05 - Arghir Floating Ring

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Operating Conditions of

Floating Ring Annular Seals

Institut PPRIME, UPR CNRS 3346, Université de Poitiers, ISAE ENSMA, France
Antoine MARIOT
Safran Aircraft Engines, France
Authors Bio
Mihai ARGHIR is Professor at Université de Poitiers in France.
His main research interests are in lubricated bearings and
seals mainly used by the aeronautical and aerospace
industry. Dr. Arghir authored more than 50 papers in archival
journals and is Fellow of the ASME.

Antoine MARIOT has an engineer degree from Ecole d’Art et

Métiers in France and got his PhD from the Université de
Poitiers in 2015. He is now a R&D engineer at Safran Aircraft
Engines in Villaroche, France. He specializes in various types
of dynamic sealing systems used in turbine engines and is in
charge of R&D projects for future engine programs.
Example: a buffer seal made of two FRAS

• A “buffer” gas (N2, He…) is injected between 2

seals in a back-to-back configuration
• ,
• Δ
• The buffer gas creates a barrier between the
two sides of the machine
• Additional seals may be used to lessen ,
in order to reduce the required
General description of the floating ring annular seal
• The carbon ring is mounted in a steel collar
• The main seal is a small radial clearance
between the annular faces ( 25 µm)
• The pressure difference Δ
presses the “nose” of the floating ring
against the stator and creates the secondary
• The ring “floats” on the rotor and follows rotor
• It allows large rotor excursions without using a
large clearance annular seal and therefore has a
limited leakage
State of the art of the scientific literature
• R. G. Kirk and W. H. Miller, "The influence of high pressure oil seals on turbo-rotor stability," ASLE transactions, vol. 1, pp. 14-24, 1979.
• J. Semanate and L. San Andrés, "A quasi-static method for the calculation of lock-up speed in floating ring oil seals," in Proc. of the 4th Congreso
de Turbo-Maquinaria, Querrettara, Mexico, 1993, pp. 55-62.
• S. Baheti and R. G. Kirk, "Thermo-hydrodynamic solution of floating ring seals for high pressure compressors using the finite element method,"
STLE Tribology Transactions, vol. 37, pp. 336-349, 1994.
• T. W. Ha, Y. B. Lee, and C. H. Kim, "Leakage and rotordynamics analysis of a high pressure floating ring seal in the turbopump unit of a liquid
rocket engine," Tribology International, vol. 35, pp. 153-161, 2002.

• M. H. Nguyen, "Analyse des étanchéités annulaires à bague flottante" Poitiers, Thèse de doctorat 2011.
• M. Arghir, M. H. Nguyen, D. Tonon, and J. Dehouve, "Analytic Modeling of Floating Ring Annular Seals," J. Eng. Gas Turbines and Power, vol. 134,
no. 5, 2012.
• M., Arghir, M.-H., Nguyen, “Non-Linear Analysis of Floating Ring Annular Seals: Stability and Impacts”, Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM
International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Milan, Italy, September 2014. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-06590-8, pages 2007-2018.
• A. Mariot, "Analyse théorique et expérimentales des joints d’étanchéité à bague flottante et des joints rainurés segmentés " Poitiers, Thèse de
doctorat 2015.
• A., Mariot, M., Arghir, P., Hélies, J., Dehouve, J., “Experimental Analysis of Floating Ring Annular Seals and Comparisons with Theoretical
Predictions”, " J. Eng. Gas Turbines and Power, October 13, 2016, 138(4):042503-042503-9, doi: 10.1115/1.4031347.

• R. E. Burcham, "Liquid Rocket Engine Turbopump Rotating-Shaft Seals," NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, NASA SP-8121, 1978.
• R. E. Burcham, "High-speed crygoenic self-acting shaft seals for liquid rocket turbopumps," NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, NASA CR-
168194, 1983.
Experimental analysis: first operating scenario
• The pressure difference Δ across the floating ring
increases with the rotation speed,
• For lower values of Δ , the floating ring “follows”
the rotor vibrations,
• As Δ increases, the vibration amplitudes of the
floating ring decrease because of the increasing
friction forces on the nose,
• For high values of Δ , the floating ring is “blocked”
and acts as an eccentric annular seal,
• There is a possibility of contacts between the rotor
and the carbon ring.
Experimental analysis: second operating scenario

• The pressure difference Δ remains limited,

• The floating ring is not locked,
• The behavior of the floating ring can be
periodic, quasi-periodic or chaotic.

There is still a possibility of contacts between the

rotor and the carbon ring if the eccentricity is too
The test rig: FRAS in back to back arrangement
Rotor L
Spindle Flexible coupling Housing
FRAS 1-4
Rotor R


Water injection Lomakin bearing
The test rig houses 2 to 4 floating ring seals in a Rotor
back-to-back arrangement. Cartridge Feeding
The displacements of the rotor and of the seals are The rotation speed, feeding pressure and mass flow rate
measured in 6 positions along 2 orthogonal directions , . across the seal are measured.

The displacements are measured with inductive sensors.

Optical tracking of the FRAS
• A high-speed camera fitted with a high-
magnification macro lens allows for
observation of the radial clearance,

• It is possible to discriminate between

centered and eccentric situations,

• A mark-tracking technique allows for

measurement of the floating ring
Studied FRAS
High-speed • It is a backup solution for general use –
camera only solution if the ring is not fitted
with a steel collar.
Optical tracking of the FRAS
Stator FRAS nose

Geometry of the seals and of the rotor
Seals: Rotor:
Ideal shape
• 38 mm diameter seals, 10 mm axial length
• 4 different seals, divided in two categories:
– Type 1 seals: small radial clearance ( 20 µm), + 7 µm
low conicity ( 7 µm)
– Type 2 seals: large radial clearance ( 30 µm),
high conicity ( 15 µm)


Conicity Cnom Real shape

Axial flow
Experimental results: Ω=3000 rpm, ΔP=0.5 bar
Rotor L FRAS 1 FRAS 2 Rotor R
FRAS orbits are almost
circular (2x and 3x

spectral components
are low compared to 1x)

The rotor 3x
component is larger

than the 2x due to

runout errors

Remark: Y FFT are similar to X

Experimental results: Ω=3000 rpm, ΔP=1 bar
Rotor L FRAS 1 FRAS 2 Rotor R

FRAS displacement
decrease with
increasing ∆P

Remark: Y FFT are similar to X

Experimental results: Ω=3000 rpm, ΔP=1.5 bar

Locked Locked

FRAS are

Remark: Y FFT are similar to X

A numerical model for FRAS analysis
• The study is based on classical hydrodynamic floating ring
lubrication theory,
• Both the rotor and the FRAS can move
– Rotor displacements = input
– FRAS displacements = output
• The trajectory of the FRAS is contained within
a plane (no , -rotations),
• FRAS are fitted with anti-rotation pins: no "-
rotation, trajectory
• Gravity effects are negligeable.
floating ring
The equations of motion of the FRAS
• Forces on the floating ring:
– Axial force #$ due to the pressure
difference Δ (compensated by the
reaction force on the nose) #&
#% #$
– Hydrodynamic forces #% in the main seal
– Friction forces #& on the nose of the FRAS
• Equations of motion:
( #%,* #&,* "
' ) +
() #%, #&,
Inertia forces
Hydrodynamic forces
Friction forces Δ , Ω, -
The hydrodynamic forces in the main seal of the FRAS
• The hydrodynamic forces in the main annular seal are expressed as the sum between
static and damping contributions:

#%,* #%,* 2** 2* 34 3)

#%, #%, *. /*0 , . / 0 ,1,1
2 * 2 34 )

Static contribution Damping contribution

• The static forces and dynamic damping coefficients are computed by solving the zero
and first order “bulk flow” equations
The computation of the static forces and dynamic damping coefficients is performed for a
given seal geometry and pressure difference, rotation speed and eccentricity configuration.
Friction forces on the nose of the FRAS
• The secondary seal is not completely closed: a
mixed lubrication regime subsists across the
• Normal forces on the floating ring:
– Pressure difference #$
#$ 56 78 7 595 7 7 #$,&
#$,5 <
– Hydrostatic contribution #$,& :
– Asperity contact forces #$,5
• Balance of forces:
#$ #$,& : + #$,5 ;
Contact forces: the contribution of asperities
Greenwood & Williamson’s model for the contact
between two rough surfaces:
• Contact between a nominally, rigid flat surface
and a rough, deformable surface #$
• Asperities in contact are modelled as #$,&
elastically loaded spheres of constant radius #$,5 <

4 ∗C 8⁄
> ?@ B D " ; F " G"
3 1 %
Contact forces: hydrostatic contribution
• The flow in the secondary seal is modeled as a
1D, adiabatic channel flow (height ;, length <)
• The convective inertia effects are taken into
account (bulk flow equations): #$
4J& G" 1 L GL #$,&
K% M 1 #$,5 <
MLN 1+ L
• The height of the canal is constant along the axial
direction: analytic solution
2J&̅ "
1 L M+1 M+1 L S UT C H Y Z H Y
P L + ln
The equivalent friction coefficient on the nose of the FRAS
• The relation between #& and #$ can be
expressed thanks to an “equivalent coefficient
of friction” J:[ :
#& J:[ #$ #$,&
#$,5 <
• Because of the hydrostatic contribution, the
coefficient of friction J:[ is lower than the
carbon/steel coefficient of friction
• J:[ depends on:
– Surface conditions and geometry
– Pressure difference
Comparisons experimental vs. theoretical trajectories

• The trajectories of the rotor show a high 3x

spectral component due to rotor runout errors

• The rotor trajectory is corrected by eliminating

spectral components higher than 2,5x

• Spectral components close to 2x are

considered to be representative of the rotor
trajectory (rotor misalignment and water
bearing ovalization) Experimental trajectory
Corrected trajectory
Case 1: FRAS#1, Ω=250 Hz, no additional unbalance

Rotor measured trajectory Rotor measured trajectory

FRAS theoretical trajectory FRAS theoretical trajectory
FRAS measured trajectory FRAS measured trajectory
Case1: FRAS#1, Ω=250 Hz, no additional unbalance

Rotor measured trajectory Rotor measured trajectory

FRAS theoretical trajectory FRAS theoretical trajectory
FRAS measured trajectory FRAS measured trajectory
Results for FRAS#1, Ω=250 Hz, no additional unbalance

• The numerical model predicts closely the Experimental leakage

behavior of the seal
• The predicted eccentricity is 40 % and is
constant with increasing Δ (theoretical
minimum film thickness is 8 µm )
• No predicted contact between the seal and Predicted
the rotor leakage
• The agreement between the predicted and
experimental leakage rates accross the seal
cartridge is good
Case 2: FRAS#1, Ω=250 Hz, 25 g∙mm additional unbalance

Rotor measured trajectory Rotor measured trajectory

FRAS theoretical trajectory FRAS theoretical trajectory
FRAS measured trajectory FRAS measured trajectory
Case 2: FRAS#1, Ω=350 Hz, 25 g∙mm additional unbalance

Rotor measured trajectory Rotor measured trajectory

FRAS theoretical trajectory FRAS theoretical trajectory
FRAS measured trajectory FRAS measured trajectory
Case 2: FRAS#1, Ω=350 Hz, 25 g∙mm additional unbalance

Rotor measured trajectory Rotor measured trajectory

FRAS theoretical trajectory FRAS theoretical trajectory
FRAS measured trajectory FRAS measured trajectory
Case 2: FRAS#1, Ω=350 Hz, 25 g∙mm additional unbalance
• Again, the numerical model predicts closely
the behavior of the seal
• The predicted eccentricity varies between 40
and 70 % and decreases with increasing Predicted
Δ (predicted minimum film thickness is 0 to leakage
10 µm )
• Possibility of contacts even though the seal is
not locked
Experimental leakage
• The agreement between the predicted and
experimental leakage rates accross the seal
cartridge is good
Case 3: FRAS#2,no additional unbalance
Ω=350 Hz Ω=250 Hz

Rotor measured trajectory Rotor measured trajectory

FRAS theoretical trajectory FRAS theoretical trajectory
FRAS measured trajectory FRAS measured trajectory
• The predicted behavior of the FRAS • FRAS follows the rotor ^ centered,
(locked/unlocked) depends on a • For a low Δ , the eccentricity may
combination of Δ , Ω and rotor excitation be high enough to cause rotor/seal contacts,
amplitudes, • Moving FRAS = more damage than
locked one!
• The two scenarios were experimentaly • The impact of FRAS (locked or not) on the
and numericaly reproduced: rotor dynamic behavior has to be considered.
– for a low Δ and large enough rotor
vibrations, the FRAS follows the rotor
– if the Δ increases OR if the rotor vibrations
are too low, the FRAS is progressively locked

✗ ✓
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