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Week 1-3

Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection.
Self-Knowledge - as defined as understanding one’s own motives, character, beliefs grants one the freedom to live their life
without regrets. Additionally, it gives one a sense of direction and makes it extremely difficult to be manipulated.
Self-concept is a general term used to refer to how someone thinks about, evaluates or perceives themselves. To be aware of
oneself is to have a concept of oneself.
Self-esteem (also known as self-worth) refers to the extent to which we like, accept or approve of ourselves, or how much we
value ourselves. Self-esteem always involves a degree of evaluation and we may have either a positive or a negative view of
A. Multi-disciplinal approach
-it gives you a more deep and wide reference framework for considering the causes and effects of problems, and
thus find alignments between these points to articulate solutions. It improves your ability to consider things from
multiple perspectives at the same time, as well as measure various ripple effects, as you can consider how
those manifests through different domains and collective relationships.
What is self?
-The “self” has many aspects. These aspects make up the “self’s” integral parts, such as self-awareness, self-
esteem, self-knowledge, and self-perception. With these aspects, the person can alter, change, add, and/ or modify
himself or herself for the purpose of gaining social acceptance.
-The “self” is an important study in psychology. It holds that the “self” is either the cognitive or the affective
representation of the individual. Cognitive is relating to or involving conscious intellectual activity while affective is
relating to or arising from feelings influenced by emotions (Merriam-Webster, 2017).
B. Integral Parts of the Self
Self-awareness - Self-Knowledge - Self-concept
(1) The Existential Self
This is 'the most basic part of the self-scheme or self-concept; the sense of being separate and distinct from others
and the awareness of the constancy of the self' (Bee,1992).
(2) The Categorical Self
Having realized that he or she exists as a separate experiencing being, the child next becomes aware that he or she
is also an object in the world.
Self-image (how you see yourself)
This does not necessarily have to reflect reality. Indeed, a person with anorexia who is thin may have a self-image in
which the person believes they are fat. A person's self-image is affected by many factors, such as parental
influences, friends, the media etc.
1) Physical Description: I’m tall, have blue eyes...etc.
2) Social Roles: We are all social beings whose behavior is shaped to some extent by the roles we play. Such
roles as student, housewife, or member of the football team not only help others to recognize us but also help
us to know what is expected of us in various situations.
3) Personal Traits: These are the third dimension of our self-descriptions. “I’m impulsive...I’m generous...I tend
to worry a lot” ...etc.
4) Existential Statements (abstract ones): These can range from "I’m a child of the
universe" to "I’m a human being" to "I’m a spiritual being"...etc.
Self-esteem (the extent to which you value yourself
How well do you know yourself? Are you aware of your talents? Skills? Weakness?
The persistent question, “Who am I?” is rooted in the human need to understand the basis of the experiences of the
“self.” When people are asked to explain their understanding of the word, the usual answers are: “It’s who I am.”
“It’s me, my essence.” “It’s what makes me unique and different from everyone else.”
Philosophical View of Self
-Philosophy makes a central contribution to the educational enterprise through its demands upon intellectual activity.
Education in philosophy involves becoming aware of major figures and developments in the history of philosophy,
learning up-to-date techniques and accepted answers to philosophical questions, and learning critical,
interpretive, and evaluative skills that, in the overall scheme of things, may be of greatest value.
B. Socrates “the unexamined life is not worth living”
Some of Socrates ideas
1. The soul is immortal
2. The care of the soul is the task of philosophy
3. Virtue is necessary to attain happiness
The state of your inner being (soul/self) determines the quality of your life
Two kinds of existence
• Visible
• invisible
The goal of life is to be happy
The virtuous man is a happy man
B. Plato “good actions give strength to us and inspire good actions in others”
Collection and division
-The philosopher would collect all the generic ideas that seemed to have common
characteristics and then divided them into different kinds until the subdivision of
ideas became specific
Theory of forms
-Asserted that the physical world is not really the “real” world because the ultimate
reality exists beyond the physical world.
The soul is indeed the most divine aspect of the human being
The self/soul/mind according to Plato is the aspect of the human beings by which the
forms (ideas) are known
The three parts of the soul according to Plato are:
-The appetitive (sensual) – the element that enjoys sensual experiences, such as food, drink and sex.
-The rational- the element that forbids the person to enjoy the sensual experiences; the part that loves truth, hence
should rule over the other parts of the soul through the use of reason
-The spirited (feeling) – the element that is inclined toward reason but understands the demands of passion; the
part that loves honor and victory.
C. St. Augustine of Hippo all knowledge leads to God”
He adopted Plato’s view that the self is an immaterial (but rational) soul
Theory of forms- saint Augustine asserted that these forms were concepts existing within the perfect and eternal
god where the soul belonged.
-The soul held the truth and was capable of scientific thinking. Saint Augustine’s concept of the “self” was an inner
immaterial “i” that had self-knowledge and self-awareness.”
-Human beings through the senses could sense the material and temporal objects as we interacted with the material
world; the immaterial but intelligible God would only be clear and obvious to the mind if one tune into his / her
immaterial self/soul.
Aspects of the soul according to saint Augustine are:
• It can be aware of itself
• It recognizes itself as a holistic one
• It is aware of its unity
• Saint Augustine pointed out that a person is similar to god as regards to the mind and its ability; that by ignoring to
D. John Locke “no man’s knowledge can go beyond his experience” - Locke believed that the self is identified
with consciousness and this self consists of sameness of consciousness. This is usually interpreted to mean that the
self consists of memory; that the person existing now is the same person yesterday because he/she remembers the
thoughts, experiences or actions of the earlier self. For Locke, a person’s memories provide a continuity of
experience that allows him / her to identify himself/herself as the same person over time. According to Locke since
you are the same “self” in the passing of time, you can be held accountable for past behavior. However, Locke
insisted that a person could only be held accountable for behaviors he/she can remember.
Rationalism - is the theory that reason, rather than experience, is the foundation of all knowledge
Bundle theory - as a bundle or a collection of different perceptions that are moving in a very fast and successive
Impressions– These are perceptions which are the strongest. It enters the senses with most force
Ideas – The less forcible and less lively counterpart of impressions
Inner self - The “self” by which you are aware of alterations in your own state
Outer self - includes your senses and the physical world
Id- pleasure/ desire
Ego -reality principle
Superego -Incorporates the values and morals of society
Eliminative materialism - the claim that people's common-sense understanding of the mind (or folk psychology) is
false and that certain classes of mental states that most people believe in does not exist.
Embodied- is a verb that means to give a body to (usually an immaterial substance like a soul).
Subjectivity-in philosophy, is the state of being a subject - an entity that possesses conscious experiences, such as
perspectives, feelings, beliefs, and desires.
E. David Hume “a wise man’s proportions his belief to the evidence”
-He was a fierce opponent of Descartes’ Rationalism. Rationalism is the theory that reason, rather than experience, is
the foundation of all knowledge Hume, along with John Locke and Bishop George Berkeley, was one of the three
main figureheads of the influential British Empiricism movement. Empiricism is the idea that the origin of all
knowledge is sense experience. It emphasized the role of experience and evidence (especially sensory perception) in
forming concepts, while discounting the notion of innate ideas.
-bundle theory wherein he described the “self” or person (which Hume assumed to be the ‘mind’) as a bundle or a
collection of different perceptions that are moving in a very fast and successive manner.
David Hume concluded that the “self” is merely made up of successive impressions.
Impressions– These are perceptions which are the strongest. It enters the senses with most force. These are
directly experienced; they result from inward and outward sentiments.
Ideas – The less forcible and less lively counterpart of impressions. These are mechanisms that copy and reproduce
sense data formulated based upon the previously perceived impressions.
Hume did not believe on the existence of the “self”. He stressed that your perceptions are only active for as long as
you are conscious.
Hume's “self” is a passive observer similar to watching one's life pass before the eyes
like a play or on a screen; whereby the total annihilation of the “self” comes at death.
F. Immanuel Kant
-Kant’s view of the “self" is transcendental which means the “self” is related to a spiritual or nonphysical realm.
-The self is outside the body and it does not have the qualities of the body. Despite being transcendental, Kant
stressed that the body and its qualities are rooted to the “self”.it is knowledge that bridges the “self” and the material
things together.
Two kinds of consciousness of self (rationality):
1. Consciousness of oneself and one's psychological states in inner sense
2. Consciousness of oneself and one's states by performing acts of apperception.
G. Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalytic theory - Explained thought the iceberg analogy - Ego
• Reality principle
• It works out realistic ways to satisfying the id’s demands often compromising or postponing satisfaction to avoid
negative consequences of society
• Considers social realities and norms, etiquette and rules in deciding how to behave
Psychoanalytic theory - Superego
• Incorporates the values and morals of society
• Control the id’s impulses
• Persuades the ego to choose moralistic goals and to strive for perfection rather than simply realistic ones
• Component system of superego:
• Conscience – if ego gives in to the id’s demands, the superego may make the person feel bad though guilt
• Ideal self – an imaginary picture of how you ought to be. Presents career aspirations, how to treat other people and
how to behave as a member of society.
H. Gilbert Ryle “In searching for the self, one cannot simultaneously be the hunter and the hunted”
Ryle called the distinction between mind and matter a “category-mistake" because of its attempt to analyze the
relation between "mind" and "body" as if the two were terms of the same categories.
Ryle’s points against Descartes theory are:
• The relation between mind and body are not isolated processes.
• Mental processes were intelligent acts, and are not distinct from each other
• The operation of the mind is itself an intelligent act Knowledge, memory, imagination, and other abilities or
dispositions do not reside "within" the mind as if the mind were a space in which these could be stored or located.
If Ryle believed that the concept of a distinct “self” is not real, where do we get our sense of self? Ryle asserted that it
is from our behavior and actions.
I. Paul Churchland “There is nothing beyond the sensory experience”
In Churchland’s view the immaterial, unchanging soul/self does not exist because
it cannot be experienced by the senses. - Churchland’s idea is called eliminative materialism or the claim that
people's common-sense understanding of the mind (or folk psychology) is false and that certain classes of mental
states that most people believe in do not exist. - Churchland asserted the sense of “self” originated from the brain
itself and that this “self” is a product of electrochemical signals produced by the brain.
J. Maurice Merleau-Ponty “We know not to our intellect but through our experience”
Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s idea of “self” is an embodied subjectivity. The term ‘embodied’ is a verb that means to give
a body to (usually an immaterial substance like a soul). Subjectivity, in philosophy, is the state of being a subject - an
entity that possesses conscious experiences, such as perspectives, feelings, beliefs, and desires. Moreover, a
subject act upon or affects some other entity, which in philosophy is called the object. A subject therefore is
something that exists, can take action, and can cause real effects (on an object).
- Human beings are embodied subjectivities, and that the understanding of the “self” should begin from this
fundamental fact. He added that the body is not a mere “house” where the mind resides. Rather it is through
the lived experience of the body that you perceive; are informed; and interact with the world. According to
Merleau-Ponty,the body acts what the mind perceives as a unified one.

Eastern Orientation- accepts the truth as given and is more interested in finding the balance.
Western Orientation- strives to find and prove “the truth”.
Week 4-5:
Sociology – the study of human interaction in the society
Modernization –the process of social change whereby less developed societies acquire characteristics common to
more developed societies.
Capitalism - a production system involving both competitive product markets and the commodification (putting a
price tag) of labor power.
Institutions of surveillance – the massive increase of power and reach by institutions, especially in government.
Dynamism – this is the most evident characteristic of a modern society. Dynamism is characterized as having
vigorous activity and progress.
Organic group- is naturally occurring, and it is highly influenced by your family.
Rational group- occur in modern societies.
Me- the product of what the person has learned while interacting with others and with the environment.
“I”- Is unsocialized and spontaneous.
Sociological View of Self
-Sociology posited that socially formed norms, beliefs, and values come to exist within the person to a degree where
these become natural and normal (Elwell, 2003); Thus, developing the person’s self-identity.
A. Modernization
-Modernization has significantly changed society and this affected how an individual build
and develops his or her self-identity.
Pre-modern society was centered on survival. People behaved according to social rules and traditions, while the
family and the immediate environment provided supervision on how to get through life. Choosing where to live, what
line of work to do, and even who to marry was very limited
Modernization, however, improved the people’s living conditions. A person in the modern society is free to choose
where to live, what to do, and who to be with. However, stability also decreased as traditions and traditional support
systems such as the family decreased in importance. In modern societies, individualism is dominant and developing
one’s self-identity is central.
B. Key characteristics of modernity
According to Giddens (1991), the most patent, major characteristics of modernity are:
Industrialism - Capitalism - Institutions of surveillance – Dynamism
C. Organic and Rational social groups
-An organic group is naturally occurring, and it is highly influenced by your family. Sociologist George Simmel stated
that you join these groups because your family is also a part of it, in the first place. He called it organic motivation.
Simmel noted that the positive effect of organic groups is rootedness. This means the foundation of the social
network runs deep, thus giving the person a sense of belongingness. The downside however is that organic groups
imply less freedom and greater social conformity.
-Rational groups occur in modern societies. Rational groups are formed as a matter of shared self-interests.
Moreover, people join these groups out of their own free will. Simmel called this rational motivation. Rational groups
imply greater freedom, especially the freedom of movement. However, relationships based on self-interest are not as
embedded as organic relationships. Interests change and when they do, group members change. The relationship
between rational social networks is tenuous and the person feels no meaningful connection with others.
D. George Herbert Mead’s Theory
a. Sociologist of 1800s b. Work: Theory of Social Self c. Self i. Product of social interactions and internalizing the
external i.e. other people’s view along with one’s personal view about oneself.
d. Stages of Self Development i. Language 1. One expresses himself and comprehend what other people are
conveying. -ii. Play (Role-play) 1. Assume the perspective of others. - iii. Game 1. Account societal rules
E. George Herbert Mead
a. Interactive facets of the self
Explicit self - the aspects of the self that you are consciously aware of.
Implicit aspect - those that are not immediately available to the consciousness.
Construal- is an interpretation of the meaning of something; hence in this sense, the meaning of “self”.
Individualistic culture- represents the self as separate, distinct, with emphasis on
internal attributes traits, skills, and values.
Anthropological View of Self
-Katherine Ewing (1990) described the self as encompassing the “physical organism, possessing psychological
functioning and social attributes”. This definition portrayed the “self” as implicitly and explicitly existing in the mind
comprised of psychological, biological, and cultural processes.
-Neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux (2002) conceptualized the implicit and explicit aspects of the self (Kemp, 2012). The
aspects of the self that you are consciously aware of are the explicit self; while those that are not immediately
available to the consciousness is the implicit aspect. This concept can be traced to the famous psychologist Sigmund
Freud’s “level of consciousness”.
A. The Self Embedded in Culture
-How individuals see themselves, how they relate to other people, and how they relate to the environment is deeply
defined by culture.
-If one finds the view that the “self” is a product of society, then it is plausible that the ways of how the self is
developed are bound to cultural differences as well.
• Construal is an interpretation of the meaning of something; hence in this sense, the meaning of “self”.
• individualistic culture represents the self as separate, distinct, with emphasis on internal attributes traits, skills, and
B. Catherine Raeff view about culture
According to Developmental Psychologist Catherine Raeff (2010), culture can influence
how you view:
Culture influences how you enter into and maintain relationships.
2. Personality traits
Culture influences whether (and how) you value traits like humility, self-esteem, politeness, assertiveness, etc.; as
well as how you perceive hardship or how you feel about relying on others.
3. Achievement
Culture influences how you define success and whether you value certain types of individual and group
4. Expressing emotions
Culture influences what will affect you emotionally as well as how you express yourself, such as showing your
feelings in public or keeping it private.
Psychology - deals with the human brain pertaining to its consciousness, memory, reasoning, language, personality,
and mental health.
Cognitive -conscious intellectual activity.
Real self -is the person you are
False self -is the product of early experience
True self -flourishes in infancy if the mother is positively responsive to the child’s spontaneous expressions.
I-self -is the pure ego
me-self-is the self that is the object
Material – physical appearance and extensions of it such as clothing, immediate family, and home
Social – social skills and significant interpersonal relationships
Spiritual - personality, character, defining values
Trait (Allport theory)- is your essential characteristic that never, ever changes and sticks with you all your life.
Week 6-7:
Beauty is defined in so many ways, but in its simplest sense, it can be described
that beauty is happiness.
Beauty (Plato) -connected beauty as a response to love and desire
Beauty (Aristotle) -asserted that the chief forms of beauty are order, symmetry,
and definiteness that can be demonstrated by mathematical sciences.
Beauty (David Hume) - beauty is no quality in things themselves:
Beauty (Immanuel Kant) -the judgment of taste is therefore not a judgment of
cognition, and is consequently not logical but aesthetical, by which we understand
that whose determining ground can be no other than subjective.”
Beauty (Francis Hutcheson) -the perception of beauty does depend on the
external sense of sight; however, the internal sense of beauty operates as an
internal or reflex sense.
Body image -is how you view your physical body, whether you feel you are
attractive, and how you feel other people like your looks
A. Physical Self
What Philosophers Think About Beauty
• St. Augustine asked whether things were beautiful because it gave delight, or
whether it gave delight because it was beautiful. He believed it to be the latter.
• Plato connected beauty as a response to love and desire. He asserted that
beauty exists in the realm of Forms, and that objects are found beautiful because
it is a reflection of the idea of beauty that already exists in the realm of Forms.
• Aristotle asserted that the chief forms of beauty are order, symmetry, and
definiteness that can be demonstrated by mathematical sciences.
• David Hume “Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the
mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. One
person may even perceive deformity, where another is sensible of beauty; and
every individual ought to acquiesce in his own sentiment, without pretending to
regulate those of others.” (Hume 1757, 136)
• Immanuel Kant “The judgment of taste is therefore not a judgment of cognition,
and is consequently not logical but aesthetical, by which we understand that whose
determining ground can be no other than subjective.” (Kant 1790, section 1)
• Francis Hutcheson “The perception of beauty does depend on the external
sense of sight; however, the internal sense of beauty operates as an internal or
reflex sense. The same is the case with hearing: hearing music does not
necessarily give the perception of harmony as it is distinct from the hearing,”
(Inquiry I. I. X).
The Relationship between Body Image and Self-esteem
Self-esteem - is about how you value yourself and how you feel others value you.
Self-esteem is important because it can affect your mental health as well as how
you behave.
Body image- is how you view your physical body, whether you feel you are
Puberty -is the stage of development at which individuals become sexually 9. Kapalaran Values – accepting one’s fate by believing that everything is written in his
mature. palm. Such trait contributes to lack of initiative and perseverance among Filipinos.
Erogenous zones - was popularized in the 1960s and 1970s to describe areas 10. Compassion – being sympathetic to others even if the person is a stranger, an
of the body that are highly sensitive to stimuli and are often (but not always) example of this is giving alms to the beggar. This is observed when we hear Filipinos
sexually exciting. saying “nakakaawa naman”.
Sexual response cycle- refers to the sequence of physical and emotional 11. Ningas-Cogon – being enthusiastic only during the start of new undertaking but
occurrences when the person is participating in a sexually stimulating activity ends dismally in accomplishing nothing. A common practice observed in some
such as intercourse or masturbation politicians who are visible only during the start of certain endeavor.
Sex-is a label — male or female — that you’re assigned by a doctor at birth 12. Euphemism – substituting a word or phrase that is thought to be offensive or harsh
based on the genitals you’re born with and the chromosomes you have. It goes with a mild and acceptable one in order not to offend or hurt another person.
on your birth certificate. 13.Regionalism – giving more priority or preference in giving favors to his province
Gender-is not determined biologically, as a result of sexual characteristics of mates before others.
either women or men ,but is constructed socially. 14. Damayan System – sympathy for people who lost their loved ones. In case of
Sexual orientation-is an inherent or immutable enduring emotional, romantic or death of a certain member of the community, the whole community sympathizes with
sexual attraction to other people. the bereaved family. Neighbors, friends, and relatives of the deceased usually give
Physiological Mechanisms of Sexual Behavior Motivation certain amount of money as their way of showing sympathy.
• Amygdala - is the integrative center for emotions, emotional behavior, and 15. Jackpot Mentality – a “get rich quick” mentality of Filipinos who would rather
motivation. engage in fast ways of acquiring money than through hardwork and sacrifice by betting
• Nucleus accumbens (also referred to as the pleasure center) plays a role in in lottery, joining raffle draws, etc.
motivation and cognitive processing of aversion. It has a significant role in 16. Pakikisama – submitting oneself to the will of the group for the sake of camaraderie
response to reward and reinforcing effects, translating emotional stimulus into and unity. Failure to comply with the group demand, the person will be called “walang
behaviors. pakikisama” or selfish. The adherence to group demands have taught youth to engage
in bad habits like smoking, alcohol, and even drug addiction.
Politics – relating to the government and other affairs of the state 17. Maňana Habit – delaying or setting aside a certain task assigned later or on the
Authority – that which exercises power or control next day although it can be done now or today.
Traits – distinguishing features or characteristics of a person or a particular 18. Fun-Loving – a trait that makes Filipinos unique that even in times of calamities
group and other challenges in life, they always have something to be happy about, a reason
FILIPINO VALUES to celebrate.
1.Filipino-Time– “always late”; a Filipino attitude of impreciseness towards time. 19. Flexibility (Madaling Makibagay) – the ability to ride on or adjust to the norms of
2. Familism or Close Family Relations– a Filipino trait of giving highest other groups just to attain smooth and harmonious relationships.
importance to family above other things. A trait wherein family members should 20. Lack of Sportsmanship – not accepting defeats in competitions but rather putting
be taken care and supported regardless of whether he/she did something wrong, the blame either to their opponents or to the sport officials.
a family member must be given attention and should not be abandoned.
3. Colonial Complex– showing high admiration and more preference to foreign Religion – most often based upon the lives, teachings, and beliefs of the divine
produced goods over local ones. Spirituality – incorporates and transcends physical realms; it contemplates things of
4. Tsamba Lang Attitude – simplicity by declaring that one’s accomplishments the soul.
are the results of luck and not from ability and hardwork.
5. Bayanihan System (Spirit of Kinship and Camaraderie) – a Filipino Digital self -is the persona you use when you’re online
community spirit and cooperation wherein a group of individuals extends a Self-presentation-- refers to how people attempt to present themselves to control or
helping hand without expecting anything in return. It is characterized by shape how others (called the audience) view them
communal work towards one goal exemplified in carrying a nipa house or Self-promotion-refers to the practice of purposefully trying to present oneself as highly
pushing a passenger jeepney. competent to other people.
6. Religiosity – strong conformance of their religious belief both in actions and
in words.
7. Utang na Loob – a feeling of obligation to repay someone who extended
assistance to another which may take place in undetermined time and in
whatever way.
8.Crab Mentality – characterized by attempt to pull down someone who has
achieved success beyond the others. This is done out of jealousy and insecurity.

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