al. 2005; Serena et al. 2005; Romanelli et al. 2007),
confirming the starry ray as a crustacean feeder.

Sincere thanks to the officials from the National Board of Fisheries (ONP’s M’diq) for
their availability and for providing us the sampling permission.


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Received: 20.09.2015
Accepted: 20.02.2016

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