MCDOUWELL - Risk and Protective Factors For Mental Health Morbidity

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McDowell et al.

BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:16


Risk and protective factors for mental

health morbidity in a community sample of
female-to-male trans-masculine adults
Michal J. McDowell1, Jaclyn M. W. Hughto2,3 and Sari L. Reisner1,4,5*

Background: Trans-masculine (TM) individuals, who are assigned female sex at birth and identify along the masculine
gender spectrum, face mental health disparities relative to cisgender people. Limited research has sought to explore
the multi-level risk and protective factors associated with mental health morbidity for TM populations.
Methods: Between August 2015–September 2016, 150 TM adults were enrolled in a one-time biobehavioral
health study. A survey assessed socio-demographics, past 12-month everyday discrimination, lifetime intimate
partner violence (IPV), resilience (using the Brief Resilience Scale), and other factors. Bivariate and multivariable
logistic regression analyses examined associations between participant characteristics and four mental health
statuses: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI).
Results: In this sample (76.7% had a binary gender identity, i.e., man or transgender man; 74.7% were white, 70.
0% were under age 30 years), 42.2% had PTSD based on past 30-day symptoms; 25.7% had depression based on
past 7-day symptoms; 31.1% had anxiety based on past 7-day symptoms; and 31.3% had engaged in NSSI within
the past 12-months. Results from multivariable models: 1) PTSD: unemployment, lifetime IPV and past 12-month
discrimination were each associated with increased odds of PTSD, while having a partner was associated with the
reduced odds of PTSD. 2) Depression: lower educational attainment and past 12-month discrimination were each
associated with the increased odds of depression, while greater resilience was associated with the reduced odds
of depression. 3) Anxiety: low annual household income and past 12-month discrimination were each associated
with the increased odds of anxiety, while resilience was associated with the reduced odds of anxiety. 4) NSSI: past
12-month discrimination was associated with the increased odds of past 12-month NSSI, while higher age and
greater resilience was associated with the reduced odds of NSSI (all p-values < 0.05).
Conclusions: Unemployment, low income, limited education, everyday discrimination, and violence were risk
factors for poor mental health, while being in a relationship, higher age, and personal resilience were protective
against mental health morbidity. Findings highlight the need for interventions to address the individual,
interpersonal, and societal factors that may be driving poor mental health in this population.
Keywords: Transgender, Mental health, Discrimination, Resilience, Violence

* Correspondence: [email protected]
Harvard Medical School, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health,
Boston, MA, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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McDowell et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:16 Page 2 of 12

Background was shown to be associated with elevations in posttrau-

Trans-masculine (TM) is a term utilized to describe in- matic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms [24]. In two
dividuals who were assigned a female sex at birth and studies exploring suicide risk in a population of trans-
identify along the masculine gender spectrum, as male, gender veterans, authors found that gender-specific dis-
men, transmen, or another diverse gender identity dif- crimination and rejection predicted suicidal ideation
ferent from their birth sex. About 1.4 million adults in [25, 26]. Discrimination in health care settings in the
the United States identify as transgender, roughly the previous year has also been found to be independently
population size of Phoenix, the fifth largest city in the associated with an increased risk of adverse emotional
country [1, 2]. Mental health research published to date and physical symptoms in this population [27]. While
documents worse mental health outcomes in gender stigma is consistently shown to be a driving force
minority individuals (i.e., individuals who do not iden- behind the heightened poor mental health experienced
tify as cisgender) as compared to cisgender people. by transgender individuals overall, little research has
Mental illness is associated with worse quality of life focused on the mental health of TM individuals specif-
and is a risk factor for suicide [3]. Findings from the ically. Thus, there is a need to explore the role of
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) stigma-based victimization in the mental health of TM
Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (BRFSS) adults separately.
survey document a higher prevalence of more days per Research documenting the protective factors for men-
month of poor mental health in gender minority adults tal health in gender minority adults is limited, as much
as compared to cisgender adults [4, 5]. Further, previ- of the mental health research focuses on risk. Among
ous studies show that the prevalence of depression or the limited research on strength and resilience (i.e., re-
depressive symptoms in gender minority adults ranges covering, coping, or adapting in the face of adversity) in
from 35 to 62%, depending on the measure used and transgender populations, several individual and inter-
timeframe [6–13], as compared with an estimated 17% personal factors have been documented. Social support,
lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder in the as well as resiliency, are thought to be effective in com-
United States (U.S.) general population [14]. bating transgender stigma [20, 28, 29]. For example,
Literature documenting mental health status for TM one study found that transgender social support and
individuals specifically or exploring intra-population community involvement moderated the association be-
differences between TM and trans-feminine (TF) tween stigma and psychological distress [20, 30]. An-
people are sparse. One study exploring mental health other study exploring factors promoting resilience
status in a sample of 155 transgender individuals (52 among gender minority individuals found that having
TM and 103 TF) found TF individuals reported higher higher income, identifying as heterosexual, and having
scores on anxiety and depression scales compared with frequent contact with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans-
TM people [15]. Studies have documented significantly gender peers, were associated with greater resilience
higher prevalence of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in (using the Brief Resilience Scale) [29]. Less, however, is
transgender people relative to cisgender people [16], known about the impact of discrimination, IPV, and
with TM individuals at twice the risk for NSSI com- other demographic factors that may enhance risk for
pared to trans-feminine (TF) people [15, 17]. Further mental illness or promote resilience to cope both with
individual study of populations within the gender mi- life stressors, as well as mental illness.
nority community is crucial to appropriately tailor sup-
portive resources for these underserved populations.
Further understanding of risk factors driving poor men- Methods
tal health among gender minorities and identifying the Aims
factors that may protect this population is requisite. Given the gaps in the literature regarding risk and pro-
Transgender stigma is a known risk factor for poor tective factors for mental health morbidity in TM
mental health for transgender individuals. Research shows adults in particular, the aims of this study are to: 1) de-
that transgender stigma is common [18–21] and impacts scribe the socio-demographic characteristics, discrimin-
transgender individuals directly via victimization (e.g., ation and violence, and resilience and social support
physical and sexual assault, bullying) as well as indirectly experienced by TM adults; and 2) identify risk and pro-
via the internalization of stigma [20, 22]. In one commu- tective factors for adverse mental health status in this
nity sample of transgender adults, victimization (including traditionally under-researched group. These findings
everyday discrimination, bullying, physical assault by fam- can be used to develop interventions that address indi-
ily, verbal harassment by family, childhood sexual abuse, vidual, interpersonal, and societal risk factors, as well as
and IPV) was shown to be associated with higher depres- to leverage protective factors to improve mental health
sive symptomology [23], while everyday discrimination status for TM adults.
McDowell et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:16 Page 3 of 12

Sample were coded as such. Participants with a race/ethnicity

This is a secondary analysis of data collected from 150 other than White were coded as being a person of color
TM individuals enrolled in a Boston-based biobehav- (POC) to maximize sample size for analysis. Partici-
ioral sexual health study between March 2015 and Sep- pants were asked whether they were Hispanic or La-
tember 2016. Main findings from the sexual health tino. Additionally, participants were asked to indicate
study have been reported elsewhere [31]. Participants their current gender identity. Participants who identified as
were recruited for a single visit through convenience a man, male, transgender man, female-to-male (FtM), trans
sampling methods (recruitment flyers, medical provider man, man of transgender experience, or trans masculine
and staff referrals, community outreach, social media, were coded as having a binary gender identity. Participants
community listserv posts, and word of mouth referrals) who identified as genderqueer, gender non-conforming,
[32, 33]. Individuals interested in participation com- non-binary, or another non-binary gender identity were
pleted a brief screening survey in-person or by phone. coded as non-binary.
Individuals were eligible if they met the following cri- Participants reported the highest level of education
teria: age 21 to 64 years [34]; assigned a female sex at they had completed; responses were dichotomized as
birth, now with a masculine spectrum gender identity; high school degree or equivalent (i.e., GED, high school
have a cervix; have been sexually active within the past diploma, trade school certificate) or some college or
3 years (sexual partner(s) of any gender); able to speak more (i.e., some college, Associate’s degree, under-
and understand English; and willing and able to provide graduate bachelor’s degree, some graduate school, or
verbal informed consent. Individuals were provided graduate degree). Participants were asked if they were
with a $100 for study participation. unemployed versus employed (either full or part time).
The Trans Masculine Sexual Health Collaborative at Annual household income was assessed continuously
Fenway Health, a federally-qualified community health and coded as low ($32,000 or less, representing 300% of
center that serves the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans- the 2013 federal poverty level) or over $32,000 [37].
gender (LGBT) community in Boston, Massachusetts, Participants also had the option to indicate “don’t
conducted the study [35]. A Community and Provider know” or “prefer not to answer” when reporting their
Task Force comprised of 10 individuals was convened annual household income. Participants were also asked
to provide guidance to the investigative team, specific- their current relationship status and could check all
ally advising the team on methods and ensuring that all apply to the following responses: single; partnered; civil
aspects of the study (e.g., design, instruments, protocols, union; married; separated; divorced; widowed; other.
procedures, recruitment, branding, website, implementa- Participants who indicated that they were partnered, in
tion, interpretation and dissemination of findings) were a civil union, married, or in another committed rela-
gender-affirming. tionship, and were not single, were coded as yes, part-
nered, otherwise no. Unstable housing was assessed by
Procedures asking participants if they had been homeless or un-
First, participants provided verbal consent (to ease paper- stably housed in the past 12 months (yes/no). Partici-
work burden) to participate in the study, as approved by pants were also asked if they had trouble accessing
the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Fenway Health. gender-affirming care in the past 12 months (yes/no).
Next, participants completed a self-administered quantita-
tive survey via an electronic tablet which included Resilience, social support, and acceptance Resilience
socio-demographics, resilience and social-support, dis- was assessed using 4 items from the Brief Resilience
crimination and violence, and mental health. Following Scale [29, 38]. This scale assesses ability to recover
the survey, participants completed a clinical visit, followed from challenging life events. Item responses are on a
by an exit interview, both of which are described else- scale from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree
where [36]. All study activities were approved by the IRB. and included items such as “I tend to bounce back
quickly after hard times.” Appropriate item responses
Measures were reverse scored and averaged to derive a single
Independent variables scale score (α = 0.86). Higher scores indicated greater
ability to recover from stress (i.e., greater resilience).
Socio-demographics Age was assessed continuously in Social support was measured using an abbreviated
years. Participants were asked to check all that apply version of the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Social
regarding their race/ethnicity: White; American Indian/ Support Survey first developed to assess social support
Alaskan Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or other Pacific in patients with chronic illness [39]. The scale con-
Islander; Black/African American; other race/ethnicity. tained 4 items each representing a domain of social
Participants reporting more than one race/ethnicity support (α = 0.87). Specifically, participants were asked
McDowell et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:16 Page 4 of 12

how often, on a scale from 1: None of the time to 5: All it or thought about it when you did not want to? (2)
of the time, someone is available: To help with daily Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your
chores if you are sick? (domain: tangible support); To way to avoid situations that reminded you of it? (3)
understand your problems? (domain: emotional/infor- Were constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled?
mational support); To get together with you for relax- (4) Felt numb or detached from others, activities, or
ation (domain: positive social interaction); and To love your surroundings?” Participants responded to each
you and make you feel wanted? (domain: affectionate item using binary (yes/no) responses. The response
support). Scores were summed and transformed to be items were summed (α = 0.87) and dichotomized based
on a scale from 0 to 100, as is standard practice for this on a clinical cutoff score of two or more events, vali-
measure, with higher scores indicating greater social dated to ICD-9 PTSD diagnosis or presence of PTSD
support [39]. treatment visit [46].
Self-Acceptance was assessed with a single item taken
from the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale by asking partici- Depression Participants completed the 18-item Brief
pants, on a scale from 1: No acceptance to 10: Complete Symptom Inventory [47, 48]. Participants were asked to
acceptance, “I take a positive attitude toward myself” indicate, from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely), how much
[40, 41]. Transgender Acceptance was assessed with a they felt distressed by six symptoms in the past seven
single item by asking participants, on a scale from 1: No days including “feeling lonely” or “feelings of worthless-
acceptance to 10: Complete acceptance, how much they ness” (α = 0.83) [47]. The six items were summed and
believe they are accepted by other transgender people. standardized using T scores (mean of 50 and a standard
deviation of 10). Scores are interpreted by comparison
Discrimination & Violence Intimate partner violence to age-appropriate norms. Raw scores are converted to
(IPV) was measured using 11 yes/no items assessing T scores using tables provided in the BSI manual, and
whether participants had experienced physical IPV T scores of 63 or higher indicated a positive case for
(e.g., whether a partner had ever pressured, physically depression [47]. This tool has been used in transgender
forced, threatened or blackmailed participants to have samples previously [30].
sex when they did not want) [42]; sexual IPV (e.g.,
whether a partner had ever hit, slapped, pushed, Anxiety Participants completed the 18-item Brief
shoved, kicked, beat up, choked, burned, used a Symptom Inventory. Participants were asked to indi-
weapon, or thrown something at a participant in their cate, from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely), how much
lifetime) [42]; transgender-related IPV (e.g., whether a they felt distressed by six symptoms in the past seven
partner ever threatened to out them, destroyed their days including “feeling fearful” or “feeling tense of
gender affirming treatments) in their lifetime and the cleaned up” (α = 0.88). The six items were summed and
past 12 months [43]. Participants experiencing one or standardized using T scores (mean of 50 and a standard
more form of IPV were coded as experiencing IPV. deviation of 10). A score of 63 or higher indicated a
Everyday Discrimination was assessed with the 11-item positive case for anxiety. This tool has also been used
Everyday Discrimination Scale, which assesses the fre- in samples of transgender populations [30].
quency of participants’ experiences of everyday discrimin-
ation in the past 12 months on a Likert scale ranging from Non-suicidal Self-injury (NSSI) Participants were asked
0 = never to 4 = very often [23, 44, 45]. Sample items in- whether they had engaged in self-injurious behavior (e.g.,
clude: “You have been treated with less courtesy than burning, cutting, severe scratching, hitting) without lethal
other people;” “You have received poorer service than intent in the past 12 months. This item is based on the
other people at restaurants or stores” [44, 45]. Items were Self-Injury Questionnaire, which has also been used in
summed, and scores ranged from 0 to 39, with higher transgender samples previously [15–17, 49].
scores indicating higher levels of everyday discrimination
experiences (α = 0.93). Data analysis
Statistical analyses of quantitative survey data were con-
Dependent variables ducted in SAS 9.4. Means and frequencies were calculated
to describe participant characteristics and assess missing-
PTSD PTSD symptoms were assessed with a four-item ness. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression models
screening scale designed for primary care settings, the were fit to examine the association between participant
Primary Care – PTSD (PC-PTSD) [46]. Participants characteristics, risk and protective factors, and four men-
were asked: “In your life, have you ever had any experi- tal health status: 1) PTSD; 2) depression; 3) anxiety; and
ence that was so frightening, horrible, or upsetting that, 4) NSSI. Participants reporting “don’t know” or “prefer
in the past month you: (1) Have had nightmares about not to answer” were treated as missing and excluded.
McDowell et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:16 Page 5 of 12

Missing data ranged from 1% (n = 148) for depression and aOR = 3.08; 95% CI = 1.26–7.53; p = 0.01), and higher
11% (n = 134) for anxiety. Independent variables signifi- levels of past 12-month everyday discrimination (aOR =
cant at p < 0.10 in bivariate analyses were included in the 1.07; 95% CI = 1.02–1.12; p = 0.01) were each signifi-
multivariable models. Backward selection was used for the cantly associated with an increased odds of PTSD, while
multivariable models with significance determined at the having a partner (referent = no partner; aOR = 0.38; 95%
p < 0.05 level. Area under the curve statistics were calcu- CI = 0.17–0.88; p = 0.02) was associated with the reduced
lated to determine the overall predictive validity of the odds of PTSD. The predictive validity of the model was
multivariable model. AUC statistics were evaluated based shown to be acceptable (AUC = 0.75).
on the following criteria: outstanding (> = .90); excellent
(.80–.89); or acceptable (.70–.79) predictive validity [50]. Depression In the second model, having high school
degree or equivalent (referent = some college or more;
Results aOR = 4.71; 95% CI = 1.06–20.96; p = 0.04) and higher
Descriptive characteristics levels of past 12-month everyday discrimination (aOR
TM adults in the sample had a mean age of 27.5 years = 1.08; 95% CI = 1.03–1.13; p = 0.002) were each associ-
(range 21 to 50 years; SD = 5.7), with the majority ated with the increased odds of being depressed. Con-
(72.0%) of participants being between the ages of 21 and versely, higher resilience scores were associated with
30. Of TM adults in the sample, the majority were the reduced odds of being depressed (aOR = 0.81; 95%
White (74.7%), non-Hispanic/Latino (88.7%), and had a CI = 0.71–0.93; p = 0.003). The predictive validity of the
binary gender identity (76.7%). The majority had com- model was shown to be acceptable (AUC = 0.77).
pleted some college or more (90.7%) and were employed
(76.7%). Almost half (49.3%) of participants had an an- Anxiety In the third multivariable model, having a
nual household income of $32,000 or less. The majority household income of $32,000 a year or less (referent =
(63.3%) were in a relationship (partnered), 12.7% re- more than $32,000; aOR = 3.95; 95% CI = 1.61–9.71; p =
ported unstable housing in the past year, and nearly a 0.003) and higher levels of past 12-month everyday dis-
quarter (24.7%) had trouble accessing gender affirming crimination (aOR = 1.09; 95% CI = 1.03–1.15; p = 0.003)
care in the past 12 months. were each associated with the increased odds of anxiety.
The mean score for resilience was 13.0 (range 10–36; Higher resilience scores were associated with reduced
SD = 3.3), 14.8 (range 10–36: SD = 3.9) for social sup- odds of anxiety (aOR = 0.77; 95% CI = 0.66–0.90; p <
port, 7.7 (range 1–10; SD = 1.4) for self-acceptance, and 0.001) in this model. The predictive validity of the model
7.6 (range 1–10: SD = 2.0) for acceptance by other trans- was shown to be excellent (AUC = 0.82).
gender people. More than two-thirds of participants had
experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime NSSI In the fourth multivariable model, higher past
(66.4%) and 14% had experienced some form of violence 12-month everyday discrimination scores (aOR = 1.06; 95%
in the past 12 months. Of the 95 participants in a rela- CI = 1.01–1.13; p = 0.03) were associated with an increased
tionship, 49.5% had experienced IPV in their lifetime, odds of past 12-month NSSI, while older age (aOR = 0.85;
while 9.5% had experienced IPV in the past 12 months. 95% CI = 0.74–0.98; p = 0.02) and higher levels of resilience
The mean score for everyday discrimination in the past (aOR = 0.78; 95% CI = 0.66–0.91; p = 0.002) were each
12-months was 12.9 (range 0–39: SD = 8.8). associated with a reduced odds of NSSI. The predictive
Regarding mental health status, 42.2% had PTSD validity of the model was shown to be excellent (AUC =
based on past 30-days symptoms; 25.7% had depression 0.81) Table 2.
based on past 7-day symptoms; 31.1% had anxiety
based on past 7-day symptoms; and 31.3% had engaged Discussion
in NSSI within the past 12-months. Overall, exploring This study documents mental health burden in TM
recent mental health comorbidity, 56.7% of the sample adults and illuminates risk and protective factors for
had one or more recent mental health problem, 24.0% mental health status in this subgroup of transgender
had one condition, 14.7% had two conditions, 13.3% people [51]. Reported mental health status in our data
had three conditions, and 4.7% endorsed all four (re- reflect high prevalence of mental health morbidity, in-
cent PTSD, depression, anxiety, and NSSI) Table 1. cluding co-morbidity, as previously documented else-
where [6–13, 30]. Further, consistent with previous
Mental health status research among diverse transgender people [6, 8, 20,
27, 52], low socioeconomic status, lack of college edu-
PTSD In the first multivariable model, being un- cation, discrimination, and violence were risk factors
employed (referent = employed; aOR = 2.76; 95% CI = for poor mental health, while resilience, older age, and
1.04–7.29; p = 0.04), lifetime IPV (referent = no IPV; being in a committed relationship were protective in
McDowell et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:16 Page 6 of 12

Table 1 Socio-demographics of a sample of trans masculine Table 1 Socio-demographics of a sample of trans masculine
adults (N = 150) adults (N = 150) (Continued)
SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHICS Social Support Score (n = 149)
Age, continuous Mean SD Range (10–36) 14.8 3.9
Range: 21–50 Years 27.5 5.7 Self-Acceptance (n = 146)
Age, categorical N % Range (1–10) 7.7 1.4
21–24 47 31.3 Acceptance - Other Trans People (n = 146)
25–29 61 40.7 Range (1–10) 7.6 2.0
35–39 10 6.7 Any IPV - Lifetime (n = 149)* N %
40–50 5 3.3 No 50.0 33.6
Race/Ethnicity Yes 99.0 66.4
White 112 74.7 Everyday Discrimination Mean SD
Person of Color 38 25.3 Range (0–39) 12.9 8.8
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 0.0 MENTAL HEALTH
Asian 9 6.0 PTSD - Past 30 Days (n = 147)
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1 0.7 No 85 57.8
Black or African American 4 2.7 Yes 62 42.2
More than one race 24 16.0 Depressed - Past 7 Days (n = 148)
Hispanic/Latino No 110 74.3
Hispanic or Latino 14 9.3 Yes 38 25.7
Not Hispanic or Latino 133 88.7 Anxiety - Past 7 Days (n = 148)
Unknown or Not Reported 3 2.0 No 102 68.9
Gender Identity Yes 46 31.1
Binary 115 76.7 NSSI - Past 12 Months (n = 147)
Non-Binary 35 23.3 No 102 69.4
Educational Attainment Yes 46 31.3
High school degree or equivalent 14 9.3 COMORBIDITY OF RECENT MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS
Some college or more 136 90.7 One or more 85 56.7
Employment Status - Current (n = 146) One Condition 36 24.0
Unemployed 34 23.3 PTSD Only 22 14.7
Employed 112 76.7 Depression Only 6 4.0
Annual Household Income Anxiety Only 4 2.7
$32,000 or less 74 49.3 NSSI Only 4 2.7
> $32,000 60 40.0 Two Conditions 22 14.7
Don’t know 13 8.7 Depression & NSSI 1 0.7
Prefer not to answer 3 2.0 Depression & Anxiety 7 4.7
Partnered - Current PTSD & Depression 2 1.3
No 55 36.7 PTSD & NSSI 3 2.0
Yes 95 63.3 PTSD & Anxiety 9 6.0
Unstably Housed – Past 12 Months Three Conditions 20 13.3
No 131 87.3 Depression, Anxiety, & NSSI 1 0.7
Yes 19 12.7 PTSD, Depression & NSSI 1 0.7
Problems Accessing Gender-Affirming Care - Past 12 Months PTSD, Anxiety & NSSI 5 3.3
No 113 75.3 PTSD, Depression & Anxiety 13 8.7
Yes 37 24.7 Four Conditions
RESILIENCE & ACCEPTANCE PTSD, Depression, Anxiety & NSSI 7 4.7
Resilience Score (n = 148) Mean SD Note: PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder, IPV Intimate partner violence,
NSSI non-suicidal self-injury
Range (10–36) 13.0 3.3
Table 2 Bivariate and multivariable associations between socio-demographics, resilience, support, acceptance, violence, and discrimination and mental health and substance use
status in a sample of trans masculine adults (N = 150)
Bivariate Multivariable Bivariate Multivariable Bivariate Multivariable Bivariate Multivariable
OR 95% CI P-Value aOR 95% CI P-Value OR 95% CI P-Value aOR 95% CI P-Value OR 95% CI P-Value aOR 95% CI P-Value OR 95% CI P-Value aOR 95% CI P-Value
Continuous 1.00 0.95– 0.94 0.91 0.84– 0.03 † † † 0.97 0.91– 0.35 0.82 0.71– 0.004 0.85 0.74– 0.02
1.06 0.99 1.04 0.94 0.98
McDowell et al. BMC Psychiatry

White 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – – – –

Person of color 0.97 0.45– 0.94 – – – 0.75 0.31– 0.52 – – – 0.77 0.34– 0.54 – – – 1.55 0.58– 0.39 – – –
2.08 1.81 1.77 4.15
Gender Identity
Binary 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – – – –
(2019) 19:16

Nonbinary 1.76 0.82– 0.15 – – – 2.20 0.97– 0.06 † † † 2.11 0.96– 0.06 † † † 1.69 0.63– 0.30 – – –
3.82 5.01 4.67 4.57
Educational Attainment
High school or 0.38 0.10– 0.16 – – – 3.25 0.98– 0.05 4.71 1.06– 0.04 1.12 0.32– 0.86 – – – 1.15 0.23– 0.86 – – –
equivalent 1.45 10.78 20.96 3.92 5.64
Some college or 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – – – –
Employment Status
Employed 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – – – –
Unemployed 2.99 1.33– 0.01 2.76 1.04– 0.04 1.02 0.43– 0.97 – – – 1.24 0.55– 0.61 – – – 1.26 0.45– 0.66 – – –
6.70 7.29 2.43 2.78 3.52
Annual Household Income
$32,000 or less 2.58 1.27– 0.01 † † † 2.53 1.14– 0.02 † † † 4.11 1.87– < 0.001 3.95 1.61– 0.003 1.89 0.71– 0.20 – – –
5.25 5.62 9.00 9.71 5.06
> $32,000 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – – – –
No 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – – – –
Yes 0.45 0.23– 0.02 0.38 0.17– 0.02 0.54 0.26– 0.11 – – – 0.50 0.24– 0.06 † † † 1.25 0.47– 0.65 – – –
0.89 0.88 1.15 1.02 3.29
Unstably Housed - Past 12 Months
No 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
Yes 4.24 1.43– 0.01 † † † 2.67 0.97– 0.06 † † † 2.51 0.93– 0.07 † † † 3.53 1.16– 0.03 † † †
12.63 7.36 6.83 10.73
Problems Accessing Gender-Affirming Care - Past 12 Months
No 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – – – –
Yes 2.39 1.11– 0.03 † † † 0.91 0.38– 0.83 – – – 1.76 0.81– 0.15 – – – 1.89 0.72– 0.19 – – –
5.15 2.15 3.82 4.95
Page 7 of 12
Table 2 Bivariate and multivariable associations between socio-demographics, resilience, support, acceptance, violence, and discrimination and mental health and substance use
status in a sample of trans masculine adults (N = 150) (Continued)
Bivariate Multivariable Bivariate Multivariable Bivariate Multivariable Bivariate Multivariable
OR 95% CI P-Value aOR 95% CI P-Value OR 95% CI P-Value aOR 95% CI P-Value OR 95% CI P-Value aOR 95% CI P-Value OR 95% CI P-Value aOR 95% CI P-Value
Resilience Score (n = 148)
Continuous 0.90 0.81– 0.04 † † † 0.80 0.71– < 0.001 0.81 0.71– 0.003 0.79 0.70– < 0.001 0.77 0.66– < 0.001 0.74 0.64– < 0.001 0.78 0.66– 0.002
0.99 0.91 0.93 0.89 0.90 0.87 0.91
McDowell et al. BMC Psychiatry

Social Support Score (n = 149)

Continuous 0.91 0.83– 0.02 † † † 0.91 0.83– 0.05 † † † 0.88 0.80– 0.01 – – – 0.97 0.86– 0.55 – – –
0.99 1.00 0.97 1.08
Self-Acceptance † † †
(n = 146)
(2019) 19:16

Continuous 0.77 0.59– 0.05 † † † 0.69 0.52– 0.01 † † † 0.80 0.62– 0.08 † † † 0.81 0.59– 0.18 – – –
1.00 0.91 1.03 1.10
Acceptance - Other Trans People (n = 146)
Continuous 0.80 0.67– 0.01 † † † 0.78 0.65– 0.01 † † † 0.79 0.66– 0.01 † † † 0.92 0.74– 0.44 – – –
0.95 0.93 0.94 1.14
Any IPV - Lifetime
No 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – 1.00 – – – – – 1.00 – – – – –
Yes 3.75 1.72– < 0.001 3.08 1.26– 0.01 2.74 1.11– 0.03 † † † 2.23 1.00– 0.05 † † † 0.85 0.33– 0.74 – – –
8.17 7.53 6.77 4.99 2.20
Everyday Discrimination - Past 12 Months
Continuous 1.09 1.05– < 0.001 1.07 1.02– 0.01 1.09 1.04– < 0.001 1.08 1.03– 0.002 1.11 1.06– < 0.001 1.09 1.03– 0.003 1.08 1.02– 0.01 1.06 1.01– 0.03
1.14 1.12 1.14 1.13 1.17 1.15 1.13 1.13
Note: Bolded p-values = significant a p < 0.05. Multivariable models included any variable with an association <= 0.10 and used backward selection. Final models 1 to 11% missing: PTSD (n = 137); Depressed (n = 148);
Anxiety (n = 134); and Self Harm (n = 147)
† Included in multivariable model and ultimately excluded via backward selection
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder, IPV Intimate partner violence, NSSI non-suicidal self-injury
Predictive validity of model based on Area Under the Curve: Model 1 = 0.75 (acceptable); Model 2 = 0.77 (acceptable); Model 3 = 0.82 (excellent); Model 4 = 0.81 (excellent)
Page 8 of 12
McDowell et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:16 Page 9 of 12

this sample of TM adults. Future research on the imple- needed to explore the influence of discrimination and
mentation of social supports to mitigate the aforemen- IPV experienced by TM adults including frequency, se-
tioned risk factors and how to best bolster recovery verity, and perpetrator gender over time. Previous stud-
capacity, or resiliency, among at-risk TM adults is crucial. ies focused on sexual minority (LGB) people have
Key socio-demographic factors emerged as risk fac- found that state-level policies (i.e., banning hate crimes,
tors for poor mental health in this community sample employment discrimination, and bullying) can improve
of TM adults. Having a low income and limited educa- mental health status [58, 59]. Such findings can potentially
tional attainment were associated with the heightened be applied to gender minority populations and considered
odds of depression and anxiety, respectively. Past stud- for future advocacy and policymaking efforts.
ies have documented the relationship of limited educa- Several interpersonal and individual factors emerged
tion and depression in transgender women [8], while as protective for mental health in this sample of TM
low-income has been positively linked to anxiety in TM adults. Specifically, being in a relationship was inde-
adults [6]. A recent review of stigma among gender pendently associated with a lower odds of PTSD. Al-
minority people found most transgender victims of vio- though a lifetime history of violence in a relationship
lence were low-income [53]. Structural stigma can con- was associated with worse mental health in this study,
tribute to low socioeconomic status via employment being in a current committed relationship appeared to
and educational discrimination for transgender individ- be beneficial for mental health. Additionally, whereas
uals. Lack of access to essential resources can be stress- almost half of participants currently in a relationship
ful and may therefore contribute to poor mental health endorsed a lifetime history of IPV, only a tenth of them
among transgender individuals [7, 8, 20, 27]. Findings endorsed IPV in the past year. This finding could be
from the present study further elucidate the relation- suggestive of the mental health benefits associated with
ship between low-income, limited education, and poor social support, as well as feeling loved by a partner [55,
mental health in TM adults specifically [20]. Future 60–63]. Additional mixed methods research is a needed
longitudinal research will be important to explore the to explore what aspects of being in relationships are
interplay and temporality between structural stigma, helpful for the mental health of TM adults.
socioeconomic status, and poor mental health in TM. Additionally, two individual factors, older age and
Stigma may also shape poor mental health through personal resilience, were found to be protective against
interpersonal stigma, including everyday discrimination poor mental health in this study. The relationship be-
and IPV. Consistent with prior research exploring the tween younger age and NSSI has been previously docu-
relationship between discrimination, IPV and PTSD in mented among transgender adults, although this is the
a sample of both TM and TF adults, the present study first study to our knowledge to demonstrate this associ-
found that both past 12-month everyday discrimination ation among TM adults specifically [64]. Increasing so-
and lifetime IPV were associated with elevated risk for cial support and promoting resilience can serve as
PTSD [24]. However, unique to this study, everyday dis- important tools to combat stigma, which is a known
crimination was the only risk factor found to be associ- risk factor for mental illness in gender minority adults
ated with all four mental health statuses (i.e., PTSD, [20, 28]. This finding extends previous research, docu-
depression, anxiety, and NSSI), even after controlling menting the important relationship between resiliency
for socio-demographics, protective factors, and IPV. and improved mental health in TM individuals. Future
Numerous studies have documented the damaging rela- research efforts should explore how resiliency can be
tionship between discrimination and poor mental leveraged in interventions to improve the mental health
health (e.g., mood and anxiety disorders, PTSD, suicid- of TM, especially in the face of known risk factors for
ality, and substance use disorders) in diverse trans- poor mental health such as discrimination, violence,
gender samples [20, 24, 27, 52, 54–57]. To our and other forms of stigma.
knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate the
link between discrimination and multiple forms of poor Limitations
mental health in TM adults specifically. Several limitations should be noted. The cross-sectional
Studying the lived experiences of TM in particular is study design does not allow for causal inference regard-
key to address risk factors, promote protective factors, ing the relationships between the independent variables
and screen for and treat mental health symptoms and and the mental health dependent variables. However,
conditions. In addition to routine assessment of lifetime mental health variables were selected to use the most
partner violence, recent discrimination has a powerful recently measured statuses (e.g., past-week depression)
association with current mental health and should be in an attempt to establish a temporal ordering of inde-
assessed clinically as a risk factor for mental health pendent variables and outcomes. Additionally, the
morbidity among TM adults. Additional research is majority of this Boston-area sample was comprised of
McDowell et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:16 Page 10 of 12

young and white TM, which may limit the generalizability Availability of data and materials
of results to TM people of color, older TM adults, and The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from the
corresponding author on reasonable request.
those in other areas of the U.S. In addition, data analyzed
were from a biobehavioral study of TM sexual health, Authors’ contributions
which enrolled TM adults with a cervix eligible for cer- MJM, JMWH, and SLR contributed to the conceptualization of this paper.
MJM wrote the original draft, and all three authors contributed to the
vical cancer screenings. Thus, findings may not generalize reviewing and editing process. JMWH completed all formal statistical
to TM adults who have had gender confirmation surgery analysis. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
or who may be unwilling to undergo clinical procedures
for cervical cancer screening. For example, TM adults Ethics approval and consent to participate
All study activities were approved by the Institutional Review Board at Fenway Health.
who lack access to transportation, or who may feel un-
comfortable or “othered” in health care settings may not Consent for publication
have been adequately sampled. Moreover, all measures Not applicable.
were based on self-report, which may have contributed to
Competing interests
social desirability bias for the sensitive data collected, al- The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
though the use of computer-assisted personal interviewing
techniques likely minimized this bias. Finally, the mental Publisher’s Note
health statuses were based on validated measures of clin- Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published
ical symptoms rather than clinical diagnoses by a health maps and institutional affiliations.
care provider, which may lead to higher prevalence esti- Author details
mates of poor mental health than studies reporting 1
Harvard Medical School, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA, USA. 2Department
current or lifetime clinical diagnoses. of Epidemiology, Brown University School of Public Health, Providence, RI,
USA. 3The Fenway Institute, Fenway Health, Boston, MA, USA. 4Department
of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA,
Conclusions USA. 5Division of General Pediatrics, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA,
This study found that low income, limited education,
discrimination, and IPV were risk factors for poor men- Received: 23 March 2018 Accepted: 27 December 2018
tal health, while being in a relationship, older age, and
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