Toxicity Assessment

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Brazilian Journal of

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Toxicity assessment of the alcoholic leaves extract of

Reinwardtia indica

Prabhat Upadhyay1, Rashmi Shukla2, Kavindra Nath Tiwari3, G P Dubey4, Sunil Kumar Mishra5*

Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, 2Department of

Medicinal Chemistry, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, 3Department of Botany,
MMV Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, India, 4Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India,
Department of Pharmaceutical, Engineering and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, India

The present study aimed to evaluate the safety of the alcoholic leaves extract of Reinwardtia indica
in Charles foster rats through an acute and sub-acute oral administration.For assessment of acute oral
toxicity test, ratswere orally treated with single dose of the alcoholic leaves extract of Reinwardtia indica
at the doses of 50, 250, 500, 1000 2000 and 5000 mg/kg. In sub-acute toxicity study, using the OECD
guidelines no. 407, the extract was administered at the doses of 50, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 mg/kg/day for
28 consecutive days and at the dose of 2000 mg/kg satellite group also used for 6 weeks.In acute toxicity
above mentioned doses neither showed mortality nor exterior signs of toxicity. In sub-acute, study no
significant changes found in haematological and biochemical level ofthe treated rat after 14 days and
28 days in comparison to control. The histopathology of rat brain, kidney, liver, and heart also showed
the no cellular changes after extract treated rat.The alcoholic leaves extract of Reinwardtia indica was
found non-toxic in single drug dose administration up to 5000 mg/kg (acute study) and in sub-acute
administration up to 2000 mg/kg.

Keywords:Reinwardtia indica.Biochemical test.Hematological test.Histopathology.

INTRODUCTION when affected by maggots (Pande, Tiwari, Pandel, 2007).

The plant is also used to increase the lactation period
Reinwardtia indica Dumort is commonly known and its flower is used as a dye for clothes.The paste of
as Pyoli, Basanti, phunili, shivali etc.It belongs to the the whole plant is used to get relief from backaches
Linaceaefamily and found in the Himalayan region of (Malla, Gauchan, Chhetri, 2014; Sidhu, Thakur, 2016).
India, Nepal, and China and the Western Ghats. Only It is used in traditional Chinese medicine formulation
three species of Reinwardtia, are known which are native for the treatment of acute or chronic gastritis (Cn, 2014a;
to Southern Asia namely Reinwardtia indica (Rawat et 2014b). Reinwardtia trigyna is used as natural herbicide
al., 2015), Reinwardtia trigyna (Perveen, Qaiser, 2008) and weedicide as it showed a good phytotoxic activity
and Reinwardtia sinensis (Quanru, Zhou, 1998). In India, (Khan et al., 1998; Perveen, Qaiser, 2008; Abha, Swati,
the genus is represented by only one species i.e.R. indica, Shukla, 2013). The reported pharmacological activity of
native of Himalayan foothills found in a wide altitudinal the other plants belong to the same family (flax family)
range of 500-2500 masl. It is used as folk medicine in are used as antioxidant, wound healing, anti-microbial,
India;traditionally people used the plant for the treatment anti-inflammatory, and anti-nociceptive agent. Medicinal
of boils, pimples, skin infection and carbuncle. The bright properties of the plant are due to the presence of alkaloids,
yellow petals of the plant were used for tongue wash flavonoids, phenolic, tannins and other phytoconstituents.
whereas the crushed leaves were used to treat paralysis Several reports have demonstrated that secondary plant
as its chemical component would act upon the sodium metabolites exert diverse medicinal biological effects
pump. The stem paste was used as wound healer in cattle’s (Saleem et al., 2005). In ultra-performance liquid
chromatography mass-spectrometry (UPLCMS-MS) of
*Correspondence: S. K. Mishra. Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering
and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, the extract showed several essential phyto-molecules
Varanasi U.P. India-221005. E mail: [email protected] belongs to flavonoid class, reported in the treatment and
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P. Upadhyay, R. Shukla, K. N. Tiwari, G. P. Dubey, S. K. Mishra

management of lifestyle related disease or disorders like, of treatment, animals were weighed, marked and fasted
neurodegenerative, anti-depressant, cancer, anti-diabetic, overnight without suppression of water. Animals of the
metabolic disorders etc. (manuscript submitted). The aim control group received distilled water whereas the treated
of this study was to assess the acute and sub-acute toxicity groups received a single dose of 50, 250, 500, 1000, 2000
study in Charles foster rats at different dose level with and 5000 mg/kg body weight of the alcoholic extract
haematological and biochemical estimation from blood of Reinwardtia indica leaves (AERI) freshly prepared.
and histopathology of brain, kidney, heart & liver after After dosing, food was with held for a further 3–4 h while
14th & 28th days. animals were observed individually for clinical signs of
toxicity such as mortality, respiratory pattern, changes
MATERIAL AND METHODS in general behaviour, skin, eyes, fur and somatomotor
Plant material and preparation of extracts
Sub-acute toxicity study
R. indica was collected from Uttrakhand (2000- According to the OECD guidelines no. 407 with
2200 m altitude) the surroundings of the region of the slight modification, rats were divided into 6 groups of 6
Himalayan in the month of September to February. Plants animals and treated by gavage. Control group received
were flowering in winter (Paudel Chhetri et al., 2008; Bhat, distilled water while, the AERI treated groups received
Kumar, Bussmann, 2013). The specimen of plant part the extract once daily (10:00–1:00 pm) for 28 consecutive
leaves and stem were identified at the Herbarium (Voucher days at the doses of 50, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg.
specimen number Lina.2015/1) of the Department of Satellite group at the dose of 2000 mg/kg also used for
Botany, Institute of Science by Professor N. K. Dubey. 6weeks to observe the effect of extract in animals.
Leaves were washed thoroughly under running tap water,
oven dried at 50–600C for two days finely ground using Body weight, food and water consumption
an electric blender and stored in plastic containers at room Body weights of the rat in all groups were recorded
temperature and in darkness until required for use. For the before administration of doses, further body weight
preparation of extract, the powdered sample of leaves (100 was taken weekly entire treatment and finally on the
g) were extracted by using a Soxhletapparatus with hot day of sacrifice. The amount of food and water intake
percolationmethodand absolute ethanol (250 ml) was used was recorded daily. The consumed amount of food and
as a solvent. The extract was then filtered and evaporated water were measured before provide to each group, their
to dryness at a 45oC with a rotary evaporator (Buchi R-210 remnants were calculated next day to get the differences,
Advanced, Switzerland) and named as AERI. which were recorded as daily food (gm./rat/day) and water
consumption (ml/rat/day).
Experimental design
Blood analysis
The protocol of this study was approved by Blood samples were collected from the retro-orbital
Institutional Animal Ethical Committee of Institute of region of the rats for measurement of haematological
Medical Sciences (BHU Varanasi, India). The inbreed (EDTA-coated tubes) and biochemical (dry tubes)
albino female rats of Charles foster strain (120-150 g) parameters after 14 days and 28 days.
was purchased from the Central Animal Facility of our
Institute and acclimatized in our laboratory conditions for Hematological analysis
7 days with free access to normal standard chow diet and
tap water. They were maintained under standard conditions The blood samples collected in heparinized tubes
of temperature (23±2 °C) and a relative humidity of 50%. were used for the hematological analyses. The following
parameters: red blood cell count (RBC), white blood
Acute toxicity cell count (WBC), neutrophils (NP), lymphocytes
The oral acute toxicity study was carried out (LC), monocytes (MC), eosinophils (EP), hemoglobin
according to the guideline Nr. 423 provided by the (Hb), platelets (PL) and packed cell volume (PCV) by
Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development automated analyzer (KX-21-Hematology-analyzer,
(OECD) for the acute toxicity class method (ATC) SysmexCorporation, USA).
procedure with slight modifications. Prior to administration

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Toxicity assessment of the alcoholic leaves extract of Reinwardtia indica

Biochemical analysis the phytopharmaceutical product (Parasuraman, 2011). It

is also the process of dose determination at the pre-clinical
Dry tubes containing collected blood were centrifuged level in drug discovery and development process (Zhang et
at 3000 rpm at 25 °C for 15 min to obtain the serum, al., 2012). Reinwardtia indica is the novel medicinal plant
which was stored at -20 °C until the measurement of used as a folk medicine in the treatment and management
biochemical parameters (Erbachem 5 semi-auto analyzer). of several diseases on the basis of traditional uses but no
Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), Serum scientific report available till today. First, we standardized
glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) (Coral clinical the plant materials, evaluated the anti-oxidant, anti-
system), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (Arkray health care microbial activity and profiling the phytochemical through
Pvt. ltd.), Urea, Creatinine (Coral clinical system) and BUN. UPLCMS-MS (paper submitted), further assess the acute
and sub-acute studies in animal first time.
Histological analysis
Acute toxicological evaluation
Organs such as heart, liver, kidneys, and brain were
excised and fixed in 10% formaldehyde for histological To assess the acute toxicity of AERI, female rats were
analysis. Paraffin-embedded organs were cut into 5 mm orally treated single days with various concentrations (50,
sections and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Stained 250,500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 mg/kg) of AERI for one day.
sections were visualized and all measurements performed Mortality, clinical signs, temperature, change in skin, eye
using a Nikon eclipse e200 microscope equipped with colour change, food intake, general physique, diarrhoea,
cat cam 300-3.0MP micro cope cameraconnected to a sedation were recorded. There were no treatment-related
computer where the images were transferred and analyzed mortalities in any groups. Additionally, none of the rats
with the Scope Tek scope photo x86, 3.1.475. treated with single days AERI displayed remarkable
changes in clinical observations during study period
Dose estimation however at higher doses (2000 mg/kg & 5000 mg/kg)
animals were showed the sedation (Table I).
The toxicity study was performed according to
OECD guideline 407 and 423 up to 5000 mg/kg for acute Sub-acute toxicity
and in sub-acute 2000 mg/kg body wt. of the extract.
Extract showed no significant toxicity in physiology, Specifically assess the sub-acute toxicity rats were
biochemical and histopathology of the animal. For in sorted into six groups and treated with control 50, 250,
vivo biological activity the estimated dose for animals 500, 1000, 2000 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks and satellite
may be 1/10th or 1/20th of maximum dose from toxicity dose 2000 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks. Body weight, intake
assessment study. The human daily dose is estimated by of food & water, hematology, serum chemistry and
body surface conversion and using the formula:  microscopic findings were recorded after 2 weeks and
4 weeks. In satellite treated group, the intake of food,water
Human equivalent dose (HED) = Animal dose (mg/kg) consumption, hematology and biochemical were assessed
X Animal Km/Human Km after 6 weeks.

Statistical analysis Effect of AERI on body weight, food intake and

water consumption in rats
Data are expressed as mean ± standard error of the
mean (SEM). Comparison and analysis were performed After 28 days of oral administration, the food intake
using the one way ANOVA one way variance followed and water consumption were also not affected.It indicates
by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons. The p values <0.001 that the extract did not induce appetite suppression and
were considered as significant. deleterious effects on growth of rats. Normal health of rats
suggested that no significant changes were observed in
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION their physiological as well as metabolic activity. However,
in some sub-acute studies of the extract, these changes
Before pharmacological study of any medicinal were observed due to the extract treatment at several
plant, the acute and sub-acute toxicity is the mandatory doses which influenced the food and water intake of rat.
requirement as per the standard guideline and to develop The negative effect of the extract showed at the particular

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P. Upadhyay, R. Shukla, K. N. Tiwari, G. P. Dubey, S. K. Mishra

TABLE I - Behavioral responses and general appearance of rat treated with single dose of AERI in acute toxicity study

Observation Control group 50 mg/kg 250 mg/kg 500 mg/kg 1000 mg/kg 2000 mg/kg 5000 mg/kg
Temperature Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Change in skin No effect No effect No effect No effect No effect No effect No effect
Eye color No effect No effect No effect No effect No effect No effect No effect
Food intake Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
General Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Diarrhea Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present
Coma Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present
Drowsiness Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present
Breathing not observed not observed not observed not observed not observed not observed not observed
Sedation No effect No effect No effect No effect No effect Observed Observed
Tremor Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present Not present
Death Alive Alive Alive Alive Alive Alive Alive

dose toxicity in rat (Koumba Madingou et al., 2016). But the essential medium for transport of nutrients and foreign
during dosing (28-day) and the recovery periods, there was bodies in the body. If extract shows the toxicity in the
no significant change in food and water intake i at different body, it directly affects its components such as red blood
dose treated groups as compared to their respective cells, white blood cells, platelets and haemoglobin. The
control (Table II). In satellite group, also rat treated with ranges of these components either decrease or increase
the highest dose (2000mg/kg b. wt.) did not show any significantly from normal.It indicated that the toxicity
significant change in food uptake and water intake. caused by the extract which can also affect the body
immune as well function of organs (Uddin et al., 2014).
Effect of AERI on haematological parameters Data of haematological analysis of 14th and 28th days were
given in Table III and Table IV. Results revealed that no
The study of haematological parameters indicates significant changes have been shown in the haematological
the toxic effects of the extract on the blood of rats due to analysis when compared with control. The same result also
changes in physiological or pathological level. Blood is found in the satellite treated group.

TABLE II - Effect of AERI on food intake and water consumption Effect of AERI on biochemical parameters
by rat during 28 days treatment and recovery period (satellite
The body has two essential and vital organs for
proper function are liver and kidney. The function of liver
Average food Average water and kidney are different one is used for metabolism of
Treatment intake intake
intake and other one is used for excretion of waste product.
(g/da/rat) (mL/day/rat
To assess the toxicity of any new compound it is necessary
Control 4.29 ± 1.90 4.81 ± 1.20 to know the status of these two vital organs, which can be
50 mg/kg 4.52 ± 1.61 3.81 ± 1.94 checked through biochemical estimation without sacrifice
250 mg/kg 4.89 ± 1.31 4.26 ± 1.92 the rat. For liver function assessment mainly used the
500 mg/kg 3.28 ± 1.02 4.26 ± 1.68 SGOT, SGPT and ALP however for kidney function
1000 mg/kg 4.24 ± 1.08 4.65 ± 1.32 assessments mainly used urea and creatinine. After intake
2000 mg/kg 4.39 ± 1.94 4.83 ± 1.53 of any compound or molecules if any changes have been
seen in above mentioned biomarkers from normal range,
Satellite control 4.23 ± 1.56 4.12 ± 1.81
showed the toxicity of the compounds or molecules
Satellite (2000 mg/kg) 4.45 ± 1.71 4.91 ± 1.01 (Kuatsienu, Ansah, Adinortey, 2017).

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Toxicity assessment of the alcoholic leaves extract of Reinwardtia indica

TABLE III - Hematological parameters of rat treated with the different dose level of AERI in sub-acute toxicity after 14th day

Parameter Normal range Control 50 mg/kg 250 mg/kg 500 mg/kg 1000 mg/kg 2000 mg/kg Satellite
Hemoglobin 10.2-46.6 15.73±1.48 14.11±1.08 14.41±1.56 13.65±0.39 14.65±1.84 13.59±1.21 15.15±1.08
Toat RBC (106/ 5-10 9.14±0.29 9.80±0.65 9.40±0.14 9.83±0.27 9.93±0.47 9.02±0.07 9.90±0.77
WBC (103/µL) 6-15 11.41±2.42 9.08±2.96 9.05±0.16 10.68±1.32 8.17±1.28 9.29±1.50 13.56±1.08
Platelets 782-985 909.30±22.04 862.06±51.55 895.17±80.75 908.50±60.85 920.77±44.17 931.18±23.42 981.16±70.16
PVC (%) 39-49 48.05±1.23 45.16±3.01 44.58±2.05 41.90±2.04 42.13±2.02 44.32±1.05 48.89±1.14
LC (%) 55-95 71.09±1.52 74.38±4.36 72.24±1.06 72.91±2.06 77.78±1.98 84.39±2.13 93.03±1.23
NP (%) 10-40 13.23±1.64 14.48±3.60 14.04±3.16 60.41±1.14 16.15±2.06 23.58±2.16 36.90±5.20
MV (%) 1-4 1.05±0.01 1.28±0.25 1.18±1.30 1.38±0.28 2.23±0.06 1.82±0.18 2.95±0.88
EP (%) 0-4 1.86±0.84 1.06±0.28 1.40±0.30 1.12±0.90 2.09±0.08 2.02±0.19 2.90±0.84

TABLE IV - Hematological parameters of rat treated with different dose level of AERI in sub-acute toxicity after 28th day

Parameter Control 50 mg/kg 250 mg/kg 500 mg/kg 1000 mg/kg 2000 mg/kg Satellite
Hemoglobin (%) 10.2-46.6 16.02±1.91 14.64±1.62 15.60±0.79 14.83±1.24 15.84±1.72 14.07±1.96 15.15±1.08
Toat RBC 5-10 10.90±0.07 9.88±0.45 9.84±0.25 9.93±0.05 9.98±0.82 9.54±0.65 9.90±0.77
WBC (103/µL) 6-15 12.94±1.74 9.85±0.69 10.02±0.49 1384±1.73 11.63±0.49 10.04±1.18 13.56±1.08
Platelets (103/L) 782-985 922.70±34.02 959.17±63.22 900.15±84.89 885.11±49.56 881.92±46.11 977.56±70.56 981.16±70.16
PVC (%) 39-49 49.9±2.16 47.15±1.22 46.50±2.14 44.64±3.18 45.07±1.09 46.89±2.41 48.89±1.41
LC (%) 55-95 76.10±3.68 78.43±3.58 73.59±2.15 77.54±2.98 89.98±2.17 91.03±3.23 93.03±1.23
NP (%) 10-40 25.32±1.88 23.12±1.80 28.50±1.10 33.66±1.12 13.34±2.89 32.89±1.28 369.90±5.20
MV (%) 1-4 1.50±0.15 1.53±0.16 1.48±0.12 2.05±0.15 2.36±0.12 2.19±0.54 2.95±0.88
EP (%) 0-4 1.93±0.11 1.90±0.35 1.94±0.38 1.97±0.73 2.80±0.61 2.69±0.24 2.90±0.84

The results suggested from our study that the levels tested doses in comparison to control. The satellite group
or activities of biochemical parameters in animals after 14th after 6 weeks also showed the no significant changes in
& 28th days and found no significant variations occurred the above mentioned biochemical with compare to control
in SGOT, SGPT, ALP, Urea and creatinine levels at all (Table V and Table VI)

TABLE V - Biochemical estimation from blood serum of rats after 14th day’s treatment at the different dose level in the subacute
toxicity study

Parameter Normal range Control 50 mg/kg 250 mg/kg 500 mg/kg 1000 mg/kg 2000 mg/kg Satellite
SGOT (U/L) 54-298 153.6±16.70 155.33±20.49 163±33.34 162.5±35.21 163.33±33.59 215.5±33.59 99.02±3.09
SGPT (U/L) 17-77 43.5±7.77 43±9.9 38.16±4.68 49.16±6.06 42±8.72 51.16±7.72 49.57±0.19
ALP (U/L) 64-128 87.83±10 97.66±7.56 94.16±9.21 97.83±8.68 90.16±5.98 93±7.93 103.97±3.18
Creatinine 0.2-0.9 0.34±0.035 0.36±0.04 0.34±0.04 0.35±0.03 0.35±0.02 0.36±0.02 0.28±0.026
Urea (U/L) 35-96 52.5±5.07 56.5±6.9 59.5±6.4 76±5.76 52±4.18 57.5±6.31 43±5.41
BUN (mg/dL) 8-33 24.51±2.36 26.38±3.23 27.78±2.98 32.06±4.02 24.28±1.95 26.85±2.94 20.08±2.47

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P. Upadhyay, R. Shukla, K. N. Tiwari, G. P. Dubey, S. K. Mishra

TABLE VI - Biochemical estimation from blood serum of rats after 28th day’s treatment at different dose level in sub- acute toxicity

Parameter Normal range Control 50 mg/kg 250 mg/kg 500 mg/kg 1000 mg/kg 2000 mg/kg Satellite
SGOT (U/L) 54-298 163.5±32.5 167.16±32.74 183.33±24.8 178.66±19.2 192.5±35.47 208.66±15.99 99.02±3.09
SGPT (U/L) 17-77 45.5±8.65 46±7.94 39.83±6.19 59.33±6.15 46.66±7.27 53.5±7.18 49.57±0.19
ALP (U/L) 64-128 95.33±6.71 101±7.5 97.66±9.13 106.16±5.59 99.5±3.39 111.16±9.3 103.97±3.18
Creatinine 0.2-0.9 0.39±0.05 0.38±0.023 0.47±0.05 0.8±0.04 0.44±0.05 0.45±0.02 0.28±0.026
Urea (U/L) 35-96 65.16±5.66 68.66±8.61 66.83±6.71 81±6.22 61.66±6.09 65.66±8.85 43±5.41
BUN (mg/dL) 8-33 30.43±2.64 37.82±2.9 32.21±3.13 35.49±2.69 28.79±2.84 30.66±4.13 20.08±2.47


In the histopathological study, we found that in

all treated groups after 14 days (Figure 2) and 28 days
(Figure 3) the organs showed no changes at cellular
level in comparison to control. The histopathology slides
also confirmed the AERI treated group up to the dose of
2000 mg/kg showed no toxicity in 4 weeks.

Estimated dose
FIGURE 1 - Body weight assessment of treated rats in sub-acute
toxicity study. The 1/10th and 1/20th of maximum dose from

FIGURE 2 - Histopathology (H&E stain10x) of rat tissues of treated groups rats after 14th days.

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Toxicity assessment of the alcoholic leaves extract of Reinwardtia indica

FIGURE 3 - Histopathology (H&E stain10x) of rat tissues of treated groups rats after 28th days.

toxicity assessment study were taken and the estimated ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

dose for animal would be 500 and 250mg/kg. The
human equivalent dose from 500 and 250mg/kg body We have to express our appreciation to the late Dr.
wt. dose of animal would be 81.08 mg/kg and 40.54 mg/ Suresh Purohit, professor, department of pharmacology
kg. Considering average human body wt. of 60kg, the for sharing his pearls of wisdom with us during the course
estimated daily dose would be 4.801 gm/day. The data of this research.
may be helpful for further study of this extract on animal.
The estimated human daily dose may be used for clinical REFERENCES
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