Novel Black Pigment For Ink Jet Ink Applications

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Novel Black Pigment For Ink Jet Ink

Joseph E. Johnson and James A. Belmont
Cabot Corporation, Billerica, Massachusetts

Abstract dyne-cm, propensity to foam, temperature dependence,

stability concerns, etc.). A new type of hydrophilic black
An innovative black pigment has been developed for wa- pigment has been developed by Cabot Corporation which
ter-based inks which provides significant improvements is non-foaming and stable in aqueous media. The pig-
over existing black colorants (dyes and carbon black). mented dispersions have surface tensions and viscosiies
Key ink performance improvements include outstand- similar to those of water. In this paper, optical and light
ing pigment stability, excellent heat/freeze-thaw stabil- stability properties of Cabot’s two new black pigments
ity, fine particle size, and compatibility with water and and four commonly-used ink jet dyes were compared.
other ink components. An Ames assay of the pigment The optical density (O.D.) and quality of prints made
was negative. Cabot’s new pigments were compared to from pigmented ink and ink normally used with D.O.D.
commonly used ink jet ink dyes for optical properties printers were also compared. Ink made with one of the
and fade resistance. Draw downs of the black pigment pigments was also tested in the printers for nozzle clog-
were found to be darker than those of the dyes, and did ging and kogation.
not fade when exposured to ultraviolet light. An “ink”
was formulated with the pigments and used in drop on Colorant Description
demand (Hewlett Packard DeskJet 540 and Canon BJ-
200ex) ink jet printers. The optical density and print In the first study, two Cabot pigments and four commer-
quality of prints made with pigmented ink were darker cially available ink jet ink dyes (Table 1) were tested for
and better in quality than that of the ink jet inks that are optical and fade resistance properties. The properties of
normally used with the printers. More than 200 ml of a the dispersions of pigments are shown in Table 2. The
pigmented ink was run through the same cartridge, re- high surface tension and low viscosity of the pigmented
sulting in no clogged nozzles and no kogation. Cabot’s dispersions may promote stable constant droplet veloc-
new pigment is a technological breakthrough which im- ity and shorten droplet break-off time 1.
proves upon current ink jet ink and print properties.

Pigments have several inherent advantages over dyes as
colorants including better image durability (water-
fastness, rub resistance, and fade resistance), sharper
edge acuity, IR (bar code) readability, and heat resis-
tance. Due to these and other benefits, DuPont created a
pigmented black ink for use in the Hewlett-Packard (H-
P) 1200C ink jet printer three years ago and for the H-P
1600C earlier this year. These products have alleviated
most concerns about using pigments in ink jet inks in-
cluding poor stability, propensity to clog nozzles, and
large particle size. However, carbon black still needs to
be dispersed and stabilized, usually with the addition of
a polymer or surfactant. The resulting dispersion is dic- Figure 1. Print Optical Density vs. Colorant Concentration
tated by the surfactant properties (surface tension <40 for 3 mil draw downs

Optical Density vs. Colorant Loading

Originally published in Proc. of IS&T’s Eleventh International Colorant solutions and dispersions were drawn down at
Congress on Advances in Non-Impact Printing Technologies, a 3 mil (76.2 um) “wet” thickness on Nashua Dataprint
October 29-November 3, 1995, Hilton Head, South Carolina. Dual-Purpose Xerographic 20# uncoated paper and al-

226—Recent Progress in Ink-Jet Technologies

Table 1. Colorant Description

Colorant Description Type

Dye 1 DUASYN Direct Black HEF-SF Direct Black 168-type dye
Dye 2 Basacid Black X34 Mixture of azo dyes
Dye 3 PRO-JET Fast Black 2 Azo dye
Dye 4 Bayer SPECIAL BLACK HF Azo dye
Pigment 1 Cabot Corp. Pigment Novel Black Pigment
Pigment 2 Cabot Corp. Pigment Novel Black Pigment

DUASYN is a registered trademark of Hoechst Celanese; Basacid is a registered trademark of BASF.;

PRO-JET is a registered trademark of Zeneca, Ltd.

lowed to dry. The sample concentrations varied from 0.5 L* reading, contained Pigment 2. The Dye 1 draw down
to 10% by weight of colorant, except for Dye 3, which had a golden-yellow gloss, which is indicated by a high
was supplied at a 4% solid content. The O.D. readings, b* value (positive b* representing a yellow color). Dye 2
determined with a Macbeth 9015 optical densiometer, and 4 draw downs have a blue undertone (negative b*
plotted against colorant concentrations generally showed reading), while the Dye 3 film had a bronze-red sheen
an initial rise and then leveling off for the colorants (Fig- (positive a* value). The draw down with Pigment 2 has a
ure 1). Draw downs of Pigment 1 were similar in dark- lower L* value (is darker) compared to that of the glossier
ness to those of the dyes at low and high concentrations. Pigment 1. Blackness is a function of both light absor-
Pigment 2 draw downs exhibited the greatest O.D. of bance and the reciprocal of light scattering (gloss)3,4.
any colorant, at equal concentration, above a 2% load-
ing. The superior optical density of the draw downs of Table 3. L*a*b* Values of Prints Containing Different
Pigment 2 are probably due to both the colorant Colorants
adsorbing (laying on the surface) on the substrate, as
well as absorbing into the paper fibers. A higher print Colorant in Print L* a* b*
density is obtained when the colorant remains at the sur- Dye 1 30.7 0.64 5.3
face of the paper as opposed to being deeply absorbed
Dye 2 24.9 0.30 -0.12
into the fibers2.
Dye 3 31.9 4.1 0.18
Table 2. Properties of a 5% (wt.) Pigment Dispersion In Dye 4 28.4 -0.52 -0.75
Distilled Water Pigment 1 31.6 0.41 1.3
Pigment 2 24.7 1.0 3.44
Property Attribute
Particle Diameter*-Avg. < 0.10 um
Absorption Spectra of Colorants
Particle Diameter-Largest < 0.40 um
Viscosity 1.5 cP Absorption spectra of the colorants (diluted with distilled
Surface Tension 74 dyne/cm water to 3 × 10-5 g/ml) were obtained using a Perkin-Elmer
Density 1.04 g/cc Lambda-6 UV/Vis spectrophotometer. The pigments ab-
sorb throughout the visible and near infra-red region (400-
pH 6.5 900 nm), while the dyes absorb in limited parts of the visible
Stability- 70 deg. C > 6 weeks region (Figure 2). Dye 1 has a strong absorption peak at
Stability- Freeze-Thaw >3 cycles 485 nm, confirming that the draw down from this dye has a
Stability- Room Temperature > 1.5 years yellow component. Pigment 1 has a higher absorption pro-
file than that of Pigment 2, although draw downs of Pig-
Ames Test Negative
ment 2 are darker than that of Pigment 1. Prints are
* particle sizing as determined with a Leed’s & Northrup dependent upon the substrate (paper fibers and voids), the
Microtrac UPA instrument. placement of the pigments (into and on the paper), and the
interaction properties between light rays and the pigment
L*a*b* Values of Draw Downs (absorption and scattering). In a liquid dispersion the scat-
tering of light is governed by the medium (water) and the
L*a*b* readings of draw downs (4% colorant wt.) were absorption is controlled by the pigments.
determined with a Hunter LabScan II instrument (Table Black pigments are commonly used for making la-
3). As expected, the L* (lightness) values are inversely bels for IR and bar coding machines due to their absorp-
proportional to the O.D. readings of Figure 1 (i.e., the tion through out the visible and near-infra red regions. A
lower the L* reading, the darker the draw down). The dye may need an infrared absorber (e.g., heavy metal, cya-
darkest film, confirmed both visually and by the lowest nine, or anthraquinone) to be usable with such machines5.

Chapter 5—Ink and Substrates —227

Bar codes, made from inks (described later) made from per, were measured with the Macbeth 9015 densiometer
Pigments 1 and 2 using the SCAN-ONETM Suite system and averaged. The %D, percent difference in O.D. read-
(Vertical Technologies), could easily be read. ings was calculated according to Equation 16:

%D = [(O.D. -O.D. )/O.D. ] × 100 (1)

max min min

The pigmented ink prints were found to be darker and

had less deviation in optical density compared to the print
made with the recommended ink jet ink (Table 5).

Figure 2. Absorption Spectra of Colorants in Distilled Water

at 3 × 10-5 g/ml concentration.

Print Permanence
Print permanence, or light stability, is important for out-
Figure 3. Optical Density of Colorant Draw Downs as a func-
door and office light exposure as well as archival pur- tion of UV-A Exposure Time
poses. Draw downs (4% colorant wt.) were exposed to
UV-A light using a QUV Accelerated Weathering QUV/ Table 5. Print Optical Densities and Deviations Using the
SE Instrument (Q-Panel Co.) at an intensity of 0.875 W/ Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 540 Printer
m2/nm (1.25× summer daylight) and a temperature of 60
deg. C. Optical densities of the draw downs were followed Print O. D. (Avg.) %D
as a function of exposure time for fifteen days (Figure 3). H-P 51626A 1.23 3.3
The draw downs of both pigments and of one dye retained
Pigment 1 Ink 1.29 2.3
their original O.D. after the light exposure test. However,
films made with the other three dyes faded considerably. Pigment 2 Ink 1.50 2.0

Printing Properties of Pigmented and

Common Ink Jet Inks Optical densities of prints made from the pigmented
and the Canon ink using the Canon BJ-200ex printer’s
In the second study, an “ink” (formulation in Table 4) made test pattern were obtained (Table 6). Again, the pig-
with Pigments 1 and 2 was used in the Hewlett Packard mented ink prints were jetter than those made from the
DeskJet 540 and Canon BJ-200ex printers. Prints made us- inks that came with the printers.
ing the dye-based inks (normally used in the printers) were
compared to those made with Pigments 1 and 2 for optical Table 6. Print Optical Densities From Canon BJ-2ex Prints
density and quality. Hewlett Packard’s criteria6 was used
in determining the O.D. and print quality of prints made Print O. D.
with the H-P printer. In addition, the Pigment 1 ink was BC-02 Ink 1.19
tested for runnability and kogation in the D.O.D. printers.
Pigment 1 Ink 1.25
Table 4. Pigmented “Ink” Formulation, pH 8.5 Pigment 2 Ink 1.44

“Ink Component” Amount (g) Print Quality

Pigment 7.0
Triethanol Amine (1 M) 0.5 Prints made with the H-P printer were tested for quality
in accordance with Hewlett-Packard criteria6. Wicking,
Ethylene Glycol 10.0 ink flow along paper fibers, causes the characters to have
Distilled Water 83.5 “fuzzy” edges. Spray, the satellite drops, also causes
degradation in print quality. Figure 4 shows the charac-
Print Optical Density ters “Th” generated from the 51626A and both pigmented
inks. The characters at 5× magnification have “good”
For the H-P printer, five O.D. values from the prints us- prints according to the wicking standard6, although the
ing the standard test pattern on Nashua 20# uncoated pa- dye-based ink feathers (Figure 4A), while the pigmented

228—Recent Progress in Ink-Jet Technologies

inks do not (Figure 4B,C). The 51626A ink also has con- patterns were printed and the initial cartridges were re-
siderable spray compared to the Pigment 1 ink although, filled when the ink was empty. Ten 20 ml cartridge vol-
this may also be due to other ink properties (e.g., sur- umes for the Canon printer and seven 35 ml cartridges
face tension and viscosity). The prints generated from for the H-P printer were used in the experiment. If the
the pigments are also narrower than that of the dye— volume of an ink droplet is 50 pl and 200 ml of ink was
which probably spread on the paper. The characters used, then 40,000,000 droplets were fired per cartridge.
made from the pigmented inks are better in quality The cartridge nozzles did not clog and no kogation was
(have sharper edges, don’t feather, and have less spray) detected since the print O.D. and quality was constant
than those made with the dye. during the study.

Discussion and Summary

Cabot’s new hydrophilic, black pigments have excellent
properties including dispersion stability in water, and
small particle size. The pigments were also found to be
Ames negative (non-carcinogenic). Extremely dark draw
downs could be obtained using the pigments. The opti-
cal density of the pigmented films can significantly
exceed those made with commonly-used ink jet dyes.
The pigments also do not fade with exposure to UV light.
The pigments also absorb through out the visible and
near-IR regions. D.O.D. prints and characters made
from pigmented inks were darker and more defined than
those made with normally-used dye based ink. Cop-
ious volumes of pigmented ink did not clog print head
nozzles or cause kogation. Cabot’s new pigments are a
breakthrough in ink jet ink colorant technology and may
be used to produce darker, higher quality, non-fading

1. H. R. Kang, Water-based Ink-Jet Ink. III. Performance
Studies, J. Imaging Sci., 35,195-201 (1991).
2. E. Suzuki, M. Sakaki, M. Katayama and T. Ohta, Record-
ing Sheets for Bubble-Jet Printing, IS&T 10th Intl. Cong.
Figure 4. “Th” characters printed with Hewlett Packard’s Adv. Non-Impact Printing Tech., New Orleans, LA., pp.
DeskJet 540 printer using: A) 51626A dye-based ink (top), 437-440 (1994).
B) Pigment 1 ink (middle), and C) Pigment 2 ink (bottom) 3. P. Kubelka, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 38, 448 (1948).
4. P. Kubelka and F. Munk, Z. Techn. Phys., 12, 593 (1931).
Runnability of Pigmented Ink 5. P. Gregory, High-Technology Applications of Organic
Colorants, Editors: A. R. Kartritzky, G. J. Sabongi, Ple-
Ink made with Pigment 1 was put in Canon and Hewlett- num Press, New York, pp. 248-251, 1991.
Packard cartridges and used in the Canon BJ-200ex and 6. J. Collins, Hewlett Packard Paper Acceptance Criteria for
H-P DeskJet 540 printers, respectively. Continuous test HP DeskJet Printers,  1994 by Hewlett Packard.

Chapter 5—Ink and Substrates —229

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